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Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 175-186, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434551


As clostridioses são infecções comuns em rebanhos bovinos, causadas por microrganismos do gênero Clostridium e que afetam principalmente animais mais jovens. O objetivo deste estudo é relatar a evolução clínica e tratamento de um bovino acometido com carbúnculo sintomático. A paciente não apresentava histórico vacinal para clostridiose, e pertencia a um lote de animais em que já haviam ocorrido três mortes súbitas em curto período de tempo. Na avaliação física do animal em decúbito esternal, foram constatados sinais clínicos típicos de carbúnculo sintomático, edema e crepitação em membro pélvico e região escapular, além de claudicação quando colocado em estação. Também foi observado edema na região da cabeça, porém este sinal clínico não é frequentemente relatado em literatura científica. Mesmo com prognóstico desfavorável devido à manifestação grave da doença e grande parte das pesquisas mostrarem taxa de letalidade de quase 100%, optou-se pela tentativa de realizar as medidas terapêuticas necessárias. Foi realizado tratamento suporte e administração de fármacos, destacando-se a antibioticoterapia com penicilina. Além disso, também foi conduzido o procedimento cirúrgico por meio de confecção de incisões na pele e no subcutâneo do membro afetado (método ainda não descrito na literatura científica) com objetivo de reduzir a proliferação do Clostridium. Após 32 dias de tratamento, o animal obteve a cura clínica completa. As medidas terapêuticas foram suficientes para recuperar da saúde da paciente.

Clostridial diseases are common infections in cattle herds, caused by microorganisms of the genus Clostridium that mainly affect younger animals. This study aims to report the clinical evolution and treatment of a bovine affected with symptomatic blackleg. The patient had no vaccination history for clostridial disease and belonged to a group of animals in which three sudden deaths had already occurred in a short time. In the physical evaluation of the animal in sternal recumbency, typical clinical signs of blackleg, edema and crackling in the pelvic limb and scapular region and lameness when placed in the station were determined. Edema was also observed in the head region, but this clinical sign is not frequently reported in the scientific literature. Even with an unfavorable prognosis due to the severe manifestation of the disease and a large part of the studies showing a lethality rate of almost 100%, it was decided to try to carry out the necessary therapeutic methods. Support treatment and drug administration were performed, especially antibiotic therapy with penicillin. In addition, a surgical procedure was carried out by making incisions in the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the affected limb (a method not yet described in the scientific literature) to reduce the proliferation of Clostridium. After thirty-two days of treatment, the animal got a complete clinical cure. Therapeutic measures were sufficient to recover the patient's health.

Animais , Bovinos , Carbúnculo/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Clostridium/patogenicidade , Edema/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(10): e20220502, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434809


Bovine cutaneous angiomatosis (BCA) is a rare condition characterized by vasoproliferative skin lesions mainly affecting cattle in the northern hemisphere. An eight-month-old Holstein heifer showed two skin easy-bleeding nodules bulging from the epidermis in the forehead and close to the right prescapular region. Skin lesions were within the dermis and had an irregular surface and a soft heterogeneous reddish parenchyma composed of numerous variable-sized arterioles, veins, and capillaries surrounded by abundant collagenous fibrous tissue. Immunohistochemical assays evidenced endothelial cells lining proliferative vascular structure immunolabeled for CD31 and Von Willebrand factor, and vascular smooth muscle cells immunostained for smooth muscle actin. All clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical features observed in the Holstein heifer were hallmarks of BCA. Considering its potential for hereditary spread, BCA must be included in the differential diagnosis of easily bleeding skin nodules that do not respond to routine topical wound treatments to prevent its spread in Brazilian herds.

A angiomatose cutânea bovina (ACB) é uma condição rara caracterizada por lesões vasoproliferativas na pele que afetam principalmente bovinos do hemisfério norte. Uma novilha Holandesa de oito meses de idade apresentou dois nódulos cutâneos protuberantes na epiderme, que apresentavam fácil sangramento localizados na fronte e próximo à região pré-escapular direita. As lesões cutâneas dérmicas tinham uma superfície irregular e um parênquima avermelhado heterogêneo macio composto por numerosas arteríolas, veias e capilares de tamanho variável circundadas por tecido fibroso colagenoso abundante. O exame imuno-histoquímico evidenciou células endoteliais revestindo a estrutura vascular proliferativa imunomarcadas para CD31 e fator de Von Willebrand, e células vasculares de músculo liso imunomarcadas para actina de músculo liso. Todas as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas observadas na novilha Holandesa foram características da ACB. Considerando seu potencial de disseminação hereditária, a ACB deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial dos nódulos cutâneos de fácil sangramento que não respondem aos tratamentos tópicos de rotina para evitar sua disseminação nos rebanhos brasileiros.

Animais , Bovinos , Pele/lesões , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Angiomatose/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(2): 114-117, jul. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393460


The animal is in good nutritional condition. Several ticks are present on the ventrum and withers. Multifocally and widespread, affecting all areas of skin in a random distribution, there are variably sized (1-4 cm in diameter) cutaneous and/or subcutaneous nodules, sometimes with a targetoid appearance. A few nodules are ulcerated, and others havea central dense crust. On cut section, many nodules are well demarcated, with a light pink center delineated by a dark red haemorrhagic/hyperaemic line (acute infarcts). Similar nodules and ulcers are also present over the teats. Skinning reveals extensive subcutaneous thickening with yellowish gelatinous material (oedema) as well as multifocal areas of dark red discoloration (haemorrhages). Multiple superficial lymph nodes are enlarged and haemorrhagic, with the right pre-scapular lymph node most severely affected, measuring 16x7x8 cm.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Úlcera Cutânea/diagnóstico , Bovinos
Ars vet ; 38(1): 1-4, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370792


O trabalho tem o objetivo de relatar um caso de Dermatose Actínica em cadela adulta, 8 anos apresentando pele eritematosa. Na avaliação clínica a cadela apresentou os parâmetros normais da espécie, porém devido às lesões observadas foram solicitados exames citológico e parasitológico de pele, que demonstraram a presença de bactérias (cocos), neutrófilos degenerados e fungos dermatófitos além de demodicidose. O tratamento consistiu do uso de inúmeras drogas como itraconazol, amoxicilina com clavulonato de potássio, predinisolona, Sarolaner e imunomoduladores, além de tratamento tópico com cetoconazol shampoo e creme. Geralmente, as piodermites profundas que atingem o folículo de cães e formam feridas ulceradas, causam uma inflamação crônica na pele, por conta de raios-ultravioletas do sol, ou predisposição familiar ou hipersensibilidade microbiana, ou por outras doenças e, normalmente, são reincidentes e não permitem a cura. Entretanto, nesse caso específico, o tratamento permitiu a melhora do animal (~80%).(AU)

The aim of this paper is to report a case of Actinic Dermatosis in an 8-year-old female adult female with erythematous skin. In the clinical evaluation, the animal presented normal parameters for the species, but, due to the lesions observed, cytological and parasitological skin tests were requested, which showed the presence of bacteria (cocci), degenerated neutrophils, and dermatophyte fungi, and demodicidosis. Treatment consisted of the use of numerous drugs such as itraconazole, amoxicillin with potassium clavulonate, predinisolone, Sarolaner, and immunomodulators; in addition to topical treatment with ketoconazole shampoo and cream. Generally, deep pyoderma that reach the follicle of dogs and form ulcerated wounds, cause a chronic inflammation of the skin, due to the sun's ultraviolet rays, or familial predisposition or microbial hypersensitivity, or due to other diseases and, usually, they are recurrent and do not allow healing. However, in this specific case, the treatment allowed the animal to improve (~80%).(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Pioderma/veterinária , Dermatite/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/tratamento farmacológico , Eritema/veterinária , Antifúngicos/farmacologia , Pele/citologia , Pele/parasitologia
Vet. zootec ; 29([supl]): 34-39, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427432


A consanguinidade é uma realidade na criação de bubalinos no Brasil, devido ao número pequeno de animais no rebanho, e principalmente a falta de escrituração zootécnica e seleção genética da espécie. Isso faz com que exista muita endogamia e como consequência aparecem as anomalias congênitas, que associadas às condições ambientais resultam em animais com problemas de pele, baixo desenvolvimento, baixa produção e sanidade deficitária. O presente estudo demonstrou os efeitos de um manejo cuja persistência de um touro por período de 8 anos gerou progênie com despigmentação, culminando com alterações dermatológicas e baixo desenvolvimento em alguns animais de um rebanho, sendo estas: albinismo acentuado, albinismo parcial -cabeça e peitoral e fotossensibilização, na qual todos eram menos desenvolvidos se comparados aos pais não consanguíneos. A alta incidência de raios solares na região do Pantanal Mato-Grossense potencializou queimaduras cutâneas e desgaste desses animais. Com objetivo de eliminar os genes defeituosos, os animais foram descartados e um novo touro foi introduzido.(AU)

IInbreeding is a reality in buffalo breeding in Brazil, due to the small number of animals in the herd, and mainly the lack of zootechnical bookkeeping and genetic selection of the species. This means that there is a lot of inbreeding and, as a consequence, congenital anomalies appear, which, associated with environmental conditions, result in animals with skin problems, poor development, low production and poor health. The present study demonstrated the effects of a management whose persistence of a bull for a period of 8 years generated progeny with depigmentation, culminating with dermatological alterations and low development in some animals of a herd, namely: accentuated albinism, partial albinism -head and pectoral and photosensitization, in which all were less developed compared to non-consanguineous parents. The high incidence of solar rays in the Pantanal Mato-Grossense region potentiated skin burns and wear of these animals. In order to eliminate the defective genes, the animals were discarded anda new bull was introduced.(AU)

La consanguinidad es una realidad en la cría de búfalos en Brasil,debido al pequeño número de animales en el rebaño, y principalmente la falta de contabilidad zootécnica y de selección de genética de la especie. Esto provoca la existencia de mucha endogamia y como consecuencia aparecen las anomalías congénitas, que asociadas a las condiciones ambientales resultan en animales con problemas de piel, bajo desarrollo, baja producción y salud. El presente estudio demostró los efectos de un manejo donde la persistencia de un toro por un periodo de 8 años generó progenie con despigmentación, culminando en alteraciones dermatológicas en un rebaño de 35 animales, siendo de los afectados: despigmentación severa, albinismo parcial -cabeza y pecho y fotosensibilización, en los que todos fueron menos desarrollados si se comparan con los padres no consanguíneos. La alta incidencia de los rayos solares en la región del Pantanal Mato-Grossense colaboró con las quemaduras y el desgaste de estos animales. Con el objetivo de eliminar los genes defectuosos, los animales fueron descartados y se introdujo un nuevo toro.(AU)

Animais , Búfalos/genética , Endogamia/métodos , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Brasil
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(4): 149-158, out.-dez. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434904


A pele é um órgão complexo constituído por diferentes tipos celulares e possui exposição direta ao meio ambiente, representando uma barreira física do organismo. Devido a tais fatores pode ocorrer o aparecimento de diversos tipos tumorais. Além disso, a pele possui alta capacidade de renovação celular, o que aumenta as chances de mutações em comparação com outros tecidos, o que a torna um lugar favorável para o desenvolvimento de neoplasias. É comum ocorrer nos animais domésticos o desenvolvimento de neoplasias cutâneas, sendo que sua prevalência depende de fatores como genética, idade, raça, relação hormonal, nutrição, entre outros. O tricoblastoma é uma neoplasia benigna cutânea comum em cães e gatos adultos, animais com idade entre seis e nove anos são os mais acometidos, e não existe predisposição em machos e fêmeas. É derivado do folículo piloso primitivo e possui componentes epiteliais e mesenquimais. O tricoblastoma não é considerado agressivo, porém, existem relatos na literatura com características de neoplasia maligna. O tratamento de eleição do tricoblastoma é a exérese cirúrgica total do mesmo, com margens de segurança entre 1 e 2cm. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de um animal atendido no Centro Médico Veterinário do Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas, o qual foi diagnosticado com tricoblastoma.

The skin is a complex organ composed of different cell types and has direct exposure to the environment, representing an organism's physical barrier. Due to such factors, the appearance of several tumor types may occur. In addition, the skin has a high capacity to perform cell renewal, which increases the chances of mutations compared to other tissues, turning it a favorable place for the development of neoplasms. The development of skin neoplasms in domestic animals is a common fact, and their prevalence depends on factors such as genetics, age, race, hormonal relationship, nutrition, among others. Trichoblastoma is a benign cutaneous neoplasm common in adult dogs and cats, animals aged between six and nine years are the most affected, and there is no predisposition in males and females. It is derived from the primitive hair follicle and has epithelial and mesenchymal components. Trichoblastoma is not considered aggressive; however, there are reports in the literature with characteristics of malignant neoplasm. The treatment of choice for trichoblastoma is the total surgical excision, with safety margins between 1 and 2cm. The present study aims to report the case of an animal treated at the Veterinary Medical Center of the University Center of Southern Minas Gerais, which was diagnosed with trichoblastoma.

Animais , Cães , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Animais Domésticos
Clín. Vet. (São Paulo, Ed. Port.) ; 27(159): 44-53, jul.-ago. 2022.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1391005


A demodicidose é uma doença incomum na rotina clínico-dermatológica de felinos. Ela pode ser causada pelo ácaro Demodex gatoi ou pelo Demodex cati, e há relatos de uma nova espécie ainda não nomeada. Inúmeras formas de diagnóstico e protocolos terapêuticos relativos à demodicidose canina vêm sendo relatados há anos. Contudo, há poucos trabalhos atuais sobre o tema em felinos. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre essa dermatopatia, com a descrição da sua etiologia, da epidemiologia, dos sinais clínicos, do diagnóstico e das formas de tratamento atuais, pois a demodicidose felina é difícil de tratar e diagnosticar, por ser uma enfermidade rara e de baixa incidência. Ainda há necessidade de trabalhos futuros para que o estudo da doença possa ser aprofundado e para que se defina um protocolo terapêutico mais conciso, incluindo padronização de doses e frequência de administração.(AU)

Demodicosis is an uncommon disease in the clinical-dermatological routine of felines. It can be caused by the Demodex gatoi or Demodex cati, and a new, as yet unnamed species has been reported. Numerous forms of diagnosis and therapeutic protocols have been reported for canine demodicosis for years. However, there are few current studies on the subject in felines. Therefore, the present work aims to carry out a literature review on this skin disease, with a description of its etiology, epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis and current forms of treatment, as feline demodicosis still has a therapeutic and diagnostic difficulty because it is a rare and low-incidence disease. Future studies are still needed to reach a better understand of the disease and to define a more concise therapeutic protocol, including standardization of doses and frequency of administration.(AU)

La demodicosis es una enfermedad poco común en la rutina clínico- dermatológica de los felinos. Puede ser causada por los ácaros Demodex gatoi o Demodex cati, y se ha informado de una nueva especie, aún sin nombre. Numerosas formas de diagnóstico y protocolos terapéuticos para la demodicosis canina han sido utilizados durante años. Sin embargo, existen pocos trabajos actuales sobre el tema en felinos. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre esta enfermedad de la piel, con una descripción de su etiología, epidemiología, signos clínicos, diagnóstico y formas de tratamiento actuales, ya que la demodicosis felina aún presenta una dificultad terapéutica y diagnóstica por ser una enfermedad rara y de baja incidencia. Se requiere estudo futuro para profundizar el conocimiento de la enfermedad y definir un protocolo terapéutico más conciso, que incluya estandarización de dosis y frecuencia de administración.(AU)

Animais , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Trombiculíase/diagnóstico , Gatos/parasitologia , Trombiculidae , Revisão
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1878, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400774


Background: Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm that arises from melanocytes and malanoblasts. It is also more frequently reported in dogs than in other species. They may arise from melanocytes in the skin, on the surfaces of the mucous membranes, and eyes. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological aspects, risk factors and clinicopathological findings of melanoma in dogs in the backlands, northeastern Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study was carried out in all biopsy samples and necropsy examinations of dogs, from January 2003 to December 2021, at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraiba, northeastern Brazil. Epidemiological data, clinical signs, and gross lesions were reviewed from the diagnostic laboratory reports. Samples of the skin, lymph nodes, central nervous system and organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed routinely for histopathology, embedded in paraffin wax, cut into 4 µm sections, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Histological sections were also submitted to immunohistochemistry with the primary antibody anti-Melan A. Of the 4717 records found, 1158 (24.5%) were diagnosed with neoplasms, of which 48 (4.14%) cases were of melanoma. Of this total, 28 (58.3%) dogs were elderly, 19 (39.6%) were adults, and 1 (2.1%) was young. Mixed breed animals were the most affected (42.6%), followed by the pinscher breed (19.1%). According to the anatomical region, the most affected site was the skin (38/53=71.7%), followed by the oral cavity (12/53=22.65%) and the eyes (3/53=5.7%). Grossly, the skin lesions were characterized by exophytic and usually blackened, sometimes irregular and firm, nodules. At cut, they had a smooth, compact and blackened surface. Lesions in the oral cavity were characterized by blackened, irregular and infiltrating nodules or masses. The ocular lesions were always unilateral and were characterized by an enlarged and diffusely blackened eyeball, with areas of ulceration and subversion of tissue architecture. In 5 animals there was more than one anatomical site affected, totaling 53 lesions. In 9 (17%) cases, metastases were identified, 8 in regional lymph nodes and 1 in the lung. Histopathology showed a densely non-encapsulated, poorly delimited, expansive and infiltrative neoplasm, composed of neoplastic cells arranged in islands or nests and supported by fibrovascular stroma, containing a variable amount of brownish pigment (melanin). Immunohistochemistry showed strong immunostaining of the neoplastic cells in brown by the anti-Melan A antibody. Discussion: The diagnosis of melanoma was established based on epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Gender is not a predisposing factor, and although there was no statistically significant relationship, males were more affected. Senescence is a conditioning risk factor. Elderly animals were more affected (P < 0.0001) than adult ones, with OR = 4.38; and young ones (P = 0.0051), with OR = 12.65. Some breeds, especially those with marked skin pigmentation, were more affected, however the most affected ones in this survey were pinscher and poodle. Cutaneous melanoma accounted for almost 72% of cases, contesting recent studies where oral cavity melanoma was more frequent. Therefore, it is believed that the climatic conditions of the backlands sub-region, in northeastern Brazil, associated with the individual characteristics of the dogs, are involved in the development of these neoplasms, since the climate is predominantly dry, with high temperatures throughout the year, with maximums that can reach 40ºC, favoring the exposure to high incidence of ultraviolet radiation.

Animais , Cães , Melanócitos/patologia , Melanoma/veterinária , Melanoma/epidemiologia , Dermatopatias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 822, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401583


Background: Superficial necrolytic dermatitis (SND), hepatocutaneous syndrome (HCS), metabolic epidermal necrosis (MEN), and necrolytic migratory erythema (NME) are useful terms to describe a disease that likely has a multifactorial etiopathogenesis. SND is a rare and fatal disease characterized by skin lesions and liver disease. Common skin lesions include hyperkeratosis, fissures, erosion, ulceration, crusting, exudation from the paws, face, perianal regions, and pressure points. This case report aimed to report the case of a bitch that developed the rare Superficial Necrolytic Dermatitis disease, emphasizing the clinical signs of the disease, and the importance of complementary exams such as abdominal ultrasound and skin biopsy for the definitive diagnosis. Case: A 9-year-old, mixed-breed, neutered female was referred for clinical examination with 5 months history of hyperkeratosis and ulceration of the paw pads, presenting pain, lameness and weight loss. Abdominal ultrasound revealed a liver with heterogeneous echotexture, mixed echogenicity, irregular and poorly delimited margins with hypoechoic nodules throughout like honeycombs. The gallbladder was visualized with a moderately thick layer. Histological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of SND. Skin biopsies showed an increase in thickness of the epidermis due to irregular hyperplasia and proliferation of keratinocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis, pallor of the spinous layer of the epidermis and important parakeratosis. Due to the progression of the disease, significant worsening of the patient's clinical condition and pain, associated with the impossibility of cure, the animal was submitted to euthanasia. A necropsy was performed to allow assessment of the liver and pancreas. The biopsies showed a severe proliferative chronic hepatitis, steatosis and cholestasis associated with pancreatitis and necrotic multifocal proliferative fibrinopurulent areas in the pancreas. Discussion: Clinical signs such as lethargy, inappetence, weight loss, as well as the dermatological signs presented by this bitch are nonspecific clinical signs and require a deeper clinical, pathological and histopathological diagnostic investigation to reach the diagnosis of this disease. The definitive diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic honeycomb pattern in the liver or associated with a neoplastic finding in the pancreas on ultrasound examination and confirmed by histopathological evaluation of skin biopsies. Palliative treatment with corticosteroid anti-inflammatories, improvement in feed quality, with higher nutritional and protein intake and intravenous amino acid supplementation are suggested by some authors as treatment alternatives. However, not all owners can afford a costly lifetime treatment. With the progressive worsening of the condition, many owners opt for euthanasia as a way to shorten the suffering of the animal. This decision is not an easy one to make. Despite the poor prognosis of the disease, treatment options should be tried by veterinarians and owners prior to the option of euthanasia. However, new affordable nutritional and pharmacological strategies to treat or control the disease are needed in order to improve quality of life of SND patients.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Eritema Migratório Necrolítico/veterinária , Eritema Migratório Necrolítico/diagnóstico por imagem , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(5): 767-777, Sep.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403413


Disturbance of commensal intestinal microbiota is related to chronic inflammatory dermatosis. We analyzed the diversity of the gut microbiota to characterize the biological variation of psoriasis (Ps). Significant differences of gut microbiome profiles were revealed in murine model with psoriasis by sequencing 16S rRNA V3-V4 variable region. Group comparisons included the imiquimod cream (IMQ group, n=8), the imiquimod cream and antibiotics (ATB) (PC+IMQ group, n=8) and the healthy control (CTRL group, n=8). The gut microbiota existed in Ps groups including IMQ group and PC+IMQ group encompassed less diversity than controls, which were attributed to decreased presence of several taxa. The two Ps groups were characterized by significant reduction in firmicutes. In this study, microbiota of psoriasis was defined by an increase presence of Bacteroides. After treated with ATB, we found substantial increase of Lactobacillales but significant decrease of Clostridiales and Coriobacteriales. Relative lower abundance of multiple intestinal bacteria was observed in Ps groups. Although part of genera were concomitantly reduced in both IMQ and PC+IMQ conditions, we discovered the specialty of PC+IMQ group samples was that contained lower abundance of beneficial taxa. Characteristics of gut microbiota profiles in Ps mice were comparable to profiles in patients with Ps, which were related to alteration of specific inflammatory proteins in disease groups but were significantly different from control group. Thus, this study emphasizes the role of intestinal microbiota in the pathogenesis of Ps and provides new insight for investigating association between intestinal microbes and immune inflammation.

A perturbação da microbiota intestinal comensal está relacionada à dermatose inflamatória crônica. Analisamos a diversidade da microbiota intestinal para caracterizar a variação biológica da psoríase (Ps). Diferenças significativas do perfil microbiológico intestinal foram reveladas no modelo murino com psoríase pelo sequenciamento da região variável 16S rRNA V3-V4. As comparações de grupo incluíram o creme imiquimod (grupo IMQ, n=8), o creme imiquimod e antibióticos (ATB) (grupo PC+IMQ, n=8) e o controle saudável (grupo CTRL, n=8). A microbiota intestinal existia nos grupos Ps, incluindo o grupo IMQ e o grupo PC+IMQ englobava menos diversidade do que os controles, que foram atribuídos à diminuição da presença de vários taxa. Os dois grupos de Ps caracterizavam-se por uma redução significativa nos firicutes. Neste estudo, a microbiota da psoríase foi definida por um aumento da presença de bacteroides. Após o tratamento com ATB, encontramos um aumento substancial de Lactobacillales mas uma diminuição significativa de Clostridiales e Coriobacteriales. Uma menor abundância relativa de bactérias intestinais múltiplas foi observada nos grupos de Ps. Embora parte dos gêneros tenha sido concomitantemente reduzida tanto em condições IMQ como PC+IMQ, descobrimos que a especialidade das amostras do grupo PC+IMQ era que continham menor abundância de taxas benéficas. As características dos perfis de microbiota intestinal em ratos de Ps eram comparáveis aos perfis em pacientes com Ps, que estavam relacionados à alteração de proteínas inflamatórias específicas em grupos de doenças, mas eram significativamente diferentes do grupo controle. Assim, este estudo enfatiza o papel da microbiota intestinal na patogênese do Ps e fornece novos conhecimentos para investigar a associação entre micróbios intestinais e inflamação imunológica.

Animais , Psoríase/complicações , Dermatite/veterinária , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Muridae/microbiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 182-184, out./dez. 2022. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427117


The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cutaneous neoplasms in horses treated at the Center for the Development of Livestock at the Federal University of Bahia, as well as to correlate it with the coat color, breed, and age of the animal. For that, the attendance records for the last ten years were reviewed. When evaluating the files, 13 cases of cutaneous tumor in horses confirmed by histopathology and cytology were observed. The most prevalent skin tumors were sarcoid (38.5%), melanoma (23%), and fibrosarcoma (15.4%). Regarding the equine coat color, gray and sorrel horses were the most frequent with 30.7% and 23.1% of cases, respectively. As for the equine breed, the mangalarga marchador was the most prevalent (38.4%). Regarding age, 38.46% of the horses were up to 5 years old, 30.77% of the animals were between 4 and 10 years old, and 30.76% were between 11 and 16 years old. In the end, it can be concluded that sarcoid and melanoma were the most prevalent neoplasms.

Objetivou-se com este trabalho determinar a prevalência de neoplasias cutâneas em equinos atendidos no Centro de Desenvolvimento da Pecuária da Universidade Federal da Bahia, bem como correlaciona-la com a pelagem, raça e idade do animal. Para tanto revisou-se as fichas de atendimento dos últimos dez anos. Ao avaliar as fichas, observou-se 13 casos de tumor cutâneo em equinos confirmado por histopatologia ou citologia. Os tumores cutâneos mais prevalentes foram sarcoide (38,5%), melanoma (23%) e fibrossarcoma (15,4%). Com relação a pelagem, equinos tordilhos e alazões foram os mais frequentes com 30,7% e 23,1% dos casos, respectivamente. Quanto as raças, a mangalarga marchador foi a mais prevalente (38,4%). Em relação a idade, 38,46% dos equinos possuíam até 5 anos de idade, 30,77% dos animais apresentavam idade entre 4 e 10 anos e, 30,76% apresentavam idade entre 11 e 16 anos. Ao fim, pode-se concluir que o sarcoide e o melanoma foram as neoplasias mais prevalentes.

Animais , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Pelo Animal/citologia , Cavalos/anormalidades , Melanoma/veterinária
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 51(08): 1-5, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1480183


Blackleg, an acute myonecrosis caused by Clostridium chauvoei, is usually underdiagnosed since the rapid transport of adequate samples for laboratory testing is difficult. This study tested a direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique using common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue samples obtained from animals suspected with blackleg. Twenty-five samples, belonging to eleven animals from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, were analyzed. The direct PCR technique identified eight positive animals corroborating with results from microbiological culture. Skeletal muscle was the most common tissue type used in this study and when the animal was positive the pathogen was always detected in this tissue. Storage time of the impregnated filter paper at room temperature did not prove to be a limiting factor for the quality of the results indicating that this procedure can be carried out in the field and samples be sent in regular mail. Our results suggested that direct PCR of common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue is a practical and economical alternative for the diagnosis of blackleg.

Carbúnculo sintomático, uma mionecrose aguda causada por Clostridium chauvoei, costuma ser subdiagnosticada, pois o transporte rápido de amostras adequadas para exames laboratoriais é complicado. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) direta, utilizando papel filtro comum impregnado com amostras de tecido bovino obtidas de animais suspeitos de carbúnculo sintomático. Foram analisadas 25 amostras, pertencentes a onze animais do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A técnica de PCR direta identificou oito animais positivos, corroborando com os resultados da cultura microbiológica. O músculo esquelético foi o tecido mais utilizado neste estudo e quando o animal foi positivo, o patógeno sempre foi detectado neste tecido. O tempo de armazenamento do papel filtro impregnado, à temperatura ambiente, não se mostrou um fator limitante para a qualidade dos resultados, indicando que esse procedimento pode ser realizado no local e as amostras enviadas por correio normal. Nossos resultados sugerem que a PCR direta usando papel filtro comum impregnado com tecido bovino é uma alternativa prática e econômica para o diagnóstico de carbúnculo sintomático.

Animais , Bovinos , Carbúnculo/diagnóstico , Carbúnculo/veterinária , Clostridium , Filtração/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub.1793-2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458432


Background: Actinic dermatitis is an environmental skin disease resulting from excessive exposure to ultraviolet light irradiated by thesun. This phototoxic reaction affects dogs and cats, particularly with short hair and lightly pigmented skin, exposed to sun light. Primarylesions are typical from a sunburn and chronic exposure, and may induce to a premalignant lesion known as actinic keratosis, whichmay develop to neoplasms. The aim of the present study was to describe a retrospective study of actinic dermatitis and the occurrenceof cutaneous neoplasia in dogs presented to a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (HCV/UFRGS) in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande doSul, Brazil in a period of 10 years.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective review of medical records from January 2009 to December 2019 was performed toidentify dogs with actinic dermatitis. Twenty-eight dogs were diagnosed based on a history of sun exposure and skin lesions includingerythema, scaling, comedones, thickened skin, hyperpigmentation, ulceration and/or secondary infections on poorly pigmented skin. Inaddition, in twelve dogs (42.8%) the disease was also confirmed by histopathology. Cutaneous lesions locations were previously definedas head, limbs, neck and trunk. The head was subdivided in chin, ears, face, lips and nasal plane; the limbs in pelvic and thoracic; andthe trunk, in abdomen, dorsal pelvis, perianal and thorax. All 28 dogs diagnosed with actinic dermatitis in the study had been chronically exposed to solar radiation and had light skin and coat. Dogs were between 3 and 20 years old, mean 7.6 years and median 7 years,mostly female dogs (64.3%) and neutered or spayed (64.3%). The most affected breeds were American Pitbull Terrier (35.7%) andBoxers (28.5%). Other breeds were Bull Terrier, Dalmatian, Dogo Argentino and Scottish Terrier...

Animais , Cães , Ceratose Actínica/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Cães
Ci. Rural ; 51(08): 1-5, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765654


Blackleg, an acute myonecrosis caused by Clostridium chauvoei, is usually underdiagnosed since the rapid transport of adequate samples for laboratory testing is difficult. This study tested a direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique using common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue samples obtained from animals suspected with blackleg. Twenty-five samples, belonging to eleven animals from Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, were analyzed. The direct PCR technique identified eight positive animals corroborating with results from microbiological culture. Skeletal muscle was the most common tissue type used in this study and when the animal was positive the pathogen was always detected in this tissue. Storage time of the impregnated filter paper at room temperature did not prove to be a limiting factor for the quality of the results indicating that this procedure can be carried out in the field and samples be sent in regular mail. Our results suggested that direct PCR of common filter paper impregnated with cattle tissue is a practical and economical alternative for the diagnosis of blackleg.(AU)

Carbúnculo sintomático, uma mionecrose aguda causada por Clostridium chauvoei, costuma ser subdiagnosticada, pois o transporte rápido de amostras adequadas para exames laboratoriais é complicado. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) direta, utilizando papel filtro comum impregnado com amostras de tecido bovino obtidas de animais suspeitos de carbúnculo sintomático. Foram analisadas 25 amostras, pertencentes a onze animais do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. A técnica de PCR direta identificou oito animais positivos, corroborando com os resultados da cultura microbiológica. O músculo esquelético foi o tecido mais utilizado neste estudo e quando o animal foi positivo, o patógeno sempre foi detectado neste tecido. O tempo de armazenamento do papel filtro impregnado, à temperatura ambiente, não se mostrou um fator limitante para a qualidade dos resultados, indicando que esse procedimento pode ser realizado no local e as amostras enviadas por correio normal. Nossos resultados sugerem que a PCR direta usando papel filtro comum impregnado com tecido bovino é uma alternativa prática e econômica para o diagnóstico de carbúnculo sintomático.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Carbúnculo/diagnóstico , Carbúnculo/veterinária , Clostridium , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Filtração/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49: Pub. 1793, 15 mar. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762002


Background: Actinic dermatitis is an environmental skin disease resulting from excessive exposure to ultraviolet light irradiated by thesun. This phototoxic reaction affects dogs and cats, particularly with short hair and lightly pigmented skin, exposed to sun light. Primarylesions are typical from a sunburn and chronic exposure, and may induce to a premalignant lesion known as actinic keratosis, whichmay develop to neoplasms. The aim of the present study was to describe a retrospective study of actinic dermatitis and the occurrenceof cutaneous neoplasia in dogs presented to a Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (HCV/UFRGS) in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande doSul, Brazil in a period of 10 years.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective review of medical records from January 2009 to December 2019 was performed toidentify dogs with actinic dermatitis. Twenty-eight dogs were diagnosed based on a history of sun exposure and skin lesions includingerythema, scaling, comedones, thickened skin, hyperpigmentation, ulceration and/or secondary infections on poorly pigmented skin. Inaddition, in twelve dogs (42.8%) the disease was also confirmed by histopathology. Cutaneous lesions locations were previously definedas head, limbs, neck and trunk. The head was subdivided in chin, ears, face, lips and nasal plane; the limbs in pelvic and thoracic; andthe trunk, in abdomen, dorsal pelvis, perianal and thorax. All 28 dogs diagnosed with actinic dermatitis in the study had been chronically exposed to solar radiation and had light skin and coat. Dogs were between 3 and 20 years old, mean 7.6 years and median 7 years,mostly female dogs (64.3%) and neutered or spayed (64.3%). The most affected breeds were American Pitbull Terrier (35.7%) andBoxers (28.5%). Other breeds were Bull Terrier, Dalmatian, Dogo Argentino and Scottish Terrier...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Ceratose Actínica/veterinária , Cães
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06921, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287506


Plants of the genus Brachiaria, used in several countries as forage, are poisonous to some livestock species. Their toxic principle is protodioscin, and the main form of clinical presentation of the toxicosis is hepatogenous photosensitization. Here we compare protodioscin levels in B. decumbens and B. brizantha and review the literature on the concentrations and methodologies of collection and analysis of the toxic principle in Brachiaria spp. and the risk of contamination of pastures by more toxic species that may facilitate poisoning by plants of this genus in sheep. The experiment was conducted in pastures originally formed by B. brizantha, with many B. decumbens invasion points. The occurrence of cases of poisoning by Brachiaria spp. was the criterion for confirming pasture toxicity. The forage samples were collected at ten random points every 28 days through manual grazing simulation. The samples were analyzed for protodioscin by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with light scattering by evaporation (ELSD) after being dried and crushed. In the flock of 69 sheep, five poisoning cases occurred, three sheep died, and two recovered. The protodioscin levels found in the evaluated pastures ranged from 0.70 to 0.45%; higher levels appeared in B. decumbens (7.09%) compared to 1.04% in B. brizantha. We suggest that Brachiaria spp. should be avoided in pastures where sheep are grazing.(AU)

Plantas do gênero Brachiaria, utilizadas em vários países como forragem, são tóxicas para várias espécies pecuárias. Seu princípio tóxico é a protodioscina, e a principal forma de apresentação clínica da toxicose é a fotossensibilização hepatógena. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis de protodioscina em B. decumbens e B. brizantha e revisar a literatura sobre as concentrações e metodologias de coleta e análise do princípio tóxico em Brachiaria spp. e o risco de contaminação das pastagens por espécies mais tóxicas que podem facilitar a intoxicação por plantas desse gênero em ovinos. O experimento foi conduzido em pastagens originalmente formadas por B. brizantha, com diversos pontos de invasão por B. decumbens. Ocorrência de casos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. foi o critério para confirmação da toxicidade da pastagem. As amostras de forragem foram coletadas a cada 28 dias em dez pontos aleatórios por meio de simulação de pastejo manual. As amostras foram analisadas para protodioscina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) com dispersão de luz por evaporação (ELSD) após serem secadas e trituradas. No rebanho de 69 ovelhas, cinco desenvolveram a intoxicação, três morreram e duas se recuperaram. Os níveis de protodioscina encontrados nas pastagens avaliadas variaram de 0,70 a 0,45%; níveis mais elevados apareceram em B. decumbens (7,09%) em comparação com 1,04% em B. brizantha. Sugerimos que Brachiaria spp. deve ser evitada no pasto de ovelhas em pastejo.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação por Plantas , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Pastagens , Brachiaria , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade , Toxicidade , Literatura
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06921, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32778


Plants of the genus Brachiaria, used in several countries as forage, are poisonous to some livestock species. Their toxic principle is protodioscin, and the main form of clinical presentation of the toxicosis is hepatogenous photosensitization. Here we compare protodioscin levels in B. decumbens and B. brizantha and review the literature on the concentrations and methodologies of collection and analysis of the toxic principle in Brachiaria spp. and the risk of contamination of pastures by more toxic species that may facilitate poisoning by plants of this genus in sheep. The experiment was conducted in pastures originally formed by B. brizantha, with many B. decumbens invasion points. The occurrence of cases of poisoning by Brachiaria spp. was the criterion for confirming pasture toxicity. The forage samples were collected at ten random points every 28 days through manual grazing simulation. The samples were analyzed for protodioscin by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with light scattering by evaporation (ELSD) after being dried and crushed. In the flock of 69 sheep, five poisoning cases occurred, three sheep died, and two recovered. The protodioscin levels found in the evaluated pastures ranged from 0.70 to 0.45%; higher levels appeared in B. decumbens (7.09%) compared to 1.04% in B. brizantha. We suggest that Brachiaria spp. should be avoided in pastures where sheep are grazing.(AU)

Plantas do gênero Brachiaria, utilizadas em vários países como forragem, são tóxicas para várias espécies pecuárias. Seu princípio tóxico é a protodioscina, e a principal forma de apresentação clínica da toxicose é a fotossensibilização hepatógena. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis de protodioscina em B. decumbens e B. brizantha e revisar a literatura sobre as concentrações e metodologias de coleta e análise do princípio tóxico em Brachiaria spp. e o risco de contaminação das pastagens por espécies mais tóxicas que podem facilitar a intoxicação por plantas desse gênero em ovinos. O experimento foi conduzido em pastagens originalmente formadas por B. brizantha, com diversos pontos de invasão por B. decumbens. Ocorrência de casos de intoxicação por Brachiaria spp. foi o critério para confirmação da toxicidade da pastagem. As amostras de forragem foram coletadas a cada 28 dias em dez pontos aleatórios por meio de simulação de pastejo manual. As amostras foram analisadas para protodioscina por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) com dispersão de luz por evaporação (ELSD) após serem secadas e trituradas. No rebanho de 69 ovelhas, cinco desenvolveram a intoxicação, três morreram e duas se recuperaram. Os níveis de protodioscina encontrados nas pastagens avaliadas variaram de 0,70 a 0,45%; níveis mais elevados apareceram em B. decumbens (7,09%) em comparação com 1,04% em B. brizantha. Sugerimos que Brachiaria spp. deve ser evitada no pasto de ovelhas em pastejo.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação por Plantas , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Pastagens , Brachiaria , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade , Toxicidade , Literatura
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(3): 220-224, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453288


This was the first study of the prevalence of skin diseases in dogs and cats in Santa Catarina. Medical records of all canine and feline patients referred to the Veterinary Clinic of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Curitibanos campus, were evaluated. From 2015 to 2019, 322 dogs and cats presented dermatological lesions, corresponding to 25.3% of dermatological cases. Among them, 276 (85.7%) were dogs, and 46 (14.3%) were cats. Definitive diagnose were obtained in 72.5% and 71.3% of canine and feline patients, respectively. Mixed breed adults were most likely to develop skin diseases. Among the primary conditions, parasitic, fungal, and bacterial diseases were the most prevalent for both species. In dogs, pulicosis, followed by pyoderma and dermatophytosis, were the major diseases encountered. Nevertheless, cats presented higher prevalence of fungal diseases, followed by parasitic and bacterial disorders. Malassezia otitis was the most prevalent, followed by pulicosis and dermatophytosis.

Este foi o primeiro estudo sobre prevalência de doenças cutâneas de cães e gatos em Santa Catarina. Foram avaliados os prontuários de todos os pacientes atendidos na Clínica Veterinária da UFSC, campus Curitibanos, no período de 2015 a 2019. Foram avaliados 322 animais apresentando queixas dermatológicas, o que correspondeu a 25,3% do total de casos. Entre eles, 276 (85,7%) eram cães e 46 (14,3%) eram gatos. Foi possível diagnosticar 72,5% dos cães e 71,3% dos gatos. A principal faixa etária avaliada foi de adultos e a maioria dos animais era sem raça definida. Entre as principais doenças, as parasitárias, fúngicas e bac-terianas foram as mais prevalentes para ambas as espécies. Quanto às principais doenças, nos cães as mais observadas foram puli-ciose, seguida de pioderma e dermatofitose. Para os felinos, as doenças fúngicas foram as mais prevalentes, seguidas pelas doenças parasitárias e bacterianas. A otite por Malassezia foi a doença mais prevalente, seguida por puliciose e dermatofitose.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Cães/lesões , Dermatopatias , Gatos/lesões
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(3): 220-224, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765323


This was the first study of the prevalence of skin diseases in dogs and cats in Santa Catarina. Medical records of all canine and feline patients referred to the Veterinary Clinic of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Curitibanos campus, were evaluated. From 2015 to 2019, 322 dogs and cats presented dermatological lesions, corresponding to 25.3% of dermatological cases. Among them, 276 (85.7%) were dogs, and 46 (14.3%) were cats. Definitive diagnose were obtained in 72.5% and 71.3% of canine and feline patients, respectively. Mixed breed adults were most likely to develop skin diseases. Among the primary conditions, parasitic, fungal, and bacterial diseases were the most prevalent for both species. In dogs, pulicosis, followed by pyoderma and dermatophytosis, were the major diseases encountered. Nevertheless, cats presented higher prevalence of fungal diseases, followed by parasitic and bacterial disorders. Malassezia otitis was the most prevalent, followed by pulicosis and dermatophytosis.(AU)

Este foi o primeiro estudo sobre prevalência de doenças cutâneas de cães e gatos em Santa Catarina. Foram avaliados os prontuários de todos os pacientes atendidos na Clínica Veterinária da UFSC, campus Curitibanos, no período de 2015 a 2019. Foram avaliados 322 animais apresentando queixas dermatológicas, o que correspondeu a 25,3% do total de casos. Entre eles, 276 (85,7%) eram cães e 46 (14,3%) eram gatos. Foi possível diagnosticar 72,5% dos cães e 71,3% dos gatos. A principal faixa etária avaliada foi de adultos e a maioria dos animais era sem raça definida. Entre as principais doenças, as parasitárias, fúngicas e bac-terianas foram as mais prevalentes para ambas as espécies. Quanto às principais doenças, nos cães as mais observadas foram puli-ciose, seguida de pioderma e dermatofitose. Para os felinos, as doenças fúngicas foram as mais prevalentes, seguidas pelas doenças parasitárias e bacterianas. A otite por Malassezia foi a doença mais prevalente, seguida por puliciose e dermatofitose.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Dermatopatias , Cães/lesões , Gatos/lesões
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 712, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363898


Background: Although the etiology of hepatogenous photosensitization has not yet been fully elucidated, it is known that hepatotoxic substances (saponins) present in grasses of the genus Brachiaria spp. are responsible for intoxication of ruminants and horses, causing great economic losses in the whole world. Since this grass is the source of food for the herd in Brazil, and other countries of the world, the aim of this paper is to describe the epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological aspects of a steer with this disease. Case: A 3-year-old Nellore steer was referred to veterinary care at a property in Bahia, with a 3-week history of swelling, loss of cutaneous tissue in the ear and scrotum region, and dry faeces. The animal was raised in pasture with Brachiaria decumbens along with five animals of different age and sex; however, it was the only one to present symptoms. Although the animal had been treated at the farm, there was no clinical improvement. On clinical examination, the steer was apathetic with jaundiced mucous membranes, nasal and ocular discharge, epiphora, and ulcers on the labial and gum commissure. The steer had leukocytosis with neutrophilia, anemia, and hyperfibrinogemia. The body condition score (BCS) was 2 (BCS ranges from 1 to 5), and the skin lesions observed were bedsores, necrosis and scabs in several regions. The increase in liver enzymes (GGT, AST) indicated hepatic impairment, suggesting a case of hepatogenous photosensitization. The therapeutic protocol instituted was enteral hydration, electrolyte replacement, topical application of ointment in the injured areas. In addition, it was recommended to maintain the animal in the shade, supply of good quality grass, and a new clinical evaluation in seven days. On new examination, it was observed that there was no satisfactory clinical improvement of the animal, and persistence of laboratory changes. Despite the poor prognosis, treatment was continued for another month with the same recommendations. However, in view of the severe clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was submitted euthanasia. Necropsy revealed extensive areas of bedsores, erythema, severe jaundice in the mucous membranes, eyeballs and opaque corneas. The liver had an enlarged volume with bulging edges and a greenish color. The kidneys had a pale brownish color, with an irregular and mottled subcapsular surface, with blackened and depressed spots. Histologically, the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes was finely vacuolated, sometimes refringent and with an abundant presence of bile pigment. It was also observed in the middle of the liver parenchyma, multiple foci of accumulation of macrophages filled with vacuoles of different sizes containing saponins and crystals of saponins inside bile ducts. Furthermore, it was possible to observe hypertrophy and hyperplasia of Kupffer cells, disarrangement of hepatocytes with individual necrosis of hepatocytes. Discussion: The diagnosis of hepatogenous photosensitization was based on history, clinical, laboratory and anatomopathological findings. Serum biochemistry was important to measure hepatic impairment and possible secondary lesions, which were confirmed by the necropsy. Although hepatogenous photosensitization is less common in adult cattle, it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of skin lesions, reduced appetite, and jaundice. Since it was a sporadic case, individual predisposition is probably a preponderant factor.

Animais , Bovinos , Transtornos de Fotossensibilidade/veterinária , Saponinas/toxicidade , Brachiaria/toxicidade , Fígado/lesões , Ração Animal/análise , Hepatopatias/veterinária