The essential oil of the Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche) (tea tree oil) has been effective in previous studies, in the treatment of infestation by Demodex mites in humans. The present study aimed at evaluating the in vitro acaricidal effect of this herbal medicine on Demodex canis. For the parasitological examination, samples were collected from a dogs skin and examined using optical microscopy. Only samples with intact mites and with evident movement of chelicerae and tarsi were selected. Twenty-one samples were tested with the oil, in seven different concentrations: 100%; 50%; 25%; 12.5%; 6.25%; 5.0% and 3.13%. Three samples were tested with the positive control amitraz, and three with the negative control neutral shampoo. The interval between the time the solution was added and the moment the movement of the last mite ceased defined the survival time in the sample. By comparing the times at different concentrations and controls, the results showed that the higher the concentration of the oil, the more quickly its lethal effect occurred, and that the survival times in the controls were longer than in the different concentrations of melaleuca oil.(AU)
O óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche) (óleo da árvore do chá) foi eficaz em estudos anteriores, no tratamento da infestação por ácaros Demodex em humanos. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o tempo do efeito acaricida, in vitro, desse fitoterápico sobre Demodex canis. Para o exame parasitológico, amostras foram coletadas da pele de um cão e examinadas por microscopia óptica. Apenas amostras com ácaros íntegros e com evidente movimentação de quelíceras e tarsos foram selecionadas. Vinte e uma amostras foram direcionadas para teste com o óleo, em sete concentrações diferentes: 100%; 50%; 25%; 12,5%; 6,25%; 5,0% e 3,13%. Três amostras foram testadas com o controle positivo, amitraz, e três com o controle negativo, xampu neutro. O intervalo entre o momento em que a solução foi adicionada e o instante em que cessou o movimento do último ácaro definiu o tempo de sobrevivência na amostra. Os tempos nas diferentes concentrações e nos controles foram comparados. Quanto mais alta a concentração do óleo, mais rapidamente ocorreu seu efeito letal. Os tempos de sobrevivência nos controles foram maiores que nas diferentes concentrações do óleo de melaleuca.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Ácaros e Carrapatos , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Óleo de Melaleuca , Técnicas In VitroResumo
We describe a new species of tarantula from the highlands of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Males of the new species can be distinguished from congeners by having palpal bulb keels weakly developed, and metatarsus I strongly curved, touching apex of retrolateral spur when folded. Females can be distinguished by the color pattern, carapace and legs black with conspicuous white rings on distal femora, patellae, tibiae, and metatarsi. The male of Pterinopelma felipeleitei sp. nov. was previously misidentified and described under the name Pterinopelma sazimai Bertani, Nagahama & Fukushima, 2011. The true male of P. sazimai is herein described from a specimen collected near the type locality. Similar to the conspecific female, this male has characteristic blue iridescent setae covering the carapace, chelicerae, legs, and palps. The new species is sympatric with P. sazimai . Both species inhabit a habitat locally known as 'campos rupestres'.
Animais , Aranhas/anatomia & histologia , Aranhas/classificação , Aranhas/ultraestrutura , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
We describe a new species of tarantula from the highlands of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Males of the new species can be distinguished from congeners by having palpal bulb keels weakly developed, and metatarsus I strongly curved, touching apex of retrolateral spur when folded. Females can be distinguished by the color pattern, carapace and legs black with conspicuous white rings on distal femora, patellae, tibiae, and metatarsi. The male of Pterinopelma felipeleitei sp. nov. was previously misidentified and described under the name Pterinopelma sazimai Bertani, Nagahama & Fukushima, 2011. The true male of P. sazimai is herein described from a specimen collected near the type locality. Similar to the conspecific female, this male has characteristic blue iridescent setae covering the carapace, chelicerae, legs, and palps. The new species is sympatric with P. sazimai . Both species inhabit a habitat locally known as 'campos rupestres'.(AU)
Animais , Aranhas/anatomia & histologia , Aranhas/classificação , Aranhas/ultraestrutura , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Four new sympatric species of Cosmetus Perty, 1833 are described from "Reserva Natural Privada Burbayar, Provinciar Panamá, Panamá" (male holotypes deposited in MIUP). Cosmetus balboa sp. nov. can be distinguished by the combinations of following features: smooth ocularium, larger distal tubercle on pedipalpal femur, coxa I with large ventral tubercle directed upwards, coxa IV with one large dorsoproximal tubercle, two geminate (from base) dorsoapical tubercles with blunt apex. Cosmetus burbayar sp. nov., can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the irregular and discontinuous shape of its yellow spot, extending from lateral anterior to posterior margins and invading prosoma, areas I-III and free tergites. Cosmetus pollera sp. nov. can be distinguished from congeners by two small yellow and two large pairs of spots on prosoma and two other spots on posterior margin of dorsal scutum. Cosmetus tamboritos sp. nov. is distinguished from other species of the genus by the following combinations of characters: having two retrolateral apical tubercles on bulla, one being double size of other; coxa IV lacks patches of a cluster of four tubercles on dorsolateral proximal region and two pointed tubercles fused at their apices; and femur IV with bifid retrolateral apical tubercle. The penis of Cosmetus arietinus (Mello-Leitão, 1940) and C. variolosus Mello-Leitão, 1942 are described for the first time. A table with the main diagnostic features of Cosmetus species is given. We suggest that the spine of area III, sexually dimorphic chelicerae and posterior legs, and pigmentation of dorsal scutum are good diagnosti c features at species level.
Animais , Aracnídeos/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
Four new sympatric species of Cosmetus Perty, 1833 are described from "Reserva Natural Privada Burbayar, Provinciar Panamá, Panamá" (male holotypes deposited in MIUP). Cosmetus balboa sp. nov. can be distinguished by the combinations of following features: smooth ocularium, larger distal tubercle on pedipalpal femur, coxa I with large ventral tubercle directed upwards, coxa IV with one large dorsoproximal tubercle, two geminate (from base) dorsoapical tubercles with blunt apex. Cosmetus burbayar sp. nov., can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the irregular and discontinuous shape of its yellow spot, extending from lateral anterior to posterior margins and invading prosoma, areas I-III and free tergites. Cosmetus pollera sp. nov. can be distinguished from congeners by two small yellow and two large pairs of spots on prosoma and two other spots on posterior margin of dorsal scutum. Cosmetus tamboritos sp. nov. is distinguished from other species of the genus by the following combinations of characters: having two retrolateral apical tubercles on bulla, one being double size of other; coxa IV lacks patches of a cluster of four tubercles on dorsolateral proximal region and two pointed tubercles fused at their apices; and femur IV with bifid retrolateral apical tubercle. The penis of Cosmetus arietinus (Mello-Leitão, 1940) and C. variolosus Mello-Leitão, 1942 are described for the first time. A table with the main diagnostic features of Cosmetus species is given. We suggest that the spine of area III, sexually dimorphic chelicerae and posterior legs, and pigmentation of dorsal scutum are good diagnosti c features at species level.(AU)
Animais , Aracnídeos/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
This paper presents a hypothesis on the involvement of species of the genus Raillietia Trouessart in the pathology of parasitic otitis in domestic ruminants. The chelicerae and claws of the tarsi are structures that contribute significantly towards producing primary lesions. The movable digits of the chelicerae accidentally injure the epithelium that lines the ear canal, while the claws of the tarsi perforate the epithelium, allowing the mites to affix themselves while feeding. The lesions in the epithelium caused by the chelicerae and the claws favor multiplication of the bacteria that inhabit the ear canal, resulting in typical cases of otitis.(AU)
Neste trabalho apresentamos uma hipótese para explicar o envolvimento dos ácaros do gênero Raillietia na patogênese da otite parasitária em ruminantes domésticos. As quelíceras e unhas dos tarsos são estruturas que contribuem significativamente para produzir as lesões primárias no epitélio. Os dígitos móveis das quelíceras acidentalmente causam injúria no epitélio que reveste o canal auditivo, enquanto as unhas dos tarsos perfuram o epitélio para permitir a fixação dos ácaros durante sua alimentação. As lesões no epitélio causadas pelas quelíceras e unhas dos tarsos favorecem a multiplicação das bactérias que habitam o canal auditivo, resultando em casos típicos de otite.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Ácaros/patogenicidade , Otite/parasitologia , Ácaros/anatomia & histologia , Otite/veterinária , Ruminantes/parasitologiaResumo
In the current work, the courtship and mating of Scorpiops luridus Zhu Lourenço & Qi, 2005 (Euscorpiidae) from Xizang province (Tibet), China, were studied for the first time in the laboratory. Most of the mating behaviors in Scorpiops luridus are not remarkably different from those exhibited by other scorpions. However, for the first time a male pulling a female with its chelicerae to rapidly accomplish the sperm uptake was observed. Additionally, the sexual stinging behavior displayed by the male occurred in the initial stage, not during the promenade stage as previously described in several scorpion species. Through observation and analysis, we speculate that venom injection during sexual stinging is selective, possibly relying on the status shown by the stung scorpion (passive or aggressive). In order to clearly describe the process of courtship and mating, both sequences are represented in a flow chart, while the main behavior components of these processes were identified, analyzed and discussed.(AU)
Animais , Escorpiões , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologiaResumo
In the current work, the courtship and mating of Scorpiops luridus Zhu Lourenço & Qi, 2005 (Euscorpiidae) from Xizang province (Tibet), China, were studied for the first time in the laboratory. Most of the mating behaviors in Scorpiops luridus are not remarkably different from those exhibited by other scorpions. However, for the first time a male pulling a female with its chelicerae to rapidly accomplish the sperm uptake was observed. Additionally, the sexual stinging behavior displayed by the male occurred in the initial stage, not during the promenade stage as previously described in several scorpion species. Through observation and analysis, we speculate that venom injection during sexual stinging is selective, possibly relying on the status shown by the stung scorpion (passive or aggressive). In order to clearly describe the process of courtship and mating, both sequences are represented in a flow chart, while the main behavior components of these processes were identified, analyzed and discussed.(AU)
Animais , Escorpiões , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Comportamento Animal , Laboratórios , EspermatozoidesResumo
Members of the Fusarium solani species complex are agents of human mycoses, also affecting plants and other animals. Nevertheless, this fungus has not been reported on scorpions. Ten specimens of Tityus stigmurus collected in the field and showing their surface covered by white mycelia were used to assess fungus presence in the animal after its death. Identification of the fungi was based upon the cultural and morphological characteristics. The fungus was isolated from chelicerae and intersegmental regions. Infected individuals had their behaviour modified by reducing feeding and locomotion. None of the infected individuals survived. It is likely that this fungus may have a role in the regulation of field scorpion populations.(AU)
Ocorrência natural de Fusarium solani em Tityus stigmurus (Thorell, 1876) (Scorpiones: Buthidae). Membros do complexo de espécies de Fusarium solani são freqüentemente referidos como agentes de micoses humanas, podendo também afetar plantas e outros animais. Contudo, esse fungo ainda não foi registrado como causador de infecções em escorpiões. Dez espécimes de Tityus stigmurus coletados em campo e apresentando micélio branco cobrindo a superfície do corpo foram usados para analisar a presença de fungo após a sua morte. A identificação do fungo foi baseada nas características da cultura e morfológicas. O fungo foi isolado de quelíceras e regiões intersegmentais. Indivíduos infectados tiveram seu comportamento modificado, reduzindo sua alimentação e locomoção. Nenhum dos indivíduos infectados sobreviveu. É possível que este fungo possa ter um papel na regulação da população de campo desse escorpião.(AU)
Animais , Fusarium/isolamento & purificação , Micoses/microbiologia , Escorpiões/microbiologia , Escorpiões/classificaçãoResumo
The wolf spider Lycosa singoriensis (Laxmann, 1770) (Lycosidae: Araneae) is distributed throughout central and eastern Europe, including Russia, Kazakhistan and Turkey. This study describes the venom apparatus morphology of L. singoriensis through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Its structure follows the general architecture observed in other spiders. Generally, a venom apparatus is composed by a pair of venom glands and chelicerae. L. singoriensis chelicerae are robust and consist of a stout basis and a movable apical segment (fang). The fang rests in a groove on the basal segment that is covered by different types of hair. L. singoriensis venom glands present equal size and measure about 4 mm in length. Each gland is enclosed by irregular muscular layers.
The holotype of Eurypelma tripepii Dresco, 1984 from state of Pará, Brazil, is revised and illustrated. Its palpal bulb and tibial apophysis are similar in shape to species of Nhandu Lucas, 1983. Therefore, the species is transferred to the genus Nhandu, establishing the new combination Nhandu tripepii (Dresco, 1984) comb. nov., which is considered a senior synonym of Nhandu vulpinus (Schmidt, 1998) syn. nov. The protuberances present on the holotype's chelicerae are here considered a morphological anomaly.
The holotype of Eurypelma tripepii Dresco, 1984 from state of Pará, Brazil, is revised and illustrated. Its palpal bulb and tibial apophysis are similar in shape to species of Nhandu Lucas, 1983. Therefore, the species is transferred to the genus Nhandu, establishing the new combination Nhandu tripepii (Dresco, 1984) comb. nov., which is considered a senior synonym of Nhandu vulpinus (Schmidt, 1998) syn. nov. The protuberances present on the holotype's chelicerae are here considered a morphological anomaly.
The holotype of Eurypelma tripepii Dresco, 1984 from state of Pará, Brazil, is revised and illustrated. Its palpal bulb and tibial apophysis are similar in shape to species of Nhandu Lucas, 1983. Therefore, the species is transferred to the genus Nhandu, establishing the new combination Nhandu tripepii (Dresco, 1984) comb. nov., which is considered a senior synonym of Nhandu vulpinus (Schmidt, 1998) syn. nov. The protuberances present on the holotype's chelicerae are here considered a morphological anomaly.
Sickesia tremembe sp. nov. is described from Piauí, Northeast Brazil (type-locality: Sete Cidades National Park, Brasileira and Piracuruca municipalities). It differs from S. usta and S. helmuti by the clavate male femur IV and chelicerae segment I with a pair of large tubercles on retrolateral surface. The Stygnidae Stygnus polyacanthus (Mello-Leitão, 1923); the Cosmetidae, Gryne pluriarcuata Mello-Leitão, 1936 and undetermined species of Paecilaema and Gryne and also representatives of Escadabiidae and Sclerosomatidae (Gagrellinae) are recorded from this state, for the first time.
Sickesia tremembe sp. nov. is described from Piauí, Northeast Brazil (type-locality: Sete Cidades National Park, Brasileira and Piracuruca municipalities). It differs from S. usta and S. helmuti by the clavate male femur IV and chelicerae segment I with a pair of large tubercles on retrolateral surface. The Stygnidae Stygnus polyacanthus (Mello-Leitão, 1923); the Cosmetidae, Gryne pluriarcuata Mello-Leitão, 1936 and undetermined species of Paecilaema and Gryne and also representatives of Escadabiidae and Sclerosomatidae (Gagrellinae) are recorded from this state, for the first time.
Sickesia tremembe sp. nov. is described from Piauí, Northeast Brazil (type-locality: Sete Cidades National Park, Brasileira and Piracuruca municipalities). It differs from S. usta and S. helmuti by the clavate male femur IV and chelicerae segment I with a pair of large tubercles on retrolateral surface. The Stygnidae Stygnus polyacanthus (Mello-Leitão, 1923); the Cosmetidae, Gryne pluriarcuata Mello-Leitão, 1936 and undetermined species of Paecilaema and Gryne and also representatives of Escadabiidae and Sclerosomatidae (Gagrellinae) are recorded from this state, for the first time.
Sickesia tremembe sp. nov. is described from Piauí, Northeast Brazil (type-locality: Sete Cidades National Park, Brasileira and Piracuruca municipalities). It differs from S. usta and S. helmuti by the clavate male femur IV and chelicerae segment I with a pair of large tubercles on retrolateral surface. The Stygnidae Stygnus polyacanthus (Mello-Leitão, 1923); the Cosmetidae, Gryne pluriarcuata Mello-Leitão, 1936 and undetermined species of Paecilaema and Gryne and also representatives of Escadabiidae and Sclerosomatidae (Gagrellinae) are recorded from this state, for the first time.
Sickesia tremembe sp. nov. is described from Piauí, Northeast Brazil (type-locality: Sete Cidades National Park, Brasileira and Piracuruca municipalities). It differs from S. usta and S. helmuti by the clavate male femur IV and chelicerae segment I with a pair of large tubercles on retrolateral surface. The Stygnidae Stygnus polyacanthus (Mello-Leitão, 1923); the Cosmetidae, Gryne pluriarcuata Mello-Leitão, 1936 and undetermined species of Paecilaema and Gryne and also representatives of Escadabiidae and Sclerosomatidae (Gagrellinae) are recorded from this state, for the first time.
The wolf spider Lycosa singoriensis (Laxmann, 1770) (Lycosidae: Araneae) is distributed throughout central and eastern Europe, including Russia, Kazakhistan and Turkey. This study describes the venom apparatus morphology of L. singoriensis through scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Its structure follows the general architecture observed in other spiders. Generally, a venom apparatus is composed by a pair of venom glands and chelicerae. L. singoriensis chelicerae are robust and consist of a stout basis and a movable apical segment (fang). The fang rests in a groove on the basal segment that is covered by different types of hair. L. singoriensis venom glands present equal size and measure about 4 mm in length. Each gland is enclosed by irregular muscular layers.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Aranha/análise , Aranhas , Pesos e MedidasResumo
Se describe un nuevo esquizómido del género Rowlandius Reddell & Cokendolpher, 1995, proveniente de la Sierra de San Luis, Estado Falcón, en Venezuela noroccidental. Rowlandius arduus sp. n. se caracteriza por el dedo móvil del quelícero con un diminuto diente subdistal, una débil eminencia dorsoposterior en el segmento abdominal XII del macho y espermatecas constituidas por dos pares de lóbulos largos y sinuosos, tenuemente quitinizados, sin bulbo terminal notable. Su asignación al género Rowlandius es tentativa, pues posee varios caracteres que no concuerdan plenamente con el mismo, sin embargo la carencia de caracteres sinapomórficos limita su asignación a otro género. Este es el primer registro del género para Venezuela y la tercera especie suramericana conocida.
A new species of the genus Rowlandius Reddell & Cokendolpher, 1995 is described from Sierra San Luis, Falcón State, northwestern Venezuela. Rowlandius arduus sp. n. may be characterized by having movable finger of chelicerae with a diminute sub-distal tooth, male with a poorly developed dorsal eminence on abdominal segment XII, and female with two pairs of weakly sclerotized, sinuous spermathecal lobes, without conspicuous terminal lobe. It is assigned to Rowlandius tentatively, because some characters are not congruent with this genus, nevertheless the absence of synapomorphic characters limits its inclusion in other one. This is the first record of the genus from Venezuela, and the third South American species described.