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Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469074


Abstract Tuberculosis is a communicable disease with high morbidity and mortality rates in developing countries. The study's primary objective is to compare conventional methods such as acid-fast bacillus (AFB) culture and microscopy with rapid diagnostic methods. The secondary objective is to compare histopathological and microbiological findings in suspected patients with tubercular lymphadenitis. A total of 111 samples (August 2018 to September 2019) of lymph nodes were processed for AFB microscopy, AFB cultures, drug-susceptibility testing (DST), histopathology, and Xpert Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB)/resistance to Rifampin (RIF) assays. Out of 111 lymph node samples, 6 (5.4%) were positive for AFB smear microscopy, 84 (75.6%) were positive for AFB culture, 80 (70.7%) were positive on Gene Xpert, and 102 (91.8%) were indicative of tuberculosis for histopathology studies. Mycobacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) culture positivity was 84 (75.6%) higher than solid Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) culture 74 (66.6%). Positive cultures underwent phenotypic DST. Two cases were Multidrug-resistant (MDR) on DST, while three cases were Rifampicin resistant on Gene Xpert. The sensitivity of Genexpert was (62%) against the conventional AFB culture method. The poor performance of conventional lymphadenitis diagnostic methods requires early and accurate diagnostic methodology. Xpert MTB/RIF test can help in the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB cases. Nonetheless, rapid and conventional methods should be used for complete isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Resumo A tuberculose é uma doença transmissível com altas taxas de morbimortalidade nos países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo principal do estudo é comparar métodos convencionais, como cultura de bacilo álcool-ácido resistente (BAAR) e microscopia, com métodos de diagnóstico rápido. O objetivo secundário é comparar os achados histopatológicos e microbiológicos em pacientes com suspeita de linfadenite tubercular. Um total de 111 amostras (agosto de 2018 a setembro de 2019) de gânglios linfáticos foi processado para microscopia de AFB, culturas de AFB, teste de susceptibilidade a drogas (DST), histopatologia e Xpert Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)/ensaios de resistência à rifampicina (RIF). Das 111 amostras de linfonodos, 6 (5,4%) foram positivas para baciloscopia de AFB, 84 (75,6%) foram positivas para cultura de AFB, 80 (70,7%) foram positivas para o GeneXpert e 102 (91,8%) foram indicativas de tuberculose para estudos histopatológicos. A positividade da cultura do tubo indicador de crescimento de micobactérias (MGIT) foi 84 (75,6%), maior que a cultura sólida de Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ), 74 (66,6%). As culturas positivas foram submetidas a DST fenotípico. Dois casos eram multirresistentes (MDR) ao DST, enquanto três casos eram resistentes à rifampicina no GeneXpert. A sensibilidade do GeneXpert foi 62% contra o método convencional de cultura AFB. O fraco desempenho dos métodos convencionais de diagnóstico de linfadenite requer metodologia de diagnóstico precoce e precisa. O teste Xpert MTB/RIF pode ajudar no tratamento de casos de tuberculose multirresistente. No entanto, métodos rápidos e convencionais devem ser usados para o isolamento completo do Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Sci. agric ; 80: e20220047, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410173


The present study evaluated the effect of two thermal concentration systems on bioactive compounds, the sugar content of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) pulp, and the carotenoid bioaccessibility of pulp concentrate. The closed processing system ensured a higher retention of phenolic and carotenoid compounds. The bioaccessibility of lycopene in tomato pulp concentrate was relatively low (0.54 %) but higher than in raw tomato pulp (0.15 %), corroborating other results that have reported the low availability of the compound in these matrices. Carotenoid extraction from tomato residue was also evaluated through both conventional (CE) and ultrasound (UAE) extractions together with the stability of extracts over 30 days. UAE promoted a superior release of lycopene and lutein than conventional extraction. Lycopene showed less stability with a reduction of 18 % in 30 days.

Carotenoides/isolamento & purificação , Concentrados de Tomates
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469186


Abstract The present trial explained the effect of alternative production systems on growth, morphometric and carcass traits of four different chicken genotypes. The second generation of two genotypes RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) and BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtained by two self-crosses (RNN × RNN = RR and BNN × BNN = BB) and two reciprocal crosses (RNN × BNN = RB and BNN × RNN = BR) were evaluated in three alternative production systems (conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary). At the 6th week of age after sexing, a total of 600 birds, comprising 150 from each crossbred with a total of 300 pullets and 300 cockerels were divided into conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary systems having 200 birds in each.Birds were organized into 3×4 factorial arrangements under Completely Randomized Design (3 production systems × 4 genotypes × 2 sexes × 25 birds = 600 birds). Regarding genotypes, RB and BR males showed higher (p 0.01) carcass yield, drumstick weight, breast weight, and thigh weight than BB and RR genotypes. Females of BR genotype showed higher (p 0.01) breast weight, thigh weight and drumstick weight. As far as production systems are concerned, higher (p 0.01) liver weight, heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight were observed in the males reared in enriched cages compared with conventional cages and aviary system. Females reared in enriched cages showed higher (p 0.01) heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight when compared with those reared in conventional cages and aviary. It is concluded that chickens (both sexes) of BR and RB genotypes had better morphological measurements and carcass traits than those of RR and BB genotype chickens. Among alternative production systems, chickens reared in enriched cages had better traits than those of reared in conventional cages and aviary during the growing phase.

Resumo O presente estudo explicou o efeito de sistemas alternativos de produção sobre o crescimento, características morfométricas e carcaças de quatro genótipos de frango diferentes. A segunda geração de dois genótipos RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) e BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtida por duas autocruzes (RNN × RNN = RR e B ANN × BNN = BB) e duas cruzes recíprocas (RNN × BNN = RB e BNN × RNN = BR) foi avaliada em três sistemas de produção alternativos (gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e aviário). Na 6ª semana de idade após o sexo, um total de 600 aves, compostas por 150 de cada raça cruzada com um total de 300 pullets e 300 galos, foi dividido em gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e sistemas aviários com 200 aves em cada. As aves foram organizadas em 3×4 arranjos fatoriais sob projeto completamente randomizado (3 sistemas de produção × 4 genótipos × 2 sexos × 25 aves = 600 aves). Em relação aos genótipos, os machos RB e BR apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (p 0,01), peso da baqueta, peso mamário e peso da coxa do que os genótipos BB e RR. As fêmeas do genótipo BR apresentaram maior (p 0,01) peso mamário, peso da coxa e peso da baqueta. No que diz respeito aos sistemas de produção, maior (p 0,01) peso hepático, peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa foram observados nos machos criados em gaiolas enriquecidas em comparação com gaiolas convencionais e sistema aviário. As fêmeas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas apresentaram maior (p 0,01) peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa quando comparadas com as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias. Conclui-se que as galinhas (ambos os sexos) dos genótipos BR e RB apresentaram melhores medidas morfológicas e traços de carcaça do que os de frangos genótipos RR e BB. Entre os sistemas de produção alternativos, as galinhas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas tinham características melhores do que as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias durante a fase de cultivo.

Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220052, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1449868


The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of improving the economic value of integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) compared to conventional systems specialized in monoculture. The experimental area was 16.02 ha, divided into 18 paddocks of 0.89 ha each, organized in a randomized block design, with three replicates and six models of production systems: crop system [corn ( Zea mays ) grain production], livestock system (beef cattle under grazing conditions), and four ICLS, identified as: ICLS-1, corn integrated with Marandu palisadegrass [ Urochloa brizantha (Hoechst. ex A. Rich.) R.D. Webster cv. Marandu (syn. Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu] sown simultaneously without herbicide; ICLS-2, corn and Marandu palisadegrass sown simultaneously with herbicide; ICLS-3, corn and Marandu palisadegrass with lagged sowing; and ICLS-4, corn and Marandu palisadegrass sown simultaneously, with herbicide in rows and between-rows of corn. We demonstrated the economic impact analysis combined with the risk optimization and discounted cash flow techniques based on Monte Carlo simulation, considering price and productivity uncertainties. The indicators of added value and return on investment of ICLS had an economic advantage compared with conventional systems. It was also found that ICLS needed a smaller operational area than conventional systems for the economic break-even point. Integrated systems provide lower financial and operational risk levels and greater economic value per hectare compared with conventional systems specialized in monoculture.(AU)

Indicadores Econômicos , Pastagens , Indicadores de Desenvolvimento Sustentável , Indústria Agropecuária/economia , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(8): e20210704, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418155


Hop is a multifunctional specie; however, a large part of its production is destined for the beer market. In Brazil, all hop demand is imported, which has aroused interest in national production. Genetic material and cultivation systems can influence hops production. Thus, this study evaluated morphological and productive performance of hop varieties grown under organic and conventional management in the central-west region of São Paulo, Brazil. The hop yard was installed in the experimental area of the FCA/UNESP (São Paulo State University, School of Agriculture) - Botucatu, in November 2018, the data were collected in second year of production. A randomized block design was adopted, in 2 x 5 Split-Plot, being the main factor: cultivation systems (organic and conventional), and secondary factor: hop varieties (Columbus, Chinook, Nugget, Cascade, and HallertauMittelfrüeh), with four blocks and four plants per plot. Crop-specific morphological and productive parameters were evaluated. The results showed no significant influence of cultivation systems in morphological parameters. Regarding the varieties, Chinook, Cascade, and Nugget stand out for cone length. Columbus, Chinook and Cascade showed higher yields when grown in organic system, obtaining 1100.66, 1088.27 and 940.40 g of cones per plant, respectively. While, HallertauMittelfrüeh variety was the least productive in both systems, in organic system with 160.50 g per plant production, and 267.84 g per plant in conventional system, and, also showing lower cycle compared to the others.

O lúpulo é uma espécie multifuncional, entretanto, grande parte de sua produção é destinada ao mercado cervejeiro. No Brasil, toda a demanda de lúpulo é importada, o que tem despertado interesse pela produção nacional. Fatores como o material genético e sistemas de produção podem influenciar na produção do lúpulo, sendo assim, o trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho morfológico e produtivo de variedades de lúpulo cultivadas sob manejo orgânico e convencional na região centro-oeste paulista, Brasil. O campo de lúpulo foi instalado na área experimental da FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, em novembro de 2018 e os dados coletados no segundo ano de produção. Foi adotado o delineamento de blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas 2 x 5, sendo o fator principal os dois sistemas de cultivo (orgânico e convencional) e fator secundário as cinco variedades selecionadas (Columbus, Chinook, Nugget, Cascade e Hallertau Mittelfrüeh), com quatro blocos e quatro plantas por parcela. Foram avaliados os parâmetros morfológicos e produtivos específicos da cultura. Os resultados demonstraram que os sistemas de cultivo não promovem alterações significativas nos parâmetros morfológicos. Quanto às variedades, destaca-se Chinook, Cascade e Nugget para comprimento de cone. Columbus, Chinook e Cascade apresentaram maiores produções quando cultivadas em sistema orgânico, obtendo 1100,66; 1088,27 e 940,40 g de cones por planta, respectivamente. Enquanto que, a variedade Hallertau Mittelfrüeh foi a menos produtiva em ambos os sistemas, no sistema orgânico com produção de 160,50 g por planta, enquanto que no convencional 267,84 g por planta, apresentando também menor ciclo quando comparada com as demais.

Humulus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Agricultura Orgânica
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(3): eRBCA-2022-1755, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451868


Enteropatogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) and shigatoxigenic E. coli (STEC), are generally poultry and poultry product isolate and can cause serious human infections. Many strains may become resistant to various antimicrobials, which can hinder the treatment of bacterial diseases. Organic farming seeks to avoid the selection and frequency of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria. This study aims to verify the resistance of EPEC and STEC from organic and conventional (industrial) broiler isolates to antimicrobials. All isolates were submitted to disk diffusion test with tetracycline, gentamicin, enrofloxacin, ceftriaxone and amoxicillin + clavulanate (TET, GEN, ENO, CTX, AMC) and PCR to detect specific virulence genes for EPEC and STEC. A total of 297 E. coli strains were isolated, 213 from conventional. In organic broiler, 84 strains were isolated. The strains from the conventional broiler isolates were resistant to five antimicrobials tested: TET 48.82% (104/213), ENO 28.17% (60/213), CTX 15.49% (33/213), GEN 14.55% (31/213), and AMC 7.04% (15/213), and 9.86% (21/213) were considered multidrug-resistant. Organic chicken strains were resistant to four of the antimicrobials tested: TET 35.7% (30/84), ENO 9.5% (8/84), CTX 2.4% (2/84), GEN 4.8% (4/84). Of the strains from the organic broiler chicken isolates, only 1.2% (1/84) was considered multidrug-resistant. No EPEC and STEC were found in the organic chicken samples. The multidrug resistance was characterized in 9.52% (2/21) of the EPEC and 4.76% (1/21) of the STEC. The study demonstrated the absence of EPEC and STEC strains in organic broilers and carcasses and a lower frequency of multiresistant strains compared to conventional breeding.(AU)

Galinhas/imunologia , Infecções por Escherichia coli/diagnóstico , Escherichia coli Enteropatogênica/patogenicidade , Anti-Infecciosos
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e252594, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339400


Abstract The present trial explained the effect of alternative production systems on growth, morphometric and carcass traits of four different chicken genotypes. The second generation of two genotypes RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) and BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtained by two self-crosses (RNN × RNN = RR and BNN × BNN = BB) and two reciprocal crosses (RNN × BNN = RB and BNN × RNN = BR) were evaluated in three alternative production systems (conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary). At the 6th week of age after sexing, a total of 600 birds, comprising 150 from each crossbred with a total of 300 pullets and 300 cockerels were divided into conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary systems having 200 birds in each.Birds were organized into 3×4 factorial arrangements under Completely Randomized Design (3 production systems × 4 genotypes × 2 sexes × 25 birds = 600 birds). Regarding genotypes, RB and BR males showed higher (p < 0.01) carcass yield, drumstick weight, breast weight, and thigh weight than BB and RR genotypes. Females of BR genotype showed higher (p < 0.01) breast weight, thigh weight and drumstick weight. As far as production systems are concerned, higher (p < 0.01) liver weight, heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight were observed in the males reared in enriched cages compared with conventional cages and aviary system. Females reared in enriched cages showed higher (p < 0.01) heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight when compared with those reared in conventional cages and aviary. It is concluded that chickens (both sexes) of BR and RB genotypes had better morphological measurements and carcass traits than those of RR and BB genotype chickens. Among alternative production systems, chickens reared in enriched cages had better traits than those of reared in conventional cages and aviary during the growing phase.

Resumo O presente estudo explicou o efeito de sistemas alternativos de produção sobre o crescimento, características morfométricas e carcaças de quatro genótipos de frango diferentes. A segunda geração de dois genótipos RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) e BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtida por duas autocruzes (RNN × RNN = RR e B ANN × BNN = BB) e duas cruzes recíprocas (RNN × BNN = RB e BNN × RNN = BR) foi avaliada em três sistemas de produção alternativos (gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e aviário). Na 6ª semana de idade após o sexo, um total de 600 aves, compostas por 150 de cada raça cruzada com um total de 300 pullets e 300 galos, foi dividido em gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e sistemas aviários com 200 aves em cada. As aves foram organizadas em 3×4 arranjos fatoriais sob projeto completamente randomizado (3 sistemas de produção × 4 genótipos × 2 sexos × 25 aves = 600 aves). Em relação aos genótipos, os machos RB e BR apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (p < 0,01), peso da baqueta, peso mamário e peso da coxa do que os genótipos BB e RR. As fêmeas do genótipo BR apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso mamário, peso da coxa e peso da baqueta. No que diz respeito aos sistemas de produção, maior (p < 0,01) peso hepático, peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa foram observados nos machos criados em gaiolas enriquecidas em comparação com gaiolas convencionais e sistema aviário. As fêmeas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa quando comparadas com as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias. Conclui-se que as galinhas (ambos os sexos) dos genótipos BR e RB apresentaram melhores medidas morfológicas e traços de carcaça do que os de frangos genótipos RR e BB. Entre os sistemas de produção alternativos, as galinhas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas tinham características melhores do que as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias durante a fase de cultivo.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Galinhas/genética , Hibridização Genética , Rhode Island , Genótipo
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469143


Abstract The present study was designed to evaluate the strength of association of raised plasma homocysteine concentration as a risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factor. It was a case control study conducted at Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. A total of 210 subjects aged 25 to 60 years comprising of 105 newly admitted patients of CHD as cases and 105 age and sex matched healthy individuals with no history of CHD as control were recruited for the study. Fasting blood samples were obtained from cases and controls. Plasma homocysteine was analyzed by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) method on automated immunoassay analyzer (Abbott IMX). Total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol were analyzed using calorimetric kit methods. The concentration of LDL cholesterol was calculated using Friedewald formula. The patients were also assessed for traditional risk factors such as age, sex, family history of CVD, hypertension, smoking and physical activity, and were compared with control subjects. The collected data was entered in SPSS version 24 for analysis and interpretation.The mean age in controls and experimental groups were 43.00± 8.42 years and 44.72± 8.59 years with statistically same distribution (p- value= 0.144). The mean plasma homocysteine for cases was 22.33± 9.22 µmol/L where as it was 12.59±3.73 µmol/L in control group. Highly significant difference was seen between the mean plasma level of homocysteine in cases and controls (p0.001).Simple logistic regression indicates a strong association of coronary heart disease with hyperhomocysteinemia (OR 7.45), which remained significantly associated with coronary heart disease by multivariate logistic regression (OR 7.10, 95%C1 3.12-12.83, p=0.000). The present study concludes that elevated levels of Plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factors and can be used as an indicator for predicting the future possibility for the onset of CVD.

Resumo O presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a força da associação da concentração elevada de homocisteína no plasma como um fator de risco para doença cardíaca coronária independente do fator de risco convencional. Foi um estudo de caso-controle realizado no Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. Um total de 210 indivíduos com idade entre 25 e 60 anos, compreendendo 105 pacientes recém-admitidos de CHD como casos e 105 indivíduos saudáveis pareados por idade e sexo sem histórico de CHD como controle, foi recrutado para o estudo. Amostras de sangue em jejum foram obtidas de casos e controles. A homocisteína plasmática foi analisada pelo método de imunoensaio de polarização de fluorescência (FPIA) em analisador de imunoensaio automatizado (Abbott IMX). Colesterol total, triglicerídeos e colesterol HDL foram analisados usando métodos de kit calorimétrico. A concentração de colesterol LDL foi calculada pela fórmula de Friedewald. Os pacientes também foram avaliados para fatores de risco tradicionais, como idade, sexo, história familiar de DCV, hipertensão, tabagismo e atividade física, e foram comparados com indivíduos de controle. Os dados coletados foram inseridos no SPSS versão 24 para análise e interpretação. A média de idade nos grupos controles e experimentais foi de 43,00 ± 8,42 anos e 44,72 ± 8,59 anos com distribuição estatisticamente igual (p-valor = 0,144). A homocisteína plasmática média para os casos foi de 22,33 ± 9,22 µmol / L, enquanto no grupo controle foi de 12,59 ± 3,73 µmol / L. Diferença altamente significativa foi observada entre o nível plasmático médio de homocisteína em casos e controles (p 0,001). A regressão logística simples indica uma forte associação de doença cardíaca coronária com hiper-homocisteinemia (OR 7,45), que permaneceu significativamente associada com doença cardíaca coronária por multivariada regressão logística (OR 7,10, 95% C1 3,12-12,83, p = 0,000). O presente estudo conclui que níveis elevados de homocisteína plasmática são fator de risco independente para doença cardíaca coronária, independentemente dos fatores de risco convencionais, e pode ser usado como um indicador para prever a possibilidade futura de aparecimento de DCV.

Arq. Inst. Biol ; 90: e00102022, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1447285


The obstacles in Phakopsora pachyrhizi management result especially from susceptible soybean genotypes and resistant fungal strains. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the applicability of the emission of extremely low and specific frequencies by Effatha technology in the soybean Asian rust control, nutrition, and its impact on yield. The in-vivo test followed the detached leaves method, with six treatments: frequencies 1 and 2 individually and in association; the conventional chemical treatment (fungicide azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupyr); and witnesses in presence and absence of the fungus. Frequency 1 relates to inhibition of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase and 2 to ubiquinone oxidase. In the field, frequencies 1 and 2 associated (with the same fungicidal action of the in-vivo study); nutritional frequency; application of azoxystrobin + benzovindiflupyr + mancozeb, and control without application were evaluated. In vivo, the fungicide provided 85% control of the disease symptoms, against 65% of frequencies 1 and 2 in association, which showed a higher efficiency compared to the isolated frequencies. In the field, the rate of increase of symptoms were reduced by all treatments compared to the control. At the end of the soybean cycle, the conventional fungicide resulted in 33% severity against 56% of frequencies 1 and 2 associated, and 69.2% of the control. The emission of the frequency for increased nutrient efficiency stood out positively on yield in relation to all the other ones. The conventional application provided the highest weight of 1,000 grains, possibly a direct reflection of the better control of the disease.

Glycine max , Imagens de Satélites/métodos , Phakopsora pachyrhizi , Fungicidas Industriais/administração & dosagem
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210086, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436777


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the qPCR for detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae using different milk samplings in comparison to the conventional microbiology. Four dairy herds with a history of subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus and S. agalactiae were selected. Sampling approach included milk samples from bulk tank (BT), cow level (composite samples, CO), and mammary quarter level (MQ) from 785 lactating cows. Three consecutive monthly milk samplings were carried out, totaling 3347 MQ milk samples, 912 CO, and 12 from BT. All collected milk samples were subjected to conventional microbiology and qPCR for detection and enumeration of S. aureus and S. agalactiae. The qPCR showed 71.5% of diagnostic sensitivity for S. aureus isolated from MQ milk samples, 71.8% for CO, and 50% for BT milk samples compared with conventional microbiology methodology. Taken together, the diagnostic sensitivity for S. agalactiae isolated from MQ milk samples was 90.2, 87.7 for CO, and 90.9% for BT milk samples. In general, the qPCR methodology enabled the detection of S. aureus and S. agalactiae, regardless of the type of milk sampling. The direct use of milk samples to estimate the counting of S. aureus by qPCR demonstrated lower sensitivity than the counting of S. agalactiae, which can be explained by the pathogen infection dynamics and differences in milk sample type.

Animais , Bovinos , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus agalactiae , Doenças dos Bovinos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Leite/microbiologia , Mastite Bovina
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e244311, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285616


Abstract Tuberculosis is a communicable disease with high morbidity and mortality rates in developing countries. The study's primary objective is to compare conventional methods such as acid-fast bacillus (AFB) culture and microscopy with rapid diagnostic methods. The secondary objective is to compare histopathological and microbiological findings in suspected patients with tubercular lymphadenitis. A total of 111 samples (August 2018 to September 2019) of lymph nodes were processed for AFB microscopy, AFB cultures, drug-susceptibility testing (DST), histopathology, and Xpert Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB)/resistance to Rifampin (RIF) assays. Out of 111 lymph node samples, 6 (5.4%) were positive for AFB smear microscopy, 84 (75.6%) were positive for AFB culture, 80 (70.7%) were positive on Gene Xpert, and 102 (91.8%) were indicative of tuberculosis for histopathology studies. Mycobacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) culture positivity was 84 (75.6%) higher than solid Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) culture 74 (66.6%). Positive cultures underwent phenotypic DST. Two cases were Multidrug-resistant (MDR) on DST, while three cases were Rifampicin resistant on Gene Xpert. The sensitivity of Genexpert was (62%) against the conventional AFB culture method. The poor performance of conventional lymphadenitis diagnostic methods requires early and accurate diagnostic methodology. Xpert MTB/RIF test can help in the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB cases. Nonetheless, rapid and conventional methods should be used for complete isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Resumo A tuberculose é uma doença transmissível com altas taxas de morbimortalidade nos países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo principal do estudo é comparar métodos convencionais, como cultura de bacilo álcool-ácido resistente (BAAR) e microscopia, com métodos de diagnóstico rápido. O objetivo secundário é comparar os achados histopatológicos e microbiológicos em pacientes com suspeita de linfadenite tubercular. Um total de 111 amostras (agosto de 2018 a setembro de 2019) de gânglios linfáticos foi processado ​​para microscopia de AFB, culturas de AFB, teste de susceptibilidade a drogas (DST), histopatologia e Xpert Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)/ensaios de resistência à rifampicina (RIF). Das 111 amostras de linfonodos, 6 (5,4%) foram positivas para baciloscopia de AFB, 84 (75,6%) foram positivas para cultura de AFB, 80 (70,7%) foram positivas para o GeneXpert e 102 (91,8%) foram indicativas de tuberculose para estudos histopatológicos. A positividade da cultura do tubo indicador de crescimento de micobactérias (MGIT) foi 84 (75,6%), maior que a cultura sólida de Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ), 74 (66,6%). As culturas positivas foram submetidas a DST fenotípico. Dois casos eram multirresistentes (MDR) ao DST, enquanto três casos eram resistentes à rifampicina no GeneXpert. A sensibilidade do GeneXpert foi 62% contra o método convencional de cultura AFB. O fraco desempenho dos métodos convencionais de diagnóstico de linfadenite requer metodologia de diagnóstico precoce e precisa. O teste Xpert MTB/RIF pode ajudar no tratamento de casos de tuberculose multirresistente. No entanto, métodos rápidos e convencionais devem ser usados ​​para o isolamento completo do Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Humanos , Tuberculose dos Linfonodos/diagnóstico , Tuberculose Resistente a Múltiplos Medicamentos , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Rifampina/uso terapêutico , Rifampina/farmacologia
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(2): 653-670, mar.-abr. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434447


The food industry is very interested in high-yield ingredients to enrich and develop new products that have an affordable value for the population. This work aimed to determine the correlations and contrasts between grain physical and agronomic traits of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids cultivated in the first crop season. The experiments were installed in the 2017/18, 2018/19, and 2019/20 crop seasons in Guarapuava - PR. The experimental design was a randomized block design with eight hybrids (SUPREMO VIP, SUPREMO, P30F53VYH, P30F53, P3456H, P3456, DKB290PRO3, and DKB290) and three replications. The agronomic traits, such as the percentage of rot grains, 1000-grain mass, and grain yield, also the physical traits of grains for industrial purposes, such as grits, germ, vitreousness, flotation, and hectoliter weight, were evaluated. There is a positive correlation between grits and flotation. The choice of hybrids for the food industry based on vitreousness positively favors flotation. The grits showed a positive correlation with hectoliter weight and a negative correlation with the incidence of rot grains. Vitreousness was influenced by the choice of conventional or transgenic hybrid and crop season. The environments of the crop seasons influence the grain yield, 1000-grain mass, and rot grain incidence of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids.(AU)

A indústria de alimentos tem grande interesse por ingredientes de elevado rendimento industrial para enriquecer e desenvolver novos produtos, e que tenha um valor acessível para a população. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram determinar as correlações e contrastes entre caracteres físicos de grãos e agronômicos de híbridos de milho convencionais e transgênicos cultivados na primeira safra. Os experimentos foram instalados nas safras agrícolas (2017/18, 2018/19 e 2019/20), no município de Guarapuava ­ PR. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 8 híbridos: (SUPREMO VIP, SUPREMO, P30F53VYH, P30F53, P3456H, P3456, DKB290PRO3, DKB290) e três repetições. Foram avaliadas as características agronômicas como a porcentagem de grãos ardidos, peso de mil grãos e produtividade de grãos e também as características físicas dos grãos para fins industriais, como a canjica, gérmen, vitreosidade, flutuação e peso hectolítrico. Há correlação positiva entre a canjica e a flutuação. A escolha de híbridos para a indústria alimentícia com base na vitreosidade favorece positivamente a característica de flutuação. A canjica apresentou correlação positiva com peso hectolitro e negativa com incidência de grãos ardidos. A vitreosidade foi influenciada pela escolha do híbrido convencional ou transgênico e pela safra agrícola. Os ambientes das safras agrícolas influenciam as características produtividade de grãos, peso de mil grãos e incidência de grãos ardidos dos híbridos de milho convencional e transgênico.(AU)

Grão Comestível/anatomia & histologia , Alimentos Geneticamente Modificados , Brasil , Zea mays/anatomia & histologia , Alimentação Coletiva
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(7): e20200935, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404285


ABSTRACT: Osmotic dehydration (OD) is a technique used for the partial removal of water from foodstuff, including fruit and vegetables, with the aim of producing a desiccated product. The process involves placing the material in a hypertonic solution for several hours and allowing water to move from the cell compartment into the solution by osmosis. OD is influenced by various factors such as the concentration and composition of the osmotic solution, the solution temperature, the type of agitation and the time of exposure, as well as the size, shape and compactness of the food material. The main advantages of OD over conventional drying processes are the superior quality of the dried products and the minimization of shrinkage. In recent years, research effort has focused on the combination of OD with other technologies, such as ultrasound, cryogenic freezing with liquid nitrogen, pulsed electric field, gamma radiation and high hydrostatic pressure. The application of these methods prior to or concomitant with OD accelerates mass transfer and reduces the drying rate of fruit and vegetables by increasing the permeability of cell membranes. In this manner, combined processes tend to be more efficient and economical in comparison with conventional OD because they reduce operating times and; consequently, energy consumption. In addition, the dried products generated by such coupled processes typically exhibit improved nutritional and physicochemical characteristics. This review summarizes the basic principles and applications of OD in combination with other methods, with particular emphasis on the production of dried fruits.

RESUMO: A desidratação osmótica (DO) é uma técnica utilizada para remover parcialmente a água dos alimentos, incluindo frutas e vegetais, com vistas a produção de alimentos secos. O processo consiste em colocar o material em uma solução hipertônica por várias horas e deixar a água passar do compartimento celular para a solução por osmose. A DO é influenciada por vários fatores como a concentração e composição da solução osmótica, a temperatura da solução, o tipo de agitação e o tempo de exposição, assim como o tamanho, forma e compactação do material alimentar. As principais vantagens da DO em relação aos processos de secagem convencionais são que ela dá origem a produtos secos de qualidade superior e minimiza o encolhimento. Nos últimos anos, tem-se investigado a combinação da DO com outras tecnologias, tais como ultrassom, congelamento criogênico com nitrogênio líquido, campo elétrico pulsado, radiação gama e alta pressão hidrostática. A aplicação desses métodos antes ou simultaneamente com a DO acelera a transferência de massa e reduz a taxa de secagem de frutas e vegetais através do aumento da permeabilidade das membranas celulares. Assim, os processos combinados tendem a ser mais eficientes e econômicos do que a DO convencional, pois reduzem o tempo de operação e, consequentemente, o consumo de energia. Adicionalmente, os produtos desidratados gerados através de processos associados geralmente apresentam melhores características nutricionais e físico-químicas. Esta revisão sumariza os princípios básicos e aplicações da DO em combinação com outros métodos, com ênfase especial dada à produção de frutas secas.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(7): e20210787, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404288


ABSTRACT: Weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most problematic weed in rice fields due to the few control management alternatives to control it, because of the genetic similarity with the crop. Different cropping systems (regarding soil preparation before sowing) have been used as options to control the persistence and emergence of the weed seedbank. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the longevity and vertical distribution of weedy rice seeds in the soil seedbank after 22 years of different rice cropping systems. Data was analyzed as a two-way factorial, with cropping systems carried out for 22 years [no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT), wet direct-seeded (WDS)] as one factor and sampling depth (0-2, 2-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm) as the other factor. The number of whole and deteriorated seeds per m-2 were assessed, as well as the viability (%). No effect between the systems were detected up to 5 cm, however at 5-10 cm CT and WDS showed higher amount of seeds, and WDS at 10-20 cm. As the sampling depth increased, NT showed fewer amount of seeds, while less reduction of the soil seedbank was observed in WDS. CT and WDS spread viable seeds in the soil profile from 0 to 20 cm depth. After 22 years there are viable weedy rice seeds up to 10 cm of depth in the three cropping systems and there is no difference among them up to 5 cm of depth, demonstrating the serious problem of the seedbank for this species.

RESUMO: O arroz daninho (Oryza sativa L.) é a principal planta daninha do arroz cultivado e, devido à similaridade genética com a cultura, são poucas as alternativas de controle. Uma possibilidade são os sistemas de cultivo, em razão da influência na emergência e sobrevivência da espécie no banco de sementes do solo. Diante disso, o trabalho objetivou avaliar a longevidade e a distribuição das sementes de arroz daninho no perfil do solo, após 22 anos de cultivo, sob diferentes sistemas. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial, em que o fator A foi composto por três sistemas de cultivo, realizados consecutivamente durante 22 anos, sendo esses: semeadura direta (SD), sistema convencional (SC) e pré-germinado (PG); e, o fator B composto por quatro profundidades de amostragem: 0-2, 2-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm. As variáveis avaliadas foram: o número de sementes íntegras e deterioradas m-2; e, a porcentagem de viabilidade. Não foi verificado efeito dos sistemas até 5 cm, mas a 5-10 cm SC e PG mostraram maior quantidade de sementes, e PG a 10-20 cm. A SD proporcionou diminuição de sementes íntegras conforme aumentou a profundidade de amostragem, enquanto o sistema PG elimina menos sementes do banco de sementes do solo. Os sistemas SC e PG distribuem sementes viáveis no perfil do solo de 0 a 20 cm de profundidade. Após 22 anos, nos três sistemas de cultivo há sementes de arroz daninho viáveis até 10 cm de profundidade, sendo igual a quantidade de sementes viáveis até cinco centímetros de profundidade.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-12, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468970


The present trial explained the effect of alternative production systems on growth, morphometric and carcass traits of four different chicken genotypes. The second generation of two genotypes RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) and BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtained by two self-crosses (RNN × RNN = RR and BNN × BNN = BB) and two reciprocal crosses (RNN × BNN = RB and BNN × RNN = BR) were evaluated in three alternative production systems (conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary). At the 6th week of age after sexing, a total of 600 birds, comprising 150 from each crossbred with a total of 300 pullets and 300 cockerels were divided into conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary systems having 200 birds in each.Birds were organized into 3×4 factorial arrangements under Completely Randomized Design (3 production systems × 4 genotypes × 2 sexes × 25 birds = 600 birds). Regarding genotypes, RB and BR males showed higher (p < 0.01) carcass yield, drumstick weight, breast weight, and thigh weight than BB and RR genotypes. Females of BR genotype showed higher (p < 0.01) breast weight, thigh weight and drumstick weight. As far as production systems are concerned, higher (p < 0.01) liver weight, heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight were observed in the males reared in enriched cages compared with conventional cages and aviary system. Females reared in enriched cages showed higher (p < 0.01) heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight when compared with those reared in conventional cages and aviary. It is concluded that chickens (both sexes) of BR and RB genotypes had better morphological measurements and carcass traits than those of RR and BB genotype chickens. Among alternative production systems, chickens reared in enriched cages had better traits than those of reared in conventional cages and aviary during the growing phase.

O presente estudo explicou o efeito de sistemas alternativos de produção sobre o crescimento, características morfométricas e carcaças de quatro genótipos de frango diferentes. A segunda geração de dois genótipos RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) e BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtida por duas autocruzes (RNN × RNN = RR e B ANN × BNN = BB) e duas cruzes recíprocas (RNN × BNN = RB e BNN × RNN = BR) foi avaliada em três sistemas de produção alternativos (gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e aviário). Na 6ª semana de idade após o sexo, um total de 600 aves, compostas por 150 de cada raça cruzada com um total de 300 pullets e 300 galos, foi dividido em gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e sistemas aviários com 200 aves em cada. As aves foram organizadas em 3×4 arranjos fatoriais sob projeto completamente randomizado (3 sistemas de produção × 4 genótipos × 2 sexos × 25 aves = 600 aves). Em relação aos genótipos, os machos RB e BR apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (p < 0,01), peso da baqueta, peso mamário e peso da coxa do que os genótipos BB e RR. As fêmeas do genótipo BR apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso mamário, peso da coxa e peso da baqueta. No que diz respeito aos sistemas de produção, maior (p < 0,01) peso hepático, peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa foram observados nos machos criados em gaiolas enriquecidas em comparação com gaiolas convencionais e sistema aviário. As fêmeas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa quando comparadas com as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias. Conclui-se que as galinhas (ambos os sexos) dos genótipos BR e RB apresentaram melhores medidas morfológicas e traços de carcaça do que os de frangos genótipos RR e BB. Entre os sistemas de produção alternativos, [...].

Animais , Cruzamento/métodos , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Hibridização Genética , Seleção Artificial/genética
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-12, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765547


The present trial explained the effect of alternative production systems on growth, morphometric and carcass traits of four different chicken genotypes. The second generation of two genotypes RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) and BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtained by two self-crosses (RNN × RNN = RR and BNN × BNN = BB) and two reciprocal crosses (RNN × BNN = RB and BNN × RNN = BR) were evaluated in three alternative production systems (conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary). At the 6th week of age after sexing, a total of 600 birds, comprising 150 from each crossbred with a total of 300 pullets and 300 cockerels were divided into conventional cages, enriched cages, and aviary systems having 200 birds in each.Birds were organized into 3×4 factorial arrangements under Completely Randomized Design (3 production systems × 4 genotypes × 2 sexes × 25 birds = 600 birds). Regarding genotypes, RB and BR males showed higher (p < 0.01) carcass yield, drumstick weight, breast weight, and thigh weight than BB and RR genotypes. Females of BR genotype showed higher (p < 0.01) breast weight, thigh weight and drumstick weight. As far as production systems are concerned, higher (p < 0.01) liver weight, heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight were observed in the males reared in enriched cages compared with conventional cages and aviary system. Females reared in enriched cages showed higher (p < 0.01) heart weight, breast weight, intestinal weight, drumstick weight, and thigh weight when compared with those reared in conventional cages and aviary. It is concluded that chickens (both sexes) of BR and RB genotypes had better morphological measurements and carcass traits than those of RR and BB genotype chickens. Among alternative production systems, chickens reared in enriched cages had better traits than those of reared in conventional cages and aviary during the growing phase.(AU)

O presente estudo explicou o efeito de sistemas alternativos de produção sobre o crescimento, características morfométricas e carcaças de quatro genótipos de frango diferentes. A segunda geração de dois genótipos RNN (Rhode Island Red × Naked Neck) e BNN (Black Australorp × Naked Neck) obtida por duas autocruzes (RNN × RNN = RR e B ANN × BNN = BB) e duas cruzes recíprocas (RNN × BNN = RB e BNN × RNN = BR) foi avaliada em três sistemas de produção alternativos (gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e aviário). Na 6ª semana de idade após o sexo, um total de 600 aves, compostas por 150 de cada raça cruzada com um total de 300 pullets e 300 galos, foi dividido em gaiolas convencionais, gaiolas enriquecidas e sistemas aviários com 200 aves em cada. As aves foram organizadas em 3×4 arranjos fatoriais sob projeto completamente randomizado (3 sistemas de produção × 4 genótipos × 2 sexos × 25 aves = 600 aves). Em relação aos genótipos, os machos RB e BR apresentaram maior rendimento de carcaça (p < 0,01), peso da baqueta, peso mamário e peso da coxa do que os genótipos BB e RR. As fêmeas do genótipo BR apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso mamário, peso da coxa e peso da baqueta. No que diz respeito aos sistemas de produção, maior (p < 0,01) peso hepático, peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa foram observados nos machos criados em gaiolas enriquecidas em comparação com gaiolas convencionais e sistema aviário. As fêmeas criadas em gaiolas enriquecidas apresentaram maior (p < 0,01) peso cardíaco, peso mamário, peso intestinal, peso da baqueta e peso da coxa quando comparadas com as criadas em gaiolas convencionais e aviárias. Conclui-se que as galinhas (ambos os sexos) dos genótipos BR e RB apresentaram melhores medidas morfológicas e traços de carcaça do que os de frangos genótipos RR e BB. Entre os sistemas de produção alternativos, [...].(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cruzamento/métodos , Hibridização Genética , Seleção Artificial/genética
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 52-62, mar. 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426285


A cafeicultura vem crescendo cada vez mais no Brasil e, diante disso, tecnologias são desenvolvidas constantemente para obtenção de maiores produtividades. Nesse contexto, vem sendo estudado o efeito do mulching de polietileno e fontes de adubo na cafeicultura. O objetivodesse trabalho foi avaliar a incidência de bicho-mineiro e ácaro-vermelho em cafeeiro em função do uso do mulchingde polietileno e adubos (liberação controlada e convencional). A pesquisa foi realizada na área experimental da Universidade Federalde Uberlândia ­CampusMonte Carmelo, Minas Gerais, com a cultivar de Coffea arabicaIPR 100, com delineamento em blocos casualizados e quatro repetições. Foram testados os seguintes tratamentos: T1 -mulchingdupla face branco/preto com adubo convencional; T2 ­mulchingdupla face branco/preto com adubo de liberação controlada; T3 ­mulchingdupla face prata/preto com adubo convencional; T4 ­mulchingdupla face prata/preto com adubo de liberação controlada; T5 ­Sem mulchingcom adubo convencional; T6 ­Sem mulchingcom adubo de liberação controlada. As avaliações ocorreram quinzenalmente de julho de 2020 a dezembro de 2020, mediante a constatação da presença ou ausência de ácaro-vermelho e de lagartas de bicho-mineiro. Os picos de densidade populacional para bicho-mineiro ocorreram no período de julho a outubro de 2020, e para ácaro-vermelho no mês de agosto, devido à baixa umidade relativa do ar e precipitação. Assim, conclui-se que a utilização do mulchingdupla face prata/preto proporcionou maior atratividade do bicho-mineiro-do-cafeeiro. Já as fontes de adubo não influenciaram na probabilidade de ocorrência deste inseto-praga. Além disso, os adubos convencionais, bem como os de liberação controlada, e a ausência/presença de coberturas do solo, não influenciaram na incidência deácaro-vermelho em cafeeiros da região do Cerrado Mineiro.(AU)

Coffee crop has been growing increasingly in Brazil and, in view of this, technologies are constantly being developedto obtain greater productivity. In this context, the effect of polyethylene mulchingas a source of fertilizer on coffee production has been studied. The objective of this work was to evaluate the incidence of leaf miner and red mite in coffee as a function of the use of polyethylene mulching and controlled and conventional release fertilizer. The research was carried out in the experimental area of the Federal University of Uberlândia -Campus Monte Carmelo, Minas Gerais, with the cultivar IPR 100, in arandomized block design with four blocks. The following treatments were tested: T1 -double-faced white/black mulchingwith conventional fertilizer; T2 ­white/black double-sided mulchingwith controlled release fertilizer; T3 ­double-sided silver/black mulchingwith conventional fertilizer; T4 ­silver/black double-sided mulchingwith controlled release fertilizer; T5 ­No mulchingwith conventional fertilizer; T6 ­No mulchingwith controlledreleasefertilizer. The evaluations took place fortnightly from July 2020 to December 2020, upon verification of the presence or absence of leaf miner and red mite caterpillars. Population density peaks for leaf miner occurred from July to October 2020, and for red mite in August, due to low relative humidity and precipitation. Thus, it is concluded that the use of double-sided silver/black mulching provided greater attractiveness to the coffee leaf miner. The fertilizer sources did not influence the probability of occurrence of this insect pest. In addition, conventional fertilizers, as well as those of controlled release, and the absence/presence of soil coverings, did not influence the incidence of red mite in coffee trees in the Cerrado Mineiro region.(AU)

Café/fisiologia , Polietileno/administração & dosagem , Lepidópteros/química , Fertilizantes/efeitos adversos , Infestações por Ácaros/imunologia , Ácaros/química
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1694, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428048


This study evaluated the productive performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed diets containing prilled fats of palm oil (PFPO) or calcium soaps of palm oil (CaSPO) replacing vegetable oils (VO). A total of two hundred 1-day-old male Ross 308 chickens were allocated in a 2 × 2 randomized factorial design. Diets included 2 PFPO levels (0 and 50%) and 2 CaSPO levels (0 and 50%). The level was the percentage of substitution of VO by granulated fats. The study had two phases (starter and finisher), each lasting 21 days. In the starter phase, PFPO did not influence (main effects; p>0.05) feed intake and body weight gain, but improved (main effect; p=0.03) feed conversion. In the finisher phase and the total study, PFPO had no effect (p>0.05) on these productive variables. Throughout the study, CaSPO did not influence feed intake (main effect; p>0.50), but decreased weight gain and had a negative effect on feed conversion (main effects; p<0.05). There was no influence of fats (PFPO or CaSPO) on carcass yield, breast, drumsticks plus thighs, and wings (main effects; p>0.05). Chickens fed CaSPO had lower (main effect; p=0.02) carcass weight. The only PFPO × CaSPO interaction (p=0.04) was for back yield. Results showed that PFPO or CaSPO could be employed in formulating broiler chicken diets, as they are less expensive than conventional VO. Partial substitution of VO for PFPO had minimal effect on productive variables, although partial dietary inclusion of CaSPO might slightly reduce the production of broiler chickens.(AU)

Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Óleo de Palmeira/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologia
Sci. agric ; 80: e20220139, 2023. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434374


The Ethiopian Drylands are rich in their variety of local earthworm species. However, the category of species, and the effect of their performance on additions to plant nutrients have not been adequately evaluated. Thus, local earthworm samples were collected from the three major agroecological zones (highland, midland, and lowland) in Tigray (northern Ethiopia) and classified down to species level. Moreover, a vermicomposting experiment with four treatments (three local earthworm species, Eisenia fetida , and a conventional composting method) and three replications was established. Finally, each bin's mature compost sample was taken to analyze plant nutrient content. The study results indicated that earthworm species in the highland, midland and lowland agroecological zones were Dendrobaena veneta, Eisenia andrie and Lumbricus rubellus , respectively. The use of these earthworms in the composting process (average of the four earthworm species) yielded higher nutrient content, ranging from 21.9 % for Sodium to 3300 % for Boron, compared to the conventional one. The highest total nitrogen (an increase of 44.4 %) and organic carbon (an increase of 33.4 %) were recorded in the Eisenia fetida and Dendrobaena veneta treated bins, respectively. Composting with Eisenia andrie has resulted in increases in P (96.1 %), K (125 %), Mg (83 %) and all micro-nutrients (between 91 % for Zn and 4400 % for B). Both Eisenia andrie and Lumbricus rubellus species contributed to the increased additions of Sulfur (85.7 %) compared to the control. It can be concluded that the use of local earthworms (particularly Eisenia andrie) in the composting process plays a significant role in plant nutrient addition.(AU)

Animais , Oligoquetos/fisiologia , Química do Solo , Nutrientes/análise , Etiópia
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-9, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468858


Tuberculosis is a communicable disease with high morbidity and mortality rates in developing countries. The study's primary objective is to compare conventional methods such as acid-fast bacillus (AFB) culture and microscopy with rapid diagnostic methods. The secondary objective is to compare histopathological and microbiological findings in suspected patients with tubercular lymphadenitis. A total of 111 samples (August 2018 to September 2019) of lymph nodes were processed for AFB microscopy, AFB cultures, drug-susceptibility testing (DST), histopathology, and Xpert Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MTB)/resistance to Rifampin (RIF) assays. Out of 111 lymph node samples, 6 (5.4%) were positive for AFB smear microscopy, 84 (75.6%) were positive for AFB culture, 80 (70.7%) were positive on Gene Xpert, and 102 (91.8%) were indicative of tuberculosis for histopathology studies. Mycobacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) culture positivity was 84 (75.6%) higher than solid Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) culture 74 (66.6%). Positive cultures underwent phenotypic DST. Two cases were Multidrug-resistant (MDR) on DST, while three cases were Rifampicin resistant on Gene Xpert. The sensitivity of Genexpert was (62%) against the conventional AFB culture method. The poor performance of conventional lymphadenitis diagnostic methods requires early and accurate diagnostic methodology. Xpert MTB/RIF test can help in the treatment of multidrug-resistant TB cases. Nonetheless, rapid and conventional methods should be used for complete isolation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

A tuberculose é uma doença transmissível com altas taxas de morbimortalidade nos países em desenvolvimento. O objetivo principal do estudo é comparar métodos convencionais, como cultura de bacilo álcool-ácido resistente (BAAR) e microscopia, com métodos de diagnóstico rápido. O objetivo secundário é comparar os achados histopatológicos e microbiológicos em pacientes com suspeita de linfadenite tubercular. Um total de 111 amostras (agosto de 2018 a setembro de 2019) de gânglios linfáticos foi processado para microscopia de AFB, culturas de AFB, teste de susceptibilidade a drogas (DST), histopatologia e Xpert Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB)/ensaios de resistência à rifampicina (RIF). Das 111 amostras de linfonodos, 6 (5,4%) foram positivas para baciloscopia de AFB, 84 (75,6%) foram positivas para cultura de AFB, 80 (70,7%) foram positivas para o GeneXpert e 102 (91,8%) foram indicativas de tuberculose para estudos histopatológicos. A positividade da cultura do tubo indicador de crescimento de micobactérias (MGIT) foi 84 (75,6%), maior que a cultura sólida de Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ), 74 (66,6%). As culturas positivas foram submetidas a DST fenotípico. Dois casos eram multirresistentes (MDR) ao DST, enquanto três casos eram resistentes à rifampicina no GeneXpert. A sensibilidade do GeneXpert foi 62% contra o método convencional de cultura AFB. O fraco desempenho dos métodos convencionais de diagnóstico de linfadenite requer metodologia de diagnóstico precoce e precisa. O teste Xpert MTB/RIF pode ajudar no tratamento de casos de tuberculose multirresistente. No entanto, métodos rápidos e convencionais devem ser usados para o isolamento completo do Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Humanos , Tuberculose dos Linfonodos/diagnóstico , Tuberculose dos Linfonodos/microbiologia , Tuberculose/diagnóstico , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos