Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...
Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Neurotoxinas , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterináriaResumo
Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...(AU)
Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Neurotoxinas , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this research was to examine whether different types of litter (New, used, and mixed) and alum could interfere in litter quality, thereby also influencing the productive performance of laying hens. A total number of 450 Inshas chickens aged 24 weeks were randomly distributed into six groups (5 replicates, each with 15 hens) of floor litter. The groups included (G1) new wheat straw litter, (G2) used wheat straw litter, (G3) mixed wheat straw litter (50% new+50% used) and (4, 5 and 6) the same litter types in groups 1, 2 and 3 supplied with 500g of alum /m2 litter. The experiment lasted 16 weeks. Laying hens productive parameters, blood parameters, carcass parameters, respiratory rate, coliform count and pH, as well as ammonia emission, litter quality were assessed.The results showed that the litter type significantly affects the level of ammonia emission, litter characteristics, carcass characteristics, intestinal pH and coliform count, blood characteristics (T3, cholesterol, uric acid, total protein, albumin, globulin, hemoglobin, and PCV), as well as the body weight gain. In general, we found that reused litter followed by the mixed litter without added alum resulted in the lowest efficiency on the studied traits, as compared to the same types of litter treated with alum and the new litter. We therefore conclude that the addition of alum reduces ammonia emission and improves the characteristics of the litter, which is reflected in enhancement of productive performance and properties of blood and carcass.(AU)
Animais , Sulfato de Alumínio/análise , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Tamanho da NinhadaResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the types of calve housing used in dairy farms, the prevalence of umbilical disorders and related risk factors. The 16 farms studied were visited to characterize the types of installation and possible risk factors, as well as information obtained from a questionnaire applied to the farmers. 806 Holstein calves were physically examined, in addition to collecting blood samples for the evaluation of Failures in Passive Immunity Transfer (FPIT), in animals that manifested inflammatory omphalopathies, and were also submitted to ultrasound examination. The prevalence of omphalopathies was assessed by Fisher's test, and multivariate logistic regression to assess risk factors. Eight types of installation were found: tropical house, suspended cage, collective stall, collective picket, Argentinean type, single-story cage, individual stall, and collective picket with chain. Omphalopathies accounted for 6.45% of the calves. Small size farms (up to 99 lactation cows) had high risk for umbilical disorders, ground floor collective calves, without side protection, with sand floor, in closed sheds and without heatstroke were considered risk factors for omphalopathies. Adequate colostrum and umbilical antisepsis are not associated with disease, its appearance being related to the housing conditions of the animals.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar os tipos de alojamento para bezerros leiteiros, a prevalência de onfalopatias e os fatores de risco relacionados. As 16 fazendas estudadas foram visitadas buscando-se caracterizar os tipos de instalação e os possíveis fatores de risco, além de informações obtidas de um questionário aplicado aos fazendeiros. Foram examinados fisicamente 806 bezerros da raça Holandesa, além da coleta de amostras de sangue, para avaliação da falha de transferência de imunidade passiva (FTIP), nos animais que manifestaram onfalopatias inflamatórias, sendo submetidos também ao exame ultrassonográfico. A prevalência das onfalopatias foi avaliada por teste de Fisher, e foi feita regressão logística multivariada a fim de se avaliarem os fatores de risco. Verificou-se oito tipos de instalação: casinha tropical, gaiola suspensa, baia coletiva, piquete coletivo, bezerreiro tipo argentino, gaiola térrea, baia individual e piquete coletivo com corrente. As onfalopatias corresponderam a 6,45% dos bezerros. Os bezerreiros coletivos térreos, sem proteções laterais, com piso de areia, borracha, concreto ou madeira, em galpões fechados, sem insolação, com alta densidade animal, antissepsia umbilical realizada por três dias e FTIP acima de 50% foram considerados fatores de risco para onfalopatias e possuem relação com o bezerreiro, sendo decisivas para evitar essas condições a colostragem e a antissepsia umbilical adequadas.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Umbigo/patologia , Colostro/imunologia , Alojamento , Hérnia Umbilical/veterinária , Insolação/prevenção & controle , Pisos e Cobertura de Pisos/normas , Fazendas/organização & administraçãoResumo
The aim of this study was to apply a protocol based on the Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) protocols for small ruminants in Brazilian Northeast farms to evaluate the welfare of meat goat, comparing animals kept on semi-intensive (S) and extensive (E) farms. Fifteen farms located in the Metropolitan Region of Quixadá and Quixeramobim, Ceará, Brazilian Northeast, were recruited. Assessments were performed at group and individual level. Significant differences between S and E farms was set at P 0.05 to all tests. At group level, there was a significant difference between groups, with more goats from E farms affected by heat stress and more animals from S farms presenting oblivion. Resource-based indicators, type of drinkers and access to shelter, differed significantly between S and E systems, with goats on S farms allocated in places with access to water more frequently during night period and protected from wind. Type of facility was more complex for animals on S farms (n=2) than on all E farms due to internal divisions, with S farms presenting feeders, drinking fountains, salt shakers, and slatted or cemented floor. At individual level, abscess and ocular discharge were more frequently observed on S farms and ears lesions were more frequent on E farms, probably due to distinct management of goats. Similarities between results showed that farmers in both production systems faced problems related to heat stress, lack of forage and health issues.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi aplicar um protocolo baseado nos protocolos Animal Welfare Indicators (AWIN) de pequenos ruminantes em fazendas do nordeste brasileiro para avaliar o bem-estar de cabras de corte, comparando animais mantidos em fazendas semi-intensivas (S) e extensivas (E). Quinze fazendas localizadas na Região Metropolitana de Quixadá e Quixeramobim, no Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil, foram recrutadas. As avaliações foram realizadas no nível de grupo e individual. A diferença significativa entre as fazendas S e E foi estabelecida em P 0,05 para todos os testes. No nível de grupo, houve diferença significativa, com mais cabras do grupo E afetadas por estresse térmico e do grupo S apresentando apatia. Indicadores baseados em recursos, tipo de bebedores e acesso a abrigos diferiram significativamente entre os sistemas S e E, com cabras em fazendas S alocadas em locais com acesso à água durante o período noturno mais frequentemente e protegidas do vento. O tipo de instalação era mais complexo para os animais nas fazendas S (n=2) do que nas fazendas E, devido as divisões internas, com a presença de comedouros, bebedouros, saleiros, piso ripado ou cimentado em fazendas S. A nível individual, abscesso e secreção ocular foram observados mais frequentemente nas fazendas S, e lesões nas orelhas, nas fazendas E, provavelmente devido ao manejo distinto das cabras. Semelhanças entre os resultados mostraram que os fazendeiros de ambos os sistemas de produção enfrentam problemas relacionados ao estresse térmico, falta de forragem e problemas de saúde.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Fazendas , Cabras , Zona Semiárida , Guias como AssuntoResumo
Estudos sobre parasitos gastrintestinais de primatas não-humanos em situação de cativeiro são importantes na rotina clínica de animais silvestres para o manejo sanitário das colônias e para evitar a disseminação de parasitos entre tratadores e animais, pois muitos destes parasitos são causadores de zoonoses. Neste contexto, objetivou-se identificar por exames coproparasitológicos instares parasitários gastrintestinais em amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais no Criadouro Conservacionista Ararajuba do Ipê, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil e identificar qual tipo de recinto (gaiola suspensa ou recinto com piso de terra) os animais se apresentaram mais parasitados. Foram analisadas 20 amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais, sendo 18 em pools e duas amostras individuais (P. monachus e S. apella), uma coleta no período seco e outra no chuvoso. Totalizando 69 primatas neotropicais de 12 espécies diferentes sob estudo. As técnicas utilizadas foram de sedimentação espontânea e flutuação e observados em microscopia de luz. Foram identificados ovos de Hymenolepidiidae, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae e oocistos de coccídeos. As gaiolas, em sua maioria, eram suspensas (0,5 m do solo) e estas não permitiam o acúmulo de fezes. Os resultados demonstram uma diversidade de parasitos gastrintestinais em primatas neotropicais em situação de...
Studies on gastrointestinal parasites of non-human primates in captivity are important in the clinic of wild animals for the sanitary management of colonies and to prevent the spread of parasites between keepers and animals, as many of these parasites are the cause of zoonoses. In this context, the objective was to identify parasitic gastrointestinal instar coproparasitological exams in fecal samples from neotropical primates at the Ararajuba de Ipê Conservation Center, Maranhão State, Brazil and to identify the type of enclosure (hanging cage or enclosure with earth floor) the animals were more parasitized. Twenty fecal samples from neotropical primates were analyzed, 18 in pools and two individual samples (P. monachus and S. apella), one in the dry season and other in the rainy season. Totaling 69 neotropical primates of 12 different species under study. The techniques used were spontaneous sedimentation and fluctuation and observed under light microscopy. Hymenolepidiidae eggs, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae and coccidian oocysts. Most cages were suspended (0.5 m from the soil) and did not allow feces to accumulate. The results demonstrate a diversity of gastrointestinal parasites in neotropical primates incaptivity. The most common parasites found in the study are not characterized as zoonotic, being important to becareful when handling closed packages and in the soil of neotropical primate enclosures.
Animais , Parasitos , Platirrinos/parasitologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/parasitologiaResumo
Estudos sobre parasitos gastrintestinais de primatas não-humanos em situação de cativeiro são importantes na rotina clínica de animais silvestres para o manejo sanitário das colônias e para evitar a disseminação de parasitos entre tratadores e animais, pois muitos destes parasitos são causadores de zoonoses. Neste contexto, objetivou-se identificar por exames coproparasitológicos instares parasitários gastrintestinais em amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais no Criadouro Conservacionista Ararajuba do Ipê, Estado do Maranhão, Brasil e identificar qual tipo de recinto (gaiola suspensa ou recinto com piso de terra) os animais se apresentaram mais parasitados. Foram analisadas 20 amostras fecais de primatas neotropicais, sendo 18 em pools e duas amostras individuais (P. monachus e S. apella), uma coleta no período seco e outra no chuvoso. Totalizando 69 primatas neotropicais de 12 espécies diferentes sob estudo. As técnicas utilizadas foram de sedimentação espontânea e flutuação e observados em microscopia de luz. Foram identificados ovos de Hymenolepidiidae, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae e oocistos de coccídeos. As gaiolas, em sua maioria, eram suspensas (0,5 m do solo) e estas não permitiam o acúmulo de fezes. Os resultados demonstram uma diversidade de parasitos gastrintestinais em primatas neotropicais em situação de...(AU)
Studies on gastrointestinal parasites of non-human primates in captivity are important in the clinic of wild animals for the sanitary management of colonies and to prevent the spread of parasites between keepers and animals, as many of these parasites are the cause of zoonoses. In this context, the objective was to identify parasitic gastrointestinal instar coproparasitological exams in fecal samples from neotropical primates at the Ararajuba de Ipê Conservation Center, Maranhão State, Brazil and to identify the type of enclosure (hanging cage or enclosure with earth floor) the animals were more parasitized. Twenty fecal samples from neotropical primates were analyzed, 18 in pools and two individual samples (P. monachus and S. apella), one in the dry season and other in the rainy season. Totaling 69 neotropical primates of 12 different species under study. The techniques used were spontaneous sedimentation and fluctuation and observed under light microscopy. Hymenolepidiidae eggs, Strongyloides spp., Trichuris spp., Protospirura spp., Ascaris spp., Ancylostomatidae and coccidian oocysts. Most cages were suspended (0.5 m from the soil) and did not allow feces to accumulate. The results demonstrate a diversity of gastrointestinal parasites in neotropical primates incaptivity. The most common parasites found in the study are not characterized as zoonotic, being important to becareful when handling closed packages and in the soil of neotropical primate enclosures.(AU)
Animais , Platirrinos/parasitologia , Parasitos , Trato Gastrointestinal/parasitologiaResumo
O manejo intensivo favorece a ocorrência de afecções podais inflamatórias ou infecciosas nos animais de produção. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar o impacto do tipo de piso sobre o casco ao analisar a morfometria externa dos dígitos de bovinos Nelore confinados e em pastagem e, ainda, verificar a eficácia da análise exploratória multivariada para esse conjunto de dados. Foram avaliados vinte quatro animais sendo doze mantidos em confinamento e o restante no pasto. O abate dos ruminantes foi realizado aos 20 meses de idade. Seccionadas na articulação carpometacárpica e tarsometatársica, as extremidades dos membros torácicos e pélvicos dos 24 animais foram amostradas e congeladas à -20ºC. Posteriormente mensuradas com fita métrica milimetrada no dígito lateral e medial para obtenção da altura da parede abaxial e axial, comprimento e largura da sola, comprimento, largura e altura do bulbo e o comprimento da parede lateral da úngula. A análise exploratória multivariada de correspondência múltipla mostrou associação entre tais medidas em amostras oriundas dos indivíduos no confinamento e no pasto. Animais confinados apresentaram paredes axial e abaxial mais altas, altura do bulbo maior e sola menor. Quando mantidos no solo da pastagem, os dígitos tiveram bulbo mais baixo e maior comprimento de sola. Embora haja variação individual na morfometria do casco, o ambiente...
Intensive management favors the occurrence of inflammatory or infectious foot diseases in farm animals. The objective of the present study was to determine the impact on the hooves caused by the type of floor and also to verify the effectiveness of the multivariate exploratory analysis for this data set. For that, the analysis of digits external morphometry of Nellore cattle confined and on grazing was carried out. Twenty-four animals were evaluated, twelve of which were kept in confinement and the rest in pasture. Ruminants were slaughtered at 20 months of age. Sectioned in the carpometacarpal and tarsometatarsal joints, the extremities of the thoracic and pelvic limbs of the 24 animals were sampled and frozen at -20ºC. Subsequently measured with a millimeter metric tape on the lateral and medial region of the digits to obtain the height of the abaxial and axial wall, length and width of the sole, length, width and height of the bulb and the length of the lateral wall ofthe hoof. The multivariate exploratory analysis of multiple correspondence showed an association between such measures insamples from individuals in confinement and pasture. Confined animals had higher axial and abaxial walls, higher bulb height and smaller sole. When kept in the pasture soil, the digits had a lower bulb and a longer sole length. Although there is individual variation in the hull morphometry, the environment alone can change its structure. Higher hoof wall in confined cattle suggests less wear on the keratinized portion, while the greater development of the sole in animals raised on pasture maybe related to better distribution of forces on the support surface. Thus, it is observed that the environment modifies its anatomical structure. The multiple correspondence analysis is efficient in identifying dependencies between categories of external morphometric parameters of bovine hooves.
Animais , Bovinos , Análise Multivariada , Casco e Garras/anatomia & histologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , PastagensResumo
O manejo intensivo favorece a ocorrência de afecções podais inflamatórias ou infecciosas nos animais de produção. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar o impacto do tipo de piso sobre o casco ao analisar a morfometria externa dos dígitos de bovinos Nelore confinados e em pastagem e, ainda, verificar a eficácia da análise exploratória multivariada para esse conjunto de dados. Foram avaliados vinte quatro animais sendo doze mantidos em confinamento e o restante no pasto. O abate dos ruminantes foi realizado aos 20 meses de idade. Seccionadas na articulação carpometacárpica e tarsometatársica, as extremidades dos membros torácicos e pélvicos dos 24 animais foram amostradas e congeladas à -20ºC. Posteriormente mensuradas com fita métrica milimetrada no dígito lateral e medial para obtenção da altura da parede abaxial e axial, comprimento e largura da sola, comprimento, largura e altura do bulbo e o comprimento da parede lateral da úngula. A análise exploratória multivariada de correspondência múltipla mostrou associação entre tais medidas em amostras oriundas dos indivíduos no confinamento e no pasto. Animais confinados apresentaram paredes axial e abaxial mais altas, altura do bulbo maior e sola menor. Quando mantidos no solo da pastagem, os dígitos tiveram bulbo mais baixo e maior comprimento de sola. Embora haja variação individual na morfometria do casco, o ambiente...(AU)
Intensive management favors the occurrence of inflammatory or infectious foot diseases in farm animals. The objective of the present study was to determine the impact on the hooves caused by the type of floor and also to verify the effectiveness of the multivariate exploratory analysis for this data set. For that, the analysis of digits external morphometry of Nellore cattle confined and on grazing was carried out. Twenty-four animals were evaluated, twelve of which were kept in confinement and the rest in pasture. Ruminants were slaughtered at 20 months of age. Sectioned in the carpometacarpal and tarsometatarsal joints, the extremities of the thoracic and pelvic limbs of the 24 animals were sampled and frozen at -20ºC. Subsequently measured with a millimeter metric tape on the lateral and medial region of the digits to obtain the height of the abaxial and axial wall, length and width of the sole, length, width and height of the bulb and the length of the lateral wall ofthe hoof. The multivariate exploratory analysis of multiple correspondence showed an association between such measures insamples from individuals in confinement and pasture. Confined animals had higher axial and abaxial walls, higher bulb height and smaller sole. When kept in the pasture soil, the digits had a lower bulb and a longer sole length. Although there is individual variation in the hull morphometry, the environment alone can change its structure. Higher hoof wall in confined cattle suggests less wear on the keratinized portion, while the greater development of the sole in animals raised on pasture maybe related to better distribution of forces on the support surface. Thus, it is observed that the environment modifies its anatomical structure. The multiple correspondence analysis is efficient in identifying dependencies between categories of external morphometric parameters of bovine hooves.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Análise Multivariada , Casco e Garras/anatomia & histologia , Pastagens , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
Background: Pasteurellosis is a common disease of cattle, pigs, and poultry, which rarely affects humans. In rabbits, therespiratory presentation of the disease is frequently reported. Clinical signs related to bronchopneumonia include sneezing, lung stertors, oculonasal discharge, dyspnea and cyanosis. Infection may lead to otitis, conjunctivitis, abscesses andsepsis. Furthermore, Pasteurella multocida infection may lead to sudden death without clinical manifestations. Reports ofpasteurellosis in rabbits are scarce in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe an outbreak of pasteurellosis with high mortality in a rabbity in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.Cases: Two adult rabbits were submitted for necropsy at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Instituto Federal Catarinense- Campus Concórdia, within an interval of twenty days. Herd was represented by 40 animals, of which six fattening rabbits andthree breeders died. Animals were kept in suspended cages with slatted floor. Clinical signs were represented by prostration,sneezing, and mucopurulent nasal discharge. In addition, wounds were observed in the distal portion of the limbs. Death occurredup to two days after the onset of clinical signs. Necropsies were performed and tissue samples were collected for histopathologic,immunohistochemical and microbiologic (bacterial culture and antibiogram) exams. At the necropsy, severe diffuse fibrinousexudate covering the pericardium sac, visceral and parietal pleural surfaces was noted, as well as multiple diaphragm adhesions.In addition, the lungs presented diffuse red coloration and showed multiple abscesses ranging from 0.3 to 1cm in diameter. Thenasal sinus and the tracheal mucosa showed diffuse reddening (rabbits 1 and 2). Abscesses up to 2 cm in diameter were observedin the mammary glands (rabbit 1), heart and kidneys (rabbit 2). The urinary bladder...
Animais , Coelhos , Infecções por Pasteurella/epidemiologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/patologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Lagomorpha/virologia , Pasteurella multocida/isolamento & purificação , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pasteurellosis is a common disease of cattle, pigs, and poultry, which rarely affects humans. In rabbits, therespiratory presentation of the disease is frequently reported. Clinical signs related to bronchopneumonia include sneezing, lung stertors, oculonasal discharge, dyspnea and cyanosis. Infection may lead to otitis, conjunctivitis, abscesses andsepsis. Furthermore, Pasteurella multocida infection may lead to sudden death without clinical manifestations. Reports ofpasteurellosis in rabbits are scarce in Brazil. Therefore, the objective of this article is to describe an outbreak of pasteurellosis with high mortality in a rabbity in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil.Cases: Two adult rabbits were submitted for necropsy at the Veterinary Pathology Laboratory of the Instituto Federal Catarinense- Campus Concórdia, within an interval of twenty days. Herd was represented by 40 animals, of which six fattening rabbits andthree breeders died. Animals were kept in suspended cages with slatted floor. Clinical signs were represented by prostration,sneezing, and mucopurulent nasal discharge. In addition, wounds were observed in the distal portion of the limbs. Death occurredup to two days after the onset of clinical signs. Necropsies were performed and tissue samples were collected for histopathologic,immunohistochemical and microbiologic (bacterial culture and antibiogram) exams. At the necropsy, severe diffuse fibrinousexudate covering the pericardium sac, visceral and parietal pleural surfaces was noted, as well as multiple diaphragm adhesions.In addition, the lungs presented diffuse red coloration and showed multiple abscesses ranging from 0.3 to 1cm in diameter. Thenasal sinus and the tracheal mucosa showed diffuse reddening (rabbits 1 and 2). Abscesses up to 2 cm in diameter were observedin the mammary glands (rabbit 1), heart and kidneys (rabbit 2). The urinary bladder...(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Infecções por Pasteurella/epidemiologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/patologia , Infecções por Pasteurella/veterinária , Pasteurella multocida/isolamento & purificação , Lagomorpha/virologia , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Doenças Respiratórias/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT Aspects related to epidemiology of flies belonging to Fannia genus were studied in order to determine predisposing factors for its occurrence in layer hens houses of commercial farms in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An observational, analytical and sectional survey was conducted to verify major epidemiological aspects associated to infestations. This research was accomplished starting from an adapted secondary database of and structured with information on the presence and absence of ectoparasites and arthropods, characteristics of chicken houses, the poultry, type of facilities, geographical location and the management. The study was conducted in four hundred and thirty one houses located in forty three farms visited in 2012 year in the state of Minas Gerais. Ten farms (23.25%) and sixty eight houses (15,77%) were observed the presence diptera belonging to Fannia genus. The specie Fannia admirabilis was found in four farms (9,30%), Fannia albitarsis in two farms (4,65%) and only in one farm (2.32%) was observed the presence of Fannia canicularis. For three farms 6,98% was no possible to identify the species only Fannia genus. The epidemiological aspects for the occurrence of these flies were investigated using Poisson regression models. Characteristics such as farm, city of farm, presence of Histeridae beetles, type of facility (cage, on the floor with or without bedding) and the existence of mechanical removal of manure were associated with the occurrence of Fannia spp.
Specific and efficient methods for capturing tinamous are scarce in the scientific literature. Here we tested the effectivity of two methods for capturing the Yellow-legged Tinamou Crypturellus noctivagus (Tinamidae): a bell-trap adapted with a nylon cast net and a type of fall-trap. In a forest remnant in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, we applied 120 hours of sampling effort using the traps, resulting in the capture of six individuals (two females and four males). These capture methods are an efficient tools and useful for forest tinamous studies, although it can be also used for capturing other forest bird which use the forest floor.
Animais , Aves , Caça/métodos , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , BrasilResumo
Specific and efficient methods for capturing tinamous are scarce in the scientific literature. Here we tested the effectivity of two methods for capturing the Yellow-legged Tinamou Crypturellus noctivagus (Tinamidae): a bell-trap adapted with a nylon cast net and a type of fall-trap. In a forest remnant in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, we applied 120 hours of sampling effort using the traps, resulting in the capture of six individuals (two females and four males). These capture methods are an efficient tools and useful for forest tinamous studies, although it can be also used for capturing other forest bird which use the forest floor.(AU)
Animais , Aves , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Caça/métodos , BrasilResumo
Aspects related to epidemiology of flies belonging to Fannia genus were studied in order to determine predisposing factors for its occurrence in layer hens houses of commercial farms in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An observational, analytical and sectional survey was conducted to verify major epidemiological aspects associated to infestations. This research was accomplished starting from an adapted secondary database of and structured with information on the presence and absence of ectoparasites and arthropods, characteristics of chicken houses, the poultry, type of facilities, geographical location and the management. The study was conducted in four hundred and thirty one houses located in forty three farms visited in 2012 year in the state of Minas Gerais. Ten farms (23.25%) and sixty eight houses (15,77%) were observed the presence diptera belonging to Fannia genus. The specie Fannia admirabilis was found in four farms (9,30%), Fannia albitarsis in two farms (4,65%) and only in one farm (2.32%) was observed the presence of Fannia canicularis. For three farms 6,98% was no possible to identify the species only Fannia genus. The epidemiological aspects for the occurrence of these flies were investigated using Poisson regression models. Characteristics such as farm, city of farm, presence of Histeridae beetles, type of facility (cage, on the floor with or without bedding) and the existence of mechanical removal of manure were associated with the occurrence of Fannia spp.(AU)
Animais , Muscidae , Galinhas/parasitologia , Esterco/análise , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Artrópodes , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologiaResumo
Aspects related to epidemiology of flies belonging to Fannia genus were studied in order to determine predisposing factors for its occurrence in layer hens houses of commercial farms in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. An observational, analytical and sectional survey was conducted to verify major epidemiological aspects associated to infestations. This research was accomplished starting from an adapted secondary database of and structured with information on the presence and absence of ectoparasites and arthropods, characteristics of chicken houses, the poultry, type of facilities, geographical location and the management. The study was conducted in four hundred and thirty one houses located in forty three farms visited in 2012 year in the state of Minas Gerais. Ten farms (23.25%) and sixty eight houses (15,77%) were observed the presence diptera belonging to Fannia genus. The specie Fannia admirabilis was found in four farms (9,30%), Fannia albitarsis in two farms (4,65%) and only in one farm (2.32%) was observed the presence of Fannia canicularis. For three farms 6,98% was no possible to identify the species only Fannia genus. The epidemiological aspects for the occurrence of these flies were investigated using Poisson regression models. Characteristics such as farm, city of farm, presence of Histeridae beetles, type of facility (cage, on the floor with or without bedding) and the existence of mechanical removal of manure were associated with the occurrence of Fannia spp.
Animais , Artrópodes , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Esterco/análise , Galinhas/parasitologia , Muscidae , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/epidemiologiaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the thermal comfort of growing and finishing pigs affected by the different constructive typologies of the installations regarding the floor and lateral partitions. Were evaluated the following pen types: pen with water pit, pen with partially slotted floor on the sides, and pen with partially slotted floor on the sides and in the center of the facilities. The following thermal variables were measured: dry bulb temperature, black globe temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity. Based on these data, the temperature and humidity index, the temperature index of the globe and humidity, and the specific enthalpy were calculated. The pen with a water pit showed higher average relative air humidity and lower black globe temperature compared to the other pens. In the hottest period of the day, the temperature index of the globe and humidity presented mean values above that recommended for adult pigs, although there were no differences between pens. This indicates that animals, irrespective of the type of pen used, have suffered from thermal stress, which most likely affected their performance.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Bem-Estar do Animal , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the thermal comfort of growing and finishing pigs affected by the different constructive typologies of the installations regarding the floor and lateral partitions. Were evaluated the following pen types: pen with water pit, pen with partially slotted floor on the sides, and pen with partially slotted floor on the sides and in the center of the facilities. The following thermal variables were measured: dry bulb temperature, black globe temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity. Based on these data, the temperature and humidity index, the temperature index of the globe and humidity, and the specific enthalpy were calculated. The pen with a water pit showed higher average relative air humidity and lower black globe temperature compared to the other pens. In the hottest period of the day, the temperature index of the globe and humidity presented mean values above that recommended for adult pigs, although there were no differences between pens. This indicates that animals, irrespective of the type of pen used, have suffered from thermal stress, which most likely affected their performance.
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Suínos/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
Poultry farmers in the southeastern of Mexico consider that the productivity of the hens that comes from rearing on floor has a higher productive performance than reared hens in cages, mainly due to higher percentage of egg laying and lower mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the productive performance of the laying hen in relation to the type of rearing. A total of 79680 pullets Bovans White of 17 weeks of age were housed in cages with five pullets cage-1 (405 cm2pullet-1). They were divided in two treatments according to their type of rearing (floor vs cage) with four replicates. The study period was from week 20 to week 40 of age. The variables evaluated were daily (%) and cumulative mortality (%), egg production (%), egg weight (g), feed intake (g pullet d-1), cumulative feed intake (g pullet-1), daily and cumulative egg mass, number of eggs per hen housed, egg loss (%) and productivity index. The variables were analyzed using a randomized block design. It was observed that daily and cumulative mortality, feed intake and egg loss was higher (p < 0.05), while the number of eggs per hen housed and productivity index (p < 0.05) was lower for hens in cages. We conclude that it is possible to associate detriments in the productive performance of laying hens based on the type of housing during its growth phase.
Animais , Abrigo para Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/estatística & dados numéricos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , MortalidadeResumo
Poultry farmers in the southeastern of Mexico consider that the productivity of the hens that comes from rearing on floor has a higher productive performance than reared hens in cages, mainly due to higher percentage of egg laying and lower mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the productive performance of the laying hen in relation to the type of rearing. A total of 79680 pullets Bovans White of 17 weeks of age were housed in cages with five pullets cage-1 (405 cm2pullet-1). They were divided in two treatments according to their type of rearing (floor vs cage) with four replicates. The study period was from week 20 to week 40 of age. The variables evaluated were daily (%) and cumulative mortality (%), egg production (%), egg weight (g), feed intake (g pullet d-1), cumulative feed intake (g pullet-1), daily and cumulative egg mass, number of eggs per hen housed, egg loss (%) and productivity index. The variables were analyzed using a randomized block design. It was observed that daily and cumulative mortality, feed intake and egg loss was higher (p < 0.05), while the number of eggs per hen housed and productivity index (p < 0.05) was lower for hens in cages. We conclude that it is possible to associate detriments in the productive performance of laying hens based on the type of housing during its growth phase.(AU)