Ophryotrocha is the most speciose genus within Dorvilleidae, with species occurring in a great variety of environments around the globe. In Brazil, records of Ophryotrocha are scarce and no specific identification is provided for any of the records. Herein we describe a new species of Dorvilleidae, Ophryotrocha zitae sp. nov. Adult and larval specimens were found in the axis of a fragment of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, sampled off São Paulos coast, at a depth of 245 m. Both forms are described and illustrated. This new species resembles O. puerilis, O. adherens and O. eutrophila, but can be distinguished based on differences in its mandible and on chaetae shape and arrangement.
Animais , Anelídeos/anatomia & histologia , Anelídeos/classificação , AntozoáriosResumo
Ophryotrocha is the most speciose genus within Dorvilleidae, with species occurring in a great variety of environments around the globe. In Brazil, records of Ophryotrocha are scarce and no specific identification is provided for any of the records. Herein we describe a new species of Dorvilleidae, Ophryotrocha zitae sp. nov. Adult and larval specimens were found in the axis of a fragment of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, sampled off São Paulos coast, at a depth of 245 m. Both forms are described and illustrated. This new species resembles O. puerilis, O. adherens and O. eutrophila, but can be distinguished based on differences in its mandible and on chaetae shape and arrangement.(AU)
Animais , Anelídeos/anatomia & histologia , Anelídeos/classificação , AntozoáriosResumo
Epistyliasis has been characterized as an emergent disease which has a great impact on fish farms, especially on Oreochromis niloticus production systems. Although epidemiological important, information about the dispersion of these parasites and their mechanical vectors is scarce. The present study reported the cooccurrence of Epistylis sp. as an epibiont of Dolops carvalhoi, a parasitic crustacean of cultivated/wild specimens (from accidental release) of O. niloticus from a cage fish farm area in the Ilha Solteira Reservoir, Grande River, SP, Brazil. The co-occurrence of Epistylis sp. and D. carvalhoi, and their epibiont relationship registered in this study suppose that the Epistylis may use the crustaceans for dispersion and as mechanical vectors for the dissemination of diseases in wild and cultivated hosts. Moreover, exchange of parasites between wild and cultivated hosts is possible, considering both organisms (protozoan and argulid). Furthermore, the results of the present study demonstrate the need to monitor the areas adjacent to cage fish farms as a preventive measure for the dispersion of pathogens. This is the first report of epibiosis between Epistylis sp. and argulid parasites of cultivated and wild O. niloticus, contributing to knowledge about host-parasite specificity, geographical distribution, dispersion of etiological agents and epidemiology in aquaculture.(AU)
Epistilíase tem sido caracterizada como uma doença emergente de grande impacto nas pisciculturas, especialmente em sistemas de produção de Oreochromis niloticus. Embora seja importante epidemiologicamente, informações sobre a dispersão desses parasitas e seus vetores mecânicos são escassos. O presente estudo relata a coocorrência de Epistylis sp. como um epibionte de Dolops carvalhoi, um crustáceo parasita de espécimes cultivados e silvestres (de escapes acidentais) de O. niloticus em área de piscicultura de tanques-rede no reservatório de Ilha Solteira, Rio Grande, SP, Brasil. A coocorrência de Epistylis sp. e D. carvalhoi, e sua relação epibionte registrada neste estudo, supõem que Epistylis sp. possa utilizar os crustáceos para dispersão e como vetores mecânicos para a disseminação de doenças em hospedeiros silvestres e cultivados. Além disso, a troca de parasitas entre hospedeiros silvestres e cultivados é possível, considerando ambos os organismos (protozoários e argulídeos). Os resultados deste estudo, também demonstram a necessidade de monitorar as áreas adjacentes às pisciculturas como medida preventiva para a dispersão de patógenos. Este é o primeiro relato de epibiose entre Epistylis sp. e parasitas argulídeos de O. niloticus cultivados e silvestres, contribuindo para o conhecimento da especificidade parasitária do hospedeiro, distribuição geográfica, dispersão de agentes etiológicos e epidemiologia na aquicultura.(AU)
Animais , Cilióforos/patogenicidade , Arguloida , Vetores de Doenças , Ciclídeos/parasitologiaResumo
Phoretic relationships often bring large advantages to epibionts. By attaching themselves to mobile hosts, epibionts are able to: expand their ranges without spending energy, reduce their risk of being predated, and increase their probability of finding food. We assessed the phoretic relationship between the siluriform fish Ancistrus multispinis (Regan, 1912) and the chironomid larva Ichthyocladius sp. in three streams of the Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. We evaluated changes in epibiont distribution throughout the body regions of the host and among three different aquatic systems. We had predicted that certain body regions are more prone to support epibiont attachment, and that epibiont prevalence increases with increased host size and quality of the aquatic system. Three streams (Santana, São Pedro and DOuro), tributaries of the Guandu River, were sampled during 2010 and 2011. A total of 102 specimens of A. multispinis were collected and analyzed. Epibionts were found in fourteen of fifteen body regions of the host. Observation from scanning electron microscopy revealed that Chironomidae larvae fix themselves to the spicules through the anal prolegs, not at the skin, as previously reported. The amount of epibionts (degree of infestation) was significantly correlated with fish size in the Santana Stream (r = 0.6, p < 0.01), and São Pedro Stream (r = 0.56, p < 0.01), but not in the DOuro Stream, the most altered of the three. The pre sence of epibionts on the body of the fish is directly correlated with the availability of spicules on the fishs body, the largest numbers of infestations being found in structures associated with swimming (caudal and pectoral fins), since the swimming movement can create favorable conditions (e.g., suspension of organic particles, increasing oxygenation) for the epibiont.
Animais , Chironomidae , Distribuição Animal , Peixes-Gato , Simbiose , Brasil , Floresta ÚmidaResumo
Phoretic relationships often bring large advantages to epibionts. By attaching themselves to mobile hosts, epibionts are able to: expand their ranges without spending energy, reduce their risk of being predated, and increase their probability of finding food. We assessed the phoretic relationship between the siluriform fish Ancistrus multispinis (Regan, 1912) and the chironomid larva Ichthyocladius sp. in three streams of the Atlantic forest in southeastern Brazil. We evaluated changes in epibiont distribution throughout the body regions of the host and among three different aquatic systems. We had predicted that certain body regions are more prone to support epibiont attachment, and that epibiont prevalence increases with increased host size and quality of the aquatic system. Three streams (Santana, São Pedro and DOuro), tributaries of the Guandu River, were sampled during 2010 and 2011. A total of 102 specimens of A. multispinis were collected and analyzed. Epibionts were found in fourteen of fifteen body regions of the host. Observation from scanning electron microscopy revealed that Chironomidae larvae fix themselves to the spicules through the anal prolegs, not at the skin, as previously reported. The amount of epibionts (degree of infestation) was significantly correlated with fish size in the Santana Stream (r = 0.6, p < 0.01), and São Pedro Stream (r = 0.56, p < 0.01), but not in the DOuro Stream, the most altered of the three. The pre sence of epibionts on the body of the fish is directly correlated with the availability of spicules on the fishs body, the largest numbers of infestations being found in structures associated with swimming (caudal and pectoral fins), since the swimming movement can create favorable conditions (e.g., suspension of organic particles, increasing oxygenation) for the epibiont.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato , Chironomidae , Simbiose , Distribuição Animal , Floresta Úmida , BrasilResumo
This paper describes the epibiosis of Ostrea cf. puelchana on Callinectes exasperatus (Gerstaecker, 1856), both collected from the estuary of the Paraíba River, in the state of Paraíba, northeastern Brazil. The basibiont crab was captured using a trap installed in mangrove area at a depth of about 2 meters. The oyster was closely attached to the left side of dorsal carapace covering most of the epibranchial, mesobranchial and metabranchial regions. Possible advantages and disadvantages for both the epibiont and the basibiont are discussed. We believe that young O. cf. puelchana may avoid a variety of potential predators due to the considerable movement capacity of C. exasperatus and may also serve as a small protective shield for the basibiont. However, the oyster, which is a bivalve with an epifaunal lifestyle, is likely to be negatively affected, mainly due to burrowing activity of the crab. This is the first record of epibiosis between bivalves of the genus Ostrea Linnaeus, 1758 and crabs of the genus Callinectes Stimpson, 1860.(AU)
O presente estudo descreve a epibiose de Ostrea cf. puelchana sobre Callinectes exasperatus(Gerstaecker, 1856), ambos coletados no estuário do Rio Paraíba, no estado da Paraíba, nordeste do Brasil.O caranguejo basibionte foi capturado usando uma armadilha instalada em área de mangue em cerca de 2metros de profundidade. A ostra estava fixada sobre o lado esquerdo da carapaça dorsal cobrindo grandeparte das regiões epibranquial, mesobranquial e metabranquial. Possíveis vantagens e desvantagens paraambos epibionte e basibionte são discutidas. O espécime jovem de O. cf. puelchana pode evitar umavariedade de predadores potenciais devido à considerável capacidade de deslocamento de C. exasperatus, aomesmo tempo, essa espécie pode atuar como um escudo protetor para o basibionte. Entretanto, o ostreídeopossui um estilo de vida epifaunal, podendo ser afetado de forma negativa, principalmente devido àatividade de escavação do caranguejo. Este é o primeiro registro de epibiose entre bivalves do gênero OstreaLinnaeus, 1758 e caranguejos do gênero Callinectes Stimpson, 1860.(AU)
Animais , Bivalves/classificação , Decápodes/classificação , /citologia , Áreas AlagadasResumo
The peritrich ciliates are a widely distributed group of protozoa and include stalked and sedentary organisms, which may be solitary or colonial. These organisms are often observed as part of a relationship entitled epibiosis. This relationship is a facultative association between two organisms: the epibiont, which colonizes the surface of living substrates, and the basibiont, which hosts the epibionts. During a survey on the epibiotic relationship between ciliates e copepods in upper Paraná River floodplain-PR/MS Brazil, samples were taken in different types of environments (three rivers, three canals, 16 connected and 14 unconnected lakes), in a total of 36 sampling sites. Among these environments, 22 showed copepods infested by epibiont ciliates. The copepods Thermocyclops decipiens, Thermocyclops minutus and Notodiaptomus amazonicuswhere colonized by epibiont ciliates from the genus Epistylis.In this study, we reported for the first time, epibiosis in a Brazilian floodplain.(AU)
Cilióforos/classificação , Copépodes/microbiologiaResumo
The peritrich ciliates are a widely distributed group of protozoa and include stalked and sedentary organisms, which may be solitary or colonial. These organisms are often observed as part of a relationship entitled epibiosis. This relationship is a facultative association between two organisms: the epibiont, which colonizes the surface of living substrates, and the basibiont, which hosts the epibionts. During a survey on the epibiotic relationship between ciliates e copepods in upper Paraná River floodplain-PR/MS Brazil, samples were taken in different types of environments (three rivers, three canals, 16 connected and 14 unconnected lakes), in a total of 36 sampling sites. Among these environments, 22 showed copepods infested by epibiont ciliates. The copepods Thermocyclops decipiens, Thermocyclops minutus and Notodiaptomus amazonicuswhere colonized by epibiont ciliates from the genus Epistylis.In this study, we reported for the first time, epibiosis in a Brazilian floodplain.
Cilióforos/classificação , Copépodes/microbiologiaResumo
ABSTRACT Sponges are biogenic substrates that increase the available space on rocky shores and provide shelter for many groups of the benthic fauna, which can live both inside and on these sessile invertebrates. In order to assess the differences in temporal variation of endobiont and epibiont groups, samples of the red sponge Tedania ignis (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) were obtained each month for one year. The density, richness and diversity of endobiont and epibiont groups were analyzed in relation to abiotic factors. The dry mass of the sponge was negatively correlated with the density of individuals in both groups and positively with the diversity of endobionts, while organic matter was positively correlated with the diversity of epibionts. Endobiont diversity was more highly correlated with intrinsic factors of the sponge, whereas the diversity of epibionts was more highly correlated with factors related to the surrounding environment.
RESUMO As esponjas são substratos biogênicos que aumentam o espaço tridimensional disponível nos costões e proporcionam abrigo para uma grande numero de táxons da fauna bentônica, que podem viver tanto dentro como sobre esses invertebrados sésseis. Buscando avaliar as diferenças na variação temporal de táxons endobiontes e epibiontes, foram obtidas amostras mensais da esponja Tedania ignis (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) durante um ano. Foram analisadas a densidade, riqueza e diversidade dos táxons endobiontes e epibiontes que foram relacionadas com a influência dos fatores abióticos. Observou-se que a massa seca da esponja influenciou negativamente a densidade de indivíduos nos dois grupos e apresentou resultado positivo sobre a diversidade de endobiontes, enquanto que a matéria orgânica foi o fator que influenciou positivamente a diversidade de epibiontes. Foi avaliado que a diversidade de endobiontes depende mais de fatores intrínsecos da esponja enquanto que a diversidade de epibiontes está mais relacionada com os fatores condicionados pelo meio ao redor.
Sponges are biogenic substrates that increase the available space on rocky shores and provide shelter for many groups of the benthic fauna, which can live both inside and on these sessile invertebrates. In order to assess the differences in temporal variation of endobiont and epibiont groups, samples of the red sponge Tedania ignis (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) were obtained each month for one year. The density, richness and diversity of endobiont and epibiont groups were analyzed in relation to abiotic factors. The dry mass of the sponge was negatively correlated with the density of individuals in both groups and positively with the diversity of endobionts, while organic matter was positively correlated with the diversity of epibionts. Endobiont diversity was more highly correlated with intrinsic factors of the sponge, whereas the diversity of epibionts was more highly correlated with factors related to the surrounding environment.(AU)
As esponjas são substratos biogênicos que aumentam o espaço tridimensional disponível nos costões e proporcionam abrigo para uma grande numero de táxons da fauna bentônica, que podem viver tanto dentro como sobre esses invertebrados sésseis. Buscando avaliar as diferenças na variação temporal de táxons endobiontes e epibiontes, foram obtidas amostras mensais da esponja Tedania ignis (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) durante um ano. Foram analisadas a densidade, riqueza e diversidade dos táxons endobiontes e epibiontes que foram relacionadas com a influência dos fatores abióticos. Observou-se que a massa seca da esponja influenciou negativamente a densidade de indivíduos nos dois grupos e apresentou resultado positivo sobre a diversidade de endobiontes, enquanto que a matéria orgânica foi o fator que influenciou positivamente a diversidade de epibiontes. Foi avaliado que a diversidade de endobiontes depende mais de fatores intrínsecos da esponja enquanto que a diversidade de epibiontes está mais relacionada com os fatores condicionados pelo meio ao redor.(AU)
Animais , Poríferos , Substratos para Tratamento Biológico , Fauna Bentônica , Biodiversidade , Fatores de TempoResumo
Sponges are biogenic substrates that increase the available space on rocky shores and provide shelter for many groups of the benthic fauna, which can live both inside and on these sessile invertebrates. In order to assess the differences in temporal variation of endobiont and epibiont groups, samples of the red sponge Tedania ignis (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) were obtained each month for one year. The density, richness and diversity of endobiont and epibiont groups were analyzed in relation to abiotic factors. The dry mass of the sponge was negatively correlated with the density of individuals in both groups and positively with the diversity of endobionts, while organic matter was positively correlated with the diversity of epibionts. Endobiont diversity was more highly correlated with intrinsic factors of the sponge, whereas the diversity of epibionts was more highly correlated with factors related to the surrounding environment.
As esponjas são substratos biogênicos que aumentam o espaço tridimensional disponível nos costões e proporcionam abrigo para uma grande numero de táxons da fauna bentônica, que podem viver tanto dentro como sobre esses invertebrados sésseis. Buscando avaliar as diferenças na variação temporal de táxons endobiontes e epibiontes, foram obtidas amostras mensais da esponja Tedania ignis (Duchassaing & Michelotti, 1864) durante um ano. Foram analisadas a densidade, riqueza e diversidade dos táxons endobiontes e epibiontes que foram relacionadas com a influência dos fatores abióticos. Observou-se que a massa seca da esponja influenciou negativamente a densidade de indivíduos nos dois grupos e apresentou resultado positivo sobre a diversidade de endobiontes, enquanto que a matéria orgânica foi o fator que influenciou positivamente a diversidade de epibiontes. Foi avaliado que a diversidade de endobiontes depende mais de fatores intrínsecos da esponja enquanto que a diversidade de epibiontes está mais relacionada com os fatores condicionados pelo meio ao redor.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Fatores de Tempo , Fauna Bentônica , Poríferos , Substratos para Tratamento BiológicoResumo
In the present paper, we described the first record of an epibiont protozoan Epistylis sp. Ehrenberg, 1830 (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) attached to Ergasilus chelangulatus Thatcher and Brasil-Sato, 2008, parasite of Pimelodus maculatus Lacépède, 1803 in Brazil, with electron microscope observations. Fish were collected in Veados River, state of São Paulo and the crustacean Ergasilus chelangulatus being registered for the first time in this river, expanding its geographical distribution in Brazil.(AU)
No presente trabalho nós descrevemos o primeiro registro de um protozoário epibionte Epistylis sp. Ehrenberg, 1830 (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) aderido à Ergasilus chelangulatus Thatcher e Brasil-Sato, 2008, parasito de Pimelodus maculatus Lacépède, 1803 no Brasil, com observações de microscopia eletrônica. Os peixes foram coletados no Rio dos Veados, estado de São Paulo e o crustáceo Ergasilus chelangulatus está sendo registrado pela primeira vez neste rio, ampliando sua distribuição geográfica no Brasil.(AU)