PODODERMATITE, LESÕES DE CARCAÇA E RESISTÊNCIA DA PELE DE FRANGOS DE CORTE SUPLEMENTADOS COM MINERAIS ORGÂNICOS Com objetivo de avaliar o efeito da suplementação dos microminerais orgânicos zinco e selênio na dieta de frangos de corte, sobre a incidência e caracterização de pododermatite, lesão de carcaça, resistência da pele, desempenho e rendimento de carcaça e partes. Para isto, utilizou-se 1260 pintos de um dia de idade, machos, da linhagem Cobb® 500. O programa alimentar foi dividido em quatro fases e o delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualisado em esquema fatorial 3x2+1, sendo três níveis de suplementação de zinco (Zn) orgânico (0, 45, 90 mg/kg de zinco), dois níveis de suplementação de selênio (Se) orgânico (0, 0,3 mg/kg de selênio-levedura) e uma dieta controle com 0,3 mg/kg de Se e 60 mg/kg de Zn inorgânicos, com seis repetições de 30 aves cada. Aos 41 dias de idade todas as aves foram avaliadas no aviário quanto a incidência de pododermatite. Aos 42 dias de idade 588 aves (84 aves/tratamento) foram abatidas no abatedouro experimental da FMVZ, UNESP. Na ocasião foram avaliados incidência de lesões de carcaça, resistência da pele, avaliação histológica do coxim plantar e pele, rendimento de carcaça e partes e desempenho das aves. Para pododermatite foi observada diferença (P0,05) na pata esquerda, entre os escores de lesão 0 e 2, sendo que as que receberam maior suplementação de zinco apresentaram menor incidência. Para lesões de carcaça houve diferença (P0,05) com relação à percentagem de hematomas e contusões de asa. Aliando-se os resultados de desempenho, rendimento de carcaça e partes e as avaliações histológicas do coxim plantar e pele, os melhores resultados foram obtidos para aves que receberam 0,3 mg/kg de Se e 45 ou 90 mg/kg de zinco orgânicos. A utilização de selênio e zinco orgânico não influenciou a incidência de pododermatite e de lesões de carcaça. Os resultados obtidos pelo uso de selênio e zinco orgânicos em menor quantidade que a fonte inorgânica não afetaram o desempenho, o rendimento de carcaça e partes e ainda, melhoram a estrutura histológica da região da pododermatite. Suplementação de minerais orgânicos e vitamina E na identificação microbiológica de pododermatite, rendimento de carcaça, qualidade da carne e sistema imune de frangos de corte Um experimento foi realizado com objetivo de avaliar a suplementação dos minerais orgânicos (selênio e zinco) aliados a vitamina E sobre a incidência e caracterização microbiológica da pododermatite, qualidade de carcaça e da carne e sobre o sistema imune de frangos de corte. Para isto, utilizou-se 1260 pintos de um dia de idade, machos, da linhagem Cobb® 500. O programa alimentar foi dividido em quatro fases e o delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualisado em esquema fatorial 3x2+1, sendo três níveis de suplementação de vitamina E (100, 150 e 200UI/kg de ração) e dois níveis de suplementação de microminerais inorgânico ou orgânico (controle- 0,3 mg/kg Se + 60 mg/kg de Zn inorgânicos ou 0,3 mg/kg de Se e 45 mg/kg de Zn orgânicos) e uma dieta controle, com seis repetições de 30 aves. Aos 10 dias de idade todas as aves foram vacinadas contra a Doença de Newcastle. Aos 41 dias de idade todas as aves foram avaliadas quanto a incidência de pododermatite. Aos 42 dias, um total de 420 aves foram abatidas no abatedouro experimental para avaliação da incidência de lesões de carcaça, resistência da pele, rendimento de carcaça e partes, qualidade de carne, quantificação microbiológica e histologia do coxim plantar e pele. Houve diferença (P 0,05) para o escore de lesão grave. As aves que receberam dieta com minerais orgânicos e maior quantidade de vitamina E apresentaram menor incidência de pododermatite. Aves que receberam zinco e selênio orgânico apresentaram maior quantidade de colágeno e a epiderme mais espessa (P 0,05). Houve redução da área cortical da Bursa para aves que receberam maior quantidade de vitamina E e fonte orgânica. Conclui-se que, aves que receberam dieta com zinco e selênio orgânico apresentaram menor incidência de pododermatite, aumento da quantidade de colágeno e espessura da epiderme e estão melhor preparadas para reagir frente a um desafio imunológico.
FOOT PAD DERMATITIS, SKIN LESION AND STRENGTH IN BROILER CHICKENS SUPPLEMENTED WITH ORGANIC MINERALS The present study aimed at evaluating the effects of organic zinc and selenium supplementation in the diet of broiler chicken, on the incidence of pododermatitis, skin lesions and skin strength, footpad and skin histology and performance. In total, 1260 one-day-old male Cobb® 500 broilers were housed. The feeding program included four phases and a completely randomized experimental design in a 3x2+1 factorial arrangement, using three organic zinc supplementation levels (0, 45, 90 mg zinc/kg feed), two organic selenium supplementation levels (0 or 0.3 mg selenium yeast/kg feed) and a positive-control diet with inorganic trace mineral supplementation, with six replicates of 30 birds each. At 41 days of age, all birds were submitted to pododermatitis incidence evaluation. At 42 days of age, a total of 588 birds were sacrificed at the FMVZ, UNESP experimental processing plant, and carcasses were evaluated to the incidence of skin lesions, skin strength, footpad dermatitis and performance. Significant difference (P0.05) in the left leg in lesion scores 0 (absent) and 2 (severe lesion) being broilers fed the highest level of zinc supplementation (90 mg/kg) presented the lowest incidence of contact pododermatitis. Related to skin lesions differences were detected (P0.05) just in incidence of carcass bruising and wing bruises. In skin strength no differences were detected related to levels of organic zinc and selenium. Combining the results of performance and histological evaluations of the footpad and skin, the best results were obtained for birds fed 0.3 mg/kg Se and 45 or 90 mg/kg organic zinc. The use of organic selenium and zinc did not influence the incidence of foot pad dermatitis and carcass lesion. The results from use selenium and zinc in low amount compare to inorganic source do not affect the performance, carcass and parts yield, but improve the histological structure of foot pad dermatites. Keywords: carcass quality, complexed mineral, footpad, poultry Organic mineral and vitamin E supplementation on microbiological podermatite contamination, carcass yield, meat quality and immune system of broiler The present study aimed at evaluating the effects of organic zinc and selenium supplementation combined with vitamin E on the incidence of pododermatitis, microbiological characterization, footpad and skin histology, skin lesions and skin strength, meat quality, carcass and cut yield and in immune system of broiler chicken. In total, 1260 one-day-old male Cobb® 500 broilers were housed. The feeding program included four phases and a completely randomized experimental design in a 3x2+1 factorial arrangement was applied, using three vitamin E supplementation levels (100, 150, 200UI/kg feed), two minerals supplementation inorganic or organic (control- minerals in inorganic form or 0.3 mg selenium yeast/kg plus 45 mg/kg organic zinc) and a positive-control diet (vitamin E and minerals in commercial premix), with six replicates of 30 birds each. At 10 days of age, all birds were immunized for Newcastle disease. At 41 days of age, all birds were submitted to footpad examination of both feet in the broiler house to pododermatitis incidence. At 42 days of age, a total of 420 birds, treatment) were sacrificed at the experimental processing plant, the carcasses were evaluated to the incidence of skin lesions; skin strength, carcass and cut yield, and it was collected samples to meat quality analyses, microbiological characterization, histological examination of foot pad and skin. Significant difference (P0.05) in lesion scores 3 (severe), broilers fed with organic mineral and high vitamin E level presented the lowest incidence of contact pododermatitis. The source organic or inorganic affected (P 0,05) and broiler fed with organic zinc and selenium have the collagen layer and epidermis thicker. Birds fed with inorganic source and 150UI of vitamin E had the highest dermatosi incidence. It was concluded that broiler supplemented with organic zinc and selenium reduce the incidence of pododermatitis and increased thickness of collagen and epidermis. Key words: birds, color, foot pad dermatitis, quality, organic mineral COMPLEXED ZINC AND MANGANESE SUPPLEMENTATION ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE FOOT PAD DERMATITIS, CARCASS AND MEAT QUALITY OF BROILERS This study evaluated the influence of dietary complexed zinc (CZn) and manganese (CMn) supplementation on growth performance, the incidence of foot pad dermatitis (FPD), skin quality, the incidence and severity of black bone syndrome (BBS) and myopathies of the breast muscle, processing yield and meat quality of broilers. A total of 1,120 (14 replicates/20 birds each) male broilers were assigned to 4 dietary treatments: 1) Inorganic control diet (IC), 80 ppm of ZnSO4 and 90 ppm of MnSO4; 2) Same as IC, except CZn replaced 40 ppm of Zn from ZnSO4 (IC+CZn-Zn); 3) IC plus additional 40 ppm of CZn (IC+CZn); 4) Same as IC, except CZn and CMn replaced 40 ppm of Zn and Mn (IC+CZn+CMn). Each treatment was provided in a 3- stage feeding program. At 35 and 49 d of age, five birds per pen were processed, chilled overnight, and deboned. The GLM procedures of SAS was used to analyze the data and means were separated by Tukeys Test when significant (P0.05). Broilers reared on IC+CZn and IC+CZn+CMn showed improvement in BW at 28 and 49 d of age when compared to inorganic control diet (IC). The drip loss was lower in birds on IC+CZn-Zn diet. No differences in carcass and component yields were detected because of dietary treatments. The BBS and color (L*, a* and b*) were affected (P0.05) by storage method, where frozen samples exhibited higher incidence of severity of BBS when compared to those stored non-frozen. In conclusion, no differences in FPD, carcass quality and yield was observed due to dietary treatments in this study, except for the improvements in BW and feed conversion ratio. Freezing bone-in carcass portions increased the occurrence of BBS upon cooking as compared to refrigerated portions. Key words: broiler, manganese, quality, skin, zinc
Occurrence of contact pododermatitis in broilers in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, is reported. Lesions in the footpad were detected as early as 13 days of age and progressed to ulceration. Histologically, primarily inflammatory and degenerative changes mostly at the epidermal-dermal junction were observed. Retrospective evaluation indicated that pododermatitis in these cases were associated with exposure to high litter moisture during the first days of life.