Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power [...].
Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em não humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial [...].
Aloe , Fitoterapia , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power [...].(AU)
Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em não humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial [...].(AU)
Aloe , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , FitoterapiaResumo
Abstract Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: Aloe, Burns and treatment. 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power (0.047 mM equivalent ferrous sulfate / mg extract), that is, greater potential for free radical scavenging and also a protective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), suggesting evidence of a bioactive potential of A. vera . However, in the article Kolacz et al. (2014) suggested as an alternative treatment the use of Aloe Vera dressing in combination with honey, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root, wormwood, comfrey root, white oak bark, lobelia inflata, glycerin vegetable oil, beeswax and myrrh, without obtaining significant and conclusive results that would allow the conventional treatment of burns to be subsidized. Finally, in the article by Zurita and Gallegos (2017), it carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study with 321 people, both sexes between 17-76 years of age, of an inductive nature, exploring the experience of this population and their behavioral attitudes regarding the treatment of dermatoses. Aloe vera had 13.8% cited by individuals in the treatment of acne and 33.6% in the treatment of burns. Even with evidence that suggests the efficacy in the treatment of burns with the use of Aloe Vera extract, further clinical trials with larger sample space on the use of Aloe vera dressings in medium burns are suggested for further conclusions.
Resumo Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: Aloe, Burns and treatment. Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em nao humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial de eliminação de radicais livres e também efeito proteror contra o estresse oxidativo induzido por hidroperóxido de terc-butila (t-BHP), sugerindo indícios de um potencial bioativo da A. vera. Porém, no artigo Kolacz et al. (2014) sugeriu como tratamento alternativo o uso do curativo com Aloe Vera em conjunto de mel, lanolina, azeite de oliva, óleo de gérmen de trigo, raiz de marshmallow, absinto, raiz de confrei, casca de carvalho branco, lobelia inflata, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha e mirra, não obtendo resultados significativos e conclusivos que permitam subsidiar o tratamento convencional das queimaduras. Por fim, no artigo de Zurita and Gallegos (2017), realizou um estudo descritivo transversal com 321 pessoas, ambos os sexos entre 17-76 anos, de natureza indutiva, explorando a vivência dessa população e suas atitudes comportamentais quanto ao tratamento de dermatoses. Aloe vera teve 13,8% citada pelos indivíduos no tratamento de acne e 33,6% no tratamento de queimaduras. Mesmo tendo evidências que sugerem a eficácia no tratamento de queimaduras com o uso do extrato da Aloe Vera, sugere-se mais ensaios clínicos com espaço amostral maior sobre o uso de curativos de Aloe vera em médio queimados para maiores conclusões.
Abstract Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power (0.047 mM equivalent ferrous sulfate / mg extract), that is, greater potential for free radical scavenging and also a protective effect against oxidative stress induced by tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP), suggesting evidence of a bioactive potential of A. vera . However, in the article Kolacz et al. (2014) suggested as an alternative treatment the use of Aloe Vera dressing in combination with honey, lanolin, olive oil, wheat germ oil, marshmallow root, wormwood, comfrey root, white oak bark, lobelia inflata, glycerin vegetable oil, beeswax and myrrh, without obtaining significant and conclusive results that would allow the conventional treatment of burns to be subsidized. Finally, in the article by Zurita and Gallegos (2017), it carried out a descriptive cross-sectional study with 321 people, both sexes between 17-76 years of age, of an inductive nature, exploring the experience of this population and their behavioral attitudes regarding the treatment of dermatoses. Aloe vera had 13.8% cited by individuals in the treatment of acne and 33.6% in the treatment of burns. Even with evidence that suggests the efficacy in the treatment of burns with the use of Aloe Vera extract, further clinical trials with larger sample space on the use of Aloe vera dressings in medium burns are suggested for further conclusions.
Resumo Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em nao humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial de eliminação de radicais livres e também efeito proteror contra o estresse oxidativo induzido por hidroperóxido de terc-butila (t-BHP), sugerindo indícios de um potencial bioativo da A. vera. Porém, no artigo Kolacz et al. (2014) sugeriu como tratamento alternativo o uso do curativo com Aloe Vera em conjunto de mel, lanolina, azeite de oliva, óleo de gérmen de trigo, raiz de marshmallow, absinto, raiz de confrei, casca de carvalho branco, lobelia inflata, glicerina vegetal, cera de abelha e mirra, não obtendo resultados significativos e conclusivos que permitam subsidiar o tratamento convencional das queimaduras. Por fim, no artigo de Zurita and Gallegos (2017), realizou um estudo descritivo transversal com 321 pessoas, ambos os sexos entre 17-76 anos, de natureza indutiva, explorando a vivência dessa população e suas atitudes comportamentais quanto ao tratamento de dermatoses. Aloe vera teve 13,8% citada pelos indivíduos no tratamento de acne e 33,6% no tratamento de queimaduras. Mesmo tendo evidências que sugerem a eficácia no tratamento de queimaduras com o uso do extrato da Aloe Vera, sugere-se mais ensaios clínicos com espaço amostral maior sobre o uso de curativos de Aloe vera em médio queimados para maiores conclusões.
Humanos , Plantas Medicinais , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , Aloe , Cicatrização , Extratos Vegetais/uso terapêutico , Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Estudos TransversaisResumo
Purpose: To investigate putative mechanism of wound healing for chitosan-based bisacurone gel against secondary burn wounds in rats. Methods: A second-degree burn wound with an open flame using mixed fuel (2 mL, 20 seconds) was induced in Sprague Dawley rats (male, 180-220 g, n = 15, each) followed by topical treatments with either vehicle control (white petroleum gel, 1%), silver sulfadiazine (1%) or bisacurone gel (2.5, 5, or 10%) for 20 days. Wound contraction rate and paw withdrawal threshold were monitored on various days. Oxidative stress (superoxide dismutase, glutathione, malondialdehyde, and nitric oxide), pro-inflammatory cytokines (tumour necrosis factor-alpha, interleukins by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), growth factors (transforming growth factor-ß, vascular endothelial growth factor C using real time polymerase chain reaction and Western blot assay) levels, and histology of wound skin were assessed at the end. Results: Bisacurone gel showed 98.72% drug release with a 420.90442.70 cps viscosity. Bisacurone gel (5 and 10%) significantly (p < 0.05) improved wound contraction rate and paw withdrawal threshold. Bisacurone gel attenuated oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and water content. It also enhanced angiogenesis (hydroxyproline and growth factor) and granulation in wound tissue than vehicle control. Conclusions: These findings suggested that bisacurone gel can be a potential candidate to treat burn wounds via its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and angiogenic properties.
Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , Inibidores da Angiogênese , Quitosana/administração & dosagem , Anti-Inflamatórios , AntioxidantesResumo
Purpose: The effects of hesperidin application on the wound caused by esophageal burns were investigated in this study. Methods: Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: Control group: only 1 mL of 0.09% NaCl was administered i.p. for 28 days; Burn group: An alkaline esophageal burn model was created with 0.2 mL of 25% NaOH orally by gavage1 mL of 0.09% NaCl was administered i.p. for 28 days; Burn+Hesperidin group: 1 mL of 50 mL/kg of hesperidin was given i.p. for 28 days to rats after burn injury. Blood samples were collected for biochemical analysis. Esophagus samples were processed for histochemical staining and immunohistochemistry. Results: Malondialdehyde (MDA) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) levels were significantly increased in Burn group. Glutathione (GSH) content and histological scores of epithelialization, collagen formation, neovascularization was decreased. After hesperidin treatment, these values were significantly improved in the Burn+Hesperidin group. In the Burn group, epithelial cells and muscular layers were degenerated. Hesperidin treatment restored these pathologies in Burn+Hesperidin group. Ki-67 and caspase-3 expressions were mainly negative in control group; however, the expression was increased in the Burn group. In the Burn+Hesperidin group, Ki-67 and caspase-3 immune activities were reduced. Conclusion: Hesperidin dosage and application methods can be developed as an alternative treatment for burn healing and treatment.
Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Apoptose , Antígeno Ki-67 , Esôfago/lesões , Caspase 3 , Hesperidina/administração & dosagem , QueimadurasResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the morphometric, macroscopic and microscopic aspects of experimentally induced partial-thickness burns in rats treated with different silver-based dressings. Methods: Wistar rats were used, divided into six treatments: saline (NaCl 0.9%); silver sulfadiazine 1%; Silvercel; Mepilex Ag; Aquacel Ag and Acticoat. The animals were monitored daily and euthanized at 7, 14 and 30 days after injury induction (DAI). Results: At 7 DAI, necrosis/crust was greater in control, silver sulfadiazine and Mepilex Ag treatments, granulation tissue was induced by Aquacel Ag, polymorphonuclear infiltrate (PMN) infiltration was intensified by Mepilex Ag; mononuclear infiltrate (MN) infiltration and angiogenesis were increased by Silvercel. At 14 DAI, hemorrhage was decreased by Silvercel and Mepilex Ag, PMN infiltration increased by Acticoat. At 30 DAI, angiogenesis was greater in the Acticoat treatment and fibroblasts were increased by Acticoat and Mepilex Ag. Collagen was induced at 14 DAI by silver sulfadiazine and Aquacel Ag and, at 30 DAI, by silver sulfadiazine and Silvercel treatments. Conclusions: Silvercel and Acticoat presented better results than the other products. However, all the dressings were better than the control at some point during the process, and may contribute to the healing of partial thickness burns. Silvercel and Aquacel Ag treatments induced better cosmetic outcomes regarding wound closure and scarring.
Animais , Ratos , Sulfadiazina de Prata/uso terapêutico , Queimaduras Químicas/terapia , Compostos de Prata/uso terapêutico , Curativos Hidrocoloides/veterinária , Ratos WistarResumo
Purpose: To compare four commercially available hydrogel formulations in the healing of partial thickness burns experimentally induced in rats. Methods: Wistar rats were used, and after the burn wound induction they were divided into the following treatment groups: G1) NaCl 0.9%; G2) 1% silver sulfadiazine; G3) Debrigel™; G4) Safgel™; G5) Dersani™; G6) Solosite™. The animals were followed during seven, 14 and 30 days after the injury induction. Morphometric, macroscopic and microscopic evaluations were performed. Results: The treatment with Dersani™ induced better results during the inflammatory and proliferative phases of the healing process (p<0.05). The animals treated with Safgel™ presented better scaring in the remodeling phase (p<0.05), and the treatment with Dersani™ and Solosite™ induced greater wound closure (p<0.05). Conclusions: The hydrogel-based dressings presented beneficial outcomes in the healing of burn wounds experimentally induced in rats due to their ability in maintain the humidity of the wound, in removing the exudate, in promoting cell migration and collagen production during the different phases of the healing process.
Animais , Ratos , Cicatrização , Queimaduras , Ratos Wistar , HidrogéisResumo
Background: High voltage electric shock causes serious injury to the body, which can lead to a fatal condition. Sloths are commonly the target of this type of accident and factors such as the degree of tissue impairment and late medical care can contribute to the death of the animal or the indication of euthanasia. In this way, the present study aims to describe the treatment strategies in Choloepus didactylus victim of high voltage electrocution. Case: A female sloth weighing 6.15 kg was treated at the Wild Animals Sector of the Veterinary Hospital (HV-SAS) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) victim of high voltage electric shock with burn on the right side face, stomatitis, glossitis, lesions extensive and bullous lesions in the thoracic and pelvic limbs, in addition to an open fracture in the radioulnar joint of the left limb with signs of necrosis. After patient stabilization (fluid therapy, antibiotic therapy, pain control, cleaning and wound dressing), the patient was transfered to the impatient room. The main treatment strategies adopted were surgery, drug therapy, food and occupational therapy. The day after the patient's arrival, the amputation of the left thoracic limb was performed. On the third day of hospitalization, the right thoracic and pelvic limbs were also amputated, and on the tenth day, debridement of the right lateral face was performed. As for drug therapy, the following drugs were used postoperatively: ceftriaxone (40 mg/kg, BID, for 47 days), dexamethasone (0.5 mg/kg, BID, for 4 days), silymarin (15 mg/kg, BID, for 30 days), morphine (0.4 mg/kg, BID, for 14 days; 0.8 mg/kg, SID, for 22 days) and dressing wounds on the lateral face and surgical stumps with ointment of collagenase with chloramphenicol. In food management, the animal had good acceptance of a mixture of fruits, vegetables and animal protein in a pasty presentation. The treatment by occupational therapy included basic care such as exercising, sunbathing, and desensitizing the surgical stumps (massage therapy). In conclusion, after five months, the therapeutic protocol implemented resulted in the clinical improvement of the animal, as it allowed the complete healing of the lesions on the face and surgical stumps. In addition, the care taken with the surgical stumps allowed the animal to use them as support for its locomotion. Discussion: Amputation and debridement surgeries were effective in treating electrocuted patients and should be considered when tissue is compromised, which justifies the surgical protocol adopted in this study. They were based on reports in humans, since in wild animals, although many are victims of this type of trauma, little is known about the appropriate therapeutic approach for each species. Surgical interventions associated with the antibiotic ceftriaxone were efficient for controlling the infection, since this antibiotic has a broad spectrum of activity, being used mainly in skin and soft tissue and/or bone infections, which justified its use in that patient. As for nutritional therapy, supplementation with animal protein may have contributed to the clinical improvement of the animal, since they are excellent components for tissue recovery in patients who suffered losses from burns caused by electric shocks. Stump desensitization is indicated as a treatment for neuropathic pain in amputees, and in the present study, it was essential for the animal to use the limb for locomotion. The exercises in a grassy area associated with sunbathing added as a stimulus to the patient's movement.
Animais , Bichos-Preguiça/cirurgia , Bichos-Preguiça/lesões , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/reabilitação , Traumatismos por Eletricidade/veterinária , Amputação Cirúrgica/veterinária , Animais SelvagensResumo
Background: The Choloepus didactylus is characterized by having 2 fingers on the forelimbs and 3 on the hind limbs, being found more frequently in northern South America, in countries such as Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. In Brazil, deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has threatened the survival of C. didactylus. In addition, these animals can be affected by several diseases, being those of the musculoskeletal system with limited reports. Thus, the present report aimed to describe the treatment and evolution of an open fracture of the femur in a free-living Choloepus didactylus, which after rehabilitation was released back to the wild. Case: A free-living female two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus), weighing 7.0 kg, was found in Manaus city and referred to the Wild Animal Treatment Center (CETAS - IBAMA-AM) located in Amazonas, Brazil, after initial treatment and osteosynthesis in a private clinic (CVMinasPet). According to history, the animal had suffered electrocution 30 days ago and, as a result, had an extensive wound that resulted in the exposure of the knee joint, distal fracture of the femur, and areas of necrosis in the right pelvic limb. After cleansing of the area and removal of necrotic tissues, the fracture was stabilized with the cross-pinning technique (2 Steinmann pins). Then, the stifle joint was stabilized with external skeletal fixation (Type 1b, unilateral biplanar). The external fixator and cross-pins were removed 2 months after the surgical procedure, being observed bone healing. Next, the animal underwent physical rehabilitation for 30 days. After the rehabilitation period, a microchip and a radio collar were applied, and the sloth was released back to the wild. Discussion: Electrocution has been one of the causes of wildlife rescue, with consequences varying depending on the degree of the burn. Generally, the burn is most severe at the entry and exit sites. Since suspensory quadrupedal locomotion requires that sloths have specialized hands and feet to connect with the supports, probably the animal of the current report touched the right pelvic limb on a high-tension pole. The cross-pinning technique combined with the external fixator was used because the animal had an exposed Salter-Harris type I fracture with soft tissue loss. The younger the animal presents physeal fractures, the greater is the chance of developing growth abnormalities due to growth plate closure caused by fracture type or immobilization method. Since the sloth was a free-living animal, the age was unknown. However, pelvic limb length discrepancy was not observed after removing the implants. Culture and antimicrobial susceptibility test were not done and may be considered a limitation of this report. However, the application of ceftriaxone was adequate to control the infection, since the animal did not show signs of infection or draining sinus tracts. Ceftriaxone is a third-generation antibiotic that can be used in chronic osteomyelitis. In addition, the animal in the present report showed good adaptation to captive conditions that contributed to the clinical management. The longevity of the sloth in captivity can reach more than 30 years, but the goal is always to return the animal to nature after the treatment. Surgical treatment of the fracture and physical therapy after implant removal allowed this action in the current report, confirmed by monitoring with the radio collar.
Animais , Feminino , Bichos-Preguiça/lesões , Fraturas Expostas/cirurgia , Fraturas Expostas/terapia , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/veterinária , Técnicas de Exercício e de Movimento/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To investigate the active ingredients of walnut ointment (WO) and its mechanism in repairing wounds. Methods: The ingredients of WO were detected by gas chromatographymass spectrometry. The effect of linoleic acid (LA) was tested by in vitro Alamar Blue (AB) reagent. Image J software, histological and immunohistochemical analysis were used to confirm the healing effect of LA in the porcine skin model. The animals were euthanized after the experiment by injection of pentobarbital sodium. Results: LA, 24% in WO, promotes keratinocytes and fibroblasts proliferation, which were 50.09% and 15.07% respectively higher than control (p < 0.05). The healing rate of the LA group (96.02% ± 2%, 98.58% ± 0.78%) was higher than the saline group (82.11% ± 3.37%, 88.72% ± 1.73%) at week 3 and week 4 (p < 0.05). The epidermal thickness of the LA was 0.16 ± 0.04 mm greater and the expression of the P63 and CK10 proteins was stronger in the LA group than the control (p < 0.05). Conclusions: LA, which is the main components in WO can promote full-thickness burning wounds (FBWs) by stimulating cell proliferation and differentiation.
Pomadas/química , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Queratinócitos/efeitos dos fármacos , Ácido Linoleico/uso terapêutico , Nozes/química , Queimaduras/terapia , FibroblastosResumo
A consanguinidade é uma realidade na criação de bubalinos no Brasil, devido ao número pequeno de animais no rebanho, e principalmente a falta de escrituração zootécnica e seleção genética da espécie. Isso faz com que exista muita endogamia e como consequência aparecem as anomalias congênitas, que associadas às condições ambientais resultam em animais com problemas de pele, baixo desenvolvimento, baixa produção e sanidade deficitária. O presente estudo demonstrou os efeitos de um manejo cuja persistência de um touro por período de 8 anos gerou progênie com despigmentação, culminando com alterações dermatológicas e baixo desenvolvimento em alguns animais de um rebanho, sendo estas: albinismo acentuado, albinismo parcial -cabeça e peitoral e fotossensibilização, na qual todos eram menos desenvolvidos se comparados aos pais não consanguíneos. A alta incidência de raios solares na região do Pantanal Mato-Grossense potencializou queimaduras cutâneas e desgaste desses animais. Com objetivo de eliminar os genes defeituosos, os animais foram descartados e um novo touro foi introduzido.(AU)
IInbreeding is a reality in buffalo breeding in Brazil, due to the small number of animals in the herd, and mainly the lack of zootechnical bookkeeping and genetic selection of the species. This means that there is a lot of inbreeding and, as a consequence, congenital anomalies appear, which, associated with environmental conditions, result in animals with skin problems, poor development, low production and poor health. The present study demonstrated the effects of a management whose persistence of a bull for a period of 8 years generated progeny with depigmentation, culminating with dermatological alterations and low development in some animals of a herd, namely: accentuated albinism, partial albinism -head and pectoral and photosensitization, in which all were less developed compared to non-consanguineous parents. The high incidence of solar rays in the Pantanal Mato-Grossense region potentiated skin burns and wear of these animals. In order to eliminate the defective genes, the animals were discarded anda new bull was introduced.(AU)
La consanguinidad es una realidad en la cría de búfalos en Brasil,debido al pequeño número de animales en el rebaño, y principalmente la falta de contabilidad zootécnica y de selección de genética de la especie. Esto provoca la existencia de mucha endogamia y como consecuencia aparecen las anomalías congénitas, que asociadas a las condiciones ambientales resultan en animales con problemas de piel, bajo desarrollo, baja producción y salud. El presente estudio demostró los efectos de un manejo donde la persistencia de un toro por un periodo de 8 años generó progenie con despigmentación, culminando en alteraciones dermatológicas en un rebaño de 35 animales, siendo de los afectados: despigmentación severa, albinismo parcial -cabeza y pecho y fotosensibilización, en los que todos fueron menos desarrollados si se comparan con los padres no consanguíneos. La alta incidencia de los rayos solares en la región del Pantanal Mato-Grossense colaboró con las quemaduras y el desgaste de estos animales. Con el objetivo de eliminar los genes defectuosos, los animales fueron descartados y se introdujo un nuevo toro.(AU)
Animais , Búfalos/genética , Endogamia/métodos , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , BrasilResumo
Purpose To investigate the efficacy of cordycepin, an adenosine analogue, on prevention of esophageal damage and stricture formation due to esophageal caustic burns in rat model comparing with prednisolone. Methods Caustic esophageal burn was introduced by 37.5% of NaOH to distal esophagus. Thirty-two Wistar albino rats were divided in four groups: sham rats undergone laparotomy, treated with 0.9% NaCl; control rats injured with NaOH without cordycepin treatment; cordycepin group injured with NaOH, treated with 20 mg/kg cordycepin; prednisolone group injured with NaOH, treated with 1 mg/kg prednisolone for 28 days. Efficacy was assessed by histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis of esophageal tissues. Results Cordycepin treatment significantly decreased inflammation, granulation tissue and fibrous tissue formation and prevented formation of esophageal strictures shown by histopathological damage score and stenosis indexes compared to control group (p 0.01). These effects are relatively more substantial than prednisolone, probably based on attenuation of elevation of proinflammatory cytokines hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha (HIF-1?), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-?), proliferative and fibrotic factor fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and angiogenic factor vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) (p 0.05). Conclusions The findings suggest that cordycepin has a complex multifactorial healing process in alkali-burned tissue, more successful than prednisolone in preventing the formation of esophageal strictures and may be used as a therapeutic agent in the acute phase of esophageal alkali-burn.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Estenose Esofágica/prevenção & controle , Estenose Esofágica/veterinária , Álcalis , Queimaduras/veterinária , Queimaduras/terapiaResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to elaborate a hydrogel constituted by carboxymethyl chitosan (CMC), hyaluronic acid (HA) and silver (Ag) and to evaluate its healing effect on partial-thickness burn wounds experimentally induced in rats. Methods CMC was obtained by chitosan reacting with monochloroacetic acid. The carboxymethylation was confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the morphologicalcharacteristics of chitosan and CMC. After the experimental burn wound induction, the animals (n = 126) were treated with different CMC formulations, had their occlusive dressings changed daily and were followed through 7, 14 and 30 days. Morphometric, macroscopic and microscopic aspects and collagen quantification were evaluated. Results Significative wound contraction, granulation tissue formation, inflammatory infiltration and collagen fibers deposit throughout different phases of the healing process were observed in the CMC hydrogels treated groups. Conclusions The results showed that, in the initial phase of the healing process, the most adequate product was the CMC/HA/Ag association, while in the other phases the CMC/HA association was the best one to promote the healing of burn wounds.
Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , Quitosana , Cicatrização , Colágeno , HidrogéisResumo
A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).
The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).
Animais , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Búfalos/lesões , Queimaduras/veterinária , Ecossistema Amazônico , Abscesso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Analgésicos , Cães/lesões , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Metadona/uso terapêutico , Queimaduras/veterinária , Tramadol/uso terapêutico , Cães/cirurgia , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Burns are caused by a direct or indirect action of heat on an organism, compromising the functional integrityof the skin. Hypothermia is a common intercurrence in animals during the transoperative period; thermal mattresses areused to maintain the animals body temperature, but inappropriate use can cause the patients skin to burn. In humans, burnsare quite common; however, in veterinary medicine, they are infrequent. The aim of this study was to describe a case ofaccidental burn in a canine caused by a thermal mattress, emphasizing wound treatment and analgesia used.Case: A 12-year-old male canine without defined breed weighing 15 kg underwent an emergency exploratory laparotomydue to rupture of a spleen mass and presented with intercurrence hypothermia during the anesthesia procedure, which wascontrolled using a thermal mattress. Ten days after the surgical procedure, he developed a skin lesion with erythema, suffusion, and necrosis, evolving skin displacement along the entire back with a lot of pain which was possibly caused by theuse of a thermal mattress in the transoperative procedure. The intuited analgesic treatment involved the use of numerousand different drugs, including Methadone (0.3 mg/kg, QID, SC), Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, IV), and Ketamine (0.5 mg/kg,TID, SC) (during hospitalization), as well as Tramadol (4 mg/kg, TID, PO) and Dipyrone (25 mg/kg, TID, PO) after medicalrelease as support therapy. For the wound treatment, calcium alginate was initially used daily and subsequently changedfor daily application of dermisana oil. The patient followed up weekly for approximately two months for wound monitoring as well as adjustments to the drug therapy. The would almost completely healed, but the patient showed a significantworsening in the general clinical condition correlated with the neoplasm that he had, and the owner and clinical staff ofthe veterinary hospital opted for euthanasia...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cães/lesões , Queimaduras/veterinária , Analgésicos , Metadona/uso terapêutico , Dipirona/uso terapêutico , Ketamina/uso terapêutico , Tramadol/uso terapêutico , Hipotermia/prevenção & controle , Hipotermia/veterinária , Cães/cirurgiaResumo
Purpose: This study aimed to elaborate a hydrogel constituted by carboxymethyl chitosan (CMC), hyaluronic acid (HA) and silver (Ag) and to evaluate its healing effect on partial-thickness burn wounds experimentally induced in rats. Methods: CMC was obtained by chitosan reacting with monochloroacetic acid. The carboxymethylation was confirmed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the morphological characteristics of chitosan and CMC. After the experimental burn wound induction, the animals (n = 126) were treated with different CMC formulations, had their occlusive dressings changed daily and were followed through 7, 14 and 30 days. Morphometric, macroscopic and microscopic aspects and collagen quantification were evaluated. Results: Significative wound contraction, granulation tissue formation, inflammatory infiltration and collagen fibers deposit throughout different phases of the healing process were observed in the CMC hydrogels treated groups. Conclusion: The results showed that, in the initial phase of the healing process, the most adequate product was the CMC/HA/Ag association, while in the other phases the CMC/HA association was the best one to promote the healing of burn wounds.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Hidrogel de Polietilenoglicol-Dimetacrilato/uso terapêutico , Cicatrização/efeitos dos fármacos , Queimaduras/terapiaResumo
A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).(AU)
The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).(AU)
Animais , Búfalos/lesões , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Vacinação/efeitos adversos , QueimadurasResumo
A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).
The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).