The present experiment aimed to evaluate the reproductive response of Blackbelly ewes synchronized with low doses of eCG during the summer in a tropical climate. Sixty multiparous hair ewes were divided into three groups (20 ewes/group): control group (CG; 0 IU of eCG), treated group 1 (TG-1; 140 IU of eCG) and treated group 2 (TG-2; 300 IU of eCG). The study found that the three groups of ewes showed differences in their reproductive behavior (P < 0.01). Indeed, all the ewes in the TG-1 and TG-2 groups presented a higher response to estrus than the CG (P < 0.01). In the same way, TG1 and TG-2 had an onset to estrus in less time (P < 0.01). On the other hand, prolificacy was also higher in TG-1 and TG-2 (P < 0.05). Likewise, ewes from TG-1 and TG-2 had more lambs than those from CG (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the variables of fertility and gestation length were similar regardless of the group of ewes (P > 0.05). It´s concluded that the ewes treated with eCG presented good reproductive behavior, and the majority did so in the first 24 to 36 h after removing the intravaginal device.
Animais , Reprodução , Estações do Ano , Ovinos , Ecossistema TropicalResumo
ABSTRACT: Increasingly, fast-growing forest plantations are able to support the wood supply but may simultaneously reduce water availability. The trade-off between wood production and water supply is more evident in areas with low water availability, high seasonal variation, or high water demand from local communities. The management regime adopted in forest plantations can either increase or reduce this trade-off. Thus, we assess herein the water and wood supply under different fast-growing forest plantation management regimes to understand how forest management practices can balance the provision of these services. The study was conducted at two catchments with a predominance of fast-growing forest plantations, namely, the mosaic management catchment (MMC) and the intensive management catchment (IMC). Rainfall and streamflow were monitored for three water years. Hydrological indexes were calculated to assess the hydrological regime of both catchments, and make inventories of the forest to assess forest growth rates. MMC had streamflow coefficients, baseflow index and baseflow stability higher than those of IMC. Mean annual wood increment was 32.73 m3 ha-1 yr-1 in MMC, with a mean age of 15 years, and 44.40 m3 ha-1 yr-1 in IMC at coppice in the second year. MMC hydrological indexes remained stable over the period studied, while in IMC the hydrological indexes were affected by climatic variations, mainly in drier years. MMC showed potential for supplying both water and wood. However, in IMC there was a trade-off between wood supply at the expense of the water supply. Thus, the intensity of fast-growing management can be adjusted to achieve a balance between water and wood supply on a catchment scale.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the seasonal effect of months of the year upon the physiological and productive responses of crossbred dairy cows raised in an Amazonian climate. Twenty lactating cows were evaluated, fed on Brachiaria decumbens pasture, with free access to water and mineral supplementation. Data from climate variables air temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH), rainfall (RA) and temperature and humidity index (THI) were recorded dur ing the months of January to April 2019. The physiological data collected were: respiratory rate (RR, mov/min), heart rate (HR, beats/min), rectal temperature (RT, ºC), udder surface temperature (UST, ºC), body surface temperature (BST, ºC), dorsum surface temperature (DST, ºC), front surface temperature (FST, ºC) and rear shin temperature (RST). Milk production (MP) was also measured. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) of RST and RR with values ranging from 34.8 to 35.5°C and 32.0 to 36.2 mov/min, respectively. There were no significant difference (P>0.05) for BST, and the values for MP and THI were 3.8; 3.8; 4.6; 4.1 kg and 77.7; 79.7; 80.6; 80.1, respectively. It was concluded that there was a seasonal effect of the months of the year evaluated on the respiratory rate of animals, however, it did not change the MP and the THI. The Amazon environment is conducive to causing thermal stress in lactating cows raised on pasture, requiring the use of shading to facilitate the ability of these animals to dissipate heat.(AU)
O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos sazonais dos meses do ano sobre as respostas fisiológicas e produtivas de vacas leiteiras mestiças criadas em clima amazônico. Foram avaliadas 20 vacas lactantes, alimentadas com pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, com acesso livre a água e suplementação mineral. Foram registrados dados das variáveis climáticas temperatura do ar (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), precipitação pluviométrica (PP) e índice de temperatura e Umidade (ITU) durante os meses de janeiro a abril de 2019. Os dados fisiológicos coletados foram: frequência respiratória (FR, mov/min), frequência cardíaca (FC, bat./min), temperatura retal (TR, ºC), temperatura superficial do úbere (TSU, ºC), temperatura superfície corporal (TSC, ºC), temperatura superficial do dorso (TSD, ºC), temperatura superficial da fronte (TSF, ºC) e temperatura superficial da canela (TSCA, °C). Também foi mensurada a produção de leite (PL, kg). Houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) da TSCA e FR com valores variando de 34,8 a 35,5°C e 32,0 a 36,2 mov/min, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para TSC e os valores observados para PL e ITU foram 3,8; 3,8; 4,6; 4,1 kg e 77,7; 79,7; 80,6; 80,1, respectivamente. Houve efeito sazonal dos meses avaliados sobre a taxa respiratória dos animais, no entanto, isso não alterou a PL nem o ITU. O ambiente amazônico é propício a causar estresse térmico em vacas lactantes mantidas a pasto, sendo necessário o uso de sombreamento para facilitar a capacidade de dissipação de calor corporal desses animais.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Modalidades Fisiológicas , Estações do Ano , Pastagens , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , BrachiariaResumo
In recent decades, research on precision irrigation driven by climate change has developed a multitude of strategies, methods and technologies to reduce water consumption in irrigation projects and to adapt to the increasing occurrence of water scarcity, agricultural droughts and competition between agricultural and industrial sectors for the use of water. In this context, the adoption of water-saving and application practices implies a multidisciplinary approach to accurately quantify the water needs of crops under different water availability and management practices. Thus, this review article presented a review of technologies and new trends in the context of precision irrigation, future perspectives and critically analyze notions and means to maintain high levels of land and water productivity, which minimize irrational water consumption at the field level.
Nas últimas décadas pesquisas voltadas à irrigação de precisão, impulsionadas pelas mudanças climáticas, desenvolveram uma infinidade de estratégias, métodos e tecnologias para reduzir o consumo de água em projetos de irrigação, para adaptação à crescente ocorrência de escassez de água, secas agrícolas e competição entre os setores agrícolas e industriais pelo uso da água. Nesta conjuntura, a adoção de práticas de economia e aplicação de água, implica em uma abordagem multidisciplinar para a quantificação precisa das necessidades de água das culturas, sob diversas práticas de disponibilidade e manejo da água. Dessa forma, este artigo de revisão tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão sobre as tecnologias e novas tendências no contexto da irrigação de precisão, as perspectivas futuras e analisar criticamente noções e meios para manter altos índices de produtividade da terra e da água, que minimizem o consumo de água irracional a nível de campo.
Consumo de Água (Saúde Ambiental) , Uso Eficiente da Água , Irrigação Agrícola/métodosResumo
Globalization, population change, and rural-to-urban movement are the main causes of the enormous issues faced by rural communities. Every growing nation, including the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), has a sizable proportion of rural farmers among its populace. This study was done in the Sulaimani Governorate, which was divided into six main districts namely; Garmian, Penjwin, Halabja, Chamchamal, Sharazur, and Raniya, and aimed to compare the groundwater level with summer crop water demand. The weighted Sum Method (WSM) and a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index map (NDVI) were used to analyze and illustrate the current water demand status for summer crops. The study employed a participatory research design, utilizing a purposive sampling method to select 60representative farmers, 25key decision-makers, representatives from Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), and experts in the field of water management. Data was collected through the use of focus group discussions (FGDs) and Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) to gather information from the selected participants. This study is innovative in its attempt to establish a correlation between the yield of summer crops and the availability of groundwater. As a conclusion for this study, the results suggest that thelevel of groundwater playsa significant role in determining the production of summer crops. Additionally, the sustainable development of various regions within the Sulaimani Governorate is influenced by a complex interplay of environmental, economic, andsocial factors. Future work will be focus on doing a detail research regarding time series for ground water level (GWL) vs.crop production vs.NDVI.(AU)
A globalização, a transição demográfica e o êxodo rural são as principais problemas enfrentados pelas comunidades rurais. Cada nação em crescimento, incluindo a região do Curdistão do Sul no Iraque, ainda mantém uma proporção considerável de agricultores em propriedades rurais. Este estudo foi feito na província de Sulaimani, que foi dividida em seis distritos principais, a saber; Garmian, Penjwin, Halabja, Chamchamal, Sharazur e Raniya, e teve como objetivo comparar o nível das águas subterrâneas com a demanda de água das culturas de verão existentes. O Método da Soma Ponderada e o índice de vegetação de diferença normalizada (IVDN) foram usados para analisar e ilustrar o estado atual da demanda de água para as culturas de verão da região. Oestudo empregou um projetode pesquisa participativa, utilizando um método de amostragem intencional para selecionar 60 agricultores representativos, 25 tomadores de decisão, representantes de organizações não governamentais e especialistas na área de gestão de recursoshídricos. Os dados foram coletados por meio do uso de discussões de grupos focais e entrevistas com pessoas-chave para coletar informações dos participantes selecionados. Este estudo é inovador em sua tentativa de estabelecer uma correlação entre o rendimento das culturas de verão e a disponibilidade de água subterrânea. Como conclusão para este estudo, os resultados sugerem que o nível das águas subterrâneas desempenha um papel significativo na determinação da produção de culturas de verão. Além disso, odesenvolvimento sustentável de várias regiões da província de Sulaimani é influenciado por uma complexa interação de fatores ambientais, econômicos e sociais. O trabalho futuro será focado em fazer uma pesquisa detalhada sobre séries temporais para nível de água subterrânea vs. produção agrícola vs. IVDN.(AU)
Produtos Agrícolas , Conservação dos Recursos Hídricos/métodos , População Rural , Estações do Ano , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
Increasingly, fast-growing forest plantations are able to support the wood supply but may simultaneously reduce water availability. The trade-off between wood production and water supply is more evident in areas with low water availability, high seasonal variation, or high water demand from local communities. The management regime adopted in forest plantations can either increase or reduce this trade-off. Thus, we assess herein the water and wood supply under different fast-growing forest plantation management regimes to understand how forest management practices can balance the provision of these services. The study was conducted at two catchments with a predominance of fast-growing forest plantations, namely, the mosaic management catchment (MMC) and the intensive management catchment (IMC). Rainfall and streamflow were monitored for three water years. Hydrological indexes were calculated to assess the hydrological regime of both catchments, and make inventories of the forest to assess forest growth rates. MMC had streamflow coefficients, baseflow index and baseflow stability higher than those of IMC. Mean annual wood increment was 32.73 m³ ha-¹ yr-¹ in MMC, with a mean age of 15 years, and 44.40 m³ ha-¹ yr-¹ in IMC at coppice in the second year. MMC hydrological indexes remained stable over the period studied, while in IMC the hydrological indexes were affected by climatic variations, mainly in drier years. MMC showed potential for supplying both water and wood. However, in IMC there was a trade-off between wood supply at the expense of the water supply. Thus, the intensity of fast-growing management can be adjusted to achieve a balance between water and wood supply on a catchment scale.
Madeira/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Madeira/economia , Florestas , Conservação dos Recursos HídricosResumo
Rectal temperature (RT), heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR), determined as repeated measurements over time in female goats, were used to identify covariance matrices that best fit the data for residual modeling on these three traits. Then, based on this result, the goats' responses to heat were evaluated. Five matrices were found with convergence for the three traits. The Heterogeneous Compound Symmetry matrix showed a good fit for modeling the residual associated with RT, whereas the Heterogeneous Autoregressive matrix had a better fit for RR and HR, according to the Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), corrected AIC (AICc), and Schwarz Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) used. After adjusting the residual data for these three traits, a mixed-model analysis was used to evaluate collection period (3), physiological stage (3), and animal age (3) as fixed effects. Residual modeling interfered differently with the p-value associated with the fixed effects studied. Collection period and interactions did not influence the variation in RT (P>0.761), which was within the standard range for goats in the tropics, while the physiological stage of the goats affected it (P<0.05). Rectal temperature, HR, and RR tend to show covariance structures that can be modeled using specific residual covariance matrices, that is, the heterogeneous compound symmetry matrix best suits RT data, whereas the heterogeneous autoregressive matrix is better suited for HR and RR, which are usually correlated. The goats of the evaluated breed maintain RT within the range of variation displayed by breeds adapted to a hot environment, regardless of their physiological condition. Variations occur in RR and HR, without, however, exceeding the normal range for goats. Pregnancy causes goats to raise their RR in the rainy season of the year in the region in order to maintain RT within the normal range for the species.(AU)
Utilizou-se a Temperatura retal (TR), Frequências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (FR) aferidas como medidas repetidas no tempo em fêmeas caprinas, objetivando-se identificar matrizes de estruturas de covariância que melhor se ajustou aos dados para modelagem do resíduo nessas três características e, em seguida, avaliou-se a respostas de cabras ao calor, com base nesse resultado. Constatou-se cinco matrizes com convergência nas três características. A Simétrica composta heterogênea ajustou-se bem para modelagem do resíduo associado a TR, enquanto a Autorregressiva heterogênea ajustou-se melhor para a FR e FC, de acordo com os critérios de informação de Akaike (AIC), Akaike corrigido (AICc) e o Bayesiano de Schwarz (BIC) utilizados. Com o resíduos de dados dessas três características ajustados, utilizou-se uma análise com modelos mistos para avaliar a Época de coleta (3), Estado fisiológico (3) e Idade do animal (3) foram como efeitos fixos. Constatou-se que a modelagem do resíduo interferiu de modo diferenciado no p valor associado aos efeitos fixos estudados. A época da coleta e interações não influenciaram a variação da TR (P>0,761), que oscilou dentro da faixa padrão para caprinos nos trópicos, mas o Estágio fisiológico da cabra sim (P<0,05). A Temperatura retal e as Frequências cardíaca e respiratória tendem a apresentar estruturas de covariâncias modeláveis com utilização de matrizes de covariâncias residuais especificas, ou seja, a matriz Simétrica composta heterogênea mais adequada para dados da Temperatura retal, enquanto a Autorregressiva heterogênea para as Frequências cardíaca e respiratória, geralmente correlacionas. As cabras da raça avaliadas mantêm a temperatura retal dentro da amplitude de variação apresentada por raças adaptadas a ambiente quente. Isso ocorre independente da condição fisiológica que se encontra, mas com ocorrência de variação na frequência respiratória e cardíaca, não excedendo, no entanto, a faixa normal para caprinos. A gestação condiciona a cabra a elevar a FR na época chuvosa do ano na região para manter a TR na faixa de amplitude normal para caprinos.(AU)
Cabras/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Regulação da Temperatura CorporalResumo
The majority of the birds in different habitats are stressed due to alteration in multiple climate factors contributing to their loss. The present study has been planned to find the roosts composition of passerine birds in different major and sub-habitats of Punjab, Pakistan. In Faisalabad, of the four species, the higher number of exits was almost comparable, while Passer domesticus and Pastor roseus were more abundant than Tachycinet bicolor and Lanius cristatus. For the three remaining birds, total exits and returns were 180 for P. roseus, 181 for T. bicolor, and 179 for L. cristatus, respectively. Considering the exits in morning hours, a total of 314, 256, 246 and 210, were recorded from Sheikhupura. In Khanewal, of the four species, the highest exits and returns were that of P. domesticus (407; 451), followed by that of the P. roseus (273; 336), T. bicolor (242; 319) and L. cristatus (220; 397). The temperature imposed serious effects on roost exits for the four birds. The varied P-values which were higher (< 0.001***, < 0.001***, 0.002 **, <0.001***) appeared to limit the roost exits for them. Nonetheless, the impact of relative humidity exerted a strong influence on the T. bicolor (0.003**). In roosts return, it was seen that roost returns were even likely in warm temperatures and precipitation did not impose seriously on returns, and even in light rainfall. Nonetheless, relative humidity (RH) strongly impacted the sparrow. The T. bicolor and L. cristatus were adversely affected with the slopes (1.37) and (2.06), indicated with each percentage increase of relative humidity, and slope variations became least.
A maioria das aves em diferentes habitats está estressada devido à alteração em vários fatores climáticos que contribuem para sua perda. O presente estudo foi planejado para encontrar a composição dos poleiros de aves passeriformes em diferentes, grandes e sub-habitats de Punjab, no Paquistão. Em Faisalabad, das quatro espécies, tem-se que o maior número de saídas foi quase comparável, enquanto que as espécies Passer domesticus e Pastor roseus foram mais abundantes que Tachycinet bicolor e Lanius cristatus. Para as três aves restantes, o total de saídas e retornos foi de 180 para P. roseus, 181 para T. bicolor e 179 para L. cristatus, respectivamente. Considerando as saídas nas horas da manhã, um total de 314, 256, 246 e 210 foi registrado de Sheikhupura. Em Khanewal, das quatro espécies, as maiores saídas e retornos foram de P. domesticus (407; 451), seguidas de P. roseus (273; 336), T. bicolor (242; 319) e L. cristatus (220; 397). A temperatura impôs sérios efeitos nas saídas dos poleiros para as quatro aves. Os maiores valores de p variados (< 0,001***, < 0,001***, 0,002 **, <0,001***) pareceram limitar as saídas de poleiro para os pássaros. No entanto, o impacto da Umidade Relativa (UR) exerceu forte influência sobre o T. bicolor (0,003**). Com relação ao retorno dos poleiros, verificou-se que esses retornos eram até prováveis ââem temperaturas quentes, visto que a precipitação não foi um fator extremamente determinante para os retornos, mesmo em chuvas fracas. No entanto, a UR impactou fortemente o pardal. O T. bicolor e L. cristatus foram prejudicados com as declividades (1,37) e (2,06), que foram indicadas a cada percentual de aumento de UR, ao passo que as variações de declividade tornaram-se menores.
Animais , Mudança Climática , Aves , Passeriformes , Pardais , PaquistãoResumo
The Markov stochastic chain model and the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) were used as tools to support decision-making for the best crop-planting choice in the city of Caxias do Sul, Brazil. Temperature and precipitation information were collected from the Meteorological Database for Teaching and Research of the National Institute of Meteorology of Brazil for the period 1997-2017. The stochastic model was applied to obtain the probability of transition between a range of variations for temperature and precipitation. In the second phase of the study, an algebraic model was developed, making it possible to link the probability of the Markov chain transition matrix to the AHP judgment matrix. In the third phase, the AHP was applied as a tool to determine the most beneficial crop that could be planted for the studied city, considering the evaluated criteria: temperature, precipitation, and soil pH. The alternatives for crop planting were carrots, tomatoes, apples, and grapes. These were chosen because they are the most-planted crops in the city of Caxias do Sul. The ranking of the benefit-force results of applying the model for spring was carrots (0.297), apples (0.259), grapes (0.228), and tomatoes (0.215); for summer: grapes (0.261), tomatoes (0.261), apples (0.238), and carrots (0.230); for autumn: carrots (0.316), grapes (0.243), tomatoes (0.228), and apples (0.213); and for winter: carrots (0.327), tomatoes (0.235), apples (0.222), and grapes (0.216). Thus, it was concluded that farmers would have a better chance of success if they planted carrots during the spring, autumn, and winter, and grapes during the summer.
O Modelo de Cadeia Estocástica de Markov e o Processo de Hierarquia Analítica (AHP) foram utilizados como ferramentas de apoio à tomada de decisão para a melhor escolha de plantio na cidade de Caxias do Sul, Brasil. As informações de temperatura e precipitação foram coletadas de 1997 a 2017 no Banco de Dados Meteorológicos para Ensino e Pesquisa do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia do Brasil. O modelo estocástico foi aplicado para obtenção da probabilidade de transição entre faixas de variação para temperatura e precipitação. Na segunda fase do estudo, um modelo algébrico foi desenvolvido, possibilitando vincular a probabilidade da matriz de transição de cadeias de Markov na matriz de julgamento do AHP. Na terceira fase, o AHP foi aplicado como ferramenta de apoio à decisão do cultivo mais benéfico para a cidade estudada, considerando os critérios avaliados: temperatura, precipitação e pH do solo. As alternativas escolhidas para fazer o ranking foram: cenoura, tomate, maçã e uva, escolhidas por possuírem a maior quantidade de plantio na cidade de Caxias do Sul. O ranking do resultado de força de benefício da aplicação do modelo para a primavera foi: cenoura (0,297), maçã (0,259), uva (0,228) e tomate (0,215); para o verão: uva (0,271), tomate (0,261), maçã (0,238) e cenoura (0,230); para o outono: cenoura (0,316), uva (0,243), tomate (0,228) e maçã (0,213); para o inverno: cenoura (0,327), tomate (0,235), maçã (0,222) e uva (0,216). Assim, concluiu-se que o agricultor terá mais chances de sucesso se optar por plantar cenoura durante a primavera, outono e inverno, e uva durante o verão.
Mudança Climática , 24444 , Análise do Solo , Cadeias de Markov , Solanum lycopersicum , Daucus carota , Malus , VitisResumo
Based on the hypothesis that climate and fertilizers influence the proportion of tiller age categories in the canopy and, consequently, in herbage accumulation, the objective of this study was to determine the population density and the contribution of tiller age categories for herbage accumulation of Urochloa brizantha cv. Marandu during the year and in response to phosphate and nitrogen fertilization. The treatments consisted of two fertilization strategies: low and high fertilization and three tiller ages (young, mature and old), evaluated at four times of the year: winter, early and late spring, and summer. The total number of tillers and the proportion of young tillers were higher in late spring and summer. The growth and herbage accumulation rates showed a typical seasonal pattern and were higher in the canopy under high fertilization. Old tillers contributed more to control the total stem growth rate, as well as the canopy senescence rate. The highest percentage of young tillers is related to the high herbage accumulation in the Marandu palisadegrass canopy.(AU)
Levando em consideração que os fertilizantes e o clima podem influenciar na faixa etária de perfilhos de um dossel e consequentemente no acúmulo de forragem, o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a densidade populacional e a contruibuição das faixas etárias de perfilhos para o acúmulo de forragem Uruchloa brizanta cv Marandu durante o ano e em resposta a fertização com fosfato e nitrogênio. O tratamento foi constituido de duas estratégias de fertilização: baixa e alta fertilização e três faixas etárias de perfilhos (jovem, maduro e velho) avaliadas em quatro épocas do ano (inverno, início e fim da primavera e verão). O número total de perfilhos e a proporção de perfilhos jovens foram maiores no final da primavera e no verão. As taxas de crescimento e de acumulação de forragem mostraram um padrão sazonal típico e foram maiores no dossel com alto nivel de fertilização do que com baixo nível de fertilizante. O perfilho velho contribuiu mais para controlar as taxas de crescimento total do caule, bem como para a taxa de senescência do dossel. A maior porcentagem de perfilhos jovens está relacionada ao alto acúmulo de forragem no dossel do capimmarandu.(AU)
Fosfatos , Compostagem , Fertilizantes , Poaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Estações do AnoResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the thermal conditions to which animals are exposed and their effect on the comfort/discomfort of dairy herds in a grazing system in the municipality of Sena Madureira, Acre State, Brazil. Eight farms and a total of 113 lactating crossbred cows were evaluated. Dry-bulb temperature (DBT, °C), relative humidity (RH, %), black globe temperature (BGT, °C), and wind speed (v, km h¹) were measured in January, February, and March (rainy season) to calculate temperature-humidity index (THI), black globe-humidity index (GTWBI), and radiant heat load (RHL). Moreover, the animals were measured for the physiological variables: rectal temperature (RT), heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR). Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for THI, GTWBI, and RHL. THI reached a mean value of 80 on farm G in January. Farm F had a GTWBI value of 79 in February. RHL reached the highest value (510 W m²). RT and HR showed no differences among the analyzed months. Thus, the environmental conditions in which dairy cows are housed at milking time rarely promoted thermal discomfort, with farm G being the most affected by THI.
Objetivou-se avaliar as condições térmicas a que os animais estão submetidos, seu efeito no conforto/desconforto de rebanhos leiteiros em sistema de pastejo, no município de Sena Madureira-Acre. Foram avaliadas oito propriedades e o total de 113 vacas mestiças em lactação. As medições ocorreram nos meses: janeiro, fevereiro e março (inverno amazônico), mensurando-se: temperatura do bulbo seco (TBS, °C), umidade relativa do ar (UR, %) e temperatura de globo negro (TGN, °C), velocidade do vento (v, km/h) para cálculos dos índices da temperatura e umidade (ITU), índice da temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU) e carga térmica radiante (CTR), além da temperatura retal (TR), frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR). Entre as propriedades analisadas, houve diferenças significativas (P<0,05) para ITU, ITGU e CTR. Destaca-se que o ITU na propriedade G, em janeiro, atingiu o valor médio de 80. A propriedade F, em fevereiro, teve valor de 79 para o ITGU. A CTR apresentou carga elevada (510 W.m³). A TR e a FC não apresentaram diferença entre os meses analisados. Concluiu-se que o ambiente ao qual as vacas leiteiras estão alojadas na hora da ordenha encontraram-se poucas vezes em situação de desconforto térmico, sendo a propriedade, a mais afetada pelo ITU.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Tempo (Meteorologia) , Bem-Estar do Animal , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Estações do Ano , Clima Tropical , BrasilResumo
Sucking pests are major threat to cotton field crop which cause unbearable losses to the crop yield. Aim of the current study was to record seasonal dynamics of major sucking insect pests including whitefly, jassid, thrips and their natural arthropod predators i.e. green lacewings and spiders in cotton field plots. The effects of surrounding field crops on pests' density and predatory efficiency of predators were also recorded. For sampling and survey of insects, the visual counting was found to be the most efficient method for recording the abundance of insects, trailed by net sweeping and tapping. Whitefly was the most dominant sucking pest found on the vegetative stage of cotton, followed by jassid and thrips. Fluctuated populations of predatory arthropods, spiders and green lacewings were also recorded during whole cropping season however, the densities of pests and predators varied with crop phenology. Spiders' population was encouraging at both vegetative and flowering stage and also the same trend of jassid and whitefly were observed at both stages of the crop. Surrounding habitats showed non-significant effect on population densities of insect pests and predators. For abiotic factors, the spiders showed strong positive correlation with humidity and temperature. However, green lacewing was only positively correlated with humidity. On the other hand, the populations of whitefly, jassid and thrips showed non-significant correlation with both temperature and humidity. Overall densities of sucking insect pests were found above economic threshold level. The plant age, crop stage and surrounding habitats effect on the population fluctuation of pests as well as the predators' abundance. The future studies are also warranted to investigate the altered habitats and multiple trap cropping to find out their impact on unattended insect predators and parasitoids in cotton crop.(AU)
As pragas sugadoras são uma grande ameaça para a cultura do algodão, causando perdas insuportáveis no rendimento da cultura. O objetivo do estudo atual foi registrar a dinâmica sazonal das principais pragas de insetos sugadores, incluindo mosca-branca, jassid, tripes e seus artrópodes predadores naturais, ou seja, crisopídeos e aranhas verdes em parcelas de algodão. Os efeitos das plantações circundantes na densidade de pragas e na eficiência predatória de predadores também foram registrados. Para amostragem e pesquisa de insetos, a contagem visual foi considerada o método mais eficiente para registrar a abundância de insetos, seguido por varredura e batida de rede. A mosca-branca foi a praga sugadora mais dominante encontrada na fase vegetativa do algodoeiro, seguida pelo jassid e tripes. Populações flutuantes de artrópodes predadores, aranhas e crisálidas também foram registradas durante toda a safra, no entanto as densidades de pragas e predadores variaram com a fenologia da cultura. A população de aranhas foi encorajadora tanto na fase vegetativa como na floração e também a mesma tendência de jassid e mosca-branca foi observada em ambas as fases da cultura. Os habitats circundantes mostraram efeito não significativo nas densidades populacionais de insetos-praga e predadores. Para os fatores abióticos, as aranhas apresentaram forte correlação positiva com umidade e temperatura. No entanto, lacewing verde foi apenas positivamente correlacionado com a umidade. Por outro lado, as populações de mosca-branca, jassid e tripes apresentaram correlação não significativa com temperatura e umidade. As densidades gerais de pragas sugadoras de insetos foram encontradas acima do nível do limiar econômico. A idade da planta, o estágio da cultura e os habitats circundantes afetam a flutuação populacional de pragas, bem como a abundância de predadores. Os estudos futuros também são necessários para investigar os habitats alterados e cultivo com armadilhas múltiplas [...].(AU)
Gossypium/parasitologia , Pragas da Agricultura , Estações do Ano , Dípteros , Hemípteros , ArtrópodesResumo
Sucking pests are major threat to cotton field crop which cause unbearable losses to the crop yield. Aim of the current study was to record seasonal dynamics of major sucking insect pests including whitefly, jassid, thrips and their natural arthropod predators i.e. green lacewings and spiders in cotton field plots. The effects of surrounding field crops on pests' density and predatory efficiency of predators were also recorded. For sampling and survey of insects, the visual counting was found to be the most efficient method for recording the abundance of insects, trailed by net sweeping and tapping. Whitefly was the most dominant sucking pest found on the vegetative stage of cotton, followed by jassid and thrips. Fluctuated populations of predatory arthropods, spiders and green lacewings were also recorded during whole cropping season however, the densities of pests and predators varied with crop phenology. Spiders' population was encouraging at both vegetative and flowering stage and also the same trend of jassid and whitefly were observed at both stages of the crop. Surrounding habitats showed non-significant effect on population densities of insect pests and predators. For abiotic factors, the spiders showed strong positive correlation with humidity and temperature. However, green lacewing was only positively correlated with humidity. On the other hand, the populations of whitefly, jassid and thrips showed non-significant correlation with both temperature and humidity. Overall densities of sucking insect pests were found above economic threshold level. The plant age, crop stage and surrounding habitats effect on the population fluctuation of pests as well as the predators' abundance. The future studies are also warranted to investigate the altered habitats and multiple trap cropping to find out their impact on unattended insect predators and parasitoids in cotton crop.
As pragas sugadoras são uma grande ameaça para a cultura do algodão, causando perdas insuportáveis no rendimento da cultura. O objetivo do estudo atual foi registrar a dinâmica sazonal das principais pragas de insetos sugadores, incluindo mosca-branca, jassid, tripes e seus artrópodes predadores naturais, ou seja, crisopídeos e aranhas verdes em parcelas de algodão. Os efeitos das plantações circundantes na densidade de pragas e na eficiência predatória de predadores também foram registrados. Para amostragem e pesquisa de insetos, a contagem visual foi considerada o método mais eficiente para registrar a abundância de insetos, seguido por varredura e batida de rede. A mosca-branca foi a praga sugadora mais dominante encontrada na fase vegetativa do algodoeiro, seguida pelo jassid e tripes. Populações flutuantes de artrópodes predadores, aranhas e crisálidas também foram registradas durante toda a safra, no entanto as densidades de pragas e predadores variaram com a fenologia da cultura. A população de aranhas foi encorajadora tanto na fase vegetativa como na floração e também a mesma tendência de jassid e mosca-branca foi observada em ambas as fases da cultura. Os habitats circundantes mostraram efeito não significativo nas densidades populacionais de insetos-praga e predadores. Para os fatores abióticos, as aranhas apresentaram forte correlação positiva com umidade e temperatura. No entanto, lacewing verde foi apenas positivamente correlacionado com a umidade. Por outro lado, as populações de mosca-branca, jassid e tripes apresentaram correlação não significativa com temperatura e umidade. As densidades gerais de pragas sugadoras de insetos foram encontradas acima do nível do limiar econômico. A idade da planta, o estágio da cultura e os habitats circundantes afetam a flutuação populacional de pragas, bem como a abundância de predadores. Os estudos futuros também são necessários para investigar os habitats alterados e cultivo com armadilhas múltiplas [...].
Artrópodes , Dípteros , Estações do Ano , Gossypium/parasitologia , Hemípteros , Pragas da AgriculturaResumo
A proteína é um dos principais limitantes dentro do planejamento alimentar nos sistemas de criação extensivos, principalmente no período do inverno, as gramíneas de clima tropical e subtropical já possuem baixos teores deste nutriente e no período seco se torna um desafio manter boa ofertae disponibilidade. Com o passar dos anos se intensificou o uso de pastagens, necessitando a utilização de suplementos que permitem suprir as necessidades nutricionais, porém, devido ao alto custo da proteína de origem vegetal, novas formas de suplementação através de fontes de nitrogênio não-proteico foram ganhando espaço, principalmente pelo menor custo, a fonte mais utilizada no brasil é a uréia. Seu uso proporciona diversas vantagens, mas devido a utilização inadequada, tem causado muitos casos de intoxicação, necessitando conhecer a forma como ela é utilizada pelos microrganismos ruminais e pelo ruminante, para entender a forma como a intoxicação ocorre no rebanho e evitar com que ocorra os quadros de intoxicação.(AU)
Protein is one of the main limitations within food planning in extensive creation systems, especially in the winter period, grasses of tropical and subtropical climate already have low levels of this nutriente and in the dry period it becomes a challenge to maintain good supply and availability. Over the years, the use of pastures has intensified, requiring the use of supplements that allow to meet nutritional needs, however, due to the high cost of vegetable protein, new forms of supplementation through sources of non-protein nitrogen have been gaining space, mainly due to its lower cost, the most used source in Brazil is urea. Its use provides several advantages, but due to improper use, it has caused many cases of intoxication, needing to know the way it is used by ruminal microorganisms and by the ruminant, to understand how the intoxication occurs in the herd and to prevent the occurrence of intoxication.(AU)
La proteína es uno de los principales factores limitantes em la planificación alimentaria em los sistema de crianza extensivos, especialmente em el período invernal, las gramíneas em climas tropicales y subtropicales ya presentan bajos niveles de este nutriente um buen suministro y disponibilidade. A lo largo de los años, se há intensificado el uso de los pastos, requiriendo el uso de suplementos que permitam cubrir las necesidades nutricionales, sin embargo, debido al alto costo de la proteína de origen vegetal, han ido ganando nuevas formas de suplementación a través de fuentes nitrogenadas no proteicas espacio, principalmente por el menor costo, la fuente más utilizada em Brasil es la urea. Su uso brinda varias vetajas, pero debido al uso inadequado há causado muchos casos de intoxicación, siendo necessário conocer como es utilizado por los microorganismos ruminales y por el ruminante, para compreender como se produce la intoxicación el rebaño y prevenir la apararición de cuadros de intoxicación.(AU)
Animais , Intoxicação/veterinária , Ureia/toxicidade , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Estações do AnoResumo
Background: Although scorpionism is recorded worldwide, some regions such as Iran present a higher incidence. Due to the great prevalence of scorpion stings in Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran, the present study examined the relationship between different climate parameters and the scorpion sting rate in this area from April 2010 to March 2015. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, we considered all scorpion sting cases recorded in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency distribution and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: A total of 104,197 cases of scorpion stings was recorded from 2010 to 2015. The cumulative incidence of scorpion sting was 2.23%. The spatial distribution of scorpion stings showed that most cases occurred in the Dehdez district (4,504 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants) and the Masjed Soleyman county (4,069 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants). A significant association was found between climate factors (temperature, evaporation rate, sunshine duration, humidity, and precipitation) and the scorpion sting rate. An increase in rainfall and humidity coincided with a reduction in scorpion stings whereas an increase in temperature, evaporation, and sunshine duration was accompanied by a growth of scorpion stings. No significant correlation was found between wind velocity/direction and the incidence rate of stings. Moreover, the seasonal peak incidence of scorpion stings was recorded in summer (an average of 8,838 cases) and the lowest incidence was recorded during winter (an average of 1,286 cases). The annual trend of scorpion sting cases decreased during the period from 2010 to 2015. Conclusion: Climate variables can be a good index for predicting the incidence of scorpion stings in endemic regions. Since they occur mostly in the hot season, designing preventive measures in the counties and districts with a high incidence of scorpion stings such as Dehdez and Masjed Soleyman can minimize mortality and other burdens.(AU)
Animais , Estações do Ano , Mordeduras e Picadas , Clima , Picadas de EscorpiãoResumo
Although scorpionism is recorded worldwide, some regions such as Iran present a higher incidence. Due to the great prevalence of scorpion stings in Khuzestan province, southwestern Iran, the present study examined the relationship between different climate parameters and the scorpion sting rate in this area from April 2010 to March 2015. Methods: In this cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study, we considered all scorpion sting cases recorded in the Department of Infectious Diseases, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Data were analyzed using statistics, frequency distribution and Pearson's correlation coefficient. Results: A total of 104,197 cases of scorpion stings was recorded from 2010 to 2015. The cumulative incidence of scorpion sting was 2.23%. The spatial distribution of scorpion stings showed that most cases occurred in the Dehdez district (4,504 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants) and the Masjed Soleyman county (4,069 scorpion stings/100,000 inhabitants). A significant association was found between climate factors (temperature, evaporation rate, sunshine duration, humidity, and precipitation) and the scorpion sting rate. An increase in rainfall and humidity coincided with a reduction in scorpion stings whereas an increase in temperature, evaporation, and sunshine duration was accompanied by a growth of scorpion stings. No significant correlation was found between wind velocity/direction and the incidence rate of stings. Moreover, the seasonal peak incidence of scorpion stings was recorded in summer (an average of 8,838 cases) and the lowest incidence was recorded during winter (an average of 1,286 cases). The annual trend of scorpion sting cases decreased during the period from 2010 to 2015. Conclusion: Climate variables can be a good index for predicting the incidence of scorpion stings in endemic regions. Since they occur mostly in the hot season, designing preventive measures in the counties and districts with a high incidence of scorpion stings such as Dehdez and Masjed Soleyman can minimize mortality and other burdens.(AU)
Animais , Estações do Ano , Mordeduras e Picadas , Clima , Picadas de EscorpiãoResumo
Stream insects use in different ways the stream habitats which affect patterns of species occurrence on stream. The nestedness is one of these patterns being an ecological mechanism that generates beta diversity. In this study, we verify the effects of temporal environmental variations on nestedness patterns of Chironomidae assemblages on subtropical streams. We collected chironomid larvae during winter and summer during three years (2010, 2011 and 2012) in Brazilian Subtropical low-order streams (Erechim, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). We measured environmental variables in each stream. To assess if assemblages will show nested patterns intra- and interannual we used a NODF metric. We observed nestedness only in one year, this pattern was due to variation of limnological factors, which are directly associated with climatic conditions (precipitation and water temperature) and agricultural management (e.g. dissolved oxygen and nutrients). Climatological events affect Chironomidae community through the time. The variations on precipitation values could be one of the mainly factors that influence nestedness for this community. Finally, studies on nesting on time scales should consider inter-annual comparisons, as climatic variations are more evident.(AU)
Animais , Chironomidae/classificação , Chironomidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Biodiversidade , Mudança ClimáticaResumo
Stream insects use in different ways the stream habitats which affect patterns of species occurrence on stream. The nestedness is one of these patterns being an ecological mechanism that generates beta diversity. In this study, we verify the effects of temporal environmental variations on nestedness patterns of Chironomidae assemblages on subtropical streams. We collected chironomid larvae during winter and summer during three years (2010, 2011 and 2012) in Brazilian Subtropical low-order streams (Erechim, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). We measured environmental variables in each stream. To assess if assemblages will show nested patterns intra- and interannual we used a NODF metric. We observed nestedness only in one year, this pattern was due to variation of limnological factors, which are directly associated with climatic conditions (precipitation and water temperature) and agricultural management (e.g. dissolved oxygen and nutrients). Climatological events affect Chironomidae community through the time. The variations on precipitation values could be one of the mainly factors that influence nestedness for this community. Finally, studies on nesting on time scales should consider inter-annual comparisons, as climatic variations are more evident.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Chironomidae/classificação , Chironomidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ecossistema , Mudança ClimáticaResumo
ABSTRACT Stream insects use in different ways the stream habitats which affect patterns of species occurrence on stream. The nestedness is one of these patterns being an ecological mechanism that generates beta diversity. In this study, we verify the effects of temporal environmental variations on nestedness patterns of Chironomidae assemblages on subtropical streams. We collected chironomid larvae during winter and summer during three years (2010, 2011 and 2012) in Brazilian Subtropical low-order streams (Erechim, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). We measured environmental variables in each stream. To assess if assemblages will show nested patterns intra- and interannual we used a NODF metric. We observed nestedness only in one year, this pattern was due to variation of limnological factors, which are directly associated with climatic conditions (precipitation and water temperature) and agricultural management (e.g. dissolved oxygen and nutrients). Climatological events affect Chironomidae community through the time. The variations on precipitation values could be one of the mainly factors that influence nestedness for this community. Finally, studies on nesting on time scales should consider inter-annual comparisons, as climatic variations are more evident.
Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of protected areas (PAs) in the Paraná-Paraguay basin on multiple facets of ichthyofauna, both currently and in future climate change scenarios, based on reaching the 17% of conserved terrestrial and inland water defined by Aichi Target 11. Analyses were carried out vis-à-vis a distribution of 496 native species, modeling for the present and for the future, and in moderate and pessimistic scenarios of greenhouse gases. We calculated species richness, functional richness, and phylogenetic diversity, overlapping the combination of these facets with the PAs. The results indicate that the current PAs of the Paraná-Paraguay basin are not efficient in protecting the richest areas of ichthyofauna in their multiple facets. While there is a larger overlap between PAs and the richest areas in phylogenetic diversity, the values are too low (2.37%). Currently, the overlap between PAs and areas with larger species richness, functional richness, and phylogenetic diversity is only 1.48%. Although this value can increase for future projections, the values of the indices decrease substantially. The relevant aquatic environments, biological communities, and climate change should be considered as part of the systematic planning of PAs that take into consideration the terrestrial environments and their threats.(AU)
Nosso objetivo foi avaliar a efetividade das áreas protegidas da bacia Paraná-Paraguai sobre múltiplas facetas da ictiofauna, atualmente e em cenários futuros de mudanças climáticas baseado em alcançar 17% de áreas protegidas, de acordo com os objetivos de Aichi. Análises foram feitas a partir da distribuição de 496 espécies para o presente e futuro, em diferentes cenários climáticos. Foram calculadas a riqueza de espécies, a riqueza funcional e a diversidade filogenética, sobrepondo a combinação destas facetas com as áreas protegidas. Os resultados indicaram que as áreas protegidas da bacia Paraná-Paraguai não são eficientes em proteger as áreas mais ricas em ictiofauna considerando diversas facetas. A maior sobreposição se dá entre as áreas protegidas e as áreas mais ricas em diversidade filogenética, mas os valores são muito baixos (2,37%). A sobreposição entre as áreas protegidas e os 17% das áreas com maior riqueza de espécies, riqueza funcional e diversidade filogenética é de apenas 1,48%. Para o futuro as projeções indicaram que a sobreposição pode aumentar, mas os valores dos índices caem consideravelmente. Os ambientes aquáticos e as mudanças climáticas são componentes que devem ser considerados no planejamento sistemático de áreas protegidas que consideram essencialmente ambientes terrestres e suas ameaças.(AU)