The food industry is very interested in high-yield ingredients to enrich and develop new products that have an affordable value for the population. This work aimed to determine the correlations and contrasts between grain physical and agronomic traits of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids cultivated in the first crop season. The experiments were installed in the 2017/18, 2018/19, and 2019/20 crop seasons in Guarapuava - PR. The experimental design was a randomized block design with eight hybrids (SUPREMO VIP, SUPREMO, P30F53VYH, P30F53, P3456H, P3456, DKB290PRO3, and DKB290) and three replications. The agronomic traits, such as the percentage of rot grains, 1000-grain mass, and grain yield, also the physical traits of grains for industrial purposes, such as grits, germ, vitreousness, flotation, and hectoliter weight, were evaluated. There is a positive correlation between grits and flotation. The choice of hybrids for the food industry based on vitreousness positively favors flotation. The grits showed a positive correlation with hectoliter weight and a negative correlation with the incidence of rot grains. Vitreousness was influenced by the choice of conventional or transgenic hybrid and crop season. The environments of the crop seasons influence the grain yield, 1000-grain mass, and rot grain incidence of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids.(AU)
A indústria de alimentos tem grande interesse por ingredientes de elevado rendimento industrial para enriquecer e desenvolver novos produtos, e que tenha um valor acessível para a população. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram determinar as correlações e contrastes entre caracteres físicos de grãos e agronômicos de híbridos de milho convencionais e transgênicos cultivados na primeira safra. Os experimentos foram instalados nas safras agrícolas (2017/18, 2018/19 e 2019/20), no município de Guarapuava PR. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 8 híbridos: (SUPREMO VIP, SUPREMO, P30F53VYH, P30F53, P3456H, P3456, DKB290PRO3, DKB290) e três repetições. Foram avaliadas as características agronômicas como a porcentagem de grãos ardidos, peso de mil grãos e produtividade de grãos e também as características físicas dos grãos para fins industriais, como a canjica, gérmen, vitreosidade, flutuação e peso hectolítrico. Há correlação positiva entre a canjica e a flutuação. A escolha de híbridos para a indústria alimentícia com base na vitreosidade favorece positivamente a característica de flutuação. A canjica apresentou correlação positiva com peso hectolitro e negativa com incidência de grãos ardidos. A vitreosidade foi influenciada pela escolha do híbrido convencional ou transgênico e pela safra agrícola. Os ambientes das safras agrícolas influenciam as características produtividade de grãos, peso de mil grãos e incidência de grãos ardidos dos híbridos de milho convencional e transgênico.(AU)
Grão Comestível/anatomia & histologia , Alimentos Geneticamente Modificados , Brasil , Zea mays/anatomia & histologia , Alimentação ColetivaResumo
The objective of this study was to assess the effects of two levels of soybean hulls (0 and 400.1 g/kg) and whole or ground corn in the diet of newborn crossbred dairy male calves on intake, performance, blood indicators, and feeding cost. Twenty-eight calves with an average weight of 33.0±6.2 kg and four days of age were distributed into four treatment groups in a completely randomized design (n = 7) for 56 days. Weekly samples of feed, diets, and leftovers were collected to determine dry matter and nutrient intakes. To evaluate apparent digestibility, samples were taken using titanium dioxide as a maker. Blood samples were also collected to evaluate blood indicators. The inclusion of soybean hulls resulted in greater neutral detergent fiber intake by the calves, but reduced their non-fibrous carbohydrates intake, which was also reduced by the use of whole corn in the diet. Although the total digestible nutrients content of diets decreased with the use of whole corn and inclusion of soybean hulls, its intake did not vary (0.75 kg/d), regardless of the factors analyzed. The apparent digestibilities of dry matter (0.87 kg/kg) and crude protein (0.89 kg/kg) were similar, resulting in similar performance between the animals, regardless of the factors analyzed. In the quantities evaluated, the use of soybean hulls or whole corn did not affect blood indicators and was insufficient to reduce feed costs; the cost of daily feed was $2.06, while the cost per kilogram of gain was $3.74. The inclusion of up to 400.1 g/kg of soybean hulls or the replacement of ground corn with whole corn does not affect the performance of crossbred dairy calves during the preweaning period, demonstrating that both can be used in animal feed during this phase of production.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Glycine max/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Zea mays/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Grão Comestível/fisiologiaResumo
The determination of water content is essential for the maintenance of grain quality, and an evaluation of alternative methods for quantification allows to increase the efficiency of the process and bring benefits to the productive sector. The study aimed to analyze the efficiency of using microwave ovens to determine the water content in grains. The studywas carried out in a completely randomized design in a 5x6 factorial scheme, with fivespecies (peanut, sunflower, corn, soybean and wheat) and six microwave drying periods (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 min), with four replications. Data were subjected to descriptive analysis to characterize the samples, and regression analysis to analyze differences between methods as a function of drying time. The determination of water content in peanut, sunflower,corn,soybean and wheat grains in microwave is technically feasible, showing correlation with the determination in an oven by the standard method. The drying time in the microwave influences the water removal capacity of the grains. For peanut, sunflower,corn,soybean and wheat grains, the microwave drying time of 3 min showed greater similarity with the determination by the standard method.(AU)
A determinação do conteúdo de água é fundamental para manutenção da qualidade de grãos, sendo que a avaliação de métodos alternativos para quantificação permite elevar a eficiência do processo e ocasionar benefícios ao setor produtivo. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar a eficiência da utilização de forno micro-ondas para determinação do teor de água em grãos. O estudo foi conduzido em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 5x6, sendo cincoespécies (amendoim, girassol, milho, soja e trigo) e seis períodos de secagem em micro-ondas (0,5; 1; 1,5; 2; 2,5 e 3 min), com quatro repetições. Osdados foram submetidos a análise descritiva para caracterização das amostras, e análise de regressão para análise das diferenças entre métodos em função do tempo de secagem. A determinação do teor de água em grãos de amendoim, girassol,milho,soja e trigo em micro-ondas é tecnicamente viável, apresentando correlação com a determinação em estufa pelo método padrão. O tempo de secagem no micro-ondas influencia na capacidade de remoção de água dos grãos. Para os grãos de amendoim, girassol,milho,soja e trigo, o tempo de secagem por micro-ondas de 3 min apresentou maior similaridade com a determinaçãopelo método padrão.(AU)
Água/análise , Grão Comestível/fisiologia , Micro-Ondas/efeitos adversosResumo
The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the specific gravity of maize kernels on physicochemical traits, energy values, and metabolizability coefficients. Pearson's correlations were evaluated between specific gravity (kg/m3) and crude protein (%); ether extract (%); crude fiber (%); gross energy (%); presence of fumonisins (ppb) and aflatoxins (ppb); and kernel quality (good, rotten, weevil-damaged, broken, and shriveled kernels, %). A metabolism trial was conducted with diets containing maize fractions of different specific gravities for male broilers from 14 to 21 days of age. Apparent metabolizable energy (AME), nitrogen-corrected AME (AMEn), and the metabolizability coefficients of dry matter (MCDM), crude protein (MCCP), ether extract (MCEE), calcium (MCCa), and phosphorus (MCP) were evaluated. The experiment consisted of five treatments (reference diet and diets with 40% replaced with maize at five specific gravities (740, 740, 760, or 800 kg/m3). Eight replications were used, totaling 400 broilers chickens. The Scott-Knott test was applied and regression equations were fitted to compare the treatments. Specific gravity had moderate correlations with good and broken kernels and low-magnitude correlations with chemical parameters. Increasing specific gravities caused AME and AMEn to increase linearly when analyzed on an as-is basis; and to respond quadratically when expressed on a dry-matter basis. The specific gravity of 780 kg/m3 provided the lowest MCDM, MCCP, MCCa, and MCP values, whereas the lowest MCEE, was found at the lowest density. It was not possible to determine the best nutritional composition or the best metabolizability coefficients.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da densidade do grão de milho sobre características físico-químicas, valores energéticos e de metabolizabilidade aparente. Avaliou-se a correlação entre a densidade específica (kg/m3) e os parâmetros: proteína bruta (%); extrato etéreo (%); fibra bruta (%); energia bruta (%); presença de fumonisinas (ppb) e aflatoxinas (ppb); umidade (%); grãos bons, quebrados, chochos, carunchados e ardidos, em Percentagem. Um ensaio de metabolismo com dietas contendo diferentes densidades específicas do grão de milho, para frango de corte, no período de 14 a 21 dias de idade, foi conduzido para avaliar a energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) e a corrigida pelo balanço de nitrogênio (EMAn), os coeficientes de metabolizabilidade: matéria seca (CM_MS), proteína bruta (CM_PB), extrato etéreo (CM_EE), cálcio (CM_Ca) e fósforo (CM_P). O experimento foi composto por cinco tratamentos (dieta referência e dietas substituindo 40% desta com milhos de densidades específicas: 740 kg/m3, 760 kg/m3, 780 kg/m3 e 800 kg/m3), com oito repetições, totalizando 400 frangos machos. As médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Scott-knott e estimada as equações de regressão nas diferentes densidades específicas das frações de milho. As correlações entre a densidade específica e grãos bons e quebrados foram de moderada magnitude e com os parâmetros químicos foram de baixa magnitude. Com o aumento da densidade específica para EMA e EMAn na matéria natural obteve-se resposta linear decrescente, enquanto na matéria seca, foi quadrático. Para CMMS, CMPB, CMCA e CMP a densidade de 780 kg/m3 apresentou os menores valores, enquanto para CMEE, o menor valor foi para a menor densidade específica. Não foi possível determinar a fração de milho com melhor composição nutricional e melhores coeficientes de metabolizabilidade.(AU)
Grão Comestível/metabolismo , Zea mays/metabolismo , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Metabolismo EnergéticoResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of exogenous amylase on gas production, in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), and in vitro digestion kinetics of sorghum (Sorghum vulgaris) and two corn hybrids of different grain textures. Ruminal fluid was collected from two rumen-fistulated cows receiving or not exogenous amylase (0.7g kg-1 of dry matter (DM basis)), provided to achieve 396 kilo Novo units kg-1 for amylase activity (DM basis). Gas production was measured after 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42 e 48 hours of incubation. Amylase increased gas production (mL) by 5.4%. Corn hybrids have higher in vitro dry matter digestibility than sorghum. Exogenous amylase increased the potential of gas production (A) (P=0.01). There was an effect of hybrid for IVDMD (P<0.01). The addition of exogenous amylase increases the in vitro gas production, improves fermentation kinetics, and increases the production of the ammonia nitrogen of corn and sorghum grains, but does not affect in vitro and dry matter digestibility or the short-chain fatty acids production.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da amilase exógena na produção de gases, a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (DIVMS) e a cinética de digestão in vitro de sorgo (Sorghum vulgaris) e de dois híbridos de milho de diferentes texturas de grãos. O líquido ruminal foi coletado de duas vacas fistuladas no rúmen recebendo ou não amilase exógena (0,7g kg-1 de matéria seca (MS)), fornecida para atingir 396 kg Novo unidades kg-1 para atividade de amilase (base na MS). A produção de gás foi medida após uma, três, seis, nove, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 30, 36, 42 e 48 horas de incubação. A amilase aumentou a produção de gás (mL) em 5,4%. Híbridos de milho apresentam maior DIVMS que o sorgo. A amilase exógena aumentou o potencial de produção de gás (A) (P=0,01). Houve efeito de híbrido para DIVMS (P<0,01). Amilase exógena aumenta a produção de gás in vitro, melhora a cinética da fermentação e aumenta a produção de nitrogênio amoniacal de grãos de milho e sorgo, mas não afeta a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca ou a produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta.
Técnicas In Vitro , Zea mays , Sorghum , Ruminação Digestiva , Gases , IntestinosResumo
The objective was to compare deoxynivalenol (DON) concentrations in feed ingredients and commercial swine diets measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Seventy feed ingredient samples consisted of corn, corn dried distillers grains with solubles, corn gluten feed, corn gluten meal, palm kernel expellers, rice bran, soy hulls, soybean meal, and wheat. Commercial swine diet samples (n = 92) were collected from 23 swine farms of varying regions in Korea and different growth stages of pigs. The DON concentration of all samples was determined in duplicate. Statistical comparisons were performed to compare the analytical methods (ELISA vs. HPLC), diet phases, and regions. The DON concentrations in most ingredients and all diets determined by ELISA method were greater than those determined by HPLC. The DON concentrations determined by the ELISA method were less than 1 mg/kg in all ingredients except corn dried distillers grains with solubles and corn gluten feed, and those determined by the HPLC were less than 0.5 mg/kg in all ingredients. The DON concentrations in complete diets did not vary by region or growth stages of pigs. The DON concentrations in most feed ingredients and commercial swine diets determined by ELISA method are greater than those determined by HPLC, but does not vary by regions in Republic of Korea or pig growth stages.
Animais , Suínos , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , MicotoxinasResumo
Starch processing industries use amylases, accounting for approximately 30% of the world's enzyme market. Previously, an amylase-producing strain of Epicoccum nigrumwas isolated from maize grains. Although E. nigrumamylase production is already reported in the literature, no published data on production optimization or characterization of the produced enzyme exists. The objectives of this work were to improve the amylase production by theE. nigrumPG 16 strain and to purify and characterize the produced enzyme. The E. nigrumPG 16 amylase production best conditions in submerged culture were: inoculum of 4% (v v-1) of a five-days-old stationary culture homogenate, agitation at 100 rpm, 25°C, natural light, 72 hours of incubation, starch as thecarbon source, and an initial medium pH of 7.0. A molecular exclusion chromatography profile has shown the production of only one amylase, which was partially purified with ammonium precipitation and dialysis. The enzyme optima pH and temperature are 6.0 and 50°C, respectively. The partially purified enzyme lostits activity when incubated for 30 min in temperatures above 40°C, presenting a T50of 46.25°C. The KMand Vmaxof the partially purified enzyme are 1.72 mg mL-1of starch and 0.15 mgmin-1of degraded starch, respectively. The ion Ca2+slightly activated the studied enzyme. The ions Cu2+, Zn2+, and Fe3+and the detergents SDS and Tween 80 acted as inhibitors of the studied enzyme. The partially purified enzyme released glucose from p-nitrophenyl α-D-glucopyranoside (p-NPG). Glucose was the enzyme's main product from starch hydrolysis, as evidenced by thin-layer chromatography. The E. nigrumPG 16 studied enzyme is a glucoamylase and represents an alternative for enzymatic starch hydrolysis.(AU)
Ascomicetos/enzimologia , Amilases/isolamento & purificação , Zea mays/microbiologiaResumo
The traditional varieties of maize grown by family farmers are a source of genetic variability and are essential for food security. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate, based on physical and chemical components, the behavior of the genetic variability of traditional maize cultivated on non-flooded and floodplain areas, in the Juruá region, state of Acre. The characteristics consisted of the determination of dry matter, mineral material, crude protein, ether extract, gross energy, neutral detergent fiber, starch and in vitro digestibility of dry matter, vitreousness and grain density. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, associated with multivariate analysis of principal components (PCA), with the aid of the R software. By means of the PCA, the varieties grown on non-flooded and floodplain areas formed 3 distinct groups, in which the vitreosity in the grains ranged from 73.7% to 79.46%, so that the reddish grain varieties had a greater presence of endosperm vitreous and higher density, with a strong and positive correlation between these variables. The yellow and orange-yellow grain varieties showed greater adherence to energy, starch and greater digestibility. Therefore, the traditional varieties cultivated on non-flooded and floodplain areas, present variations in relation to the physical and chemical analyses.
As variedades tradicionais de milho cultivados pelos agricultores familiares constituem-se em fonte de variabilidade genética e são fundamentais para segurança alimentar. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo, avaliar, com base em componentes físicos e químicos, o comportamento da variabilidade genética de milho tradicional cultivadas em terra firme e praia, na regional Vale do Juruá, estado do Acre. As características constaram da determinação de matéria seca, material mineral, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, energia bruta, fibra em detergente neutro, amido e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, vitreosidade e densidade dos grãos. Os dados foram analisados mediante estatística descritiva, associado à análise multivariada de componentes principais (PCA), com auxílio do software R. Por meio da PCA, as variedades cultivadas em terra firme e praia formaram 3 grupos distintos, na qual a vitreosidade nos grãos variou de 73,7% a 79,46%, de modo que, as variedades de grãos avermelhadas apresentaram maior presença de endosperma vítreo e maior densidade, havendo uma correlação forte e positiva entre essas variáveis. Já as variedades de grãos amarelas e amarelas-oranges apresentaram maior aderência a energia, amido e maior digestibilidade. Portanto, as variedades tradicionais cultivadas em terra firme e praia, apresentam variações em relação as análises físicas e químicas.
Variação Genética , Zea mays/genética , Valor NutritivoResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho de codornas japonesas na fase de cria emfunçãodosníveis de inclusão de grãos secos de destilaria (DDG) de milho na dieta. Foramutilizadas 720 codornas poedeiras (Coturnix coturnix japonica) com 1 dia de vida até 21 dias de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos eseisrepetições, com 24 codornas por unidade experimental. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: dietacontrole com 0% de DDG, dieta com 5% de inclusão de DDG, dieta com10%de inclusãodeDDG, dieta com 15% de inclusão de DDG e dieta com 20% de inclusão de DDG. Foi avaliado o consumo de ração (g/ave/dia), o ganho de peso (g/ave/dia), conversão alimentar(kg/kg) e a viabilidade das aves. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de regressão a 5%deprobabilidade e pelo teste de Dunnet. Foi observado efeito (P<0,05) para ganho empeso, maspara o consumo de ração e conversão alimentar não houve diferença entre as dietas (P>0,05). Conclui-se que a inclusão de 14,8% de DDG de milho na dieta de codornas japonesas maximizou o ganho de peso e não prejudicou o consumo de ração e conversão alimentar dasaves.(AU)
The objective was to evaluate the performance of Japanese quails in the brooding phaseasafunction of the levels of inclusion of corn distillers dried grains (DDG) in the diet. Weused720 laying quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) with 1 day of life and 21 days of age, distributed in internally randomized delineation with five treatments and six repetitions, with24 quails per experimental unit. The treatments used were control diet with 0%DDG, diet with 5% inclusion of DDG, diet with 10% inclusion of DDG, diet with 15% inclusion of DDG and diet with 20% inclusion of DDG. feed intake (g / bird / day), weight gain (g/ bird/ day), feed conversion (kg / kg) and bird viability were evaluated. The data were submittedtoregression analysis at 5% probability and by the Dunnet test. There was an effect (P<0.05) forweight gain, but for feed intake and feed conversion there was no difference between the diets (P>0.05). It was concluded that the inclusion of 14.8% corn DDG in the diet of Japanesequails maximized weight gain and did not affect feed intake and feed conversion of the birds.(AU)
El objetivo fue evaluar el desempeño zootécnico de las codornices japonesas en la etapadecrianza en función de los niveles de inclusión de grano seco de destilería (DDG) de maízenladieta. Se utilizaron 720 codornices ponedoras (Coturnix coturnix japonica) de 1 día a 21díasde edad, distribuidas en un diseño completamente al azar con cinco tratamientos yseisrepeticiones, con 24 codornices por unidad experimental. Los tratamientos utilizados fueron: dieta control con 0% de DDG, dieta con 5% de inclusión de DDG, dieta con 10%de inclusiónde DDG, dieta con 15% de inclusión de DDG y dieta con 20% de inclusión de DDG. Seevaluó el consumo de alimento (g/ave/día), la ganancia de peso (g/ave/día), la conversiónalimenticia (kg/kg) y la viabilidad del ave. Los datos fueron sometidos a análisis de regresiónal 5% de probabilidad y mediante la prueba de Dunnet. Hubo un efecto (P<0,05) paralaganancia de peso, pero para el consumo de alimento y la conversión alimenticia nohubodiferencia entre las dietas (P>0,05). Se concluyó que la inclusión de 14,8%de DDGdemaízen la dieta de las codornices japonesas maximizó la ganancia de peso y no afectó el consumode alimento ni la conversión alimenticia de las aves.(AU)
Animais , Zea mays/fisiologia , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Destilação/instrumentaçãoResumo
The search for cultivation practices that provide productive, social and environmental benefits to the agroecosystem isof great importance for the sustainable intensification of agriculture. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of multifunctional microorganisms (MM) and mix of cover crops on gas exchange, production components and grain yield of soybean. In the field experiment, conducted by two growing seasons, the experimental design of randomized blocks in factorial scheme 8x2 was used, with four replications. The treatments were composed by the combination of eight vegetal cover and the use or not of MM. The vegetal cover were composed of: 1. Fallow, 2. Corn, 3. Mix 1 (white lupine, buckwheat, white oats, black oats, Crotalaria ochroleuca, C. juncea, turnip, coracana grass, white lupine), 4. Mix 2 (millet, C. ochroleuca, black oats, white oats, buckwheat, coracana grass), 5. Mix 3 (Millet, C. ochroleuca, black oats, white oats, buckwheat, coracana grass), 6. Mix 4 (C. spectabilis, buckwheat, millet and C. breviflora), 7. Mix 5 (oats, buckwheat, millet, piatã grass and C. Ocholeuca); and 8. Mix 6. (black oats, turnip forage, white lupine, coracana grass, buckwheat). The MM consortium used was Serratia marcenses(BRM 32114) + Bacillus sp.(BRM 63573). Soybean plants coinoculated with (BRM 32114) + (BRM 63573) showed an increase in photosynthetic rate (16.65%), stomatal conductance (37.50%), internal CO2concentration (10%), number of pods per plant (15%), mass of 100 grains (4.04%) and grain yield (14.83%). However, no differences were observed in soybean plants grown in succession to the mix of cover crops, except for the number of grains per pod. Therefore, in this study, the highlight was the consortium of multifunctional microorganisms, technology considered strategic for the sustainable intensification of agriculture.(AU)
A busca por práticas de cultivo que proporcionem benefícios produtivos, sociaiseambientaisao agroecossistemaé de grande importância para aintensificação sustentável da agricultura. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o efeito demicrorganismos multifuncionais (MM)emix de plantas decoberturasobre as trocas gasosas, componentes de produção e produtividadede grãosdasoja. Noexperimento de campo, conduzido por duas safras agrícolas,utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 8x2, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram compostos pelacombinação de oito coberturas vegetaise do usoou não MM. As coberturasvegetais foram compostas de:1. Pousio; 2. Milho; 3. Mix 1 (Tremoço Branco, Trigo Mourisco, Aveia Branca, Aveia Preta, Crotalariaochroleuca, C.Juncea, Nabo Forrageiro, Capim coracana)4. Mix 2 (trigo Mourisco, C.spectabiliis, nabo forrageiro, aveia preta); 5. Mix 3 (Milheto, C. ochroleuca, aveia preta, aveia branca, trigo mourisco, Capim coracana); 6. Mix 4 (C. spectabilis, trigo mourisco, milheto e C.breviflora); 7. Mix 5 (Aveia, Trigo Mourisco, Milheto, Piatãe C.ocholeuca); e 8. Mix 6.(Aveia preta, Nabo Forrageiro, Tremoço Branco, Capim coracana, Trigo Mourisco). O consórciode MM utilizadofoi Serratiamarcenses(BRM 32114) + Bacillussp.(BRM63573). Plantas de soja coinoculadas com (BRM 32114) + (BRM63573)apresentaram aumento na taxa fotossintética (16,65%), condutância estomática (37,50%),concentração interna de CO2(10%), número de vagens por planta (15%),massa de 100 grãos (4,04%) e produtividade de grãos (14,83%). Contudo, não foram observadas diferenças nasplantas de soja cultivadasem sucessão aos mix de plantas de cobertura, com exceção do número de grãos por vagem.Portanto, nesse estudo, o destaque foi para o consórcio de microrganismos multifuncionais, tecnologiaconsideradaestratégica para a intensificação sustentável da agricultura.(AU)
Glycine max/fisiologia , Agricultura SustentávelResumo
Bone fractures are a frequent cause of limp in cattle, being pre-existing bone lesions among the predisposing factors. However, there is scant information about the natural occurrence of bone disease. This report aimed to describe an outbreak of spontaneous fractures associated with hypocuprosis in pen-backgrounded calves. Hind limp and irreversible recumbency were noticed in 9-month-old calves of a dairy farm from Córdoba province (Argentina). The issue was only evident in males fed a diet composed (DM) of 57% wet corn, 24% dry corn distiller grains, and 19% corn silage. No mineral mix was supplied. Accumulated morbidity and fatality rates were 5.8 and 100%, respectively. Two autopsies were performed, observing multiple femoral and rib fractures. Severe hypocupremia, very low copper levels in the liver and plasma, deficient dietary copper levels, normocalcemia, marginal hypophosphatemia, and high sulfate concentrations in the water supply were determined. Except for the decreased bone quantity and the multiple fractures, no bone lesion was observed, confirming osteoporosis as the pathological diagnosis, and hypocuprosis as the etiology.(AU)
Animais , Osteoporose/veterinária , Bovinos/lesões , Fraturas Espontâneas/diagnóstico , ArgentinaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of harvesting corn at different maturity stages for silage production combined with four storage periods, considering nutrient loss and the chemical composition of silage of the whole plant and also of grainless plants. The experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement of six maturity stages of corn [reproductive (R); R1 to R6] and four periods of silage storage (30, 60, 90, and 120 days). At stages R1 and R2, losses by effluents occurred more intensely when compared with the more advanced stages, whereas losses by gases showed the opposite behavior, with stage R6 responsible for the greatest losses. Stage R4 showed a stable dry matter (DM) content during the storage period, 42.08%, and had the lowest levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and acid detergent lignin (ADL) for the whole plant silage. The ADL in the silage of grainless plant of stage R4 was not the lowest, but it was close to the first reproductive stages, being an important point, since the first reproductive stages can present a vegetative fraction of better quality. The highest DM volumes produced by area occurred in the most advanced stages; however, R5 obtained a greater reduction in volume over the days of storage (20.66 kg day−1). The production cost was lower at the advanced stages (R4, R5, and R6) when compared with the first reproductive stages (R1, R2, and R3), and in general, during the storage period the costs did not have great variations. Based on the chemical composition of the silages, DM losses during the storage period, the stability in the costs of DM ton over the days of storage, the R4 stage was the most suitable for silage production.(AU)
Silagem , Grão Comestível/química , Zea mays/química , FermentaçãoResumo
We examined the effect of dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS) in diets for late gestating sows on sow and litter performance, colostrum chemical composition, and sow behavior. Sixty gestating sows of 3.77±1.65 parity were divided into three groups of 20 animals, in a randomized block design with 0 (corn-soybean meal diet), 150, or 300 g kg−1 DDGS from 84 days of gestation until farrowing. Sows fed 300 g kg−1 DDGS presented a lower frequency of standing position and eating activity. The lying lateral position was more frequent in the first 40 min post-feeding for sows fed the highest DDGS level. There was no effect of diets on sow and litter performance; however, DDGS inclusion tended to increase lactation feed intake. Inclusion of DDGS was inclined to produce more lactose and less protein in colostrum, but did not affect colostrum fat, total solids, and ash contents. Inclusion of up to 300 g kg−1 DDGS in the diet of late gestation sows does not change sow and litter performance and colostrum composition compared with corn-soybean meal diets, but it favored animal welfare.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Suínos/fisiologia , Colostro/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Grão Comestível/fisiologiaResumo
This study was designed to evaluate the effect of corn dried distiller's grains (DDGS) supplementation on feed intake, total tract digestibility, and ruminal fermentation of beef steers fed low-quality Guinea grass (Megathyrsus maximus, cv. Gatton panic). Twelve Braford crossbred steers were housed in individual pens (n = 4 steers/treatment), provided with three levels of DDGS supplement: 0%, 0.6%, or 1.2% BW. Steers were blocked by live weight and randomly assigned to treatments within the block. Corn DDGS supplementation increased total OM intake (21.55, 40.23, and 56.69 g/kg BW0.75) and tract OM digestibility (46.33, 49.03, and 72.39 % DM). Total tract digestible OM, CP, NDF and EE intake also increase in response to DDGS supplementation. Forage OM intake decreased when supplementation level reached 1.2 % BW. Also, ruminal pH decreased with DDGS supplementation level (6.88, 6.47, and 6.27). No differences were observed in total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentration; however, the molar proportion of acetate decreased (77.98, 73.90, and 67.29 % Total VFA) as well as acetate: propionate ratio (4.38, 3.48, and 2.74). On the contrary, propionate proportions increased (18.32, 21.86, and 24.81 % Total VFA). Levels of ammonia and lactate were within suggested values for optimal fermentation and bacterial growth. Low-quality grass supplementation with corn DDGS increased total OM intake and digestibility. Also, DDGS inclusion favorably altered volatile fatty acids profile by reducing the acetate to propionate ratio regarding forage-only diets.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação com grãos de destilação secos de milho com solúveis (DDGS) no consumo, digestão e fermentação ruminal de novilhos de corte alimentados com capim-da-índia de baixa qualidade (Megathyrsus maximus, cv. Gatton panic). Doze novilhos mestiços Braford foram alojados em baias individuais (n = 4 novilhos / tratamento), fornecidos com três níveis de suplemento de DDGS: 0%, 0,6% ou 1,2% PV. Os novilhos foram bloqueados pelo peso vivo e atribuídos aleatoriamente aos tratamentos dentro do bloco. A suplementação com DDGS de milho aumentou o consumo de matéria orgânica total (21,55, 40,23 e 56,69 g / kg PV0,75), a digestibilidade da matéria orgânica (46,33, 49,03 e 72,39% MS) e o consumo de todos os nutrientes digestíveis. O consumo de matéria orgânica da forragem diminuiu quando o nível de suplementação atingiu 1,2% PV. Além disso, o pH ruminal diminuiu com o nível de suplementação com DDGS (6,88, 6,47 e 6,27). Não foram observadas diferenças na concentração de ácidos graxos voláteis totais, no entanto, a proporção molar de acetato diminuiu (77,98, 73,90 e 67,29% de AGV total), bem como a relação acetato: propionato (4,38, 3,48 e 2,74). Pelo contrário, as proporções de propionato aumentaram (18,32, 21,86 e 24,81% Total de AGV). Os níveis de amônia e lactato estavam dentro dos valores sugeridos para fermentação ideal e crescimento bacteriano. A suplementação de gramíneas de baixa qualidade com DDGS de milho aumentou o consumo e a digestibilidade da MO total. Além disso, a inclusão de DDGS alterou favoravelmente o perfil de ácidos graxos voláteis, reduzindo a proporção de acetato para propionato em relação às dietas apenas com forragem.
Animais , Bovinos , Alimentos Fortificados/análise , Zea mays , Digestão , PanicumResumo
This experiment was conducted to evaluate the supplemental effects of a novel protease produced from Bacillus subtilis in low crude protein (CP) corn distiller dried grain with solubles (cDDGS) based diets on growth performance, carcass attributes, nutrients digestibility, blood chemistry, and intestinal histomorphometry of broiler chickens. One hundred and sixty, one-day-old chicks were randomly allotted to one of 4 dietary treatments. Each dietary treatment had four replicates, with 10 birds in each replicate. Two basal diets were formulated for both starter (1-21d) and finisher (22-35d) phase; (PC) a corn soybean meal based diet as per standard recommendations of Ross 308; (NC) 5% cDGGS with 5% reduction in CP with concomitant reduction in essential amino acids (EAAs) compared with PC. The negative control diet was further subdivided into 3 parts. One part was without enzyme supplementation, while the other two parts were supplemented with a novel protease (PROT1) and a commercial protease (PROT2), respectively. The same procedure was adopted for finisher diets. A digestibility assay (32-35d) was carried out using acid insoluble ash (AIA), an external digestibility marker. At the end of 35d, ileal digesta were collected from four birds per experimental unit for nutrient digestibility measurement. Tissue samples of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were collected for villus height, villus width, crypt depth, and crypt width. Body weight gain (BWG) and feed:gain were improved (p<0.05) with protease supplementation. No effect was observed on carcass parameters. However, CP digestibility, apparent digestibility coefficient for nitrogen (ADCn), nitrogen retention (Nret ), and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility (AIAAD) were improved (p<0.05). However, there was no effect on apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn), blood glucose, total protein and cholesterol (p>0.05) and intestinal integrity (p>0.05). It was concluded that protease enzyme can improve nitrogen and CP digestibility, resulting in improved amino acids availability in low protein diets.(AU)
Animais , Bacillus subtilis , Proteínas , Galinhas/metabolismo , Nutrientes , Zea maysResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of phytase enzyme and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) on the digestibility, performance and economic viability of growing pigs. Two experiments were conducted with a reference diet (RD) based on corn and soybean meal: RD with 200 g kg -1 DDGS (DDGS); RD + 1,000 units of phytase (PHY); and RD + 200 g kg-1 DDGS + 1,000 units of phytase (D+P). In experiment 1, eight castrated male pigs weighing 29.35 ± 5.74 kg were used through the total collection method and replicates in time for digestibility evaluation. In experiment 2, 40 castrated male pigs 47.65 ± 3.99 kg, with five replicates of two animals per experimental unit, were used for performance and economic evaluation. DDGS increased the excretion of nitrogen and energy in feces and urine, impairing the digestibility coefficients and metabolizability of dietary energy. The animals that consumed diets with DDGS presented the worst performance, while phytase did not influence the results. Diets with the inclusion of 200 g kg -1 DDGS and 1,000 units of phytase did not differ in cost per kilogram compared to the control diet.(AU)
Este estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos da enzima fitase e dos grãos secos de destilaria com solúveis (distillers dried grains with solubles - DDGS) sobre digestibilidade, desempenho e viabilidade econômica de suínos em crescimento. Foram realizados dois experimentos, com uma dieta de referência (RD) à base de milho e farelo de soja; RD + 200 g kg -1 DDGS (DDGS); RD + 1.000 unidades de fitase (PHY); e RD + 200 g kg -1 DDGS + 1.000 unidades de fitase (D + P). No experimento 1, oito suínos machos castrados com peso de 29,35 ± 5,74 kg foram usados através do método de coleta total, com repetição no tempo para avaliação da digestibilidade. No experimento 2, 40 suínos machos castrados 47,65 ± 3,99 kg, com cinco repetições de dois animais por unidade experimental foram usados para avaliação de desempenho e viabilidade econômica. DDGS aumentou a excreção de nitrogênio e energia nas fezes e na urina, prejudicando os coeficientes de digestibilidade e a metabolizabilidade da energia. Os animais que consumiram dietas com DDGS apresentaram pior desempenho enquanto a fitase não afetou os resultados. As dietas com a inclusão de 200 g kg -1 DDGS e 1.000 unidades de fitase não diferem no custo por quilograma em relação à dieta de controle.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Suínos/fisiologia , Análise Custo-Benefício , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Grão Comestível , Valor NutritivoResumo
Multifunctional microorganisms are beneficial microorganisms able of promoting plant growth through direct and indirect mechanisms. Because of this, has enormous potential for use when aiming a sustainable agriculture. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of seed inoculation with multifunctional microorganisms on the initial development of corn seedlings. The experiment was carried out under controlled conditions in a completely randomized design, with seven treatments and six replications. Treatments consisted of microbiolization of corn seeds with the rhizobacteria: 1. Burkholderia cepacea (BRM 32111), 2. Serratia marcenses (BRM 32113), 3. Serratia sp. (BRM 32114), 4. Bacillus sp. (BRM 63573), 5. Azospirillum brasilense (Ab-V5), 6. Azospirillum sp. (BRM 63574) and 7. control treatment (no microorganisms).For each experimental unit, 500 mL plastic pots filled with soil and two corn seeds were used. After 14 days the seedlings were removed from the pots, set aside from the ground and photographed with a digital camera. The images presented were analyzed by WinRHIZO 2012 software to determine: total root length, root diameter, total root surface area and root volume. After this, roots and shoots of the seedlings were dried and weighed. Corn seedlings treated with the multifunctional microorganisms Bacillus sp. (BRM 63573), Serratia sp. (BRM32114) and Azospirillum sp. (BRM 63574) presented increased in the root and shoots biomass compared to untreated seeds. The microorganism Azospirillum sp. (BRM 63574) was the one that provided the highest values in the parameters of total root length, root diameter, root volume, root dry mass, shoot dry mass and total dry mass compared to the control treatment. The use of multifunctional microorganisms is a promising alternative to provide greater development of corn seedlings.
Microrganismos multifuncionais são microrganismos benéficos, capazes de promover o crescimento vegetal por meio de ações diretas e indiretas, tendo, portanto, enorme potencial de uso quando se visa a agricultura sustentável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o efeito da inoculação de sementes com microrganismos multifuncionais no desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas de milho. O experimento foi conduzido em condições controladas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com sete tratamentos e seis repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram na microbiolização das sementes de milho, cultivar AG 8088, com os isolados de rizobactérias: 1. Burkholderia cepacea (BRM 32111), 2. Serratia marcescens (BRM 32113), 3. Serratia sp. (BRM 32114), 4. Bacillus sp. (BRM 63573), 5. Azospirillum brasilense (Ab-V5), 6. Azospirillum sp. (BRM 63574) e 7. tratamento controle (sem microrganismos). Para cada unidade experimental foram utilizados copos plásticos de 500 mL, preenchidos com solo e com duas sementes de milho. Após 14 dias as plântulas foram retiradas dos copos, separadas do solo e fotografadas com câmera digital. As imagens obtidas foram analisadas pelo software WinRHIZO 2012, para determinação de: comprimento total da raiz, diâmetro da raiz, área de superfície total de raízes e volume de raízes. Após serem fotografadas as raízes e parte aérea das plântulas foram levadas a estufa de secagem até atingirem massa constante e pesadas. As plântulas de milho tratadas com os microrganismos multifuncionais Bacillus sp. (BRM 63573), Serratia sp. (BRM32114) e Azospirillum sp. (BRM 63574) apresentaram incremento do sistema radicular e aéreo em comparação com plântulas não tradadas. O microrganismo Azospirillum sp. (BRM 63574) foi o que proporcionou maiores valores nos parâmetros de comprimento total da raiz, diâmetro da raiz, volume da raiz, massa seca da raiz, massa seca de parte aérea e massa seca total em comparação ao tratamento controle. A utilização de microrganismos multifuncionais é alternativa promissora para proporcionar maior desenvolvimento de plântulas de milho.
Raízes de Plantas/microbiologia , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Plântula/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Raízes de Plantas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The mycotoxigenic fungus Fusarium verticillioides is the primary maize pathogen and causes the maize stalk and ear rot diseases with significant economic losses. Furthermore, the excessive use of fungicides to control F. verticillioides constitutes threats to the environment and human health. Thus, sustainable alternatives such as biological control are needed to minimize the hazards associated with the current method. Although much is known about the vulnerability of the maize silks as a gateway for several fungal pathogens invading the developing grains, studies on the chemical properties of silk extracts and their resident microbiota are scarce. This study isolated and characterized bacteria and fungi that colonize the maize stigma to assess new potential biocontrol agents. The samples were collected from maize fields in the Brazilian localities of Sete Lagoas-MG, Sidrolândia-MS, Sertaneja-PR, and Goiânia-GO. One hundred sixty-seven microorganisms were isolated, 46% endophytic and 54% epiphytic. First, the antagonist activity was evaluated by the agar disc diffusion method performed in triplicate, and 83% of the isolates showed antagonist activity against F. verticillioides. Then, the 42 most efficient isolates were identified based on the partial sequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungi ITS region. The bacteria belong to the genera Bacillus (57.1%), Burkholderia (23.8%), Achromobacter (7.1%), Pseudomonas (2.4%), and Serratia (2.4%), while the fungi are Penicillium (2.4%), Candida (2.4), and Aspergillus (2.4%). The results showed that microorganisms from maize stigma might represent new promising agents for F. verticillioides control.
O fungo micotoxigênico Fusarium verticillioides é o principal patógeno do milho e causa doenças do colmo e da podridão da espiga com perdas econômicas significativas. Além disso, o uso excessivo de fungicidas no controle de F. verticillioides constitui uma ameaça ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Assim, alternativas sustentáveis, como o controle biológico, são necessárias para minimizar os riscos associados ao método atual. Este estudo isolou e caracterizou bactérias e fungos que colonizam o estigma do milho para avaliar novos agentes de biocontrole em potencial. As amostras foram coletadas em campos de milho nas localidades brasileiras de Sete Lagoas-MG, Sidrolândia-MS, Sertaneja-PR e Goiânia-GO. Cento e sessenta e sete microrganismos foram isolados, 46% endofíticos e 54% epifíticos. O teste de antagonismo empregando a técnica de disco de difusão em meio sólido, mostrou que 83% dos isolados apresentaram atividade antagonista contra F. verticillioides. Em seguida, 42 isolados mais eficientes foram identificados a partir do sequenciamento parcial do gene 16S rRNA bacteriano e da região ITS de fungos. Os isolados bacterianos pertencem ao gênero Bacillus (57,1%), Burkholderia (23,8%), Achromobacter (7,1%), Pseudomonas (2,4%) e Serratia (2,4%), enquanto os fungos são Penicillium (2,4%), Candida (2.4), e Aspergillus (2,4%). Os resultados mostraram que microrganismos do estigma do milho podem representar novos agentes promissores para o controle de F. verticillioides.
Animais , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Zea mays , Fungos , FusariumResumo
Green maize has great economic value, and the consumer market increasingly demands the production of ears for fresh consumption that are free from damage by pest attacks. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of varieties of AG1051 green maize and Roraima maize (ethnovariety Milhão) intercropped with dwarf grain sorghum, forage sorghum and millet in an environment of the Amazon savannah. We evaluated phytotechnical characteristics of the maize and damage from the leaf-footed bug (Leptoglossus zonatus). The experiment was set up in a 2 x 4 factorial randomised block design with four replications, where the two maize varieties corresponded to the first factor and four intercropping systems to the second factor. Regarding vegetative and reproductive components, Milhão had a longer cycle, greater plant growth and smaller stem diameter than AG1051, causing plant lodging. The intercropping systems had no influence on the production or quality of maize ears for any of the cultivars under study. Milhão did not differ from the AG1051 hybrid in any ear quality variable (ear length, number of grains per ear, cob diameter, ear weight and total number of ears). The AG1051 cultivar was preferred by L. zonatus, but had the highest yield of commercial ears. The intercropping systems had no influence on the damage caused by the leaf-footed bug.(AU)
O milho verde possui grande valor econômico, e o mercado consumidor exige cada vez mais a produção de espigas para consumo in natura livres de danos por ataques de pragas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de variedades de milho verde AG1051 e milho Roraima (etnovariedade Milhão) consorciadas com sorgo granífero anão, sorgo forrageiro e milheto em ambiente da savana Amazônica. Avaliamos as características fitotécnicas do milho e os danos causados pelo percevejo pé-de-folha (Leptoglossus zonatus). O experimento foi instalado em um delineamento fatorial 2 x 4 de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, onde as duas variedades de milho corresponderam ao primeiro fator e quatro sistemas de consórcio ao segundo fator. Com referência aos componentes vegetativos e reprodutivos, o Milhão apresentou ciclo mais longo, maior crescimento de plantas e menor diâmetro do colmo que o AG1051, causando acamamento de plantas. Os sistemas de consórcio não influenciaram a produção ou qualidade de espigas de milho de nenhuma das cultivares em estudo. O Milhão não diferiu do híbrido AG1051 em nenhuma variável de qualidade da espiga (comprimento da espiga, número de grãos por espiga, diâmetro da espiga, massa da espiga e número total de espigas). A cultivar AG1051 foi a preferida pelo L. zonatus, mas apresentou maior produtividade de espigas comerciais. Os sistemas de consórcio não influenciaram os danos causados pelo percevejo pé-de-folha.(AU)
24444 , Controle de Pragas/métodos , Zea maysResumo
Considering its nutritional quality and low cost compared to traditional foods, the orange peel has been used to replace grains in ruminant diets. This research was developed to evaluate the fatty acid profile of meat from lambs finished with diets containing orange peel silage (OPS) in replacement of corn (0, 33, 66 and 100%). Twenty Santa Inês lambs (five replicates per treatment), approximately five months old and body weight of 25.37 ± 1.94 kg, were distributed in a completely randomized design and the data obtained compared by the Tukey test at 0.05 of significance. There was a linear increase in the concentration of fatty acid capric (P = 0.026) and a quadratic increase for palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, conjugated linoleic (CLA) and α-linolenic acid, saturated, unsaturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, Σn-6, Σn-3 fatty acids and desirable fatty acids in the meat of lambs fed with OPS (P<0.05). The replacement of corn by OPS in 66% in the diet of finishing lambs improves the fatty acid profile of the meat.
Considerando sua qualidade nutricional e baixo custo em relação aos alimentos tradicionais, a casca de laranja vem sendo utilizada em substituição aos grãos na dieta de ruminantes. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida para avaliar o perfil de ácidos graxos da carne de cordeiros terminados com dietas contendo silagem de bagaço de laranja (SBL) em substituição ao milho (0, 33, 66 e 100%). Vinte cordeiros Santa Inês (cinco repetições por tratamento), com aproximadamente cinco meses de idade e peso corporal de 25,37 ± 1,94 kg, foram distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado e os dados obtidos comparados pelo teste Tukey a 0,05 de significância. Houve aumento linear na concentração do ácido graxo cáprico (P = 0,026) e de forma quadrática (P<0,05) para o palmítico, palmitoleico, esteárico, oleico, linoleico, linoleico conjugado (CLA) e α-linolênico; dos ácidos graxos saturados, insaturados, monoinsaturados, poliinsaturados, Σn-6, Σn-3 e dos ácidos graxos desejáveis na carne de cordeiros alimentados com SBL. A substituição do milho pela SBL em 66% na dieta de cordeiros em terminação melhora o perfil de ácidos graxos da carne.