Objetivou-se comparar o efeito in silico do florfenicol nas doses de 20 e 30 mg/Kg em ovinos pelas vias intravenosa (IV) e intramuscular (IM), usando a modelagem PK/PD. Realizou-se uma simulação de Monte Carlo com base nos dados de concentração plasmática de um estudo publicado anteriormente. Calculou-se a área sob a curva (ASC) e as taxas de eficácia do florfenicol para os efeitos bacteriostático, bactericida e de erradicação bacteriológica. A dose de 20 mg/Kg IV demonstrou efeitos de erradicação de 100, 93 e 0% para CIM de 0,5, 1 e acima, respectivamente. O efeito bacteriostático foi de 99 e 90% para CIM de 4 e 2 µg/ml, enquanto o bactericida foi de 14% para CIM de 2 µg/ml. A dose de 30 mg/Kg IV apresentou 100% de erradicação para CIM de 1 µg/mL e 100% de efeito bactericida para CIM de 2 µg/mL. Há 100% de efeito bacteriostático em CIM de 4 µg/ml. As doses de 20 e 30 mg/Kg IM mostraram 100% de erradicação para CIM até 1 µg/mL e 0% para CIM maiores. O efeito bacteriostático foi mantido em 100% para uma CIM de 4 µg/mL em ambas as doses. Este estudo mostra o efeito de erradicação bacteriológica do florfenicol nas doses de 20 e 30 mg/Kg, IV e IM. Recomenda-se que seja feito um estudo de eficácia in vivo com a dose de 30mg/Kg IM em ovinos infectados por F. necrophorum com MIC superior a 2 µg/mL.
We aimed to compare the in silico effect of florfenicol at doses of 20 and 30 mg/Kg in sheep by intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) routes, using PK/PD modeling. We performed a Monte Carlo simulation based on plasma concentration data from a previously published study. We calculated the area under the curve (AUC) and the efficacy rates of florfenicol to bacteriostatic, bactericidal, and bacteriological eradication effects. The dose of 20 mg/Kg IV demonstrated 100, 93, and 0% eradication effects for MICs of 0.5, 1, and above, respectively. The bacteriostatic effect was 99 and 90% for MIC of 4 and 2 µg/ml, while the bactericide was 14% for MIC of 2 µg/ml. The 30 mg/Kg IV dose showed 100% eradication for MIC of 1 µg/mL and 100% bactericidal effect for MIC of 2 µg/mL. There is a 100% of bacteriostatic effect at MIC of 4 µg/ml. Doses of 20 and 30 mg/Kg IM showed 100% eradication for MIC up to 1 µg/mL and 0% for MIC above. The bacteriostatic effect was maintained at 100% for a MIC of 4 µg/mL at both doses. This study shows the bacteriological eradication effect of florfenicol at doses of 20 and 30 mg/Kg, IV, and IM. Therefore, we recommend an in vivo efficacy study with a dose of 30mg/Kg IM in sheep infected with F. necrophorum with MIC greater than two µg/mL.
Animais , Ovinos/anormalidades , Técnicas Bacteriológicas/veterinária , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Fusobacterium necrophorum/patogenicidade , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Método de Monte CarloResumo
Background: Lameness is one of the main causes of economic losses in sheep breeding, especially in the distal region of the limbs. Poor sanitation management, especially in terms of hygiene conditions and the introduction of animals without previous preventive care, is an important predisposing factor in sheep flocks. Interdigital phlegmon (foot rot) is a bacterial disease that causes pain, heat, edema, hyperemia in the region, and can lead to secondary processes such as osteomyelitis. This case report describes the use of gamithromycin for the treatment of osteomyelitis secondary to foot rot in a sheep.Case: An Ile-de-France ewe exhibiting signs of lameness, pain, heat, hyperemia and edema in the four digits was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of UNIPAMPA. The lesions were characterized by interdigital phlegmon, commonly known as foot rot, and the right thoracic limb was more affected, exuding a foul odor and purulent secretion. The affected limbs were treated topically with an antiseptic solution. The lesions healed completely except for the right thoracic limb, whose clinical condition worsened. Osteitis was suspected, and was confirmed by radiographic evaluation of the region. Treatment with ceftiofur was introduced, but proved to be ineffective. Nevertheless, the lesion was found to have worsened, and a new X-ray evaluation was made, which revealed dislocation of the distal phalanx as well as involvement of the middle and proximal phalanges. Thus, we decided to perform chemical arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint. Before beginning this procedure, contrast X-rays were taken that revealed the development of a fistulous pathway connecting the distal interphalangeal joint to the proximal interphalangeal joint, which precluded this procedure. In view of the worsening of the condition, amputation of the distal and middle phalanges was performed, as well as scraping of the distal edge of the proximal phalanx.[...](AU)
Animais , Adulto , Ovinos , Macrolídeos/farmacocinética , Macrolídeos/uso terapêutico , Osteomielite/tratamento farmacológico , Osteomielite/veterinária , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/complicações , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Antibacterianos/uso terapêuticoResumo
Background: Lameness is one of the main causes of economic losses in sheep breeding, especially in the distal region of the limbs. Poor sanitation management, especially in terms of hygiene conditions and the introduction of animals without previous preventive care, is an important predisposing factor in sheep flocks. Interdigital phlegmon (foot rot) is a bacterial disease that causes pain, heat, edema, hyperemia in the region, and can lead to secondary processes such as osteomyelitis. This case report describes the use of gamithromycin for the treatment of osteomyelitis secondary to foot rot in a sheep.Case: An Ile-de-France ewe exhibiting signs of lameness, pain, heat, hyperemia and edema in the four digits was treated at the Veterinary Hospital of UNIPAMPA. The lesions were characterized by interdigital phlegmon, commonly known as foot rot, and the right thoracic limb was more affected, exuding a foul odor and purulent secretion. The affected limbs were treated topically with an antiseptic solution. The lesions healed completely except for the right thoracic limb, whose clinical condition worsened. Osteitis was suspected, and was confirmed by radiographic evaluation of the region. Treatment with ceftiofur was introduced, but proved to be ineffective. Nevertheless, the lesion was found to have worsened, and a new X-ray evaluation was made, which revealed dislocation of the distal phalanx as well as involvement of the middle and proximal phalanges. Thus, we decided to perform chemical arthrodesis of the distal interphalangeal joint. Before beginning this procedure, contrast X-rays were taken that revealed the development of a fistulous pathway connecting the distal interphalangeal joint to the proximal interphalangeal joint, which precluded this procedure. In view of the worsening of the condition, amputation of the distal and middle phalanges was performed, as well as scraping of the distal edge of the proximal phalanx.[...]
Animais , Adulto , Macrolídeos/farmacocinética , Macrolídeos/uso terapêutico , Osteomielite/tratamento farmacológico , Osteomielite/veterinária , Ovinos , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/complicações , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Antibacterianos/uso terapêuticoResumo
ABSTRACT: Foot diseases are the main causes of lameness in small ruminants, causing great impact on animal welfare and important economic losses due to depreciation and culling of affected animals. The aim of the present study was to characterize foot diseases found in eight flocks of sheep with a history of the ailment, that belonged to eight municipalities in the state of Bahia. At each visit, inspection of the flock, survey questionnaire, and characterization of diseases were performed. Altogether 600 sheep were inspected through foot examination in sick animals to characterize the injuries and record the diseases present per animal, as affected hooves and the number of affected limbs. The occurrence of foot disease was 23.3% (140/600) ranging from 12.8 to 55.5% per farm. Two hundred and twenty cases involving nine diseases were recorded. Foot rot was the most common disease with 51.3% of cases (113/220), 70% corresponding to advanced and terminal stages. Interdigital dermatitis represented 27.7% of the cases, excessive hoof growth 8.6%, white line disease 3.2%, double soles 3.2%, toe granuloma 2.3%, interdigital hyperplasia 2.3%, sole ulcers 0.9% and 0.4% foot abscess. The main predisposing factors involved in the genesis of diseases were the high rainfall precipitation, soil moisture conditions, pens and pastures, poor sanitary management and lack of preventive measures (footbath, quarantine, isolation and vaccination), treatment failures and low infrastructure of most properties.
RESUMO: As doenças dos cascos são as principais causas de claudicação em pequenos ruminantes, causando grande impacto no bem-estar dos animais e provocando sérias perdas econômicas com depreciação e abate de animais afetados. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a ocorrência e caracterizar as doenças podais encontradas em oito rebanhos de ovinos com histórico de doenças podais pertencentes a oito municípios do estado da Bahia. Em cada visita, foram realizadas inspeções do rebanho, aplicação de um questionário de pesquisa e caracterização das doenças. No total, 600 ovinos foram inspecionados, realizando exame do casco em animais doentes para caracterizar as lesões, registrar a quantidade de doenças presentes por animal, o casco afetado e a quantidade de membros afetados. A ocorrência de doença de casco foi de 23,3% (140/600) variando de 12,8 a 55,5% por fazenda. Duzentos e vinte casos envolvendo nove doenças foram registrados. A pododermatite infecciosa foi a doença mais comum com 51,3% dos casos (113/220), 70% correspondente aos estágios avançados e terminais. A dermatite interdigital representou 27,7% dos casos; crescimento excessivo dos cascos 8,6%; doença da linha branca 3,2%; sola dupla 3,2%; granuloma do dígito 2,3%; hiperplasia interdigital 2,3%; úlcera de sola 0,9% e 0,4% de abcesso de pé. Os principais fatores predisponentes envolvidos na ocorrência das doenças foram a alta precipitação pluviométrica, condições de umidade do solo, currais e pastagens, manejo sanitário deficiente e falta de medidas preventivas (pedilúvio, quarentena, isolamento e vacinação), falhas de tratamento e baixa infra-estrutura da maioria das propriedades.
Background: Pododermatitis or footrot is an infectious disease that affects the hoof and interdigital tissue of sheep causing lameness. The disease is caused by the interaction of the agent Dichelobacter nodosus and symbiotic bacteria in the complex environment of the epidermal tissues of the hoof and host immune system. D. nodosus is not able to invadehealthy hooves, so the infection is preceded by colonization of the interdigital skin by Fuso bacterium necrophorum. The aim of this research was to perform the isolation andcharacterization of D. nodosus in sheep farms of different municipalities of Bahia, obtaining the serogroups present in each herd.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was carried out in nine sheep farms from eight municipalities in the state of Bahia. All farms presented history of foot diseases. A total of 620 animals were observed, 140 of which were examined for lameness. To collect the contents of the lesions, sterile swabs were introduced into tubes containing sterile Thorley transport medium under refrigeration at 8°C and sent for laboratory analysis. Subsequently, each swab collected was seeded in two Petri dishes containing 4% hoof agar medium and incubated in anaerobic at 37°C for 96 hours. The purified samples were seeded on 2% hoof agar and incubated under the same conditions as above. The colonies were identified by the morphological characteristic and Gram staining. The DNA was extracted and stored at -20°C until its use in PCR, for identification and classification of D. nodosus in serogroups (A-I). In the nine farms visited were found animals with clinical signs of infectious pododermatitis. After processing, there was success of isolation in 39 samples (41%), confirming the presence of D. nodosus in all municipalities evaluated.[...]
Animais , Dichelobacter nodosus/isolamento & purificação , Ovinos/microbiologia , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/epidemiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Pododermatitis or footrot is an infectious disease that affects the hoof and interdigital tissue of sheep causing lameness. The disease is caused by the interaction of the agent Dichelobacter nodosus and symbiotic bacteria in the complex environment of the epidermal tissues of the hoof and host immune system. D. nodosus is not able to invadehealthy hooves, so the infection is preceded by colonization of the interdigital skin by Fuso bacterium necrophorum. The aim of this research was to perform the isolation andcharacterization of D. nodosus in sheep farms of different municipalities of Bahia, obtaining the serogroups present in each herd.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was carried out in nine sheep farms from eight municipalities in the state of Bahia. All farms presented history of foot diseases. A total of 620 animals were observed, 140 of which were examined for lameness. To collect the contents of the lesions, sterile swabs were introduced into tubes containing sterile Thorley transport medium under refrigeration at 8°C and sent for laboratory analysis. Subsequently, each swab collected was seeded in two Petri dishes containing 4% hoof agar medium and incubated in anaerobic at 37°C for 96 hours. The purified samples were seeded on 2% hoof agar and incubated under the same conditions as above. The colonies were identified by the morphological characteristic and Gram staining. The DNA was extracted and stored at -20°C until its use in PCR, for identification and classification of D. nodosus in serogroups (A-I). In the nine farms visited were found animals with clinical signs of infectious pododermatitis. After processing, there was success of isolation in 39 samples (41%), confirming the presence of D. nodosus in all municipalities evaluated.[...](AU)
Animais , Ovinos/microbiologia , Dichelobacter nodosus/isolamento & purificação , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/epidemiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/métodos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Background: Oxidative stress plays an important role in the etiology and/or progression of various diseases in the livestock. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between foot diseases and oxidant and antioxidant levels, determining catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO) and glutathione (GSH) concentrations in sheep with foot disease such as interdigital dermatitis, footrot and interdigital pouch infection (biflex canal inflammation).Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 70 sheep aged between 1 and 3, 20 sheep with interdigital dermatitis, 20 with foot-rot, 10 with interdigital pouch inflammation and 20 clinically healthy Akkaraman sheep, were used. The blood samples collected from the V. Jugularis of the sheep were centrifuged and their serums were obtained. MDA and NO levels of the sheep with interdigital dermatitis, footrot and interdigital pouch infection were found to be significantly higher than those of animals in the control group (P < 0.001). CAT activity was determined to be significantly lower in all diseased animals than in the animals in the control group (P < 0.001). GSH-Px and GSH levels were significantly lower in the animals with interdigital dermatitis than in the control group (respectively P < 0.001, P < 0.05).Discussion: Oxidative stress regulates the metabolic activity of some organs and plays an important role in productivity in livestock. The oxidative stress is reported that caused by the increase in the production of excessive free radicals resulting from the exposure of animals to various stress factors and by the weakening of the antioxidant defense has an important role in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases such as foot diseases. In the presence of various stress factors, the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) increases. MDA is determine the degree of cellular damage in tissues.[...]
Animais , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Estresse Oxidativo , Ovinos , Peroxidação de LipídeosResumo
Background: Oxidative stress plays an important role in the etiology and/or progression of various diseases in the livestock. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between foot diseases and oxidant and antioxidant levels, determining catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO) and glutathione (GSH) concentrations in sheep with foot disease such as interdigital dermatitis, footrot and interdigital pouch infection (biflex canal inflammation).Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, a total of 70 sheep aged between 1 and 3, 20 sheep with interdigital dermatitis, 20 with foot-rot, 10 with interdigital pouch inflammation and 20 clinically healthy Akkaraman sheep, were used. The blood samples collected from the V. Jugularis of the sheep were centrifuged and their serums were obtained. MDA and NO levels of the sheep with interdigital dermatitis, footrot and interdigital pouch infection were found to be significantly higher than those of animals in the control group (P < 0.001). CAT activity was determined to be significantly lower in all diseased animals than in the animals in the control group (P < 0.001). GSH-Px and GSH levels were significantly lower in the animals with interdigital dermatitis than in the control group (respectively P < 0.001, P < 0.05).Discussion: Oxidative stress regulates the metabolic activity of some organs and plays an important role in productivity in livestock. The oxidative stress is reported that caused by the increase in the production of excessive free radicals resulting from the exposure of animals to various stress factors and by the weakening of the antioxidant defense has an important role in the pathogenesis of numerous diseases such as foot diseases. In the presence of various stress factors, the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) and nitric oxide (NO) increases. MDA is determine the degree of cellular damage in tissues.[...](AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Estresse Oxidativo , Peroxidação de LipídeosResumo
As doenças dos cascos são as principais causas de claudicação em pequenos ruminantes, causando grande impacto no bem-estar dos animais e provocando sérias perdas econômicas com depreciação e abate de animais afetados. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a ocorrência e caracterizar as doenças podais encontradas em oito rebanhos de ovinos com histórico de doenças podais pertencentes a oito municípios do estado da Bahia. Em cada visita, foram realizadas inspeções do rebanho, aplicação de um questionário de pesquisa e caracterização das doenças. No total, 600 ovinos foram inspecionados, realizando exame do casco em animais doentes para caracterizar as lesões, registrar a quantidade de doenças presentes por animal, o casco afetado e a quantidade de membros afetados. A ocorrência de doença de casco foi de 23,3% (140/600) variando de 12,8 a 55,5% por fazenda. Duzentos e vinte casos envolvendo nove doenças foram registrados. A pododermatite infecciosa foi a doença mais comum com 51,3% dos casos (113/220), 70% correspondente aos estágios avançados e terminais. A dermatite interdigital representou 27,7% dos casos; crescimento excessivo dos cascos 8,6%; doença da linha branca 3,2%; sola dupla 3,2%; granuloma do dígito 2,3%; hiperplasia interdigital 2,3%; úlcera de sola 0,9% e 0,4% de abcesso de pé. Os principais fatores predisponentes envolvidos na ocorrência das doenças foram a alta precipitação pluviométrica, condições de umidade do solo, currais e pastagens, manejo sanitário deficiente e falta de medidas preventivas (pedilúvio, quarentena, isolamento e vacinação), falhas de tratamento e baixa infra-estrutura da maioria das propriedades.(AU)
Foot diseases are the main causes of lameness in small ruminants, causing great impact on animal welfare and important economic losses due to depreciation and culling of affected animals. The aim of the present study was to characterize foot diseases found in eight flocks of sheep with a history of the ailment, that belonged to eight municipalities in the state of Bahia. At each visit, inspection of the flock, survey questionnaire, and characterization of diseases were performed. Altogether 600 sheep were inspected through foot examination in sick animals to characterize the injuries and record the diseases present per animal, as affected hooves and the number of affected limbs. The occurrence of foot disease was 23.3% (140/600) ranging from 12.8 to 55.5% per farm. Two hundred and twenty cases involving nine diseases were recorded. Foot rot was the most common disease with 51.3% of cases (113/220), 70% corresponding to advanced and terminal stages. Interdigital dermatitis represented 27.7% of the cases, excessive hoof growth 8.6%, white line disease 3.2%, double soles 3.2%, toe granuloma 2.3%, interdigital hyperplasia 2.3%, sole ulcers 0.9% and 0.4% foot abscess. The main predisposing factors involved in the genesis of diseases were the high rainfall precipitation, soil moisture conditions, pens and pastures, poor sanitary management and lack of preventive measures (footbath, quarantine, isolation and vaccination), treatment failures and low infrastructure of most properties.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/anormalidades , Primeiros Socorros , Dispositivos de Proteção da Cabeça/veterinária , Claudicação Intermitente/veterináriaResumo
As doenças dos cascos são as principais causas de claudicação em pequenos ruminantes, causando grande impacto no bem-estar dos animais e provocando sérias perdas econômicas com depreciação e abate de animais afetados. O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a ocorrência e caracterizar as doenças podais encontradas em oito rebanhos de ovinos com histórico de doenças podais pertencentes a oito municípios do estado da Bahia. Em cada visita, foram realizadas inspeções do rebanho, aplicação de um questionário de pesquisa e caracterização das doenças. No total, 600 ovinos foram inspecionados, realizando exame do casco em animais doentes para caracterizar as lesões, registrar a quantidade de doenças presentes por animal, o casco afetado e a quantidade de membros afetados. A ocorrência de doença de casco foi de 23,3% (140/600) variando de 12,8 a 55,5% por fazenda. Duzentos e vinte casos envolvendo nove doenças foram registrados. A pododermatite infecciosa foi a doença mais comum com 51,3% dos casos (113/220), 70% correspondente aos estágios avançados e terminais. A dermatite interdigital representou 27,7% dos casos; crescimento excessivo dos cascos 8,6%; doença da linha branca 3,2%; sola dupla 3,2%; granuloma do dígito 2,3%; hiperplasia interdigital 2,3%; úlcera de sola 0,9% e 0,4% de abcesso de pé. Os principais fatores predisponentes envolvidos na ocorrência das doenças foram a alta precipitação pluviométrica, condições de umidade do solo, currais e pastagens, manejo sanitário deficiente e falta de medidas preventivas (pedilúvio, quarentena, isolamento e vacinação), falhas de tratamento e baixa infra-estrutura da maioria das propriedades.(AU)
Foot diseases are the main causes of lameness in small ruminants, causing great impact on animal welfare and important economic losses due to depreciation and culling of affected animals. The aim of the present study was to characterize foot diseases found in eight flocks of sheep with a history of the ailment, that belonged to eight municipalities in the state of Bahia. At each visit, inspection of the flock, survey questionnaire, and characterization of diseases were performed. Altogether 600 sheep were inspected through foot examination in sick animals to characterize the injuries and record the diseases present per animal, as affected hooves and the number of affected limbs. The occurrence of foot disease was 23.3% (140/600) ranging from 12.8 to 55.5% per farm. Two hundred and twenty cases involving nine diseases were recorded. Foot rot was the most common disease with 51.3% of cases (113/220), 70% corresponding to advanced and terminal stages. Interdigital dermatitis represented 27.7% of the cases, excessive hoof growth 8.6%, white line disease 3.2%, double soles 3.2%, toe granuloma 2.3%, interdigital hyperplasia 2.3%, sole ulcers 0.9% and 0.4% foot abscess. The main predisposing factors involved in the genesis of diseases were the high rainfall precipitation, soil moisture conditions, pens and pastures, poor sanitary management and lack of preventive measures (footbath, quarantine, isolation and vaccination), treatment failures and low infrastructure of most properties.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/anormalidades , Primeiros Socorros , Dispositivos de Proteção da Cabeça/veterinária , Claudicação Intermitente/veterináriaResumo
Background: Foot-rot is a contagious bacterial infection of the feet of sheep that causes lameness. This infection leads to major economic losses in wool, meat, and dairy industries throughout the world. Pathogenesis of foot-rot can be described as the damage of the interdigital skin, invasion of fecal bacterium Fusobacterium necrophorum, and finally the involvement of Dichelobacter nodosus in the infection. In the worst cases, the disease becomes widespread, and systemic bacterial infections may occur. The present study aims to describe macroscopic and histopathological findings of foot-rot lesions formed in the foot, heart, liver, and lungs to draw attention to these aspects of the disease.Case: The material of the study consisted of a 3-year-old sheep. The investigation was composed of the disease history; post-mortem examination; and histopathological analysis of lung, liver, heart, and foot lesions. At the anamnesis, it was reported that the diseased animal had lameness and weakness with other clinical symptoms, and approximately 10 infected sheep had died within a 1-week period. At necropsy, malodorous ulcerative lesions between the nails; focal-disseminated foci in the liver, lung, and heart; yellowish matte thickening in the heart valves; and hydropericardium were detected. After necropsy, tissue samples taken from the skin, lungs, spleen, kidneys, and liver were fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution, paraffin embedded, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Giemsa staining was done to detect the agents in the tissues. The slides were examined and photographed using a light microscope. Histopathological examination revealed that ulcerations between the nails were lesions shaped as the result of the foot rot disease...
Animais , Doenças do Pé/diagnóstico , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Fígado/citologia , Ovinos , Pulmão/citologiaResumo
Background: Foot-rot is a contagious bacterial infection of the feet of sheep that causes lameness. This infection leads to major economic losses in wool, meat, and dairy industries throughout the world. Pathogenesis of foot-rot can be described as the damage of the interdigital skin, invasion of fecal bacterium Fusobacterium necrophorum, and finally the involvement of Dichelobacter nodosus in the infection. In the worst cases, the disease becomes widespread, and systemic bacterial infections may occur. The present study aims to describe macroscopic and histopathological findings of foot-rot lesions formed in the foot, heart, liver, and lungs to draw attention to these aspects of the disease.Case: The material of the study consisted of a 3-year-old sheep. The investigation was composed of the disease history; post-mortem examination; and histopathological analysis of lung, liver, heart, and foot lesions. At the anamnesis, it was reported that the diseased animal had lameness and weakness with other clinical symptoms, and approximately 10 infected sheep had died within a 1-week period. At necropsy, malodorous ulcerative lesions between the nails; focal-disseminated foci in the liver, lung, and heart; yellowish matte thickening in the heart valves; and hydropericardium were detected. After necropsy, tissue samples taken from the skin, lungs, spleen, kidneys, and liver were fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution, paraffin embedded, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Giemsa staining was done to detect the agents in the tissues. The slides were examined and photographed using a light microscope. Histopathological examination revealed that ulcerations between the nails were lesions shaped as the result of the foot rot disease...(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Doenças do Pé/diagnóstico , Doenças do Pé/veterinária , Fígado/citologia , Pulmão/citologiaResumo
Objetivou-se identificar alguns indicadores bioquímicos e hormonais durante o final da gestação e início da lactação de vacas leiteiras sadias, quando comparadas com as que apresentaram algum tipo de transtorno clínico ao longo do experimento. Para tanto, utilizou-se 39 vacas mestiças (holandês x Gir), distribuídas em dois grupos, o primeiro (G1) com 22 animais hígidos e o segundo (G2) com 17 vacas que apresentaram algumas enfermidades (retenção de placenta, endometrite, mastite, pododermatite e distocia materna). O delineamento experimental ocorreu a partir das coletas realizadas nos períodos -60, -40, -20, -10 dias antes do parto, 0 (dia do parto), e +10, +20, +40, +60 dias pós-parto. Analisou-se os metabólitos energéticos (glicose, frutosamina, AGNEs e β-hidroxibutirato), hormonais (insulina e cortisol), proteicos (proteína total, albumina, globulina e ureia) e minerais (CaT, P, Mg, K, Na e Cl). As variáveis estudadas foram interpretadas por meio de análise de variância ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Analisando o perfil energético, verificou-se uma maior mobilização no G2 durante o periparto, por meio dos menores valores de frutosamina e glicose, além das concentrações superiores de AGNEs e β-hidroxibutirato. O comportamento dos hormônios insulina e cortisol foi similar, observando apenas efeito de momento, cujos maiores concentrações ocorreram no dia do parto. O perfil proteico revelou, pela proteína total apenas efeito de momento, em que seus menores valores foram verificados no dia do parto, contudo, a albumina do G2 foi inferior ao G1 em todos os momentos, já as globulinas do G2 foram superiores ao grupo das vacas hígidas e a ureia apresentou concentrações maiores no G1. Com relação aos minerais o cálcio total, magnésio e cloro apontaram níveis inferiores desde o período inicial das coletas no grupo G2. Conclui-se, que esses metabólitos estudados sinalizaram precocemente a deficiência nutricional durante o final da gestação, repercutindo no período de transição, e comprometendo o mecanismo de adaptação das vacas, com isso aumentando os riscos para maior ocorrência de enfermidades.(AU)
This study aimed to identify some biochemical and hormonal indicators during late pregnancy and early lactation from healthy dairy cows crossbred compared with those who had some type of clinical disorder throughout the experiment. Therefore, we used 39 Crossbred dairy cows (Holstein x Gyr), divided into two groups, the first (G1) with 22 healthy animals and the second (G2) with 17 cows showed some disease (retained placenta, endometritis, mastitis, foot rot and maternal dystocia). The experiment took place from collections made in the period -60, -40, -20, -10 days before delivery, 0 (parturition day), and +10, +20, +40, +60 days postpartum. We analyzed energy metabolites (glucose, fructosamine, NEFA and β-hydroxybutyrate), hormone (insulin and cortisol), protein (total protein, albumin, globulin and urea) and minerals (CaT, P, Mg, K, Na and Cl). The variables studied were interpreted by analysis of variance at 5% probability. Analyzing the energetic profile, there was a greater mobilization in G2 during childbirth, through the lower fructosamine and glucose values, besides higher concentrations of Agnes and β-hydroxybutyrate. The behavior of the hormones insulin and cortisol was similar, noting only effect of time, whose higher levels occurred on the day of delivery. The protein profile revealed by total protein only time effect in their lowest values were recorded on the day of delivery, however, albumin G2 was lower than the G1 at all times, since the G2 globulin were higher than the group of otherwise healthy cows and urea showed higher concentrations in G1. With respect to the total mineral calcium, magnesium and chlorine showed lower levels from the initial period of the collections in G2. It follows that these metabolites studied early signal nutritional deficiency during late pregnancy, reflecting the transition period, and compromising the adjustment mechanism for cows, thereby increasing the risks to higher incidence of disease.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Biomarcadores/sangue , Bovinos/sangue , Lactação/sangue , Complicações na Gravidez/veterinária , Bovinos/fisiologiaResumo
Objetivou-se identificar alguns indicadores bioquímicos e hormonais durante o final da gestação e início da lactação de vacas leiteiras sadias, quando comparadas com as que apresentaram algum tipo de transtorno clínico ao longo do experimento. Para tanto, utilizou-se 39 vacas mestiças (holandês x Gir), distribuídas em dois grupos, o primeiro (G1) com 22 animais hígidos e o segundo (G2) com 17 vacas que apresentaram algumas enfermidades (retenção de placenta, endometrite, mastite, pododermatite e distocia materna). O delineamento experimental ocorreu a partir das coletas realizadas nos períodos -60, -40, -20, -10 dias antes do parto, 0 (dia do parto), e +10, +20, +40, +60 dias pós-parto. Analisou-se os metabólitos energéticos (glicose, frutosamina, AGNEs e β-hidroxibutirato), hormonais (insulina e cortisol), proteicos (proteína total, albumina, globulina e ureia) e minerais (CaT, P, Mg, K, Na e Cl). As variáveis estudadas foram interpretadas por meio de análise de variância ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Analisando o perfil energético, verificou-se uma maior mobilização no G2 durante o periparto, por meio dos menores valores de frutosamina e glicose, além das concentrações superiores de AGNEs e β-hidroxibutirato. O comportamento dos hormônios insulina e cortisol foi similar, observando apenas efeito de momento, cujos maiores concentrações ocorreram no dia do parto. O perfil proteico revelou, pela proteína total apenas efeito de momento, em que seus menores valores foram verificados no dia do parto, contudo, a albumina do G2 foi inferior ao G1 em todos os momentos, já as globulinas do G2 foram superiores ao grupo das vacas hígidas e a ureia apresentou concentrações maiores no G1. Com relação aos minerais o cálcio total, magnésio e cloro apontaram níveis inferiores desde o período inicial das coletas no grupo G2. Conclui-se, que esses metabólitos estudados sinalizaram precocemente a deficiência nutricional durante o final da gestação, repercutindo no período de transição, e comprometendo o mecanismo de adaptação das vacas, com isso aumentando os riscos para maior ocorrência de enfermidades.(AU)
This study aimed to identify some biochemical and hormonal indicators during late pregnancy and early lactation from healthy dairy cows crossbred compared with those who had some type of clinical disorder throughout the experiment. Therefore, we used 39 Crossbred dairy cows (Holstein x Gyr), divided into two groups, the first (G1) with 22 healthy animals and the second (G2) with 17 cows showed some disease (retained placenta, endometritis, mastitis, foot rot and maternal dystocia). The experiment took place from collections made in the period -60, -40, -20, -10 days before delivery, 0 (parturition day), and +10, +20, +40, +60 days postpartum. We analyzed energy metabolites (glucose, fructosamine, NEFA and β-hydroxybutyrate), hormone (insulin and cortisol), protein (total protein, albumin, globulin and urea) and minerals (CaT, P, Mg, K, Na and Cl). The variables studied were interpreted by analysis of variance at 5% probability. Analyzing the energetic profile, there was a greater mobilization in G2 during childbirth, through the lower fructosamine and glucose values, besides higher concentrations of Agnes and β-hydroxybutyrate. The behavior of the hormones insulin and cortisol was similar, noting only effect of time, whose higher levels occurred on the day of delivery. The protein profile revealed by total protein only time effect in their lowest values were recorded on the day of delivery, however, albumin G2 was lower than the G1 at all times, since the G2 globulin were higher than the group of otherwise healthy cows and urea showed higher concentrations in G1. With respect to the total mineral calcium, magnesium and chlorine showed lower levels from the initial period of the collections in G2. It follows that these metabolites studied early signal nutritional deficiency during late pregnancy, reflecting the transition period, and compromising the adjustment mechanism for cows, thereby increasing the risks to higher incidence of disease.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Biomarcadores/sangue , Bovinos/sangue , Lactação/sangue , Complicações na Gravidez/veterinária , Bovinos/fisiologiaResumo
Descrevem-se neste artigo aspectos relacionados a doenças podais em caprinos com ênfase na pododermatite infecciosa. São discutidos os aspectos epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos, patogenia e medidas de controle e erradicação da pododermatite infecciosa. Outras doenças podais menos frequentes em caprinos, incluindo abscesso do pé, doença da linha branca e lesões traumáticas do casco são também mencionadas.
This paper reviews foot diseases in small ruminants, mainly goats, with emphasis on foot rot. Epidemiology, clinical signs, pathogenesis, diagnostic, and control and eradication of foot rot are reviewed. Also other less frequent foot diseases of goats including foot abscesses, white line disease and traumatic injury to the hull are mentioned.
Animais , Abscesso/veterinária , Dermatite Digital/diagnóstico , Dermatite Digital/epidemiologia , Dermatite Digital/patologia , RuminantesResumo
Descrevem-se neste artigo aspectos relacionados a doenças podais em caprinos com ênfase na pododermatite infecciosa. São discutidos os aspectos epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos, patogenia e medidas de controle e erradicação da pododermatite infecciosa. Outras doenças podais menos frequentes em caprinos, incluindo abscesso do pé, doença da linha branca e lesões traumáticas do casco são também mencionadas.(AU)
This paper reviews foot diseases in small ruminants, mainly goats, with emphasis on foot rot. Epidemiology, clinical signs, pathogenesis, diagnostic, and control and eradication of foot rot are reviewed. Also other less frequent foot diseases of goats including foot abscesses, white line disease and traumatic injury to the hull are mentioned.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes , Abscesso/veterinária , Dermatite Digital/patologia , Dermatite Digital/diagnóstico , Dermatite Digital/epidemiologiaResumo
Acompanhar a evolução do tratamento de um suíno miniatura fêmea de 3 anos que apresentava lesões vesiculares em língua e lábios, região abdominal e casco, bem como anorexia, adpsia, aquesia e vômitos com sangue. Verificou-se desconforto e vocalização intensos ao tentar se locomover, também vocalizava ao deitar com tremores em membros, ficava ofegante, não conseguindo deitar sozinha, precisando de auxílio dos tutores. Com melhora gradativa a partir do 2° dia de tratamento com Arsenicum album 6 CH. Posteriormente foram administrados outros medicamentos (Calcarea carbonica 12 CH e Pulsatilla nig 6 CH e 12 CH), até culminar com Alumina 30 CH e 24 CH, com variação na diluição dessas potências onde se verificou a solução do processo. O tratamento da psora foi mais lento do que na doença aguda. A abordagem homeopática clássica demonstrou resultado significante no paciente estudado com melhora tanto dos sinais clínicos agudos e crônicos.(AU)
To follow the evolution of the treatment of a 3 year old female pig. This animal had vesicular lesions on the tongue and lips, abdominal region and hoof, as well as anorexia, adipose, aquesia and vomiting with blood. There was intense discomfort and vocalization when trying to get around, also vocalized at bedtime with tremors in limbs, was panting, unable to lie alone, needing the help of tutors. With gradual improvement from the 2nd day of treatment with Arsenicum album 6 CH. Subsequently, other drugs (Calcarea carbonica 12 CH and Pulsatilla nig 6 CH and 12 CH) were administered, culminating with 30 CH and 24 CH Alumina, with variation in the dilution of these potencies where the process solution was verified. Treatment of psora was slower than in acute disease. The classic homeopathic approach demonstrated a significant result in the studied patient with improvement of both acute and chronic clinical signs.(AU)
Acompanar la evolución del tratamiento de un cerdo hembra de 3 años. Este animal presentaba lesiones vesiculares en lengua y labios, región abdominal y casco, así como anorexia, adpsia, aquia y vómitos con sangre. Se verificó incomodidad y vocalización intensos al intentar moverse, también vocalizaba al acostarse con temblores en miembros, se quedaba jadeante, no consiguiendo acostarse sola, necesitando auxilio de los tutores. Con una mejora gradual a partir del 2° día de tratamiento con Arsenicum album 6 CH.En la mayoría de los casos, se utilizaron otros medicamentos (Calcarea carbónica 12 CH y Pulsatilla nig 6 CH y 12 CH), hasta culminar con Alumina 30 CH y 24 CH, con variación en la dilución de esas potencias donde se verificó la solución del proceso. El tratamiento de la psora fue más lento que en la enfermedad aguda. El abordaje homeopático clásico demostró un resultado significante en el paciente estudiado con mejoría tanto de las signos clínicos agudos y crónicos.(AU)
Animais , Terapêutica Homeopática/veterinária , Porco Miniatura , Estomatite Vesicular/tratamento farmacológico , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Homeopatia/veterinária , Dermatite Digital/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Acompanhar a evolução do tratamento de um suíno miniatura fêmea de 3 anos que apresentava lesões vesiculares em língua e lábios, região abdominal e casco, bem como anorexia, adpsia, aquesia e vômitos com sangue. Verificou-se desconforto e vocalização intensos ao tentar se locomover, também vocalizava ao deitar com tremores em membros, ficava ofegante, não conseguindo deitar sozinha, precisando de auxílio dos tutores. Com melhora gradativa a partir do 2° dia de tratamento com Arsenicum album 6 CH. Posteriormente foram administrados outros medicamentos (Calcarea carbonica 12 CH e Pulsatilla nig 6 CH e 12 CH), até culminar com Alumina 30 CH e 24 CH, com variação na diluição dessas potências onde se verificou a solução do processo. O tratamento da psora foi mais lento do que na doença aguda. A abordagem homeopática clássica demonstrou resultado significante no paciente estudado com melhora tanto dos sinais clínicos agudos e crônicos.
To follow the evolution of the treatment of a 3 year old female pig. This animal had vesicular lesions on the tongue and lips, abdominal region and hoof, as well as anorexia, adipose, aquesia and vomiting with blood. There was intense discomfort and vocalization when trying to get around, also vocalized at bedtime with tremors in limbs, was panting, unable to lie alone, needing the help of tutors. With gradual improvement from the 2nd day of treatment with Arsenicum album 6 CH. Subsequently, other drugs (Calcarea carbonica 12 CH and Pulsatilla nig 6 CH and 12 CH) were administered, culminating with 30 CH and 24 CH Alumina, with variation in the dilution of these potencies where the process solution was verified. Treatment of psora was slower than in acute disease. The classic homeopathic approach demonstrated a significant result in the studied patient with improvement of both acute and chronic clinical signs.
Acompanar la evolución del tratamiento de un cerdo hembra de 3 años. Este animal presentaba lesiones vesiculares en lengua y labios, región abdominal y casco, así como anorexia, adpsia, aquia y vómitos con sangre. Se verificó incomodidad y vocalización intensos al intentar moverse, también vocalizaba al acostarse con temblores en miembros, se quedaba jadeante, no consiguiendo acostarse sola, necesitando auxilio de los tutores. Con una mejora gradual a partir del 2° día de tratamiento con Arsenicum album 6 CH.En la mayoría de los casos, se utilizaron otros medicamentos (Calcarea carbónica 12 CH y Pulsatilla nig 6 CH y 12 CH), hasta culminar con Alumina 30 CH y 24 CH, con variación en la dilución de esas potencias donde se verificó la solución del proceso. El tratamiento de la psora fue más lento que en la enfermedad aguda. El abordaje homeopático clásico demostró un resultado significante en el paciente estudiado con mejoría tanto de las signos clínicos agudos y crónicos.
Animais , Estomatite Vesicular/tratamento farmacológico , Pododermatite Necrótica dos Ovinos/tratamento farmacológico , Porco Miniatura , Terapêutica Homeopática/veterinária , Dermatite Digital/tratamento farmacológico , Homeopatia/veterináriaResumo
Foi realizado o estudo retrospectivo das afecções do sistema locomotor de ruminantes atendidos no Serviço de Clínica de Bovinos e Pequenos Ruminantes da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo (FMVZ-USP), no período de 2000 a 2012. Nesse período, foram atendidos 209 casos de animais com problemas lo- comotores, dos quais 62,7% localizados na região distal dos membros e 37,3% na região proximal. Na espécie bovina, com 121 (57,9%) casos atendidos, o comprometimento da região distal dos membros foi observado em 86 (71,07%) e da região proximal em 35 (28,93%) dos casos, respectivamente. A afecção mais frequente observada em bovinos foi a hiperplasia interdigital com 26,74% (23) dos casos atendidos. Entre as afecções na região proximal, houve maior ocor- rência de fraturas, com 48,6% (17) dos casos. Foram atendidos 88 (42,1%) pequenos ruminantes, apresentando lesões na região distal em 51,1% (45) dos casos e 48,9% (43) com lesões na região proximal. Nessas espécies, as lesões de maior ocorrência nas regiões distais e proximais foram, respectivamente, o foot-rot (60%) e as fraturas (77,4%). As afecções do sistema locomotor dos ruminantes foram pouco frequentes entre os animais atendidos no período estudado. Quanto ao prognóstico, foi bom nos animais acometidos com doenças podais, diferentemente das afecções proximais dos bovinos, principalmente fraturas, que apresentaram prognóstico mau.(AU)
This study aimed to perform a retrospective study of ruminants attended at the Clinic for Cattle and Small Ruminants (CBPR) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FMVZ), University of São Paulo (USP) with locomotor diseases from 2000 to 2012. During this period 209 cases were treated. It was found that cases located in the distal limb and in the proximal region were 62.7% and 33.7%, respectively. In bovines, 121 (57.9%) cases were treated, with 86 (71.07%) cases presented in the distal limb and 35 (28.93%) cases in the proximal region. The most common disease was interdigital hyperplasia with 23 (26.74%) cases treated. Fractures were the most frequent disease related to the proximal regioncorresponding to 17 (48.6%) occurrences. In small ruminants, 88 animals (42.1%) were treated with 45 (51.1%) cases in the distal region and the other 43 (48.9%) in the proximal region. In these species, the foot-rot (60%) and fractures (77.4%) was the most common diseases found in the distal and the proximal region, respectively. The disorders of the locomotor system of ruminants were uncommon in the CBPR. While the affected animals with claw diseases have a good prognosis, disorders affecting the upper limb in cattle, mainly fracture, have a poor prognosis.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Ovinos , Casco e Garras/anatomia & histologia , Ruminantes/classificaçãoResumo
Background: Circadian rhythms are biological rhythms generated by an organism or group of organisms that have an intrinsic period of 24 h. Among the many variables that exhibit circadian rhythmicity, body temperature has received considerable attention. The circadian rhythm of body temperature is a well-documented physiological phenomen. Also, it has been shown that changes in heat loss via convection and radiation are primarily caused by variations in skin blood flow, with consequent changes in skin temperature. For this reason, foot temperature assumes a great importance both as indicator of equine laminitis and foot-and-mouth disease in sheep. Particularly, the foot rot, term loosely used to describe lameness associated with the bovine foot, is characterized by acute inflammation of the skin and adjacent soft tissue of the interdigital cleft or space in which the modifications of temperature assume a great importance. In fact, the regulation of body temperature is an essential component of the process of fever, which plays an important role in an organisms response to infection and disease, and its manipulation is a standard procedure in various surgical and therapeutic procedures. In this regards, the aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of rectal temperature (RT) both in healthy Comisana sheep and in Comisana sheep affected by foot rot.Materials, Methods & Re
Background: Circadian rhythms are biological rhythms generated by an organism or group of organisms that have an intrinsic period of 24 h. Among the many variables that exhibit circadian rhythmicity, body temperature has received considerable attention. The circadian rhythm of body temperature is a well-documented physiological phenomen. Also, it has been shown that changes in heat loss via convection and radiation are primarily caused by variations in skin blood flow, with consequent changes in skin temperature. For this reason, foot temperature assumes a great importance both as indicator of equine laminitis and foot-and-mouth disease in sheep. Particularly, the foot rot, term loosely used to describe lameness associated with the bovine foot, is characterized by acute inflammation of the skin and adjacent soft tissue of the interdigital cleft or space in which the modifications of temperature assume a great importance. In fact, the regulation of body temperature is an essential component of the process of fever, which plays an important role in an organisms response to infection and disease, and its manipulation is a standard procedure in various surgical and therapeutic procedures. In this regards, the aim of this study was to evaluate the pattern of rectal temperature (RT) both in healthy Comisana sheep and in Comisana sheep affected by foot rot.Materials, Methods & Re