Traditional methods of gamete handling, fertilization, and embryo culture often face limitations in efficiency, consistency, and the ability to closely mimic in vivo conditions. This review explores the opportunities presented by microfluidic and 3D culture systems in overcoming these challenges and enhancing in vitro embryo production. We discuss the basic principles of microfluidics, emphasizing their inherent advantages such as precise control of fluid flow, reduced reagent consumption, and high-throughput capabilities. Furthermore, we delve into microfluidic devices designed for gamete manipulation, in vitro fertilization, and embryo culture, highlighting innovations such as droplet-based microfluidics and on-chip monitoring. Next, we explore the integration of 3D culture systems, including the use of biomimetic scaffolds and organ-on-a-chip platforms, with a particular focus on the oviduct-on-a-chip. Finally, we discuss the potential of these advanced systems to improve embryo production outcomes and advance our understanding of early embryo development. By leveraging the unique capabilities of microfluidics and 3D culture systems, we foresee significant advancements in the efficiency, effectiveness, and clinical success of in vitro embryo production.(AU)
Animais , Microfluídica/tendências , Técnicas de Cultura de Células em Três Dimensões/veterinária , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Biotecnologia , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
Abstract Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have great potential for application in cell therapy and tissue engineering procedures because of their plasticity and capacity to differentiate into different cell types. Given the widespread use of MSCs, it is necessary to better understand some properties related to osteogenic differentiation, particularly those linked to biomaterials used in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to develop an analysis method using FT-Raman spectroscopy for the identification and quantification of biochemical components present in conditioned culture media derived from MSCs with or without induction of osteogenic differentiation. All experiments were performed between passages 3 and 5. For this analysis, MSCs were cultured on scaffolds composed of bioresorbable poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) polymers. MSCs (GIBCO®) were inoculated onto the pure polymers and 75:25 PHBV/PCL blend (dense and porous samples). The plate itself was used as control. The cells were maintained in DMEM (with low glucose) containing GlutaMAX® and 10% FBS at 37oC with 5% CO2 for 21 days. The conditioned culture media were collected and analyzed to probe for functional groups, as well as possible molecular variations associated with cell differentiation and metabolism. The method permitted to identify functional groups of specific molecules in the conditioned medium such as cholesterol, phosphatidylinositol, triglycerides, beta-subunit polypeptides, amide regions and hydrogen bonds of proteins, in addition to DNA expression. In the present study, FT-Raman spectroscopy exhibited limited resolution since different molecules can express similar or even the same stretching vibrations, a fact that makes analysis difficult. There were no variations in the readings between the samples studied. In conclusion, FT-Raman spectroscopy did not meet expectations under the conditions studied.
Resumo As células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs) possuem grande potencial para aplicação em procedimentos terapêuticos ligados a terapia celular e engenharia de tecidos, considerando-se a plasticidade e capacidade de formação em diferentes tipos celulares por elas. Dada a abrangência no emprego das MSCs, há necessidade de se compreender melhor algumas propriedades relacionadas à diferenciação osteogênica, particularmente liga à biomateriais usados em engenharia de tecidos. Este projeto objetiva o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de análise empregando-se a FT-Raman para identificação e quantificação de componentes bioquímicos presentes em meios de cultura condicionados por MSCs, com ou sem indução à diferenciação osteogênica. Todos os experimentos foram realizados entre as passagens 3 e 5. Para essas análises, as MSCs foram cultivadas sobre arcabouços de polímeros biorreabsorvíveis de poli (hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) (PHBV) e o poli (ε-caprolactona) (PCL). As MSCs (GIBCO®) foram inoculadas nos polímeros puros e na mistura 75:25 de PHBV / PCL (amostras densas e porosas). As células foram mantidas em DMEM (com baixa glicose) contendo GlutaMAX® e 10% de SFB a 37oC com 5% de CO2 por 21 dias. A própria placa foi usada como controle. Os meios de cultura condicionados foram coletados e analisadas em FT-Raman para sondagem de grupos funcionais, bem como possíveis variações moleculares associadas com a diferenciação e metabolismo celular. Foi possível discernir grupos funcionais de moléculas específicas no meio condicionado, como colesterol, fosfatidilinositol, triglicerídeos, forma Beta de polipeptídeos, regiões de amida e ligações de hidrogênio de proteínas, além da expressão de DNA. Na presente avaliação, a FT-Raman apresentou como uma técnica de resolução limitada, uma vez que modos vibracionais de estiramento próximos ou mesmo iguais podem ser expressos por moléculas diferente, dificultando a análise. Não houve variações nas leituras entre as amostras estudadas, concluindo-se que a FT-Raman não atendeu às expectativas nas condições estudadas.
Animais , Ratos , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Osteogênese , Poliésteres , Análise Espectral Raman , Meios de Cultivo Condicionados , Proliferação de Células , Alicerces TeciduaisResumo
Abstract Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have great potential for application in cell therapy and tissue engineering procedures because of their plasticity and capacity to differentiate into different cell types. Given the widespread use of MSCs, it is necessary to better understand some properties related to osteogenic differentiation, particularly those linked to biomaterials used in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to develop an analysis method using FT-Raman spectroscopy for the identification and quantification of biochemical components present in conditioned culture media derived from MSCs with or without induction of osteogenic differentiation. All experiments were performed between passages 3 and 5. For this analysis, MSCs were cultured on scaffolds composed of bioresorbable poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and poly(-caprolactone) (PCL) polymers. MSCs (GIBCO®) were inoculated onto the pure polymers and 75:25 PHBV/PCL blend (dense and porous samples). The plate itself was used as control. The cells were maintained in DMEM (with low glucose) containing GlutaMAX® and 10% FBS at 37oC with 5% CO2 for 21 days. The conditioned culture media were collected and analyzed to probe for functional groups, as well as possible molecular variations associated with cell differentiation and metabolism. The method permitted to identify functional groups of specific molecules in the conditioned medium such as cholesterol, phosphatidylinositol, triglycerides, beta-subunit polypeptides, amide regions and hydrogen bonds of proteins, in addition to DNA expression. In the present study, FT-Raman spectroscopy exhibited limited resolution since different molecules can express similar or even the same stretching vibrations, a fact that makes analysis difficult. There were no variations in the readings between the samples studied. In conclusion, FT-Raman spectroscopy did not meet expectations under the conditions studied.
Resumo As células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs) possuem grande potencial para aplicação em procedimentos terapêuticos ligados a terapia celular e engenharia de tecidos, considerando-se a plasticidade e capacidade de formação em diferentes tipos celulares por elas. Dada a abrangência no emprego das MSCs, há necessidade de se compreender melhor algumas propriedades relacionadas à diferenciação osteogênica, particularmente liga à biomateriais usados em engenharia de tecidos. Este projeto objetiva o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de análise empregando-se a FT-Raman para identificação e quantificação de componentes bioquímicos presentes em meios de cultura condicionados por MSCs, com ou sem indução à diferenciação osteogênica. Todos os experimentos foram realizados entre as passagens 3 e 5. Para essas análises, as MSCs foram cultivadas sobre arcabouços de polímeros biorreabsorvíveis de poli (hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) (PHBV) e o poli (-caprolactona) (PCL). As MSCs (GIBCO®) foram inoculadas nos polímeros puros e na mistura 75:25 de PHBV / PCL (amostras densas e porosas). As células foram mantidas em DMEM (com baixa glicose) contendo GlutaMAX® e 10% de SFB a 37oC com 5% de CO2 por 21 dias. A própria placa foi usada como controle. Os meios de cultura condicionados foram coletados e analisadas em FT-Raman para sondagem de grupos funcionais, bem como possíveis variações moleculares associadas com a diferenciação e metabolismo celular. Foi possível discernir grupos funcionais de moléculas específicas no meio condicionado, como colesterol, fosfatidilinositol, triglicerídeos, forma Beta de polipeptídeos, regiões de amida e ligações de hidrogênio de proteínas, além da expressão de DNA. Na presente avaliação, a FT-Raman apresentou como uma técnica de resolução limitada, uma vez que modos vibracionais de estiramento próximos ou mesmo iguais podem ser expressos por moléculas diferente, dificultando a análise. Não houve variações nas leituras entre as amostras estudadas, concluindo-se que a FT-Raman não atendeu às expectativas nas condições estudadas.
O tecido testicular contém células germinativas, que possuem potencial para se desenvolver em espermatozoides viáveis por meio do cultivo in vitro ou xenotransplante, sendo uma alternativa interessante a ser utilizada na formação de biobancos. Esta revisão compila as atualizações, desafios e perspectivas relacionadas às técnicas de criopreservação e cultivo de tecido testicular como estratégia para a conservação de espécies mamíferas. O tecido testicular pode ser obtido tanto de indivíduos adultos como pré púberes, seja após orquiectomia ou até mesmo após a sua morte. O tecido fragmentado pode ser criopreservado por congelação lenta ou rápida e por métodos de vitrificação. Os crioprotetores são indispensáveis durante a criopreservação e podem variar o tipo e concentração de acordo com a espécie. Com os avanços da criopreservação deste material, espermatozoides podem ser obtidos por transplante de fragmentos testiculares ou células germinativas isoladas em camundongos imunodeficientes. No entanto, a obtenção de espermatozoides no cultivo in vitro ainda é um desafio.(AU)
The testicular tissue contains germ cells, which have the potential to develop into viable spermatozoa through in vitro culture or xenotransplantation, being an interesting alternative to be used in the formation of biobanks. This review compiles updates, challenges and perspectives related to cryopreservation techniques and testicular tissue culture as a strategy for the conservation of mammalian species. Testicular tissue can be obtained from both adult and pre-pubertal individuals, either after orchiectomy or even after their death. Fragmented tissue can be cryopreserved by slow or fast freezing and by vitrification methods. Cryoprotectants are indispensable during cryopreservation and may vary in type and concentration according to the species. With advances in cryopreservation of this material, spermatozoa can be obtained by transplanting testicular fragments or isolated germ cells into immunodeficient mice. However, obtaining spermatozoa in in vitro culture is still a challenge.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Criopreservação/veterinária , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Espermatogênese , Crioprotetores , Células GerminativasResumo
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have great potential for application in cell therapy and tissue engineering procedures because of their plasticity and capacity to differentiate into different cell types. Given the widespread use of MSCs, it is necessary to better understand some properties related to osteogenic differentiation, particularly those linked to biomaterials used in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to develop an analysis method using FT-Raman spectroscopy for the identification and quantification of biochemical components present in conditioned culture media derived from MSCs with or without induction of osteogenic differentiation. All experiments were performed between passages 3 and 5. For this analysis, MSCs were cultured on scaffolds composed of bioresorbable poly(hydroxybutyrate co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) polymers. MSCs (GIBCO®) were inoculated onto the pure polymers and 75:25 PHBV/PCL blend (dense and porous samples). The plate itself was used as control. The cells were maintained in DMEM (with low glucose) containing GlutaMAX® and 10% FBS at 37ºC with 5% CO2 for 21 days. The conditioned culture media were collected and analyzed to probe for functional groups, as well as possible molecular variations associated with cell differentiation and metabolism. The method permitted to identify functional groups of specific molecules in the conditioned medium such as cholesterol, phosphatidylinositol, triglycerides, beta-subunit polypeptides, amide regions and hydrogen bonds of proteins, in addition to DNA expression. In the present study, FT-Raman spectroscopy exhibited limited resolution since different molecules can express similar or even the same stretching vibrations, a fact that makes analysis difficult. There were no variations in the readings between the samples studied. In conclusion, FT-Raman spectroscopy did not meet expectations under the conditions studied.
As células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs) possuem grande potencial para aplicação em procedimentos terapêuticos ligados a terapia celular e engenharia de tecidos, considerando-se a plasticidade e capacidade de formação em diferentes tipos celulares por elas. Dada a abrangência no emprego das MSCs, há necessidade de se compreender melhor algumas propriedades relacionadas à diferenciação osteogênica, particularmente liga à biomateriais usados em engenharia de tecidos. Este projeto objetiva o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de análise empregando-se a FT-Raman para identificação e quantificação de componentes bioquímicos presentes em meios de cultura condicionados por MSCs, com ou sem indução à diferenciação osteogênica. Todos os experimentos foram realizados entre as passagens 3 e 5. Para essas análises, as MSCs foram cultivadas sobre arcabouços de polímeros biorreabsorvíveis de poli (hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) (PHBV) e o poli (ε-caprolactona) (PCL). As MSCs (GIBCO®) foram inoculadas nos polímeros puros e na mistura 75:25 de PHBV / PCL (amostras densas e porosas). As células foram mantidas em DMEM (com baixa glicose) contendo GlutaMAX® e 10% de SFB a 37oC com 5% de CO2 por 21 dias. A própria placa foi usada como controle. Os meios de cultura condicionados foram coletados e analisadas em FT-Raman para sondagem de grupos funcionais, bem como possíveis variações moleculares associadas com a diferenciação e metabolismo celular. Foi possível discernir grupos funcionais de moléculas específicas no meio condicionado, como colesterol, fosfatidilinositol, triglicerídeos, forma Beta de polipeptídeos, regiões de amida e ligações de hidrogênio de proteínas, além da expressão de DNA. Na presente avaliação, a FT-Raman apresentou como uma técnica de resolução limitada, uma vez que modos vibracionais de estiramento próximos ou mesmo iguais podem ser expressos por moléculas diferente, dificultando a [...].
Animais , Ratos , Análise Espectral Raman/métodos , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Fenômenos BioquímicosResumo
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have great potential for application in cell therapy and tissue engineering procedures because of their plasticity and capacity to differentiate into different cell types. Given the widespread use of MSCs, it is necessary to better understand some properties related to osteogenic differentiation, particularly those linked to biomaterials used in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to develop an analysis method using FT-Raman spectroscopy for the identification and quantification of biochemical components present in conditioned culture media derived from MSCs with or without induction of osteogenic differentiation. All experiments were performed between passages 3 and 5. For this analysis, MSCs were cultured on scaffolds composed of bioresorbable poly(hydroxybutyrate co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) polymers. MSCs (GIBCO®) were inoculated onto the pure polymers and 75:25 PHBV/PCL blend (dense and porous samples). The plate itself was used as control. The cells were maintained in DMEM (with low glucose) containing GlutaMAX® and 10% FBS at 37ºC with 5% CO2 for 21 days. The conditioned culture media were collected and analyzed to probe for functional groups, as well as possible molecular variations associated with cell differentiation and metabolism. The method permitted to identify functional groups of specific molecules in the conditioned medium such as cholesterol, phosphatidylinositol, triglycerides, beta-subunit polypeptides, amide regions and hydrogen bonds of proteins, in addition to DNA expression. In the present study, FT-Raman spectroscopy exhibited limited resolution since different molecules can express similar or even the same stretching vibrations, a fact that makes analysis difficult. There were no variations in the readings between the samples studied. In conclusion, FT-Raman spectroscopy did not meet expectations under the conditions studied.(AU)
As células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs) possuem grande potencial para aplicação em procedimentos terapêuticos ligados a terapia celular e engenharia de tecidos, considerando-se a plasticidade e capacidade de formação em diferentes tipos celulares por elas. Dada a abrangência no emprego das MSCs, há necessidade de se compreender melhor algumas propriedades relacionadas à diferenciação osteogênica, particularmente liga à biomateriais usados em engenharia de tecidos. Este projeto objetiva o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de análise empregando-se a FT-Raman para identificação e quantificação de componentes bioquímicos presentes em meios de cultura condicionados por MSCs, com ou sem indução à diferenciação osteogênica. Todos os experimentos foram realizados entre as passagens 3 e 5. Para essas análises, as MSCs foram cultivadas sobre arcabouços de polímeros biorreabsorvíveis de poli (hidroxibutirato-co-hidroxivalerato) (PHBV) e o poli (ε-caprolactona) (PCL). As MSCs (GIBCO®) foram inoculadas nos polímeros puros e na mistura 75:25 de PHBV / PCL (amostras densas e porosas). As células foram mantidas em DMEM (com baixa glicose) contendo GlutaMAX® e 10% de SFB a 37oC com 5% de CO2 por 21 dias. A própria placa foi usada como controle. Os meios de cultura condicionados foram coletados e analisadas em FT-Raman para sondagem de grupos funcionais, bem como possíveis variações moleculares associadas com a diferenciação e metabolismo celular. Foi possível discernir grupos funcionais de moléculas específicas no meio condicionado, como colesterol, fosfatidilinositol, triglicerídeos, forma Beta de polipeptídeos, regiões de amida e ligações de hidrogênio de proteínas, além da expressão de DNA. Na presente avaliação, a FT-Raman apresentou como uma técnica de resolução limitada, uma vez que modos vibracionais de estiramento próximos ou mesmo iguais podem ser expressos por moléculas diferente, dificultando a [...].(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Análise Espectral Raman/métodosResumo
Considering the relevance of establishing biodiversity conservation tools, the study aimed to investigate the TCM199 supplemented with different follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations on survival and development of fresh and vitrified preantral follicles enclosed in red-rumped agouti ovarian tissues cultured in vitro. In the first experiment, six pairs of ovaries were fragmented and cultured for 6 days according to groups: 10 ng/mL pFSH (FSH10 group) and 50 ng/mL (FSH50 group). Non-cultured tissues were considered as a control. In the second experiment, vitrified/warmed fragments of four pairs of ovaries were cultured with the best concentration of FSH established (cryopreserved and cultured group). Non-cryopreserved (fresh control group) and cryopreserved but non-cultured (non-cultured group) tissues were used as controls. For both experiments, preantral follicles were evaluated for survival and development using morphological and viability analysis by trypan blue staining. After culturing fresh samples, FSH50 showed a higher percentage of morphologically normal follicles when compared to FSH10 (P < 0.05). This same response was observed for primordial follicles. Regardless of the concentrations of FSH used during in vitro culture, no difference was observed regarding the percentage of viable follicles and diameters (P > 0.05). Thus, the FSH50 group was used for second experiment, in which 76.2 ± 7.2% normal preantral follicles previously vitrified was found after 6-day culture, also presenting the highest values (P < 0.05) for morphology of primordial follicles (95.2 ± 4.7%). Nevertheless, in vitro culture did not affect the viability and diameter of preantral follicles of cryopreserved tissues (P > 0.05). In conclusion, TCM199 supplemented with 50 ng/mL FSH was efficient in maintaining the in vitro survival of fresh and vitrified red-rumped agouti preantral follicles. This was the first study related to the in vitro culture of ovarian preantral follicles in this species, aiming to contribute to its conservation.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Células Tecais/fisiologia , Gonadotrofos/fisiologia , Animais Selvagens/embriologia , Técnicas In Vitro , Criopreservação/veterinária , VitrificaçãoResumo
The puma population is constantly decreasing, and cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer can be used to conserve the species. One of the factors determining the success of the development of cloned embryos is the cell cycle stage of the donor cells. We evaluated the effects of full confluency (~100%), serum starvation (0.5% serum), and roscovitine (15 µM) treatments on the cell cycle synchronization in G0/G1 of puma skin-derived fibroblasts by flow cytometric analysis. Also, we assessed the effects of these synchronization methods on morphology, viability, and apoptosis levels using microscopy tools. The results showed that culturing the cells to confluence for 24 h (84.0%), 48 h (84.6%), and 72 h (84.2%) and serum starvation for 96 h (85.4%) yielded a significantly higher percentage of cells arrested in the G0/G1 (P < 0.05) phase than cells not subjected to any cell cycle synchronization method (73.9%). Nevertheless, while serum starvation reduced the percentage of viable cells, no difference was observed for the full confluence and roscovitine treatments (P > 0.05). Moreover, roscovitine for 12 h (78.6%) and 24 h (82.1%) was unable to synchronize cells in G0/G1 (P > 0.05). In summary, full confluency induces puma fibroblast cell cycle synchronization at the G0/G1 stage without affecting cell viability. These outcomes may be valuable for planning donor cells for somatic cell nuclear transfer in pumas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Panthera/genética , Fibroblastos/fisiologia , Pele , Sincronização do Estro/genética , Técnicas de Transferência Nuclear/veterinária , Roscovitina/efeitos adversosResumo
Haemonchus contortus is a constraint to sheep production. Seeking to reduce the use of hosts and produce parasitic stages in large-scale, a 42-day in vitro culture protocol of H. contortus third-stage larvae was optimized using Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM). In cell-free culture, larvae were maintained at 39.6°C, in acidic media (pH 6.1) for 3 or 6 days with Δ4-dafachronic acid followed by DMEM pH 7.4 supplemented or not with Fildes' reagent. In DMEM pH 7.4 at 37°C, supplementation with Caco-2 cells was compared to Fildes. On Day 14, fourth-stage larvae (L4) development rates in acidic media supplemented (86.8-88.4%) or not (74.4-77.8%) with Fildes and in Caco-2 cell co-culture (92.6%) were similar, and superior to DMEM pH 7.4 with Fildes (0.0%). On Day 21, Caco-2 cell co-culture resulted in higher larvae differentiation (25.0%) and lower degeneration (13.9%) compared to acidic media (1.5-8.1% and 48.6-69.9%, respectively). This is the first report of prolonged in vitro culture of H. contortus larvae using commercial media in co-culture with Caco-2 cells. Although no progression to the adult stage, Caco-2 cell co-culture resulted in morphological differentiation of H. contortus L4 and larval viability for up to 28 days.(AU)
Haemonchus contortus provoca grandes prejuízos à ovinocultura. Visando reduzir a utilização de ovinos hospedeiros e produzir estágios parasitários em larga escala, um protocolo para o cultivo in vitro por 42 dias de larvas de terceiro estádio de H. contortus foi realizado em meio Eagle, modificado por Dulbecco (DMEM). No cultivo sem células, as larvas foram mantidas a 39,6°C e incubadas em DMEM ácido (pH 6,1) por 3 ou 6 dias com 4Δ-ácido dafacrônico seguido por DMEM pH 7,4 suplementado ou não com reagente de Fildes. Em DMEM pH 7,4 a 37°C, a suplementação com células Caco-2 foi comparada à suplementação com Fildes. No Dia 14, as taxas de desenvolvimento até o quarto estádio larvar (L4) foram similares em meio ácido sem células suplementado (86,8-88,4%) ou não (74,4-77,8%) com Fildes e em co-cultura com células Caco-2 (92,6%), e superiores ao desenvolvimento em DMEM pH 7,4 com Fildes (0,0%). No Dia 21, o co-cultivo com células Caco-2 resultou em maior diferenciação (25,0%) e menor degeneração (13,9%) das larvas em comparação ao meio ácido (1,5-8,1% e 48,6-69,9%, respectivamente). Este é o primeiro relato de cultivo in vitro prolongado de H. contortus em meio comercial em co-cultivo com células Caco-2. Apesar da ausência de progressão até o estágio adulto, o co-cultivo com células Caco-2 resultou em diferenciação de L4 e manutenção da viabilidade das larvas de H. contortus por até 28 dias in vitro.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Ovinos/parasitologia , Haemonchus/parasitologia , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Gastroenteropatias/parasitologiaResumo
Purpose: Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the deadliest cancers with increasing incidence. Even if progress have been made, the five-year overall survival remains lower than 10%. There is a desperate need in therapeutic improvements. In the last two decades, new in-vitro models have been developed and improved, including tridimensional-culture spheroids and organoids. However, animal studies remain mandatory in the upscaling before clinical studies. Orthotopic and syngeneic grafting is a robust model to test a drug efficiency in a tumor and its microenvironment. Methods: We described a method for orthotopic and syngeneic graft of KRAS mutated, p53 wildtype, 8305 cells in a C57BL/6J mouse model. Results: With this microsurgical method, 30 mice were grafted, 24 by a junior and six by a senior, resulting in 95,8 and 100% of (partial and total) successful tumoral implantation, respectively. Twenty mice underwent ultrasound follow-up. It was an efficient method for the tumoral growth evaluation. At day 16 after grafting, 85% of the tumors were detectable by ultrasound, and at day 22 all tumors were detected. Conclusions: The presented method appears to be a robust and reliable method for pre-clinical studies. A junior master student can provide positive results using this technique, which can be improved with training.
Animais , Camundongos , Neoplasias Pancreáticas , Transplantes , MuridaeResumo
A male adult ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) kept under human care developed anuria, which progressed to death. Grossly, the urinary bladder was markedly dilated and filled with red discolored urine containing blood clots. In addition, the animal had a hepatoid cell adenoma adjacent to the urethra, which likely caused partial urethral occlusion. Microscopically, there was a predominantly neutrophilic, fibrinous and hemorrhagic urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis with intralesional gram-positive cocci. Microbiologic culture followed by MALDI-TOF MS analysis resulted in the identification of isolates from the urine and urethra as Staphylococcus felis.(AU)
Animais , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Uretrite/diagnóstico , Adenoma/diagnóstico , Felidae , Infecções Estafilocócicas/diagnóstico , StaphylococcusResumo
The study aim was to evaluate the cytotoxic activity, using the MTT test [3-(4,5-Dimethilthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenil tetrazolium bromide], from the crude extract of Picrasma crenata (Pau Tenente) and its isolated compounds, quassin and parain, in culture of rat liver tumor cells (HTC). The test was carried out exposing the cells for 24, 48 and 72 hours to concentrations of 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 1000 µg of crude extract of Pau Tenente/mL of culture medium and 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg of quassin or parain compounds/mL of culture medium. The absorbances averages results obtained showed that the crude extract did not present cytotoxicity for the HTC cells in all the concentrations and evaluated times. For quassin, the concentrations of 80 and 100 µg/mL were cytotoxic, after 72 hours of treatment. For parain, the concentrations of 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg/mL, in 72 hours, were cytotoxic, revealing a new activity for this compound. Thus, the results demonstrate a first indication of the cytotoxic activity of compounds quassin and parain, adding an important social and economic value to them, and may have application in future research and in pharmaceutical industry.
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a atividade citotóxica, por meio do teste MTT [brometo de 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difenil tetrazólio], do extrato bruto de Picrasma crenata (Pau Tenente) e seus compostos isolados, quassina e paraína, em cultura de células tumorais de fígado de rato (HTC). O teste foi realizado expondo as células por 24, 48 e 72 horas às concentrações de 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 e 1000 µg de extrato bruto de Pau Tenente/mL de meio de cultura e 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg de compostos de quassina ou paraína/mL de meio de cultura. Os resultados das médias de absorbâncias obtidos mostraram que o extrato bruto não apresentou citotoxicidade para as células HTC em todas as concentrações e tempos avaliados. Para quassina, as concentrações de 80 e 100 µg/mL foram citotóxicas, após 72 horas de tratamento. Para a paraína, as concentrações de 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg/mL, em 72 horas, foram citotóxicas, revelando uma nova atividade para este composto. Assim, os resultados demonstram uma primeira indicação da atividade citotóxica dos compostos quassina e paraína, agregando-lhes importante valor social e econômico, podendo ter aplicação em pesquisas futuras e na indústria farmacêutica.
Animais , Ratos , Extratos Vegetais , Picrasma/toxicidade , Quassinas , NeoplasiasResumo
Abstract Endophytic bacteria serve key roles in the maintenance of plant health and growth. Few studies to date, however, have explored the antagonistic and plant growth-promoting (PGP) properties of Prunus cerasifera endophytes. To that end, we isolated endophytic bacteria from P. cerasifera tissue samples and used a dual culture plate assay to screen these microbes for antagonistic activity against Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum, and F. moniliforme. Of the 36 strains of isolated bacteria, four (strains P1, P10, P16, and P20) exhibited antagonistic effects against all five model pathogens, and the P10 strain exhibited the strongest antagonistic to five pathogens. This P10 strain was then characterized in-depth via phenotypic assessments, physiological analyses, and 16s rDNA sequencing, revealing it to be a strain of Bacillus subtilis. Application of a P10 cell suspension (1×108 CFU/mL) significantly enhanced the seed germination and seedling growth of tomato in a greenhouse setting. This P10 strain further significantly suppressed tomato Verticillium wilt with much lower disease incidence and disease index scores being observed following P10 treatment relative to untreated plants in pot-based experiments. Tomato plants that had been treated with strain P10 also enhanced defense-related enzymes, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase activity upon V. dahliae challenge relative to plants that had not been treated with this endophytic bacterium. The results revealed that the P10 bacterial strain has potential value as a biocontrol agent for use in the prevention of tomato Verticillium wilt.
Resumo As bactérias endofíticas desempenham papel fundamental na manutenção da saúde e do crescimento das plantas. Poucos estudos até o momento, no entanto, exploraram as propriedades antagônicas e promotoras de crescimento de plantas (PGP) de endófitos de Prunus cerasifera. Para esse fim, isolamos bactérias endofíticas de amostras de tecido de P. cerasifera e usamos um ensaio de placa de cultura dupla para rastrear esses micróbios quanto à atividade antagonista contra Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum e F. moniliforme. Das 36 cepas de bactérias isoladas, quatro (cepas P1, P10, P16 e P20) exibiram efeitos antagônicos contra todos os cinco patógenos modelo, e a cepa P10 exibiu o antagonista mais forte para cinco patógenos. Essa cepa P10 foi então caracterizada em profundidade por meio de avaliações fenotípicas, análises fisiológicas e sequenciamento de rDNA 16s, revelando ser uma cepa de Bacillus subtilis. A aplicação de uma suspensão de células P10 (1 × 108 UFC / mL) aumentou significativamente a germinação das sementes e o crescimento das mudas de tomate em casa de vegetação. Essa cepa P10 suprimiu ainda mais a murcha de Verticillium do tomate com incidência de doença muito menor e pontuações de índice de doença sendo observadas após o tratamento com P10 em relação a plantas não tratadas em experimentos baseados em vasos. As plantas de tomate que foram tratadas com a cepa P10 também aumentaram as enzimas relacionadas à defesa, peroxidase, superóxido dismutase e atividade da catalase após o desafio de V. dahliae em relação às plantas que não foram tratadas com essa bactéria endofítica. Os resultados revelaram que a cepa bacteriana P10 tem valor potencial como agente de biocontrole para uso na prevenção da murcha de Verticillium em tomate.
It can be assumed that the natural processes of selection and developmental condition in the animal provide the best prerequisites for embryogenesis resulting in pregnancy and subsequent birth of a healthy neonate. In contrast, circumventing the natural selection mechanisms and all developmental conditions in a healthy animal harbors the risk of counteracting, preventing or reducing the formation of embryos or substantially restricting their genesis. Considering these facts, it seems to be obvious that assisted reproductive techniques focusing on early embryonic stages serve an expanded and unselected germ cell pool of oocytes and sperm cells, and include the culture of embryos outside their natural habitat during and after fertilization for manipulation and diagnostic purposes, and for storage. A significant influence on the early embryonic development is seen in the extracorporeal culture of bovine embryos (in vitro) or stress on the animal organism (in vivo). The in vitro production per se and metabolic as well as endocrine changes in the natural environment of embryos represent adequate models and serve for a better understanding. The purpose of this review is to give a brief presentation of recent techniques aimed at focusing more on the complex processes in the Fallopian tube to contrast in vivo and in vitro prerequisites and abnormalities in early embryonic development and serve to identify potential new ways to make the use of ARTs more feasible.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Interação Gene-Ambiente , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Meio AmbienteResumo
Advancements in assisted reproduction (AR) methodologies have allowed significant improvements in live birth rates of women who otherwise would not be able to conceive. One of the tools that allowed this improvement is the possibility of embryo selection based on genetic status, performed via preimplantation genetic testing (PGT). Even though the widespread use of PGT from TE biopsy helped to decrease the interval from the beginning of the AR intervention to pregnancy, especially in older patients, in AR, there are still many concerns about the application of this invasive methodology in all cycles. Therefore, recently, researchers started to study the use of cell free DNA (cfDNA) released by the blastocyst in its culture medium to perform PGT, in a method called non-invasive PGT (niPGT). The development of a niPGT would bring the diagnostics power of conventional PGT, but with the advantage of being potentially less harmful to the embryo. Its implementation in clinical practice, however, is under heavy discussion since there are many unknowns about the technique, such as the origin of the cfDNA or if this genetic material is a true representative of the actual ploidy status of the embryo. Available data indicates that there is high correspondence between results observed in TE biopsies and the ones observed from cfDNA, but these results are still contradictory and highly debatable. In the present review, the advantages and disadvantages of niPGT are presented and discussed in relation to tradition TE biopsy-based PGT. Furthermore, there are also presented some other possible non-invasive tools that could be applied in the selection of the best embryo, such as quantification of other molecules as quality biomarkers, or the use artificial intelligence (AI) to identify the best embryos based on morphological and/or morphokitetic parameters.(AU)
Animais , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Teste Pré-Natal não Invasivo/veterinária , Inteligência Artificial , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
Endophytic bacteria serve key roles in the maintenance of plant health and growth. Few studies to date, however, have explored the antagonistic and plant growth-promoting (PGP) properties of Prunus cerasifera endophytes. To that end, we isolated endophytic bacteria from P. cerasifera tissue samples and used a dual culture plate assay to screen these microbes for antagonistic activity against Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum, and F. moniliforme. Of the 36 strains of isolated bacteria, four (strains P1, P10, P16, and P20) exhibited antagonistic effects against all five model pathogens, and the P10 strain exhibited the strongest antagonistic to five pathogens. This P10 strain was then characterized in-depth via phenotypic assessments, physiological analyses, and 16s rDNA sequencing, revealing it to be a strain of Bacillus subtilis. Application of a P10 cell suspension (1×108 CFU/mL) significantly enhanced the seed germination and seedling growth of tomato in a greenhouse setting. This P10 strain further significantly suppressed tomato Verticillium wilt with much lower disease incidence and disease index scores being observed following P10 treatment relative to untreated plants in pot-based experiments. Tomato plants that had been treated with strain P10 also enhanced defense-related enzymes, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase activity upon V. dahliae challenge relative to plants that had not been treated with this endophytic bacterium. The results revealed that the P10 bacterial strain has potential value as a biocontrol agent for use in the prevention of tomato Verticillium wilt.
As bactérias endofíticas desempenham papel fundamental na manutenção da saúde e do crescimento das plantas. Poucos estudos até o momento, no entanto, exploraram as propriedades antagônicas e promotoras de crescimento de plantas (PGP) de endófitos de Prunus cerasifera. Para esse fim, isolamos bactérias endofíticas de amostras de tecido de P. cerasifera e usamos um ensaio de placa de cultura dupla para rastrear esses micróbios quanto à atividade antagonista contra Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum e F. moniliforme. Das 36 cepas de bactérias isoladas, quatro (cepas P1, P10, P16 e P20) exibiram efeitos antagônicos contra todos os cinco patógenos modelo, e a cepa P10 exibiu o antagonista mais forte para cinco patógenos. Essa cepa P10 foi então caracterizada em profundidade por meio de avaliações fenotípicas, análises fisiológicas e sequenciamento de rDNA 16s, revelando ser uma cepa de Bacillus subtilis. A aplicação de uma suspensão de células P10 (1 × 108 UFC / mL) aumentou significativamente a germinação das sementes e o crescimento das mudas de tomate em casa de vegetação. Essa cepa P10 suprimiu ainda mais a murcha de Verticillium do tomate com incidência de doença muito menor e pontuações de índice de doença sendo observadas após o tratamento com P10 em relação a plantas não tratadas em experimentos baseados em vasos. As plantas de tomate que foram tratadas com a cepa P10 também aumentaram as enzimas relacionadas à defesa, peroxidase, superóxido dismutase e atividade da catalase após o desafio de V. dahliae em relação às plantas que não foram tratadas com essa bactéria endofítica. Os resultados revelaram que a cepa bacteriana P10 tem valor potencial como agente de biocontrole para uso na prevenção da murcha de Verticillium em tomate.
Bacillus subtilis/fisiologia , Bacillus subtilis/genética , Endófitos/isolamento & purificação , Fusarium/patogenicidade , Prunus/microbiologia , Verticillium/patogenicidadeResumo
Abstract Endophytic bacteria serve key roles in the maintenance of plant health and growth. Few studies to date, however, have explored the antagonistic and plant growth-promoting (PGP) properties of Prunus cerasifera endophytes. To that end, we isolated endophytic bacteria from P. cerasifera tissue samples and used a dual culture plate assay to screen these microbes for antagonistic activity against Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum, and F. moniliforme. Of the 36 strains of isolated bacteria, four (strains P1, P10, P16, and P20) exhibited antagonistic effects against all five model pathogens, and the P10 strain exhibited the strongest antagonistic to five pathogens. This P10 strain was then characterized in-depth via phenotypic assessments, physiological analyses, and 16s rDNA sequencing, revealing it to be a strain of Bacillus subtilis. Application of a P10 cell suspension (1×108 CFU/mL) significantly enhanced the seed germination and seedling growth of tomato in a greenhouse setting. This P10 strain further significantly suppressed tomato Verticillium wilt with much lower disease incidence and disease index scores being observed following P10 treatment relative to untreated plants in pot-based experiments. Tomato plants that had been treated with strain P10 also enhanced defense-related enzymes, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase activity upon V. dahliae challenge relative to plants that had not been treated with this endophytic bacterium. The results revealed that the P10 bacterial strain has potential value as a biocontrol agent for use in the prevention of tomato Verticillium wilt.
Resumo As bactérias endofíticas desempenham papel fundamental na manutenção da saúde e do crescimento das plantas. Poucos estudos até o momento, no entanto, exploraram as propriedades antagônicas e promotoras de crescimento de plantas (PGP) de endófitos de Prunus cerasifera. Para esse fim, isolamos bactérias endofíticas de amostras de tecido de P. cerasifera e usamos um ensaio de placa de cultura dupla para rastrear esses micróbios quanto à atividade antagonista contra Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum e F. moniliforme. Das 36 cepas de bactérias isoladas, quatro (cepas P1, P10, P16 e P20) exibiram efeitos antagônicos contra todos os cinco patógenos modelo, e a cepa P10 exibiu o antagonista mais forte para cinco patógenos. Essa cepa P10 foi então caracterizada em profundidade por meio de avaliações fenotípicas, análises fisiológicas e sequenciamento de rDNA 16s, revelando ser uma cepa de Bacillus subtilis. A aplicação de uma suspensão de células P10 (1 × 108 UFC / mL) aumentou significativamente a germinação das sementes e o crescimento das mudas de tomate em casa de vegetação. Essa cepa P10 suprimiu ainda mais a murcha de Verticillium do tomate com incidência de doença muito menor e pontuações de índice de doença sendo observadas após o tratamento com P10 em relação a plantas não tratadas em experimentos baseados em vasos. As plantas de tomate que foram tratadas com a cepa P10 também aumentaram as enzimas relacionadas à defesa, peroxidase, superóxido dismutase e atividade da catalase após o desafio de V. dahliae em relação às plantas que não foram tratadas com essa bactéria endofítica. Os resultados revelaram que a cepa bacteriana P10 tem valor potencial como agente de biocontrole para uso na prevenção da murcha de Verticillium em tomate.
Solanum lycopersicum , Verticillium , Prunus domestica , Doenças das Plantas/prevenção & controle , Ascomicetos , Bacillus subtilis , FusariumResumo
Endophytic bacteria serve key roles in the maintenance of plant health and growth. Few studies to date, however, have explored the antagonistic and plant growth-promoting (PGP) properties of Prunus cerasifera endophytes. To that end, we isolated endophytic bacteria from P. cerasifera tissue samples and used a dual culture plate assay to screen these microbes for antagonistic activity against Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum, and F. moniliforme. Of the 36 strains of isolated bacteria, four (strains P1, P10, P16, and P20) exhibited antagonistic effects against all five model pathogens, and the P10 strain exhibited the strongest antagonistic to five pathogens. This P10 strain was then characterized in-depth via phenotypic assessments, physiological analyses, and 16s rDNA sequencing, revealing it to be a strain of Bacillus subtilis. Application of a P10 cell suspension (1×108 CFU/mL) significantly enhanced the seed germination and seedling growth of tomato in a greenhouse setting. This P10 strain further significantly suppressed tomato Verticillium wilt with much lower disease incidence and disease index scores being observed following P10 treatment relative to untreated plants in pot-based experiments. Tomato plants that had been treated with strain P10 also enhanced defense-related enzymes, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase activity upon V. dahliae challenge relative to plants that had not been treated with this endophytic bacterium. The results revealed that the P10 bacterial strain has potential value as a biocontrol agent for use in the prevention of tomato Verticillium wilt.(AU)
As bactérias endofíticas desempenham papel fundamental na manutenção da saúde e do crescimento das plantas. Poucos estudos até o momento, no entanto, exploraram as propriedades antagônicas e promotoras de crescimento de plantas (PGP) de endófitos de Prunus cerasifera. Para esse fim, isolamos bactérias endofíticas de amostras de tecido de P. cerasifera e usamos um ensaio de placa de cultura dupla para rastrear esses micróbios quanto à atividade antagonista contra Verticillium dahliae, Botryosphaeria dothidea, Fusarium oxysporum, F. graminearum e F. moniliforme. Das 36 cepas de bactérias isoladas, quatro (cepas P1, P10, P16 e P20) exibiram efeitos antagônicos contra todos os cinco patógenos modelo, e a cepa P10 exibiu o antagonista mais forte para cinco patógenos. Essa cepa P10 foi então caracterizada em profundidade por meio de avaliações fenotípicas, análises fisiológicas e sequenciamento de rDNA 16s, revelando ser uma cepa de Bacillus subtilis. A aplicação de uma suspensão de células P10 (1 × 108 UFC / mL) aumentou significativamente a germinação das sementes e o crescimento das mudas de tomate em casa de vegetação. Essa cepa P10 suprimiu ainda mais a murcha de Verticillium do tomate com incidência de doença muito menor e pontuações de índice de doença sendo observadas após o tratamento com P10 em relação a plantas não tratadas em experimentos baseados em vasos. As plantas de tomate que foram tratadas com a cepa P10 também aumentaram as enzimas relacionadas à defesa, peroxidase, superóxido dismutase e atividade da catalase após o desafio de V. dahliae em relação às plantas que não foram tratadas com essa bactéria endofítica. Os resultados revelaram que a cepa bacteriana P10 tem valor potencial como agente de biocontrole para uso na prevenção da murcha de Verticillium em tomate.(AU)
Prunus/microbiologia , Bacillus subtilis/genética , Bacillus subtilis/fisiologia , Endófitos/isolamento & purificação , Verticillium/patogenicidade , Fusarium/patogenicidadeResumo
This study aimed to describe the epidemiological indexes of mastitis, milk quality and udder hygiene in the Compost Barn system, as well as to search for associations between isolated pathogens from milk with compost characteristics. Three dairy herds participated in the study, and the samples were collected during different periods on each farm. Individual milk samples were collected in duplicate for SCC analysis and microbiological culture. Environmental pathogens caused most cases of clinical mastitis on farm 2, and contagious pathogens caused the most cases on farm 1. Bed moisture was not associated with the incidence of environmental pathogens. Most of the animals remained in good udder hygiene during the study. Poor udder hygiene contributed to the increased incidence of environmental pathogens in one of the farms. A higher number of animals with a hygiene score of ≥ 2 were observed during the warmer and rainfall periods. There was no association between hygiene scores and somatic cell counts. The results suggest that pathogens isolated from milk in animals confined in Compost Barn under tropical climate are like other confinement systems adopted elsewhere. The year period influenced the udder hygiene score, reinforcing the importance of bed management throughout the year.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os índices epidemiológicos da mastite, da qualidade do leite e da higiene do úbere em animais confinados no sistema Compost Barn, bem como buscar associações entre patógenos isolados do leite e características do composto. Três rebanhos leiteiros participaram do estudo e as amostras foram coletadas em diferentes períodos em cada fazenda. Amostras individuais de leite foram coletadas em duplicata para análise de CCS e cultura microbiológica. Patógenos ambientais causaram a maioria dos casos de mastite clínica na fazenda 2, e na fazenda 1 a maioria dos casos foi em decorrência de patógenos contagiosos. Amostras de material da cama foram coletadas em duas fazendas para análise da densidade bacteriana e da umidade. A umidade da cama permaneceu dentro da faixa de controle durante o estudo e não foi associada à incidência de patógenos ambientais. A maioria dos animais permaneceu com boa higiene de úbere durante o estudo. A falta de higiene do úbere contribuiu para o aumento da incidência de patógenos ambientais em uma das fazendas. Durante o período mais quente e mais chuvoso, um número maior de animais com escore de sujidade ≥2 foi observado em todos os rebanhos. Não houve associação entre escore de sujidade e contagem de células somáticas em qualquer uma das três fazendas. Os resultados indicam que o perfil de patógenos isolados do leite em animais confinados em Compost Barn sob clima tropical é semelhante a outros sistemas de confinamento adotados em outros lugares. O período do ano influenciou o escore de higiene do úbere, o que reforça a importância do manejo da cama ao longo do ano.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Leite/microbiologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/microbiologia , Mastite Bovina/epidemiologia , CompostagemResumo
Anaplasma marginale is an important agent for animal livestock, its presence in herds of cattle, sheep and goats leads to losses for Brazilian agribusiness. The present study aimed to describe an isolation technique for A. marginale, using chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cell culture. For this, blood and tick samples were collected from 5 calves, between 2 and 3 months of age, which due to anemia, jaundiced mucous membranes and prostration, were considered supposedly infected with A.marginale. For the diagnosis, DNA extraction and PCR was performed from the blood and tick samples collected. All the tick and blood samples were positive in the PCR test. Additionally, ticks were crushed with the aid of a blender for inoculation in CEF cell culture. After inoculation, the cultures were kept at 37ºC and 5% CO2 for 15 days. The cell supernatant of cell cultures were again analyzed by PCR and by the technique Wrighte stain to confirm A. marginale isolation. Cell cultures were positive in PCR and the presence of the agent was demonstrated by Wrighte stain. Therefore, using CEF cell culture was possible to isolate and amplify the A. marginale in a concentration of 1.3 x 107.2 bodies per ml. The CEF cells are undemanding, easy to maintain and they are an option for isolation and production of A. marginale in the laboratory condition.
Anaplasma marginale (A. marginale) is a worldwide pathogen that infects a variety ofruminants, but mostly cattle. The present study aimed to describe an isolation technique for A. marginale, using chicken embryo Þ broblast (CEF) cell culture. Blood and tick samples were collected from 5 calves from 2 to 3 months old, which were considered to be infected with A.marginale due to anemia, jaundiced mucous membranes, and prostration. DNA extractionand PCR were performed for diagnosis using blood and tick samples. All tick and blood samples tested positive in PCR. Additionally,ticks were crushed with the aid of a blender for inoculation in CEF cell culture. After inoculation, the cultures were kept at 37ºC and 5%CO2 for 15 days. The cell supernatant of cell cultures was again analyzed using PCR and Wright stain method to conÞ rm A. marginaleisolation. Cell cultures tested positive in PCR, and the presence of the agent was demonstrated by Wright stain. Therefore, by using CEFcell culture it was possible to isolate and amplify the A. marginale in a concentration of 1.3x 107.2 bodies per mL. The CEF cells are undemanding and easy to preserve; they are anoption for isolation and production of A. marginale under laboratory conditions.