Understanding wildlife behavior, including accurate identification, processing, and interpretation of activities or cues, is important to behavioral biology and corresponding conservation strategies. We characterized the breeding activities of the critically endangered White-rumped Vulture Gyps bengalensis following a sequential pattern from courtship to fledging. We recorded 4,160 visual observations of 20 behaviors of eight pairs of White-rumped Vultures from September 2021April 2022 and constructed Markov chain models to model three composite behaviors (i.e., breeding, foraging, and roosting). We found that vultures at four nests displayed >70% of the time in breeding behavior, and each nest produced offspring, indicating a potential correlation between breeding behavior and successful reproductive outcomes. Our model explained each composite behavior with high accuracy. Identifying behaviors White-rumped Vulture have practical applications for developing management plans for their conservation, including the timing of critical reproductive events. Our findings and approach can improve our understanding of White-rumped Vulture behavioral ecology and conservation and have applications for other species.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo/fisiologia , Falconiformes , Cadeias de MarkovResumo
This study was carried out to demonstrate how a regression model can be used as a decision support tool in the poultry sector, using variables that affect profit, within the scope of broiler enterprises that are engaged in contract production depending on broiler integrations. Enterprises included in the study were selected from Bolu, Sakarya and Ankara provinces those have the 24% of the rearing flocks and the integrations in Turkey. The 68 out of 9872 broiler enterprises existing in Turkey in 2017 were included in the study by random sampling method. The regression model obtained because of this study allows producers and institutions providing consultancy services in the broiler sector to monitor the marginal effect of variables that affect profit. As a result, when price and cost factors change under different risk conditions, the research model can be used as a decision support tool.
Este estudo foi realizado para demonstrar como um modelo de regressão pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta de apoio à decisão no setor avícola, utilizando variáveis que afetam o lucro, dentro do escopo de empresas de frangos de corte que se dedicam à produção sob contrato, dependendo das integrações de frangos de corte. As empresas incluídas no estudo foram selecionadas das províncias de Bolu, Sakarya e Ancara, que possuem os 24% dos lotes de frangos de corte e as integrações na Turquia. As 68 das 9872 empresas de frangos de corte existentes na Turquia em 2017 foram incluídas no estudo pelo método de amostragem aleatória. O modelo de regressão obtido devido a este estudo permite aos produtores e instituições que prestam serviços de consultoria no setor de frangos de corte monitorar o efeito marginal das variáveis que afetam o lucro. Como resultado, quando os fatores preço e custo mudam sob diferentes condições de risco, o modelo de pesquisa pode ser usado como uma ferramenta de apoio à decisão.
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Galinhas , Comércio , Custos e Análise de Custo , CorteResumo
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effects of adding levels of emulsifier based on soy lecithin and enzymatic complex (xylanase, ß-glucanase;-glucanase, galactosidase, protease, amylase, and ß-mannanase) on the basal diet during the raising of free-range broiler chickens. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five treatments and six replications. Treatments were: T1: control diet, without enzymatic complex and emulsifier; T2: 0.2 kg t-1 of enzymatic complex; T3: 0.5 kg t-1 of emulsifier; T4: 0.2 kg t-1 of enzymatic complex + 0.5 kg t-1 of emulsifier; and T5: 0.3 kg t-1 of enzymatic complex + 1 kg t-1 of emulsifier. Performance data were collected every 14 days, and the animals were euthanized at 70 days to obtain carcass, breast, drumstick, and thigh yield and intestine collection for pH analysis and morphometry. The periods from 1 to 56 and 1 to 70 days showed a difference (P<0.05) in the parameters of zootechnical performance, the feed intake was lower in T4 and T5, and weight gain was better in T1, T2, T3, and T4. Feed conversion was better in T1, T2, and T4. No difference (P>0.05) was observed for poultry livability, carcass yield, viscera, and pH of duodenum and cecum. A difference was found for intestinal morphometry (P<0.05), and T5 showed the best villus/crypt ratio. The level with 0.3 kg t-1 of enzymatic complex and 1 kg t-1 of emulsifier indicated a better relationship between villi and crypts. However, the level with 0.2 kg t-1 of enzymatic complex and 0.5 kg t-1 of emulsifier added to the commercial diet led to benefits such as decreased feed intake, without affecting weight gain, thus inducing a good feed conversion.
Resumo Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da adição de níveis de emulsificante à base de lecitina de soja e complexo enzimático (Xilanase, ß-Glucanase, Galactosidase, Protease, Amilase, ß-Mananase) na ração basal durante a criação de frangos de corte de linhagem caipira. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos e 6 repetições. Os tratamentos foram: T1: ração controle, sem complexo enzimático e emulsificante; T2: 0,2 kg t-1 de complexo enzimático; T3: 0,5 kg t-1 de emulsificante; T4: 0,2 kg t-1 de complexo enzimático + 0,5 kg t-1 de emulsificante; T5: 0,3 kg t-1 de complexo enzimático + 1 kg t-1 de emulsificante. A cada 14 dias foram coletados os dados do desempenho zootécnico e após 70 dias as aves foram eutanasiadas para obtenção do rendimento de carcaça, peito, coxa, sobrecoxa e coleta do intestino para análise de pH e morfometria. Nos períodos de 1 a 56 e 1 a 70 dias houve diferença (P<0,05) nos parâmetros de desempenho zootécnico, o consumo de ração foi menor no T4 e T5, e o ganho de peso foi melhor no T1, T2, T3 e T4. A conversão foi melhor em T1, T2 e T4. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) na viabilidade das aves, no rendimento de carcaça, cortes de vísceras e no pH de duodeno e cecos. Houve diferença na morfometria intestinal (P<0,05), sendo o T5 o que obteve melhor relação vilo/cripta. O nível 0,3 kg t-1 complexo enzimático com 1 kg t-1 emulsificante indicou melhor efeito na relação vilosidade e criptas. O nível com 0,2 kg t-1 do complexo enzimático com 0,5 kg t-1 do emulsificante adicionado a dieta comercial trouxe benefícios como diminuição do consumo de ração, sem afetar o ganho de peso, tendo assim uma boa conversão alimentar.
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Esqueleto/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Corte , Emulsificantes , Dieta , Enzimas , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
Aspects related to good handling practices have significant impacts on animal behaviour with positive effects on the productivity and profitability of production systems. This study investigated the impact of good handling practices on the modification of stress indicators and the behaviour of beef cattle. Thirty-six male castrated bovines at the growth stage were evaluated for 490 days and submitted to two different production systems in Southern Brazil: good handling practices (GHP) and a traditional handling system of beef-cattle farming (THS). Body weight, reactivity indicators (flight distance and composite behaviour score), and blood indicators of stress (glucose and cortisol) were measured. An analysis of variance was carried out with measurements repeated over time, and Pearson's correlation applied between the variables mentioned above. No differences were found (P>0.05) for body weight in any of the evaluations, with initial weights of 196.2 and 196.3 kg and final weights of 431.0 and 413.8 kg for the GHP and THS steers, respectively. The GHP determined better values for the stress and behavioural indicators compared to THS (P<0.05). The flight distance of the GHP animals decreased from 11.33 to 5.22 metres from the first to the last evaluation, while in the THS animals the values were 10.17 and 11.89 metres, respectively. The behaviour composite score differed in the evaluations at 372 and 490 days, with values of 1.77 and 1.47 for GHP animals and values of 2.92 and 2.83 points for THS animals, respectively. Glucose and cortisol levels decreased with the advancing evaluations in GHP animals, with values from 94.80 to 74.22 mg/dL and from 6.08 to 3.68 µg/dL, respectively. In THS animals, glucose and cortisol levels were similar in the initial and final evaluations, with values of 89.30 and 91.28 mg/dL and 5.34 and 5.80 µg/dL, respectively. Regardless of the handling, the final body weight of the animals correlated negatively with the reactivity indicators and physiological stress indicators. The reactivity of the cattle is influenced by the quality of the human-animal interaction but has no effect on the performance of animals raised on pasture. Good handling practices reduce the reactivity and stress indicators of cattle.
Aspectos relacionados às boas práticas de manejo têm impactos significativos no comportamento animal com efeitos positivos na produtividade e lucratividade dos sistemas de produção. Este estudo investigou o impacto das boas práticas de manejo na modificação de indicadores de estresse e no comportamento de bovinos de corte. Trinta e seis bovinos, em fase de crescimento, foram avaliados por 490 dias e submetidos a dois diferentes sistemas de produção no sul do Brasil: boas práticas de manejo (BPM) e sistema de manejo tradicional da pecuária de corte (SMT). Foram avaliados o peso corporal, indicadores de reatividade (distância de fuga e escore composto de comportamento) e indicadores fisiológicos de estresse (glicose e cortisol no sangue). Foi realizada análise de variância com medidas repetidas ao longo do tempo e aplicada a correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis citadas anteriormente. Não foram encontradas diferenças para peso corporal em nenhuma das avaliações (P>0,05), com pesos iniciais de 196,2 e 196,3 kg e pesos finais de 431.0 e 413.8 kg para os novilhos BPM e SMT, respectivamente. O BPM determinou melhores valores para os indicadores fisiológicos de estresse e indicadores comportamentais em relação ao SMT (P<0,05). A distância de fuga dos animais BPM diminuiu de 11,33 para 5,22 metros da primeira avaliação para última avaliação, enquanto nos animais SMT os valores foram de 10,17 e 11,89 metros, respectivamente. O escore composto de comportamento diferiu nas avaliações aos 372 e 490 dias, com valores de 1,77 e 1,47 para animais BPM e valores de 2,92 e 2,83 pontos para animais SMT, respectivamente. Os níveis de glicose e cortisol diminuíram com o avanço das avaliações nos animais BPM com valores de 94,80 para 74,22 mg/dL e de 6,08 para 3,68 µg/dL, respectivamente. Nos animais SMT os níveis de glicose e cortisol foram semelhantes nas avaliações inicial e final com valores de 89,30 e 91,28 mg/dL e de 5,34 e 5,80 µg/dL, respectivamente. Independentemente do manejo ao qual os animais foram submetidos, o peso corporal final se correlacionou negativamente com os indicadores de reatividade e indicadores fisiológicos de estresse. A reatividade dos bovinos é influenciada pela qualidade da interação homem-animal, mas não tem efeito sobre o desempenho dos animais criados a pasto. Boas práticas de manejo reduzem a reatividade e os indicadores fisiológicos de estresse dos bovinos.
Estresse Fisiológico , Comportamento Animal , Peso Corporal , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , CorteResumo
Drimia maritima is a toxic Mediterranean plant and is considered a commercially important drug by its medicinal values and pharmacological properties. In this work, we seek to evaluate the direct and delayed effects of the ethanol extracts of this plant on vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster), an excellent laboratory model. The treatment was carried out by ingestion on second-stage larvae (L2) and then we evaluated the impact of this treatment on mortality, development, sexual behaviour, on female's oviposition choice, fecundity, and fertility of adults. The results showed that mortality rates can reach 100% after 15 days of treatment as we recorded an acceleration of the flies' development. After treatment, we observed incomplete nuptial courtship and a significant decrease in eggs laid number and larvae number of the first generation treated. This study indicates that D. maritima ethanolic extract has a neurotoxic property, our results confirmed the presence of toxic secondary metabolites in the extract studied.(AU)
Animais , Drimia/toxicidade , Dípteros/efeitos dos fármacos , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Drosophila melanogasterResumo
Drimia maritima is a toxic Mediterranean plant and is considered a commercially important drug by its medicinal values and pharmacological properties. In this work, we seek to evaluate the direct and delayed effects of the ethanol extracts of this plant on vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster), an excellent laboratory model. The treatment was carried out by ingestion on second-stage larvae (L2) and then we evaluated the impact of this treatment on mortality, development, sexual behaviour, on female's oviposition choice, fecundity, and fertility of adults. The results showed that mortality rates can reach 100% after 15 days of treatment as we recorded an acceleration of the flies' development. After treatment, we observed incomplete nuptial courtship and a significant decrease in eggs laid number and larvae number of the first generation treated. This study indicates that D. maritima ethanolic extract has a neurotoxic property, our results confirmed the presence of toxic secondary metabolites in the extract studied.
Animais , Drimia/toxicidade , Dípteros/efeitos dos fármacos , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Drosophila melanogasterResumo
During the breeding season, many avian species produce complex expressions to attract their mates. In turtle doves Streptopelia turtur, male signals visually and acoustically during courtship. The only previous study on turtle doves song was limited to quantifying acoustic expressions and their role in the detection of turtle doves. In the present study, we defined two types of languages in turtle doves courtship display: "arc-shaped" flights and vocal "roux", with the aim to investigate, under natural conditions, their attractive role towards females. Similarly, the influence of intraspecific competitors and position of singing were analysed during two breeding seasons (2016-2017). Summarizing, results chow that male turtle doves combined acoustic and arc-flight displays to attract mates, with intense expressions between May and July. Throughout the day, vocal calls and flights are concentrated between 8:00-10:00 (morning) and 16:00-18:00 (evening). Moreover, the duration of the acoustic display is more important than flying expressions. On the other hand, turtle doves sing on trees (vertical support) more than ground, with a complex frequencies and amplitudes (sound calls) to spread out their calls toward females. However, the presence of competitors in the same field increase rate of singing and flying, in order to ensure mates attraction.(AU)
Animais , Columbidae , Comportamento Animal , Corte , CruzamentoResumo
During the breeding season, many avian species produce complex expressions to attract their mates. In turtle doves Streptopelia turtur, male signals visually and acoustically during courtship. The only previous study on turtle doves song was limited to quantifying acoustic expressions and their role in the detection of turtle doves. In the present study, we defined two types of languages in turtle doves courtship display: "arc-shaped" flights and vocal "roux", with the aim to investigate, under natural conditions, their attractive role towards females. Similarly, the influence of intraspecific competitors and position of singing were analysed during two breeding seasons (2016-2017). Summarizing, results chow that male turtle doves combined acoustic and arc-flight displays to attract mates, with intense expressions between May and July. Throughout the day, vocal calls and flights are concentrated between 8:00-10:00 (morning) and 16:00-18:00 (evening). Moreover, the duration of the acoustic display is more important than flying expressions. On the other hand, turtle doves sing on trees (vertical support) more than ground, with a complex frequencies and amplitudes (sound calls) to spread out their calls toward females. However, the presence of competitors in the same field increase rate of singing and flying, in order to ensure mates attraction.
Animais , Columbidae , Comportamento Animal , Corte , CruzamentoResumo
The present work aimed at studying the sicklefin devil ray (Mobula tarapacana) that aggregates seasonally in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA). From December 2008 to June 2016, 827 rays were sighted through free diving visual census survey. From the total of the records, it was possible to identify the sex of 361 specimens, in which 215 were females and 146 were males. The disk width ranged from 2.40 m to 3.20 m with mean size of 2.60 m, for both males and females, indicating that the population is composed by sub-adults and adults. Using photo-identification of the pectoral-fins in the ventral side, 11 males and 44 females were identified and compared with each other, but no re-sight was detected. Recent mating scars were observed in males (n= 7) and females (n= 6), as well as courtship and pursuit behaviors, confirming that the SPSPA is an important area of aggregation and mating for M. tarapacana in the Atlantic Ocean.(AU)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a população da raia manta chilena (Mobula tarapacana) que forma agregações sazonais no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo (ASPSP). Durante o período de dezembro de 2008 a junho de 2016, foram avistadas 827 raias através de censo visual por mergulho livre. Do total das raias avistadas, foi possível identificar o sexo de 361 espécimes, dos quais 215 eram fêmeas e 146 eram machos. A largura de disco variou de 2,40 m a 3,20 m, com média de 2,60 m, tanto para machos como para fêmeas, evidenciando que a população é composta por adultos e sub-adultos. Com base na foto-identificação do padrão de coloração do contorno localizado na região ventral, foram identificados e comparados entre si, 11 machos e 44 fêmeas, não tendo sido observada, porém, nenhuma reavistagem. Marcas de cópula recente foram observadas tanto em machos (n= 7) como em fêmeas (n= 6). Comportamentos de corte e perseguição também foram observados, indicando que o ASPSP é uma importante área de agregação e acasalamento da espécie no Oceano Atlântico.(AU)
Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Rajidae/classificação , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosResumo
The present work aimed at studying the sicklefin devil ray (Mobula tarapacana) that aggregates seasonally in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago (SPSPA). From December 2008 to June 2016, 827 rays were sighted through free diving visual census survey. From the total of the records, it was possible to identify the sex of 361 specimens, in which 215 were females and 146 were males. The disk width ranged from 2.40 m to 3.20 m with mean size of 2.60 m, for both males and females, indicating that the population is composed by sub-adults and adults. Using photo-identification of the pectoral-fins in the ventral side, 11 males and 44 females were identified and compared with each other, but no re-sight was detected. Recent mating scars were observed in males (n= 7) and females (n= 6), as well as courtship and pursuit behaviors, confirming that the SPSPA is an important area of aggregation and mating for M. tarapacana in the Atlantic Ocean.(AU)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo conhecer a população da raia manta chilena (Mobula tarapacana) que forma agregações sazonais no Arquipélago de São Pedro e São Paulo (ASPSP). Durante o período de dezembro de 2008 a junho de 2016, foram avistadas 827 raias através de censo visual por mergulho livre. Do total das raias avistadas, foi possível identificar o sexo de 361 espécimes, dos quais 215 eram fêmeas e 146 eram machos. A largura de disco variou de 2,40 m a 3,20 m, com média de 2,60 m, tanto para machos como para fêmeas, evidenciando que a população é composta por adultos e sub-adultos. Com base na foto-identificação do padrão de coloração do contorno localizado na região ventral, foram identificados e comparados entre si, 11 machos e 44 fêmeas, não tendo sido observada, porém, nenhuma reavistagem. Marcas de cópula recente foram observadas tanto em machos (n= 7) como em fêmeas (n= 6). Comportamentos de corte e perseguição também foram observados, indicando que o ASPSP é uma importante área de agregação e acasalamento da espécie no Oceano Atlântico.(AU)
Reprodução , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Rajidae/classificação , Inquéritos e QuestionáriosResumo
ABSTRACT For the amphibians the territoriality, the elaborate courtship and other forms of behaviors, seem to be more associated with species that exhibit the pattern of prolonged reproduction. Vocalization is an important biological aspect related to the reproduction and social behavior of the anurans. This is the first study with behavior and calls for the rocket frog, Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925) and we record the territorial and courtship behavior in ethogram, describe and analyze its vocal repertoire and evaluate the climatic influence on the acoustic activity of the species. We observed 18 males of A. olfersioides by animal focal method, recording all individual activities for ten minutes to calculate the frequency of each action exhibited. Additionally, we played a previously recorded advertisement call to individual male frogs for analyze the territorial responses displayed by individual males during the work. For this anuran, we recorded 11 distinct behaviors and analyzed 14 advertisement calls that demonstrated that the call of A. olfersioides is a simple call composed of a single non-pulsed note, the call duration had a mean of 0.02s, the mean of intercall interval was of 0.35s and the dominant frequency presented a mean of 5.67 kHz. The period of vocal activity was recorded during almost all months of the study (November 2015 to October 2016), except November and December, where the individuals presented acoustic inactivity. We believe that A. olfersioides presents a continuous reproduction (approximately 10 months), due to the absence of vocalizations during the driest months in November and December. Concerning the behavioral activities, A. olfersioides presents territorialist behavior patterns similar to other species of Aromobatidae, demonstrating the importance of the acoustic and visual signals exhibited by this anuran species of the Atlantic Forest.
RESUMO Em anfíbios a territorialidade, o cortejo elaborado e outras formas de comportamento, parecem estar mais associados a espécies que exibem o padrão de reprodução prolongado. A vocalização é um importante aspecto biológico relacionado à reprodução e ao comportamento social dos anuros. Este é o primeiro estudo com comportamento e vocalização da rã-foguete Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925) e nós registramos em etograma o comportamento de territorialidade e corte, descrevemos e analisamos o seu repertório vocal e avaliamos a influência climática na atividade acústica da espécie. Ao todo 18 machos de A. olfersioides foram observados pelo método de animal focal, registrando todas as atividades individuais durante dez minutos. Adicionalmente, nós utilizamos o playback de um canto de advertência de macho adulto para analisar as respostas territoriais exibidas por indivíduos machos durante o trabalho. Para este anuro, registramos 11 comportamentos distintos e analisamos 14 cantos de anúncio que demonstraram que o canto de A. olfersioides é um canto simples e composto por uma única nota não pulsionada com duração média de 0,02s, intervalo médio entre cantos de 0,35s e frequência dominante média de 5,67kHz. O período de atividade vocal foi registrado durante quase todos os meses do estudo (novembro de 2015 a outubro de 2016), exceto novembro e dezembro, onde os indivíduos ficaram inativos quanto às atividades acústicas. Acreditamos que A. olfersioides apresente uma reprodução contínua (com duração de aproximadamente dez meses), devido à ausência de vocalizações durante os meses mais secos em novembro e dezembro. No que se refere às atividades comportamentais, A. olfersioides apresenta padrões de comportamento semelhantes a outras espécies de Aromobatidae, como também, o padrão territorialista já visto para o grupo, demonstrando a importância dos sinais acústicos e visuais.
Investigating the time activity budgets of fiddler crabs is very important to determine the effects of sex and body size on allocating time for different activities. Few previous studies investigated the effects of sex and body size on time allocations in underground mating species. This study determines the effects of sex, size and their interaction on time allocations in a surface mating species (Tubuca rosea (Tweedie, 1937)). The surface activities of large and small, male and female crabs were video recorded. Afterwards time allocations for various activities (e.g., feeding, standing (vigilance), walking, inside burrows, grooming, burrowing, mating, and for males only, fighting and claw-waving) were calculated. All crabs spent most of their time on feeding than on other activities. Smaller crabs spent more time being vigilant, whereas larger crabs spent more time on courtship displays (grooming, and waving), and fighting. Between sexes, females spent more time standing, but less time on walking and grooming than males. Predation risk, reproductive maturation, breeding/non-breeding season, and energy conservation could be important factors for shaping time allocations in T. rosea.(AU)
Animais , Braquiúros , Comportamento Animal , Fatores Sexuais , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Comportamento AlimentarResumo
For the amphibians the territoriality, the elaborate courtship and other forms of behaviors, seem to be more associated with species that exhibit the pattern of prolonged reproduction. Vocalization is an important biological aspect related to the reproduction and social behavior of the anurans. This is the first study with behavior and calls for the rocket frog, Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925) and we record the territorial and courtship behavior in ethogram, describe and analyze its vocal repertoire and evaluate the climatic influence on the acoustic activity of the species. We observed 18 males of A. olfersioides by animal focal method, recording all individual activities for ten minutes to calculate the frequency of each action exhibited. Additionally, we played a previously recorded advertisement call to individual male frogs for analyze the territorial responses displayed by individual males during the work. For this anuran, we recorded 11 distinct behaviors and analyzed 14 advertisement calls that demonstrated that the call of A. olfersioides is a simple call composed of a single non-pulsed note, the call duration had a mean of 0.02s, the mean of intercall interval was of 0.35s and the dominant frequency presented a mean of 5.67 kHz. The period of vocal activity was recorded during almost all months of the study (November 2015 to October 2016), except November and December, where the individuals presented acoustic inactivity. We believe that A. olfersioides presents a continuous reproduction (approximately 10 months), due to the absence of vocalizations during the driest months in November and December. Concerning the behavioral activities, A. olfersioides presents territorialist behavior patterns similar to other species of Aromobatidae, demonstrating the importance of the acoustic and visual signals exhibited by this anuran species of the Atlantic Forest.(AU)
Em anfíbios a territorialidade, o cortejo elaborado e outras formas de comportamento, parecem estar mais associados a espécies que exibem o padrão de reprodução prolongado. A vocalização é um importante aspecto biológico relacionado à reprodução e ao comportamento social dos anuros. Este é o primeiro estudo com comportamento e vocalização da rã-foguete Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925) e nós registramos em etograma o comportamento de territorialidade e corte, descrevemos e analisamos o seu repertório vocal e avaliamos a influência climática na atividade acústica da espécie. Ao todo 18 machos de A. olfersioides foram observados pelo método de animal focal, registrando todas as atividades individuais durante dez minutos. Adicionalmente, nós utilizamos o playback de um canto de advertência de macho adulto para analisar as respostas territoriais exibidas por indivíduos machos durante o trabalho. Para este anuro, registramos 11 comportamentos distintos e analisamos 14 cantos de anúncio que demonstraram que o canto de A. olfersioides é um canto simples e composto por uma única nota não pulsionada com duração média de 0,02s, intervalo médio entre cantos de 0,35s e frequência dominante média de 5,67kHz. O período de atividade vocal foi registrado durante quase todos os meses do estudo (novembro de 2015 a outubro de 2016), exceto novembro e dezembro, onde os indivíduos ficaram inativos quanto às atividades acústicas. Acreditamos que A. olfersioides apresente uma reprodução contínua (com duração de aproximadamente dez meses), devido à ausência de vocalizações durante os meses mais secos em novembro e dezembro. No que se refere às atividades comportamentais, A. olfersioides apresenta padrões de comportamento semelhantes a outras espécies de Aromobatidae, como também, o padrão territorialista já visto para o grupo, demonstrando a importância dos sinais acústicos e visuais.(AU)
Animais , Anuros , Medicina Reprodutiva , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
For the amphibians the territoriality, the elaborate courtship and other forms of behaviors, seem to be more associated with species that exhibit the pattern of prolonged reproduction. Vocalization is an important biological aspect related to the reproduction and social behavior of the anurans. This is the first study with behavior and calls for the rocket frog, Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925) and we record the territorial and courtship behavior in ethogram, describe and analyze its vocal repertoire and evaluate the climatic influence on the acoustic activity of the species. We observed 18 males of A. olfersioides by animal focal method, recording all individual activities for ten minutes to calculate the frequency of each action exhibited. Additionally, we played a previously recorded advertisement call to individual male frogs for analyze the territorial responses displayed by individual males during the work. For this anuran, we recorded 11 distinct behaviors and analyzed 14 advertisement calls that demonstrated that the call of A. olfersioides is a simple call composed of a single non-pulsed note, the call duration had a mean of 0.02s, the mean of intercall interval was of 0.35s and the dominant frequency presented a mean of 5.67 kHz. The period of vocal activity was recorded during almost all months of the study (November 2015 to October 2016), except November and December, where the individuals presented acoustic inactivity. We believe that A. olfersioides presents a continuous reproduction (approximately 10 months), due to the absence of vocalizations during the driest months in November and December. Concerning the behavioral activities, A. olfersioides presents territorialist behavior patterns similar to other species of Aromobatidae, demonstrating the importance of the acoustic and visual signals exhibited by this anuran species of the Atlantic Forest.
Em anfíbios a territorialidade, o cortejo elaborado e outras formas de comportamento, parecem estar mais associados a espécies que exibem o padrão de reprodução prolongado. A vocalização é um importante aspecto biológico relacionado à reprodução e ao comportamento social dos anuros. Este é o primeiro estudo com comportamento e vocalização da rã-foguete Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925) e nós registramos em etograma o comportamento de territorialidade e corte, descrevemos e analisamos o seu repertório vocal e avaliamos a influência climática na atividade acústica da espécie. Ao todo 18 machos de A. olfersioides foram observados pelo método de animal focal, registrando todas as atividades individuais durante dez minutos. Adicionalmente, nós utilizamos o playback de um canto de advertência de macho adulto para analisar as respostas territoriais exibidas por indivíduos machos durante o trabalho. Para este anuro, registramos 11 comportamentos distintos e analisamos 14 cantos de anúncio que demonstraram que o canto de A. olfersioides é um canto simples e composto por uma única nota não pulsionada com duração média de 0,02s, intervalo médio entre cantos de 0,35s e frequência dominante média de 5,67kHz. O período de atividade vocal foi registrado durante quase todos os meses do estudo (novembro de 2015 a outubro de 2016), exceto novembro e dezembro, onde os indivíduos ficaram inativos quanto às atividades acústicas. Acreditamos que A. olfersioides apresente uma reprodução contínua (com duração de aproximadamente dez meses), devido à ausência de vocalizações durante os meses mais secos em novembro e dezembro. No que se refere às atividades comportamentais, A. olfersioides apresenta padrões de comportamento semelhantes a outras espécies de Aromobatidae, como também, o padrão territorialista já visto para o grupo, demonstrando a importância dos sinais acústicos e visuais.
Animais , Anuros , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Medicina ReprodutivaResumo
Investigating the time activity budgets of fiddler crabs is very important to determine the effects of sex and body size on allocating time for different activities. Few previous studies investigated the effects of sex and body size on time allocations in underground mating species. This study determines the effects of sex, size and their interaction on time allocations in a surface mating species (Tubuca rosea (Tweedie, 1937)). The surface activities of large and small, male and female crabs were video recorded. Afterwards time allocations for various activities (e.g., feeding, standing (vigilance), walking, inside burrows, grooming, burrowing, mating, and for males only, fighting and claw-waving) were calculated. All crabs spent most of their time on feeding than on other activities. Smaller crabs spent more time being vigilant, whereas larger crabs spent more time on courtship displays (grooming, and waving), and fighting. Between sexes, females spent more time standing, but less time on walking and grooming than males. Predation risk, reproductive maturation, breeding/non-breeding season, and energy conservation could be important factors for shaping time allocations in T. rosea.
Animais , Braquiúros , Comportamento Alimentar , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Fatores SexuaisResumo
Cleome arabica is a spontaneous plant in arid zones,toxic and has hallucinogenic effects. In this work, we seek toevaluate the direct and delayed effect of the aqueous extractson the vinegar fly Dorsophila melanogaster, laboratory modelpar excellence. Treatment is by ingestion on second instarlarvae (L2). The results show that mortality rates can reach90% after 15 days of treatment as we recorded a disturbanceof fly development. Observation of sexual behavior intreatment-emergent adults indicates that C. arabica actsnegatively on the course of the different sequences leading tomating in Drosophila.(AU)
Animais , Cleome/efeitos adversos , Cleome/toxicidade , Drosophila melanogaster , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Extratos Vegetais/análise , Extratos Vegetais/toxicidadeResumo
Cleome arabica is a spontaneous plant in arid zones,toxic and has hallucinogenic effects. In this work, we seek toevaluate the direct and delayed effect of the aqueous extractson the vinegar fly Dorsophila melanogaster, laboratory modelpar excellence. Treatment is by ingestion on second instarlarvae (L2). The results show that mortality rates can reach90% after 15 days of treatment as we recorded a disturbanceof fly development. Observation of sexual behavior intreatment-emergent adults indicates that C. arabica actsnegatively on the course of the different sequences leading tomating in Drosophila.
Animais , Cleome/efeitos adversos , Cleome/toxicidade , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Drosophila melanogaster , Extratos Vegetais/análise , Extratos Vegetais/toxicidadeResumo
In some domestic ruminants, contact with females is necessary for normal development of sexual behavior. The aims of this experiment were to determine if rearing bucks isolated from does affects negatively their sexual behavior when adults, and if this negative effect is overcome after four short contacts with females. Sixteen Saanen male kids were maintained during one year in two groups: kids reared in permanent direct contact with four adult goats (FEM;n = 7), and kids that remained isolated from females (ISO; n = 9). When bucks were 12 mo-old, females were removed and both groups were joined in the FEM pen. Nine months later all bucks were individually exposed four times to estrual females for 20 min every 10 days, recording courtship and mounting behaviors. Bucks that were reared with females displayed More courtship behaviors, ejaculations and total mounts(mount attempts, mounts with and without ejaculation; P < 0.0001 for all) than ISO bucks. The combined effect of number of bucks that ejaculated and the time at which they first ejaculated in the first and second tests favored FEM bucks (P < 0.03). It was concluded that the lack of contact with females during the rearing period affects negatively adult bucks sexual performance,an effect that could not be overcome after repeated exposures to estural does.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Cabras/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Sexual , RuminantesResumo
In some domestic ruminants, contact with females is necessary for normal development of sexual behavior. The aims of this experiment were to determine if rearing bucks isolated from does affects negatively their sexual behavior when adults, and if this negative effect is overcome after four short contacts with females. Sixteen Saanen male kids were maintained during one year in two groups: kids reared in permanent direct contact with four adult goats (FEM;n = 7), and kids that remained isolated from females (ISO; n = 9). When bucks were 12 mo-old, females were removed and both groups were joined in the FEM pen. Nine months later all bucks were individually exposed four times to estrual females for 20 min every 10 days, recording courtship and mounting behaviors. Bucks that were reared with females displayed More courtship behaviors, ejaculations and total mounts(mount attempts, mounts with and without ejaculation; P < 0.0001 for all) than ISO bucks. The combined effect of number of bucks that ejaculated and the time at which they first ejaculated in the first and second tests favored FEM bucks (P < 0.03). It was concluded that the lack of contact with females during the rearing period affects negatively adult bucks sexual performance,an effect that could not be overcome after repeated exposures to estural does.
Animais , Cabras/embriologia , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Desenvolvimento Sexual , RuminantesResumo
Swainsonine-containing plants comprise a group of important poisonous plants in Brazil. This research aimed to characterize both the behavioral changes related to reproduction and appearance of lesions in the reproductive system of bucks poisoned by Ipomoea brasiliana. I. brasiliana plants were collected and administered at a dose of 4g/kg (800µg swainsonine/kg) to two groups of bucks for 45 days. Goats from Group I were euthanized on the 46th day of the experiment, and goats from Group II were euthanized on the 120th day. Group III was composed of goats that did not receive I. brasiliana and were euthanized on the 120th day of the experiment. Reproductive behavioral changes were observed starting on day 20 and were characterized by an absence of courtship behavior, and Flehmen reflex, decrease or loss of libido and inability to perform mating. After 120 days, Group II goats showed no regression of the changes in their reproductive behavior or improvement of their seminal parameters. The main defects observed in the sperm of goats that consumed I. brasiliana were cytoplasmatic droplets, bent tails and detached tails. The main histopathological findings were reported in tests, with cytoplasmic vacuolization of germline and Sertoli cells, generalized impairment of spermatogonia maturation with exfoliation of degenerative cells, cell fragments, rare abnormal spermatocytes in the seminiferous lumen and disappearance of Leydig cells. Results of this study confirmed the hypothesis that I. brasiliana causes testicular degeneration in male goats.(AU)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar as mudanças comportamentais relacionadas a reprodução e lesões no sistema reprodutor de caprinos intoxicados por Ipomoea brasiliana. A planta foi coletada e administrada na dose de 4g/kg (800g swainsonina/kg) para dois grupos de caprinos durante 45 dias. Os caprinos do Grupo I foram eutanasiados no 46º dia do experimento e os caprinos do Grupo II no 120º dia. O Grupo III foi constituído por caprinos que não receberam I. brasiliana e foram eutanasiados no 120º dia de experimento. Alterações comportamentais reprodutivas foram observadas a partir de 20 dias de experimento e consistiram em ausência do comportamento de corte, ausência de reflexo de Flehmen, diminuição ou perda de libido e incapacidade de realizar a monta natural. Após 120 dias, os caprinos do Grupo II não apresentaram regressão de alterações reprodutivas. Os principais defeitos observados no sêmen dos caprinos que consumiam I. brasiliana foram gotas citoplasmáticas, caudas dobradas e caudas destacadas. Os principais achados histopatológicos consistiram em vacuolização citoplasmática das células da linhagem germinativa e células de Sertoli; comprometimento generalizado da maturação das espermatogônias com esfoliação de células degeneradas; presença de fragmentos celulares e raros espermatócitos anormais no lúmen dos túbulos seminíferos e ausência de células de Leydig. Os resultados confirmam a hipótese de que o consumo de I. brasiliana causa degeneração testicular em caprinos.(AU)