Bovine cutaneous angiomatosis (BCA) is a rare condition characterized by vasoproliferative skin lesions mainly affecting cattle in the northern hemisphere. An eight-month-old Holstein heifer showed two skin easy-bleeding nodules bulging from the epidermis in the forehead and close to the right prescapular region. Skin lesions were within the dermis and had an irregular surface and a soft heterogeneous reddish parenchyma composed of numerous variable-sized arterioles, veins, and capillaries surrounded by abundant collagenous fibrous tissue. Immunohistochemical assays evidenced endothelial cells lining proliferative vascular structure immunolabeled for CD31 and Von Willebrand factor, and vascular smooth muscle cells immunostained for smooth muscle actin. All clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical features observed in the Holstein heifer were hallmarks of BCA. Considering its potential for hereditary spread, BCA must be included in the differential diagnosis of easily bleeding skin nodules that do not respond to routine topical wound treatments to prevent its spread in Brazilian herds.
A angiomatose cutânea bovina (ACB) é uma condição rara caracterizada por lesões vasoproliferativas na pele que afetam principalmente bovinos do hemisfério norte. Uma novilha Holandesa de oito meses de idade apresentou dois nódulos cutâneos protuberantes na epiderme, que apresentavam fácil sangramento localizados na fronte e próximo à região pré-escapular direita. As lesões cutâneas dérmicas tinham uma superfície irregular e um parênquima avermelhado heterogêneo macio composto por numerosas arteríolas, veias e capilares de tamanho variável circundadas por tecido fibroso colagenoso abundante. O exame imuno-histoquímico evidenciou células endoteliais revestindo a estrutura vascular proliferativa imunomarcadas para CD31 e fator de Von Willebrand, e células vasculares de músculo liso imunomarcadas para actina de músculo liso. Todas as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas observadas na novilha Holandesa foram características da ACB. Considerando seu potencial de disseminação hereditária, a ACB deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial dos nódulos cutâneos de fácil sangramento que não respondem aos tratamentos tópicos de rotina para evitar sua disseminação nos rebanhos brasileiros.
Animais , Bovinos , Pele/lesões , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Angiomatose/veterináriaResumo
Background: Dermatophytes, fungi of universal distribution, invade semi or fully keratinized structures, such as skin, fur/ hair and nails. The various species of dermatophytes are classified into three genera anamorphic: Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. The genus Epidermophyton includes only E. floccosum, that rarely affects animals. The main species responsible for the disease in dogs and cats are Microsporum canis, M. gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which were characterized through conventional mycological methodology (microscopic examination with KOH and culture). Molecular methodologies, such as real-time PCR, can contribute to a rapid laboratory diagnosis, helping clinicians to initiate an early antifungal treatment. This case report describes a case of canine dermatophytosis due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes detected from a clinical sample by SYBR-Green real-time PCR. Case: A 8-year-old dog, rescued from the street, was referred to a private veterinary clinic in the city of Canoas, RS, Brazil, presenting generalized lymphadenomegaly, crusted lesions all over the body, generalized alopecia, signs of excoriation and epistaxis. Initially, were administered prednisone [1 mg/kg every 48 h, BID] and cephalexin [30 mg/kg, BID]. Weekly baths with benzoyl peroxide were also given. The therapy was not clinically successful. Wood's Lamp Test was negative. As a differential diagnosis, PCR for detection of Leishmania was negative. Complete blood count and serum biochemical assay were also performed. For mycological diagnosis, hair specimen was clarified and examined microscopically using 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) for the visualization of chains of arthroconidia (ectothrix invasion of hair). The infected hair was plated onto MycoselTM Agar, incubated at 28°C for 15 days. Microscopy of hyphae/ conidia and macroscopic colony characteristics (colors and texture) were conducted for the differentiation of the species within the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. In addition, real-time PCR was applied for direct analysis of the fungal DNA obtained from the hair sample. Microscopic examination was negative. The dermatophyte present in the hair sample was confirmed as Trichophyton mentagrophytes by culture and qPCR (melting-point analysis). The patient was treated with systemic itraconazole [10 mg/ kg SID - 90 days]. Twice-weekly application of 2.5 % miconazole and 2% chlorhexidine shampoo until complete cure. Discussion: Dermatophytosis is often listed as self-limiting infection; however, animal dermatophytosis can spread between pets, as well as a zoonotic transmission to humans. The literature on dermatophytosis indicates that Microsporum canis is the predominant etiological agent, followed by M. gypseum. Trichophyon mentagrophytes that appear in a lower percentage of isolation. The culture of hair, even with specific medium containing chloramphenicol and cyclohexamide, may present contaminating fungi, not related to dermatophytosis, which can inhibit or override the growth of dermatophytes. The use of real-time PCR provided a faster and specific diagnosis of dermatophytosis when compared to the conventional mycological methodology for detection and identification of T. mentagrophytes, which takes around 10 to 15 days for culture. It is possible to use this technique as an alternative diagnosis for dermatophytes associated to clinical hair samples of dogs.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tinha/veterinária , Trichophyton/isolamento & purificação , Dermatomicoses/diagnóstico , Dermatomicoses/veterinária , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
The study aimed to describe the clinicopathological aspects of 37 cases of pythiosis, 34 in horses and three in mules, from properties located in the Amazon biome of Pará, Brazil. The clinical signs observed in the animals were weakness, poor-to-regular nutritional status, pale mucous membranes, itching at the lesion site, and lameness when the limbs were affected. The lesions were located on the lips, nostrils, rib region, thoracic and abdominal walls, scapular, distal limbs, foreskin, perineum and udder. Macroscopically, ulcerative and granulation-tissue-like masses were observed, with fistulous tracts filled with yellowish and foul-smelling serosanguinous discharges. In the biopsy, it was possible to visualize white and firm areas with foci of yellowish necrotic material and hardened masses, called kunkers. The histopathological examination showed a pyogranulomatous inflammatory reaction with the presence of Pythium insidiosum hyphae, which were impregnated with black, confirming the diagnosis of pythiosis in equids in the Amazon biome, being the first report of the disease in mules in the region.
O trabalho objetivou descrever os aspectos clínico-patológicos de 37 casos suspeitos de pitiose, 34 em equinos e três em muares, provenientes de propriedades localizadas no Pará, bioma amazônico brasileiro. Os sinais clínicos observados nos animais eram caracterizados por debilidade, estado nutricional de ruim a regular, mucosas pálidas, prurido no local da lesão, além de claudicação quando os membros foram acometidos. As lesões eram localizadas nos lábios, narinas, região das costelas, parede torácica e abdominal, escapular, distais dos membros, prepúcio, períneo e úbere. Macroscopicamente observavam-se extensas lesões ulceradas com intensa proliferação de tecido de granulação, de bordos irregulares, com tratos fistulosos, de consistência firme, denominados de "kunkers", preenchidos com material amarelado e friável, possuindo exsudação serossanguinolenta de odor fétido. Ao exame histopatológico observou-se reação inflamatória piogranulomatosa com presença de hifas de Pythium insidiosum, as quais se impregnaram de negro, confirmando o diagnóstico de pitiose em equídeos no Bioma Amazônico, sendo o primeiro relato da doença em muares na região.
Animais , Equidae , Pitiose/diagnóstico , Pitiose/patologia , Pitiose/epidemiologia , Pythium , Biópsia/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Dermatomicoses/veterináriaResumo
As malformações ou defeitos congênitos são alterações estruturais ou funcionais de órgãos e estruturas presentes ao nascimento. Essas alterações têm um grande impacto sobre a mortalidade e viabilidade neonatal e nem sempre são investigadas a fundo. O presente estudo descreve a incidência de malformações congênitas em cães neonatos provenientes de canis da cidade de Belo Horizonte e região metropolitana Minas Gerais, Brasil. No total, foram avaliadas 170 ninhadas com 745 neonatos e as malformações foram presentes em 21% (36/170) delas. Dos 745 neonatos, 6,4% (48/745) possuíam algum tipo de defeito congênito. Foram descritos 13 tipos de malformações, registradas em 50% (6/12) das 12 raças avaliadas. Das matrizes, 6% (11/170) apresentavam infecção por hemoparasitas, 2% (3/170) possuíam dermatopatias não diagnosticadas e 3% (5/170) estavam com suspeita de hemoparasitoses, mas não foram testadas. A exposição materna a agentes teratogênicos aconteceu em 3,5% (6/170) dos casos. Todos os casos de malformações foram diagnosticados em cães de raças puras, fortalecendo a hipótese de causas genéticas.(AU)
Congenital malformations or defects are functional or structural alterations of organs and structures present at birth. These abnormalities have a major impact on neonatal mortality and viability and aren't always thoroughly investigated. The present study described the incidence of congenital malformations in canine neonates originated from kennels from Belo Horizonte and metropolitan region Minas Gerais, Brazil. In total, 170 litters with 745 neonates were evaluated and malformations were observed in 21% (36/170) of them. From 745 evaluated neonates, 6% (48/745) had one or more congenital defects. 13 types of malformations were described, registered in 50¨% (6/12) of the 12 evaluated breeds. 6% (11/170) of the bitches were infected by hemoparasites, 2% (3/170) had undiagnosed skin diseases and 3% (5/170) had suspicion of hemoparasitosis but weren't tested. Maternal exposure to teratogenic agents happened in 3,5% (6/170) of the cases. All malformation cases happened in pure dog breeds, strengthening the hypothesis of genetic origins.(AU)
Animais , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cães , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , BrasilResumo
The animal is in good nutritional condition. Several ticks are present on the ventrum and withers. Multifocally and widespread, affecting all areas of skin in a random distribution, there are variably sized (1-4 cm in diameter) cutaneous and/or subcutaneous nodules, sometimes with a targetoid appearance. A few nodules are ulcerated, and others havea central dense crust. On cut section, many nodules are well demarcated, with a light pink center delineated by a dark red haemorrhagic/hyperaemic line (acute infarcts). Similar nodules and ulcers are also present over the teats. Skinning reveals extensive subcutaneous thickening with yellowish gelatinous material (oedema) as well as multifocal areas of dark red discoloration (haemorrhages). Multiple superficial lymph nodes are enlarged and haemorrhagic, with the right pre-scapular lymph node most severely affected, measuring 16x7x8 cm.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Úlcera Cutânea/diagnóstico , BovinosResumo
A pele é um órgão complexo constituído por diferentes tipos celulares e possui exposição direta ao meio ambiente, representando uma barreira física do organismo. Devido a tais fatores pode ocorrer o aparecimento de diversos tipos tumorais. Além disso, a pele possui alta capacidade de renovação celular, o que aumenta as chances de mutações em comparação com outros tecidos, o que a torna um lugar favorável para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias. É comum ocorrer nos animais domésticos o desenvolvimento de neoplasias cutâneas, sendo que sua prevalência depende de fatores como genética, idade, raça, relação hormonal, nutrição, entre outros. O tricoblastoma é uma neoplasia benigna cutânea comum em cães e gatos adultos, animais com idade entre seis e nove anos são os mais acometidos, e não existe predisposição em machos e fêmeas. É derivado do folículo piloso primitivo e possui componentes epiteliais e mesenquimais. O tricoblastoma não é considerado agressivo, porém, existem relatos na literatura com características de neoplasia maligna. O tratamento de eleição do tricoblastoma é a exérese cirúrgica total do mesmo, com margens de segurança entre 1 e 2cm. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um animal atendido no Centro Médico Veterinário do Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas, o qual foi diagnosticado com tricoblastoma.
The skin is a complex organ composed of different cell types and has direct exposure to the environment, representing an organism's physical barrier. Due to such factors, the appearance of several tumor types may occur. In addition, the skin has a high capacity to perform cell renewal, which increases the chances of mutations compared to other tissues, turning it a favorable place for the development of neoplasms. The development of skin neoplasms in domestic animals is a common fact, and their prevalence depends on factors such as genetics, age, race, hormonal relationship, nutrition, among others. Trichoblastoma is a benign cutaneous neoplasm common in adult dogs and cats, animals aged between six and nine years are the most affected, and there is no predisposition in males and females. It is derived from the primitive hair follicle and has epithelial and mesenchymal components. Trichoblastoma is not considered aggressive; however, there are reports in the literature with characteristics of malignant neoplasm. The treatment of choice for trichoblastoma is the total surgical excision, with safety margins between 1 and 2cm. The present study aims to report the case of an animal treated at the Veterinary Medical Center of the University Center of Southern Minas Gerais, which was diagnosed with trichoblastoma.
Animais , Cães , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Animais DomésticosResumo
A demodicidose é uma doença incomum na rotina clínico-dermatológica de felinos. Ela pode ser causada pelo ácaro Demodex gatoi ou pelo Demodex cati, e há relatos de uma nova espécie ainda não nomeada. Inúmeras formas de diagnóstico e protocolos terapêuticos relativos à demodicidose canina vêm sendo relatados há anos. Contudo, há poucos trabalhos atuais sobre o tema em felinos. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre essa dermatopatia, com a descrição da sua etiologia, da epidemiologia, dos sinais clínicos, do diagnóstico e das formas de tratamento atuais, pois a demodicidose felina é difícil de tratar e diagnosticar, por ser uma enfermidade rara e de baixa incidência. Ainda há necessidade de trabalhos futuros para que o estudo da doença possa ser aprofundado e para que se defina um protocolo terapêutico mais conciso, incluindo padronização de doses e frequência de administração.(AU)
Demodicosis is an uncommon disease in the clinical-dermatological routine of felines. It can be caused by the Demodex gatoi or Demodex cati, and a new, as yet unnamed species has been reported. Numerous forms of diagnosis and therapeutic protocols have been reported for canine demodicosis for years. However, there are few current studies on the subject in felines. Therefore, the present work aims to carry out a literature review on this skin disease, with a description of its etiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and current forms of treatment, as feline demodicosis still has a therapeutic and diagnostic difficulty because it is a rare and low-incidence disease. Future studies are still needed to reach a better understand of the disease and to define a more concise therapeutic protocol, including standardization of doses and frequency of administration.(AU)
La demodicosis es una enfermedad poco común en la rutina clínico- dermatológica de los felinos. Puede ser causada por los ácaros Demodex gatoi o Demodex cati, y se ha informado de una nueva especie, aún sin nombre. Numerosas formas de diagnóstico y protocolos terapéuticos para la demodicosis canina han sido utilizados durante años. Sin embargo, existen pocos trabajos actuales sobre el tema en felinos. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre esta enfermedad de la piel, con una descripción de su etiología, epidemiología, signos clínicos, diagnóstico y formas de tratamiento actuales, ya que la demodicosis felina aún presenta una dificultad terapéutica y diagnóstica por ser una enfermedad rara y de baja incidencia. Se requiere estudo futuro para profundizar el conocimiento de la enfermedad y definir un protocolo terapéutico más conciso, que incluya estandarización de dosis y frecuencia de administración.(AU)
Animais , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Trombiculíase/diagnóstico , Gatos/parasitologia , Trombiculidae , RevisãoResumo
Background: Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm that arises from melanocytes and malanoblasts. It is also more frequently reported in dogs than in other species. They may arise from melanocytes in the skin, on the surfaces of the mucous membranes, and eyes. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological aspects, risk factors and clinicopathological findings of melanoma in dogs in the backlands, northeastern Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study was carried out in all biopsy samples and necropsy examinations of dogs, from January 2003 to December 2021, at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraiba, northeastern Brazil. Epidemiological data, clinical signs, and gross lesions were reviewed from the diagnostic laboratory reports. Samples of the skin, lymph nodes, central nervous system and organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed routinely for histopathology, embedded in paraffin wax, cut into 4 µm sections, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Histological sections were also submitted to immunohistochemistry with the primary antibody anti-Melan A. Of the 4717 records found, 1158 (24.5%) were diagnosed with neoplasms, of which 48 (4.14%) cases were of melanoma. Of this total, 28 (58.3%) dogs were elderly, 19 (39.6%) were adults, and 1 (2.1%) was young. Mixed breed animals were the most affected (42.6%), followed by the pinscher breed (19.1%). According to the anatomical region, the most affected site was the skin (38/53=71.7%), followed by the oral cavity (12/53=22.65%) and the eyes (3/53=5.7%). Grossly, the skin lesions were characterized by exophytic and usually blackened, sometimes irregular and firm, nodules. At cut, they had a smooth, compact and blackened surface. Lesions in the oral cavity were characterized by blackened, irregular and infiltrating nodules or masses. The ocular lesions were always unilateral and were characterized by an enlarged and diffusely blackened eyeball, with areas of ulceration and subversion of tissue architecture. In 5 animals there was more than one anatomical site affected, totaling 53 lesions. In 9 (17%) cases, metastases were identified, 8 in regional lymph nodes and 1 in the lung. Histopathology showed a densely non-encapsulated, poorly delimited, expansive and infiltrative neoplasm, composed of neoplastic cells arranged in islands or nests and supported by fibrovascular stroma, containing a variable amount of brownish pigment (melanin). Immunohistochemistry showed strong immunostaining of the neoplastic cells in brown by the anti-Melan A antibody. Discussion: The diagnosis of melanoma was established based on epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Gender is not a predisposing factor, and although there was no statistically significant relationship, males were more affected. Senescence is a conditioning risk factor. Elderly animals were more affected (P < 0.0001) than adult ones, with OR = 4.38; and young ones (P = 0.0051), with OR = 12.65. Some breeds, especially those with marked skin pigmentation, were more affected, however the most affected ones in this survey were pinscher and poodle. Cutaneous melanoma accounted for almost 72% of cases, contesting recent studies where oral cavity melanoma was more frequent. Therefore, it is believed that the climatic conditions of the backlands sub-region, in northeastern Brazil, associated with the individual characteristics of the dogs, are involved in the development of these neoplasms, since the climate is predominantly dry, with high temperatures throughout the year, with maximums that can reach 40ºC, favoring the exposure to high incidence of ultraviolet radiation.
Animais , Cães , Melanócitos/patologia , Melanoma/veterinária , Melanoma/epidemiologia , Dermatopatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Demodicosis is a parasitic dermatopathy often found in dogs and considered rare in felines. It is caused by the mite of the genus Demodex. In cats, it can be caused by 3 species: Demodex cati, Demodex gatoi, and another Demodex species not yet named. Demodicosis can be associated with systemic diseases, which can compromise the animal's immune system, as is the case of demodicosis caused by Demodex cati. The present case report describes 3 cases of demodicosis, 2 by D. cati and 1 by D. gatoi, with pruritic lesions and abrasions in different parts of the animals' bodies, but which showed improvement with common treatment. Cases: The first 2 cases refer to feline patients treated in Curitibanos and the third in Blumenau, both municipalities located in Santa Catarina. The first patient, a 6-year-old female, SRD, IVF/FeLV-negative, presented abrasions and alopecia in the cervical region, at the base of the auricle and submandibular region, with pruritus for 3 months. Skin scraping was performed revealing presence of Demodex cati. The second patient, a 11-year-old male, SRD, FIV-negative and FeLVpositive, presented alopecic lesions with mild pruritus, one on the dorsal region of the head and 2 others slightly oval on the tail. A skin scraping was performed for parasitological examination which demonstrated the presence of mites of the species Demodex cati. The third patient, a 10-month-old male Persian, IVF/FeLV-negative, had alopecic and pruritic lesions on the back and head near the auditory canal, as well as signs of external otitis. The lesions on the skin were scaly and presented a blackish appearance, with evolution of a few weeks. Skin scraping was performed for parasitological examination, confirming the presence of Demodex gatoi. In all cases, fungal cultures were negatives. For the 3 patients, fluralaner was used transdermally, as a pipette with a single application, and all showed complete improvement within 30 days after administration. Discussion: Demodicosis is considered a rare disease among felines and the literature suggests involvement when linked to immunosuppressive causes, such as viral diseases or systemic comorbidities. Still, it can become the cause of bacterial or fungal co-infections due to immunological impairment. In the 3 cases reported, only 1 patient was positive for FeLV. Parasitological examination of the skin by deep or superficial skin scraping, considered as the diagnostic method of choice for demodicosis, was performed in the 3 patients and demonstrated the presence of mites. Although the literature does not provide treatment considered to be of choice for felines, fluralaner was prescribed transdermally for the 3 patients reported here due to its practicality and prolonged time of action, administered in single application as antiparasitic therapy, achieving success and complete improvement up to 30 days after its use. The animals that presented co-infections were treated according to the type of infections they presented and their therapies of choice.
Animais , Gatos , Dermatopatias Parasitárias/terapia , Dermatopatias Parasitárias/veterinária , Infestações por Ácaros/veterinária , Ácaros/parasitologiaResumo
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cutaneous neoplasms in horses treated at the Center for the Development of Livestock at the Federal University of Bahia, as well as to correlate it with the coat color, breed, and age of the animal. For that, the attendance records for the last ten years were reviewed. When evaluating the files, 13 cases of cutaneous tumor in horses confirmed by histopathology and cytology were observed. The most prevalent skin tumors were sarcoid (38.5%), melanoma (23%), and fibrosarcoma (15.4%). Regarding the equine coat color, gray and sorrel horses were the most frequent with 30.7% and 23.1% of cases, respectively. As for the equine breed, the mangalarga marchador was the most prevalent (38.4%). Regarding age, 38.46% of the horses were up to 5 years old, 30.77% of the animals were between 4 and 10 years old, and 30.76% were between 11 and 16 years old. In the end, it can be concluded that sarcoid and melanoma were the most prevalent neoplasms.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a prevalência de neoplasias cutâneas em equinos atendidos no Centro de Desenvolvimento da Pecuária da Universidade Federal da Bahia, bem como correlaciona-la com a pelagem, raça e idade do animal. Para tanto revisou-se as fichas de atendimento dos últimos dez anos. Ao avaliar as fichas, observou-se 13 casos de tumor cutâneo em equinos confirmado por histopatologia ou citologia. Os tumores cutâneos mais prevalentes foram sarcoide (38,5%), melanoma (23%) e fibrossarcoma (15,4%). Com relação a pelagem, equinos tordilhos e alazões foram os mais frequentes com 30,7% e 23,1% dos casos, respectivamente. Quanto as raças, a mangalarga marchador foi a mais prevalente (38,4%). Em relação a idade, 38,46% dos equinos possuíam até 5 anos de idade, 30,77% dos animais apresentavam idade entre 4 e 10 anos e, 30,76% apresentavam idade entre 11 e 16 anos. Ao fim, pode-se concluir que o sarcoide e o melanoma foram as neoplasias mais prevalentes.
Animais , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Pelo Animal/citologia , Cavalos/anormalidades , Melanoma/veterináriaResumo
Background: Superficial necrolytic dermatitis (SND), hepatocutaneous syndrome (HCS), metabolic epidermal necrosis (MEN), and necrolytic migratory erythema (NME) are useful terms to describe a disease that likely has a multifactorial etiopathogenesis. SND is a rare and fatal disease characterized by skin lesions and liver disease. Common skin lesions include hyperkeratosis, fissures, erosion, ulceration, crusting, exudation from the paws, face, perianal regions, and pressure points. This case report aimed to report the case of a bitch that developed the rare Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis disease, emphasizing the clinical signs of the disease, and the importance of complementary exams such as abdominal ultrasound and skin biopsy for the definitive diagnosis. Case: A 9-year-old, mixed-breed, neutered female was referred for clinical examination with 5 months history of hyperkeratosis and ulceration of the paw pads, presenting pain, lameness and weight loss. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a liver with heterogeneous echotexture, mixed echogenicity, irregular and poorly delimited margins with hypoechoic nodules throughout like honeycombs. The gallbladder was visualized with a moderately thick layer. Histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of SND. Skin biopsies showed an increase in thickness of the epidermis due to irregular hyperplasia and proliferation of keratinocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis, pallor of the spinous layer of the epidermis and important parakeratosis. Due to the progression of the disease, significant worsening of the patient's clinical condition and pain, associated with the impossibility of cure, the animal was submitted to euthanasia. A necropsy was performed to allow assessment of the liver and pancreas. The biopsies showed a severe proliferative chronic hepatitis, steatosis and cholestasis associated with pancreatitis and necrotic multifocal proliferative fibrinopurulent areas in the pancreas. Discussion: Clinical signs such as lethargy, inappetence, weight loss, as well as the dermatological signs presented by this bitch are nonspecific clinical signs and require a deeper clinical, pathological and histopathological diagnostic investigation to reach the diagnosis of this disease. The definitive diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic honeycomb pattern in the liver or associated with a neoplastic finding in the pancreas on ultrasound examination and confirmed by histopathological evaluation of skin biopsies. Palliative treatment with corticosteroid anti-inflammatories, improvement in feed quality, with higher nutritional and protein intake and intravenous amino acid supplementation are suggested by some authors as treatment alternatives. However, not all owners can afford a costly lifetime treatment. With the progressive worsening of the condition, many owners opt for euthanasia as a way to shorten the suffering of the animal. This decision is not an easy one to make. Despite the poor prognosis of the disease, treatment options should be tried by veterinarians and owners prior to the option of euthanasia. However, new affordable nutritional and pharmacological strategies to treat or control the disease are needed in order to improve quality of life of SND patients.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Eritema Migratório Necrolítico/veterinária , Eritema Migratório Necrolítico/diagnóstico por imagem , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
A pitiose é uma infecção invasiva ulcerativa piogranulomatosa causada pelo oomiceto Pythium insidiosum, parasita de plantas aquáticas em águas estagnadas. Apesar de não serem raros os relatos de pitiose nas espécies domésticas, a espécie equina é a mais afetada. A enfermidade pode ser adquirida através da colonização de lesões traumáticas e do folículo piloso. Em casos dessa infecção, pode-se encontrar hifas recobertas por células necróticas, formando massas branco-amareladas semelhantes a corais, denominadas de kunkers. As lesões são localizadas prioritariamente nas extremidades distais dos membros e na porção ventral da parede tóraco-abdominal. O diagnóstico da pitiose está relacionado a um prognóstico reservado dependendo do grau de comprometimento anatômico que a enfermidade se encontra. Diante do exposto, este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar um caso de pitiose cutânea em um equino, fêmea da raça Mangalarga Machador. O animal apresentava lesões ulcerativas no membro torácico esquerdo e no membro pélvico esquerdo. O tratamento escolhido foi o cirúrgico e imunoterápico, com intuito de remover todo o tecido lesionado e, posteriormente, coletar material para realização do exame histopatológico. O equino foi submetido a um protocolo pós-operatório com a terapia antitetânica por via intramuscular. A antibioticoterapia sistêmica foi realizada com penicilina benzatina, anti-inflamatório esteroidal, dexametasona foi realizada uma vez ao dia, durante cinco dias. Posteriormente, optou-se pelo uso do anti-inflamatório não esteroidal maxicam uma vez ao dia, durante cinco dias. O animal recebeu quatro doses do imunoterápico PITIUM-VAC por via subcutânea, com intervalo de 14 dias entre uma e outra aplicação, apresentando uma resposta satisfatória ao tratamento.
Pythiosis is an invasive ulcerative pyogranulomatous infection caused by the Oomycete Pythium insidiosum, a parasite of aquatic plants in standing water. Although reports of pythiosis in domestic species are not uncommon, equine species are the most affected. The disease can be acquired through the colonization of traumatic lesions and hair follicles. Hyphae covered by necrotic cells, forming yellowish-white coral-like masses called "kunkers" can be found. The lesions are located primarily on the distal extremities of the limbs and on the ventral portion of the thoracoabdominal wall. The diagnosis of pythiosis is linked to a poor prognosis, depending on the degree of anatomical involvement of the disease. Thus, this work aimed to report a case of cutaneous pythiosis in a female Mangalarga Machador equine. The animal presented ulcerative lesions on the left thoracic limb and the left pelvic limb. The chosen treatment was surgery and immunotherapy to remove all the injured tissue and, later, collect the material for histopathological examination. The horse was submitted to a post-operative protocol with intramuscular anti-tetanus therapy. Systemic antibiotic therapy with benzathine penicillin, steroidal anti-inflammatory, dexamethasone was performed once a day for five days. Subsequently, it was decided to use the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory maxicam once a day for five days. The animal received four doses of the immunotherapy PITIUM-VAC subcutaneously, with an interval of 14 days between applications, presenting a satisfactory response to the treatment.
Animais , Feminino , Dermatopatias Parasitárias/veterinária , Pitiose/tratamento farmacológico , Pitiose/terapia , Cavalos/parasitologia , Imunoterapia/veterináriaResumo
The aim of the current report is to describe a cutaneous candidiasis case affecting a canine individual treated at the University Veterinary Hospital of State University of Maranhão (UEMA), in São Luís City. The patient had three-month history of skin diseases; it had been previously subjected to several treatments based on antibiotics, corticosteroids and antifungal drugs that have failed to show clinical improvements. Dermatological assessment has indicated generalized moist dermatitis, intense skin desquamation, alopecia, pruritus and meliceric crusts along the animal's body, mainly in its dorsal region. Complementary tests, such as skin cytology and microscopy, trichogram, qualitative PCR and serology for canine visceral leishmaniasis, as well as fungal culture and antifungigram were requested based on this scenario. Serology recorded inconclusive results for leishmaniasis, whereas PCR recorded negative results in the presence of the agent's DNA. Cytology, microscopy and trichogram results have evidenced fungal infection in the assessed samples. Moreover, mycological culture and antifungigram resulted in the growth of Candida sp. specimens capable of resisting antifungal agents such as amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole and nystatin. The therapy adopted after candidiasis diagnosis confirmation comprised oral doses of manipulated ketoconazole, in combination to topical therapy with shampoo based on moisturizing formulas associated with Miconazole and Chlorhexidine (at 2%), for four weeks. After 30 days, when the adopted therapy was over, the aforementioned animal presented remission of the previously observed lesions and fully improved condition.
The aim of the current report is to describe a cutaneous candidiasis case affecting a canine individual treated at the University Veterinary Hospital of State University of Maranhão (UEMA), in São Luís City. The patient had three-month history of skin diseases; it had been previously subjected to several treatments based on antibiotics, corticosteroids and antifungal drugs that have failed to show clinical improvements. Dermatological assessment has indicated generalized moist dermatitis, intense skin desquamation, alopecia, pruritus and meliceric crusts along the animal's body, mainly in its dorsal region. Complementary tests, such as skin cytology and microscopy, trichogram, qualitative PCR and serology for canine visceral leishmaniasis, as well as fungal culture and antifungigram were requested based on this scenario. Serology recorded inconclusive results for leishmaniasis, whereas PCR recorded negative results in the presence of the agent's DNA. Cytology, microscopy and trichogram results have evidenced fungal infection in the assessed samples. Moreover, mycological culture and antifungigram resulted in the growth of Candida sp. specimens capable of resisting antifungal agents such as amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole and nystatin. The therapy adopted after candidiasis diagnosis confirmation comprised oral doses of manipulated ketoconazole, in combination to topical therapy with shampoo based on moisturizing formulas associated with Miconazole and Chlorhexidine (at 2%), for four weeks. After 30 days, when the adopted therapy was over, the aforementioned animal presented remission of the previously observed lesions and fully improved condition.
Animais , Cães , Candida/isolamento & purificação , Candidíase Cutânea/veterinária , Farmacorresistência Fúngica , Dermatomicoses/veterináriaResumo
A esporotricose é uma doença fúngica subaguda ou crônica causada pelo complexo fúngico Sporothrix. Consiste em uma enfermidade zoonótica em que a infecção ocorre a partir da inoculação traumática do fungo em tecido cutâneo ou subcutâneo, sendo o felino doméstico o animal mais susceptível à doença. Os gatos desempenham um papel epidemiológico importante na transmissão e propagação da doença devido aos seus hábitos comportamentais e pela grande quantidade de microrganismos fúngicos que carregam em lesões cutâneas exsudativas, atuando assim como principal fonte de infecção e possuindo o maior potencial de transmissibilidade. É uma micose subnotificada e mais comumente diagnosticada no Rio de Janeiro, mas atualmente a enfermidade vem ganhando importância em diversas regiões do Brasil, onde tem sido observado um número crescente de casos em animais e seres humanos. Diante disto, o presente trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, bem como o relato de um caso clínico de uma gata de 1 ano de idade com esporotricose e desenvolvimento secundário de outra zoonose importante para a saúde pública -a dermatofitose, com o intuito de alertar sobre a importância das infecções micóticas em felinos para a saúde única e evidenciando a importância do diagnóstico precoce e da colaboração e comprometimento do tutor para a terapêutica das enfermidades.
Sporotrichosis is a subacute or chronic fungal disease caused by the Sporothrix fungal complex. It consists of a zoonotic disease in which the infection occurs from the traumatic inoculation of the fungus in cutaneous or subcutaneous tissue, with the domestic feline being the animal most susceptible to the disease. Cats play an important epidemiological role in the transmission and spread of the disease due to their habits and the large amount of fungal microorganisms they carry in exudative skin lesions, thus acting as the main source of infection and having the greatest potential for transmissibility. It is an underreported mycosis and most commonly diagnosed in Rio de Janeiro, but the disease is currently gaining importance in several regions of Brazil, where an increasing number of cases in animals and humans have been observed. In view of this, the present work presents a bibliographic review on the subject, as well as the report of a clinical case of a one-year-old female cat with sporotrichosis and with the secondary development of another zoonosis important forpublic health - dermatophytosis, with in order to alert about the importance of mycoticinfections in felines for unique health and highlighting the importance of early diagnosis and the collaboration and commitment of the tutor for the treatment of diseases.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Esporotricose/diagnóstico , Sporothrix/isolamento & purificação , Tinha/diagnóstico , Dermatomicoses/terapia , Saúde ÚnicaResumo
A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).
The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).
Animais , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Búfalos/lesões , Queimaduras/veterinária , Ecossistema Amazônico , Abscesso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Juvenile-onset ischemic dermatopathy is a rare dermatosis in dogs. Reports on this condition are scarce inthe literature, and its pathogenesis is poorly understood. This disease consists of a set of alterations that exhibit similarclinical and histological characteristics, and which are associated with cutaneous vasculopathic processes. Consequently,this case report describes the clinical case of a dog diagnosed with juvenile-onset ischemic dermatopathy.Case: A 9-month-old female mongrel dog exhibited significant tegumentary alterations, while other contact animals (siblingsand mother) did not. The patient history did not contain a complete record of vaccines, and included previous therapeuticfailures. A general skin examination revealed the presence of erythematous lesions containing crusts and erosions associated with extended areas with alopecia, especially in the ears, nose, and tail. Therefore, skin cytology and a parasitologicalexamination of the skin and cerumen were performed. These tests revealed the presence of neutrophilic inflammatoryprocess, bacterial inflammation, and various yeast-like structures compatible with Malassezia sp. The parasitological examination of the cerumen revealed the presence of numerous mites of the Otodectes cynotis species. Consequently, the dogreceived a treatment that included amoxicillin with potassium clavulanate, itraconazole, therapeutic baths with a shampoocontaining chlorhexidine and miconazole, and an antiparasitic medication containing sarolaner, which was administeredonce every 35 days. Thirty days later, the patient returned with a significant improvement of the lesions, except those inthe ears and tail; consequently, material from these two body areas was submitted to histopathological examination, andadditional tests were performed to allow differential diagnosis. The histopathological report indicated the existence of...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Cães/microbiologia , Dermatopatias Bacterianas/veterinária , Vasculite/veterinária , Dermatomicoses/veterinária , MalasseziaResumo
Background: Juvenile-onset ischemic dermatopathy is a rare dermatosis in dogs. Reports on this condition are scarce inthe literature, and its pathogenesis is poorly understood. This disease consists of a set of alterations that exhibit similarclinical and histological characteristics, and which are associated with cutaneous vasculopathic processes. Consequently,this case report describes the clinical case of a dog diagnosed with juvenile-onset ischemic dermatopathy.Case: A 9-month-old female mongrel dog exhibited significant tegumentary alterations, while other contact animals (siblingsand mother) did not. The patient history did not contain a complete record of vaccines, and included previous therapeuticfailures. A general skin examination revealed the presence of erythematous lesions containing crusts and erosions associated with extended areas with alopecia, especially in the ears, nose, and tail. Therefore, skin cytology and a parasitologicalexamination of the skin and cerumen were performed. These tests revealed the presence of neutrophilic inflammatoryprocess, bacterial inflammation, and various yeast-like structures compatible with Malassezia sp. The parasitological examination of the cerumen revealed the presence of numerous mites of the Otodectes cynotis species. Consequently, the dogreceived a treatment that included amoxicillin with potassium clavulanate, itraconazole, therapeutic baths with a shampoocontaining chlorhexidine and miconazole, and an antiparasitic medication containing sarolaner, which was administeredonce every 35 days. Thirty days later, the patient returned with a significant improvement of the lesions, except those inthe ears and tail; consequently, material from these two body areas was submitted to histopathological examination, andadditional tests were performed to allow differential diagnosis. The histopathological report indicated the existence of...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dermatopatias Bacterianas/veterinária , Cães/lesões , Cães/microbiologia , Vasculite/veterinária , Malassezia , Dermatomicoses/veterináriaResumo
A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).(AU)
The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).(AU)
Animais , Búfalos/lesões , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Vacinação/efeitos adversos , QueimadurasResumo
A pele é o maior órgão do corpo e pode ser acometida por uma série de processos patológicos. As doenças dermatológicas em geral são um aspecto frustrante na clínica de animais de grande porte. Desse modo, o objetivo deste estudo foi relatar lesões de pele diagnosticadas em búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, estado do Pará. Foram avaliados 156 búfalos das raças Murrah, Mediterrâneo e seus mestiços; adultos e jovens, com idade variando de oito meses a nove anos. No exame físico constatou-se que 36,5% (57/156) dos animais apresentavam abscessos no local de vacinação. Destes, 12,2% (19/156) eram abscessos com presença de alopecia e 1,3% (2/156) com fistulação Além disso, 1,3% (2/156) dos animais apresentaram ainda no local de vacinação, feridas ulceradas com presença de secreção purulenta. Identificou-se que 3,8% (6/156) dos búfalos possuíam lesões provenientes da marcação a fogo, com queimaduras, de aspecto crostoso, eritematoso e exsudativo, na região da garupa.; A maioria 64,1% (100/156) dos animais apresentaram corte das orelhas, 1,9% (3/156) apresentaram lesões por penetração de corno e em 1,2% (2/156) observou-se lesão de pele no membro posterior direito. Conclui-se que foi possível diagnosticar diversas lesões cutâneas nos búfalos na região do Baixo Amazonas, sendo o erro no manejo dos animais as principais causas das lesões diagnosticadas. Além disso, houve correlação entre dois grupos de animais avaliados (com e sem lesão).
The skin is the largest organ in the body and can be affected by a series of pathological processes. Dermatological diseases in general are a frustrating aspect in the clinic of large animals. Thus, the objective of this study was to report skin lesions diagnosed in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, state of Pará. 156 buffaloes of the Murrah, Mediterranean and crossbred breeds were taken; Adults and young people, with ages varying from eight months to nine years. On physical examination, it was found that 36.5% (57/156) of the animals had abscesses at the vaccination site. Of these, 12.2% (19/156) were abscesses with the presence of alopecia and 1.3% (2/156) with fistulation. In addition, 1.3% (2/156) of the animals separated at the vaccination site, ulcerated wounds with the presence of purulent secretion. It was identified that 3.8% (6/156) of the buffaloes had the location of the fire mark, with burns, with a crusted, erythematous and exudative aspect, in the croup region. The majority 64.1% (100/156) of the animals separation of the ears, 1.9% (3/156) dissipation by penetration of the horn and in 1.2% (2/156) a skin lesion was observed in any limb posterior right. It was concluded that it was possible to diagnose several cutaneous lesions in buffaloes in the region of Baixo Amazonas, with the error in handling animals being the main causes of the diagnosed injuries. In addition, there was a correlation between two groups of acquired animals (with and without injury).
Animais , Búfalos/lesões , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Vacinação/efeitos adversos , QueimadurasResumo
This was the first study of the prevalence of skin diseases in dogs and cats in Santa Catarina. Medical records of all canine and feline patients referred to the Veterinary Clinic of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Curitibanos campus, were evaluated. From 2015 to 2019, 322 dogs and cats presented dermatological lesions, corresponding to 25.3% of dermatological cases. Among them, 276 (85.7%) were dogs, and 46 (14.3%) were cats. Definitive diagnose were obtained in 72.5% and 71.3% of canine and feline patients, respectively. Mixed breed adults were most likely to develop skin diseases. Among the primary conditions, parasitic, fungal, and bacterial diseases were the most prevalent for both species. In dogs, pulicosis, followed by pyoderma and dermatophytosis, were the major diseases encountered. Nevertheless, cats presented higher prevalence of fungal diseases, followed by parasitic and bacterial disorders. Malassezia otitis was the most prevalent, followed by pulicosis and dermatophytosis.
Este foi o primeiro estudo sobre prevalência de doenças cutâneas de cães e gatos em Santa Catarina. Foram avaliados os prontuários de todos os pacientes atendidos na Clínica Veterinária da UFSC, campus Curitibanos, no período de 2015 a 2019. Foram avaliados 322 animais apresentando queixas dermatológicas, o que correspondeu a 25,3% do total de casos. Entre eles, 276 (85,7%) eram cães e 46 (14,3%) eram gatos. Foi possível diagnosticar 72,5% dos cães e 71,3% dos gatos. A principal faixa etária avaliada foi de adultos e a maioria dos animais era sem raça definida. Entre as principais doenças, as parasitárias, fúngicas e bac-terianas foram as mais prevalentes para ambas as espécies. Quanto às principais doenças, nos cães as mais observadas foram puli-ciose, seguida de pioderma e dermatofitose. Para os felinos, as doenças fúngicas foram as mais prevalentes, seguidas pelas doenças parasitárias e bacterianas. A otite por Malassezia foi a doença mais prevalente, seguida por puliciose e dermatofitose.