High consanguinity among equines has negative effects on semen quality, thus resulting in low motility and high levels of abnormality in the spermatozoa. However, such a relationship has not been studied in Colombian Creole horses, which have been subjected to particular selection practices focusing mainly on their gait. This research assessed the relationship of semen quality to inbreeding and gait of Colombian Creole horses. Semen was collected from 50 horses using the artificial vagina method. Sperm motility and kinematics were assessed with a computerized analysis system (SCA®). Sperm vitality (SV) and abnormal morphology (AM) were assessed via the eosin-nigrosin staining test. Functional membrane integrity (FMI) was assessed via the hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST). Genealogies and consanguinity analysis was conducted using the Breeders Assistant for Horses program. An average of 3.6 ± 0.4 % was reported for the inbreeding coefficient (Ft). A decrease in sperm motility and kinematics was reported, which was associated with an increase in consanguinity (P < 0.05). Furthermore, differences in consanguinity were found based on gait. Similarly, a relationship between horse gait and semen quality (P < 0.05) was found. Authors concluded that semen quality of Colombian Creole horses has been affected by inbreeding and its relationship with genetic selection based on gait.
A alta consanguinidade entre equinos tem efeitos negativos na qualidade do sêmen, resultando em baixa motilidade e altos níveis de anormalidade nos espermatozóides. No entanto, tal relação não foi estudada em cavalos crioulos colombianos, que tem sido submetidos a práticas de seleção específicas com foco principalmente em sua marcha. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o relação da qualidade do sêmen com endogamia e marcha de cavalos crioulos colombianos. O sêmen foi coletado de 50 cavalos pelo método da vagina artificial. A motilidade e a cinética dos espermatozoides foram avaliadas com um sistema de análise computadorizado (SCA®). A vitalidade do esperma (VE) e a morfologia anormal (MA) foram avaliadas por meio do teste de coloração com eosina-nigrosina. A integridade funcional da membrana (IFM) foi avaliada por meio do test hipo-osmótico (HOST). A análise de genealogias e consanguinidade foi conduzida usando o programa Breeders Assistant for Horses. Uma média de 3,6 ± 0,4% foi encontrada para o coeficiente de endogamia (Ft). Uma diminuição na motilidade e cinética dos espermatozoides, que foi associada a um aumento na consanguinidade (P < 0,05). Além disso, diferenças na consanguinidade foram encontradas com base na marcha. Da mesma forma, foi encontrada uma relação entre a marcha do cavalo e a qualidade do sêmen (P < 0,05). Os autores concluíram que a qualidade do sêmen de cavalos crioulos colombianos foi afetada pela endogamia e sua relação com a seleção genética baseada na marcha.
Animais , Seleção Genética , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Marcha , Cavalos , EndogamiaResumo
A locomoção é a função do organismo que permite executar os movimentos corporais e o deslocamento do centro de gravidade em qualquer direção. Os andamentos são considerados formas de locomoção, que podem ser habilidades inatas ou adquiridas, e se classificam em naturais ou artificiais e em básicos ou especiais. Os básicos naturais são o passo, a andadura, o trote e o galope de três e quatro tempos. Entre os andamentos naturais especiais estão as marchas, como a picada e a batida, presentes em algumas raças de equinos brasileiras, e as modalidades de "paso" ocorrentes nos cavalos passo fino Peruano, fino Colombiano e fino de Porto Rico. Nos andamentos os equinos movimentam os membros locomotores, deslocam o corpo com características como a velocidade, sequência dos momentos de apoio e elevação, além de mostrar as pegadas, as pistas e as batidas, que são características biomecânicas que definem os andamentos. O estudo dos andamentos é parte vinculante da biomecânica/cinesiologia e, portanto, deve ser compreendido além da anatomia funcional ou da fisiologia, da medicina esportiva e do estudo das claudicações. Esta revisão tem por objetivo revisar e descrever os conceitos gerais da locomoção e os diferentes andamentos naturais em equinos.(AU)
Locomotion is the function of the organism that allows the execution of body movements and displacement of the center of gravity in any direction. Gaitsare the forms of locomotion that can be innate or acquired skills, classified as natural or artificial and as basic or special. The natural basic gaits are the walk, pace, trot and three-and four-beat gallop. Among the special natural gaits are the gaits, such as the "marcha batida" and "marcha picada", observed in some Brazilian horse breeds, and the "paso" modalities that occur in Peruvian fine, Colombian fine and Puerto Rican fine horses. In the gaits, the horses move the limbs, move the body with characteristics such as speed, sequence of moments of bearing and elevation, and show the footprints, tracks and beats, which are biomechanical characteristics of the gaits. The study of gaits is a complementary part of biomechanics/kinesiology and must be understood beyond functional anatomy or physiology, sports medicine and the study of lameness. This literature review aims to describe the general concepts of locomotion and the different natural gaits in horses.(AU)
La locomoción es la función del organismo que permite la ejecución de movimientos corporales y el desplazamiento del centro de gravedad en cualquier direcciónde un entorno. Los modos de andar se consideran formas de locomoción que pueden ser habilidades innatas o adquiridas, clasificadas en naturales o artificiales y en básicas o especiales. Los fundamentos naturales son el paso, la ambladura, el trote, el galope de tres y cuatro tiempos. Entre los aires naturales especiales están los aires, como las "marchas batida" y "marcha picada", presentes en las razas de caballos brasileños, y las modalidades de "paso" que se dan en los caballos finos peruanos, finos colombianos y finos puertorriqueños. En las marchas, los caballos mueven las extremidades locomotoras, mueven el cuerpo con características como velocidad, secuencia de momentos de apoyo y elevación, además de mostrar las pisadas, huellas y golpes, que son características biomecánicas que definen las marchas. El estudio de revision de la marcha es una parte vinculante de la biomecánica/kinesiología y, por lo tanto, debe entenderse más allá de la anatomía o fisiología funcional, la medicina deportiva y el estudio de la cojera, siendo estos partes de la "ciencia equina". Este material tiene como objetivo revisar y describir los conceptos generales de locomoción y los diferentes aires naturales en los caballos.(AU)
Animais , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , LocomoçãoResumo
Background: Choroid plexus papilloma is a benign neoplasm derived from the neuroepithelium of the choroid plexus of the ventricular cavity, commonly located in the fourth ventricle, affecting dogs of different age groups and without predilection for sex. There is a range of therapeutic options, and the treatment to be chosen will be defined based on tumor localization and development. Due to the difficulties in accessing treatments, tutors opt for euthanasia or death occurs with the worsening of the clinical condition. This case report aims to present the symptomatology, treatment and evolution of the case until the death of the animal, as well as the pathological findings. Case: A 12-year-old bitch, mixed breed, was treated presenting behavior alteration, with unusual aggressiveness, perceived by the tutor four weeks ago. Neurological examination revealed changes in behavior, compulsive walking and focal epileptic seizures. After the presumptive diagnosis of brain neoplasia, the dog underwent symptomatic treatment with prednisolone (1 mg/kg, orally, every 24 h, for 15 days, with subsequent reduction to 0.5 mg/kg for another 15 days) and phenobarbital (3 mg/kg, every 12 h, orally), until death. After the beginning of the treatment, no more epileptic seizures and aggressive behavior were observed. After 5 months of consultation, the dog returned with aggressive and anorexic behavior. Due to the worsening of clinical signs, with the possibility of brain neoplasia, the tutor opted for euthanasia. Necropsy was performed and macroscopic examination was observed in the telecephalus, occlusion of the third ventricle by grayish mass, soft, 1.2 cm in diameter with slight dilation of lateral ventricles. On histological examination, it was observed that the third ventricle was occluded, epithelial proliferation of arboriform aspect, composed of cuboidal cells to columnares sustained by moderate fibrovascular stroma. Based on macroscopic and histopathological findings of the telecephalus, the alterations determined the diagnosis of choroid plexus papilloma. Discussion: The diagnosis of choroid plexus papilloma was confirmed by observing the neurological signs and pathological findings that characterize this neoplasm. Choroid plexus tumors are less common, in the third ventricle, only in 36% of all reports are of tumors in that area. The search for care is mainly due to clinical signs that include behavioral, and locomotor changes and sometimes epileptic seizures, such clinical signs were found in the dog. Choroid plexus papilloma affects dogs of all ages, but more in adults and increasing the occurrence as they age. The tumor is still correlated in a higher occurrence in large animals, the evaluated dog was of age, but small in size. During anamnesis, in addition to the clinical history, neurological examinations provide a good basis for the presumptive diagnosis that can be complemented by an imaging diagnosis. Sometimes such technologies are not available for use, therefore, more comprehensive knowledge about clinical signs and anamnesis are indispensable for a correct diagnosis. Palliative drug therapies are an excellent option for most cases presented in the literature and clinical routine, since they provide better quality of life by decreasing or eliminating clinical signs, besides being easily administered by tutors. The therapy proved to be of great value for the improvement of the clinical signs of the evaluated dog, confirming the importance of knowledge of the appropriate prescriptions for each case and reinforcing that consultation with one was important in defining the diagnosis and symptomatic treatment.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Telencéfalo/diagnóstico por imagem , Papiloma do Plexo Corióideo/veterinária , Neoplasias do Plexo Corióideo/veterinária , Transtornos Neurológicos da Marcha/veterináriaResumo
A marcha é um andamento natural de algumas raças de equinos, o qual resulta de movimentos coordenados, e é o andamento característico dos cavalos Campeiros. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar relações entre medidas lineares e angulares com o tipo de marcha dos cavalos da raça Campeiro. Foram avaliados 113 equinos adultos, sendo realizadas 12 medidas lineares e 11 angulares de cada animal. Para obtenção das medidas lineares, utilizou-se hipômetro e fita métrica, e, para as medidas angulares, artrogoniômetro e podogoniômetro. Para avaliar e classificar a marcha, os animais foram montados e filmados por vista lateral. Dos 113 animais, 36 (32%) apresentaram marcha incompleta, 74 (65%) marcha completa, e três (3%) a guinilha. Dos equinos com marcha completa, 20 (27%) apresentaram marcha batida, 14 (19%) marcha de centro e 40 (54%) marcha picada. Apenas a medida linear, altura da garupa, apresentou diferença entre os tipos de andamentos (P<0,011). Pode-se concluir que as medidas lineares e angulares dos equinos Campeiros apresentam valores similares entre as variações da marcha, demonstrando equivalente morfologia independentemente da categoria da marcha.(AU)
The march is a natural gait of some breeds of horses, which results from coordinated movements, and is the characteristic gait of Campeiro horses. The objective of this study was to determine relationships between linear and angular measures with the type of march of the Campeiro racehorses. A total of 113 adult horses were evaluated and 12 linear and 11 angular measurements of each animal were performed. To obtain the linear measurements, we used a hypometer and a tape measure and for the angular measurements, an arthrogoniometer and podogoniometer. To evaluate and classify the gait the animals were mounted and filmed by lateral view. Of the 113 animals, 36 (32%) had an incomplete gait, 74 (65%) had a complete gait and three (3%) had a guinilha gait. Of the horses with complete gait, 20 (27%) presented batida quick march, 14 (19%) a central march and 40 (54%) a split march. Only the linear measure, the height of the rump, presented difference between the types of movements (P< 0.011). It can be concluded that the linear and angular measurements of the Campeiro equines present similar values between the march variations, demonstrating morphological equivalent regardless of the march category.(AU)
Animais , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Marcha , Cavalos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
A marcha é um andamento natural de algumas raças de equinos, o qual resulta de movimentos coordenados, e é o andamento característico dos cavalos Campeiros. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar relações entre medidas lineares e angulares com o tipo de marcha dos cavalos da raça Campeiro. Foram avaliados 113 equinos adultos, sendo realizadas 12 medidas lineares e 11 angulares de cada animal. Para obtenção das medidas lineares, utilizou-se hipômetro e fita métrica, e, para as medidas angulares, artrogoniômetro e podogoniômetro. Para avaliar e classificar a marcha, os animais foram montados e filmados por vista lateral. Dos 113 animais, 36 (32%) apresentaram marcha incompleta, 74 (65%) marcha completa, e três (3%) a guinilha. Dos equinos com marcha completa, 20 (27%) apresentaram marcha batida, 14 (19%) marcha de centro e 40 (54%) marcha picada. Apenas a medida linear, altura da garupa, apresentou diferença entre os tipos de andamentos (P<0,011). Pode-se concluir que as medidas lineares e angulares dos equinos Campeiros apresentam valores similares entre as variações da marcha, demonstrando equivalente morfologia independentemente da categoria da marcha.(AU)
The march is a natural gait of some breeds of horses, which results from coordinated movements, and is the characteristic gait of Campeiro horses. The objective of this study was to determine relationships between linear and angular measures with the type of march of the Campeiro racehorses. A total of 113 adult horses were evaluated and 12 linear and 11 angular measurements of each animal were performed. To obtain the linear measurements, we used a hypometer and a tape measure and for the angular measurements, an arthrogoniometer and podogoniometer. To evaluate and classify the gait the animals were mounted and filmed by lateral view. Of the 113 animals, 36 (32%) had an incomplete gait, 74 (65%) had a complete gait and three (3%) had a guinilha gait. Of the horses with complete gait, 20 (27%) presented batida quick march, 14 (19%) a central march and 40 (54%) a split march. Only the linear measure, the height of the rump, presented difference between the types of movements (P< 0.011). It can be concluded that the linear and angular measurements of the Campeiro equines present similar values between the march variations, demonstrating morphological equivalent regardless of the march category.(AU)
Animais , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Marcha , Cavalos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The conformation is directly related to the quality of the movements, and can direct the selection by equine aptitude. This study aimed to identify which are the morphometric measurements that explain the total variance available in the marcha batida and picada gaits of young Mangalarga Marchador horses. Analyses were performed by evaluating 20 linear measurements of 420 champion horses. Measures were separated by gender (male-M and female-F), type of marcha, (batida-MB e picada-MP) and divided into eight age groups. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to identify which measurements were most important in determining marcha variance by selecting principal component (PC) which sum of eigenvalues was able to explain the minimum percentage of 80% of the total variation. The PC number varied randomly according to age groups, being 2 to 3 in both genders in MP, 3 to 4 for M-MB, and up to 5 for F-MB, suggesting lower overall variability in MP, and higher in F-MB. There was no defined pattern concerning the amount of PC per age group, demonstrating that each category may have independent variations. Although, some repetitions of variables occurred similarly in different ages, sexes, and marcha types, the responsibility for the highest occurrence of variation was the posterior cannon and gaskin length. The significant variance in the length of these segments, regardless of gender, age, and marcha, and the fact they are not measured daily suggested there is not only a lack of standardization of these segments, but there is also size compensation among them since the group evaluated is composed of breed champions.(AU)
A conformação pode estar diretamente relacionada a qualidade dos movimentos direcionando a seleção dos equinos por aptidão. Objetivou-se identificar quais medidas lineares explicam a variância total disponível nas marchas batida e picada em cavalos jovens da raça Mangalarga Marchador. As análises foram realizadas pela avaliação de 20 medidas lineares de 420 equinos campeões de exposições, separados por sexo (macho-M e fêmeas-F), tipo de marcha (batida-MB e picada-MP) e oito grupos etários. Utilizou-se análise de componentes principais (ACP) para identificar quais características eram mais importantes na determinação da variância das marchas, selecionando aquelas contidas em CP, cuja soma de autovalores foi capaz de explicar o percentual mínimo de 80% da variação total. O número de CP variou de acordo com as faixas etárias, sendo de 2 a 3 em M e F-MP, de 3 a 4 para M-MB e até 5 para F-MB, o que sugere menor variação em animais de MP, e maior em F-MB. Não houve padrão na quantidade de CP por classe etária demonstrando variações independentes entre categorias. A maior variância geral foi explicada pelo comprimento de canela posterior e perna. A grande variância no comprimento desses segmentos, independentemente de sexo, idade, tipo de marcha e o fato dos mesmos não serem mensurados cotidianamente, sugere que não ocorre somente a ausência de padronização, mas também há compensação de tamanho entre eles, visto que se avaliou apenas animais campeões da raça.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Análise da Marcha/veterináriaResumo
Poor saddle-fitting is one of the main causes of back pain in horses. Mangalarga Marchador is a popular breed in Brazil, being used mainly for pleasure riding and sports. This study aimed to thermographically assess saddles used in horses of this breed. Thermographic images were obtained from 18 saddles of animals from different categories during a Mangalarga Marchador National Exposition. The evaluation was based on three parameters: contact area symmetry, dorsal midline interaction and total skin contact area (25%, 50%, 75% or 100%). Contact area asymmetry was observed in 83.3% of saddles. Dorsal midline interaction was observed with the same frequency. Only 22.2% of saddles assessed in the present study had panels with contact areas greater than 50%. Based on the results of this essay it can be concluded that thermography is a useful tool for the evaluation of saddle contact area with the back of horses and that there is a high frequency of fitting unconformities in saddles used in Mangalarga Marchador horses.(AU)
O ajuste inadequado da sela é um dos principais causadores de lombalgias em equinos. A raça Mangalarga Marchador está entre as mais populares do Brasil, sendo muito utilizada para cavalgadas e prática de esportes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar termograficamente as selas utilizadas em cavalos dessa raça. Para tal, foram realizadas imagens termográficas de 18 selas de animais de diversas categorias durante uma Exposição Nacional do Cavalo Mangalarga Marchador. A avaliação foi realizada baseando-se em três parâmetros: simetria da área de contato, interação com a linha média dorsal e área total de contato com a pele (25%, 50%, 75% ou 100%). Em 83,3% das selas avaliadas foi observada assimetria da área de contato. A interação com a linha média dorsal foi observada com a mesma frequência. Apenas 22,2% das selas avaliadas no presente estudo tinham suadouros com área de contato maior que 50%. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, conclui-se que a termografia é uma ferramenta útil na avaliação do contato das selas com o dorso dos cavalos e que existe alta frequência de inconformidades no ajuste de selas utilizadas na raça Mangalarga Marchador.(AU)
Animais , Termografia/veterinária , Dor Lombar/veterinária , Cavalos , Equipamentos e Provisões/veterinária , MarchaResumo
Poor saddle-fitting is one of the main causes of back pain in horses. Mangalarga Marchador is a popular breed in Brazil, being used mainly for pleasure riding and sports. This study aimed to thermographically assess saddles used in horses of this breed. Thermographic images were obtained from 18 saddles of animals from different categories during a Mangalarga Marchador National Exposition. The evaluation was based on three parameters: contact area symmetry, dorsal midline interaction and total skin contact area (25%, 50%, 75% or 100%). Contact area asymmetry was observed in 83.3% of saddles. Dorsal midline interaction was observed with the same frequency. Only 22.2% of saddles assessed in the present study had panels with contact areas greater than 50%. Based on the results of this essay it can be concluded that thermography is a useful tool for the evaluation of saddle contact area with the back of horses and that there is a high frequency of fitting unconformities in saddles used in Mangalarga Marchador horses.(AU)
O ajuste inadequado da sela é um dos principais causadores de lombalgias em equinos. A raça Mangalarga Marchador está entre as mais populares do Brasil, sendo muito utilizada para cavalgadas e prática de esportes. O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar termograficamente as selas utilizadas em cavalos dessa raça. Para tal, foram realizadas imagens termográficas de 18 selas de animais de diversas categorias durante uma Exposição Nacional do Cavalo Mangalarga Marchador. A avaliação foi realizada baseando-se em três parâmetros: simetria da área de contato, interação com a linha média dorsal e área total de contato com a pele (25%, 50%, 75% ou 100%). Em 83,3% das selas avaliadas foi observada assimetria da área de contato. A interação com a linha média dorsal foi observada com a mesma frequência. Apenas 22,2% das selas avaliadas no presente estudo tinham suadouros com área de contato maior que 50%. Com base nos resultados obtidos neste trabalho, conclui-se que a termografia é uma ferramenta útil na avaliação do contato das selas com o dorso dos cavalos e que existe alta frequência de inconformidades no ajuste de selas utilizadas na raça Mangalarga Marchador.(AU)
Animais , Termografia/veterinária , Dor Lombar/veterinária , Cavalos , Equipamentos e Provisões/veterinária , MarchaResumo
Background: Lameness in dairy cows is classified as a gait change caused by multifactorial process. The phase of theperipartum causes intense physiological changes for the adaptation of late gestation and onset of lactation. The aim of thisstudy was to characterize the changes in the biochemical profile and productive performance in dairy cows with lamenessduring postpartum period.Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted at the University of São Paulo farm, in Pirassununga, São PauloState, Brazil, from January to March 2017. A total, of 48 multiparous (2 to 3 lactations and 3-4 years old) dairy cows,that had the milk production of 9,200 kg/ dairy cow in a period of 305 days in the previous lactation, were included in thestudy. All cows were managed under the same conditions and nutritional regimen. Evaluation of body condition score wasperformed by a single person on -18, -12, -8, -5, and -2 days before parturition, at parturition, and on days 1, 7, 14, 21,30, 45 and 60 after parturition. Milk production was recorded on days 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition and savedin the software program. Blood samples were performed on -18, -12, -8, -5, and -2 days before parturition, at parturition,and on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition. Blood samples were assayed for albumin, calcium, cholesterol,triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, urea, creatinine, gamma-glutamil-transferase and total proteinconcentrations. Dairy cows were divided into a lame group (11) and normal group (37) based on locomotion score fromparturition to seven days postpartum. Lame cows was classified if their score was > 2, and normal cows was classified iftheir score was ≤ 2 and free of any disease. Dairy cows that suffer by any health disorder other than lameness were excludedfrom this study. Cow diagnosed with lameness outside the diagnostic period were excluded from this study...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Casco e Garras/fisiopatologia , Marcha , Período Pós-Parto/fisiologia , Período Pós-Parto/sangue , Período Periparto , Testes Hematológicos/veterináriaResumo
Background: Lameness in dairy cows is classified as a gait change caused by multifactorial process. The phase of theperipartum causes intense physiological changes for the adaptation of late gestation and onset of lactation. The aim of thisstudy was to characterize the changes in the biochemical profile and productive performance in dairy cows with lamenessduring postpartum period.Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted at the University of São Paulo farm, in Pirassununga, São PauloState, Brazil, from January to March 2017. A total, of 48 multiparous (2 to 3 lactations and 3-4 years old) dairy cows,that had the milk production of 9,200 kg/ dairy cow in a period of 305 days in the previous lactation, were included in thestudy. All cows were managed under the same conditions and nutritional regimen. Evaluation of body condition score wasperformed by a single person on -18, -12, -8, -5, and -2 days before parturition, at parturition, and on days 1, 7, 14, 21,30, 45 and 60 after parturition. Milk production was recorded on days 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition and savedin the software program. Blood samples were performed on -18, -12, -8, -5, and -2 days before parturition, at parturition,and on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 30, 45 and 60 after parturition. Blood samples were assayed for albumin, calcium, cholesterol,triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate, urea, creatinine, gamma-glutamil-transferase and total proteinconcentrations. Dairy cows were divided into a lame group (11) and normal group (37) based on locomotion score fromparturition to seven days postpartum. Lame cows was classified if their score was > 2, and normal cows was classified iftheir score was ≤ 2 and free of any disease. Dairy cows that suffer by any health disorder other than lameness were excludedfrom this study. Cow diagnosed with lameness outside the diagnostic period were excluded from this study...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Período Pós-Parto/sangue , Período Pós-Parto/fisiologia , Casco e Garras/fisiopatologia , Marcha , Testes Hematológicos/veterinária , Período PeripartoResumo
Systematic studies involving technologies such as surface electromyography (sEMG) may provide important data that enable veterinarians to recognize musculoskeletal, ligamentous, and neurological alterations. The aim of this study was to describe the gait cycle phases and the timing of muscle activation in healthy Boxer dogs during gait by means of sEMG. The gait cycle of seven Boxer dogs was evaluated and sEMG was recorded from the biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachiocephalic, rectus femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and superficial gluteal muscles of the right hemibody. Circular monopolar Ag/AgCl electrodes were attached to the mean point between the motor point and the muscle insertion. The electromyographic signals were collected by an active interface with 20-fold gain in a bipolar differential configuration using a 16-channel signal conditioner (EMG Systems Brasil), while the dogs walked on a treadmill at a speed of 2m/s. Pearson's correlation was used for the statistical analysis. A positive correlation was found between the rectus femoris and biceps brachii (r= 0.81); superficial gluteal and triceps brachii (r= 0.69); semitendinosus-semimembranosus and biceps brachii (r= 0.76); and rectus femoris and semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscle groups (r=0.99). The biceps brachii and brachiocephalic muscles work in tandem to position the thoracic limb during the gait cycle, while the semitendinosus-semimembranosus group flexes the knee and, simultaneously with the quadriceps that flexes the hip, prevents the contact of the pelvic limb with the ground during the swing phase. The body is propelled forward by the triceps brachii muscle, which extends the elbow and flexes the shoulder at the final contact, while the superficial gluteal muscle extends the hip.(AU)
Estudos sistemáticos que envolvem uso de tecnologias, como a eletromiografia de superfície (EMGs), podem fornecer dados importantes que capacitam os clínicos a diferenciar as alterações musculoesqueléticas, ligamentares ou neurológicas. Objetiva-se com este trabalho descrever as fases da marcha canina e o momento de ativação dos músculos de cães saudáveis da raça Boxer durante a marcha, por meio da eletromiografia de superfície. Avaliou-se a marcha de sete cães da raça Boxer, e o sinal elétrico da eletromiografia de superfície foi coletado do bíceps braquial, do tríceps braquial, do braquiocefálico, do reto femoral, do semitendinoso/semimembranoso e do glúteo superficial do hemicorpo direito. Os eletrodos monopolares circulares de prata com cloreto de prata (Ag/AgCl) foram posicionados no ponto médio entre a placa motora e a inserção desses músculos. Os sinais eletromiográficos foram capturados e adquiridos por uma interface ativa com ganho de 20x em configuração diferencial bipolar e por um condicionador de sinais (EMG Systems Brasil) de 16 canais, enquanto os cães caminharam em esteira com velocidade de 2m/s. Para análise estatística, foi aplicado teste de correlação de Pearson. Verificou-se correlação positiva entre os músculos retofemoral e bíceps braquial (r= 0,81); glúteo superficial e tríceps braquial (r= 0,69); semitendinoso/semimembranoso e bíceps braquial (r= 0,76); e entre o músculo reto femoral e o grupo muscular semitendinoso e semimembranoso (r=0,99). Os músculos bíceps braquial e braquiocefálico do mesmo membro trabalham em sinergia para posicionar o membro torácico durante o ciclo de marcha, enquanto o grupo muscular semitendinoso/semimembranoso flexiona o joelho e, simultaneamente com o quadríceps, que flexiona o quadril, impede que o membro pélvico entre em contato com o solo no balanço. Para impulsionar o corpo à frente, o músculo tríceps braquial estende o cotovelo e flexiona o ombro no contato final e o glúteo superficial estende o quadril.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Eletromiografia/veterinária , Marcha , Músculos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos MusculoesqueléticosResumo
The experiment was carried out with the objective of evaluating a methodology to estimate the angulation and equilibrium condition, relating them to gait score and the main diseases of the locomotion system in males and females of commercial broiler strains. A completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement (2x2) was applied, consisting of two sexes and two genetic strains, with five replicates of 53 chickens each. The following characteristics related to broiler locomotion were studied: gait score (GS); incidence of Valgus (VAL) and Varus (VAR) deformities and of pododermatitis (POD); body angle relative the ground (ANG); equilibrium condition (EC); body weight (BW) and breast weight (BrW); and incidence of femoral degeneration (FD), tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) and spondylolisthesis (SPO). GS, and VAL and VAR were assessed inside a broiler house. Birds were then photographed to estimate ANG and EC. Birds were sacrificed at 42 days of age and analyzed for FD, TD, and SPO. Breast percentage was not influenced by sex or strain. Males showed better ANG than females, regardless of strain. Overall, the strains studied showed prostrated EC. The correlation between GS and the evaluated traits was low. There was a moderate to high association between EC and ANG both in males and females. GS showed low correlation with locomotion problems, and therefore, it is a poor indicator of skeletal diseases. On the other hand, the moderate to high correlations of ANG and EC with locomotion problems make them better indicators of bone diseases than gait score, which is possibly more related to EC and body posture than to bone pathologies.
Animais , Equilíbrio Postural/fisiologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Locomoção/fisiologia , Marcha/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Coxeadura Animal/fisiopatologia , PosturaResumo
The experiment was carried out with the objective of evaluating a methodology to estimate the angulation and equilibrium condition, relating them to gait score and the main diseases of the locomotion system in males and females of commercial broiler strains. A completely randomized experimental design in a factorial arrangement (2x2) was applied, consisting of two sexes and two genetic strains, with five replicates of 53 chickens each. The following characteristics related to broiler locomotion were studied: gait score (GS); incidence of Valgus (VAL) and Varus (VAR) deformities and of pododermatitis (POD); body angle relative the ground (ANG); equilibrium condition (EC); body weight (BW) and breast weight (BrW); and incidence of femoral degeneration (FD), tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) and spondylolisthesis (SPO). GS, and VAL and VAR were assessed inside a broiler house. Birds were then photographed to estimate ANG and EC. Birds were sacrificed at 42 days of age and analyzed for FD, TD, and SPO. Breast percentage was not influenced by sex or strain. Males showed better ANG than females, regardless of strain. Overall, the strains studied showed prostrated EC. The correlation between GS and the evaluated traits was low. There was a moderate to high association between EC and ANG both in males and females. GS showed low correlation with locomotion problems, and therefore, it is a poor indicator of skeletal diseases. On the other hand, the moderate to high correlations of ANG and EC with locomotion problems make them better indicators of bone diseases than gait score, which is possibly more related to EC and body posture than to bone pathologies.(AU)
Animais , Equilíbrio Postural/fisiologia , Locomoção/fisiologia , Marcha/fisiologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coxeadura Animal/fisiopatologia , Postura , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Systematic studies involving technologies such as surface electromyography (sEMG) may provide important data that enable veterinarians to recognize musculoskeletal, ligamentous, and neurological alterations. The aim of this study was to describe the gait cycle phases and the timing of muscle activation in healthy Boxer dogs during gait by means of sEMG. The gait cycle of seven Boxer dogs was evaluated and sEMG was recorded from the biceps brachii, triceps brachii, brachiocephalic, rectus femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and superficial gluteal muscles of the right hemibody. Circular monopolar Ag/AgCl electrodes were attached to the mean point between the motor point and the muscle insertion. The electromyographic signals were collected by an active interface with 20-fold gain in a bipolar differential configuration using a 16-channel signal conditioner (EMG Systems Brasil), while the dogs walked on a treadmill at a speed of 2m/s. Pearson's correlation was used for the statistical analysis. A positive correlation was found between the rectus femoris and biceps brachii (r= 0.81); superficial gluteal and triceps brachii (r= 0.69); semitendinosus-semimembranosus and biceps brachii (r= 0.76); and rectus femoris and semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscle groups (r=0.99). The biceps brachii and brachiocephalic muscles work in tandem to position the thoracic limb during the gait cycle, while the semitendinosus-semimembranosus group flexes the knee and, simultaneously with the quadriceps that flexes the hip, prevents the contact of the pelvic limb with the ground during the swing phase. The body is propelled forward by the triceps brachii muscle, which extends the elbow and flexes the shoulder at the final contact, while the superficial gluteal muscle extends the hip.(AU)
Estudos sistemáticos que envolvem uso de tecnologias, como a eletromiografia de superfície (EMGs), podem fornecer dados importantes que capacitam os clínicos a diferenciar as alterações musculoesqueléticas, ligamentares ou neurológicas. Objetiva-se com este trabalho descrever as fases da marcha canina e o momento de ativação dos músculos de cães saudáveis da raça Boxer durante a marcha, por meio da eletromiografia de superfície. Avaliou-se a marcha de sete cães da raça Boxer, e o sinal elétrico da eletromiografia de superfície foi coletado do bíceps braquial, do tríceps braquial, do braquiocefálico, do reto femoral, do semitendinoso/semimembranoso e do glúteo superficial do hemicorpo direito. Os eletrodos monopolares circulares de prata com cloreto de prata (Ag/AgCl) foram posicionados no ponto médio entre a placa motora e a inserção desses músculos. Os sinais eletromiográficos foram capturados e adquiridos por uma interface ativa com ganho de 20x em configuração diferencial bipolar e por um condicionador de sinais (EMG Systems Brasil) de 16 canais, enquanto os cães caminharam em esteira com velocidade de 2m/s. Para análise estatística, foi aplicado teste de correlação de Pearson. Verificou-se correlação positiva entre os músculos retofemoral e bíceps braquial (r= 0,81); glúteo superficial e tríceps braquial (r= 0,69); semitendinoso/semimembranoso e bíceps braquial (r= 0,76); e entre o músculo reto femoral e o grupo muscular semitendinoso e semimembranoso (r=0,99). Os músculos bíceps braquial e braquiocefálico do mesmo membro trabalham em sinergia para posicionar o membro torácico durante o ciclo de marcha, enquanto o grupo muscular semitendinoso/semimembranoso flexiona o joelho e, simultaneamente com o quadríceps, que flexiona o quadril, impede que o membro pélvico entre em contato com o solo no balanço. Para impulsionar o corpo à frente, o músculo tríceps braquial estende o cotovelo e flexiona o ombro no contato final e o glúteo superficial estende o quadril.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Músculos/fisiologia , Marcha , Cães/fisiologia , Eletromiografia/veterinária , Anatomia Veterinária , Fenômenos BiomecânicosResumo
Locomotion problems in broiler chickens can cause economic losses of up to 40% of the total revenues due to carcass condemnation and downgrading at processing. Leg disorders, such as femoral lesions, tibial dyschondroplasia, and spondylolisthesis, substantially impact the welfare of chickens as these disorders can prevent birds from reaching the feeders and drinkers, thus reducing feed and water intake. The most important issues related to broiler welfare reported in the last two decades are their growing sensitivity to metabolic and locomotion problems due to the fast growth rates and inactivity. Traditional methods for the determination of gait score include the manual scoring of animal behavior in the broiler house. Recorded video images can also be used for manual scoring of chicken gait score. However, scoring of some animal-based information by human experts and manual methods remain difficult, time consuming and expensive when implemented at farm level. In an effort to objectively detect leg disorders, this study aimed at validating the photogrammetry technique as a non-invasive method for identifying locomotion problems in broilers. Photogrammetry allows determining the geometric properties of broilers from digital photos that are processed and analyzed using a computer software. Results obtained using photogrammetry were tested for their correlation with those obtained by accepted methodologies, including gait score and macroscopic examination of femoral degeneration and tibial dyschondroplasia. The photogrammetry results agreed with the results of the afore mentioned accepted methods.
Animais , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aves Domésticas/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Fotometria/métodos , Fotometria/veterinária , Locomoção/fisiologia , Marcha/fisiologia , Metabolismo , Fêmur/lesões , Galinhas/lesões , Osteocondrodisplasias/fisiopatologia , Osteocondrodisplasias/veterinária , Software , Tíbia/patologiaResumo
Locomotion problems in broiler chickens can cause economic losses of up to 40% of the total revenues due to carcass condemnation and downgrading at processing. Leg disorders, such as femoral lesions, tibial dyschondroplasia, and spondylolisthesis, substantially impact the welfare of chickens as these disorders can prevent birds from reaching the feeders and drinkers, thus reducing feed and water intake. The most important issues related to broiler welfare reported in the last two decades are their growing sensitivity to metabolic and locomotion problems due to the fast growth rates and inactivity. Traditional methods for the determination of gait score include the manual scoring of animal behavior in the broiler house. Recorded video images can also be used for manual scoring of chicken gait score. However, scoring of some animal-based information by human experts and manual methods remain difficult, time consuming and expensive when implemented at farm level. In an effort to objectively detect leg disorders, this study aimed at validating the photogrammetry technique as a non-invasive method for identifying locomotion problems in broilers. Photogrammetry allows determining the geometric properties of broilers from digital photos that are processed and analyzed using a computer software. Results obtained using photogrammetry were tested for their correlation with those obtained by accepted methodologies, including gait score and macroscopic examination of femoral degeneration and tibial dyschondroplasia. The photogrammetry results agreed with the results of the afore mentioned accepted methods.(AU)
Animais , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Aves Domésticas/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Fotometria/métodos , Fotometria/veterinária , Metabolismo , Marcha/fisiologia , Locomoção/fisiologia , Tíbia/patologia , Galinhas/lesões , Fêmur/lesões , Osteocondrodisplasias/fisiopatologia , Osteocondrodisplasias/veterinária , SoftwareResumo
Recently, few papers had shown that DMRT3 allele has association with different aspects of the locomotion in horses and other animals, principally ones that have relationships with animal legs associations and now is denominated the Gait Keeper. This allele, when mutant, produce dissociated gaits, with ou without flying phase. However, there is no information about the DMRT3 mutant allele presence when it is compared different types of marcha, batida and picada, and different gaited horses breeds, Campolina (CAMP) and Mangalarga Marchador (MM). The aims of this paper were the evaluation of the DMRT3 wild type and mutant alleles in gaited horses with batida and picada gait from CAMP and MM breeds. It was used DNA samples from 105 adult horses (50 CAMP (batida n=27; picada n=25); 53 MM (batida n=27; picada n=26). All genetic samples was sequenced using the Borlaug Center protocol by Illumina Hi-Seq 100-PE and the results were analyzed by frequency distribution of this allele between breeds and gaits. Results showed that CAMP and MM have the DMRT3 mutant allele. In CAMP breed it was not observed DMRT3 wild type allele in homozygous, in batida and picada horses. In addition, the DMRT3 mutant homozygous in CAMP breed occurred in picada (~44%) and batida (~26%) gaits animals in large frequencies. The MM breed did not have DMRT3 mutant homozygous in batida horses. The largest frequency in batida horses in MM breed was obtained in DMRT3 wild type homozygous (~43%) and in picada horses was in DMRT3 mutant homozygous (~32%). This research showed that DMRT3 mutant allele is present in CAMP and MM breeds and its frequency has relationships not only with horses breed but also with type of the horses gait. Finally, to understand the importance for gaited horses of the DMRT3 allele, mutant or wild type, it is necessary more studies because this knowledge has important implication for development new genetic selection methods and training programs to these breeds.(AU)
Recentemente, diferentes publicações demonstraram que o alelo DMRT3 esta associado aos importantes aspectos da locomoção relacionados com a associações entre bípedes e por isso é denominado the Gait Keeper. Ele, quando mutante, promove os andamentos dissociados, sejam eles marchados ou saltados. Todavia, as comparações entre os tipos de marcha e as raças Campolina (CAMP) e Mangalarga Marchador (MM) no que se refere à presença desse alelo mutante não foram estudadas. Esse trabalho objetivou o estudo da presença do alelo DMRT3 mutante em equinos de marcha batida e picada das raças Campolina e Mangalarga Marchador. Foram utilizadas amostras de DNA de 105 equinos adultos (50 CAMP (batida n=27; picada n=25); 53 MM (batida n=27; picada n=26). O material genético o foi sequenciado utilizando-se protocolos do Borlaug Center através Illumina Hi-Seq 100-PE e os resultados foram analisados através da distribuição da frequência desse gene entre as raças e entre os andamentos. As raças Campolina (CAMP) e Mangalarga Marchador (MM) possuem o DMRT3 mutante. Na CAMP não encontrou-se o alelo DMRT3 normal homozigoto, tanto na picada como na batida. Ainda na CAMP, a maior frequência no DMRT3 mutante homozigoto ocorreu tanto na picada (~44%) como na batida (~26%). Na raça MM não encontrou-se o alelo mutante em homozigose nos animais de marcha batida. As maiores frequências na MM de batida foi no alelo DMRT3 normal homozigoto (~43%) e na picada no alelo mutante em homozigose (~32%). Esse estudo indica que o alelo DMRT3 mutante encontra-se nas raças CAMP e MM e que a frequência dele tem relação não só com a raça, mas também com o tipo do andamento. Por isso, surge a necessidade de estudos mais detalhados para se determinar o possível uso da análise do alelo DMRT3,normal e mutante, como ferramenta dentro dos programas de melhoramento genético e de treinamento para que possam ser utilizados nos equinos marchadores.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Alelos , Mutação/genética , Locomoção/genética , Marcha , Frequência do Gene/genéticaResumo
Recently, few papers had shown that DMRT3 allele has association with different aspects of the locomotion in horses and other animals, principally ones that have relationships with animal legs associations and now is denominated the Gait Keeper. This allele, when mutant, produce dissociated gaits, with ou without flying phase. However, there is no information about the DMRT3 mutant allele presence when it is compared different types of marcha, batida and picada, and different gaited horses breeds, Campolina (CAMP) and Mangalarga Marchador (MM). The aims of this paper were the evaluation of the DMRT3 wild type and mutant alleles in gaited horses with batida and picada gait from CAMP and MM breeds. It was used DNA samples from 105 adult horses (50 CAMP (batida n=27; picada n=25); 53 MM (batida n=27; picada n=26). All genetic samples was sequenced using the Borlaug Center protocol by Illumina Hi-Seq 100-PE and the results were analyzed by frequency distribution of this allele between breeds and gaits. Results showed that CAMP and MM have the DMRT3 mutant allele. In CAMP breed it was not observed DMRT3 wild type allele in homozygous, in batida and picada horses. In addition, the DMRT3 mutant homozygous in CAMP breed occurred in picada (~44%) and batida (~26%) gaits animals in large frequencies. The MM breed did not have DMRT3 mutant homozygous in batida horses. The largest frequency in batida horses in MM breed was obtained in DMRT3 wild type homozygous (~43%) and in picada horses was in DMRT3 mutant homozygous (~32%). This research showed that DMRT3 mutant allele is present in CAMP and MM breeds and its frequency has relationships not only with horses breed but also with type of the horses gait. Finally, to understand the importance for gaited horses of the DMRT3 allele, mutant or wild type, it is necessary more studies because this knowledge has important implication for development new genetic selection methods and training programs to these breeds.
Recentemente, diferentes publicações demonstraram que o alelo DMRT3 esta associado aos importantes aspectos da locomoção relacionados com a associações entre bípedes e por isso é denominado the Gait Keeper. Ele, quando mutante, promove os andamentos dissociados, sejam eles marchados ou saltados. Todavia, as comparações entre os tipos de marcha e as raças Campolina (CAMP) e Mangalarga Marchador (MM) no que se refere à presença desse alelo mutante não foram estudadas. Esse trabalho objetivou o estudo da presença do alelo DMRT3 mutante em equinos de marcha batida e picada das raças Campolina e Mangalarga Marchador. Foram utilizadas amostras de DNA de 105 equinos adultos (50 CAMP (batida n=27; picada n=25); 53 MM (batida n=27; picada n=26). O material genético o foi sequenciado utilizando-se protocolos do Borlaug Center através Illumina Hi-Seq 100-PE e os resultados foram analisados através da distribuição da frequência desse gene entre as raças e entre os andamentos. As raças Campolina (CAMP) e Mangalarga Marchador (MM) possuem o DMRT3 mutante. Na CAMP não encontrou-se o alelo DMRT3 normal homozigoto, tanto na picada como na batida. Ainda na CAMP, a maior frequência no DMRT3 mutante homozigoto ocorreu tanto na picada (~44%) como na batida (~26%). Na raça MM não encontrou-se o alelo mutante em homozigose nos animais de marcha batida. As maiores frequências na MM de batida foi no alelo DMRT3 normal homozigoto (~43%) e na picada no alelo mutante em homozigose (~32%). Esse estudo indica que o alelo DMRT3 mutante encontra-se nas raças CAMP e MM e que a frequência dele tem relação não só com a raça, mas também com o tipo do andamento. Por isso, surge a necessidade de estudos mais detalhados para se determinar o possível uso da análise do alelo DMRT3,normal e mutante, como ferramenta dentro dos programas de melhoramento genético e de treinamento para que possam ser utilizados nos equinos marchadores.
Animais , Alelos , Cavalos , Mutação/genética , Frequência do Gene/genética , Locomoção/genética , MarchaResumo
A dificuldade de deambulação é uma alteração comum em cães e gatos, que se manifesta por ataxias, paresias e paralisias, associadas a uma disfunção do sistema nervoso central ou periférico e/ou osteomuscular. Dada a dificuldade de tratamento e a necessidade de informação das causas destas alterações, o objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi traçar o perfil demográfico e clínico dos animais que fizeram uso de um aparelho de fisioterapia veterinária (AFV), devido a problemas de locomoção, para suprir informação epidemiológica e facilitar o diagnóstico e as condutas dos médicos veterinários na rotina de atendimento clínico. Foram cadastrados 1203 cães e 47 gatos em fichas de avaliação preenchidas por médicos veterinários, por meio das quais se traçaram os perfis clínicos e físicos dos animais. Os cães e gatos foram acometidos, principalmente, por paresias, 54% parciais e 46% totais, cuja causa principal, em ambas as espécies, foi lesão medular. As lesões medulares inespecíficas causaram maior frequência de dificuldade de deambulação em cães que as afecções medulares por doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) e as duas foram superiores às demais lesões. Na associação entre as categorias de raça, idade e doenças, os cães da raça Teckel mostraram maior incidência de lesões de medula e de discos intervertebrais. A média das idades de ocorrência de dificuldade de deambulação em cães da raça Teckel e Pastor Alemão se encontrou na faixa de 3 a 9 anos. Os Pastores foram os que apresentaram maior dificuldade de deambulação decorrente de displasia coxofemoral (36.11%), na faixa etária dos 9 aos 12 anos, diferindo das demais categorias. Os cães são mais acometidos por dificuldade de deambulação do que os gatos sendo a principal causa a lesão medular, predominante na idade entre 3 e 9 anos, em animais SRD, seguidos do Teckel.
Impaired locomotion is a common disorder in dogs and cats, which is manifested by ataxia, paresis or paralysis, associated with a dysfunction of the central or peripheral nervous and/or musculoskeletal system. Considering that treatment is difficult and the need for information of these changes, the aim of this retrospective study was to delineate the demographic and clinical profile of the animals that used an veterinary physiotherapy apparatus, due to problems of locomotion, to supply epidemiological information and facilitate diagnosis and conduct of veterinarians in routine clinical care. A total of 1203 dogs and 47 cats were registered in evaluation sheets filled out by veterinarians, which filled out the clinical and physical profiles of the animals. The animals were affected mainly by paresis, 54% partial and 46% total. The main cause was spinal cord injury in both species. Nonspecific spinal injuries caused greater incidence of impaired locomotion in dogs than medullary affections caused by intervertebral disc disease, and both showed a greater incidence that the other injuries. Teckel dogs showed a higher incidence of spinal cord and intervertebral disc diseases compared to others. The mean age of occurrence of impaired. locomotion in Teckel and German Shepherd dogs was between 3 and 9 years. Hip dysplasia was the main cause of impaired locomotion in Shepherd dogs ranging from 9 to 12 years old (36.11%), which was different from other disease categories. Dogs are more affected by impaired locomotion than cats; the main cause was the spinal cord lesions, which was predominant from 3 to 9 years of age in crossbreed animals, followed by the Teckel dogs.
La dificultad para caminar es un trastorno común en perros y gatos, que se manifiesta por ataxia, paresia y parálisis, asociadas con una disfunción del sistema nervioso central o periférico y / o musculoesquelético. Dada la dificultad del tratamiento y la necesidad de información de las causas de estas alteraciones, el propósito de este estudio fue definir el perfil demográfico y clínico de los animales que hicieron uso de un dispositivo de fisioterapia veterinaria debido a problemas de locomoción, para suministrar información epidemiológica y facilitar el diagnóstico y modo de actuación de los veterinarios en la atención clínica de rutina. Se registraron 1203 perros y 47 gatos en fichas de evaluación registradas por los veterinarios, a través de las cuales se trazaron perfiles clínicos y físicos de los animales. Los perros y los gatos se vieron afectados principalmente por paresias, 54% parciales y 46% totales, cuya principal causa fue la lesión de la médula espinal en ambas especies. Las lesiones de médula inespecíficas causaron mayor frecuencia de dificultad para caminar en perros que los trastornos medulares por enfermedad del disco intervertebral y ambas fueron superiores al resto de lesiones. En la asociación entre las categorías de raza, edad y enfermedad, los perros de raza Teckel mostraron mayor incidencia de lesiones de médula ósea y de discos intervertebrales. La edad media de aparición de dificultad para caminar en los perros de raza Ovejero Alemán y Teckel se encontró en las etapas de edad de 3-9 años. Los Ovejeros presentaron la mayor dificultad para caminar debido a la displasia de cadera (36.11%), entre 9 a 12 años de edad, a diferencia de las otras categorías. Los perros se ven más afectados por la dificultad para caminar que los gatos, siendo la principal causa la lesión medular, predominante en las edades de 3 a 9 años en animales SRD, seguido del Teckel.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Medula Espinal/patologia , Marcha Atáxica/veterinária , Análise da Marcha/veterinária , Disco Intervertebral/fisiopatologia , Estudos Retrospectivos , Fatores Etários , Manifestações NeurológicasResumo
Gait analysis represents an important semiotic tool for the characterization of orthopedic, neuromuscular and neurological disorders in clinical practice. The pathological gait is the common final pathway of manifestations of neurological diseases (parkinsonian syndromes, cerebellar and sensory ataxia, spastic paraparesis and neuromuscular disease), rheumatologic disorders (arthritis in cases of collagen-related disorders and vasculitis) and orthopedic disturbances (joint and ligament degenerative lesions), allowing the understanding of its modified elements the proper comprehension of pathogenesis and topography of neuro-orthopedic injuries. This review article aims to summarize the main evaluation methods for the characterization of gait in experimental animal models.
A análise da marcha representa importante ferramenta semiológica para a caracterização de alterações ortopédicas, neuromusculares e neurológicas na prática médica. A marcha patológica representa via final comum de manifestações de doenças neurológicas (síndromes parkinsonianas, ataxias cerebelares e sensitivas, paraparesias espásticas e doenças neuromusculares), reumatológicas (artrites nas colagenoses e vasculites) e ortopédicas (lesões degenerativas articulares e ligamentares), podendo a compreensão de seus elementos modificados fornecer dados fundamentais para o entendimento da fisiopatogenia e da topografia de lesões neuro-ortopédicas. Este artigo de revisão objetiva resumir os principais métodos de avaliação para a caracterização da marcha em modelos experimentais animais.