Background: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype (HCM) is the most common cardiac disease in domestic cats but is rarely described in wild species. This phenotype is characterized by concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle and may be of familial inheritance or secondary to other diseases such as hyperthyroidism, chronic kidney disease, systemic arterial hypertension, and hyperaldosteronism. HCM can cause diastolic and systolic dysfunction and may cause congestive heart failure in affected animals. The present work aims to describe the first report of cardiomyopathy of the hypertrophic phenotype in a specimen of Leopardus pardalis, kept under human care. Case: A 11-year-old female ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) kept under human care, during a preventive care visit, had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype detected by cardiological evaluation with echocardiogram and a murmur grade III/ VI could be detected on cardiac auscultation. This preventive care occurred under chemical restraint with ketamine [6 mg/kg, i.m] associates with midazolam [0.5 mg/kg, i.m] and other evaluations have been done like complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin, albumin:globulin ratio, creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and globulin) and tyroid hormones [free tyroxine (T4) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)]. Medical management based on clopidogrel, and atenolol was administered for 3 months until the patient showed manifestations of congestive heart failure (CHF) 80 days later the initial evaluation. In this moment the patient presented with dyspnea, so a cardiological and laboratory evaluation was requested. On pulmonary auscultation crackling was identified, suggesting pulmonary edema and, on echocardiographic examination, some parameters had worsened. The CBC and biochemistry were all within reference ranges. Then, the beta-blocker was discontinued and replaced by pimobendan combined with furosemide as treatment of CHF, and the condition stabilized. After one year, the patient was re-evaluated and showed a slight improvement in the condition but still remained stable. Also, feline proBNP levels was tested (SNAP Feline proBNP® IDEXX) in this moment and it was increased. Discussion: The findings on echocardiography associated with the subjective evaluation associated with progressive worsening and clinical manifestation of CHF, as well as the response to treatment, even though there are no reference values for the species, reinforce the diagnosis. There is no evidence to suggest diseases that may contribute to secondary left ventricular hypertrophy. It is believed that pimobendan plays a key role in maintaining hemodynamic balance, since this has already been observed in other mammalian species. The use of beta blockers is commonly employed in domestic cats with HCM, and they have been prescribed in an attempt to promote greater ventricular relaxation, decrease left ventricular outflow obstruction, thus improving ventricular filling for maintenance of cardiac output. In view of the atrial enlargement and possible risk of thrombus formation, clopidogrel was prescribed, extrapolating what is known from domestic cats. It is reasonable to conclude that in this case, the cardiomyopathy behaved similarly to what is observed in domestic cats, both in its clinical evolution and in the means of diagnosis, and in its response to the therapy instituted.
Animais , Feminino , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Doenças Cardiovasculares/veterinária , Felidae , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) is a rare congenital deformity of variable clinical relevance, often reported in association with patent foramen ovale (PFO). Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTE) is the first choice for diagnosis, but complementary techniques, such as microbubble contrast, should be used. Despite its importance, in Veterinary Medicine, there is little information related to the subject, and the present study is the second report of this condition in dogs. The objective was to report a case of ASA type IV LR associated with PFO in a Shar Pei bitch, diagnosed by a combined approach of transthoracic echocardiography backed by agitated saline solution (microbubbles). During clinical care, the owners reported episodes of seizures as their main complaint. Echocardiographic examination revealed a type 4 LR atrial septal aneurysm and left ventricular systolic dysfunction. The use of microbubble contrast showed right-to-left shunt, confirming PFO. The recommended treatment was medication. It was concluded that the rarity of ASA in dogs may be due to incomplete diagnoses and the transthoracic echocardiographic examination allows its analysis and classification. Furthermore, ASA can be found in animals with or without evidence of heart disease and it should be investigated in patients with neurological alterations.
O aneurisma do septo atrial (ASA) é uma rara deformidade congênita, de relevância clínica variável, frequentemente relatado em associação a forame oval patente (PFO). O ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico (TTE) é a primeira escolha para o diagnóstico, mas técnicas complementares, como o contraste por microbolhas, devem ser utilizadas. Apesar da importância, em medicina veterinária existe uma carência de informações relacionadas ao tema, sendo esse o segundo relato dessa condição em cão. Objetivou-se relatar um caso de ASA tipo IV LR, associado a PFO, em uma cadela Shar Pei, diagnosticado por uma abordagem combinada por ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico e costrastado com solução salina agitada (microbolhas). Ao atendimento clínico, os proprietários relataram, como queixa principal, episódios de crises convulsivas. O exame ecocardiográfico revelou aneurisma de septo atrial tipo 4 LR e disfunção sistólica em ventriculo esquerdo. A utilização de contraste por microbolhas constatou shunt direita-esquerda, confirmando PFO. O tratamento recomendado foi medicamentoso. Concluiu-se que a raridade do ASA em cães pode ser devido a diagnósticos incompletos, e o exame ecocardiográfico transtorácico permite sua análise e classificação. Ainda, ASA pode ser encontrado em animais com ou sem evidências de cardiopatia e sua investigação deve ser feita em pacientes com alterações neurológicas.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Forame Oval Patente/veterinária , Aneurisma Cardíaco/veterinária , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterinária , Comunicação Interatrial/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Hypertrophic phenotype cardiomyopathy is the most common heart disease in cats. Although the echocardiogram is the gold standard test for diagnosing fHCM, patients with the disease may have electrocardiographic changes. Despite being reported in most 12-lead electrocardiograms, the P wave axis generally receives little attention when compared to other wave parameters. We performed a Doppler echocardiographic and electrocardiographic study in cats, in order to verify the presence of correlation between the electrical axis average P wave and the presence of fCMH, aiming to investigate the possibility of its aid in the early diagnosis of cardiac disorders. Materials, Methods & Results: One hundred cats of different breeds, ages, males and females were evaluated. Those animals with a history of previous disease other than hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were excluded from the study. The groups were formed after obtaining the results of the echocardiographic examination. Eight of the 100 cats did not allow echocardiographic evaluation, and the remaining 92 were divided into 2 groups (control group, n = 64 and heart disease group, n = 28) after the examination. Of these 92 animals, 28 cats had the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy phenotype. The electrocardiographic examination was performed after the allocation of animals into groups lasting 5 min with the recording of tracings for later interpretation. To calculate the axis of the P wave, leads D1 and D3 were used, measuring the amplitude of the P wave in these leads and calculating the resulting amplitude. All cats studied had mean electrical axis of the P wave within the normal range for the species (0º to 90º). Based on mean electrical axis P wave values, there was no significant difference between groups. The control group had a median of 63.7° with a maximum value of 80°, a minimum value of 60° and a mean of 65.1°. The fCMH group had a median of 68.7° with a maximum value of 85.3°, a minimum value of 56.3° and a mean of 68.8°. Of the fCMH group, 3 cats had increased P wave duration (50.33 ± 5.77 ms), suggesting left atrial overload, and 13 cats had increased QRS complex duration (66.30 ± 11.23 ms). Also, 18 cats (Control group: 11; fCMH group: 7) showed T wave amplitude greater than 25% of R, suggesting the presence of myocardial hypoxia and/or electrolyte disturbance. One cat had a prolonged PR interval (from the fCMH group). As for the QT interval, 6 cats had an interval < 120 (2 from the control group and 4 from the affected group) and 3 had an interval > 180 (1 from the control group and 2 from the affected group). The ST segment remained isoelectric in all segments. As for the mean electrical axis of the QRS complex, 5 cats (10.42%) had axis deviation to the right (control: 1; fCMH: 4) suggesting right ventricular overload; 7 cats (14.58%) had left axis deviation (control: 5; fCMH: 2), suggestive of left ventricular overload; and 36 cats (75%) had a normal mean electrical axis. Discussion: Based on the results obtained in the present study, it can be concluded that screening studies in asymptomatic felines should be increasingly implemented in the veterinary clinical routine, since the frequency found was high (30.44%) and that patients may remain asymptomatic for years until the development of signs. It should be concluded that there was no correlation between the mean electric axis of P-wave and the presence of subclinical phenotype hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Therefore, more studies are needed, with felines at different stages of the disease, to evaluate whether this electrocardiographic measurement allows us to assist in its diagnosis, since it is a feasible measure in cats. Furthermore, it is concluded that the electrocardiogram should be used as an aid method in the diagnosis of the disease and not as a screening test.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Gatos , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Análise de Onda de Pulso/veterinária , Ecocardiografia Doppler de Pulso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine hypercortisolism (HC) is the most prevalent endocrinopathy in dogs in southern Brazil. The prognosis depends on several factors including the general health status, owners´ commitment, and the development of disease complications and comorbidities occurrence, such as cardiovascular complications including mitral valve disease (MVD), systemic arterial hypertension, and left ventricular hypertrophy. The main objective of the present study was to assess cardiovascular parameters in canine HC, based on investigating survival-related variables. The study also aimed to evaluate the influence of concurrent preclinical (MVD) on dogs` survival and the impact of HC on MVD progression. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 25 dogs with spontaneous HC were enrolled and divided into 2 subgroups accordingly to their echocardiographic findings: group HC (normal echocardiography at first evaluation, n = 16); and group HC + MVD (concurrent presence of stages B1 and B2 MVD diagnosed at the first evaluation, n = 9). The patients were evaluated at diagnosis (T0); 6 months after treatment begging (T1); and after 12 months of treatment (T2). The owners were further contacted by phone or e-mail for 1 more year after T2 regarding survival information. A control group (CG, n = 20) was also evaluated at T0 and T1. At each evaluation, dogs were submitted to a complete clinical evaluation and physical exam, associated with a minimum database (CBC, serum biochemistry, and urine analysis) and cardiovascular evaluation composed of systolic blood pressure determination, electrocardiogram (ECG), and echodopplercardiography. In the HC group, 11/16 dogs underwent the evaluation at T2, while 4/9 dogs from the HC + MVD group and 17/20 dogs from the CG underwent the evaluation at T2. Five dogs (31.25%) from the HC group and 4 dogs (44.44%) from the HC + MVD group died before the end of the follow-up period. In the control group, only 1 dog (5.26%) died before the end of the study. Despite the higher mortality in the HC + MVD group during the follow-up period, there was no significant difference (P = 0.632) in survival when compared with the HC group. The MVD of 4 dogs included in the HC + MVD group was classified as stage B1, while the other 5 dogs were classified as stage B2. Only 1 dog from the CG developed stage B1 MVD in the period studied; however, progression of the MVD stage was documented in 1/4 of dogs in the HC + MVD group and MVD development was documented in 3/11 of dogs from the HC group from T0 to T2. The odds ratio (OR) and respective 95% confidence interval (95%CI) for HC as a risk factor for MVD progression were 4.267 (0.4268 - 42.65; P = 0.342). Exercise intolerance (12/16 dogs) and dyspnea (6/16 dogs) were the cardiorespiratory clinical signs with the highest incidence in the HC group at T0. When compared to the control group, both exercise intolerance (P < 0.001) and dyspnea (P = 0.03) occurrence were significantly higher in the HC group. The age (P = 0.001) and the occurrence of dyspnea (P = 0.036) at diagnosis were significantly higher in dogs with HC that died during the follow-up than those that remained alive. Regarding the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias verified by ECG, no statistically significant differences were observed among groups. Discussion: The study suggests that systemic hypertension and altered echocardiographic measurements did not interfere with dogs' survival; however, dyspnea was associated with a worse prognosis. Finally, it is possible to conclude that mitral valve degeneration is a common comorbidity in dogs with HC, however, it was not evidenced their interference in the survival of dogs with this endocrine disease or even a role of the HC in the progression of the MVD.
Animais , Cães , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Cardiovasculares , Síndrome de Cushing , Dispneia , Hipertensão/veterinária , Valva Mitral/patologia , Estudos ProspectivosResumo
Interventricular septal defect (IVSD) is a congenital heart disease characterized by communication or non-closure of the interventricular septum in the embryonic or postnatal period, causing a failure in the separation between the systemic and pulmonary circulation. The severity of the hemodynamic consequences depends on the extent of the defect and the magnitude of the flow through it. Blood flow commonly occurs from left to right, because systemic vascular resistance is greater than pulmonary resistance. This report describes the echocardiographic findings in a 4-year-old male Poodle treated at the Veterinary Hospital with a history of exercise intolerance, cyanosis and episodes of syncope. On echocardiography, perimembranous IVSD was diagnosed with atrial and right ventricular dilatation, discontinuity of the interventricular septum in the subaortic region measuring approximately 5 mm. In the Doppler evaluation, reverse turbulent flow was evidenced, characterizing shunt from right to left (Eisenmenger syndrome). Despite preserved systolic function, abnormal relaxation was observed. Doppler echocardiography was a fundamental complementary imaging test for the diagnosis of this congenital heart disease since its suspicion is not commonly raised in adult patients. Doppler echocardiography allowed us to identify the defect, define its size and extension, determine the direction of blood flow as well as its hemodynamic consequences.(AU)
O defeito do septo interventricular (DSIV) é uma cardiopatia congênita caracterizada pela comunicação ou não fechamento do septo interventricular no período embrionário ou pós-natal, causando falha na separação entre a circulação sis-têmica e pulmonar. A gravidade das consequências hemodinâmicas depende da extensão do defeito e da magnitude do fluxo através dele. O fluxo sanguíneo comumente ocorre da esquerda para a direita, porque a resistência vascular sistêmica é maior do que a pulmonar. Este relato descreve os achados ecocardiográficos em um Poodle, macho, de 4 anos atendido no Hospital Veterinário com história de intolerância ao exercício, cianose e episódios de síncope. Ao ecocardiograma foi diagnosticado DSIV do tipo perimembranoso com dilatação atrial e ventricular direita, descontinuidade do septo interventricular em região subaórtica medindo aproximadamente 5 mm. Na avaliação Doppler, evidenciou-se fluxo turbulento reverso, caracterizando shunt da direita para a esquerda (síndrome de Eisenmenger). Apesar da função sistólica preservada, foi observado relaxamento anormal. A ecocardiografia Doppler foi um exame de imagem complementar fundamental para o diagnóstico dessa cardio-patia congênita, uma vez que sua suspeita não é comumente levantada em pacientes adultos. A ecocardiografia Doppler per-mitiu identificar o defeito, definir seu tamanho e extensão, determinar a direção do fluxo sanguíneo, bem como suas conse-quências hemodinâmicas.(AU)
Animais , Cães/anormalidades , Complexo de Eisenmenger/veterinária , Septo Interventricular , EcocardiografiaResumo
Background: The myxomatosis degeneration is a degenerative cardiac valve disease, with a higher incidence in maleand senile canids. The diagnosis is made by a doppler echocardiography exam. Although there are few reports on the occurrence of cardiopathies in wild dogs (Cerdocyon thous), some studies on their cardiological parameters can be found.Considering this, and knowing that the cardiopathies in wild canids are common post mortem findings, the objective of thisstudy is to describe the echocardiography diagnosis of a case of myxomatous degeneration of the atrioventricular valvesin 1 wild dog (Cerdocyon thous) living in captivity.Case: It was treated at the Diagnostic Imaging Department of the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso(HOVET-UFMT), 1 wild dog (C. thous), male, living in captivity with approximately 10-year-old, directed by the Center ofMedicine and Research in Wild Animals of Cuiabá, to perform echocardiography exam. The patient was submitted to anesthesiafor proper examination, which was used Esaote® machine model MyLabFive VET with sector scan transducer (4.0 -7.5 MHz).The longitudinal, transverse and apical scan planes were obtained through left and right parasternal windows. The evaluation ofM mode exposed ejection fraction and shortening increased, of 81% and 47%, respectively, however it showed no increase insystolic and diastolic values of left ventricle, nor in right cavities on subjective evaluation. The relation between the left atrium(LA) and the aorta (Ao) remained normal, at 1.2 mm, with dimensions of 13.4 mm from the AO and 16.3 mm from LA, compatible with species parameters or domestic canines. The atrioventricular valves showed thickening and irregularities in their cusps,with great intensity in the left atrioventricular valve (LAV). The Doppler mode analysis revealed a turbulent systolic flow into the...
Masculino , Animais , Canidae , Cardiopatias/diagnóstico por imagem , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Doença Crônica/veterinária , Valvas Cardíacas/patologia , Animais Selvagens , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
The present study aimed to identify and describe cardiac alterations in sheep experimentally poisoned with Palicourea marcgravii through analysis of serum cardiac biomarkers (serum troponin I and creatine kinase - CK-MB) and electro and echocardiographic assessments to contribute to a better understanding of the poisoning pathophysiology. P. marcgravii is the main plant within a group of 22 species that cause sudden death in Brazil; its toxic principle is sodium monofluoroacetate. Eight healthy crossbreed male sheep, aged between five and twelve months, weighing 14 to 27kg, were evaluated. The animals received 1g kg-1 of P. marcgravii plants orally. The sheep were evaluated before administering the plant (T0) through electro and echocardiography and blood collection to assess cardiac biomarkers (CK-MB and cTnI). Collections and analyses were repeated every four hours until the animal's death. During the study, there was the presence of extravasation of serum troponin I carried out in a qualitative test, with positive values at time T4, and the serum CK-MB biomarker had a peak at T4 and slightly decreased at T8. The electro and echocardiographic examinations showed that the cause of death in these animals was due to acute heart failure characterized by arrhythmias, tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation, drop in cardiac output, left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction by the progressive decrease in the LV ejection fraction (EF), decrease in LV fractional shortening (FS), and decrease in aortic flow velocity and aortic flow gradient. This study seems to be the first to evaluate cardiac alterations in sheep poisoned by P. marcgravii through cardiac biomarkers and electro and echocardiographic exams.
O presente estudo objetivou identificar e descrever as alterações cardíacas de ovinos intoxicados experimentalmente por Palicourea marcgravii através das análises de biomarcadores cardíacos séricos (troponina I sérica e a creatinoquinase - MB) e das avaliações eletro e ecocardiográficas contribuindo para o melhor entendimento da fisiopatologia da intoxicação. Palicourea marcgravii é a principal planta dentro de um grupo de 22 espécies que causam "morte súbita" no Brasil e seu princípio tóxico é o monofluoracetato de sódio. Foram utilizados oito ovinos saudáveis machos, sem raça definida, com idades entre cinco e doze meses e peso de 14 a 27kg. Os animais receberam 1g/kg de Palicourea marcgravii por via oral. Os ovinos foram avaliados momentos antes da administração da planta (T0) através de eletro e ecocardiograma e coleta de sangue para avaliação dos biomarcadores cardíacos (CK-MB e cTnI). As análises e coletas foram repetidas a cada quatro horas até o óbito do animal. Durante o estudo observou-se extravasamento de troponina I sérica realizada em teste qualitativo, com valores positivos já em T4, assim como o biomarcador CK-MB sérico teve seu pico de aumento em T4 e em T8 houve uma leve redução. Aos exames eletro e ecocardiográfico foi possível determinar que a causa do óbito nestes animais ocorreu devido à insuficiência cardíaca aguda caracterizada por arritmias, taquicardia/fibrilação ventricular, queda no débito cardíaco, disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) pela diminuição progressiva da fração de ejeção (EF) do VE, diminuição na fração de encurtamento (FS) do VE, diminuição da velocidade do fluxo aórtico e do gradiente do fluxo aórtico. Este é o primeiro estudo que avalia as alterações cardiológicas de ovinos intoxicados por P. marcgravii através de biomarcadores cardíacos e exames eletro e ecocardiográficos.
Animais , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Doenças dos Ovinos , Rubiaceae/toxicidade , Cardiopatias/etiologia , Ovinos , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Volume replacement is considered an essential component in the treatment of critically ill patients, but excess f luid administration can be as harmful as the lack of fluid therapy. Therefore, the volume replacement is only beneficial in patients deemed to be fluid responsive, that is, when the individual has an increase in their stroke volume after administration of a volume challenge. This study aim to assess whether conventional and advanced echocardiographic parameters for assessing left ventricular systolic function are able to predict fluid responsiveness in healthy spontaneously breathing dogs. The hypothesis was that some of these parameters would differ between responsive and non-responsive animals and could be used as a complementary measure for assessment of fluid responsiveness. Materials, Methods & Results: A prospective study was carried out in which 22 client-owned healthy dogs over 1 year of age that presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for elective neutering procedure were included. All dogs underwent conventional and advanced echocardiographic examination to obtain the left ventricular internal diameter in diastole normalized (LVIDDn), left ventricular internal diameter in systole normalized (LVIDSn), ejection fraction (EF) and shortening fraction (SF) according to the Teischholz methodology, global longitudinal strain (GLS) and tissue motion annular displacement (TMAD). There parameters were evaluated before and after administration of a volume challenge with 10 mL/kg lactate ringer intravenously for 20 min. Based on the variation in aortic velocity integral time, 31.82% of dogs were considered responsive and 68.18% were non-responsive to the volume challenge. For advanced echocardiography, TMAD indexed by body weight (mm/kg) > 0.89 (P = 0.004) and body surface area (mm/m2) >18.9 (P = 0.004) after volume challenge had the best area...
Animais , Cães , Deslocamentos de Líquidos Corporais , Hemodinâmica , Hidratação/métodos , Hidratação/veterinária , Volume Sistólico , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Nowadays, congestive heart failure is one of the major complications of heart disease in small animals, which is characterized by a clinical condition in which the heart is unable to eject the blood efficiently. At long term, some compensatory mechanisms it will eventually become detrimental and, mainly, due to the congestion caused by it. In dogs, the main cause of CHF is chronic mitral valve degeneration, it is responsible for the degeneration of collagen present in the mitral valve structure that will have detrimental consequences on the entire circulatory system. The aim of the present study was to perform a retrospective study of 498 echocardiographic reports collected at a veterinary cardiology service of the Bauru region, from January 2017 to June 2019. Two groups were formed according to the Doppler echocardiographic alterations found, one that included animals with characteristics of congestive heart failure (CHF), and the other formed by non-CHF patients. Of the total number of animals evaluated, 61 were classified as affected by congestive heart failure and after classification, it was considered the main epidemiological factors (race, sex and age) of animals belonging to this group. Small breed animals were overrepresented and also elderly animals, with no apparent sexual predisposition. In addition, animals with CHF presented higher values when compared to animals without CHF of LA/Ao ratio (2.31 ± 0.30 vs. 1.46 ± 0.35), E/IRTV ratio (2.96 ± 0.39 vs. 1.16 ± 0.43) and E-wave velocity (1.45 m/s ± 0.18 vs. 0.75 m/s ± 0.22) on echocardiographic examination.(AU)
A insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) é uma das principais complicações das cardiopatias em pequenos ani-mais atualmente, sendo que é caracterizada por uma condição clínica em que o coração não é capaz de bombear a quantidade necessária de sangue para todo o corpo. A longo prazo, alguns mecanismos compensatórios acabam se tornando prejudiciais ao mesmo principalmente por decorrência do quadro de congestão que ela ocasiona. Em cães, a principal causa de ICC é a degeneração valvar crônica mitral, a qual é responsável pela degeneração do colágeno presente na estrutura da valva mitral que trará consequências prejudiciais a todo o sistema circulatório. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo a realização de um estudo retrospectivo de 498 laudos ecodopplercardiográficos provenientes de serviço de cardiologia veterinária da região de Bauru, no período de janeiro de 2017 a junho de 2019. Foi realizada a classificação em dois grupos, de acordo com as alterações ecodop-plercardiográficas encontradas, sendo os grupos formados por animais portadores de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e animais não portadores. Do número total de animais, 61 foram classificados como acometidos por insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e, após a classificação, foram avaliados os principais fatores epidemiológicos (raça, sexo e idade) dos animais pertencentes a esse grupo. As raças de pequeno porte foram as mais representadas, sendo os animais idosos mais acometidos, sem predisposição sexual aparente. Além disso, animais com ICC apresentaram valores maiores quando comparados aos animais sem ICC of LA/Ao razão (2.31 ± 0.30 vs. 1.46 ± 0.35), E/IRTV razão (2.96 ± 0.39 vs. 1.16 ± 0.43) e velocidade E-wave (1.45 m/s ± 0.18 vs. 0.75 m/s ± 0.22) no exame ecocardiográfico.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Fatores de Risco , Insuficiência Cardíaca/diagnóstico , Insuficiência Cardíaca/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/instrumentação , Cardiopatias/complicaçõesResumo
Background: Photoplethysmography is widely used in human medicine, with few studies on its use in veterinary medicine. Its sensor detects fluctuations in blood volume at the site, providing direct readings of cardiac pulse and peripheral oxygen saturation, as well as estimating cardiac output, respiratory rate and blood pressure. This study aimed to evaluate the use of photoplethysmography and compare it to vascular Doppler ultrasound as an indirect method of measuring systolic blood pressure in bitches undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy, using the invasive assessment of systolic blood pressure as a reference. Materials, Methods and Results: After clinical and laboratory evaluation, 34 healthy bitches were selected to undergo elective ovariohysterectomy. After food and water fasting, patients received pethidine hydrochloride intramuscularly as pre-anesthetic medication, followed by anesthetic induction with fentanyl citrate and propofol intravenously. General anesthesia was maintained by inhalation with isoflurane diluted in 100% oxygen. Intraoperative analgesia consisted of continuous infusion of fentanyl citrate intravenously. The animals were randomly divided into 2 groups, the thoracic limb group (TLG) and the pelvic limb group (PLG). In each patient, non-invasive blood pressure measurement was obtained simultaneously with Doppler (DOP) and photoplethysmography (PPG). The sensors of both devices were placed on the end of the same limb. The PPG sensor was positioned in the interdigital region. In patients belonging to the TLG, the Doppler sensor was placed in the ventral region of the thoracic limb, under the ulnar artery. In PLG patients, the Doppler sensor was placed in the dorsal region of the pelvic limb, over the dorsal artery of the foot. The sphygmomanometer was positioned close to the sensors. For systolic blood pressure (SBP) measurement, the cuff was inflated until the Doppler sound signal and the plethysmographic wave were lost. The cuff was then deflated until the Doppler pulse sound resumed and the photoplethysmography showed at least 2 continuous waves on a regular basis. The corresponding pressure value observed on the manometer consisted of the SBP. The same 2 evaluators performed all SBP measurements: 1 responsible for the DOP method and the other for the PPG method; both were blind to the other's findings, thus minimizing potential bias in the results. All animals underwent cannulation of the auricular artery for invasive measurement of systolic blood pressure, using a multiparameter monitor. All blood pressure measurements were performed at 5-min intervals, as well as obtaining additional parameters (heart and respiratory rate, esophageal temperature, partial tissue oxygen saturation, carbon dioxide concentration) and electrocardiographic monitoring. All parameters were documented for further statistical analysis. A strong correlation (r² = 0.95) was obtained between the DOP and PPG methods regardless of the limb on which the sensors were placed. There was a low correlation between the invasive method of measuring systolic blood pressure and the other methods. There was better agreement between the DOP and PPG methods (r2 = -0.0061; P = 0.85) when systolic blood pressure was measured in the TLG. Discussion: In the PLG, the values obtained with the DOP and PPG methods were significantly higher than those obtained with the invasive method, while the values obtained in the TLG differed slightly. It was found that the best measurement site by non-invasive methods was the thoracic limb. It was concluded that the non-invasive methods showed a low correlation with the invasive method; however, both methods had similar characteristics and photoplethysmography can be used to replace the vascular Doppler method.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Determinação da Pressão Arterial/veterinária , Ecocardiografia Doppler/métodos , Fotopletismografia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Anestesia Geral/veterináriaResumo
Background: Chemodectomas, better known as tumors of the base of the heart, arise from aortic bodies, respiratory chemoreceptors located near or inside the aortic arch or originate from receptors located in the carotid arteries. Relatively rare, they affect dogs and, to a lesser extent, cats. They gain great importance when they influence the function of the cardiovascular system, with animals showing clinical signs related to congestive heart failure. Clinical diagnosis is based on symptomatology and complementary tests such as radiography, electrocardiography and echocardiography, while the definitive diagnosis is obtained by cytological and histopathological exams. This study aims to reports a case of malignant chemodectoma in a bitch, whose main symptomatology was neurological and not cardiovascular. Case: A 1-year-old Rottweiler bitch was attended with neurological alterations compatible with vestibular syndrome, hyporexia, dysphagia, apathy, melena, emesis, and purulent nasal discharge on the right nostril. On physical examination, the animal showed depressed level of consciousness, poor body condition, bilateral quemosis, paralysis of the right eye, inspiratory dyspnea and muffling of cardiac auscultation, besides a subcutaneous nodule between the scapulae. On neurological evaluation, horizontal nystagmus, head tilt to the right side, ventromedial strabismus and facial nerve paralysis on the right side were observed so that the localization of the lesion was set in peripheral vestibular system. During anesthesia for esophageal tube placement, a mass from the hard palate to the oropharynx was noted, making endotracheal intubation impossible to perform. Biopsy of this nodule was performed, and tracheostomy was indicated, but the owner opted for euthanasia before the procedure. Necropsy revealed white soft masses in the bilateral retromandibular region, on the subcutaneous tissue near the scapulae, in the right ear and since nasopharynx to the soft palate, in addition to sparse white nodules in the heart, lung, carotid artery, kidneys, right ovary, mesentery near to the spleen, and axillary lymph node. Histologically, the nodules were characterized by neoplastic cells population organized in short bundles or cords, arranged around small blood vessels surrounded by delicate connective tissue. Neoplastic cells infiltrated muscles and blood and lymphatic vessels were filled by multiple neoplastic emboli. The histological pattern of the cells allowed the diagnosis of chemodectoma. Discussion: The bitch from this case had 1-year-old when diagnosed with chemodectoma, differently from most cases from literature, that are between 7 to 15 years old. Furthermore, primarily cardiac tumors are considered rare, being chemodectoma the most common, often reported in Boxer and Boston Terrier dogs, but unusual in Rottweilers. Despites some articles mentioning seizure and Horner's Syndrome secondary to a carotid body chemodectoma, neurological signs are not commonly observed in these cases. The presence of the tumor in the middle ear region of the right side supports the occurrence of peripheral vestibular syndrome and facial nerve paralysis on the same side. Because it is a neoplasm that is usually detected late during the course of the disorder, most patients either cannot obtain diagnosis in vivo, as in this reported animal, which was in such a critical condition that underwent euthanasia, or there are no more possible therapeutic choices. In the patient described, there were numerous metastatic masses and nodules spread throughout the body. Although the typical clinical signs in animals with chemodectomas are often related to heart disease, neurological signs may also be present. This report emphasizes the importance of chemodectoma being included as a differential diagnosis in young dogs and even in breeds such as Rottweiler.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Síndromes do Arco Aórtico/veterinária , Doenças Vestibulares/veterinária , Paraganglioma Extrassuprarrenal/veterinária , Doenças do Sistema Nervoso/veterináriaResumo
Background: Primary erythrocytosis is a rare myeloproliferative disorder in dogs and cats characterized by an autonomous proliferation of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow, with low to normal serum erythropoietin concentration, resulting in elevated red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration. Clinical signs are associated with increased blood volume and viscosity, and may include erythema, hyperemic mucous membranes and neurological signs such as seizures and ataxia. In veterinary medicine, the diagnosis should be made by exclusion of secondary or relative causes, after complementary exams. This report aims to describe a case of primary erythrocytosis in a bitch. Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed bitch was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from UFRGS with 3 convulsive episodes related by the owner. A previous abdominal ultrasonography revealed splenomegaly and the electrocardiogram showed no abnormalities. No alterations were observed at the physical examination. The laboratorial blood tests demonstrated a persistent erythrocytosis, with high hematocrit, hemoglobin and red blood cells count, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, and total plasmatic protein within the reference interval. The bone marrow cytology revealed reduced cellularity, normal myeloid:erythroid ratio, erythroid hyperplasia, mild myeloid hyperplasia and moderate myelofibrosis. The serum erythropoietin measurement was within the reference range, and the blood gas analysis detected a slight decrease in partial oxygen pressure. Therefore, no evidence of secondary conditions was observed and the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be made. Discussion: Since there is no definitive method, the diagnosis of primary erythrocytosis could be based on the exclusion of all secondary and relative causes of erythrocytosis. The absence of clinical signs of dehydration and high serum albumin levels were findings that conduced for the exclusion of the relative form of the disturbance. The echocardiography and the abdominal ultrasonography ruled out any cardiopulmonary condition or kidney neoplasm, the most common causes of absolute secondary erythrocytosis. The persistently high hematocrit levels and red blood cell counts are significant for the suspicion of primary erythrocytosis, although thrombocytopenia and neutropenia are not commonly reported. The clinical signs of seizure were correlated with increased blood viscosity and reduced blood flow at the central nervous system. The blood gas analysis discarded the occurrence of systemic hypoxia, and the normal levels of erythropoietin gives higher evidence of the occurrence of an autonomous proliferation of the erythroid precursors within the bone marrow. The bone marrow cytology confirmed erythroid hyperplasia and the reduced cellularity that could be attributed to myelofibrosis. Myelofibrosis was described in humans with polycythemia vera, but there are no reports in veterinary, and this occurrence must be elucidated. An identical mutation in the JAK2 gene was observed in humans with polycythemia vera and dogs with primary erythrocytosis, and occurs in more than 50% of humans with myelofibrosis. Further investigations are necessary for veterinary medicine. In conclusion, the systematic approach of all organic systems and the assessment of complementary exams are necessary for the diagnostic of primary erythrocytosis in dogs. This condition should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any erythrocytosis, considering the guarded prognosis of this hematologic disorder.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Policitemia/veterinária , Eritropoetina/análise , Mielofibrose Primária/veterinária , Esplenomegalia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: In cats, arterial thromboembolism is one of the most devastating diseases, with an acute presentation, andis often caused by undiagnosed cardiomyopathy. Defined as the obstruction of one or more arterial lumens by emboli,the arterial thromboembolism is responsible for hypoperfusion signs. As the temperature of the skin surface is directlyrelated to tissue perfusion, thermography can be promising for the early diagnosis of thromboembolism. Therefore, thisstudy reports the importance of thermography as a complementary examination for the diagnosis of thromboembolism inthe abdominal aorta of a domestic cat.Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed cat weighing 2.95 kg was presented with a history of sudden onset paraplegia, apathy,and pain when handled, with greater intensity in the sacro-coccidian region. During physical exam, it was noted that thefemoral artery pulse was undetectable bilaterally during manual pulse measurement. Superficial and deep sensitivity inthe pelvic limbs and proprioception were also absent and the plantar cushions and nail beds of the posterior limbs werepale to cyanotic. Thermographic images revealed that the temperature of both hind limbs was lower than that of forelimbs,with difference of 3.2ºC and 2.9ºC between the left and right limbs, respectively. Doppler ultrasonography revealed theabsence of pulse and flow in the femoral arteries bilaterally. Electrocardiography revealed sinus tachycardia, with a heartrate of 250 bpm. Echocardiography revealed dilation of the left atrium and concentric cardiac hypertrophy. After 24 h, dueto the worsening of the clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was euthanized and sent for necropsy.Necropsy revealed that the arterial lumen of the caudal abdominal aorta and bifurcation of the iliac arteries were obliterated...
Animais , Gatos , Artéria Femoral/patologia , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Cianose/veterinária , Isquemia Miocárdica/veterinária , Tromboembolia/veterinária , Termografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterináriaResumo
Background: In cats, arterial thromboembolism is one of the most devastating diseases, with an acute presentation, andis often caused by undiagnosed cardiomyopathy. Defined as the obstruction of one or more arterial lumens by emboli,the arterial thromboembolism is responsible for hypoperfusion signs. As the temperature of the skin surface is directlyrelated to tissue perfusion, thermography can be promising for the early diagnosis of thromboembolism. Therefore, thisstudy reports the importance of thermography as a complementary examination for the diagnosis of thromboembolism inthe abdominal aorta of a domestic cat.Case: A 4-year-old mixed-breed cat weighing 2.95 kg was presented with a history of sudden onset paraplegia, apathy,and pain when handled, with greater intensity in the sacro-coccidian region. During physical exam, it was noted that thefemoral artery pulse was undetectable bilaterally during manual pulse measurement. Superficial and deep sensitivity inthe pelvic limbs and proprioception were also absent and the plantar cushions and nail beds of the posterior limbs werepale to cyanotic. Thermographic images revealed that the temperature of both hind limbs was lower than that of forelimbs,with difference of 3.2ºC and 2.9ºC between the left and right limbs, respectively. Doppler ultrasonography revealed theabsence of pulse and flow in the femoral arteries bilaterally. Electrocardiography revealed sinus tachycardia, with a heartrate of 250 bpm. Echocardiography revealed dilation of the left atrium and concentric cardiac hypertrophy. After 24 h, dueto the worsening of the clinical condition and unfavorable prognosis, the animal was euthanized and sent for necropsy.Necropsy revealed that the arterial lumen of the caudal abdominal aorta and bifurcation of the iliac arteries were obliterated...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Tromboembolia/veterinária , Artéria Femoral/patologia , Cianose/veterinária , Isquemia Miocárdica/veterinária , Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica/veterinária , Ultrassonografia Doppler de Pulso/veterinária , Termografia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To explore the mechanism of jatrorrhizine on apoptosis and fibrosis induced by myocardial infarction (MI) in an animal model. Methods: The left anterior descending branch of coronary artery was surgically ligated to duplicate the mouse model of MI. The sham and infarcted mice were treated with normal saline once a day, while mice in experimental groups received low-dose (LD) and high-dose (HD) jatrorrhizine once a day respectively. Two weeks later, cardiac function was detected by echocardiography, and histopathological examination was performed using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and Masson staining. The expressions of p53, TGF-ß1, Smad/2/3, Bax, Bcl-2, collagen I and collagen III were quantified using qRT-PCR and western blot assays. Results: Jatrorrhizine significantly improved left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and left ventricle end-systolic (LVES) in mice. Histopathological, administration of jatrorrhizine weakened infiltration of inflammatory cells and cardiac fibrosis in myocardium of mice caused by MI. Additionally, jatrorrhizine suppressed cardiomyocyte apoptosis exhibited as its capability to reverse changes of Bax and Bcl-2 levels in myocardium caused by MI. Jatrorrhizine statistically significantly downregulated expression of collagen I and collagen III, as well as TGF-ß1, Smad2/3 and p53. Conclusions: Jatrorrhizine reduce cardiomyocyte apoptosis and fibrosis through inhibiting p53/Bax/Bcl-2 and TGF-ß1/Smad2/3 signaling pathways.
Animais , Camundongos , Alcaloides de Berberina/análise , Fibrose/tratamento farmacológico , Apoptose/efeitos dos fármacos , Infarto do Miocárdio/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) in dogs is a syndrome that can occur secondary to several causes, including left heart disease (postcapillary) and chronic respiratory disease (precapillary). This study evaluates morphological and functional consequences in the right ventricle (RV) of dogs with pre- and postcapillary PH through echocardiography, and also considers the severity of PH (mild, moderate or severe). Echocardiography was performed on 66 dogs of various breeds and weights (age >3 years old) which were assigned to three groups: postcapillary PH, which included mitral valve disease/endocardiosis, precapillary PH, which included chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, collapse of the trachea and primary lung cancer or metastasis), and finally, a healthy group of controls. The parameters for RV morphology were RV1, RV2, and RV3 for systole and diastole. The following measurements were used to assess RV systolic function: tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), TAPSE:Ao (aorta), maximum velocity of the tricuspid systolic wave obtained by tissue Doppler (S'), S':Ao, right ventricle end-diastolic area (RVEDA); RVEDA:BSA (body surface area); flow velocity integral (FVI) and FVI:Ao. The variables were assessed using ANOVA. The results showed that RV3d, RV1s, S':Ao, S', and FVI were able to distinguish cases of pre- and postcapillary PH in this study. Remodeling of the RV of dogs with PH was observed, which can be influenced by the pre- or postcapillary origin of the PH, with dilation in dogs with postcapillary PH and severe PH. The results for RV systolic function were similar, with FVI and FVI:Ao showing that RV ejection function is reduced in dogs with postcapillary PH and with severe PH.(AU)
A hipertensão pulmonar (HP) em cães é uma síndrome que pode ocorrer secundária às diversas causas, dentre elas, a doença cardíaca esquerda (pós-capilar) e a doença respiratória crônica (pré-capilar). Essa é uma condição importante que motivou os objetivos do estudo: avaliar ecocardiograficamente as consequências morfológicas e funcionais no ventrículo direito (VD) dos cães acometidos com HP pré- e pós-capilar, considerando também o estágio de severidade da HP (leve, moderada ou severa). A ecocardiografia foi realizada em 66 cães de diversas raças e pesos, com pelo menos quatro anos de idade, que compuseram um grupo com doença valvar mitral, ou endocardiose, outro com doença respiratória crônica (bronquite, colapso de traqueia e neoplasia pulmonar primária ou metástase), e por último, um grupo saudável. Os parâmetros para a morfologia do VD foram RV1, RV2 e RV3 na sístole e na diástole. Para a avaliação da função sistólica do VD foram mensurados: excursão sistólica do plano anular tricúspide (TAPSE), TAPSE:Ao (aorta), velocidade máxima da onda sistólica da tricúspide obtida pelo doppler tecidual (S'), S':Ao, área do ventrículo direito no final da diástole (RVEDA); RVEDA:BSA (body superficie area); integral tempo velocidade (FVI) e FVI:Ao. As variáveis foram avaliadas por meio da ANOVA. Os resultados mostraram que RV3d, RV1s, S':Ao, S' e FVI foram capazes de distinguir casos de HP pré e pós-capilar neste estudo. Observou-se que há remodelamento do VD de cães com HP e este pode ser influenciado pela origem pré ou pós-capilar da HP, encontrando-se dilatado em cães com HP pós capilar e com HP severa. Os resultados para a função sistólica do VD foram similares, uma vez que o FVI e FVI:Ao mostraram que a capacidade de ejeção do VD está reduzida nos cães com HP pós-capilar e com HP severa.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ecocardiografia/classificação , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Ventrículos do Coração , Hipertensão Pulmonar , Anormalidades Cardiovasculares , EndocárdioResumo
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) in dogs is a syndrome that can occur secondary to several causes, including left heart disease (postcapillary) and chronic respiratory disease (precapillary). This study evaluates morphological and functional consequences in the right ventricle (RV) of dogs with pre- and postcapillary PH through echocardiography, and also considers the severity of PH (mild, moderate or severe). Echocardiography was performed on 66 dogs of various breeds and weights (age >3 years old) which were assigned to three groups: postcapillary PH, which included mitral valve disease/endocardiosis, precapillary PH, which included chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, collapse of the trachea and primary lung cancer or metastasis), and finally, a healthy group of controls. The parameters for RV morphology were RV1, RV2, and RV3 for systole and diastole. The following measurements were used to assess RV systolic function: tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE), TAPSE:Ao (aorta), maximum velocity of the tricuspid systolic wave obtained by tissue Doppler (S'), S':Ao, right ventricle end-diastolic area (RVEDA); RVEDA:BSA (body surface area); flow velocity integral (FVI) and FVI:Ao. The variables were assessed using ANOVA. The results showed that RV3d, RV1s, S':Ao, S', and FVI were able to distinguish cases of pre- and postcapillary PH in this study. Remodeling of the RV of dogs with PH was observed, which can be influenced by the pre- or postcapillary origin of the PH, with dilation in dogs with postcapillary PH and severe PH. The results for RV systolic function were similar, with FVI and FVI:Ao showing that RV ejection function is reduced in dogs with postcapillary PH and with severe PH.(AU)
A hipertensão pulmonar (HP) em cães é uma síndrome que pode ocorrer secundária às diversas causas, dentre elas, a doença cardíaca esquerda (pós-capilar) e a doença respiratória crônica (pré-capilar). Essa é uma condição importante que motivou os objetivos do estudo: avaliar ecocardiograficamente as consequências morfológicas e funcionais no ventrículo direito (VD) dos cães acometidos com HP pré- e pós-capilar, considerando também o estágio de severidade da HP (leve, moderada ou severa). A ecocardiografia foi realizada em 66 cães de diversas raças e pesos, com pelo menos quatro anos de idade, que compuseram um grupo com doença valvar mitral, ou endocardiose, outro com doença respiratória crônica (bronquite, colapso de traqueia e neoplasia pulmonar primária ou metástase), e por último, um grupo saudável. Os parâmetros para a morfologia do VD foram RV1, RV2 e RV3 na sístole e na diástole. Para a avaliação da função sistólica do VD foram mensurados: excursão sistólica do plano anular tricúspide (TAPSE), TAPSE:Ao (aorta), velocidade máxima da onda sistólica da tricúspide obtida pelo doppler tecidual (S'), S':Ao, área do ventrículo direito no final da diástole (RVEDA); RVEDA:BSA (body superficie area); integral tempo velocidade (FVI) e FVI:Ao. As variáveis foram avaliadas por meio da ANOVA. Os resultados mostraram que RV3d, RV1s, S':Ao, S' e FVI foram capazes de distinguir casos de HP pré e pós-capilar neste estudo. Observou-se que há remodelamento do VD de cães com HP e este pode ser influenciado pela origem pré ou pós-capilar da HP, encontrando-se dilatado em cães com HP pós capilar e com HP severa. Os resultados para a função sistólica do VD foram similares, uma vez que o FVI e FVI:Ao mostraram que a capacidade de ejeção do VD está reduzida nos cães com HP pós-capilar e com HP severa.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ecocardiografia/classificação , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Ventrículos do Coração , Hipertensão Pulmonar , Anormalidades Cardiovasculares , EndocárdioResumo
The objective of this study was to describe the prevalence, survival time, and risk factors of myxomatous mitral valve disease (MMVD) in dogs by a retrospective observational cohort study design of a Brazilian veterinary center, admitted from 2012 to 2018 (2.585 days). Considering the 105 dog files confirmed as MMVD, the prevalence of the disease was higher in small-breed dogs with ages from 10 to 19 years (30.3%). The survival time of the dogs at B1 stage (1.854 ± 145 days) was higher than the B2 (1.508+209) and C/D (930 ± 209). Higher risks of death (hazard ratio) were detected in the presence of syncope (2.5), pulmonary crackling (2.0), dyspnea (1.9), and higher values of vertebral heart scale (1.7), radiographic left atrium dimension (1.8), the ACVIM staging (1.7), and the duration of QRS complex (1.05). The results achieved demonstrated higher prevalence of MMVD in old small-breed dogs, associated with longer survival time in the B1 stage of the disease, and higher risk of death related to the presence of clinical signs, such as dyspnea, syncope, and pulmonary crackling, beyond some radiographic, echocardiographic, and electrocardiographic variables of heart or atrial enlargement.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a prevalência, o tempo de sobrevivência e os fatores de risco da doença mixomatosa valvar mitral (DMVM) em cães, por meio de estudo de coorte observacional retrospectivo, os quais foram atendidos em um centro veterinário de 2012 a 2018 (2.585 dias). Considerando os 105 arquivos de cães com confirmação da DMVM, maior prevalência foi observada em raças pequenas com idades entre 10 e 19 anos (30,3%). O tempo de sobrevivência de cães em estágio B1 (1.854+145 dias) foi superior ao B2 (1.508+209) e ao C/D (930+209). Maior risco de morte (hazard ratio) foi observado na presença de síncope (2,5), crepitação pulmonar (2,0), dispneia (1,9), bem como de valores superiores de VHS (1,7), dimensão radiográfica do átrio esquerdo (1,8), estadiamento ACVIM (1,7) e duração do complexo QRS (1,05). Os resultados obtidos demonstraram maior prevalência de DMVM em cães idosos de raças pequenas, associada a maior tempo de sobrevida no estágio B1 da doença e a maior risco de morte relacionado à presença de sinais clínicos como dispneia, síncope e crepitação pulmonar, além de algumas variáveis radiográficas, ecocardiográficas e eletrocardiográficas de cardiomegalia ou aumento atrial esquerdo.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Fibrose/veterinária , Endocárdio/patologia , Fatores de Risco de Doenças Cardíacas , Doenças das Valvas Cardíacas/veterinária , Prognóstico , Ecocardiografia/veterinária , Radiografia Torácica/veterinária , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Analysis of the electrocardiogram may suggest atrial and ventricular overloads. However, it has a lowsensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of cardiac chamber overload. The accuracy of electrocardiographic interpretation can be improve using new cut-offs for the duration and amplitude of the electrocardiographic waves. Ourobjective was to evaluate the use of the electrocardiogram in the diagnosis of atrial and ventricular overload, usingechocardiography as the gold standard test for the diagnosis of atrioventricular overload. We aimed to define newcut-off values that would increase the sensitivity and specificity of the electrocardiogram for diagnosis of chamberoverload in dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: Eletrocardiogram records were obtained in 81 dogs divided into 3 groups: Group1A (healthy dogs ≤ 10 kg); Group 1B (dogs ≤ 10 kg with mitral or tricuspid valve disease); Group 2 (dogs weighingbetween 10.1 and 20 kg) and Group 3 (dogs > 20.1 kg). Duration in milliseconds (ms) and amplitude in millivolts(mV) of P waves and QRS complexes, PR and QT segment, T wave amplitude and ST segment were evaluated in leadDII. Using leads I and III, the mean cardiac electrical axis in the frontal plane, expressed in degrees, was determinedas the mean of three consecutive measurements. Values considered normal in Group 1A and 1B for the durantion ofP wave was ≤ 45 ms and QRS duration ≤ 55 ms. In Group 2 the duration of P wave was ≤ 47 ms and QRS duration ≤61 ms. In Group 3 the duration of P wave was ≤ 50 ms and duration QRS ≤ 64 ms. These values (duration of P waveand QRS duration) were compared with echocardiographic measurements of the left atrium, considering the referencevalue AE/Ao ≤ 1.4 and measurements of the left ventricle in M-mode according to the body weight, respectively. AP wave amplitude ≤ 0.4 mV suggested that the right atrium size was normal and this was...
Animais , Cães , Cardiopatias/diagnóstico , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Cães , Eletrocardiografia/veterinária , Arritmias Cardíacas/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Analysis of the electrocardiogram may suggest atrial and ventricular overloads. However, it has a lowsensitivity and specificity for diagnosis of cardiac chamber overload. The accuracy of electrocardiographic interpretation can be improve using new cut-offs for the duration and amplitude of the electrocardiographic waves. Ourobjective was to evaluate the use of the electrocardiogram in the diagnosis of atrial and ventricular overload, usingechocardiography as the gold standard test for the diagnosis of atrioventricular overload. We aimed to define newcut-off values that would increase the sensitivity and specificity of the electrocardiogram for diagnosis of chamberoverload in dogs.Materials, Methods & Results: Eletrocardiogram records were obtained in 81 dogs divided into 3 groups: Group1A (healthy dogs ≤ 10 kg); Group 1B (dogs ≤ 10 kg with mitral or tricuspid valve disease); Group 2 (dogs weighingbetween 10.1 and 20 kg) and Group 3 (dogs > 20.1 kg). Duration in milliseconds (ms) and amplitude in millivolts(mV) of P waves and QRS complexes, PR and QT segment, T wave amplitude and ST segment were evaluated in leadDII. Using leads I and III, the mean cardiac electrical axis in the frontal plane, expressed in degrees, was determinedas the mean of three consecutive measurements. Values considered normal in Group 1A and 1B for the durantion ofP wave was ≤ 45 ms and QRS duration ≤ 55 ms. In Group 2 the duration of P wave was ≤ 47 ms and QRS duration ≤61 ms. In Group 3 the duration of P wave was ≤ 50 ms and duration QRS ≤ 64 ms. These values (duration of P waveand QRS duration) were compared with echocardiographic measurements of the left atrium, considering the referencevalue AE/Ao ≤ 1.4 and measurements of the left ventricle in M-mode according to the body weight, respectively. AP wave amplitude ≤ 0.4 mV suggested that the right atrium size was normal and this was...(AU)