ABSTRACT Myoglobin (Mb) is a sarcoplasmic heme protein present in muscle cells, which acts as a shortterm oxygen (O2) reserve in the muscle tissue. After slaughtering and exsanguination, Mb is the major pigment that provides the red color in meat. The concentration of Mb together with its redox state are two pivotal factors that determine meat color. The elevated pH of darkcutting beef can affect both physical and biochemical properties resulting in decreased oxygenation. The darkening observed in high ultimate pH (pHu) beef concerns meat processors as color is the initial attribute that impacts on the purchase. Thus, any atypical meat color (i.e., loss of brightness) reduces consumer interest in the product. Several studies have demonstrated that immunological castration is effective in preventing both aggressive behavior and undesirable darkcutting of bull meat. However, little information is available on the effects of processing techniques that limit the oxidation of ferrous iron (Fe2+), Mb or promote metmyoglobin (MMb) reduction in darkcutting beef. Because of the importance of color to fresh beef marketability, this review aimed at overviewing the significance of pHu in beef color and color stability and to discuss new alternatives for improving and assessing the beef color of darkcutting beef, especially in Nellore bulls and their crossbreds, which are widely used in beef cattle production in Brazil.
Myoglobin (Mb) is a sarcoplasmic heme protein present in muscle cells, which acts as a shortterm oxygen (O2) reserve in the muscle tissue. After slaughtering and exsanguination, Mb is the major pigment that provides the red color in meat. The concentration of Mb together with its redox state are two pivotal factors that determine meat color. The elevated pH of darkcutting beef can affect both physical and biochemical properties resulting in decreased oxygenation. The darkening observed in high ultimate pH (pHu) beef concerns meat processors as color is the initial attribute that impacts on the purchase. Thus, any atypical meat color (i.e., loss of brightness) reduces consumer interest in the product. Several studies have demonstrated that immunological castration is effective in preventing both aggressive behavior and undesirable darkcutting of bull meat. However, little information is available on the effects of processing techniques that limit the oxidation of ferrous iron (Fe2+), Mb or promote metmyoglobin (MMb) reduction in darkcutting beef. Because of the importance of color to fresh beef marketability, this review aimed at overviewing the significance of pHu in beef color and color stability and to discuss new alternatives for improving and assessing the beef color of darkcutting beef, especially in Nellore bulls and their crossbreds, which are widely used in beef cattle production in Brazil.
Animais , Bovinos , Carne Vermelha/economia , Inocuidade dos Alimentos , MioglobinaResumo
Myoglobin (Mb) is a sarcoplasmic heme protein present in muscle cells, which acts as a shortterm oxygen (O2) reserve in the muscle tissue. After slaughtering and exsanguination, Mb is the major pigment that provides the red color in meat. The concentration of Mb together with its redox state are two pivotal factors that determine meat color. The elevated pH of darkcutting beef can affect both physical and biochemical properties resulting in decreased oxygenation. The darkening observed in high ultimate pH (pHu) beef concerns meat processors as color is the initial attribute that impacts on the purchase. Thus, any atypical meat color (i.e., loss of brightness) reduces consumer interest in the product. Several studies have demonstrated that immunological castration is effective in preventing both aggressive behavior and undesirable darkcutting of bull meat. However, little information is available on the effects of processing techniques that limit the oxidation of ferrous iron (Fe2+), Mb or promote metmyoglobin (MMb) reduction in darkcutting beef. Because of the importance of color to fresh beef marketability, this review aimed at overviewing the significance of pHu in beef color and color stability and to discuss new alternatives for improving and assessing the beef color of darkcutting beef, especially in Nellore bulls and their crossbreds, which are widely used in beef cattle production in Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Carne/análise , Mioglobina/análise , Bovinos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as implicações sobre o bem-estar animal e a eficiência da sangria no abate halal com e sem insensibilização em ovinos. Foram avaliados 102 ovinos, em abate comercial, separados randomicamente pelo peso em dois grupos: com insensibilização (CI) e sem insensibilização (SI). Verificou-se que os animais sem insensibilização apresentaram sinais de endireitamento e vocalização após 20 segundos da degola. Houve diferença significativa para hemácias (P<0,01), hemoglobina (P<0,01), leucócitos totais (P<0,001), bem como para os biomarcadores de estresse, como CK (P<0,01) e lactato (P<0,001). Apesar de não apresentarem diferença estatística significativa, o LDH e o cortisol ficaram acima dos valores basais em ambos os grupos. Não foram observadas alterações séricas para glicose e AST. Houve diferença estatística significativa para eficiência da sangria (P<0,01). Os resultados demonstraram que houve estresse no abate halal com e sem insensibilização e melhor eficiência da sangria em animais não insensibilizados.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the implications on animal welfare and the sangria efficiency in halal slaugther with and without stunning in sheep. 102 sheep were appraised in a commercial slaugthter, divided randomly for the weight in two groups: with stunning (CI) and without stunning (SI). It was verified that the animals without stunning presented straighten signs and vocalization after 20 seconds of decapitation. There was significant difference for erythrocytes (P<0.05), hemoglobin (P<0.01), leucocytes (P<0.01), stress of biomarkers CK (P<0.01) and lactate (P<0.01). Alterations in serum were not observed for glucose and AST. There was significant statistical difference for bleeding efficiency (P<0.01). The results demonstrated that there was stress in the halal slaugther with and without stunning and better bleeding efficiency in animals with traditional religious slaughter without stunning.(AU)
Animais , Hidrocortisona/administração & dosagem , Ovinos , Exsanguinação/veterinária , Abate de Animais/métodos , Abate de Animais/ética , Bem-Estar do Animal/ética , IslamismoResumo
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of desensitisation by electronarcosis on the changes to the fatty acid profile of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fillets stored at low sub-zero temperature. For stunning, 50, 100 and 150 V were used for 120 s and then exsanguination was performed, followed by storage at 18 °C for 180 days. A total of 47 fatty acids were detected in cobia fillet samples, and most of the quantified fatty acids differed (p 0.05) among treatments; however, the n6/n3 ratio and Σhypocholesterolaemic fatty acids/Ʃhypercholesterolaemic fatty acids ratio were significantly affected by the storage times and their outcomes. In general, the electronarcosis intensities used to numb cobia did not promote differences during the frozen storage of the fillets for most of the analysed variables but a significant effect of the storage time was noted within the treatments, with meat quality loss observed over time.
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da insensibilização por eletronarcose em bijupirás (Rachycentron canadum) sobre o perfil de ácidos graxos em filés armazenados em congelamento. Foram utilizadas as voltagens de 50, 100 e 150 volts por 120 segundos, e após a insensibilização foi realizada a sangria e o armazenamento a -18 °C durante 180 dias. Foram analisados 47 ácidos graxos em amostras de filé do bijupirá. Ocorreram diferenças significativas (p0,05) entre os tratamentos, no entanto para os tempos de estocagem e seus desdobramentos foram observadas diferenças significativas. Para a razão H/H (Ʃ ácidos graxos hipocolesterolêmicos/Ʃ ácidos graxos hipercolesterolêmicos), ocorreram variações, mas não foram observadas diferenças (p>0,05), mas sim entre os tempos de estocagem e seus desdobramentos. De maneira geral, as intensidades de choque elétrico utilizadas para insensibilização do bijupirá não promoveram diferenças durante a estocagem congelada dos filés, na maioria das variáveis analisadas, no entanto, a avaliação do tempo de estocagem dentro dos tratamentos utilizados foi significativa, notando-se perda de qualidade da carne com o passar do tempo.
Animais , Alimentos Congelados , Eletronarcose/veterinária , Indústria Pesqueira , Peixes , Ácidos GraxosResumo
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of desensitisation by electronarcosis on the changes to the fatty acid profile of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fillets stored at low sub-zero temperature. For stunning, 50, 100 and 150 V were used for 120 s and then exsanguination was performed, followed by storage at 18 °C for 180 days. A total of 47 fatty acids were detected in cobia fillet samples, and most of the quantified fatty acids differed (p < 0.05) between treatments and storage times. The n6/n3 ratio did not differ (p > 0.05) among treatments; however, the n6/n3 ratio and Σhypocholesterolaemic fatty acids/Ʃhypercholesterolaemic fatty acids ratio were significantly affected by the storage times and their outcomes. In general, the electronarcosis intensities used to numb cobia did not promote differences during the frozen storage of the fillets for most of the analysed variables but a significant effect of the storage time was noted within the treatments, with meat quality loss observed over time.(AU)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da insensibilização por eletronarcose em bijupirás (Rachycentron canadum) sobre o perfil de ácidos graxos em filés armazenados em congelamento. Foram utilizadas as voltagens de 50, 100 e 150 volts por 120 segundos, e após a insensibilização foi realizada a sangria e o armazenamento a -18 °C durante 180 dias. Foram analisados 47 ácidos graxos em amostras de filé do bijupirá. Ocorreram diferenças significativas (p<0,05) entre os tratamentos para os ácidos graxos e foram observadas diferenças no tempo de estocagem para a maioria dos ácidos graxos quantificados. A relação n6/n3 não apresentou diferença (p>0,05) entre os tratamentos, no entanto para os tempos de estocagem e seus desdobramentos foram observadas diferenças significativas. Para a razão H/H (Ʃ ácidos graxos hipocolesterolêmicos/Ʃ ácidos graxos hipercolesterolêmicos), ocorreram variações, mas não foram observadas diferenças (p>0,05), mas sim entre os tempos de estocagem e seus desdobramentos. De maneira geral, as intensidades de choque elétrico utilizadas para insensibilização do bijupirá não promoveram diferenças durante a estocagem congelada dos filés, na maioria das variáveis analisadas, no entanto, a avaliação do tempo de estocagem dentro dos tratamentos utilizados foi significativa, notando-se perda de qualidade da carne com o passar do tempo.(AU)
Animais , Indústria Pesqueira , Peixes , Eletronarcose/veterinária , Ácidos Graxos , Alimentos CongeladosResumo
Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii. Ingestion of raw/undercooked meat is considering an important route of infection. Consumption of meat from equids is common in European and Asian countries and an increase in Brazil has been observed. The aim of this study was to evaluate occurrences of anti-T. gondii antibodies and risk factors relating to infection in equids slaughtered for human consumption in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Blood samples from 192 horses and 208 donkeys were collected in the exsanguination area during the slaughter. Serum samples were subjected to the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). Association analysis was performed using Pearsons chi-square test (2) or Fishers exact test, to evaluate risk factors relating to the prevalence of seroreagents. Antibodies against T. gondii were found in 13.5% of the equids, with higher occurrence in horses (18.75%) than in donkeys (8.65%). Associations between seropositivity and the following variables were found (p 0.05): species, animal origin, purpose of rearing and source of water for animal consumption and contact with cats. Farms need to implement preventive measures to control T. gondii infection in these species and avert transmission of the parasite to the human population that will consume their meat.(AU)
Toxoplasmose é uma zoonose cosmopolita causada pelo Toxoplasma gondii. A ingestão de carne crua ou mal cozida é considerada uma importante forma de infecção. A ingestão de carne de equídeos é comum nos países europeus e asiáticos e, no Brasil, tem sido observado um aumento no consumo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de anticorpos anti-T.gondii e correlacionar com possíveis fatores de risco relacionados à infecção em equídeos, os quais foram abatidos para consumo humano em Minas Gerais, Brasil. Amostras de sangue de 192 equinos e 208 asininos foram coletadas na área de sangria durante o abate. As amostras de soro foram analisadas pela Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI). A análise estatística foi realizada, usando-se o teste qui-quadrado de Pearson (2) ou o teste exato de Fisher, buscando relacionar possíveis fatores de risco com a prevalência de anticorpos. Estes foram encontrados em 13,5% dos equídeos, com maior ocorrência em equinos (18,75%) do que em asininos (8,65%). Foram encontradas associações entre soropositividade e as seguintes variáveis (p 0,05): espécie, origem animal, finalidade da criação e fonte de água para consumo animal e contato com gatos. Os produtores precisam implementar medidas para controlar a infecção nessas espécies, evitando, assim, a transmissão do parasita à população humana que consumirá sua carne.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/microbiologia , Cavalos/imunologia , Toxoplasmose/imunologia , Toxoplasma/imunologia , Fatores de Risco , SorologiaResumo
Background: Ailments that affect guttural pouches (GPs) include congenital malformations, tumors, and, especially, infections. Clinical signs of disorders of the GPs are not always specific, and include nasal secretion, epistaxis, and enlargement of regional lymph nodes. Deficient diagnosis and treatment tend to limit life expectancy. Some cases can lead to terminal exsanguination due to progression of the disorder if not diagnosed or if treatment fails. Unusual presentations may occur, and these cases require knowledge for prompt action and determination of the prognosis. The objective of this work is to report one of these unusual cases: epistaxis caused by rupture of the GP by a pharyngeal abscess.Case: A 6-year-old mare was presented for examination exhibiting purulent nasal secretion that had been ongoing for approximately 45 days (which had been treated as strangles for 7 days) and intermittent epistaxis for the past 20 days. When the mare was taken to the Veterinary Hospital, it also exhibited dysphagia with purulent nasal secretion mixed with the ingested food, a body condition score of 3/9, wheezing, mild ataxia, anemia (2.8 million RBCs/mm3 ; hematocrit = 14%), leukopenia (4,600 WBCs/mm3), and hyperfibrinogenemia (600 mg/dL). Upper airway endoscopy revealed presence of blood in the anterior third of the trachea, a blood clot in the left GP, and absence of bacterial of fungal plaques. Analysis of the bloody material collected from the GP showed presence of cocci bacteria and neutrophils. The treatment initially implemented was antibiotic therapy with enrofloxacin. Epistaxis worsened on the day following admission. Blood transfusion was carried out, but this procedure was not effective as profuse acute hemorrhage took place and led to death of the patient 48 h after admission. At necropsy, the left GP was laden with blood clots and serous/bloody content, and exhibited a circular/cylindrical lesion in its retropharyngeal portion.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Abscesso/veterinária , Cavalos , Epistaxe/etiologia , Epistaxe/veterinária , Faringe/patologia , Exsanguinação/veterináriaResumo
Background: Ailments that affect guttural pouches (GPs) include congenital malformations, tumors, and, especially, infections. Clinical signs of disorders of the GPs are not always specific, and include nasal secretion, epistaxis, and enlargement of regional lymph nodes. Deficient diagnosis and treatment tend to limit life expectancy. Some cases can lead to terminal exsanguination due to progression of the disorder if not diagnosed or if treatment fails. Unusual presentations may occur, and these cases require knowledge for prompt action and determination of the prognosis. The objective of this work is to report one of these unusual cases: epistaxis caused by rupture of the GP by a pharyngeal abscess.Case: A 6-year-old mare was presented for examination exhibiting purulent nasal secretion that had been ongoing for approximately 45 days (which had been treated as strangles for 7 days) and intermittent epistaxis for the past 20 days. When the mare was taken to the Veterinary Hospital, it also exhibited dysphagia with purulent nasal secretion mixed with the ingested food, a body condition score of 3/9, wheezing, mild ataxia, anemia (2.8 million RBCs/mm3 ; hematocrit = 14%), leukopenia (4,600 WBCs/mm3), and hyperfibrinogenemia (600 mg/dL). Upper airway endoscopy revealed presence of blood in the anterior third of the trachea, a blood clot in the left GP, and absence of bacterial of fungal plaques. Analysis of the bloody material collected from the GP showed presence of cocci bacteria and neutrophils. The treatment initially implemented was antibiotic therapy with enrofloxacin. Epistaxis worsened on the day following admission. Blood transfusion was carried out, but this procedure was not effective as profuse acute hemorrhage took place and led to death of the patient 48 h after admission. At necropsy, the left GP was laden with blood clots and serous/bloody content, and exhibited a circular/cylindrical lesion in its retropharyngeal portion.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Epistaxe/etiologia , Epistaxe/veterinária , Faringe/patologia , Abscesso/veterinária , Exsanguinação/veterináriaResumo
A suplementação materna com L-arginina vem sendo avaliada como alternativa capaz de contribuir para maior desenvolvimento muscular fetal durante o período gestacional, podendo influenciar os mecanismos moleculares relacionados a miogênese fetal, fator especialmente importante para a progênie de porcas nulíparas. Entretanto, ainda é questionado se a suplementação desse aminoácido no terço final da gestação, período de rápido crescimento fetal, é capaz de promover alterações na miogênese dos fetos. Dessa forma, o presente estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da suplementação com L-arginina, durante o terço final de gestação, nos mecanismos moleculares relacionados a miogênese fetal, bem como avaliar o desenvolvimento muscular dos leitões e as características da leitegada ao nascimento. Foram utilizadas 23 fêmeas suínas nulíparas, com peso médio de 205,37 kg ± 11,50 kg. Os animais foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em duas dietas: dieta controle (CON) atendendo às exigências nutricionais de porcas em gestação ou dieta CON suplementada com 1,0% de L-arginina (ARG). As dietas experimentais foram fornecidas em quantidades iguais às 09:00h e 16:00h, totalizando 2,5 kg/dia. Aos 110 dias de gestação as porcas foram pesadas e transferidas para as gaiolas de maternidade, onde foram coletadas amostras de sangue para obtenção do soro e do plasma para análise da concentração de insulina, ureia e estradiol. Após a identificação do final do parto, por meio da expulsão das placentas, foi registrado o número de leitões nascidos totais, nascidos vivos, mumificados e natimortos. Em seguida, foi realizada a pesagem das fêmeas e dos leitões para o cálculo do peso total de nascidos, peso total dos nascidos vivos, peso médio ao nascimento, desvio padrão da média, coeficiente de variação do peso ao nascimento e incidência de leitões com crescimento intrauterino retardado (CIUR, peso < 1,00 kg). O leitão com peso mais próximo do peso médio da leitegada foi insensibilizado por eletronarcose e abatido por sangramento para coleta de amostras dos músculos Longissimus dorsi e Semitendinoso, para análise histomorfométrica e molecular. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA), com exceção dos dados das variáveis: nascidos totais, nascidos vivos, natimortos e mumificados, além da estratificação das classes de peso dos leitões, as quais foram analisadas pelo teste não paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. O valor de P 0,05 foi considerado para indicar significância estatística e valores de P entre 0,05 e 0,10 foram considerados tendência. Leitões nascidos de porcas ARG tiveram maior expressão (P 0,05) de mRNA dos genes MyoD e MYOG e tendência (P=0,06) de maior expressão do gene IGF-2 no músculo Longissimus dorsi, em relação ao grupo CON. Entretanto, não houve diferenças (P > 0,05) nas variáveis histomorfométricas do músculo Longissimus dorsi e Semitendinoso. O peso total de nascidos, o peso total dos leitões nascidos vivos, o peso médio do leitão ao nascimento, o desvio padrão da média, o coeficiente de variação do peso ao nascimento e a incidência de leitões CIUR não apresentaram diferenças (P > 0,05) em relação ao CON. Foi verificada ausência (P 0,05) de leitões natimortos nas porcas do grupo ARG, porém não foram observadas diferenças (P 0,05) no número de leitões nascidos totais, nascidos vivos e mumificados em relação ao grupo CON. O nível de estradiol e ureia foram superiores (P 0,05) nas fêmeas alimentadas com ARG. A concentração de insulina não foi influenciada (P > 0,05) pela suplementação de L-arginina. A suplementação com 1,0% de L-arginina para porcas nulíparas, dos 85 aos 114 dias de gestação, influenciou os mecanismos moleculares relacionados à miogênese fetal, aumentando a expressão do mRNA dos fatores de reguladores miogênicos MyoD e MYOG e do IGF-2 no Longissimus dorsi dos leitões. Além disso, a suplementação com L-arginina resultou na não ocorrência de leitões natimortos e no aumento dos níveis plasmáticos de estradiol nas porcas
Maternal supplementation with L-arginine has been evaluated as an alternative capable of contributing to greater fetal muscle development during the gestational period, which may influence the molecular mechanisms related to fetal myogenesis, an especially important factor for the offspring of nulliparous sows. However, it is still questioned whether the supplementation of this amino acid in the last third of gestation, a period of rapid fetal growth, is capable of promoting changes in fetal myogenesis. Thus, the present study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effects of L-arginine supplementation during the last third of gestation on molecular mechanisms related to fetal myogenesis, as well as evaluating the muscle development of piglets and litter traits at birth. Twenty-three nulliparous sows with 205.37 ± 11.50 kg of body weight were used. The animals were assigned in a completely randomized design, in two diets: control diet (CON) meeting the nutritional requirements of pregnant sows or CON supplemented with 1.0% L-arginine (ARG). The experimental diets were provided in equal amounts at 09:00h and 16:00h, totalizing 2,5 kg/day. At 110 days of gestation, the sows were weighed and transferred to individual farrowing crates, where blood samples were collected to obtain serum and plasma for analysis of insulin, urea and estradiol concentrations. After the identification of the end of farrowing, through the expulsion of the placenta, the number of total piglets born, born alive, mummified and stillborn were recorded. Then, the sows and piglets were weighed to calculate the following variables: total weight of born piglets, total weight of born alive piglets, average of piglet body weight at birth, standard deviation of the mean, within-litter variation of piglets birth weight and the incidence of intrauterine growth retarded piglet (IUGR, weight < 1,00 kg). The piglet with body weight closest to the average of litters piglet weight was electrically stunned followed by exsanguination to collect Longissimus dorsi and Semitendinosus muscles samples for histological and molecular analysis. The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA), with the exception for the following variables: total born, born alive, stillborn, mummified and the stratifications of piglets weight classes, which were analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. The P-value (P 0,05) was considered to indicate statistical significance and P-values between 0.05 and 0.10 were considered as trend. Piglets born from sows fed ARG diet had greater (P 0.05) mRNA expression of MyoD and MYOG genes and tendency to present greater expression (P = 0.06) of IGF-2 gene compared to CON sows in Longissimus dorsi muscle. However, there were no differences (P> 0.05) in the histomorphometric variables of the Longissimus dorsi and Semitendinosus muscles.The total weight of born piglets, total weight of born alive piglets, average piglet body weight at birth, standard deviation of the mean, the within-litter birth weight coefficient of variation and the incidence of IUGR piglets did not differ (P> 0.05) compared to CON. Absence (P 0.05) of stillborn piglets was verified in the ARG sows. There were no differences (P 0.05) in the number of totals born, born alive and mummified piglets compared to CON. The levels of estradiol and urea were higher (P 0.05) in ARG sows. Insulin concentration was not influenced (P> 0.05) by L-arginine supplementation. Supplementation of 1.0% L-arginine for nulliparous sows, from 85 to 114 days of gestation, influenced the molecular mechanisms related to fetal myogenesis, increasing the expression of mRNA of myogenic regulatory factors MyoD and MYOG and IGF-2 in Longissimus dorsi of piglets. In addition, ARG supplementation resulted in absence stillborn piglets and increased plasma estradiol levels in sows.
The liver is an organ with a differential value on the market. However, due to its metabolic functions it is susceptible to various types of alterations, including a large rate of disposal by perihepatitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis of perihepatitis by the Federal Inspection Service (FIS), according to histopathological examination and correlate these findings with plasmatic concentrations of AST and GGT. One hundred and fifty four culled sows of the Landrace breed were used. Slaughter was performed by the method of desensitization by electrical stimulation and subsequent exsanguination. Then 5 mL of whole blood was collected to evaluate concentrations of GGT and AST. During evisceration, liver condition was assessed by visual inspection and classified as good or condemned by perihepatitis. Also, fragments of the liver were collected to histopathologic examination. The alterations in the liver parenchyma were classified as degenerative, inflammatory or reparative. The alterations found in liver tissues, considered as perihepatitis by visual inspection, were often due to fibrosis, fatty degeneration or mild hepatitis. The serum concentrations of GGT were high. Moreover, it concentrations were higher in livers with lesions of inflammatory and degenerative nature when compared to livers without injuries (p 0.05).However, the same was not observed for AST concentrations (p>0.05). Concluding, the perihepatitis diagnosis from the FIS showed low specificity and sensitivity, and the enzyme GGT was a good indicator of liver injuries in swine.(AU)
O fígado é um órgão de valor comercial diferenciado, porém, em virtude das suas funções metabólicas, é susceptível a diversos tipos de alterações, destacando-se um grande número de descartes por perihepatite. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade do diagnóstico desta alteração pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF), segundo exame histopatológico, e correlacionar estes achados com os níveis plasmáticos de AST e GGT. Foram utilizadas 154 matrizes da raça Landrace de descarte. O abate foi feito com o método de insensibilização por estímulo elétrico e posterior sangria, sendo coletados 5 mL de sangue total, para determinação dos níveis de GGT e AST. Durante a evisceração, foi avaliada a condição do fígado pela inspeção sanitária classificando-o como liberado ou condenado por perihepatite. Fragmentos de fígado foram colhidos, para fins de comparações histopatológicas. Na presença de alteração do parênquima hepático, essa foi classificada em degenerativa, inflamatória ou reparativa. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que as lesões encontradas no tecido hepático, consideradas como perihepatite pela inspeção sanitária, tratavam-se muitas vezes de alterações hepáticas como fibroses, degeneração gordurosa ou hepatites discretas. Os níveis de GGT se apresentaram elevados, sendo exacerbados em lesões de caráter inflamatório e degenerativo, em comparação com animais sem lesão hepática (p<0,05), o que não foi observado para os níveis de AST (p>0,05). Assim, observou-se que o diagnóstico de perihepatite pelo SIF apresentou baixa especificidade e sensibilidade, e que a enzima GGT é um bom indicador de lesões hepáticas em suínos.(AU)
Animais , Hepatite/diagnóstico , Suínos , Enzimas , Hepatopatias/diagnóstico , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Inspeção Sanitária , Abate de AnimaisResumo
Um ganso adulto macho (Anser cygnoides), da família Anseriformes, de idade desconhecida, proveniente de uma criação da Universidade Luterana do Brasil, foi encontrado morto, sem apresentar histórico clínico, e foi submetido à investigação post mortem no Setor de Patologia Veterinária do Hospital Veterinário. Com base nos achados de necropsia e no exame histopatológico, definiu-se como causa da morte do animal hemorragia interna em razão da ruptura de vasos sanguíneos em uma neoplasia no testículo direito (sertolioma), com metástase no fígado.(AU)
An adult male goose (Anser cygnoides) of unknown age, raised at the Lutheran University of Brazil, was found dead without showing clinical history and was submitted for post mortem investigation in the Department of Pathology of the Veterinary Hospital. From the necropsy and histopathological findings, the cause of death was defined as exsanguination due to intestinal hemorrhage from ruptured vessels in a tumor in the right testis, which also presented hepatic metastasis.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gansos , Doenças das Aves Domésticas/patologia , Tumor de Células de Sertoli/veterinária , Neoplasias Testiculares/veterinária , Autopsia/veterinária , Hemorragia/veterinária , Testículo/patologiaResumo
O primeiro capítulo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos de diferentes distâncias de transporte ao frigorífico sobre o bem-estar de bovinos machos e fêmeas durante a época de chuva e seca, a partir da análise de indicadores hematobioquímicos e físico-químicos da carcaça. Foram utilizados 297 bovinos anelorados e mestiços, sendo 147 fêmeas e 150 machos não-castrados provenientes de fazendas do Tocantins. Os animais foram alocados em grupos de acordo com a condição sexual, época do ano e distância de transporte: <50 km, 100-200 km, 201-300 km e >300 km. Foram coletadas amostras de sangue para análises hematobioquímicas e o pH da carcaça fria foi medido após 24 horas de resfriamento. O transporte por longas distâncias aumenta o hematócrito, ureia, creatinina, lactato, creatina quinase (CK), aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e o pH final (pHu) da carcaça. Os machos tiveram aumento da creatinina, de CK e AST e do pHu, e as fêmeas apresentaram aumento do hematócrito, ureia, glicose e lactato. Transporte na época de seca eleva a albumina, creatinina, glicose, CK e AST. Já o transporte na época de chuva aumenta a ureia. As proteínas totais, hematócrito, lactato e pHu foram afetados tanto pela época de seca quanto pela época de chuva. Podemos concluir que o transporte por longas distâncias prejudica o bem-estar, causando desidratação e estresse físico, contribuindo para formação de uma carne DFD. Os machos foram mais sensíveis ao estresse físico e às lesões musculares. Já as fêmeas apresentaram maior reatividade ao estresse e menor capacidade de adaptação aos agentes estressores. O transporte durante a época de seca causa desidratação e estresse psicológico e físico. O segundo capítulo objetivou comparar a técnica colorimétrica e a coloração pelo ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) para quantificar o glicogênio hepático, na tentativa de estabelecer correlação entre elas e a possibilidade da utilização de ambas as técnicas de mensuração do glicogênio na rotina laboratorial. Para a análise do glicogênio, foram coletadas amostras de 5 cm2 de fígado de 297 bovinos na linha de abate, embaladas em saco plástico e refrigerados logo após a coleta. Amostras de 1 cm2 do fígado foram fixadas em formol 10% tamponado para análise histoquímica e o restante foi congelado em freezer a -20°C para determinação bioquímica do glicogênio. Para análise histoquímica do glicogênio, foi feita a coloração do tecido pelo ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS) enquanto que para a avaliação bioquímica foi utilizado método colorimétrico segundo metodologia de Dubois et al. (1956). Os resultados mostram não haver correlação significativa (R2= 0,29) entre o método colorimétrico e a coloração de PAS para quantificação do glicogênio hepático. Conclui-se que a análise bioquímica pelo método colorimétrico, por se tratar de um método quantitativo, deve ser a metodologia de escolha a ser aplicada para quantificação do glicogênio hepático na rotina laboratorial.
In the first chapter, the aim was to evaluate the effects of transport distance on the welfare of male and female cattle transported to the slaughterhouse during rainy and dry season, from the hematological parameters and physicochemical analysis of the carcass. A total of 297 bovines Nelore and crossbred, being 147 females and 150 non-castrated males. The animals were allocated in groups according to sex and distance traveled to the slaughterhouse: <50 km, 100-200 km, 201-300 km and> 300 km. Blood samples were collected during exsanguination for hemato-biochemical and the pH final (pHu) was measured in cold carcass after 24 hours of cooling. As results, transport over long distances cause increase in hematocrit, urea, creatinine, lactate and increase serum activity of creatine kinase (CK), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and pHu of the carcass. Males had increased creatinine, CK and AST and higher pHu of the carcass. Females had increased in hematocrit, urea, glucose and lactate. The animals transported during dry season had increase in albumin, creatinine, glucose, CK and AST. The animals transported in the rainy season had increase in serum urea. The total proteins, hematocrit, lactate and pHu were affected both by dry and rainy season. We conclude that transport over long distances interferes with well-being, causing dehydration and physical stress, resulting in increased pHu of the carcass, contributing to form DFD meat. Males were more sensitive to physical stress and muscle injuries. Females showed greater reactivity to effects of stress and less capacity of adapt to stress. Animals transported during the dry season presented dehydration and increased emotional and physical stress. In the second chapter, the aim was to establish if there is a correlation between the colorimetric technique and the periodic-acid Schiff (PAS) staining method for quantification of glycogen, allowing the use of both techniques in the measurement of liver glycogen. Samples of 5 cm2 of liver were collected of 297 bovines after evisceration in slaughter line, packed in plastic bag, identified and refrigerated immediately after collection. Then, 1 cm2 samples of liver were fixed in 10% buffered formalin for histochemical analysis and the remainder frozen in a freezer at -20 °C for biochemical analysis of glycogen. For the histochemical analysis, the tissue was stained by periodic-acid Schiff (PAS) while to biochemical evaluation was used colorimetric method according to Dubois et al. (1956). A simple correlation analysis was performed to compare the glycogen content results obtained by the colorimetric and the PAS staining method. The significance level considered was 95%. The results show no significant correlation (R2 = 0.29) between the colorimetric method and the PAS staining for liver glycogen quantification. Thus, it can be concluded that the biochemical analysis by the colorimetric method, because it is a quantitative method, should be the methodology of choice to be applied for quantification of liver glycogen in the laboratory routine.
Background: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a blood-derived source of growth factors and several cytokines, which are essential for tissue regeneration and important for wound healing due to their angiogenic, mitogenic, and chemotactic activities. To date no protocol has been established for PRP production. Standardization of this technique should consider fundamental factors such as experimental model used, blood collection method, anticoagulant choice, rotation and amount of centrifugations, elapsed time between sample activation and its clinical use in order to ensure quality and biological effects of the product. This study aimed to compare three protocols for PRP achievement in order to evaluate platelet enrichment ability and method reproducibility for further use in clinical investigations regarding PRP therapeutic properties. Materials, Methods & Results: New Zealand higid rabbits whole blood was collected in tubes containing sodium citrate. Samples were obtained through exsanguination, via abdominal aortic puncture, and separated in four aliquots designed for PRP processing and basal platelet count. The count was conducted at the time blood was collected and after every concentration protocol. Methods were tested in triplicates, and three different individuals repeated each technique for three times, reaching 27 repetitions. Selected methodologies consisted in two c
O plasma rico em plaquetas derivado de sangue autólogo é definido como um volume de plasma com uma concentração plaquetária acima dos níveis fisiológicos. É uma fonte autógena e de baixo custo de fatores de crescimento (FC). FC são moléculas bioativas fundamentais no reparo e regeneração de diversos tecidos, capazes de estimular a mitogênese, angiogênese, quimiotaxia, proliferação e diferenciação celular. Entre os fatores liberados pelas plaquetas destacam-se: Fator de Crescimento Derivado de Plaquetas (PDGF), Fator de Crescimento Transformador Beta (TGF- ), Fator de Crescimento Endotelial Vascular (VEGF) e Fator de Crescimento Epitelial (EGF). [...]
Objetivou-se avaliar a efetividade da ventilação forçada associada à nebulização sobre as respostas comportamentais e fisiológicas de suínos mantidos dentro do veículo transportador antes do descarregamento na indústria frigorífica. Durante 6 semanas de transporte, 2 veículos pot-belly (PB) transportaram 191 suínos cada até a mesma planta frigorífica. Na chegada, ambos veículos permaneceram estacionados por 30 minutos antes da descarga. Um dos veículos PB foi posicionado ao lado do sistema de ventilação e nebulização (PBVM), enquanto o outro PB não teve acesso ao sistema de resfriamento (PBC). O tratamento (PBVM) consistiu em 10 minutos de ventilação (Espera 1); seguido de 10 minutos de ventilação e nebulização (Espera 2) e 10 minutos finais de ventilação (Espera 3). A temperatura do ar (T) e a umidade relativa (RH) foram monitorados. A frequência de suínos deitados e a frequência de acesso ao bebedouro foram calculadas. Temperaturas do trato gastrointestinal (GTT), lactato sanguíneo, hematócrito, creatina quinase e concentrações de cortisol foram avaliados. Durante a Espera 1, a ventilação forçada reduziu a temperatura do ar e o índice de temperatura e umidade no tratamento PBVM. Na Espera 3, a temperatura e o índice de temperatura e umidade foram menores (P < 0.001) no tratamento PBVM comparado ao PBC, contudo a umidade relativa do ar foi maior (P < 0.001). Suínos oriundos do compartimento 4 do PBVM apresentaram maior atividade durante o tempo de Espera 2 e 3, e reduzido tempo de latência para se deitar na baia do frigorífico (P < 0.05). Redução no GTT dos suínos oriundos do PBC foi observada após 1 hora de período de descanso comparada ao PBVM. O percentual de hematócrito tendeu a ser maior nos suínos PBC comparado ao PBVM. O sistema de ventilação e nebulização utilizado na indústria frigorifica antes do descarregamento melhora de forma eficiente as condições internas térmicas do caminhão e consequentemente o conforto térmico dos suínos mantidos no veículo transportador, com redução na temperatura dentro dos compartimento e baixo nível de desidratação no abate.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of water misting with forced ventilation on a stationary trailer on internal vehicle ambient conditions, behavioral and physiological response of market pigs. During 6 weekly shipments, two identical tri-axle pot-belly (PB) trailers transported 191 pigs each (126 ± 5 kg BW) to the same slaughter plant. On arrival, both trailers were kept stationary in the yard for 30 min before unloading. One PB trailer was pulled over along a fan-misters bank (PBVM), while the other PB trailer had no access to this cooling system (PBC). The PBVM treatment consisted in 10 min of fan-assisted ventilation (wait 1) followed by 10 min of ventilation and water misting (wait 2) and final 10 min of ventilation (wait 3). The air temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) were monitored. The frequency of lying pigs, the latency to rest and the frequency of drinking bouts were calculated. Gastrointestinal tract temperature (GTT) and exsanguination blood lactate, hematocrit, creatine kinase and cortisol concentrations were assessed. In wait 1, the application of the fan-assisted ventilation resulted in lower (P < 0.05) T and THI in the PBVM. In wait 3, T and THI were still lower (P < 0.001) in PBVM compared to PBC, but the RH was higher (P < 0.001). Pigs from compartment 4 of PBVM had a greater (P < 0.001) activity during waits 2 and 3, and a reduced latency to lie down in the lairage pen compared to the same compartment in the PBC (P < 0.05). A higher (P < 0.05) GTT drop was recorded until 1 h after lairage in pigs located in PBC compared to those transported in PBVM. At slaughter, hematocrit tended to be higher (P = 0.08) in blood of PBC pigs compared to PBVM. The fan-misters bank used on the PBVM vehicle sitting at the slaughter plant before unloading efficiently improves internal trailer thermal conditions and consequently thermal comfort of pigs kept in a stationary trailer, with reduced temperature within the compartments and lower dehydration condition at slaughter.
Background: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a blood-derived source of growth factors and several cytokines, which are essential for tissue regeneration and important for wound healing due to their angiogenic, mitogenic, and chemotactic activities. To date no protocol has been established for PRP production. Standardization of this technique should consider fundamental factors such as experimental model used, blood collection method, anticoagulant choice, rotation and amount of centrifugations, elapsed time between sample activation and its clinical use in order to ensure quality and biological effects of the product. This study aimed to compare three protocols for PRP achievement in order to evaluate platelet enrichment ability and method reproducibility for further use in clinical investigations regarding PRP therapeutic properties. Materials, Methods & Results: New Zealand higid rabbit's whole blood was collected in tubes containing sodium citrate. Samples were obtained through exsanguination, via abdominal aortic puncture, and separated in four aliquots designed for PRP processing and basal platelet count. The count was conducted at the time blood was collected and after every concentration protocol. Methods were tested in triplicates, and three different individuals repeated each technique for three times, reaching 27 repetitions. Selected methodologies consisted in two centrifugations protocols: protocol A used 250 g for 10 min for the first separation, and another 10 min at 2000 g during the second centrifugation; protocol B proposed that first centrifugation would last 20 min at 160 g, and the second would last 15 min at 400 g, and protocol C consisted of 10 min at 400 g for the first separation, and 10 min at 800 g during second separation. Protocols were performed at the same time in three similar centrifuges, in order to standardize the variables (operator, time, environment, equipments), and also to diminish biases. Comparison objects in this study include: ability of raising platelet concentration, time required for preparing the final product, reproduction handiness, and need for equipment for proper hemoconcentrated production. Achieved platelet count in each protocol and basal value were analyzed following randomized complete. Kurskal-Wallis test was used for independent samples comparison, considering a 5% significance level. For each tested sample, elapsed time for product preparation was evaluated. Subjective analyzes comprehended execution easiness and the need for special material, and were evaluated through questionnaire after each protocol. Protocol A showed a 25-fold increase in platelet count, whereas protocols B and C had 13 and 7-fold, respectively. Results indicate all protocols were efficient in concentrating the samples at least 3 times more than basal count. Elapsed time for product preparation in each protocol was 35, 52, and 41 min for A, B, and C methods, respectively. Subjective analyzes considered protocols A and C as low complexity, and protocol B was defined as medium complexity in regards to execution. With reference to material accessibility for protocols, all were considered of easy reproducibility. Discussion: Besides analyzing experimental model and most proper way to access blood collection, this study was limited to verify in a quantitative manner the platelet concentration in specific protocols, without evaluating their biological effects. Therefore, in regards to proposed objectives - relation between platelet concentration increase, spent time, and easiness of protocol - we conclude that protocol A, formulated by Nagae et al. (2007), was the method that most fitted the work needs, and greatly suited the challenges posed.
Animais , Feminino , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , CoelhosResumo
O Brasil é o quarto maior produtor e exportador mundial de carne suína e a cadeia produtiva da suinocultura representa uma importante base econômica para o país. Porém, dificuldades como a identificação de bactérias do gênero Salmonella nos rebanhos e nos abatedouros são enfrentadas pelo setor, pois esta bactéria se destaca como um dos principais agentes de doenças transmitidas por alimentos e a carne suína tem sido associada como provável fonte de contaminação em produtos de origem animal. Conhecer os pontos de risco para contaminação por Salmonella spp. nas diferentes etapas do abate é fundamental para o controle adequado do processo, assim como a realização correta dos procedimentos de higienização e sanitização, necessários no controle ambiental de microrganismos. A disseminação da resistência bacteriana frente a antimicrobianos e sanitizantes vem aumentando a preocupação no mundo todo, tanto na saúde animal como na humana. Nesse contexto, foi identificada a presença de Salmonella spp. em diferentes pontos de um abatedouro de suínos e avaliada a ação de sanitizantes (ácido peracético 0,5% e 1% e amônia quaternária 0,5%) e de antimicrobianos (enrofloxacina 5mcg, florfenicol 30mcg, amoxacilina 10mcg, cefaclor 30mcg, lincomicina 2mcg, azitromicina 15mcg, doxiciclina 30mcg e cloranfenicol 30mcg) frente a estes isolados. Foram avaliadas 150 amostras, sendo 60 do piso das pocilgas (amostras ambientais) e 90 de superfícies de carcaças no abatedouro avaliado. Das amostras ambientais, 38% (23/60) foram positivas para Salmonella spp., sendo 53% (16/30) antes da higienização e 23% (7/30) após a higienização. Em relação à amostragem de carcaças, 21% (19/90) foram positivas para Salmonella spp., sendo que o ponto de coleta na sangria apresentou maior positividade (46,7%), seguido pelo chuveiro final (16,7%), até não se obter nenhum isolamento após o resfriamento das carcaças. O ácido peracético, nas duas concentrações, teve ação frente aos isolados avaliados em todos os tempos de exposição (1, 5, 10 e 15 minutos). A amônia quaternária 0,5%, foi eficiente em todos os tempos frente a 26,9% dos isolados, enquanto 19,2% dos isolados foram resistentes com 5 minutos de exposição, 23% com 10 minutos e 30,7% a todos os tempos avaliados. Nos ensaios com antimicrobianos, 48% das amostras apresentaram multirresistência, sendo os maiores índices para Lincomicina (100%), amoxicilina (80%) e cloranfenicol (40%). Todas as amostras foram sensíveis à enrofloxacina. Devido à dificuldade para controlar Salmonella nos rebanhos suínos, se torna imprescindível manter o controle das operações de abate, dos procedimentos de higiene e desinfecção, e da qualificação dos empregados, a fim de reduzir a presença de Salmonella spp. a níveis aceitáveis ou eliminá-la, com o intuito de fornecer produtos de origem suína seguros para os consumidores. Da mesma forma, o monitoramento do perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos utilizados frequentemente na produção de suínos é fundamental para tomar decisões quanto ao uso correto destes medicamentos.
Brazil is the fourth largest pork producer and exporter of the world, besides, the swine productive chain represents a very important economic base for the country. However, the sector faces difficulties like detecting bacteria from the Salmonella gender in the swine herd and slaughterhouses, because this bacteria is one of the most important agent related to foodborne diseases and pork meat has been associated as an important food vehicle. To know the major risk points of contamination by Salmonella spp. at the different slaughtering steps is crucial to properly control the process, as well as the correct realization of cleaning and sanitizing, essential to control the environment microorganisms, all of these with the final intention to produce pork meat products safe for consumption. The dissemination of bacterial resistance to antimicrobials and sanitizers has been concerning authorities worldwide, at animal and human health level. In this context, it was identified the presence of Salmonella spp. at the different steps in a swine slaughterhouse and evaluated the action of sanitizers (peracetic acid 0,5% e 1%, and quaternary ammonium 0,5%) and antimicrobials (enrofloxacin 5mcg, florfenicol 30mcg, amoxicillin 10mcg, cephaclor 30mcg, lincomycin 2mcg, azithromycin 15 mcg, doxycycline 30mcg and chloramphenicol 30mcg) against these isolates. It was evaluated 150 samples, 60 from the lairage floor (environment samples) and 90 from the carcass surface at the studied slaughterhouse. From de environment samples, 38% (23/60) were positive for Salmonella spp., which 53% (16/30) were from before de cleaning process and 23% (7/30) after de cleaning process. About the carcass sampling, 21% (19/90) were positive for Salmonella spp. The exsanguination stage was the most positive point (46,7%), followed by the final carcass wash (16,7%), and there was no isolation at all after the carcass cooling. About the sanitizers, the peracetic acid at both concentration was efficient at all exposure times, however de quaternary ammonium 0,5% was efficient at all exposure times with 26,9% of the isolates, 5 (19,2%) were resistant with 5 minutes of exposure, 6 (23%) were resistant up to 10 minutes of exposure and 8 (30,7%) were resistant to all the exposure times. For the antimicrobial test, 48% of the samples were multiresistant. Lincomycin (100%), amoxicillin (80%) and chloramphenicol (40%) had the highest resistance level. All the samples were sensitive to enrofloxacin. Due to the difficulty to control Salmonella at the swine herds, it makes indispensable to maintain the control of the slaughter operations, cleaning and disinfection procedures, as also employees qualification, with the objective of reduce the presence of Salmonella spp. at acceptable levels or eliminate it, providing safe pork meat products. Furthermore, monitoring de sensibility profile of the most used antimicrobial products at the swine chain is fundamental to take decisions about the correct use of these medications.
A interpretação das alterações encontradas na necropsia é uma etapa importante para o sucesso do diagnóstico final. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e ilustrar os aspectos anatômicos, não lesões, artefatos, lesões sem significado clínico e alterações post mortem encontradas em suínos domésticos e selvagens. Além disso, também se recomenda técnicas de colheita de tecidos para o diagnóstico de doenças que acometem essa espécie. Os principais aspectos anatômicos e não lesões descritos são fímbrias linguais, quadrilátero esofágico, toro pilórico e demarcação do padrão lobular do fígado (sistema gastrintestinal); tonsilas do palato mole, tecido linfoide associado ao estômago, placas de Peyer do intestino delgado e dobras da margem do baço (sistema hematopoiético); mediastino proeminente do testículo e aréolas da placenta (sistema reprodutor); atelectasia pulmonar e apêndice decidual (feto); e glândulas carpais (sistema tegumentar). Os artefatos de eutanásia abordados são petéquias na superfície do pulmão e rim, falsa anemia por sangria, hemorragia subdural por concussão cerebral, pseudo-infartos do baço e aspecto cerebriforme do intestino delgado. As lesões de pouco significado clínico descritas são cistos renais, linfonodos com pigmento de ferro, papilomas e hemangiomas no escroto, ossos no mesentério e hiperemia da mucosa gástrica. As alterações post mortem comumente encontradas são livor mortis, músculos pálidos, pseudomelanose e líquido serosanguinolento nas cavidades torácica e abdominal em fetos. (AU)
The interpretation of the changes observed at necropsy is an important step for the success of the final diagnosis. This article aims to describe and illustrate the anatomical structures, non-lesions, artifacts, lesions without clinical significance and postmortem changes observed in domestic and wild pigs. Moreover, the article also recommends collection techniques of organs or structures for the diagnosis of diseases affecting this species. The main anatomical structures and non-lesions described are marginal lingual papillae, pars oesophagea of the stomach, torus pyloricus, and well demarcated lobular pattern of the liver (gastrointestinal system); tonsils of the soft palate, gastric lymphoid tissue, Peyer's patches of the small intestine, marginal folds of the spleen (hematopoietic system); prominent mediastinum testis and placental areolae (reproductive system); pulmonary atelectasis and periople (fetus); and carpal glands (integumentary system). The discussed artifacts related to euthanasia are petechiae on the surface of the lung and kidney, false anemia due to exsanguination, subdural hemorrhage due to cerebral concussion, pseudoinfarcts of the spleen, and cerebriform appearance of the small intestine. Lesions without clinical significance described are renal cysts, lymph nodes with iron pigment, papillomas and hemangiomas on the scrotum, osseous metaplasia in the mesentery, and hyperemia of the gastric mucosa. Commonly found postmortem changes are livor mortis, pale muscles, pseudomelanosis, and serosanguinous fluid in the thoracic and abdominal cavities of fetuses. (AU)
Animais , Sus scrofa/anatomia & histologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/classificação , Autopsia/veterinária , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterináriaResumo
The study aimed to quantify the concentrations of free IGF-I in serum and fluid of ovarian follicles in pre-pubertal gilts and describe the ovarian morphology by measuring the size of the ovaries and counting the number of surface follicles. Ovaries (n=1,000) from pre-pubertal gilts were obtained immediately after slaughter. A total of 10 samplings were performed, with ovaries obtained from 50 females for each collection. The follicles situated on the surface of each ovary were classified as small (SFs, 2 to 5mm in diameter) or large (LFs 6 to 10mm in diameter) and the follicular fluid was obtained by follicle aspiration. The collection of serum samples was performed after the gilts exsanguination using sterile tubes. From the pool of serum and follicular fluid obtained from 50 females, the concentration of free IGF-I was determined in each sample using an enzyme immunoassay kit (ELISA). The description of ovarian morphometry was performed in 100 ovaries from randomly selected gilts. The larger and smaller lengths of ovaries were measured, and the total number of SFs and LFs present on the surface of each ovary were also counted. The IGF-I concentration was greater (P<0.05) in LFs (170.92±88.29 ng/mL) compared with SFs (67.39±49.90ng/mL) and serum (73.48±34.63ng/mL). The largest and smallest length of the ovaries was 26.0±3.0 and 19.0mm ±2.0mm, respectively. The number of SFs (70.86±25.76) was greater (P<0.01) than LFs (6.54±5.26). The study concluded that LFs present greater levels of IGF-I when compared with SFs and blood, which is related to increased activity of the LFs and its differentiation to ovulation. In addition, ovaries of pre-pubertal gilts have a higher number of SFs compared to LFs. Therefore, our study demonstrated unique data regarding the physiological concentration of free IGF-I in ovarian follicles, that can be used in future research to evaluate the addition of this hormone in the in vitro production media of porcine embryos with the goal to improve the technique efficiency. (AU)
Objetivou-se quantificar as concentrações do IGF-I livre no soro e no fluido de folículos ovarianos de fêmeas suínas pré-púberes e descrever a morfologia ovariana, por meio da mensuração das dimensões dos ovários e da contagem do número de folículos superficiais. Ovários (n=1.000) foram obtidos de fêmeas pré-púberes imediatamente após o abate. Foi realizado um total de 10 coletas, sendo em cada, obtidos ovários de 50 fêmeas. Os folículos localizados na superfície de cada ovário foram classificados em pequenos (FPs, 2-5mm de diâmetro) ou grandes (FGs, 6-10mm de diâmetro) e o fluido folicular foi obtido por aspiração dos folículos. A coleta do soro foi realizada após a exsanguinação das fêmeas com o uso de tubos estéreis. A partir do pool de fluido folicular e do soro obtido das 50 fêmeas, determinou-se a concentração de IGF-I livre em cada amostra por meio de kit de ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA). A descrição da morfometria ovariana foi realizada em 100 ovários provenientes de fêmeas escolhidas aleatoriamente. Foi mensurado o comprimento maior e menor dos ovários e, também, contabilizado o número total de FPs e FGs presentes na superfície de cada ovário. A concentração de IGF-I foi superior (P<0,05) nos FGs (170,92±88,29ng/mL) em comparação com os FPs (67,39±49,90ng/mL) e o sérico (73,48±34,63ng/mL). O comprimento maior e menor dos ovários foi de 26,0±3,0mm e 19,0±2,0 mm, respectivamente. O número de FPs (70,86±25,76) foi maior (P<0,01) em comparação com os FGs (6,54±5,26). Conclui-se que FGs apresentam níveis de IGF-I superiores aos FPs, e ao sangue, sendo isso relacionado a maior atividade dos FGs e à diferenciação que os mesmos sofrem para a ovulação. Além disso, ovários de fêmeas suínas pré-púberes apresentam elevado número de FPs em comparação aos FGs. Portanto, nosso estudo demonstrou dados originais a respeito da concentração fisiológica de IGF-I livre em folículos ovarianos, que podem ser utilizados em futuras pesquisas para avaliar a adição desse hormônio nos meios de produção in vitro de embriões suínos com o objetivo de melhorar a eficiência da técnica. (AU)
Animais , Feminino , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fator de Crescimento Insulin-Like I/efeitos adversos , Folículo Ovariano , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterináriaResumo
This paper studied six pantanal alligators (Caiman crocodilus yacare) carcass with goal of rigor mortis process characterization of Ilio-ischiocaudalis muscle during industrial cooling and meat tenderness. The alligators were randomly assembled and slaughtered at Cooperativa de Criadores do Jacaré do Pantanal (COOCRIJAPAN) - Cáceres- Mato Grosso After exsanguination, were mensured temperature of chilling room and carcasses, pH and samples were collected for determination the sarcomere length, shear force and cooking loss at different times (0.5, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 24 and 36 hours). The temperature of chilling room varied from 2.6°C (0.5h) to 0.9°C (36h) and the mean carcass temperature from 21.0°C to 4.2°C, respectively. The mean initial pH of the muscle was 6.7 and the final was 5.6. The smallest sarcomere size ocurred at 15 hours after exsanguination (1.5µm). This meat presents shear force lower than 6.0kg.
Este trabalho utilizou seis carcaças de jacaré-do-pantanal (Caiman crocodilus yacare) com o objetivo de caracterizar o processo de rigor mortis do músculo Ílio-ischiocaudalis durante o resfriamento industrial e avaliar a maciez dessa carne. Os jacarés foram escolhidos aleatoriamente e abatidos na Cooperativa de Criadores do Jacaré do Pantanal (COOCRIJAPAN), Cáceres, Mato Grosso. Após a sangria, aferiu-se as variações das temperaturas da câmara de resfriamento, das carcaças e o pH. Foram colhidas amostras para determinação do comprimento de sarcômero, da força de cisalhamento e perdas por cozimento em diferentes intervalos de tempo (0,5, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, 15, 24 e 36h). A temperatura da câmara de resfriamento variou de 2,6°C (0,5h) a 0,9°C (36h) e a temperatura média das carcaças variou de 21,0°C a 4,2°C, respectivamente. O pH médio inicial do músculo foi de 6,7 e o final 5,6 e a contração máxima do sarcômero do músculo Ilio-ischiocaudalis ocorreu na 15ª hora após a sangria (1,5µm). Essa carne apresentou força de cisalhamento menor que 6,0kg.