Serine protease inhibitors (serpins), a superfamily of protease inhibitors, are known to be involved in several physiological processes, such as development, metamorphosis, and innate immunity. In our study, a full-length serpin cDNA, designated Haserpin1, was isolated from the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. The cDNA sequence of Haserpin1 is 1176 nt long, with an open reading frame encoding 391 amino acids; there is one exon and no intron. The predicted molecular weight of Haserpin1 is 43.53 kDa, with an isoelectric point of 4.98. InterProScan was employed for Haserpin1 functional characterization, which revealed that Haserpin1 contains highly conserved signature motifs, including a reactive center loop (RCL) with a hinge region (E341N350), the serpin signature, (F367F375) and a predicted P1P1 cleavage site (L357S358), which are useful for identifying serpins. Transcripts of Haserpin1 were constitutively expressed in the fat body, suggesting that it is the major site for serpin synthesis. During the developmental stages, a fluctuation in the expression level of Haserpin1 was observed, with low expression detected at the 5th-instar larval stage. In contrast, relatively high expression was detected at the prepupal stage, suggesting that Haserpin1 might play a critical role at the H. armigera wandering stage. Although the detailed function of this serpin (Haserpin1) needs to be elucidated, our study provides a perspective for the functional investigation of serine protease inhibitor genes.(AU)
Sabe-se que os inibidores de serina protease (serpinas), uma superfamília de inibidores de protease, estão envolvidos em vários processos fisiológicos, como desenvolvimento, metamorfose e imunidade inata. Neste estudo, um cDNA de serpina de comprimento total, denominado Haserpin1, foi isolado da lagarta Helicoverpa armigera na cultura de algodão. A sequência de ADNc de Haserpin1 tem 1.176 nt de comprimento, com uma grelha de leitura aberta que codifica 391 aminoácidos; existe um éxon, mas nenhum íntron. O peso molecular previsto de Haserpin1 é de 43,53 kDa, com um ponto isoelétrico de 4,98. O InterProScan foi empregado para a caracterização funcional do Haserpin1, que revelou que o Haserpin1 contém motivos de assinatura altamente conservados, incluindo um loop central reativo (RCL) com uma região de dobradiça (E341-N350), a assinatura da serpina (F367-F375) e um local de clivagem previsto de P1-P1' (L357-S358), que são úteis para identificar serpinas. As transcrições de Haserpin1 foram expressas constitutivamente no corpo gordo, sugerindo que é o principal local para a síntese de serpinas. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento, observou-se uma flutuação no nível de expressão de Haserpin1, com baixa expressão detectada no estágio larval do 5º ínstar. Por outro lado, detectou-se uma expressão relativamente alta no estágio pré-pupal, sugerindo que o Haserpin1 pode desempenhar um papel crítico no estágio errante de H. armigera. Embora a função detalhada dessa serpina (Haserpin1) precise ser elucidada, este estudo fornece uma perspectiva para a investigação funcional dos genes inibidores da serina protease.(AU)
Gossypium/parasitologia , Pragas da Agricultura , Lepidópteros , Inibidores de Serina ProteinaseResumo
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is regarded as a crucial clinically significant therapeutic agent against several pathological conditions. Recently, recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology has enabled the production of many drugs of rDNA-origin including IGF-1. Securing a readily available supply of IGF-1 is invaluable to clinical research and biotechnological domains. In this work, the cloning of a full-length bovine IGF-1 cDNA and the successful expression of its cognate recombinant IGF-1 protein is reported. Single-strand cDNA was prepared from liver tissues, through the specific reverse transcription (RT) of IGF-1 mRNA. Subsequently, a PCR amplicon of ~543bp was successfully amplified. Recombinant pTARGET™ vector harboring IGF-1 insert was successfully cloned into competent E. coli JM109 cells. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that the recombinant IGF-1 has been expressed at the expected size of 7.6kDa. The outcome provides a robust basis for transecting the recombinant pTARGETTM vector, harboring the IGF-1 cDNA insert, into mammalian cells. Optimal initial glucose concentration was found to be 10g/l with corresponding protein concentration of 6.2g/l. The proliferative biological activity crude recombinant IGF-1 protein was verified on HeLa cell lines. This is envisaged to facilitate large-scale production of recombinant IGF-1 protein, thereby enabling thorough investigation of its clinical and pharmaceutical effects.(AU)
O fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina-1 (IGF-1) é considerado um agente terapêutico clinicamente significativo contra várias condições patológicas. Recentemente, a tecnologia de DNA recombinante (rDNA) permitiu a produção de muitos medicamentos de origem rDNA, incluindo o IGF-1. Garantir um suprimento prontamente disponível de IGF-1 é inestimável para pesquisas clínicas e domínios biotecnológicos. Neste trabalho, relata-se a clonagem de um cDNA de IGF-1 bovino de comprimento total e a expressão bem-sucedida de sua proteína IGF-1 recombinante cognata. O cDNA de cadeia simples foi preparado a partir de tecidos do fígado, por meio da transcrição reversa específica (RT) do mRNA de IGF-1. Posteriormente, um amplificador de PCR de ~ 543pb foi amplificado com sucesso. O vetor pTARGET™ recombinante contendo a inserção de IGF-1 foi clonado com sucesso em células competentes E. coli JM109. A análise por SDS-PAGE revelou que o IGF-1 recombinante foi expresso no tamanho esperado de 7,6kDa. O resultado fornece uma base robusta para a transferência do vetor pTARGETTMTM recombinante, abrigando a inserção de cDNA de IGF-1 em células de mamíferos. Verificou-se que a concentração inicial ideal de glicose é 10g/L, com a concentração de proteína correspondente de 6,2g/L. A proteína IGF-1 recombinante bruta de atividade biológica proliferativa foi verificada nas linhas celulares HeLa. É previsto que isso facilite a produção da proteína IGF-1 recombinante em larga escala, permitindo, assim, uma investigação completa dos seus efeitos clínicos e farmacêuticos.(AU)
Animais , Proteínas Recombinantes , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I/genética , Búfalos/genética , Clonagem Molecular , DNA Complementar , Escherichia coli , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is regarded as a crucial clinically significant therapeutic agent against several pathological conditions. Recently, recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology has enabled the production of many drugs of rDNA-origin including IGF-1. Securing a readily available supply of IGF-1 is invaluable to clinical research and biotechnological domains. In this work, the cloning of a full-length bovine IGF-1 cDNA and the successful expression of its cognate recombinant IGF-1 protein is reported. Single-strand cDNA was prepared from liver tissues, through the specific reverse transcription (RT) of IGF-1 mRNA. Subsequently, a PCR amplicon of ~543bp was successfully amplified. Recombinant pTARGET vector harboring IGF-1 insert was successfully cloned into competent E. coli JM109 cells. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that the recombinant IGF-1 has been expressed at the expected size of 7.6kDa. The outcome provides a robust basis for transecting the recombinant pTARGETTM vector, harboring the IGF-1 cDNA insert, into mammalian cells. Optimal initial glucose concentration was found to be 10g/l with corresponding protein concentration of 6.2g/l. The proliferative biological activity crude recombinant IGF-1 protein was verified on HeLa cell lines. This is envisaged to facilitate large-scale production of recombinant IGF-1 protein, thereby enabling thorough investigation of its clinical and pharmaceutical effects.(AU)
O fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina-1 (IGF-1) é considerado um agente terapêutico clinicamente significativo contra várias condições patológicas. Recentemente, a tecnologia de DNA recombinante (rDNA) permitiu a produção de muitos medicamentos de origem rDNA, incluindo o IGF-1. Garantir um suprimento prontamente disponível de IGF-1 é inestimável para pesquisas clínicas e domínios biotecnológicos. Neste trabalho, relata-se a clonagem de um cDNA de IGF-1 bovino de comprimento total e a expressão bem-sucedida de sua proteína IGF-1 recombinante cognata. O cDNA de cadeia simples foi preparado a partir de tecidos do fígado, por meio da transcrição reversa específica (RT) do mRNA de IGF-1. Posteriormente, um amplificador de PCR de ~ 543pb foi amplificado com sucesso. O vetor pTARGET recombinante contendo a inserção de IGF-1 foi clonado com sucesso em células competentes E. coli JM109. A análise por SDS-PAGE revelou que o IGF-1 recombinante foi expresso no tamanho esperado de 7,6kDa. O resultado fornece uma base robusta para a transferência do vetor pTARGETTMTM recombinante, abrigando a inserção de cDNA de IGF-1 em células de mamíferos. Verificou-se que a concentração inicial ideal de glicose é 10g/L, com a concentração de proteína correspondente de 6,2g/L. A proteína IGF-1 recombinante bruta de atividade biológica proliferativa foi verificada nas linhas celulares HeLa. É previsto que isso facilite a produção da proteína IGF-1 recombinante em larga escala, permitindo, assim, uma investigação completa dos seus efeitos clínicos e farmacêuticos.(AU)
Animais , Proteínas Recombinantes , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I/genética , Búfalos/genética , Clonagem Molecular , DNA Complementar , Escherichia coli , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
Abstract Serine protease inhibitors (serpins), a superfamily of protease inhibitors, are known to be involved in several physiological processes, such as development, metamorphosis, and innate immunity. In our study, a full-length serpin cDNA, designated Haserpin1, was isolated from the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. The cDNA sequence of Haserpin1 is 1176 nt long, with an open reading frame encoding 391 amino acids; there is one exon and no intron. The predicted molecular weight of Haserpin1 is 43.53 kDa, with an isoelectric point of 4.98. InterProScan was employed for Haserpin1 functional characterization, which revealed that Haserpin1 contains highly conserved signature motifs, including a reactive center loop (RCL) with a hinge region (E341N350), the serpin signature, (F367F375) and a predicted P1P1 cleavage site (L357S358), which are useful for identifying serpins. Transcripts of Haserpin1 were constitutively expressed in the fat body, suggesting that it is the major site for serpin synthesis. During the developmental stages, a fluctuation in the expression level of Haserpin1 was observed, with low expression detected at the 5th-instar larval stage. In contrast, relatively high expression was detected at the prepupal stage, suggesting that Haserpin1 might play a critical role at the H. armigera wandering stage. Although the detailed function of this serpin (Haserpin1) needs to be elucidated, our study provides a perspective for the functional investigation of serine protease inhibitor genes.
Resumo Sabe-se que os inibidores de serina protease (serpinas), uma superfamília de inibidores de protease, estão envolvidos em vários processos fisiológicos, como desenvolvimento, metamorfose e imunidade inata. Neste estudo, um cDNA de serpina de comprimento total, denominado Haserpin1, foi isolado da lagarta Helicoverpa armigera na cultura de algodão. A sequência de ADNc de Haserpin1 tem 1.176 nt de comprimento, com uma grelha de leitura aberta que codifica 391 aminoácidos; existe um éxon, mas nenhum íntron. O peso molecular previsto de Haserpin1 é de 43,53 kDa, com um ponto isoelétrico de 4,98. O InterProScan foi empregado para a caracterização funcional do Haserpin1, que revelou que o Haserpin1 contém motivos de assinatura altamente conservados, incluindo um loop central reativo (RCL) com uma região de dobradiça (E341-N350), a assinatura da serpina (F367-F375) e um local de clivagem previsto de P1-P1' (L357-S358), que são úteis para identificar serpinas. As transcrições de Haserpin1 foram expressas constitutivamente no corpo gordo, sugerindo que é o principal local para a síntese de serpinas. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento, observou-se uma flutuação no nível de expressão de Haserpin1, com baixa expressão detectada no estágio larval do 5º ínstar. Por outro lado, detectou-se uma expressão relativamente alta no estágio pré-pupal, sugerindo que o Haserpin1 pode desempenhar um papel crítico no estágio errante de H. armigera. Embora a função detalhada dessa serpina (Haserpin1) precise ser elucidada, este estudo fornece uma perspectiva para a investigação funcional dos genes inibidores da serina protease.
Septin14 is an important spermatogenesis related gene involved in the pathogenesis of male infertility that has not been well studied. Here, full-length Septin14 cDNA of the Banna mini-pig inbred line (BMI) was cloned using the RACE method and expressed in pig kidney epithelial cells (PK15) and E. coli Rosetta (DE3) cells. Septin14 expression was identified in somatic tissues and testis in different developmental stages. The pig Septin14 CDS is 1,299 bp long, and encodes a peptide (or protein) of 432 amino acids (MW=50.4 kDa). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that pig Septin14 was highly evolutionarily conserved. Subcellular localization of GFP-tagged Septin14 fusion protein revealed that Septin14 was distributed throughout the testicular cells. Among 34 pig tissues, Septin14 mRNA was found specifically in testis and seminal vesicle. In six different postnatal developmental stages, the testicular level of Septin14 mRNA was barely detectable on day 2, while the highest level occurred on day 75. The spatiotemporal expression profile of Septin14, reported herein for the first time in pig, indicated that Septin14 might be involved in the division, development and apoptosis of germ cells. Furthermore, using a pET prokaryotic expression system, we expressed and isolated recombinant 67.9 kDa Septin14 protein.
Masculino , Animais , Clonagem Molecular , Glândulas Seminais , Septinas/análise , Septinas/classificação , Suínos/fisiologia , Suínos/genéticaResumo
Septin14 is an important spermatogenesis related gene involved in the pathogenesis of male infertility that has not been well studied. Here, full-length Septin14 cDNA of the Banna mini-pig inbred line (BMI) was cloned using the RACE method and expressed in pig kidney epithelial cells (PK15) and E. coli Rosetta (DE3) cells. Septin14 expression was identified in somatic tissues and testis in different developmental stages. The pig Septin14 CDS is 1,299 bp long, and encodes a peptide (or protein) of 432 amino acids (MW=50.4 kDa). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that pig Septin14 was highly evolutionarily conserved. Subcellular localization of GFP-tagged Septin14 fusion protein revealed that Septin14 was distributed throughout the testicular cells. Among 34 pig tissues, Septin14 mRNA was found specifically in testis and seminal vesicle. In six different postnatal developmental stages, the testicular level of Septin14 mRNA was barely detectable on day 2, while the highest level occurred on day 75. The spatiotemporal expression profile of Septin14, reported herein for the first time in pig, indicated that Septin14 might be involved in the division, development and apoptosis of germ cells. Furthermore, using a pET prokaryotic expression system, we expressed and isolated recombinant 67.9 kDa Septin14 protein.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Suínos/genética , Suínos/fisiologia , Septinas/análise , Septinas/classificação , Glândulas Seminais , Clonagem MolecularResumo
Background:Crude venom of the banded tiger waspVespa affinis contains a variety of enzymes including hyaluronidases, commonly known as spreading factors.Methods:The cDNA cloning, sequence analysis and structural modelling of V. affinis venom hyaluronidase (VesA2) were herein described. Moreover, heterologous expression and mutagenesis of rVesA2 were performed.Results:V. affinis venom hyaluronidase full sequence is composed of 331 amino acids, with four predicted N-glycosylation sites. It was classified into the glycoside hydrolase family 56. The homology modelling exhibited a central core (α/β)7 composed of Asp107 and Glu109, acting as the catalytic residues. The recombinant protein was successfully expressed in E. coli with hyaluronidase activity. A recombinant mutant type with the double point mutation, Asp107Asn and Glu109Gln, completely lost this activity. The hyaluronidase from crude venom exhibited activity from pH 2 to 7. The recombinant wild type showed its maximal activity at pH 2 but decreased rapidly to nearly zero at pH 3 and was completely lost at pH 4.Conclusion:The recombinant wild-type protein showed its maximal activity at pH 2, more acidic pH than that found in the crude venom. The glycosylation was predicted to be responsible for the pH optimum and thermal stability of the enzymes activity.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Vespas/química , Elementos Estruturais de Proteínas , Proteínas Recombinantes , HialuronoglucosaminidaseResumo
Background:Crude venom of the banded tiger waspVespa affinis contains a variety of enzymes including hyaluronidases, commonly known as spreading factors.Methods:The cDNA cloning, sequence analysis and structural modelling of V. affinis venom hyaluronidase (VesA2) were herein described. Moreover, heterologous expression and mutagenesis of rVesA2 were performed.Results:V. affinis venom hyaluronidase full sequence is composed of 331 amino acids, with four predicted N-glycosylation sites. It was classified into the glycoside hydrolase family 56. The homology modelling exhibited a central core (α/β)7 composed of Asp107 and Glu109, acting as the catalytic residues. The recombinant protein was successfully expressed in E. coli with hyaluronidase activity. A recombinant mutant type with the double point mutation, Asp107Asn and Glu109Gln, completely lost this activity. The hyaluronidase from crude venom exhibited activity from pH 2 to 7. The recombinant wild type showed its maximal activity at pH 2 but decreased rapidly to nearly zero at pH 3 and was completely lost at pH 4.Conclusion:The recombinant wild-type protein showed its maximal activity at pH 2, more acidic pH than that found in the crude venom. The glycosylation was predicted to be responsible for the pH optimum and thermal stability of the enzymes activity.
Animais , Elementos Estruturais de Proteínas , Hialuronoglucosaminidase , Proteínas Recombinantes , Venenos de Vespas/químicaResumo
Background: Lethal factors are multifunctional oligomeric proteins found in the venomous apparatus of Scorpaeniformes fish. These toxins elicit not only an array of biological responses in vitro but also cardiovascular disorders and strong hemolytic, nociceptive and edematogenic activities in vivo. This work describes the cloning and molecular identification of two toxin subunits, denominated Sp-CTx- and Sp-CTx-, from scorpionfish venom ( Scorpaena plumieri ). Methods: The primary structures were deduced after cDNA amplification by PCR with primers from conserved sequences described in Scorpaeniformes toxins. Following DNA sequencing and bioinformatic analysis, the tridimensional structures of both subunits were modeled. Results: The translated sequences (702 amino acids, each subunit) show homology with other lethal factors, while alignment between Sp-CTx- and Sp-CTx- shows 54% identity. The subunits lack N-terminal signal sequences and display masses of approximately 80 kDa each. Both Sp-CTx subunits display a B30.2/SPRY domain at the C-terminal region with typically conserved motifs as described in these toxins. Secondary structure prediction identified six -helices 18 residues long in both and subunits, some of them amphiphilic with their N-terminal flanked by many basic residues, creating a cationic site associated with the cytolytic activity of these toxins. Antimicrobial potential sites were identified in Sp-CTx and share some features with other peptides presenting variable and broad-spectrum activity...(AU)
Animais , Peixes Venenosos , Venenos de Peixe/química , DNA Complementar/análiseResumo
Background: Lethal factors are multifunctional oligomeric proteins found in the venomous apparatus of Scorpaeniformes fish. These toxins elicit not only an array of biological responses in vitro but also cardiovascular disorders and strong hemolytic, nociceptive and edematogenic activities in vivo. This work describes the cloning and molecular identification of two toxin subunits, denominated Sp-CTx- and Sp-CTx-, from scorpionfish venom ( Scorpaena plumieri ). Methods: The primary structures were deduced after cDNA amplification by PCR with primers from conserved sequences described in Scorpaeniformes toxins. Following DNA sequencing and bioinformatic analysis, the tridimensional structures of both subunits were modeled. Results: The translated sequences (702 amino acids, each subunit) show homology with other lethal factors, while alignment between Sp-CTx- and Sp-CTx- shows 54% identity. The subunits lack N-terminal signal sequences and display masses of approximately 80 kDa each. Both Sp-CTx subunits display a B30.2/SPRY domain at the C-terminal region with typically conserved motifs as described in these toxins. Secondary structure prediction identified six -helices 18 residues long in both and subunits, some of them amphiphilic with their N-terminal flanked by many basic residues, creating a cationic site associated with the cytolytic activity of these toxins. Antimicrobial potential sites were identified in Sp-CTx and share some features with other peptides presenting variable and broad-spectrum activity...
Animais , DNA Complementar/análise , Peixes Venenosos , Venenos de Peixe/químicaResumo
Fire ant venom is a complex mixture consisting of basic piperidine alkaloids, various biologically active peptides and protein components, including a variety of major allergenic proteins. Tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata is an important stinging ant species that causes anaphylaxis and serious medical problems. Although the biological activities of allergenic venom proteins that are unique to ant venom, particularly Solenopsis 2 and 4, are still unknown, these proteins are believed to play important roles in mediating the effects of the piperidine derivatives in the venom. Methods: In the present study, the cDNA cloning, sequencing and three-dimensional structure of Sol g 4.1 venom protein are described. The recombinant Sol g 4.1 protein (rSol g 4.1) was produced in E. coli , and its possible function as a hydrophobic binding protein was characterized by paralyzing crickets using the 50% piperidine dose (PD50). Moreover, an antiserum was produced in mice to determine the allergenic properties of Sol g 4.1, and the antiserum was capable of binding to Sol g 4.1, as determined by Western blotting. Results: The molecular weight of Sol g 4.1 protein is 16 kDa, as determined by SDS-PAGE. The complete cDNA is 414 bp in length and contains a leader sequence of 19 amino acids. The protein consists of six cysteines that presumably form three disulfide bonds, based on a predicted three-dimensional model, creating the interior hydrophobic pocket and stabilizing the structure. The rSol g 4.1 protein was expressed in inclusion bodies, as determined by SDS-PAGE. Dialysis techniques were used to refold the recombinant protein into the native form. Its secondary structure, which primarily consists of α-helices, was confirmed by circular dichroism analysis, and the three-dimensional model was also verified. The results of allergenic analysis performed on mice showed that the obtained protein was predicted to be allergenically active. Moreover, we report on the possible role of the Sol g 4.1 venom protein, which significantly reduced the PD50 from 0.027 to 0.013% in paralyzed crickets via synergistic effects after interactions with piperidine alkaloids. Conclusions: The primary structure of Sol g 4.1 showed high similarity to that of venom proteins in the Solenopsis 2 and 4 family. Those proteins are life-threatening and produce IgE-mediated anaphylactic reactions in allergic individuals. The possible function of this protein is the binding of the interior hydrophobic pockets with piperidine alkaloids, as determined by the analysis of the structural model and PD50 test.(AU)
Produtos Biológicos , Proteínas Recombinantes , Venenos de FormigaResumo
Background: Fire ant venom is a complex mixture consisting of basic piperidine alkaloids, various biologically active peptides and protein components, including a variety of major allergenic proteins. Tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata is an important stinging ant species that causes anaphylaxis and serious medical problems. Although the biological activities of allergenic venom proteins that are unique to ant venom, particularly Solenopsis 2 and 4, are still unknown, these proteins are believed to play important roles in mediating the effects of the piperidine derivatives in the venom. Methods: In the present study, the cDNA cloning, sequencing and three-dimensional structure of Sol g 4.1 venom protein are described. The recombinant Sol g 4.1 protein (rSol g 4.1) was produced in E. coli , and its possible function as a hydrophobic binding protein was characterized by paralyzing crickets using the 50% piperidine dose (PD50). Moreover, an antiserum was produced in mice to determine the allergenic properties of Sol g 4.1, and the antiserum was capable of binding to Sol g 4.1, as determined by Western blotting. Results: The molecular weight of Sol g 4.1 protein is 16 kDa, as determined by SDS-PAGE. The complete cDNA is 414 bp in length and contains a leader sequence of 19 amino acids. The protein consists of six cysteines that presumably form three disulfide bonds, based on a predicted three-dimensional model, creating the interior hydrophobic pocket and stabilizing the structure. The rSol g 4.1 protein was expressed in inclusion bodies, as determined by SDS-PAGE. Dialysis techniques were used to refold the recombinant protein into the native form. Its secondary structure, which primarily consists of -helices, was confirmed by circular dichroism analysis, and the three-dimensional model was also verified. The results of allergenic analysis performed on mice showed that the...(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Formiga/química , Proteínas/química , Alérgenos , Formigas/químicaResumo
Background: Fire ant venom is a complex mixture consisting of basic piperidine alkaloids, various biologically active peptides and protein components, including a variety of major allergenic proteins. Tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata is an important stinging ant species that causes anaphylaxis and serious medical problems. Although the biological activities of allergenic venom proteins that are unique to ant venom, particularly Solenopsis 2 and 4, are still unknown, these proteins are believed to play important roles in mediating the effects of the piperidine derivatives in the venom. Methods: In the present study, the cDNA cloning, sequencing and three-dimensional structure of Sol g 4.1 venom protein are described. The recombinant Sol g 4.1 protein (rSol g 4.1) was produced in E. coli , and its possible function as a hydrophobic binding protein was characterized by paralyzing crickets using the 50% piperidine dose (PD50). Moreover, an antiserum was produced in mice to determine the allergenic properties of Sol g 4.1, and the antiserum was capable of binding to Sol g 4.1, as determined by Western blotting. Results: The molecular weight of Sol g 4.1 protein is 16 kDa, as determined by SDS-PAGE. The complete cDNA is 414 bp in length and contains a leader sequence of 19 amino acids. The protein consists of six cysteines that presumably form three disulfide bonds, based on a predicted three-dimensional model, creating the interior hydrophobic pocket and stabilizing the structure. The rSol g 4.1 protein was expressed in inclusion bodies, as determined by SDS-PAGE. Dialysis techniques were used to refold the recombinant protein into the native form. Its secondary structure, which primarily consists of -helices, was confirmed by circular dichroism analysis, and the three-dimensional model was also verified. The results of allergenic analysis performed on mice showed that the...
Animais , Alérgenos , Formigas/química , Proteínas/química , Venenos de Formiga/químicaResumo
The carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP) is an important nuclear factor that regulates glycolysis and de novo lipogenesis. However, the role of ChREBP in fatty liver development in geese remains unclear. In order to understand the function of ChREBP in lipid metabolism of geese, we first cloned the complete cDNA of the ChREBP of the Sichuan White goose (Anser cygnoides) using RT-PCR, 5 RACE and 3 RACE, and analyzed goose ChREBP expression in nine different tissues using real-time PCR technology. The results showed that the goose ChREBP CDS consists of 945bp nucleotides that encode 314 amino acids, and the sequence has high similarities with the swan goose (Anser cygnoides domesticus) and duck (Anas platyrhynchos) sequences, both at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. The predicted ChREBP protein had a molecular mass of 35.64 kDa with pI value of 5.36. The phylogenetic analysis indicated its evolutionary relationships with corresponding orthologous sequences in swan geese and ducks. The qPCR assays revealed that ChREBP is highly expressed in liver in the Sichuan White goose. Together, these results indicate that goose ChREBP may play an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis.(AU)
Animais , Clonagem Molecular , Gansos/genética , Gansos/metabolismo , Gansos/fisiologiaResumo
The carbohydrate response element-binding protein (ChREBP) is an important nuclear factor that regulates glycolysis and de novo lipogenesis. However, the role of ChREBP in fatty liver development in geese remains unclear. In order to understand the function of ChREBP in lipid metabolism of geese, we first cloned the complete cDNA of the ChREBP of the Sichuan White goose (Anser cygnoides) using RT-PCR, 5 RACE and 3 RACE, and analyzed goose ChREBP expression in nine different tissues using real-time PCR technology. The results showed that the goose ChREBP CDS consists of 945bp nucleotides that encode 314 amino acids, and the sequence has high similarities with the swan goose (Anser cygnoides domesticus) and duck (Anas platyrhynchos) sequences, both at the nucleotide and amino acid levels. The predicted ChREBP protein had a molecular mass of 35.64 kDa with pI value of 5.36. The phylogenetic analysis indicated its evolutionary relationships with corresponding orthologous sequences in swan geese and ducks. The qPCR assays revealed that ChREBP is highly expressed in liver in the Sichuan White goose. Together, these results indicate that goose ChREBP may play an important role in the development of hepatic steatosis.
Animais , Clonagem Molecular , Gansos/fisiologia , Gansos/genética , Gansos/metabolismoResumo
Abstract Serine protease inhibitors (serpins), a superfamily of protease inhibitors, are known to be involved in several physiological processes, such as development, metamorphosis, and innate immunity. In our study, a full-length serpin cDNA, designated Haserpin1, was isolated from the cotton bollworm Helicoverpa armigera. The cDNA sequence of Haserpin1 is 1176 nt long, with an open reading frame encoding 391 amino acids; there is one exon and no intron. The predicted molecular weight of Haserpin1 is 43.53 kDa, with an isoelectric point of 4.98. InterProScan was employed for Haserpin1 functional characterization, which revealed that Haserpin1 contains highly conserved signature motifs, including a reactive center loop (RCL) with a hinge region (E341N350), the serpin signature, (F367F375) and a predicted P1P1 cleavage site (L357S358), which are useful for identifying serpins. Transcripts of Haserpin1 were constitutively expressed in the fat body, suggesting that it is the major site for serpin synthesis. During the developmental stages, a fluctuation in the expression level of Haserpin1 was observed, with low expression detected at the 5th-instar larval stage. In contrast, relatively high expression was detected at the prepupal stage, suggesting that Haserpin1 might play a critical role at the H. armigera wandering stage. Although the detailed function of this serpin (Haserpin1) needs to be elucidated, our study provides a perspective for the functional investigation of serine protease inhibitor genes.
Resumo Sabe-se que os inibidores de serina protease (serpinas), uma superfamília de inibidores de protease, estão envolvidos em vários processos fisiológicos, como desenvolvimento, metamorfose e imunidade inata. Neste estudo, um cDNA de serpina de comprimento total, denominado Haserpin1, foi isolado da lagarta Helicoverpa armigera na cultura de algodão. A sequência de ADNc de Haserpin1 tem 1.176 nt de comprimento, com uma grelha de leitura aberta que codifica 391 aminoácidos; existe um éxon, mas nenhum íntron. O peso molecular previsto de Haserpin1 é de 43,53 kDa, com um ponto isoelétrico de 4,98. O InterProScan foi empregado para a caracterização funcional do Haserpin1, que revelou que o Haserpin1 contém motivos de assinatura altamente conservados, incluindo um loop central reativo (RCL) com uma região de dobradiça (E341-N350), a assinatura da serpina (F367-F375) e um local de clivagem previsto de P1-P1' (L357-S358), que são úteis para identificar serpinas. As transcrições de Haserpin1 foram expressas constitutivamente no corpo gordo, sugerindo que é o principal local para a síntese de serpinas. Durante os estágios de desenvolvimento, observou-se uma flutuação no nível de expressão de Haserpin1, com baixa expressão detectada no estágio larval do 5º ínstar. Por outro lado, detectou-se uma expressão relativamente alta no estágio pré-pupal, sugerindo que o Haserpin1 pode desempenhar um papel crítico no estágio errante de H. armigera. Embora a função detalhada dessa serpina (Haserpin1) precise ser elucidada, este estudo fornece uma perspectiva para a investigação funcional dos genes inibidores da serina protease.
Background: Wasp venom is a complex mixture containing proteins, enzymes and small molecules, including some of the most dangerous allergens. The greater banded wasp (Vespa tropica) is well-known for its lethal venom, whose one of the major components is a hyaluronidase (HAase). It is believed that the high protein proportion and activity of this enzyme is responsible for the venom potency. Methods: In the present study, cDNA cloning, sequencing and 3D-structure of Vespa tropica venom HAase were described. Anti-native HAase antibody was used for neutralization assay. Results: Two isoforms, VesT2a and VesT2b, were classified as members of the glycosidase hydrolase 56 family with high similarity (42-97 %) to the allergen venom HAase. VesT2a gene contained 1486 nucleotide residues encoding 357 amino acids whereas the VesT2b isoform consisted of 1411 residues encoding 356 amino acids. The mature VesT2a and VesT2b are similar in mass and pI after prediction. They are 39119.73 Da/pI 8.91 and 39571.5 Da/pI 9.38, respectively. Two catalytic residues in VesT2a, Asp107 and Glu109 were substituted in VesT2b by Asn, thus impeding enzymatic activity. The 3D-structure of the VesT2s isoform consisted of a central core (α/β)7 barrel and two disulfide bridges. The five putative glycosylation sites (Asn79, Asn99, Asn127, Asn187 and Asn325) of VesT2a and the three glycosylation sites (Asn1, Asn66 and Asn81) in VesT2b were predicted. An allergenic property significantly depends on the number of putative N-glycosylation sites. The anti-native HAase serum specifically recognized to venom HAase was able to neutralize toxicity of V. tropica venom. The ratio of venom antiserum was 1:12. Conclusions: The wasp venom allergy is known to cause life-threatening and fatal IgE-mediated anaphylactic reactions in allergic individuals. Structural analysis was a helpful tool for prediction of allergenic properties including their cross reactivity among the vespid HAase.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Vespas , Vespas , Clonagem de Organismos , Glicosídeo Hidrolases , HialuronoglucosaminidaseResumo
Termicin is an antimicrobial peptide with six cysteines forming three disulfide bridges that was firstly isolated from the salivary glands and hemocytes of the termite Pseudacanthotermes spiniger. In contrast to many broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides, termicin is most active against filamentous fungi. Although more than one hundred complementary DNAs (cDNAs) encoding termicin-like peptides have been reported to date, all these termicin-like peptides were obtained from Isoptera insects. Methods The cDNA was cloned by combination of cDNA library construction kit and DNA sequencing. The polypeptide was purified by gel filtration and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Its amino acid sequence was determined by Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial activity was tested against several bacterial and fungal strains. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by microdilution tests. Results A novel termicin-like peptide with primary structure ACDFQQCWVTCQRQYSINFISARCNGDSCVCTFRT was purified from extracts of the cockroach Eupolyphaga sinensis (Insecta: Blattodea). The cDNA encoding Es-termicin was cloned by cDNA library screening. This cDNA encoded a 60 amino acid precursor which included a 25 amino acid signal peptide. Amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA matched well with the result of protein Edman degradation. Susceptibility test indicated that Es-termicin showed strong ability to kill fungi with a MIC of 25 g/mL against Candida albicans ATCC 90028. It only showed limited potency to affect the growth of Gram-positive bacteria with a MIC of 200 g/mL against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212. It was inactive against gram-negative bacteria at the highest concentration tested (400 g/mL). Es-termicin showed high sequence similarity with termicins from many species of termites (Insecta: Isoptera). Conclusions This is the first report of a termicin-like peptide isolated from E. sinensis that belongs to the insect order Blattodea. Our results demonstrate the diversity of termicin-like peptides, as well as antimicrobial peptides in insects.(AU)
Animais , Análise de Sequência de Proteína/classificação , Análise de Sequência de Proteína , Análise de Sequência de Proteína/veterinária , Clonagem Molecular , Baratas/genéticaResumo
Termicin is an antimicrobial peptide with six cysteines forming three disulfide bridges that was firstly isolated from the salivary glands and hemocytes of the termite Pseudacanthotermes spiniger. In contrast to many broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptides, termicin is most active against filamentous fungi. Although more than one hundred complementary DNAs (cDNAs) encoding termicin-like peptides have been reported to date, all these termicin-like peptides were obtained from Isoptera insects. Methods The cDNA was cloned by combination of cDNA library construction kit and DNA sequencing. The polypeptide was purified by gel filtration and reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Its amino acid sequence was determined by Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. Antimicrobial activity was tested against several bacterial and fungal strains. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by microdilution tests. Results A novel termicin-like peptide with primary structure ACDFQQCWVTCQRQYSINFISARCNGDSCVCTFRT was purified from extracts of the cockroach Eupolyphaga sinensis (Insecta: Blattodea). The cDNA encoding Es-termicin was cloned by cDNA library screening. This cDNA encoded a 60 amino acid precursor which included a 25 amino acid signal peptide. Amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA matched well with the result of protein Edman degradation. Susceptibility test indicated that Es-termicin showed strong ability to kill fungi with a MIC of 25 g/mL against Candida albicans ATCC 90028. It only showed limited potency to affect the growth of Gram-positive bacteria with a MIC of 200 g/mL against Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212. It was inactive against gram-negative bacteria at the highest concentration tested (400 g/mL). Es-termicin showed high sequence similarity with termicins from many species of termites (Insecta: Isoptera). Conclusions This is the first report of a termicin-like peptide isolated from E. sinensis that belongs to the insect order Blattodea. Our results demonstrate the diversity of termicin-like peptides, as well as antimicrobial peptides in insects.
Animais , Análise de Sequência de Proteína , Análise de Sequência de Proteína/classificação , Análise de Sequência de Proteína/veterinária , Baratas/genética , Clonagem MolecularResumo
Wasp venom is a complex mixture containing proteins, enzymes and small molecules, including some of the most dangerous allergens. The greater banded wasp (Vespa tropica) is well-known for its lethal venom, whose one of the major components is a hyaluronidase (HAase). It is believed that the high protein proportion and activity of this enzyme is responsible for the venom potency. Methods: In the present study, cDNA cloning, sequencing and 3D-structure of Vespa tropica venom HAase were described. Anti-native HAase antibody was used for neutralization assay. Results: Two isoforms, VesT2a and VesT2b, were classified as members of the glycosidase hydrolase 56 family with high similarity (4297 %) to the allergen venom HAase. VesT2a gene contained 1486 nucleotide residues encoding 357 amino acids whereas the VesT2b isoform consisted of 1411 residues encoding 356 amino acids. The mature VesT2a and VesT2b are similar in mass and pI after prediction. They are 39119.73 Da/pI 8.91 and 39571.5 Da/pI 9.38, respectively. Two catalytic residues in VesT2a, Asp107 and Glu109 were substituted in VesT2b by Asn, thus impeding enzymatic activity. The 3D-structure of the VesT2s isoform consisted of a central core (/)7 barrel and two disulfide bridges. The five putative glycosylation sites (Asn79, Asn99, Asn127, Asn187 and Asn325) of VesT2a and the three glycosylation sites (Asn1, Asn66 and Asn81) in VesT2b were predicted. An allergenic property significantly depends on the number of putative N-glycosylation sites. The anti-native HAase serum specifically recognized to venom HAase was able to neutralize toxicity of V. tropica venom. The ratio of venom antiserum was 1:12. Conclusions: The wasp venom allergy is known to cause life-threatening and fatal IgE-mediated anaphylactic reactions in allergic individuals. Structural analysis was a helpful tool for prediction of allergenic properties including their cross reactivity among the vespid HAase.(AU)