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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 727, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366351


Background: Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular protozoan that belongs to the Apicomplexa phylum, coccidian subclass, and affects all warm-blooded animals. The role of opossums in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis in Brazil is not fully understood, and there are very few descriptions of toxoplasmosis lesions in these animals. This report describes the anatomopathological, molecular and immunohistochemical findings of a case of encephalic toxoplasmosis in free-living white-eared possum (Didelphis albiventris). Case: A young male opossum (D. albiventris), was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of Wild Animals of the University of Brasília, Federal District. The animal was apathetic, uncoordinated, reluctant to move, and had an exposed proximal fracture in the left radius and ulna with laceration of muscles and adjacent tendinous structures. Amputation on the left thoracic limb was performed followed by analgesia and antibiotic therapy. The environment is frequented by other wild animals, and stray cats have access to the patio of the building. Twenty-five days after arriving at the hospital, the animal was found dead in its cage. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments from the abdominal cavity, thoracic and central nervous system were collected, processed routinely for histology and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Macroscopic lesions in the central nervous system were not observed. On microscopy, the brain showed moderate random glial nodules throughout the neuropil associated with the presence of spherical to elongated parasitic cysts of about 20 µm, with a thin wall and with its interior full of bradyzoites, consistent with Toxoplasma gondii. There was also moderate fibrinoid necrosis and moderate multifocal lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate surrounding the blood vessels (perivascular cuffs) To investigate the etiology of the brain injury, brain sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) and real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) technique for detection of T. gondii and Neospora caninum. Immunostaining for T. gondii in the cyst wall and in bradyzoites and negative immunostaining for N. caninum. qPCR was positive for T. gondii and negative for N. caninum. Discussion: Diagnosis of encephalic toxoplasmosis in a Didelphis albiventris was possible based on histopathological, immunohistochemical and molecular findings. The morphological classification of the brain lesion was important for the diagnosis. Brain toxoplasmosis in opossums usually results in focal areas of malacia on macroscopy and focally extensive necrosis on microscopy, neutrophil infiltrate, calcified necrotic material, and perivascular cuffs of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In the present case, similar histopathological lesions were noted, but no significant macroscopic changes were observed. The etiology here was defined by immunohistochemistry and qPCR, techniques proven to be useful and with good specificity for diagnosing toxoplasmosis in mammals. It is believed that the positive immunohistochemical and molecular result for Toxoplasma gondii together with the negative result for Neospora caninum were conclusive for the diagnosis. Thus, we demonstrate here a post mortem diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in a free-living synanthropic opossum and the use of anatomopathology, immunohistochemistry and real-time polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic option for this disease in opossums.

Animais , Masculino , Encéfalo/patologia , Toxoplasmose Animal , Toxoplasmose Cerebral/veterinária , Didelphis/parasitologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457916


Background: Ectopic pregnancy mainly refers to tubal pregnancy and abdominal pregnancy. Tubal pregnancy presents as an implanted embryo that develops in the fallopian tubes, and is relatively common in humans. In animals, tubal pregnancy occurs primarily in primates, for example monkeys. The probability of a tubal pregnancy in non-primate animals is extremely low. Abdominal pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, and ligament (broad ligament, ovarian ligament, suspensory ligament).This paper describes two cases of ectopic pregnancy in cats.Cases: Cat 1. The presenting sign was a significant increase in abdominal circumference. The age and immune and sterilization status of the cat were unknown. On palpation, a 4 cm, rough, oval-shaped, hard mass was found in the posterior abdomen. Radiographic examination showed three high-density images in the posterior abdomen. The fetus was significantly calcified and some feces was evident in the colon. The condition was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy. Cat 2. The owner of a 2-year-old British shorthair cat visited us because of a hard lump in the cat’s abdomen. The cat had a normal diet and was drinking normally. Routine immunization and insect repulsion had been implemented. The cat had naturally delivered five healthy kittens two months previous. Radiographs showed an oval-shaped mass with a clear edge in the middle abdominal cavity. Other examinations were normal. The case was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy, and the pregnancy was surgically terminated. The ectopic pregnancies were surgically terminated. During surgery, the structures of the uterus and ovary of cat 1 were found to be intact and the organs were in a normal physiological position. Cat 1 was diagnosed with primary abdominal pregnancy. In cat 2, the uterus left side was small and the fallopian tube on the same side was both enlarged and longer than normal.[...]

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Gatos , Gravidez Abdominal/veterinária , Gravidez Ectópica/veterinária , Gravidez Tubária/veterinária , Saco Gestacional , Tubas Uterinas
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-726503


Background: Ectopic pregnancy mainly refers to tubal pregnancy and abdominal pregnancy. Tubal pregnancy presents as an implanted embryo that develops in the fallopian tubes, and is relatively common in humans. In animals, tubal pregnancy occurs primarily in primates, for example monkeys. The probability of a tubal pregnancy in non-primate animals is extremely low. Abdominal pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus, fallopian tube, ovary, and ligament (broad ligament, ovarian ligament, suspensory ligament).This paper describes two cases of ectopic pregnancy in cats.Cases: Cat 1. The presenting sign was a significant increase in abdominal circumference. The age and immune and sterilization status of the cat were unknown. On palpation, a 4 cm, rough, oval-shaped, hard mass was found in the posterior abdomen. Radiographic examination showed three high-density images in the posterior abdomen. The fetus was significantly calcified and some feces was evident in the colon. The condition was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy. Cat 2. The owner of a 2-year-old British shorthair cat visited us because of a hard lump in the cats abdomen. The cat had a normal diet and was drinking normally. Routine immunization and insect repulsion had been implemented. The cat had naturally delivered five healthy kittens two months previous. Radiographs showed an oval-shaped mass with a clear edge in the middle abdominal cavity. Other examinations were normal. The case was preliminarily diagnosed as ectopic pregnancy, and the pregnancy was surgically terminated. The ectopic pregnancies were surgically terminated. During surgery, the structures of the uterus and ovary of cat 1 were found to be intact and the organs were in a normal physiological position. Cat 1 was diagnosed with primary abdominal pregnancy. In cat 2, the uterus left side was small and the fallopian tube on the same side was both enlarged and longer than normal.[...](AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Gatos , Gravidez Ectópica/veterinária , Gravidez Abdominal/veterinária , Gravidez Tubária/veterinária , Tubas Uterinas , Saco Gestacional
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 353-358, mar.-abr. 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-910361


Sialolitíase é uma afecção que afeta as glândulas salivares ou seus ductos, caracterizada pela presença de estruturas calcificadas, denominadas de sialolitos, com crescimento lento e gradual, geralmente assintomático, dificultando ou impedindo o fluxo normal de saliva. Devido à ausência de relatos na literatura nacional, descreve-se o caso de uma égua de 15 anos, que apresentava um sialolito de 13cm no ducto parotídico havia mais de dois anos, próximo à crista facial. O diagnóstico foi realizado por meio do exame clínico: visualização do aumento de volume, palpação do sialolito, avaliação odontológica; e de exames complementares: radiografia e ultrassonografia. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, através do acesso percutâneo, pois é o mais indicado para cálculos grandes, realizando-se sutura do ducto de Stenon, sem presença de fístulas no pós-operatório. Foi de extrema importância a avaliação e os cuidados odontológicos durante a realização do procedimento, pois as pontas dentárias facilitam a formação dos cálculos.(AU)

Sialolithiasis is a condition that affects the salivary glands or their ducts, characterized by the presence of calcified structures, called sialolites, with slow and gradual growth, usually asymptomatic, hindering or impeding the normal flow of saliva. Due to the absence of reports in the national literature, the case of a 15-year-old mare who had a 13cm sialolite in the parotid duct near the face ridge for more than 2 years is described. The diagnosis was made through clinical examination: with visualization and palpation of the sialolite, dental evaluation; and complementary exams: radiography and ultrasonography. We chose surgical treatment through percutaneous access, which is the most appropriate for large stones, and Stenon's duct suture was performed, without postoperative fistulas. The assessment and dental care during the procedure was extremely important, since the dental tips facilitate the formation of the stones.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/anormalidades , Glândula Parótida/anormalidades , Cálculos das Glândulas Salivares/classificação
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(2): 353-358, mar.-abr. 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19216


Sialolitíase é uma afecção que afeta as glândulas salivares ou seus ductos, caracterizada pela presença de estruturas calcificadas, denominadas de sialolitos, com crescimento lento e gradual, geralmente assintomático, dificultando ou impedindo o fluxo normal de saliva. Devido à ausência de relatos na literatura nacional, descreve-se o caso de uma égua de 15 anos, que apresentava um sialolito de 13cm no ducto parotídico havia mais de dois anos, próximo à crista facial. O diagnóstico foi realizado por meio do exame clínico: visualização do aumento de volume, palpação do sialolito, avaliação odontológica; e de exames complementares: radiografia e ultrassonografia. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, através do acesso percutâneo, pois é o mais indicado para cálculos grandes, realizando-se sutura do ducto de Stenon, sem presença de fístulas no pós-operatório. Foi de extrema importância a avaliação e os cuidados odontológicos durante a realização do procedimento, pois as pontas dentárias facilitam a formação dos cálculos.(AU)

Sialolithiasis is a condition that affects the salivary glands or their ducts, characterized by the presence of calcified structures, called sialolites, with slow and gradual growth, usually asymptomatic, hindering or impeding the normal flow of saliva. Due to the absence of reports in the national literature, the case of a 15-year-old mare who had a 13cm sialolite in the parotid duct near the face ridge for more than 2 years is described. The diagnosis was made through clinical examination: with visualization and palpation of the sialolite, dental evaluation; and complementary exams: radiography and ultrasonography. We chose surgical treatment through percutaneous access, which is the most appropriate for large stones, and Stenon's duct suture was performed, without postoperative fistulas. The assessment and dental care during the procedure was extremely important, since the dental tips facilitate the formation of the stones.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/anormalidades , Cálculos das Glândulas Salivares/classificação , Glândula Parótida/anormalidades
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(4): 941-947, jul.-ago. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18001


Objetivou-se com este trabalho descrever os aspectos de tomografia computadorizada de discos intervertebrais de cães da raça Dachshund com um ano de idade, assim como quantificar, qualificar e localizar a mineralização nos componentes do DIV e no espaço intervertebral da coluna vertebral. Dez cães dessa raça, com um ano de idade, foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada (TC). Nas imagens de reconstrução sagital dos animais, procedeu-se à identificação de sete DIV em cada animal, entre as vértebras T9 e L3, totalizando a análise de 70 DIV. Entre os DIV mineralizados, a presença da alteração foi determinada quanto à localização no núcleo pulposo (NP), no anel fibroso (AF) e em AF/NP. Dos 70 DIV avaliados, 45 foram considerados como mineralizados. Entre os classificados como mineralizados, 20% (9/45), 17,8% (8/45) e 62,2% (28/45) estavam localizados nas regiões do NP, AF e AF/NP, respectivamente. A mineralização encontrada neste estudo esteve caracterizada por aumento de atenuação radiográfica com densidade mineral na topografia do DIV, havendo variações da localização e da radiodensidade de área calcificada entre animais e DIV no mesmo indivíduo. As alterações relativas à mineralização dos DIV podem ser classificadas tomograficamente quanto à localização da alteração no disco em AF, NP e AF/NP.(AU)

The objective was to describe CT imaging of calcified IVD in one-year-old Dachshunds, as well as describe the location in the soft tissue structures that make up the IVD. Ten one-year-old dogs underwent computed tomography (CT). In sagittal reconstruction images of animals, the identification of 70 IVD present in the spaces between L3 - T9 were performed. Among calcified IVDs, the presence of the change was determined as the location in the nucleus pulposus (NP), annulus fibrosus (AF) and both. Of a total of 70 evaluated IVDs, 45 were found to calcified and 25 not calcified. Among calcified discs, location was determined in nine (20%) in NP, eight discs (17.77%) in AF and 28 (62, 23%) NP & AF. Calcification in this study was characterized by increased radiographic attenuation mineral density in the IVD topography. There is variation in the location and radiodensity of calcified areas between animals and IVD in the same individual. Changes related to IVD calcification can be classified as tomographic location in AF, NP and NP & AF.(AU)

Animais , Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral , Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral/veterinária , Doenças da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(4): 941-947, jul.-ago. 2017. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-876689


Objetivou-se com este trabalho descrever os aspectos de tomografia computadorizada de discos intervertebrais de cães da raça Dachshund com um ano de idade, assim como quantificar, qualificar e localizar a mineralização nos componentes do DIV e no espaço intervertebral da coluna vertebral. Dez cães dessa raça, com um ano de idade, foram submetidos à tomografia computadorizada (TC). Nas imagens de reconstrução sagital dos animais, procedeu-se à identificação de sete DIV em cada animal, entre as vértebras T9 e L3, totalizando a análise de 70 DIV. Entre os DIV mineralizados, a presença da alteração foi determinada quanto à localização no núcleo pulposo (NP), no anel fibroso (AF) e em AF/NP. Dos 70 DIV avaliados, 45 foram considerados como mineralizados. Entre os classificados como mineralizados, 20% (9/45), 17,8% (8/45) e 62,2% (28/45) estavam localizados nas regiões do NP, AF e AF/NP, respectivamente. A mineralização encontrada neste estudo esteve caracterizada por aumento de atenuação radiográfica com densidade mineral na topografia do DIV, havendo variações da localização e da radiodensidade de área calcificada entre animais e DIV no mesmo indivíduo. As alterações relativas à mineralização dos DIV podem ser classificadas tomograficamente quanto à localização da alteração no disco em AF, NP e AF/NP.(AU)

The objective was to describe CT imaging of calcified IVD in one-year-old Dachshunds, as well as describe the location in the soft tissue structures that make up the IVD. Ten one-year-old dogs underwent computed tomography (CT). In sagittal reconstruction images of animals, the identification of 70 IVD present in the spaces between L3 - T9 were performed. Among calcified IVDs, the presence of the change was determined as the location in the nucleus pulposus (NP), annulus fibrosus (AF) and both. Of a total of 70 evaluated IVDs, 45 were found to calcified and 25 not calcified. Among calcified discs, location was determined in nine (20%) in NP, eight discs (17.77%) in AF and 28 (62, 23%) NP & AF. Calcification in this study was characterized by increased radiographic attenuation mineral density in the IVD topography. There is variation in the location and radiodensity of calcified areas between animals and IVD in the same individual. Changes related to IVD calcification can be classified as tomographic location in AF, NP and NP & AF.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral/diagnóstico por imagem , Degeneração do Disco Intervertebral/veterinária , Tomografia/veterinária , Doenças da Coluna Vertebral/veterinária
B. Inst. Pesca ; 40(3): 451-457, Jul-Set. 2014. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29156


The aim of this study was to define the concentrations and immersion periods for the chemical marking of piava juveniles Leporinus obtusidens, using oxytetracycline (OTC). Twenty piava juveniles were used per treatment and submitted to six concentrations of OTC (50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800 mg OTC L-1) and three immersion periods (6, 12, 24 h), and one treatment as control. Scales of three fishes per treatment were evaluated under a confocal microscope with UV light. The mean values of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were kept at 27.4ºC, 7.2, and 7.4 mg L-1, respectively. No mortality was observed in the treatments. The presence of a chemical mark was only observed from the treatment 100 mg L-1 24 h-1, however it was of low intensity and discontinuous. Treatments with immersion periods of 12 and 24 h produced visible marks in 300 mg L-1, and clear bright and continuous marks in 500 mg L-1. Treatments of 800 mg L-1, for all immersion periods, produced clear bright and continuous marks.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi definir concentrações e tempos de imersão para a marcação química de juvenis de Leporinus obtusidens, utilizando oxitetraciclina (OTC). Foram utilizados 20 juvenis por tratamento submetidos a banhos com seis concentrações de OTC (50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800 mg L-1) e três tempos de imersão (6, 12, 24 h), mais um tratamento controle. Foram avaliadas escamas de três indivíduos por tratamento em microscópio confocal com luz UV. Os valores médios de temperatura, pH e OD se mantiveram em 27,4C; 7,2 e 7,4 mg L-1, respectivamente. Em nenhum dos tratamentos foi observada mortalidade. A presença da marca só foi observada a partir do tratamento 100 mg L-1 24 h-1, sendo de fraca intensidade. Os tratamentos com 12 e 24 h produziram marcas visíveis para 300 mg L-1 e fortemente visíveis e contínuas para 500 mg L-1. Nos tratamentos com 800 mg L-1, todos os tempos de exposição produziram marcas fortemente visíveis e contínuas.(AU)

Animais , Caraciformes , Oxitetraciclina/administração & dosagem , Calcificação Fisiológica , Escamas de Animais
Bol. Inst. Pesca (Impr.) ; 40(3): 451-457, Jul-Set. 2014. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1465000


The aim of this study was to define the concentrations and immersion periods for the chemical marking of piava juveniles Leporinus obtusidens, using oxytetracycline (OTC). Twenty piava juveniles were used per treatment and submitted to six concentrations of OTC (50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800 mg OTC L-1) and three immersion periods (6, 12, 24 h), and one treatment as control. Scales of three fishes per treatment were evaluated under a confocal microscope with UV light. The mean values of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen were kept at 27.4ºC, 7.2, and 7.4 mg L-1, respectively. No mortality was observed in the treatments. The presence of a chemical mark was only observed from the treatment 100 mg L-1 24 h-1, however it was of low intensity and discontinuous. Treatments with immersion periods of 12 and 24 h produced visible marks in 300 mg L-1, and clear bright and continuous marks in 500 mg L-1. Treatments of 800 mg L-1, for all immersion periods, produced clear bright and continuous marks.

O objetivo deste estudo foi definir concentrações e tempos de imersão para a marcação química de juvenis de Leporinus obtusidens, utilizando oxitetraciclina (OTC). Foram utilizados 20 juvenis por tratamento submetidos a banhos com seis concentrações de OTC (50, 100, 150, 300, 500, 800 mg L-1) e três tempos de imersão (6, 12, 24 h), mais um tratamento controle. Foram avaliadas escamas de três indivíduos por tratamento em microscópio confocal com luz UV. Os valores médios de temperatura, pH e OD se mantiveram em 27,4C; 7,2 e 7,4 mg L-1, respectivamente. Em nenhum dos tratamentos foi observada mortalidade. A presença da marca só foi observada a partir do tratamento 100 mg L-1 24 h-1, sendo de fraca intensidade. Os tratamentos com 12 e 24 h produziram marcas visíveis para 300 mg L-1 e fortemente visíveis e contínuas para 500 mg L-1. Nos tratamentos com 800 mg L-1, todos os tempos de exposição produziram marcas fortemente visíveis e contínuas.

Animais , Calcificação Fisiológica , Caraciformes , Escamas de Animais , Oxitetraciclina/administração & dosagem
Braz. J. Biol. ; 68(1)2008.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-446375


The development of the foregut structure and the digestive function of the decapods Litopenaeus vannamei, Sesarma rectum and Callichirus major larvae and post larvae were examined. The protozoeal foregut of L. vannamei is simple, lacking a cardiopyloric valve and bearing a rudimentary filter press. In mysis, the filter press is more developed. In the juvenile stage, grooves and a small lateral tooth arise. In S. rectum, the foregut has a functional cardiopyloric valve and a filter press. The megalopal and juvenile stages of this species have a gastric mill similar to those in adult crabs. In C. major, the foregut of the zoeae is specialized, with the appearance of some rigid structures, but no gastric mill was found. Calcified structures are observed in the megalopae and they become more developed in the juvenile stage. The results support suppositions, previously reported in other studies, that feeding behavior of each larval and postlarval stage is directly related to the morphological characteristics of the foreguts.

O desenvolvimento da estrutura do estômago e da função digestiva foi examinada em larvas e pós-larvas de Litopenaeus vannamei, Sesarma rectum e Callichirus major. O estômago do protozoea de L. vannamei é muito simples, sem válvula cárdiopilórica e apresenta um filtro pilórico rudimentar. Em mysis, o filtro pilórico parece ser mais desenvolvido. No juvenil I surgem calhas e dentes laterais pouco desenvolvidos. Os estômagos dos zoeae de S. rectum possuem a válvula cárdiopilórica e o filtro pilórico funcionais. Nos estágios megalopa e juvenil I o moinho gástrico é complexo. Em C. major, os estômagos dos zoeae se mostram especializados exibindo algumas estruturas rígidas, mas não apresentam moinho gástrico. Esta estrutura surge no megalopa e juvenil I. Os resultados suportam suposições anteriores que o comportamento alimentar de larvas e pós-larvas está diretamente relacionado com as características morfológicas dos estômagos.