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Vet. zootec ; 27: 1-11, 2 mar. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503586


La presente revisión tuvo por objetivos describir aspectos relacionados a las fracturas en aves, algunos métodos de inmovilización y las complicaciones de las fracturas. Aunque los principios de reparación de las fracturas en las aves son similares a los de los pequeños animales, existen diferencias que deben considerarse en el momento de la aplicación del método de inmovilización. Las fracturas en aves pueden ser inmovilizadas por medio de la coaptación externa (tallos y vendajes), fijación interna (Clavos, hilos de cerclaje, placas óseas) y fijación externa, entre otros, cada uno con sus ventajas y desventajas. La severidad de la fractura interfiere en la tasa y el curso de la consolidación; sin embargo, la estabilidad clínica puede preceder a la evidencia radiográfica, que es visibilizada entre tercera y sexta semana. Las fracturas en aves tienden a ser expuestas y conminutas, debido a la insuficiente cobertura de tejidos blandos. Cuando están expuestas, las fracturas presentan un alto riesgo de osteomielitis y, consecuentemente, pueden desarrollar unión atrasada o no-unión.

This review aimed to describe aspects of bird fractures, some immobilization techniques and the complications of fractures. Although the principles of fracture repair in birds are similar to those of small animals, there are differences that should be considered during the application of the immobilization method. Fractures in birds can be immobilized by external coaptation (splints and bandages), internal fixation (pins, cerclage wires, bone plates) and external fixation, among others, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. The severity of the fracture interferes in the rate and course of bone healing; however, clinical stability may precede radiographic evidence, which is visible in 3-6 weeks. Avian fractures tend to be open and comminuted, because of the scarce cover of soft tissues. Open fractures have high risk of developing osteomyelitis and, consequently, may develop delayed union or non-union.

A presente revisão teve por objetivos descrever aspectos das fraturas em aves, alguns métodos de imobilização e as complicações das fraturas. Embora os princípios de reparo da fratura em aves seja similar aos de pequenos animais, existem diferenças que precisam ser consideradas no momento da aplicação do método de imobilização. As fraturas em aves podem ser imobilizadas por meio da coaptação externa (talas e bandagens), fixação interna (pinos, fios de cerclagem, placas ósseas) e fixação externa, entre outros, cada qual com suas vantagens e desvantagens. A severidade da fratura interfere na taxa e curso da consolidação; contudo, a estabilidade clínica pode preceder a evidência radiográfica, que é visibilizada entre 3 e 6 semanas. As fraturas em aves tendem a ser expostas e cominutivas, em virtude da insuficiente cobertura de tecidos moles. Quando expostas, as fraturas apresentam alto risco de osteomielite e, consequentemente, podem desenvolver união atrasada ou não-união.

Animais , Aves/cirurgia , Consolidação da Fratura , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Fraturas Ósseas/terapia , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária , Dispositivos de Fixação Ortopédica/veterinária , Osteogênese
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.550-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458377


Background: Surgical access to the spinal cord at the level of C2 vertebra presents technical limitations, due to anatomical particularities in this region. The ventral slot technique does not allow space for the removal of dorsolateral masses. The axis hemilaminectomy technique provides limited access to the dorsal aspect of spinal cord and there is a risk of damaging the vertebral arteries. The axis dorsal laminotomy technique allows good access to spinal cord and preserves the atlantoaxial and nuchal ligaments, however few papers describe this technique. The objective of this paper is to report the axis dorsal laminotomy performed in a dog with a meningioma at this level. Case: An 11-year-old male, Maltese dog, was presented with a 15-day history of progressive weakness, intense cervical pain and difficulty in locomotion of the four limbs. He was being treated with painkillers without improvement. On clinical examination, the physiological parameters were normal. Neurological examination showed tetraparesis with the syndrome localized in the cranial cervical region. The main differential diagnoses were intervertebral disc disease, neoplasia, inflammatory or infectious disease. Computed tomography was performed and the evaluation of images allowed the visualization of an intradural-extramedullary neoplastic process, promoting important spinal compression, with approximate dimensions of the lesion 0.70 cm high x 0.67 cm wide x 0.78 cm long, with apparent involvement of the meninges, with a more lateralized location on the left, with meningioma being the main differential diagnosis. Thus, exploratory surgery, through the technique of dorsal laminotomy of the axis was performed. After the removal of the mass, the spinous process was repositioned in its anatomical location and fixed with 0.6 mm steel cerclage wire that was passed through the holes made in the dorsal lamina of the...

Animais , Cães , Meningioma/veterinária , Neoplasias Meníngeas/veterinária , Vértebra Cervical Áxis/cirurgia , Radioterapia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 550, 13 nov. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765624


Background: Surgical access to the spinal cord at the level of C2 vertebra presents technical limitations, due to anatomical particularities in this region. The ventral slot technique does not allow space for the removal of dorsolateral masses. The axis hemilaminectomy technique provides limited access to the dorsal aspect of spinal cord and there is a risk of damaging the vertebral arteries. The axis dorsal laminotomy technique allows good access to spinal cord and preserves the atlantoaxial and nuchal ligaments, however few papers describe this technique. The objective of this paper is to report the axis dorsal laminotomy performed in a dog with a meningioma at this level. Case: An 11-year-old male, Maltese dog, was presented with a 15-day history of progressive weakness, intense cervical pain and difficulty in locomotion of the four limbs. He was being treated with painkillers without improvement. On clinical examination, the physiological parameters were normal. Neurological examination showed tetraparesis with the syndrome localized in the cranial cervical region. The main differential diagnoses were intervertebral disc disease, neoplasia, inflammatory or infectious disease. Computed tomography was performed and the evaluation of images allowed the visualization of an intradural-extramedullary neoplastic process, promoting important spinal compression, with approximate dimensions of the lesion 0.70 cm high x 0.67 cm wide x 0.78 cm long, with apparent involvement of the meninges, with a more lateralized location on the left, with meningioma being the main differential diagnosis. Thus, exploratory surgery, through the technique of dorsal laminotomy of the axis was performed. After the removal of the mass, the spinous process was repositioned in its anatomical location and fixed with 0.6 mm steel cerclage wire that was passed through the holes made in the dorsal lamina of the...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Meníngeas/veterinária , Vértebra Cervical Áxis/cirurgia , Meningioma/veterinária , Radioterapia/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 27: 1-11, mar. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29336


La presente revisión tuvo por objetivos describir aspectos relacionados a las fracturas en aves, algunos métodos de inmovilización y las complicaciones de las fracturas. Aunque los principios de reparación de las fracturas en las aves son similares a los de los pequeños animales, existen diferencias que deben considerarse en el momento de la aplicación del método de inmovilización. Las fracturas en aves pueden ser inmovilizadas por medio de la coaptación externa (tallos y vendajes), fijación interna (Clavos, hilos de cerclaje, placas óseas) y fijación externa, entre otros, cada uno con sus ventajas y desventajas. La severidad de la fractura interfiere en la tasa y el curso de la consolidación; sin embargo, la estabilidad clínica puede preceder a la evidencia radiográfica, que es visibilizada entre tercera y sexta semana. Las fracturas en aves tienden a ser expuestas y conminutas, debido a la insuficiente cobertura de tejidos blandos. Cuando están expuestas, las fracturas presentan un alto riesgo de osteomielitis y, consecuentemente, pueden desarrollar unión atrasada o no-unión.(AU)

This review aimed to describe aspects of bird fractures, some immobilization techniques and the complications of fractures. Although the principles of fracture repair in birds are similar to those of small animals, there are differences that should be considered during the application of the immobilization method. Fractures in birds can be immobilized by external coaptation (splints and bandages), internal fixation (pins, cerclage wires, bone plates) and external fixation, among others, each one with its own advantages and disadvantages. The severity of the fracture interferes in the rate and course of bone healing; however, clinical stability may precede radiographic evidence, which is visible in 3-6 weeks. Avian fractures tend to be open and comminuted, because of the scarce cover of soft tissues. Open fractures have high risk of developing osteomyelitis and, consequently, may develop delayed union or non-union.(AU)

A presente revisão teve por objetivos descrever aspectos das fraturas em aves, alguns métodos de imobilização e as complicações das fraturas. Embora os princípios de reparo da fratura em aves seja similar aos de pequenos animais, existem diferenças que precisam ser consideradas no momento da aplicação do método de imobilização. As fraturas em aves podem ser imobilizadas por meio da coaptação externa (talas e bandagens), fixação interna (pinos, fios de cerclagem, placas ósseas) e fixação externa, entre outros, cada qual com suas vantagens e desvantagens. A severidade da fratura interfere na taxa e curso da consolidação; contudo, a estabilidade clínica pode preceder a evidência radiográfica, que é visibilizada entre 3 e 6 semanas. As fraturas em aves tendem a ser expostas e cominutivas, em virtude da insuficiente cobertura de tecidos moles. Quando expostas, as fraturas apresentam alto risco de osteomielite e, consequentemente, podem desenvolver união atrasada ou não-união.(AU)

Animais , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Fraturas Ósseas/terapia , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária , Aves/cirurgia , Consolidação da Fratura , Dispositivos de Fixação Ortopédica/veterinária , Osteogênese
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 29(4,supl.3): 89-92, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395435


O savacu (Nycticorax nycticorax) é uma ave que possui ampla distribuição em todo o território nacional. O sinantropismo predispõe condições que podem levar a traumas decorrentes de acidentes com elementos urbanos. As fraturas de ossos longos podem causar danos nos vasos e nervos, levando ao comprometimento funcional dos membros afetados, dificultando a reintrodução de animais silvestres em seu habitat, exigindo muita cautela e planejamento cirúrgico para escolher o método de correção da fratura. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é relatar a ocorrência de fratura transversa epifisária distal no fêmur e sua correção por meio de pinos intramedulares, hemicerclagem e cerclagem em espécime imaturo de savacu.

Savacu (Nycticorax nycticorax) is a bird that has wide distribution throughout the national territory. The synanthropism predisposes conditions that can lead to trauma resulting from accidents with urban elements. Long bone fractures can cause vessel and nerve damage, leading to functional impairment of the affected limbs, thus hindering the reintroduction of wildlife animals into their habitat, requiring great caution and surgical planning to choose the method for fracture correction. Thus, the aim of this study is to report the occurrence of distal epiphyseal transverse fracture in the femur and its correction by means of intramedullary pins, hemicerclage and cerclage in immature savacu specimen.

Animais , Aves , Fraturas do Fêmur , Fixação Interna de Fraturas
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 29(4,supl.3): 89-92, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759381


O savacu (Nycticorax nycticorax) é uma ave que possui ampla distribuição em todo o território nacional. O sinantropismo predispõe condições que podem levar a traumas decorrentes de acidentes com elementos urbanos. As fraturas de ossos longos podem causar danos nos vasos e nervos, levando ao comprometimento funcional dos membros afetados, dificultando a reintrodução de animais silvestres em seu habitat, exigindo muita cautela e planejamento cirúrgico para escolher o método de correção da fratura. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é relatar a ocorrência de fratura transversa epifisária distal no fêmur e sua correção por meio de pinos intramedulares, hemicerclagem e cerclagem em espécime imaturo de savacu.(AU)

Savacu (Nycticorax nycticorax) is a bird that has wide distribution throughout the national territory. The synanthropism predisposes conditions that can lead to trauma resulting from accidents with urban elements. Long bone fractures can cause vessel and nerve damage, leading to functional impairment of the affected limbs, thus hindering the reintroduction of wildlife animals into their habitat, requiring great caution and surgical planning to choose the method for fracture correction. Thus, the aim of this study is to report the occurrence of distal epiphyseal transverse fracture in the femur and its correction by means of intramedullary pins, hemicerclage and cerclage in immature savacu specimen.(AU)

Animais , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Fraturas do Fêmur/terapia , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-8, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457963


Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days’ duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessions were prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb. Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 h’s duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region.[...]

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Fios Ortopédicos/tendências , Fios Ortopédicos/veterinária , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Nylons
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-8, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19009


Background: Adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6 is devices produced from the same material of surgical nylon wire and have been used in different surgical procedures in small animals and in human patient. Reports regarding the use of these devices as secondary fixation technique of femoral diaphyseal fractures in animals are rare in the literature. The aim of the present report case was to describe the use of adjustable nylon tie polyamide 6.6 as secondary fixation technique in a 3-year-old dog and 4-month-old cat, diagnosed with femoral diaphyseal fractures.Cases: Case 1. A 3-year-old female dog was presented with reluctance to support the left hind limb, with 5 days duration. Pain and edema on the left femoral diaphyseal region was identified. The limb was submitted to radiographic exam and revealed a closed, complete and comminuted fracture of the diaphysis of the femur, and was decided to perform a surgical stabilization by open reduction through primary fixation with intramedullary pin, and secondary fixation of bone fragments with adjustable nylon ties polyamide 6.6, as a substitute of steel cerclage wire. The bone fragments were alignment and fixated with five polyamide nylon ties. The excess was removed with a scalpel blade along the lock. Seven days after surgery the skin sutures were removed and were observed reluctance to support the left hind limb. Physiotherapy sessions were prescribed. Forty days after the surgery was performed a radiographic exam of the left hind limb which revealed alignment of the bone axis. Six months after the surgery, the owner reported that the dog supported the left hind limb. Case 2. A 4-month-old female cat was presented with history of trauma, with 24 hs duration, and reluctance in supporting the left hind limb. On physical examination there was identified pain on the left femoral diaphyseal region.[...](AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Fios Ortopédicos/tendências , Fios Ortopédicos/veterinária , Nylons
Ci. Rural ; 48(6): e20170028, June 28, 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738914


The aim of this study was to retrospectively evaluate the frequency of femur fractures in dogs and cats in the routine of a school hospital, determining their classification, fixation methods, complications, and outcomes. A total of 61 animals, 50 (82.0%) dogs and 11 (18.0%) cats, had femoral fractures that were submitted to osteosynthesis. Sixty-two femoral fractures were evaluated. Single fractures in the distal epiphysis (n=25) were the most frequent (P=0.0001). Intramedullary pins were used in association with cerclage and tension band for osteosynthesis in proximal fractures. In diaphyseal fractures, bone plates and screws, two intramedullary pins (insulated or with cerclage) and Tie-In configuration were used. In distal fractures, modified Rush intramedullary pins, cross pins and Tie-In configuration were used. Comparing complication frequencies at fracture sites that required reintervention after osteosynthesis, a significant difference was observed (P=0.0253) between the diaphyseal (31.25%) and distal (7.14%) fractures independent of the technique used. We concluded that distal epiphyseal fractures were the most frequent in the routine of a school hospital. Distal epiphyseal fractures presented a lower frequency of complications for consolidation when treated with modified Rush intramedullary pins or crossed pins.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, retrospectivamente, a frequência das fraturas de fêmur em cães e gatos, na rotina de um hospital escola, determinando a classificação, métodos de fixação, complicações e desfecho. No total, 61 animais, 50 (82,0%) cães e 11 (18,0%) gatos, apresentaram fraturas de fêmur submetidas a osteossíntese. Sessenta e duas fraturas de fêmur foram avaliadas neste estudo. As fraturas simples localizadas na epífise distal (n=25) foram as mais frequentes (P=0,0001). Para osteossíntese das fraturas proximais, foram utilizados pinos intramedulares em associação a cerclagem e banda de tensão. Nas fraturas diafisárias, foram utilizadas placas ósseas e parafusos, dois pinos intramedulares (isolados ou com cerclagem) e fixador externo Tie-In e, nas fraturas distais, pinos intramedulares de Rush modificados, pinos cruzados e fixador externo Tie-In. Comparando-se a frequência de complicações que necessitaram reintervenção após osteossíntese, entre as localizações das fraturas, independente da técnica empregada, houve uma diferença significativa (P=0,0253) entre as diafisárias (31,25%) e distais (7,14%). Conclui-se que as fraturas epifisárias distais foram as mais frequentes na rotina de um hospital escola e, quando tratadas com pinos intramedulares de Rush modificados ou pinos cruzados, apresentaram menor frequência de complicações para a consolidação.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Fraturas do Fêmur/classificação , Fraturas do Fêmur/complicações , Fixação de Fratura/métodos , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(4): 1221-1226, jul.-ago. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-946456


Uma fêmea, adulta, de ouriço-cacheiro (Coendou spinosus, F. Cuvier, 1823), foi atendida com histórico de trauma medular. No exame neurológico, foi constatada paraplegia com nocicepção preservada e sinais compatíveis com choque espinhal. Exame radiográfico e mielografia apontaram presença de fratura e luxação vertebral torácica entre T10-11. O paciente foi submetido à técnica de estabilização vertebral segmentar modificada, com pinos de Steinmann e fios de cerclagem. A técnica utilizada mostrou-se eficaz na estabilização da fratura/luxação vertebral e na recuperação dos sinais neurológicos. O paciente apresentou recuperação progressiva da deambulação. Para o conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro relato utilizando estabilização vertebral segmentar modificada para o tratamento de fratura/luxação vertebral torácica em Coendou spinosus.(AU)

An female, adult Paraguayan hairy dwarf porcupine (Coendou spinosus, F. Cuvier, 1823) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital with clinical history of spinal cord injury. In the neurological examination, paraplegia with preserved nociception compatible with signs of spinal shock were observed. Radiographic and myelographic examinations showed evidence of a vertebral dislocation and fracture between the 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae. The patient underwent surgical stabilization of the lesion using the modified segmental vertebral stabilization technique with Steinmann pins and cerclage wires. Under the conditions reported in this case, the technique was effective in stabilizing vertebral fracture/dislocation and in recovering neurological functions. The patient presented progressive recovery from ambulation. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report that performed modified segment stabilization for thoracic vertebral fracture/luxation treatment in Coendou spinosus.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Fraturas Ósseas , Porcos-Espinhos/anatomia & histologia , Medula Espinal , Estabilização da Matéria Orgânica
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(4): 1221-1226, jul.-ago. 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18945


Uma fêmea, adulta, de ouriço-cacheiro (Coendou spinosus, F. Cuvier, 1823), foi atendida com histórico de trauma medular. No exame neurológico, foi constatada paraplegia com nocicepção preservada e sinais compatíveis com choque espinhal. Exame radiográfico e mielografia apontaram presença de fratura e luxação vertebral torácica entre T10-11. O paciente foi submetido à técnica de estabilização vertebral segmentar modificada, com pinos de Steinmann e fios de cerclagem. A técnica utilizada mostrou-se eficaz na estabilização da fratura/luxação vertebral e na recuperação dos sinais neurológicos. O paciente apresentou recuperação progressiva da deambulação. Para o conhecimento dos autores, este é o primeiro relato utilizando estabilização vertebral segmentar modificada para o tratamento de fratura/luxação vertebral torácica em Coendou spinosus.(AU)

An female, adult Paraguayan hairy dwarf porcupine (Coendou spinosus, F. Cuvier, 1823) was referred to the Veterinary Hospital with clinical history of spinal cord injury. In the neurological examination, paraplegia with preserved nociception compatible with signs of spinal shock were observed. Radiographic and myelographic examinations showed evidence of a vertebral dislocation and fracture between the 10th and 11th thoracic vertebrae. The patient underwent surgical stabilization of the lesion using the modified segmental vertebral stabilization technique with Steinmann pins and cerclage wires. Under the conditions reported in this case, the technique was effective in stabilizing vertebral fracture/dislocation and in recovering neurological functions. The patient presented progressive recovery from ambulation. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first case report that performed modified segment stabilization for thoracic vertebral fracture/luxation treatment in Coendou spinosus.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Fraturas Ósseas , Porcos-Espinhos/anatomia & histologia , Medula Espinal
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-734053


Background: Fractures and dislocations are common orthopedic conditions arising from traumas from anthropic interaction on wild species, such as those caused by road trampling, being the mandibular separation with great frequency of occurrence in dogs and cats. The procedures for mandibular symphysis stabilization are described as of low complexity in the literature, however no reports of this procedure in wild canids were found. The purpose of this study is to report a surgical procedure of mandibular symphysis disjunction stabilization in an individual of the species Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox) through the technique of cerclage fixation using stainless steel wire.Case: An adult male individual of the free-living specie weighing 5.6 kg was referred to veterinary care after having been run-over. General physical examination showed abrasions in the ventral region of the jaw, discreet bleeding in the oral cavity, and mandibular instability. Subsequently, the patient underwent radiographic examination that revealed mandibular disjunction. The patient was therefore referred to the surgical unit for stabilization. During surgical anesthesia, two 12-gauge hypodermic needles (40x12 mm) were inserted percutaneously through the ventral region of the mandible, protruding into the oral cavity immediately caudal to the canine teeth. Next, both extremities of a 0.5 mm stainless steel wire were introduced into the interior of the needles and, when both ends extruded through the other end of the needles, the latter were removed, leaving only the steel wire uniting both rostral rami of the mandible. Using a twisting apparatus, the steel wire was twisted until the disjunction was completely stabilized and mandibular occlusion was deemed appropriate. Lastly, the surplus steel wire was sectioned, leaving a small segment that remained exposed to surface in the ventral region of the mandible.[...](AU)

Animais , Masculino , Adulto , Canidae/lesões , Traumatismos Mandibulares/diagnóstico por imagem , Traumatismos Mandibulares/cirurgia , Traumatismos Mandibulares/veterinária , Fixação de Fratura/veterinária , Animais Selvagens
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-5, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457992


Background: Fractures and dislocations are common orthopedic conditions arising from traumas from anthropic interaction on wild species, such as those caused by road trampling, being the mandibular separation with great frequency of occurrence in dogs and cats. The procedures for mandibular symphysis stabilization are described as of low complexity in the literature, however no reports of this procedure in wild canids were found. The purpose of this study is to report a surgical procedure of mandibular symphysis disjunction stabilization in an individual of the species Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating fox) through the technique of cerclage fixation using stainless steel wire.Case: An adult male individual of the free-living specie weighing 5.6 kg was referred to veterinary care after having been run-over. General physical examination showed abrasions in the ventral region of the jaw, discreet bleeding in the oral cavity, and mandibular instability. Subsequently, the patient underwent radiographic examination that revealed mandibular disjunction. The patient was therefore referred to the surgical unit for stabilization. During surgical anesthesia, two 12-gauge hypodermic needles (40x12 mm) were inserted percutaneously through the ventral region of the mandible, protruding into the oral cavity immediately caudal to the canine teeth. Next, both extremities of a 0.5 mm stainless steel wire were introduced into the interior of the needles and, when both ends extruded through the other end of the needles, the latter were removed, leaving only the steel wire uniting both rostral rami of the mandible. Using a twisting apparatus, the steel wire was twisted until the disjunction was completely stabilized and mandibular occlusion was deemed appropriate. Lastly, the surplus steel wire was sectioned, leaving a small segment that remained exposed to surface in the ventral region of the mandible.[...]

Masculino , Animais , Adulto , Canidae/lesões , Fixação de Fratura/veterinária , Traumatismos Mandibulares/cirurgia , Traumatismos Mandibulares/diagnóstico por imagem , Traumatismos Mandibulares/veterinária , Animais Selvagens
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-738129


A técnica de Osteossíntese Minimamente Invasiva (MIPO) ainda não é difundida em medicina veterinária.Tendo em vista que as fraturas de ossos longos são frequentemente atendidas na rotina clínica cirúrgica veterinária, o médico veterinário deve ter pleno conhecimento sobre as técnicas de osteossíntese disponíveis; dentre as mais comuns, destacam-se as placas metálicas, pinos intramedulares, fios de cerclagem, fixadores externos e hastes bloqueadas. Na MIPO busca-se a mínima manipulação do foco de fratura, preservando o suprimento vascular, permitindo melhor e mais rápida consolidação óssea. Assim, esta revisão tem por objetivo descrever alguns métodos de osteossíntese, especialmente a MIPO.(AU)

The technique of osteosynthesis Minimally Invasive (MIPO) is not widespread in veterinary medicine. Given that the long bone fractures are often treated at veterinary surgical clinic routine, the veterinarian must have full knowledge about the osteosynthesis techniques available; among the most common have metal plates, intramedullary pin, cerclage wires, external fixators and interlocking nails. On the MIPO technique follows the which seeks to minimal manipulation of the fracture core, preserving the vascular supply, enabling better and faster bone healing. Therefore, this review aims to describe some concepts on the consolidation of fractures, internal fixation methods, especially the MIPO.(AU)

Animais , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1494311


A técnica de Osteossíntese Minimamente Invasiva (MIPO) ainda não é difundida em medicina veterinária.Tendo em vista que as fraturas de ossos longos são frequentemente atendidas na rotina clínica cirúrgica veterinária, o médico veterinário deve ter pleno conhecimento sobre as técnicas de osteossíntese disponíveis; dentre as mais comuns, destacam-se as placas metálicas, pinos intramedulares, fios de cerclagem, fixadores externos e hastes bloqueadas. Na MIPO busca-se a mínima manipulação do foco de fratura, preservando o suprimento vascular, permitindo melhor e mais rápida consolidação óssea. Assim, esta revisão tem por objetivo descrever alguns métodos de osteossíntese, especialmente a MIPO.

The technique of osteosynthesis Minimally Invasive (MIPO) is not widespread in veterinary medicine. Given that the long bone fractures are often treated at veterinary surgical clinic routine, the veterinarian must have full knowledge about the osteosynthesis techniques available; among the most common have metal plates, intramedullary pin, cerclage wires, external fixators and interlocking nails. On the MIPO technique follows the which seeks to minimal manipulation of the fracture core, preserving the vascular supply, enabling better and faster bone healing. Therefore, this review aims to describe some concepts on the consolidation of fractures, internal fixation methods, especially the MIPO.

Animais , Fixação Interna de Fraturas/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária , Fraturas Ósseas/cirurgia , Fraturas Ósseas/veterinária
Ci. Rural ; 46(8): 1472-1478, ago. 2016. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-22510


The use of two cerclages with wire spirals as distractor spacers was evaluated for the correction of pelvic stenosis in felines. A three-year-old, mixed-breed, male feline was taken to the Veterinary Hospital of the UFRJ. It presented symptoms of constipation, dyschezia, hyporexia and mild apathy. On radiographic examination, a deformation of the pelvic bones and a narrowing of the pelvic canal were detected. The patient underwent pelvic stenosis correction surgery. Two spirals were made with cerclage wire and 2.0-mm diameter Steinmann pins; coupled to the chuck of a drill, the pins were wrapped with cerclage wire, running laps around the pin. Then, the coils were positioned in the space formed by separating the hemipelves and stabilized by keeping them separated to the desired opening. Effectiveness of the technique was evidenced by measurements made using new radiographic images in comparison with the images obtained before the surgical procedure. There were evident decreases in the sacro-ischium line and pubic line of 3.98 and 3.18, demonstrating an increase of approximately 21% in the pelvic canal diameter. The animal showed no apparent macroscopic or radiographic reaction. The preliminary clinical application of the adapted pelvic distraction technique is relevant for allowing the appropriate correction of a stenosis of the pelvic girdle and its consequences, representing a major technical and scientific innovation in the correction.(AU)

Avaliou-se o uso de duas espirais confeccionadas com fio de cerclagem como preenchimento distrator para correção de estenose pélvica em felinos. Foi atendida no Hospital Veterinário da UFRJ um felino macho, sem raça definida com idade de 3 anos, apresentando sintomas de constipação, disquezia, hiporexia e apatia leve. Ao exame radiográfico, observou-se deformação de ossos da pelve com estreitamento do canal pélvico. O animal foi operado para correção da estenose pélvica. Foram confeccionados dois espirais com fio de cerclagem e um pino de Steinmann de 2,0mm de diâmetro acoplado ao mandril de uma perfuratriz, envolveu-se este pino com o fio de cerclagem, executando voltas ao redor do pino. Em seguida, os espirais foram posicionados no espaço formado pela separação das hemipelves, e estabilizados, mantendo-as separadas com a abertura desejada. A efetividade da técnica foi evidenciada por medições feitas através de novas imagens radiográficas, permitindo assim uma comparação com a imagem obtida anteriormente ao procedimento cirúrgico. A aplicação clínica da técnica é relevante por permitir que a correção apropriada da estenose da cintura pélvica e suas consequências representa uma importante inovação técnica e científica na correção dessa condição.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Sinfisiotomia/instrumentação , Sinfisiotomia/métodos , Sinfisiotomia/veterinária , Constrição Patológica/cirurgia , Constrição Patológica/veterinária , Megacolo/cirurgia , Megacolo/veterinária , Constipação Intestinal/cirurgia , Constipação Intestinal/veterinária , Colectomia/veterinária
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 19(2): 101-105, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-691079


A fenda palatina é uma comunicação congênita ou adquirida entre as cavidades oral e nasal, permitindo a passagem de alimentos e líquidos entre elas. O diagnóstico é feito por meio do exame físico da cavidade oral, sendo o tratamento baseado em técnicas cirúrgicas. Relata-se um caso bem-sucedido de oclusão de fístula oronasal utilizando somente resina acrílica autopolimerizável em um felino com histórico de espirros frequentes, secreção nasal purulenta crônica, halitose severa, emagrecimento e trauma sofrido há dois anos, que culminara em fratura da sínfise mandibular corrigida no mesmo período por cerclagem com fios de aço. No exame clínico verificou-se secreção nasal muco-purulenta fétida e a presença de uma grande fístula palatina na extensão do palato duro. Encaminhou-se o paciente para realização dos exames pré-cirúrgicos para posterior correção da fistula oronasal com o uso de resina acrílica autopolimerizavel. O procedimento foi bem sucedido visto que o animal deixou de apresentar os sinais clínicos e voltou a alimentar-se normalmente. A técnica mostrou-se eficaz e de fácil execução para correção de fenda palatina traumática de grande extensão em gato, na qual não se utilizou suturas ou flaps, pois os mesmos não eram praticáveis, podendo ser utilizada em substituição a outros métodos convencionais.(AU)

Cleft palate is a congenital or acquired communication between the oral and nasal cavities which can often contaminate the nasal cavity with saliva or food. The diagnosis is made by physical examination of the oral cavity and it is usually treated with surgery. We report a successful case of oronasal fistula occlusion using only acrylic resin in a feline. The patient presented with a history of frequent sneezing, chronic purulent nasal discharge, severe halitosis, weight loss and facial trauma suffered two years ago. The animal had mandibular symphysis fracture that was corrected by cerclage with steel wires. On clinical examinationit was observedthe presence of smelling nasal mucus, purulent secretions and the presence of a large cleft fistula in the extension of the hard palate. The patient was submitted to surgery in order to repair the oronasal fistula using acrylic resin. The surgery was curative eliminating clinical signs. The technique was effective and easy to be performed in this case of a traumatic cleft palate with large deffect in a cat. This technique can be used to replace other conventional methods, mainly in cases that the use of sutures or flaps are not feasible.(AU)

El paladar hendido es una comunicación congénita o adquirida entre las cavidades oral y nasal, lo que permite el paso de alimentos y líquidos entre ellos. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante un examen físico de la cavidad oral, siendo el tratamiento basado en técnicas quirúrgicas. Presentamos un caso de éxito de oclusión de la fístula oronasal usando sólo la resina acrílica autopolimerizável en un felino con histórico de frecuentes estornudos, secreción nasal purulenta crónica, halitosis severa, pérdida de peso y trauma sufrido hace dos años, culminando en fractura de la sínfisis mandibular, corregida en el mismo período por cerclaje con hilos de acero. En el examen clínico se verificó moco nasal maloliente, secreciones purulentas y la presencia de una gran fístula palatina en la extensión del paladar duro. Se hicieron exámenes pre-quirúrgicos para la posterior corrección de la fístula oronasal, mediante resina acrílica autopolimerizavel. El procedimiento fue exitoso porque el animal dejó de presentar signos clínicos y volvió a alimentarse normalmente. La técnica fue eficaz y de fácil ejecución para corrección de paladar hendido traumático de gran longitud en gato, en la cual no se utilizó suturas o aletas, ya que no eran viables y puede ser utilizado para sustituir a otros métodos convencionales.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Fístula/diagnóstico , Fissura Palatina/veterinária , Resinas Acrílicas/análise
Arq. ciênc. vet. zool. UNIPAR ; 19(2): 101-105, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-833078


A fenda palatina é uma comunicação congênita ou adquirida entre as cavidades oral e nasal, permitindo a passagem de alimentos e líquidos entre elas. O diagnóstico é feito por meio do exame físico da cavidade oral, sendo o tratamento baseado em técnicas cirúrgicas. Relata-se um caso bem-sucedido de oclusão de fístula oronasal utilizando somente resina acrílica autopolimerizável em um felino com histórico de espirros frequentes, secreção nasal purulenta crônica, halitose severa, emagrecimento e trauma sofrido há dois anos, que culminara em fratura da sínfise mandibular corrigida no mesmo período por cerclagem com fios de aço. No exame clínico verificou-se secreção nasal muco-purulenta fétida e a presença de uma grande fístula palatina na extensão do palato duro. Encaminhou-se o paciente para realização dos exames pré-cirúrgicos para posterior correção da fistula oronasal com o uso de resina acrílica autopolimerizavel. O procedimento foi bem sucedido visto que o animal deixou de apresentar os sinais clínicos e voltou a alimentar-se normalmente. A técnica mostrou-se eficaz e de fácil execução para correção de fenda palatina traumática de grande extensão em gato, na qual não se utilizou suturas ou flaps, pois os mesmos não eram praticáveis, podendo ser utilizada em substituição a outros métodos convencionais.

Cleft palate is a congenital or acquired communication between the oral and nasal cavities which can often contaminate the nasal cavity with saliva or food. The diagnosis is made by physical examination of the oral cavity and it is usually treated with surgery. We report a successful case of oronasal fistula occlusion using only acrylic resin in a feline. The patient presented with a history of frequent sneezing, chronic purulent nasal discharge, severe halitosis, weight loss and facial trauma suffered two years ago. The animal had mandibular symphysis fracture that was corrected by cerclage with steel wires. On clinical examinationit was observedthe presence of smelling nasal mucus, purulent secretions and the presence of a large cleft fistula in the extension of the hard palate. The patient was submitted to surgery in order to repair the oronasal fistula using acrylic resin. The surgery was curative eliminating clinical signs. The technique was effective and easy to be performed in this case of a traumatic cleft palate with large deffect in a cat. This technique can be used to replace other conventional methods, mainly in cases that the use of sutures or flaps are not feasible.

El paladar hendido es una comunicación congénita o adquirida entre las cavidades oral y nasal, lo que permite el paso de alimentos y líquidos entre ellos. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante un examen físico de la cavidad oral, siendo el tratamiento basado en técnicas quirúrgicas. Presentamos un caso de éxito de oclusión de la fístula oronasal usando sólo la resina acrílica autopolimerizável en un felino con histórico de frecuentes estornudos, secreción nasal purulenta crónica, halitosis severa, pérdida de peso y trauma sufrido hace dos años, culminando en fractura de la sínfisis mandibular, corregida en el mismo período por cerclaje con hilos de acero. En el examen clínico se verificó moco nasal maloliente, secreciones purulentas y la presencia de una gran fístula palatina en la extensión del paladar duro. Se hicieron exámenes pre-quirúrgicos para la posterior corrección de la fístula oronasal, mediante resina acrílica autopolimerizavel. El procedimiento fue exitoso porque el animal dejó de presentar signos clínicos y volvió a alimentarse normalmente. La técnica fue eficaz y de fácil ejecución para corrección de paladar hendido traumático de gran longitud en gato, en la cual no se utilizó suturas o aletas, ya que no eran viables y puede ser utilizado para sustituir a otros métodos convencionales.

Animais , Gatos , Fissura Palatina/veterinária , Fístula/diagnóstico , Resinas Acrílicas/análise
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 67(3): 671-678, May-Jun/2015. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-303237


Tibiotarsal fractures are common in birds because in most birds this is the longest, most exposed bone in the leg. Transverse fractures are most common and rotational and shear forces must be stabilized in order to achieve good bone regeneration. A 230g male Slender-billed Parakeet or Choroy parakeet (Enicognathus leptorhynchus), with more than five years of age, was received with non-weight bearing lameness with 24 hours duration. X-rays were taken, and these revealed a closed, complete, non-comminuted transverse fracture of the distal diaphysis of the left tibiotarsal bone. Fixation was planned with 10-minute fast-setting epoxy putty. In order to assess the temperature of polymerization of the epoxy dough and the possibility of heat-bone necrosis, the temperature was recorded every 30 seconds for 12 minutes with three different amounts of the epoxy material in an ex vivo test. The temperature of the pieces reached a peak of 50-60ºC, where the highest peak corresponds to the highest amount of material. When approximately 6g of putty were used, the peak temperature reached only 51ºC. This peak changed to 58ºC when 4 times more epoxy was mixed and measured. If the temperature of the pins inserted in the bone exceeds 70ºC, bone necrosis could occur. In light of these results, the fracture was treated with 6 g of epoxy putty that was allowed to polymerize over a 1A 2/2 external skeletal fixation, with 1-mm pins bent at 90º and joined together with cerclage wire. At 6 weeks after surgery the bird had formed a good primary bone callus, and the external fixators were therefore removed. With this approach a satisfactory recovery of the patient was achieved with normal use of the affected limb(AU)

Fraturas tibiotársicas são comuns em aves, pois, na maioria das aves, o tibiotarso é o osso mais longo e exposto nesses animais. Fraturas transversais são mais comuns, sendo que as forças de rotação e cisalhamento devem ser estabilizadas de modo a alcançar uma boa regeneração óssea. Um periquito macho do tipo psitacídeo de 230g, com mais de 5 anos, foi recebido apresentando claudicação a 24 horas não devido a transferência de carga. Os exames radiográficos revelaram uma fratura fechada completa, não triturada, transversal de diáfise distal do osso esquerdo tibiotársico. A fixação foi feita com massa epóxi de endurecimento rápido (10 minutos). A fim de avaliar a temperatura de polimerização da massa epóxi e a possibilidade de necrose desses ossos, a temperatura foi registrada a cada 30 segundos durante 12 minutos, com três quantidades diferentes de epóxi em teste in vivo. A temperatura das amostras fragmentadas atingiu um pico de 50-60ºC, em que o pico mais elevado corresponde à maior quantidade de massa epóxi. Quando foram utilizados cerca de 6g de massa de vidraceiro, o pico de temperatura foi de apenas 51ºC. Esse pico foi alterado para 58ºC quando se aumentou a quantidade de massa epóxi quatro vezes. Se a temperatura dos pinos inseridos no osso for superior a 70ºC, pode ocorrer necrose do osso. À luz desses resultados, a fratura foi tratada com 6g de massa epóxi deixada polimerizar sobre uma fixação externa, em configurações 1A 2/2 usando pinos de 1mm, dobrados em 90º e unidos com fios de cerclage. Após 6 semanas da cirurgia, o pássaro tinha formado um calo ósseo primário, sendo os fixadores externos removidos. Com essa abordagem, conclui-se que houve a restauração das funções normais do membro e total recuperação da ave(AU)

Animais , Periquitos/lesões , Polimetil Metacrilato/análise , Ossos do Tarso/lesões , Fixação de Fratura/veterinária , Fixadores Externos/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 42(suppl.1): Pub. 49, 30 jul. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30887


Background: For the stabilization of vertebral fractures and luxations are proposed various techniques, with an association of Steinmann pins and bone cement preferred. Implant failure or migration can occur as a late complication of spinal stabilization as well as breaking pins and cerclage wires. The actual incidence of migration of metallic fixation pins and wires is unknown, although the complication has been well documented being sometimes even associated with the death of the patient. The present report aims to describe the use of laparoscopy in removing a Steinmann pin the muscles of the abdominal wall, adjacent to the peritoneal cavity in a dog. Case: A canine mixed breed, female, 1.5 years old, was attended with a history of hit by motor vehicles and after medical and neurological examination was submitted to radiographic examination, evidencing fracture and dislocation of the sixth lumbar vertebra, with cranio-ventral displacement the caudal fragment of the body of the sixth lumbar vertebra. Then underwent surgery to stabilize the spine. For that, was elected segmental spinal fixation modified by applying pins and cerclage wires on spinous processes and facet joints to stabilize the vertebral segments. Two months after the stabilization column radiographic examination control was observed the presence of radiopaque metallic structure, located between L2-L3 in the left...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Pinos Ortopédicos/veterinária , Parede Abdominal/cirurgia , Cavidade Peritoneal , Remoção , Laparoscopia/métodos , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Minimamente Invasivos/veterinária