This research aimed to investigate the occurrence of Chlamydia sp., Morbillivirus sp., Parvovirus sp., Leishmania sp. and Alphacoronavirus sp. in captive giant anteaters. Blood and fecal samples were taken from 16 animals in institutions from the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia and Distrito Federal, which had been in captivity for at least a year. A commercial rapid chromatographic immunoassay test was used for detecting coronavirus and parvovirus antigens, in addition to antibodies against leishmaniasis, all results being negative. In the case of the test for antibodies against distemper, four (4/16; 25%) anteaters had an average titration, two (2/16; 12.5%) a low titration and ten (10/16; 62.5%) were non-reactive. Using the DOT-ELISA (dot blotting) method for detection of immunoglobulin G, only one specimen obtained a 1 : 40 titration. For the polymerase chain reaction tests for Leishmania and Chlamydia, all samples were negative.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de Chlamydia sp., Morbillivirus sp., Parvovirus sp., Leishmania sp. e Alphacoronavirus sp. em tamanduás-bandeira cativos. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue e fezes de 16 animais em instituições dos estados de Minas Gerais, Bahia e Distrito Federal, que estavam em cativeiro há pelo menos um ano. Um teste comercial rápido de imunoensaio cromatográfico foi usado para detectar antígenos de coronavírus e parvovírus, além de anticorpos contra a leishmaniose, sendo todos os resultados negativos. No caso do teste para anticorpos contra a doença, quatro (4/16; 25%) tamanduás apresentaram titulação média, dois (2/16; 12,5%) uma titulação baixa e dez (10/16; 62,5%) não foram reativos. A partir do método DOT-ELISA (dot blotting) para detecção de imunoglobulina G, apenas um espécime obteve uma titulação de 1: 40. Para os testes de reação em cadeia da polimerase para Leishmania e Chlamydia, todas as amostras foram negativas.
Animais , Chlamydia/isolamento & purificação , Parvovirus/isolamento & purificação , Morbillivirus/isolamento & purificação , Alphacoronavirus/isolamento & purificação , Vermilingua/virologia , Leishmania/isolamento & purificação , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis, caused by the intracellular bacterium Ehrlichia canis, can affect different organs, including the kidneys, in different stages of infection, and kidney involvement is considered one of the main causes of death related to the disease. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of kidney disease in dogs naturally infected with E. canis and to correlate antibody levels with the severity of renal disease. Serum concentrations of urea, creatinine, and proteins (albumin and globulin), along with urine concentration, urine gamma-glutamyl transferase, and urine protein levels, were evaluated in 60 dogs with E. canis infection diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction. The detection of anti-E. canis antibodies was also performed for each dog. Of the 60 dogs with E. canis infection, 73.33% presented anti-E. canis antibodies. Laboratory abnormalities consistent with renal disease were observed in 33 (55%) infected dogs, and of these, 43.3% were in stage I chronic kidney disease. A positive correlation was observed between antibody levels and total plasma protein (p = 0.0332) and serum globulin (p = 0.0057) levels. In this study, renal disease was observed on routine laboratory testing in 55% of dogs with monocytic ehrlichiosis; however, there was no correlation between the stage of renal disease and the antibody titer against E. canis.(AU)
A Erliquiose monocítica canina, causada pela bactéria intracelular Ehrlichia canis, pode acometer diferentes órgãos inclusive os rins, nas distintas fases da infecção, sendo considerada uma das principais causas de óbito relacionadas a essa doença. Este trabalho teve por objetivo investigar a ocorrência de doença renal em cães naturalmente infectados por E. canis correlacionando à gravidade da doença renal. Sessenta cães com infecção por E. canis diagnosticados pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) foram avaliados a concentração sérica de ureia e creatinina, proteínas (albumina e globulinas), urinálise, gamaglutamil transferase urinária e proteinúria. Paralelamente foi pesquisado a presença de anticorpos anti-E. canis pelo ensaio imunoenzimático (dot ELISA). Dos 60 cães com infecção por E. canis, 73,33% apresentaram anticorpos anti- E. canis, enquanto, 33 (55%) cães apresentaram achados laboratoriais condizentes com doença renal, e destes 43,3% dos cães encontravam-se no estágio I da doença renal. Correlação positiva foi observada entre os níveis de anticorpos, globulina sérica (p=0,0057) e proteínas plasmáticas totais (p=0,0332). Neste estudo, a doença renal foi observada em 55% dos cães com erliquiose monocítica, utilizando exames laboratoriais empregados na rotina clínica, sem correlação com o estadiamento da doença renal, apesar dos altos títulos de anticorpos contra E. canis.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ehrlichia canis , Ehrlichiose/complicações , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterinária , Glomerulonefrite/veterinária , Biomarcadores , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterináriaResumo
This study was conducted to evaluate caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV) transmission among sheep using 15 lambs that were distributed in 2 experimental groups. The exposed group consisted of 10 lambs that remained with their mothers, who were experimentally infected with CAEV. The non-exposed group was characterized as the control group and was comprised of 5 lambs that remained with their CAEV-negative mothers. Blood samples were collected monthly from birth until 1 year of life. To evaluate the transmission, an agar gel immunodiffusion test (AGID), enzyme immunoassay (ELISA), immunoblotting (IB), and nested polymerase chain reaction (nPCR) techniques were used. The non-exposed group was negative in all of the tests throughout the whole experiment. In the exposed group, 2 individuals had positive nPCR results. Positive nPCR samples were sequenced for comparison with the original goat strains and were shown to be similar to the CAEV-Cork strain. Seroconversion was not detected, and clinical manifestations were not observed. Thus, after 1 year of observation, it was verified that CAEV transmission among sheep is possible; however, with discreet frequency. This was an initial study, and other experiments are needed to analyze the adaptive capacity of the CAEV to remain in an infected sheep flock and cause the disease.(AU)
O estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a transmissão do vírus da artrite encefalite caprina (CAEV) entre ovinos, utilizando 15 cordeiros, distribuídos em dois grupos experimentais. O grupo exposto foi constituído por 10 cordeiros, mantidos com suas mães, que foram infectadas, experimentalmente, com CAEV. O grupo não exposto caracterizou-se como grupo controle e foi formado por cinco cordeiros, mantidos com suas matrizes, negativas para CAEV. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue mensalmente, do periodo que compreende o nascimento até um ano de vida. Para avaliar a transmissão, foram utilizadas as técnicas de imunodifusão em gel de agarose (IDGA), ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA), immunoblotting (IB) e reação em cadeia da polimerase do tipo nested (nPCR). O grupo não exposto se manteve negativo aos testes durante todo o experimento. Já no grupo exposto, dois indivíduos apresentaram resultados positivos na nPCR. As amostras positivas na nPCR foram sequenciadas para serem comparadas com as cepas originais de caprinos, comprovando se tratar de lentivírus semelhante à cepa CAEV-Cork. A soroconversão não foi detectada e a manifestação clínica não foi observada. Sendo assim, após um ano de observação, verificou-se que a transmissão do CAEV entre ovinos é possível, entretanto, com discreta frequência. Este foi um estudo inicial, e outros experimentos são necessários para analisar a capacidade adaptativa do CAEV de permanecer em rebanho ovino infectado e, com isso, causar doença.(AU)
Animais , Vírus da Artrite-Encefalite Caprina , Infecções por Lentivirus/transmissão , Infecções por Lentivirus/veterinária , Ovinos , Vírus Visna-Maedi , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Immunoblotting/veterináriaResumo
The aim of this study was to identify Plasmodium spp. in blood samples from nonhuman primates (NHPs) in the state of Maranhão, using classical and alternative techniques for examination of human malaria. A total of 161 blood samples from NHPs were analyzed: 141 from captive animals at a Wildlife Screening Center (CETAS) and 20 from free-living animals in a private reserve. The techniques used were microscopy, rapid diagnostic test (RDT), Indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and molecular techniques (semi-nested PCR, quantitative real-time PCR and LAMP). Two serological methods (dot-ELISA and indirect ELISA) were also standardized with rhoptry protein-soluble antigen of P. falciparum and P. berghei. Trophozoite forms of Plasmodium sp. were identified on slides from five different animals. No samples were positive through RDT and LAMP. Four samples were seropositive for P. malariae through IFAT. The samples showed low reactivity to ELISA. Plasmodium sp. was detected in 34.16% (55/161) of the samples using qPCR based on the 18S rRNA gene. After sequencing, two samples showed 100% identityl to P. malariae, one showed 97% identity to Plasmodium sp. ZOOBH and one showed 99% identity to P. falciparum . PCR was shown to be the most sensitive technique for diagnosing Plasmodium in NHP samples.(AU)
Neste estudo objetivamos identificar Plasmodium spp. em amostras sangue de primatas não humanos (PNH) do estado do Maranhão, utilizando técnicas clássicas e alternativas para o exame da malária humana. Foram analisadas 161 amostras de sangue de PNH, sendo 141 de CETAS (cativeiro) e 20 de reserva particular (vida livre), utilizando microscopia, teste de diagnóstico rápido (RDT), imunofluorescência indireta (IFI) e técnicas moleculares (semi-nested PCR, PCR em tempo real quantitativo e LAMP). Dois métodos sorológicos (dot-ELISA e ELISA indireto) também foram padronizados com antígenos solúveis de roptrias de P. falciparum e P. berghei. Formas trofozoíticas de Plasmodium sp. foram identificadas em lâminas de cinco animais diferentes. Nenhuma amostra foi positiva em TDR e LAMP. Quatro amostras foram soropositivas para P. malariae na IFI. Os soros de PNH mostraram baixa reatividade pelo ELISA indireto. Plasmodium sp. foi detectado em 34,16% (55/161) das amostras utilizando a qPCR baseada no gene 18S rRNA. No sequenciamento, duas amostras mostraram identidade com P. malariae (100%), uma com Plasmodium sp. ZOOBH (97%) e uma com P. falciparum (99%). A PCR mostrou ser a técnica mais sensível para diagnósticos de Plasmodium em amostras de PNH.(AU)
Animais , Platirrinos/parasitologia , Malária/sangue , Malária/diagnóstico , Malária/veterinária , Plasmodium/patogenicidade , Testes Sorológicos/métodos , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaResumo
Background Loxoscelism is a severe human envenomation caused by Loxosceles spider venom. To the best of our knowledge, no study has evaluated the presence of antibodies against Loxosceles venom in loxoscelism patients without treatment with antivenom immunotherapy. We perform a comparative analysis for the presence of antibodies capable of recognizing Loxosceles venom in a group of patients diagnosed with loxoscelism and in a group of people without loxoscelism. Methods The detection of L. laeta venom, Sicarius venom and recombinant phospholipases D from Loxosceles (PLDs) in sera from people with loxoscelism (Group 1) and from healthy people with no history of loxoscelism (Group 2) was evaluated using immuno-dot blot, indirect ELISA, and Western blot. Results We found naturally heterophilic antibodies (IgG-type) in people without contact with Loxosceles spiders or any clinical history of loxoscelism. Either serum pools or single sera from Group 1 and Group 2 analyzed by dot blot tested positive for L. laeta venom. Indirect ELISA for venom recognition showed titles of 1:320 for Group 1 sera and 1:160 for Group 2 sera. Total IgG quantification showed no difference in sera from both groups. Pooled sera and purified IgG from sera of both groups revealed venom proteins between 25 and 32 kDa and the recombinant phospholipase D isoform 1 (rLlPLD1), specifically. Moreover, heterophile antibodies cross-react with PLDs from other Loxosceles species and the venom of Sicarius spider. Conclusions People without contact with the spider venom produced heterophilic antibodies capable of generating a cross-reaction against the venom of L. laeta and Sicarius spiders. Their presence and possible interference should be considered in the development of immunoassays for Loxosceles venom detection.(AU)
Anticorpos Heterófilos/análise , Venenos de Aranha/imunologia , Fosfolipase D/imunologia , Picada de Aranha/complicaçõesResumo
Background Loxoscelism is a severe human envenomation caused by Loxosceles spider venom. To the best of our knowledge, no study has evaluated the presence of antibodies against Loxosceles venom in loxoscelism patients without treatment with antivenom immunotherapy. We perform a comparative analysis for the presence of antibodies capable of recognizing Loxosceles venom in a group of patients diagnosed with loxoscelism and in a group of people without loxoscelism. Methods The detection of L. laeta venom, Sicarius venom and recombinant phospholipases D from Loxosceles (PLDs) in sera from people with loxoscelism (Group 1) and from healthy people with no history of loxoscelism (Group 2) was evaluated using immuno-dot blot, indirect ELISA, and Western blot. Results We found naturally heterophilic antibodies (IgG-type) in people without contact with Loxosceles spiders or any clinical history of loxoscelism. Either serum pools or single sera from Group 1 and Group 2 analyzed by dot blot tested positive for L. laeta venom. Indirect ELISA for venom recognition showed titles of 1:320 for Group 1 sera and 1:160 for Group 2 sera. Total IgG quantification showed no difference in sera from both groups. Pooled sera and purified IgG from sera of both groups revealed venom proteins between 25 and 32 kDa and the recombinant phospholipase D isoform 1 (rLlPLD1), specifically. Moreover, heterophile antibodies cross-react with PLDs from other Loxosceles species and the venom of Sicarius spider. Conclusions People without contact with the spider venom produced heterophilic antibodies capable of generating a cross-reaction against the venom of L. laeta and Sicarius spiders. Their presence and possible interference should be considered in the development of immunoassays for Loxosceles venom detection.
Anticorpos Heterófilos/análise , Fosfolipase D/imunologia , Venenos de Aranha/imunologia , Picada de Aranha/complicaçõesResumo
Abstract Background Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.
Background Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life - membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories - and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomicose , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
Background Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life - membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories - and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomicose , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Valor Preditivo dos Testes , Padrões de ReferênciaResumo
Background: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods: In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results: The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion: Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Anticorpos MonoclonaisResumo
Background: Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a neglected systemic mycosis caused by a dimorphic fungus of the Paracoccidioides genus. The standard diagnosis is based on isolation of the fungi in culture, and by microscopic visualization of characteristic multiple budding yeast cells in biological samples. However, in some situations, access to the site of injury prevents the collection of biological material. A variety of immuno-serological techniques has proven useful for allowing inferring diagnosis with a certain degree of certainty, thus optimizing time. The aim of this study was to standardize and validate the Dot-ELISA (DE) assay, comparing it with the serological standard, double immunodiffusion (DI). Methods: In order to standardize the DE assay, 143 serum samples were used. Out of those, 23 were from apparently healthy patients, 77 were from patients with confirmed PCM and 43 were from patients with other lung infections (tuberculosis, aspergillosis and histoplasmosis). To validate the DE technique, 300 serum samples from patients with PCM clinical suspicion (probable and possible cases) were employed, and these results were compared with those of DI. Results: The DE assay showed sensitivity of 91%, specificity of 95.4%, positive predictive value of 96%, negative predictive value of 98.2%, accuracy of 93%, and great precision (k = 0.93). In addition, the nitrocellulose membranes have proved to be viable for using at least 90 days after P. brasiliensis B-339 antigen sensitization. Conclusion: Dot-ELISA method was found to be an extremely promising tool as serologic screening technique, because of its high sensitivity. Furthermore, Dot-ELISA shows the prospect of being transferred to laboratories of mycoserology including those with fewer resources or even to be used directly in the field. It has an excellent shelf life membranes coated with antigen can be used for testing without changes in the pattern of reactivity among laboratories and presents reliable values of sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, accuracy and a high correlation with the serological standard methodology. Based on the present findings, it possible to state that this technique constitutes a remarkable option to be used in routine diagnosis for public health centers.(AU)
Animais , Serpentes , Fosfolipases A2 , Inibidores de Fosfolipase A2 , Anticorpos MonoclonaisResumo
Com o objetivo de diagnosticar a situação do complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 355 bovinos distribuídos em 18 propriedades rurais, sorteadas aleatoriamente. Em cada propriedade, foi aplicado um questionário socioeconômico para a análise de fatores que favorecem a manutenção do complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina. Foi realizado também um levantamento epidemiológico dos casos de teníase diagnosticados nos laboratórios credenciados pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Salinas, no período de 2007 a 2010. A prevalência de cisticercose bovina foi de 4,70% enquanto as prevalências de teníase, encontradas durante os quatro períodos avaliados, foram de 0,29%, 0,36%, 0,24% e 0,24%. Entre os fatores de risco para a manutenção do complexo teníase-cisticercose analisados, foi observada uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre a ocorrência de cisticercose bovina e a ingestão de carne malpassada pelos entrevistados. Foi concluído que a cisticercose bovina está presente no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais, sendo o tratamento térmico ineficiente da carne bovina o principal fator de risco para a manutenção do complexo teníase-cisticercose, o que reforça a necessidade da adoção de medidas de controle com contínua vigilância epidemiológica e sanitária.(AU)
In order to diagnose the situation of bovine taeniasis-cysticercosis complex in the municipality of Salinas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, blood samples were collected from 355 cattle in 18 randomly selected farms. A socioeconomic questionnaire was filled in each farm for the analysis of factors which favor the maintenance of the taeniasis-cysticercosis complex. An epidemiological survey of human taeniasis was performed through analyses of the Municipal Health Department in the 2007-2010 period. A prevalence of 4.7% for bovine cysticercosis and the frequency of 0.29, 0.36, 0.24 and 0.24% for human taeniasis, during the evaluated period, was found. Among the risk factors, a statistically significant correlation was found between the occurrence of bovine cysticercosis and the ingestion of undercooked meat. It was concluded that bovine cysticercosis is present in the municipality of Salinas, due to inefficient heat treatment of the meat as the main risk factor for maintenance of the taeniasis-cysticercosis complex, reinforcing the need to adopt control measures with continuous epidemiological and health surveillance.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Cisticercose/diagnóstico , Teníase/diagnóstico , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Immunoblotting/veterináriaResumo
Com o objetivo de diagnosticar a situação do complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais, foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 355 bovinos distribuídos em 18 propriedades rurais, sorteadas aleatoriamente. Em cada propriedade, foi aplicado um questionário socioeconômico para a análise de fatores que favorecem a manutenção do complexo teníase-cisticercose bovina. Foi realizado também um levantamento epidemiológico dos casos de teníase diagnosticados nos laboratórios credenciados pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Salinas, no período de 2007 a 2010. A prevalência de cisticercose bovina foi de 4,70% enquanto as prevalências de teníase, encontradas durante os quatro períodos avaliados, foram de 0,29%, 0,36%, 0,24% e 0,24%. Entre os fatores de risco para a manutenção do complexo teníase-cisticercose analisados, foi observada uma relação estatisticamente significativa entre a ocorrência de cisticercose bovina e a ingestão de carne malpassada pelos entrevistados. Foi concluído que a cisticercose bovina está presente no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais, sendo o tratamento térmico ineficiente da carne bovina o principal fator de risco para a manutenção do complexo teníase-cisticercose, o que reforça a necessidade da adoção de medidas de controle com contínua vigilância epidemiológica e sanitária.(AU)
In order to diagnose the situation of bovine taeniasis-cysticercosis complex in the municipality of Salinas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, blood samples were collected from 355 cattle in 18 randomly selected farms. A socioeconomic questionnaire was filled in each farm for the analysis of factors which favor the maintenance of the taeniasis-cysticercosis complex. An epidemiological survey of human taeniasis was performed through analyses of the Municipal Health Department in the 2007-2010 period. A prevalence of 4.7% for bovine cysticercosis and the frequency of 0.29, 0.36, 0.24 and 0.24% for human taeniasis, during the evaluated period, was found. Among the risk factors, a statistically significant correlation was found between the occurrence of bovine cysticercosis and the ingestion of undercooked meat. It was concluded that bovine cysticercosis is present in the municipality of Salinas, due to inefficient heat treatment of the meat as the main risk factor for maintenance of the taeniasis-cysticercosis complex, reinforcing the need to adopt control measures with continuous epidemiological and health surveillance.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Cisticercose/diagnóstico , Cisticercose/etiologia , Teníase/diagnóstico , Fatores de Risco , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Immunoblotting/veterinária , Estudos EpidemiológicosResumo
ABSTRACT The red-tailed Amazon parrot (Amazona brasiliensis) is a threatened species of psittacine bird that inhabit coastal regions of Brazil. In view of the threat of this species, the aim of this study was to perform a health evaluation in wild nestlings in Rasa Island, determining the prevalence of enterobacteria and infectious agents according to type of nest. Blood samples were collected from 64 birds and evaluated for antibodies of Chlamydia psittaci by commercial dot-blot ELISA. Cloacal and oropharyngeal swabs samples were collected from 23 birds from artificial wooden nests, 15 birds from PVC nests and 2 birds from natural nests for microbiological analysis. Swab samples were collected from 58 parrots for C. psittaci detection by PCR and from 50 nestlings for Avian Influenza, Newcastle Disease and West Nile viruses detection analysis by real-time RT-PCR. Ten bacterial genera and 17 species were identified, and the most prevalent were Escherichia coli and Klebsiella oxytoca. There was no influence of the type of nest in the nestlings microbiota. All samples tested by ELISA and PCR were negative. There is currently insufficient information available about the health of A. brasiliensis and data of this study provide a reference point for future evaluations and aid in conservation plans.(AU)
Animais , Papagaios , Noxas , Brasil , Influenza Aviária/epidemiologia , Vírus da Doença de Newcastle/patogenicidade , Vírus do Nilo Ocidental/patogenicidadeResumo
Knowledge on fish immunoglobulin (Ig) characteristics and the availability of monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies to fish Igs are essential to evaluate the humoral immune response and the Ig distribution on leukocyte cells. We demonstrated that silver catfish serum Ig is composed of one immunodominant H chain with approximately 75k Da and one L chain with approximately 28 kDa, similar to human IgM. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies to the catfish IgM-like Ig recognized both the H and L chain and were useful in developing an indirect ELISA to measure the production of antibodies in fish immunized with bovine serum albumin. Dot blot and western blot cross-reactivity studies indicated a wide degree of epitope sharing amongst Ig from several Siluriformes and Characiformes fish indigenous to Brazilian rivers. In these fish species, polyclonal antibodies reacted mostly with the H chain. The results presented here are central to the development of tools and strategies to investigate the antibody production to inoculated antigens and tissue distribution of Ig molecules in native fish species. Furthermore, because of the wide range of cross-reactivity, polyclonal antibodies to silver catfish IgM-like Ig might be used to develop immunoassays to measure the humoral immune response in other fish species.(AU)
Informações sobre as características das imunoglobulinas (Ig) de peixes e a disponibilidade de anticorpos mono ou policlonais são essenciais para avaliar a resposta imune humoral e a distribuição leucocitária de Igs. Nesse trabalho nós demonstramos que a Ig do soro de jundiás é composta por uma cadeia pesada (H) imunodominante, de aproximadamente 75kDA e de uma cadeia leve (L) de aproximadamente 28 kDa, similar à IgM humana. Anticorpos policlonais produzidos contra a Ig do jundiá reconheceram a cadeia H e L e permitiram o desenvolvimento de um ELISA indireto para mensurar a produção de anticorpos em peixes imunizados com albumina sérica bovina. Estudos de reatividade cruzada, por meio de Dot blot e western blot, indicaram um alto grau de compartilhamento de epitopos entre as Igs de diversos peixes Siluriformes e Caraciformes nativos do Brazil. Nestas espécies de peixes, os anticorpos policlonais reconheceram principalmente a cadeia H. Os resultados deste estudo são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas e estratégias para investigar a produção de anticorpos subsequente à imunização e a distribuição tecidual de Igs em peixes nativos. Além disso, devido ao compartilhamento de epitopos entre as espécies de peixes avaliadas, os anticorpos policlonais anti Ig do jundiá poderão ser usados para desenvolver ensaios imunoenzimáticos para avaliar a resposta imune humoral nestas espécies.(AU)
Animais , Formação de Anticorpos , Peixes-Gato , Imunidade Humoral , Imunoglobulinas/análise , Técnicas Imunoenzimáticas/veterinária , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaResumo
Knowledge on fish immunoglobulin (Ig) characteristics and the availability of monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies to fish Igs are essential to evaluate the humoral immune response and the Ig distribution on leukocyte cells. We demonstrated that silver catfish serum Ig is composed of one immunodominant H chain with approximately 75k Da and one L chain with approximately 28 kDa, similar to human IgM. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies to the catfish IgM-like Ig recognized both the H and L chain and were useful in developing an indirect ELISA to measure the production of antibodies in fish immunized with bovine serum albumin. Dot blot and western blot cross-reactivity studies indicated a wide degree of epitope sharing amongst Ig from several Siluriformes and Characiformes fish indigenous to Brazilian rivers. In these fish species, polyclonal antibodies reacted mostly with the H chain. The results presented here are central to the development of tools and strategies to investigate the antibody production to inoculated antigens and tissue distribution of Ig molecules in native fish species. Furthermore, because of the wide range of cross-reactivity, polyclonal antibodies to silver catfish IgM-like Ig might be used to develop immunoassays to measure the humoral immune response in other fish species.(AU)
Informações sobre as características das imunoglobulinas (Ig) de peixes e a disponibilidade de anticorpos mono ou policlonais são essenciais para avaliar a resposta imune humoral e a distribuição leucocitária de Igs. Nesse trabalho nós demonstramos que a Ig do soro de jundiás é composta por uma cadeia pesada (H) imunodominante, de aproximadamente 75kDA e de uma cadeia leve (L) de aproximadamente 28 kDa, similar à IgM humana. Anticorpos policlonais produzidos contra a Ig do jundiá reconheceram a cadeia H e L e permitiram o desenvolvimento de um ELISA indireto para mensurar a produção de anticorpos em peixes imunizados com albumina sérica bovina. Estudos de reatividade cruzada, por meio de Dot blot e western blot, indicaram um alto grau de compartilhamento de epitopos entre as Igs de diversos peixes Siluriformes e Caraciformes nativos do Brazil. Nestas espécies de peixes, os anticorpos policlonais reconheceram principalmente a cadeia H. Os resultados deste estudo são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas e estratégias para investigar a produção de anticorpos subsequente à imunização e a distribuição tecidual de Igs em peixes nativos. Além disso, devido ao compartilhamento de epitopos entre as espécies de peixes avaliadas, os anticorpos policlonais anti Ig do jundiá poderão ser usados para desenvolver ensaios imunoenzimáticos para avaliar a resposta imune humoral nestas espécies.(AU)
Animais , Imunoglobulinas/análise , Peixes-Gato , Formação de Anticorpos , Imunidade Humoral , Técnicas Imunoenzimáticas/veterinária , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaResumo
The diagnosis of T. gondii infection is usually performed by serological tests, but the blood collection could be restricted in some groups as children. Antibodies are also found in other biological materials, such as saliva, whose sampling has been done by means of non-invasive procedure. Commercially available assays for performing antibody detection are standardized for analyzing serum samples. There are alternative techniques for detecting antibody in saliva, however they demand the use of equipment which is not easy to be used in field. Dot-ELISA is highly sensitivity and the results are of visual reading without any equipments, being available to be used in field studies, by means a rapid and efficient screening technique. Thus, a dot-ELISA with high sensitivity was standardized for detecting anti-T. gondii antibodies in saliva and serum by using samples from 20 adult volunteers. Sensitivity and specificity of the standardized dot-ELISA were similar in both saliva and serum samples, and precisely distinguishing the positive and negative samples, even in low antibody concentration-containing sample as saliva. Saliva showed to be as a potential biological material for detecting anti-T. gondii antibody in epidemiological studies on toxoplasmosis in children or other protected groups, where the blood collection is restricted.(AU)
O diagnóstico da infecção pelo T. gondii é usualmente feito pelas técnicas sorológicas, mas a amostra (soro ou plasma) pode ser restrita em determinados grupos protegidos, em que a coleta de sangue é considerada agressiva e invasiva. Os anticorpos são encontrados em outros materiais biológicos, de coleta não invasiva, como a saliva. Os métodos de detecção de anticorpos no mercado estão padronizados para utilizar amostras de soro, e há metodologias alternativas de maior sensibilidade utilizando-se saliva, mas estas requerem equipamentos de difícil uso no campo. Dot-ELISA tem alta sensibilidade e leitura visual sem equipamentos, que facilita a execução de ensaio em campo utilizando-se técnica de triagem rápida e eficiente. Neste contexto, foi padronizado o dot-ELISA de alta sensibilidade para detecção de anticorpos anti-T. gondii em saliva e soro, utilizando-se amostras de 20 voluntários adultos. A sensibilidade e a especificidade do dot-ELISA padronizado foram semelhantes em soro e saliva, com exata distinção de amostras positivas e negativas, mesmo na ocorrência de baixas concentrações de anticorpos como na saliva. A saliva mostra ser material biológico adequado para detecção de anticorpos anti-T. gondii em estudos epidemiológicos da toxoplasmose em crianças ou outros grupos protegidos, em que a coleta de sangue é restrita.(AU)
Humanos , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Saliva/imunologia , Imunoglobulina G/imunologia , Toxoplasmose/diagnóstico , Toxoplasmose/imunologia , ImunoensaioResumo
A leptospirose bovina está distribuída em todo o mundo. No Brasil, a leptospirose 11 bovina é uma enfermidade de grande preocupação, causando prejuízos econômicos 12 à pecuária. Além disso, a enfermidade é um importante risco à saúde pública, já que 13 bovinos assintomáticos podem eliminar leptospiras através da urina por longos 14 períodos. Atualmente, o teste de soroaglutinação microscópica (MAT) é 15 recomendado como a principal ferramenta para o diagnóstico da leptospirose nos 16 rebanhos bovinos. Nos últimos anos, o Rio Grande do Sul (RS) se consolidou como 17 importante exportador de gado vivo, refletindo diretamente na economia nacional. 18 Nesse contexto, nosso estudo teve como objetivos: (1) determinar a prevalência de 19 anticorpos anti-Leptospira, através do MAT, em bovinos que aguardam exportação 20 na cidade de Pelotas, RS; (2) Padronizar e testar um ELISA indireto, utilizando o 21 sorovar Hardjo como antígeno, comparando os resultados com o MAT; e (3) 22 Padronizar e testar um Dot-ELISA em uma avaliação inicial para o diagnóstico 23 individual e rápido da leptospirose bovina, utilizando o sorovar Hardjo como 24 antígeno, comparando os resultados com o MAT. Para tanto, foi calculada uma 25 amostra da população de 4.552 animais alojados em um confinamento em Pelotas, 26 de 34 municípios do RS, sendo coletado o sangue e realizado o teste de aglutinação 27 microscópica (MAT). Para a realização do ELISA indireto, 60 soros foram 28 aleatoriamente utilizados, dos quais 21,6% eram reagentes no MAT. Para o Dot-29 ELISA, 34 soros bovinos, sendo 17 reagentes e 17 não reagentes no MAT, foram 30 usados. Nenhum animal incluído no estudo tinha história de vacinação contra a 31 leptospirose. Dos 355 animais amostrados, 24 (6,76%; IC 95% 4,58-9,86) foram 32 reativos para pelo menos um dos antígenos do MAT. Os sorovares Hardjo e 33 Icterohaemorrhagiae tiveram prevalência de 2,53%, seguidos de Canicola com 34 1,97% e Grippotyphosa com 1,12%. Dos 60 soros bovinos analisados no ELISA, 35 seis (10%; IC95% 4,6-20,1) soros foram considerados reagentes. De acordo com a 36 análise estatística realizada foi possível detectar uma alta especificidade no teste 37 (97,87%), mas uma sensibilidade baixa (38,46%). Por outro lado, o Dot-ELISA foi 38 capaz de detectar anticorpos anti-Leptospira em 16 (sensibilidade = 94%) dos 17 39 soros bovinos reagentes no MAT. Em uma amostra de bovinos jovens, com 24 40 meses ou menos, a prevalência encontrada indica a necessidade de medidas 41 preventivas, como a vacinação dos rebanhos. Além disso, nossos resultados 42 mostram a exposição dos bovinos ao agente, que por sua vez, pode levar a 43 problemas de saúde pública. Pesquisas futuras podem utilizar nossos resultados 44 para o planejamento de estudos epidemiológicos com o objetivo de descrever a 45 situação da leptospirose em rebanhos bovinos no Rio Grande do Sul. Embora os 46 7 resultados sejam promissores, ensaios adicionais são necessários a fim de 1 padronizar a técnica para uso em larga escala, visando a triagem rápida de casos de 2 leptospirose em bovinos a campo.
Bovine leptospirosis is a worldwide disease. In Brazil, bovine leptospirosis is a major 11 disease, causing economic damage to livestock. In addition, the disease is an 12 important public health risk since asymptomatic cattle can eliminate leptospires 13 through urine for long periods. Currently, the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) is 14 recommended as the main tool for the diagnosis of leptospirosis in cattle herds. In 15 recent years, Rio Grande do Sul (RS) has consolidated as an important exporter of 16 live cattle, directly reflecting on the national economy. In this context, our study 17 aimed to: (1) Determine the prevalence of anti-Leptospira antibodies, through MAT, 18 in cattle awaiting export in the city of Pelotas, RS; (2) Standardize and test an indirect 19 ELISA, using the serovar Hardjo as antigen, comparing the results with the MAT; and 20 (3) Standardize and test a Dot-ELISA in an initial evaluation for the individual and 21 rapid diagnosis of bovine leptospirosis, using the serovar Hardjo as an antigen, 22 comparing the results with the MAT. A representative sample was calculated from 23 4,552 animals housed in Pelotas, from 34 municipalities in RS, blood was drawn, and 24 the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) performed for serological analysis. Indirect 25 ELISA was performed with 60 randomly sera, of which 21.6% were reagents in MAT. 26 For Dot-ELISA, 34 bovine sera, being 17 reagents and 17 non-reagents in MAT, 27 were used. No animals included in the study had a history of vaccination against 28 leptospirosis. Of the 355 animals sampled, 24 (6.76%; 95% CI 4.58-9.86) were 29 reactive for at least one of the MAT antigens. The serovars Hardjo and 30 Icterohaemorrhagiae had a prevalence of 2.53%, followed by Canicola with 1.97% 31 and Grippotyphosa with 1.12%. Of the 60 bovine sera analyzed in the ELISA, six 32 (10%; 95% CI 4.6-20.1) sera were considered reactive. According to the statistical 33 analysis performed, it was possible to detect a high specificity in the test (97.87%), 34 but a low sensitivity (38.46%). On the other hand, Dot-ELISA was able to detect anti-35 Leptospira antibodies in 16 (sensitivity = 94%) of the 17 bovine sera reactive in MAT. 36 A sample of young cattle aged 24 months or less, the prevalence found indicates the 37 need for preventive measures, such as vaccination of herds. In addition, our results 38 show cattle exposure to the agent, which in turn can lead to public health problems. 39 Future research may use our results to plan epidemiological studies aiming at 40 describing the status of leptospirosis in cattle herds in Rio Grande do Sul. Although 41 the results are promising, additional tests are necessary in order to standardize the 42 technique for large-scale use, aiming at the rapid screening of leptospirosis cases in 43 cattle in the field.
Adrenocortical disturbances are associated with canine ehrlichiosis due to the immunological changes caused by infection and consequent inflammation. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of adrenocortical hormonal changes in dogs naturally infected with Ehrlichia canis (n=21) as confirmed by the presence of anti-E. canis antibodies (Dot-ELISA) and nested PCR (nPCR). Serum cortisol concentrations were assessed by radioimmunoassay before and one hour after ACTH stimulation. Ten healthy dogs were subjected to the same stimulation protocol and used as controls. The results revealed that the dogs with naturally acquired acute and subclinical ehrlichiosis secreted cortisol following ACTH stimulation in similar concentrations to those of healthy dogs.
Animais , Cães , Ehrlichia canis/efeitos dos fármacos , Hidrocortisona , Hormônio Adrenocorticotrópico/administração & dosagem , Hormônio Adrenocorticotrópico/análise , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Adrenocortical disturbances are associated with canine ehrlichiosis due to the immunological changes caused by infection and consequent inflammation. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of adrenocortical hormonal changes in dogs naturally infected with Ehrlichia canis (n=21) as confirmed by the presence of anti-E. canis antibodies (Dot-ELISA) and nested PCR (nPCR). Serum cortisol concentrations were assessed by radioimmunoassay before and one hour after ACTH stimulation. Ten healthy dogs were subjected to the same stimulation protocol and used as controls. The results revealed that the dogs with naturally acquired acute and subclinical ehrlichiosis secreted cortisol following ACTH stimulation in similar concentrations to those of healthy dogs.(AU)