In bridging the knowledge gap on stress physiology of Nigerian indigenous chickens, this study investigated the effect of exogenous corticosterone (eCORT) as stress inducing agent on the testicular function and mating behavior of Nigerian indigenous cocks. Twenty-four (24) cocks and one hundred and forty four (144) hens (mating ratio of 1 cock: 6 hens) were grouped into four and assigned to each of the four eCORT treatments (0, 2, 4 and 6 mgeCORT/KgBW) daily for 14 days. Semen samples were collected on days 0, 7 and 14 and analyzed for semen volume (SV), progressive sperm motility (PSM), membrane integrity (MI) and sperm abnormality (SA). Mating behaviors were monitored on days 3, 5 and 8. Blood samples, for hormonal (Luteinizing Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Testosterone (TEST) and stress analysis (heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, H/L) were collected from brachial vein on days 7 and 14. On day 15, cocks were euthanized and testes harvested for histomorphometry. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis, oneway ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests all in SPSS 23. Administration of 4 mgeCORT/KgBW declined (P0.05) influence on the mating behaviors, H/L ratio, FSH and TEST. However, 2 mgeCORT/KgBW enhanced LH levels. Administration of eCORT did not affect the testicular epithelial height and seminiferous tubular diameter. In conclusion, optimal stress induced by eCORT impaired semen quality but with less impact on reproductive hormones, H/L and mating behaviors of intensively raised Nigerian indigenous cocks.(AU)
Comportamento Sexual Animal , Testículo , Corticosterona , Galinhas , Análise do Sêmen , HormôniosResumo
As disfunções hormonais podem interagir com eixo hipotalamo-hipófise-gônadas (H/H/G) resultando em alteração da espermatogênese e impactando negativamente a fertilidade dos machos. As endocrinopatias na espécie canina são mais frequentes nas fêmeas e muitas vezes os sinais clínicos iniciais envolvem alopecias e alterações de peso, comportamento e de metabolismo. As disfunções hormonais comuns em cães machos incluem o hipotireoidismo, hiperplasia prostática benigna e os tumores testiculares. Cães idosos geralmente apresentam alterações hormonais dependentes da idade, mas a literatura é escassa e conflitante em relação a esta condição, assim o objetivo dessa revisão é informar e atualizar conceitos relacionados às disfunções hormonais que podem causar infertilidade em cães machos com vistas a ferramentas mais modernas de diagnósticos e avaliação seminal.(AU)
Hormonal dysfunctions may interact with hypothalamus, pituitary, gonads (H/H/G) axis resulting in altered spermatogenesis and negatively impacting male fertility. Endocrinopathies in the canine species are more frequent in females and often the initial clinical signs involve alopecia and changes in weight, behavior, and metabolism. Common hormonal dysfunctions in male dogs include hypothyroidism, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and testicular tumors. Older dogs usually present age- dependent hormonal changes, but the literature is scarce and conflicting regarding this condition, thus the aim of this review is to inform and update concepts related to hormonal dysfunctions that can cause infertility in male dogs with a view to more modern diagnostic tools and seminal evaluation.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Hiperplasia Prostática/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico , Cães/fisiologia , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/diagnóstico , Hipotireoidismo/diagnóstico , Próstata , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Infertilidade/veterináriaResumo
El objetivo de esta revision fue resaltar el comportamiento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina, IGF y GH) que actúan sobre el metabolismo energético de animals no rumiantes en estado de ayuno. Los procesos metabólicos están regulados por la disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendocrinos. Para comprender las vías metabólicas y su regulación hormonal en los diferentes tejidos, es necessário detener el metabolismo especializado en los diversos órganos y tejidos que integran el metabolismo energético en todo el cuerpo del animal. Así, se espera dilucidar la amplia gama de hormonas movilizadoras de energia y los mecanismos hormonales presentes en cada tejido, así como describer la interrelación entre insulin, glucagón y adrenalina en la coordinación del metabolismo energético de músculo, hígado y tejido adipose, debido a que cada tejido tiene sus propias características metabólicas, en general, la concentración de nutrientes en la sangre es controlada por el hígado, que a su vez se convierte en el órgano central para mantener la homeostasis de los principals nutrientes. El suministro de energia en el cuerpo durante el período de ayuno se debe a la degradación del glucógeno, la proteólisis muscular y la lipólisis que jugarán roles fisiológicos específicos para que las vías metabólicas tengan sus propias características...
The objective of this review was to emphasize the hormonal behavior (Insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, leptin, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenaline IGF and GH) acting on energy metabolism of non-ruminant animals on the fasting state. Metabolic processes are regulated by the availability of substrate, by neuroendocrine mechanisms. To understand the metabolic pathways and their hormonal regulation on the different tissues, it is necessary to stop to the specialized metabolism on the various organs and tissues that integrate the energy metabolism in the whole organism of the animal. Thus it is expected to elucidate the broad range of energy mobilization hormones and the hormonal mechanisms present in each tissue, as well as to describe the interrelationship between insulin, glucagon and adrenaline in the coordination of energetic metabolism of muscle, liver and tissue Because each tissue has its own metabolic characteristics, in general, the concentration of nutrients in the blood is controlled by the liver, which in turn becomes the central organ of the maintenance of the homeostasis of the main nutrients. The energy supply in the body during the fasting period is due to the degradation of glycogen, muscular proteolysis and lipolysis that will play specific physiological roles so that the metabolic pathways have their own characteristics, the release of the hormones being regulated by...
Objetivou-se com está revisão ressaltar o comportamento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina IGF e GH) atuantes no metabolismo energético de animais não ruminantes sobre o estado de jejum. Os processos metabólicos são regulados pela disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendócrinos. Para entender as vias metabólicas e sua regulação hormonal sobre os diferentes tecidos, faz-se necessário deter-se ao metabolismo especializado sobre os vários órgãos e tecidos que integram o metabolismo energético em todo o organismo do animal. Assim espera-se elucidar o amplo alcance dos hormônios de mobilização de energia e os mecanismos hormonais presente em cada tecido, como também descrever a inter-relação entre a insulina, o glucagon e a adrenalina na coordenação do metabolismo energético do músculo, fígado e tecido adiposo, pois cada tecido tem características metabólicas própria, de um modo geral, a concentração dos nutrientes no sangue é controlada pelo fígado, que por sua vez, torna-se o órgão central da manutenção da homeostasia dos principais nutrientes. O aporte energético no organismo durante o período de jejum se dá pela degradação de glicogênio, a proteólise muscular e lipólise que vão desempenhar papéis fisiológicos específicos para que as vias metabólicas tenham características próprias, sendo a liberação dos hormônios regulada...
Animais , Hormônios/análise , Jejum/metabolismo , Metabolismo Energético , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Epinefrina , Glucagon , Grelina , Hidrocortisona , Insulina , Leptina , Tiroxina , Tri-IodotironinaResumo
El objetivo de esta revision fue resaltar el comportamiento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina, IGF y GH) que actúan sobre el metabolismo energético de animals no rumiantes en estado de ayuno. Los procesos metabólicos están regulados por la disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendocrinos. Para comprender las vías metabólicas y su regulación hormonal en los diferentes tejidos, es necessário detener el metabolismo especializado en los diversos órganos y tejidos que integran el metabolismo energético en todo el cuerpo del animal. Así, se espera dilucidar la amplia gama de hormonas movilizadoras de energia y los mecanismos hormonales presentes en cada tejido, así como describer la interrelación entre insulin, glucagón y adrenalina en la coordinación del metabolismo energético de músculo, hígado y tejido adipose, debido a que cada tejido tiene sus propias características metabólicas, en general, la concentración de nutrientes en la sangre es controlada por el hígado, que a su vez se convierte en el órgano central para mantener la homeostasis de los principals nutrientes. El suministro de energia en el cuerpo durante el período de ayuno se debe a la degradación del glucógeno, la proteólisis muscular y la lipólisis que jugarán roles fisiológicos específicos para que las vías metabólicas tengan sus propias características...(AU)
The objective of this review was to emphasize the hormonal behavior (Insulin, glucagon, ghrelin, leptin, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenaline IGF and GH) acting on energy metabolism of non-ruminant animals on the fasting state. Metabolic processes are regulated by the availability of substrate, by neuroendocrine mechanisms. To understand the metabolic pathways and their hormonal regulation on the different tissues, it is necessary to stop to the specialized metabolism on the various organs and tissues that integrate the energy metabolism in the whole organism of the animal. Thus it is expected to elucidate the broad range of energy mobilization hormones and the hormonal mechanisms present in each tissue, as well as to describe the interrelationship between insulin, glucagon and adrenaline in the coordination of energetic metabolism of muscle, liver and tissue Because each tissue has its own metabolic characteristics, in general, the concentration of nutrients in the blood is controlled by the liver, which in turn becomes the central organ of the maintenance of the homeostasis of the main nutrients. The energy supply in the body during the fasting period is due to the degradation of glycogen, muscular proteolysis and lipolysis that will play specific physiological roles so that the metabolic pathways have their own characteristics, the release of the hormones being regulated by...(AU)
Objetivou-se com está revisão ressaltar o comportamento hormonal (insulina, glucagon, grelina, leptina, T3, T4, cortisol, adrenalina IGF e GH) atuantes no metabolismo energético de animais não ruminantes sobre o estado de jejum. Os processos metabólicos são regulados pela disponibilidade de substrato, por mecanismos neuroendócrinos. Para entender as vias metabólicas e sua regulação hormonal sobre os diferentes tecidos, faz-se necessário deter-se ao metabolismo especializado sobre os vários órgãos e tecidos que integram o metabolismo energético em todo o organismo do animal. Assim espera-se elucidar o amplo alcance dos hormônios de mobilização de energia e os mecanismos hormonais presente em cada tecido, como também descrever a inter-relação entre a insulina, o glucagon e a adrenalina na coordenação do metabolismo energético do músculo, fígado e tecido adiposo, pois cada tecido tem características metabólicas própria, de um modo geral, a concentração dos nutrientes no sangue é controlada pelo fígado, que por sua vez, torna-se o órgão central da manutenção da homeostasia dos principais nutrientes. O aporte energético no organismo durante o período de jejum se dá pela degradação de glicogênio, a proteólise muscular e lipólise que vão desempenhar papéis fisiológicos específicos para que as vias metabólicas tenham características próprias, sendo a liberação dos hormônios regulada...(AU)
Animais , Jejum/metabolismo , Hormônios/análise , Metabolismo Energético , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Insulina , Glucagon , Grelina , Leptina , Hidrocortisona , Epinefrina , Tri-Iodotironina , TiroxinaResumo
Myomorphic and hystricomorphic rodents are vital for maintaining various ecosystems around the planet. This review enables a better understanding of how these rodents respond to environmental factors and adapt to climate adversities. Innumerable factors, such as photoperiod, rainfall, and temperature, can impair or contribute to the quality of rodent reproductive parameters. Prolonged animal exposure to high ambient temperatures alters thermoregulation mechanisms and causes testicular and ovarian tissue degeneration and hormonal deregulation. Photoperiod influences the biological circannual rhythm and reproductive cycles of rodents because it strongly regulates melatonin secretion by the pineal gland, which modulates gonadotropic hormone secretion. Rainfall quantity directly regulates the abundance of fruits in an ecosystem, which modulates the reproductive seasonality of species which are most dependent on a seasonal fruit-based diet. Species with a more diversified fruit diet have smaller reproductive seasonality. As such, habitats are chosen by animals for various reasons, including the availability of food, sexual partners, intra-and inter-specific competition, and predation. This knowledge allows us to monitor and establish management plans to aid in conservation strategies for wild rodent species.(AU)
Animais , Roedores/anatomia & histologia , Roedores/fisiologia , Fatores Biológicos , Comportamento Reprodutivo/fisiologiaResumo
There is still a lack of information on estrus synchronization in goats. Understanding the estrus synchronization protocols and the subsequent effects is important to improve the efficiency of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) and subsequently would improve the breeding procedures. This study will help in determining the most suitable estrus synchronization protocol and understand better the effect on the sexual behaviour and hormonal effects in goats. A total of 127 Boer does were used and divided into three groups with different duration of CIDR insertion intravaginally either for 14 (two groups) or 9 days (one group). Approximately 0.5 ml Estrumate® (PG) was administered intramuscularly to all groups at CIDR removal, and only groups PMSG14 and PMSG9 were administered with 200IU of Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) intramuscularly. Estrus signs were observed at 4 h intervals and blood samples were collected for progesterone and luteinizing hormone determination. The percentage of does in estrus within 24 to 72 h post CIDR removal was significantly higher (P0.05) in all groups. The time of the LH peak in the group without the PMSG was significantly delayed (P
Feminino , Animais , Cabras , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Sincronização do Estro , Técnicas de Reprodução AssistidaResumo
There is still a lack of information on estrus synchronization in goats. Understanding the estrus synchronization protocols and the subsequent effects is important to improve the efficiency of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) and subsequently would improve the breeding procedures. This study will help in determining the most suitable estrus synchronization protocol and understand better the effect on the sexual behaviour and hormonal effects in goats. A total of 127 Boer does were used and divided into three groups with different duration of CIDR insertion intravaginally either for 14 (two groups) or 9 days (one group). Approximately 0.5 ml Estrumate® (PG) was administered intramuscularly to all groups at CIDR removal, and only groups PMSG14 and PMSG9 were administered with 200IU of Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG) intramuscularly. Estrus signs were observed at 4 h intervals and blood samples were collected for progesterone and luteinizing hormone determination. The percentage of does in estrus within 24 to 72 h post CIDR removal was significantly higher (P0.05) in all groups. The time of the LH peak in the group without the PMSG was significantly delayed (P(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Sincronização do Estro , Técnicas de Reprodução AssistidaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different hormonal protocols on the reproductive performance of Santa Inês ewes in Amazon environmental conditions. Twenty-two Santa Inês ewes between 3 and 4 years-old were distributed in a randomized block experimental design, where the treatments consisted of two protocols for estrus synchronization (short and long) with eleven animals each. Data on the occurrence of estrus were described for each protocol. Data of estrus, pregnancy, and prolificity were firstly subjected to ANOVA and a subsequent Tukeys test. Results were considered significant at p 0.05. The short-term protocol presented an interesting successful rate, where above 70% ewes tested had estrus. The long-term protocol also achieved a high successful rate, where above 80% ewes tested had estrus. However, comparing the protocols, the long-term protocol presented better results of positive estrus and pregnancy rates in ewes. Thus, it can be concluded that both protocols presented satisfactory results regarding estrus manifestation, and prolificity (lambs produced per ewe). However, under Amazon environmental conditions, the long-term protocol presented better results regarding positive manifestation of estrus and pregnancy rate.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ovinos/embriologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Comportamento Reprodutivo , PrenhezResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different hormonal protocols on the reproductive performance of Santa Inês ewes in Amazon environmental conditions. Twenty-two Santa Inês ewes between 3 and 4 years-old were distributed in a randomized block experimental design, where the treatments consisted of two protocols for estrus synchronization (short and long) with eleven animals each. Data on the occurrence of estrus were described for each protocol. Data of estrus, pregnancy, and prolificity were firstly subjected to ANOVA and a subsequent Tukeys test. Results were considered significant at p 0.05. The short-term protocol presented an interesting successful rate, where above 70% ewes tested had estrus. The long-term protocol also achieved a high successful rate, where above 80% ewes tested had estrus. However, comparing the protocols, the long-term protocol presented better results of positive estrus and pregnancy rates in ewes. Thus, it can be concluded that both protocols presented satisfactory results regarding estrus manifestation, and prolificity (lambs produced per ewe). However, under Amazon environmental conditions, the long-term protocol presented better results regarding positive manifestation of estrus and pregnancy rate.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Ovinos/embriologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , PrenhezResumo
In the present work, we sought to determine the effects of an individual application of prenatal stress and postnatal stress and their combination on the anxious and locomotor behavior of first-time mother rats. Indeed, three batches of rats were exposed to three types of daily repeated stress: one batch exposed to prenatal restraint stress (SC): 01h a day from day 11 to day 19 of gestation, one batch exposed to postnatal mother prenatal stress (SS): 03h a day from the third to the fourteenth postnatal day (JPN), and one batch exposed to combined restraint stress: 01h from day 11 to day 19 of gestation followed by a postnatal mother separation of 03h a day from the third to fourteenth JPN (CSS); a fourth control batch (T) of female rats that did not undergo any type of stress was also part of our study. At postnatal days 15 and 20, the behavior of the female rats in the four batches was assessed using the Open field Test along with the Plus Maze, and at JPN 30, the female rats were decapitated, the blood of which was collected for plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) level evaluation. Our findings show that all studied behaviors were very highly affected relative to the results of the control batch after individually applying prenatal restraint stress and mother separation. We noticed an intensified anxious behavior in CSS with a significant increase in plasma levels of ACTH.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gravidez , Ratos , Comportamento Animal , Transtornos Relacionados a Trauma e Fatores de Estresse/sangue , Prenhez/psicologia , Ratos WistarResumo
In the present work, we sought to determine the effects of an individual application of prenatal stress and postnatal stress and their combination on the anxious and locomotor behavior of first-time mother rats. Indeed, three batches of rats were exposed to three types of daily repeated stress: one batch exposed to prenatal restraint stress (SC): 01h a day from day 11 to day 19 of gestation, one batch exposed to postnatal mother prenatal stress (SS): 03h a day from the third to the fourteenth postnatal day (JPN), and one batch exposed to combined restraint stress: 01h from day 11 to day 19 of gestation followed by a postnatal mother separation of 03h a day from the third to fourteenth JPN (CSS); a fourth control batch (T) of female rats that did not undergo any type of stress was also part of our study. At postnatal days 15 and 20, the behavior of the female rats in the four batches was assessed using the Open field Test along with the Plus Maze, and at JPN 30, the female rats were decapitated, the blood of which was collected for plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) level evaluation. Our findings show that all studied behaviors were very highly affected relative to the results of the control batch after individually applying prenatal restraint stress and mother separation. We noticed an intensified anxious behavior in CSS with a significant increase in plasma levels of ACTH.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Ratos , Comportamento Animal , Prenhez/psicologia , Transtornos Relacionados a Trauma e Fatores de Estresse/sangue , Ratos WistarResumo
Canine prostate gland is a hormonal dependent organ and its imbalance of estrogen and androgen receptor expressions are directly associated with the development of different diseases. Due to the lack of information regarding the behavior of the aforementioned receptors in canine prostate cancer (PC), this study aimed to identify estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), androgen receptor (AR), Ki67 and phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) protein expressions in canine PC by immunohistochemistry. We found nuclear expression of ERα and AR in the epithelial cells of normal canine samples and a loss of protein expression in PC samples. Normal samples showed Ki67 expression in a few basal cells and the PC samples showed the highest mean of positive cells (253.1). Canine prostate cancer showed a high proliferative index, which was associated with independence of hormonal actuation. PTEN showed positive nuclear and cytoplasmic expression in normal canine samples and a loss in PC. Loss of ERα, AR and PTEN indicated that canine PC exhibits the same immunohistochemical phenotype as in human patients with PC resistant to hormonal therapy. Therefore, canine PC should be considered as a model to study human PC resistant to hormonal therapy.(AU)
A glândula prostática canina é um órgão dependente de hormônio, e o desequilíbrio na expressão dos receptores de estrógeno e andrógeno estão diretamente associados com o desenvolvimento de diferentes doenças. Devido à falta de informação sobre o comportamento desses receptores no câncer prostático canino (PC), este estudo tem por objetivo identificar a expressão proteica através da técnica de imuno-histoquímica do receptor de estrógeno alfa (REα), receptor de andrógeno (RA), Ki67 e fosfatase e tensina homóloga (PTEN). Foi encontrado nas células epiteliais prostáticas normais caninas a expressão nuclear de REα e RA, e perda de expressão proteica nas amostras de PC. As amostras normais apresentaram expressão de Ki67 em poucas células basais e as amostras de PC apresentaram a maior média de células positivas (253,1). O câncer de próstata canino apresentou uma taxa alta de proliferação, o qual foi associado com a atuação independente de hormônio. As amostras de próstatas caninas normais revelaram marcação nuclear e citoplasmática da proteína PTEN e perda nas amostras de PC. A perda de REα, RA e PTEN indicam que as amostras de PC exibem o mesmo fenótipo imuno-histoquímico de pacientes humanos com câncer prostático resistente a terapia hormonal. Sendo assim, o PC canino deve ser considerado um modelo para estudos de câncer prostático humano resistente a terapia hormonal.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Próstata/patologia , Hiperplasia Prostática/veterinária , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Neoplasia Prostática Intraepitelial/veterinária , Cães , Receptores Androgênicos , Receptores Citoplasmáticos e Nucleares , Receptor alfa de Estrogênio , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Neoplasias de Próstata Resistentes à Castração/veterináriaResumo
Canine prostate gland is a hormonal dependent organ and its imbalance of estrogen and androgen receptor expressions are directly associated with the development of different diseases. Due to the lack of information regarding the behavior of the aforementioned receptors in canine prostate cancer (PC), this study aimed to identify estrogen receptor alpha (ERα), androgen receptor (AR), Ki67 and phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) protein expressions in canine PC by immunohistochemistry. We found nuclear expression of ERα and AR in the epithelial cells of normal canine samples and a loss of protein expression in PC samples. Normal samples showed Ki67 expression in a few basal cells and the PC samples showed the highest mean of positive cells (253.1). Canine prostate cancer showed a high proliferative index, which was associated with independence of hormonal actuation. PTEN showed positive nuclear and cytoplasmic expression in normal canine samples and a loss in PC. Loss of ERα, AR and PTEN indicated that canine PC exhibits the same immunohistochemical phenotype as in human patients with PC resistant to hormonal therapy. Therefore, canine PC should be considered as a model to study human PC resistant to hormonal therapy.(AU)
A glândula prostática canina é um órgão dependente de hormônio, e o desequilíbrio na expressão dos receptores de estrógeno e andrógeno estão diretamente associados com o desenvolvimento de diferentes doenças. Devido à falta de informação sobre o comportamento desses receptores no câncer prostático canino (PC), este estudo tem por objetivo identificar a expressão proteica através da técnica de imuno-histoquímica do receptor de estrógeno alfa (REα), receptor de andrógeno (RA), Ki67 e fosfatase e tensina homóloga (PTEN). Foi encontrado nas células epiteliais prostáticas normais caninas a expressão nuclear de REα e RA, e perda de expressão proteica nas amostras de PC. As amostras normais apresentaram expressão de Ki67 em poucas células basais e as amostras de PC apresentaram a maior média de células positivas (253,1). O câncer de próstata canino apresentou uma taxa alta de proliferação, o qual foi associado com a atuação independente de hormônio. As amostras de próstatas caninas normais revelaram marcação nuclear e citoplasmática da proteína PTEN e perda nas amostras de PC. A perda de REα, RA e PTEN indicam que as amostras de PC exibem o mesmo fenótipo imuno-histoquímico de pacientes humanos com câncer prostático resistente a terapia hormonal. Sendo assim, o PC canino deve ser considerado um modelo para estudos de câncer prostático humano resistente a terapia hormonal.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Próstata/patologia , Hiperplasia Prostática/veterinária , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Neoplasia Prostática Intraepitelial/veterinária , Cães , Receptores Androgênicos , Receptores Citoplasmáticos e Nucleares , Receptor alfa de Estrogênio , Modelos Animais de Doenças , Neoplasias de Próstata Resistentes à Castração/veterináriaResumo
Avaliou-se a eficiência da administração de subdoses de eCG nos acupontos Bai Hui e Hou Hai em protocolos de sincronização de estro em cabras. Na primeira etapa, 57 cabras foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos: T1- 300UI de eCG intramuscular (IM); T2- 60UI de eCG no acuponto Hou Hai; T3- 60UI de eCG no acuponto Bai Hui e T4- 60UI de eCG IM; e na segunda etapa, 28 cabras foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em três tratamentos: T1- 300UI de eCG IM; T2- 30UI de eCG no acuponto Bai Hui e T3- 30UI de eCG IM. Ao final do tratamento hormonal, as cabras foram monitoradas para detecção do estro, realização das coberturas e avaliação do comportamento reprodutivo. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de normalidade, seguida dos testes estatísticos adequados para cada variável. Na primeira etapa experimental, obteve-se maior duração de estro nas cabras do T1 (P=0,009). Na segunda etapa experimental, obteve-se maior número de animais em estros no T1 (P=0,03). As demais variáveis para ambas as etapas não sofreram influência dos tratamentos (P>0,05), demonstrando que a administração de subdoses de eCG nos acupontos Bai Hui e Hou Hai foi eficiente para sincronizar o estro.(AU)
The efficiency of administration of subdoses of eCG in the Bai Hui and Hou Hai acupoints in oestrus synchronization protocols in goats was evaluated. In the first stage, 57 goats were randomly assigned to four treatments: T1- 300UI of intramuscular eCG (IM); T2- 60UI of eCG in acupoint Hou Hai; T3- 60UI of eCG in the Bai Hui acupoint and T4- 60UI of eCG IM; and in the second stage, 28 goats were randomly assigned to three treatments: T1-300UI of eCG IM; T2-30UI of eCG in the Bai Hui acupoint and T3- 30UI of eCG IM. At the end of the hormonal treatment the goats were monitored for estrus detection, and evaluation of reproductive behavior. The data were submitted to normality analysis, followed by appropriate statistical tests for each variable. In the first experimental stage, a longer duration of estrus in the T1 goats (P= 0.009) was obtained. In the second experimental stage, a greater number of animals were obtained in estrus at T1 (P= 0.03). The other variables for both experiments were not influenced by the treatments (P> 0.05), demonstrating that administration of eCG subdoses in the Bai Hui and Hou Hai acupoints was efficient to synchronize the estrus.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Gonadotropinas Equinas/administração & dosagem , Ciclo EstralResumo
Avaliou-se a eficiência da administração de subdoses de eCG nos acupontos Bai Hui e Hou Hai em protocolos de sincronização de estro em cabras. Na primeira etapa, 57 cabras foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro tratamentos: T1- 300UI de eCG intramuscular (IM); T2- 60UI de eCG no acuponto Hou Hai; T3- 60UI de eCG no acuponto Bai Hui e T4- 60UI de eCG IM; e na segunda etapa, 28 cabras foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em três tratamentos: T1- 300UI de eCG IM; T2- 30UI de eCG no acuponto Bai Hui e T3- 30UI de eCG IM. Ao final do tratamento hormonal, as cabras foram monitoradas para detecção do estro, realização das coberturas e avaliação do comportamento reprodutivo. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de normalidade, seguida dos testes estatísticos adequados para cada variável. Na primeira etapa experimental, obteve-se maior duração de estro nas cabras do T1 (P=0,009). Na segunda etapa experimental, obteve-se maior número de animais em estros no T1 (P=0,03). As demais variáveis para ambas as etapas não sofreram influência dos tratamentos (P>0,05), demonstrando que a administração de subdoses de eCG nos acupontos Bai Hui e Hou Hai foi eficiente para sincronizar o estro.(AU)
The efficiency of administration of subdoses of eCG in the Bai Hui and Hou Hai acupoints in oestrus synchronization protocols in goats was evaluated. In the first stage, 57 goats were randomly assigned to four treatments: T1- 300UI of intramuscular eCG (IM); T2- 60UI of eCG in acupoint Hou Hai; T3- 60UI of eCG in the Bai Hui acupoint and T4- 60UI of eCG IM; and in the second stage, 28 goats were randomly assigned to three treatments: T1-300UI of eCG IM; T2-30UI of eCG in the Bai Hui acupoint and T3- 30UI of eCG IM. At the end of the hormonal treatment the goats were monitored for estrus detection, and evaluation of reproductive behavior. The data were submitted to normality analysis, followed by appropriate statistical tests for each variable. In the first experimental stage, a longer duration of estrus in the T1 goats (P= 0.009) was obtained. In the second experimental stage, a greater number of animals were obtained in estrus at T1 (P= 0.03). The other variables for both experiments were not influenced by the treatments (P> 0.05), demonstrating that administration of eCG subdoses in the Bai Hui and Hou Hai acupoints was efficient to synchronize the estrus.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Gonadotropinas Equinas/administração & dosagem , Ciclo EstralResumo
Distress can be defined as a biological response of an individual to long-term threats to its homeostasis and it should be avoided from an animal welfare perspective. High levels of stress hormones and the expression of abnormal behaviours are responses normally observed in distressed animals. Captive environments can provoke distress, especially when inappropriate stimuli are provided to the animals. The concomitant use of behavioural and non-invasive hormonal measures is a means to evaluate captive animal welfare. Environmental enrichment is a tool that can reduce distress and minimize the expression of abnormal behaviour in captive animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate greater rheas responses (behavioral and hormonal) to food-based enrichment. Three birds from the Belo Horizonte Zoo, Brazil were studied. The study was divided into three phases (baseline, enrichment and post-enrichment): fruits scattered around the birds enclosure were used as enrichment. Behaviour and faecal sampling were undertaken in all phases of the study. Abnormal behaviours and faecal glucocorticoid metabolites (GCM) levels showed significant reduction during the environmental enrichment phase, and a significative positive correlation between GCM production and abnormal pacing was observed. From the results of this study, we conclude that the use of food as environmental enrichment should be encouraged because of its positive effects on animal welfare. Besides, studies with larger groups of greater rheas, with individuals of both sexes, should also be encouraged to evaluate if the results found in this pilot study are consistent and can be generalized to the species.
Masculino , Animais , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/métodos , Dieta/veterinária , Estresse Psicológico , Reiformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reiformes/fisiologia , Animais de Zoológico , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Distress can be defined as a biological response of an individual to long-term threats to its homeostasis and it should be avoided from an animal welfare perspective. High levels of stress hormones and the expression of abnormal behaviours are responses normally observed in distressed animals. Captive environments can provoke distress, especially when inappropriate stimuli are provided to the animals. The concomitant use of behavioural and non-invasive hormonal measures is a means to evaluate captive animal welfare. Environmental enrichment is a tool that can reduce distress and minimize the expression of abnormal behaviour in captive animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate greater rheas responses (behavioral and hormonal) to food-based enrichment. Three birds from the Belo Horizonte Zoo, Brazil were studied. The study was divided into three phases (baseline, enrichment and post-enrichment): fruits scattered around the birds enclosure were used as enrichment. Behaviour and faecal sampling were undertaken in all phases of the study. Abnormal behaviours and faecal glucocorticoid metabolites (GCM) levels showed significant reduction during the environmental enrichment phase, and a significative positive correlation between GCM production and abnormal pacing was observed. From the results of this study, we conclude that the use of food as environmental enrichment should be encouraged because of its positive effects on animal welfare. Besides, studies with larger groups of greater rheas, with individuals of both sexes, should also be encouraged to evaluate if the results found in this pilot study are consistent and can be generalized to the species.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Reiformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Reiformes/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Estresse Psicológico , Dieta/métodos , Dieta/veterinária , Bem-Estar do Animal , Animais de ZoológicoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of delivering reduced doses of hormones via the Bai Hui acupoint in estrus synchronization in goats. A total of 40 goats received intravaginal sponges with medroxyprogesterone acetate for 7 days. The goats were then randomly distributed into 5 treatment: T1 - application of 132.5 μg of cloprostenol and 300 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), both by intramuscular injection (IM); T2 - application of 39.75 μg cloprostenol at the Bai Hui acupoint, and 300 IU of eCG by IM; T3 - application of 132.5 μg of cloprostenol by IM, and 90 IU of eCG at the Bai Hui acupoint; T4 - application of 39.75μg of cloprostenol and 90 UI of eCG, both in Bai Hui and T5 acupuncture: application of 39.75μg of cloprostenol and 90 UI of eCG, both applied in false acupoint. The goats were subjected to an estrus synchronization protocol and monitored for estrus detection, coverage and evaluation of reproductive parameters to detect entry into estrus. The data were subjected to normality tests, followed by appropriate statistical analyses of each variable. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the percentage of animals in estrus (95.00 ± 11.18%), interval between sponge removal and beginning of estrus (49.72 ± 8.93 h), interval between sponge removal and end of estrus (76.84 ± 11.98 h), duration of estrus (27.08 ± 8.68 h), size of the largest follicle (6.82 ± 0.44 mm), interval between sponge removal and ovulation (78.28 ± 10.82 h), time from ovarian onset to estrus (28.52 ± 5.44 h), follicular growth rate (0.86 ± 0.29 mm/day), number of ovulations (1.32 ± 0.23), plasma progesterone concentration at 7 days after ovulation (10.28 ± 1.65 ng.mL-1), and gestation rate at 30 days after the beginning of estrus (75 ± 12.5%). However, the cost of the synchronization protocol per animal was 43.42% lower in treatments 4 and 5 (30% of the doses) than in treatment 1 (100% of the dose)...(AU)
O objetivo com o estudo foi avaliar a utilização de subdoses hormonais aplicadas no acuponto Bai Hui em protocolos de sincronização de estro em cabras. Foram utilizadas 40 cabras, as quais receberam esponjas intravaginais com acetato de medroxiprogesterona durante 7 dias, quando foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em 5 tratamentos: T1: aplicação de 132,5μg de cloprostenol e 300UI de eCG, ambos por via intramuscular (IM); T2: aplicação de 39,75μg de cloprostenol no acuponto Bai Hui e 300UI de eCG IM; T3: aplicação de 132,5μg de cloprostenol IM e 90UI de eCG no acuponto Bai Hui; T4: aplicação de 39,75μg de cloprostenol e 90UI de eCG, ambos no acuponto Bai Hui e T5: aplicação de 39,75μg de cloprostenol e 90UI de eCG, ambos aplicados em falso acuponto. As cabras foram submetidas à protocolo de sincronização de estro e monitoradas para detecção de estro, realização das coberturas e avaliação dos parâmetros reprodutivos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de normalidade, seguido dos testes estatísticos adequados para cada variável. Não obteve-se diferença (p > 0,05) para porcentagem de animais em estro (95,00 ± 11,18%), intervalo da retirada da esponja ao início do estro (49,72 ± 8,93h), intervalo da retirada da esponja ao final do estro (76,84 ± 11,98h), duração do estro (27,08 ± 8,68h), tamanho do maior folículo (6,82 ± 0,44mm), intervalo da retirada da esponja à ovulação (78,28 ± 10,82h), intervalo do início do estro à ovulação (28,52 ± 5,44h), taxa de crescimento folicular (0,86 ± 0,29mm/dia), número de ovulações (1,32 ± 0,23), concentração de progesterona plasmática aos 7 dias após ovulação (10,28 ± 1,65ng.mL-1) e para taxa de gestação aos 30 dias (75 ± 12,5%). Porém, o custo do protocolo de sincronização por animal foi 43,42% menor para os tratamentos T4 e T5 (30% da dose) comparado com o T1 (100% da dose)...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras/embriologia , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Terapia por Acupuntura/métodos , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Cruzamento/métodos , Sincronização do Estro/métodosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of delivering reduced doses of hormones via the Bai Hui acupoint in estrus synchronization in goats. A total of 40 goats received intravaginal sponges with medroxyprogesterone acetate for 7 days. The goats were then randomly distributed into 5 treatment: T1 - application of 132.5 μg of cloprostenol and 300 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), both by intramuscular injection (IM); T2 - application of 39.75 μg cloprostenol at the Bai Hui acupoint, and 300 IU of eCG by IM; T3 - application of 132.5 μg of cloprostenol by IM, and 90 IU of eCG at the Bai Hui acupoint; T4 - application of 39.75μg of cloprostenol and 90 UI of eCG, both in Bai Hui and T5 acupuncture: application of 39.75μg of cloprostenol and 90 UI of eCG, both applied in false acupoint. The goats were subjected to an estrus synchronization protocol and monitored for estrus detection, coverage and evaluation of reproductive parameters to detect entry into estrus. The data were subjected to normality tests, followed by appropriate statistical analyses of each variable. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the percentage of animals in estrus (95.00 ± 11.18%), interval between sponge removal and beginning of estrus (49.72 ± 8.93 h), interval between sponge removal and end of estrus (76.84 ± 11.98 h), duration of estrus (27.08 ± 8.68 h), size of the largest follicle (6.82 ± 0.44 mm), interval between sponge removal and ovulation (78.28 ± 10.82 h), time from ovarian onset to estrus (28.52 ± 5.44 h), follicular growth rate (0.86 ± 0.29 mm/day), number of ovulations (1.32 ± 0.23), plasma progesterone concentration at 7 days after ovulation (10.28 ± 1.65 ng.mL-1), and gestation rate at 30 days after the beginning of estrus (75 ± 12.5%). However, the cost of the synchronization protocol per animal was 43.42% lower in treatments 4 and 5 (30% of the doses) than in treatment 1 (100% of the dose)...
O objetivo com o estudo foi avaliar a utilização de subdoses hormonais aplicadas no acuponto Bai Hui em protocolos de sincronização de estro em cabras. Foram utilizadas 40 cabras, as quais receberam esponjas intravaginais com acetato de medroxiprogesterona durante 7 dias, quando foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em 5 tratamentos: T1: aplicação de 132,5μg de cloprostenol e 300UI de eCG, ambos por via intramuscular (IM); T2: aplicação de 39,75μg de cloprostenol no acuponto Bai Hui e 300UI de eCG IM; T3: aplicação de 132,5μg de cloprostenol IM e 90UI de eCG no acuponto Bai Hui; T4: aplicação de 39,75μg de cloprostenol e 90UI de eCG, ambos no acuponto Bai Hui e T5: aplicação de 39,75μg de cloprostenol e 90UI de eCG, ambos aplicados em falso acuponto. As cabras foram submetidas à protocolo de sincronização de estro e monitoradas para detecção de estro, realização das coberturas e avaliação dos parâmetros reprodutivos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de normalidade, seguido dos testes estatísticos adequados para cada variável. Não obteve-se diferença (p > 0,05) para porcentagem de animais em estro (95,00 ± 11,18%), intervalo da retirada da esponja ao início do estro (49,72 ± 8,93h), intervalo da retirada da esponja ao final do estro (76,84 ± 11,98h), duração do estro (27,08 ± 8,68h), tamanho do maior folículo (6,82 ± 0,44mm), intervalo da retirada da esponja à ovulação (78,28 ± 10,82h), intervalo do início do estro à ovulação (28,52 ± 5,44h), taxa de crescimento folicular (0,86 ± 0,29mm/dia), número de ovulações (1,32 ± 0,23), concentração de progesterona plasmática aos 7 dias após ovulação (10,28 ± 1,65ng.mL-1) e para taxa de gestação aos 30 dias (75 ± 12,5%). Porém, o custo do protocolo de sincronização por animal foi 43,42% menor para os tratamentos T4 e T5 (30% da dose) comparado com o T1 (100% da dose)...
Feminino , Animais , Cabras/embriologia , Cruzamento/métodos , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Terapia por Acupuntura/métodos , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterináriaResumo
Research concerning to characterize seasonal reproductive cycle in males and females of Crotalus durissus terrificus by ultrasound and hormonal measurement. Reproductive aspects (follicular and testicular cycles, and pregnancy) from 28 adult snakes (14 males and 14 females) during different months of the years were studied. Snakes housed individually in cages in an environment with controlled luminosity and humidity, and fed monthly. Females were examined by ultrasound during quiescence and active follicular phase, and pregnancy for follicular and embryo/fetal development. Males were evaluated to testicular echotexture and measurements during reproductive and non-reproductive season. The blood samples were collected from males and females for serum testosterone and progesterone determination, respectively. In 77% males the testes were identified by ultrasound and found increased size during summer, decreased serum testosterone in winter, and positive correlation between serum testosterone and testes size. There was no change in testicular echotexture in according to season. Testosterone concentration was decreased during winter and it was positively correlated with testes size. In 71% females, were observed follicular development (vitellogenesis) and gestation since winter to spring by ultrasonography. Parturition occurred mainly in summer. Pregnancy length was 123.0 ± 11.4 days, with mean 6.9 ± 1.5 newborns/female, and there was gradual increase of serum progesterone during this period. There was no variation in progesterone concentration in nongravid females. Males and females Tropical Rattlesnake show seasonal variation of reproductive cycle and was clear a biennial cycle in female. The ultrasonography can be considered an essential tool to accomplish the follicular development, pregnancy and testicular alterations in Tropical Rattlesnake.(AU)