Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters' turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens' present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Characidae , Oócitos , Oogênese , Ovário , Testículo , GônadasResumo
The mule is a sterile hybrid domestic animal that results from the breeding of a male donkey with a female horse, understanding the reproductive biology of these species is very critical. The goal of this paper was to perform a comparative and more accurate histomorphometric of the testicles in Barb horse, donkeys and mules. Microscopic examinations and histological description were carried on genital tract of horses, donkeys and mules healthy and mature; this study was conducted during April-May 2018. The histological and the morphological results shows a similarity between the two equine species and the infertile hybrid for the testicles, the epididymis and the vas deferens. However, the difference was presented on the morphometric data; vas deferens was more voluminous in the horse and donkey than a mule. Moreover, the differences were significantly higher for the surface of the seminiferous tubules and for the epididymis. The lumen of the seminiferous tubules in mule was significantly higher than in the horse and donkey. Absence of gametes in the epididymal cavity and lower number of gametes in the mule. Furthermore, we have noted the presence of spermatozoa in one mule 16.67%. Therefore, the mule could complete development of spermatogenesis.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária , Equidae/fisiologia , Espermatogênese , Saúde ReprodutivaResumo
The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/genética , Espermatogênese , OogêneseResumo
The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.(AU)
O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/genética , Oogênese , EspermatogêneseResumo
The warty dyskeratoma is a neoplasm of follicular origin, with uncommon incidence in veterinary medicine, and benign biological behavior. An excisional biopsy sample was received from a dog, female, Shih Tzu, 12 years old, from the left axillary region. Grossly, after section, green and friable multifocal areas were identified, streaked by solid white areas. Microscopically, the analysis revealed multifocal cystic structures, lined by stratified epithelium, with basal area including villous epithelial projections, toward the dermis, and the luminal region featured acantholysis and dyskeratosis, as well as parakeratosis. Those findings were compatible with a warty dyskeratoma affecting multiple hair follicles, thus being the first case report in veterinary medicine with such this unique pattern. Up to now, the literature encompassed only human medicine. This report, besides collaborating to the description of a rare presentation of an uncommon neoplasm, also contributes with new information found for epidemiological studies of this tumor.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Folículo Piloso , Doenças do Cão/patologia , Cães , Doença de Darier/diagnósticoResumo
This study presents the first record of the cordiform echinoid Plagiobrissus grandis (Gmelin, 1791) (Echinoidea: Spatangoida: Brissidae) in Paraná's shallow inner shelf, in addition to a brief description of its location, body measurements, sex determination, and reproductive status. Two specimens were recorded between 2015 (bycatch by artisanal fishing) and 2016 (observed by scuba diving). The only specimen with severe signs of weakness captured was donated to Associação MarBrasil and kept in an aquarium for rehabilitation (8 days), where it was possible to observe digging movements, burying skills (partially), and camouflage or covering behavior. The organism was sent to the UNESPAR campus of Paranaguá and was photographed, measured (length: 155.65 mm, width: 118.93 mm, and maximum test height: 41.31 mm), fixed, and properly preserved. Digitized images of the histological preparation showed that it was a female in the recovery stage (or nutritional re-serve) of the reproductive cycle. Regardless of their limitations, the current records for the Brissidae family in South Atlantic are still concentrated on the Brazilian coast, contributing to the understanding of zoogeographic, ecological, morphophysiological, and behavioral aspects of the spatangoid echinoids.(AU)
Animais , Ouriços-do-Mar/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Brasil , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
We describe an outbreak of leishmaniasis in seven guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) in which nodular ulcerated skin lesions of varying sizes were observed in the nasal cavity, upper lip, pinnae, vulva, and periarticular region of the limbs. Cytologic exam of collected samples of the lesions in the auricle of one of the animals revealed macrophages containing parasitophorous vacuoles of approximately 4.0μm in diameter in their cytoplasm with morphology suggestive of Leishmania sp. Although skin lesions spontaneously regressed in two of the Guinea pigs, only one survived. All six animals that died were necropsied. Grossly, all animals showed bloody nodular cutaneous lesions with crusts. One of the guinea pigs had distended dark red and firm lungs. Histopathology of the skin lesions revealed histiocytic interstitial acanthotic dermatitis associated with a myriad of Leishmania organisms within macrophages cytoplasm. In the lung, the lesions were characteristic of broncho-interstitial pneumonia with focal infiltrates of neutrophils, epithelioid macrophages, and multinucleated giant cells containing 2µm basophilic amastigotes with morphology compatible with Leishmania spp. A focal granulomatous lesion ,associated with the causal agent in the lung is a novel description of leishmaniasis in guinea pigs caused by L. enriettii. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique with mini-exon primer performed in samples of lesions from two affected guinea pigs was positive and equal to the reference strain, identifying Leishmania enriettii. The cytological, macroscopic, and histological lesions associated with the PCR technique allowed the diagnosis of leishmaniasis and the identification of the specie L. enriettii.
Descrevemos um surto de leishmaniose em sete cobaias (Cavia porcellus), com lesões cutâneas nodulares ulceradas de tamanhos variados observadas na cavidade nasal, lábio superior, pavilhões auriculares, vulva e região periarticular dos membros. No exame citológico foram encontrados macrófagos contendo vacúolos parasitóforos no citoplasma de aproximadamente 4.0μm em diâmetro com morfologia sugestiva de Leishmania sp. Apesar de regressão espontânea das lesões cutâneas terem ocorrido em duas das sete cobaias, apenas um sobreviveu. Seis dos sete animais afetados morreram e foram necropsiados. Macroscopicamente, todos os animais apresentaram lesões cutâneas nodulares, crostosas e sanguinolentas. Uma das cobaias tinha pulmões vermelho-escuros, distendidos e firmes. A histopatologia das lesões cutâneas revelou dermatite acantótica intersticial histiocítica associada a miríades de organismos de Leishmania no citoplasma de macrófagos. Nos pulmões as lesões eram características de pneumonia bronco-intersticial com infiltrado focal de neutrófilos, eosinófilos, macrófagos epitelioides e células gigantes multinucleadas contendo amastigotas basofílicos de 2µm com morfologia compatível com Leishmania spp. Lesões granulomatosas focais associadas ao agente no pulmão são um achado inédito na leishmaniose causada por L. enriettii em cobaias. A técnica de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) com primer mini-exon realizada em amostras de lesões de duas cobaias afetadas foi positiva, identificando Leishmania enriettii. Os aspectos macroscópicos, citológicos, e histológicos associados à técnica da (PCR), permitiram o diagnóstico da leishmaniose e a identificação da espécie L. enriettii.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cobaias , Leishmaniose/patologia , Leishmaniose/epidemiologia , Surtos de Doenças/veterinária , Leishmania enriettiiResumo
Clinical History: Two 18-month-old female bison and a heifer died suddenly in the same ranch. The three animals were submitted for postmortem examination and diagnostic workup. The changes of one of the bison are presented here. Necropsy Findings: The carcass was in fair nutritional condition, with small amount of fat reserves, but still well fleshed, and in mild state of post-mortem decomposition. There was a small amount of clotted dark-red blood in the nostrils and anus. The heart presented extensive sub-endocardial hemorrhages in all four chambers. These lesions were most pronounced in both ventricles where they extended deep into the underlying myocardium (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The mucosa of the abomasum was diffusely and mildly congested, and the mucosa of the small and large intestine was diffusely and severely congested (Fig. 3). There was a moderate amount of red fluid in the lumen of the small intestine, cecum, and colon. Both lungs had a few, small, well delineated, deep, firm, multifocal dark-red areas in all pulmonary lobes, but lung tissue samples floated when placed into formalin. Follow-up questions: Microscopic description Morphologic diagnosis Most likely etiology(AU)
Animais , Autopsia , Bison , NeriumResumo
Bacillary hemoglobinuria (BH) is a histotoxic infection caused by Clostridium haemolyticum that affects mostly cattle parasitized with trematodes. The aim of present study was to describe an atypical case of BH in a cow without access to flooded areas and without parasitism by Fasciola hepatica. After eight days of sternal decubitus and apathy, a Nellore cow was euthanized and necropsied. During postmortem examination, mild jaundice, black urine and multifocal lesions in the liver were observed. Histopathology revealed multifocal coagulation foci of necrosis in liver and basophilic bacillary structures, which were confirmed as C. haemolyticum by bacterial isolation, PCR and sequencing techniques. This is the first description of BH in cattle in Minas Gerais state, Brazil and highlight the need for of inclusion of BH as differential diagnosis even in animals not parasitized by trematodes.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/parasitologia , Fasciola hepatica/patogenicidade , Hemoglobinúria/diagnóstico , BrasilResumo
Soosiulus belterrensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated from the Amazon Forest of the state of Pará, northern Brazil. Both the male and female terminalia are treated in detail, in addition to color features. With the addition of this new taxon, the diverse Neotropical genus Soosiulus Young, 1977 now comprises 28 species. The new species is the first one proposed for Soosiulus after the original generic description. It appears to be included in a complex with eleven other Soosiulus species, all of them sharing a very similar color pattern. Among the members of this putative complex, the aedeagus of S. belterrensis sp. nov. is most similar to those of S. hastatus Young, 1977 and S. ruber Young, 1977, due to the presence of a pair of conspicuous dorsoapical processes. However, in S. hastatus and S. ruber the aedeagus has also a retrorse ventroapical process originated from a lobe; both process and lobe are not present in the new species. In addition, the female sternite VII in S. hastatus and S. ruber is convex posteriorly, whereas it has a distinct median emargination in the new species.(AU)
Animais , Especificidade da Espécie , Hemípteros/classificação , Anatomia Comparada/métodos , BrasilResumo
The morphology of the first zoeal stage of Pilumnus vinaceus is described and compared with the zoea I of Pilumnus all species in the literature. Two ovigerous females of P. vinaceus were maintained in the aquarium facilities until the larvae hatch. The larvae of each ovigerous female were dissected using a stereoscopic microscope. The zoea I of P. vinaceus has common characteristics among the Pilumnidae as: [1] antenna of type 2; [2] maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 setae on the basis and with 3,2,1,2,5 setae in the endopod; [3] maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1+1 setae on the basis and 1,1,6 setae on the endopod; [4] telson with furcal rami armed with dorsal and lateral spines. Considering the species of Pilumnus that occur in the western Atlantic, it becomes possible to identify P. vinaceus zoea I by means of the verification of the following characteristics: [1] pleonites with mediolateral processes; [2] number of setae on the antennule. It is however, important to consider that there is still a great deficit in the knowledge about the morphology of the larval forms of the species assigned to Pilumnus and we argue in favor of new descriptions to build a more robust dataset on zoeal morphology characters and use it in a phylogenetic context on the genus.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Decápodes/anatomia & histologia , Larva/fisiologia , Forma do Núcleo CelularResumo
The holotype of the Neurostigma xanthopterum New, 1980 is here illustrated based on photographs. We also describe and illustrate a previously unknown female individual that is assigned to this species. New records for five localities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, one in the Brazilian state of Acre and another in the Brazilian state of Amapá, are presented. The mouthparts of both sexes are here describe and illustrate. Thirteen types of variation and anomalies in the fore-hindwing veins were found. We found unique patterns in the number and shape of transverse veins in the pterostigma between individuals. We also identified a large variation in the denticles present in the lacinia. Therefore, we suggest these variable characteristics (fore-hindwing veins and lacinia denticles) are not to be used for the diagnosis of species of this genus. A revised diagnosis of N. Xanthopterum is also presented.(AU)
Animais , Processos de Determinação Sexual/fisiologia , Insetos/anatomia & histologia , Insetos/classificação , Brasil , BiodiversidadeResumo
Pesquisas recentes comprovam a eficácia da ozonioterapia no estímulo à cicatrização de feridas em animais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito cicatrizante do óleo de girassol ozonizado na ferida cirúrgica de gatas submetidas a ovariohisterectomia eletiva, em comparação à utilização do soro fisiológico e óleo de girassol puro, com descrição da evolução da cicatrização e a área de retração da ferida nos diferentes grupos experimentais estudados. Para tal, foram estudadas 15 gatas, divididas de forma aleatória em 3 grupos experimentais, sendo cada grupo constituído por 5 animais, dispostos da seguinte forma: Grupo 1 (controle), constituídos de animais que utilizaram apenas solução fisiológica 0,9% para limpeza da ferida cirúrgica; Grupo 2, constituído de animais que utilizaram a solução fisiológica e óleo de girassol puro; e Grupo 3, constituído de animais que utilizaram a solução fisiológica e óleo de girassol ozonizado. Inicialmente todas as gatas foram submetidas ao exame clínico completo, avaliação ultrassonográfica e exames hematológicos como avaliação pré-operatória para ovariohisterectomia eletiva. Durante o período pós-operatório os animais foram acompanhados diariamente, por 7 dias, para observação da ferida cirúrgica, sendo esta avaliada quanto ao seu tamanho, presença de edema, hiperemia, exsudação, granulação e crostas. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que, quanto ao tamanho da ferida, houve maior retração cicatricial no grupo 3 (78%), quando comparado ao grupo 1 (34%) e o grupo 2 (64%). com diferença significativa (p=0,039). Ademais, observou-se redução significativa do edema (p=0,035) e hiperemia (p=0,04) no grupo 3, ao comparar com o grupo 1 e 2, sendo mais evidente no 3° dia de tratamento. O uso do óleo de girassol ozonizado demonstrou ser benéfico ao processo cicatricial, promover rápida reparação da lesão, favorecendo o restabelecimento da estrutura e função dos tecidos.
Recent research confirms the effectiveness of ozonotherapy in stimulating wound healing in animals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the healing effect of ozonated sunflower oil on the surgical wound of cats subjected to elective ovariohysterectomy, in comparison to the use of saline solution and pure sunflower oil, with a description of the evolution of healing and the area of wound retraction in the different experimental groups studied. For this, 15 female cats were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups, each group consisting of 5 animals, arranged as follows: Group 1 (control), consisting of animals that used only 0.9% physiological solution for cleaning of the surgical wound; Group 2, consisting of animals that used the physiological solution and pure sunflower oil; and Group 3, consisting of animals that used the physiological solution and ozonized sunflower oil. Initially all cats were submitted to a complete clinical examination, ultrasonographic evaluation and hematological examinations as a preoperative evaluation for elective ovariohysterectomy. During the postoperative period, the animals were followed daily for 7 days to observe the surgical wound, which was evaluated for its size, presence of edema, hyperemia, exudation, granulation and crusts. The results showed that there was a greater scar retraction in group 3 (78%) when compared to group 1 (34%) and group 2 (64%), with a significant difference (p = 0.039). In addition, there was a significant reduction of edema (p = 0.035) and hyperemia (p = 0.04) in group 3, when compared with group 1 and 2, being more evident on the 3rd day of treatment. The use of ozonized sunflower oil has been shown to be beneficial to the cicatricial process, promoting rapid repair of the lesion, favoring the reestablishment of tissue structure and function.
Investigaciones recientes demuestran la eficacia de la ozonoterapia para estimular la cicatrización de heridas en animales. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto cicatrizante del aceite de girasol ozonizado en la herida quirúrgica de gatas sometidas a ovariohisterectomía electiva, en comparación con el uso de solución salina y aceite puro de girasol, con descripción de la evolución de la cicatrización y el área de Retracción de la herida en los diferentes grupos experimentales estudiados. Para ello, se estudiaron 15 gatos, divididos aleatoriamente en 3 grupos experimentales, cada grupo compuesto por 5 animales, distribuidos de la siguiente manera: Grupo 1 (control), compuesto por animales que utilizaron solo solución salina al 0,9% para la limpieza de la herida quirúrgica; Grupo 2, formado por animales que utilizaron solución salina y aceite puro de girasol; y el Grupo 3, compuesto por animales que utilizaron solución salina y aceite de girasol ozonizado. Inicialmente, todas las gatas se sometieron a un examen clínico completo, ultrasonido y exámenes hematológicos como evaluación preoperatoria para ovariohisterectomía electiva. Durante el postoperatorio, los animales fueron monitoreados diariamente durante 7 días para observar la herida quirúrgica, la cual fue evaluada por su tamaño, presencia de edema, hiperemia, exudación, granulación y costras. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron que, en cuanto al tamaño de la herida, hubo mayor retracción de la cicatriz en el grupo 3 (78%) en comparación con el grupo 1 (34%) y el grupo 2 (64%), con una diferencia significativa (p = 0,039). Además, hubo una reducción significativa del edema (p = 0,035) y la hiperemia (p = 0,04) en el grupo 3, en comparación con los grupos 1 y 2, siendo más evidente en el tercer día de tratamiento. El uso de aceite de girasol ozonizado demostró ser beneficioso para el proceso de curación, promoviendo una rápida reparación de la lesión, favoreciendo la restauración de la estructura y función de los tejidos.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Ozônio/uso terapêutico , Cicatrização , Óleo de Girassol/uso terapêutico , Período Pós-Operatório , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
Several endemic species of Blaps occur in Tunisia, and the species Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis has been reported in Moulares (urban zone in west-central Tunisia), where it lives and reproduces in home gardens and old buildings. The aim of this work is to study the life cycle of the darkling beetle, considering both field and laboratory rearing conditions. As a result, the beetle species has different developmental stages (egg, larva, prepupa, pupa, and adult) that last about 15 months. Each year during the same period, adults emerge (early summer) and expire (late autumn), larvae hatch (late summer) and pupate (early summer). There is only one generation per year. Females began laying eggs in late July. The eggs were ovoid, white, and about 2.7 mm in length and 1.5 mm in width. Embryogenesis took an average of nine days. The first instar larvae were at initially only 4.5 mm long and ivory white in color. A brief description of the newly egg hatched larva was provided; thus, the nerve fibers innervating the apical setae in the antennae and ligula were detected. Further light microscopic examination of the embryo before hatching from the egg pointed out that the antennal sensilla are protected during the embryogenesis stage.
Várias espécies endêmicas de Blaps ocorrem na Tunísia, e a espécie Blaps nefrauensis nefrauensis foi relatada em Moulares (zona urbana no centro-oeste da Tunísia), onde vive e se reproduz em jardins domésticos e prédios antigos. O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o ciclo de vida do besouro escuro, considerando as condições de criação em campo e em laboratório. Como resultado, a espécie de besouro tem diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento (ovo, larva, prepupa, pupa e adulto) que duram cerca de 15 meses. Todos os anos, durante o mesmo período, os adultos emergem (início do verão) e expiram (final do outono), as larvas eclodem (final do verão) e se tornam pupas (início do verão). Existe apenas uma geração por ano. As fêmeas começaram a botar ovos no final de julho. Os ovos eram ovóides, brancos, com cerca de 2,7 mm de comprimento e 1,5 mm de largura. A embriogênese demorou em média nove dias. As larvas de primeiro instar tinham inicialmente apenas 4,5 mm de comprimento e uma cor branca marfim. Foi fornecida uma breve descrição da larva recém-eclodida; assim, as fibras nervosas que inervam as cerdas apicais nas antenas e ligulas foram detectadas. Um exame microscópico de luz posterior do embrião antes da eclosão do ovo mostrou que as sensilas antenais são protegidas durante o estágio de embriogênese.
Animais , Feminino , Besouros , Pupa , Estações do Ano , LarvaResumo
A new species of the genus Lutziella (Rohde, 1966) Yamaguti, 1971 is described here and named Lutziella swatensis sp.nov. from the liver of rat (Rattus rattus L.). The new species is characterized by having body flat, smooth, longer than broad with maximum width at the level of the ovary, oral sucker with weak musculature, pharynx small; eosophagus long; caeca of irregular shape which bifurcate on the anterior border of the ovary in to unequal portions, acetabulum weakly muscular, post-testicular, testes lobed, cirrus pouch somewhat median, small in size containing winding seminal vesicle, prostatic complex and short ejaculatory duct. Genital pore median. Ovary post testicular, submedian; seminal receptacle overlapping ovary, laurer's canal present. Vitellaria follicular extending on each side from almost the level of testes to anterior portion of posterior half of the body. Uterus filled with eggs occupying most of the body, eggs oval rather small, numerous, brownish in colour, excretory vesicle tubular with terminal pore. Lutziella swatensis n. sp. is the second species of the genus known from Pakistan as well as the second species described from murid rodents in the world.
Uma nova espécie do gênero Lutziella (Rohde, 1966) Yamaguti, 1971 é descrita aqui e denominada Lutziella swatensis sp.nov. do fígado do rato (Rattus rattus L.). A nova espécie é caracterizada por ter corpo liso, liso, mais longo que largo com largura máxima ao nível do ovário, otário oral com musculatura débil, faringe pequena; eosôfago longo; ceco de forma irregular que se bifurca na borda anterior do ovário em porções desiguais, acetábulo fracamente muscular, pós-testicular, testículos lobados, bolsa cirrus um pouco mediana, pequeno em tamanho contendo vesícula seminal sinuosa, complexo prostático e ducto ejaculatório curto. Mediana dos poros genitais. Ovário pós testicular, submediano; ovário sobreposto do receptáculo seminal, canal de laurer presente. Vitellaria folicular que se estende de cada lado de quase o nível dos testículos para a porção anterior da metade posterior do corpo. Útero cheio de ovos que ocupam a maior parte do corpo, oval ovos bastante pequenos, numerosos, de cor acastanhada, vesícula excretor tubular com poro terminal. Lutziella swatensis n. sp. é a segunda espécie do gênero conhecida do Paquistão, bem como a segunda espécie descrita de roedores do mundo.
Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Trematódeos , Infecções por Trematódeos , Gastrópodes , Paquistão , Meio AmbienteResumo
Background: Fibrosarcomas are malignant neoplasms of mesenchymal origin and can have different symptoms depending on the species, age, location and etiopathogenesis. Intestinal tumors in domestic cats are common and the small intestine is the most common site; however, fibrosarcomas are rare in the intestine of all animal species. This work reports intestinal fibrosarcoma in 2 domestic cats and aims to clarify and present information concerning this neoplastic type in the gastrointestinal tract of this species. Cases: We report 2 cases of intestinal fibrosarcoma in domestic felines (Felis catus). Cat 1. A 14-year-old female Persian breed, domestic cat, was taken to the Feline Sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Small Animals (HVPA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The main complaint was chronic constipation and rectal prolapse. The clinical examination revealed an ulcerated mass, measuring 4.0 cm x 1.7 cm. Cat 2. A 10-year-old female undefined breed, domestic cat, was taken to the private clinic. The main complaint was diarrhea with bloody and rectal prolapse. The clinical examination revealed nodule measuring 2.5 cm in diameter. The surgical option decided upon was to use the rectal pull-through technique in both animals. The patients had no trans-surgical or postoperative complications. The material collected during the surgical interventions was analyzed macroscopically and fixed in 10% buffered formalin for 24 h and then sent to the Histopathology Laboratory of the Pathological Anatomy Sector (SAP) at UFRRJ for the cat 1 and in private laboratory for the cat 2. After fixation, it was cleaved for routine microscope exam using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) stains and for the histochemical method of Masson's Trichrome staining technique. Complementary immunohistochemistry tests and electron microscopy were also performed. The patients were followed up clinically, showing complete remission of the clinical signs and survival for approximately 1 year after the neoplastic resection. Discussion: There are few reports of intestinal fibrosarcomas in veterinary medicine, therefore, little is known about racial predilection, age, sex or biological behavior. As far as these authors know, this is the 6th and 7th report of this neoplasm with a primary site in the large intestine in this species. The morphological diagnosis of fibrosarcoma is relatively simple, whereas, in some cases the differential diagnosis for tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath, leiomyosarcomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) can be extremely difficult. The immunohistochemistry technique in these cases may not be particularly useful. The fibrosarcoma diagnosis was also confirmed by electron microscopy since no evidence was found that could lead to a neuronal origin, thus excluding tumors such as neurofibrosarcoma and schawnoma, corroborating the immunohistochemical examination. The surgical management of tumor resection with wide safety margins (minimum 2 cm) remains the "gold standard" therapy for dealing with fibrosarcomas since they have a low response rate to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and the use of these therapies as an adjuvant is controversial. The advantages of this technique are related to the surgical time, simplicity, easy access and reduction in the risk of abdominal contamination. Histopathological, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy evaluations were sufficient to enable the diagnosis of an intestinal fibrosarcoma in both cats. The occurrence of this neoplasm with intestinal involvement in the feline species is rare; therefore, this description is important as it provides information about epidemiology, associated signs, differential diagnoses, biological behavior, treatment and prognosis.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Margens de Excisão , Neoplasias Intestinais/veterinária , Intestinos/cirurgia , Mesoderma/patologiaResumo
Background: Bee sting poisonings are common in dogs, and toxic systemic presentation may represent a life-threatening condition. Apis mellifera venom is a complex mixture of melitin, apamine, phospholipase, hyaluronidase and degranulating peptides, that causes local injury at the site of inoculation and multiple organ complications, including hemolysis, kidney injury, muscular damage, cardiovascular and respiratory complications. The present work reports a complete and detailed description of a dog's systemic toxic reaction to bee stings, including history, clinical signs, laboratory findings, emergency care and development, as well as possible association with later immunomediated arthritis. Case: A 6-year-old female German Shepperd suffered multiple bee stings. First care was conducted by a veterinary at the site, where he only received promethazine, meloxicam and dexamethasone. After 24 h and significant progression of symptoms, the animal was forwarded to a specialized veterinary hospital. The patient was evaluated throughout 9 days, and presented intense edema, respiratory distress, tongue necrosis and grade II of acute kidney injury. Extensive laboratory exams were conducted throughout the hospitalization. Main laboratory findings included polycythemia, leukocytosis by neutrophilia and monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and azotemia. Urinalysis evidenced turbid aspect, dark yellow color and intense proteinuria, reinforcing kidney damage. Abdominal ultrasound examination identified blood clots in the bladder, and liver with reduced echogenicity and echotexture, suggesting acute inflammation. Therapy aimed to stabilize the patient, control kidney damage and avoid anaphylaxis. Treatment included intensive care support, promethazine, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, dipyrone, methadone, metronidazole, ampicillin, clindamycin and tramadol. Following successful treatment, the animal presented immunomediated polyarthritis, possibly associated to both the poisoning and later diagnosed hemoparasitosis (both Erlichia and Babesia). Discussion: Massive bee attacks can cause severe complications, however, data regarding emergency care records are scarce. Based on clinical signs and laboratory findings, the patient presented toxic systemic reaction, including grade II of acute kidney injury and significant cardiorespiratory distress. Another important complication was tongue necrosis, that demanded attention and special supportive care, including feeding tube and specific feed. Treatment also focused in reducing edema and control possible anaphylaxis, providing analgesia and antibiotic therapy. Laboratory findings have been previously described, with evidence of immune-mediated reaction. Follow-up consultations revealed normal parameters, and an unusual presentation of claudication. Investigation concluded that polyarthritis could be responsible for such finding and may be a result of the deposition of immunomediated complexes in the joints, due in this case to the bee poisoning and later positive diagnosis for both Erlichia and Babesia. Systemic reactions to bee stings are complex, and full clinical and laboratory profile aid in both the prognosis and treatment options. Special attention must be given to tongue damage and supportive care is essential for maintaining feeding conditions. Arthritis should be considered as possible complication, reinforcing the importance of follow-up consultations.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Língua/lesões , Venenos de Abelha/toxicidade , Mordeduras e Picadas/complicações , Hipersensibilidade Imediata/veterinária , Fosfolipases A2/análise , Meliteno/toxicidadeResumo
A new genus of Hypopopomatinae armored catfish is described from the northern portions of South America, namely the Amazon, Orinoco and Guianan coastal drainages. The new genus is diagnosed from all remaining hypoptopomatines by having the canal cheek plate on the ventral surface of the head posteriorly elongated and contacting the cleithrum, in addition to other features that distinguish the new genus from specific genera. Five new species are described and 18 species currently allocated in Parotocinclus, Hisonotus, and Curculionichthys are transferred to the new genus and rediagnosed. Parotocinclus amazonensis and P. aripuanensis are considered junior synonyms of P. britskii. The secondary sexual dimorphism of the members of the new genus is detailed and illustrated. Morphological characters are used to delimit four phenotypic groups of species that might have phylogenetic significance, which still have to be properly tested. A key to the species is offered and diagnoses, illustrations, and distribution maps are provided for all species.(AU)
Um novo gênero de cascudo da subfamília Hypopopomatinae é descrito das porções do norte da América do Sul, a saber, as drenagens costeiras da Amazônia, Orinoco e Guiana. O novo gênero é diagnosticado de todos os demais hypoptopomatineos por possuir a placa com canal da bochecha na superfície ventral da cabeça, alongada posteriormente e em contato com o cleitro, além de outras características que distinguem o novo gênero de gêneros específicos. Cinco novas espécies são descritas e 18 espécies atualmente alocadas em Parotocinclus, Hisonotus e Curculionichthys são transferidas para o novo gênero e rediagnosticadas. Parotocinclus amazonensis e P. aripuanensis são considerados sinônimos juniores de P. britskii. O dimorfismo sexual secundário dos membros do novo gênero é detalhado e ilustrado. Caracteres morfológicos são usados para delimitar quatro grupos fenotípicos de espécies que podem ter significado filogenético, que ainda precisam ser devidamente testados. Uma chave para as espécies é apresentada e diagnoses, ilustrações e mapas de distribuição são fornecidos para todas as espécies.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Filogenia , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Distribuição Animal/fisiologia , Brasil , Caracteres Sexuais , Variação Anatômica/genéticaResumo
We aimed to evaluate the inclusion of expeller soybean meal on the quality and milk production of Holstein cows, as well to estimate and compare the inherent parameters of the in vitro ruminal kinetics. Data collection was carried out on a private property, in the interior of the municipality of Dois Vizinhos - Paraná, Brazil. Twenty Holstein cows were used, divided into two treatments: one with the inclusion of expeller soybean meal and the other with conventional soybean meal. The design used was completely randomized with parity. Milk production was evaluated through weighing. Milk samples were collected on days 0, 15, 30 and 45 to evaluate the milk protein, fat, urea nitrogen, lactose and total solids. The In vitro ruminal kinetics of convencional and expeller soybean meal was performed at the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Paraná, Dois Vizinhos. The gas pressure and volume measures were taken after 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48 and 72 hours of sample incubation. The results obtained were applied in a two-compartmental mathematical model with no latency time in the first compartment for description of ruminal kinetics. Data were analyzed by variance (ANOVA) and compared by the F test. There was no significant difference in any of the variables evaluated from mil production and quality when soybean meal expeller was included in the animals' diet (P>0.05). The expeller soybean meal showed a lower degradation compared to the conventional meal. There were no significant differences for milk production as for concentration of solids in milk.
O objetivo foi avaliar a inclusão do farelo de soja expeller na qualidade e produção do leite de vacas holandesas, assim como estimar e comparar os parâmetros inerentes a cinética ruminal in vitro do farelo de soja convencional e expeller. A coleta de dados a campo foi realizada em propriedade particular, no interior do município de Dois Vizinhos - Paraná, Brasil. Foram utilizadas 20 vacas holandesas, divididas em dois tratamentos: um com inclusão de farelo de soja expeller e o outro com farelo de soja convencional. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com paridade. Foi avaliada a produção do leite através de pesagem diária. Amostras de leite foram coletadas nos dias 0, 15 e 30 para determinação de proteína, gordura, nitrogênio ureico, lactose e sólidos totais. cinética ruminal in vitro do farelo de soja convencional e farelo de soja expeller foi realizada na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, campus Dois Vizinhos. As leituras de pressão e volume foram realizadas após 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48 e 72 horas de incubação. Os resultados obtidos foram aplicados em modelo matemático bicompartimental sem latência no primeiro compartimento para descrição da cinética ruminal. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e comparados pelo Teste F. Quanto a produção e qualidade do leite, não houve diferenças significativa para as variáveis avaliadas quando incluído o farelo de soja expeller na dieta dos animais (P>0,05). O farelo de soja expeller apresentou uma degradação inferior comparada ao farelo convencional. Não houve diferenças significativas para a produção de leite como para a concentração de sólidos no leite.