To investigate the effect of chronic moderate exercise on male reproductive tract of Wistar rats submitted to a single dose of cyclophosphamide (CP). Animals were submitted to swimming exercise during 21 days or maintained at sedentary state. Trained (TCP) and sedentary (SCP) groups received a single dose of CP (200 mg kg-1, i.p.). Trained (TCo) and sedentary (SCo) control animals received sterile PBS. Animals were killed after one week and testis, epidydimis and seminal vesicle contend were weighted. Testis were embebbed in parafim and stained with hemotaxilin and eosin. Fifty seminiferous tubules of each animal were analyzed by Johnsen score. Mean Sertoli cells counts per tubule and Leydig cells counts per area were evaluated. CP treatment impairs body weight gain in trained and sedentary animals. Liver and seminal vesicle contend were reduced only in SCo group. SCP animals presented decreased Johnsen scores, indicating a slight toxicity over germinative cells, whereas trained (TCo and TCP) animals presented increased Johnsen scores. Training increased Sertoli cell counts and prevented their loss in TCP group. Leydig cells counts were increased in trained animals, but decreased in CP treated ones (TCP). We conclude that exercise have some protective effect on male reproductive tract submitted to a single dose of CP.(AU)
Objetivou-se investigar o efeito de exercício moderado crônico no trato reprodutivo masculino de ratos Wistar submetidos a uma dose única de ciclofosfamida (CP). Os animais foram submetidos ao exercício de natação por 21 dias ou mantidos em estado sedentário. Os grupos treinados (TCP) e sedentários (SCP) receberam uma única dose de CP (200 mg kg-1, ip). Os animais treinados (TCO) e sedentários (SCO) receberam PBS estéril. Os animais foram sacrificados após uma semana e os testículos, epidídimo e conteúdo da vesícula seminal foram pesados. As amostras foram embebidas em parafina e coradas com hematoxilina e eosina. Cinquenta túbulos seminíferos de cada animal foram analisados pelo escore Johnsen. A contagem média das células de Sertoli por túbulo e contagem das células de Leydig por área foram avaliadas. O tratamento CP prejudicou o ganho de peso corporal em animais treinados e sedentários. O fígado e o conteúdo da vesícula seminal foram reduzidos apenas no grupo SCO. Os animais SCP apresentaram menores escores de Johnsen, indicando uma toxicidade moderada sobre as células germinativas, enquanto os animais treinados (TCO e TCP) apresentaram escores de Johnsen mais altos. O treinamento aumentou a contagem de células de Sertoli e impediu a sua perda no grupo TCP. A contagem das células de Leydig foram aumentadas em animais treinados, mas reduzidas nos animais tratados com CP (TCP).(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Ratos/anatomia & histologia , Ratos/lesões , Exercício Físico , Testículo/lesões , CiclofosfamidaResumo
A leishmaniose visceral (LV) é uma zoonose causada pelo protozoário Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. A leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) é a doença de maior relevância zoonótica. Usualmente, a infecção ocorre entre um hospedeiro invertebrado para um hospedeiro vertebrado, entretanto, a transmissão na ausência do vetor já é conhecida. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi identificar a presença de formas amastigotas, quantificar as células leucocitárias, estimar o risco relativo da presença de formas amastigotas no aparelho reprodutivo de cães sorologicamente positivos com e sem sinais clínicos. Para isso, foram utilizados cães sem raça definida, sexualmente maduros e testados sorologicamente para LVC (com sinais clínicos, n=25; sem sinais clínicos, n=25), que após eutanásia, tiveram fragmentos de testículo, epidídimo (cabeça, corpo e cauda) e glândula prostática (selecionados ao acaso) impressos em lâminas. Um grupo de 20 cãs sorologicamente negativos e sem sinais clínicos foi usado como controle. Amostras do baço foram incluídas com controle parasitológico positivo. O percentual de linfócitos foi superior (P<0,05) no corpo e cauda do epidídimo, assim como no testículo. Macrófagos foram superiores (P<0,05) apenas nas regiões do corpo e cauda epididimais. A presença de amastigotas correlacionou-se entre as distintas regiões do aparelho reprodutivo. Nos sintomáticos variaram entre 0,50 a 0,80 e entre 0,79 a 0,95 nos assintomáticos. A presença de amastigotas no testículo dos cães sintomáticos foi 6,5 vezes superior aos cães assintomáticos. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o potencial epidemiológico da transmissão venérea da doença, principalmente em áreas onde os programas de controle da LVC não consideram esta forma de transmissão, que pode ser importante em populações caninas não esterilizadas.(AU)
Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. Canine visceral leishmaniasis (VLC) is most important. The infection occurs usually between the invertebrate host and vertebrate host; however, transmission in the absence of the vector has been reported. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of amastigote forms, quantify the leucocyte cells and to estimate the presence (odds ratio) of the amastigotes in the reproductive tract of dogs serologically positive with and without clinical signs. Sexually mature Mongrel dogs, serologically tested to VLC (symptomatic, n=25; asymptomatic, n=25), were used. After euthanasia, testes, epidydimal (caput, corpus and cauda) and prostate gland fragments (randomized) were recovered and impressed on slides. Twenty animals serologically negative and asymptomatic were used as control group. Samples of spleen were included as parasitological positive controls. Lymphocyte percentages were higher (P<0.05) in the corpus and caudal region of epididymis, similar to the testes in the symptomatic group. Macrophage percentage was higher (P<0.05) in the corpus and caudal epididymis regions. The presence of amastigote forms was associated with different regions of the reproductive tract. In the symptomatic group, the variation was between 0.50 and 0.80, and in the symptomatic between 0.79 and 0.95. The odds ratio for amastigote forms in the testicle of the symptomatic dogs was 6.5 in relation to asymptomatic dogs. The results demonstrate the epidemic potential of venereal transmission of the disease, specifically in areas where control programs of VLC do not consider this transmission route.(AU)
Animais , Cães/classificação , Leishmania/virologia , Leucócitos/citologia , Epididimo/anatomia & histologia , Testículo/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was detected for the first time in Brazil by Hipólito in 1957 in chickens sold life in the municipal market of Belo Horizonte, MG, when commercial poultry production was just starting in that country. The Massachusetts (Mass) serotype was identified. However, the clinical disease was only observed in 1975, when poultry production was intensely growing. The extensive outbreak produced the classical condition in layers and breeders, affecting egg production and quality, whereas broilers presented respiratory and "nephritis-nephrosis" signs. The disease rapidly spread to all poultry-producing regions in the country, and in 1979, both the imports and the manufacturing of live vaccines against IB strains Mass, H120 and H52, were licensed. In 1980, inactivated vaccines were introduced. Molecular techniques, particularly PCR, started to bed in the identification of IBV. A retrospective analysis showed that, up to 1989, the main IBV strain circulating in Brazil was Mass. However, other studies shows the presence of a wide diversity of IBV strains in Brazil since the first strains were isolated, even before vaccination was introduced. Most researchers agree that the incidence of IBV different from Mass has increased, including of exclusively Brazilian genotypes, different from those described in other countries. Indeed, during the last few years, the number of genotypical variants has been much higher than that of the classical Mass serotype. Clinically, in addition of the classic presentations, atypical forms such as testicular atrophy and stones in the epidydimis associated to low fertility have been described. Serological techniques started to be used in vaccination monitoring and as a diagnostic tool. Serological response standards were developed, and have shown to be very useful to determine the expected profile in vaccination programs and when clinical disease is suspected. However, the immuno-enzymatic test ELISA is the most frequently used around the world due to its convenience. These situations led service people working in the field to suspect that vaccination programs using Mass strains were not providing the required protection because of the presence of variant strains. Some argue that this was expected, particularly in layers and breeders, because Mass-type vaccines have been used for a long time, whereas most agree that the emergence of variants is the primary cause of the increasing severity of the disease in the field. This is supported by the results using Ibv genotyping as diagnostic tool, independently of phenotype (pathotype x immune system x environment). Other argues that broiler carcass downgrading rates in processing plant are not consistent with the increase in IB clinical severity. Seroconversion in non-vaccinated flocks is acknowledged, but it occurs sporadically and not necessarily correlated with disease outbreaks. There is a general agreement that IBV has shown high variability in Brazil in terms of genotype, pathotype, and serotype. However, research should emphasize IBV phenotypical characteristics using birds as biological model.
The infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) was detected for the first time in Brazil by Hipólito in 1957 in chickens sold life in the municipal market of Belo Horizonte, MG, when commercial poultry production was just starting in that country. The Massachusetts (Mass) serotype was identified. However, the clinical disease was only observed in 1975, when poultry production was intensely growing. The extensive outbreak produced the classical condition in layers and breeders, affecting egg production and quality, whereas broilers presented respiratory and "nephritis-nephrosis" signs. The disease rapidly spread to all poultry-producing regions in the country, and in 1979, both the imports and the manufacturing of live vaccines against IB strains Mass, H120 and H52, were licensed. In 1980, inactivated vaccines were introduced. Molecular techniques, particularly PCR, started to bed in the identification of IBV. A retrospective analysis showed that, up to 1989, the main IBV strain circulating in Brazil was Mass. However, other studies shows the presence of a wide diversity of IBV strains in Brazil since the first strains were isolated, even before vaccination was introduced. Most researchers agree that the incidence of IBV different from Mass has increased, including of exclusively Brazilian genotypes, different from those described in other countries. Indeed, during the last few years, the number of genotypical variants has been much higher than that of the classical Mass serotype. Clinically, in addition of the classic presentations, atypical forms such as testicular atrophy and stones in the epidydimis associated to low fertility have been described. Serological techniques started to be used in vaccination monitoring and as a diagnostic tool. Serological response standards were developed, and have shown to be very useful to determine the expected profile in vaccination programs and when clinical disease is suspected. However, the immuno-enzymatic test ELISA is the most frequently used around the world due to its convenience. These situations led service people working in the field to suspect that vaccination programs using Mass strains were not providing the required protection because of the presence of variant strains. Some argue that this was expected, particularly in layers and breeders, because Mass-type vaccines have been used for a long time, whereas most agree that the emergence of variants is the primary cause of the increasing severity of the disease in the field. This is supported by the results using Ibv genotyping as diagnostic tool, independently of phenotype (pathotype x immune system x environment). Other argues that broiler carcass downgrading rates in processing plant are not consistent with the increase in IB clinical severity. Seroconversion in non-vaccinated flocks is acknowledged, but it occurs sporadically and not necessarily correlated with disease outbreaks. There is a general agreement that IBV has shown high variability in Brazil in terms of genotype, pathotype, and serotype. However, research should emphasize IBV phenotypical characteristics using birds as biological model.
Os objetivos desse estudo foram estabelecer o perfil seminal e morfométrico da cabeça espermática em diferentes regiões epididimais de touros de corte conforme aptidão reprodutiva. Foram utilizados 101 touros da raça Nelore que, após o exame de sêmen, foram classificados quanto à condição reprodutiva em aptos e inaptos. Desses, 8 (10,4%) aptos e 7 (29,0%) inaptos foram submetidos a orquiectomia. Foram feitas impressões em lâminas da cabeça, corpo e cauda de um dos epidídimos escolhidos ao acaso, para avaliação da morfologia espermática (reação de Feulgen) e perfil morfométrico nuclear (coloração de Panótico). Para essa análise, utilizou-se o sistema KS-400 adaptado em microscópio de campo claro, estimando-se as medi¬das da base, largura, comprimento (μm) e área (μm2) de, no mínimo, 30 núcleos espermáticos. Houve interação (P<0,05) entre regiões epidimais e condição reprodutiva para espermatozóides normais e defeitos de cabeça, gota citoplasmática proximal e cabeça isolada normal. Defeitos de núcleo foram superiores (P<0,05) apenas na cauda do epidídimo (11,3 ±2,2%) nos inaptos em relação aos aptos (4,0 ±2,0%). Das mensurações morfométricas, apenas a base apresen¬tou efeito interativo entre região e condição reprodutiva. Touros inaptos apresentaram maior (P<0,05) estreitamento em todas as regiões epididimais (2, 42 ±0,25μm) em relação aos aptos (2,65 ±0,23μm). Da mesma forma, a área do núcleo espermático foi menor nos inaptos (34,3 ±0,22μm) em relação aos aptos (35,0 ±0,21μm). Conclui-se que há variações importantes na compactação da cromatina nuclear espermática em touros com redução na qualidade seminal e indícios de processo degenerativo testicular. Espermatozóides mais estreitos na base estão associados a maiores percentuais de defeitos nucleares e permanecem ao longo do trânsito epididimal(au)
The aims of this study were to establish the profile of seminal and morphometric sperm head in different regions of epididymis of beef bulls as reproductive ability. Nelore bulls (n=101) were classified in agreement to semen evaluation and clinic conditions. Of these, 8 (10.4%) apt and 7 (29.0%) inapt were subjected to orchiectomy. Impressions in slides of the caput, corpus and cauda of the epidydimis were made for evaluation of sperm morphology (Feulgen stain) and morphometric nuclear profile (Panótico cytologic stain) in bright field microscopy adapted with KS-4000 system. Base, width and length (μm) and area (μm2) were estimated at least in 30 sperm nucleus. There was interaction (P<0.05) between epidydimal regions and reproductive condition for normal sperm and head defects, cytoplasmic proximal drop and decapted sperm. Nuclear defects were higher (P<0,05) only in the tail of the epididymis (11.3 ±2.0%) in inapt bulls in contrast to apt (4.0 ±2.0%). Inapt bulls had higher (P<0.05) narrow-base in all regions epididymis (2.42 ±0.25μm) in relationship to apt (2.65 ±0.23μm). Similarly, the area of the spermatic nucleus was lower in inapt (34.3 ±0.22μm) in contrast to apt (35.0 ±0.21μm). We conclude that there are important variations in the compaction of chromatin nuclear bulls with reduced sperm quality and evidences of testicular degenerative process. Sperm narrower at the base are associated with the largest percentage of nuclear defects that remains along the epididymal transit
Masculino , Animais , Bovinos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Os objetivos desse estudo foram estabelecer o perfil seminal e morfométrico da cabeça espermática em diferentes regiões epididimais de touros de corte conforme aptidão reprodutiva. Foram utilizados 101 touros da raça Nelore que, após o exame de sêmen, foram classificados quanto à condição reprodutiva em aptos e inaptos. Desses, 8 (10,4%) aptos e 7 (29,0%) inaptos foram submetidos a orquiectomia. Foram feitas impressões em lâminas da cabeça, corpo e cauda de um dos epidídimos escolhidos ao acaso, para avaliação da morfologia espermática (reação de Feulgen) e perfil morfométrico nuclear (coloração de Panótico). Para essa análise, utilizou-se o sistema KS-400 adaptado em microscópio de campo claro, estimando-se as medi¬das da base, largura, comprimento (μm) e área (μm2) de, no mínimo, 30 núcleos espermáticos. Houve interação (P<0,05) entre regiões epidimais e condição reprodutiva para espermatozóides normais e defeitos de cabeça, gota citoplasmática proximal e cabeça isolada normal. Defeitos de núcleo foram superiores (P<0,05) apenas na cauda do epidídimo (11,3 ±2,2%) nos inaptos em relação aos aptos (4,0 ±2,0%). Das mensurações morfométricas, apenas a base apresen¬tou efeito interativo entre região e condição reprodutiva. Touros inaptos apresentaram maior (P<0,05) estreitamento em todas as regiões epididimais (2, 42 ±0,25μm) em relação aos aptos (2,65 ±0,23μm). Da mesma forma, a área do núcleo espermático foi menor nos inaptos (34,3 ±0,22μm) em relação aos aptos (35,0 ±0,21μm). Conclui-se que há variações importantes na compactação da cromatina nuclear espermática em touros com redução na qualidade seminal e indícios de processo degenerativo testicular. Espermatozóides mais estreitos na base estão associados a maiores percentuais de defeitos nucleares e permanecem ao longo do trânsito epididimal(au)
The aims of this study were to establish the profile of seminal and morphometric sperm head in different regions of epididymis of beef bulls as reproductive ability. Nelore bulls (n=101) were classified in agreement to semen evaluation and clinic conditions. Of these, 8 (10.4%) apt and 7 (29.0%) inapt were subjected to orchiectomy. Impressions in slides of the caput, corpus and cauda of the epidydimis were made for evaluation of sperm morphology (Feulgen stain) and morphometric nuclear profile (Panótico cytologic stain) in bright field microscopy adapted with KS-4000 system. Base, width and length (μm) and area (μm2) were estimated at least in 30 sperm nucleus. There was interaction (P<0.05) between epidydimal regions and reproductive condition for normal sperm and head defects, cytoplasmic proximal drop and decapted sperm. Nuclear defects were higher (P<0,05) only in the tail of the epididymis (11.3 ±2.0%) in inapt bulls in contrast to apt (4.0 ±2.0%). Inapt bulls had higher (P<0.05) narrow-base in all regions epididymis (2.42 ±0.25μm) in relationship to apt (2.65 ±0.23μm). Similarly, the area of the spermatic nucleus was lower in inapt (34.3 ±0.22μm) in contrast to apt (35.0 ±0.21μm). We conclude that there are important variations in the compaction of chromatin nuclear bulls with reduced sperm quality and evidences of testicular degenerative process. Sperm narrower at the base are associated with the largest percentage of nuclear defects that remains along the epididymal transit(AU)