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Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 327-333, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435429


A restrição intrauterina de crescimento (RIUC) é a condição na qual o feto não expressa o seu potencial de crescimento de acordo com a idade gestacional. Tal condição ocorre naturalmente na espécie suína, no entanto apresenta forma muito severa, trazendo sérios prejuízos à cadeia suinícola. Os efeitos deletérios da RIUC sobre parâmetros zootécnicos estão bem estabelecidos. No entanto, o conhecimento de tais efeitos sobre parâmetros reprodutivos em machos e fêmeas ainda é limitado. Portanto, a presente revisão tem por objetivo compilar os estudos sobre efeitos da RIUC em parâmetros reprodutivos em machos e fêmeas, bem como intervenções propostas para a diminuição da incidência da condição e de seus efeitos. Achados nesse assunto fornecerão informações valiosas acerca da morfofisiologia reprodutiva de suínos RIUC, estabelecendo estratégias para minimizar as perdas econômicas para o sistema de produção.(AU)

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the condition in which the fetus does not express its growth potential according to the gestational age. This condition naturally occurs in the swine species. However, it is very severe and can cause serious losses to the swine production chain. The deleterious effects of IUGR on zootechnical parameters are well established. However, the knowledge of such effects on reproductive parameters in males and females is still limited. Therefore, the present review aims to compile the studies on the effects of IUGR on reproductive parameters in males and females, as well as proposed interventions to decrease the incidence of the condition and its effects. Findings on this issue will provide valuable information about the reproductive morphophysiology of IUGR pigs, establishing strategies to minimize economic losses to the production system.(AU)

Animais , Testes de Função Placentária/veterinária , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Reprodução/fisiologia
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 33(1): 128-144, jan.-mar. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434523


O aborto é caracterizado como a expulsão do feto sem viabilidade para fora do ambiente uterino da progenitora durante o período que vai do 42° dia a o 260° dia. São descritos diversos fatores infecciosos e não infecciosos como etiologia para o aborto. Dentre os infecciosos, destacam-se as infecções por bactérias, vírus, protozoários e fungos. Enquanto as causas não infecciosas englobam falhas de manejo nutricional, intoxicações e medicamentos que ocasionalmente podem levar à morte fetal. Essa mortalidade fetal é causa importante de perdas reprodutivas na cadeia produtiva de animais domésticos, especialmente bovinos e bubalinos. Ambas as espécies participam da produtividade econômica no Brasil e compartilham de diversas doenças que são causas de aborto. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta revisão foi reunir e discorrer sobre as principais informações concernentes às possíveis etiologias do aborto, sejam elas de origem infecciosa ou não infecciosas nas espécies bovinas e bubalinas no Brasil.

Abortion is characterized as the expulsion of the non-viable fetus outside the mother's uterine environment during the period between the 42nd day to the 260th day. Several infectious and non-infectious factors are described as etiology for miscarriage. Among the infectious, infections by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi stand out, while non-infectious causes include failures in nutritional management, poisoning, and medications that occasionally can lead to fetal death. This fetal mortality is an important cause of reproductive losses in the production chain of domestic animals, especially cattle and buffaloes. Both species participate in economic productivity in Brazil and share several diseases that are causes of abortion. In this context, this review aimed to gather and discuss the main information concerning the possible etiologies of abortion, whether of infectious or non-infectious origin in bovine and buffalo species in Brazil.

Animais , Bovinos , Brucella/patogenicidade , Búfalos/anormalidades , Doenças dos Bovinos , Neospora/patogenicidade , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Morte Fetal/etiologia
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 199-225, jan.-jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443227


O aborto infectocontagioso em éguas é um tema de grande relevância e interesse para os médicos veterinários e criadores de equinos. Além dos impactos econômicos decorrentes de perdas e redução das taxas reprodutivas, os surtos de abortos causados por doenças infectocontagiosas representam uma ameaça significativa para a saúde equina. Neste trabalho, realizamos uma revisão bibliográfica abrangente sobre as principais doenças que causam abortos infecciosos em éguas. Nosso objetivo é fornecer uma visão geral das patologias mais relevantes nesse contexto, abordando suas características clínicas, epidemiologia, diagnóstico e medidas de controle. Para isso, realizamos uma busca em bancos de dados renomados, como o PubMed e o Scopus, por artigos científicos relevantes publicados nos últimos dez anos. As informações selecionadas foram cuidadosamente analisadas, comparadas e sintetizadas, com o intuito de identificar as principais doenças e suas implicações na saúde reprodutiva das éguas. Esta revisão pretende auxiliar veterinários, pesquisadores e profissionais da área a compreenderem melhor essas doenças e desenvolverem estratégias eficazes de prevenção e controle.(AU)

El aborto infeccioso en yeguas es un tema de gran relevancia e interés para veterinarios y criadores de equinos. Además de las repercusiones económicas derivadas de las pérdidas y la reducción de las tasas reproductivas, los brotes de aborto causados por enfermedades infecciosas representan una importante amenaza para la salud equina. En este artículo, realizamos una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura sobre las principales enfermedades que causan abortos infecciosos en yeguas. Nuestro objetivo es ofrecer una visión general de las patologías más relevantes en este contexto, abordando sus características clínicas, epidemiología, diagnóstico y medidas de control. Para ello, buscamos en bases de datos de renombre como PubMed y Scopus artículos científicos relevantes publicados en los últimos diez años. La información seleccionada fue cuidadosamente analizada, comparada y sintetizada con el fin de identificar las principales enfermedades y sus implicaciones en la salud reproductiva de las yeguas. El objetivo de esta revisión es ayudar a veterinarios, investigadores y profesionales del sector a comprender mejor estas enfermedades y desarrollar estrategias eficaces de prevención y control.(AU)

Infectious abortion in mares is a topic of great relevance and interest for veterinarians and equine breeders. In addition to economic impacts from losses and reduced reproductive rates, abortion outbreaks caused by infectious diseases represent a significant threat to equine health. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive literature review on the major diseases that cause infectious abortions in mares. Our goal is to provide an overview of the most relevant pathologies in this context, addressing their clinical features, epidemiology, diagnosis, and control measures. To this end, we searched renowned databases such as PubMed and Scopus for relevant scientific articles published in the last ten years. The selected information was carefully analyzed, compared and synthesized in order to identify the main diseases and their implications in the reproductive health of mares. This review aims to assist veterinarians, researchers, and professionals in the field to better understand these diseases and develop effective prevention and control strategies.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Doenças Transmissíveis/patologia , Aborto Animal/diagnóstico , Cavalos/embriologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06808, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487700


Causes of abortion, stillbirth, and perinatal mortality in horses were investigated in the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) from 2000 to 2015. In this period, 107 cases were analyzed using macroscopic, microscopic, and complementary tests. Of these, 77 were aborted fetuses, 16 were stillbirths, and 14 were perinatal deaths. Conclusive diagnosis was established in 42.8% of the fetuses analyzed, with 28.6% classified as infectious origin, 9.1% as non-infectious, and 5.1% as other. Bacterial infections, especially those related to Streptococcus spp. were the most frequently observed. In stillborn foals, diagnosis was established in 62.5% of cases, and 50% of these were related to non-infectious causes, such as dystocia and birth traumas. As for perinatal mortality, a conclusive diagnosis was reached in 78.57% of cases, and infectious causes associated with bacterial infections accounted for 64.1% of these diagnoses.

Causas de aborto, natimortalidade e mortalidade perinatal em equinos foram investigadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) durante o período de 2000 a 2015. Nesse período, foram analisados 107 casos através de exames macroscópico, microscópico e exames complementares, desses 77 correspondiam a fetos abortados, 16 natimortos e 14 mortes perinatais. Diagnóstico conclusivo foi estabelecido em 42,8% dos fetos analisados e classificados como origem infecciosa em 28,6% dos casos, não infecciosa com 9,1% e outros com 5,1% dos casos. As infecções bacterianas, em especial as relacionadas a Streptococcus spp. foram as mais frequentemente observadas. Em potros natimortos, diagnostico foi estabelecido em 62,5% dos casos, e destes, 50% foram relacionados a causas não infecciosas, como distocia e traumas durante o parto. Quanto a mortalidade perinatal, em 78,57% dos casos houve um diagnostico conclusivo, e as causas infecciosas associadas a infecções bacterianas corresponderam a 64,1% desses diagnósticos.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Cavalos , Mortalidade Fetal , Mortalidade Perinatal , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Distocia/veterinária , Doenças Fetais/veterinária , Infecções Estreptocócicas/veterinária , Streptococcus
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06808, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360624


Causes of abortion, stillbirth, and perinatal mortality in horses were investigated in the Department of Veterinary Pathology of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) from 2000 to 2015. In this period, 107 cases were analyzed using macroscopic, microscopic, and complementary tests. Of these, 77 were aborted fetuses, 16 were stillbirths, and 14 were perinatal deaths. Conclusive diagnosis was established in 42.8% of the fetuses analyzed, with 28.6% classified as infectious origin, 9.1% as non-infectious, and 5.1% as other. Bacterial infections, especially those related to Streptococcus spp. were the most frequently observed. In stillborn foals, diagnosis was established in 62.5% of cases, and 50% of these were related to non-infectious causes, such as dystocia and birth traumas. As for perinatal mortality, a conclusive diagnosis was reached in 78.57% of cases, and infectious causes associated with bacterial infections accounted for 64.1% of these diagnoses.(AU)

Causas de aborto, natimortalidade e mortalidade perinatal em equinos foram investigadas no Setor de Patologia Veterinária da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (SPV-UFRGS) durante o período de 2000 a 2015. Nesse período, foram analisados 107 casos através de exames macroscópico, microscópico e exames complementares, desses 77 correspondiam a fetos abortados, 16 natimortos e 14 mortes perinatais. Diagnóstico conclusivo foi estabelecido em 42,8% dos fetos analisados e classificados como origem infecciosa em 28,6% dos casos, não infecciosa com 9,1% e outros com 5,1% dos casos. As infecções bacterianas, em especial as relacionadas a Streptococcus spp. foram as mais frequentemente observadas. Em potros natimortos, diagnostico foi estabelecido em 62,5% dos casos, e destes, 50% foram relacionados a causas não infecciosas, como distocia e traumas durante o parto. Quanto a mortalidade perinatal, em 78,57% dos casos houve um diagnostico conclusivo, e as causas infecciosas associadas a infecções bacterianas corresponderam a 64,1% desses diagnósticos.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Mortalidade Fetal , Mortalidade Perinatal , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Cavalos , Infecções Estreptocócicas/veterinária , Streptococcus , Distocia/veterinária , Doenças Fetais/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e257884, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384052


Buffalo is one of the leading milk-producing dairy animals. Its production and reproduction are affected due to some factors including inadequate monitoring around parturition, which cause economic losses like delayed birth process, increased risk of stillbirth, etc. The appropriate calving monitoring is essential for dairy herd management. Therefore, we designed a study its aim was, to predict the calving based on automated machine measured prepartum behaviors in buffaloes. The data were collected from n=40 pregnant buffaloes of 2nd to 5th parity, which was synchronized. The NEDAP neck and leg logger tag was attached to each buffalo at 30 days before calving and automatically collected feeding, rumination, lying, standing, no. of steps, no. of switches from standing to lying (lying bouts) and total motion activity. All behavioral data were reduced to -10 days before the calving date for statistical analysis to use mixed model procedure and ANOVA. Results showed that feeding and rumination time significantly (P<0.05) decreased from -10 to -1 days before calving indicating calving prediction. Moreover, Rumination time was at lowest (P<0.001) value at 2h before the calving such behavioral changes may be useful to predict calving in buffaloes. Similarly, lying bouts and standing time abruptly decreased (P<0.05) from -3 to -1 days before calving, while lying time abruptly increased (P<0.01) from -3 to -1 days before calving (531.57±23.65 to 665.62±18.14, respectively). No. of steps taken and total motion significantly (P<0.05) increased from -10 to -1 days before calving. Feeding time was significantly (P<0.02) lowered in 3rd parity buffaloes compared with 2nd, 4th and 5th parity buffaloes, while standing time of 5th parity buffaloes were lowered (P<0.05) as compared to 2nd to 4th parity buffalos at -1 day of prepartum. However, rumination, lying, no. of steps taken and total motion activity at -1 day of prepartum was independent (P>0.05) of parity in buffaloes. Neural network analysis for combined variables from NEDAP technology at the daily level yielded 100.0% sensitivity and 98% specificity. In conclusion NEDAP technology can be used to measured behavioral changes -10 day before calving as it can serve as a useful guide in the prediction calving date in the buffaloes.(AU)

O búfalo é um dos principais animais produtores de leite. Sua produção e sua reprodução são afetadas por causa de alguns fatores, incluindo o monitoramento inadequado ao redor do parto, que causam perdas econômicas, como atraso no processo de parto, aumento do risco de natimorto, etc. O monitoramento adequado do parto é essencial para o manejo do rebanho leiteiro. Portanto, projetamos um estudo cujo objetivo foi prever o parto com base em comportamentos pré-parto medidos por máquina automatizada em búfalas. Os dados foram coletados de 40 búfalas prenhes de 2ª a 5ª paridade, que foi sincronizada. A etiqueta NEDAP de pescoço e perna foi fixada em cada búfala 30 dias antes do parto e coletava dados, automaticamente, durante a alimentação e a ruminação, em posição deitada e em pé, além do número de passos, número de mudanças de pé para deitado (período deitado) e atividade de movimento total. Todos os dados comportamentais foram reduzidos para -10 dias antes da data do parto para análise estatística usando o procedimento de modelo misto e ANOVA. Os resultados mostraram que o tempo de alimentação e de ruminação diminuiu significativamente (P<0,05) de -10 dias para -1 dia antes do parto, indicando a previsão de parto. Além disso, o tempo de ruminação apresentou seu menor valor (P<0,001) 2 horas antes do parto, e tais mudanças comportamentais podem ser úteis para predizer o parto em búfalas. Da mesma forma, o período deitado e o tempo em pé diminuíram abruptamente (P<0,05) de -3 dias para -1 dia antes do parto, enquanto o tempo deitado aumentou abruptamente (P<0,01) de -3 dias para -1 dia antes do parto (531,57 ± 23,65 para 665,62± 18,14, respectivamente). O número de passos dados e o movimento total aumentaram significativamente (P<0,05) de -10 para -1 dias antes do parto. O tempo de alimentação foi significativamente (P<0,02) reduzido em búfalas de 3ª paridade em comparação com búfalas de 2ª, 4ª e 5ª paridade, enquanto o tempo de espera de búfalas de 5ª paridade foi reduzido (P<0,05) em comparação com búfalas de 2ª a 4ª paridade em -1 dia antes do parto. No entanto, ruminação, posição deitada, número de passos dados e atividade de movimento total em -1 dia antes do parto foram independentes (P>0,05) da paridade em búfalas. A análise de rede neural para variáveis ​​combinadas da tecnologia NEDAP no nível diário produziu 100% de sensibilidade e 98% de especificidade. Em conclusão, a tecnologia NEDAP pode ser usada para medir mudanças comportamentais -10 dias antes do parto, pois pode servir como um guia útil para prever a data do parto em búfalas.(AU)

Animais , Reprodução , Tecnologia , Búfalos , Parto , Monitorização Fetal/instrumentação
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1896, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414943


Background: Hormonal and physiological changes during pregnancy period have significant effects on animals' metabolisms. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the variations of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels according to different gestation trimesters of the pregnant mares to assess changes of embryonic losses and abortions. Materials, Methods & Results: Blood samples from 49 thoroughbred mares were analyzed during this study. Age ratio of the mares is 5-18 years and their body condition score (BCS; score 1 to 9) varies between 5 and 6. A total of 28 mares had given birth to healthy foals at the end of a healthy gestation period (Group C), whereas 11 mares had embryonic losses (Group E) and 10 mares had late period abortions (Group A). Following the confirmation of pregnancy, one blood sample per gestation trimester were taken (14-16 days of pregnancy for 1st trimester; 180 days for 2nd trimester, 270 days for 3rd trimester). Early embryonic losses (loss of a 16-25 days embryo) were observed in 6 of 11 mares in Group E and the 5 of 11 mares had late period embryonic losses (loss of a 35-40 days embryo). In Group A, 6 mares had the abortion within 7th month and the remaining 4 mares had the abortion within the 8th month of pregnancy. Repeated Measures ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test were performed for statistical analysis, the mean AST level in Group C (n = 28) was higher during the 1st trimester in comparison to 2 following trimesters (respectively: P = 0.011 ; P = 0.01). Besides, no statistical difference was observed between 2nd and 3rd trimester regarding AST activation (P > 0.05). The mean GGT level in Group C was significantly decreased lower in the 3rd trimester compared to 1st and 2nd trimester (respectively: P = 0.007 ; P = 0.009). No statistical difference was observed between 2nd and 3rd trimester regarding GGT activation (P > 0.05). Among all groups (C, E, A) no significant difference was observed on AST levels (P > 0.05), nonetheless GGT levels had a significant rise (P = 0.039) in Group A in comparison to the 1st trimester levels of Group C. In Group A, there was a statistical decrease of AST during the 2nd trimester in comparison to the 1st trimester (P = 0.001), accompanied by a decrease of GGT activation during the 2nd trimester compared to the 1st trimester (P = 0.009). Discussion: The aminotransferases are catalisors that play an important role on the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates. Although serum AST levels were within the reference ranges during 3 trimesters in this study, serum AST levels were determined to be decreased in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters in healthy pregnant mares compared to the 1st trimester. It is thought that these results can be obtained due to the increase in metabolic needs during pregnancy. In this study, serum GGT levels remained within physiological limits with a tendency to decrease as the pregnancy advances, in accordance with previous study results. Serum GGT levels that are used as an indicator to liver damage may vary during the pregnancy as a result of increased metabolic load. It is thought that the increase of serum GGT levels in Group A might be related to the fetal (chromosome-related) issues that may result to pregnancy losses. As a result, it is considered that serum AST and GGT levels in mares might be valuable parameters that predict embryonic loss or abortus cases.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Aspartato Aminotransferases/análise , Prenhez/fisiologia , Aborto Animal/fisiopatologia , Enzimas/análise , gama-Glutamiltransferase/análise , Cavalos/sangue
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1898, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414959


Background: Blue tongue (BT) is a noncontagious viral disease transmitted by hematophagous arthropods, especially of the genus Culicoides. The economic impact of the disease is related not only to deaths in sheep herds but also to the possible correlation of virus infection with the development of other diseases, such as pneumonia, abortion and movement problems. The economic losses caused by Blue Tongue are linked to restrictions on the import and export of animals and their genetic material and to the reproductive disorders associated with this disease. In addition, the fact that cattle take the role of reservoir, combined with the care by other countries with outbreaks of infection and biological contamination of their products, hinders trade in Mercosul, United States and Europe. Cattle are affected by Blue Tongue Virus in endemic areas and in some epidemic areas, but the development of clinical disease is rare. The clinical signs, when evident, range from reproductive losses, such as embryonic death, abortion, fetal malformation, temporary sterility, infertility in bulls, stillbirths and the birth of weak animals. The objective of this study was to determine the epidemiological aspects of Blue Tongue Virus (BTV) infection in dairy cattle in the Lavras region, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the frequency of cattle and herds seropositive for Blue Tongue in the southern region of Minas Gerais. In this study, 54 dairy farms were visited. A total of 586 serum samples were collected from cows of reproductive age. Sampling was random, and serum samples were collected from lactating cows over 24 months of age by puncture of the jugular vein and/or coccidian vein. The samples were transported and stored at the Setor de Patologia Veterinária, at the Universidade Federal de Lavras (SPV-UFLA), where they were centrifuged, and the serum aliquots were obtained, transferred to microtubes and kept at -20°C until the serological tests were performed. The samples were tested with the agarose gel immunodiffusion test (AGID) for anti-blue tongue virus antibodies. The AGID test is more practical and is the main method used to identify Blue Tongue Virus seroprevalence in different ruminant species. They are considered important tools for epidemiological surveillance of the disease. A prevalence of 83.28% was observed among animals that were seropositive for Blue Tongue Virus (488/586; IC 95% = 80.0 - 86.21). In addition, 100% (54/54; IC 95% = 93.4 - 100.0) of the farms had at least 1 positive animal, with rates ranging from 45.45% to 100% within the herds and where 22.22% of the farms had rates of 100% of the animals being positive. Discussion: Blue Tongue is a disease known to affect domestic and wild ruminants in Brazil. However, there is a lack of more precise information about its epidemiology and occurrence in the country and of joint efforts of researchers, producers and the government to understand in detail both the biology of vectors and the viral biology of Blue Tongue Virus in Brazil. This is the first record of detection of anti-blue tongue virus antibodies in cattle in the southern region of Minas Gerais. The results suggest that Blue Tongue Virus is present in cattle in the study area.

Animais , Bovinos , Reoviridae/isolamento & purificação , Orbivirus/isolamento & purificação , Bluetongue/epidemiologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Imunodifusão/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: 1870, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369715


Background: This study aimed to determine the effects of environmental temperature on the number and quality of oocytes and embryo production rates obtained by performing ovum pick up (OPU). Heat stress leads to long-term, short-term, visible, and invisible effects in dairy cows. Its effects on reproduction are evident in all stages, from oocyte development to birth. Disturbance in ovarian follicle development, follicular dominance deficiency, anoestrus, polyspermia, embryonic losses, decreased fetal growth, and abortion are some examples of responses to these effects. The aim of the present study was aimed to determine the effects of ambient temperature on oocyte quality and number and embryo production rates. Materials, Methods & Results: The animal material used in this study comprised 10 Holstein heifers. At the beginning of the study, the heifers were 13-15 months old. OPU was performed at different times of the year, and weather conditions were recorded. Grouping according to ambient temperature was done as < 10°C (group 1), 10-25°C (group 2), and > 25°C (group 3). The veterinary ultrasonography device and a set of compatible intravaginal OPU probe, catheter, and aspiration device were used for OPU application. All antral follicles with diameters of 2-8 mm in the ovaries were aspirated. The aspirated follicle fluids were examined under a stereo microscope, and the cumulus-oocyte complexes (COC) were collected and classified according to their structure. A, B, and C-quality oocytes were included in the in vitro embryo production process. After performing 69 OPUs on random days of the cycle, the number of oocytes per OPU was found to be 8.72, 6.32, and 6.85 in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively (P < 0.05). The number of viable oocytes per OPU was 6.83, 4.64, and 4.65 in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively (P < 0.05). The statistical difference between the first group and the other groups was significant for cleavage and blastocyst counts (P < 0.05). Discussion: All the negative effects of heat stress on animals resulted from the increased body temperature. Reproductive performance is adversely affected by high temperatures and humidity during periods of high ambient temperatures. Metabolic heat is released, and the heat load increases due to the metabolism of nutrients in cattle. Internal body temperature is regulated via the dissipation of metabolic heat to the environment. The amount of heat dissipated via conduction and convection depends on the unit body weight, surface area, skin and coat color, difference in temperature gradient of the animal and ambient temperature, and humidity. In the present study, it was determined that the blastocyst development rates of the oocytes obtained in the warm season (>25°C [group 3]) were lower than those of the other groups. It was concluded that this may be because the oocytes developed under chronic heat stress in the animals, and several cycles were required to enhance oocyte quality and developmental potential. Additional studies are needed to investigate the response of oocytes obtained with OPU to heat stress during embryonic developmental stages and to determine the sensitivity and effects of embryonic tissue damage according to developmental stages. Based on the results of the present study, it was concluded that performing OPU and in vitro embryo production (IVEP) when the ambient temperature is close to the thermoneutral limits may increase the blastocyst development rates.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Oócitos , Blastômeros , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Embrião de Mamíferos , Hipertermia/veterinária , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(3): 757-761, May-June 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278364


Neste estudo, 308 amostras de fetos mumificados foram testadas para parvovírus suíno (PPV), circovírus suíno tipos 2 e 3 (PCV2 e PCV3) e leptospiras patogênicas. A idade gestacional no momento da perda gestacional e a frequência da mumificação fetal de acordo com a ordem de parto também foram investigadas. As amostras foram coletadas em granjas comerciais de criação de suínos da região sul do Brasil que apresentassem taxas de mumificação fetal igual ou maiores a 2,5%. Fragmentos de pulmão, rim, fígado e coração de fetos suínos mumificados foram coletados para análise molecular. Resultados da PCR foram classificados de acordo com a região de origem das amostras, tendo Santa Catarina, Paraná e Rio Grande do Sul contabilizado 87 (28,25%), 89 (28,90%) e 132 (42,86%) do total de amostras de fetos suínos mumificados, respectivamente. Coinfecções foram observadas na maioria dos casos e PCV3 foi o agente mais prevalente detectado, encontrado em 298 amostras (96,75%). A maioria das perdas gestacionais foi observada entre 50 e 70 dias de gestação (168; 54,5%) e a mumificação fetal não foi associada à ordem de parto das matrizes. Os achados sugerem que as altas taxas de fetos suínos mumificados na região Sul do Brasil podem ser explicadas pela infecção com esses agentes virais.(AU)

Animais , Gravidez , Suínos , Infecções por Circoviridae/epidemiologia , Infecções por Parvoviridae/epidemiologia , Morte Fetal/etiologia , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Circoviridae/isolamento & purificação , Parvovirus Suíno/isolamento & purificação , Coinfecção/veterinária , Leptospira/isolamento & purificação
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 681, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363154


Background: Anal atresia is a congenital malformation, which often affects calves, and is related to the imperforation of the membrane that separates the endoderm of the posterior intestine from the ectodermal anal membrane. It is commonly associated with other congenital malformations and skeletal anomalies. The clinical signs generally appear in the first days of the animal's life, due to a retention of feces. The diagnosis is clinical and is based on observation, anamnesis and a physical examination of the animal. The only viable treatment is surgical. This paper aims to report 6 cases of anal atresia in bovine calves, 4 males and 2 females that were successfully treated surgically. Cases: This work reports 6 cases of anal atresia in 4 male calves and 2 female calves. Three presented total atresia (type II), one partial (type I) and in both female calves, anal atresia and rectovaginal fistula (type IV) were observed. The animals were all of undefined race. Five of the cases were from northern Tocantins, 4 males and 1 female (anal atresia with rectovaginal fistula), and 1 female (anal atresia with rectovaginal fistula) was from Valença, RJ. All animals were born active, by eutocic/natural birth, and assumed a quadrupedal position followed by the first feeding as normal. They were aged between 2 days and 6 months, and had a clinical history of abdominal distention and difficulty or inability defecating, and the females both also had a rectovaginal fistula, all cases compatible with anal atresia. Based on the patient's history and clinical examination, surgical treatment for anal reconstruction was decided upon. Postoperative treatment consisted of enrofloxacin [2.5 mg/kg - intramuscularly (IM), once daily (SID), for 5 days] and fluxinin meglumine [1.1 mg/kg - IM, SID, for 3 days] ; as well as a healing ointment which was applied to the area of the surgical wound, every 12 h, for 7 days. There were no trans-surgical complications. The animals showed progressive recovery after anal reconstruction and the stitches were removed in all cases on the 10th postoperative day, with no postoperative complications and no recurrence of any clinical signs from that moment on. Discussion: The study of congenital and hereditary changes enables the identification of their origins, can help prevent new cases and, some of them, are open to economically viable treatment and/or correction that can improve the well-being of the animal and prevent economic losses due to death or animal sacrifice, as reported in the present study. Anal atresia is the most common congenital defect of the lower gastrointestinal tract in calves, being an isolated abnormality, or associated with other malformations, especially of the distal spinal column such as the absence of a tail (perosomus acaudatus), as one of the animals in this study. The clinical signs and physical examination are sufficient to establish the diagnosis, as demonstrated in this report, which is usually made in newborn animals, due to the lack or difficulty in defecation associated with no anal orifice and/or swelling in the perineal region. The treatment of choice for anal atresia is surgical, in order to construct an anal neo-orifice and thus avoid endotoxemic shock as well as providing relief and well-being for the animals. As observed in this study, when anal atresia is diagnosed early, and surgical treatment is properly instituted, the prognosis is favorable. The surgery is considered of low complexity, quick and it can be carried out in the field. Thus, from a commercial point of view, considering the costs of the procedures and the value of the calf at the end of weaning, such treatments are beneficial to the owners. In addition, the surgical treatment is essential for animal health and welfare in cases of anal atresia.

Animais , Bovinos , Anus Imperfurado/cirurgia , Anus Imperfurado/veterinária , Cauda/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1829, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363745


Progesterone (P4) is essential for embryonic development and maintenance of pregnancy when deficiency causes early embryonic loss. In this study, we investigated the ability of hormonal supplementation to improve the fertility of Nellore females subjected to fixed-time artificial insemination (IATF) protocols. Here, we evaluated the effect of long-acting injectable progesterone (iP4) supplementation in the D4 after IATF on pregnancy rate and pregnancy loss in Nellore females (Bos taurus indicus) from different reproductive categories in Western Amazonia. Eight hundred thirteen Nellore females from 5 farms were selected and distributed into 2 groups: control [GC; administration of 0.5 mL of 0.9% saline solution, intramuscularly - IM] (n = 407) and a group that received injectable progesterone (iP4) that was long-acting [GiP4; administration of 0.5 mL of iP4, 300 mg, via IM four days after IATF] (n = 406). Each group contained 3 subgroups: heifers, primiparous cows, and multiparous cows. Of the 407 animals in the CG, 103 were heifers, 107 primiparous, and 197 multiparous. Of the 406 animals in the GiP4 group, there were 101 heifers, 107 primiparous, and 198 multiparous. On a random day of the estrous cycle (D0), an intravaginal device containing 1 g of P4 and 2 mg of estradiol benzoate (BE) was inserted by intramuscular injection. On D8, the P4 device was removed and 150 µg of D-cloprostenol (PGF2α), 300 IU eCG, and 1 mg BE were administered IM. Cows were inseminated at D10, 48-52 h after procedure on D8. Pregnancy diagnosis was made between 35 and 40 days after insemination through ultrasound examination. Between 80 and 90 days after insemination, a new ultrasound examination was performed to assess early pregnancy loss. The data were processed using the SAS 9.2. The conception rate, pregnancy loss, and final conception rate were analyzed using PROC GLIMMIX according to groups (CG and GiP4), categories (heifers, primiparous and multiparous), and their interactions as variables. The differences in the means of least squares were adjusted using the Tukey­Kramer method. Statistical significance was defined as P < 0.05. The general conception rate was 46% (375/816). Regardless of the animal class, GiP4 animals (51.97%) had higher conception rates (P < 0.05) than CG (40.29%). In the subgroups (heifers, primiparous and multiparous cows), there was a difference (P < 0.05) between animals treated with iP4 (52.48%, 57.94%, and 48.48%, respectively) and those who were not (39.81%, 41.12%, and 40.10%, respectively). Gestational losses, regardless of the animal class, were higher in females in the CG (7.93%) [P < 0.05] compared to those in the GiP4 group (2.84%). Regardless of treatment with iP4, the percentage of gestational loss in heifers was significantly higher (10.64%) than that in primiparous and multiparous cows (3.77% and 2.86%, respectively). The final conception rates were higher in animals that received long-acting iP4, which increased the final pregnancy in all parity categories. In the present study, the use of iP4 increased the pregnancy rate in Nellore females, regardless of the category. Although there has been no consensus on the use of iP4, there is an agreement that increases in the pregnancy rate are related to the moment of exogenous P4 application. In addition to influencing the pregnancy rate, reduction in pregnancy losses is also attributed to iP4 treatment, a fact demonstrated in the present study, where animals treated with iP4 had a lower pregnancy loss rate than normally occurs in beef cattle. Supplementation with long-acting iP4 increased the pregnancy rate at D35-40, reduced pregnancy losses, and increased the conception rate on D80-90 days in Nellore females reared in the Western Amazon, regardless of the animal category.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Progesterona/administração & dosagem , Prenhez/efeitos dos fármacos , Bovinos/embriologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Aborto Animal/prevenção & controle
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1823, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363830


Following the induction of oestrus out of season in small ruminants, low fertility and variations in fertility rates are associated with embryonic losses. One of the main causes of embryonic loss is luteal dysfunction. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) supports the luteal structure, and increasing progesterone levels may be beneficial in terms of promoting embryonic life. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of GnRH administration following an oestrus induction protocol in the anoestrus season for preventing embryonic loss in goats having failure to conceive during the season. In the study, 106 Damascus goats aged 3-5 years and weighing 45-60 kg were used. The oestrus of 106 goats in the anoestrous group was stimulated with progesterone and pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) treatment. Out of breeding season, goats were divided into the 4 following groups: GnRH0 (n = 27), GnRH7 (n = 26), GnRH0+7 (n = 27) and control (n = 26). In each goat, an intravaginal sponge (IS) containing 20 mg of fluorogestone acetate (FGA) was placed into the vagina and left for 9 days. With the withdrawal of the sponge, 550IU PMSG and 125 µg of d-cloprostenol were injected intramuscularly. Oestrus detection was made via teaser bucks for 3 days starting 24 h after withdrawal of the IS. Eighteen bucks known to be fertile were used for breeding. Goats in the oestrus period were mated via natural breeding. The GnRH analogue lecirelin was injected intramuscularly at breeding in the GnRH0 group, on day 7 post-breeding in the GnRH7 group, and both at breeding and on day 7 post-breeding in the GnRH0+7 group. No injections were given to the control group. Blood samples for progesterone measurement were taken by jugular vena puncturing on days 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19 after breeding from 10 randomly chosen goats in all groups. The goats with a level of > 3.5 ng/mL of progesterone on day 21 post-breeding were evaluated as pregnant. Pregnancy was also viewed on day 50 after breeding by real-time ultrasonography (USG) with a 5-7.5 MHz convex probe. The oestrus rate was 96.23% (102/106) in the goats. The rates of onset of oestrus between 36-48 h, 48-60 h and 60 h and beyond were 38.7% (41/106), 21.7% (23/106) and 35.8% (38/106), respectively. The total pregnancy rate was 35.8% (38/106). There were no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05) found for the pregnancy rate, embryonic death rate or progesterone concentration of the groups. However, serum progesterone levels were statistically different in the GnRH7 group compared with the control group (P < 0.05). After synchronisation, various anti-luteolytic strategies can be used to support corpus luteum development and elevate progesterone concentration in the luteal phase to decrease embryonic loss and increase reproductive performance. Therefore, application of GnRH to support the luteal structure and to increase progesterone levels may be beneficial in terms of supporting embryonic life. The results showed that GnRH treatment on the day 7 post-breeding following oestrus induction, including FGA and PMSG, can increase serum progesterone levels in Damascus goats in the anoestrus period. However, following oestrus induction in the anoestrus period, it was seen that GnRH treatment at breeding or on day 7 after breeding did not have any positive effect on embryonic loss or reproductive performance. In conclusion, it was considered that this protocol could be implemented successfully, yielding a 35% pregnancy rate in Damascus goats in the anoestrus period, but embryonic loss must be deeply studied in detail.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Anestro , Estro/efeitos dos fármacos , Doenças das Cabras/embriologia , Perda do Embrião/veterinária , Gonadotropinas/administração & dosagem , Cabras
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 41(5): 1809-1812, set.-out. 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1372847


Neospora caninum is an obligate intracellular protozoan, recognized as an important cause of abortion in infection cattle worldwide, and is responsible for major economic losses in beef and dairy herds. There are scarce data on the presence of antibodies in fetal serum samples from beef cattle. The pathogen is straggling mainly by vertical transmission in ruminants. This study aimed to determine the frequency of anti-N. caninum antibodies in fetal bovine serum. Overall, 751 fetal serum samples from slaughterhouses in Uruguaiana and Santo Ângelo (Rio Grande do Sul state) were used. Serologic diagnosis was made using indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA). Slides were prepared by culturing infected Vero cells using tachyzoites of the N. caninum NC-1 strain and a serum dilution of 1:25. Of the 751 samples analyzed, 11.7% (88/751) were positive in the IFA assay. The results indicate an occurrence of neosporosis in the studied region, as well as the possibility of transplacental transmission of the protozoon, characterizing an important mechanism of propagation for the disease.(AU)

O Neospora caninum é um protozoário intracelular obrigatório, reconhecido como uma causa importante de aborto no mundo todo, e é responsável pelas maiores perdas da economia de carne e leite. Há poucos dados da presença de anticorpos em amostras de soro fetal de bovinos de corte. Os patógenos são transmitidos principalmente por transmissão vertical em ruminantes. Este estudo pode ser usado para determinar a frequência de anti-N. caninum em soro fetal bovino. Ao todo, foram utilizadas 751 amostras de soro fetal bovino de matadouros de Uruguaiana e Santo Ângelo (RS). Os diagnósticos sorológicos foram realizados utilizando ensaios de imunufluorescência indireta (IFA). As lâminas foram preparadas por cultura de células Vero infectadas utilizando taquizoítos da estirpe N. caninum NC-1 e uma diluição de soro de 1:25. Das 751 amostras analisadas, 11,7% (88/751) foram positivas para o IFA. Os resultados indicam uma ocorrência de neosporose na região estudada, bem como a possibilidade de transmissão transplacentária do protozoário, caracterizando um importante mecanismo de propagação da doença.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Anticorpos Antiprotozoários , Neospora/imunologia , Soroalbumina Bovina , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 48: Pub.1728-Jan. 30, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458253


Background: Fetal attachments, placentation and embryonic development have been widely discussed in rodents such as agoutisand cavies, as well as research on glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in rats and rabbits. Moreover, studies on buffalo, cattle and sheep aredescribed in ruminants, and work has also been reported in sheep with GAGs in placentoma. However, further studies are needed inthis regard, since there are reports of economic losses associated with reproductive failures described for cattle such as changes in thechorion and allantois, and in sheep in which changes between the transition from vitelline to allantois circulation have been discussed.Review: In relation to embryonic development, detailed studies have been described in rodents such as rats (12 days old), desertmouse (15 days old) and agoutis at 30 days. Macroscopic structures such as the cephalic region, nose, optic vesicle, cervical curvature, thoracic and pelvic limbs were observed, as well as microscopic structures such as the pituitary, lung, heart, brain cavity, liver,retina, and ossification regions. There are reports of buffalo and cattle studies in ruminants describing early embryonic development.However, the research in the case of sheep is limited, meaning there is only the ultrasound examination, such as gestational diagnosisand morphometric measurement of the embryonic vesicle. Still, studies with umbilical funicular and placental development of sheepwith different gestational ages can be highlighted. Regarding extraembryonic annexes, four important structures which contributeto embryonic maintenance have been reported. These are called the chorion, amnion, allantois and yolk sac, respectively, and areresponsible for originating the placenta, embryonic protection, collecting metabolic waste and early embryonic nutrition. In...

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Embrião de Mamíferos , Glicosaminoglicanos , Ovinos/embriologia , Placentação , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Ruminantes/embriologia
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 48: Pub. 1728, 4 maio 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29337


Background: Fetal attachments, placentation and embryonic development have been widely discussed in rodents such as agoutisand cavies, as well as research on glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in rats and rabbits. Moreover, studies on buffalo, cattle and sheep aredescribed in ruminants, and work has also been reported in sheep with GAGs in placentoma. However, further studies are needed inthis regard, since there are reports of economic losses associated with reproductive failures described for cattle such as changes in thechorion and allantois, and in sheep in which changes between the transition from vitelline to allantois circulation have been discussed.Review: In relation to embryonic development, detailed studies have been described in rodents such as rats (12 days old), desertmouse (15 days old) and agoutis at 30 days. Macroscopic structures such as the cephalic region, nose, optic vesicle, cervical curvature, thoracic and pelvic limbs were observed, as well as microscopic structures such as the pituitary, lung, heart, brain cavity, liver,retina, and ossification regions. There are reports of buffalo and cattle studies in ruminants describing early embryonic development.However, the research in the case of sheep is limited, meaning there is only the ultrasound examination, such as gestational diagnosisand morphometric measurement of the embryonic vesicle. Still, studies with umbilical funicular and placental development of sheepwith different gestational ages can be highlighted. Regarding extraembryonic annexes, four important structures which contributeto embryonic maintenance have been reported. These are called the chorion, amnion, allantois and yolk sac, respectively, and areresponsible for originating the placenta, embryonic protection, collecting metabolic waste and early embryonic nutrition. In...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ovinos/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Embrião de Mamíferos , Placentação , Glicosaminoglicanos , Ruminantes/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Fetal
Anim. Reprod. ; 17(3): e20200057, 2020. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-760633


Reproductive failure and pregnancy loss in cattle are some of the largest economic burdens to cattle producers and one of most perplexing factors influencing management decisions. Pregnancy loss may occur at any point during gestation with the largest percentage of loss occurring in the first 30 days and, subsequently, decreasing as the pregnancy progresses. Losses may be attributed to numerous factors, predisposed issues or environmental conditions such as nutritional stressors or disease. From a research perspective, determining the exact causes of pregnancy loss or embryonic mortality in cattle have been difficult, due to limitations of accurately determining early gestation pregnancy status. Until methods that precisely determine embryo success early in gestation are available, our understanding of in vivo pregnancy loss will lack clarity necessary to develop management strategies to decrease such loss. In this review, we will briefly discuss the pivotal periods of pregnancy loss affecting beef and dairy cattle, methods and technologies to determine pregnancy status and embryo viability and potential opportunities to decrease reproductive failure.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Mortalidade , Prenhez
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(10): 750-757, Oct. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143407


Determining if reproductive failures in ewes at the semiarid region in the state of Bahia are related to the consumption of the species Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P. Lewis, and this study was developed using pregnant ewes divided into six groups: G1, G2, G3, G4 with six animals each, G5 and G6 with ten animals. Each group received fence leaves in the proportion of 1%, 2%, 0.5%, and 0.25% of live weight (LW) respectively; G5 and G6, with ten animals each, receiving 0.25% and 0.5% of the LW, respectively, and the Control Group, comprising 16 ewes, were grass feeding (Cynodon dactylon). Ewes from G1 to G4 were the same, except for two, and started ingestion of the plant four days after ending of natural mating on the 80th day of gestation, while those regarding from G5 to G6 groups started ingestion on the 26th day of gestation ending on the 98 day. The ultrasonographic test was performed weekly. In G1 ewes (1%), there was an embryonic loss on the 32nd and 39th days of gestation and abortion on the 46th day. In G2 (2%), the embryo loss was earlier (on the 26th day of gestation), and abortion on the 46th day of gestation. In G3 group (0.5%), there was an embryonic loss around the 40th day of gestation. In G4 group (0.25%), it was observed the occurrence of one death lamb with bone malformations. In G6 (0.5%), abortion occurred later (108 days), followed by retained placenta. This was also verified in G5 group (0.25%). The presence of fetal malformation was found in death lambs born in G4 group, born alive from G5 and G6 groups, and one aborted from G6. In G5 and G6 groups, there were also genetic alterations on surviving lambs. In addition to these results, recurrent estrus was observed without gestation in G1, G2, G3, and G4 ewes. From the Control Group, 13 normal lambs were born without genetic alterations; furthermore, concerning a quadruple birth, three lambs were born dead. The results infer that species of C. pyramidale in low doses causes reproductive losses in pregnant ewes, therefore it is not recommended for sheep diet over the first 60 days of gestation.(AU)

Para determinar se falhas reprodutivas em ovelhas na região semiárida da Bahia estão relacionadas ao consumo de Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P. Lewis, foi realizado um estudo utilizando-se ovelhas prenhes divididas em seis grupos e dois Grupos Controle. Os grupos G1, G2, G3 e G4 com seis animais cada. Cada grupo recebeu folhas fenadas na proporção de 1%, 2%, 0,5% e 0,25% do peso vivo (PV) respectivamente; G5 e G6, com 10 animais cada, que receberam 0,25% e 0,5% do PV respectivamente. Os Grupos Controle foram alimentados com ração e capim (Cynodon dactylon). Ovelhas dos grupos 1 a 4 iniciaram ingestão da planta quatro dias após monta natural com término aos 80 dias de gestação, enquanto as dos grupos 5 a 6 iniciaram ingestão no 26º dia de gestação com término aos 98 dias. Avaliação ultrassonográfica foi realizada semanalmente. Nos animais do G1 (1%), verificou-se perda embrionária aos 32 e 39 dias de gestação, e aborto aos 46 dias. Nos do G2 (2%) a perda embrionária foi mais precoce (26 dias), e aborto aos 46 dias. No G3 (0,5%), houve perda embrionária em torno dos 40 dias. No G4 (0,25%), verificou-se ocorrência de natimorto com malformações aos 150 dias de gestação. No G6 (0,5%) o aborto ocorreu mais tardiamente (108 dias), seguido de retenção de placenta. Essa ocorrência também foi verificada no G5 (0,25%). A presença de malformação fetal foi encontrada em fetos natimorto do G4, nascidos vivos do G5 e G6, e um abortado do G6. No G5 e G6 também foram observadas alterações de aprumos em cordeiros sobreviventes. Do Grupo Controle nasceram 13 borregos normais, porém uma ovelha apresentou gestação quádrupla com três natimortos. Os resultados inferem que C. pyramidale fenada em baixas doses causa perdas reprodutivas em ovelhas gestantes, não sendo por isso recomendada para a dieta de ovelhas durante os primeiros 60 dias de gestação.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Teratogênicos , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Carneiro Doméstico/anormalidades , Perda do Embrião/etiologia , Fabaceae/intoxicação
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(10): 750-757, Oct. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31650


Determining if reproductive failures in ewes at the semiarid region in the state of Bahia are related to the consumption of the species Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P. Lewis, and this study was developed using pregnant ewes divided into six groups: G1, G2, G3, G4 with six animals each, G5 and G6 with ten animals. Each group received fence leaves in the proportion of 1%, 2%, 0.5%, and 0.25% of live weight (LW) respectively; G5 and G6, with ten animals each, receiving 0.25% and 0.5% of the LW, respectively, and the Control Group, comprising 16 ewes, were grass feeding (Cynodon dactylon). Ewes from G1 to G4 were the same, except for two, and started ingestion of the plant four days after ending of natural mating on the 80th day of gestation, while those regarding from G5 to G6 groups started ingestion on the 26th day of gestation ending on the 98 day. The ultrasonographic test was performed weekly. In G1 ewes (1%), there was an embryonic loss on the 32nd and 39th days of gestation and abortion on the 46th day. In G2 (2%), the embryo loss was earlier (on the 26th day of gestation), and abortion on the 46th day of gestation. In G3 group (0.5%), there was an embryonic loss around the 40th day of gestation. In G4 group (0.25%), it was observed the occurrence of one death lamb with bone malformations. In G6 (0.5%), abortion occurred later (108 days), followed by retained placenta. This was also verified in G5 group (0.25%). The presence of fetal malformation was found in death lambs born in G4 group, born alive from G5 and G6 groups, and one aborted from G6. In G5 and G6 groups, there were also genetic alterations on surviving lambs. In addition to these results, recurrent estrus was observed without gestation in G1, G2, G3, and G4 ewes. From the Control Group, 13 normal lambs were born without genetic alterations; furthermore, concerning a quadruple birth, three lambs were born dead. The results infer that species of C. pyramidale in low doses causes reproductive losses in pregnant ewes, therefore it is not recommended for sheep diet over the first 60 days of gestation.(AU)

Para determinar se falhas reprodutivas em ovelhas na região semiárida da Bahia estão relacionadas ao consumo de Cenostigma pyramidale (Tul.) Gagnon & G.P. Lewis, foi realizado um estudo utilizando-se ovelhas prenhes divididas em seis grupos e dois Grupos Controle. Os grupos G1, G2, G3 e G4 com seis animais cada. Cada grupo recebeu folhas fenadas na proporção de 1%, 2%, 0,5% e 0,25% do peso vivo (PV) respectivamente; G5 e G6, com 10 animais cada, que receberam 0,25% e 0,5% do PV respectivamente. Os Grupos Controle foram alimentados com ração e capim (Cynodon dactylon). Ovelhas dos grupos 1 a 4 iniciaram ingestão da planta quatro dias após monta natural com término aos 80 dias de gestação, enquanto as dos grupos 5 a 6 iniciaram ingestão no 26º dia de gestação com término aos 98 dias. Avaliação ultrassonográfica foi realizada semanalmente. Nos animais do G1 (1%), verificou-se perda embrionária aos 32 e 39 dias de gestação, e aborto aos 46 dias. Nos do G2 (2%) a perda embrionária foi mais precoce (26 dias), e aborto aos 46 dias. No G3 (0,5%), houve perda embrionária em torno dos 40 dias. No G4 (0,25%), verificou-se ocorrência de natimorto com malformações aos 150 dias de gestação. No G6 (0,5%) o aborto ocorreu mais tardiamente (108 dias), seguido de retenção de placenta. Essa ocorrência também foi verificada no G5 (0,25%). A presença de malformação fetal foi encontrada em fetos natimorto do G4, nascidos vivos do G5 e G6, e um abortado do G6. No G5 e G6 também foram observadas alterações de aprumos em cordeiros sobreviventes. Do Grupo Controle nasceram 13 borregos normais, porém uma ovelha apresentou gestação quádrupla com três natimortos. Os resultados inferem que C. pyramidale fenada em baixas doses causa perdas reprodutivas em ovelhas gestantes, não sendo por isso recomendada para a dieta de ovelhas durante os primeiros 60 dias de gestação.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Intoxicação por Plantas/veterinária , Teratogênicos , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Carneiro Doméstico/anormalidades , Perda do Embrião/etiologia , Fabaceae/intoxicação
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(11): 852-862, Nov. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1155021


Somatic-cell nuclear transfer is a cloning technique that enables the creation of a viable embryo from a donor adult to produce a genetically identical individual. This technique opens numerous potential possibilities for medicine and animal reproduction. However, several reports have documented cloning-related issues. Embryo and fetal losses remain significantly higher than in other techniques, and there is a high incidence of dystocia and hydrops, which decreases efficiency and increases costs. Animals delivered at term often exhibit a syndrome known as macrosomia and experience difficulties in adapting to life outside the uterus, and death is a common outcome. In the present study, 41 cloned calves that died in the neonatal period were subjected to gross and histopathological examination. Most important gross lesions were found in the liver (enlargement, congestion, yellowish color), kidneys (brownish color at surface and cut, and cysts), lungs (atelectasis, parenchymal consolidation, and secretions in bronchi and bronchioles), and heart (concentric and eccentric hypertrophy, hematic cysts, persistence of ductus arteriosus). Primary microscopic findings were seen in the liver, kidneys, and lungs from neonatal calves. In the liver, 85% of the animals exhibited hepatic degeneration. The presence of a brownish pigment within the cortical tubules of the kidneys was found in approximately 90% of the samples; the presence of this pigment has not been previously reported in cloned calves. In the lungs, a large number of animals exhibiting lesions characteristic of pneumonia (55%). These changes were the pivotal causes of death, mainly due to problems in adapting to life outside the uterus and opportunistic infections in the neonatal period. Further investigation focusing on pathological anatomical changes is necessary to map these abnormalities in cloned animals.(AU)

A transferência nuclear de células somáticas ou clonagem é uma técnica que permite produzir um indivíduo geneticamente igual a um outro indivíduo adulto. Esta técnica abre inúmeras possibilidades para a medicina e para a reprodução animal. Porém, existem inúmeros relatos de problemas associados à clonagem. A taxa de perda nos períodos embrionário e fetal ainda é muito alta quando comparada a outras biotécnicas; além disso, há uma maior incidência de hidropsias e distocias, diminuindo a eficiência e aumentando o custo da técnica. Os animais que vem a termo frequentemente apresentam uma síndrome chamada de macrossomia, e apresentam dificuldades de adaptação à vida extrauterina e, por isso, o óbito é um desfecho comum. No presente trabalho realizou-se necropsia e coleta de fragmentos de órgãos para avaliação histopatológica de 41 bezerros com óbito neonatal. As lesões macroscópicas mais importantes foram encontradas no fígado (hepatomegalia, congestão e coloração amarelada), rins (coloração amarronzada na superfície e ao corte, e cistos), pulmões (atelectasia, parênquima consolidado, e secreções nos brônquios e bronquíolos), e coração (hipertrofia concêntrica e excêntrica, cistos hemáticos e persistência de ducto arterioso). As principais alterações microscópicas observadas foram presença de pigmento acastanhado no interior dos túbulos corticais renais (aproximadamente 90% dos animais), degeneração hepática (85% das amostras avaliadas) e lesões características de pneumonia (55% dos animais). A pigmentação acastanhada no interior dos túbulos corticais é uma alteração que ainda não havia sido relatada anteriormente em animais clonados. As alterações observadas nestes órgãos foram determinantes para o óbito, e devem ter ocorrido sobretudo devido a problemas na adaptação ao ambiente extrauterino e em decorrência de infecções adquiridas no período neonatal. Os achados encontrados no presente trabalho denotam a necessidade de investigação anatomopatológica detalhada de animais clonados inviáveis, na tentativa de mapear as anormalidades apresentadas por eles.(AU)

Animais , Recém-Nascido , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/patologia , Clonagem de Organismos/veterinária , Morte Perinatal/etiologia