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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 591-598, July-Aug. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447354


It is important to investigate fast and accurate equine colic syndrome diagnostic forms. Lactate results from anaerobic glycolysis; high levels of it may indicate intestinal disorders with tissue hypoperfusion and hypoxia. The current study aims at investigating whether blood and peritoneal lactate values observed when horses with colic syndrome were hospitalized, were associated with condition type, therapeutic referral, and survival rates. Retrospective analysis was applied to 498 medical records of animals with colic syndrome, at EQUIVET Hospital -SP; 89 cases were herein selected. Based on logistic regression, peritoneal lactate played a more significant part than blood in variables like obstruction type and survival rates. Surgical cases comprised 52.8% of analyzed animals; strangulation changes, 26%; and overall survival, 62.9%. Mean blood and peritoneal lactate level in animals showing strangulation changes reached 5.11 and 7.33mmol/L, whereas non-strangulation cases recorded 3.54 and 3.06mmol/L, respectively. On the other hand, mean blood and peritoneal lactate level recorded for survivors reached 3.43 and 2.42mmol/L, whereas non-survivors recorded 4.84 and 7.13mmol/L, respectively. We concluded that peritoneal lactate measured when horses with colic syndrome were hospitalized was a predictor of condition type, and of animal survival and prognosis. However, blood and peritoneal lactate measurements did not contribute to therapeutic referral.

O estudo de formas diagnósticas rápidas e precisas é importante na síndrome cólica equina. O lactato, produto da glicólise anaeróbica, quando elevado, pode indicar afecções intestinais com hipoperfusão e hipóxia. O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se os valores de lactato sanguíneo e peritoneal, na admissão de equinos com síndrome cólica, estão relacionados com o tipo de afecção, com o encaminhamento terapêutico e a sobrevida. Uma análise retrospectiva foi realizada em 498 atendimentos em síndrome cólica, no Hospital EQUIVET-SP, quando 89 casos foram selecionados. A regressão logística indicou que o lactato peritoneal obteve maior significância comparado ao sanguíneo, nas variáveis tipo de obstrução e sobrevida. Casos cirúrgicos foram 52,8%; alterações estrangulativas, 26%; e sobrevivência geral, 62,9%. Em alterações estrangulativas, a média do lactato sanguíneo e peritoneal foi de 5,11 e 7,33mmol/L; em não estrangulativos, 3,54 e 3,06mmol/L. Já os sobreviventes obtiveram 3,43 e 2,42mmol/L, e os não sobreviventes 4,84 e 7,13mmol/L, respectivamente. Conclui-se que a mensuração do lactato peritoneal na admissão de cavalos com cólica foi considerada um preditor do tipo de afecção, bem como da sobrevida e do prognóstico. Porém, as mensurações de lactato sanguíneo e peritoneal não auxiliaram no encaminhamento terapêutico.

Animais , Prognóstico , Cólica/veterinária , Ácido Láctico , Doenças dos Cavalos
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 17(1): 92-98, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436385


This was a retrospective case study of colic syndrome of cecal origin in 159 horses treated at a reference Veterinary Center between June 2015 and July 2021. The data studied were breed, age, sex, clinical examinations of the initial emergency care, treatment protocols (clinical and/or surgical) and resolution (hospital discharge, euthanasia or death). It was observed that 7.55% (n = 12) of the cases corresponded to colic syndrome of cecal origin, where 75% (n = 9) had heart rate within the physiological range for the species, as well as 50% (n = 6) for capillary refill time values, 33.33% (n = 4) for pink mucosa, 41.67% (n = 5) for rectal temperature, and 16.67% (n = 2) on abdominal auscultation. In 58.34% (n = 7) of patients, pain could be controlled with analgesics, with recurrence in 41.67% (n = 5). All treated cases were cecal impaction, where 58.33% (n = 7) ruptured the cecum. In 75% (n = 9) of the cases, surgical treatment was performed. Regarding the general resolution of cases, 41.67% (n = 5) of the animals were discharged. Therefore, it is concluded that despite the increase in the diagnosis of colic of cecal origin, this disease is still rare (7.55%) and has a high potential for death since there are few clinical alterations, making its early diagnosis difficult.(AU)

Este foi um estudo retrospectivo dos casos de síndrome cólica de origem cecal em 159 cavalos atendidos em um Centro Veterinário de referência entre junho de 2015 e julho de 2021. Os dados estudados foram raça, idade, sexo, exames clínicos do atendimento inicial de emergência, protocolos de tratamento (clínico e/ou cirúrgica) e resolução (alta hospitalar, eutanásia ou óbito). Observou-se que 7,55% (n = 12) dos casos correspondiam à síndrome cólica de origem cecal, onde 75% (n = 9) apresentavam frequência cardíaca dentro da faixa fisiológica para a espécie, assim como 50% (n = 6) para valores de tempo de enchimento capilar, 33,33% (n = 4) para mucosa rosada, 41,67% (n = 5) para temperatura retal e 16,67% (n = 2) para ausculta abdominal. Em 58,34% (n = 7) dos pacientes, a dor pôde ser controlada com analgésicos, com recidiva em 41,67% (n = 5). Todos os casos tratados foram de impactação cecal, onde 58,33% (n = 7) romperam o ceco. Em 75% (n = 9) dos casos, o tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado. Em relação à resolução geral dos casos, 41,67% (n = 5) dos animais tiveram alta. Portanto, conclui-se que apesar do aumento do diagnóstico de cólica de origem cecal, esta enfermidade ainda é rara (7,55%) e apresenta um alto potencial de óbito visto que há poucas alterações clínicas dificultando seu diagnóstico precoce.(AU)

Animais , Doenças do Ceco/diagnóstico , Doenças do Ceco/epidemiologia , Cavalos/fisiologia , Brasil
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 806, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401359


Background: Equine colic syndrome comprises numerous conditions associated with abdominal pain in horses. Impaction, a common cause of this manifestation, is strongly related to these animals' diet. Highly fibrous diets such as sugarcane can predispose horses to colic. The clinical condition can be worsened by fermentative processes, which lead to dysbiosis, circulatory disorders and even endotoxemia. The aim of this study was to report 4 cases of colic syndrome among 8 horses that underwent an experiment to adapt them to a sugarcane-based diet, and to correlate the animals' clinical conditions to the forage they ingested. Cases: Eight male castrated Mangalarga Marchador horses, between 5.5 and 7 years old, were subjected to an experiment to test the feasibility of sugarcane as forage. Four of these horses were taken to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital (HVGA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro for treatment of abdominal signs of discomfort a few days after the exclusive consumption of sugarcane, in a proportion of 1.75% of live weight in dry matter. The animals' symptoms ranged from behavioral signs indicative of pain to changes in vital parameters and structure of the feces, as well as changes revealed by transrectal palpation. Three of the 4 cases presented impaction in the small colon, and 1 of the horses also presented impaction in the right dorsal colon and rostral displacement of the pelvic flexure, with accumulation of contents in the right ventral colon and sternal flexure. Two of the cases were treated medically, while the other 2 required surgical intervention. The clinical condition of all the patients evolved favorably and they were discharged between 2 and 18 days. Discussion: Colic originating in the digestive system is a syndrome strongly associated with management, especially with respect to confinement, nutrition, and parasite control. During the experiment, 4 of the 8 horses fed with sugarcane presented with colic syndrome. The low quality of sugarcane fiber is due to the high degree of lignification of the plant cell wall, which favors accumulation of ingesta. The poor digestibility and sweet taste of this roughage favor increased consumption. Furthermore, its high sucrose content, associated with an increased rate of passage in the small intestine, alters the intestinal microbiome, and hence, the fermentation byproducts and pH of the ingesta. High intestinal content, allied to longer retention times in the colon and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, promote greater dryness of the ingesta, predisposing the occurrence of impactions in the most distal portion of the large intestine. Intestinal distension and mesenteric traction caused by the accumulation of contents and gases trigger pain, which can worsen due to displacement of the large colon. Small colon impaction, which is easily identified by transrectal palpation, evolves gradually and its treatment, both clinical and surgical, tends to have a favorable prognosis. The need for alternative food sources for horses is a growing demand; however, sugarcane as an exclusive roughage has been shown to be unsafe for horses. The low quality of the fiber and the high sucrose content of this forage can alter the digestive physiology of horses through changes in the passage rate, microbiome and motility of digesta, predisposing them to intestinal dysfunction, ingesta compaction and displacement of the large colon.

Animais , Masculino , Fibras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Cólica/veterinária , Saccharum/efeitos adversos , Cavalos , Doenças do Sistema Digestório/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 514-518, May-June 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383780


Myofibrosarcoma in horses is a rare malignant tumor composed predominantly by myofibroblasts. A 15-year-old horse was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Parana for evaluation of colic signs. Initial physical examination showed icteric mucous membrane and laboratory analysis found anemia, increased serum activity of ALT, GGT, ALP, and bilirubin. In the exploratory laparotomy a highly vascularized abdominal mass in the left hypochondrium region of approximately 50cm x 45cm x 30cm, adhered to the surrounding structures was observed. Due to the size and adhesions to the omentum, the mass was considered surgically unresectable, and euthanasia was performed followed by necropsy. The immunohistochemical and morphological results indicate the diagnosis of myofibrosarcoma since the neoplastic cells immunoexpressed Vimentin, HHF35 and S100. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first equine case of omental myofibrosarcoma described in the literature.

O miofibrossarcoma em cavalos é um raro tumor maligno, composto predominantemente por miofibroblastos. Um equino, de 15 anos de idade, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Paraná, para avaliação de sinais de cólica. O exame clínico inicial apresentou mucosas ictéricas e, nos exames laboratoriais, revelou anemia e aumento sérico de ALT, GGT, ALP e bilirrubina. Na laparotomia exploratória, observou-se massa abdominal vascularizada de aproximadamente 50cm x 45cm x 30cm na região do hipocôndrio esquerdo e aderida às estruturas circunvizinhas. Devido ao tamanho e às aderências ao omento, a massa foi considerada irressecável cirurgicamente, portanto foi realizada a eutanásia e a necropsia. Os resultados imuno-histoquímicos e morfológicos indicam o diagnóstico de miofibrossarcoma, visto que as células neoplásicas imunoexpressaram Vimentin, HHF35 e S100. Portanto, esse é o primeiro caso em equinos de miofibrossarcoma omental descrito na literatura.

Animais , Omento , Miofibroblastos , Cavalos , Laparotomia , Neoplasias
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 833, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401696


Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common cutaneous neoplasm in horses, which mainly affects the external genitalia, oral cavity, and periocular region. The development of SCC metastases is rare in these animals, and the most common occurrence is a marked local infiltration. Exposure to ultraviolet rays and skin depigmentation are the main etiological factors of SCC. Definitive diagnosis of the neoplasm is performed through histological examination of lesions. The present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical (IHC) aspects of a case of metastatic SCC, with the vulva as the primary site in a mare. Case: A 17-year-old mare, mixed breed, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), with history of areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat), and clinical history of anorexia, frequent episodes of colic, and recumbency. During clinical evaluation, heart rate (68 bpm), rectal temperature (38.4ºC), and respiratory rate (48 mpm) were elevated, and the oral mucosa was pale. The mare also had an ulcerated tumor mass involving the vulva, which extended to the inguinal region and involved the mammary gland. A cytological aspirate of the vulvar tumor was performed, in which no neoplastic cells were found. Next, a biopsy of 2 distinct areas of the vulva was performed. The material was sent for anatomopathological examination, which showed markedly pleomorphic malignant squamous cells, with individual keratinization and high mitotic index, organized in trabeculae with rare keratin pearl-like formations. The exam allowed the diagnosis of SCC Grade II. Due to the poor prognosis and high cost of treatment, the owner consented to euthanasia and necropsy examination. During necropsy, the vulvar tumor mass was grayish, firm to hard, infiltrative, and had friable areas. Tumor foci suggestive of metastasis were also observed in inguinal, mesenteric, mediastinal and renal lymph nodes, adrenal glands, lung, pericardium, medullary canal, intercostal muscles, right 15th rib, and tissue surrounding the azygos vein. Samples from all organs were collected for anatomopathological examination. Diagnosis of metastatic vulvar SCC was confirmed through histological and IHC studies, which evaluated the expression of cytokeratins (AE1/ AE3), as well as the proliferative activity of neoplastic cells through the PCNA marker. Discussion: The diagnosis of metastatic SCC was obtained through the observed clinical, necroscopic, histological, and IHC characteristics. This neoplasm usually appears in depigmented regions exposed to ultraviolet light, and older animals are more likely to be affected. The mare in the present case had areas of depigmented skin (pinto coat). The animal was kept in a paddock outdoor and exposed to constant solar radiation. Although rare in horses, manifestation of anorexia, progressive weight loss, and frequent colic episodes and recumbency may be closely related to the multiple sites of metastasis in the present case. The main histological findings of the neoplasm were the dense proliferation of malignant squamous cells with individual keratinization, arranged in a trabecular pattern and with rare formations of keratin pearls, in line with previous studies. During IHC evaluation, the neoplastic cells showed expression of cytokeratins (AE1/AE3), as well as high proliferative activity evidenced by the PCNA marker. Given this background, the present report describes the clinical, anatomopathological, and IHC aspects of a case of metastatic SCC with a primary site in the vulva of a mare.

Animais , Feminino , Vulva/patologia , Neoplasias Vulvares/veterinária , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Cavalos , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(9): e20210441, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360352


Klossiella equi is an unusual protozoan of equids. In most cases, it does not cause renal injury. A case of K. equi-associated granulomatous nephritis leading to uremia in a brazilian mare is described. The animal presented colic, and among the complementary exams, increased urea and creatinine was observed. The kidneys were unremarkable on gross exam; however, a multifocal granulomatous nephritis with tubular degeneration associated with intraepithelial and intraluminal protozoa was observed histologically. The large intestines were edematous and hemorrhagic. The importance of including K. equi infection among the differential diagnosis of horses with kidney disease in southern Brazil is highlighted.

Klossiella equi é um protozoário incomum de rim de equídeos, geralmente considerado de pouca importância clínica. Descreve-se um caso de klosselliose associada a lesão renal e uremia em uma égua. O animal foi atendido com quadro de cólica, e dentre os exames, foi constatado aumento de ureia e creatinina. Na necropsia, os rins não apresentavam lesões macroscópicas, no entanto, na histopatologia, observou-se nefrite granulomatosa com degeneração tubular associada a protozoários intraepiteliais e intraluminais. A parede do intestino grosso estava edemaciada e hemorrágica. Se destaca a importância da inclusão de infecção por K. equi nos diagnósticos diferenciais de equinos com doença renal no sul do Brasil.

Animais , Feminino , Infecções por Protozoários/diagnóstico , Equidae/urina , Doenças dos Cavalos/prevenção & controle , Nefrite/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(1): 83-92, Jan.-Feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374402


This retrospective study was based on data extracted from medical records of 48 horses with intestinal obstruction caused by enteroliths and/or foreign bodies seen over the course of 17 years. Data analysis was aimed at describing the major features of this type of colic. Obstructions caused by enteroliths, foreign bodies or both accounted for 40 (83.34%), 6 (12.50%) and 2 (4.16%) cases in this sample respectively. Affected horses were aged 1 to 32 years (mean age 9.5 years) and 14 horses were fed alfalfa. Alfalfa is thought to contribute to enterolith formation. Foreign bodies and enteroliths were found in the transverse (12 cases, 25%), the large or the small colon (10 cases, 20.83% respectively). Concurrent obstruction of different intestinal segments was also recorded. These involved the small and the large colon in 10 cases (20.83%), the transverse and the large colon in 4 cases (8.33%), the small and the transverse colon in 1 case (2.08%) and the transition from the large to the transverse colon in one case (2.08%). Short term survival was 77.08% overall and 87.50% when only patients submitted to postoperative treatment were accounted for. Survival data are consistent with survival rates of 91% reported in literature.

Este estudo retrospectivo foi baseado em dados extraídos de prontuários de 48 cavalos com obstrução intestinal causada por enterólitos e / ou corpos estranhos observados ao longo de 17 anos. A análise dos dados teve como objetivo descrever as principais características desse tipo de cólica. Obstruções provocadas por enterólitos, corpos estranhos ou ambos foram responsáveis por 40 (83,34%), seis (12,50%) e dois (4,16%) casos nesta amostra, respectivamente. Os cavalos afetados tinham entre um e 32 anos (idade média de 9,5 anos), e 14 cavalos foram alimentados com alfafa. Acredita-se que a alfafa contribua para a formação de enterólitos. Corpos estranhos e enterólitos foram encontrados no cólon transverso (12 casos, 25%), maior ou menor (10 casos, 20,83%, respectivamente). A obstrução simultânea de diferentes segmentos intestinais também foi registrada. Estes envolveram o cólon menor e o cólon maior em 10 casos (20,83%), o cólon transverso e o cólon maior em quatro casos (8,33%), o cólon menor e o transverso em um caso (2,08%) e a transição do cólon maior para o cólon transverso em um caso (2,08%). A sobrevida em curto prazo foi de 77,08%, em geral, e de 87,50% quando contabilizados apenas os pacientes submetidos ao tratamento pós-operatório. Os dados de sobrevivência são consistentes com as taxas de sobrevivência de 91% relatadas na literatura.

Animais , Equidae , Obstrução Intestinal/cirurgia , Obstrução Intestinal/veterinária , Obstrução Intestinal/epidemiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Medicago sativa/efeitos adversos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487646


ABSTRACT: Colic outbreaks in horses have been associated with the grazing of several Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) cultivars in the North and Central-West regions of Brazil. In this paper, we report a horse colic outbreak in the Southeast region of Brazil caused by ingestion of the Colonião cultivar of M. maximus, which has not previously been considered as toxic. The five affected horses belonged to the Veterinary Platoon based at the Central Ammunition Deposit of the Brazilian Army in the city of Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The horses had access to treated water and commercial concentrate, and were located in a field of M. maximus at the time of the outbreak. All horses exhibited clinical signs of colic and bloat, and three of them died. The extend of the clinical course ranged from four to five days in the three animals that died; in the two animals that recovered from the colic episodes, the extend of the clinical courses were 10 and 15 days. Necropsy findings revealed intestinal and gastric bloating and hemorrhages involving the intestinal wall. Light microscopy showed moderate diffuse lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic enteritis with multifocal erosions, in addition to submucosal edema associated with multifocal vasculitis. The pathogenesis of colic caused by M. maximus ingestion in horses has not yet been elucidated. Some authors have suggested that higher starch concentrations in M. maximus during the rainy season may be responsible for the toxicity of this plant. However, the findings of this study do not support this hypothesis. As a prophylactic measure, it is suggested that horses do not graze exclusively M. maximus at the beginning of rainy periods, in which regrowth of this grass occurs. In Brazil, outbreaks of horse colic associated with ingestion of varieties of Megathyrsus can also occur outside the North and Midwest regions, under specific climate conditions.

RESUMO: Surtos de cólica em equinos vêm sendo associados ao pastejo de várias cultivares de Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Neste trabalho relata-se um surto de cólica em equinos determinado pela ingestão da variedade Colonião de M. maximus, cultivar até então não descrita como tóxico. Os cinco equinos, oriundos do Pelotão de Veterinária do Centro de munição do Exército situado no município de Paracambi/RJ, estavam em uma mesma pastagem de M. maximus, tinham acesso à água tratada e ao concentrado comercial para equinos. Todos os equinos tiveram sinais clínicos de cólica por timpanismo e três deles morreram. O curso clínico variou de quatro a cinco dias nos três equinos que morreram e de 10 a 15 dias nos dois equinos que recuperaram-se da cólica. À necropsia, os principais achados foram timpanismo intestinal e gástrico e hemorragias na parede intestinal. À microscopia havia enterite linfoplasmocítica e eosinofílica difusa moderada com erosões multifocais e edema submucoso associado à vasculite multifocal. A patogênese da cólica pela ingestão de M. maximus ainda não foi elucidada, no entanto, alguns autores têm sugerido que uma maior concentração de amido presente na forrageira durante o período de chuvas possa ser responsável pela ação tóxica da planta. Contudo as observações aqui levantadas não dão suporte a essa hipótese. Sugere-se como medida profilática evitar o pastejo exclusivo de M. maximus por cavalos, por meio de pastagens alternativas, principalmente durante o início das chuvas e rebrota da pastagem. Demonstra-se que, no Brasil, os surtos de cólica em equinos associados à ingestão de variedades de Megathyrsus, também podem ocorrer fora das regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste, desde que existam condições climáticas especiais.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06848, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351276


Colic outbreaks in horses have been associated with the grazing of several Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) cultivars in the North and Central-West regions of Brazil. In this paper, we report a horse colic outbreak in the Southeast region of Brazil caused by ingestion of the "Colonião" cultivar of M. maximus, which has not previously been considered as toxic. The five affected horses belonged to the Veterinary Platoon based at the Central Ammunition Deposit of the Brazilian Army in the city of Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The horses had access to treated water and commercial concentrate, and were located in a field of M. maximus at the time of the outbreak. All horses exhibited clinical signs of colic and bloat, and three of them died. The extend of the clinical course ranged from four to five days in the three animals that died; in the two animals that recovered from the colic episodes, the extend of the clinical courses were 10 and 15 days. Necropsy findings revealed intestinal and gastric bloating and hemorrhages involving the intestinal wall. Light microscopy showed moderate diffuse lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic enteritis with multifocal erosions, in addition to submucosal edema associated with multifocal vasculitis. The pathogenesis of colic caused by M. maximus ingestion in horses has not yet been elucidated. Some authors have suggested that higher starch concentrations in M. maximus during the rainy season may be responsible for the toxicity of this plant. However, the findings of this study do not support this hypothesis. As a prophylactic measure, it is suggested that horses do not graze exclusively M. maximus at the beginning of rainy periods, in which regrowth of this grass occurs. In Brazil, outbreaks of horse colic associated with ingestion of varieties of Megathyrsus can also occur outside the North and Midwest regions, under specific climate conditions.(AU)

Surtos de cólica em equinos vêm sendo associados ao pastejo de várias cultivares de Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Neste trabalho relata-se um surto de cólica em equinos determinado pela ingestão da variedade Colonião de M. maximus, cultivar até então não descrita como tóxico. Os cinco equinos, oriundos do Pelotão de Veterinária do Centro de munição do Exército situado no município de Paracambi/RJ, estavam em uma mesma pastagem de M. maximus, tinham acesso à água tratada e ao concentrado comercial para equinos. Todos os equinos tiveram sinais clínicos de cólica por timpanismo e três deles morreram. O curso clínico variou de quatro a cinco dias nos três equinos que morreram e de 10 a 15 dias nos dois equinos que recuperaram-se da cólica. À necropsia, os principais achados foram timpanismo intestinal e gástrico e hemorragias na parede intestinal. À microscopia havia enterite linfoplasmocítica e eosinofílica difusa moderada com erosões multifocais e edema submucoso associado à vasculite multifocal. A patogênese da cólica pela ingestão de M. maximus ainda não foi elucidada, no entanto, alguns autores têm sugerido que uma maior concentração de amido presente na forrageira durante o período de chuvas possa ser responsável pela ação tóxica da planta. Contudo as observações aqui levantadas não dão suporte a essa hipótese. Sugere-se como medida profilática evitar o pastejo exclusivo de M. maximus por cavalos, por meio de pastagens alternativas, principalmente durante o início das chuvas e rebrota da pastagem. Demonstra-se que, no Brasil, os surtos de cólica em equinos associados à ingestão de variedades de Megathyrsus, também podem ocorrer fora das regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste, desde que existam condições climáticas especiais.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação , Pastagens , Poaceae , Cavalos , Plantas Tóxicas
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06848, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765229


Colic outbreaks in horses have been associated with the grazing of several Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) cultivars in the North and Central-West regions of Brazil. In this paper, we report a horse colic outbreak in the Southeast region of Brazil caused by ingestion of the "Colonião" cultivar of M. maximus, which has not previously been considered as toxic. The five affected horses belonged to the Veterinary Platoon based at the Central Ammunition Deposit of the Brazilian Army in the city of Paracambi, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. The horses had access to treated water and commercial concentrate, and were located in a field of M. maximus at the time of the outbreak. All horses exhibited clinical signs of colic and bloat, and three of them died. The extend of the clinical course ranged from four to five days in the three animals that died; in the two animals that recovered from the colic episodes, the extend of the clinical courses were 10 and 15 days. Necropsy findings revealed intestinal and gastric bloating and hemorrhages involving the intestinal wall. Light microscopy showed moderate diffuse lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic enteritis with multifocal erosions, in addition to submucosal edema associated with multifocal vasculitis. The pathogenesis of colic caused by M. maximus ingestion in horses has not yet been elucidated. Some authors have suggested that higher starch concentrations in M. maximus during the rainy season may be responsible for the toxicity of this plant. However, the findings of this study do not support this hypothesis. As a prophylactic measure, it is suggested that horses do not graze exclusively M. maximus at the beginning of rainy periods, in which regrowth of this grass occurs. In Brazil, outbreaks of horse colic associated with ingestion of varieties of Megathyrsus can also occur outside the North and Midwest regions, under specific climate conditions.(AU)

Surtos de cólica em equinos vêm sendo associados ao pastejo de várias cultivares de Megathyrsus maximus (Sin. Panicum maximum) nas regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Neste trabalho relata-se um surto de cólica em equinos determinado pela ingestão da variedade Colonião de M. maximus, cultivar até então não descrita como tóxico. Os cinco equinos, oriundos do Pelotão de Veterinária do Centro de munição do Exército situado no município de Paracambi/RJ, estavam em uma mesma pastagem de M. maximus, tinham acesso à água tratada e ao concentrado comercial para equinos. Todos os equinos tiveram sinais clínicos de cólica por timpanismo e três deles morreram. O curso clínico variou de quatro a cinco dias nos três equinos que morreram e de 10 a 15 dias nos dois equinos que recuperaram-se da cólica. À necropsia, os principais achados foram timpanismo intestinal e gástrico e hemorragias na parede intestinal. À microscopia havia enterite linfoplasmocítica e eosinofílica difusa moderada com erosões multifocais e edema submucoso associado à vasculite multifocal. A patogênese da cólica pela ingestão de M. maximus ainda não foi elucidada, no entanto, alguns autores têm sugerido que uma maior concentração de amido presente na forrageira durante o período de chuvas possa ser responsável pela ação tóxica da planta. Contudo as observações aqui levantadas não dão suporte a essa hipótese. Sugere-se como medida profilática evitar o pastejo exclusivo de M. maximus por cavalos, por meio de pastagens alternativas, principalmente durante o início das chuvas e rebrota da pastagem. Demonstra-se que, no Brasil, os surtos de cólica em equinos associados à ingestão de variedades de Megathyrsus, também podem ocorrer fora das regiões Norte e Centro-Oeste, desde que existam condições climáticas especiais.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação , Pastagens , Poaceae , Cavalos , Plantas Tóxicas
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e182579, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1344712


Enteroliths are concretions of minerals that cause partial or total obstruction of the intestinal lumen, resulting in recurrent and chronic colic in horses. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the in vitro solvent effect of carbonated beverages (Coca-Cola® and Coca-Cola® Zero), and papain and cellulase enzymes (Robinson Pharma®, Santa Ana, CA, USA) on enteroliths obtained from horses. Six 51-grams-samples of six enteroliths were assigned to six treatments of immersion solutions: T1, Coca-Cola®; T2: Coca-Cola® Zero; T3: distilled water + papain (90 mg) and cellulase (120 mg); T4: Coca-Cola® + papain and cellulase; T5: Coca-Cola® Zero + papain and cellulase; and, CT: distilled water (control). The volume for immersion in the assigned solution was 150 mL, at a pH of 7.1, using an incubation shaker (Heidolph®, Germany) at 37ºC and 25 rpm, for 72 h. The evaluation periods of the dissolution percentage (difference between the initial weight and final weight of the samples), were 0, 3, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 h. After 72 h of immersion, solutions T4, T5, and T1 presented 47, 38.8, and 14.9% of dissolution, respectively. The other solutions did not have major differences with CT (control). Under the in vitro conditions of this pilot study, papain and cellulase enzymes potentiated the dissolving effect of the carbonated solutions on the enteroliths obtained from horses. Further studies are suggested since the existing literature is on the dissolution of phytobezoars and not of enteroliths.(AU)

Enterólitos são concreções de minerais que causam obstrução parcial ou total do lume intestinal, resultando em cólica crônica e recorrente nos cavalos. Este estudo piloto teve como objetivo avaliar in vitro o efeito dissolvente sobre os enterólitos das bebidas carbonatadas (Coca-Cola® e Coca-Cola® Zero) e a solução à base das enzimas papaína e celulase (Robinson Pharma®, Santa Ana, CA, USA). Seis (6) amostras de seis (6) enterólitos de 51gramas de peso foram distribuídas em seis tratamentos de imersão: T1: Coca-Cola®; T2: Coca-Cola® Zero; T3: água destilada + papaína (90 mg) e celulase (120 mg); T4: Coca-Cola® + papaína e celulase; T5: Coca-Cola® Zero + papaína e celulase; e, CT: água destilada (controle). O volume das soluções de imersão foi de 150 mL, com pH de 7.1, usando um shaker de incubação (Heidolph®, Germany) com 37ºC e 25 rpm, durante 72 horas. A avaliação dos períodos da porcentagem de dissolução (diferenças entre o peso inicial e o peso final das amostras) foram 0, 3, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 e 72 h. Depois de 72 h de imersão, as soluções T4, T5 e T1 apresentaram 47, 38,8 e 14,9% de dissolução, respectivamente. As outras soluções não tiveram diferenças com relação ao CT (controle). Nas condições in vitro deste estudo piloto, as enzimas papaína e celulase potenciam o efeito dissolvente das bebidas carbonatadas sobre os enterólitos obtidos de cavalos. Mais estudos são sugeridos, uma vez que só existe literatura sobre a dissolução de fitobezoares e não de enterólitos.(AU)

Animais , Técnicas In Vitro , Bebidas Gaseificadas , Cavalos , Obstrução Intestinal
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 58: e182579, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764817


Enteroliths are concretions of minerals that cause partial or total obstruction of the intestinal lumen, resulting in recurrent and chronic colic in horses. This pilot study aimed to evaluate the in vitro solvent effect of carbonated beverages (Coca-Cola® and Coca-Cola® Zero), and papain and cellulase enzymes (Robinson Pharma®, Santa Ana, CA, USA) on enteroliths obtained from horses. Six 51-grams-samples of six enteroliths were assigned to six treatments of immersion solutions: T1, Coca-Cola®; T2: Coca-Cola® Zero; T3: distilled water + papain (90 mg) and cellulase (120 mg); T4: Coca-Cola® + papain and cellulase; T5: Coca-Cola® Zero + papain and cellulase; and, CT: distilled water (control). The volume for immersion in the assigned solution was 150 mL, at a pH of 7.1, using an incubation shaker (Heidolph®, Germany) at 37ºC and 25 rpm, for 72 h. The evaluation periods of the dissolution percentage (difference between the initial weight and final weight of the samples), were 0, 3, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 h. After 72 h of immersion, solutions T4, T5, and T1 presented 47, 38.8, and 14.9% of dissolution, respectively. The other solutions did not have major differences with CT (control). Under the in vitro conditions of this pilot study, papain and cellulase enzymes potentiated the dissolving effect of the carbonated solutions on the enteroliths obtained from horses. Further studies are suggested since the existing literature is on the dissolution of phytobezoars and not of enteroliths.(AU)

Enterólitos são concreções de minerais que causam obstrução parcial ou total do lume intestinal, resultando em cólica crônica e recorrente nos cavalos. Este estudo piloto teve como objetivo avaliar in vitro o efeito dissolvente sobre os enterólitos das bebidas carbonatadas (Coca-Cola® e Coca-Cola® Zero) e a solução à base das enzimas papaína e celulase (Robinson Pharma®, Santa Ana, CA, USA). Seis (6) amostras de seis (6) enterólitos de 51gramas de peso foram distribuídas em seis tratamentos de imersão: T1: Coca-Cola®; T2: Coca-Cola® Zero; T3: água destilada + papaína (90 mg) e celulase (120 mg); T4: Coca-Cola® + papaína e celulase; T5: Coca-Cola® Zero + papaína e celulase; e, CT: água destilada (controle). O volume das soluções de imersão foi de 150 mL, com pH de 7.1, usando um shaker de incubação (Heidolph®, Germany) com 37ºC e 25 rpm, durante 72 horas. A avaliação dos períodos da porcentagem de dissolução (diferenças entre o peso inicial e o peso final das amostras) foram 0, 3, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60 e 72 h. Depois de 72 h de imersão, as soluções T4, T5 e T1 apresentaram 47, 38,8 e 14,9% de dissolução, respectivamente. As outras soluções não tiveram diferenças com relação ao CT (controle). Nas condições in vitro deste estudo piloto, as enzimas papaína e celulase potenciam o efeito dissolvente das bebidas carbonatadas sobre os enterólitos obtidos de cavalos. Mais estudos são sugeridos, uma vez que só existe literatura sobre a dissolução de fitobezoares e não de enterólitos.(AU)

Animais , Técnicas In Vitro , Bebidas Gaseificadas , Cavalos , Obstrução Intestinal
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(6, supl. 2): 3793-3802, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371645


This study set out to determine the impacts of a commercial equine enteral nutrition product on fecal pH, buffering capacity (BC) and physical examination variables. Eight healthy horses were randomly allocated to one of two simultaneous experimental groups in a 4×4 Latin square design. Horses were submitted to 12 hours of solid fasting, then fed increasing doses of the test product via nasogastric tube, as follows: 0% (pure water), 50%, 75% and 100% of the daily recommended dose. Test product doses were diluted in water (1:3) and delivered by bolus feeding. Fecal samples were taken directly from the rectal ampulla prior to (T0) and within 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours of product administration (T3, T6, T12, T24, T36 and T48 respectively). Within 24 to 36 hours of product administration, fecal pH was near 6 (p = 0.01). However, dose variation had no effect on pH. Product dose and sample collection time had a significant impact (p = 0.00) on buffering capacity at pH 6. The more dramatic drop in pH occurred within 24 to 36 hours of product administration, except in horses receiving the 0% dose (water). At pH 5, buffering capacity was affected by dose but not by sample collection time. Soft fecal consistency, increased intestinal motility and fat droplets in fecal samples were noted in most horses. Fecal pH and buffering capacity assessment are indirect tests. Still, results obtained from these tests were deemed useful for detection of intestinal changes, particularly when combined with physical examination. The product had an impact on faecal pH, buffering capacity and intestinal motility, therefore, it is recommended that the formulation be revised.(AU)

O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de uma formulação comercial para nutrição enteral em equinos quanto aos aspectos de pH fecal, capacidade tamponante (CT) nas fezes e exame físico. Para tal, utilizaram-se 8 equinos hígidos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois Quadrados Latinos 4 X 4 simultâneos, que permaneceram em jejum alimentar 12 horas antes de receberem via sonda nasogástrica doses crescentes de 0% (somente água), 50%, 75% e 100% da quantidade total diária recomendada do produto, com a diluição estabelecida de três partes de água para cada parte de produto. Foram colhidas amostras de fezes diretamente da ampola retal antes da administração do produto (T0), 3 (T3), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24), 36 (36) e 48 (T48) horas após. Entre 24 a 36 horas após a administração do produto, o pH fecal estava próximo a 6 (p = 0,01). No entanto, a variação da dose não teve efeito sobre o pH. A dose do produto e o tempo de coleta da amostra tiveram um impacto significativo (p = 0,00) na capacidade tamponante das fezes em pH 6. A queda mais dramática no pH ocorreu dentro de 24 a 36 horas da administração do produto, exceto em cavalos que receberam a dose de 0% (água). Em pH 5, a capacidade tamponante das fezes foi afetada pela dose, mas não pelo tempo de coleta da amostra. Consistência fecal mole, aumento da motilidade intestinal e gotículas de gordura nas amostras fecais foram observados na maioria dos cavalos. A avaliação do pH fecal e da capacidade de tamponante são testes indiretos. Ainda assim, os resultados obtidos com essas análises foram considerados úteis para a detecção de alterações intestinais, principalmente quando combinados com o exame físico. O produto teve impacto no pH fecal, capacidade tamponante das fezes e motilidade intestinal, portanto, recomenda-se que a formulação seja revisada.(AU)

Animais , Exame Físico , Jejum , Nutrição Enteral , Fezes , Motilidade Gastrointestinal , Cavalos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.656-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458516


Background: Thrombophlebitis represents the main disease of the cardiovascular system of horses, its occurrence is strongly associated with the use of inappropriate materials and techniques. Its clinical presentation varies according to the degree of vessel obstruction and the appearance of complications, in the diagnosis it is essential to assess the extent of damage and the severity of the case. Establishing appropriate treatments, it should be noted that these are mostly clinical, reserving surgical interventions for severe cases, so the aim of the study is report a case of hemorrhagic septic thrombophlebitis treated by partial phlebectomy of the left jugular vein. Case: A 9-year-old male castrated equine, with no defined racial pattern, weighing 345 kg, used in the practice of vaquejada was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus Patos (PB). During the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal presented colic a month ago, it was treated, recovered and since then, it started presenting an area with increase in volume in the neck region that ruptured the day before the HV attendance, where blood and pus came from. On physical exam, slight edema was noted in the left masseteric region, a volume rise involving the middle and cranial third of the neck with firm consistency in the left jugular sulcus, sensitivity to palpation and little drainage of purulent bloody secretion was observed. Additionally, tachycardia, tachypnea and intestinal hypomotility were found. In turn, in the ultrasound exam, a hypoechoic structure was seen, causing partial obstruction of the vessel, proximal to the fistulated region and total obstruction distal to it. With this information, antibiotic therapy was prescribed, a warm compress followed by the use of anti-inflammatory gel every 8 h. By choice of the owner, the animal returned to the farm, in the next day returned to the Veterinary Hospital, due to...

Masculino , Animais , Cavalos , Flebotomia/veterinária , Tromboflebite/veterinária , Trombose/veterinária , Veias Jugulares , Sistema Cardiovascular/patologia
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 31(01): 146-152, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472691


O gênero Aspergillus compreende espécies de fungos saprotróficos, globalmente distribuídos, sendo os Aspergillus seção Fumigati conhecidos por causarem doença em humanos e animais imunocomprometidos. Os sinais clínicos dependem do sistema acometido, podendo apresentar febre branda, cólicas intensas, pneumonias, micose de bolsa gutural, e, ocasionalmente, lesões no sistema nervoso central. O presente trabalho objetiva relatar os sinais clínicos, os achados de necropsia e a histologia de um caso de aspergilose sistêmica em um potro de oito meses de idade. O animal apresentava refluxo enterogástrico, peristaltismo aumentado, fezes pastosas, dor abdominal e desidratação intensa. O quadro clínico evoluiu para óbito e o cadáver foi encaminhado para a necropsia. Macroscopicamente, havia sufusões e equimoses na serosa do trato gastrointestinal e ulcerações na mucosa do intestino delgado. No pulmão, havia nódulos multifocais, esbranquiçados e firmes que, ao corte, apresentavam-se císticos, com revestimento interno vinhoso e friável. O coração exibia áreas esbranquiçadas multifocais no miocárdio e os rins continham nódulos avermelhados nas regiões cortical e medular. No encéfalo, havia áreas multifocais amareladas e hemorrágicas com bordos avermelhados. Microscopicamente, observaram-se áreas multifocais de necrose com infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso no intestino, pulmão, encéfalo, miocárdio e nos rins. Hifas fúngicas intralesionais e intravasculares foram observadas no encéfalo e no pulmão. Estruturas de fenótipo compatível com Aspergillus fumigatus foram observadas na cultura fúngica. Amostras encaminhadas para virologia apresentaram-se positivas para Herpesvírus Equino (HVE) tipo 1 e 4. O diagnóstico de aspergilose sistêmica foi determinado pelo histórico clínico, imunossupressão, achados macroscópicos, histológicos, isolamento do fungo e à infecção concomitante por HVE.

The Aspergillus genus comprises globally distributed species of saprotrophic fungi, with the Aspergillus section Fumigatus known to cause diseases in humans and immunocompromised animals. Clinical signs depend on the affected system, exhibiting mild fever, severe colic, pneumonia, guttural bag mycosis and occasionally lesions in the central nervous system. The present work aims to report the clinical signs, necropsy findings and histology of a case of systemic aspergillosis in an eight-months-old foal. The animal had enterogastric reflux, increased peristalsis, pasty feces, abdominal pain and severe dehydration. The condition evolved to death and the cadaver was sent for necropsy. Macroscopically, there were suffusions and ecchymosis in the serosa of the gastrointestinal tract and ulcerations in the mucosa of the small intestines. In the lung, there were multifocal, whitish and firm nodules that were cystic when cut with a friable winey internal lining. The heart had whitish multifocal areas in the myocardium and the kidneys contained reddish nodules in the cortical and medullary regions. In the brain there were yellowish and hemorrhagic multifocal areas with reddish borders. Microscopically, multifocal areas of necrosis with granulomatous inflammatory infiltrate were observed in the intestine, lung, brain, myocardium and kidneys. Intralesional and intravascular fungal were observed in the brain and lung. Structures with phenotype compatible with Aspergillus fumigatus were observed in the fungal culture. In virology, samples were positive for equine herpesvirus (HVE) types 1 and 4. The diagnosis of systemic aspergillosis was determined due to the clinical history, immunosuppression, macroscopic and histological findings, fungal isolation and concomitant HVE infection.

Masculino , Animais , Aspergilose/complicações , Aspergilose/diagnóstico , Aspergilose/sangue , Aspergilose/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.624-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458487


Background: Incisional hernia in the midline can be a consequence of abdominal surgeries, which incidence is around5.7-18%. Surgical indication occurs in cases of large hernias, and the most common techniques used involve the closingof the musculature in a primary way, with sutures, and the implantation of a mesh on the abdominal wall. Laparoscopichernioplasty emerged as a less invasive option, showing superiority when compared with open surgical techniques in human medicine, however there are few reports describing this technique in equines. So, the aim of this paper is to report acase of hernioplasty, using laparoscopic mesh, in a horse with midline incisional hernia.Case: A 13-year-old castrated male Brasileiro de Hipismo horse, weighing 415 kg, practitioner of classic equestrian, presented an incisional hernia after 14 days from an exploratory laparotomy surgery realized to treat colic syndrome. After 6months, the patient was referred to a Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital for the correction of the defect in the abdominal wall. During palpation, the animal did not present local pain or other sign of inflammation, and the hernia measuredapproximately 20 cm in diameter. The animal was submitted to general anesthesia and placed in dorsal decubitus for thehernioplasty surgical procedure. An incision was made in cranial region of the midline, close to the xiphoid to introduce asingle port; the abdomen was inflated with CO2 gas (12 mmHg) and the operating table was tilted in order to displace theorgans cranially, facilitating the laparoscopic procedure. The abdomen was inspected and the presence of a single adherence could be observed, which was disrupted with endoscopic forceps. The mesh was introduced through the single port...

Masculino , Animais , Cavalos/cirurgia , Hérnia Incisional/cirurgia , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Infecções por Pseudomonas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 624, 4 abr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763432


Background: Incisional hernia in the midline can be a consequence of abdominal surgeries, which incidence is around5.7-18%. Surgical indication occurs in cases of large hernias, and the most common techniques used involve the closingof the musculature in a primary way, with sutures, and the implantation of a mesh on the abdominal wall. Laparoscopichernioplasty emerged as a less invasive option, showing superiority when compared with open surgical techniques in human medicine, however there are few reports describing this technique in equines. So, the aim of this paper is to report acase of hernioplasty, using laparoscopic mesh, in a horse with midline incisional hernia.Case: A 13-year-old castrated male Brasileiro de Hipismo horse, weighing 415 kg, practitioner of classic equestrian, presented an incisional hernia after 14 days from an exploratory laparotomy surgery realized to treat colic syndrome. After 6months, the patient was referred to a Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital for the correction of the defect in the abdominal wall. During palpation, the animal did not present local pain or other sign of inflammation, and the hernia measuredapproximately 20 cm in diameter. The animal was submitted to general anesthesia and placed in dorsal decubitus for thehernioplasty surgical procedure. An incision was made in cranial region of the midline, close to the xiphoid to introduce asingle port; the abdomen was inflated with CO2 gas (12 mmHg) and the operating table was tilted in order to displace theorgans cranially, facilitating the laparoscopic procedure. The abdomen was inspected and the presence of a single adherence could be observed, which was disrupted with endoscopic forceps. The mesh was introduced through the single port...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Hérnia Incisional/cirurgia , Hérnia Incisional/veterinária , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Cavalos/cirurgia , Infecções por Pseudomonas/veterinária
Ci. Anim. ; 31(01): 146-152, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31946


O gênero Aspergillus compreende espécies de fungos saprotróficos, globalmente distribuídos, sendo os Aspergillus seção Fumigati conhecidos por causarem doença em humanos e animais imunocomprometidos. Os sinais clínicos dependem do sistema acometido, podendo apresentar febre branda, cólicas intensas, pneumonias, micose de bolsa gutural, e, ocasionalmente, lesões no sistema nervoso central. O presente trabalho objetiva relatar os sinais clínicos, os achados de necropsia e a histologia de um caso de aspergilose sistêmica em um potro de oito meses de idade. O animal apresentava refluxo enterogástrico, peristaltismo aumentado, fezes pastosas, dor abdominal e desidratação intensa. O quadro clínico evoluiu para óbito e o cadáver foi encaminhado para a necropsia. Macroscopicamente, havia sufusões e equimoses na serosa do trato gastrointestinal e ulcerações na mucosa do intestino delgado. No pulmão, havia nódulos multifocais, esbranquiçados e firmes que, ao corte, apresentavam-se císticos, com revestimento interno vinhoso e friável. O coração exibia áreas esbranquiçadas multifocais no miocárdio e os rins continham nódulos avermelhados nas regiões cortical e medular. No encéfalo, havia áreas multifocais amareladas e hemorrágicas com bordos avermelhados. Microscopicamente, observaram-se áreas multifocais de necrose com infiltrado inflamatório granulomatoso no intestino, pulmão, encéfalo, miocárdio e nos rins. Hifas fúngicas intralesionais e intravasculares foram observadas no encéfalo e no pulmão. Estruturas de fenótipo compatível com Aspergillus fumigatus foram observadas na cultura fúngica. Amostras encaminhadas para virologia apresentaram-se positivas para Herpesvírus Equino (HVE) tipo 1 e 4. O diagnóstico de aspergilose sistêmica foi determinado pelo histórico clínico, imunossupressão, achados macroscópicos, histológicos, isolamento do fungo e à infecção concomitante por HVE.(AU)

The Aspergillus genus comprises globally distributed species of saprotrophic fungi, with the Aspergillus section Fumigatus known to cause diseases in humans and immunocompromised animals. Clinical signs depend on the affected system, exhibiting mild fever, severe colic, pneumonia, guttural bag mycosis and occasionally lesions in the central nervous system. The present work aims to report the clinical signs, necropsy findings and histology of a case of systemic aspergillosis in an eight-months-old foal. The animal had enterogastric reflux, increased peristalsis, pasty feces, abdominal pain and severe dehydration. The condition evolved to death and the cadaver was sent for necropsy. Macroscopically, there were suffusions and ecchymosis in the serosa of the gastrointestinal tract and ulcerations in the mucosa of the small intestines. In the lung, there were multifocal, whitish and firm nodules that were cystic when cut with a friable winey internal lining. The heart had whitish multifocal areas in the myocardium and the kidneys contained reddish nodules in the cortical and medullary regions. In the brain there were yellowish and hemorrhagic multifocal areas with reddish borders. Microscopically, multifocal areas of necrosis with granulomatous inflammatory infiltrate were observed in the intestine, lung, brain, myocardium and kidneys. Intralesional and intravascular fungal were observed in the brain and lung. Structures with phenotype compatible with Aspergillus fumigatus were observed in the fungal culture. In virology, samples were positive for equine herpesvirus (HVE) types 1 and 4. The diagnosis of systemic aspergillosis was determined due to the clinical history, immunosuppression, macroscopic and histological findings, fungal isolation and concomitant HVE infection.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Aspergilose/sangue , Aspergilose/complicações , Aspergilose/diagnóstico , Aspergilose/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 14(3): 185-190, set. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453224


Colic syndrome is a condition of great importance in equine production, a syndrome considered to be complex and multifactorial in nature. In this way epidemiological studies have been acting to contribute to the identification of risk factors in the development of wind power. This study evaluated the clinical epidemiology of the colic syndrome according to race, gender, diagnosis, affected segment, therapeutic decision and outcome of the cases treated at the Veterinary Hospital "Dr Halim Atique", interior of São Paulo.  The medical records of the animals assisted from January 2004 to July 2018, whose complaint was abdominal discomfort, were evaluated. Of the 535 animals, the most affected breed was the Quarter Horses (69.3%) followed by the Mangalarga (6.9%); females (53.1%) were more prone to the development of the syndrome. Compaction (28.8%), gastritis (11.8%), followed by gas distension (10.3%) were the most frequent changes; the affected segments being the stomach (21.9%), major colon (17.2%), and small intestine (15.7%). Clinical treatment (64.7%) was the most instituted and in the outcome of the cases, the discharge (77.4%) prevailed. The study presents data that can support epidemiological research in the area, assisting in the identification of causal and predictive factors for the colic syndrome.

A síndrome cólica é uma afecção de grande importância na equideocultura, síndrome essa considerada de natureza complexa e multifatorial. Desta forma os estudos epidemiológicos vêm atuando para contribuir na identificação de fatores de risco no desenvolvimento da cólica. Este estudo avaliou a epidemiologia clínica da síndrome cólica de acordo com a raça, sexo, diagnóstico, segmento acometido, decisão terapêutica e desfecho dos casos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário “Dr Halim Atique”, interior de São Paulo. Foram avaliados os prontuários dos animais atendidos no período de janeiro de 2004 a julho de 2018, cuja queixa foi o desconforto abdominal. Dos 535 animais, a raça mais acometida foi a Quarto de Milha (69,3%) seguido do Mangalarga (6,9%); quanto ao sexo, fêmeas (53,1%) se mostraram mais propensas ao desenvolvimento da síndrome. Compactação (28,8%), gastrite (11,8%) seguidoda distensão por gás (10,3%) foram às alterações mais frequentes; sendo os segmentos acometidos, o estômago (21,9%), cólon maior (17,2%) e intestino delgado (15,7%). O tratamento clínico (64,7%) foi o mais instituído e no desfecho dos casos, a alta (77,4%) prevaleceu. O estudo apresenta dados que podem subsidiar pesquisas epidemiológicas na área auxiliando na identificação de fatores causais e preditivos para a síndrome cólica.

Animais , Abdome , Cavalos/anormalidades , Cólica/epidemiologia , Cólica/veterinária , Gastroenterologia
Acta Vet. bras. ; 14(3): 185-190, set. 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27012


Colic syndrome is a condition of great importance in equine production, a syndrome considered to be complex and multifactorial in nature. In this way epidemiological studies have been acting to contribute to the identification of risk factors in the development of wind power. This study evaluated the clinical epidemiology of the colic syndrome according to race, gender, diagnosis, affected segment, therapeutic decision and outcome of the cases treated at the Veterinary Hospital "Dr Halim Atique", interior of São Paulo.  The medical records of the animals assisted from January 2004 to July 2018, whose complaint was abdominal discomfort, were evaluated. Of the 535 animals, the most affected breed was the Quarter Horses (69.3%) followed by the Mangalarga (6.9%); females (53.1%) were more prone to the development of the syndrome. Compaction (28.8%), gastritis (11.8%), followed by gas distension (10.3%) were the most frequent changes; the affected segments being the stomach (21.9%), major colon (17.2%), and small intestine (15.7%). Clinical treatment (64.7%) was the most instituted and in the outcome of the cases, the discharge (77.4%) prevailed. The study presents data that can support epidemiological research in the area, assisting in the identification of causal and predictive factors for the colic syndrome.(AU)

A síndrome cólica é uma afecção de grande importância na equideocultura, síndrome essa considerada de natureza complexa e multifatorial. Desta forma os estudos epidemiológicos vêm atuando para contribuir na identificação de fatores de risco no desenvolvimento da cólica. Este estudo avaliou a epidemiologia clínica da síndrome cólica de acordo com a raça, sexo, diagnóstico, segmento acometido, decisão terapêutica e desfecho dos casos atendidos no Hospital Veterinário “Dr Halim Atique”, interior de São Paulo. Foram avaliados os prontuários dos animais atendidos no período de janeiro de 2004 a julho de 2018, cuja queixa foi o desconforto abdominal. Dos 535 animais, a raça mais acometida foi a Quarto de Milha (69,3%) seguido do Mangalarga (6,9%); quanto ao sexo, fêmeas (53,1%) se mostraram mais propensas ao desenvolvimento da síndrome. Compactação (28,8%), gastrite (11,8%) seguidoda distensão por gás (10,3%) foram às alterações mais frequentes; sendo os segmentos acometidos, o estômago (21,9%), cólon maior (17,2%) e intestino delgado (15,7%). O tratamento clínico (64,7%) foi o mais instituído e no desfecho dos casos, a alta (77,4%) prevaleceu. O estudo apresenta dados que podem subsidiar pesquisas epidemiológicas na área auxiliando na identificação de fatores causais e preditivos para a síndrome cólica.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/anormalidades , Gastroenterologia , Abdome , Cólica/epidemiologia , Cólica/veterinária