The objectives of this work were to estimate the genetic parameters for the traits longevity (LG) and accumulated milk yield at 305 days (MY305) using a bitrait animal model and the single-step GBLUP method and estimate the genetic gain for LG through direct and indirect selection for MY305. We used 4,057 records of first lactations of Murrah dairy buffaloes, collected between 1987 and 2020, belonging to six Brazilian herds located in the states Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, and São Paulo and 960 animals genotyped using the 90K Axiom Buffalo Genotyping (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Santa Clara, CA) to estimate the genetic parameters. The heritability estimate was 0.25 for MY305 and 0.13 for LG. The genetic gain for LG was 0.13 months under direct selection, and 0.14 months under indirect selection, which results in a relative selection efficiency of 11% under selection for MY305 compared with the direct selection. The genetic correlation between the two traits was 0.77, indicating that animals with genetic potential for high MY305 tend to live longer. The genetic trends for MY305 and LG were 0.22 kg/year and 5.20 days/year, respectively, indicating a positive response, which reaffirms its relationship with the high genetic correlation between the two traits.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Búfalos/genética , Leite/fisiologia , Indústria de Laticínios/métodos , Fenômenos Genéticos , Correlação de DadosResumo
This work evaluated the initial performance and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora genotypes cultivated in environments at contrasting altitudes. Fourteen morphophysiological traits and seven descriptors of the genus Coffea spp. of coffee trees cultivated at altitudes of 140 m and 700 m were evaluated. The design used was Federer's augmented block in a 2 × 112 factorial scheme with six blocks. The first factor was the two environments, and the second was the 112 genotypes, with eight common treatments, being five conilon coffee clones and three arabica coffee cultivars. The data were analyzed by the method of REML/BLUP and genetic correlation method. Genetic diversity was evaluated by estimating the distance matrix, applying the Gower methodology followed by the clustering method by Tocher and UPGMA. The phenotypic means were higher in the environment at an altitude of 700 m, except for plant height, number of leaves, and canopy height (CH). Genotypic effects were significant for most traits except for leaf width, CH, unit leaf area, and total leaf area. A wide genetic diversity was verified, with distances varying from 0.037 to 0.593 for the pairs of genotypes 26 × 93 and T7 × 76, respectively. Most of the traits studied showed high genotypic correlation with the environment and expressive genetic correlation between the evaluated traits thereby demonstrating the possibility of indirect selection. There is an adaptation of conilon coffee genotypes to high altitudes and the possibility of developing a specific cultivar for the southern state of Espírito Santo.
Variação Genética , Coffea/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coffea/genética , AltitudeResumo
The traditional varieties of maize grown by family farmers are a source of genetic variability and are essential for food security. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate, based on physical and chemical components, the behavior of the genetic variability of traditional maize cultivated on non-flooded and floodplain areas, in the Juruá region, state of Acre. The characteristics consisted of the determination of dry matter, mineral material, crude protein, ether extract, gross energy, neutral detergent fiber, starch and in vitro digestibility of dry matter, vitreousness and grain density. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, associated with multivariate analysis of principal components (PCA), with the aid of the R software. By means of the PCA, the varieties grown on non-flooded and floodplain areas formed 3 distinct groups, in which the vitreosity in the grains ranged from 73.7% to 79.46%, so that the reddish grain varieties had a greater presence of endosperm vitreous and higher density, with a strong and positive correlation between these variables. The yellow and orange-yellow grain varieties showed greater adherence to energy, starch and greater digestibility. Therefore, the traditional varieties cultivated on non-flooded and floodplain areas, present variations in relation to the physical and chemical analyses.
As variedades tradicionais de milho cultivados pelos agricultores familiares constituem-se em fonte de variabilidade genética e são fundamentais para segurança alimentar. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo, avaliar, com base em componentes físicos e químicos, o comportamento da variabilidade genética de milho tradicional cultivadas em terra firme e praia, na regional Vale do Juruá, estado do Acre. As características constaram da determinação de matéria seca, material mineral, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo, energia bruta, fibra em detergente neutro, amido e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca, vitreosidade e densidade dos grãos. Os dados foram analisados mediante estatística descritiva, associado à análise multivariada de componentes principais (PCA), com auxílio do software R. Por meio da PCA, as variedades cultivadas em terra firme e praia formaram 3 grupos distintos, na qual a vitreosidade nos grãos variou de 73,7% a 79,46%, de modo que, as variedades de grãos avermelhadas apresentaram maior presença de endosperma vítreo e maior densidade, havendo uma correlação forte e positiva entre essas variáveis. Já as variedades de grãos amarelas e amarelas-oranges apresentaram maior aderência a energia, amido e maior digestibilidade. Portanto, as variedades tradicionais cultivadas em terra firme e praia, apresentam variações em relação as análises físicas e químicas.
Variação Genética , Zea mays/genética , Valor NutritivoResumo
The aim was to estimate the genetic correlations between residual feed intake (RFI) and dry matter intake (DMI) with carcass finish (CF), rib eye area (REA), and marbling (MAR) of Nellore cattle. Data from 7,808 animals were considered. In addition, data from 2,261 females included in the complete database were also considered. Estimates of variance and covariance components, as well as heritabilities and genetic correlations were obtained by means of two-character analysis under animal model. Heritability estimates were found to be moderate for the RFI (0.22) and DMI (0.29) traits. It was observed that genetic correlation was close to zero for all traits, except between RFI and REA (-0.11). However, considering the female population, there was an increase in the estimated genetic correlation between RFI and DMI, although still a favorable genetic association of low magnitude (-0.30). There was also an increase in the genetic association of REA with RFI (-0.21). It can be concluded that the direct selection for RFI and DMI will not influence the CF, MAR, or REA of Nellore cattle. However, this selection may generate some favorable responses in MAR and REA in Nellore females.
Objetivou-se estimar as correlações genéticas entre consumo alimentar residual (CAR) e ingestão de matéria seca com acabamento de carcaça (ACAB), área de olho de lombo (AOL) e marmoreio (MAR) para bovinos da raça Nelore. Foram consideradas informações de 7.808 animais. Além disso foram consideradas informações de 2.261 animais fêmeas que compunham o banco de dados completo. As estimativas dos componentes de variâncias e covariâncias, bem como das herdabilidades e correlações genéticas foram obtidas por meio de análises bicaracterísticas sob modelo animal. Verificou-se que as estimativas de herdabilidade foram moderadas para as características de CAR (0,22) e IMS (0,29). Observou-se que as estimativas de correlação genética foram próximos a zero para todas as Características, exceto entre CAR e AOL (-0,11). No entanto, considerando a população de fêmeas, houve um aumento na estimativa de correlação genética com CAR e IMS, apesar de ainda ser uma associação genética favorável de baixa magnitude (-0,30). Também houve um aumento na associação genética da AOL com o CAR (-0,21). Conclui-se, assim, que a seleção direta para o CAR e IMS não influenciará no ACAB, MAR e AOL de bovinos da raça Nelore. No entanto, essa seleção poderá gerar alguma resposta favorável em MAR e AOL em fêmeas Nelore.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/genética , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
Among the multi-trait models selected to study several traits and environments jointly, the Bayesian framework has been a preferred tool when constructing a more complex and biologically realistic model. In most cases, non-informative prior distributions are adopted in studies using the Bayesian approach. However, the Bayesian approach presents more accurate estimates when informative prior distributions are used. The present study was developed to evaluate the efficiency and applicability of multi-trait multi-environment (MTME) models within a Bayesian framework utilizing a strategy for eliciting informative prior distribution using previous data on rice. The study involved data pertaining to rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes in three environments and five crop seasons (2010/2011 until 2014/2015) for the following traits: grain yield (GY), flowering in days (FLOR) and plant height (PH). Variance components, genetic and non-genetic parameters were estimated using the Bayesian method. In general, the informative prior distribution in Bayesian MTME models provided higher estimates of individual narrow-sense heritability and variance components, as well as minor lengths for the highest probability density interval (HPD), compared to their respective non-informative prior distribution analyses. More informative prior distributions make it possible to detect genetic correlations between traits, which cannot be achieved with non-informative prior distributions. Therefore, this mechanism presented to update knowledge for an elicitation of an informative prior distribution can be efficiently applied in rice breeding programs.
Oryza/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Alimentos Geneticamente Modificados/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
Morada Nova breed has a low effective herd, and its white variety is in risk of extinction. The selection of individuals based on breed standard without correlation with productive aptitude is predominant today. We believe that the best way to rescue this valuable genetic resource is to describe its productive potential for commercial use. Thus, this study described the meat production potential of Morada Nova lambs through morphological and zoometric data, performance and carcass characteristics. Twenty-four non-castrated male lambs from two genetic groups were used: Morada Nova red (MNR) and crossbreed Morada Nova (red x Morada Nova white-MNF1) distributed in a completely randomized design. Univariate and multivariate analysis were used. The yields of commercial cuts and the physicochemical characteristics and qualitative measurements of the carcass were similar between the genetic groups. Seven of the 28 characteristics of the carcass were greater in MNF1 lambs. The chest height, rump height and anamorphosis index showed to be important variables in the choice of MN lambs with meat production potential. Based on factor and hierarchical cluster analysis, the Morada Nova beef morphometric index (MNBMI) was created. Both of groups have high thoracic development, ability to produce meat, weight gain, feeding efficiency and breathing capacity, infusing greater rusticity and adaptability; however, the application and validation of the developed index showed superiority for meat production in the crossed lambs. Thus, the MNF1 lambs are a sustainable option for sheep production in drylands.
A raça Morada Nova possui um baixo rebanho efetivo, e sua variedade branca está em risco de extinção. A seleção de indivíduos com base no padrão racial sem correlação com a aptidão produtiva é predominante até hoje. Acreditamos que a melhor forma de resgatar esse valioso recurso genético é descrever seu potencial produtivo para uso comercial. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo descrever o potencial de produção de carne de cordeiros Morada Nova por meio de dados morfológicos e zoométricos, desempenho e características de carcaça. Foram utilizados 24 cordeiros machos não castrados de dois grupos genéticos: Morada Nova Vermelho (MNV) e mestiços Morada Nova (vermelho x Morada Nova branco-MNF1) distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Análises univariadas e multivariadas foram utilizadas. Os rendimentos dos cortes comerciais e as características físico-químicas e medidas qualitativas da carcaça foram semelhantes entre os grupos genéticos. Sete, das 28 características da carcaça, foram maiores nos cordeiros MNF1. A altura do peito, altura da garupa e índice de anamorfose mostraram-se variáveis ââimportantes na escolha de cordeiros MN com potencial de produção de carne. Com base na análise fatorial e hierárquica de agrupamento, foi elaborado o índice morfométrico da carne da raça Morada Nova (IMCMN). Ambos os grupos apresentam alto desenvolvimento torácico, capacidade de produção de carne, ganho de peso, eficiência alimentar e capacidade respiratória, infundindo maior rusticidade e adaptabilidade, porém, a aplicação e validação do índice desenvolvido mostrou superioridade para produção de carne nos cordeiros cruzados. Assim, os cordeiros MNF1 são uma opção sustentável para a produção ovina em terras áridas.
Animais , Ovinos , Carne VermelhaResumo
RFX2 plays critical roles in mammalian spermatogenesis and cilium maturation. Here, the testes of 12-month-old adult boars of Banna mini-pig inbred line (BMI) were subjected to whole-transcriptome sequencing. The results indicated that the average expression (raw count) of RFX2 gene in BMI testes was 16138.25, and the average expression value of the corresponding transcript ENSSSCT00000043271.2 was 123.1898. The CDS of RFX2 obtained from BMI testes was 2,817 bp (GenBank accession number: OL362242). Gene structure analysis showed that RFX2 was located on chromosome 2 of the pig genome with 19 exons. Protein structure analysis indicated that RFX2 contains 728 amino acids with two conserved domains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that RFX2 was highly conserved with evolutionary homologies among mammalian species. Other analyses, including PPI networks, KEGG, and GO, indicated that BMI RFX2 had interactions with 43 proteins involving various functions, such as in cell cycle, spermatid development, spermatid differentiation, cilium assembly, and cilium organization, etc. Correlation analysis between these proteins and the transcriptome data implied that RFX2 was significantly associated with FOXJ1, DNAH9, TMEM138, E2F7, and ATR, and particularly showed the highest correlation with ATR, demonstrating the importance of RFX2 and ART in spermatogenesis. Functional annotation implied that RFX2 was involved in 17 GO terms, including three cellular components (CC), six molecular functions (MF), and eight biological processes (BP). The analysis of miRNA-gene targeting indicated that BMI RFX2 was mainly regulated by two miRNAs, among which four lncRNAs and five lncRNAs competitively bound ssc-miR-365-5p and ssc-miR-744 with RFX2, respectively. Further, the dual-luciferase report assay indicated that the ssc-miR-365-5p and ssc-miR-744 significantly reduced luciferase activity of RFX2 3'UTR in the 293T cells, suggesting that these two miRNAs regulated the expression of RFX2. Our results revealed the important role of RFX2 in BMI spermatogenesis, making it an intriguing candidate for follow-up studies.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/genética , Transcrição Gênica , Fatores de Transcrição de Fator Regulador X/análise , Filogenia , EspermatogêneseResumo
Atualmente, poucos estudos se dedicam a pesquisas mais aprofundadas de aspectoselementares da pelvimetria, sendo estes, ainda mais escassos com a espécie caprina enestesentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo caracterizar as medidas externas corpóreasdematrizes caprinas e de sua pelve. Foram utilizadas 30 matrizes caprinas da raça Anglonubianaem idade reprodutiva, manejadas em sistema intensivo, pertencentes ao setor decaprinocultura da Universidade Federal do Piauí (UFPI), Campus Professora CinobelinaElvas (CPCE), Bom Jesus, Piauí, Brasil. Durante todo o ciclo produtivo, foramrealizadasmensurações pélvicas das matrizes durante a gestação e no pós-parto, suas medidas corporaise peso vivo. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas pelo Statistical Analysis Softwareabrangendo análise discriminante, correlação, regressão e comparação de médias. Osresultados obtidos para as características de AC (altura de cernelha), CC(comprimentocorporal), PT (perímetro torácico), BII (biilíaca externa), BISQ (biisquiática externa) e ILIOQ(ilioisquiática externa) apresentaram um baixo coeficiente de variação (C.V), o que demonstrauma estabilidade do rebanho com relação a essas características, ocorrendo poucas variaçõesentre os animais. Não foram verificadas diferenças significativas para as medidas de Biilíacaea Ilioisquiática externas com relação ao estágio fisiológico. Já com relação a Biisquiática, foi observado um aumento durante a gestação. De acordo com os dados observados, nãoocorreram diferenças significativas entre as características avaliadas entre cabras primíparasemultíparas. A incorporação de bancos de dados com as medidas corporais e pélvicas de cabrasauxiliam no desenvolvimento de programas de melhoramento genético de diferentes raçascaprinas, reduzindo a ocorrência de eventos de distocia e /ou dificuldade ao parto de modogeral. As amostragens foram incorporadas em um banco de dados, que está sendo construídopara controle e análise genética dos animais do Colégio Técnico de BomJesus, Piauí. Asinformações de produção e reprodução do rebanho também estarão disponíveis nesse bancode dados.(AU)
Currently, few studies are dedicated to more in-depth research of elementary aspectsofpelvimetry, which are even scarcer with the goat species and in this sense, the present studyaims to characterize the external body measurements of goat matrices and their pelvis. ThirtyAnglonubian goats at reproductive age, managed in an intensive system, belonging tothegoat sector of the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas (CPCE), Bom Jesus, Piauí, Brazil, were used. During the entire production cycle, pelvicmeasurements of the goats were performed during pregnancy and postpartum, their bodymeasurements and live weight. Statistical analyzes were performed by the Statistical AnalysisSoftware covering discriminant analysis, correlation, regression and comparison of means. The results obtained for the characteristics of AC (height at the withers), CC(bodylength), PT (chest circumference), BII (external biiliac), BISQ (external bischial) and ILIOQ(external ilioschiatic) showed a low coefficient of variation (C.V), which demonstrates a stabilityof theherd in relation to these characteristics, with little variation between animals. No significant differences were found for the external Biiliac and Ilioischiatic measurements in relationtothe physiological stage. Biischiatica, on the other hand, was observed to increase duringpregnancy. According to the observed data, there were no significant differences betweenthecharacteristics evaluated between primiparous and multiparous goats. The incorporationofdatabases with body and pelvic measurements of goats helps in the development of geneticimprovement programs for different goat breeds, reducing the occurrence of dystocia eventsand/or delivery difficulties in general. The samples were incorporated into a database, whichis being built for control and genetic analysis of the animals of the Colégio TécnicodeBomJesus, Piauí. Herd production and reproduction information will also be available inthisdatabase.(AU)
Actualmente, pocos estudios se dedican a la investigación más profunda de los aspectoselementales de la pelvimetría, que son aún más escasos con la especie caprina y, enestesentido, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo caracterizar las medidas corporales externasde las matrices caprinas y su pelvis. Se utilizaron 30 cabras anglonubias en edad reproductiva, manejadas en sistema intensivo, pertenecientes al sector caprino de la Universidad Federal dePiauí (UFPI), Campus Professora Cinobelina Elvas (CPCE), Bom Jesus, Piauí, Brasil. Durante todo el ciclo de producción se realizaron mediciones pélvicas de las cabras durantelagestación y posparto, sus medidas corporales y peso vivo. Las análisis estadísticasserealizaron mediante el software de análisis estadístico que abarca el análisis discriminante, lacorrelación, la regresión y la comparación de medias. Los resultados obtenidos paralascaracterísticas AC (altura a la cruz), CC (longitud corporal), PT (circunferencia torácica), BII(bilia externa), BISQ (bisquial externa) e ILIOQ (iliosquiática externa) mostraronunbajocoeficiente de variación (C.V), lo que demuestra una estabilidad del rebaño en relaciónaestascaracterísticas, con pocas variaciones entre animales. No hubo diferencias significativas paralas medidas externas Bilíaca e Ilioisquiática en relación al estadio fisiológico. Biischiatica, por otro lado, se observó que aumenta durante el embarazo. De acuerdo con los datosobservados, no hubo diferencias significativas entre las características evaluadas entre cabrasprimíparas y multíparas. La incorporación de bases de datos con medidas corporalesypélvicas de caprinos ayuda en el desarrollo de programas de mejoramiento genéticoparadiferentes razas caprinas, reduciendo la ocurrencia de eventos de distocia y/o dificultadesdeparto en general. Las muestras fueron incorporadas a una base de datos, que está siendoconstruida para el control y análisis genético de los animales del Colégio Técnico deBomJesus, Piauí. La información sobre producción y reproducción del rebaño tambiénestarádisponible en esta base de datos.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Pelvimetria/classificação , Ruminantes/genética , Brasil , Melhoramento Genético , Peso Corporal IdealResumo
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to explore spatial genetic structure patterns in cattle breeds adapted to local conditions in Brazil. We georeferenced 876 animals of ten breeds raised in Brazil kept in the Genebank of Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) by sample locations using the QGIS 2.4.0 software. The Mantel tests, spatial autocorrelation, and Monmonier tests were performed. The distances for spatial correlation tests ranged from 5 to 15 classes. The results indicated genetic discontinuities in cattle breeds from the Midwest, South, and Southeast of the country. Correlation between genetic and geographic distance was low, but significant. The Monmonier Maximum Distance Algorithm indicated an initial subdivision of Curraleiro and then Pantaneiro from the other breeds. In another subdivision, Criollo, Mocho Nacional, and Caracu were grouped. Genetic discontinuity was observed beyond 431 km, the minimum sampling distance between populations for conservation purposes.
We aimed to estimate genetic parameters for growth, reproductive, and carcass traits in Tabapuã cattle. Phenotypic data were collected between 1990 and 2019 in 1,218 farms, and the pedigree file had 340,868 animals. The traits evaluated were body weight at 120 (W120), 210 (W210), 365 (W365), and 550 (W550) days of age; age at first calving (AFC), scrotal circumference at 365 days of age (SC365), ribeye area (REA), backfat thickness (BF), and rump fat thickness (RF). The (co)variance components were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method, considering single and two-traits animal models. For all traits, the models considered fixed, direct additive genetic, and residual random effects. In addition, for W120 and W210, the maternal additive genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects were also included. Heritabilities for W120, W210, W365, W550, SC365, REA, BF, and RF were of moderate magnitude (0.15, 0.16, 0.23, 0.19, 0.22, 0.36, 0.31, and 0.27, respectively). Low heritability was observed for AFC (0.07). The genetic correlations between growth traits were higher than 0.90, while AFC and SC365 presented negative moderate correlation (−0.66). The REA showed low genetic correlations with BF (0.07) and RF (0.07), whereas BF and RF were highly correlated (0.77). Considering the heritability estimates, selection for AFC would result in limited genetic gain, while for the other traits, it would be satisfactory. Based on the high genetic correlations between growth traits, selection of Tabapuã animals can be performed at younger ages. Additionally, animals can be indirectly selected for AFC through SC365, and only one fat thickness trait may be used in the selection process considering the high genetic correlation and similar heritability values for BF and RF.(AU)
Animais , Variação Genética , Bovinos/genética , Brasil , Correlação de DadosResumo
The aim of this study was to explore spatial genetic structure patterns in cattle breeds adapted to local conditions in Brazil. We georeferenced 876 animals of ten breeds raised in Brazil kept in the Genebank of Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) by sample locations using the QGIS 2.4.0 software. The Mantel tests, spatial autocorrelation, and Monmonier tests were performed. The distances for spatial correlation tests ranged from 5 to 15 classes. The results indicated genetic discontinuities in cattle breeds from the Midwest, South, and Southeast of the country. Correlation between genetic and geographic distance was low, but significant. The Monmonier Maximum Distance Algorithm indicated an initial subdivision of Curraleiro and then Pantaneiro from the other breeds. In another subdivision, Criollo, Mocho Nacional, and Caracu were grouped. Genetic discontinuity was observed beyond 431 km, the minimum sampling distance between populations for conservation purposes.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/genética , Mapeamento Geográfico , Correlação de Dados , BrasilResumo
The genetic variability in plant populations can be estimated through multivariate analysis, which allows to analyze the genotypes based on a set of traits to identify the traits with the greatest influence for the divergence and the correlation between them. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to estimate the genetic divergence between golden flax lines using multivariate analysis for initial plant selections. For this purpose, 73 lines, in addition to the control, were tested in a randomized complete block design, with three replications, and traits of cycle, stature, and yield were measured. Twelve groups were obtained based on the Mahalanobis distance estimate and Tocher cluster, and the technical length was the most important trait for the dissimilarity. The line of group XI was promising, with early maturation and satisfactory seed productivity. The graphic of dispersion of the canonical variables showed the most divergent lines, and the greatest divergence was observed between groups III and IV. Multivariate analysis was an important tool for the initial choice of superior golden flax.
A variabilidade genética em populações de plantas pode ser estimada através da análise multivariada, que permite analisar os genótipos com base em um conjunto de características, identificar aquela com maior influência para a divergência e a correlação entre elas. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi estimar a divergência genética entre linhagens de linhaça dourada, a partir de análises multivariadas, para seleções iniciais de plantas. Para tanto, 73 linhagens, além da testemunha, foram testadas em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com três repetições, sendo medidas as características de ciclo, estatura e produtividade. Foram obtidos 12 grupos, sendo a característica mais importante para a dissimilaridade o comprimento técnico. O gráfico de dispersão das variáveis canônicas mostrou as progênies mais divergentes, sendo que a maior divergência foi verificada entre os grupos III e IV. A análise multivariada foi importante ferramenta para a escolha inicial das linhagens superiores de linhaça dourada.
Variação Genética , Análise Multivariada , Linho/genéticaResumo
The objective was to evaluate the existence of heterogeneity of variances and its impact on the genetic evaluation of ponderal performance in sires of the Nellore breed. We used records of adjusted body weights at 210 (W210), 365 (W365), and 450 (W450) days of age. Both W365 and W450 were combined by principal component analyses using the first component (PC). Average daily gain (ADG) was obtained by difference between W450 and W210. The classes of standard deviations (SD) for W210, PC, and ADG were obtained by the standardization of means of herd-year means subclasses, with positive values composing the high SD and values equal and less than zero composing the SD. The model included the fixed effects of contemporary group and age at calving as a covariate, random genetic additive, and maternal genetic (except for PC) effects, and the permanent maternal environment. Variance components were obtained by Gibbs sampling. Posterior means of heritability in analyses without considering heterogeneity of variances ranged from 0.15±0.01 to 0.31±0.01. Posterior means of genetic correlations between the two classes of SD for W210, PC, and ADG were equal to 0.85±0.04, 0.83±0.03, and 0.71±0.08, respectively. Spearman correlation to breeding values of sires for ADG as the selection intensity increased in them, and the correlations between breeding values in general analyses were more correlated with those predicted in the high DP. Therefore, when there is a higher selection intensity on the sires only for the ADG criterion, there is a significant presence of the heterogeneity of variances and impact on the genetic evaluation of the sires. Thus, for ADG, the predictions of breeding values obtained by the genetic evaluation model in which the heterogeneity of variances are not considered are more weighted by the class of greater heterogeneity.(AU)
Animais , Variação Genética , Peso Corporal/genética , Bovinos/anatomia & histologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Identification and selection of nitrogen-fixing bacterial strains for inoculation into native leguminous tree species can assist in the recovery of degraded areas. Additionally, native strains from these areas are genetic resources adapted to these conditions and are thus suitable for selection. The aim of this study was to symbiotically and genetically characterize 18 bacterial strains from the Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium genera isolated from Machaerium nyctitans, Platypodium elegans, and Ormosia arborea grown in a nursery in an iron mining area. Three experiments were conducted under axenic conditions in a greenhouse. The nodulation capacity of the strains was evaluated by the number (NN) and dry matter (NDM) of nodules. Symbiotic efficiency was evaluated based on the following parameters: SPAD index (SPAD), shoot dry matter (SDM), root dry matter (RDM), and total dry matter (TDM) of the plants, relative efficiency (RE), shoot nitrogen content (SNC), and total nitrogen content in the plant (TNC). The atpD and gyrB housekeeping genes and the nifH gene were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis, and the nodC and nodD symbiotic genes of the strains were amplified. Out of the 18 strains, 16 were authenticated by nodulation capacity in the species of origin. The SPAD variable allowed for the detection of differences between treatments before the SDM. Additionally, the SPAD index showed correlation with TNC, and the strain Bradyrhizobium sp., UFLA01-839, which may represent a new species, was outstanding in Machaerium nyctitans. The nifH, nodD, and nodC genes were detected in UFLA01-839.
The study characterized the lactoferrin (Lf) mRNA gene in different goat breeds in the Philippines and determined its association with subclinical mastitis (SCM). The study involved collection of milk at second week of lactation (n=75) and blood samples (n=5) to obtain extracted RNA and using cDNA to amplify Lf gene through polymerase chain reaction. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences were determined and used as reference in the evaluation of phylogenetic relationship. Amplified products were utilized for RFLP analysis before determining the association of the gene with SCM. Results of the study demonstrated that Lf gene in goats registered a molecular weight of 2135. Nucleotide and amino acid sequence of Lf gene revealed high similarity (99%) in Saanen, Anglo-Nubian and Philippine native goats with that of Capra hircus (U53857) Lf gene submitted to GenBank. Phylogenetic studies showed that Lf gene of Anglo-Nubian, Saanen and Native goats clade together with Lf gene of C. hircus (U53857). Three genotypes in goats were documented using the restriction enzymes AluI and HaeIII. Based on the Statistical analysis, association (comp 5.65, p = 0.0308) has been established between the Lf genes of goats with genotype BB to SCM using HaeIII restriction enzyme.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ruminantes/genética , Lactação/fisiologia , Lactoferrina/genética , Mastite/veterinária , RNA Mensageiro/fisiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Estudos de Associação Genética/veterinária , Animais Lactentes/fisiologiaResumo
Andropogon lateralis Nees is a native grass of southern Brazil and is one of the most frequent specie found in native grasslands. The species is widely distributed and has a high degree of phenotypic plasticity, which makes it highly adaptable to different edaphoclimatic conditions and management. This study aimed to evaluate the behavior of twelve ecotypes of A. lateralis, collected in different regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul and cut to three different heights and subjected to two different defoliation frequencies. From September to February, the ecotypes were evaluated for total dry matter, leaf and stem yields. In addition, total, vegetative and reproductive tillers and plant height were measured. These characteristics are important for the selection of superior genotypes in terms of genetic variability and forage production. Total dry matter and leaf dry matter are characteristics with agronomic importance and they showed the highest correlation (r = 0.77), enabling an indirect selection for one of these characteristics. The natural selection of plants resulted in distinct structural, morphological and productive characteristics with heterogeneity that allows the selection and grouping according to the characteristics, ecotypes with superior agronomic characteristics can be included in breeding programs.
Andropogon lateralis Nees é uma gramínea nativa do sul do Brasil e uma das espécies mais frequentes na flora dos campos nativos da região. Possui ampla distribuição e alto grau de plasticidade fenotípica, tornando-o adaptável as condições edafoclimáticas e a práticas de desfolha. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a dissimilaridade entre doze ecótipos de A. lateralis N., coletados em diferentes regiões do Rio Grande do Sul, submetidos a duas frequências de desfolha e três alturas de corte. No período de setembro a fevereiro, os ecótipos foram avaliados quanto à produção de matéria seca total, de lâminas foliares e de colmo. Além disso, foram medidos o número de perfilhos totais, vegetativos e reprodutivos e a altura das plantas. Essas características são importantes para a seleção de genótipos superiores em termos de variabilidade genética e produção de forragem. A matéria seca total e a matéria seca foliar são características com importância agronômica e apresentaram a maior correlação (r = 0,77), possibilitando uma seleção indireta para uma dessas características. A seleção natural das plantas resultou em características estruturais, morfológicas e produtivas distintas com uma heterogeneidade que permite a seleção e agrupamento de acordo com as características, ecótipos com características agronômicas superiores podem ser incluídos em programas de melhoramento.
Seleção Genética , Andropogon/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Andropogon/genética , EcótipoResumo
The aim of this study was to explore spatial genetic structure patterns in cattle breeds adapted to local conditions in Brazil. We georeferenced 876 animals of ten breeds raised in Brazil kept in the Genebank of Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) by sample locations using the QGIS 2.4.0 software. The Mantel tests, spatial autocorrelation, and Monmonier tests were performed. The distances for spatial correlation tests ranged from 5 to 15 classes. The results indicated genetic discontinuities in cattle breeds from the Midwest, South, and Southeast of the country. Correlation between genetic and geographic distance was low, but significant. The Monmonier Maximum Distance Algorithm indicated an initial subdivision of Curraleiro and then Pantaneiro from the other breeds. In another subdivision, Criollo, Mocho Nacional, and Caracu were grouped. Genetic discontinuity was observed beyond 431 km, the minimum sampling distance between populations for conservation purposes.
Animais , Bovinos , Análise Espacial , Bovinos/genética , Cruzamento , Demografia , Sistemas de Informação GeográficaResumo
Lavandula angustifolia Mill. is an aromatic herb of the Lamiaceae family, which has been widely used by humans for many centuries. In the current study, we treated L. angustifolia samples with various concentrations of ZnO and Fe2O3 nanoparticles in the presence/ absence of NaCl salinity stress to evaluate the composition of essential oils, genetic structure, glandular trichome density and cellular Zn2+ and Fe2+ contents. We used Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) molecular markers to investigate the parameters of genetic diversity among the treated samples. Furthermore, the hydro-distilled essential oil from the aerial parts of the samples was subjected to GC and GC / MS analyses. SPSS ver. 15, PAST, PopGene, and GenAlex software were employed for statistical analyses. Intracellular concentrations of Fe2+ and Zn2+ differed under various concentrations of nanoparticles and salinity treatments, and a significant negative correlation was observed between these elements, however, nanoparticles treatment significantly increased intracellular concentrations of iron and zinc ions. We found four types of glandular trichomes on the surface of the leaf of the treated plants, and the ANOVA test revealed a significant variation for most of them. Meanwhile, the short-stalked capitate trichomes were the most frequent in most of the evaluated samples. The main and trace essential oil compounds were the same among the treated plants, meanwhile, their percentages varied among the samples. The percentages of 1,8- cineole and camphor decreased in treated plants, which affects the quality of essential oils. Parameters of genetic diversity differed among the treated samples. Furthermore, the AMOVA test demonstrated a significant genetic variation that its substantial part belonged to among treated samples. These findings revealed that the treatment of nanoparticles and salinity stress strongly influenced the genetic diversity, trichomes density, iron and zinc ions content in lavender plants.
Lavandula angustifolia Mill. é uma erva aromática da família Lamiaceae, que tem sido amplamente utilizada pelo homem há muitos séculos. No presente estudo, tratamos amostras de L. angustifolia com várias concentrações de nanopartículas de ZnO e Fe2O3 na presença/ausência de estresse salino de NaCl para avaliar a composição de óleos essenciais, estrutura genética, densidade de tricomas glandulares e teores celulares de Zn2+ e Fe2+. Usamos marcadores moleculares Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) para investigar os parâmetros de diversidade genética entre as amostras tratadas. Além disso, o óleo essencial hidrodestilado das partes aéreas das amostras foi submetido às análises de GC e GC/MS. SPSS ver. 15, os softwares PAST, PopGene e GenAlex foram empregados para análises estatísticas. As concentrações intracelulares de Fe2+ e Zn2+ diferiram sob várias concentrações de nanopartículas e tratamentos de salinidade, e uma correlação negativa significativa foi observada entre esses elementos. No entanto, o tratamento com nanopartículas aumentou significativamente as concentrações intracelulares de íons de ferro e zinco. Encontramos quatro tipos de tricomas glandulares na superfície da folha das plantas tratadas, e o teste ANOVA revelou uma variação significativa para a maioria deles. Enquanto isso, os tricomas capitados de haste curta foram os mais frequentes na maioria das amostras avaliadas. Os compostos do óleo essencial principal e traço foram os mesmos entre as plantas tratadas, entretanto, seus percentuais variaram entre as amostras. As porcentagens de 1,8-cineol e cânfora diminuíram nas plantas tratadas, o que afeta a qualidade dos óleos essenciais. Os parâmetros de diversidade genética diferiram entre as amostras tratadas. Além disso, o teste AMOVA demonstrou uma variação genética significativa que sua parte substancial pertencia entre as amostras tratadas. Esses achados revelaram que o tratamento de nanopartículas e o estresse salino influenciaram fortemente a diversidade genética, densidade de tricomas, teor de íons ferro e zinco em plantas de lavanda.
Lavandula/fisiologia , Lavandula/genética , Nanopartículas , Salinidade , Estresse SalinoResumo
The Colombian Creole sheep breed has a high economic and social importance for Colombia. Both males and females of this breed are multipurpose animals, and evaluating the production and meat quality of both sexes is important for small farmers in Colombia. This requires the use of tools that help to evaluate critical production points, such as Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR), which is a widely used molecular tool for the relative quantification of candidate genes in various tissues. For its correct use, the use of housekeeping genes with stable expression, so-called "reference genes", is required. However, recent studies have shown that the expression of these reference genes can vary among tissues and can be modulated by breed, sex, or external stimuli. Likewise, there is little information regarding the expression of these genes in the Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle of male and female Colombian Creole sheep. In this study, the stability in the expression of seven reference genes (ACTB, YWHAZ, SDHA, GAPDH, TUBB2A, B2M, and PGK1) in the Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle of male and female Colombian Creole sheep was compared since they are used in RT-qPCR studies to determine the most stable ones for this breed. Twelve animals, six males and six females, with a body weight of 26 ± 4 kg and 12 ± 3 months of age, were used under grazing conditions. Biopsies of the Longissimus thoracis et lumborum muscle were taken, from which RNA was extracted and cDNA was synthesized. Expression was determined using RT-qPCR, and its stability was analyzed by computational algorithms using the geNorm, Normfinder, and BestKeeper software packages, which were integrated using the RefFinder software package. The results indicate that GAPDH, ACTB, and SDHA have the highest stability, whereas the most variable expression was found for B2M. These data provide the basis for more precise results in RT-qPCR studies of gene expression in the muscle of Colombian Creole sheep.(AU)
A raça de ovinos Crioula Colombiana tem grande importância econômica e social para a Colômbia. Avaliar a produção e a qualidade da carne de machos e fêmeas é importante para pequenos produtores do país e, assim, faz necessário o uso ferramentas que ajudam a avaliar os pontos críticos de produção, como a reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction [RT-qPCR]). Esta é uma ferramenta molecular amplamente usada para a quantificação relativa de genes candidatos em vários tecidos. Para o seu uso correto, é necessário o uso de genes com expressão estável denominados genes de referência. No entanto, estudos recentes têm mostrado que a expressão desses genes de referência pode variar entre os tecidos e pode ser modulada por raça, sexo ou estímulos externos. Da mesma forma, existem poucas informações sobre a expressão desses genes no músculo Longissimus thoracis et lumborum de ovinos machos e fêmeas da raça Crioula Colombiana. Neste estudo foi comparada a estabilidade na expressão de sete genes de referência (ACTB, YWHAZ, SDHA, GAPDH, TUBB2A, B2M e PGK1) no músculo Longissimus thoracis et lumborum de ovinos Crioulo Colombiano machos e fêmeas, por serem genes utilizados em estudos de RT-qPCR visando determinar os mais estáveis para esta raça. Doze animais com peso corporal de 26 ± 4 kg e 12 ± 3 meses de idade foram utilizados em condições de pastejo. Foram realizadas biópsias do músculo Longissimus thoracis et lumborum, de onde o RNA foi extraído e o cDNA foi sintetizado. A expressão foi determinada usando RT-qPCR e sua estabilidade foi analisada por algoritmos computacionais usando geNorm, Normfinder e BestKeeper pacote de software, os quais foram integrados usando RefFinder pacote de software. Os resultados indicam que GAPDH, ACTB e SDHA apresentam maior estabilidade, enquanto a expressão mais variável foi para B2M. Esses dados fornecem a base para resultados mais precisos em estudos de RT-qPCR de expressão gênica em músculos defeminino ovinos da raça Crioula Colombiana.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos , Expressão Gênica , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real , GenesResumo
Methods for genetic improvement of semi-perennial species, such as passion fruit, often involve large areas, unbalanced data, and lack of observations. Some strategies can be applied to solve these problems. In this work, different models and approaches were tested to improve the precision of estimates of genetic evaluation models for several characteristics of the passion fruit. A randomized block design (RBD) model was compared to a posteriori correction, adding two factors to the model (post-hoc blocking Row-Col). These models were also combined with the frequentist and Bayesian approaches to identify which combination yields the most accurate results. These approaches are part of a strategic plan in a perennial plant breeding program to select promising genitors of passion to compose the next selection cycle. For Bayesian, we tested two priors, defining different values for the distribution parameters of effect variances of the model. We also performed a cross-validation test to choose a priori values and compare the frequentist and Bayesian approaches using the root mean square error (RMSE) and the correlation between the predicted and observed values, called Predictive capacity of the model (PC). The model with the post-hoc blocking Row-Col design captured the spatial variability for productivity and number of fruits, directly affecting the experimental precision. Both approaches applied to the models showed a similar performance, with predictive capacity and selective efficiency leading to the selection of the same individuals.