In describing Cyclocancer to accommodate his new species C. tuberculatus, Beurlen highlighted that his new genus was a cancroid intermediate in form between Atelecyclus and Cancer, but with enough characters to be placed in a new genus. Examination of C. tuberculatus type material revealed that Cyclocancer is a junior synonym of Hepatus. Therefore, C. tuberculatus is herein transferred into Hepatus as H. beurleni nomen novum because H. tuberculatus (Beurlen, 1958) is a junior homonym of H. tuberculatusSaussure (1858), a junior synonym of Hepatus pudibundus (Herbst, 1785). Miohepatus gen. nov., comb. nov. is proposed here to accommodate Hepatella amazonica Beurlen from the Pirabas Formation, Neogene, Pará, Brazil, based on new morphological evidence from the type material.(AU)
Animais , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Decápodes/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
Lontra longicaudis Olfers, 1818 is a semi-aquatic carnivore widely distributed in the Neotropical region. Understanding their diet contributes to an indirect understanding of their ecology and the composition of the local fauna. To this end, we analyzed 109 fecal samples and identified 238 morphological structures; these samples were collected between May 2006 and September 2007 from the Santa Lúcia Biological Station (SLBS) in southeastern Brazil. The area is intersected by the Timbuí River, which arrives at the site after crossing the urban perimeter of the city of Santa Teresa in the state of Espírito Santo. We found a predominance of fish in the otters' diets (82%), mainly cichlids (50%), which are fish with sedentary habits and low mobility levels. The crustacean Trichodactylus fluviatilis Latreille, 1828 was the third most consumed taxon; this occurred mainly during the rainy season, corresponding to the crustacean's reproductive period, when it is more vulnerable to predation. Otters exhibited a seasonal variation in their prey selectivity. Furthermore, they displayed opportunistic foraging behavior, as the most preyed fish were those with both low mobility and a high frequency in the environment, followed by fish with high mobility and high frequency, and then those with low mobility and low frequency. We concluded that the feeding habits of the otters in the SLBS are in line with the optimal foraging theory since prey selection was optimized through the balance between net energy gained and the energy costs of foraging.
Animais , Lontras/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Peixes , CaçaResumo
Edible brachyurans are recognized as a popular source of food due to their delicious taste and nutritional quality. This study investigated the nutrient compositional variation and interrelationship in the muscle of wild and plastic-reared Cardisoma armatum. The plastic-reared crab had 27.81 ± 2.29 g 100 g-1protein while crab from the wild contained 22.45 ± 2.65 g 100 g-1protein. The difference in protein content of plastic-reared and its counterpart from the mangrove swamp was not significantly different(p > 0.05). This is also true of other proximate composition except that wild crabs were slightly higher in both crude fat (2.68 ± 0.35 g 100 g-1) and carbohydrate (5.89 ± 3.05 g 100 g-1). Generally, the total energy contributed due to protein, carbohydrate and fat in the tissues of both wild and plastic-reared C. armatumare similar. In the wild crab, contents of calcium (16083.27 ± 2127.90 mg 100 g-1) and phosphorus (1191.42 ± 199.21) were relatively higher, while contents of magnesium (368.69 ± 111.05 mg 100 g-1), sodium (125.30 ± 11.18 mg 100 g-1) and potassium (87.36 ± 7.27 mg 100 g-1) were relatively higher inplastic-reared crabs. All significant mineral ratios in wild and plastic-reared C. amartumfall within acceptable range. The positive relationship in the nutritional quality indicates that changes in proximate composition are associated with changes in mineral contents of the crab tissue.(AU)
Animais , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Braquiúros/fisiologia , Valor NutritivoResumo
The aim of this study was to describe two outbreaks of Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae parasitizing Colossoma macropomum raised semi-intensively in the Theobroma municipality, Rondônia state, Brazil. It was reported by owner that the animals had a history of poor weight gain and decreased food intake. C. macropomum that weighed around 1.5 kg were clinically evaluated where the body surface, fins, buccal and brachial cavity were carefully analyzed and no changes were found. N. buttnerae was the only intestinal parasite found in the specimens studied, and its distribution pattern showes a preference for the posterior portion of the intestine of C. macropomum. All 50 fish examined were parasitized by at least one N. buttnerae. This parasite was found in the digestive system of the examined fish. 100% of prevalence, 430 of intensity, 8.6 of average intensity and average abundance were found. Although there was no record of mortalities due to acanthocephalosis, damage that compromised the feed conversion of the fish was recorded. C. macropomum were infected by ingesting a crustacean containing cystacanth, the infective larval form of the parasite. Damage, such as presence of nodules, hypertrophy of goblet cells, thickening of the muscle layer, metaplasia in muscle tissue, severe edema from leukocyte infiltration in blood vessels and necrotic foci, were found in the intestine due to high infection rates of N. buttnerae. That said, inspection activities are essential for the preservation of consumer and animal health.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever dois surtos de Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae parasitando Colossoma macropo-mum em cultivo semi-intensivo no município de Theobroma, estado de Rondônia, Brasil. Foi relatado pelo proprietário que os animais apresentavam histórico de baixo ganho de peso e diminuição da ingestão alimentar. C. macropomum que pesavam em torno de 1,5 kg foram avaliados clinicamente onde a superfície corporal, nadadeiras, cavidade bucal e braquial foram cui-dadosamente analisadas e não foram encontradas alterações. N. buttnerae foi o único parasita intestinal encontrado nos espé-cimes estudados, e seu padrão de distribuição mostra uma preferência pela porção posterior do intestino do C. macropomum. Todos os 50 peixes examinados estavam parasitados por pelo menos um N. buttnerae. Este parasita foi encontrado no sistema digestivo dos peixes examinados. Foram encontrados 100% de prevalência, 430 de intensidade, 8,6 de intensidade média e de abundância média. Apesar de não haver registro de mortalidade por acantocefalose, foram registrados danos que comprome-teram a conversão alimentar dos peixes. C. macropomum foram infectados pela ingestão de um crustáceo contendo cistacanto, a forma larval infectante do parasita. No intestino foram encontrados danos como presença de nódulos, hipertrofia de células caliciformes, espessamento da camada muscular, metaplasia no tecido muscular, edema grave por infiltração leucocitária nos vasos sanguíneos e focos necróticos devido às altas taxas de infecção de N. buttnerae. Dito isso, as atividades de fiscalização são essenciais para a preservação da saúde do consumidor e do animal.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologia , Caraciformes/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/epidemiologia , Brasil , Acantocéfalos , PesqueirosResumo
The pelagic shrimp, Acetes paraguayensis Hansen, 1919, is an ecologically important species with an enormous socioeconomic value for the human populations in the regions where it occurs. This species also has considerable potential for shrimp farming, although few details are known of its biology. This study investigated the artisanal exploitation of A. paraguayensis stocks in the northern Brazilian municipality of Santarém over 16 months, focusing on the types of equipment most used to harvest of this shrimp, the fishing dynamics, and production patterns. The matapi trap was the principal method used of harvesting A. paraguayensis in the study region, conforming to a typically artisanal, small-scale fishing production system. This study results provide an essential research tool for developing conservation and management strategies and the eventual establishment of farming protocols.
O camarão pelágico, Acetes paraguayensis Hansen, 1919, é uma espécie ecologicamente importante, de enorme valor socioeconômico para as populações humanas localizadas nas regiões produtoras. Essa espécie tem também um potencial considerável para o cultivo, embora poucas informações sejam conhecidas da sua biologia. Assim o presente estudo investigou a exploração artesanal das po-pulações de A. paraguayensis no município paraense de Santarém, no Norte do Brasil, por 16 meses, concentrando-se nos tipos de equipamento mais utilizados para sua captura, na dinâmica pesqueira e nos padrões de produção. O matapi foi o principal método utilizado, configurando-se como um sistema de produção pesqueira tipicamente artesanal de pequena escala. Os resultados do presente estudo constituem importante instrumento de investigação para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de conservação e gestão e o eventual estabelecimento de protocolos de cultivo.
Animais , Decápodes , Caça , Brasil , RiosResumo
In order to understand the role of lower order tributaries in the population structuring of the freshwater anomuran crab Aegla parana Schmitt, 1942, a study on the distribution of demographic categories was carried out along Negro River and in its tributary Totó River that belong to Upper Iguaçu Basin, southern Brazil. Two collection points were established along the main channel of Negro River, in a 7.00 km long stretch, and three points in the entire creek Totó River with 6.61 km long. The animals were captured with Surber net and baited traps and had the carapace length (CL) measured. A total 146 crabs were obtained from Negro River and 361 from Totó River, performing 507 analyzed aeglids. From the point 1 of Negro River, males measured 27.68 ± 12.68 mm CL and females 18.98 ± 5.88 mm CL; from point 2 of the same river, the values were 24.45 ± 13.70 mm CL and 27 ± 8.50 mm CL, respectively. There was a positive and direct relationship between the mean CL of the aeglids from Totó River and the distance of the collection points from its source. Males: point 1 (source of the creek): 7.90 ± 1.23 mm CL; point 2: 9.55 ± 3.06 mm CL; point 3: 9.91 ± 2.62 mm CL. Females: point 1 (source): 6.68 ± 1.70 mm CL; point 2: 9.01 ± 1.94 mm CL; point 3: 10.49 ± 2.57 mm CL. The sexually immature aeglids are distributed mainly in the lower order tributary (= Totó River), and the mature ones in the main channel of Negro River, indicating that this population perform ontogenetic migrations from tributary to the main river. The spatial partition can be explained under three aspects that are quite contrasting between Negro River and Totó River: 1. substrate architecture; 2. depth of the water column and 3. quality of available food.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Decápodes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Distribuição Animal , Brasil , EcossistemaResumo
The morphology of the first zoeal stage of Pilumnus vinaceus is described and compared with the zoea I of Pilumnus all species in the literature. Two ovigerous females of P. vinaceus were maintained in the aquarium facilities until the larvae hatch. The larvae of each ovigerous female were dissected using a stereoscopic microscope. The zoea I of P. vinaceus has common characteristics among the Pilumnidae as: [1] antenna of type 2; [2] maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 setae on the basis and with 3,2,1,2,5 setae in the endopod; [3] maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1+1 setae on the basis and 1,1,6 setae on the endopod; [4] telson with furcal rami armed with dorsal and lateral spines. Considering the species of Pilumnus that occur in the western Atlantic, it becomes possible to identify P. vinaceus zoea I by means of the verification of the following characteristics: [1] pleonites with mediolateral processes; [2] number of setae on the antennule. It is however, important to consider that there is still a great deficit in the knowledge about the morphology of the larval forms of the species assigned to Pilumnus and we argue in favor of new descriptions to build a more robust dataset on zoeal morphology characters and use it in a phylogenetic context on the genus.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Larva/fisiologia , Forma do Núcleo CelularResumo
This study evaluated the protein requirement of Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae during the initial rearing phase in a biofloc system. Five different diets were evaluated with increasing concentrations of crude protein: 31.28, 36.29, 41.57, 46.34, and 51.74 g 100 g-¹ CP. Post-larvae (0.16 ± 0.01 g) were stocked at a density of 450 PL m-³ in 400 L tanks. Water quality parameters were maintained within the limits recommended for shrimp farming. After 38 days, a regression analysis revealed that levels of CP content (65.2972.83%), EE (10.4511.65%) and body N (10.4511.64%) increased with increasing protein levels in the diet. A similar trend was observed in the biofloc sludge with respect to CP and N. Survival exceeded 80%, and the shrimp with diets containing 31.28 to 46.34 g 100 g-¹ CP presented an increase in final weight (1.522.61 g), productivity (0.691.10 kg m-³), weight gain (1.382.44 g), and feeding efficiency (77.28101.68%), whereas these indices decreased to 51.74 g 100 g-¹ CP. Crude protein content from 44.26 to 47.12 g 100 g-¹ provided the best growth performance during the initial rearing phase of Pacific white shrimp L. vannamei in a biofloc system.
Esse estudo avaliou a exigência proteica do Litopenaeus vannamei na fase inicial de cultivo em sistema de bioflocos. Cinco dietas com quantidades crescentes de proteína bruta (31,28; 36,29; 41,57; 46,34 e 51,74 g 100 g-¹ PB) foram avaliadas. As pós-larvas (0,16 ± 0,01 g) foram estocadas na densidade de 450 PL m-³ em tanques de 400 L. A qualidade de água manteve-se dentro dos limites adequados para o cultivo. Após 38 dias, uma análise de regressão revelou que teores de PB (65,2972,83%), EE (10,4511,65%) e N corporal (10,4511,64%) aumentaram com os níveis crescente de proteína na dieta. A mesma análise foi realizada para o lodo do bioflocos, que apresentou aumento crescente de PB e N. A sobrevivência foi superior a 80% e os camarões alimentados com dietas contendo 31,28 à 46,34g 100 g-¹ PB obtiveram aumento no peso final (1,522,61 g), produtividade (0,691,10 kg m-³), ganho em peso (1,382,44 g) e eficiência alimentar (77,28101,68%), enquanto esses índices decresceram no tratamento 51,74 g 100 g-¹ PB. O conteúdo de proteína bruta entre 44,26 à 47,12 g 100 g-¹ PB proporcionou o melhor desempenho de crescimento durante a fase inicial do cultivo do camarão-branco-do-pacífico L. vannamei em bioflocos.
Animais , Decápodes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Decápodes/metabolismo , Dieta Rica em Proteínas/veterináriaResumo
This study evaluated the protein requirement of Litopenaeus vannamei post-larvae during the initial rearing phase in a biofloc system. Five different diets were evaluated with increasing concentrations of crude protein: 31.28, 36.29, 41.57, 46.34, and 51.74 g 100 g-¹ CP. Post-larvae (0.16 ± 0.01 g) were stocked at a density of 450 PL m-³ in 400 L tanks. Water quality parameters were maintained within the limits recommended for shrimp farming. After 38 days, a regression analysis revealed that levels of CP content (65.2972.83%), EE (10.4511.65%) and body N (10.4511.64%) increased with increasing protein levels in the diet. A similar trend was observed in the biofloc sludge with respect to CP and N. Survival exceeded 80%, and the shrimp with diets containing 31.28 to 46.34 g 100 g-¹ CP presented an increase in final weight (1.522.61 g), productivity (0.691.10 kg m-³), weight gain (1.382.44 g), and feeding efficiency (77.28101.68%), whereas these indices decreased to 51.74 g 100 g-¹ CP. Crude protein content from 44.26 to 47.12 g 100 g-¹ provided the best growth performance during the initial rearing phase of Pacific white shrimp L. vannamei in a biofloc system.(AU)
Esse estudo avaliou a exigência proteica do Litopenaeus vannamei na fase inicial de cultivo em sistema de bioflocos. Cinco dietas com quantidades crescentes de proteína bruta (31,28; 36,29; 41,57; 46,34 e 51,74 g 100 g-¹ PB) foram avaliadas. As pós-larvas (0,16 ± 0,01 g) foram estocadas na densidade de 450 PL m-³ em tanques de 400 L. A qualidade de água manteve-se dentro dos limites adequados para o cultivo. Após 38 dias, uma análise de regressão revelou que teores de PB (65,2972,83%), EE (10,4511,65%) e N corporal (10,4511,64%) aumentaram com os níveis crescente de proteína na dieta. A mesma análise foi realizada para o lodo do bioflocos, que apresentou aumento crescente de PB e N. A sobrevivência foi superior a 80% e os camarões alimentados com dietas contendo 31,28 à 46,34g 100 g-¹ PB obtiveram aumento no peso final (1,522,61 g), produtividade (0,691,10 kg m-³), ganho em peso (1,382,44 g) e eficiência alimentar (77,28101,68%), enquanto esses índices decresceram no tratamento 51,74 g 100 g-¹ PB. O conteúdo de proteína bruta entre 44,26 à 47,12 g 100 g-¹ PB proporcionou o melhor desempenho de crescimento durante a fase inicial do cultivo do camarão-branco-do-pacífico L. vannamei em bioflocos.(AU)
Animais , Dieta Rica em Proteínas/veterinária , Decápodes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Decápodes/metabolismoResumo
The zooplankton communities often exhibit daily vertical migrations to avoid natural ultraviolet radiation and/or fish predation. However there is no information on this topic in Chilean North Patagonian lakes up to date. Therefore, this study deals with a first characterization of plankton crustacean daily vertical migration in two temperate, oligotrophic lakes (Villarrica and Panguipulli lakes, 39°S) in Southern Chile. Zooplankton were collected at different depths intervals (0-10m, 10-20 m, 20-30m, 30-40m) at early morning, middle day, evening and night in the studied site. The results revealed that zooplankton species (Daphnia pulex, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Neobosmina chilensis, Mesocyclops araucanus, and Tropocyclops prasinus) are abundant in surface zones at night, early morning and evening, whereas at middle day the zooplankton abundances are high at deep zones. The results agree with observations for Argentinean and North American lakes where these daily migration patterns in crustacean zooplankton species were reported due mainly natural ultraviolet radiation exposure, whereas for northern hemisphere lakes the vertical migration is due to combined effect of natural ultraviolet radiation and fish predation exposure.(AU)
As comunidades zooplanctônicas frequentemente exibem migrações verticais diárias para evitar a radiação ultravioleta natural e/ou a predação de peixes. No entanto, não há informações sobre esse tema em lagos chilenos no norte da Patagônia até a presente data. Portanto, este estudo trata de uma primeira caracterização da migração vertical diária de crustáceo planctônico em dois lagos temperados e oligotróficos (lagos Villarrica e Panguipulli, 39º S) no sul do Chile. O zooplâncton foi coletado em diferentes profundidades (0-10 m, 10-20 m, 20-30 m e 30-40 m) no início da manhã, ao meio-dia, à tarde e à noite no local estudado. Os resultados revelaram que as espécies de zooplâncton (Daphnia pulex, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Neobosmina chilensis, Mesocyclops araucanus e Tropocyclops prasinus) são abundantes nas zonas de superfície à noite, de manhã cedo e à tarde, enquanto, ao meio-dia, as abundâncias do zooplâncton são altas nas zonas de profundidade. Os resultados expostos corroboram as observações para outros lagos argentinos e da América do Norte, onde foram reportados esses padrões de migração diária em espécies crustáceas de zooplâncton por causa, principalmente, da exposição à radiação ultravioleta natural, enquanto, para lagos do hemisfério norte, a migração vertical se dá em razão do efeito combinado da radiação ultravioleta natural e exposição à predação.(AU)
Zooplâncton , Migração Animal , Lagos , Raios Ultravioleta , ChileResumo
Abstract Ecosystem engineering species create, modify, and/or maintain the characteristics of the environment. The polychaete Phragmatopoma caudata builds large sand reefs in the intertidal region of the Brazilian coast with high structural complexity, favoring the increase of diversity and interactions among the species associated. However, there are no studies concerning the association of polychaetes with crustacean macrofauna in the northeastern Brazil ecoregion, leaving an information gap on baseline biodiversity. Our aim was to analyze the effect of P. caudata colonies (PC) on the local diversity of macrocrustaceans compared to the rocky shore (RS) microhabitat. Monthly collections were carried out in low tide from September 2015 to August 2016 on 10 × 10 m quadrants for fauna and environmental variables (temperature and salinity) samples. In each microhabitat, the capture effort was two hours by two researchers. We collected 3,390 individuals, 60% associated with the colonies of PC and 40% with the RS. The PC obtained higher Shannon diversity, Pielou evenness and species richness coupled with milder water temperature and salinity conditions (minor air exposure during tide), compared to the RS that obtained greater species dominance and more extreme abiotic conditions (major air exposure). The Porcellanidae family stood out because all its species were highly abundant and had high occurrence in the colonies. The tropical Brazil porcelain crab Pachycheles greeleyi was dominant in both microhabitats (major dominance in PC). The structural complexity in the reefs of PC promoted higher availability of niches for the species, as more shelter for the resident species and refugium for temporary species with preference for more complex microhabitats. Conservation managers should prioritize the health of these colonies and subsequent species that constitute important ecosystemic and fishery resources.
Abstract Ecosystem engineering species create, modify, and/or maintain the characteristics of the environment. The polychaete Phragmatopoma caudata builds large sand reefs in the intertidal region of the Brazilian coast with high structural complexity, favoring the increase of diversity and interactions among the species associated. However, there are no studies concerning the association of polychaetes with crustacean macrofauna in the northeastern Brazil ecoregion, leaving an information gap on baseline biodiversity. Our aim was to analyze the effect of P. caudata colonies (PC) on the local diversity of macrocrustaceans compared to the rocky shore (RS) microhabitat. Monthly collections were carried out in low tide from September 2015 to August 2016 on 10 × 10 m quadrants for fauna and environmental variables (temperature and salinity) samples. In each microhabitat, the capture effort was two hours by two researchers. We collected 3,390 individuals, 60% associated with the colonies of PC and 40% with the RS. The PC obtained higher Shannon diversity, Pielou evenness and species richness coupled with milder water temperature and salinity conditions (minor air exposure during tide), compared to the RS that obtained greater species dominance and more extreme abiotic conditions (major air exposure). The Porcellanidae family stood out because all its species were highly abundant and had high occurrence in the colonies. The tropical Brazil porcelain crab Pachycheles greeleyi was dominant in both microhabitats (major dominance in PC). The structural complexity in the reefs of PC promoted higher availability of niches for the species, as more shelter for the resident species and refugium for temporary species with preference for more complex microhabitats. Conservation managers should prioritize the health of these colonies and subsequent species that constitute important ecosystemic and fishery resources.
ABSTRACT: The use of anesthetics in aquaculture ensures better animal welfare and survival during transport and the production cycle. The present study evaluated the anesthetic efficacy of essential oils (EOs) of Lippia alba (EOLA) and Ocimum gratissimum (EOOG) for pink shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis, and EOs of Origanum majorana (EOO) and Cymbopogon citratus (EOC) for white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. shrimp were exposed to (i) 500, 750 or 1000 µL L-1 of EOLA or (ii) 50, 100, 150 or 250 µL L-1 of EOOG, and L. vannamei were exposed to (iii) 150, 300 or 500 µL L-1 of EOC or (iv) 400 or 800 µL L-1 of EOO. The induction times were concentration dependent, with a decrease in induction time with the increase of the EOs concentration, but for EOLA, this pattern was observed only for anesthesia. Induction times for sedation and anesthesia were significantly shorter for shrimp exposed to EOC and EOO. The highest concentration of EOOG (250 µL L-1) resulted in 30% mortality. The recovery time was significantly longer for shrimp exposed to 800 µL L-1 of EOO compared to the other EOs. Overall, the action of EOs significantly differed between the two shrimp species. In conclusion, the tested EOs effectively anesthetized F. paulensis and L. vannamei.
RESUMO: O uso de anestésicos em procedimentos aquícolas pode garantir melhor bem-estar e sobrevivência dos animais durante o transporte e ciclo de produção. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia anestésica dos óleos essenciais (OEs) de Lippia alba (EOLA) e Ocimum gratissimum (EOOG) para o camarão rosa Farfantepenaeus paulensis, e Origanum majorana (EOO) e Cymbopogon citratus (EOC) para o camarão branco Litopenaeus vannamei. Os camarões foram expostos à: (i) 500, 750 ou 1000 µL L-1 EOLA e (ii) 50, 100, 150 ou 250 µL L-1 de EOOG para F. paulensis, e (iii) 150, 300 ou 500 µL L-1 EOC, e (iv) 400 ou 800 µL L-1 de EOO para L. vannamei. Os tempos de indução foram dependentes da concentração. Houve diminuição do tempo de indução, mas para EOLA esse padrão foi observado apenas na anestesia. Os tempos de indução para sedação e anestesia foram significativamente mais rápidos para os grupos EOC e EOO. A concentração de 250 µL L-1 de EOOG resultou em 30% de mortalidade. O tempo de recuperação foi significativamente maior a 800 µL L-1 de EOO em comparação aos outros OEs. No geral, a ação dos OEs foi significativamente diferente entre as duas espécies de camarões. Em conclusão, ambos os OEs anestesiaram efetivamente o F. paulensis e L. vannamei.
Although crustaceans are traditionally preserved in liquids (formaldehyde and/or ethyl alcohol), those substances tend to alter their morphological aspects. Glycerin, used in human anatomy, is considered a good substitute for formaldehyde, as it preserves animals in states similar to in vivo conditions. There are no records in the literature, however, concerning the use of glycerin for conserving invertebrates. The objective of this work was to elaborate and evaluate alternative techniques for conserving the crustacean Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763). Six fixatives (1, 3, 4 and 5% formaldehyde, 70% alcohol, and dietrich solution) and two controls (positive and negative) were tested, as well as the effects of freezing before fixation on the integrity of U. cordatus specimens. Our results were evaluated with respect to nine variables. The treatments that demonstrated the best aesthetic results were 4% formaldehyde and 70% ethyl alcohol. The freezing of the animals resulted in brittle organs in all treatments tested. The technique discussed here is extremely promising for the conservation of animals for educational purposes, as it produces preserved specimens that are aesthetically similar to their in vivo conditions.
Animais , Crustáceos/anatomia & histologia , Materiais de Ensino , Preservação Biológica/veterináriaResumo
Crustaceans are known for their trace element bioaccumulation abilities. Muscle tissues of lagoon crab, marine crab, pink shrimp and mantis shrimp marketed for consumption in Nigeria were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Cr levels using standard methods. Muscle levels in mg kg-1 of Mn (0.03±0.00 in lagoon crab), Fe (0.072±0.01 in mantis shrimp), Cu (0.344±0.01 in lagoon crab) and Zn (0.073±0.00 in mantis shrimp) were significantly different (p Cu > Zn > Fe > Mn > Cr. Lagoon crab showed the highest total hazard index among the organisms with 44.80 %, while the least was observed in mantis shrimp with 13.30 %. It is concluded that, as far as human health is concerned, the mean elemental levels in the muscle tissues of the organisms examined pose no danger (THQ < 1).
Animais , Abastecimento de Alimentos , Bioacumulação , Crustáceos , Oligoelementos/análiseResumo
Although crustaceans are traditionally preserved in liquids (formaldehyde and/or ethyl alcohol), those substances tend to alter their morphological aspects. Glycerin, used in human anatomy, is considered a good substitute for formaldehyde, as it preserves animals in states similar to in vivo conditions. There are no records in the literature, however, concerning the use of glycerin for conserving invertebrates. The objective of this work was to elaborate and evaluate alternative techniques for conserving the crustacean Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763). Six fixatives (1, 3, 4 and 5% formaldehyde, 70% alcohol, and dietrich solution) and two controls (positive and negative) were tested, as well as the effects of freezing before fixation on the integrity of U. cordatus specimens. Our results were evaluated with respect to nine variables. The treatments that demonstrated the best aesthetic results were 4% formaldehyde and 70% ethyl alcohol. The freezing of the animals resulted in brittle organs in all treatments tested. The technique discussed here is extremely promising for the conservation of animals for educational purposes, as it produces preserved specimens that are aesthetically similar to their in vivo conditions.(AU)
Animais , Crustáceos/anatomia & histologia , Preservação Biológica/veterinária , Materiais de EnsinoResumo
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal fish and crustacean variations concerning taxonomic composition, species richness, and diversity in sandy beach habitat. For this purpose, we investigated the Sonmiani Hor lagoon area during four distinct seasons, i.e., northeast (NE) monsoon, pre-monsoon, south-west (SW) monsoon, and post-monsoon for one year. During each haul, the net was pulled about 100m along the beach in 0.5m depth. The results showed a strong linear correlation between the diversity index and equitability in fishes (r = 0.978). The diversity index was strong negatively correlated with the abundance and biomass (r = -0.978, -0.972, respectively). The physical attributes like sea surface water temperature and salinity showed a strong negative effect on species assemblages (r = -0.981 and -0.943, respectively). The mean air and water temperature illustrated approximately 3°C difference during NE and pre-monsoon seasons. However, salinity, pH, and electrical conductivity did not show any significant seasonal variabilities. Under the ecological indices, the fish species displayed higher diversity (H = 3.19) during SW monsoon, whereas the lowest diversity was observed during pre-monsoon (H = 1.58). The equitability and species richness, however, remained more noticeable during SW monsoon (J = 0.81). The total number of individuals of fish and crustaceans reached 4799 with 3813 fish individuals and 986 individuals of crustaceans. A total of 27 families of fish while five crustacean families comprising of 30 genera and 38 fish species while ten genera and 17 species of crustaceans were recorded. Liza subviridis displayed the highest abundance among the sampled fish species. In conclusion, fish species constituted a significant part of the coastal fauna in the study area. The seasonal variations displayed distinct variations in fish species composition and diversity.(AU)
O objetivo principal deste estudo foi investigar as variações sazonais de peixes e crustáceos em relação à composição taxonômica, riqueza de espécies e diversidade no habitat de praias arenosas. Para esse fim, investigamos a área da lagoa Sonmiani Hor durante quatro estações distintas, ou seja, monção nordeste (NE), pré-monção, monção sudoeste (SW) e pós-monção, por um ano. Durante cada transporte, a rede foi puxada cerca de 100 m ao longo da praia, a 0,5 m de profundidade. Os resultados mostraram uma forte correlação linear entre o índice de diversidade e a equitabilidade de peixes (r = 0,978). O índice de diversidade apresentou forte correlação negativa com a abundância e a biomassa (r = -0,978 e -0,972, respectivamente). Os atributos físicos, como temperatura da água da superfície do mar e salinidade, apresentaram forte efeito negativo sobre o conjunto de espécies (r = -0,981 e -0,943, respectivamente). A temperatura média do ar e da água teve uma diferença de aproximadamente 3 °C durante a monção NE e a pré-monção. No entanto, salinidade, pH e condutividade elétrica não apresentaram variabilidade sazonal significativa. A respeito dos índices ecológicos, as espécies de peixes apresentaram maior diversidade (H = 3,19) durante a monção SW, enquanto a menor diversidade observada foi na pré-monção (H = 1,58). A equitabilidade e a riqueza de espécies, no entanto, permaneceram mais perceptíveis durante a monção SW (J = 0,81). O número total de peixes e crustáceos foi de 4.799, com 3.813 peixes e 986 crustáceos. Foram registradas 27 famílias de peixes e 5 famílias de crustáceos, com 30 gêneros e 38 espécies de peixes, além de 10 gêneros e 17 espécies de crustáceos. Liza subviridis apresentou a maior abundância entre as espécies de peixes amostradas. Em conclusão, as espécies de peixes constituíram uma parte significativa da fauna costeira na área de estudo. As variações sazonais apresentaram variações distintas na composição e diversidade das espécies de peixes.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/classificação , Crustáceos/classificação , Biodiversidade , Estações do Ano , Solos Arenosos , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Crustaceans are known for their trace element bioaccumulation abilities. Muscle tissues of lagoon crab, marine crab, pink shrimp and mantis shrimp marketed for consumption in Nigeria were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Cr levels using standard methods. Muscle levels in mg kg-1 of Mn (0.03±0.00 in lagoon crab), Fe (0.072±0.01 in mantis shrimp), Cu (0.344±0.01 in lagoon crab) and Zn (0.073±0.00 in mantis shrimp) were significantly different (p<0.05) from their corresponding values in other examined crustaceans. The mean values of Cr and Hg were not significantly different across samples. The estimated daily intake of trace element (mg person-1day-1) revealed that Hg (0.000001) in marine crab contributed the lowest daily intake while Zn (0.000226) in lagoon crab contributed the highest daily intake. Total hazard quotient (THQ) values for the trace elements followed descending order of Hg > Cu > Zn > Fe > Mn > Cr. Lagoon crab showed the highest total hazard index among the organisms with 44.80 %, while the least was observed in mantis shrimp with 13.30 %. It is concluded that, as far as human health is concerned, the mean elemental levels in the muscle tissues of the organisms examined pose no danger (THQ < 1).(AU)
Animais , Crustáceos , Oligoelementos/análise , Abastecimento de Alimentos , BioacumulaçãoResumo
Foodborne viruses including hepatitis A virus (HAV), norovirus (NoV), rotavirus (RoV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) are easily transmitted through contaminated seafoods. The current research was done to assess the incidence of RoV, NoV GI and GII,hAV and hEV in fish and shrimp samples caught from the Persian Gulf, Iran. Three-hundred and twenty fish and shrimp samples were collected. The presence of foodborne viruses were assessed by the real-time PCR. Forty-nine out of 320 (15.31%) fish and shrimp samples were positive for foodborne viruses. Distribution of hAV, NoV GI and NoV GII amongst all studied samples were 0.93%, 5.93% and 8.43%, respectively. hEV and RoV viruses were not found in studied samples. Parastromateus niger and Scomberomorus commerson fish and Penaeus monodon shrimp were the most frequently contaminated samples. Simultaneous incidence of hAV and NoV GI and hAV and NoV GII were 0.31% and 0.93%, respectively. Distribution of foodborne viruses in samples collected through spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons were 14.28%, 9.33%, 11.76% and 24.44%, respectively. Findings revealed that the incidence of foodborne viruses was significantly associated with seafood species and also season of sampling.(AU)
Vírus transmitidos por alimentos, incluindo hepatite A (HAV), norovírus (NoV), rotavírus (RoV) e hepatite E (HEV) são facilmente transmitidos através de frutos do mar contaminados. Esta pesquisa foi realizada para avaliar a incidência de RoV, NoV GI e GII, hAV e hEV em amostras de peixes e camarões capturadas no Golfo Pérsico, Irã. Foram coletadas 300 amostras de peixes e camarões. A presença de vírus transmitidos por alimentos foi avaliada por PCR em tempo real. Quarenta e nove das 320 amostras de peixes e camarões (15,31%) foram positivas para vírus transmitidos por alimentos. A distribuição de hAV, NoV GI e NoV GII entre as amostras estudadas foi 0,93%, 5,93% e 8,43%, respectivamente. Os vírus hEV e RoV não foram encontrados nas amostras estudadas. Os peixes Parastromateus niger e Scomberomorus commerson e o camarão Penaeus monodon foram as amostras mais frequentemente contaminadas. A incidência simultânea de hAV e NoV GI, e hAV e NoV GII foi de 0,31% e 0,93%, respectivamente. A distribuição dos vírus transmitidos por alimentos nas amostras coletadas na primavera, verão, outono e inverno foi de 14,28%, 9,33%, 11,76% e 24,44%, respectivamente. Os resultados demonstram que a incidência de vírus transmitidos por alimentos foi significativamente associada às espécies de frutos do mar e também à época da amostragem.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Rotavirus/epidemiologia , Decápodes/virologia , Hepatite E/epidemiologia , Infecções por Caliciviridae/epidemiologia , Peixes/virologia , Hepatite A/epidemiologia , Frutos do Mar/virologia , Vírus da Hepatite E/isolamento & purificação , Rotavirus/isolamento & purificação , Oceano Índico/epidemiologia , Vírus da Hepatite A/isolamento & purificação , Norovirus/isolamento & purificação , Irã (Geográfico)/epidemiologiaResumo
Ecosystem engineering species create, modify, and/or maintain the characteristics of the environment. The polychaete Phragmatopoma caudata builds large sand reefs in the intertidal region of the Brazilian coast with high structural complexity, favoring the increase of diversity and interactions among the species associated. However, there are no studies concerning the association of polychaetes with crustacean macrofauna in the northeastern Brazil ecoregion, leaving an information gap on baseline biodiversity. Our aim was to analyze the effect of P. caudata colonies (PC) on the local diversity of macrocrustaceans compared to the rocky shore (RS) microhabitat. Monthly collections were carried out in low tide from September 2015 to August 2016 on 10 × 10 m quadrants for fauna and environmental variables (temperature and salinity) samples. In each microhabitat, the capture effort was two hours by two researchers. We collected 3,390 individuals, 60% associated with the colonies of PC and 40% with the RS. The PC obtained higher Shannon diversity, Pielou evenness and species richness coupled with milder water temperature and salinity conditions (minor air exposure during tide), compared to the RS that obtained greater species dominance and more extreme abiotic conditions (major air exposure). The Porcellanidae family stood out because all its species were highly abundant and had high occurrence in the colonies. The tropical Brazil porcelain crab Pachycheles greeleyi was dominant in both microhabitats (major dominance in PC). The structural complexity in the reefs of PC promoted higher availability of niches for the species, as more shelter for the resident species and refugium for temporary species with preference for more complex microhabitats. Conservation managers should prioritize the health of these colonies and subsequent species that constitute important ecosystemic and fishery resources.(AU)