Mares, which make up 90% of animals requiring reproductive assistance in commercial equine production systems, are subjected to strong breeding and reproductive efficiency pressure throughout their lives, but the effects of aging on overall and reproductive systems in particular; it often means that we are forcing the natural homeostasis mechanisms under pressure over time. The objective of this brief communication is to summarize some concepts related to the role and importance of equine endometrium, particularly in old mares, the most challenged category to achieve productive and efficiency goals established by humans. Endometritis is one of the most frequent and recurrent pathologies in equine gynecology and is responsible for enormous economic losses in the industry. Alterations of the microbiota, molecular signals and uterine endocrine microenvironment can lead to infertility, but degenerative phenomena associated with age and parity can lead to endometriosis altering maternal recognition of pregnancy and pregnancy maintenance. Maintaining horses in an adequate nutrition status and environment is essential to achieve pregnancy but also to obtain healthy offspring.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Endométrio/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , HomeostaseResumo
Background: Equine colic syndrome comprises numerous conditions associated with abdominal pain in horses. Impaction, a common cause of this manifestation, is strongly related to these animals' diet. Highly fibrous diets such as sugarcane can predispose horses to colic. The clinical condition can be worsened by fermentative processes, which lead to dysbiosis, circulatory disorders and even endotoxemia. The aim of this study was to report 4 cases of colic syndrome among 8 horses that underwent an experiment to adapt them to a sugarcane-based diet, and to correlate the animals' clinical conditions to the forage they ingested. Cases: Eight male castrated Mangalarga Marchador horses, between 5.5 and 7 years old, were subjected to an experiment to test the feasibility of sugarcane as forage. Four of these horses were taken to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital (HVGA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro for treatment of abdominal signs of discomfort a few days after the exclusive consumption of sugarcane, in a proportion of 1.75% of live weight in dry matter. The animals' symptoms ranged from behavioral signs indicative of pain to changes in vital parameters and structure of the feces, as well as changes revealed by transrectal palpation. Three of the 4 cases presented impaction in the small colon, and 1 of the horses also presented impaction in the right dorsal colon and rostral displacement of the pelvic flexure, with accumulation of contents in the right ventral colon and sternal flexure. Two of the cases were treated medically, while the other 2 required surgical intervention. The clinical condition of all the patients evolved favorably and they were discharged between 2 and 18 days. Discussion: Colic originating in the digestive system is a syndrome strongly associated with management, especially with respect to confinement, nutrition, and parasite control. During the experiment, 4 of the 8 horses fed with sugarcane presented with colic syndrome. The low quality of sugarcane fiber is due to the high degree of lignification of the plant cell wall, which favors accumulation of ingesta. The poor digestibility and sweet taste of this roughage favor increased consumption. Furthermore, its high sucrose content, associated with an increased rate of passage in the small intestine, alters the intestinal microbiome, and hence, the fermentation byproducts and pH of the ingesta. High intestinal content, allied to longer retention times in the colon and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, promote greater dryness of the ingesta, predisposing the occurrence of impactions in the most distal portion of the large intestine. Intestinal distension and mesenteric traction caused by the accumulation of contents and gases trigger pain, which can worsen due to displacement of the large colon. Small colon impaction, which is easily identified by transrectal palpation, evolves gradually and its treatment, both clinical and surgical, tends to have a favorable prognosis. The need for alternative food sources for horses is a growing demand; however, sugarcane as an exclusive roughage has been shown to be unsafe for horses. The low quality of the fiber and the high sucrose content of this forage can alter the digestive physiology of horses through changes in the passage rate, microbiome and motility of digesta, predisposing them to intestinal dysfunction, ingesta compaction and displacement of the large colon.
Animais , Masculino , Fibras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Cólica/veterinária , Saccharum/efeitos adversos , Cavalos , Doenças do Sistema Digestório/veterináriaResumo
A puberdade corresponde ao momento da primeira ovulação, que culmina com o desenvolvimento final dos órgãos e estruturas envolvidas no controle neuro-endócrino reprodutivo. É um fenômeno multifatorial com grande impacto na vida produtiva das futuras matrizes e em sua eficiência econômica, ocorrendo muitas interações entre os fatores internos e externos. A idade da puberdade está relacionada ao peso corporal, que possui grandes efeitos da genética do animal e sua interação com o ambiente, especialmente a nutrição e interação social com machos. Algumas espécies, como os bubalinos, sofrem efeito de outros elementos ambientais, como a luminosidade e o fotoperíodo. A puberdade novilhas búfalas ou bovinas pode ser adiantada por meio do emprego de biotécnicas: indução da puberdade ou inseminação artificial em tempo fixo (IATF). Em ambas, os protocolos baseiam-se, principalmente, em aplicação de progestágeno associado com fonte de estradiol; mas a indução também pode ser realizada utilizando outros hormônios, como hormônio liberador de gonadotrofinas, prostaglandinas e gonadotrofina coriônica equina. No emprego da IATF, novilhas pré-púberes podem ser induzidas e inseminadas com outro protocolo de sincronização ou podem ser inseminadas com o mesmo protocolo de IATF, podendo aumentar as taxas de prenhez e diminuir os custos. Adiantando a puberdade, ocorre incremento na produção, melhorando a eficiência econômica da atividade pecuária.(AU)
Puberty corresponds to the moment of the first ovulation, which culminates in the final development of the organs and structures involved in the neuro-endocrine control of reproduction. It is a multifactorial phenomenon with a great impact on the productive life of future matrices and their economic efficiency, with many interactions between internal and external factors. The age of puberty is related to body weight, which has great effects on the animal's genetics and its interaction with the environment, especially nutrition and social interaction with males. Some species, such as buffalo, are affected by other environmental elements, such as luminosity and photoperiod. Puberty in buffaloes and bovine heifers can be advanced through the use of biotechniques: induction of puberty or timed artificial insemination (TAI). In both, the protocols are mainly based on the application of progestogen associated with a source of estradiol; but induction can also be performed using other hormones, such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone, prostaglandins and equine chorionic gonadotropin. In the employment of the TAI, prepubertal heifers can be induced and inseminated with another synchronization protocol or they can be inseminated with the same TAI protocol, which can increase pregnancy rates and decrease costs. Advancing puberty, there is an increase in production, improving the economic efficiency of livestock activity.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Prenhez/fisiologia , Búfalos/embriologia , Bovinos/embriologia , Puberdade/fisiologia , Ovulação/fisiologia , Biotecnologia/métodosResumo
The present study used mobile bags to estimate horse nutrient digestibility of tropical grasses found in semi-arid areas of the Brazilian Northeast region. Five female mixed-breed horses with a mean weight of 400±23 kg were assigned to a 5×5 Latin square design with five periods of seven days and five grasses: Tifton 85 hay (Cynodon spp.), sixweeks threeawn (Aristida adscensionis Linn.), Alexandergrass (Brachiaria plantaginea (Link) Hitchc), capim-de-raiz (Chloris orthonoton Doell), and Sabi grass (Urochloa mosambicensis). The nutrient content of forages was determined prior to inoculation in horses and after recovery of mobile bags from feces. The digestibility coefficients were determined from the difference between the inoculated and recovered material. The dry matter, organic matter, mineral matter, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber, and acid detergent fiber contents of the grass species were analyzed. Digestibility data were subjected to analysis of variance using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS, version 9.0) software. Higher dry matter digestibility coefficients were observed in Tifton 85 (74.61%), Alexandergrass (74.30%), and capim-de-raiz (68.88%) than in sixweeks threeawn (48.40%) and Sabi grass (52.89%). The highest crude protein digestibility coefficients were found for Alexandergrass (95.70%), Tifton 85 (93.50%), and sixweeks threeawn (93.35%). Sixweeks threeawn had lower apparent mineral matter digestibility than the other grasses. The digestibility coefficients of Alexandergrass and capim-de-raiz indicate that those grasses have potential to be used in equine feed.
Animais , Pastagens , Digestão , Cavalos , Valor Nutritivo , Brachiaria , PoaceaeResumo
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da nutrição parenteral total ou enteral, associadas ou não à glutamina, sobre a motilidade gastrintestinal em equinos submetidos à inanição e realimentação. Foram utilizados 16 equinos adultos hígidos, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos, quatro machos e 12 fêmeas, com idade variando entre quatro e 14 anos e peso corporal médio de 248,40 + 2,28 kg, divididos em quatro grupos, quatro animais por grupo: Grupo I (ENTGL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos associada a glutamina; Grupo II (PARGL): Nutrição parenteral total (NPT) associada a glutamina; Grupo III (ENTFL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos; Grupo IV (PARFL): fluidoterapia parenteral. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em um esquema fatorial 4x12 (grupos x tempo de colheita), para cada fase, e suas médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan ao nível de 5% de significância. Independente do grupo experimental ocorreu redução da motilidade gastrintestinal durante a fase de inanição, mais pronunciada nos grupos PARGL e PARFL. Uma vez restabelecida a alimentação a motilidade gastrintestinal retornou à normalidade.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of enteral or total parenteral nutrition, associated or not with glutamine, on gastrointestinal motility in horses subjected to starvation and refeeding. 16 healthy, mixed-breed adult horses of both sexes, four geldings and 12 mares, with ages ranging from four to 14 years and an average body weight of 248.40 + 2.28 kg, were divided into four groups, four animals per group: Group I (ENTGL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes associated with glutamine; Group II (PARGL): total parenteral nutrition (TPN) associated with glutamine; Group III (ENTFL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes; Group IV (PARFL): parenteral fluid therapy. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a 4x12 factorial scheme (groups x harvest time), for each phase, and their means compared by the Duncan test at the level of 5% significance. Regardless of the experimental group, there was a reduction in gastrointestinal motility during the starvation phase, which was more pronounced in the PARGL and PARFL groups. Once the food was restored, gastrointestinal motility returned to normal.
Animais , Nutrição Enteral/veterinária , Nutrição Parenteral Total/veterinária , Motilidade Gastrointestinal , Cavalos , Inanição/veterinária , Glutamina/uso terapêuticoResumo
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da nutrição parenteral total ou enteral, associadas ou não à glutamina, sobre a motilidade gastrintestinal em equinos submetidos à inanição e realimentação. Foram utilizados 16 equinos adultos hígidos, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos, quatro machos e 12 fêmeas, com idade variando entre quatro e 14 anos e peso corporal médio de 248,40 + 2,28 kg, divididos em quatro grupos, quatro animais por grupo: Grupo I (ENTGL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos associada a glutamina; Grupo II (PARGL): Nutrição parenteral total (NPT) associada a glutamina; Grupo III (ENTFL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos; Grupo IV (PARFL): fluidoterapia parenteral. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em um esquema fatorial 4x12 (grupos x tempo de colheita), para cada fase, e suas médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan ao nível de 5% de significância. Independente do grupo experimental ocorreu redução da motilidade gastrintestinal durante a fase de inanição, mais pronunciada nos grupos PARGL e PARFL. Uma vez restabelecida a alimentação a motilidade gastrintestinal retornou à normalidade.(AU)
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of enteral or total parenteral nutrition, associated or not with glutamine, on gastrointestinal motility in horses subjected to starvation and refeeding. 16 healthy, mixed-breed adult horses of both sexes, four geldings and 12 mares, with ages ranging from four to 14 years and an average body weight of 248.40 + 2.28 kg, were divided into four groups, four animals per group: Group I (ENTGL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes associated with glutamine; Group II (PARGL): total parenteral nutrition (TPN) associated with glutamine; Group III (ENTFL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes; Group IV (PARFL): parenteral fluid therapy. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a 4x12 factorial scheme (groups x harvest time), for each phase, and their means compared by the Duncan test at the level of 5% significance. Regardless of the experimental group, there was a reduction in gastrointestinal motility during the starvation phase, which was more pronounced in the PARGL and PARFL groups. Once the food was restored, gastrointestinal motility returned to normal.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Cavalos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Nutrição Parenteral , Nutrição Enteral , Motilidade Gastrointestinal , GlutaminaResumo
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da nutrição parenteral total ou enteral, associadas ou não à glutamina, sobre a motilidade gastrintestinal em equinos submetidos à inanição e realimentação. Foram utilizados 16 equinos adultos hígidos, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos, quatro machos e 12 fêmeas, com idade variando entre quatro e 14 anos e peso corporal médio de 248,40 + 2,28 kg, divididos em quatro grupos, quatro animais por grupo: Grupo I (ENTGL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos associada a glutamina; Grupo II (PARGL): Nutrição parenteral total (NPT) associada a glutamina; Grupo III (ENTFL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos; Grupo IV (PARFL): fluidoterapia parenteral. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em um esquema fatorial 4x12 (grupos x tempo de colheita), para cada fase, e suas médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan ao nível de 5% de significância. Independente do grupo experimental ocorreu redução da motilidade gastrintestinal durante a fase de inanição, mais pronunciada nos grupos PARGL e PARFL. Uma vez restabelecida a alimentação a motilidade gastrintestinal retornou à normalidade.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of enteral or total parenteral nutrition, associated or not with glutamine, on gastrointestinal motility in horses subjected to starvation and refeeding. 16 healthy, mixed-breed adult horses of both sexes, four geldings and 12 mares, with ages ranging from four to 14 years and an average body weight of 248.40 + 2.28 kg, were divided into four groups, four animals per group: Group I (ENTGL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes associated with glutamine; Group II (PARGL): total parenteral nutrition (TPN) associated with glutamine; Group III (ENTFL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes; Group IV (PARFL): parenteral fluid therapy. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a 4x12 factorial scheme (groups x harvest time), for each phase, and their means compared by the Duncan test at the level of 5% significance. Regardless of the experimental group, there was a reduction in gastrointestinal motility during the starvation phase, which was more pronounced in the PARGL and PARFL groups. Once the food was restored, gastrointestinal motility returned to normal.
Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/fisiologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Motilidade Gastrointestinal , Nutrição Enteral , Nutrição Parenteral , GlutaminaResumo
Para alcançar o desempenho reprodutivo ótimo nos equinos precisamos que o animal tenha saúde, conforto e viva em uma condição pouco estressante. O manejo nutricional é fundamental para alcançar esta condição. A dieta dos animais é composta por água, sal mineral e volumoso. Quando a combinação destes nutrientes não atinge o requerimento da categoria do animal complementamos esta diferença com ração concentrada. Baseamos nossas recomendações no NRC (National Research Council). As categorias mais fáceis de alimentar são as éguas vazias e garanhões fora do período de monta e as categorias mais difíceis de nutrir são as éguas a partir do 5º mês de gestação, garanhões durante a temporada de monta e as categorias mais exigentes é o das éguas paridas. Os requerimentos nutricionais para os garanhões são muito dependentes do comportamento destes animais e variam muito de um animal para outro e precisam ser individualizados, já a dieta das receptoras é influenciada pelo custo dos componentes da dieta, sendo esta a categoria onde mais se utiliza as dietas alternativas e estas muitas vezes oferecem riscos à saúde das éguas. A variação na qualidade e preço do volumoso durante o ano nos obriga a analisar periodicamente a composição bromatológica das diferentes fontes de volumosos disponíveis, sendo que o uso do NIR (Near Infrared) uma ferramenta útil e confiável para esta função.
Horses healthy, comfortable and low-stress condition live are essential to get optimal reproduction index. Nutritional management is the key to achieve this condition. The animals' diet consists of water, mineral salt and roughage. When the combination of those nutrients does not reach the requirement of the animal we should supplement this difference with grains. We base our recommendations on the NRC (National Research Council). Barren mares and stallions out of season are the easiest to feed. Pregnant mares (> 5 months) and Active stallions have high nutrient demand and the most demanding categories are lactating mares. Nutritional requirements for stallions are highly dependent of stallion behavior. The recipientes diet must be cost effective. Alternatives feeds are not well known and more research must be done. The quality and price oscilation of roughage during the year demands periodically analyzes and NIR ("Near Infrared") is a useful and reliable tool for it.
Masculino , Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Silagem/análise , Zea maysResumo
This study set out to determine the impacts of a commercial equine enteral nutrition product on fecal pH, buffering capacity (BC) and physical examination variables. Eight healthy horses were randomly allocated to one of two simultaneous experimental groups in a 4×4 Latin square design. Horses were submitted to 12 hours of solid fasting, then fed increasing doses of the test product via nasogastric tube, as follows: 0% (pure water), 50%, 75% and 100% of the daily recommended dose. Test product doses were diluted in water (1:3) and delivered by bolus feeding. Fecal samples were taken directly from the rectal ampulla prior to (T0) and within 3, 6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 hours of product administration (T3, T6, T12, T24, T36 and T48 respectively). Within 24 to 36 hours of product administration, fecal pH was near 6 (p = 0.01). However, dose variation had no effect on pH. Product dose and sample collection time had a significant impact (p = 0.00) on buffering capacity at pH 6. The more dramatic drop in pH occurred within 24 to 36 hours of product administration, except in horses receiving the 0% dose (water). At pH 5, buffering capacity was affected by dose but not by sample collection time. Soft fecal consistency, increased intestinal motility and fat droplets in fecal samples were noted in most horses. Fecal pH and buffering capacity assessment are indirect tests. Still, results obtained from these tests were deemed useful for detection of intestinal changes, particularly when combined with physical examination. The product had an impact on faecal pH, buffering capacity and intestinal motility, therefore, it is recommended that the formulation be revised.(AU)
O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar o desempenho de uma formulação comercial para nutrição enteral em equinos quanto aos aspectos de pH fecal, capacidade tamponante (CT) nas fezes e exame físico. Para tal, utilizaram-se 8 equinos hígidos, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois Quadrados Latinos 4 X 4 simultâneos, que permaneceram em jejum alimentar 12 horas antes de receberem via sonda nasogástrica doses crescentes de 0% (somente água), 50%, 75% e 100% da quantidade total diária recomendada do produto, com a diluição estabelecida de três partes de água para cada parte de produto. Foram colhidas amostras de fezes diretamente da ampola retal antes da administração do produto (T0), 3 (T3), 6 (T6), 12 (T12), 24 (T24), 36 (36) e 48 (T48) horas após. Entre 24 a 36 horas após a administração do produto, o pH fecal estava próximo a 6 (p = 0,01). No entanto, a variação da dose não teve efeito sobre o pH. A dose do produto e o tempo de coleta da amostra tiveram um impacto significativo (p = 0,00) na capacidade tamponante das fezes em pH 6. A queda mais dramática no pH ocorreu dentro de 24 a 36 horas da administração do produto, exceto em cavalos que receberam a dose de 0% (água). Em pH 5, a capacidade tamponante das fezes foi afetada pela dose, mas não pelo tempo de coleta da amostra. Consistência fecal mole, aumento da motilidade intestinal e gotículas de gordura nas amostras fecais foram observados na maioria dos cavalos. A avaliação do pH fecal e da capacidade de tamponante são testes indiretos. Ainda assim, os resultados obtidos com essas análises foram considerados úteis para a detecção de alterações intestinais, principalmente quando combinados com o exame físico. O produto teve impacto no pH fecal, capacidade tamponante das fezes e motilidade intestinal, portanto, recomenda-se que a formulação seja revisada.(AU)
Animais , Exame Físico , Jejum , Nutrição Enteral , Fezes , Motilidade Gastrointestinal , CavalosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the following six body weight (BW) estimation methods in Campolina (CAM) horses: A - weight tape placed at three different positions on the animal's thorax; B - Crevat and Quetelet's formula; C - Hall's formula; D - Hintz and Griffiths's table; E - Santos's table; and F - Cintra's formula. A total of 380 CAM horses were separated according to sex, age class, and gestational stage and evaluated. To determine their accuracy, weights measured on a scale and weight estimates of the six methods were compared by paired t-test, mean prediction error (MPE), and coefficient of determination (R²), using R software. The predictive capacity of method F was lower in the 6-12 months age class, so this formula is not indicated. The BW was overestimated compared with the actual weight by methods A (with weight tape placed in position 3) and B and underestimated by method C. Methods D and E accurately estimated BW of CAM horses. Correction factors are required to accurately estimate BW in this breed using methods B and C. Method A with the weight tape placed in position 2 is the most accurate for predicting BW, including pregnant female horses, and can, therefore, be considered the most suitable method for estimating BW of CAM horses.
Animais , Peso Corporal , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Precisão da Medição DimensionalResumo
Background: Mares are very different from other species during pregnancy, and studies on the physiologicalchanges of this period are important. During late pregnancy, the distribution of weight and body fat are oftenused as indicators of adequate nutrition. This is a physiological period that results in an increase in metabolicdemand. There is a tendency for the Criollo breed to have a higher body condition score that becomes moreevident during pregnancy, a period when mares tend to gain more weight. The current study monitored serumcholesterol and triglyceride levels in pregnant mares during late gestation to determine a possible correlationwith the distribution of fat or body weight.Materials, Methods & Results: Four body parameters of 34 Criollo-type mares in late gestation were evaluated: body weight measured with a weight scale, body weight using a commercial weight tape, total body fatand fat thickness and the serum levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides. The fat thickness was measuredin an ultrasound device and the prediction of total body fat was calculated using an equation. According to thedays prior foaling, biometric monitoring and blood collection were carried out in five periods: F-90 (± 90 daysprior to foaling) n = 33; F-60 (± 60 days prior to foaling) n = 33; F-30 (± 30 days prior to foaling) n = 31; F-15(± 15 days prior to foaling) n = 29 and Foaling (at day of foaling) n = 14. Mares were monitored daily andaccompanied foaling was also performed, ensuring collection at the right time. Comparisons of means wereperformed between variables in addition to the Pearson correlation test. Statistical significance was establishedat P 0.05). Astrong positive correlation was observed between the average weights (P < 0.001). The fat thickness showeda correlation between the weights (P < 0.01). There was no correlation with...
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Cavalos/sangue , Prenhez , Colesterol/sangue , Composição Corporal , Triglicerídeos/sangueResumo
Background: Mares are very different from other species during pregnancy, and studies on the physiologicalchanges of this period are important. During late pregnancy, the distribution of weight and body fat are oftenused as indicators of adequate nutrition. This is a physiological period that results in an increase in metabolicdemand. There is a tendency for the Criollo breed to have a higher body condition score that becomes moreevident during pregnancy, a period when mares tend to gain more weight. The current study monitored serumcholesterol and triglyceride levels in pregnant mares during late gestation to determine a possible correlationwith the distribution of fat or body weight.Materials, Methods & Results: Four body parameters of 34 Criollo-type mares in late gestation were evaluated: body weight measured with a weight scale, body weight using a commercial weight tape, total body fatand fat thickness and the serum levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides. The fat thickness was measuredin an ultrasound device and the prediction of total body fat was calculated using an equation. According to thedays prior foaling, biometric monitoring and blood collection were carried out in five periods: F-90 (± 90 daysprior to foaling) n = 33; F-60 (± 60 days prior to foaling) n = 33; F-30 (± 30 days prior to foaling) n = 31; F-15(± 15 days prior to foaling) n = 29 and Foaling (at day of foaling) n = 14. Mares were monitored daily andaccompanied foaling was also performed, ensuring collection at the right time. Comparisons of means wereperformed between variables in addition to the Pearson correlation test. Statistical significance was establishedat P < 0.05. There was no difference in relation to the period in body composition measurements (P > 0.05). Astrong positive correlation was observed between the average weights (P < 0.001). The fat thickness showeda correlation between the weights (P < 0.01). There was no correlation with...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/fisiologia , Cavalos/sangue , Prenhez , Triglicerídeos/sangue , Colesterol/sangue , Composição CorporalResumo
Background: The most abundant free amino acid in mammals is glutamine (GLN). Little research has focused on GLNsupplementation for horses, but GLN levels in this species are known to decline after exercise and during lactation. Underphysiological conditions, the body produces Gln in sufficient quantities for general metabolism, and a small part of thisamino acid comes from dietary protein. Little research has so far focused on equine dietary supplementation with freeglutamine or combined with other amino acids during catabolic states or in highly stressful situations. This research wasconducted to evaluate the effects of equine dietary supplementation using a combination of glutamine and glutamate.Materials, Methods & Results: The study involved four Arabian mares, not in training (~380 kg; ~12 years old) and fourtreatments (control, and inclusions of 1, 2 and 4% of GLN+GLU) in a Latin square model. A 7-day washout period wasestablished between each phase. Fifty percent of the mares maintenance energy requirements came from concentrate and50% from hay and grazing. The other 50% came from Tifton hay (Cynodon dactylon), which was supplied ad libitum.After 7 weeks of nutritional supplementation (once a day, in the morning). In the experimental model, the mares weredistributed in a Latin square design comprised of four treatments: control (without inclusion) and inclusions of 1%, 2%and 4% of supplement (AminoGut®, Ajinomoto do Brazil), and four animals. Blood was collected in five stages (fasting,and 60, 120, 240 and 360 min after feeding) in each treatment. The blood samples were analyzed to determine GLN, GLU,urea, creatinine, uric acid, total plasma protein, hematocrit and glucose levels. Glutamine and Glutamate concentrationswere analyzed using the enzymatic spectrophotometric method. The results were analyzed statistically using one- andtwo-way ANOVA and Tukeys test with P set at 5%...
Animais , Cavalos/sangue , Glutamina , Metabolismo , Suplementos Nutricionais , Ácido Glutâmico , BiomarcadoresResumo
Background: The most abundant free amino acid in mammals is glutamine (GLN). Little research has focused on GLNsupplementation for horses, but GLN levels in this species are known to decline after exercise and during lactation. Underphysiological conditions, the body produces Gln in sufficient quantities for general metabolism, and a small part of thisamino acid comes from dietary protein. Little research has so far focused on equine dietary supplementation with freeglutamine or combined with other amino acids during catabolic states or in highly stressful situations. This research wasconducted to evaluate the effects of equine dietary supplementation using a combination of glutamine and glutamate.Materials, Methods & Results: The study involved four Arabian mares, not in training (~380 kg; ~12 years old) and fourtreatments (control, and inclusions of 1, 2 and 4% of GLN+GLU) in a Latin square model. A 7-day washout period wasestablished between each phase. Fifty percent of the mares maintenance energy requirements came from concentrate and50% from hay and grazing. The other 50% came from Tifton hay (Cynodon dactylon), which was supplied ad libitum.After 7 weeks of nutritional supplementation (once a day, in the morning). In the experimental model, the mares weredistributed in a Latin square design comprised of four treatments: control (without inclusion) and inclusions of 1%, 2%and 4% of supplement (AminoGut®, Ajinomoto do Brazil), and four animals. Blood was collected in five stages (fasting,and 60, 120, 240 and 360 min after feeding) in each treatment. The blood samples were analyzed to determine GLN, GLU,urea, creatinine, uric acid, total plasma protein, hematocrit and glucose levels. Glutamine and Glutamate concentrationswere analyzed using the enzymatic spectrophotometric method. The results were analyzed statistically using one- andtwo-way ANOVA and Tukeys test with P set at 5%...(AU)
Animais , Glutamina , Ácido Glutâmico , Suplementos Nutricionais , Cavalos/sangue , Metabolismo , BiomarcadoresResumo
As demonstrated in humans and animal models, prenatal developmental conditions can affect phenotype, through adaptive changes that induce persistent modifications in offspring gene expression. Although epigenetic modifications, shown in other species to be seminal to these effects, have not yet been demonstrated in horses, the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) nevertheless apply to the equine species. The physiological, metabolic and nutritional status of the mare, such as her parity, her body condition or whether the dam is fed cereals during gestation or is obese, are key elements that may affect foal health and metabolism. The placenta, that orchestrates feto-maternal exchanges, adapts to maternal conditions and is considered as a major programming agent. Although so far, there are no reliable, easily applicable, biomarkers of adverse programming of the foal, the use of supplementary feeds, such as maternal arginine, is currently being explored to try and restore optimal placental function in adverse conditions.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Cavalos/metabolismo , Expressão Gênica , EpigenômicaResumo
As demonstrated in humans and animal models, prenatal developmental conditions can affect phenotype, through adaptive changes that induce persistent modifications in offspring gene expression. Although epigenetic modifications, shown in other species to be seminal to these effects, have not yet been demonstrated in horses, the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) nevertheless apply to the equine species. The physiological, metabolic and nutritional status of the mare, such as her parity, her body condition or whether the dam is fed cereals during gestation or is obese, are key elements that may affect foal health and metabolism. The placenta, that orchestrates feto-maternal exchanges, adapts to maternal conditions and is considered as a major programming agent. Although so far, there are no reliable, easily applicable, biomarkers of adverse programming of the foal, the use of supplementary feeds, such as maternal arginine, is currently being explored to try and restore optimal placental function in adverse conditions.
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/embriologia , Cavalos/metabolismo , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Expressão Gênica , EpigenômicaResumo
The conservation of haylage (a pre-dried feed) can be challenging, since there is an increased risk of mould growth, which can contaminate this foodstuff with mycotoxins. However, when the hygienic quality is secured, haylage enhances grass palatability and provide enough supply of dry matter throughout the year. Due to the lack of information regarding its effect on blood parameters in horses fed exclusively with this foodstuff, the aim of this study is to provide information regarding its use in comparison to hay and ensure that it does not affect horses' biochemical profile. Twelve Quarter Horse broodmares were distributed into two groups, each fed with Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.) hay or haylage for a period of 28 days, and the biochemical profile was done in five different times (T0 before the experiment started and, chronologically, seven days apart - T1, T2, T3 and T4), It was analyzed total protein (TP) and its fractioning; enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl-transferase; endogenous catabolism products urea and creatinine; and ions calcium and phosphorus. Mycotoxins in haylage were also investigated and remained below the legislation thresholds. Only TP was higher in the last sampling (T4) of the haylage group, which may be related to the foodstuff's higher protein digestibility. No differences were observed between serum enzymes, urea, creatinine and Ca/P from both experimental groups. Haylage has proven to be safe, when well prepared for horses, without causing impairing side effects, as shown by the normal serum biochemistry parameters presented in this study.(AU)
A conservação do haylage (alimento pré-seco) pode ser desafiadora, considerando o aumento do risco de crescimento de fungos, com consequente produção de micotoxinas. Entretanto, quando a qualidade da higiene e armazenamento é assegurada, o haylage aumenta a palatabilidade da forragem e fornece suplemento de matéria seca suficiente ao longo do ano. Devido à falta de informação relativa aos efeitos dessa alimentação nos parâmetros sanguíneos de equinos alimentados exclusivamente com essa dieta, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o perfil bioquímico sanguíneo dos equinos após administração da haylage em comparação com feno. Doze matrizes Quarto de Milha foram distribuídas em dois grupos, cada um recebendo feno ou haylage de Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) por um período de 28 dias. O perfil bioquímico foi realizado em cinco tempos (T) diferentes (T0, antes do início do experimento e cronologicamente, a cada sete dias após o fornecimento das dietas - T1, T2, T3 e T4) para análise de proteína total (PT) e seu perfil fracionado, das enzimas alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase, γ-glutamil-transferase, dos produtos de catabolismo creatinina e ureia e, dos íons cálcio e fósforo. Micotoxinas no haylage foram investigadas e mantiveram-se abaixo dos limites determinados pela legislação brasileira. O perfil bioquímico revelou, somente, elevação da PT em T4 no grupo que recebeu haylage, o que pode estar relacionado à sua maior digestibilidade proteica. Nenhuma diferença foi observada nos outros parâmetros estudados em ambos os grupos experimentais. Conclui-se que Haylage é comprovadamente seguro, quando bem preparado para equinos, sem causar efeitos na saúde geral, conforme demonstrado pelos exames bioquímicos no presente estudo.(AU)
Animais , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Cynodon/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
The conservation of haylage (a pre-dried feed) can be challenging, since there is an increased risk of mould growth, which can contaminate this foodstuff with mycotoxins. However, when the hygienic quality is secured, haylage enhances grass palatability and provide enough supply of dry matter throughout the year. Due to the lack of information regarding its effect on blood parameters in horses fed exclusively with this foodstuff, the aim of this study is to provide information regarding its use in comparison to hay and ensure that it does not affect horses' biochemical profile. Twelve Quarter Horse broodmares were distributed into two groups, each fed with Tifton-85 (Cynodon spp.) hay or haylage for a period of 28 days, and the biochemical profile was done in five different times (T0 before the experiment started and, chronologically, seven days apart - T1, T2, T3 and T4), It was analyzed total protein (TP) and its fractioning; enzymes alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and γ-glutamyl-transferase; endogenous catabolism products urea and creatinine; and ions calcium and phosphorus. Mycotoxins in haylage were also investigated and remained below the legislation thresholds. Only TP was higher in the last sampling (T4) of the haylage group, which may be related to the foodstuff's higher protein digestibility. No differences were observed between serum enzymes, urea, creatinine and Ca/P from both experimental groups. Haylage has proven to be safe, when well prepared for horses, without causing impairing side effects, as shown by the normal serum biochemistry parameters presented in this study.(AU)
A conservação do haylage (alimento pré-seco) pode ser desafiadora, considerando o aumento do risco de crescimento de fungos, com consequente produção de micotoxinas. Entretanto, quando a qualidade da higiene e armazenamento é assegurada, o haylage aumenta a palatabilidade da forragem e fornece suplemento de matéria seca suficiente ao longo do ano. Devido à falta de informação relativa aos efeitos dessa alimentação nos parâmetros sanguíneos de equinos alimentados exclusivamente com essa dieta, o objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o perfil bioquímico sanguíneo dos equinos após administração da haylage em comparação com feno. Doze matrizes Quarto de Milha foram distribuídas em dois grupos, cada um recebendo feno ou haylage de Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.) por um período de 28 dias. O perfil bioquímico foi realizado em cinco tempos (T) diferentes (T0, antes do início do experimento e cronologicamente, a cada sete dias após o fornecimento das dietas - T1, T2, T3 e T4) para análise de proteína total (PT) e seu perfil fracionado, das enzimas alanina aminotransferase, aspartato aminotransferase, γ-glutamil-transferase, dos produtos de catabolismo creatinina e ureia e, dos íons cálcio e fósforo. Micotoxinas no haylage foram investigadas e mantiveram-se abaixo dos limites determinados pela legislação brasileira. O perfil bioquímico revelou, somente, elevação da PT em T4 no grupo que recebeu haylage, o que pode estar relacionado à sua maior digestibilidade proteica. Nenhuma diferença foi observada nos outros parâmetros estudados em ambos os grupos experimentais. Conclui-se que Haylage é comprovadamente seguro, quando bem preparado para equinos, sem causar efeitos na saúde geral, conforme demonstrado pelos exames bioquímicos no presente estudo.(AU)
Animais , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Cynodon/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cavalos/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
Ricinus communis is a shrub of the family Euphorbiaceae popularly known in Brazil as "mamona" or "carrapateira". It is an oleaginous plant whose seeds have been used mainly in biodiesel production. Plant seed oil can be extracted mechanically or using solvents, generating castor bean cake and castor bean meal as by-products, respectively. Accidental ingestion of these by-products can cause poisoning in animals and humans, characterized by digestive signs resulting from the presence of a toxalbumin called ricin. Seed toxicity varies among animal species; in horses, the lethal dose of seeds is 0.1 g/kg of body weight. The literature presents plenty of studies addressing poisoning by R. communis in different animal species and in humans; however, reports are scarce and little information is available on the pathological aspects of poisoning regarding equines. Therefore, the present study aimed to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects observed in an outbreak of accidental poisoning with castor bean cake in horses. The equines were supplemented with palm kernel (Elaeis guianeesis) cake; however, in the purchase of a new batch, there was an error in the order, and castor bean cake was requested instead. Four horses that received castor bean cake presented clinical signs indicative of colic, which started about 21 hours after administration. Three of these horses died, with clinical evolution from 2 to 4.5 hours; the other animal was treated with intravenous fluid and antibiotic therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and recovered after five days. In the necropsy of two of these horses, the main lesions were found in the small intestine, where mucosae with pronounced redness and covered with a thin layer of yellow fibrous material were observed. In the intestinal lumen, there was a large amount of bloody liquid. The stomach was full, and dark lumps similar to crushed castor bean seeds were observed in the contents. The adrenal glands of both horses presented congestion and hemorrhage in the cortex. In microscopy, the main lesion was an acute, diffuse and accentuated fibrin-necrotic enteropathy affecting the jejunum. The diagnosis of castor bean cake poisoning was based on the circumstantial evidence of by-product consumption supported by clinical and pathological aspects. The results indicate that castor bean cake commercially available as fertilizer is extremely toxic when ingested, and there is a need for appropriate detoxification or labeling informing of its toxicity.(AU)
Ricinus communis é um arbusto da família Euphorbiaceae conhecido popularmente como "mamona" ou "carrapateira". A planta é considerada oleaginosa e suas sementes têm sido utilizadas, principalmente, na produção de biodiesel. A extração do óleo pode ser mecânica ou com solventes, gerando, como subprodutos, a torta de mamona e a farinha de mamona, respectivamente. A ingestão acidental desses subprodutos pode causar intoxicação em animais e humanos, caracterizada por sinais digestivos devido a toxalbumina ricina. A toxidez das sementes varia entre as espécies animais, em equinos a dose letal de sementes é de 0,1g/kg de peso vivo. Há vasta literatura sobre a intoxicação por R. communis em diferentes espécies animais e humanos. Em relação aos equinos os relatos são escassos e com poucas informações sobre os aspectos patológicos da intoxicação. Assim, os objetivos do presente estudo foram descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos observados em um surto de intoxicação acidental por torta de mamona em equinos. Os equinos eram suplementados com torta de dendê (Elaeis guianeesis), no entanto, na compra de uma nova partida, houve um erro no pedido sendo solicitada torta de mamona. Os quatro equinos que receberam a torta de mamona apresentaram sinais clínicos indicativos de cólica, que iniciaram cerca de 21 horas após administração. Três destes morreram, com evolução clínica 2 a 4,5 horas, o outro animal foi tratado com fluidoterapia intravenosa, antibioticoterapia e anti-inflamatório não esteroidal, recuperando-se em 5 dias. Na necropsia de dois destes equinos, as principais lesões foram encontradas no intestino delgado, sendo observadas mucosas com avermelhamento acentuado e recobertas por fina camada de material amarelado fibrinoso. No lúmen intestinal, havia grande quantidade de líquido sanguinolento. O estômago estava repleto de grumos escuros semelhantes às sementes trituradas da mamona em meio ao conteúdo. As adrenais de ambos equinos apresentavam congestão e hemorragias corticais. Na microscopia, a principal lesão foi uma enteropatia fibrino-necrótica, aguda, difusa e acentuada, afetando com maior intensidade o jejuno. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por torta de mamona foi baseado na evidência circunstancial de consumo do subproduto, sendo corroborado pelos aspectos clínicos e patológicos. Os resultados indicam que a torta de mamona vendida para fertilização do solo é extremamente tóxica quando ingerida, havendo a necessidade de detoxicação ou rotulagem adequada informando sobre a sua toxicidade.(AU)
Animais , Ricinus/intoxicação , Ricinus/toxicidade , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/veterinária , Doenças dos Cavalos , Cavalos , Ração Animal/intoxicação , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Ricinus communis is a shrub of the family Euphorbiaceae popularly known in Brazil as "mamona" or "carrapateira". It is an oleaginous plant whose seeds have been used mainly in biodiesel production. Plant seed oil can be extracted mechanically or using solvents, generating castor bean cake and castor bean meal as by-products, respectively. Accidental ingestion of these by-products can cause poisoning in animals and humans, characterized by digestive signs resulting from the presence of a toxalbumin called ricin. Seed toxicity varies among animal species; in horses, the lethal dose of seeds is 0.1 g/kg of body weight. The literature presents plenty of studies addressing poisoning by R. communis in different animal species and in humans; however, reports are scarce and little information is available on the pathological aspects of poisoning regarding equines. Therefore, the present study aimed to describe the epidemiological, clinical and pathological aspects observed in an outbreak of accidental poisoning with castor bean cake in horses. The equines were supplemented with palm kernel (Elaeis guianeesis) cake; however, in the purchase of a new batch, there was an error in the order, and castor bean cake was requested instead. Four horses that received castor bean cake presented clinical signs indicative of colic, which started about 21 hours after administration. Three of these horses died, with clinical evolution from 2 to 4.5 hours; the other animal was treated with intravenous fluid and antibiotic therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and recovered after five days. In the necropsy of two of these horses, the main lesions were found in the small intestine, where mucosae with pronounced redness and covered with a thin layer of yellow fibrous material were observed. In the intestinal lumen, there was a large amount of bloody liquid. The stomach was full, and dark lumps similar to crushed castor bean seeds were observed in the contents. The adrenal glands of both horses presented congestion and hemorrhage in the cortex. In microscopy, the main lesion was an acute, diffuse and accentuated fibrin-necrotic enteropathy affecting the jejunum. The diagnosis of castor bean cake poisoning was based on the circumstantial evidence of by-product consumption supported by clinical and pathological aspects. The results indicate that castor bean cake commercially available as fertilizer is extremely toxic when ingested, and there is a need for appropriate detoxification or labeling informing of its toxicity.(AU)
Ricinus communis é um arbusto da família Euphorbiaceae conhecido popularmente como "mamona" ou "carrapateira". A planta é considerada oleaginosa e suas sementes têm sido utilizadas, principalmente, na produção de biodiesel. A extração do óleo pode ser mecânica ou com solventes, gerando, como subprodutos, a torta de mamona e a farinha de mamona, respectivamente. A ingestão acidental desses subprodutos pode causar intoxicação em animais e humanos, caracterizada por sinais digestivos devido a toxalbumina ricina. A toxidez das sementes varia entre as espécies animais, em equinos a dose letal de sementes é de 0,1g/kg de peso vivo. Há vasta literatura sobre a intoxicação por R. communis em diferentes espécies animais e humanos. Em relação aos equinos os relatos são escassos e com poucas informações sobre os aspectos patológicos da intoxicação. Assim, os objetivos do presente estudo foram descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos observados em um surto de intoxicação acidental por torta de mamona em equinos. Os equinos eram suplementados com torta de dendê (Elaeis guianeesis), no entanto, na compra de uma nova partida, houve um erro no pedido sendo solicitada torta de mamona. Os quatro equinos que receberam a torta de mamona apresentaram sinais clínicos indicativos de cólica, que iniciaram cerca de 21 horas após administração. Três destes morreram, com evolução clínica 2 a 4,5 horas, o outro animal foi tratado com fluidoterapia intravenosa, antibioticoterapia e anti-inflamatório não esteroidal, recuperando-se em 5 dias. Na necropsia de dois destes equinos, as principais lesões foram encontradas no intestino delgado, sendo observadas mucosas com avermelhamento acentuado e recobertas por fina camada de material amarelado fibrinoso. No lúmen intestinal, havia grande quantidade de líquido sanguinolento. O estômago estava repleto de grumos escuros semelhantes às sementes trituradas da mamona em meio ao conteúdo. As adrenais de ambos equinos apresentavam congestão e hemorragias corticais. Na microscopia, a principal lesão foi uma enteropatia fibrino-necrótica, aguda, difusa e acentuada, afetando com maior intensidade o jejuno. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por torta de mamona foi baseado na evidência circunstancial de consumo do subproduto, sendo corroborado pelos aspectos clínicos e patológicos. Os resultados indicam que a torta de mamona vendida para fertilização do solo é extremamente tóxica quando ingerida, havendo a necessidade de detoxicação ou rotulagem adequada informando sobre a sua toxicidade.(AU)