Background: Ionophore antibiotics are food additives with coccidiostatic or antimicrobial action; they are also used as growth promoters, ruminal pH regulators, volatile fatty acid molar modifiers, and methanogenesis reducers. However, these compounds have the potential to cause microbial resistance, in addition to the risk of intoxication. Ionophore poisoning may be caused by excessive intake, sensitivity of certain animal species, and concomitant use with other drugs. In Brazil, cases of ionophore poisoning in buffalos are rare. This study aims to describe the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological findings of lasalocid poisoning in buffalo calves. Case: A visit was made to a farm in the municipality of Mojú, Pará state to care for Murrah buffalo calves. After weaning, the buffalos were grazed in paddocks with Panicum spp., and received a supplement of mineral, protein, and vitamin. This supplement contained, per kg, 250 g PB, 50 g Ca, 20 g P, 8 g S, 39 g Na, 20 mg Co, 557 mg Cu, 200 mg Fe, 12.4 mg Se, 2040 mg Zn, 0.19 mg biotin, 26750 IU of vitamin A, 4175 IU of vitamin D, 155 IU of vitamin E and 300 mg/kg of lasalocid. The product was made available to all calves, at 1-2 g/kg body weight (BW), according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Older calves were raised together with those less than 30 days old; as a result, the older calves tended to eat more, which could lead to a supplementation consumption of more than 1 kg body weight per animal per day. It was reported that between 40 and 60 days after the introduction of this supplement, 16 calves fell ill and died due to apathy, motor instability, tremors, and distended neck. The herd had a mortality rate of 33.3%. Two calves underwent a necroscopic examination at the Pathology Section of the Veterinary Institute of the Federal University of Pará. Macroscopic examination revealed extensive pale areas in the skeletal muscles, myocardium, and tongue. Fragments of these muscles and various organs were collected, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed according to the routine histological technique, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Masson's trichrome stain. Microscopic examination of the histologic samples revealed foci of muscle atrophy and necrosis characterized by an increase in cytoplasmic eosinophilia associated with the loss of stretch marks, and hyperchromatic nuclei that were displaced to the periphery. The necrosis of the muscle fibers was highlighted by Masson's trichrome staining. Discussion: The diagnosis of lasalocid poisoning in buffalo calves was based on epidemiological data, clinical findings, results of macroscopic and histopathological examination, and based on the estimated ionophore intake, obtained directly from the supplement label and by the calf's handler. Based on the absence of stratification of the calves by similarity of age and because the buffalo calves older than 30 days could eat more than 1 kg of the supplement (containing 300 mg/kg of lasalocid), it was possible to estimate the intake of lasalocid per kg CP (body weight). Therefore, the intake of lasalocid by a 70-kg buffalo calf in approximately 90 days and daily supplement consumption between 1 and 1.5 kg would be between 4.2 and 6.4 mg/kg of body weight. This report reinforces that notion that buffalo calves should never ingest ionophores; however, if necessary, strict protocols must be followed to avoid poisoning in these animals. This study highlighted the fact that stratification of buffaloes by different age groups during feeding became a risk factor that allowed greater consumption by older animals; this led to the estimated consumption of 4.2-6.4 mg/kg of lasalocid.
Animais , Búfalos , Ionóforos/toxicidade , Lasalocida/toxicidade , Necrose/veterinária , Brasil , Antibacterianos/toxicidadeResumo
The objective of this study was to determine factors affecting phenotypic characteristics related to milk production and reproductive efficiency of dairy buffalo. Phenotypic records of 2,459 Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred buffaloes from the Embrapa Eastern Amazônia herd, from 1969 to 2013 were used. Traits included: total milk production during lactation (TMP), milk production corrected for 305 days (P305); cow weight at calving (CW), fat milk percentage (F), age at first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI), calf birth weight (BW), as well as lactation (LP) and service periods (SP). Most traits were affected by genetic group as well as year and season or interaction between them. Genetic group affected F, CI, SP and CW. Very young and older cows showed poorer production traits. There was interaction between season and year for F, CI and CW. Correlations traits were generally medium to low. The principal component analysis showed that higher fat milk percentage was associated with higher percentage of Murrah breed, longer lactation period and older cows. Phenotypic characteristics in buffaloes reared in the Brazilian Amazon were significantly affected by genetic and management factors. This information can be used to help build sustainable production systems for the region and guide farmer decisions.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os fatores que afetam as características fenotípicas relacionadas à produção de leite e a eficiência reprodutiva de búfalas leiteiras. Foram utilizados os registros fenotípicos de 2.459 búfalas das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus cruzamentos do rebanho da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, de 1969 a 2013. As características incluídas foram: produção total de leite durante a lactação (PTL), produção de leite corrigida para 305 dias (P305), peso da búfala ao parto (PV), percentual de gordura do leite (G), idade ao primeiro parto (IPP), intervalo entre partos (IP), peso do bezerro ao nascimento (PN), assim como os períodos de lactação (PL) e de serviço (PS). A maioria das características foi afetada pelo grupo genético, bem como pelo ano e pela estação ou pela interação entre eles. O grupo genético afetou o G, IP, PS e PV. Búfalas muito jovens e mais velhas mostraram características de produção mais baixas. Houve interação entre estação e o ano para G, IP e PV. As correlações entre as características foram geralmente de médias a baixas. A análise de componentes principais mostrou que a maior porcentagem de gordura no leite foi associada com a maior porcentagem de sangue Murrah, com o maior período de lactação e com búfalas mais velhas. As características fenotípicas das búfalas criadas na Amazônia brasileira foram significativamente afetadas por fatores genéticos e de manejo. Essas informações podem ser usadas para ajudar a construir sistemas de produção sustentáveis para a região e orientar as decisões dos produtores.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Fenótipo , Búfalos/genética , LeiteResumo
The objective of this study was to determine factors affecting phenotypic characteristics related to milk production and reproductive efficiency of dairy buffalo. Phenotypic records of 2,459 Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred buffaloes from the Embrapa Eastern Amazônia herd, from 1969 to 2013 were used. Traits included: total milk production during lactation (TMP), milk production corrected for 305 days (P305); cow weight at calving (CW), fat milk percentage (F), age at first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI), calf birth weight (BW), as well as lactation (LP) and service periods (SP). Most traits were affected by genetic group as well as year and season or interaction between them. Genetic group affected F, CI, SP and CW. Very young and older cows showed poorer production traits. There was interaction between season and year for F, CI and CW. Correlations traits were generally medium to low. The principal component analysis showed that higher fat milk percentage was associated with higher percentage of Murrah breed, longer lactation period and older cows. Phenotypic characteristics in buffaloes reared in the Brazilian Amazon were significantly affected by genetic and management factors. This information can be used to help build sustainable production systems for the region and guide farmer decisions.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os fatores que afetam as características fenotípicas relacionadas à produção de leite e a eficiência reprodutiva de búfalas leiteiras. Foram utilizados os registros fenotípicos de 2.459 búfalas das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus cruzamentos do rebanho da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, de 1969 a 2013. As características incluídas foram: produção total de leite durante a lactação (PTL), produção de leite corrigida para 305 dias (P305), peso da búfala ao parto (PV), percentual de gordura do leite (G), idade ao primeiro parto (IPP), intervalo entre partos (IP), peso do bezerro ao nascimento (PN), assim como os períodos de lactação (PL) e de serviço (PS). A maioria das características foi afetada pelo grupo genético, bem como pelo ano e pela estação ou pela interação entre eles. O grupo genético afetou o G, IP, PS e PV. Búfalas muito jovens e mais velhas mostraram características de produção mais baixas. Houve interação entre estação e o ano para G, IP e PV. As correlações entre as características foram geralmente de médias a baixas. A análise de componentes principais mostrou que a maior porcentagem de gordura no leite foi associada com a maior porcentagem de sangue Murrah, com o maior período de lactação e com búfalas mais velhas. As características fenotípicas das búfalas criadas na Amazônia brasileira foram significativamente afetadas por fatores genéticos e de manejo. Essas informações podem ser usadas para ajudar a construir sistemas de produção sustentáveis para a região e orientar as decisões dos produtores.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Fenótipo , Búfalos/genética , LeiteResumo
Information on approaches to weaning zebu (Bos indicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves is scarce in proportion to studies of breeds of B. taurus cattle, whetherdairy or beef. Little research has been done to test or validate methods evolved in cattle-ranching to these other species.Hence, expanding our understanding of appropriate, species specific methods of weaning could support the development ofapproaches or strategies that have the potential to improve animal welfare and productive performance in temperate or tropical climes. This review focuses on traditional and currentweaning strategies in an attempt to improve productivity and animal welfare for water buffaloes and zebus. For the case of the water buffalo, it examines common, routine weaningtechniques and procedures as well as novel approaches, while for the zebu it discusses abrupt versus gradual and early versuslate weaning as strategies and routines usually employed during this process. Finally, it analyses how new weaning techniques may reduce stress while enhancing productivity atthe same time. These approaches include fence-line weaning, nose-flaps (plastic devices that prevent the calf from grabbing a teat to suckle), restricted suckling and a section on practicaltips to decrease the stress induced by weaning in zebus. A better understanding of certain weaning techniques could, therefore, benefit calf welfare while simultaneously increasingcows' reproductive performance. Unfortunately, data on such approaches is scant, so despite published findings, several key issues remain unsolved living room for additional studies.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , DesmameResumo
Information on approaches to weaning zebu (Bos indicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves is scarce in proportion to studies of breeds of B. taurus cattle, whetherdairy or beef. Little research has been done to test or validate methods evolved in cattle-ranching to these other species.Hence, expanding our understanding of appropriate, species specific methods of weaning could support the development ofapproaches or strategies that have the potential to improve animal welfare and productive performance in temperate or tropical climes. This review focuses on traditional and currentweaning strategies in an attempt to improve productivity and animal welfare for water buffaloes and zebus. For the case of the water buffalo, it examines common, routine weaningtechniques and procedures as well as novel approaches, while for the zebu it discusses abrupt versus gradual and early versuslate weaning as strategies and routines usually employed during this process. Finally, it analyses how new weaning techniques may reduce stress while enhancing productivity atthe same time. These approaches include fence-line weaning, nose-flaps (plastic devices that prevent the calf from grabbing a teat to suckle), restricted suckling and a section on practicaltips to decrease the stress induced by weaning in zebus. A better understanding of certain weaning techniques could, therefore, benefit calf welfare while simultaneously increasingcows' reproductive performance. Unfortunately, data on such approaches is scant, so despite published findings, several key issues remain unsolved living room for additional studies.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , DesmameResumo
Background: Toxocara vitulorum is a involved in the Ascaridoidea family and is a large roundworm with a semi translucent, soft body surface and pinkish color. Female worms measure 8-30cm in length, male worms 6-25cm. The major hosts of T.vitulorum are buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle (Bos species) in the humid tropics of Asia, Africa and South America. The diagnosis of T. vitulorum infections is usually made by observing characteristic eggs in routine fecal examination. Serological methods are also used to diagnose Toxocariasis. However, in recent years, PCR, a new generation molecular diagnostic method, has been used. The genetic structure of T. vitulorum is little known compared with data available from other parasites. The present sutudy was designed to determine the T. vitulorum isolates by the genetic characterization of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene.Materials, Methods & Results: Adult worms were collected from the feces of two calves (East Anatolian Red) during visits to the clinic at the Department of Internal Medicine of Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Worms were washed thoroughly in 0.85 % saline to remove any debris and fixed into 70 % ethanol. After repeated and thoroughly washing the specimens, total genomic DNA of parasite extraction was performed be employing DNA extraction reagent kit (Thermo, GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit) according to manufacturers recommendations. After DNA amplification, a 446 bp fragment of cox1 of T. vitulorum were obtained in all three isolates. All generated sequences were registered in GenBank database with accession numbers including MG905159, MG911729 and MG911730. The cox1 of T. vitulorum examined differed from another two isolates extracted from Germany beef cattle (KY313642.1) and Sri Lanka buffalo calf (FJ664617.1) at NCBI database.[...]
Análise de Sequência de DNA/veterinária , Genes Mitocondriais , Toxocara/isolamento & purificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodosResumo
Background: Toxocara vitulorum is a involved in the Ascaridoidea family and is a large roundworm with a semi translucent, soft body surface and pinkish color. Female worms measure 8-30cm in length, male worms 6-25cm. The major hosts of T.vitulorum are buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle (Bos species) in the humid tropics of Asia, Africa and South America. The diagnosis of T. vitulorum infections is usually made by observing characteristic eggs in routine fecal examination. Serological methods are also used to diagnose Toxocariasis. However, in recent years, PCR, a new generation molecular diagnostic method, has been used. The genetic structure of T. vitulorum is little known compared with data available from other parasites. The present sutudy was designed to determine the T. vitulorum isolates by the genetic characterization of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene.Materials, Methods & Results: Adult worms were collected from the feces of two calves (East Anatolian Red) during visits to the clinic at the Department of Internal Medicine of Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Worms were washed thoroughly in 0.85 % saline to remove any debris and fixed into 70 % ethanol. After repeated and thoroughly washing the specimens, total genomic DNA of parasite extraction was performed be employing DNA extraction reagent kit (Thermo, GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit) according to manufacturers recommendations. After DNA amplification, a 446 bp fragment of cox1 of T. vitulorum were obtained in all three isolates. All generated sequences were registered in GenBank database with accession numbers including MG905159, MG911729 and MG911730. The cox1 of T. vitulorum examined differed from another two isolates extracted from Germany beef cattle (KY313642.1) and Sri Lanka buffalo calf (FJ664617.1) at NCBI database.[...](AU)
Toxocara/isolamento & purificação , Análise de Sequência de DNA/veterinária , Genes Mitocondriais , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodosResumo
Laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) conducted on bovine and buffalo calves of 2-6-month of age, followed by in vitro embryo production and transfer into synchronous adult recipients, is a powerful tool for accelerated genetic gain and early dissemination of top genetics. In its current state, the technology is characterized by higher oocyte recovery rates, lower oocyte-to-embryo yields, and similar pregnancy and term development rates compared with adult counterparts. Improvements in oocyte competence have been made in recent years mainly through gonadotropin stimulation protocols tailored for prepubertal donors. These advances have brought the technology to the point of been apt for commercial application. However, future research must focus on increasing the proportion of fully competent oocytes recovered from calves thereby further empowering the role this technology platform can play in programs for accelerated dissemination of superior genetics.
Feminino , Animais , Lactente , Bovinos , Bovinos/embriologia , Doação de Oócitos/métodos , Laparoscopia , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Embrião de Mamíferos/embriologiaResumo
Laparoscopic ovum pick-up (LOPU) conducted on bovine and buffalo calves of 2-6-month of age, followed by in vitro embryo production and transfer into synchronous adult recipients, is a powerful tool for accelerated genetic gain and early dissemination of top genetics. In its current state, the technology is characterized by higher oocyte recovery rates, lower oocyte-to-embryo yields, and similar pregnancy and term development rates compared with adult counterparts. Improvements in oocyte competence have been made in recent years mainly through gonadotropin stimulation protocols tailored for prepubertal donors. These advances have brought the technology to the point of been apt for commercial application. However, future research must focus on increasing the proportion of fully competent oocytes recovered from calves thereby further empowering the role this technology platform can play in programs for accelerated dissemination of superior genetics.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Lactente , Bovinos , Laparoscopia , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Doação de Oócitos/métodos , Bovinos/embriologia , Embrião de Mamíferos/embriologiaResumo
Background: Modified embryo in vitro culture (IVC) systems have been devised for the culture of individual embryos, suchas in microdroplets, capillary tubes, or co-cultures systems. However, the development of the Well-of-the-Well (WOW)system takes advantage of both the individual and the grouped culture systems, as embryos are cultured into microwellsdisposed into a larger well. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo developmental potential of handmade cloning (HMC)-derived cloned bovine embryos after the IVC in three microwell (WOW) systems.Material, Methods & Results: Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated after subcutaneous biopsy from a Nellore adult female were used as nucleus donor cells for cloning. Collected adipose tissue was incubated in0.075% collagenase for 60 min at 39oC. After digestion, cell suspension was centrifuged at 80 g for 10 min, supernatantwas discarded, and 2 mL of Red Blood Cells Lysis Buffer (RBC) was added to the pellet, remaining for 2 min. The RBCbuffer was diluted with 20 mL PBS, with cell suspension spun at 80 g for 5 min. Supernatant was discarded and the pelletre-suspended in DMEM culture medium + 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). Following cell counting, 5 x 105 cells were seededin 25-cm² bottles containing 6 mL DMEM + 10% FCS, and cultured at 38.3°C, 5% CO2 in air and saturated humidity.After IVM, oocytes were denuded and incubated in demecolcine, followed by zona pellucida removal, oocyte bisection,embryo reconstruction, electrofusion and chemical activation. Cloned embryos were allocated to one of three IVC groups:cWOW: conventional microwells (250 µm, round); mWOW: modified microwells (130 µm, conical); and WOW-PDMS:microwells in polydimethylsiloxane chips (170 µm, cylindrical, with interconnecting microchannels); IVF embryos wereused as controls. Cleavage (D2), blastocyst (D7) and pregnancy (D30) rates were analyzed by the χ2 test, for P < 0.05...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Leite/química , Leite/microbiologia , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Búfalos , Aeromonas hydrophila , Turquia , Proteínas HemolisinasResumo
Background: Modified embryo in vitro culture (IVC) systems have been devised for the culture of individual embryos, suchas in microdroplets, capillary tubes, or co-cultures systems. However, the development of the Well-of-the-Well (WOW)system takes advantage of both the individual and the grouped culture systems, as embryos are cultured into microwellsdisposed into a larger well. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo developmental potential of handmade cloning (HMC)-derived cloned bovine embryos after the IVC in three microwell (WOW) systems.Material, Methods & Results: Adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated after subcutaneous biopsy from a Nellore adult female were used as nucleus donor cells for cloning. Collected adipose tissue was incubated in0.075% collagenase for 60 min at 39oC. After digestion, cell suspension was centrifuged at 80 g for 10 min, supernatantwas discarded, and 2 mL of Red Blood Cells Lysis Buffer (RBC) was added to the pellet, remaining for 2 min. The RBCbuffer was diluted with 20 mL PBS, with cell suspension spun at 80 g for 5 min. Supernatant was discarded and the pelletre-suspended in DMEM culture medium + 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). Following cell counting, 5 x 105 cells were seededin 25-cm² bottles containing 6 mL DMEM + 10% FCS, and cultured at 38.3°C, 5% CO2 in air and saturated humidity.After IVM, oocytes were denuded and incubated in demecolcine, followed by zona pellucida removal, oocyte bisection,embryo reconstruction, electrofusion and chemical activation. Cloned embryos were allocated to one of three IVC groups:cWOW: conventional microwells (250 µm, round); mWOW: modified microwells (130 µm, conical); and WOW-PDMS:microwells in polydimethylsiloxane chips (170 µm, cylindrical, with interconnecting microchannels); IVF embryos wereused as controls. Cleavage (D2), blastocyst (D7) and pregnancy (D30) rates were analyzed by the χ2 test, for P < 0.05...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana , Leite/microbiologia , Leite/química , Aeromonas hydrophila , Proteínas Hemolisinas , TurquiaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a transferência de imunidade passiva em bezerros bubalinos saudáveis e avaliar a influência das concentrações séricas de imunoglobulina G (IgG) às 24 horas no desempenho produtivo nos primeiros 90 dias de idade dos bezerros. Amostras de colostro de novilhas (sem parto prévio), primíparas e pluríparas; e amostras de sangue de seus respectivos bezerros foram coletadas no nascimento, antes da ingestão de colostro, e 24h, 48h e 72h após o nascimento para determinação das atividades séricas de gamamaglutamiltransferase (GGT) e fosfatase alcalina (ALP); e concentrações séricas de proteína total (PT), imunoglobulinas A (IgA) e G (IgG) e lactoferrina. As concentrações de imunoglobulinas de amostras de colostro de búfalas e amostras de sangue de bezerros foram determinadas pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS- PAGE). O peso foi medido a cada semana após o nascimento até os três meses de idade. Os resultados da transferência de imunidade passiva foram analisados como medidas repetidas no tempo e o peso e o ganho de peso diário (GPD) foram avaliados por regressão linear simples. As diferenças foram consideradas significativas quando P 0,05. Os búfalos nasceram hipogamaglobulinêmicos (4,23±0,33 mg/mL), e às 24 horas as concentrações séricas de IgG foram de 34,5±1,48 mg/mL, a transferência de imunidade passiva foi considerada bem- sucedida. As concentrações séricas de PT são recomendadas como parâmetros indiretos confiáveis para avaliar a transferência de imunidade passiva em búfalos. O peso médio ao nascimento foi de 38,0±5,54 Kg, e o peso e o GPD aos 30, 60 e 90 dias de idade foram respectivamente: 49,2±6,30 Kg; 61,7±8,14 Kg; 75,9±10,3 Kg e 0,363±0,139 Kg/d; 0,391±0,101 Kg/d; 0,421±0,091 Kg/d. Não foi detectada relação significativa das concentrações séricas de IgG às 24h com o peso ou GPD durante o período do estudo. Os resultados produtivos de bezerros bubalinos nos primeiros 90 dias de idade são mais influenciados pela nutrição da mãe, características genéticas herdáveis e bom manejo sanitário dos bezerros.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the passive immunity transfer on healthy buffalo calves and evaluate the influence of serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) at 24hs on productive performance on the first 90 days of age of Murrah buffalo calves. Colostrum samples from heifers (without previous calving), primiparous and pluriparous dams; and blood samples from their respective calves, were taken at birth, before colostrum ingestion, and at 24h, 48h, and 72h after birth for determination of serum activities of gamma- glutamyltransferase (GGT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP); and serum concentrations of total protein (TP), immunoglobulins A (IgA) and G (IgG) and lactoferrin. The concentrations of immunoglobulins of colostrum samples from buffaloes and blood samples from calves were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-containing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) technique. Weight was measured following each week after birth until three months of age. The passive immunity transfer results were analyzed as repeated measures and weight and average daily gain (ADG) were evaluated by simple linear regression. Differences were considered significant when P0.05. As buffalo calves were born hypogammaglobulinemic (4.23±0.33 mg/mL), and at 24h serum concentrations of IgG were of 34.5±1.48 mg/mL, passive immunity transfer was successful. Serum concentrations of TP at 24h is recommended as reliable indirect parameter to evaluate passive immunity transfer on buffalo calves. An average weight at birth was of 38.0±5.54 Kg, and weight and ADG with 30, 60 and 90 days of age were respectively as follows: 49.2±6.30 Kg; 61.7±8.14 Kg; 75.9±10.3 Kg and 0.363±0.139 Kg/d; 0.391±0.101 Kg/d; 0.421±0.091 Kg/d. No significant relation between serum concentrations of IgG at 24h and weight or ADG was detected. The production outcomes of buffalo calves on the first 90 days of age are more influenced by the dams nutrition, genetic heritable characteristics and good health management of the calf.
O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar os efeitos da mastite, clínica e subclínica, em búfalas mestiças da raça Murrah nas características físicas, microbiológicas e imunes do colostro produzido com relação à eficiência de transferência de imunidade passiva em seus respectivos bezerros. Para isso acompanhou-se o parto de 30 búfalas e de seus bezerros que foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o resultado do cultivo bacteriano observado na secreção colostral. Avaliou-se a presença de alterações físicas na glândula mamária e macroscópicas das secreções lácteas, foi realizado a contagem de células somáticas, o California Mastitis Test (CMT) e foram mensuradas as concentrações de IL-6 e TNF- e traçado eletroforético das secreções lácteas e séricas dos bezerros, no momento do parto, às 24 e 48 horas após. A CCS e o CMT mostram-se como importantes indicadores da ocorrência de mastite subclínica, porém baixos valores de CCS e/ou resultados negativos do CMT não implicam, necessariamente, na ausência de infecção intramamária. A presença de agentes microbianos provocou alterações físicas discretas no parênquima mamário e nas características macroscópicas das secreções lácteas das búfalas. Os agentes microbianos isolados nas amostras de colostro foram Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Bacillus spp e Bacillus cereus, sendo o Streptococcus spp. o mais comumente isolado. A ingestão de colostro de vacas bubalinas com mastite subclínica não influencia a transferência de imunidade passiva para os bezerros. As concentrações de IL-6, TNF- , PT, IgG e IgA não diferem em búfalas com e sem isolamento microbiano em suas secreções lácteas. Bezerros que ingeriram colostros positivos ao cultivo apresentaram maiores teores de IL-6, TNF-e menores concentrações de PT e IgG.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of clinical and subclinical mastitis on crossbred Murrah buffaloes on the physical, microbiological and immune characteristics of colostrum produced in relation to the passive immunity transfer efficiency in their respective calves. For this, 30 calf buffaloes and their calves were divided into two groups according to the result of the bacterial culture observed in the colostral secretion. The presence of physical changes in the udder and macroscopic glands of milk secretions was evaluated, the somatic cell count, the California Mastitis Test, and the concentrations of IL-6 and TNF- and electrophoretic tracing of milk and serum secretions of the calves, at the time of delivery, at 24 and 48 hours after. CCS and CMT are important indicators of the occurrence of subclinical mastitis, but low CCS values and / or negative CMT results do not necessarily imply the absence of intramammary infection. The presence of microbial agents caused discrete physical alterations in the mammary parenchyma and the macroscopic characteristics of buffalo milk secretions. The microbial agents isolated in the colostrum samples were Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Corynebacterium spp., Bacillus spp. And Bacillus cereus, being Streptococcus spp. the most commonly isolated. The ingestion of colostrum from buffalo cows with subclinical mastitis does not influence the transfer of passive immunity to calves. The concentrations of IL-6, TNF-, PT, IgG and IgA didnt differ in buffaloes with and without microbial isolation in their milk secretions. Calves that ingested positive colostrums had higher levels of IL-6, TNF- and lower concentrations of PT and IgG.
Foram avaliados registros de manejo reprodutivo de búfalos das raças Jafarabadi, Murrah, Mediterrâneo, Carabao e Tipo Baio, bem como seus mestiços, no período de 1983 a 2005. Estudaram-se as características reprodutivas: idade à primeira cria (média de 1052,52±120,45 dias), intervalo de partos (média de 399,69±23,78 dias), eficiência reprodutiva (média de 91,09±1,89%), fertilidade real adaptada (média de 29,30±4,40 quilogramas de bezerro parido por ano), produtividade ao primeiro parto adaptada (média de 33,75±6,89 quilogramas) e produtividade acumulada adaptada (média de 22,86±6,55 quilogramas de bezerro parido por ano). Foram verificadas influências do ano de parto e o grau de sangue da fêmea sobre as características estudadas, o que indica que tais efeitos devem ser incluídos na avaliação genética e na seleção dos animais. Os índices produtivos utilizados mostraram-se de grande valia para a seleção, devendo ser mais estudadas suas interações relativas ao desempenho geral do rebanho.(AU)
We evaluated records of reproductive management Jaffarabadi buffalo breeds, Murrah, Mediterranean, Carabao and Baio types, and their crosses, in the period from 1983 to 2005. We studied the following reproductive characteristics: Age at first calving (mean 1052.52±120.45 days), calving interval (399.69±23.78 mean days), Reproductive Efficiency (average 91.09±1, 89%), Real Adapted Fertility (average 29.30±4.40kg calf calved each year), the First Labor Productivity Adapted (mean 33.75±6.89kg) and Accumulated Productivity Adapted (mean 22.86±6.55kg calf calved each year). Influences were observed in the year of delivery and degree of blood on the female traits, suggesting that such effects should be included in genetic evaluation and selection of animals. The production indices used were of great value for the selection, and should be well studied for their interactions with the overall performance of the herd.(AU)
Animais , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reprodução , Fertilidade , Seleção Genética , Técnicos em Manejo de AnimaisResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da adição de óleo de linhaça e/ou da vitamina E sobre o consumo de matéria seca, digestibilidade dos nutrientes, antioxidantes e estabilidade oxidativa no sangue e no leite e perfil lipídico do leite de búfalas em lactação. Foram utilizadas quatro fêmeas bubalinas mestiças, após o pico de lactação (97±22 dias de lactação), com peso corporal médio de 655±37 kg, submetidas a uma ordenha diária com presença do bezerro, distribuídas em um quadrado latino 4x4, em esquema fatorial 2x2 (óleo: presença e ausência; e vitamina E: presença e ausência). Assim, foram compostas as dietas experimentais: controle (ausência de óleo e vitamina); dieta com óleo de linhaça, 25 g/kg MS; dieta com vitamina E, 375 UI/kg MS; dieta com óleo (25 g/kg MS) e com vitamina E (375 UI/kg MS). O óleo foi pesado juntamente com o concentrado, enquanto a vitamina E foi fornecida em uma porção de aproximadamente 50g da ração total misturada, após a ingestão total dessa parcela o restante da alimentação foi fornecida. O consumo e os parâmetros sanguíneos não tiveram efeitos (P>0,05) da adição de óleo de linhaça e/ou da vitamina E. Entretanto, a adição de óleo reduziu (P<0,01) a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro, aumentou a do extrato etéreo (P<0,01) e aumentou (P<0,05) a produção e a densidade do leite e também o TBARS e dieno conjugado. Ainda, ocasionou tendência de aumento dos ácidos graxos (AG) de cadeia longa (P=0,06), aumentos (P<0,05) dos AG de cadeia média, de cadeia curta e dos poli-insaturados, concentração de n-3 e reduziu a razão n-6/n-3 (P=0,01) no leite, a atividade da enzima 9-dessaturase (P=0,01), a concentração de gordura do leite (P=0,04) e tendência de redução de sólidos totais (P=0,08). A vitamina E causou aumentos na digestibilidade da fração fibrosa (P<0,05), no poder redutor do leite (P=0,01), na atividade da enzima 9-dessaturase, na capacidade antioxidante total no sangue (P=0,10) e reduziu a produção de TBARS (P=0,02). A interação entre o óleo e a vitamina E promoveu tendência de aumentos da capacidade antioxidante total (P=0,07) e do poder redutor do leite (P=0,07). Tanto a adição do óleo quanto da vitamina E reduziram os índices de trombogenicidade e aterogenicidade. Associando a fonte lipídica com a vitamina E, é possível obter uma melhora da atividade antioxidantes no organismo das búfalas, assim como obter perfil lipídico melhorado e com boa estabilidade oxidativa em leite de búfalas
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the addition of flaxseed oil and/or vitamin E on DM (dry matter) intake, nutrient digestibility, antioxidants and oxidative stability in blood and milk and milk lipid profile of lactating buffaloes. Four crossbred buffalo females were used, after the peak of lactation (97±22 days of lactation), mean body weight of 655±37 kg submitted to a daily milking with the presence of the calf, distributed in a 4x4 Latin square design, in a 2x2 factorial arrangement (Oil: presence and absence, and vitamin E: presence and absence). This is how the experimental diets were composed: control (absence of oil and vitamin); Diet with flaxseed oil, 25 g/kg DM; Diet with vitamin E, 375 IU/kg DM; Diet with flaxseed oil (25 g/kg DM) and vitamin E (375 IU/kg DM). The oil was weighed together with the concentrate, while vitamin E was supplied in a portion of approximately 50 g of the total mixed feed, after the total intake of that portion the rest of the feed was provided. The intake of ethereal extract increased and non-fibrous carbohydrates reduced in the diets with flaxseed oil. Blood parameters had no effect (P>0.05) on the addition of flaxssed oil and/or vitamin E. However, the addition of oil reduced the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber (P<0.01), increased digestibility of ethereal extract (P<0.01) and increased (P<0.05) milk production and density, as well as TBARS and conjugated diene. In addition, there was a tendency for long chain fatty acids (FA) to increase (P=0.06), increases (P<0.05) in medium chain FA, short chain and polyunsatured, n-3 concentration and reduced the n-6/n-3 ratio in the milk and the activity of the enzyme 9-desaturase (P=0.01), milk fat concentration (P=0.04) and tendency to reduce the total solids (P=0.08). Vitamin E increased the digestibility of the fibrous fraction (P<0.05), the milk reducing power (P=0.01), the 9-desaturase enzyme activity, the total antioxidant capacity in the blood (P=0.10) and reduced the production of TBARS (P=0.02). The interaction of the oil and the vitamin E promoted a tendency of increases in total antioxidant capacity (P=0.07) and milk reducing power (P=0.07). Both the addition of the oil and vitamin E reduced the rates of thrombogenicity and atherogenicity. Associating the lipid source with vitamin E is possible to obtain an improvement of the antioxidant activity in the buffalo's body, as well as to obtain an improved lipid profile and with good oxidative stability in buffalo milk.
A nine years old, Graded Murrah she buffalo was brought to the veterinary hospital with clinical signs of labour and dystocia. A caesarian section was performed and a dead male calf was noticed in the uterus. At necropsy, the calf had distended abdomen with the presence of an enlarged mass. Histopathologically, the tissue sections from the mass revealed the presence of blastemal cells forming glomeruli like structures and tubules in some areas and mesenchymal tissue suggesting a congenital nephroblastoma that developed during fetal life resulting in maternal dystocia and death of the calf.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Búfalos/genética , Tumor de Wilms/veterinária , Neoplasias Renais/genética , Autopsia/veterinária , RimResumo
A determinação do perfil bioquímico sérico é uma excelente ferramenta para identificar eventuais alterações fisiológicas pertinentes à saúde e ao bem-estar do bezerro, sobretudo no período neonatal. Deste modo objetivou-se com o presente estudo avaliar o perfil bioquímico sérico de bezerros bubalinos sadios no período neonatal. Foram examinadas amostras de soro sanguíneo de 50 animais da raça Murrah oriundos de fazenda produtora de leite situada no município de Alambari - SP. Os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos experimentais, de acordo com o número de parições de suas mães, sendo 15 bezerros filhos de búfalas primíparas (G1), 19 bezerros filhos de búfalas multíparas com duas a quatro parições (G2) e 16 bezerros filhos de búfalas multíparas com cinco a 14 parições (G3). As colheitas de amostras de sangue venoso foram realizadas nos seguintes momentos: ao nascimento, antes da ingestão do colostro (M0), às 24h (M1), 48h (M2) e 72h após o nascimento (M3) e aos 7 (M4), 14 (M5), 21 (M6) e 30 dias de idade (M7), para determinação das atividades séricas das enzimas gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT), fosfatase alcalina (ALP), aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e creatina quinase (CK) e das concentrações séricas de proteína total, albumina, globulinas, ferro, cálcio total, cálcio ionizado, fósforo, sódio e potássio. As concentrações séricas de imunoglobulina G (IgG), foram determinadas pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE). Os resultados foram avaliados por análise de variância (ANOVA), usando o teste de Tukey para comparação entre as médias, a significância foi verificada a 5% de probabilidade. O fator etário influenciou todos os parâmetros bioquímicos estudados, com exceção das concentrações séricas de cálcio ionizado e de potássio somente nos bezerros dos grupos G1 e G3. A ordem de parições das búfalas influenciou as atividades séricas de AST e GGT e as concentrações séricas de proteína total, albumina, globulinas e IgG dos bezerros bubalinos. A atividade sérica elevada de ALP nos dois primeiros dias após o nascimento indica a possível utilização desse parâmetro como método indireto de avaliação da transferência de imunidade passiva (TIP). As concentrações de ferro sérico dos bezerros bubalinos apresentaram valores elevados, contraindicando-se a suplementação do ferro na espécie na fase neonatal
The serum biochemical profile is an excellent tool to identify any relevant physiological changes to health and calf welfare, especially in the neonatal period. This study aimed to evaluate serum biochemical profile of healthy buffalo calves in the neonatal period. Serum samples from 50 Murrah animals from a milk farm in the city of Alambari SP were examinated. The animals were divided into three groups according to the number of parities of their mothers, 15 calves born from primiparous buffaloes (G1), 19 calves born from multiparous buffaloes with two to four parities (G2) and 16 calves from multiparous buffaloes with five to 14 parities (G3). The venous blood samples were taken at the following times: at birth, before the ingestion of colostrum (M0) at 24h (M1), 48h (M2) and 72h after birth (M3) and 7 (M4), 14 (M5), 21 (M6) and 30 days of age (M7) for determination of serum activities of gamma glutamyl transferase enzymes (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), creatine kinase (CK), and serum concentrations of total protein, albumin, globulin, iron, total calcium, ionized calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium. Serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The results were evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the Tukeys test to compare means, significance was observed at 5% probability. The age factor influenced all biochemical parameters, except for ionized calcium and potassium concentrations only from calves of G1 and G3 groups. The calving order of buffalo influenced AST, GGT, serum total protein, albumin, globulin and IgG of buffalo calves. The high serum ALP activity in the first two days after birth indicates the possible use of this parameter as an indirect method of assessing the passive immunity transfer. The iron serum concentrations of buffalo calves showed high values, the supplementation of this mineral is contraindicated in buffalo calves on the neonatal period.
Patotipos de Escherichia coli se destacam como importante enteropatógenos envolvidos na síndrome diarreica. Amostras de E. coli patogênicas são classificadas em patotipos, de acordo com a presença de fatores de virulência e mecanismos pelos quais causam doença. Já foram identificados cinco patotipos de E. coli associados à diarreia em bezerros: E. coli enterotoxigênica (ETEC), E. coli enteropatogênica (EPEC), E. coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC), E. coli produtora de toxina Shiga (STEC) e E. coli necrotoxigênica (NTEC). No presente estudo, amostras de E. coli isoladas de fezes de bezerros bovinos e bubalinos e carcaças de frangos foram estudadas. A análise filogenética de 336 estirpes de E. coli isoladas de fezes de bezerros bovinos mostrou que 21 (6,25%) pertencem ao filogrupo A, 228 (67,85%) ao filogrupo B1, 2 (0,6%) ao filogrupo B2, 5 (1,49%) ao filogrupo C, 57 (16,96%) ao filogrupo E e 3 (0,9%) ao filogrupo F. O filogrupo D não foi identificado e vinte amostras (5,95%) foram designadas como filogrupo "desconhecido". Somente ETEC foi associada com a presença de diarreia (P = 0,002) e não houve associação entre o grupo filogenético de E. coli e a presença de diarreia (P = 0,164). A análise de correspondência mostrou que EHEC e STEC são classificados principalmente como filogrupo B1, EAEC (EAST-1) filogrupo A, ETEC e EPEC filogrupo E. Duzentos e dezessete amostras de E. coli foram isoladas de fezes de bezerros bubalinos. Os patotipos identificados em fezes diarreicas foram ETEC (2/84), NTEC (16/84), STEC (20/84), EPEC (3/84), EHEC (3/84), e EAEC (33/84). E em fezes não diarreicas foram NTEC (21/50), STEC (17/50), EHEC (1/50), e EAEC (7/50). Fezes de animais com 1 a 30 dias de idade tiveram maior frequência de E. coli positivas para os fatores de virulência (P = 0,094). Patotipo EAEC (EAST-1) (P = 0,008) e filogrupo C (P = 0,03) foram associados com a presença de diarreia. A análise dos filogrupos de E. coli mostrou que 58.95% pertenciam ao filogrupo B1, seguidos dos filogrupos E (9.70%), B2 (5.9%), C (5.9%), D (5.22%), A (2.24%) e F (1.50%). Amostras de E. coli isoladas de carcaças de frangos com aparência normal liberadas para consumo e carcaças condenadas por colibacilose em um matadouro com Serviço de Inspeção Federal no estado de Tocantins foram analisadas. Cento e trinta e sete amostras de E. coli foram obtidas após isolamento e identificação bioquímica. Oitenta e quatro amostras de E. coli foram isoladas de carcaças de frangos de corte condenados, dos quais 11 foram isoladas do coração, 7 do fígado e 66 do trato respiratório. Das 53 amostras de E. coli isoladas de carcaças de frangos normais, 5 foram isoladas de coração, 4 de fígado e 44 de trato respiratório. Os filogrupos A seguido por B1 foram os filogrupos mais comuns de E. coli isoladas de carcaças de frangos saudáveis, enquanto os filogrupos B1 seguido por A foram os mais comuns em carcaças de frangos condenadas. Os filogrupos B2, C, D, E e F foram os menos comuns. Foi estudada também a distribuição dos grupos filogenéticos de 529 amostras de Escherichia coli isoladas das três espécies animais. A frequência dos filogrupos foi: A = 15,31%, B1 = 60,49%, B2 = 2,46%, C = 4,35%, D = 2,46%, E = 12,29% e F = 2,64%. Os filogrupos A (P 0,001) e F (P = 0,002) foram associados com E. coli isoladas de aves, os filogrupos B1 (P 0,001) e E (P 0,001) com E. coli isoladas de bovinos, e os filogrupos B2 (P 0,001) e D (P = 0,007) com E. coli isoladas de búfalos. Os resultados demonstram que alguns filogrupos de E. coli estão 12 associados com o hospedeiro estudado e permitem um melhor entendimento da composição filogenética de E. coli nos animais domésticos.
Escherichia coli pathotypes are important enteropathogens involved in the diarrheal syndrome. Pathogenic E. coli are classified into pathotypes according to the production of virulence factors and mechanisms which they cause the disease. Five pathotypes have been identified associated E. coli diarrhea in calves: enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and necrotoxigenic E. coli (NTEC). In this study, E. coli strains isolated from feces of cattle and buffalo calves and poultry carcasses were studied. Phylogenetic analysis of the 336 strains of E. coli isolated from bovine calves showed that 21 (6.25%) belonged to phylogroup A, 228 (67.85%) to phylogroup B1, 2 (0.6%) to phylogroup B2, 5 (1.49%) to phylogroup C, 57 (16.96%) to phylogroup E and 3 (0.9%) the filogrupo F. Phylogroup D was identified and twenty samples (5.95%) were designated as phylogroup "unknown". Only ETEC was associated with the presence of diarrhea (P = 0.002) and there was no association between the phylogenetic group of E. coli and the presence of diarrhea (P = 0.164). The correspondence analysis showed that EHEC and STEC are classified primarily as phylogroup B1.EAEC (EAST-1) phylogroup A, ETEC and EPEC phylogroup E. In total, 217 E. coli strains were isolated from feces of buffalo calves. Pathotypes identified in diarrheic feces were ETEC (2/84), NTEC (16/84), STEC (20/84), EPEC (3/84), EHEC (3/84) and EAEC (33/84). In non-diarrheic feces the pathotypes identified were NTEC (21/50), STEC (17/50), EHEC (1/50) and EAEC (7/50). Feces from animals aged 1 to 30 days were more frequently positive for E. coli virulence factors. Pathotype EAEC (EAST-1) (P = 0.008) and phylogroup C (P = 0.03) were associated with the presence of diarrhea. The analysis of E. coli phylogroup showed that 58.95% were phylogroup B1, followed by phylogroup s E (9.70%), B2 (5.9%), C (5.9%), D (5.22%), A (2.24%) and F (1.50%). E. coli strains isolated from poultry carcasses with normal appearance and carcasses condemned of colibacillosis in a slaughterhouse with Federal Inspection Service in the state of Tocantins were analyzed. One hundred and thirty seven samples of E. coli were obtained after isolation and biochemical identification. Eighty-four samples of E. coli were isolated from broiler carcasses condemned, of which 11 were isolated from the heart, 7 from the liver and 66 from the respiratory tract. Of the 53 strains isolated from normal poultry carcasses, 5 were isolated from heart, 4 from liver and 44 from the respiratory tract. The phylogroups A followed byB1 were the most common E.coli phylogroups isolated from healthy broiler carcasses, while phylogroups B1 followed by the A were more common in broiler carcasses condemned. The phylogroups B2, C, D, E and F were the least common phylogroups. The distribution of phylogenetic groups of 529 E. coli strains isolated from the three animal species were studied The frequency of phylogroups was: A = 15.31%, 60.49% = B1, B2 = 2.46%, C = 4.35%, D = 2.46%, 12.29% and E = F = 2.64%. The phylogroups A (P 0.001) and F (p = 0.002) were associated with E. coli isolated from poultry, phylogroups B1 (P 0.001) and E (P 0.001) with E. coli isolated from cattle and phylogroups B2 (P 0.001) and D (P = 0.007) with E. coli isolated from buffalo. The results demonstrate that some phylogroups ofE. coli are associated with the host studied and allow a better understanding of the phylogenetic composition of E. coli isolated fromin domestic animals
O búfalo é um animal que pode competir com produtos diferenciados nos mercados interno e mundial, que apresenta características próprias e grande rendimento quando da transformação em subprodutos e derivados. Não obstante a isso, o agronegócio do búfalo se ressente de animais melhoradores provados e/ou testados para atender uma demanda que é vital por melhor padrão genético. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar características fenotípicas da produção de leite e da eficiência reprodutiva de búfalos e efetuar análises genéticas, determinando parâmetros e índices genéticos, visando a seleção de búfalos, para a elaboração de um ranking de reprodutores geneticamente superiores, incrementando a cadeia produtiva dos búfalos do País. Foram utilizados 2.459 registros fenotípicos de búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e meio-sangue, do rebanho da EMBRAPA CPATU, do período de 1953 a 2013. As características avaliadas foram: produção total de leite (PTL), percentual de gordura (G), idade ao primeiro parto (IPP), intervalo de partos (IDP) e período de serviço (PS). A análise descritiva se iniciou com a editoração dos dados trabalhados nos ambientes da planilha Excel e no pacote SAS. Os resultados gerais foram: PTL = 1741,00 ± 496,48 kg, G = 7,07 ± 0,86 %, IPP= 49,39 ± 7,37 meses, IDP = 13,16 ± 0,79 meses e PS = 91,52 ± 24,22 dias. Os efeitos que mais influenciaram a PTL foram a Ordem de Parto e o Grau de Sangue da fêmea, para G foi Grau de Sangue da fêmea, para IPP foi Estação de Parto e Ordem de Parto e para IDP e PS foram Estação de Parto e o Sexo do bezerro. A correlação fenotípica entre PTL e G foi 0,034, entre PTL e IPP 0,118, entre PTL e IDP 0,070, entre PTL e PS 0,070, entre G e IPP -0,113, entre G e IDP -0,025, entre G e PS -0,025, entre IPP e IDP 0,445, entre IPP e PS 0,445 e entre IDP e PS 1,00. Os dados foram trabalhados na planilha Excel e no pacote SAS e as análises genéticas foram efetuadas pelo software WOMBAT. Na estimação de parâmetros genéticos foi utilizado o modelo animal com análise de bicaracterísticas. A PTL foi regredida em função da duração de lactação e o coeficiente de regressão foi utilizado para correção das lactações em 305 dias (PL305). Os efeitos fixos foram grupo de contemporâneos e efeito linear e quadrático da idade da fêmea ao parto, como (co)variável. Para IPP e PS o modelo foi igual ao anteriormente descrito com a exclusão do termo do efeito de ambiente permanente materno. As estimativas de herdabilidade para a raça Murrah foram: 0,49 para PTL; 0,59 para G; 0,75 para IPP; 0,006 para IDP e 0,06 para PS; para a raça Mediterrâneo foram: 0,31 para PTL; 0,08 para G; 0,78 para IPP; 0,90 para IDP e 0,90 para PS. As correlações genéticas entre PTL e as demais características na raça Murrah foram 0,065 PTL e G; 0,097 PTL e IPP, -0,450 PTL e IDP e 0,079 PTL e PS, para Mediterrâneo foram: -0,267 PTL e G; 0,629 PTL e IPP, 0,559 PTL e IDP e 0,624 PTL e PS. O ranking de touros/reprodutores foi elaborado com base nas predições da Provável Habilidade de Transmissão (PTAs), utilizando-se o pacote SAS, o que permite a edição de um catálogo de touros da espécie bubalina da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, no referido período. Com base nos resultados a variabilidade do rebanho estudado é passível de ser trabalhada com o manejo genético, tanto para as características produtivas quanto para as de eficiência reprodutiva.
The buffalo is an animal that can compete with differentiated products on internal and world markets, which presents own features and great performance when processing by-products and derivatives. Despite this, buffalo agribusiness resents of enhancers animals proved and / or tested to meet a demand that is vital for better genetic pattern. This study aimed to evaluate phenotypic characteristics of production milk and reproduction efficient of buffalo and perform genetic analyzes determining parameters and genetic index aimed at selection of buffalo to prepare a ranking of genetically superior breeding, increasing production chain of buffaloes in the Amazon region. We used 2,459 phenotypic records of Murrah, Mediterranean and half-blood buffaloes of EMBRAPA - CPATU herd from period between 1953 to 2013. The characteristics evaluated were: total milk production (TMP), fat percentage (F), age at first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI) and service period (SP). The descriptive analysis began with the editing of the data worked in the environments of Excel spreadsheet and SAS package. The overall results were: TMP = 1741.00 ± 496.48 kg, F = 7.07 ± 0.86%, AFC = 49.39 ± 7.37 months, CI = 13.16 ± 0.79 months and SP = 91.52 ± 24,22 days. In the analysis of variance for TMP the most significant effects were the birth order and the degree of blood from female, and to F was degree of female blood and AFC was calving season and birth order and CI and SP were station childbirth and the calf sex. The phenotypic correlations between TMP and F was 0.034, between TMP and AFC 0.118, between TMP and CI 0.070, between TMP and SP 0.070, between F and AFC -0.113, between F and CI -0.025, -0.025 between F and SP, among AFC and CI 0.445, 0.445 between AFC and SP and between CI and SP 1.00. Genetic analysis began with the editing of the data discussed in the environments of Excel spreadsheet and the SAS package and genetic analyzes were performed by WOMBAT software. For estimation of genetic parameters we used the animal model with two-trait analysis. The TMP was regressed depending on length of lactation and the regression coefficient was used for correction of lactation in 305 days (PL305). Fixed effects were contemporary group and linear and quadratic effects of birth female age as (co) variable. AFC and SP model was the same as described above with the exclusion of the term of the maternal permanent environmental effect. The heritability estimates for Murrah were: 0.49 for TMP; 0.59 for F; 0.75 for AFC; 0.006 for CI and 0.06 for SP; for the Mediterranean race were 0.31 for TMP; 0.08 for F; 0.78 for AFC; 0.90 for CI and 0.90 for SP. Genetic correlations between TMP and other features in the Murrah were 0.065 TMP and F; TMP and AFC 0.097, -0.450 TMP and CI and 0.079 TMP and SP for the Mediterranean were: -0.267 TMP and F; 0,629 TMP and AFC; 0.559 TMP and CI and 0.624 CI TMP and SP. The ranking of bulls / breeding was based on predictions of probable transmission ability (PTA's), using the SAS package which allows editing a bulls catalog of buffalo species of EMBRAPA Amazônia Oriental in that period. Based on the results the variability of the studied herd is likely to be crafted with the genetic management for both production characteristics as to the reproductive efficiency.
The weight performance data of Murrah buffaloes from de "Dairy Buffalo Production System" at Sao Paulo State University, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Botucatu-Brazil were analyzed. The weights were corrected at various age-standard and the model included the sex effects (S), month (M) and calfs year (A) of birth, age of buffalo cow at calving (C) and S x M, S x A, S x C and M x A interactions. The adjusted means and respective estimated standard-errors for the studied characteristics were: born weight (PN): 37.71 ± 8.25kg; weight at 120 days (P120): 102.08 ± 16.27kg; weight at 240 days (P240): 169.84 ± 22.83kg; weight at 365 days (P365): 250.59 ± 25.12kg; weight at 550 days (P550): 326.13 ± 39.27kg and weight at 730 days (P730): 389.80 ± 31.26kg. There was sex effect (S) only for PN and P365, and males tended to be born heavier than females. The calfs of birth (A) influenced on PN, P120, P240 and P730. Calves from buffalo cow of (C) 1 (3 years old or less) and of the class 6 (10 to 12 years) showed weights lighter and heavier, respectively. The fact that the class of the buffalo cow´s age does not exercise effect on P365, P550 and P730, suggests that, in commercial herds the substitution of non-pregnant buffaloes cow by pregnant heifers can be made, in spite of this practice to reduce the average of age of the breeding herd. Murrah buffaloes from dairy herd can be used for the meat production.
Foram analisados os dados de desempenho ponderal de bubalinos Murrah do Sistema de Produção de Leite da Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, campus de Botucatu. Os pesos foram corrigidos às diversas idades-padrão e o modelo incluiu os efeitos de sexo (S), mês (M) e ano (A) de nascimento, classe de idade da búfala ao parto (C) e as interações S x M, S x A, S x C e M x A. As médias ajustadas e respectivos erros-padrão estimados para as características estudadas foram: Peso ao Nascer (PN): 37,71 ± 8,25kg; Peso aos 120 dias (P120): 102,08 ± 16,27kg; Peso aos 240 dias (P240): 169,84 ± 22,83kg; Peso aos 365 dias (P365): 250,59 ± 25,12kg; Peso aos 550 dias (P550): 326,13 ± 39,27kg e Peso aos 730 dias (P730): 389,80 ± 31,26kg. O efeito de sexo (S) foi significativo somente para PN e P365, sendo que machos tenderam a nascer mais pesados que fêmeas. O mês de nascimento (M) exerceu efeito sobre o PN, P120 e P730 sendo que animais nascidos em maio foram os mais pesados ao nascer, enquanto os nascidos em janeiro e maio, foram os mais pesados aos 120 e 730 dias, respectivamente. O efeito de ano de foi significativo sobre o PN, P120, P240 e P730. Os filhos de búfalas das classes de idade 1 (3 anos ou menos) e da classe 6 (10,11 e 12 anos) foram os mais leves e mais pesados ao nascer, respectivamente. O fato de a classe de idade da búfala não exercer efeito sobre os P365, P550 e P730 sugere que, em rebanhos comerciais possa ser feita a substituição de búfalas não gestantes por novilhas prenhes, apesar de esta prática reduzir a média de idade do rebanho de cria. Bubalinos da raça Murrah oriundos de rebanhos leiteiros podem ser utilizados para a produção de carne.