ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of either a limited forage intake or concentrate supplementation prior to the adaptation to high-concentrate diets on dry matter intake, ruminal pH, bacteria, and protozoa of Nellore cattle. The experiment was designed as a two 3×3 Latin square, and six cannulated Nellore steers were used. Each experimental period was composed by three feeding phases: pre-adaptation (14 days), adaptation (12 days), and finishing (seven days) diet, in a total of 33 days per period. The steers were assigned to one of three pre-adaptation dietary treatments: control (Tifton hay fed ad libitum + mineral supplement), restriction (Tifton hay fed at 1.4% of BW + mineral supplement), and concentrate (Tifton hay fed ad libitum + 0.5% of BW of a mix of concentrate feedstuffs and mineral supplement). The adaptation period consisted of two adaptation diets, which contained 72 and 79% concentrate for six days each. The finishing diet contained 86% concentrate. During the pre-adaptation phase, restricted cattle had higher pH than concentrate-fed cattle. There was a reduction in M. elsdenii relative population in cattle from either restriction or concentrate groups. During adaptation and finishing phases, cattle from concentrate group had smaller F. succinogenes populations compared with the control group. The previous nutritional backgrounds impact ruminal microbiota during adaptation and finishing phases without causing any negative effect on ruminal pH. Feeding concentrate prior to the adaptation positively impacted the transition to high-concentrate diets and promoted increased dry matter intake.
This study aimed to evaluate methane emission, milk yield and behavior of ewes kept exclusively on irrigated pasture of Tifton 85 grass (Cynodon spp.) or supplemented with ground corn or whole cottonseed (WCS) based concentrates. Twelve Lacaune x Santa Ines ewes (43.07±0.83 kg of body weight, 77±24 days after parturition, on average) were distributed in replicated 3x3 Latin square. Treatments consisted of three diets: pasture (no concentrate supplementation); corn (pasture + corn-based supplement); whole cottonseed (pasture + whole cottonseed-based supplement), offering 0.5 kg/ewe/day. The WCS group showed the highest concentrate dry matter intake (DMI) (p=0.049) and crude protein (CP) intake (p=0.001) compared to the others. There was no difference on total DMI (p=0.115) for the tested diets. Animals exclusively kept on pasture had the greatest forage DMI (p=0.004), lowest CP digestibility (p=0.015), showed longer grazing time (p=0.01) and shorter idle time (p=0.01) compared to the supplemented groups. Milk yield (0.36 kg/ewe/day) (p=0.15) and methane emission (33.12 g/ewe/day) (p=0.95) were similar for all three evaluated groups. Supplementation with concentrate based on corn or whole cottonseed does not improve productive performance nor decrease methane emission. However, lactating ewes kept exclusively in pasture show longer grazing time, without changes in milk yield and methane emission.
Objetivou-se avaliar a emissão de metano, a produção de leite e o comportamento de ovelhas mantidas exclusivamente em pastagem irrigada de Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) ou suplementadas com concentrados à base de milho grão ou caroço de algodão. Doze ovelhas Lacaune x Santa Inês (43,07±0,83 kg de peso corporal e 77±24 dias após a parição, em média) foram distribuídas em quadrados latinos 3x3 replicados. Os tratamentos consistiram em três dietas: pastagem (sem suplementação concentrada); milho (pastagem + suplemento à base de milho); caroço de algodão integral (pastagem + suplemento à base de caroço de algodão), oferecendo 0,5 kg/ovelha/dia. O grupo caroço de algodão apresentou maior consumo de matéria seca (CMS) (P=0,049) e consumo de proteína bruta (PB) (P=0,001) em relação aos demais. Não houve diferença no CMS total (P=0,115) para as dietas testadas. Os animais exclusivamente em pastagem apresentaram maior consumo de forragem (P=0,004), menor digestibilidade da PB (P=0,015), maior tempo em pastejo (P=0,01) e menor tempo em ócio (P=0,01), em relação aos grupos suplementados. A produção de leite (0,36 kg/ovelha/dia) (P=0,15) e a emissão de metano (33,12 g/ovelha/dia) (P=0,95) foram semelhantes nos três grupos avaliados. A suplementação com concentrado à base de milho grão ou caroço de algodão não melhorou o desempenho produtivo e não reduziu a emissão de metano. Entretanto, as ovelhas lactantes mantidas exclusivamente em pastagem apresentaram maior tempo em pastejo, sem alterações na produção de leite e na emissão de metano.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Ovinos , Zea mays , Gossypium , Dieta/veterinária , MetanoResumo
The present study evaluated the effect of two thermal concentration systems on bioactive compounds, the sugar content of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) pulp, and the carotenoid bioaccessibility of pulp concentrate. The closed processing system ensured a higher retention of phenolic and carotenoid compounds. The bioaccessibility of lycopene in tomato pulp concentrate was relatively low (0.54 %) but higher than in raw tomato pulp (0.15 %), corroborating other results that have reported the low availability of the compound in these matrices. Carotenoid extraction from tomato residue was also evaluated through both conventional (CE) and ultrasound (UAE) extractions together with the stability of extracts over 30 days. UAE promoted a superior release of lycopene and lutein than conventional extraction. Lycopene showed less stability with a reduction of 18 % in 30 days.
Carotenoides/isolamento & purificação , Concentrados de TomatesResumo
This study evaluated the effects of Acacia mearnsii tannin extract on milk fatty acid profile of dairy ewes and cows. In experiment 1, twenty-four Lacaune ewes received one of the following dietary treatments: control (no tannin extract added to the diet), T30 (30 g tannin extract/kg concentrate), and T40 (40 g extract/kg concentrate). In experiment 2, thirty Jersey cows received either a control diet (no tannin extract added to the diet) or the same diet containing 40 g tannin extract/kg concentrate (T40). Dry matter intake, milk production and milk solids content of ewes and cows were unaffected by tannin supplementation. The cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) content increased linearly by 21% in milk fat from ewes fed tannin extract, while the C18:2 n-6 (linoleic acid) content tended (P = 0.051) to increase by 13% in cows fed TE. The supplementation with black wattle tannin extract improves the nutritional quality of milk fat of ewes and cows to a small extent, with no adverse effects on performance or gross milk composition.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com extrato tanífero de acácia negra (Acacia mearnsii) sobre o perfil de ácidos graxos no leite de ovelhas e vacas. No experimento 1, vinte e quatro ovelhas Lacaune receberam um dos seguintes tratamentos dietéticos: controle (sem extrato tanífero), T30 (30 g de extrato tanífero/kg concentrado) e T40 (40 g de extrato tanífero/kg concentrado). No experimento 2, trinta vacas Jersey receberam uma dieta controle ou a mesma dieta contendo 40 g de extrato tanífero/kg concentrado (T40). O consumo de matéria seca, a produção de leite e o teor de sólidos do leite das ovelhas e vacas não foram afetados pela suplementação com o extrato tanífero. O teor de ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) cis-9, trans-11 aumentou em 21% na gordura do leite de ovelhas alimentadas com o extrato tanífero, enquanto o teor de C18:2 n-6 (ácido linoleico) tendeu (P = 0,051) a aumentar em 13% em vacas suplementadas com o extrato. A suplementação com extrato tanífero de acácia negra melhora em pequena escala a qualidade nutricional da gordura do leite de ovelhas e vacas, sem efeitos adversos no desempenho ou na composição bruta do leite.
Animais , Bovinos , Extratos Vegetais , Suplementos Nutricionais , Leite , Acacia , Ácidos GraxosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of lambs fed two roughage: concentrate (R:C) ratios, with or without the liquid residue of cassava (LRC) on carcass traits and meat quantity. Forty lambs (19.5 ± 1.45 kg body weight), non-castrated, crossbred Santa Inês were distributed in a completely randomized 2 × 2 factorial design. There was no effect (p > 0.05) of the inclusion of LRC on the variables. The roughage:concentrate ratio of 40:60 promoted higher values for empty body weight, hot carcass weight, cold carcass weight, subcutaneous thickness fat, cooling loss, Longissimus muscle area, carcass morphometric measurements, and commercial cuts. Higher weight of leg, muscles, fat, bone and other tissues, as well as for the ratio muscle:fat, and muscle:bone was observed in lambs fed 40R:60C. For the meat chemical composition, there was the effect (p < 0.05) only for ether extract (EE) for lambs fed 40R:60C ratio. The redness (a*) of meat was greater (p < 0.05) for lambs fed 80R:20C. The other physicochemical characteristics were not influenced. The roughage:concentrate ratio of 40:60 improves the carcass traits and commercial cuts, but does not promote changes in meat quality, independent of supplementation with liquid residue of cassava.(AU)
Animais , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Carne/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Manihot , Titulometria/métodosResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory quality of Pacific white shrimp (L. vannamei) fed diets in which fish meal was replaced by soy protein concentrate. Four diets were evaluated, with different levels of replacement (33%, 66% and 100%) of fish meal by soy protein concentrate. In the sensory analysis, 50 tasters evaluated using the ordering preference test and 50 tasters evaluated the acceptability of the shrimp. The inclusion of vegetable protein source in the shrimp diet sho-wed no difference in the discriminatory and preference ordering test and did not change the evaluated sensory attributes, which makes the product attractive to the consumer, due to the fact of consuming a product without presenting alterations in the taste(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade sensorial do camarão-branco-do-pacífico (L. vannamei) alimentados com dietas em que houve substituição da farinha de peixe por concentrado proteico de soja. Quatro dietas foram avaliadas, com diferentes níveis de substituição (33%, 66% e 100%) da farinha de peixe pelo concentrado proteico de soja. Na análise sensorial, 30 provadores avaliaram por meio do teste de ordenação de preferência e 50 provadores avaliaram a aceitabilidade dos camarões. A inclusão da fonte proteica vegetal na dieta dos camarões não apresentou diferença no teste discriminatório e de ordenação de preferência e não alterou os atributos sensoriais avaliados, o que torna o produto atrativo para o consumidor, pelo fato de consumir um produto sem apresentar alterações no paladar.(AU)
Animais , Penaeidae/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Alimentos de Soja/análise , Farinha de Peixe/análiseResumo
This study aimed to verify the impact of high-fat diet consumption for a prolonged period on oxidative stress, fetal growth, umbilical vascular system, and placental structures in pregnant goats. Twenty-two pregnant goats were grouped into the control diet (n= 11) and fat diet (n = 11). Flaxseed meal was added to the fat diet, replacing the corn grain of concentrate, from gestational day 100 to delivery date. Diets were isonitrogenous and isoenergetic, differing in fat content (2.8% vs. 6.3% dry matter). The fat group showed higher feed intake and total plasma lipid levels than the control group (P < 0.001). No difference was found in placentome, and umbilical vascular development. Fat diet-fed goats exhibited a lower systolic peak in the umbilical artery. At delivery, placental traits were similar with the exception of the cotyledon width (P = 0.0075), which was smaller in the fat group and cotyledon surface (P = 0.0047) for multiple pregnancy of fat diet. Cotyledonary epithelium showed more intense staining of lipid droplets and a greater area for lipofuscin staining in the fat group compared to control group (P < 0.001). The mean live weight of the kids was lower in the fat group in the first week after delivery than in control group. Thus, in goats, the continuous administration of a high-fat diet during pregnancy does not appear to modify the fetal-maternal vascular structures but has an impact on a part of the placental structure; therefore, its use must be carefully evaluated.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez/fisiologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Dieta Hiperlipídica/veterinária , Placenta/fisiologia , Estresse Oxidativo/fisiologiaResumo
This study evaluated forage-free diets supplemented with sodium bicarbonate (SB) based on ground flint corn on intake, apparent nutrient digestibility, ruminal parameters, and N balance. Four rumen-cannulatedDorper × Santa Inês lambs, with a body weight of 43.4 ± 0.85 kg (mean ± standard deviation) were used. The experimental design was a 4×4 Latin square. Each experimental period lasted 21 days. Experimental diets were: positive control, a diet without SB containing 400 g/kg DM of soybean hulls (CONT), and three diets based on ground flint corn, containing 10 (10SB), 20 (20SB) or 30 (30SB) g/kg DM of SB. Intake of neutral and acid detergent fiber was greater for CONT (P < 0.01) when compared to SB. Intake and apparent nutrient digestibility of dry and organic matter, ether extract, and crude protein did not differ. Intake (P = 0.01) and digestibility (P < 0.01) of non-fiber carbohydrates were greater for SB diets and neutral detergent fiber digestibility was greater (P = 0.03) for CONT. The total digestible nutrients and metabolizable energy were greater for SB (P = 0.04). Rumen concentrations of acetate (P < 0.01), isobutyrate (P < 0.01), butyrate (P < 0.01), isovalerate (P < 0.01), and total short-chain fatty acids (P < 0.01) were greater for CONT. Ruminal pH showed a quadratic (P = 0.05) response to SB levels, with greater values for 20SB. Sodium bicarbonate was efficient in increasing ruminal pH at the level of 20 g/kg DM without interfering with the intake and apparent nutrient digestibility characteristics.
O presente estudo avaliou a suplementação de bicarbonato de sódio (BS) em dietas sem forragem à base de milho moído sobre o consumo e a digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes, os parâmetros ruminais e o balanço de N. Foram utilizados quatro cordeiros Dorper × Santa Inês, com um peso corporal inicial de 43,4 ± 0,85 kg (média ± desvio padrão). O delineamento experimental foi quadrado latino 4×4. Cada período experimental durou 21 dias. As dietas experimentais foram: controle positivo, sem BS, contendo 400 g/kg de MS de casca de soja (CONT) e três dietas à base de milho moído, sem casca de soja, contendo 10 (10BS), 20 (20BS) ou 30 (30BS) g/kg de MS de BS. O consumo de fibra em detergente neutro e ácido foi maior (P < 0,01)para o CONT quando comparado com BS. O consumo e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, matéria orgânica, extrato etéreo e proteína bruta não diferiram entre os tratamentos. O consumo (P = 0,01) e digestibilidade (P < 0,01) dos carboidratos não fibrosos foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS e a digestibilidade da fibra em detergente neutro foi maior para o CONT. Os teores de nutrientes digestivos totais e energia metabolizável foram superiores para as dietas contendo BS (P = 0,04). A concentração ruminal de acetato (P < 0,01), isobutirato (P < 0,01), butirato (P < 0,01), isovalerato (P < 0,01) e ácidos graxos totais de cadeia curta (P < 0,01) foram mais elevadas para o CONT. O pHruminal apresentou resposta quadrática (P = 0,05) em relação aos níveis de BS, sendo observado maior pH para os animais alimentados com a dieta 20BS. O BS foi eficiente em aumentar o pHruminal no teor de 20 g/kg MS sem interferir no consumo e na digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes. Portanto, 20 g/kg de MS é a dose indicada de BS em dietas sem forragem para terminação de cordeiros em confinamento.
Animais , Ovinos , Bicarbonato de Sódio , Zea mays , Dieta/veterinária , Ração AnimalResumo
The knowledge of ruminal degradation kinetics of forage cactus-based diets associated with Euphorbiaceae species of the genus Manihot assist in understanding nutrient quality and use, contributing to the indication of combinations of these ingredients in ruminant diets. This study aimed to evaluate the in situ ruminal degradability of diets with increasing association of forage cactus Elephant Ear (MEE) and pornunça (Manihot sp.) silage, as well as to analyze and evaluate the indigestible neutral detergent fiber (FDNi) content of forage cactus MEE and pornunça silage. The treatments consisted of diets with cactus pear associated with pornunça silage in the roughage portion in the proportions of 375, 250, 125 and 0 g kg-1 of DM. The feed was composed of 50% roughage and 50% concentrate of dry matter. Incubation times of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, and 144 hours were evaluated for the ingredients and 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours for the diets. Incubation to obtain the iNDF was given for 288 hours. The experimental design consisted of randomized blocks, with three replications. Regarding roughage ingredients, MEE showed higher average disappearance, potential degradability (PD), and effective degradability (ED) in relation to pornunça silage, as well as lower NDFi content. The proportion of 375 g kg-1 MEE and 125 g kg-1 pornunça silage provided higher fractions a, b, and c, increasing ED considering the three passage rates, with higher PD. In conclusion, the association between MEE and pornunça silage at a proportion of 375 g kg-1 MEE and125g kg-1 pornunça silage of the roughage portion increases the in situ degradability of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber.
O conhecimento da cinética de degradação ruminal de dietas compostas por palma-forrageira associadas com espécies de Euphorbiaceae do gênero Manihot auxiliam na compreensão da qualidade e aproveitamento dos nutrientes, com contribuição para a indicação de combinações destes ingredientes em dietas para ruminantes. Objetivou-se avaliar a degradabilidade ruminal in situ de dietas com crescente associação de palma-forrageira Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (OEM) e silagem de pornunça (Manihot sp.), assim como, avaliar o teor de fibra em detergente neutro indigestível (FDNi) da palma OEM e da silagem de pornunça. Os tratamentos consistiram em dietas com palma forrageira associada à silagem de pornunça na porção volumosa nas proporções de 375, 250, 125 e 0 g kg-1 na MS. A dieta foi composta por 50% de volumoso e 50% de concentrado da matéria seca. Foram avaliados os tempos de incubação de 0, 6,12, 24, 48, 96 e 144 para os ingredientes e 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ,12, 24, 48, 72 e 96 para as dietas. A incubação para a obtenção do FDNi foi realizada por 288 horas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Quanto aos ingredientes volumosos, a palma OEM apresentou maior desaparecimento médio, degradabilidade potencial (DP) e degradabilidade efetiva (DE) em relação à silagem de pornunça, bem como menor teor de FDNi. A proporção de 375 g kg-1 OEM e 125 g kg-1 de silagem de pornunça propiciou maiores frações a, b e c, atuando no aumento da DE considerando as três taxas de passagem, com maior DP. Conclui-se que à associação de palma OEM e silagem de pornunça na proporção de 375 g kg-1 OEM e 125 g kg-1 da silagem de pornunça da porção volumosa aumenta a degradabilidade in situ da matéria seca, proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro.
Animais , Ruminantes , Manihot , Euphorbiaceae , Dieta/veterinária , Ruminação DigestivaResumo
Este estudo teve como intuito apresentar pesquisas e dados relacionados à inclusão de óleos essenciais microencapsulados na dieta de vacas leiteiras, realizando, assim, levantamento de dados sobre a produtividade do leite e também sobre a sua composição e qualidade, efetuando comparações entre vacas suplementadas e não suplementadas. A pesquisa foi realizada no setor de bovinocultura leiteira do IFMG - Campus Bambuí, utilizando-se 40 vacas com diferentes graus de sangue e com variações entre 27 e 300 dias em lactação. As vacas foram mantidas em sistema semi-intensivo, pois tinham acesso aos piquetes rotacionados e recebiam suplementação de silagem de milho e concentrado antes de se iniciar as ordenhas. O trabalho baseia-se em uma comparação de antes e após o uso de óleos essenciais. Diante disso, o estudo teve duração total de 82 dias, com as coletas de dados diárias sobre o consumo alimentar das vacas, produtividade e coleta de amostras de leite destinadas à análise no LaQal (Laboratório de Análise de Qualidade de Água e Leite) do IFMG - Campus Bambuí. Os animais receberam 5 g/vaca/dia de óleos essenciais microepsulados, um produto comercial com os seguintes princípios ativos: carvacrol, cinamaldeido, eugenol, oleoresina e veículo. Os dados foram tabulados e transformados em valores nominais e percentuais para, a partir daí, serem construídos os gráficos com a finalidade de facilitar a interpretação dos resultados. Portanto, no presente trabalho, realizou-se uma análise exploratória dos dados de grau de sangue, produção de leite diária, composição do leite, contagem de células somáticas (CCS) e consumo alimentar de silagem de milho e concentrado. Ademais, o nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05% (valor-p=0,05). Utilizou-se o pacote dplyr, do programa estatístico R (R CORE TEAM, 2022), e, para análises, o teste-t de Student, utilizando-se a função t.test do pacote stats do programa estatístico R. Não foram obtidos resultados significantes sobre a produtividade do leite, nem sobre sua composição, CCS e consumo. Embora o produto comercial não tenha demonstrado influência sobre as análises realizadas, são necessários mais estudos para melhor conhecimento da sua ação e de seus beneficios para a produção animal.
This study aimed to present research and data related to the inclusion of microencapsulated essential oils in the diet of dairy cows, thus performing a survey of data on milk productivity and also on its composition and quality, making comparisons between supplemented and non-supplemented cows. The research was carried out the dairy cattle sector of the IFMG - Campus Bambuí, using 40 cows with different degrees of blood and with variations between 27 and 300 days in lactation. Cows were kept in a semi-intensive system, as they had access to rotated paddocks and received supplementation with corn silage and concentrate before starting milking. The work is based on a comparison of before and after the use of essential oils. Therefore, the study lasted a total of 82 days, with daily data collection on the cows' food consumption, productivity and collection of milk samples destined for analysis in the IFMG's LaQal (Laboratory for the Analysis of Water and Milk Quality) - Campus Bambui. The animals received 5 g/cow/day of microencapsulated essential oils, a commercial product with the following active ingredients: carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde, eugenol, oleoresin and vehicle. The data were tabulated and transformed into nominal values and percentages so that, from there, graphs could be constructed in order to facilitate the interpretation of the results. Therefore, in the present work, an exploratory analysis of blood grade data, daily milk production, milk composition, somatic cell count (SCC) and food consumption of corn silage and concentrate was carried out. Furthermore, the significance level adopted was 0.05% (p-value = 0.05). The dplyr package, from the R statistical program (R CORE TEAM, 2022), was used and, for analyses, Student's t-test, using the t.test function from the stats package of the R statistical program. significant results on milk productivity, nor on its composition, CCS and consumption. Although the commercial product has not shown influence on the analyzes carried out, further studies are needed to better understand its action and its benefits for animal production.
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar investigaciones y datos relacionados con la inclusión de aceites esenciales microencapsulados en la dieta de las vacas lecheras, realizando así un levantamiento de datos sobre la productividad de la leche y también sobre su composición y calidad, haciendo comparaciones entre vacas suplementadas y no suplementadas. investigación se realizó en el sector de ganado lechero de la IFMG - Campus Bambuí, utilizando 40 vacas con diferentes grados de sangre y con variaciones entre 27 y 300 días en lactación. Las vacas se mantuvieron en un sistema semi-intensivo, ya que tenían acceso a potreros rotados y recibieron suplementación con ensilado de maíz y concentrado antes de iniciar el ordeño. El trabajo se basa en una comparación del antes y el después del uso de los aceites esenciales. Por lo tanto, el estudio duró un total de 82 días, con la recolección diaria de datos sobre el consumo de alimentos de las vacas, la productividad y la recolección de muestras de leche destinadas para análisis en el LaQal (Laboratorio de Análisis de Calidad de Agua y Leche) de la IFMG - Campus Bambuí. Los animales recibieron 5 g/vaca/día de aceites esenciales microencapsulados, producto comercial con los siguientes principios activos: carvacrol, cinamaldehído, eugenol, oleorresina y vehículo. Los datos fueron tabulados y transformados en valores nominales y porcentajes para que, a partir de ahí, se construyeran gráficas para facilitar la interpretación de los resultados. Por lo tanto, en el presente trabajo se realizó un análisis exploratorio de los datos de grado sanguíneo, producción diaria de leche, composición de la leche, conteo de células somáticas (RCS) y consumo alimentario de ensilado y concentrado de maíz. Además, el nivel de significancia adoptado fue de 0,05% (p-valor = 0,05). Se utilizó el paquete dplyr, del programa estadístico R (R CORE TEAM, 2022), y para los análisis, la prueba t de Student, utilizando la función t.test del paquete stats del programa estadístico R. No hubo resultados significativos en la productividad lechera, ni sobre su composición, CCS y consumo. Aunque el producto comercial no ha mostrado influencia en los análisis realizados, se necesitan más estudios para comprender mejor su acción y sus beneficios para la producción animal.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Eugenol , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Origanum/química , Leite/química , Composição de Medicamentos , Composição de AlimentosResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the intake, digestibility, and ingestive behavior of sheep fed with different species of forage cacti. Fifteen sheep (17.27kg ± 1 kg) were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with three treatments and five replicates. The treatments were diets on a dry matter basis composed of 430.9 g kg-1of thornless Mandacaru cactus (Cereus hildmannianus), 525.7 g kg-1of cactus pear cv. Orelha de Elefante Mexicana (Opuntia stricta) and 492.1 g kg-1of cactus pear cv. Miúda (Nopalea cochenillifera) in addition to Sabiá hay (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia) (194.7 to 233.8 g kg-1), plus concentrate feed. The intake of the dry matter,organic matter, ether extract, neutral detergent fiber, total carbohydrates, non-fiber carbohydrates, total digestible nutrientsand voluntary water intake in g day-1was not differ (p > 0.05) by experimental diets. There were no differences (p > 0.05) in digestibility coefficients of the dry matter,organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, total carbohydrates, non-fiber carbohydrates, and total digestible nutrientsbetween the experimental diets. The feeding times differed (p < 0.05) between diets, with a higher value for the Opuntiadiet, while the rumination times, feeding efficiency, and rumination efficiency did not differ (p > 0.05). The cactus Cereusand Opuntiaand Nopaleahave similar nutritional value in sheep's diet.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Opuntia/genética , Valor Nutritivo/fisiologiaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weaning and concentrate supplementation on the characteristics of carcass cuts and longissimusmuscle of Suffolk lambs finished ona Tifton 85 (Cynodonspp.) pasture. Weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies were evaluated in four finishing systems: i) non-weaned and non-supplemented lambs; ii) non-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding;iii) weaned and non-supplemented lambs; and iv) weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate. In the systems with weaning, lambs were weaned at 46 ± 6 days of age. In the systems with supplementation, the concentrate was offered daily at 2% of lambs body weight. Weaning led to a decrease, whereas supplementation led to an increase in carcass cut weights. Supplemented lambs had lower yields of neck and uncovered ribs, and higher yields of breast + flank and loin. The characteristics of loin eye and fat thicknessover the longissimusmuscle presented lower values in weaned lambs and higher values in supplemented lambs. Keeping lambs with their dams and offering concentrate supplementation until slaughter are strategies recommended to obtain heavier cuts with increased muscularity and fat content.(AU)
Animais , Carne/análise , Carne/classificação , Pastagens/análise , Desmame , OvinosResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weaning and concentrate supplementation on the characteristics of carcass cuts and longissimus muscle of Suffolk lambs finished on a Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) pasture. Weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies were evaluated in four finishing systems: i) non-weaned and non-supplemented lambs; ii) non-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding; iii) weaned and non-supplemented lambs; and iv) weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate. In the systems with weaning, lambs were weaned at 46 ± 6 days of age. In the systems with supplementation, the concentrate was offered daily at 2% of lambs' body weight. Weaning led to a decrease, whereas supplementation led to an increase in carcass cut weights. Supplemented lambs had lower yields of neck and uncovered ribs, and higher yields of breast + flank and loin. The characteristics of loin eye and fat thickness over the longissimus muscle presented lower values in weaned lambs and higher values in supplemented lambs. Keeping lambs with their dams and offering concentrate supplementation until slaughter are strategies recommended to obtain heavier cuts with increased muscularity and fat content.(AU)
Animais , Desmame , Pastagens , Cynodon/química , Músculos Paraespinais/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth performance and meat quality of feedlot Aberdeen Angus steers fed high-concentrate diets with or without a natural feed additive composed of a mixture of yeasts and essential oils (EO). A completely randomized design with two diets (with or without natural feed additive) and 12 replicates was used. Twenty-four steers with initial shrunk body weight of 402.62±48.2 kg and average age of 18±2.0 months were used. Steers were fed ad libitum a diet containing 777.3 g of concentrate/kg dry matter (DM) and 222.7 g of corn silage/kg DM for 74 days. The mixture of yeast and EO was supplied at the rate of 10.0 and 0.117 g/animal/day, respectively. Average daily weight gain and feed efficiency in the adaptation period was greater in animals fed natural feed additive; however, there was no difference for the total experimental period. Dry matter intake, carcass weight, carcass yield, proportion of carcass bone, carcass muscle + fat:bone ratio, round thickness, and arm length were not altered by treatments. The inclusion of a natural feed additive in the diet increased the cooling loss (0.98 vs. 1.25%), proportion of carcass muscle (51.32 vs. 54.56%), carcass muscle:fat ratio (1.70 vs. 2.11%), leg length (68.79 vs. 70.71 cm), and arm perimeter (36.70 vs. 37.88 cm) and reduced the proportion of carcass fat (30.17 vs. 25.92%). Carcass length was greater in animals fed the diet with a natural feed additive. Meat color, texture, and marbling were not altered by treatments. The addition of natural feed additive to high concentrate diets does not alter the productive performance of feedlot Aberdeen Angus steers, although it can increase the proportion of lean meat of carcasses.(AU)
Animais , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Carne/análise , Leveduras/química , Bovinos/fisiologia , Óleos Voláteis/efeitos adversos , Espaços ConfinadosResumo
The objective was to evaluate the inclusion of chitosan (CHI) and technical cashew nut shell liquid (CNSLt) as natural feed additives in cattle diets on nutrient digestibility, ruminal fermentation, and in vitro gas production kinetics. We conducted a completely randomized design with 5×4 factorial arrangement, with 20, 35, 50, 65, and 100% Tifton 85 hay and four additives, monensin (200 mg/kg DM), CNSLt (500 mg/kg DM), CHI (500 mg/kg DM), and CNSLt+CHI (500 mg/kg DM/each). Dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility showed a linear reduction according to forage levels. The highest DM digestibility was observed with CHI on cattle diets. Inclusion of CHI increased DM digestibility. The highest in vitro organic matter and crude protein (CP) digestibilities were observed for CNSLt+CHI. The in vitro dry matter digestibility increased linearly with concentrate in the diet. There was interaction of forage:concentrate ratio and the additives for neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber and hemicellulose digestibility. Chitosan, CNSLt, and CNSLt+CHI promoted the lowest acetate:propionate ratio compared with monensin. Total gas production showed interaction of the forage:concentrate ratio and additives. Lag time was lowest with CNSLt+CHI. Chitosan and CNSLt can be considered alternative fermentation modulators to ionophores by improving nutrient digestibility and increasing ruminal propionate concentrations.(AU)
Animais , Anacardium/química , Quitosana/efeitos adversos , Gases/análise , Técnicas In Vitro , Fermentação/fisiologia , Ruminação Digestiva/fisiologiaResumo
The study investigated meat quality of bulls fed concentrate feeds and hay. The treatments were hay ad libitum + dried cafeteria leftover 4 kg DM d-1(D1); hay ad libitum+ wheat bran 4 kg DM d-1(D2); hay ad libitum+ 4 maize grain 4 kg DM d-1(D3); hay ad libitum+ mix 4 kg DM d-1(1:1, wheat bran to maize grain, respectively (D4)); hay ad libitum+ scrambled whole groundnut 4 kg DM d-1(D5); and hay ad libitum+ mix of each ingredient 4 kg DM d-1(D6)). Samples from longissimus lumborum muscle were taken in triplicate. Beef from bulls fed D5 had highest (p < 0.05) protein and fat than those fed other treatments. However, bulls finished in D3 had similar fat to those fed with whole ground nut. Highest meat tenderness (p < 0.05) recorded at 24thfollowed by 16thd than those aged on other periods. Beef from D6 produced lean meat, which is acceptable to consumer and market demand than D3, produced carcass with highest fat coverage This study confirmed that meat from D6 had an acceptable quality attribute suggesting the breed could serve as a potential source in red meat industry.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Fibras na Dieta , Ração Animal/análise , CarneResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the productive performance, apparent digestibility, and carcass and longissimus dorsi muscle characteristics of lambs fed diets supplemented with four levels of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thirty-two male Hampshire lambs (25.82±1.95 kg body weight) were distributed in four treatments: basal diet (20:80, forage:concentrate), and the inclusion of 0, 3, 5, and 10 g animal−1 d−1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The variables evaluated were dry matter intake, daily weight gain, feed conversion, apparent digestibility, dorsal fat thickness, longissimus dorsi muscle area, and physicochemical characteristics of carcass and muscle. We used a completely randomized design and orthogonal polynomials to test the linear and quadratic effects of the inclusion levels of the yeast. Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed a quadratic effect on lamb performance. Dry matter intake decreased with yeast in response to a better feed conversion and body weight gain; however, at the highest Saccharomyces cerevisiae dose, daily weight gain and final weight were lower than with the basal diet treatment. Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not affect apparent digestibility or carcass and muscle physicochemical characteristics. Supplementation with 3 and 5 g d−1 Saccharomyces cerevisiae improves productive performance of lambs fed high concentrate diets without affecting the physicochemical characteristics of the carcass or muscle.(AU)
Animais , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/química , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
The physicochemical characteristics of the meat from lambs fed diets containing whole or disintegrated cottonseed, associated or not with calcium lignosulfonate (LignoCaSO3), were evaluated. Thirty non-castrated Dorper x Santa Inês lambs, with an average of 24.9 ± 3.6 kg and four months of age were confined for 60 days in collective stalls and distributed in a completely randomized design with six replications. After slaughter, by means of contrasts, the averages of the parameters of the semimembranous and semitendinosus muscles were analyzed. The cottonseed increased cooking loss and ash, and reduced muscle weight, water holding capacity and red intensity. The disintegration of the cottonseed reduced the shear force in diets without LignoCaSO3, increased the protein and the loss by cooking and reduced the pH in the diets with the additive. The luminosity values increased with the disintegration of the cottonseed in diets with and without LignoCaSO3. The addition of LignoCaSO3increased the weight of the muscle, protein, ash, pH, shear strength and the intensity of red. Moisture, lipids and yellow intensity were not influenced by the diets. Even changing the physical-chemical characteristics, the cottonseed with or without LignoCaSO3does not change the quality of the meat.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagem , CarneResumo
The use of adapted breeds, such as Santa Inês, is of paramount importance for regions with high temperatures because they develop efficient mechanisms for heat dissipation. Furthermore, some breeds have physiological adaptations, such as more efficient mechanisms for the digestion of fibrous foods (e.g. Rabo Largo), which can reduce the harmful effects of semiarid environments. We studied the ingestive behaviour, water consumption, and physiological parameters during feeding of two native sheep breeds fed diets containing high (700 g/kg DM; HC diet) or low (300 g/kg DM; LC diet) percentages of concentrates, based on dry matter (DM). A total of 40 uncastrated male lambs (20 Rabo Largo [breed 1] and 20 Santa Inês [breed 2], with an average body weight of 16.68 ± 2.78 kg, and 19.29 kg ± 3.28 kg, respectively), were distributed in a randomised block design in a two-by-two factorial scheme (breeds × diets) with 10 repetitions. Santa Inês lambs consumed and ruminated DM (P = 0.029 for both) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF; P = 0.001 and P = 0.004, respectively) more efficiently than RaboLargo lambs, while the latter showed an increase in respiratory rate (+19 breaths/min) and rectal temperature (+1.3 °C) compared to the Santa Inês lambs (P = 0.001). The HC diet negatively affected (P < 0.05) the feeding behaviour of the animals, reflecting the higher (P < 0.05) water consumption. The results showed that diets rich in concentrate negatively affected the thermoregulation of lambs. Santa Inês have greater feed and thermoregulatory efficiency than Rabo Largo lambs under conditions of heat stress in the feedlot.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Líquidos/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
This study examined the effect of different supplementation strategies for ewes in the last third of gestation, kept on a deferred Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu pasture, on their performance and the growth curve of their lambs. A total of 54 ewes, of no defined breed, with an average weight of 41.10±3.10 kg, were used in a completely randomized design, divided into three groups (18 ewes per treatment). In total, 61 lambs were born, 28 females and 33 males, with 3.70±0.55 and 3.68±0.69 kg birth weight, respectively. Treatments were as follows: multiple mixture ad libitum, concentrate supplement at 0.4% live weight (LW), and concentrate supplement at 0.8% LW. Average daily weight gain (ADG, g/animal/day) and total weight gain (TWG, kg/animal) were evaluated in ewes and lambs. Reproductive efficiency indices were measured in the ewes and biometric variables in the lambs. The ADG and TWG of ewes in the last third of gestation were higher in animals supplemented at 0.8% LW. Reproductive efficiency results were superior in ewes supplemented at 0.4% LW. The effect of ewe supplementation on lamb growth curve as estimated by the Gompertz model did not reveal differences between the curves of lambs born to ewes that received supplementation at 0.4 and 0.8% LW. However, supplementing ewes with a multiple mixture induced a reduction in the growth curve parameters of their lambs. The use of concentrated supplementation, at levels of 0.4 and 0.8% of LW, provides greater productive and reproductive performance for ewes and lambs.(AU)