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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 861, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434606


Background: Primary lung neoplasms are uncommon in veterinary medicine, and when they develop, they are more frequently observed to be of epithelial origin. Although chondrosarcomas are the second most diagnosed type of neoplasm in dogs at skeletal sites, their development in extraskeletal tissues, including the spleen, aorta, heart, tongue, peritoneum, and lungs, corresponds to approximately only 1% of cases. Therefore, the occurrence of primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma is considered very rare in domestic animals. Considering the rare occurrence and scarcity of data regarding its development, the present report describes the clinical and pathological aspects of a case of primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma in a bitch. Case: A 8-year-old mixed-breed bitch, weighing 14.2 kg, was examined at one private veterinary clinic with the principal complaint of prolonged respiratory distress and resistance to exercise. Clinical evaluation revealed tachypnea with expiratory dyspnea due to intense pleural effusion, tachycardia, and diffusely pale mucous membranes. Thoracocentesis was performed with drainage of 1000 mL of modified transudate, and fluid cytology, blood count, and chest radiography were performed. Cytological analysis of the thoracic fluid did not identify neoplastic cells, the blood count showed intense regenerative anemia, and the radiograph showed an extensive area of consolidation in the left caudal lung lobe, compatible with neoplasia. The results of the tests performed, in addition to the evolution of the clinical picture and the impossibility of performing the indicated surgical intervention, culminated in the patient's unfavorable prognosis, followed by euthanasia, necropsy, and histopathological evaluation of the collected material. Necropsy revealed a white neoplastic formation with reddish areas and firm consistency that diffused into the parenchyma of the left caudal lung lobe with invasion of the rib cage, fracture of the fifth and sixth left ribs, diaphragmatic metastasis, intense hydrothorax, and moderate hydroperitoneum. Microscopically, in the histological sections of the lung and diaphragm, poorly differentiated mesenchymal cells with moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis and interspersed with them, moderately differentiated chondrocytes surrounded by chondroid matrix, moderate anisocytosis and anisokaryosis, and a low mitotic index culminated in the diagnosis of primary pulmonary mesenchymal chondrosarcoma. Discussion: Malignant epithelial neoplasms were suspected; however, the histopathological features observed were compatible with primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma. The characteristics of the fluid collected through thoracentesis led to its classification as a modified transudate, which is often associated with neoplastic and hemorrhagic processes; both alterations were present in this case. The diagnosis of primary pulmonary chondrosarcoma was established based on the histopathological findings since the cell type and distribution observed in the present case were compatible with the typical pattern observed in extraskeletal chondrosarcomas. An unfavorable prognosis is common in cases of primary or metastatic lung neoplasm since, in most cases, the condition is identified in the advanced stages of the disease, making therapeutic management challenging. Given the increase in the number of dog deaths due to neoplasms in recent years, this case report may contribute to a better understanding of the biological behavior of pulmonary chondrosarcoma and assist in the choice of treatment to be adopted when required.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Condrossarcoma Mesenquimal/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterinária , Sistema Respiratório/patologia
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 239-250, jan.-jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443230


A expectativa de vida dos animais de companhia vem aumentando devido as mudanças comportamentais e de cuidados dos tutores. Em analogia, com as idades cada vez mais avançadas, é comum o desenvolvimento de doenças associadas, sendo o tumor o mais comum entre elas. Todavia, as neoplasias mais comuns na clínica de pequenos animais estão associadas ao sistema tegumentar. O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE), ou carcinoma espinocelular, é uma neoplasia de epitélio, maligno, de crescimento lento e de baixo potencial metastático. Sua etiologia ainda não é precisamente conhecida e a causa exógena mais comum e descrita pela literatura é a exposição à luz ultravioleta, gerando consequentes lesões nas estruturas genéticas e imunogênicas na pele. Além disso, essas lesões apresentam-se de forma mais comum em animais de pelagem clara, com grande exposição solar e em área anatômicas hipopigmentadas. O prognóstico varia de acordo com a localização e o estágio clínico, sendo favorável o diagnóstico realizado precocemente, e o tratamento consiste na avaliação clínica seguida do protocolo adequado O presente relato de caso tem como objetivo principal reunir e discutir informações associadas sobre o carcinoma de células escamosas em caninos e felinos, abordando aspectos clínicos e patológicos, a fim de facilitar o raciocínio sobre o CCE, desde sua abordagem inicial, até seu diagnóstico final e estadiamento.(AU)

The life expectancy of companion animals has been increasing due to behavioral and care changes of the guardians. In analogy, with the increasingly advanced ages, the development of associated diseases is common, the tumor being the most common among them. However, the most common neoplasms in the small animal clinic are associated with the integumentary system. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or squamous cell carcinoma, is a malignant, slow-growing, low-potential metastatic epithelial neoplasm. Its etiology is not yet precisely known and the most common exogenous cause described by the literature is exposure to ultraviolet light, generating consequent lesions on the genetic and immunogenic structures in the skin. In addition, these lesions are more common in light-haired animals, with high exposure to the sun, and in hypopigmented anatomical areas. The prognosis varies according to the location and clinical stage, being favorable to the early diagnosis, and the treatment consists in the clinical evaluation followed by the appropriate protocol. The present case report has as its main objective to gather and discuss associated information about squamous cell carcinoma in canines and cats, addressing clinical and pathological aspects, in order to facilitate the reasoning about the CCE, from its initial approach, to its final diagnosis and staging.(AU)

La esperanza de vida de los animales de compañía ha ido en aumento debido a los cambios de comportamiento y cuidado de los guardianes. Por analogía, con las edades cada vez más avanzadas, el desarrollo de enfermedades asociadas es común, siendo el tumor el más común entre ellos. Sin embargo, las neoplasias más comunes en la clínica de animales pequeños se asocian con el sistema tegumentario. El carcinoma epidermoide (CCE), o carcinoma epidermoide, es una neoplasia epitelial metastásica maligna de crecimiento lento y bajo potencial. Su etiología aún no se conoce con precisión y la causa exógena más común descrita por la literatura es la exposición a la luz ultravioleta, generando lesiones consecuentes en las estructuras genéticas e inmunogénicas de la piel. Además, estas lesiones son más comunes en animales de pelo claro, con alta exposición al sol, y en áreas anatómicas hipopigmentadas. El pronóstico varía según la localización y el estadio clínico, siendo favorable al diagnóstico precoz, y el tratamiento consiste en la evaluación clínica seguida del protocolo adecuado. El presente reporte de caso tiene como objetivo principal reunir y discutir información asociada sobre el carcinoma epidermoide en caninos y gatos, abordando aspectos clínicos y patológicos, con el fin de facilitar el razonamiento sobre el CCE, desde su abordaje inicial, hasta su diagnóstico final y estadificación.(AU)

Animais , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/etiologia , Gatos , Cães , Prepúcio do Pênis/fisiopatologia , Neoplasias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 828, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401673


Background: Fibrosarcomas are malignant neoplasms of mesenchymal origin and can have different symptoms depending on the species, age, location and etiopathogenesis. Intestinal tumors in domestic cats are common and the small intestine is the most common site; however, fibrosarcomas are rare in the intestine of all animal species. This work reports intestinal fibrosarcoma in 2 domestic cats and aims to clarify and present information concerning this neoplastic type in the gastrointestinal tract of this species. Cases: We report 2 cases of intestinal fibrosarcoma in domestic felines (Felis catus). Cat 1. A 14-year-old female Persian breed, domestic cat, was taken to the Feline Sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Small Animals (HVPA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The main complaint was chronic constipation and rectal prolapse. The clinical examination revealed an ulcerated mass, measuring 4.0 cm x 1.7 cm. Cat 2. A 10-year-old female undefined breed, domestic cat, was taken to the private clinic. The main complaint was diarrhea with bloody and rectal prolapse. The clinical examination revealed nodule measuring 2.5 cm in diameter. The surgical option decided upon was to use the rectal pull-through technique in both animals. The patients had no trans-surgical or postoperative complications. The material collected during the surgical interventions was analyzed macroscopically and fixed in 10% buffered formalin for 24 h and then sent to the Histopathology Laboratory of the Pathological Anatomy Sector (SAP) at UFRRJ for the cat 1 and in private laboratory for the cat 2. After fixation, it was cleaved for routine microscope exam using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) stains and for the histochemical method of Masson's Trichrome staining technique. Complementary immunohistochemistry tests and electron microscopy were also performed. The patients were followed up clinically, showing complete remission of the clinical signs and survival for approximately 1 year after the neoplastic resection. Discussion: There are few reports of intestinal fibrosarcomas in veterinary medicine, therefore, little is known about racial predilection, age, sex or biological behavior. As far as these authors know, this is the 6th and 7th report of this neoplasm with a primary site in the large intestine in this species. The morphological diagnosis of fibrosarcoma is relatively simple, whereas, in some cases the differential diagnosis for tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath, leiomyosarcomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) can be extremely difficult. The immunohistochemistry technique in these cases may not be particularly useful. The fibrosarcoma diagnosis was also confirmed by electron microscopy since no evidence was found that could lead to a neuronal origin, thus excluding tumors such as neurofibrosarcoma and schawnoma, corroborating the immunohistochemical examination. The surgical management of tumor resection with wide safety margins (minimum 2 cm) remains the "gold standard" therapy for dealing with fibrosarcomas since they have a low response rate to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and the use of these therapies as an adjuvant is controversial. The advantages of this technique are related to the surgical time, simplicity, easy access and reduction in the risk of abdominal contamination. Histopathological, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy evaluations were sufficient to enable the diagnosis of an intestinal fibrosarcoma in both cats. The occurrence of this neoplasm with intestinal involvement in the feline species is rare; therefore, this description is important as it provides information about epidemiology, associated signs, differential diagnoses, biological behavior, treatment and prognosis.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Margens de Excisão , Neoplasias Intestinais/veterinária , Intestinos/cirurgia , Mesoderma/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 776, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369882


Background: Mediastinal lymphoma occurs at a high incidence in cats positive for feline leukemia virus (FeLV). It is a malignant lymphocytic neoplasm that may trigger clinical signs such as dyspnea, apathy, regurgitation, and weight loss. The objective of this work is to report a case of mediastinal lymphoma associated with FeLV in a cat, and describe the clinical, pathological, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects that can help the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. Case: A 3-year-old male neutered cat weighing 4.6 kg, positive for FeLV, and with a history of dyspnea and hyporexia was referred to a private veterinary clinic in the city of Caxias do Sul, RS, Brazil. The only alteration found at the clinical examination was a muffled sound during lung auscultation. Radiographs of the thorax revealed the presence of pleural effusion; after drainage of the fluid, a mass located in the mediastinal area became radiographically observable. An analysis of the effusion fluid showed high cellularity characterized by a markedly pleomorphic population of individual round cells consistent with lymphocytes. Small lymphocytes with a high nucleus:cytoplasm ratio, round nucleus, condensed chromatin, and inconspicuous nucleoli were observed, along with medium and large lymphocytes. The medium and large lymphocytes were characterized by a variably increased nucleus:cytoplasm ratio and a scant to moderate cytoplasm exhibiting moderate to intense basophilia and, occasionally, vacuoles. The nuclei were round, idented, or irregular; most of them were located eccentrically and contained coarse to finely granular chromatin. Nucleoli varied from single to multiple, round to angular, and central to peripheral and prominent. Macronucleoli and marked anisonucleosis were also observed, as well as binucleated cells and rare multinucleated cells. The conclusion was that it was a case of neoplastic effusion caused by a lymphoma. After an appointment with an oncologist, a chemotherapy protocol was established. The treatment of choice was CHOP, a combination of cyclophosphamide (20 mg/kg orally), doxorubicin (1 mg/kg intravenously), vincristine (0.5 mg/m2 intravenously), and prednisolone with a regressive dose starting at 2 mg/kg. The patient underwent 4 rounds of chemotherapy, and received a maintenance treatment thereafter. The patient's condition remained stable for 390 days without relevant clinical or hematological alterations. Discussion: The diagnosis of mediastinal lymphoma was established by associating clinical finings, laboratory exams, and radiographic findings. Exams of utmost importance to reach this diagnosis were the thoracic radiography, which revealed the presence of a mass in the thorax, and the cytopathological analysis of the effusion fluid, as round cell neoplasms are easily dissociated. Young cats are the group most affected by FeLV, and mediastinal lymphoma is considered the most prevalent type of lymphoma in this species. The most common clinical sign is dyspnea; however, other signs such as apathy, weight loss, regurgitation (due to pressure on the esophagus), and Horner's syndrome (owing to pressure on the thoracic sympathetic innervation) may also occur. This disease is treated with chemotherapy, with CHOP frequently used as the chemotherapeutic protocol. The good therapeutic response for a longer time than the average estimated by studies on the prognostic of this disease indicates that a correct diagnosis along with an assertive approach and the cooperation of the tutor are essential in cases of mediastinal lymphoma.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Vincristina/uso terapêutico , Prednisolona/uso terapêutico , Doxorrubicina/uso terapêutico , Ciclofosfamida/uso terapêutico , Linfoma/veterinária , Neoplasias do Mediastino/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia Felina , Quimioterapia Combinada/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 835, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401703


Background: Testicular neoplasms in dogs are more frequent than in other animal species, representing the most common tumors in elderly subjects after skin neoplasms. In cryptorchid subjects, the risk of neoplastic degeneration is high. The cytological examination is essential to differentiate the type of neoplasia and to determinate the best diagnostic approach. Aim of this report was to describe clinical and histopathological features of a dog with coexistence of Sertoli cell and interstitial endocrine cell tumors in a non-cryptorchid dog. Case: A 9-year-old non-neutered male dog, German Spitz breed, was presented to the veterinary clinic. On clinical examination, the dog had a body condition (BCS 6/9), pink mucous membranes, capillary refill time (CRT) < 2 sec, lymph nodes of normal size, afebrile, normal heart and respiratory rate. The abdomen was depressible to palpation, without pain, the skin appeared hyperpigmented, with generalized presence of comedones, pendular foreskin and absence of hair at the abdominal level, in the ventral portion of the trunk and neck, scant hair also at the level of the inner thighs and in perianal. At ultrasounds examinations, the right testicle presented a hypoechoic circular focal lesion, in the caudal pole, of 0.7 cm in diameter, well defined, echogenicity and a remnant of normal echostructure, smooth and regular margins; the left testicle showed an increase in size, irregular margins, with a heterogeneous echo structure, given by hypoechoic areas, referred to cysts, hemorrhagic or necrotic areas. The hemogram reported slightly microcytic and normochromic regenerative anemia. The leukogram showed monocytosis. The absence of the typical stress leukogram characterized by neutrophilia, lymphopenia and eosinopenia, and the reduction of ALP allows to rule out Cushing's disease. In order to rule out hypothyroidism due to the inhibitory effect of estrogens on the release of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) the concentration of total thyroxine was analyzed, reporting normal values excluding hypothyroidism. Blood oestradiol 17-ß (E2) concentration was increased, with a normal testosterone (T) concentration of 0.30 ng/mL. Given the suspicion of the presence of testicular tumors, castration was performed by the surgical excision of both gonads, after ruling out the presence of abdominal or pulmonary metastases by chest and abdominal radiography. Discussion: The clinical, histopathological findings supported the diagnosis of testicular tumors. According to the pathological report, both gonads presented parenchymal nodular neoplastic nodular areas referring to the Sertoli sustentacular cells in the right testicle, to the proliferation of Leydig interstitial cells in the left one. The nodule in the left testicle was unencapsulated and showed a solid-diffuse pattern. Neoplastic cells were irregular polygonal, medium to large in size with moderate nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and moderate anisocytosis. In the right testicle, the nodule was heterogeneous in consistency and a diffuse pattern was present. Neoplastic cells were polygonal morphology, had a moderate nucleus/cytoplasm ratio and were organized tubules lined and obliterated the extensive cell growth. Bilateral orchiectomy allowed to improve the clinical signs, and 3 months after surgery, the animal was in good health, with evident improvement skin lesions. The E2 analysis was repeated, detecting normal values, demonstrating that testicular neoplasm in this patient were involved in E2 production; also T concentration decreased considerably from 0.30 to < 0.07 values.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Tumor de Células de Sertoli-Leydig/veterinária , Células Neoplásicas Circulantes , Orquiectomia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 717, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363945


Background: The histiocytic sarcoma (HS) complex is a set of malignant neoplasms originating from interstitial dendritic cells or macrophages. When it involves macrophages of the splenic red pulp and bone marrow, it is referred to as hemophagocytic histiocytic sarcoma (HHS). HHS behaves more aggressively than HS and is usually fatal. HHS can be diagnosed by cytological and histopathological examination of neoplastic tissue. HHS is confirmed by immunohistochemistry using an anti-CD11d antibody. This neoplasm is often confused with immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or Evans syndrome due to erythrophagocytosis and platelet consumption. The clinical presentation of the animals progresses with evident anemia and thrombocytopenia, leading to signs such as prostration, inappetence, and pale mucosa, making diagnosis challenging and often late. This study aimed to report the clinic-pathological aspects of a canine with atypical hemophagocytic splenic HS. Case: A 4-year-old male Shih-Tzu canine was referred to the Veterinary Hospital with a history of prostration and anorexia. Pale mucous membranes were observed on physical examination. Blood tests revealed non-regenerative anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia. Serum protein levels were below the reference values for the species in biochemical examinations. Hemoparasitosis was suspected; however, the result of the polymerase chain reaction was negative. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a splenomegaly with heterogeneous parenchyma and a slightly irregular surface, but no visible mass in the spleen. Due to the difficulty of stabilizing the patient, even after successive transfusions, the animal underwent exploratory laparotomy with medial access and posterior splenectomy. Subsequently, the spleen was surgically removed, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and processed routinely. Macroscopically, it had an irregular reddish-brown capsular surface. Histopathological examination of the spleen revealed a densely cellular neoplasm composed of round to spindle cells (histiocytes) arranged haphazardly in variably sized sheets separating the pre-existing spleen stroma. These histopathological findings were consistent with a histiocytic malignant neoplasm. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to better define the origin of the histiocytic neoplasm. Neoplastic cells showed positive immunostaining of more than 80% of tumor cells for the CD11d antibody and weak immunostaining for CD11c and lysozyme. The patient survived for less than 30 days after the first hospital visit. Discussion: The diagnosis of HHS was based on the histological characteristics and positive immunostaining of more than 80% of the tumor cells for the CD11d antibody. HHS is an extremely aggressive and rare tumor that affects elderly dogs of any breed. In this study, HHS had atypical histologic characteristics, in which erythrophagocytosis and hemosiderin were not observed within macrophages. HHSs arise from macrophages of the red pulp of the spleen or bone marrow and express the b2 integrin, CD11d, and have low expression of CD1 and CD11c, which are predominantly expressed by non-hemophagocytic HS. The hematological and biochemical changes observed in this case were similar to those described in other dogs with HHS. Treatment of HHS is only palliative. Erlichia ewingii, E. canis, Anaplasma phagocytophilum, A. platys, Borrelia burgdorferi, Dirofilaria immitis, Leishmania infantum and immune-mediated hemolytic anemia are the main differential diagnoses because they cause anemia and thrombocytopenia accompanied by splenomegaly.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Células Dendríticas/patologia , Sarcoma Histiocítico/veterinária , Esplenectomia/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
R. bras. Ci. Vet. ; 28(3): 146-150, 2021. graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765268


A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).(AU)

The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).(AU)

Animais , Búfalos/lesões , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Vacinação/efeitos adversos , Queimaduras
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(3): 146-150, jul./set. 2021. graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491715


A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).

The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).

Animais , Búfalos/lesões , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Vacinação/efeitos adversos , Queimaduras
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 699, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363550


Background: In birds, neoplasms are more frequently observed in Psittaciformes and Galliformes and rarely seen in Columbiformes and Anseriformes, with few reports of the occurrence of mesenchymal neoplasms such as leiomyosarcoma affecting birds. Therefore, the objective of this study was to describe a case of metastatic leiomyosarcoma in an African goose (Anser cygnoides), analyzing the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects. Case: A 10-month-old male African goose, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, Paraiba, Brazil, whit ataxia, tremors of intention in the head, and nystagmus about one month ago, progressing to lateral decubitus. Due to the unfavorable prognosis, animal was euthanized. Samples of the organs of the coelomic cavity and central nervous system were collected for histologic examination. The samples were fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After fixation, the organs were embedded in paraffin, cut into 4-5 µm sections, and then stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Paraffin blocks with liver, kidney and encephalon fragments were selected and sent for immunohistochemical analysis. The primary antibodies used were: alpha-smooth muscle actin (monoclonal 1A4), anti-vimentin (monoclonal, V9), CD57 (monoclonal, NK1) and cytokeratin (monoclonal, AE1/AE3) and incubated for 18 h at 4Cº. As an amplification and detection system polymer and labeled by addition of the liquid diaminobenzidine+substratechromogen system and counterstained with Harris hematoxylin. Macroscopically were observed in the liver nodular multifocal areas yellowish, sometimes coalescing, firm, and elevated to the surface that at the cut deepened to the parenchyma. In the left kidney there was a similar tumor mass. In the left frontal lobe, there was nodular focal area, well circumscribed, yellowish and protruding. To cutting surface it compressed the parietal and temporal lobe and showed surface yellowish and smooth. Microscopically, the liver was diffusely infiltrated by mesenchymal neoplasia, expansive, infiltrative, poorly circumscribed and not encapsulated, constituted by spindle cells arranged in interlaced bundles. The cells were elongated with sparse cytoplasm, slightly eosinophilic and indistinct borders with rounded to elongated nuclei, with coarse chromatin and evident nucleoli. In fragments of kidney and brain, neoplastic infiltration similar to that described in the liver was observed. In immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells were positive with antibodies anti-vimentin and alpha-smooth muscle actin. Discussion: The diagnosis of metastatic leiomyosarcoma in an African goose was based on epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Reports of neoplasms in birds are relatively rare, however the occurrence of metastatic leiomyosarcoma affecting goose in the most varied locations has been described, from skin to organs of the coelomic cavity like kidney, ovary and intestinal wall. In this case, there is the unusual occurrence of dissemination in the liver, kidney and cerebral cortex, progressing to a neurological clinic condition. There are rare cases of metastatic leiomyosarcoma in geese African goose (Anser cygnoides). The main differential diagnoses include fibrosarcomas, neurofibrosarcomas and histiocytic sarcomas, which are similar macroscopically and histologically.

Animais , Masculino , Gansos , Leiomiossarcoma/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 722, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366321


Background: Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia is a congenital defect characterized by an anomalous communication between the abdominal cavity and pericardial sac, which can lead to displacement of the abdominal viscera into the thoracic cavity. The occurrence in felines is higher among long-haired breeds, mainly the Persian breed, possibly based onan autosomal recessive inheritance. The diagnosis of PPDH is performed by means of chest radiography with or without contrast, in association with other imaging tests such as ultrasonography and echocardiography. Our objective in this study was to report the occurrence and macroscopic changes in a case of peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in a Persian feline. Case: A 9-year-old male Persian cat weighing 3.4 kg was referred to the HPET-Private Veterinary Clinic, Salvador, Bahia, with an history of weight loss and chronic intermittent vomiting during the preceding 6 months, with lateral decubitus and breathing difficulties. Ultrasonography revealed findings suggestive of an infiltrative process in the stomach and duodenum, enlarged gastric lymph nodes, and some nodular images indicating slight displacement of the liver. Chest radiography revealed a cardiac silhouette with markedly enlarged dimensions associated with a dorsal deviation of the terminal trachea, and echocardiography revealed a small amount of pericardial effusion. The patient showed initial clinical improvement after blood transfusion; however, after 2 days, he exhibited significant clinical worsening and was therefore euthanized with the owner's consent. Post mortem evaluation revealed partial herniation of the liver and gallbladder into the chest cavity through a diaphragmatic hernia ring. The heart was partially surrounded by the left medial lobe of the liver, which was displaced into the pericardial sac. Herniated hepatic lobes had an irregular capsular surface with evident lobulation and tension lipidosis. In the abdominal cavity, the remainder of the liver (right lateral and medial lobes) was observed to be slightly enlarged, with an irregular surface, diffusely reddish with intense evidence of the lobular pattern and white and firm multifocal areas (fibrosis). In the duodenum, close to the pylorus, there was a nodule measuring 2.8 x 2.5 x 1.0 cm, with a whitish and ulcerated surface. When cut, it was soft and exhibited a homogeneous, whitish compact surface. Histopathological examinationshowed marked proliferation of fibrous connective tissue, which for the most part separated the lobes by septa and surrounded the portal space (fibrosis), a marked diffuse chronic inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes and plasma cells. In addition, marked bile duct hyperplasia and multifocal areas of fatty degeneration (steatosis). Discussion: The diagnosis was based on the association of clinical and pathological findings. Considering the age and clinical signs presented by the patient in this report, as well as the presence of few radiographic signs that were indicative of PPDH, the first differential diagnosis thought was pericardial neoplasia. Peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in felines is always of congenital origin and may occur asymptomatically depending on the number and involvement of herniated viscera. In this case, the patient's diagnosis of peritoneopericardial hernia was a necropsy finding; the fact that in agreement with previous reports of high rates of incidental diagnoses reinforces the importance of performing necropsy for confirmation or diagnosis of unexpected pathologies. In the present case, peritoneopericardial diaphragmatic hernia in isolation may not have led to severe anemia that culminated in the patient's death. The anatomopathological findings were compatible with biliary cirrhosis and multifocal liver fibrosis, accompanied by the presence of anemia and consequent hypovolemia.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Peritônio/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Hérnias Diafragmáticas Congênitas/veterinária , Radiografia Torácica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 686, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363208


Background: Lymphomas are considered uncommon in goats, being the multicentric form with the highest number of cases for the species. Primary intranasal lymphomas are often diagnosed in dogs, cats, and humans. In the literature, there is only a description of a multicentric case involving the frontal sinuses and mucosa of the nasal cavity in a goat; therefore, it is important to describe unusual cases of this disease for the inclusion of new clinical and pathological characteristics in the ruminant clinic medicine. The objective of this work is to describe a case of T-cell lymphoma in the nasal cavity of a young goat. Case: The animal had dyspnea and respiratory noise for 15 days. Clinical examination showed nodulation in the right nasal cavity associated with serosanguinous secretion. Tracheostomy was performed; however, after 30 days the animal was euthanized. A sagittal plane of the head showed a pinkish-gray mass in the right and left nasal cavity, with a smooth, multilobulated surface, smooth adhering to the rostral portion of the dorsal concha and occluding the dorsal nasal meatus. Submandibular lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. Histopathological examination of the nasal cavity revealed a non-encapsulated, poorly delimited and ulcerated tumor composed of round cells arranged in a mantle supported by a discrete fibrovascular stroma extending the mucosa and lamina propria. Cells were round with sparse, eosinophilic and poorly delimited cytoplasm. Nuclei varied from round to elongated with condensed chromatin and evident nucleoli. Occasionally, aberrant nuclei, reniform shape and multinucleated cells were seen. Pleomorphism was moderate characterized by anisocytosis and anisocariosis. Typical and atypical mitosis were frequent (0-4 per field of highest magnification [400x]). Amidst the neoplasm, there were multifocal areas of necrosis and hemorrhage associated with a mild lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate. Immunohistochemistry showed positive immunostaining for Vimentin antibodies and CD3, and negative for pan CK and CD20. Discussion: The lymphomas immunophenotyping is little used when it comes to farm animals, and there are few studies that use this technique for the definitive diagnosis of these neoplasms for small ruminants. The use of this technique must be considered in each case, in order to determine the pathogenesis, the accurate diagnosis and the origin of the neoplastic lymphocytes. In goats, T-cell lymphomas are the most diagnosed, although cases of multicentric B-cell lymphomas with ocular involvement have been diagnosed. In view of the clinical picture of the case described, infectious rhinitis already described in goats, such as aspergillosis and protothecosis, should be included as differential diagnoses. However, the anatomopathological findings facilitate the direction of the diagnosis, since infectious rhinitis presents as nodules / ulcerated masses or focal areas of necrosis associated with purulent secretion and in the histopathological examination it is possible to observe the intralesional etiological agents. In addition, the enzootic ethmoidal tumor must be included, as it has similar clinical signs and affects young animals, but they are adenomas/adenocarcinomas that affect the ethmoidal nasal shells induced by a retrovirus. Lymphomas in the caprine species are rare in the Northeastern semi-arid, but that in the present diagnostic routine occasionally occurs, being important the first description of its nasal shape for its inclusion in the differential diagnoses of diseases that present with clinical obstruction and dyspnea for the species.

Animais , Ruminantes , Imunofenotipagem/veterinária , Linfoma de Células T/veterinária , Cavidade Nasal , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Dispneia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(7)2020.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759417


ABSTRACT: Osteosarcoma is characterized by the production of osteoid or woven bone, using neoplastic osteoblasts. It is the most common primary bone neoplasm in canines and humans. This neoplasm was previously reported in all vertebrate classes, including a wide variety of mammals. However, there is no case report describing this neoplasm in Didelphis albiventris. Therefore, the objective of this manuscript is to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of fibroblastic osteosarcoma in D. albiventris. A wild adult male white-eared opossum (D. albiventris) arrived at the zoological park of the Universidade de Caxias do Sul with a swollen left thoracic limb. After a general clinical examination, the animal was transferred to the Veterinary Clinic of Universidade de Caxias do Sul for radiographic examination of the left thoracic limb and thorax. Additionally, some material was collected through fine needle aspiration (FNA) for cytologic evaluation. The radiographic findings and cytologic evaluation indicated osteosarcoma. The animal was euthanized due to severe clinical conditions and guarded prognosis. During necropsy, macroscopic analysis of the viscera was performed, fragments of various organs were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. All fragments were processed following routine histological techniques. The histopathological evaluation confirmed osteosarcoma, which was classified as a fibroblastic subtype. Case reports are crucial for the knowledge of incidence, prevalence, and behavior of the current mentioned disease, as well as other diseases, in species with such limited information. In order to obtain a decisive diagnosis, a few different examination methods were associated. Although the observations presented are based on a single case, this neoplasm had a similar clinical presentation to that described in other species.

RESUMO: O osteossarcoma é caracterizado pela produção de osteoide ou osso imaturo, por osteoblastos neoplásicos. É a neoplasia óssea primária mais comum em caninos e humanos. Essa neoplasia já foi relatada em todas as classes de vertebrados, incluindo uma grande variedade de mamíferos. Não havendo descrição dessa neoplasia até o momento em Didelphis albiventris. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos clínico-patológicos de um caso de osteossarcoma fibroblástico em D. albiventris. Chegou para atendimento no Zoológico da Universidade de Caxias do Sul um gambá-de-orelha-branca (D. albiventris), macho, adulto, de vida livre com aumento de volume no membro torácico esquerdo. Após avaliação clínica geral, o animal foi encaminhado para a Clínica Veterinária da Universidade de Caxias do Sul para realização de radiografia do membro torácico esquerdo e de tórax, sendo também realizada coleta de material por punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) para avaliação citológica. Os achados radiográficos e da avaliação citológica foram sugestivos de osteossarcoma. Devido ao estado clínico grave e prognóstico reservado optou-se pela eutanásia. Durante a necropsia realizou-se a análise macroscópica das vísceras, foram coletados fragmentos de diversos órgãos, fixados em formalina 10%, processados pelas técnicas histológicas de rotina. Na avaliação histopatológica confirmou-se a suspeita de osteossarcoma sendo classificado no subtipo fibroblástico. A descrição de relatos é fundamental para conhecimento da incidência, prevalência e comportamento desta e de outras doenças em espécies que as informações são limitadas. A associação de diferentes métodos de exames foram necessários para a obtenção de um diagnóstico definitivo. Embora as observações apresentadas se baseiem em um caso único, esta neoplasia possuiu apresentação clínica semelhante a descrita em outras espécies.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub.540-4 jan. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458367


Background: Biliary tumors have low incidence in cats and are more common in elderly animals. Hepatobiliary tumors have different classifications and their etiology is difficult to interpret. In most cases, the diagnosis is only possible in advanced stages, which clouds the precursor factors. The late diagnosis is explained by the absence or specificity of clinical manifestations and laboratory changes. The majority of hepatobiliary neoplasms in cats are incidental findings in surgeries or necropsies. This study aimed to report clinical, laboratory, pathological and immunohistochemical results in a feline case of gallbladder adenocarcinoma. Case: 4-year-old male castrated mix breed cat was admitted at a veterinary clinic with a history of polyuria / polydipsia, anorexia, apathy, jaundice and emesis for 60 days. The animal had been treated in another clinic with silymarin, famotidine and cyanocobalamin, and fed by esophageal tube based on the presumptive clinical diagnosis of cholangitis. The clinical examination revealed jaundice, abdominal pain, weight loss, enlargement of the liver and gallbladder and the presence of a structure in the epigastric region. Based on clinical signs, blood tests (complete blood count and liver enzymes), abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiography were requested. In the exam results, eosinophilia, bilirubinemia and increased alkaline phosphatase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase and gamma glutamyl transferase were observed, in addition to the presence of icteric and hemolyzed serum. Ultrasound exam revealed thickened and dilated cystic and common ducts, large and thick gallbladder, bile with bile mud, hypoechogenic liver, thickening in the duodenal papilla and enlarged pancreatic and duodenal lymph nodes. There were no alterations in thoracic radiography. Based on the findings, the diagnosis of...

Animais , Gatos , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Neoplasias da Vesícula Biliar/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Vesícula Biliar/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48(suppl.1): Pub. 540, Oct. 25, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765366


Background: Biliary tumors have low incidence in cats and are more common in elderly animals. Hepatobiliary tumors have different classifications and their etiology is difficult to interpret. In most cases, the diagnosis is only possible in advanced stages, which clouds the precursor factors. The late diagnosis is explained by the absence or specificity of clinical manifestations and laboratory changes. The majority of hepatobiliary neoplasms in cats are incidental findings in surgeries or necropsies. This study aimed to report clinical, laboratory, pathological and immunohistochemical results in a feline case of gallbladder adenocarcinoma. Case: 4-year-old male castrated mix breed cat was admitted at a veterinary clinic with a history of polyuria / polydipsia, anorexia, apathy, jaundice and emesis for 60 days. The animal had been treated in another clinic with silymarin, famotidine and cyanocobalamin, and fed by esophageal tube based on the presumptive clinical diagnosis of cholangitis. The clinical examination revealed jaundice, abdominal pain, weight loss, enlargement of the liver and gallbladder and the presence of a structure in the epigastric region. Based on clinical signs, blood tests (complete blood count and liver enzymes), abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiography were requested. In the exam results, eosinophilia, bilirubinemia and increased alkaline phosphatase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase and gamma glutamyl transferase were observed, in addition to the presence of icteric and hemolyzed serum. Ultrasound exam revealed thickened and dilated cystic and common ducts, large and thick gallbladder, bile with bile mud, hypoechogenic liver, thickening in the duodenal papilla and enlarged pancreatic and duodenal lymph nodes. There were no alterations in thoracic radiography. Based on the findings, the diagnosis of...(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias da Vesícula Biliar/diagnóstico , Neoplasias da Vesícula Biliar/veterinária , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(7): 559-563, July 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135658


Osteosarcoma is characterized by the production of osteoid or woven bone, using neoplastic osteoblasts. It is the most common primary bone neoplasm in canines and humans. This neoplasm was previously reported in all vertebrate classes, including a wide variety of mammals. However, there is no case report describing this neoplasm in Didelphis albiventris. Therefore, the objective of this manuscript is to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of fibroblastic osteosarcoma in D. albiventris. A wild adult male white-eared opossum (D. albiventris) arrived at the zoological park of the "Universidade de Caxias do Sul" with a swollen left thoracic limb. After a general clinical examination, the animal was transferred to the Veterinary Clinic of "Universidade de Caxias do Sul" for radiographic examination of the left thoracic limb and thorax. Additionally, some material was collected through fine needle aspiration (FNA) for cytologic evaluation. The radiographic findings and cytologic evaluation indicated osteosarcoma. The animal was euthanized due to severe clinical conditions and guarded prognosis. During necropsy, macroscopic analysis of the viscera was performed, fragments of various organs were collected and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. All fragments were processed following routine histological techniques. The histopathological evaluation confirmed osteosarcoma, which was classified as a fibroblastic subtype. Case reports are crucial for the knowledge of incidence, prevalence, and behavior of the current mentioned disease, as well as other diseases, in species with such limited information. In order to obtain a decisive diagnosis, a few different examination methods were associated. Although the observations presented are based on a single case, this neoplasm had a similar clinical presentation to that described in other species.(AU)

O osteossarcoma é caracterizado pela produção de osteoide ou osso imaturo, por osteoblastos neoplásicos. É a neoplasia óssea primária mais comum em caninos e humanos. Essa neoplasia já foi relatada em todas as classes de vertebrados, incluindo uma grande variedade de mamíferos. Não havendo descrição dessa neoplasia até o momento em Didelphis albiventris. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever aspectos clínico-patológicos de um caso de osteossarcoma fibroblástico em D. albiventris. Chegou para atendimento no Zoológico da Universidade de Caxias do Sul um gambá-de-orelha-branca (D. albiventris), macho, adulto, de vida livre com aumento de volume no membro torácico esquerdo. Após avaliação clínica geral, o animal foi encaminhado para a Clínica Veterinária da Universidade de Caxias do Sul para realização de radiografia do membro torácico esquerdo e de tórax, sendo também realizada coleta de material por punção aspirativa por agulha fina (PAAF) para avaliação citológica. Os achados radiográficos e da avaliação citológica foram sugestivos de osteossarcoma. Devido ao estado clínico grave e prognóstico reservado optou-se pela eutanásia. Durante a necropsia realizou-se a análise macroscópica das vísceras, foram coletados fragmentos de diversos órgãos, fixados em formalina 10%, processados pelas técnicas histológicas de rotina. Na avaliação histopatológica confirmou-se a suspeita de osteossarcoma sendo classificado no subtipo fibroblástico. A descrição de relatos é fundamental para conhecimento da incidência, prevalência e comportamento desta e de outras doenças em espécies que as informações são limitadas. A associação de diferentes métodos de exames foram necessários para a obtenção de um diagnóstico definitivo. Embora as observações apresentadas se baseiem em um caso único, esta neoplasia possuiu apresentação clínica semelhante a descrita em outras espécies.(AU)

Animais , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Osteossarcoma/diagnóstico por imagem , Didelphis , Radiografia Torácica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1723-Jan. 30, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458246


Background: Mammary neoplasms in dogs are commonly observed in veterinary clinical routine, most of which beingmalignant. Hormonal stimulation, endogenous or exogenous, may possibly influence its development. In addition to clinicalevaluation, ultrasound analysis can provide information about the characteristics of breast lumps. The association betweenclinical-epidemiological and pathological data is important for diagnosis. Therefore, given the importance of this pathologyfor the health of affected dogs, we aimed to evaluate the clinical and ultrasound alterations, along with the factors associated with the development of benign and malignant mammary neoplasms in female dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: We examined 47 samples from the mammary tumors of 35 female dogs at the Small Animal Clinic of the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Santa Cruz State University (UESC). The dogs underwent a completeclinical examination, with clinical staging, via TNM classification, followed by hematological, biochemical, radiologicaland ultrasound, abdominal, and breast exams. Breast ultrasound examination was used to evaluate the shape parameterssuch as, limits, margins or contour, ecotexture, echogenicity, hyperechoic halo, posterior acoustic shading, surroundingchanges, and nodule components. These criteria were associated with the histopathological classification of neoplasms.Epidemiological data was studied through an adapted questionnaire containing information on risk factors associated withbreast cancer. The same questionnaire was applied to tutors of 19, age-matched, female dogs with no history of breastcancer. The results revealed that most female dogs with neoplasia were over eight years of age, with no specific breed andwere not castrated, and 31.4% of them had already been administered with contraceptives during the reproductive period...

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologia , Prognóstico , Ultrassonografia
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48: Pub. 1723, Apr. 3, 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25594


Background: Mammary neoplasms in dogs are commonly observed in veterinary clinical routine, most of which beingmalignant. Hormonal stimulation, endogenous or exogenous, may possibly influence its development. In addition to clinicalevaluation, ultrasound analysis can provide information about the characteristics of breast lumps. The association betweenclinical-epidemiological and pathological data is important for diagnosis. Therefore, given the importance of this pathologyfor the health of affected dogs, we aimed to evaluate the clinical and ultrasound alterations, along with the factors associated with the development of benign and malignant mammary neoplasms in female dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: We examined 47 samples from the mammary tumors of 35 female dogs at the Small Animal Clinic of the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Santa Cruz State University (UESC). The dogs underwent a completeclinical examination, with clinical staging, via TNM classification, followed by hematological, biochemical, radiologicaland ultrasound, abdominal, and breast exams. Breast ultrasound examination was used to evaluate the shape parameterssuch as, limits, margins or contour, ecotexture, echogenicity, hyperechoic halo, posterior acoustic shading, surroundingchanges, and nodule components. These criteria were associated with the histopathological classification of neoplasms.Epidemiological data was studied through an adapted questionnaire containing information on risk factors associated withbreast cancer. The same questionnaire was applied to tutors of 19, age-matched, female dogs with no history of breastcancer. The results revealed that most female dogs with neoplasia were over eight years of age, with no specific breed andwere not castrated, and 31.4% of them had already been administered with contraceptives during the reproductive period...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico por imagem , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologia , Prognóstico , Ultrassonografia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(11)2019.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-745785


ABSTRACT: Infection by Rhodococcus equi is considered one of the major health concerns for foals worldwide. In order to better understand the diseases clinical and pathological features, we studied twenty cases of natural infection by R. equi in foals. These cases are characterized according to their clinical and pathological findings and immunohistochemical aspects. Necropsy, histologic examination, bacterial culture, R. equi and Pneumocystis spp. immunohistochemistry were performed. The foals had a mean age of 60 days and presented respiratory signs (11/20), hyperthermia (10/20), articular swelling (6/20), prostration (4/20), locomotor impairment (3/20) and diarrhea (3/20), among others. The main lesions were of pyogranulomatous pneumonia, seen in 19 foals, accompanied or not by pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis (10/20) and pyogranulomatous and ulcerative enterocolitis (5/20). Pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis was seen in 3 foals, one of which did not have pulmonary involvement. There was lymphoplasmacytic (4/20), lymphoplasmacytic and neutrophilic (1/20) or pyogranulomatous arthritis (1/20), affecting multiple or singular joints. Immunohistochemistry revealed to be a valuable tool for the detection of R. equi, confirming the diagnosis in all cases. Furthermore, pulmonary immunostaining for Pneumocystis spp. demonstrates that a coinfection with R. equi and this fungal agent is a common event in foals, seen in 13 cases.

RESUMO: Infecção por Rhodococcus equi é considerado um dos maiores problemas sanitários para potros em todo o mundo. Para melhor compreender a apresentação clínica e patológica da enfermidade, foram avaliados vinte casos de infecção natural por R. equi em potros. Os casos são caracterizados de acordo com seus achados clínicos e patológicos e aspectos imuno-histoquímicos. Foram realizados exames de necropsia, histologia, bacteriologia e imuno-histoquímica para R. equi e Pneumocystis spp. Os potros tinham idade media de 60 dias e apresentaram sinais respiratórios (11/20), hipertermia (10/20), aumento de volume articular (6/20), prostração (4/20), distúrbios locomotores (3/20) e diarreia (3/20), entre outros. As lesões mais importantes eram pneumonia piogranulomatosa, vista em 19 potros, acompanhada ou não por linfadenite piogranulomatosa (10/20) e enterocolite ulcerativa (5/20). Osteomielite piogranulomatosa foi constatada em três potros, um dos quais não apresentava envolvimento pulmonar. Artrites afetando uma ou múltiplas articulações eram caracterizadas por infiltrado linfoplasmocítico (4/20), linfoplasmocítico e neutrofílico (1/20) e piogranulomatoso (1/20). A imuno-histoquímica demonstrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa na detecção de R. equi, permitindo confirmar o diagnóstico em todos os casos avaliados. Além disso, a imuno-histoquímica para Pneumocystis spp. demonstra que a coinfecção por R. equi e o agente fúngico é um evento frequente em potros, constatado em 13 casos.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47: Pub.1676-2019. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458075


Background: Knowing the different diseases that affect the herds of a region is a fundamental necessity, because sanityis one of the main factors limiting animal production. Several studies have reported the diseases affecting the animals ofvarious regions of Brazil; however, no such study was carried out in the state of Tocantins so far. Thus, the objective ofthis work is to report the main diseases diagnosed in cattle and sheep in the central and northern regions of the state ofTocantins, between January 2011 and December 2015.Materials, Methods & Results: The records and reports of the cattle and sheep treated by the clinicians and pathologistsof the Ruminants Medical Clinic (SCMR) of the University Veterinary Hospital (HVU), School of Veterinary Medicineand Zootecnia (EMVZ), University Federal of Tocantins (UFT) during the study period were evaluated. The cases wereclassified into two categories, conclusive and inconclusive; the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified according tothe etiology and the organic systems involved. In the period of five years, 697 cattle and sheep were treated in the SCMR.The diagnoses were made using epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data, and in some cases, using complementarytests. Among the 697 cases reviewed, 692 (99.2%) and 5 (0.8%) cases were diagnosed conclusively and inconclusively,respectively. The most affected system was the digestive system, which accounted for 260 (37.6%) cases; this was followedby the locomotor 130 (18.8%) cases, nervous 56 (8.1%) cases, reproductive 57 (8.2%) cases, urinary 50 (7.2%) cases, skin16 (2.3%) cases, muscular 11 (2%) cases, respiratory 34 (4.9%) cases, hemolymphopoietic 28 (3.5%) cases, endocrine 24(3.5%) cases, sense organs 22 (3.2%) cases, and cardiovascular 4 (0.6%) cases. A total of 220 (31.6%) parasitic, 202 (29%)infectious, 106 (15.2%) toxic, 96 (13.8%) nutritional, 52 (7.5%) by physical agents, and 6 (0.8%) congenital/hereditarydiseases were...

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/epidemiologia , Doenças dos Ovinos/epidemiologia , Ovinos , Brasil , Estudos Retrospectivos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(11): 849-857, Nov. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-26402


Infection by Rhodococcus equi is considered one of the major health concerns for foals worldwide. In order to better understand the disease's clinical and pathological features, we studied twenty cases of natural infection by R. equi in foals. These cases are characterized according to their clinical and pathological findings and immunohistochemical aspects. Necropsy, histologic examination, bacterial culture, R. equi and Pneumocystis spp. immunohistochemistry were performed. The foals had a mean age of 60 days and presented respiratory signs (11/20), hyperthermia (10/20), articular swelling (6/20), prostration (4/20), locomotor impairment (3/20) and diarrhea (3/20), among others. The main lesions were of pyogranulomatous pneumonia, seen in 19 foals, accompanied or not by pyogranulomatous lymphadenitis (10/20) and pyogranulomatous and ulcerative enterocolitis (5/20). Pyogranulomatous osteomyelitis was seen in 3 foals, one of which did not have pulmonary involvement. There was lymphoplasmacytic (4/20), lymphoplasmacytic and neutrophilic (1/20) or pyogranulomatous arthritis (1/20), affecting multiple or singular joints. Immunohistochemistry revealed to be a valuable tool for the detection of R. equi, confirming the diagnosis in all cases. Furthermore, pulmonary immunostaining for Pneumocystis spp. demonstrates that a coinfection with R. equi and this fungal agent is a common event in foals, seen in 13 cases.(AU)

Infecção por Rhodococcus equi é considerado um dos maiores problemas sanitários para potros em todo o mundo. Para melhor compreender a apresentação clínica e patológica da enfermidade, foram avaliados vinte casos de infecção natural por R. equi em potros. Os casos são caracterizados de acordo com seus achados clínicos e patológicos e aspectos imuno-histoquímicos. Foram realizados exames de necropsia, histologia, bacteriologia e imuno-histoquímica para R. equi e Pneumocystis spp. Os potros tinham idade media de 60 dias e apresentaram sinais respiratórios (11/20), hipertermia (10/20), aumento de volume articular (6/20), prostração (4/20), distúrbios locomotores (3/20) e diarreia (3/20), entre outros. As lesões mais importantes eram pneumonia piogranulomatosa, vista em 19 potros, acompanhada ou não por linfadenite piogranulomatosa (10/20) e enterocolite ulcerativa (5/20). Osteomielite piogranulomatosa foi constatada em três potros, um dos quais não apresentava envolvimento pulmonar. Artrites afetando uma ou múltiplas articulações eram caracterizadas por infiltrado linfoplasmocítico (4/20), linfoplasmocítico e neutrofílico (1/20) e piogranulomatoso (1/20). A imuno-histoquímica demonstrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa na detecção de R. equi, permitindo confirmar o diagnóstico em todos os casos avaliados. Além disso, a imuno-histoquímica para Pneumocystis spp. demonstra que a coinfecção por R. equi e o agente fúngico é um evento frequente em potros, constatado em 13 casos.(AU)

Animais , Pneumonia por Pneumocystis/veterinária , Pneumonia por Pneumocystis/epidemiologia , Infecções por Actinomycetales/veterinária , Infecções por Actinomycetales/epidemiologia , Rhodococcus equi/isolamento & purificação , Doenças dos Cavalos/microbiologia , Cavalos