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Acta amaz ; 53(1): 32-41, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414169


Pirarucu, Arapaima gigas is a fish species of great social and economic importance in the Amazon region, where they are often farmed in earthen ponds. Intensive cage aquaculture has been growing in Brazil, which could be an alternative means to farm pirarucu, reducing costs and increasing productivity. We evaluated the contribution of natural food organisms in semi-intensive (ponds) and intensive (cages) production systems, and their effect on pirarucu growth and economic performance during the first phase of grow-out. Four ponds (300 m2) and four cages (4.0 m³) were stocked, respectively, with 120 (0.4 fish m-²) and 160 (40 fish m-³) juvenile pirarucu (28.03 ± 6.34 g, 11.75 ± 0.80 cm). The study was conducted for 105 days and fish were fed with commercial feed. Fish growth and plankton intake were evaluated every two weeks. Survival rate, standard length, weight gain and final weight were higher in fish reared in earthen ponds than in cages. Feed conversion of fish kept in ponds was lower (0.96 ± 0.06) than in cages (1.20 ± 0.11). The consumption of natural food organisms was observed, despite artificial feed being fed in both systems. The relative abundance of zooplankton and insects in stomachs was directly proportional to fish weight gain in ponds, and inversely proportional in cages. Higher economic efficiency rate and lower average production cost were calculated for earthen ponds. Our results indicate that the cost-benefit of the first phase grow-out of A. gigas is better in earthen ponds.(AU)

O pirarucu, Arapaima gigas é um peixe de grande importância econômica e social na Amazônia, onde é comumente produzido em viveiros. A produção de peixes em tanques-rede tem crescido no Brasil, e este sistema poderia ser uma alternativa para a produção do pirarucu, reduzindo custos e melhorando os parâmetros produtivos. Nós avaliamos a contribuição do alimento natural na produção em sistema semi-intensivo (viveiros) e intensivo (tanques-rede) e seus efeitos sobre os aspectos produtivos e econômicos do pirarucu na fase de recria. Quatro viveiros (300 m2) e quatro tanques-rede (4,0 m3) foram estocados, respectivamente, com 120 (0,4 peixes m-2) e 160 (40 peixes m-3) juvenis de pirarucu (28,03 ± 6,34 g e 11,75 ± 0,80 cm). O estudo foi conduzido por 105 dias e os peixes foram alimentados com ração comercial extrusada. Crescimento e ingestão de plâncton pelos peixes foram avaliados quinzenalmente. Sobrevivência, comprimento padrão, ganho de peso e peso final foram maiores nos peixes cultivados em viveiros. A conversão alimentar nos viveiros (0,96 ± 0,06) foi menor que nos tanques-rede (1,20 ± 0,11). Mesmo sendo ofertada ração, os pirarucus consumiram alimento natural nos dois sistemas de produção. A abundância relativa de zooplâncton e insetos nos estômagos foi diretamente proporcional ao ganho de peso nos viveiros, e inversamente proporcional nos tanques-rede. Um índice de eficiência econômica mais alto e custo médio de produção mais baixo foram calculados para os viveiros escavados. Nossos resultados indicam que o custo-benefício do cultivo de A. gigas durante a fase de recria é melhor em viveiros.(AU)

Ingestão de Alimentos , Carne/análise , Perciformes/fisiologia , Produtos Pesqueiros/análise
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e57546, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396762


This experiment conducted using 20 Rahmani ewes at the last third of pregnancy in two equal groups. One group served as control, while the other group received Spirulina platensis(SP) at the rate of 0.5 gm 10 kg-1live body weight. The objective was to find out the effect of adding Spirulina platensisalgae to small ruminant rations on reproductive and productive traits and blood components of sheep. The experiments lasted for 120 days for both dams and their lambs after weaning. The findings proved that adding SP in ewes' diets had no effect on the average of live body weight change. Average milk yield was significantly (p <0.01) higher in the treatment group than the control. Lamb's birth weight and daily body gain of the treated group were significantly (p <0.01) higher than the control. Blood and serum picture profile of ewes were significantly higher when fed SP additive than the control.It could be concluded that the addition of SP to the ration of sheep positively preserved their health, productive and reproductive status as well as their lambs' growth rate. Also the additive improved the economic efficiency of treated animals by about 53.13%.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Spirulina/química , Ração Animal/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 44(1): 359-374, jan.-fev. 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418828


Our objective was to evaluate the effect of supplementing ß-mannanase enzyme, with and without sugarcane yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), on broiler chickens aged 1-21 days. The study used 720 one-day-old male Cobb chicks in a randomized design, with six treatments and six replications of 20 birds each. The treatments were: basal diet (BD), BD + ß-mannanase (100 g/t), 7% sugarcane yeast (SY), SY + ß-mannanase (80 g/t), SY + ß-mannanase (100 g/t), and SY + ß-mannanase (120 g/t). Zootechnical results (animal performance) were evaluated during the pre-starter (1 to 7 day-old) and starter (1 to 21 day-old) phases, as well as small intestine morphometry (duodenum, jejunum, and ileum) and diets' economic viability. Data were subjected to variance analysis using the SAS software, and the means were compared by the Student Newman Keuls (SNK) test. In the pre-starter phase, treatments with YD + ß-mannanase (80, 100, and 120 g/t) showed the best feed conversion averages. In the starter phase, chickens consuming the basal diet (BD) and BD + ß-mannanase showed better average weights, weight gains, and feed conversion rates. For intestinal morphometry, shallower ileal crypts were observed in the treatment with YD + ß-mannanase (120 g/t) compared to the basal diet, and wider ileal villi were observed in the treatment with YD + ß-mannanase (100 g/t) compared to the diet with YD + ß-mannanase (80 g/t). The thickness of the muscular wall in the duodenum was lower in chickens consuming BD compared to BD + ß-mannanase (100 g/t), higher in YD and supplementation with 100 g/t compared to 80 and 120 g/t in the jejunum, and higher in diets with ß-mannanase supplementation compared to BD and YD in the ileum. For economic viability, adding 7% sugar cane yeast, with or without enzyme, increased the average feed cost and cost index, and reduced the economic efficiency index. Based on the zootechnical results, YD + ß-mannanase (120 g/t) is recommended for the pre-starter and starter phases. However, using sugar cane yeast with or without ß-mannanase enzyme supplementation is not economically viable in the 1- to 21-day period.

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da suplementação da enzima ß-mananase com e sem levedura de cana de açúcar (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) para frangos de corte 1 a 21 dias de idade. Utilizou-se 720 pintos de corte de um dia de idade, machos, da linhagem Cobb, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis tratamentos e, seis repetições de 20 aves cada. Os tratamentos foram: Dieta basal (DB); DB + ß-mananase (100 g/t); DB + 7% de levedura de cana-de-açúcar (DL); DL + ß-mananase (80 g/t); DL + ß-mananase (100 g/t); DL + ß-mananase (120 g/t). Avaliou-se o desempenho zootécnico na fase pré-inicial (1 a 7) e na fase inicial (1 a 21 dias de idade), a morfometria do intestino delgado (duodeno, jejuno e íleo) e, a viabilidade econômica da ração. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância do programa SAS e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Student Newmann Keuls (SNK). Na fase pré-inicial, os tratamentos com DL + ß-mananase (80, 100 e 120 g/t) apresentaram as melhores médias de conversão alimentar. Na fase inicial, aos frangos que consumiram à dieta basal (DB) e DB + ß-mananase apresentaram peso médio, ganho de peso e conversão alimentar melhores. Para a morfometria intestinal, criptas ileais mais rasas foram observadas no tratamento com DL+ ß-mananase (120 g/t) em relação a dieta basal e vilos ileais mais largos foram observados no tratamento com DL+ ß-mananase (100 g/t) em relação a dieta com DL+ ß-mananase (80 g/t). A espessura da parede muscular, no duodeno, foi menor nos frangos que consumiram a DB em relação a DB + ß-mananase (100 g/t), no jejuno, foi maior na DL e na suplementação com 100 g/t em relação a 80 e 120 g/t e no íleo, foi maior nas dietas com suplementação de ß-mananase em relação a DB e DL. Para a viabilidade econômica, a adição de 7% de levedura de cana-de-açúcar, com ou sem enzima proporcionaram aumento do custo médio de ração e índice de custo, e redução do índice de eficiência econômica. Com base nos resultados zootécnicos recomenda-se DL + ß-mananase (120g/t) para a fase pré-inicial e inicial. Contudo, o uso de levedura de cana-de-açúcar com e sem suplementação da enzima ß-mananase não é economicamente viável no período de 1 a 21 dias.

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Saccharomyces , Galinhas , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230074, 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452310


This article provides an overview of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) and genome engineering to improve livestock production systems for the contribution of global sustainability. Most ruminant production systems are conducted on grassland conditions, as is the case of South American countries that are leaders in meat and milk production worldwide with a well-established grass-feed livestock. These systems have many strengths from an environmental perspective and consumer preferences but requires certain improvements to enhance resource efficiency. Reproductive performance is one of the main challenges particularly in cow-calf operations that usually are conducted under adverse conditions and thus ART can make a great contribution. Fixed-time artificial insemination is applied in South America in large scale programs as 20 to 30% of cows receive this technology every year in each country, with greater calving rate and significant herd genetic gain occurred in this region. Sexed semen has also been increasingly implemented, enhancing resource efficiency by a) obtaining desired female replacement and improving animal welfare by avoiding newborn male sacrifice in dairy industry, or b) alternatively producing male calves for beef industry. In vitro embryo production has been massively applied, with this region showing the greatest number of embryos produced worldwide leading to significant improvement in herd genetics and productivity. Although the contribution of these technologies is considerable, further improvements will be required for a significant livestock transformation and novel biotechnologies such as genome editing are already available. Through the CRISPR/Cas-based system it is possible to enhance food yield and quality, avoid animal welfare concerns, overcome animal health threats, and control pests and invasive species harming food production. In summary, a significant enhancement in livestock productivity and resource efficiency can be made through reproductive technologies and genome editing, improving at the same time profitability for farmers, and global food security and sustainability.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/genética , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Edição de Genes/veterinária
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210216, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442981


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of ground or steam-flaked corn and zinc-enriched yeast addition to grower pellet feed on fattening performance, rumen papillae development, and some blood parameters in lambs. For this purpose, thirty-six Kivircik male lambs were selected and divided equally into six groups: basal diet containing pellet feed without different corn form and yeast (control), basal diet 80% + ground corn 20% (PGC), basal diet 80% + steam-flaked corn 20% (PFC), PGC + Zn-enriched yeast (PGCZnY), PFC + Zn-enriched yeast (PFCZnY), and control + Zn-enriched yeast (PZnY). They were fed for 56 days according to the diets mentioned above. At the conclusion of the evaluations in fattening performance, rumen papillae development, and some blood parameters, there were no significant differences in body weight gain, average daily gain, average daily feed intake, and feed efficiency among the experimental groups. In the PGCZnY group, rumen papillae length was found to be higher than the other experimental groups. At the end of the trial (day 0), leukocyte and lymphocyte counts decreased significantly only in the control group compared with the other groups in the present study. Serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) values, analyzed at the beginning and at the end of the trial, increased significantly in all groups except in the PGCZnY group. Supplementation of Zinc-enriched yeast to ground corn can be used for increasing ruminal papilla length, however decreasing the serum BUN levels in lambs during the fattening period.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ovinos/sangue , Ração Animal/análise , Leveduras/química , Zinco , Zea mays/efeitos adversos , Fermento Químico
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(2): e20200736, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1367160


This study evaluated chromium supplements and energy restriction as substitutes for ractopamine in the diets of late finishing gilts. Sixty gilts were used, with initial weights of 98.87 ± 0.25 kg and final weights of 122.69 ± 10.97 kg, distributed in a randomized block design with five diets: control; yeast chromium (0.8 ppm); chromium picolinate (0.48 ppm); ractopamine (20 ppm) and energy restriction (reduction of 150 kcal of EM kg-1 of feed), with six replicates and two animals per experimental unit. Feeding diet containing ractopamine enabled better (P<0.05) feed conversion and greater weights of the hot carcass of the gilts. The diet containing ractopamine exhibited a lower (P<0.05) cost of feed per kilogram of gain and higher economic efficiency, when compared to diets containing chromium and energy restriction; these exhibited better outcomes, compared to the control diet. Diets supplemented with chromium and ractopamine resulted in a higher (P<0.05) percentage and quantity of lean meat and a higher rate of carcass bonus, when compared to the control diet and energy restriction. The energy reduction did not harm the gilts' responses, compared to the control diet. Ractopamine supplementation allowed for a better feed conversion, lower feed cost per kilogram of gain, and a higher economic efficiency index. Supplements of chromium and ractopamine increased the percentage and quantity of lean meat and the bonus index of the carcasses. Therefore, chromium picolinate and chromium yeast are potential substitutes for ractopamine for optimizing the gilts carcass characteristics.

Realizou-se este estudo com o objetivo de avaliar as suplementações de cromo e a restrição energética em substituição a ractopamina para leitoas em terminação tardia. Foram utilizadas 60 leitoas, com pesos inicial de 98,87±0,25 kg e final de 122,69 ± 10,97 kg, distribuídas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com cinco dietas: controle; cromo levedura (0,8 ppm); picolinato de cromo (0,48 ppm); ractopamina (20 ppm) e restrição energética (redução de 150 kcal de EMkg-1 de ração), com seis repetições e dois animais por unidade experimental. A dieta contendo ractopamina proporcionou melhor (P<0,05) conversão alimentar e maior peso de carcaça quente das leitoas. A dieta contendo ractopamina apresentou menor (P<0,05) custo de ração por quilograma de ganho e maior índice de eficiência econômica em relação as dietas contendo cromo e restrição energética que, por sua vez, foram superiores em comparação a dieta controle. Dietas suplementadas com cromo e ractopamina apresentaram maior (P<0,05) percentual e quantidade de carne magra e maior índice de bonificação de carcaça em relação a dieta controle e restrição energética. Concluiu-se que a redução energética não prejudica as respostas das leitoas em relação a dieta controle. A suplementação de ractopamina possibilita melhor conversão alimentar, menor custo de ração por quilograma de ganho e maior índice de eficiência econômica. As suplementações de cromo e ractopamina expressam aumento do percentual e quantidade de carne magra e do índice de bonificação das carcaças. O picolinato de cromo e o cromo levedura são potenciais substitutos a ractopamina para otimizar as características de carcaça das leitoas.

Animais , Feminino , Suínos/metabolismo , Cromo/administração & dosagem , Suplementos Nutricionais , Carne/análise
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(6): e20201051, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350586


Effects of dietary Agaricus bisporus mixture or stalk or cap on growth performance, carcass components and some meat quality parameters, mesophilic aerobic bacterial counts, and intestinal histomorphology in broiler chickens were investigated. Two hundred and forty one-day-old male Ross 308 broiler chickens were divided into 4 experimental groups with 4 replicates, each including 15 birds. Chickens were fed with basal diet (C), mushroom mixture (MM, 10 g stalk+10 g cap/kg diet), mushroom stalk (MS, 20 g/kg diet) and mushroom cap (MC, 20 g/kg diet). Feed conversion ratio (FCR) was improved (P < 0.01) by dietary MS while feed intake (FI) decreased (P < 0.01) in all treatment groups compared to control. However, body weight gain (BWG) was decreased (P < 0.01) by MC inclusion. Mushroom supplemented groups had higher (P < 0.05) mesophilic aerobic bacteria in the cecum. MS inclusion increased villus height to crypt depth ratio in the jejunum (P < 0.01) and villus height in the ileum (P < 0.01) and jejunum (P < 0.05). MC increased (P < 0.01) crypt depth in the jejunum. There were no statistical differences among groups for carcass components (P > 0.05). The L* values were decreased (P < 0.01) in thigh meat but increased (P < 0.01) in breast meat by mushroom inclusion. The a* values were decreased (P < 0.01) and b* values were increased (P < 0.05) in both thigh and breast meat with mushroom addition to diet. The obtained results indicated that A. bisporus stalk meal at an inclusion level of 20 g/kg of diet had favourable effects on growth performance with higher feed efficiency, improved intestinal morphology with higher villus height and increased meat quality of broiler chickens.

Foram investigados os efeitos da mistura dietética de Agaricus bisporus ou talo ou tampa sobre o desempenho de crescimento, componentes da carcaça e alguns parâmetros de qualidade da carne, contagens de bactérias aeróbias mesofílicas e histomorfologia intestinal em frangos de corte. Duzentos e quarenta frangos de corte Ross 308 de um dia de idade foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais com quatro repetições, cada um incluindo 15 aves. Galinhas alimentadas com dieta basal (C), mistura de cogumelos (MM, 10 g caule + 10 g cap / kg de dieta), caule de cogumelo (MS, 20 g / kg dieta) e cogumelo (MC, 20 g / kg dieta). A taxa de conversão alimentar (FCR) foi melhorada (P < 0.01) por MS dietético enquanto o consumo de ração (FI) diminuiu (P < 0.01) em todos os grupos de tratamento em comparação com o controle. No entanto, o ganho de peso corporal (BWG) foi diminuído (P < 0.01) pela inclusão de MC. Os grupos suplementados com cogumelos apresentaram maiores (P < 0.05) bactérias aeróbias mesofílicas no ceco. A inclusão de MS aumentou a proporção entre a largura das vilosidades e a profundidade da cripta no jejuno (P < 0.01) e o comprimento das vilosidades no íleo (P < 0.01) e jejuno (P < 0.05). MC aumentou (P < 0.01) a profundidade de cripta no jejuno. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos nos componentes da carcaça (P > 0.05). Os valores L * diminuíram (P < 0.01) na carne da coxa, mas aumentaram (P < 0.01) na carne de peito com a inclusão de cogumelos. Os valores de a* diminuíram (P < 0.01) e os valores de b* aumentaram (P < 0.05) em ambas as coxas e peitos pela adição de cogumelos à dieta. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que a farinha de colmo de A. bisporus com um nível de inclusão de 20 g / kg de dieta teve efeitos favoráveis no desempenho do crescimento com maior eficiência alimentar, melhorou a morfologia intestinal com maior comprimento de vilosidade e aumentou a qualidade da carne de frangos de corte.

Animais , Agaricus campestris , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dieta/veterinária , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Intestinos/anatomia & histologia
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e53652, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1390667


The objective was to evaluate the morphometric, productive and chemical aspects of purple elephant grass as a function of nitrogen fertilization. The treatments consisted of applying 0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 kg ha-1 of N, using a randomized block design, with five treatments and four replications. The following were evaluated: plant height, number, length and leaf mass, stem diameter and mass, leaf/stem ratio, production of green and dry mass, support capacity for dairy cows, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber and mineral matter. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and Tukey's test at 5% probability. The increase in N doses did not affect (p < 0.05) the morphometry of the purple elephant grass, however it positively stimulated the productivity, the animal support capacity and the bromatological components of the harvested material. The lack of response to nitrogen fertilization may be related to the edaphocilimatic conditions during the experiment and efficiency in the use of N of the variety used. The results demonstrate the high demand of the cultivar for N, actively interfering in the forage yield.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Pastagens , Pennisetum/fisiologia , Análise de Alimentos , Compostagem/métodos , Compostos de Nitrogênio , Ração Animal/análise
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(1): 2106, jan. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438126


The use of adapted breeds, such as Santa Inês, is of paramount importance for regions with high temperatures because they develop efficient mechanisms for heat dissipation. Furthermore, some breeds have physiological adaptations, such as more efficient mechanisms for the digestion of fibrous foods (e.g. Rabo Largo), which can reduce the harmful effects of semiarid environments. We studied the ingestive behaviour, water consumption, and physiological parameters during feeding of two native sheep breeds fed diets containing high (700 g/kg DM; HC diet) or low (300 g/kg DM; LC diet) percentages of concentrates, based on dry matter (DM). A total of 40 uncastrated male lambs (20 Rabo Largo [breed 1] and 20 Santa Inês [breed 2], with an average body weight of 16.68 ± 2.78 kg, and 19.29 kg ± 3.28 kg, respectively), were distributed in a randomised block design in a two-by-two factorial scheme (breeds × diets) with 10 repetitions. Santa Inês lambs consumed and ruminated DM (P = 0.029 for both) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF; P = 0.001 and P = 0.004, respectively) more efficiently than RaboLargo lambs, while the latter showed an increase in respiratory rate (+19 breaths/min) and rectal temperature (+1.3 °C) compared to the Santa Inês lambs (P = 0.001). The HC diet negatively affected (P < 0.05) the feeding behaviour of the animals, reflecting the higher (P < 0.05) water consumption. The results showed that diets rich in concentrate negatively affected the thermoregulation of lambs. Santa Inês have greater feed and thermoregulatory efficiency than Rabo Largo lambs under conditions of heat stress in the feedlot.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ingestão de Líquidos/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(1): 1-9, jan. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484115


The use of adapted breeds, such as Santa Inês, is of paramount importance for regions with high temperatures because they develop efficient mechanisms for heat dissipation. Furthermore, some breeds have physiological adaptations, such as more efficient mechanisms for the digestion of fibrous foods (e.g. Rabo Largo), which can reduce the harmful effects of semiarid environments. We studied the ingestive behaviour, water consumption, and physiological parameters during feeding of two native sheep breeds fed diets containing high (700 g/kg DM; HC diet) or low (300 g/kg DM; LC diet) percentages of concentrates, based on dry matter (DM). A total of 40 uncastrated male lambs (20 Rabo Largo [breed 1] and 20 Santa Inês [breed 2], with an average body weight of 16.68 ± 2.78 kg, and 19.29 kg ± 3.28 kg, respectively), were distributed in a randomised block design in a two-by-two factorial scheme (breeds × diets) with 10 repetitions. Santa Inês lambs consumed and ruminated DM (P = 0.029 for both) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF; P = 0.001 and P = 0.004, respectively) more efficiently than RaboLargo lambs, while the latter showed an increase in respiratory rate (+19 breaths/min) and rectal temperature (+1.3 °C) compared to the Santa Inês lambs (P = 0.001). The HC diet negatively affected (P < 0.05) the feeding behaviour of the animals, reflecting the higher (P < 0.05) water consumption. The results showed that diets rich in concentrate negatively affected the thermoregulation of lambs. Santa Inês have greater feed and thermoregulatory efficiency than Rabo Largo lambs under conditions of heat stress in the feedlot.

Masculino , Animais , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Comportamento de Ingestão de Líquido/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Ovinos/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(1): 160-168, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374386


Evaluated the levels of rain tree (Samanea saman) pod meal (RTPM) (0, 10, 15, 20 and 25%) replacing maize in the dry matter of the diet on intake of DM, CP and ME, creatinine and total purine derivatives excretion in urine and microbial protein synthesis in lambs. Twenty-five uncastrated Bergamasca lambs were used, with an initial body weight of 24±5kg and an average age of 120 days. The experimental design was completely randomized, with five treatments and five replications. The trial lasted 84 days and the 24h and spot urine collections were performed in the last day of the experiment. The intake was not affected (P>0.05), the urine volume and daily creatinine excretion were influenced (P<0.05) by RTPM replacing maize, observing increasing linear effect and cubic variation (P<0.05), respectively. The cubic and quadratic components were significant (P<0.05) for the excretion of total purine derivatives, absorbed purines, and microbial synthesis. The cubic variation, with peaks at 5% and 18% replacement for urinary excretion of creatinine and purine derivatives, indicates that the levels used of RTPM affected the renal activity of lambs. Substitution of maize by RTPM up to 10% enhances efficiency of rumen microbial crude protein synthesis.

Avaliaram-se os níveis de farinha de vagem de Samanea saman (0, 10, 15, 20 e 25%) em substituição ao milho na matéria seca da dieta sobre o consumo de MS, PB e EM, a excreção urinária de creatinina e de derivados de purina totais e a síntese de proteína microbiana em cordeiros. Foram utilizados 25 cordeiros Bergamácia, não castrados, peso corporal inicial de 24±5kg e idade média de 120 dias. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e cinco repetições. O experimento durou 84 dias e as coletas de urina spot e de 24h foram realizadas no último dia do experimento. O consumo não foi afetado (P>0,05), o volume de urina e a excreção diária de creatinina foram influenciados (P<0,05) por S. Saman substituindo o milho, observando-se efeito linear crescente e variação cúbica (P<0,05), respectivamente. Os componentes cúbicos e quadráticos foram significativos (P<0,05) para a excreção de derivados de purina totais, purinas absorvidas e síntese microbiana. A variação cúbica, com picos em 5% e 18% de substituição para a excreção urinária de creatinina e de derivados de purina, indica que os níveis utilizados de S. saman afetaram a atividade renal de cordeiros. Substituição do milho por farelo de vagem de S. saman até 10% aumenta a eficiência de síntese de proteína bruta microbiana.

Animais , Ovinos , Dieta/veterinária , Compostos Fitoquímicos/análise , Fabaceae , Ração Animal , Purinas/urina , Creatinina/urina
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 21(4): 481-488, dez. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413547


This study aims to investigate the effect of different periods of fasting and re-feeding on compensatory responses in Nile tilapia fingerlings and the frequency of muscle fiber distribution. A total of 108 Nile tilapia fingerlings with initial weight of 1.64 ± 0.41 g and mean initial length of 3.60 ± 0.39 cm were used for 55 days. The fish were distributed in a water recirculation system in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replications: Control - CO - (fish fed until apparent satiation throughout the experimental period); fasting 10 - J10 - (fish fed to apparent satiation for 15 days, followed by 10 days of fasting and re-feeding to satiation for 30 days); and fasting 15 - J15 - (fish fed to apparent satiation for 15 days, followed by 15 days of fasting and re-feeding to satiation for 25 days). Fish from the J15 treatment showed unsatisfactory results in terms of productive performance (p<0.05), such as lower final weight, apparent feed conversion, protein efficiency ratio, and survival, while fish from the J10 treatment achieved the same results as those animals kept in the CO treatment with the exception of the variables of relative weight gain and feed intake. Furthermore, food restriction directly influenced the growth of muscle fibers with a diameter smaller than 20 µm (p<0.05), and fish from the J15 treatment had the lowest frequency of fibers in this diameter class. Therefore, this study concludes that food restriction in short periods (10 days) and at low temperatures can present a compensatory growth, as they alter the process of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of muscle fibers without affecting the morphology of the fibers; however, 15 days of fasting under low temperatures do not compensate for growth and delays the hypertrophic growth of muscle fibers.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar o efeito de diferentes períodos de jejum alimentar e realimentação nas respostas compensatórias em alevinos de tilápias-do-Nilo, e a frequência de distribuição das fibras musculares. Foram utilizados 108 alevinos de tilápia-do-Nilo com peso inicial de 1,64±0,41 g e comprimento inicial médio de 3,60 ± 0,39 cm, durante um período de 55 dias. Os peixes foram distribuídos em um sistema de recirculação de água, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e quatro repetições: Controle - CO - (peixes alimentados até a saciedade aparente durante todo período experimental); jejum 10 - J10 - (peixes alimentados até a saciedade aparente por 15 dias, seguidos de 10 dias de jejum e realimentação até a saciedade por 30 dias); e jejum 15 - J15 - (peixes alimentados até a saciedade aparente por 15 dias, seguidos de 15 dias de jejum e realimentação até a saciedade por 25 dias). Os peixes do tratamento J15 apresentaram resultados insatisfatórios de desempenho produtivo (p<0,05), como menor peso final, conversão alimentar aparente, taxa de eficiência proteica e sobrevivência, enquanto os peixes do tratamento J10, atingiram os mesmos resultados daqueles animais mantidos no tratamento CO, com exceção das variáveis de ganho em peso relativo e do consumo de ração. A restrição alimentar influenciou diretamente no crescimento das fibras musculares com diâmetro menor que 20 µm (p<0,05), sendo que os peixes do tratamento J15 apresentaram a menor frequência de fibras nesta classe de diâmetro. Conclui-se que a restrição alimentar em curtos períodos (10 dias) e em temperaturas amenas podem apresentar um crescimento compensatório, alterando o processo de hiperplasia e hipertrofia das fibras musculares, sem afetar a morfologia das fibras, entretanto, 15 dias de jejum e sob temperaturas amenas não ocorre uma compensação no crescimento e atrasa o crescimento hipertrófico das fibras musculares.(AU)

Animais , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Dietoterapia/veterinária , Jejum/fisiologia , Células Musculares
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 43: e53265, ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32070


The objective of this study was to determine choline chloride replacement effects by a vegetable choline source, compost by Trachyspermum amni, Citrullus colocynthis, Achyranthus aspera, and Azadirachta indica in broiler feed. These compounds are fonts of phosphatidylcholine, a high-disponible molecule for intestinal absorption and choline supply. A total of 640 animals were randomly allocated in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and eight repetitions (n = 20), and zootechnical performance (body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and productive efficiency index), carcass yield, cuts yield, and organs (heart, liver, proventriculus, gizzard, and small intestine) relative weights were evaluated. Were evaluated two choline chloride levels (600 and 800 mg kg-1) and two vegetable choline levels (100 and 200 mg kg-1), added in a corn-soybean meal basal diet, during 42 days of raising. Results revealed better feed conversion ratio (p < 0.001) and production efficiency index (p < 0.001) in broilers fed vegetable choline, with no differences on body weight (p = 0.372) and weight gain (p = 0.427) among broilers. Carcass, cuts yield, and organ relative weights do not alter (p > 0.05) due to different group of supplementations. Findings in this trial concludes vegetable choline can adequately replace choline chloride in broiler feed, with improvement on performance and no compromising carcass, cuts or organ development.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise , Colina
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 43: e53265, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1459958


The objective of this study was to determine choline chloride replacement effects by a vegetable choline source, compost by Trachyspermum amni, Citrullus colocynthis, Achyranthus aspera, and Azadirachta indica in broiler feed. These compounds are fonts of phosphatidylcholine, a high-disponible molecule for intestinal absorption and choline supply. A total of 640 animals were randomly allocated in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and eight repetitions (n = 20), and zootechnical performance (body weight, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and productive efficiency index), carcass yield, cuts yield, and organs (heart, liver, proventriculus, gizzard, and small intestine) relative weights were evaluated. Were evaluated two choline chloride levels (600 and 800 mg kg-1) and two vegetable choline levels (100 and 200 mg kg-1), added in a corn-soybean meal basal diet, during 42 days of raising. Results revealed better feed conversion ratio (p 0.05) due to different group of supplementations. Findings in this trial concludes vegetable choline can adequately replace choline chloride in broiler feed, with improvement on performance and no compromising carcass, cuts or organ development.

Animais , Colina , Galinhas/metabolismo , Ração Animal/análise
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20190131, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443345


This study was conducted to evaluate different nutritional plans of net energy (NE) with a constant calorie:nutrient ratio on the performance of piglets from 7 to 30 kg. Sixty barrows with an initial weight of 7.11±0.89 kg were distributed among five nutritional plans: two NE-decreasing plans (A and B, starting from NE concentrations of 2.47 and 2.52 Mcal kg−1, respectively, and ending both at 2.37 Mcal kg−1) and three NE-constant plans (C, 2.37 Mcal kg−1; D, 2.42 Mcal kg−1; and E, 2.47 Mcal kg−1). The nutritional plans were composed of two decreasing plans: A, 2.47-2.42-2.37- 2.37-2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; B, 2.52-2.47-2.42-2.37-2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; and three constant plans: C, 2.37 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; D, 2.42 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed; E, 2.47 Mcal of NE kg−1 of feed, from 7 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 25, and 25 to 30 kg, respectively, with six replicates per treatment and two animals per experimental unit. Animal performance was evaluated through the following measurements: average daily feed intake (ADFI), NE intake, standardized ileal digestible lysine intake (SID Lys intake), average daily gain (ADG), feed:gain ratio (F:G), final weight (FW), feed cost per kg of weight gain (CWG), economic efficiency index (EEI), and fecal score. Piglets' final weight was 32.95±3.30 kg. Considering the total experimental period, there was no effect of the nutritional plan on ADG, F:G, CWG, and EEI. The final weight of piglets under plan D was higher than that recorded for those allocated to plan C, not differing from the other nutritional plans. Piglets fed under nutritional plans A and D presented higher ADFI compared with those subjected to other plans. Net energy and SID Lys intakes were significantly higher in piglets subjected to plans A, D, and E compared with those under plans B and C. Net energy nutritional plans did not influence the fecal score and the occurrence of diarrhea of the piglets. Based on our analysis, a nutritional plan containing a constant NE level of 2.42 Mcal kg−1 of feed may be recommended for piglets from 7 to 30 kg.

Animais , Masculino , Suínos , Dieta/veterinária , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Necessidades Nutricionais
Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 78: e1494, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467026


The objective of this study was to evaluate the production costs involved in sheep confinement fed diets containing different inclusion levels of wet brewery residue (WBR). The diets were constituted by different WBR proportions in the concentrate (0, 10, 20 and 30%). A total of 20 sheep were used, with an average body weight of 17.5 ± 1.5 kg, at 8 months of age. The experimental period lasted 77 days. The prices of feed ingredients, purchase and sale values of kg of body weight (BW) of the animals practiced in the local market and the interest rate were considered in the economic analysis, using the year 2015 as a reference. In addition, production performance, zootechnical and economic data, and investment and costing expenses were considered to determine the economic indicators. A linear response was observed in terms of average daily gain (P=0.0035) and feed efficiency (P=0.0042) in diets consisting of 20 and 30% WBR, with 0.196 kg of BW/day and 0.291 kg of BW/intake, respectively. The diet containing 20% WBR resulted in greater total production (7,503.07 kg of BW/year), greater daily production (9.78 kg of BW), and lower total expenditure on investments (R$ 0.371/kg of BW). The lowest total expenses (R$ 64,368.99) and the highest profit (R$ 1.32/kg of BW) were observed in the diet with 30% of WBR. The economic analysis showed the financial feasibility of including 20% and 30% WBR in diets for confined sheep.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os custos de produção envolvidos no confinamento de ovinos alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes níveis de inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria (RUC). As dietas foram constituídas por diferentes proporções de RUC no concentrado (0, 10, 20 e 30%). Foram utilizados 20 ovinos, com peso corporal médio de 17,5 ± 1,5 kg, aos 8 meses de idade. O período experimental durou 77 dias. Os preços dos ingredientes da ração, valores de compra e venda em kg de peso corporal (PV) dos animais praticados no mercado local e a taxa de juros foram considerados na análise econômica, tendo como referência o ano de 2015. Além disso, o desempenho da produção, os dados zootécnicos e econômicos e as despesas de investimento e custeio foram considerados para determinar os indicadores econômicos. Uma resposta linear foi observada em termos de ganho médio diário (P = 0,0035) e eficiência alimentar (P = 0,0042) em dietas consistindo de 20 e 30% RUC, com 0,196 kg de PV / dia e 0,291 kg de PV / ingestão, respectivamente. A dieta contendo 20% de RUC resultou em maior produção total (7.503,07 kg de PV / ano), maior produção diária (9,78 kg de PV) e menor gasto total com investimentos (R$0,371 / kg de PV). Os menores gastos totais (R $ 64.368,99) e o maior lucro (R$1,32 / kg de PV) foram observados na dieta com 30% de RUC. A análise econômica mostrou a viabilidade financeira da inclusão de 20% e 30% de RUC em dietas para ovinos confinados.

Animais , Cerveja , Ovinos , Ração Animal/economia , Resíduos de Alimentos , Custos e Análise de Custo , Hordeum
B. Indústr. Anim. ; 78: e1494, May 25, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33115


The objective of this study was to evaluate the production costs involved in sheep confinement fed diets containing different inclusion levels of wet brewery residue (WBR). The diets were constituted by different WBR proportions in the concentrate (0, 10, 20 and 30%). A total of 20 sheep were used, with an average body weight of 17.5 ± 1.5 kg, at 8 months of age. The experimental period lasted 77 days. The prices of feed ingredients, purchase and sale values of kg of body weight (BW) of the animals practiced in the local market and the interest rate were considered in the economic analysis, using the year 2015 as a reference. In addition, production performance, zootechnical and economic data, and investment and costing expenses were considered to determine the economic indicators. A linear response was observed in terms of average daily gain (P=0.0035) and feed efficiency (P=0.0042) in diets consisting of 20 and 30% WBR, with 0.196 kg of BW/day and 0.291 kg of BW/intake, respectively. The diet containing 20% WBR resulted in greater total production (7,503.07 kg of BW/year), greater daily production (9.78 kg of BW), and lower total expenditure on investments (R$ 0.371/kg of BW). The lowest total expenses (R$ 64,368.99) and the highest profit (R$ 1.32/kg of BW) were observed in the diet with 30% of WBR. The economic analysis showed the financial feasibility of including 20% and 30% WBR in diets for confined sheep.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os custos de produção envolvidos no confinamento de ovinos alimentados com dietas contendo diferentes níveis de inclusão de resíduo úmido de cervejaria (RUC). As dietas foram constituídas por diferentes proporções de RUC no concentrado (0, 10, 20 e 30%). Foram utilizados 20 ovinos, com peso corporal médio de 17,5 ± 1,5 kg, aos 8 meses de idade. O período experimental durou 77 dias. Os preços dos ingredientes da ração, valores de compra e venda em kg de peso corporal (PV) dos animais praticados no mercado local e a taxa de juros foram considerados na análise econômica, tendo como referência o ano de 2015. Além disso, o desempenho da produção, os dados zootécnicos e econômicos e as despesas de investimento e custeio foram considerados para determinar os indicadores econômicos. Uma resposta linear foi observada em termos de ganho médio diário (P = 0,0035) e eficiência alimentar (P = 0,0042) em dietas consistindo de 20 e 30% RUC, com 0,196 kg de PV / dia e 0,291 kg de PV / ingestão, respectivamente. A dieta contendo 20% de RUC resultou em maior produção total (7.503,07 kg de PV / ano), maior produção diária (9,78 kg de PV) e menor gasto total com investimentos (R$0,371 / kg de PV). Os menores gastos totais (R $ 64.368,99) e o maior lucro (R$1,32 / kg de PV) foram observados na dieta com 30% de RUC. A análise econômica mostrou a viabilidade financeira da inclusão de 20% e 30% de RUC em dietas para ovinos confinados.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos , Ração Animal/economia , Cerveja , Resíduos de Alimentos , Custos e Análise de Custo , Hordeum
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(3,supl. 1): 1891-1908, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501966


The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different types of sealing on the physical losses of dry matter, chemical and fermentation characteristics and in situ digestibility of the dry matter of corn silage stored in the feed out face (ramp) of trench silos. The experimental design used randomized blocks, composed of three treatments, namely: T1 - corn silage preserved with double-sided polyethylene of 110 µm thickness (conventional seal); T2 - corn silage preserved with double-sided polyethylene of 200 µm thickness (double-sided); and T3 - corn silage preserved with oxygen-impermeable film composed of double-sided polyethylene of 80 µm thickness on a translucent vacuum polyamide film of 20 µm thickness (double sealing), with four repetitions each. The use of double-sided polyethylene with 200 µm thickness (double-sided) and oxygen impermeable film composed of double-sided polyethylene and polyamide (double sealing), were effective in preserving the chemical composition, fermentation profile, raw protein composition and fiber quality, in addition, the use of these polymers resulted in greater ruminal digestibility of dry matter and reduced the pH, temperature, temperature gradient and physical losses of corn silage from the feed out face (ramp) of trench silos compared to the conventional sealing.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência dos diferentes tipos de vedação sobre as perdas físicas de matéria seca, as características químicas, fermentativas e digestibilidade in situ da matéria seca da silagem de milho armazenada na porção inicial (rampa) de silos trincheira. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, compostos por três tratamentos, sendo esses: T1 - silagem de milho conservada com polietileno dupla face com espessura de 110 µm (vedação convencional); T2 - silagem de milho conservada com polietileno dupla face com espessura de 200 µm (vedação dupla face); e T3 - silagem de milho conservada com película impermeável ao oxigênio composta de polietileno dupla face com espessura de 80 µm sobreposta a uma película de poliamida translúcida a vácuo com espessura de 20 µm (dupla vedação), com quarto repetições cada. O uso de polietileno de dupla face com espessura de 200 µm (vedação dupla face) e o filme impermeável ao oxigênio composto de polietileno de dupla face e poliamida (dupla vedação), foram eficazes na conservação da composição química, perfil de fermentação, composição da proteína bruta e qualidade da fibra, além disso, o uso desses materiais na vedação proporcionou maior digestibilidade ruminal da matéria seca e reduziu os índices de pH, temperatura, gradiente de temperatura e perdas físicas de silagem de milho da porção inicial dos silos trincheira em comparação com o tipo de vedação convencional.

Análise de Alimentos , Armazenamento de Alimentos/métodos , Silagem/análise , Zea mays
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(3,supl. 1): 1891-1908, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765846


The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different types of sealing on the physical losses of dry matter, chemical and fermentation characteristics and in situ digestibility of the dry matter of corn silage stored in the feed out face (ramp) of trench silos. The experimental design used randomized blocks, composed of three treatments, namely: T1 - corn silage preserved with double-sided polyethylene of 110 µm thickness (conventional seal); T2 - corn silage preserved with double-sided polyethylene of 200 µm thickness (double-sided); and T3 - corn silage preserved with oxygen-impermeable film composed of double-sided polyethylene of 80 µm thickness on a translucent vacuum polyamide film of 20 µm thickness (double sealing), with four repetitions each. The use of double-sided polyethylene with 200 µm thickness (double-sided) and oxygen impermeable film composed of double-sided polyethylene and polyamide (double sealing), were effective in preserving the chemical composition, fermentation profile, raw protein composition and fiber quality, in addition, the use of these polymers resulted in greater ruminal digestibility of dry matter and reduced the pH, temperature, temperature gradient and physical losses of corn silage from the feed out face (ramp) of trench silos compared to the conventional sealing.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência dos diferentes tipos de vedação sobre as perdas físicas de matéria seca, as características químicas, fermentativas e digestibilidade in situ da matéria seca da silagem de milho armazenada na porção inicial (rampa) de silos trincheira. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, compostos por três tratamentos, sendo esses: T1 - silagem de milho conservada com polietileno dupla face com espessura de 110 µm (vedação convencional); T2 - silagem de milho conservada com polietileno dupla face com espessura de 200 µm (vedação dupla face); e T3 - silagem de milho conservada com película impermeável ao oxigênio composta de polietileno dupla face com espessura de 80 µm sobreposta a uma película de poliamida translúcida a vácuo com espessura de 20 µm (dupla vedação), com quarto repetições cada. O uso de polietileno de dupla face com espessura de 200 µm (vedação dupla face) e o filme impermeável ao oxigênio composto de polietileno de dupla face e poliamida (dupla vedação), foram eficazes na conservação da composição química, perfil de fermentação, composição da proteína bruta e qualidade da fibra, além disso, o uso desses materiais na vedação proporcionou maior digestibilidade ruminal da matéria seca e reduziu os índices de pH, temperatura, gradiente de temperatura e perdas físicas de silagem de milho da porção inicial dos silos trincheira em comparação com o tipo de vedação convencional.(AU)

Armazenamento de Alimentos/métodos , Análise de Alimentos , Silagem/análise , Zea mays
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200010, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443138


The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of associated glutamine and glutamic acid on growth performance and intestinal development of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fingerlings. Five isoproteic (~344.70 g kg−1 crude protein) and isocaloric diets (~3,925 kcal kg−1 gross energy) were developed containing 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20 g kg−1 of associated glutamine and glutamic acid in extruded diets. Fish (n = 2,000, mean body weight of 2.12±0.53 g) were distributed into twenty 1-m3 floating net cages in an entirely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates, and each replicate comprised one floating net cage with 100 fish. Fish were hand-fed seven days per week, three times a day until apparent satiety for 45 days. There was a quadratic effect on final body weight, body weight gain, daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, protein retention efficiency, net protein utilization, and intestinal villi height with optimized values for supplementation of associated glutamine and glutamic acid at 10.77, 10.67, 10.00, 8.85, 9.85, 10.15, and 10.98 g kg−1, respectively. There was no effect of associated glutamine and glutamic acid supplementation on feed intake, survival, and body composition. We conclude that 10.67 g kg−1 of associated glutamine and glutamic acid is adequate for growth performance optimization, and supplementation at 10.98 g kg−1 exerts trophic action and improves intestinal morphometry in cage-farmed Nile tilapia fingerlings.

Animais , Ácido Glutâmico/administração & dosagem , Ciclídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Glutamina/administração & dosagem , Intestinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal/análise , Aquicultura , Suplementos Nutricionais , Aminoácidos