ABSTRACT: Weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most problematic weed in rice fields due to the few control management alternatives to control it, because of the genetic similarity with the crop. Different cropping systems (regarding soil preparation before sowing) have been used as options to control the persistence and emergence of the weed seedbank. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the longevity and vertical distribution of weedy rice seeds in the soil seedbank after 22 years of different rice cropping systems. Data was analyzed as a two-way factorial, with cropping systems carried out for 22 years [no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage (CT), wet direct-seeded (WDS)] as one factor and sampling depth (0-2, 2-5, 5-10 and 10-20 cm) as the other factor. The number of whole and deteriorated seeds per m-2 were assessed, as well as the viability (%). No effect between the systems were detected up to 5 cm, however at 5-10 cm CT and WDS showed higher amount of seeds, and WDS at 10-20 cm. As the sampling depth increased, NT showed fewer amount of seeds, while less reduction of the soil seedbank was observed in WDS. CT and WDS spread viable seeds in the soil profile from 0 to 20 cm depth. After 22 years there are viable weedy rice seeds up to 10 cm of depth in the three cropping systems and there is no difference among them up to 5 cm of depth, demonstrating the serious problem of the seedbank for this species.
RESUMO: O arroz daninho (Oryza sativa L.) é a principal planta daninha do arroz cultivado e, devido à similaridade genética com a cultura, são poucas as alternativas de controle. Uma possibilidade são os sistemas de cultivo, em razão da influência na emergência e sobrevivência da espécie no banco de sementes do solo. Diante disso, o trabalho objetivou avaliar a longevidade e a distribuição das sementes de arroz daninho no perfil do solo, após 22 anos de cultivo, sob diferentes sistemas. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em esquema fatorial, em que o fator A foi composto por três sistemas de cultivo, realizados consecutivamente durante 22 anos, sendo esses: semeadura direta (SD), sistema convencional (SC) e pré-germinado (PG); e, o fator B composto por quatro profundidades de amostragem: 0-2, 2-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm. As variáveis avaliadas foram: o número de sementes íntegras e deterioradas m-2; e, a porcentagem de viabilidade. Não foi verificado efeito dos sistemas até 5 cm, mas a 5-10 cm SC e PG mostraram maior quantidade de sementes, e PG a 10-20 cm. A SD proporcionou diminuição de sementes íntegras conforme aumentou a profundidade de amostragem, enquanto o sistema PG elimina menos sementes do banco de sementes do solo. Os sistemas SC e PG distribuem sementes viáveis no perfil do solo de 0 a 20 cm de profundidade. Após 22 anos, nos três sistemas de cultivo há sementes de arroz daninho viáveis até 10 cm de profundidade, sendo igual a quantidade de sementes viáveis até cinco centímetros de profundidade.
Mundialmente, a produção de hortaliças, incluindo os pimentões, está relacionada ao manejo intensivo do solo e, consequentemente, à degradação do mesmo. A implantação de manejos conservacionistas têm se intensificado para a redução dos danos resultantes da produção de manejo convencional. Neste sentido, objetivodo estudo foi de avaliar o desenvolvimento e produtividade do pimentão cultivado em sistema de plantio direto sobre diferentes coberturas vegetais, indicando as espécies com maior potencial pera essa utilização. Para tanto, os tratamentos utilizados foram: Controle (manejo convencional); milheto; crotalária; combinação de coberturas (milheto e crotalária) e plantas espontâneas. As variáveis avaliadas foram: fotossíntese líquida, condutância estomática, concentração de CO2, transpiração, eficiência do uso da água, eficiência instantânea de carboxilação e produtividade. Verificou-se que todas coberturas, melhoraram as características de comprimento e massa de fruto. No quesito de número de frutos por planta e produtividade a cobertura mix superou o restante. A cobertura com plantas espontâneas resultou em maiores concentração intracelular, condutância estomática e transpiração, enquanto que o tratamento mix possibilitou a obtenção de maior valor de fotossíntese líquida, eficiência do uso da água e eficiência instantânea de carboxilação. O maior incremento na produção e capacidade fotossintética ocorreu na utilização de milheto e crotalária.(AU)
Worldwide, the production of vegetables, including peppers, is related to intensive soil management and, consequently, to soil degradation. The implementation of conservationist managements has been intensified to reduce the damage resulting from the production of conventional management. In this sense, the objective of the study was to evaluate the development and productivity of sweet pepper grown in a no-tillage system under different vegetation cover, indicating the species with the greatest potential for this use. Therefore, the treatments used were: Control (conventional management); millet; sunn hemp; combination of cover crops (millet and sunn hemp) and spontaneous plants. The variables evaluated were: net photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, CO2 concentration, transpiration, water use efficiency, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency and productivity. It was found that all coverages improved the characteristics of length and fruit mass. In terms of number of fruits per plant and productivity, the mix coverage surpassed the rest. Coverage with weeds resulted in higher intracellular concentration, stomatal conductance and transpiration, while the mix treatment made it possible to obtain higher net photosynthesis value, water use efficiency and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency. The greatest increase in production and photosynthetic capacity occurred in the use of millet and sunn hemp.(AU)
Capsicum/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Vegetais , Tratamento do SoloResumo
ABSTRACT The analysis of nematode communities allows inferring consequences of management practices on the soil food web. We studied the taxonomic structure of nematode communities in preserved areas of the Atlantic forest (native forest = NF) in Ponta Grossa, Paraná State, Brazil, and in three different agroecosystems in neighboring areas to assess the effect of agricultural land use on nematode assemblages. Agroecosystems were located in a red latosol cropped during 30 years under conventional tillage (CT), no-tillage (NT), and minimal tillage (MT). We collected ten composite soil samples in each area in the summer. Nematodes were extracted by Baermann funnel and fixed with formalin. Subsequently, individuals were classified into taxonomic groups and counted on a Peters slide to determine densities of each taxon. Plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes were classified at the genus level. Data were analyzed with the parameters abundance, Bray & Curtis, Shannon-Weaver, and Simpson indexes. We recorded 35 genera and abundance of nematodes in MT and NT areas was more similar. Higher richness was observed in NF in relation to cropped areas, especially under NT and CT. The PCA and clustering analyses from both nematode communities and soil chemical characteristics showed that MT and CT were more similar and NT was clustered near NF. The replacement of native vegetation by cropping systems caused a reduction of nematode diversity, demonstrating the influence of agricultural practices on nematode communities.
The analysis of nematode communities allows inferring consequences of management practices on the soil food web. We studied the taxonomic structure of nematode communities in preserved areas of the Atlantic forest (native forest = NF) in Ponta Grossa, Paraná State, Brazil, and in three different agroecosystems in neighboring areas to assess the effect of agricultural land use on nematode assemblages. Agroecosystems were located in a red latosol cropped during 30 years under conventional tillage (CT), no-tillage (NT), and minimal tillage (MT). We collected ten composite soil samples in each area in the summer. Nematodes were extracted by Baermann funnel and fixed with formalin. Subsequently, individuals were classified into taxonomic groups and counted on a Peters slide to determine densities of each taxon. Plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes were classified at the genus level. Data were analyzed with the parameters abundance, Bray & Curtis, Shannon-Weaver, and Simpson indexes. We recorded 35 genera and abundance of nematodes in MT and NT areas was more similar. Higher richness was observed in NF in relation to cropped areas, especially under NT and CT. The PCA and clustering analyses from both nematode communities and soil chemical characteristics showed that MT and CT were more similar and NT was clustered near NF. The replacement of native vegetation by cropping systems caused a reduction of nematode diversity, demonstrating the influence of agricultural practices on nematode communities.(AU)
Solo/parasitologia , Análise do Solo , Nematoides , Brasil , BiodiversidadeResumo
Lowlands have been cultivated with irrigated rice (Oryza sativa) in a monoculture cropping system for more than a century in southern Brazil. Shallow topsoil with high bulk density and deficient water infiltration favors the of production paddy rice; however, this condition does not favor species non-tolerant to flooding or oxygen restriction. Thus, soil and irrigation management may be necessary to raise the rice-soybean (Glycine max) rotation systems to sustainable levels. We carried out a two-year field experiment to assess the effects of irrigation treatments and soil management on soil physical properties, soybean growth, and grain yield in lowland systems. The experiment comprised a randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The main factor comprised the following irrigation treatments: sprinkler; surface, and rainfed. Four soil managements composed the second factor: conventional tillage (CT), no-tillage (NT), conventional tillage with raised-seedbed, and no-tillage with raised-seedbed. Soil physical properties, soil penetration resistance, crop parameters, grain yield and water productivity were evaluated. CT increased the soil penetration resistance near the soil surface layer. The highest soil bulk density at the 0.05-0.10 m layer in the CT reduces grain yield in rainfed soybean compared to NT. Supplementary irrigation increased soybean yield of about 36 % in years of uneven rainfall distribution. Sprinkler irrigation resulted in higher irrigated water productivity (90 %) compared to surface irrigation, contributing to a more sustainable increase in grain yield. Crop rotation in a no-tillage cropping scheme could improve the sustainability of diversified agriculture in lowlands.
Glycine max/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Balanço Hidrológico/análise , Características do Solo/análise , Tratamento do Solo/economia , OryzaResumo
Adequate potassium (K) fertilization is essential for agricultural production in soils of the Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado biome) due to the high demand by crops (especially cotton), likelihood of leaching losses, and the dependence on fertilizer importations. Therefore, sustainability requires improvements in the soil efficiency management. This study evaluated the influence of soil management and crop succession or rotation combinations with cotton on K dynamics and exchangeable reserves in the soil profile, and the partial balance of K after nine years of cultivation in a clayey Oxisol in the Cerrado. The soil was sampled in layers up to 100 cm depth in four cotton production systems treatments: 1) conventional soil tillage (CST) with cotton monoculture; 2) CST with annual cotton-soybean-cotton succession; 3) CST with cotton/soybean/maize rotation; and 4) no-tillage system (NTS) with cotton/soybean/maize rotation and Urochloa ruziziensis (ruzigrass) as a cover crop in the off-season after grain crops. The experiment was conducted using a randomized block design with four replications. CST with cotton monoculture favored the leaching of K surplus from fertilization. Crop rotation including ruzigrass in the NTS allowed better control of K dynamics, ensuring its circulation in the soil-plant compartments and reducing leaching. The increased organic matter (OM) in this system enlarges the storage capacity of K in the topsoil. The adoption of no-tillage crop systems integrating ruzigrass is viable to improve the efficiency of K fertilizers in cotton cultivation in highly weathered tropical soils.
Potássio , Glycine max , Zonas Agrícolas/análise , Zea mays , Gossypium , /química , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
The analysis of nematode communities allows inferring consequences of management practices on the soil food web. We studied the taxonomic structure of nematode communities in preserved areas of the Atlantic forest (native forest = NF) in Ponta Grossa, Paraná State, Brazil, and in three different agroecosystems in neighboring areas to assess the effect of agricultural land use on nematode assemblages. Agroecosystems were located in a red latosol cropped during 30 years under conventional tillage (CT), no-tillage (NT), and minimal tillage (MT). We collected ten composite soil samples in each area in the summer. Nematodes were extracted by Baermann funnel and fixed with formalin. Subsequently, individuals were classified into taxonomic groups and counted on a Peters slide to determine densities of each taxon. Plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes were classified at the genus level. Data were analyzed with the parameters abundance, Bray & Curtis, Shannon-Weaver, and Simpson indexes. We recorded 35 genera and abundance of nematodes in MT and NT areas was more similar. Higher richness was observed in NF in relation to cropped areas, especially under NT and CT. The PCA and clustering analyses from both nematode communities and soil chemical characteristics showed that MT and CT were more similar and NT was clustered near NF. The replacement of native vegetation by cropping systems caused a reduction of nematode diversity, demonstrating the influence of agricultural practices on nematode communities.
Análise do Solo , Características do Solo , Microbiologia do Solo , Nematoides/classificação , Zonas AgrícolasResumo
ABSTRACT: Onion is an important vegetable crop, predominantly grown under conventional tillage system management. Alternatively, the vegetable no-tillage system uses cover crops to form a residue layer, which improves soil physical, chemical, and biological attributes. Aiming to understand the interaction of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal cover crops, phosphatase activity, and soil phosphorus availability and uptake by plants, a no-tillage vegetable production system experiment with onion was carried out in Ituporanga, Southern Brazil. The treatments were black oats (Avena strigosa); rye (Secale cereale); oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus); rye + oilseed radish; black oats + oilseed radish, and a control with spontaneous plants. Additionally, two plots, a conventional tillage system area and a forest, both adjacent to the experiment, were evaluated. We measured cover crop biomass, onion yield, acid phosphatase activity, and resin-extracted phosphorus in the soil, shoot and root phosphorus content, and root colonization in cover crops, spontaneous plants, and onions. The treatments with cover crops had the highest plant biomass in winter and onion yield. Available soil phosphorus and acid phosphatase activity were higher in no-tillage plots than in the conventional tillage system area. The presence of non-mycorrhizal oilseed radish was associated with decreased colonization of rye and onion roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. No-tillage areas with cover crops or spontaneous plants in winter accumulated more phosphorus than conventional tillage system areas. The conventional tillage system showed adverse effects on most soil attributes, as shown by a Principal Component Analysis.
RESUMO: A cebola é uma importante cultura vegetal, cultivada predominantemente sob sistema de preparo convencional. Como alternativa, o sistema de plantio direto de hortaliças utiliza culturas de cobertura para formar uma camada de biomassa, o que melhora os atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo. Com o objetivo de entender a interação de culturas de cobertura micorrízicas e não-micorrízicas, atividade da fosfatase ácida e disponibilidade e absorção de fósforo do solo pelas plantas, foi realizado um experimento em sistema de plantio direto de hortaliças com a cultura da cebola em Ituporanga, sul do Brasil. Os tratamentos foram: aveia preta (Avena strigosa); centeio (Secale cereale); nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus); centeio + nabo forrageiro; aveia preta + nabo forrageiro e um controle com vegetação espontânea. Além disso, duas outras parcelas, uma área em sistema de preparo convencional e uma floresta, ambas adjacentes ao experimento, foram avaliadas. Medimos a biomassa da cultura de cobertura, o rendimento de cebola, a atividade de fosfatase ácida e o fósforo extraído por resina no solo, bem como o conteúdo de fósforo da parte aérea e da raiz e a colonização das raízes em plantas de cobertura, plantas espontâneas e cebolas. Os tratamentos com plantas de cobertura apresentaram a maior biomassa de culturas de cobertura e rendimento de cebola. A atividade de fosfatase ácida e fósforo disponível no solo foram maiores nas parcelas de plantio direto do que na área convencional. A presença de nabo forrageiro, uma planta não micorrízica, foi associada a reduções na colonização de raízes de centeio e cebola por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares. As áreas de plantio direto com plantas de cobertura ou plantas espontâneas no inverno acumularam mais fósforo do que as áreas com preparo convencional. O sistema convencional de lavoura mostrou efeitos adversos para a maioria dos atributos do solo, como mostra a Análise de Componentes Principais.
Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a troublesome weed widely found in temperate Brazilian fields with several herbicide-resistant populations. Soil seed bank is the main source of future infestations and can be strongly affected by agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and tillage system. Therefore, this study evaluated the long-term effects of different crop rotation and tillage systems on the seed bank of Italian ryegrass. Data were collected in 2012 and 2013 in a field managed since 1985 under conventional-tillage and no-tillage and subjected to three cropping systems (monoculture, total, and partial rotation) compared to the control plot. The samples were collected at three soil depths (0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm) using a cylindrical soil sampler, and infestations in the field were evaluated with a sample frame of 1 m². All cropping systems reduced the soil seed bank of Italian ryegrass, regardless of soil management and sampling depths comparing to the control plot. Total and partial rotation were more effective than soil tillage to reduce the seed bank. A larger number of seeds was observed on the surface layer (0-5 cm) for all cropping systems with more uniform distribution in the soil profile in conventional-tillage. Infestation of Italian ryegrass was greater for monoculture under no-tillage in both years, whereas in total and partial rotation, regardless of soil tillage, infestations remained below 40 seedlings m². Thus, strategies to reduce the soil seed bank and infestations of Italian ryegrass should focus on cropping systems with crop rotation and no-tillage.(AU)
Lolium/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Controle de Plantas Daninhas/métodosResumo
Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) is a troublesome weed widely found in temperate Brazilian fields with several herbicide-resistant populations. Soil seed bank is the main source of future infestations and can be strongly affected by agricultural practices, such as crop rotation and tillage system. Therefore, this study evaluated the long-term effects of different crop rotation and tillage systems on the seed bank of Italian ryegrass. Data were collected in 2012 and 2013 in a field managed since 1985 under conventional-tillage and no-tillage and subjected to three cropping systems (monoculture, total, and partial rotation) compared to the control plot. The samples were collected at three soil depths (0-5, 5-10, and 10-20 cm) using a cylindrical soil sampler, and infestations in the field were evaluated with a sample frame of 1 m². All cropping systems reduced the soil seed bank of Italian ryegrass, regardless of soil management and sampling depths comparing to the control plot. Total and partial rotation were more effective than soil tillage to reduce the seed bank. A larger number of seeds was observed on the surface layer (0-5 cm) for all cropping systems with more uniform distribution in the soil profile in conventional-tillage. Infestation of Italian ryegrass was greater for monoculture under no-tillage in both years, whereas in total and partial rotation, regardless of soil tillage, infestations remained below 40 seedlings m². Thus, strategies to reduce the soil seed bank and infestations of Italian ryegrass should focus on cropping systems with crop rotation and no-tillage.
Controle de Plantas Daninhas/métodos , Lolium/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Onion is an important vegetable crop, predominantly grown under conventional tillage system management. Alternatively, the vegetable no-tillage system uses cover crops to form a residue layer, which improves soil physical, chemical, and biological attributes. Aiming to understand the interaction of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal cover crops, phosphatase activity, and soil phosphorus availability and uptake by plants, a no-tillage vegetable production system experiment with onion was carried out in Ituporanga, Southern Brazil. The treatments were black oats (Avena strigosa); rye (Secale cereale); oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus); rye + oilseed radish; black oats + oilseed radish, and a control with spontaneous plants. Additionally, two plots, a conventional tillage system area and a forest, both adjacent to the experiment, were evaluated. We measured cover crop biomass, onion yield, acid phosphatase activity, and resin-extracted phosphorus in the soil, shoot and root phosphorus content, and root colonization in cover crops, spontaneous plants, and onions. The treatments with cover crops had the highest plant biomass in winter and onion yield. Available soil phosphorus and acid phosphatase activity were higher in no-tillage plots than in the conventional tillage system area. The presence of non-mycorrhizal oilseed radish was associated with decreased colonization of rye and onion roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. No-tillage areas with cover crops or spontaneous plants in winter accumulated more phosphorus than conventional tillage system areas. The conventional tillage system showed adverse effects on most soil attributes, as shown by a Principal Component Analysis.
A cebola é uma importante cultura vegetal, cultivada predominantemente sob sistema de preparo convencional. Como alternativa, o sistema de plantio direto de hortaliças utiliza culturas de cobertura para formar uma camada de biomassa, o que melhora os atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo. Com o objetivo de entender a interação de culturas de cobertura micorrízicas e não-micorrízicas, atividade da fosfatase ácida e disponibilidade e absorção de fósforo do solo pelas plantas, foi realizado um experimento em sistema de plantio direto de hortaliças com a cultura da cebola em Ituporanga, sul do Brasil. Os tratamentos foram: aveia preta (Avena strigosa); centeio (Secale cereale); nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus); centeio + nabo forrageiro; aveia preta + nabo forrageiro e um controle com vegetação espontânea. Além disso, duas outras parcelas, uma área em sistema de preparo convencional e uma floresta, ambas adjacentes ao experimento, foram avaliadas. Medimos a biomassa da cultura de cobertura, o rendimento de cebola, a atividade de fosfatase ácida e o fósforo extraído por resina no solo, bem como o conteúdo de fósforo da parte aérea e da raiz e a colonização das raízes em plantas de cobertura, plantas espontâneas e cebolas. Os tratamentos com plantas de cobertura apresentaram a maior biomassa de culturas de cobertura e rendimento de cebola. A atividade de fosfatase ácida e fósforo disponível no solo foram maiores nas parcelas de plantio direto do que na área convencional. A presença de nabo forrageiro, uma planta não micorrízica, foi associada a reduções na colonização de raízes de centeio e cebola por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares. As áreas de plantio direto com plantas de cobertura ou plantas espontâneas no inverno acumularam mais fósforo do que as áreas com preparo convencional. O sistema convencional de lavoura mostrou efeitos adversos para a maioria dos atributos do solo, como mostra a Análise de Componentes Principais.
24444 , Fósforo/análise , Solo/química , CebolasResumo
Onion is an important vegetable crop, predominantly grown under conventional tillage system management. Alternatively, the vegetable no-tillage system uses cover crops to form a residue layer, which improves soil physical, chemical, and biological attributes. Aiming to understand the interaction of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal cover crops, phosphatase activity, and soil phosphorus availability and uptake by plants, a no-tillage vegetable production system experiment with onion was carried out in Ituporanga, Southern Brazil. The treatments were black oats (Avena strigosa); rye (Secale cereale); oilseed radish (Raphanus sativus); rye + oilseed radish; black oats + oilseed radish, and a control with spontaneous plants. Additionally, two plots, a conventional tillage system area and a forest, both adjacent to the experiment, were evaluated. We measured cover crop biomass, onion yield, acid phosphatase activity, and resin-extracted phosphorus in the soil, shoot and root phosphorus content, and root colonization in cover crops, spontaneous plants, and onions. The treatments with cover crops had the highest plant biomass in winter and onion yield. Available soil phosphorus and acid phosphatase activity were higher in no-tillage plots than in the conventional tillage system area. The presence of non-mycorrhizal oilseed radish was associated with decreased colonization of rye and onion roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. No-tillage areas with cover crops or spontaneous plants in winter accumulated more phosphorus than conventional tillage system areas. The conventional tillage system showed adverse effects on most soil attributes, as shown by a Principal Component Analysis.(AU)
A cebola é uma importante cultura vegetal, cultivada predominantemente sob sistema de preparo convencional. Como alternativa, o sistema de plantio direto de hortaliças utiliza culturas de cobertura para formar uma camada de biomassa, o que melhora os atributos físicos, químicos e biológicos do solo. Com o objetivo de entender a interação de culturas de cobertura micorrízicas e não-micorrízicas, atividade da fosfatase ácida e disponibilidade e absorção de fósforo do solo pelas plantas, foi realizado um experimento em sistema de plantio direto de hortaliças com a cultura da cebola em Ituporanga, sul do Brasil. Os tratamentos foram: aveia preta (Avena strigosa); centeio (Secale cereale); nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativus); centeio + nabo forrageiro; aveia preta + nabo forrageiro e um controle com vegetação espontânea. Além disso, duas outras parcelas, uma área em sistema de preparo convencional e uma floresta, ambas adjacentes ao experimento, foram avaliadas. Medimos a biomassa da cultura de cobertura, o rendimento de cebola, a atividade de fosfatase ácida e o fósforo extraído por resina no solo, bem como o conteúdo de fósforo da parte aérea e da raiz e a colonização das raízes em plantas de cobertura, plantas espontâneas e cebolas. Os tratamentos com plantas de cobertura apresentaram a maior biomassa de culturas de cobertura e rendimento de cebola. A atividade de fosfatase ácida e fósforo disponível no solo foram maiores nas parcelas de plantio direto do que na área convencional. A presença de nabo forrageiro, uma planta não micorrízica, foi associada a reduções na colonização de raízes de centeio e cebola por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares. As áreas de plantio direto com plantas de cobertura ou plantas espontâneas no inverno acumularam mais fósforo do que as áreas com preparo convencional. O sistema convencional de lavoura mostrou efeitos adversos para a maioria dos atributos do solo, como mostra a Análise de Componentes Principais.(AU)
Solo/química , 24444 , Fósforo/análise , CebolasResumo
Clay dispersion is directly related to water erosion, especially during detaching and dragging of particles. No-till is one of the most important strategies for soil and water conservation in tropical and sub-tropical regions, and when associated with crop rotation, may reduce the degree of clay dispersion. The study aimed to evaluate, after 24 years, the effect of different soil management systems and crop systems on the degree of clay dispersion of a Rhodic Ferralsol. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 4x2 factorial scheme, with four soil managements (continuous no-tillage, no-tillage with chiseling every three years, disk plowing followed by light harrowing and heavy disking followed by light harrowing) and with two crop systems (crop succession and rotation). The degree of clay dispersion was evaluated and associated with soil chemical attributes from layer 0.00-0.10 m. The degree of clay dispersion is affected by the soil management systems with no effect of crop systems. The soil management system with the lowest soil disturbance (continuous no-tillage) has a higher degree of clay dispersion than the ones that disturb the soil, regardless of the agricultural implement used or soil disturbance intensity. The soil electrochemical imbalance, primarily caused by soil potential acidity, is positively correlated to the increase in the degree of clay(AU)
A argila dispersa está diretamente relacionada com a erosão hídrica, especialmente durante o desprendimento e arraste de partículas. O plantio direto é uma das mais importantes estratégias para conservação do solo e da água nas regiões tropical e sub-tropical, e quando associado com a rotação de culturas, pode reduzir o grau de dispersão de argila. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar, após 24 anos, o efeito de diferentes sistemas de manejo e de culturas no grau de dispersão de argila de um Latossolo Vermelho. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em um esquema fatorial 4x2, com quatro manejos do solo (plantio direto contínuo, plantio direto com escarificação a cada três anos, aração de discos seguida de gradagem leve e gradagem pesada seguida de gradagem leve) e dois sistemas de cultivo (sucessão de cultura e rotação). O grau de dispersão da argila foi avaliado e associado aos atributos químicos do solo da camada 0,00-0,10 m. O grau de dispersão da argila é afetado pelos sistemas de manejo do solo sem efeito dos sistemas de cultivo. O sistema de manejo de solo com menor perturbação do solo (plantio direto contínuo) possui o maior grau de dispersão de argila do que os que perturbam o solo, independentemente do implemento agrícola utilizado ou da intensidade do distúrbio do solo. O desequilíbrio eletroquímico do solo, causado principalmente pela acidez potencial do solo, está positivamente correlacionado ao aumento do grau de dispersão de argila da camada superficial do solo sob plantio direto contínuo.(AU)
Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dispersão Vegetal , Argila/química , Análise do Solo , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
Clay dispersion is directly related to water erosion, especially during detaching and dragging of particles. No-till is one of the most important strategies for soil and water conservation in tropical and sub-tropical regions, and when associated with crop rotation, may reduce the degree of clay dispersion. The study aimed to evaluate, after 24 years, the effect of different soil management systems and crop systems on the degree of clay dispersion of a Rhodic Ferralsol. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 4x2 factorial scheme, with four soil managements (continuous no-tillage, no-tillage with chiseling every three years, disk plowing followed by light harrowing and heavy disking followed by light harrowing) and with two crop systems (crop succession and rotation). The degree of clay dispersion was evaluated and associated with soil chemical attributes from layer 0.00-0.10 m. The degree of clay dispersion is affected by the soil management systems with no effect of crop systems. The soil management system with the lowest soil disturbance (continuous no-tillage) has a higher degree of clay dispersion than the ones that disturb the soil, regardless of the agricultural implement used or soil disturbance intensity. The soil electrochemical imbalance, primarily caused by soil potential acidity, is positively correlated to the increase in the degree of clay
A argila dispersa está diretamente relacionada com a erosão hídrica, especialmente durante o desprendimento e arraste de partículas. O plantio direto é uma das mais importantes estratégias para conservação do solo e da água nas regiões tropical e sub-tropical, e quando associado com a rotação de culturas, pode reduzir o grau de dispersão de argila. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar, após 24 anos, o efeito de diferentes sistemas de manejo e de culturas no grau de dispersão de argila de um Latossolo Vermelho. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado em um esquema fatorial 4x2, com quatro manejos do solo (plantio direto contínuo, plantio direto com escarificação a cada três anos, aração de discos seguida de gradagem leve e gradagem pesada seguida de gradagem leve) e dois sistemas de cultivo (sucessão de cultura e rotação). O grau de dispersão da argila foi avaliado e associado aos atributos químicos do solo da camada 0,00-0,10 m. O grau de dispersão da argila é afetado pelos sistemas de manejo do solo sem efeito dos sistemas de cultivo. O sistema de manejo de solo com menor perturbação do solo (plantio direto contínuo) possui o maior grau de dispersão de argila do que os que perturbam o solo, independentemente do implemento agrícola utilizado ou da intensidade do distúrbio do solo. O desequilíbrio eletroquímico do solo, causado principalmente pela acidez potencial do solo, está positivamente correlacionado ao aumento do grau de dispersão de argila da camada superficial do solo sob plantio direto contínuo.
Agricultura Sustentável , Análise do Solo , Argila/química , Dispersão Vegetal , Produtos Agrícolas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Concerns about the negative effects of agriculture on soil physical quality and soil organic carbon (SOC) pools have spurred on the adoption of conservation tillage systems in tropical regions. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term impacts (16th year) of conventional (CT), minimum (MT) and no-tillage (NT) practices and different cover crops (sunn hemp and a bean/millet sequence) on soil physical properties and SOC content of a corn cultivated Ultisol in the northeast of Brazil. Soil bulk density (Bd), soil penetration resistance (SPR), soil aggregation, and total aggregate-associated carbon (C) (4-2 mm) were evaluated. Tillage practices exerted strong control on soil physical properties and total aggregate-C content but were influenced by cover crop species. Minimum tillage presented the lowest Bd, irrespective of cover crop, while NT with bean/millet sequence resulted in the lowest SPR. However, as regards soil aggregation and total aggregate-C, the results indicated that there were no differences between MT and NT, with both systems presenting greater mean weight diameter (MWD) and total aggregate-C content than CT. Total aggregate-C content in the 0.00-0.05 m soil layer in conservation tillage was increased by the adoption of a bean/millet sequence. Increased mechanical disturbance through CT practices was harmful to Bd, soil aggregation and SOC accrual. Overall, more conservative tillage practices and the proper choice of cover crops might yield greater soil quality. Low intensity of soil disturbances due to the adoption of MT favors soil aggregation and the accrual of SOC in weakly structured soils through increases in contact between organic and mineral particles while not causing significant destruction of soil aggregates.
Análise do Solo , Características do Solo , Conservação de Terras , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
Concerns about the negative effects of agriculture on soil physical quality and soil organic carbon (SOC) pools have spurred on the adoption of conservation tillage systems in tropical regions. This study aimed to evaluate the long-term impacts (16th year) of conventional (CT), minimum (MT) and no-tillage (NT) practices and different cover crops (sunn hemp and a bean/millet sequence) on soil physical properties and SOC content of a corn cultivated Ultisol in the northeast of Brazil. Soil bulk density (Bd), soil penetration resistance (SPR), soil aggregation, and total aggregate-associated carbon (C) (4-2 mm) were evaluated. Tillage practices exerted strong control on soil physical properties and total aggregate-C content but were influenced by cover crop species. Minimum tillage presented the lowest Bd, irrespective of cover crop, while NT with bean/millet sequence resulted in the lowest SPR. However, as regards soil aggregation and total aggregate-C, the results indicated that there were no differences between MT and NT, with both systems presenting greater mean weight diameter (MWD) and total aggregate-C content than CT. Total aggregate-C content in the 0.00-0.05 m soil layer in conservation tillage was increased by the adoption of a bean/millet sequence. Increased mechanical disturbance through CT practices was harmful to Bd, soil aggregation and SOC accrual. Overall, more conservative tillage practices and the proper choice of cover crops might yield greater soil quality. Low intensity of soil disturbances due to the adoption of MT favors soil aggregation and the accrual of SOC in weakly structured soils through increases in contact between organic and mineral particles while not causing significant destruction of soil aggregates.(AU)
Análise do Solo , Características do Solo , Conservação de Terras , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
The soil macrofauna is fundamental for the maintenance of soil quality. The aim of this study was to characterize the soil macrofauna under different species of cover crops, including monoculture or intercropping associated to two types of soil management in the southwest region of Piauí state. The study was carried out in an Oxisol (Latossolo Amarelo, according to Brazilian Soil Classification System) in the municipality of Bom Jesus, Piauí, distributed in 30 m2 plots. Testing and evaluation of the soil macrofauna were conducted in a 9 × 2 strip factorial design, with combinations between cover crops/consortia and soil management (with or without tillage), with four replications. Soil monoliths (0.25 × 0.25 m) were randomly sampled in each plot for macrofauna at 0â0.1, 0.1â0.2, and 0.2â0.3 m depth, including surface litter. After identification and counting of soil organims, the relative density of each taxon in each depth was determined. The total abundance of soil macrofauna quantified under cover crops in the conventional and no-tillage system was 2,408 ind. m-2, distributed in 6 classes, 16 orders, and 31 families. The results of multivariate analysis show that grass species in sole cropping systems and no-tillage presents higher macrofauna density, in particular the taxonomic group Isoptera. No-tillage also provided higher richness of families, where Coleoptera adult were the second more abundant group in no-tillage and Hemiptera in conventional tillage.(AU)
Os organismos da macrofauna edáfica são fundamentais para a manutenção da qualidade do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a macrofauna edáfica sob diferentes espécies de plantas de cobertura, incluindo monocultura ou cultivo consorciado associados a dois tipos de manejo do solo no sudoeste do Piauí. O estudo foi realizado em Latossolo Amarelo (Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos) no município de Bom Jesus, Piauí, distribuídos em parcelas de 30 m2. O experimento e avaliação da macrofauna edáfica foram conduzidos em um ensaio fatorial em faixas 9 × 2, com combinações entre culturas /consórcios de cobertura e manejo do solo (com ou sem preparo), com quatro repetições. Os monólitos de solo (0,25 × 0,25 m) foram retirados aleatoriamente de cada parcela, para contagem da macrofauna, nas camadas de 0â0,1, 0,1â0,2, e 0,2-0,3 m de profundidade, inclusive liteira de superfície. Após a identificação e contagem dos organismos, foi determinada a densidade relativa de cada táxon em cada profundidade. A abundância total da macrofauna edáfica quantificada no experimento foi de 2.408 ind.m-2, distribuídos em 6 classes, 16 ordens e 31 famílias. Os resultados da análise multivariada revelaram que espécies de gramíneas em sistemas de cultivo solteiro e plantio direto favoreceram maior densidade da macrofauna, em especial do grupo taxonômico Isoptera. A ausência de preparo também proporcionou maior riqueza de famílias, destacando-se o grupo taxonômico Coleoptera adulto em plantio direto e Hemiptera em plantio convencional.(AU)
Qualidade do Solo , Biomarcadores Ambientais , 24444 , Ciências do SoloResumo
The soil macrofauna is fundamental for the maintenance of soil quality. The aim of this study was to characterize the soil macrofauna under different species of cover crops, including monoculture or intercropping associated to two types of soil management in the southwest region of Piauí state. The study was carried out in an Oxisol (Latossolo Amarelo, according to Brazilian Soil Classification System) in the municipality of Bom Jesus, Piauí, distributed in 30 m2 plots. Testing and evaluation of the soil macrofauna were conducted in a 9 × 2 strip factorial design, with combinations between cover crops/consortia and soil management (with or without tillage), with four replications. Soil monoliths (0.25 × 0.25 m) were randomly sampled in each plot for macrofauna at 0â'0.1, 0.1â'0.2, and 0.2â'0.3 m depth, including surface litter. After identification and counting of soil organims, the relative density of each taxon in each depth was determined. The total abundance of soil macrofauna quantified under cover crops in the conventional and no-tillage system was 2,408 ind. m-2, distributed in 6 classes, 16 orders, and 31 families. The results of multivariate analysis show that grass species in sole cropping systems and no-tillage presents higher macrofauna density, in particular the taxonomic group Isoptera. No-tillage also provided higher richness of families, where Coleoptera adult were the second more abundant group in no-tillage and Hemiptera in conventional tillage.(AU)
Os organismos da macrofauna edáfica são fundamentais para a manutenção da qualidade do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a macrofauna edáfica sob diferentes espécies de plantas de cobertura, incluindo monocultura ou cultivo consorciado associados a dois tipos de manejo do solo no sudoeste do Piauí. O estudo foi realizado em Latossolo Amarelo (Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos) no município de Bom Jesus, Piauí, distribuídos em parcelas de 30 m2. O experimento e avaliação da macrofauna edáfica foram conduzidos em um ensaio fatorial em faixas 9 × 2, com combinações entre culturas /consórcios de cobertura e manejo do solo (com ou sem preparo), com quatro repetições. Os monólitos de solo (0,25 × 0,25 m) foram retirados aleatoriamente de cada parcela, para contagem da macrofauna, nas camadas de 0â'0,1, 0,1â'0,2, e 0,2-0,3 m de profundidade, inclusive liteira de superfície. Após a identificação e contagem dos organismos, foi determinada a densidade relativa de cada táxon em cada profundidade. A abundância total da macrofauna edáfica quantificada no experimento foi de 2.408 ind.m-2, distribuídos em 6 classes, 16 ordens e 31 famílias. Os resultados da análise multivariada revelaram que espécies de gramíneas em sistemas de cultivo solteiro e plantio direto favoreceram maior densidade da macrofauna, em especial do grupo taxonômico Isoptera. A ausência de preparo também proporcionou maior riqueza de famílias, destacando-se o grupo taxonômico Coleoptera adulto em plantio direto e Hemiptera em plantio convencional.(AU)
Qualidade do Solo , Biomarcadores Ambientais , 24444 , Ciências do SoloResumo
The goal of this study was to quantify the water, soil, and soluble nutrient losses during high-intensity rainfall simulated in two soil preparation systems with four sources of fertilization. Forty-five days after the corn seeding, a 120 mm h-1 intensity rainfall was simulated during 90 min in field plots with conventional tillage (CT) or no-tillage (NT). Each system had four repetitions with the fertilizer treatments, including without fertilization, mineral, urban waste compost (UWC), and pig slurry. P, K, Ca, and K concentrations were measured in soluble form, in addition to electrical conductivity, pH, water, and soil losses. As expected, the greatest soil losses occurred with CT; however, the greatest water losses occurred with NT. Among the fertilizers, UWC was more efficient because it had the highest infiltration rates. The concentrations of P, K, Ca, and Mg did not exhibit any interaction between fertilization and soil tillage treatments. K was the nutrient that presented the greatest losses (kg ha-1) at the end of the simulated rainfall because of the highest concentrations (mg L-1) added to high runoff coefficients of 45% for CT and 77% for NT. Thus, the evaluated system with cover crops and minimum soil tillage was not sufficient to control nutrient transfer in the soluble form during intense rainfall events.(AU)
O objetivo do trabalho foi quantificar as perdas de água, solo e nutrientes na forma solúvel durante chuva simulada de alta intensidade, em dois sistemas de preparos do solo e quatro fontes de adubação. Quarenta e cinco dias após a semeadura do milho, uma chuva com intensidade de 120 mm h-1 foi simulada durante 90 minutos, em parcelas de campo sob preparo convencional (PC) e plantio direto (PD). Em cada preparo há quatro repetições dos tratamentos com adubação: sem fertilização, mineral, composto de lixo urbano (CO), e dejetos de suíno. Foram mensuradas as concentrações de P, K, Ca, Mg na forma solúvel, além da condutividade elétrica - Ce, pH, perda de água e solo. Conforme esperado as maiores perdas de solo ocorreram para o PC, entretanto, as maiores perdas de água no PD. Entre as adubações, o CO foi o mais eficiente, pois apresentou as maiores taxas de infiltração. As concentrações de P, K, Ca e Mg não apresentaram interação entre os tratamentos de adubação e os tratamentos de preparo do solo. O K foi o nutriente que apresentou as maiores perdas (kg ha-1) ao final da chuva simulada, devido as maiores concentrações (mg L-1) somado aos altos coeficientes de escoamento superficial sendo 45% para o preparo convencional e 77% para o plantio direto. Ao final, o sistema avaliado com plantas de cobertura e mínimo revolvimento do solo não foi suficiente para controlar a transferência de nutrientes na forma solúvel durantes eventos de chuvas intensas.(AU)
Vazamento de Água , Chuva , Usos do Solo , FertilizantesResumo
Soil mesofauna consists of small invertebrates that live in the soil or litter and are sensitive to climatic conditions, management systems, plant cover and physical or chemical soil attributes. These organisms are active in the cycling of nutrients, since they fragment the organic matter hereby accelerating microbial decomposition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the invertebrate community in no-tillage, conventional tillage, minimum tillage and secondary forest in regeneration to determine the relationship of mesofauna to litter, soil attributes, management and seasonality. Therefore, ten soil samples in each system and eight litter samples in no-tillage and the forest were taken over four seasons. These samples remained in Berlese extractors for seven days for quantification and identification of mesofauna. For each fauna sample, soil samples were collected for chemical analysis. Next, diversity indices and richness were calculated and multivariate analyses were used to establish relationships between the mesofauna, soil attributes and management. In the soil, mites were more abundant in the agricultural systems than in the forest, but the springtails, sensitive to low moisture and high temperature, were more abundant in the forest. Diversity and richness were higher in soil from the forest than under other systems. In no-tillage, there was a lower density of soil mesofauna, however, under this system, many invertebrates live in litter, since litter is the main food resource for them. In forest litter, we found lower invertebrate density and higher diversity than in no-tillage. Carbon, basic cations, pH, Al and V% were the attributes that best explained fauna variability in the systems.