At the time of its discovery and characterization in 1994, leptin was mostly considered a metabolic hormone able to regulate body weight and energy homeostasis. However, in recent years, a great deal of literature has revealed leptin's pleiotropic nature, through its involvement in numerous physiological contexts including the regulation of the female reproductive tract and ovarian function. Obesity has been largely associated with infertility, and leptin signalling is known to be dysregulated in the ovaries of obese females. Hence, the disruption of ovarian leptin signalling was shown to contribute to the pathophysiology of ovarian failure in obese females, affecting transcriptional programmes in the gamete and somatic cells. This review attempts to uncover the underlying mechanisms contributing to female infertility associated with obesity, as well as to shed light on the role of leptin in the metabolic dysregulation within the follicle, the effects on the oocyte epigenome, and the potential long-term consequence to embryo programming.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Leptina/análise , Obesidade Materna/veterinária , Infertilidade Feminina/diagnóstico , Epigenômica/métodosResumo
Background: Buffalo breeding is common in many countries. Buffalo's milk is used in the production of mozzarella, yoghurt, ice cream, and various dairy desserts; meat is preferred in sausage production. The female buffaloes are bred to benefit from their milk and to obtain offspring. These animals, which are not suitable for feeding in barns, generally live in pastures, especially on wet land, and are very difficult to follow. Therefore, diseases occur randomly in slaughterhouses. Studies on genital system problems are very limited. Water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) are animals with economic value as many buffalo products are provided. In this respect, inspection and control of female genital disorders is fundamental to ensure good reproductive performance of female buffaloes. The aim of the study was to investigate pathomorphological lesions occurring in the ovaries of water buffaloes which were sent to slaughterhouses. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 198 ovaries of water buffaloes were collected from various slaughterhouses located in Adapazari, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Samsun and Trabzon cities of Turkey. After macroscopic examination; tissue samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin, processed routinely and were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). As a histochemical staining, Masson's trichrome staining was applied to characterize the lesions. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on 10 % neutral formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded, 4-6-µm-thick sections from ovaries using progesterone receptor (PR) with streptavidin-biotin complex peroxidase (StrepABC-P) method. Histopathologically, follicular cysts (n:147) and luteal cysts (n:22) were seen. While the cyst lumens were sometimes surrounded by granulosa and/or luteal cells, most of them were limited by the connective tissue capsule structure. This capsule structure was shown in blue by Masson's trichrome staining. Hemorrhage was observed in some cystic corpus luteum, diagnosed as corpus hemorrhagicum. In addition, cysts giving papillary extension into the lumen and inflammation of some ovaries were observed. Immunohistochemically, the staining with PR antibody in ovarian cysts showed no immunolabelling around the follicular cyst, while the nuclei of some of the luteal cells forming the luteal cyst had strongly nuclear positivity and slightly cytoplasmic positivity. In the biochemical examination of the fluids obtained from cystic ovaries (n: 37), the average of estradiol was 2.84 ng/mL (min: 0.01 ng/mL, max: 4.30 ng/mL) and progesterone average is 49.09 ng/mL (min: 1.88 ng/mL, max: 254.2 ng/mL). Discussion: Ovarian cysts in buffaloes seem to be among the serious fertility problems as in cattle. Although the exact cause of ovarian cyts has not been determined yet, it is known that the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is disrupted in cyst formation in general. In this study, the mean estradiol value was within the standard range but close to the lower limit; progesterone value was above the limit. The increase in progesterone level was compatible with the pathogenesis of cyst genesis. Beside this result, staining with PR was positive in the luteal cells that formed the luteal cyst immunohistochemically. In addition, although the hemorrhages observed in the corpus luteum are considered physiological, it should not be forgotten that they can be vital if they rupture. All these results show us the animals sent for slaughtering mostly have serious genital problems threatening their fertility.
Animais , Feminino , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Ovário/lesões , Búfalos/lesões , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Infertilidade Feminina/prevenção & controleResumo
A subfertilidade em éguas é um problema comum e uma importante causa de perdas econômicas. A redução da fertilidade é um multifatorial e, apesar de muitas vezes estar relacionada a problemas uterinos, as causas originadas de alterações oocitárias, ovarianas e endócrinas são muito frequentes e de difícil diagnóstico. A presente revisão tem como objetivo discutir as causas e o diagnóstico da subfertilidade em éguas relacionadas às alterações endócrinas e ovarianas
Subfertility in mares is a common problem and an importante cause of economic losses. Reduced fertility is multifactorial and, although it is often related to uterine problems, altered oocyte quality and endocrine profiles are frequent and of complex diagnosis. The present review aims to discuss causes and diagnosis of subfertility in mares related to endocrine and ovarian problems.
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/diagnóstico , Infertilidade Feminina/diagnóstico , Infertilidade Feminina/fisiopatologiaResumo
Background: Bluetongue is a vector-borne viral disease transmitted by midges from the genus Culicoides. The disease caninfect most of the ruminant and camelid species, but the severe disease is most often seen in european wool and muttonsheep breeds. In this sense, there is a gap in the knowledge on BTV infection in hair sheep breeds from tropical zones.Thus, this study aimed at establishing whether exposure to BTV is a risk factor for reproductive failure in Santa Inês ewes,a hair sheep breed, reared under tropical conditions in Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out in sheep farms in São Paulo state,Brazil, after the rainy season. Serum samples from 110 Santa Inês ewes with a history of reproductive disorders, in the last6 months, which were included: abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, retention of placenta, infertility, estrus repetition, fetalmalformation, weak lamb birth and neonatal death were collected. The presence of antibodies against BTV was assessedby agar gel immunodiffusion method (AGID). Serology to the infectious agents Brucela ovis, Lepstopira spp., Toxoplasmagondii, Neospora caninum and Campylobacter sp. were also assessed. Bivariate associations between the outcome andindividual explanatory variables were assessed using the Fishers exact test. Abortion was the most common reproductive disorder (53%; 74/139) observed, followed by estrus repetition (12%; 17/139) and infertility (11%; 15/139). Otherdisorders related to the conceptus totaled nearly one fourth of the reported disorders. A total of 20% (22/110) of the eweswere seropositive to BTV. A higher frequency of BTV seropositive than BTV seronegative ewes with a history of abortionwas found. Also, abortion with seroreactivity to BTV was tested for prevalence ratio that showed 1.38 [95% CI 1.10-1.74;P = 0.030]. With regards to the abortion involvement of other infectious diseases associated with the seropositive ewes to...
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Aborto Animal/virologia , Bluetongue , Vírus Bluetongue , Fatores de Risco , Infertilidade Feminina/veterinária , Ovinos/virologiaResumo
Background: Bluetongue is a vector-borne viral disease transmitted by midges from the genus Culicoides. The disease caninfect most of the ruminant and camelid species, but the severe disease is most often seen in european wool and muttonsheep breeds. In this sense, there is a gap in the knowledge on BTV infection in hair sheep breeds from tropical zones.Thus, this study aimed at establishing whether exposure to BTV is a risk factor for reproductive failure in Santa Inês ewes,a hair sheep breed, reared under tropical conditions in Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out in sheep farms in São Paulo state,Brazil, after the rainy season. Serum samples from 110 Santa Inês ewes with a history of reproductive disorders, in the last6 months, which were included: abortion, premature birth, stillbirth, retention of placenta, infertility, estrus repetition, fetalmalformation, weak lamb birth and neonatal death were collected. The presence of antibodies against BTV was assessedby agar gel immunodiffusion method (AGID). Serology to the infectious agents Brucela ovis, Lepstopira spp., Toxoplasmagondii, Neospora caninum and Campylobacter sp. were also assessed. Bivariate associations between the outcome andindividual explanatory variables were assessed using the Fishers exact test. Abortion was the most common reproductive disorder (53%; 74/139) observed, followed by estrus repetition (12%; 17/139) and infertility (11%; 15/139). Otherdisorders related to the conceptus totaled nearly one fourth of the reported disorders. A total of 20% (22/110) of the eweswere seropositive to BTV. A higher frequency of BTV seropositive than BTV seronegative ewes with a history of abortionwas found. Also, abortion with seroreactivity to BTV was tested for prevalence ratio that showed 1.38 [95% CI 1.10-1.74;P = 0.030]. With regards to the abortion involvement of other infectious diseases associated with the seropositive ewes to...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Vírus Bluetongue , Bluetongue , Aborto Animal/virologia , Ovinos/virologia , Infertilidade Feminina/veterinária , Fatores de RiscoResumo
Endometritis refers to an inflammation of the uterine mucosa that does not extend beyond the stratum spongiosum. Recent studies indicate it is a common finding in 30-50% of bitches suffering from infertility/subfertility. This disorder is subclinical, and its diagnosis involves sampling the uterus, whether it is by performing a cytology from flushing the organ or histology on collected uterine biopsies. Its pathophysiology remains unclear in 2021. Some cases are associated with cystic endometrial hyperplasia, which leads to disruption in the uterine clearance mechanisms after breeding ; while other appear as a pure inflammatory process. While we dont have all the answers yet, there is no doubt today that these disorders must be included in the differential diagnosis of infertility in the bitch. The work that has already been done on this topic already offers some idea on how to approach these cases in our veterinary clinics.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Doenças Uterinas/diagnóstico , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/veterinária , Infertilidade/diagnósticoResumo
Pregnancy losses are a major concern in livestock industry due to their economic impact on producers. Campylobacter fetus subspecies fetus (Cff) and C. fetus subspecies venerealis (Cfv) are directly related to reproductive failures in ruminants. Cff colonizes the gastrointestinal tract of a wide range of hosts leading to abortion, while Cfv is restricted to genital tract being generally associated to infertility in bovine. Considering the great economic losses related to campylobacteriosis in cattle and ovine herds, this study aims to investigate the occurrence of C. fetus, considering Cff and Cfv subspecies, in bovine and ovine spontaneously aborted fetuses in state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In this study, samples of abomasal fluid collected from 30 spontaneously aborted bovine (n = 18) and ovine (n = 12) fetuses were investigated for the detection of Campylobacter fetus throughout conventional PCR. Positive fetuses for C. fetus presence were further analyzed by molecular assays for Cff and Cfv detection, in order to determine subspecies identification. When available, samples of the main organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, as well as the brain, skeletal muscle, eyelid, skin, and placenta were collected for further histopathological analyses and bacterial culture, aiming to assess the presence of infection lesions and pathogens in those sites, respectively. Additionally, RT-qPCR assays were also performed for the detection of ruminant pestivirus, in order to detect bovine viral diarrhea cases. Throughout the present methodology, C. fetus was detected in the abomasal fluid samples of 2 bovine fetuses, being both identified as Cfv subspecies by PCR. Histopathological analyses demonstrated that macroscopic and microscopic changes found in the Cfv-positive animals were not either specific or directly related to Campylobacter infections. Moreover, no significant bacterial growth was observed in microbiological culture from the collected tissues, and both fetuses were negative for ruminant pestivirus. Differently, there was no detection of C. fetus in any of the analyzed ovine fetuses. Considering that abortion diagnosis rates reported in cattle and sheep industry are highly variable among the published studies, and that abortion diagnoses are commonly inconclusive due to difficulties in sampling methodology and inadequate identification of the pathogen involved, it is important to investigate the etiological causes of abortion the herds for better understanding the causes of pregnancy issues and monitoring their occurrence. In addition, the absence of pathognomonic lesions in the tissues investigated in the histopathological analyses observed in this study strongly suggests that well-known etiological agents commonly associated to abortion, such as Leptospira spp., Toxoplasma spp., Chlamydia spp. and Neospora caninum, are unlikely to be the cause of infection of the analyzed fetuses. Taking this into account, the presence of C. fetus in the abomasal fluid samples from two bovine fetuses demonstrated in the present study suggests the possible association of Cfv not only with infertility, but also with cases of bovine abortion, highlighting the importance of investigating unusual causal agents of abortions in sheep and cattle. Overall, an adequate diagnosis is essential for establishing better prevention strategies to avoid the circulation of abortion-related infectious agents in the herds.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Campylobacter fetus , Infecções por Campylobacter/veterinária , Aborto Animal , Infertilidade/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/economia , RuminantesResumo
A mudança de luminosidade claramente possui um grande impacto no ciclo reprodutivo em diferentes espécies, principalmente espécies reprodutoras sazonais. Apesar de o suíno doméstico ser capaz de se reproduzir com sucesso no decorrer do ano, os efeitos da sazonalidade têm sido estudado por diversos anos visto que, ainda hoje, existem reduções de taxas reprodutivas em leitoas e porcas, principalmente nas épocas de verão e outono. Além dos efeitos do estresse por calor que acometem granjas durante o verão, efeitos do fotoperíodo podem ser identificados em dinâmicas hormonais, e alguns resultados de desempenho dependendo das estações do ano. Há indícios que o fotoperíodo em associação com o estresse causado pelas altas temperaturas do ambiente sejam as principais causas do processo de infertilidade sazonal em suínos. Estudos mais recentes demonstram efeitos negativos na fertilidade de leitoas e primíparas quando expostas a ambientes com baixa luminosidade durante o período de cobertura. Apesar de ainda existir grande espaço para mais investigações a respeito dos efeitos de duração e intensidade do fotoperíodo artificial e para melhorias em termos de ambiência, os órgãos responsáveis pela regulamentação de animais de produção sugerem uma intensidade e tempo mínimo de exposição à iluminação artificial para os suínos em confinamento.
The changes in photoperiod clearly impact the reproductive cycle in different species, especially in seasonal breeders. Although the domestic pig can successfully reproduce throughout the year, the seasonal effects have been studied for years, and still today, reduction in reproductive rates exist in gilts and sows, mainly during summer and fall periods. Besides the high temperatures during summer causing detrimental effects due to heat stress in swine, changes in photoperiod effects can be identified by hormonal changes and performance results depending on the season. There is evidence of photoperiod associated with heat stress being the leading causes of seasonal infertility in swine. Recent studies demonstrate adverse effects on gilts and primiparous sows fertility when exposed to an environment with low lighting intensity during the breeding period. Although further investigation on the effects of intensity and duration of artificial photoperiod and improvements in terms of ambient is still needed, the guidelines and regulations for animal production suggest a minimum exposure of artificial light intensity and duration for confined swine.
Feminino , Animais , Fotoperíodo , Infertilidade/veterinária , Suínos/fisiologia , Técnicas ReprodutivasResumo
Piometra é definida como o acúmulo de material mucopurulento no interior do útero e sua ocorrência em éguas é multifatorial, sendo uma condição incomum, (contrastando com a espécie canina onde sua etiologia esta melhor definida, bem como os microorganismos majoritariamente encontrados). Originada, geralmente, por falha da drenagem fisiológica do liquido uterino, que pode ser devido à presença de aderências vaginais, ou à um canal cervical estenosado, sinuoso ou irregular. O diagnóstico é realizado pelo exame ginecológico completo, constituindo-se da palpação retal, vaginoscopia, exame ultrassonográfico, cultivo e antibiograma do conteúdo, podendo ser complementado pela biopsia uterina. Diagnóstico diferencial deve ser realizado para descartar a possibilidade de gestação, mucometra, hidrometra, hemometra e pneumometra. Acomete éguas sem predileção racial tornando-se crônica, recorrente e quando de impossível resolução pelos métodos terapêuticos convencionais, pode ser realizada intervenção cirúrgica de histerectomia como forma radical de tratamento.(AU)
Pyometra is defined as the accumulation of mucopurulent material within the uterus and its occurrence in mares is multifactorial, being an unusual condition, (in contrast to the canine species which its etiology and microorganisms mostly found are well understood).Usually due to failure of the uterine physiological drainage, that may be due to the presence of cervical vaginal adhesions or to a stenosed, sinuous or irregular cervical canal. The diagnosis is made by a complete gynecological examination, consisting of rectal palpation, vaginoscopy, ultrasound examination, culture and antibiogram of the exudate, and can be complemented by uterine biopsy when possible. Differential diagnosis should be made to discard the possibility of gestation, mucometra, hydrometra, hematometra and pneumometra. It occurs regardless of breed becoming chronic and recurrent and when it is impossible to solve by conventional therapeutic methods, surgical intervention - hysterectomy can be performed as a radical form of treatment.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/anormalidades , Cavalos/fisiologia , Piometra/diagnóstico , Infertilidade FemininaResumo
Piometra é definida como o acúmulo de material mucopurulento no interior do útero e sua ocorrência em éguas é multifatorial, sendo uma condição incomum, (contrastando com a espécie canina onde sua etiologia esta melhor definida, bem como os microorganismos majoritariamente encontrados). Originada, geralmente, por falha da drenagem fisiológica do liquido uterino, que pode ser devido à presença de aderências vaginais, ou à um canal cervical estenosado, sinuoso ou irregular. O diagnóstico é realizado pelo exame ginecológico completo, constituindo-se da palpação retal, vaginoscopia, exame ultrassonográfico, cultivo e antibiograma do conteúdo, podendo ser complementado pela biopsia uterina. Diagnóstico diferencial deve ser realizado para descartar a possibilidade de gestação, mucometra, hidrometra, hemometra e pneumometra. Acomete éguas sem predileção racial tornando-se crônica, recorrente e quando de impossível resolução pelos métodos terapêuticos convencionais, pode ser realizada intervenção cirúrgica de histerectomia como forma radical de tratamento.
Pyometra is defined as the accumulation of mucopurulent material within the uterus and its occurrence in mares is multifactorial, being an unusual condition, (in contrast to the canine species which its etiology and microorganisms mostly found are well understood).Usually due to failure of the uterine physiological drainage, that may be due to the presence of cervical vaginal adhesions or to a stenosed, sinuous or irregular cervical canal. The diagnosis is made by a complete gynecological examination, consisting of rectal palpation, vaginoscopy, ultrasound examination, culture and antibiogram of the exudate, and can be complemented by uterine biopsy when possible. Differential diagnosis should be made to discard the possibility of gestation, mucometra, hydrometra, hematometra and pneumometra. It occurs regardless of breed becoming chronic and recurrent and when it is impossible to solve by conventional therapeutic methods, surgical intervention - hysterectomy can be performed as a radical form of treatment.
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/anormalidades , Cavalos/fisiologia , Piometra/diagnóstico , Infertilidade FemininaResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of the nutraceuticals omega-6/3 and omega-9/6 on endometriosis-associated infertility and pain. Methods: Controlled experimental study, with each group composed of eight female rats. Fertility groups: sham-operated control (0.9% saline solution); control with endometriosis (0.9% saline); omega-6/3 (1.2 g/kg/day); omega-9/6 (1.2 g/kg/day); and meloxicam (0.8 mg/kg/day). Pain groups: sham-operated control (0.9% saline); control with endometriosis (0.9% saline); omega-6/3 (1.2 g/kg/day); omega-9/6 (1.2 g/kg/day); medroxyprogesterone acetate (5 mg/kg/every 3 days); and meloxicam (0.8 mg/kg/day). Peritoneal endometriosis was surgically induced. Pain was evaluated with the writhing test. Fertility was evaluated by counting the number of embryos in the left hemi-uterus. Results: The mean number of writhings was as follows: sham-operated, 11.1 ± 2.9; control with endometriosis, 49.3 ± 4.4; omega-6/3, 31.5 ± 2.7; omega-9/6, 34.1 ± 4.5; medroxyprogesterone acetate, 2.1 ± 0.8; meloxicam, 1 ± 0.3. There was a significant difference between both controls and all drugs used for treatment. Regarding fertility, the mean values were as follows: sham-operated, 6.8 ± 0.6; control with endometriosis, 4.2 ± 0.7; omega-6/3, 4.7 ± 1; omega-9/6, 3.8 ± 0.9; and meloxicam, 1.8 ± 0.9. Conclusions: The omega-6/3 and omega-9/6 nutraceuticals decreased pain compared to the controls. There was no improvement in fertility in any of the tested groups.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Endometriose/veterinária , Ácidos Graxos Ômega-3/uso terapêutico , Ácidos Graxos Ômega-6/uso terapêutico , Infertilidade Feminina/veterinária , Dor/tratamento farmacológico , Suplementos NutricionaisResumo
The aim of this study was to describe the reproductive disorders related to experimental infection by artificial insemination with semen contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii of four goats in the chronic phase of the infection. In the end of the study, the does were submitted to necropsy, and PCR and histopathological evaluations were performed. Among infected does that exhibited embryonic loss, two were in anestrus and two exhibited repeated estrus. One of the latter animals exhibited clinical signs of estrus at seven-day intervals, whereas the other had a 21-day estrous cycle. However, both does were naturally mated on subsequent natural estrous and were not able to get pregnant until the end of the experiment (90 d). Two of the goats exhibited abnormalities in the ultrasound examinations, one of which was an ovarian cyst, while the other was a hydrosalpinx, both of which were confirmed in the post-mortem examination. The main microscopic injuries in this group were neutrophilic infiltration of the lungs, interstitial glomerulonephritis and neutrophilic infiltration of the liver. T. gondii DNA was found in the organs (heart and brain) of three does. In conclusion, does infected with Toxoplasma gondii in semen at the time of artificial insemination display reproductive disorders in the chronic phase of infection that might be associated with toxoplasmosis.
Objetivou-se descrever os distúrbios reprodutivos associados à infecção experimental por Toxoplasma gondii através da inseminação artificial com sêmen contaminado em quatro cabras no estágio crônico da infecção. As características do trato reprodutor foram avaliadas através de ultrassonografia transretal, visando o diagnóstico gestacional ou de desordens reprodutivas, após a infecção experimental. Ao final do experimento, os animais foram necropsiados e avaliações histopatológicas e PCR foram realizados. Dentre os animais infectados que exibiram mortalidade embrionária, duas apresentaram anestro e duas apresentaram repetição de estro, sendo que destas uma apresentou intervalos entre estros reduzido (sete dias) e outra em intervalo regular (21 dias). Todavia, ambas foram submetidas a monta natural durante os estros naturais subsequentese não foi confirmada gestação até o final do experimento (90 dias). Duas cabras exibiram alterações nos exames de ultrassonografia, sendo identificadas um cisto ovariano, e uma hidrossalpinge, ambas confirmadas no exame post-mortem. As principais lesões microscópicas nesse grupo foram infiltração neutrofílica dos pulmões, glomerulonefrite intersticial e infiltração neutrofílica do fígado. O DNA de T. gondii foi encontrado nos órgãos (coração e cérebro) de três cabras. Em conclusão, cabras infectadas comsêmen contendoT. gondii no momento da inseminação artificial apresentam distúrbios reprodutivos na fase crônica da infecção que podem estar associados à toxoplasmose.
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias/complicações , Toxoplasma/patogenicidade , Cabras/anormalidades , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Toxoplasmose Animal/complicações , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Infertilidade Feminina/veterináriaResumo
Background: The mares are seasonally polyestrous animals that regular ovulatory cycles of mares occur together withincreasing day length. Exposure of mares to an artificial photoperiod is the most common and predictable technique thatit is used to develop follicular activity early in the year. Follicle activity is minimal in mares during two winter months ofJanuary and February in Northern Hemisphere. The main objective of this study was to investigate efficacy of artificiallighting and timing of altrenogest treatment for hastening the ovulation in Thoroughbred mares.Materials, Methods & Results: One hundred and six Thoroughbred mares had different follicle sizes ( 35 mm folicle size), and pregnancies were determined at 14, 28 and 50th daypostovulation. Statisticaly, mean and standard deviations and general linear model procedure was performed on Minitab 17,and Anova was used to analysis of variance. The averages of the major variations were compared with the Tukeys multiplecomparison test. The factors effecting to pregnancy rate was analyzed by Chi-square test. Correlations were comparedwith the Pearson correlation test. The effect of initial months on the size of follicle diameter was found to be significant(P = 0.037). Artificial lighting had no effect on the initial follicle diameter (P = 0.919). The initial follicle diameter (P =0.001)...
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fotoperíodo , Iluminação/métodos , Indução da Ovulação/veterinária , Infertilidade/veterináriaResumo
Background: The mares are seasonally polyestrous animals that regular ovulatory cycles of mares occur together withincreasing day length. Exposure of mares to an artificial photoperiod is the most common and predictable technique thatit is used to develop follicular activity early in the year. Follicle activity is minimal in mares during two winter months ofJanuary and February in Northern Hemisphere. The main objective of this study was to investigate efficacy of artificiallighting and timing of altrenogest treatment for hastening the ovulation in Thoroughbred mares.Materials, Methods & Results: One hundred and six Thoroughbred mares had different follicle sizes (< 30 mm) wasevaluated under four groups. Mares undergoing only reproductive examination were control group Group I (n = 18). Themares has less than 30 mm in diameter folicle applied oral altrenogest (0.044 mg / bw, for 10 days) were grouped according to the month of application: Group II [February; n = 16], Group III [March; n = 57] and Group IV [April; n = 15].Ultrasonographical examinations performed at the day of admission and repeated twice a week for 15 days. Naturel matingwas planned considering to uterine edema (> 35 mm folicle size), and pregnancies were determined at 14, 28 and 50th daypostovulation. Statisticaly, mean and standard deviations and general linear model procedure was performed on Minitab 17,and Anova was used to analysis of variance. The averages of the major variations were compared with the Tukeys multiplecomparison test. The factors effecting to pregnancy rate was analyzed by Chi-square test. Correlations were comparedwith the Pearson correlation test. The effect of initial months on the size of follicle diameter was found to be significant(P = 0.037). Artificial lighting had no effect on the initial follicle diameter (P = 0.919). The initial follicle diameter (P =0.001)...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos/fisiologia , Indução da Ovulação/veterinária , Fotoperíodo , Iluminação/métodos , Folículo Ovariano/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Infertilidade/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se descrever os distúrbios reprodutivos associados à infecção experimental por Toxoplasma gondii através da inseminação artificial com sêmen contaminado em quatro cabras no estágio crônico da infecção. As características do trato reprodutor foram avaliadas através de ultrassonografia transretal, visando o diagnóstico gestacional ou de desordens reprodutivas, após a infecção experimental. Ao final do experimento, os animais foram necropsiados e avaliações histopatológicas e PCR foram realizados. Dentre os animais infectados que exibiram mortalidade embrionária, duas apresentaram anestro e duas apresentaram repetição de estro, sendo que destas uma apresentou intervalos entre estros reduzido (sete dias) e outra em intervalo regular (21 dias). Todavia, ambas foram submetidas a monta natural durante os estros naturais subsequentes e não foi confirmada gestação até o final do experimento (90 dias). Duas cabras exibiram alterações nos exames de ultrassonografia, sendo identificadas um cisto ovariano, e uma hidrossalpinge, ambas confirmadas no exame post-mortem. As principais lesões microscópicas nesse grupo foram infiltração neutrofílica dos pulmões, glomerulonefrite intersticial e infiltração neutrofílica do fígado. O DNA de T. gondii foi encontrado nos órgãos (coração e cérebro) de três cabras. Em conclusão, cabras infectadas com sêmen contendo T. gondii no momento da inseminação artificial apresentam distúrbios reprodutivos na fase crônica da infecção que podem estar associados à toxoplasmose.(AU)
The aim of this study was to describe the reproductive disorders related to experimental infection by artificial insemination with semen contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii of four goats in the chronic phase of the infection. In the end of the study, the does were submitted to necropsy, and PCR and histopathological evaluations were performed. Among infected does that exhibited embryonic loss, two were in anestrus and two exhibited repeated estrus. One of the latter animals exhibited clinical signs of estrus at seven-day intervals, whereas the other had a 21-day estrous cycle. However, both does were naturally mated on subsequent natural estrous and were not able to get pregnant until the end of the experiment (90 d). Two of the goats exhibited abnormalities in the ultrasound examinations, one of which was an ovarian cyst, while the other was a hydrosalpinx, both of which were confirmed in the post-mortem examination. The main microscopic injuries in this group were neutrophilic infiltration of the lungs, interstitial glomerulonephritis and neutrophilic infiltration of the liver. T. gondii DNA was found in the organs (heart and brain) of three does. In conclusion, does infected with Toxoplasma gondii in semen at the time of artificial insemination display reproductive disorders in the chronic phase of infection that might be associated with toxoplasmosis.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cabras/embriologia , Cabras/parasitologia , Toxoplasma/patogenicidade , Toxoplasmose Animal/complicações , Toxoplasmose Animal/embriologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/fisiopatologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/complicações , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/patologia , Patologia Veterinária , Infertilidade/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se descrever os distúrbios reprodutivos associados à infecção experimental por Toxoplasma gondii através da inseminação artificial com sêmen contaminado em quatro cabras no estágio crônico da infecção. As características do trato reprodutor foram avaliadas através de ultrassonografia transretal, visando o diagnóstico gestacional ou de desordens reprodutivas, após a infecção experimental. Ao final do experimento, os animais foram necropsiados e avaliações histopatológicas e PCR foram realizados. Dentre os animais infectados que exibiram mortalidade embrionária, duas apresentaram anestro e duas apresentaram repetição de estro, sendo que destas uma apresentou intervalos entre estros reduzido (sete dias) e outra em intervalo regular (21 dias). Todavia, ambas foram submetidas a monta natural durante os estros naturais subsequentes e não foi confirmada gestação até o final do experimento (90 dias). Duas cabras exibiram alterações nos exames de ultrassonografia, sendo identificadas um cisto ovariano, e uma hidrossalpinge, ambas confirmadas no exame post-mortem. As principais lesões microscópicas nesse grupo foram infiltração neutrofílica dos pulmões, glomerulonefrite intersticial e infiltração neutrofílica do fígado. O DNA de T. gondii foi encontrado nos órgãos (coração e cérebro) de três cabras. Em conclusão, cabras infectadas com sêmen contendo T. gondii no momento da inseminação artificial apresentam distúrbios reprodutivos na fase crônica da infecção que podem estar associados à toxoplasmose.
The aim of this study was to describe the reproductive disorders related to experimental infection by artificial insemination with semen contaminated with Toxoplasma gondii of four goats in the chronic phase of the infection. In the end of the study, the does were submitted to necropsy, and PCR and histopathological evaluations were performed. Among infected does that exhibited embryonic loss, two were in anestrus and two exhibited repeated estrus. One of the latter animals exhibited clinical signs of estrus at seven-day intervals, whereas the other had a 21-day estrous cycle. However, both does were naturally mated on subsequent natural estrous and were not able to get pregnant until the end of the experiment (90 d). Two of the goats exhibited abnormalities in the ultrasound examinations, one of which was an ovarian cyst, while the other was a hydrosalpinx, both of which were confirmed in the post-mortem examination. The main microscopic injuries in this group were neutrophilic infiltration of the lungs, interstitial glomerulonephritis and neutrophilic infiltration of the liver. T. gondii DNA was found in the organs (heart and brain) of three does. In conclusion, does infected with Toxoplasma gondii in semen at the time of artificial insemination display reproductive disorders in the chronic phase of infection that might be associated with toxoplasmosis.
Feminino , Animais , Cabras/embriologia , Cabras/parasitologia , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/complicações , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/patologia , Infertilidade/veterinária , Patologia Veterinária , Toxoplasma/patogenicidade , Toxoplasmose Animal/complicações , Toxoplasmose Animal/embriologia , Toxoplasmose Animal/fisiopatologiaResumo
The success of transvaginal follicular aspiration in mares can be influenced by several factors, such as vacuum pump pressure levels. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of different negative pressures (150, 280 and 400mmHg) of the vacuum pump on the oocyte recovery in the mares. The mares (n=10) were undergoing follicular aspiration using three different negative pressures for three consecutive estrous cycles as follows: G150 = 150mmHg (n = 10); G280 = 280mmHg (n = 10); G400 = 400mmHg (n = 10). Every estrous cycle, the group that the mare would participate was drawn, and each animal participated once in each group. Only preovulatory follicle was used, about 30 to 36 hours after application of hCG. To compare the results, the chi-square test was used (5% significance) and Fisher exact test, when recommended. Thirty preovulatory follicles (diameter 36.1±1.80mm) were aspirated and ten oocytes were recovered (33.3%). There was no statistical difference between the experimental groups (p=0.59). Thus, accord to the results observed in this study, we could conclude that the negative pressure of the vacuum pump used was not efficient to increase oocyte recovery.(AU)
O sucesso da técnica de aspiração folicular transvaginal em éguas pode ser influenciado de maneira determinante por diversos fatores, tais como níveis de pressão da bomba de vácuo. Diante disso, o presente experimento visou investigar o efeito de diferentes pressões negativas (150, 280 e 400mmHg) da bomba de vácuo sobre a taxa de recuperação de oócitos em éguas. As éguas (n=10) foram submetidas à aspiração folicular utilizando-se três diferentes pressões negativas por três ciclos estrais consecutivos, da seguinte maneira: G150= 150mmHg (n=10); G280= 280mmHg (n=10); G400= 400mmHg (n=10). A cada ciclo estral, sorteava-se o grupo do qual a égua participaria, sendo que cada animal integrou um grupo somente uma vez. Foi puncionado somente folículo pré-ovulatório, em torno de 30 a 36 horas após a aplicação do hCG. Os resultados foram comparados utilizando-se o teste qui-quadrado (a 5% de significância) e o Fisher Exato, quando recomendados. Foram aspirados 30 folículos pré-ovulatórios (diâmetro 36,1±1,80mm) e recuperados 10 oócitos (33,3%). Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos experimentais (P=0,59). Dessa forma, mediante os resultados obtidos no presente estudo, foi possível concluir que a pressão negativa da bomba de vácuo utilizada não se mostrou determinante para elevar a recuperação oocitária.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gonadotropina Coriônica , Cavalos , Recuperação de Oócitos/métodos , Folículo Ovariano , Infertilidade FemininaResumo
The success of transvaginal follicular aspiration in mares can be influenced by several factors, such as vacuum pump pressure levels. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of different negative pressures (150, 280 and 400mmHg) of the vacuum pump on the oocyte recovery in the mares. The mares (n=10) were undergoing follicular aspiration using three different negative pressures for three consecutive estrous cycles as follows: G150 = 150mmHg (n = 10); G280 = 280mmHg (n = 10); G400 = 400mmHg (n = 10). Every estrous cycle, the group that the mare would participate was drawn, and each animal participated once in each group. Only preovulatory follicle was used, about 30 to 36 hours after application of hCG. To compare the results, the chi-square test was used (5% significance) and Fisher exact test, when recommended. Thirty preovulatory follicles (diameter 36.1±1.80mm) were aspirated and ten oocytes were recovered (33.3%). There was no statistical difference between the experimental groups (p=0.59). Thus, accord to the results observed in this study, we could conclude that the negative pressure of the vacuum pump used was not efficient to increase oocyte recovery.(AU)
O sucesso da técnica de aspiração folicular transvaginal em éguas pode ser influenciado de maneira determinante por diversos fatores, tais como níveis de pressão da bomba de vácuo. Diante disso, o presente experimento visou investigar o efeito de diferentes pressões negativas (150, 280 e 400mmHg) da bomba de vácuo sobre a taxa de recuperação de oócitos em éguas. As éguas (n=10) foram submetidas à aspiração folicular utilizando-se três diferentes pressões negativas por três ciclos estrais consecutivos, da seguinte maneira: G150= 150mmHg (n=10); G280= 280mmHg (n=10); G400= 400mmHg (n=10). A cada ciclo estral, sorteava-se o grupo do qual a égua participaria, sendo que cada animal integrou um grupo somente uma vez. Foi puncionado somente folículo pré-ovulatório, em torno de 30 a 36 horas após a aplicação do hCG. Os resultados foram comparados utilizando-se o teste qui-quadrado (a 5% de significância) e o Fisher Exato, quando recomendados. Foram aspirados 30 folículos pré-ovulatórios (diâmetro 36,1±1,80mm) e recuperados 10 oócitos (33,3%). Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos experimentais (P=0,59). Dessa forma, mediante os resultados obtidos no presente estudo, foi possível concluir que a pressão negativa da bomba de vácuo utilizada não se mostrou determinante para elevar a recuperação oocitária.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Folículo Ovariano , Gonadotropina Coriônica , Recuperação de Oócitos/métodos , Infertilidade FemininaResumo
ABSTRACT: Seedlessness in fruit is a trait that is much sought after by juice making industries. Close to the city of São Sebastião do Caí, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, a new mutant orange originating from natural mutation was identified and selected as a seedless material. To determine the mechanisms involved in the absence of seeds, the reproductive structures of this new mutant by comparison with a Valencia sweet orange as control, a cultivar with a profusion of seeds, was analyzed in terms of meiotic behavior, meiotic index, pollen viability, in vitro germination, and ovule features to determine the grounds for seed absence. Other morphological analyzes allowed for visualizing the structures of normal appearance and size in both cultivars. Meiotic analysis identified chromosome normal pairing with a predominance of bivalents at diakinesis and metaphase 1. URS Campestre flowers at different developmental stages had anthers and ovaries whose dimensions are typical while pollen grain analysis pointed to a standard developmental pattern, normal meiosis, high viability (84 %) and elevated in vitro pollen tube germination rates (63 %). The cv. Valencia and URS Campestre ovules had a similar shape and morphology, sharing an anatropous orientation, and two integuments. In the internal ovule analyses of Valencia sweet oranges, normal embryo sac cells were identified: presence of one egg cell and two synergids, three antipodes and a bigger and central cell containing two polar nuclei. However, the analysis of ovules from URS Campestre reveals an apparent senescence or non-formation of an embryo sac, where only a few highly stained and collapsed cells could be identified. These results led to the conclusion that female sterility in URS Campestre, with a total absence of a female gametophyte, is the limiting factor for fertilization and seed production.
Análise Citogenética/veterinária , Sementes/embriologia , Sementes/genética , Infertilidade FemininaResumo
ABSTRACT: Seedlessness in fruit is a trait that is much sought after by juice making industries. Close to the city of São Sebastião do Caí, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil, a new mutant orange originating from natural mutation was identified and selected as a seedless material. To determine the mechanisms involved in the absence of seeds, the reproductive structures of this new mutant by comparison with a Valencia sweet orange as control, a cultivar with a profusion of seeds, was analyzed in terms of meiotic behavior, meiotic index, pollen viability, in vitro germination, and ovule features to determine the grounds for seed absence. Other morphological analyzes allowed for visualizing the structures of normal appearance and size in both cultivars. Meiotic analysis identified chromosome normal pairing with a predominance of bivalents at diakinesis and metaphase 1. URS Campestre flowers at different developmental stages had anthers and ovaries whose dimensions are typical while pollen grain analysis pointed to a standard developmental pattern, normal meiosis, high viability (84 %) and elevated in vitro pollen tube germination rates (63 %). The cv. Valencia and URS Campestre ovules had a similar shape and morphology, sharing an anatropous orientation, and two integuments. In the internal ovule analyses of Valencia sweet oranges, normal embryo sac cells were identified: presence of one egg cell and two synergids, three antipodes and a bigger and central cell containing two polar nuclei. However, the analysis of ovules from URS Campestre reveals an apparent senescence or non-formation of an embryo sac, where only a few highly stained and collapsed cells could be identified. These results led to the conclusion that female sterility in URS Campestre, with a total absence of a female gametophyte, is the limiting factor for fertilization and seed production.(AU)