This purpose of this study was to compare the efficiency of the McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC quantitative techniques in the investigation of helminths in feces of pigs. An analysis was made of 74 fecal samples from pigs raised on family farms located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. These were analyzed by the Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster techniques in a solution of 1,200g/mL NaCl. This investigation revealed a superiority in the frequency of all helminths detected by Mini-FLOTAC, including Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, strongyles and Strongyloides ransomi. The Kappa index revealed substantial agreement in all comparisons made in relation to the frequency of positive samples. However, significant statistical differences in the comparison of EPGs between McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC were observed for all nematodes (p ≤0.05). Higher values of Pearson's linear correlation coefficient (r), between the techniques in relation to EPG were observed for A. suum and T. suis, differently from what was observed for strongyles and S. ransomi. Mini-FLOTAC proved to be a more satisfactory and reliable technique both for the diagnosis of parasites and for the determination of EPG in pig feces due to the larger size of its counting chambers, thus increasing the helminth egg recovery rates.(AU)
Este estudo objetivou comparar a eficiência das técnicas quantitativas de McMaster e Mini-FLOTAC para a pesquisa de helmintos em fezes de suínos. Foram analisadas 74 amostras fecais de suínos mantidos em propriedades familiares, localizadas no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Estas foram analisadas pelas técnicas de Mini-FLOTAC e McMaster com solução de NaCl 1.200g/mL. Pode-se verificar uma superioridade na frequência de todos os helmintos detectados por meio do Mini-FLOTAC, incluindo-se Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, estrongilídeos e Strongyloides ransomi. O índice Kappa mostrou uma concordância substancial em todas as comparações realizadas, em relação à frequência de amostras positivas. Entretanto, diferenças estatísticas significativas na comparação do OPG entre McMaster e Mini-FLOTAC foram observadas para todos os nematoides (p ≤0.05). Elevados valores do coeficiente de correlação de Pearson foram observados entre as técnicas, em relação ao OPG para A. suum e T. suis, diferentemente do evidenciado para estrôngilos e S. ransomi. Mini-FLOTAC mostrou-se uma técnica mais satisfatória e confiável, tanto para o diagnóstico de parasitos quanto para a determinação do OPG em fezes de suínos, devido ao maior tamanho das suas câmaras de contagem, situação que acaba aumentando a eficiência da recuperação dos ovos dos helmintos.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Suínos/parasitologia , Gastroenteropatias/parasitologia , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas/veterinária , BrasilResumo
The Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis) is a columbid bird commonly found throughout most of Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, India and Australia. Its preferred habitat includes scrubland, agricultural lands, and human settlements. Despite this species' extensive breeding range, very little information is available regarding its breeding ecology. The main objective of this study was to investigate the breeding features of the Laughing Dove in Taif City, Saudi Arabia between March and May 2018 and December 2018 and May 2019. The results indicate that this species constructs its nests at a mean height of 2.74 ± 0.1 m from the ground. The average number of nesting materials used for building a Laughing Dove nest was 109.3 ± 11.25. This study recorded that this species starts breeding in the middle of February. A clutch of two eggs comprised 72% of all the nests, with a mean of 1.75 ± 0.06 eggs per clutch. The average egg size was 25.27 ± 0.43 mm x 20.25 ± 0.19 mm, with an average egg volume of 5.01 ± 0.13 cm3. In total, 39.5% of the eggs hatched, and 64.7% of hatchlings reached the fledgling stage, resulting in an overall breeding success of 25.6%. This study suggested that nest desertion and predation were the major factors contributing to nest failure.
A rola-do-senegal (Streptopelia senegalensis) é uma ave columbídea comumente encontrada na maior parte da África, Oriente Médio, Ásia Central, Índia e Austrália. Seu hábitat preferido inclui cerrado, terras agrícolas e assentamentos humanos. Apesar da extensa gama de reprodução desta espécie, muito pouca informação está disponível sobre sua ecologia reprodutiva. O principal objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as características reprodutivas da rola-do-senegal na cidade de Taif, Arábia Saudita entre março e maio de 2018 e dezembro de 2018 e maio de 2019. Os resultados indicam que esta espécie constrói seus ninhos a uma altura média de 2,74 ± 0,1 m do chão. O número médio de materiais de nidificação usados para a construção de um ninho de rola-do-senegal foi de 109,3 ± 11,25. Este estudo registrou que esta espécie começa a se reproduzir em meados de fevereiro. Uma ninhada de dois ovos compôs 72% de todos os ninhos, com média de 1,75 ± 0,06 ovo por ninhada. O tamanho médio dos ovos foi de 25,27 ± 0,43 mm x 20,25 ± 0,19 mm, com volume médio de ovos de 5,01 ± 0,13 cm3. No total, 39,5% dos ovos eclodiram e 64,7% dos filhotes atingiram a fase de filhote, resultando em um sucesso reprodutivo geral de 25,6%. Este estudo sugeriu que a deserção do ninho e a predação foram os principais fatores que contribuíram para o fracasso do ninho.
Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Animal , Aves/fisiologia , Arábia SauditaResumo
Notholebias minimus is an endangered annual killifish endemic to the coastal plains of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This study aimed to present new occurrences in the Atlantic Forest biome, provide unprecedented population features (body and egg size, fecundity, sexual ratio, and length-weight relationship - LWR), and compare changes in land use and coverage between 1985 and 2021 in biotopes located inside and outside protected areas. Three new occurrence localities were found in shallow temporary wetlands with acidic pH (6.4 ± 0.2) and low concentrations of dissolved oxygen (2.0 ± 0.9 mg/L). Males and females total length ranged from 11.1 to 31 mm and 11 to 26 mm, respectively. Batch fecundity ranged from 18 to 40 oocytes (24.8 ± 8.8), corresponding to oocytes with sizes between 800-1,006 µm (905 ± 56). Males were significantly larger than females (W = 2193.5, p = 0.0067), but both sexes occurred in similar proportions (p = 0.472). LWR showed positive allometry (b = 3.18). Biotopes located within protected areas exhibited higher conservation. Our discoveries expand the knowledge about habitat and population features of N. minimus and reinforce the importance of establishing protected areas for the conservation of annual fish biotopes.
Notholebias minimus é um peixe anual ameaçado de extinção, endêmico das planícies costeiras do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Neste estudo, objetivamos apresentar novas ocorrências no bioma Mata Atlântica, fornecer características populacionais inéditas (tamanho do corpo e dos ovos, fecundidade, proporção sexual e relação peso-comprimento), e comparar mudanças no uso e cobertura do solo entre 1985 e 2021 em biótopos localizados dentro e fora de unidades de conservação. Registramos três novos locais em áreas úmidas temporárias rasas com pH ácido (6,4 ± 0,2) e baixas concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido (2,0 ± 0,9 mg/L). O comprimento total de machos e fêmeas variou de 11,1 a 31 mm e de 11 a 26 mm, respectivamente. A fecundidade do lote variou entre 18-40 oócitos (24,8 ± 8,8), correspondendo a diâmetros entre 800-1.006 µm (905 ± 56). Os machos foram significativamente maiores que as fêmeas (W = 2193,5; p = 0,0067), mas ocorreram em proporções similares (p = 0,472). A relação peso-comprimento detectou alometria positiva (b = 3,18). Biótopos localizados dentro de áreas protegidas exibiram maior preservação ambiental. Nossas descobertas ampliam o conhecimento sobre as características do habitat e da população de N. minimus e reforçam a importância do estabelecimento de áreas protegidas para a conservação dos biótopos dos peixes anuais.
Animais , Ciprinodontiformes/anatomia & histologia , Ciprinodontiformes/classificação , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , BiodiversidadeResumo
Studies on how washing and storage influence duck egg quality are scarce compared with those on chicken egg quality. The present study investigated the quality of washed and unwashed duck eggs stored at 7 ºC and 25 ºC for 8 weeks. Quality parameters, including Haugh unit (HU), yolk index, thick albumen ratio, albumen pH, and air cell size, indicated that egg quality deteriorated during prolonged storage, and cuticle staining confirmed that washing reduced cuticle coverage. Washed eggs stored at 7 ºC maintained high quality (grade B; HU: 54) according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, 2000) after storage for 8 weeks, whereas unwashed eggs stored at 25 ºC exhibited a low but acceptable quality (grade B, but HU: 36) after 7 weeks. Strong correlations were observed between the quality parameters evaluated. In conclusion, duck eggs should be washed and then stored at 7 ºC to enhance microbial safety and maintain quality to achieve a shelf life of at least 8 weeks.(AU)
Animais , Patos/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Temperatura , Armazenamento de AlimentosResumo
Abstract The study reveals the prevalence of a potential rodent-borne zoonotic helminth species, Hymenolepis diminuta in commensal rodents caught from irrigated and rain-fed areas of Swat, Pakistan. Three hundred and fifty rodents (269 rats and 81 mice) trapped during vegetative, flowering/fruiting and mature/harvesting stages of crops were studied from 2011-2013. Hymenolepisdiminuta eggs were identified on the basis of their shape, size, colour and markings on the surface of the egg shell and three pairs of embryonic hook-lets. Overall prevalence of H. diminuta was 3.14% (n=11/350). The highest prevalence 3.49% (n=5/143) of H. diminuta was noted at harvesting stages of the crops whereas the lowest 2.59% (n=2/77) during vegetative stage. Infection was higher in males 3.25% (n=7/215) than females 2.96% (n=4/135). Adult rodents were highly infected while no sub-adult was found infected. Infection was higher in mice 3.70% (3/81) than rats 2.69% (8/269) while no significance (p=1.0000:0.1250 to 32.00 CI). Rats and mice appears to show the most suitable reservoirs by hosting H. diminuta a zoonotic helminth. The presence of these rodents in all possible habitats can act as a main channel of transferring parasites through various habitats and can pose a hazard to humans in the area.
Resumo O estudo revela a prevalência de uma espécie potencial de helmintos zoonóticos transmitidos por roedores, Hymenolepis diminuta, em roedores comensais capturados em áreas irrigadas e alimentadas pela chuva de Swat, Paquistão. Trezentos e cinquenta roedores (269 ratos e 81 camundongos) presos durante os estágios vegetativo, floração/frutificação e maturidade/colheita das safras foram estudados de 2011-2013. Ovos de Hymenolepisdiminuta foram identificados com base em sua forma, tamanho, cor e marcações na superfície da casca do ovo e três pares de anzóis embrionários. A prevalência geral de H. diminuta foi de 3,14% (n = 11/350). A maior prevalência 3,49% (n = 5/143) de H. diminuta foi observada na fase de colheita das lavouras, enquanto a menor 2,59% (n = 2/77) durante a fase vegetativa. A infecção foi maior nos homens 3,25% (n = 7/215) do que nas mulheres 2,96% (n = 4/135). Roedores adultos foram altamente infectados, enquanto nenhum subadulto foi encontrado infectado. A infecção foi maior em camundongos 3,70% (3/81) do que em ratos 2,69% (8/269), embora sem significância (p = 1,0000: 0,1250 a 32,00 CI). Ratos e camundongos parecem mostrar os reservatórios mais adequados hospedando H. diminuta um helmintos zoonótico. A presença desses roedores em todos os habitats possíveis pode atuar como um canal principal de transferência de parasitas através de vários habitats e pode representar um perigo para os humanos na área.
We monitored the temperature of seven Paleosuchus palpebrosus nests found on the banks of streams surrounding the Brazilian Pantanal, near the southern limit of the species´ distribution, between 2008 and 2013. The mean temperature of the nests between 45 and 68 days incubation, the presumed period of sex determination, varied between 26.1 and 31.5o C. Nest temperatures were 2 to 5°C higher than air temperatures, presumably due to metabolic heat of decay of material within the nests, but air temperature explained 10-50% of the variance in egg-chamber temperatures. The estimated incubation periods for nests from which eggs hatched were 80, 84, 86, 90 and 104 days with a mean of 89 (SD =9.23) days, though these are probably slight overestimates because eggs may have hatched in the period between inspections. For these nests, there was no significant relationship between mean temperature and incubation period (r2 = 0.23, p = 0.411).
Nós monitoramos a temperatura de sete ninhos de Paleosuchus palpebrosus encontrados nas margens de riachos ao redor do Pantanal, próximo ao limite sul da distribuição da espécie, entre 2008 e 2013. A temperatura média dos ninhos entre 45 e 68 dias de incubação, período presumido de determinação do sexo, variou entre 26,1 e 31,5o C. As temperaturas dos ninhos foram 2 a 5°C mais altas que as temperaturas do ar, presumivelmente devido ao calor metabólico de decomposição do material dentro dos ninhos, mas a temperatura do ar explicou 10-50% da variação na temperatura da câmara de ovo. Os períodos de incubação estimados para os ninhos dos quais os ovos eclodiram foram de 80, 84, 86, 90 e 104 dias com uma média de 89 (DP = 9,23) dias, embora sejam provavelmente pequenas superestimavas porque os ovos podem ter eclodido no período entre as inspeções. Para esses ninhos, não houve relação significativa entre temperatura média e período de incubação (r2 = 0,23, p = 0,411).
Jacarés e Crocodilos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , BrasilResumo
The study reveals the prevalence of a potential rodent-borne zoonotic helminth species, Hymenolepis diminuta in commensal rodents caught from irrigated and rain-fed areas of Swat, Pakistan. Three hundred and fifty rodents (269 rats and 81 mice) trapped during vegetative, flowering/fruiting and mature/harvesting stages of crops were studied from 2011-2013. Hymenolepisdiminuta eggs were identified on the basis of their shape, size, colour and markings on the surface of the egg shell and three pairs of embryonic hook-lets. Overall prevalence of H. diminuta was 3.14% (n=11/350). The highest prevalence 3.49% (n=5/143) of H. diminuta was noted at harvesting stages of the crops whereas the lowest 2.59% (n=2/77) during vegetative stage. Infection was higher in males 3.25% (n=7/215) than females 2.96% (n=4/135). Adult rodents were highly infected while no sub-adult was found infected. Infection was higher in mice 3.70% (3/81) than rats 2.69% (8/269) while no significance (p=1.0000:0.1250 to 32.00 CI). Rats and mice appears to show the most suitable reservoirs by hosting H. diminuta a zoonotic helminth. The presence of these rodents in all possible habitats can act as a main channel of transferring parasites through various habitats and can pose a hazard to humans in the area.
O estudo revela a prevalência de uma espécie potencial de helmintos zoonóticos transmitidos por roedores, Hymenolepis diminuta, em roedores comensais capturados em áreas irrigadas e alimentadas pela chuva de Swat, Paquistão. Trezentos e cinquenta roedores (269 ratos e 81 camundongos) presos durante os estágios vegetativo, floração/frutificação e maturidade/colheita das safras foram estudados de 2011-2013. Ovos de Hymenolepisdiminuta foram identificados com base em sua forma, tamanho, cor e marcações na superfície da casca do ovo e três pares de anzóis embrionários. A prevalência geral de H. diminuta foi de 3,14% (n = 11/350). A maior prevalência 3,49% (n = 5/143) de H. diminuta foi observada na fase de colheita das lavouras, enquanto a menor 2,59% (n = 2/77) durante a fase vegetativa. A infecção foi maior nos homens 3,25% (n = 7/215) do que nas mulheres 2,96% (n = 4/135). Roedores adultos foram altamente infectados, enquanto nenhum subadulto foi encontrado infectado. A infecção foi maior em camundongos 3,70% (3/81) do que em ratos 2,69% (8/269), embora sem significância (p = 1,0000: 0,1250 a 32,00 CI). Ratos e camundongos parecem mostrar os reservatórios mais adequados hospedando H. diminuta um helmintos zoonótico. A presença desses roedores em todos os habitats possíveis pode atuar como um canal principal de transferência de parasitas através de vários habitats e pode representar um perigo para os humanos na área.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Himenolepíase/diagnóstico , Himenolepíase/veterinária , Muridae/parasitologiaResumo
The study reveals the prevalence of a potential rodent-borne zoonotic helminth species, Hymenolepis diminuta in commensal rodents caught from irrigated and rain-fed areas of Swat, Pakistan. Three hundred and fifty rodents (269 rats and 81 mice) trapped during vegetative, flowering/fruiting and mature/harvesting stages of crops were studied from 2011-2013. Hymenolepisdiminuta eggs were identified on the basis of their shape, size, colour and markings on the surface of the egg shell and three pairs of embryonic hook-lets. Overall prevalence of H. diminuta was 3.14% (n=11/350). The highest prevalence 3.49% (n=5/143) of H. diminuta was noted at harvesting stages of the crops whereas the lowest 2.59% (n=2/77) during vegetative stage. Infection was higher in males 3.25% (n=7/215) than females 2.96% (n=4/135). Adult rodents were highly infected while no sub-adult was found infected. Infection was higher in mice 3.70% (3/81) than rats 2.69% (8/269) while no significance (p=1.0000:0.1250 to 32.00 CI). Rats and mice appears to show the most suitable reservoirs by hosting H. diminuta a zoonotic helminth. The presence of these rodents in all possible habitats can act as a main channel of transferring parasites through various habitats and can pose a hazard to humans in the area.
O estudo revela a prevalência de uma espécie potencial de helmintos zoonóticos transmitidos por roedores, Hymenolepis diminuta, em roedores comensais capturados em áreas irrigadas e alimentadas pela chuva de Swat, Paquistão. Trezentos e cinquenta roedores (269 ratos e 81 camundongos) presos durante os estágios vegetativo, floração/frutificação e maturidade/colheita das safras foram estudados de 2011-2013. Ovos de Hymenolepis diminuta foram identificados com base em sua forma, tamanho, cor e marcações na superfície da casca do ovo e três pares de anzóis embrionários. A prevalência geral de H. diminuta foi de 3,14% (n = 11/350). A maior prevalência 3,49% (n = 5/143) de H. diminuta foi observada na fase de colheita das lavouras, enquanto a menor 2,59% (n = 2/77) durante a fase vegetativa. A infecção foi maior nos homens 3,25% (n = 7/215) do que nas mulheres 2,96% (n = 4/135). Roedores adultos foram altamente infectados, enquanto nenhum subadulto foi encontrado infectado. A infecção foi maior em camundongos 3,70% (3/81) do que em ratos 2,69% (8/269), embora sem significância (p = 1,0000: 0,1250 a 32,00 CI). Ratos e camundongos parecem mostrar os reservatórios mais adequados hospedando H. diminuta um helmintos zoonótico. A presença desses roedores em todos os habitats possíveis pode atuar como um canal principal de transferência de parasitas através de vários habitats e pode representar um perigo para os humanos na área.
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos , Ratos , Doenças dos Roedores/epidemiologia , Hymenolepis diminuta , Helmintíase Animal , Helmintos , MuridaeResumo
Apistogramma agassizii is a native fish from the Amazon basin, which is of great interest for fishkeeping and is supplied to the retail trade from extractivism. Knowledge about the reproductive characteristics of this fish is fundamental to successful breeding. Objective: This work aimed to study the behavior and reproductive performance of this species in white and black aquariums. A total of 16 pairs were used, 8 in each treatment. The system had water recirculation, with fresh and inert food supply. Result: The fish demonstrated parental care, more accentuated by the female and partial spawning. The same coloration pattern was observed in both treatments, with coloration intensifying only during spawning. The eggs were adhesive and U-shaped/oval. The females followed the larvae, even after they left the nests, and attacked the males when they approached the offspring. Males exhibited territorial behavior. No significant differences were observed for the following parameters studied: largest and smallest egg size, spawning weight, absolute fecundity, number of hatched larvae, and hatchability rate. Conclusion: This study found that the fish are prolific and show good reproductive rates in conditions of captivity; thus, they are suitable to rear for the ornamental fish trade.
Apistograma agassizzi é um peixe nativo da bacia amazônica muito apreciado pela aquariofilia; seu comércio é oriundo do extrativismo. Conhecer os aspectos reprodutivos desse peixe é fundamental para o sucesso da criação. Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o comportamento e o desempenho reprodutivo dessa espécie, para isso utilizaram-se aquários brancos e pretos, nos quais foram aloja-dos 16 casais, oito em cada tratamento. O sistema adotado foi o de recirculação de água, com oferta de alimento inerte e fresco. Os peixes apresentaram cuidado parental acentuado pela fêmea e desova parcelada; o mesmo padrão de coloração para ambos os tratamentos pôde ser observado, intensificando-se na reprodução. Os ovos eram adesivos e em forma de U/ovais. As fêmeas acompanhavam as larvas, mesmo após a saída do ninho, chegando a agredir os machos quando estes se aproximavam da prole. Os machos apresentaram comportamento territorialista. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para os seguintes parâmetros estudados: comprimento maior e menor do ovo, peso da desova, fecundidade absoluta, número de larvas eclodidas e taxa de eclodibilidade. Pôde-se ainda concluir que os peixes são prolíficos e apresentam bons índices reprodutivos em condições de cativeiro, portanto aptos para o cultivo visando ao comércio de peixes ornamentais.
Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Ciclídeos , Pesqueiros , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
Eggs are used as food industry ingredients due to their functional properties. Eggs from different bird species are used in industrial processing; therefore, rheological experiments were carried out at steady state to obtain the flow curves and also at a dynamic state to study the rheological properties of greater rhea eggs. The viscoelastic behavior of the fluids as a function of the coagulation temperatures for albumen and yolk and of the oscillatory shear frequency was studied. Fifteen rhea eggs stored for up to 28 days at 10 °C were analyzed at 1, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The albumen and yolk fractions showed pseudoplastic rheological behavior with small initial flow shear and dependence on shear time, with albumen demonstrating thixotropy and the yolk showing rheopexy. In low shear rheological tests, thermal gelation of albumen was observed, presenting a first change in the elastic modulus around 56 °C, and a second from 78 °C. In the yolk, a change was observed from 66 °C, with more structural variations in the development of the gel at higher temperatures. For rhea eggs, the gel structuring (gelation) temperature of albumen (80 °C) and egg yolk (69 °C) did not undergo variations during the storage periods. Compared to commercial eggs, the higher viscosity and gelation temperatures presented by the rhea eggs can help determine the size of the industrial processing system as they can be submitted to higher temperatures without modifying protein structures and hindering the process.
Os ovos são usados como ingredientes da indústria alimentícia devido às suas propriedades funcionais. Ovos de diferentes espécies de aves podem ser usados no processamento industrial. Foram realizados experimentos reológicos em estado estacionário para obtenção das curvas de fluxo e também em estado dinâmico para estudar as propriedades reológicas dos ovos de emas Rhea americana. O comportamento viscoelástico dos fluidos em função das temperaturas de coagulação para albúmen e gema e da frequência oscilatória foi estudado. Foram analisados 15 ovos de rhea armazenados por até 28 dias a 10 °C em 1, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias. As frações de albumina e gema mostraram comportamento reológico pseudoplástico com pequeno cisalhamento de fluxo inicial e dependência do tempo de cisalhamento, com albúmen demonstrando tixotropia e a gema mostrando reopexia. Em testes reológicos de cisalhamento baixo, observou-se gelificação térmica de albúmen, apresentando uma primeira mudança no módulo elástico em torno de 56 °C, e um segundo de 78 °C. Na gema, observou-se uma mudança a partir de 66 °C, com variações mais estruturais no desenvolvimento do gel a temperaturas mais elevadas. Para os ovos de rhea, a temperatura estruturante de gel (gelificação) de albumen (80 °C) e gema de ovo (69 °C) não sofreu variações durante os períodos de armazenamento. Em comparação com os ovos comerciais, as maiores temperaturas de viscosidade e gelificação apresentadas pelos ovos rhea podem ajudar a determinar o tamanho do sistema de processamento industrial, pois podem ser submetidos a temperaturas mais altas sem modificar estruturas proteicas e dificultar o processo.
Animais , Reiformes , Ovos , Armazenamento de Alimentos , TemperaturaResumo
The study reveals the prevalence of a potential rodent-borne zoonotic helminth species, Hymenolepis diminuta in commensal rodents caught from irrigated and rain-fed areas of Swat, Pakistan. Three hundred and fifty rodents (269 rats and 81 mice) trapped during vegetative, flowering/fruiting and mature/harvesting stages of crops were studied from 2011-2013. Hymenolepisdiminuta eggs were identified on the basis of their shape, size, colour and markings on the surface of the egg shell and three pairs of embryonic hook-lets. Overall prevalence of H. diminuta was 3.14% (n=11/350). The highest prevalence 3.49% (n=5/143) of H. diminuta was noted at harvesting stages of the crops whereas the lowest 2.59% (n=2/77) during vegetative stage. Infection was higher in males 3.25% (n=7/215) than females 2.96% (n=4/135). Adult rodents were highly infected while no sub-adult was found infected. Infection was higher in mice 3.70% (3/81) than rats 2.69% (8/269) while no significance (p=1.0000:0.1250 to 32.00 CI). Rats and mice appears to show the most suitable reservoirs by hosting H. diminuta a zoonotic helminth. The presence of these rodents in all possible habitats can act as a main channel of transferring parasites through various habitats and can pose a hazard to humans in the area.(AU)
O estudo revela a prevalência de uma espécie potencial de helmintos zoonóticos transmitidos por roedores, Hymenolepis diminuta, em roedores comensais capturados em áreas irrigadas e alimentadas pela chuva de Swat, Paquistão. Trezentos e cinquenta roedores (269 ratos e 81 camundongos) presos durante os estágios vegetativo, floração/frutificação e maturidade/colheita das safras foram estudados de 2011-2013. Ovos de Hymenolepisdiminuta foram identificados com base em sua forma, tamanho, cor e marcações na superfície da casca do ovo e três pares de anzóis embrionários. A prevalência geral de H. diminuta foi de 3,14% (n = 11/350). A maior prevalência 3,49% (n = 5/143) de H. diminuta foi observada na fase de colheita das lavouras, enquanto a menor 2,59% (n = 2/77) durante a fase vegetativa. A infecção foi maior nos homens 3,25% (n = 7/215) do que nas mulheres 2,96% (n = 4/135). Roedores adultos foram altamente infectados, enquanto nenhum subadulto foi encontrado infectado. A infecção foi maior em camundongos 3,70% (3/81) do que em ratos 2,69% (8/269), embora sem significância (p = 1,0000: 0,1250 a 32,00 CI). Ratos e camundongos parecem mostrar os reservatórios mais adequados hospedando H. diminuta um helmintos zoonótico. A presença desses roedores em todos os habitats possíveis pode atuar como um canal principal de transferência de parasitas através de vários habitats e pode representar um perigo para os humanos na área.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Muridae/parasitologia , Himenolepíase/diagnóstico , Himenolepíase/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT Anuran males and females adopt different reproductive and behavioral strategies in different contexts. We investigated the reproductive ecology and territorial behavior of the treefrog Boana goiana (B. Lutz, 1968) from the Brazilian Cerrado. We hypothesized that competitor density/proximity would increase the behavioral responses of B. goiana males, and that mating would be assortative. We also tested if the number of eggs correlates with female size and if there is a trade-off between clutch size and egg size. We conducted two territoriality experiments to test the effects of male size, competitor proximity and competitor density. Larger males called more in the presence of a second male. In the second experiment, the largest males emitted more calls and the distance to the nearest male increased as resident males called more. In both experiments, the number of calls was influenced by either male size or spacing between males. Some males behaved as satellites, probably to avoid fights. Our analyses indicate that females choose males with similar sizes to their own, corroborating our hypothesis of size-assortative mating. We found no relationships between female size and clutch size/volume, and between egg size and number of eggs per clutch. We also report multiple spawning for this species. The low incidence of physical combats and the spacing pattern indicate that this species relies almost solely on calls to resolve contests, which could be explained by low motivation, or simply because males avoid combats to decrease injury risks. Thus, acoustic or even multimodal communication seems crucial for social interactions of B. goiana.
ABSTRACT Information on the breeding biology of most Neotropical birds, and interpopulation comparisons, are insufficient. The Helmeted Manakin, Antilophia galeata (Lichtenstein, 1823), is a forest understory passerine commonly found in the gallery forests of the tropical savanna-like Cerrado biome. We provide information about the nesting phenology, nesting cycle, nests, eggs, nestlings, and nest-site characteristics of a population of the Helmeted Manakin in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. During two breeding seasons we found 16 active, and 30 inactive nests. Breeding activities occurred from mid- August to mid- January, and nests were constructed in bushes and saplings in the forests understory, 0.45-3.48 m above ground (1.56 ± 0.66 m). Clutch size was two eggs, which were laid in intervals of one to three days. Three remarkable patterns of interclutch egg color and marking variations were observed. The incubation period of two nests was 18 and 19 days, and nestling periods were 16.3 ± 0.6 days (16-17 days, n = 3 nests). The apparent nest survival of 11 thoroughly monitored nests was 36.4%. In addition to the first description of the interclutch egg pattern variations, the following information differs from previous literature data: egg laying interval and nestling periods. Our data contribute to the overall knowledge of the variations in breeding parameters of the Helmeted Manakin.
ABSTRACT As dust particles in laying poultry houses can have negative effects on health and on the environment, this study aimed to measure and compare dust concentrations in egg production sheds. The experiment was carried out in three sheds: Californian shed (G1), conventional closed shed with artificial ventilation (G2) and conventional closed shed without artificial ventilation (G3), and the birds housed were in the 22nd week of housing, in Cuité, Paraíba, Brazil. The dust particles were collected by a gravimetric pump, attached to the workers clothes, at the height of the respiratory zone, being removed at the end of the working day. Using the evaluation methodologies (total or breathable dust) according to NIOSH (1998), weighing was performed with sample concentration calculation, then the particle size was measured by microscopy according to the methodology described by Feret (Santos, 2001), with diameter of function obtained using an optical microscope, and particles classified by size (inhalable 100 µm, thoracic 25 µm and breathable 10 µm). Considering the limit of concentration x exposure time of 3.0 mg/m3, according to ACGIH (2013), the sheds had the following values: G1-0.98 mg/m3, G2-1.45 mg/m3 and G3-1.13 mg/m3. In the classification of particles by size, the highest frequencies were 83% thoracic, 13% inhalable, and 4% breathable. With the results presented, the implementation of the Respiratory Protection Program - PPR is suggested.
Anuran males and females adopt different reproductive and behavioral strategies in different contexts. We investigated the reproductive ecology and territorial behavior of the treefrog Boana goiana (B. Lutz, 1968) from the Brazilian Cerrado. We hypothesized that competitor density/proximity would increase the behavioral responses of B. goiana males, and that mating would be assortative. We also tested if the number of eggs correlates with female size and if there is a trade-off between clutch size and egg size. We conducted two territoriality experiments to test the effects of male size, competitor proximity and competitor density. Larger males called more in the presence of a second male. In the second experiment, the largest males emitted more calls and the distance to the nearest male increased as resident males called more. In both experiments, the number of calls was influenced by either male size or spacing between males. Some males behaved as satellites, probably to avoid fights. Our analyses indicate that females choose males with similar sizes to their own, corroborating our hypothesis of size-assortative mating. We found no relationships between female size and clutch size/volume, and between egg size and number of eggs per clutch. We also report multiple spawning for this species. The low incidence of physical combats and the spacing pattern indicate that this species relies almost solely on calls to resolve contests, which could be explained by low motivation, or simply because males avoid combats to decrease injury risks. Thus, acoustic or even multimodal communication seems crucial for social interactions of B. goiana.(AU)
Animais , Anuros/fisiologia , Ecologia , Comportamento Sexual AnimalResumo
Objectives of the present study were to assess the hatchery based interventions and their impact on hatching traits and subsequent performance of broilers. In total, 3000 eggs of Hubbard broiler breeders were equally divided into Small (50-55 g), Medium (56-61 g) and Large (62-70 g) eggs. The eggs from each category were distributed into 20 trays each containing 50 eggs. Each tray was considered as a replicate. At the end of the 18th day of incubation, the eggs of each weight category were divided into four different patio strategies i.e. P0, P3, P5 and P7 where feed and water were provided to the chicks for 0, 3, 5 and 7 days in the hatcher followed by conventional rearing. Data were collected for hatch window, hatching traits, growth, physical asymmetry, welfare and blood profile in broilers. Statistical analysis showed that the smaller eggs had significantly (P 0.05) shorter hatch window compared to larger and medium eggs. Hatching traits were significantly (p 0.05) better in medium eggs but the embryonic mortalities did not differ (p>0.05). The post-hatch performance was significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium eggs. Physical asymmetry and scores of feather and gait were not affected by both treatments (p>0.05). Blood profile was also significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium-size eggs. It was recommended that the eggs of 56-61g should be selected for better hatchability and the chicks should be provided with feed and water within the hatcher for at-least three days for optimum performance on rearing facility.(AU)
Animais , Óvulo/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Período de Incubação de Doenças Infecciosas , Bioquímica , Bem-Estar do Animal , GalinhasResumo
Objectives of the present study were to assess the hatchery based interventions and their impact on hatching traits and subsequent performance of broilers. In total, 3000 eggs of Hubbard broiler breeders were equally divided into Small (50-55 g), Medium (56-61 g) and Large (62-70 g) eggs. The eggs from each category were distributed into 20 trays each containing 50 eggs. Each tray was considered as a replicate. At the end of the 18th day of incubation, the eggs of each weight category were divided into four different patio strategies i.e. P0, P3, P5 and P7 where feed and water were provided to the chicks for 0, 3, 5 and 7 days in the hatcher followed by conventional rearing. Data were collected for hatch window, hatching traits, growth, physical asymmetry, welfare and blood profile in broilers. Statistical analysis showed that the smaller eggs had significantly (P 0.05) shorter hatch window compared to larger and medium eggs. Hatching traits were significantly (p 0.05) better in medium eggs but the embryonic mortalities did not differ (p>0.05). The post-hatch performance was significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium eggs. Physical asymmetry and scores of feather and gait were not affected by both treatments (p>0.05). Blood profile was also significantly (p 0.05) better in P3 birds from medium-size eggs. It was recommended that the eggs of 56-61g should be selected for better hatchability and the chicks should be provided with feed and water within the hatcher for at-least three days for optimum performance on rearing facility.
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Bioquímica , Período de Incubação de Doenças Infecciosas , Óvulo/crescimento & desenvolvimento , GalinhasResumo
Anuran males and females adopt different reproductive and behavioral strategies in different contexts. We investigated the reproductive ecology and territorial behavior of the treefrog Boana goiana (B. Lutz, 1968) from the Brazilian Cerrado. We hypothesized that competitor density/proximity would increase the behavioral responses of B. goiana males, and that mating would be assortative. We also tested if the number of eggs correlates with female size and if there is a trade-off between clutch size and egg size. We conducted two territoriality experiments to test the effects of male size, competitor proximity and competitor density. Larger males called more in the presence of a second male. In the second experiment, the largest males emitted more calls and the distance to the nearest male increased as resident males called more. In both experiments, the number of calls was influenced by either male size or spacing between males. Some males behaved as satellites, probably to avoid fights. Our analyses indicate that females choose males with similar sizes to their own, corroborating our hypothesis of size-assortative mating. We found no relationships between female size and clutch size/volume, and between egg size and number of eggs per clutch. We also report multiple spawning for this species. The low incidence of physical combats and the spacing pattern indicate that this species relies almost solely on calls to resolve contests, which could be explained by low motivation, or simply because males avoid combats to decrease injury risks. Thus, acoustic or even multimodal communication seems crucial for social interactions of B. goiana.(AU)
Animais , Arvicolinae/parasitologia , Nociceptividade/fisiologia , Analgesia/efeitos adversos , Estações do Ano , Cadeia AlimentarResumo
Information on the breeding biology of most Neotropical birds, and interpopulation comparisons, are insufficient. The Helmeted Manakin, Antilophia galeata (Lichtenstein, 1823), is a forest understory passerine commonly found in the gallery forests of the tropical savanna-like Cerrado biome. We provide information about the nesting phenology, nesting cycle, nests, eggs, nestlings, and nest-site characteristics of a population of the Helmeted Manakin in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. During two breeding seasons we found 16 active, and 30 inactive nests. Breeding activities occurred from mid- August to mid- January, and nests were constructed in bushes and saplings in the forest's understory, 0.45-3.48 m above ground (1.56 ± 0.66 m). Clutch size was two eggs, which were laid in intervals of one to three days. Three remarkable patterns of interclutch egg color and marking variations were observed. The incubation period of two nests was 18 and 19 days, and nestling periods were 16.3 ± 0.6 days (16-17 days, n = 3 nests). The apparent nest survival of 11 thoroughly monitored nests was 36.4%. In addition to the first description of the interclutch egg pattern variations, the following information differs from previous literature data: egg laying interval and nestling periods. Our data contribute to the overall knowledge of the variations in breeding parameters of the Helmeted Manakin.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Passeriformes/fisiologia , BrasilResumo
This work was carried out to evaluate the effect of different particle size corn on the performance, egg quality and intestinal morphology of Hisex Brown laying hens. A total of 128 birds were used, in a completely randomized design with four treatments, four replicates and eight birds per experimental unit. Experimental rations had corn with different particle size: 565, 620, 781 and 1085 µm of mean geometric diameter (MGD). Feeding was ad libitum at 8:00 am and 4:00 p.m. The variables analyzed were: feed consumption, laying percentage, egg mass and weight, food conversion (was calculated by dividing the feed consumed by the total egg weight ( and the number of eggs produced (kg.dozen-1)), shell percentage and thickness, Haugh unit, yolk color index and morphometry analysis of the intestinal mucosa. The use of corn with MGD until to 1085 µm in rations does not affect the performance and eggs quality of Hisex Bronw laying hens. However, there are indications that the intestinal morphometry of laying hens is negatively influenced by the increase in particle size of corn.(AU)
Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de diferentes tamanhos de partículas de milho no desempenho, qualidade dos ovos e morfologia intestinal de poedeiras Hisex Brown. Foram utilizadas 128 aves, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, quatro repetições e oito aves por unidade experimental. As rações experimentais apresentaram milho de diferentes tamanhos de partículas: 565, 620, 781 e 1085 µm de diâmetro geométrico médio (DGM). A alimentação foi ad libitum às 8:00 e 16:00h. As variáveis analisadas foram: consumo de ração, porcentagem de postura, massa e peso dos ovos, conversão alimentar (calculada dividindo-se a ração consumida pelo peso total de ovos (kg/kg) e número de ovos produzidos (kg/dúzia)), porcentagem e espessura da casca, unidade de Haugh, índice e coloração de gema e análise morfométrica da mucosa intestinal. O uso de milho com DGM até 1085 µm nas rações não afeta o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos de poedeiras Hisex Brown. No entanto, há indicações de que a morfometria intestinal de poedeiras é influenciada negativamente pelo aumento no tamanho das partículas do milho.(AU)
Este estudio ha sido desarrollado con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de diferentes tamaños de partículas de maíz en el rendimiento, calidad de los huevos y la morfología intestinal de gallinas ponedoras Hisex Brown. Se utilizaron 128 aves, distribuidas en un experimento completamente al azar, con cuatro tratamientos, cuatro repeticiones y ocho aves por unidad experimental. Las raciones experimentales fueron elaboradas con maíz de diferentes tamaños de partículas: 565, 620, 781, 1085 µm de diámetro geométrico medio (DGM). La alimentación fue ad libitum a las 8:00 y a las 16:00h. Las variables analizadas fueron: consumo de ración, porcentaje de postura, masa y peso de los huevos, conversión alimenticia (se calculó dividiendo el alimento consumido por el peso total de huevos (kg/kg) y el número de huevos producidos (kg/docena)), porcentaje y espesor de cáscara, unidad Haugh, índice y coloración de yema, y análisis morfométrica de la mucosa intestinal. La utilización de maíz con DGM de hasta 1085 µm en las raciones no perjudica el rendimiento y la calidad de los huevos de las ponedoras Hisex Brown. Sin embargo, hay indicaciones de que la morfometría intestinal de gallinas ponedoras es influenciada de forma negativa por el aumento del tamaño de las partículas del maíz.(AU)