This study presented relevant aspects about the Amazonian environment and how it impacts the thermal comfort of domestic buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) raised in the Eastern Amazon. Furthermore, strategies for monitoring and mitigating animal heat stress are presented, based on research results with the species. Although domestic buffaloes are considered adaptable animals, exposure to intense solar radiation causes thermal discomfort. This condition is expressed in biophysical indicators, in metabolic, endocrine, behavioral responses, and in body thermographic patterns. Therefore, the biometeorological monitoring of production is crucial to support decision-making regarding environmental management strategies, genetic selection of thermotolerant individuals, and increase in animal welfare. Lastly, the use of silvopastoral systems can help to provide higher thermal comfort, which is a condition that directly impacts the productivity of milk and meat buffaloes when they are raised in tropical regions, such as in the Eastern Amazon.
Objetivou-se apresentar aspectos relevantes sobre o ambiente amazônico e como este impacta no conforto térmico de búfalos domésticos (Bubalus bubalis) criados na Amazônia Oriental. Adicionalmente, são apresentadas estratégias para monitoramento e mitigação do estresse térmico animal, a partir de resultados de pesquisa com a espécie. Apesar dos búfalos domésticos serem considerados animais adaptáveis, a exposição à intensa radiação solar provoca desconforto térmico. Essa condição é expressa em indicadores biofísicos, nas respostas metabólicas, endócrinas, comportamentais e nos padrões termográficos corporais. Assim, o monitoramento biometeorológico da produção é crucial para subsidiar tomadas de decisão em relação a estratégias de manejo ambiental, seleção genética de indivíduos termotolerantes e incremento do bem-estar animal. Por fim, o uso de sistemas silvipastoris pode auxiliar na oferta de maior conforto térmico, que é uma condição que impacta diretamente na produtividade de bubalinos de leite e carne, quando estes são criados em regiões tropicais, como na Amazônia Oriental.
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Búfalos , Ecossistema Amazônico , Radiação SolarResumo
Transport is considered a stressful period for livestock that can cause economic and biological losses if inadequate handling procedures exist. Several manuals and guides include recommendations for common domestic species based on scientific evidence. Still, the legislative freedom of each country means that they are not mandatory worldwide, nor do they cover all species, such as the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). This review aims to analyze the legal strictures currently applicable to the transport of this species. Critical aspects of the legislation that address the pre-transport, transportation, and post-transport stages are discussed, focusing on Asian and Latin American countries and the European Union. Areas of opportunity to improve the norms and laws that impact public policies, civil aspects, and water buffalo welfare in production systems are elucidated.
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Búfalos , LegislaçãoResumo
It is well known that transporting livestock is stressful for the animals and a primary cause of skin lesions. The effects of transport on the water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) have not been studied extensively despite reports of high incidences of trauma during and after these mobilizations. The present review article analyzes the frequency of skin injuries suffered by water buffaloes during transport and several key contributing factors. It also discusses the consequences of injuries on the quality of carcasses. Important aspects identified include inappropriate vehicle design that does not comply with the dimensions recommended by international institutions (e.g., height, type of flooring, characteristics of the ramp), handling methods, and the ability of stock people to manage water buffaloes, all of which impact the incidence of injuries. Our analysis of these elements will contribute to identifying critical control points and areas of opportunity while also suggesting strategies to ensure the welfare of these animals during transport and the quality of water buffalo products and by-products.
Animais , Curtume , Meios de Transporte/métodos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Búfalos/lesões , Contusões/veterinária , Carne Vermelha/análise , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
O procedimento de imunocastração vem sendo utilizado como técnica alternativa amplamente favorável ao bem-estar animal, por ser indolor, pouco invasiva e com eficácia semelhante à da castração cirúrgica, que causa maior estresse aos animais, principalmente quando realizada de forma inadequada. A imunocastração estimula a produção de anticorpos contra o Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotrofina (GnRH), bloqueando temporariamente a produção da testosterona pelas gônadas masculinas. Face a escassez de informações sobre este procedimento em touros bubalinos, o estudo teve como objetivo analisar os possíveis efeitos da imunocastração no parênquima testicular de búfalos. Vinte touros bubalinos, com idade entre 2 a 3 anos, oriundos da ilha do Marajó PA, foram avaliados e divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos composto por dez animais no grupo controle (GC) e dez do grupo imunocastrado (GIM). O produto utilizado foi a vacina anti-GnRH Bopriva ® (Zoetis, SP, Brasil). O GIM recebeu duas doses de 1,0ml contendo 400µg da vacina Bopriva ® com intervalo de 8 semanas entre as aplicações e o grupo controle recebeu 1,0 ml de solução fisiológica. Após 14 dias da última dose, os animais foram abatidos e coletado os 20 pares de testículos para analises de parâmetros macroscópicos como: comprimento, largura, circunferência e peso. Além disso, foi realizada a retirada de fragmentos do parênquima testicular para confecção de lâminas histológicas. Para comparação dos dados foi aplicado o teste t de Student (Nonparametric Test) considerando a significância com p<0,05 e intervalo de confiança de 95%. Foi observado diferença significativa entre os dois grupos para grupos para peso (direto p<0001; esquerdo p≤ 0,0001), circunferência (direita p< <0,0001), 1; esquerda p<0,0001), ), largura (somente lado direito p<0,0372) e comprimento (direita p≤ 0,0013; esquerda p<0,0437). Na avaliação microscópica, os animais do GC não apresenteram alterações. Nos animais do GIM houve degeneração em todas as amostras, sendo visualizado descamação, tortuosidade e espessamento da membrana basal do túbulo seminífero, assim como vacuolização e atrofia das células de Sertoli. Foi observado também uma redução do número de células de Leydig, fibrose intertubular pronunciada, núcleos picnóticos, azoospermia e células multinucleadas no interior dos túbulos. Conclui-se a vacina anti-GnRH mostrou-se eficaz em provocar lesões no parênquima testicular, comprometendo significativamente a espermatogênese a partir da possível supressão de testosterona.(AU)
The immunocastration procedure has been used as an alternative technique widely favorable to animal welfare, as it is painless, minimally invasive and with similar efficacy to surgical castration, which causes greater stress to animals, especially when performed improperly. Immunocastration stimulates the production of antibodies against Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), temporarily blocking the production of testosterone by the male gonads. Due to the scarcity of information about this procedure in buffalo bulls, the study aimed to analyze the possible effects of immunocastration on the testicular parenchyma of buffaloes. Twenty buffalo bulls, aged between 2 and 3 years, from the island of Marajó - PA, were evaluated and randomly divided into two groups consisting of ten animals in the control group (CG) and ten from the immunocastrated group (GIM). The product used was the anti-GnRH vaccine Bopriva ® (Zoetis, SP, Brazil). The GIM received two doses of 1.0ml containing 400µg of Bopriva ® vaccine with an interval of 8 weeks between applications and the control group received 1.0 ml of saline solution. After 14 days of the last dose, the animals were slaughtered and the 20 pairs of testes were collected for analysis of macroscopic parameters such as: length, width, circumference and weight. In addition, fragments of the testicular parenchyma were removed for the preparation of histological slides. To compare the data, Student's t test (Nonparametric Test) was applied, considering the significance with p< 0.0372) and length (right p≤ 0.0013; left p<0.0437). In the microscopic evaluation, the animals of the CG showed no alterations. In the GIM animals there was degeneration in all samples, with desquamation, tortuosity and thickening of the seminiferous tubule basement membrane, as well as vacuolization and atrophy of Sertoli cells. A reduction in the number of Leydig cells, pronounced intertubular fibrosis, pyknotic nuclei, azoospermia and multinucleated cells within the tubules were also observed. In conclusion, the anti-GnRH vaccine proved to be effective in causing lesions in the testicular parenchyma, significantly compromising spermatogenesis from the possible suppression of testosterone.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Búfalos/fisiologia , Castração/veterinária , Receptores LHRH/imunologia , Epitélio Seminífero/imunologia , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Results on appropriate, inappropriate, and painful slaughtering methods of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) are discussed. Undesirable consequences of poor desensitization and/or slaughtering procedures, causing pain and suffering to animals, are also approached. These considerations are relevant as unsuitable methods can reduce consumer acceptance and commercial value of the meat obtained from animals undergoing deficient slaughtering procedures due to a lack of concern regarding their welfare. Relevant databases Scopus, Science Direct, and PubMedwere searched for this review, including keywords such as pain, slaughter, stunning, Bubalus bubalis, and animal welfare. A detailed description of river buffalo's encephalic anatomy was compared to cattle concerning correct stunning and slaughter methods. The neurobiological processes of pain felt by animals when inadequately desensitized was also examined. Finally, recent findings on stunning methods for buffaloes were discussed, including encephalography. It was concluded that different animal species may require different stunning methods; at the same time, the optimal anatomical site also varies between species. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to train the personnel performing these procedures (transport, stunning, slaughtering) to avoid mishandling that jeopardizes animal welfare by generating stimuli that trigger neurophysiological responses and, in turn, translate into pain during slaughter and reduced meat quality.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bovinos , Búfalos/anatomia & histologia , Nociceptividade/fisiologiaResumo
Results on appropriate, inappropriate, and painful slaughtering methods of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) are discussed. Undesirable consequences of poor desensitization and/or slaughtering procedures, causing pain and suffering to animals, are also approached. These considerations are relevant as unsuitable methods can reduce consumer acceptance and commercial value of the meat obtained from animals undergoing deficient slaughtering procedures due to a lack of concern regarding their welfare. Relevant databases Scopus, Science Direct, and PubMedwere searched for this review, including keywords such as pain, slaughter, stunning, Bubalus bubalis, and animal welfare. A detailed description of river buffalo's encephalic anatomy was compared to cattle concerning correct stunning and slaughter methods. The neurobiological processes of pain felt by animals when inadequately desensitized was also examined. Finally, recent findings on stunning methods for buffaloes were discussed, including encephalography. It was concluded that different animal species may require different stunning methods; at the same time, the optimal anatomical site also varies between species. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to train the personnel performing these procedures (transport, stunning, slaughtering) to avoid mishandling that jeopardizes animal welfare by generating stimuli that trigger neurophysiological responses and, in turn, translate into pain during slaughter and reduced meat quality.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bovinos , Búfalos/anatomia & histologia , Nociceptividade/fisiologiaResumo
Results on appropriate, inappropriate, and painful slaughtering methods of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) are discussed. Undesirable consequences of poor desensitization and/or slaughtering procedures, causing pain and suffering to animals, are also approached. These considerations are relevant as unsuitable methods can reduce consumer acceptance and commercial value of the meat obtained from animals undergoing deficient slaughtering procedures due to a lack of concern regarding their welfare. Relevant databases Scopus, Science Direct, and PubMed were searched for this review, including keywords such as pain, slaughter, stunning, Bubalus bubalis, and animal welfare. A detailed description of river buffalo's encephalic anatomy was compared to cattle concerning correct stunning and slaughter methods. The neurobiological processes of pain felt by animals when inadequately desensitized was also examined. Finally, recent findings on stunning methods for buffaloes were discussed, including encephalography. It was concluded that different animal species may require different stunning methods; at the same time, the optimal anatomical site also varies between species. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to train the personnel performing these procedures (transport, stunning, slaughtering) to avoid mishandling that jeopardizes animal welfare by generating stimuli that trigger neurophysiological responses and, in turn, translate into pain during slaughter and reduced meat quality.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/anatomia & histologia , Nociceptividade/fisiologiaResumo
The present review aims to analyze the effect of extremely hot climates on the neurophysiological responses of thermal control and behavior in the river buffalo. Understanding thermal neuromodulation and its effects on the buffalo's behavior is of central importance, for this will allow us to make better decisions in terms of improving the level of welfare of buffaloes living in environments characterized by extreme heat, such as the humid tropics. The thermoregulation process involves a complex mechanism that begins with the integration of peripheral signals that are sent to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brainstem and then to the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus to generate physiological variations such as vasodilatation to dissipate heat under conditions of thermal stress, or vasoconstriction to conserve heat upon the perception of cold stimuli. The thermal biology of the river buffalo is based on several different adaptation mechanisms. The infrared thermography (IRT) technique will be of great help in this area because it permits the detection of vascular microcirculation changes in different thermal windows under adverse climatic conditions. Although buffaloes are classified as rustic animals, it is important to take into account their morpho-physiology and thermoregulation mechanisms to prevent thermal stress and the resulting poor welfare and reduced productivity. However, if appropriate thermoregulation facilities are provided (i.e., ponds, pools, potholes, or swampy areas), buffaloes can properly thermoregulate and tolerate high ambient temperatures. Therefore, they may represent a good option and an appropriate animal-based enterprise under climate change and global warming conditions.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologiaResumo
The present review aims to analyze the effect of extremely hot climates on the neurophysiological responses of thermal control and behavior in the river buffalo. Understanding thermal neuromodulation and its effects on the buffalo's behavior is of central importance, for this will allow us to make better decisions in terms of improving the level of welfare of buffaloes living in environments characterized by extreme heat, such as the humid tropics. The thermoregulation process involves a complex mechanism that begins with the integration of peripheral signals that are sent to the lateral parabrachial nucleus of the brainstem and then to the preoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus to generate physiological variations such as vasodilatation to dissipate heat under conditions of thermal stress, or vasoconstriction to conserve heat upon the perception of cold stimuli. The thermal biology of the river buffalo is based on several different adaptation mechanisms. The infrared thermography (IRT) technique will be of great help in this area because it permits the detection of vascular microcirculation changes in different thermal windows under adverse climatic conditions. Although buffaloes are classified as rustic animals, it is important to take into account their morpho-physiology and thermoregulation mechanisms to prevent thermal stress and the resulting poor welfare and reduced productivity. However, if appropriate thermoregulation facilities are provided (i.e., ponds, pools, potholes, or swampy areas), buffaloes can properly thermoregulate and tolerate high ambient temperatures. Therefore, they may represent a good option and an appropriate animal-based enterprise under climate change and global warming conditions.
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologiaResumo
The present study aimed to determine the optimum agricultural policy components for buffalo breeding respecting the welfare of breeders. The data used for the study was composed of microdata retrieved from buffalo breeders in Turkish provinces, where buffalo breeding is widespread. The data retrieved via face to face survey was analyzed and interpreted with descriptive statistics and Conjoint Analysis, which is one of the multivariate analysis techniques. In this study, we investigated and discussed the scope of supporting policies provided to buffalo breeders to promote buffalo breeding and to assure its sustainability. Besides, this research is a preliminary and innovative study that intended to focus on breeders' utility in the evaluation of supports provided to buffalo breeding. According to the findings, the most critical factor for buffalo breeders in terms of producer-oriented policy framework appeared as "subsidy in cash paid per head" (32.10%), which was followed by "investment support" with 21.25%. In addition to these tools, "marketing support" (16.51%), "product support" (16.18%), and "investment credit" (13.96%) appeared as essential and vital policy tools.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Búfalos/fisiologia , 24444 , PeruResumo
Information on approaches to weaning zebu (Bos indicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves is scarce in proportion to studies of breeds of B. taurus cattle, whetherdairy or beef. Little research has been done to test or validate methods evolved in cattle-ranching to these other species.Hence, expanding our understanding of appropriate, species specific methods of weaning could support the development ofapproaches or strategies that have the potential to improve animal welfare and productive performance in temperate or tropical climes. This review focuses on traditional and currentweaning strategies in an attempt to improve productivity and animal welfare for water buffaloes and zebus. For the case of the water buffalo, it examines common, routine weaningtechniques and procedures as well as novel approaches, while for the zebu it discusses abrupt versus gradual and early versuslate weaning as strategies and routines usually employed during this process. Finally, it analyses how new weaning techniques may reduce stress while enhancing productivity atthe same time. These approaches include fence-line weaning, nose-flaps (plastic devices that prevent the calf from grabbing a teat to suckle), restricted suckling and a section on practicaltips to decrease the stress induced by weaning in zebus. A better understanding of certain weaning techniques could, therefore, benefit calf welfare while simultaneously increasingcows' reproductive performance. Unfortunately, data on such approaches is scant, so despite published findings, several key issues remain unsolved living room for additional studies.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , DesmameResumo
Information on approaches to weaning zebu (Bos indicus) and water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves is scarce in proportion to studies of breeds of B. taurus cattle, whetherdairy or beef. Little research has been done to test or validate methods evolved in cattle-ranching to these other species.Hence, expanding our understanding of appropriate, species specific methods of weaning could support the development ofapproaches or strategies that have the potential to improve animal welfare and productive performance in temperate or tropical climes. This review focuses on traditional and currentweaning strategies in an attempt to improve productivity and animal welfare for water buffaloes and zebus. For the case of the water buffalo, it examines common, routine weaningtechniques and procedures as well as novel approaches, while for the zebu it discusses abrupt versus gradual and early versuslate weaning as strategies and routines usually employed during this process. Finally, it analyses how new weaning techniques may reduce stress while enhancing productivity atthe same time. These approaches include fence-line weaning, nose-flaps (plastic devices that prevent the calf from grabbing a teat to suckle), restricted suckling and a section on practicaltips to decrease the stress induced by weaning in zebus. A better understanding of certain weaning techniques could, therefore, benefit calf welfare while simultaneously increasingcows' reproductive performance. Unfortunately, data on such approaches is scant, so despite published findings, several key issues remain unsolved living room for additional studies.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Búfalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , DesmameResumo
O bem-estar dos animais de produção vem recebendo crescente atenção à medida que os consumidores têm se mostrado mais preocupados com a maneira como os animais de produção são tratados. Nesse sentido, a interação humano-animal tem importância na produção agropecuária, pois a preocupação com o bem-estar animal está diretamente relacionada à melhoria na rotina de manejo das fazendas. Além disso, é comprovado cientificamente que a relação humano-animal tem potencial para causar impactos positivos ou negativos na produtividade e no bem-estar das diferentes espécies dos animais de produção. Dessa maneira, a relação entre a interação humano-animal e o bem-estar dos animais de produção leiteira são discutidos nessa revisão, com o propósito de mostrar a importância da implantação das boas práticas no manejo de ruminantes leiteiros.
The welfare of farm animals has been receiving increasingly attention from consumers, as they have been more concerned about the way that farm animals are treated. In this sense, human-animal interaction has an important role in livestock production, since the concern about farm animal welfare is directly related to the improvement in the farm management routines. Additionally, it is scientifically proven that the human-animal relationship has the potential to cause positive or negative impacts on the productivity and welfare of farm animals. The relationship between human-animal interaction and the welfare of dairy ruminants is addressed in this review, with the purpose of showing the importance of implementing good practices of handling of dairy ruminants.
El bienestar de los animales recibe cada vez más atención por los consumidores, que están preocupados por cómo los animales de producción son tratados. En este sentido, la interacción humano-animal es importante en la producción ganadera, ya que la preocupación con el bienestar animal está directamente relacionada con la mejora en la rutina de manejo de las granjas. Además, está científicamente comprobado que la relación humano-animal tiene un impacto en la productividad y el bienestar de las diferentes especies de animales de producción. Por lo tanto, tratamos de discutir la relación entre la interacción humano-animal y el bienestar de los animales de producción de leche en esta revisión, con el objetivo de mostrar la importancia de la implementación de buenas prácticas de manejo en los sistemas de producción ganadera.
Humanos , Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento Social , Bovinos , Búfalos , Indústria Agropecuária/métodos , Ovinos , RuminantesResumo
O bem-estar dos animais de produção vem recebendo crescente atenção à medida que os consumidores têm se mostrado mais preocupados com a maneira como os animais de produção são tratados. Nesse sentido, a interação humano-animal tem importância na produção agropecuária, pois a preocupação com o bem-estar animal está diretamente relacionada à melhoria na rotina de manejo das fazendas. Além disso, é comprovado cientificamente que a relação humano-animal tem potencial para causar impactos positivos ou negativos na produtividade e no bem-estar das diferentes espécies dos animais de produção. Dessa maneira, a relação entre a interação humano-animal e o bem-estar dos animais de produção leiteira são discutidos nessa revisão, com o propósito de mostrar a importância da implantação das boas práticas no manejo de ruminantes leiteiros.(AU)
The welfare of farm animals has been receiving increasingly attention from consumers, as they have been more concerned about the way that farm animals are treated. In this sense, human-animal interaction has an important role in livestock production, since the concern about farm animal welfare is directly related to the improvement in the farm management routines. Additionally, it is scientifically proven that the human-animal relationship has the potential to cause positive or negative impacts on the productivity and welfare of farm animals. The relationship between human-animal interaction and the welfare of dairy ruminants is addressed in this review, with the purpose of showing the importance of implementing good practices of handling of dairy ruminants.(AU)
El bienestar de los animales recibe cada vez más atención por los consumidores, que están preocupados por cómo los animales de producción son tratados. En este sentido, la interacción humano-animal es importante en la producción ganadera, ya que la preocupación con el bienestar animal está directamente relacionada con la mejora en la rutina de manejo de las granjas. Además, está científicamente comprobado que la relación humano-animal tiene un impacto en la productividad y el bienestar de las diferentes especies de animales de producción. Por lo tanto, tratamos de discutir la relación entre la interacción humano-animal y el bienestar de los animales de producción de leche en esta revisión, con el objetivo de mostrar la importancia de la implementación de buenas prácticas de manejo en los sistemas de producción ganadera.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento Social , Bovinos , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Búfalos , Indústria Agropecuária/métodosResumo
Awareness of the physiological changes that occur when animals are subjected to climatic changes that are considered stressful is essential to maintain animal welfare and to be able to exploit their reproductive potential efficiently and rationally. The present study was carried out to evaluate climatic variables' influence on physiological parameters, and Murrah buffalo ejaculates reared in a humid tropical climate in the Amazon. The immediate analyzes pertinent to the physical and morphological characteristics of the ejaculates were carried out and corresponded in the rainy season (RS) volume of 3.4±2.0mL; the mass activity of 4.4±0.5; motility of 80.4±5.6%; vigor of 4.4±0.4; concentration of 657,300±237,865.1 x 106sptz/mL; major defects of 9.0±2.6%; minor defects of 11.2±3.9%; total defects 20.2±5.3% and sperm plasma membrane integrity (SPMI) 84.8±5.6%, whereas in the non-rainy season (nRS), the results were 4.0±2.1mL; the mass activity of 3.0±1.0; motility of 56.2±13.4%; vigor of 3.0±1.0; concentration of 586,000±291,925.9 x 106sptz/mL; major defects of 20.8±9.9%; minor defects of 27.5±6.3%; total defects 48.3±9.3% and SPMI of 57.9±12.4%. Furthermore, a statistical difference (P<0.05) was observed for the parameters mass activity, motility, vigor, major defects, minor defects, total defects, and sperm plasma membrane integrity between both periods. The data on heart frequency, superficial temperature (head, back, groin, and scrotal pouch) showed a statistical difference between both periods (P<0.05). To conclude is necessary specific management in the non-rainy season that thermal stress is not a determining factor in reducing the reproductive quality of buffaloes; it is necessary to use means to improve animal welfare; one alternative is to use baths regularly for these animals or provide constant access to areas of rivers or lakes, as well as shading, preventing the buffaloes from being directly exposed to the unfavorable thermal environment.(AU)
O conhecimento das alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem quando os animais são submetidos a alterações climatológicas consideradas estressantes é fundamental para manter o bem-estar animal, e poder explorar o seu potencial reprodutivo de forma eficiente e racional. O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de variáveis climáticas sobre parâmetros fisiológicos e de ejaculados de búfalos, da raça Murrah, criados em clima tropical úmido da Amazônia. As análises imediatas pertinentes às características físicas e morfológicas dos ejaculados foram realizadas e corresponderam no período chuvoso (PCh) o volume de 3,4±2,0mL, turbilhonamento de 4,4±0,5; motilidade de 80,4±5,6%; vigor de 4,4±0,4; concentração de 657.300±237.865,1 x 106sptz/mL; defeitos maiores de 9,0±2,6%; defeitos menores de 11,2±3,9%; defeitos totais de 20,2±5,3% e integridade da membrana plasmática (IMP) de 84,8±5,6%, enquanto que no período não chuvoso (PnCh), os resultados foram de 4,0±2,1mL; turbilhonamento de 3,0±1,0; motilidade de 56,2±13,4%; vigor de 3,0±1,0; concentração de 586.000±291.925,9 x 106sptz/mL; defeitos maiores de 20,8±9,9%; defeitos menores de 27,5±6,3%; defeitos totais de 48,3±9,3% e IMP de 57,9±12,4%. Observou-se diferença estatística (P<0,05) para os parâmetros movimento de massa, motilidade, vigor, defeitos maiores, defeitos menores, defeitos totais e integridade da membrana plasmática entre os dois períodos. Dados de frequência cardíaca, temperatura superficial (cabeça, dorso, virilha e bolsa escrotal) diferiram estatisticamente entre os períodos (P<0,05). Conclui-se que se faz necessário usar de um manejo específico no período não chuvoso para que o estresse térmico não seja um fator determinante na redução da qualidade reprodutiva dos búfalos, para isto se faz necessário utilizar de meios para melhorar o bem-estar animal, sendo uma das alternativas fazer uso de banhos regularmente para estes animais, ou disponibilizar acesso constante destes a áreas de rios ou lagos, assim como sombreamentos, evitando que os búfalos fiquem expostos diretamente ao ambiente térmico desfavorável.(AU)
Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Búfalos/fisiologia , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Bem-Estar do Animal , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
Awareness of the physiological changes that occur when animals are subjected to climatic changes that are considered stressful is essential to maintain animal welfare and to be able to exploit their reproductive potential efficiently and rationally. The present study was carried out to evaluate climatic variables' influence on physiological parameters, and Murrah buffalo ejaculates reared in a humid tropical climate in the Amazon. The immediate analyzes pertinent to the physical and morphological characteristics of the ejaculates were carried out and corresponded in the rainy season (RS) volume of 3.4±2.0mL; the mass activity of 4.4±0.5; motility of 80.4±5.6%; vigor of 4.4±0.4; concentration of 657,300±237,865.1 x 106sptz/mL; major defects of 9.0±2.6%; minor defects of 11.2±3.9%; total defects 20.2±5.3% and sperm plasma membrane integrity (SPMI) 84.8±5.6%, whereas in the non-rainy season (nRS), the results were 4.0±2.1mL; the mass activity of 3.0±1.0; motility of 56.2±13.4%; vigor of 3.0±1.0; concentration of 586,000±291,925.9 x 106sptz/mL; major defects of 20.8±9.9%; minor defects of 27.5±6.3%; total defects 48.3±9.3% and SPMI of 57.9±12.4%. Furthermore, a statistical difference (P<0.05) was observed for the parameters mass activity, motility, vigor, major defects, minor defects, total defects, and sperm plasma membrane integrity between both periods. The data on heart frequency, superficial temperature (head, back, groin, and scrotal pouch) showed a statistical difference between both periods (P<0.05). To conclude is necessary specific management in the non-rainy season that thermal stress is not a determining factor in reducing the reproductive quality of buffaloes; it is necessary to use means to improve animal welfare; one alternative is to use baths regularly for these animals or provide constant access to areas of rivers or lakes, as well as shading, preventing the buffaloes from being directly exposed to the unfavorable thermal environment.(AU)
O conhecimento das alterações fisiológicas que ocorrem quando os animais são submetidos a alterações climatológicas consideradas estressantes é fundamental para manter o bem-estar animal, e poder explorar o seu potencial reprodutivo de forma eficiente e racional. O presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar a influência de variáveis climáticas sobre parâmetros fisiológicos e de ejaculados de búfalos, da raça Murrah, criados em clima tropical úmido da Amazônia. As análises imediatas pertinentes às características físicas e morfológicas dos ejaculados foram realizadas e corresponderam no período chuvoso (PCh) o volume de 3,4±2,0mL, turbilhonamento de 4,4±0,5; motilidade de 80,4±5,6%; vigor de 4,4±0,4; concentração de 657.300±237.865,1 x 106sptz/mL; defeitos maiores de 9,0±2,6%; defeitos menores de 11,2±3,9%; defeitos totais de 20,2±5,3% e integridade da membrana plasmática (IMP) de 84,8±5,6%, enquanto que no período não chuvoso (PnCh), os resultados foram de 4,0±2,1mL; turbilhonamento de 3,0±1,0; motilidade de 56,2±13,4%; vigor de 3,0±1,0; concentração de 586.000±291.925,9 x 106sptz/mL; defeitos maiores de 20,8±9,9%; defeitos menores de 27,5±6,3%; defeitos totais de 48,3±9,3% e IMP de 57,9±12,4%. Observou-se diferença estatística (P<0,05) para os parâmetros movimento de massa, motilidade, vigor, defeitos maiores, defeitos menores, defeitos totais e integridade da membrana plasmática entre os dois períodos. Dados de frequência cardíaca, temperatura superficial (cabeça, dorso, virilha e bolsa escrotal) diferiram estatisticamente entre os períodos (P<0,05). Conclui-se que se faz necessário usar de um manejo específico no período não chuvoso para que o estresse térmico não seja um fator determinante na redução da qualidade reprodutiva dos búfalos, para isto se faz necessário utilizar de meios para melhorar o bem-estar animal, sendo uma das alternativas fazer uso de banhos regularmente para estes animais, ou disponibilizar acesso constante destes a áreas de rios ou lagos, assim como sombreamentos, evitando que os búfalos fiquem expostos diretamente ao ambiente térmico desfavorável.(AU)
Animais , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Búfalos/fisiologia , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Bem-Estar do Animal , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
The objective of this review article is to discuss and analyze the most important scientific findings from studies of vascular microcirculation in the river buffalo using infrared thermography (IRT), as well as the thermal windows utilizedwith this species. The goals are to define the scope and areas of opportunity for IRT use in evaluating physiological processes and identifying potential applications in reproductive events associated with andrological traits inmales and the detection of estrus and udder health in females. IRT has allowed the development of diverse perspectives regarding the comparative physiology of events likethermogenesis, peripheral blood flow, respiratory physiology, and mechanisms that reduce body temperature. The case of the river buffalo is no exception. According to the information analyzed, the temperatures of the orbital area, muzzle, andvulva have proven efficient for evaluating thermal comfort, a particularly important aspect of this species given its limited thermoregulating capacity and constant exposure to extremetemperatures. Evaluating scrotal temperature has been revealed as an appropriate tool for evaluating semen quality, while the surface temperature of the udder is useful in assessing mammary development in female buffaloes, two aspects of great zootechnical importance. In future studies, IRT will play a fundamental role in enhancing our understanding of the river buffalo's mechanisms of vascular microcirculation, with applications in productivity and behavior.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Bovinos , Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Termografia/tendências , Termografia/veterinária , Búfalos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiaçãoResumo
The objective of this review article is to discuss and analyze the most important scientific findings from studies of vascular microcirculation in the river buffalo using infrared thermography (IRT), as well as the thermal windows utilizedwith this species. The goals are to define the scope and areas of opportunity for IRT use in evaluating physiological processes and identifying potential applications in reproductive events associated with andrological traits inmales and the detection of estrus and udder health in females. IRT has allowed the development of diverse perspectives regarding the comparative physiology of events likethermogenesis, peripheral blood flow, respiratory physiology, and mechanisms that reduce body temperature. The case of the river buffalo is no exception. According to the information analyzed, the temperatures of the orbital area, muzzle, andvulva have proven efficient for evaluating thermal comfort, a particularly important aspect of this species given its limited thermoregulating capacity and constant exposure to extremetemperatures. Evaluating scrotal temperature has been revealed as an appropriate tool for evaluating semen quality, while the surface temperature of the udder is useful in assessing mammary development in female buffaloes, two aspects of great zootechnical importance. In future studies, IRT will play a fundamental role in enhancing our understanding of the river buffalo's mechanisms of vascular microcirculation, with applications in productivity and behavior.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Búfalos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação , Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Termografia/tendências , Termografia/veterináriaResumo
In South America, fascioliasis caused by the trematode Fasciola hepatica is an anthropozoonosis disease associated with significant economic losses and poor animal welfare. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of F. hepatica in the liver of buffaloes slaughtered from 2003 to 2017 in Brazil, and to perform a forecast analysis of the disease for the next five years using the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. Data analysis revealed an incidence of 7,187 cases out of 226,561 individuals. The disease presented a considerable interannual variation (p 0.005). Fasciola hepatica was more prevalent in the southern states of Brazil; Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, and Santa Catarina, presenting 11.9, 7.7, and 3.2% of infected livers, respectively. The high frequency of liver condemnation in Paraná was influenced by weather conditions. The ARIMA models calculated a constant trend of the disease, depicting an average of its future prevalence. The models also described a worse-case and a positive-case scenario, calculating the effects of intervention measurements. In reality, there is an urgent need for regular diagnostic in the animals (fecal and immune diagnose) and in the environment (intermediate host), in order to avoid the high rates of infection.(AU)
Na América do Sul, a fasciolose causada pelo Trematoda Fasciola hepatica é uma antropozoonose associada a perdas econômicas significativas e baixo grau de bem-estar animal. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de F. hepatica no fígado de búfalos abatidos entre 2003 a 2017 e realizar uma análise de previsão da doença para os próximos cinco anos, utilizando o modelo Auto-Regressivo Integrado de Médias Móveis (ARIMA). A análise dos dados revelou uma incidência total de 7.187 casos em 226.561 indivíduos. Houve um acentuado grau de variação interanual nas taxas de prevalência (p 0,005). Fasciola hepatica foi mais prevalente nos estados do sul do Brasil; Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, com 11,9; 7,7; e 3,2% de fígados condenados, respectivamente. A alta incidência de condenação de fígado no Paraná foi influenciada pelo fator climático. Os modelos ARIMA indicaram uma tendência constante na ocorrência da doença, destacando um padrão futuro da doença. Os modelos também descreveram cenários de piora e de possível melhoria, calculando os efeitos de medidas de intervenção. Assim, existe a urgência de realizar diagnóstico constante nos animais (coprológico e diagnóstico imunológico) e no ambiente, para que se evite os altos índices de infecção.(AU)
Animais , Búfalos/parasitologia , Fasciola/parasitologia , Fasciola/patogenicidade , TrematódeosResumo
Os consumidores estão cada vez mais exigindo por produtos de origem animal produzidos com qualidade, segurança, saúde e respeito ao bem-estar-animal. O manejo correto de búfalas, que consiste principalmente na obediência de requisitos alimentares e ambientais, permite a produção de alimentos com ótima qualidade nutricional. Devido a isso, é primordial a divulgação de técnicas de manejo que visam incentivar a melhoria de vida desses animais e das características de seus produtos obtidos. Existem métodos eficazes para o monitoramento do bem-estar, sendo considerados alternativas de gerenciamento e assessoria dos proprietários, bem como requisito fundamental para o cumprimento da legislação em sistemas de garantia de qualidade para os consumidores. Há várias categorias de indicadores utilizadas para avaliar o bem-estar-animal, dentre elas: as medições comportamentais, incidência de problemas de saúde, nível de produtividade, regime de alimentação e procedimentos de ordenha. Atualmente, o conhecimento da qualidade de vida dos animais tornou-se uma importante questão para a maioria dos consumidores, principalmente quanto ao atendimento dos requisitos de saúde e nutrição. Nesse sentido, esse trabalho propôs descrever a influência das características comportamentais e de bem-estar em búfalas leiteiras sobre a capacidade produtiva animal, por meio de uma revisão de literatura. Para elaboração deste estudo foram utilizados livros, periódicos, sites com publicações online encontradas no Google Acadêmico, Scielo, Bireme e Pubmed. Após as descrições, verificou-se que as búfalas são animais que permitem produzir alimentos de ótima qualidade nutritiva aos humanos e que é necessário que os produtores tenham conhecimento do manejo correto desses animais, principalmente quanto na observância dos requisitos nutricionais, sanitários e ambientais.(AU)
Consumers are increasingly demanding for products of animal origin produced with quality, reliabity, health and respect for animal welfare. The correct management of buffaloes, which consists mainly in the obedience of food and environmental requirements, allows the production of food with excellent nutritional quality. Due to this, it is primordial the dissemination of management techniques that aim the improvement of the animals quality of life and the characteristics of the products obtained from the activity. There are effective methods for monitoring welfare and they are considered to be alternative management and consulting services for owners, as well as a fundamental requirement for compliance with quality assurance systems for consumers. There are several categories of indicators used to evaluate animal welfare, among them: behavioral measures, incidence of health problems, productivity level, feeding regime and milking procedures. Currently, the knowledge of animal quality of life has become an important issue for most consumers, especially in meeting health and nutrition requirements. In this sense, this work proposes to describe the influence of behavioral and welfare characteristics on dairy buffaloes over the animal productive capacity, through a literature review. For the preparation of this study, were used books, periodicals, sites with online publications found in Google Academic, Scielo, Bireme and PubMed. After the descriptions, it was verified that the buffaloes are animals that allow to produce foods of excellent nutritional quality to the humans and that it is necessary that the producers have knowledge of the correct handling of these animals, mainly as far as the observance of the nutritional, sanitary and environmental requirements.(AU)
Los consumidores están cada vez más exigiendo por productos de origen animal producidos con calidad, seguridad, salud y respeto del bienestar animal. El manejo correcto de búfalas, que consiste principalmente en la obediencia de requisitos alimentarios y ambiental, permite la producción de alimentos con óptima calidad nutricional. Debido a esto, es primordial la divulgación de técnicas de manejo con el fin de fomentar la mejora de la vida de estos animales y de las características de sus productos obtenidos. Existen métodos eficaces para el monitoreo del bienestar, siendo considerados alternativas de gestión y asesoría de los propietarios, así como un requisito fundamental para el cumplimiento de la legislación en sistemas de garantía de calidad para los consumidores. Existen varias categorías de indicadores utilizados para evaluar el bienestar animal, entre ellas: las mediciones de comportamiento, la incidencia de problemas de salud, nivel de productividad, régimen de alimentación y procedimientos de ordeño. Actualmente, el conocimiento de la calidad de vida de los animales se ha convertido en una importante cuestión para la mayoría de los consumidores, principalmente en cuanto a la atención de los requisitos de salud y nutrición. En ese sentido, este trabajo propuso describir la influencia de las características comportamentales y de bienestar en búfalas lecheras sobre la capacidad productiva animal, por medio de una revisión de literatura. Para la elaboración de este estudio se utilizaron libros, periódicos, sitios con publicaciones en línea encontradas en Google Acadêmico, Scielo, Bireme e Pubmed. Después de las descripciones, se verificó que las búfalas son animales que permiten producir alimentos de óptima calidad nutritiva a los humanos y que es necesario que los productores tengan conocimiento del manejo correcto de estos animales, principalmente en cuanto a la observancia de los requisitos nutricionales, sanitarios y ambientales.(AU)