The family Potamotrygonidae are the only species of stingrays restricted to fresh water and located exclusively in South America. The objective of this research was to analyze the morphological aspects and germ cells of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae. The samples were fixed in 10% formalin, and then dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series (70 to 100%). To carry out light microscopy analyses, they were embedded in paraffin, cut and stained; as for scanning electron microscopy analyses, the samples were dried, glued in metallic bases and metalized. The gross morphology consisted of the following paired organs: testis, epididymis, deferent duct, Leydig gland, seminal vesicle, clasper, and the clasper gland. Microscopically, several stages of spermatogenesis were observed in the testis, occurring in spherical follicles, similar to other stingrays. The epididymis was formed by one duct subdivided in various tubules. The deferent ducts were continuous with the epididymis, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. The Leydig glands consisted of glandular units with eosinophilic content in the lumen of some, and the deferent ducts ran parallel to the ventral portion. The seminal vesicles possessed numerous compartments to store the sperm, with a wall similar to a hive, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. Alcian Blue (AB) and Periodic Schiff-Acid (PAS) performed in the Leydig Gland, deferens ducts and seminal vesicle was positive only in the connective tissue, the cilia were PAS+ and the nuclei stained weakly for AB. The clasper gland was composed of unit glands and was covered with striated muscle externally. It stained very well with Periodic Schiff-Acid. The morphological aspects of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae were similar to other stingrays.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Rajidae/fisiologia , Achados Morfológicos e Microscópicos , Células GerminativasResumo
O tecido testicular contém células germinativas, que possuem potencial para se desenvolver em espermatozoides viáveis por meio do cultivo in vitro ou xenotransplante, sendo uma alternativa interessante a ser utilizada na formação de biobancos. Esta revisão compila as atualizações, desafios e perspectivas relacionadas às técnicas de criopreservação e cultivo de tecido testicular como estratégia para a conservação de espécies mamíferas. O tecido testicular pode ser obtido tanto de indivíduos adultos como pré púberes, seja após orquiectomia ou até mesmo após a sua morte. O tecido fragmentado pode ser criopreservado por congelação lenta ou rápida e por métodos de vitrificação. Os crioprotetores são indispensáveis durante a criopreservação e podem variar o tipo e concentração de acordo com a espécie. Com os avanços da criopreservação deste material, espermatozoides podem ser obtidos por transplante de fragmentos testiculares ou células germinativas isoladas em camundongos imunodeficientes. No entanto, a obtenção de espermatozoides no cultivo in vitro ainda é um desafio.(AU)
The testicular tissue contains germ cells, which have the potential to develop into viable spermatozoa through in vitro culture or xenotransplantation, being an interesting alternative to be used in the formation of biobanks. This review compiles updates, challenges and perspectives related to cryopreservation techniques and testicular tissue culture as a strategy for the conservation of mammalian species. Testicular tissue can be obtained from both adult and pre-pubertal individuals, either after orchiectomy or even after their death. Fragmented tissue can be cryopreserved by slow or fast freezing and by vitrification methods. Cryoprotectants are indispensable during cryopreservation and may vary in type and concentration according to the species. With advances in cryopreservation of this material, spermatozoa can be obtained by transplanting testicular fragments or isolated germ cells into immunodeficient mice. However, obtaining spermatozoa in in vitro culture is still a challenge.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Criopreservação/veterinária , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Espermatogênese , Crioprotetores , Células GerminativasResumo
As perdas de produtividade e fertilidade animal associadas ao estresse térmico durante os meses mais quentes do ano é um dos maiores desafios do setor pecuário. Na indústria de leite as perdas econômicas causadas pelo estresse térmico foram estimadas em mais de 1,5 bilhões de dólares por ano. No que tange a reprodução, já foi demonstrado que o estresse térmico exerce múltiplos efeitos deletérios, causando disfunções endócrinas e alterando a sequência orquestrada de eventos importantes para a gametogênese e para o desenvolvimento embrionário inicial. Estudos recentes têm esclarecido o padrão temporal no qual os danos são estabelecidos e carreados dependendo da intensidade do estresse. Enquanto os efeitos imediatos do estresse térmico nos gametas já são bem caracterizados, existem evidências de que alguns danos podem ser carreados de forma tardia e possivelmente entre gerações. Além disso, dados emergentes indicam que o estresse térmico compromete a reprogramação da metilação do DNA que ocorre durante a gametogênese e a programação do desenvolvimento in utero. Dessa forma, esse artigo visa explorar os efeitos imediatos, tardios e transgeracionais do estresse térmico nos gametas.(AU)
The drop on animal productivity and fertility associated with heat stress during the hot months of the year is one of the biggest challenges for the livestock sector. For the dairy industry the economic losses caused by heat stress have been estimated over 1.5 billion dollars per year. It has already been demonstrated that heat stress exerts multiple deleterious effects on reproductive function, causing endocrine dysfunctions as well as changes in the sequence of events required for gametogenesis and early embryonic development. Recent studies have shed a light in the temporal pattern in which heat-induced damage is established and carried forward depending on the intensity of stress. While the immediate effects of heat stress on gametes are well characterized, there is evidence that some damage can be carried over for longer periods and even across generations. Furthermore, emerging data indicate that heat stress compromises DNA methylation reprogramming that occurs during gametogenesis and developmental programming in utero. Thus, this paper aims to explore the immediate, late and transgenerational effects of heat stress on gametes.(AU)
Animais , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Células GerminativasResumo
The establishment and maintenance of a pregnancy that goes to term is sine qua non for the long-term sustainability of dairy and beef cattle operations. The oocyte plays a critical role in providing the factors necessary for preimplantation embryonic development. Furthermore, the female, or maternal, environment where oocytes and embryos develop is crucial for the establishment and maintenance of a pregnancy to term. During folliculogenesis, the oocyte must sequentially acquire meiotic and developmental competence, which are the results of a series of molecular events preparing the highly specialized gamete to return to totipotency after fertilization. Given that folliculogenesis is a lengthy process in the cow, the occurrence of disease, metabolic imbalances, heat stress, or other adverse events can make it challenging to maintain oocyte quality. Following fertilization, the newly formed embryo must execute a tightly planned program that includes global DNA remodeling, activation of the embryonic genome, and cell fate decisions to form a blastocyst within a few days and cell divisions. The increasing use of assisted reproductive technologies creates an additional layer of complexity to ensure the highest oocyte and embryo quality given that in vitro systems do not faithfully recreate the physiological maternal environment. In this review, we discuss cellular and molecular factors and events known to be crucial for proper oocyte development and maturation, as well as adverse events that may negatively affect the oocyte; and the importance of the uterine environment, including signaling proteins in the maternal-embryonic interactions that ensure proper embryo development. We also discuss the impact of assisted reproductive technologies in oocyte and embryo quality and developmental potential, and considerations when looking into the prospects for developing systems that allow for in vitro gametogenesis as a tool for assisted reproduction in cattle.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos/embriologia , Colo do Útero/embriologia , Células Germinativas/citologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Thai Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. var pruriens (T-MP) seed containing levodopa (L-DOPA) and antioxidant capacity has been shown to improve sexual behavior and male reproductive parameters in rats treated with ethanol (Eth). However, its protective effect on testicular apoptotic germ cells has never been reported. This study aimed to investigate the potential effects of T-MP seed extract on expressions of caspase, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), and dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) proteins in Eth rats. Thirty-six male Wistar rats were divided into four groups (9 animals/group), including control, Eth, T-MP150+Eth, and T-MP300+Eth, respectively. Control rats received distilled water, and Eth rats received Eth (3g/kg BW; 40%v/v). The T-MP groups were treated with T-MP seed extract at a dose of 150 or 300 mg/kg before Eth administration for 56 consecutive days. The results showed that the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelial height were significantly increased in both T-MP treated groups compared to the Eth group. Additionally, the caspase-9 and -3, and PCNA expressions were decreased, but D2R expression was markedly increased in T-MP groups. It was concluded that T-MP seed extract could protect testicular apoptosis induced by Eth via changes in caspase, PCNA, and D2R protein expressions.
Thai Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. var pruriens (T-MP) contendo levodopa (L-DOPA) e capacidade antioxidante demonstrou melhorar o comportamento sexual e os parâmetros reprodutivos masculinos em ratos tratados com etanol (Eth). No entanto, seu efeito protetor sobre células germinativas apoptóticas testiculares nunca foi relatado. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos potenciais do extrato de semente de T-MP na expressão de proteínas de caspase, antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (PCNA) e receptor de dopamina D2 (D2R) em ratos Eth. Trinta e seis ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em quatro grupos (9 animais/grupo), incluindo controle, Eth, T-MP150+Eth e T-MP300+Eth, respectivamente. Ratos controle receberam água destilada e ratos Eth receberam Eth (3g/kg PC; 40%v/v). Os grupos T-MP foram tratados com extrato de semente de T-MP na dose de 150 ou 300 mg/kg antes da administração de Eth por 56 dias consecutivos. Os resultados mostraram que o diâmetro dos túbulos seminíferos e a altura epitelial foram significativamente aumentados em ambos os grupos tratados com T-MP em comparação com o grupo Eth. Além disso, as expressões de caspase-9 e -3 e de PCNA diminuíram, mas a expressão de D2R aumentou acentuadamente nos grupos T-MP. Concluiu-se que o extrato de semente de T-MP pode proteger a apoptose testicular induzida por Eth através de alterações na expressão de proteínas caspase, PCNA e D2R.
Animais , Ratos , Testículo , Extratos Vegetais , Apoptose , Mucuna , EtanolResumo
Abstract The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters' turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens' present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
Resumo O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Characidae , Oócitos , Oogênese , Ovário , Testículo , GônadasResumo
The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.
O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/genética , Espermatogênese , OogêneseResumo
The knowledge of the testicular and ovarian morphology of a particular fish species is of paramount importance. Such analyze enables the development of studies and techniques aiming the improvement of their reproduction, management, commercialization and even their conservation. This study performed the ovarian and testicular characterization of the ornamental Amazon fish Serrapinnus kriegi. A total of three males and three females had their gonads analyzed by optical microscopy. Females present ovaries filled with oocytes in asynchronous development, indicating partial spawning in the species. Moreover, the micropyle and micropilar cell formation was observed in primary growing oocytes, representing a precocious oocyte development; and the zona radiata in the final vitellogenic oocytes is thicker than other related species, evidencing the development of a better protection to the embryos in function of the waters turbulence that characterize it spawning sites in the Amazonian streams. The male specimens present anastomosed tubular testes with unrestricted spermatogonia spread along the entire seminiferous tubules. The present data elucidate the dynamic of spermatogenesis and oogenesis of an ornamental Amazonian species, through the description of the male and female germ cells development.(AU)
O conhecimento da morfologia testicular e ovariana de uma determinada espécie de peixe é de suma importância, pois através destas análises é possível o desenvolvimento de estudos e técnicas visando o melhoramento de sua reprodução, manejo e comercialização e até mesmo auxiliar em sua conservação. Este estudo realizou a caracterização ovariana e testicular do peixe Amazônico ornamental Serrapinnus kriegi. Um total de três machos e três fêmeas tiveram suas gônadas analisadas através de microscopia óptica. As fêmeas apresentam ovários preenchidos por oócitos em desenvolvimento assincrônico, indicando desova parcelada da espécie. Além disso, observou-se a formação de micrópila e célula micropilar em oócitos em crescimento primário, representando o desenvolvimento precoce do oócito; a zona radiata nos oócitos vitelogênicos finais é mais espessa em comparação a outras espécies relacionadas, evidenciando o desenvolvimento de uma melhor proteção aos embriões, em função das águas turbulentas que caracterizam seu local de desova nos córregos amazônicos. Os machos apresentam testículos do tipo tubular anastomosado com espermatogônias irrestritas, espalhadas por todo o túbulo seminífero. Os dados apresentados elucidam a dinâmica da espermatogênese e oogênese de uma espécie de peixe ornamental amazônica, por meio da descrição das células germinativas masculinas e femininas.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/genética , Oogênese , EspermatogêneseResumo
The present review addresses the oocyte and the preimplantation embryo, and is intended to highlight the underlying principle of the "nature versus/and nurture" question. Given the diversity in mammalian oocyte maturation, this review will not be comprehensive but instead will focus on the porcine oocyte. Historically, oogenesis was seen as the development of a passive cell nursed and determined by its somatic compartment. Currently, the advanced analysis of the cross-talk between the maternal environment and the oocyte shows a more balanced relationship: Granulosa cells nurse the oocyte, whereas the latter secretes diffusible factors that regulate proliferation and differentiation of the granulosa cells. Signal molecules of the granulosa cells either prevent the precocious initiation of meiotic maturation or enable oocyte maturation following hormonal stimulation. A similar question emerges in research on monozygotic twins or multiples: In Greek and medieval times, twins were not seen as the result of the common course of nature but were classified as faults. This seems still valid today for the rare and until now mainly unknown genesis of facultative monozygotic twins in mammals. Monozygotic twins are unique subjects for studies of the conceptus-maternal dialogue, the intra-pair similarity and dissimilarity, and the elucidation of the interplay between nature and nurture. In the course of in vivo collections of preimplantation sheep embryos and experiments on embryo splitting and other microsurgical interventions we recorded observations on double blastocysts within a single zona pellucida, double inner cell masses in zona-enclosed blastocysts and double germinal discs in elongating embryos. On the basis of these observations we add some pieces to the puzzle of the post-zygotic genesis of monozygotic twins and on maternal influences on the developing conceptus.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/embriologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Gêmeos MonozigóticosResumo
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the protective and antioxidative effects of intensive exercise on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced testicular damage, apoptotic spermatognial cells death, and oxidative stress. Methods: 36 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into three groups: control, diabetes, and diabetes+intensive exercise (IE) groups. Testicular tissues were examined histopathologically and antioxidant enzymes, including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and malondialdehyde (MDA) activity, as well as serum testosterone level, were measured. Results: Seminiferous tubules and germ cells were found to be better in the testis tissue of the intense exercise group than in the diabetes group. Diabetes suppressed antioxidant enzymes CAT, SOD, GPx and testosterone levels were significantly decreased, and increased MDA level in the diabetic group compared to diabetes+IE group (p < 0.001). Following four weeks of treatment, intensive exercise improved the antioxidant defense, significantly decreased MDA activity, and increased testosterone levels in testicular tissue in the diabetic group compared to diabetes+IE group (p < 0.01). Conclusion: STZ-induced diabetes causes damage to the testis tissue. In order to prevent these damages, exercise practice has become very popular nowadays. In present study, our intensive exercise protocol, histological, and biochemical analysis of the effect of diabetes on the testicular tissues is shown.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Apoptose , Estresse Oxidativo , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental , AntioxidantesResumo
It can be assumed that the natural processes of selection and developmental condition in the animal provide the best prerequisites for embryogenesis resulting in pregnancy and subsequent birth of a healthy neonate. In contrast, circumventing the natural selection mechanisms and all developmental conditions in a healthy animal harbors the risk of counteracting, preventing or reducing the formation of embryos or substantially restricting their genesis. Considering these facts, it seems to be obvious that assisted reproductive techniques focusing on early embryonic stages serve an expanded and unselected germ cell pool of oocytes and sperm cells, and include the culture of embryos outside their natural habitat during and after fertilization for manipulation and diagnostic purposes, and for storage. A significant influence on the early embryonic development is seen in the extracorporeal culture of bovine embryos (in vitro) or stress on the animal organism (in vivo). The in vitro production per se and metabolic as well as endocrine changes in the natural environment of embryos represent adequate models and serve for a better understanding. The purpose of this review is to give a brief presentation of recent techniques aimed at focusing more on the complex processes in the Fallopian tube to contrast in vivo and in vitro prerequisites and abnormalities in early embryonic development and serve to identify potential new ways to make the use of ARTs more feasible.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/embriologia , Técnicas Reprodutivas/veterinária , Interação Gene-Ambiente , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Meio AmbienteResumo
Background: Pilomatricomas are neoplasms of hair follicles, located in the hair bulb, and the incidence is uncommon in the clinical-surgical clinical routine of dogs and cats. It commonly affects adult animals, with no predisposition to sex or race, and is mainly located in the neck, back, and tail region. The diagnosis is made by histopathological examination, where cells are observed in which their nucleus does not stain with hematoxylin and eosin - empty nucleus. The present work aimed to report a case of benign pilomatricoma since it is a rare condition in dogs and cats and, consequently, there is little information in the literature. Case: A 6-year-old male Shih-Tzu dog, not submitted to surgical contraception, weighing 6.9 kg, was treated at the Veterinary School Hospital (HVE) of the North Parana State University (UENP), Bandeirantes, PR, Brazil, with a history of nodules in the tail region, lasting 6 months. On physical examination, no changes were identified in the patient's physiological parameters. However, the presence of neoformations in the distal and medial region of the tail, similar to a nail, adherent, non-ulcerated and non-alopecic, and absence of pruritus or self-mutilation were identified. Vaccination and deworming were updated. Hematological examination, serum biochemicals (urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and albumin), and abdominal ultrasound showed no changes. According to the clinical and laboratory signs, it was decided to perform an excisional biopsy, using a caudectomy, for subsequent histopathological examination. The specimens were fixed in 10% formaldehyde and sent for histopathological examination. Histological examination was compatible with benign pilomatricoma. Postoperatively, cephalexin, dipyrone, tramadol hydrochloride, and meloxicam were prescribed, surgical wound cleaning, and the use of an Elizabethan collar until the suture was removed. After 10 days of the surgical procedure, the patient was asked to remove the sutures, and no changes were identified regarding the physiological parameters and blood count. Discussion: Pilomatricomas are commonly benign neoplasms arising from the germ cells of the follicular matrix. They present dermal or subdermal forms, with several cystic structures which are surrounded by keratinocytes, similar to the matrix cells of an anagen hair follicle, more keratinized and firmer areas, corroborating the results of the present report. In the ultrasound examination, the presence of intra-abdominal metastases was not identified, which is consistent with the literature, since in this type of neoplasm it is not common to identify foci of intra-abdominal and thoracic metastases. In the present report, immunohistochemistry was not used, even though it is used to differentiate follicular neoplasms from pilomatricomas. However, histopathological examination is considered the best method for the definitive diagnosis of pilomatricomas in dogs. It was concluded that the surgical treatment through excisional biopsy, with safety margins of 2 cm, was effective as a therapeutic method in the case of benign pilomatricoma, and the definitive diagnosis must be made through histopathological examination.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Pilomatrixoma/cirurgia , Pilomatrixoma/veterinária , Folículo Piloso/patologia , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterináriaResumo
Las características fisiológicas de los gametos caninos que los hace especiales respecto a los de otras especies han dificultado los estudios tendientes a incrementar los porcentajes de éxito en diversas biotecnologías reproductivas. Entre estas características está el inicio de la meiosis de los ovocitos posterior al nacimiento y la ovulación de un gameto inmaduro como ovocito primario, lo que ha complejizado la maduración in vitro de estos ovocitos y, por parte de los espermatozoides, una gran diferencia en la sobrevivencia de los espermatozoides eyaculados versus los congelados-descongelados, que hace imprescindible evaluar la biología reproductiva de estos gametos tendiente a optimizar nuevos protocolos haciendo énfasis previamente en una adecuada evaluación del crecimiento del ovocito in vivo y de la viabilidad espermática en aquellos sometidos a criopreservación(AU)
The physiological characteristics of canine gametes that make them unique compared to those of other species have hindered studies aimed at increasing the success rates in various reproductive biotechnologies. Among these characteristics is the meiosis of the oocytes after birth and the ovulation of an immature gamete as a primary oocyte, which has made the in vitro maturation of these oocytes more complex and, on the part of the spermatozoa, a significant difference in the viability of ejaculated versus frozen-thawed spermatozoa, which makes it essential to evaluate the reproductive biology of these gametes in order to optimize new protocols, previously emphasizing an adequate evaluation of in vivo oocyte growth and sperm viability in those subjected to cryopreservation.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Células Germinativas/fisiologia , Técnicas In Vitro/métodos , Biotecnologia/métodosResumo
The oviduct is an important reproductive structure that connects the ovary to the uterus and takes place to important events such as oocyte final maturation, fertilization and early embryonic development. Thus, gametes and embryo can be directly influenced by the oviductal microenvironment composed by epithelial cells such secretory and ciliated cells and oviductal fluid. The oviduct composition is anatomically dynamic and is under ovarian hormones control. The oviductal fluid provides protection, nourishment and transport to gametes and embryo and allows interaction to oviductal epithelial cells. All these functions together allows the oviduct to provides the ideal environment to the early reproductive events. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are biological nanoparticles that mediates cell communication and are present at oviductal fluid and plays an important role in gametes/embryo - oviductal cells communication. This review will present the ability of the oviducts based on its dynamic and systemic changes during reproductive events, as well as the contribution of EVs in this process.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Oviductos , Desenvolvimento Embrionário , Fertilização , Vesículas Extracelulares , Células Germinativas , Produtos BiológicosResumo
This study aimed to describe and characterize the stages of gonadal development of females of Xiphopenaeus kroyeri caught by artisanal fishers in Espírito Santo state, southeastern region of Brazil. All females (n= 1,831) were subjected to macroscopic and microscopic morphological analysis (n= 333) of the ovaries. From the morphology, coloration and degree of turgidity of the fresh ovary, macroscopic analysis determined five stages of gonadal development. The macroscopic analysis showed difficulties in differentiating the immature and spawning stages due to the similarity between the colors of the ovaries, which confirms the need to perform the macroscopic and histological analysis simultaneously for fisheries management studies. Microscopic observations allowed us to analyze the following six stages of cell development: oogonia, previtellogenic oocytes, primary vitellogenic oocytes, secondary vitellogenic oocytes, mature oocytes and atretic oocytes. From this, five stages of gonadal development were defined, i.e., immature, early development, advanced development, mature and spawned. The presence of peripheral bodies was not observed in this species. These results help to clarify and better understand the reproductive and population aspects of the Atlantic Seabob, which are fundamental for the establishment of management and conservation measures of this resource.
Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever e caracterizar os estágios de desenvolvimento gonadal de fêmeas de Xiphopenaeus kroyeri capturado por pescadores artesanais no Estado do Espírito Santo, região sudeste (Região sudeste = Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Espírito Santo) do Brasil. Todas as fêmeas (n= 1.831) foram submetidas à análise morfológica macroscópica e microscópica (n= 333) dos ovários. A partir da morfologia, coloração e grau de turgidez do ovário fresco, a análise macroscópica determinou cinco estágios de desenvolvimento gonadal. A análise macroscópica mostrou dificuldades em diferenciar os estágios imaturo e reprodutivo devido à semelhança entre as cores dos ovários, o que confirma a necessidade de realizar a análise macroscópica e histológica simultaneamente para estudos de manejo pesqueiro. As observações microscópicas permitiram analisar os seguintes seis estágios de desenvolvimento celular: oogônias, ovócitos prévitelogênicos, ovócitos em vitelogênese primária, ovócitos em vitelogênese secundária, ovócitos maduros e ovócitos atrésicos. A partir disso, foram definidos cinco estágios de desenvolvimento gonadal, ou seja, imaturo, desenvolvimento inicial, desenvolvimento avançado, maduro e desovado. A presença de corpos periféricos não foi observada nesta espécie. Estes resultados ajudam a esclarecer e compreender melhor os aspetos reprodutivos e populacionais do camarão do Atlântico, que são fundamentais para o estabelecimento de medidas de gestão e conservação deste recurso.
Animais , Feminino , Ovário/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Penaeidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Células Germinativas , Gônadas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
As tecnologias de reprodução assistida (TRA) são de fundamental importância para a conexão de indivíduos em diferentes localidades, facilitando assim o intercâmbio genético e favorecendo a variabilidade genética de uma espécie. Por esta razão, as TRAS podem ser ferramentas importantes para a conservação de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Apesar dos esforços nas últimas décadas, o avanço no desenvolvimento de tais tecnologias está aquém à urgência de reverter processos de baixa variabilidade genética em algumas espécies. A necessidade de refinamento das técnicas para as particularidades fisiológicas e comportamentais de cada espécie, somada à raridade de acesso aos animais são os principais fatores relacionados as dificuldades em se avançar com as TRAS. As técnicas mais recentes desenvolvidas para a recuperação de espermatozoides em animais selvagens são a colheita farmacológica, com uso de alfa-2-agonistas e a criopreservação / vitrificação testicular com posterior cultivo. Pouco de avançou, no entanto, em relação aos métodos de criopreservação, prevalecendo associação clássica de TRIS-gema-glicerol. Discutimos, então os métodos usados para acesso ao gameta masculino em espécies selvagens e suas aplicações na conservação animal.(AU)
Assisted reproduction technologies (ART) are of fundamental importance for connecting individuals in different locations, thus facilitating genetic exchange and favoring the genetic variability of a species. For this reason, TRAS can be important tools for the conservation of endangered species. Despite efforts in recent decades, the advance in the development of such technologies is short of the urgency of reversing processes of low genetic variability in some species. The need to refine the techniques for the physiological and behavioral particularities of each species, added to the rarity of access to animals, are the main factors related to the difficulties in advancing with TRAS. The most recent techniques developed for sperm collection in wild animals are pharmacological collection, with the use of alpha-2-agonists and testicular cryopreservation / vitrification with subsequent cultivation. Little progress has been made, however, in relation to cryopreservation methods, prevailing the classic association of TRIS-yolk-glycerol. We therefore discuss the methods used to access the male gamete in wild species and their applications in animal conservation.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Células Germinativas/citologia , Animais Selvagens/fisiologia , Variação Genética/fisiologia , Criopreservação/métodos , Recuperação Espermática/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Agonistas de Receptores Adrenérgicos alfa 2/química , VitrificaçãoResumo
Infertility is one of the most prevalent health disorders in reproductive-age males and females. Ficus carica (Fc), an herbal plant, has been used traditionally for the treatment of different diseases such as infertility especially in Iranian folk medicine. This study examined the effects of Fc leaf extract on the proliferation of mice spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). Phenolic, flavonoid content, major polyphenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of the extract was evaluated respectively by Folin-Ciocateu, aluminum chloride, HPLC and the FRAP and DPPH methods. Testicular cells of neonate mice were extracted and their identity was confirmed using cytokeratin for Sertoli and Oct-4, CDHI and PLZF for SSCs. Effects of Fc (0.0875, 0.175, 0.35, 0.71 and 1.42 mg/ml) was evaluated at third, 7th, 9th and 14th days of culture by colony assay. The expression of the Mvh, GFRα1 and Oct-4 genes and the viability and proliferation of cultured cells was assessed at the end of the culture period. The extract has a rich phenolic and flavonoid content such as Rutin, Psoralen, Bergapten and Caffeoylmalic acid using HPLC analysis. It also had a potent reducing and radical scavenging activity. Morphology of colonies was similar in all groups. Higher viability, proliferation, colony number and diameter of SSCs was seen in the presence of Fc leaf extract in a dosedependent manner so that higher number and diameter of colonies were observed in two higher doses of 0.71 and 1.42 mg/ml, separately for each time point relative to other groups. The Mvh, Oct-4 and GFRα1 genes expression had no significant differences between groups. It seems that Fc leaf extract not only had no any cytotoxic effects on the viability and proliferation of SSCs but also support their stemness state. So, this culture system can be employed for enrichment of germ stem cells for use in clinical applications.(AU)
Animais , Camundongos , Extratos Vegetais/efeitos adversos , Ficus/efeitos adversos , Camundongos/embriologia , Citotoxicidade Imunológica , Células-Tronco Germinativas Adultas/citologiaResumo
This review addresses advances, directions and opportunities for research on sheep reproduction in the context of the global challenges of food security and climate change, and demand for 'clean, green and ethical' (CGE) animal management. The foundation of CGE management is an understanding of the physiological processes through which the reproductive system responds to changes in the animal's environment. These days, to the main environmental factors (photoperiod, nutrition, pheromones), we need to add stress from extreme weather events. With respect to nutrition in rams, we now have a deeper understanding of the responses of the brain centres that control gonadotrophin secretion (the kisspeptin system). At testis level, we have found that nutrition affects non-coding RNAs in Sertoli cells and germ cells, thus affecting the balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis. This proliferation-apoptosis balance is also affected during prenatal development, when undernutrition or stress in pregnant ewes seems to elicit epigenetic changes in developing gonads that could affect offspring fertility in adult life. With respect to nutrition in ewes, metabolic signals act directly on ovarian follicles, and thus change ovulation rate, but the variety of signals now includes the adipokines. An early concern was that nutritional supplements that increase ovulation rate would also increase embryo mortality but we now know that embryo survival is improved under field conditions. Finally, we had always thought that the efficiency gains from early puberty in lambs could only be achieved by accelerating fat accumulation, but we now know that faster muscle growth will achieve the same goal, offering two advantages in meat production systems. With respect to pheromones ('ram effect'), we have a deeper understanding of the brain responses (kisspeptin system) but, most importantly, a realization that the response of ewes to the ram signal involves cell division in memory centres. Many opportunities remain.(AU)
Animais , Reprodução/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Atrativos Sexuais/análise , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodosResumo
The aim of this work was to evaluate, in vitro, the dynamics of nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of bovine oocytes in traditional IVM medium (CT) and supplemented with fullerol (MF50), for 36 hours. The nuclear maturation of CT (n=300) and MF50 (n=270) every 6 hours, stained with Hoechst33342 and cytoplasmic, the mitochondrial distribution of CT (n=197) and MF50 (n=159) at every 12 hours, stained with Mitotracker Orange. At 6 hours, CT oocytes (19%) were in MI (metaphase I), while in MF50 they were in GV (germ vesicle) or GVB (GV breakeage), repeating at 12 hours. At 18 hours, 46.3% were matured in CT, and 20% in MF50. At 24 hours, 43.9% of maturation was observed in the MF50 group, and 63.8% in the CT. At 30 and 36 hours, the maturation pattern was stable, but with the onset of oocyte degeneration. There was a delay in cytoplasmic maturation with 36 hours (P < 0.05) in MF50 (53.9% of mature gametes), compared to CT (69.8%). With immature cytoplasm, they were 10.4% and 31.7% for CT and MF50 (P< 0.05), respectively. It was concluded that fullerol possibly interfered in the expansion of cumulus oophorus cells, as well as delayed the meiotic progression and cytoplasmic maturation.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, a dinâmica da maturação nuclear e citoplasmática de oócitos bovinos em meio MIV tradicional (TC) e suplementado com fulerol (MF50), durante 36 horas. Na maturação nuclear do TC (n=300) e do MF50 (n=270) a cada seis horas, corados com Hoechst 33342, e na citoplasmática, avaliou-se a distribuição mitocondrial do TC (n=197) e do MF50 (n=159) a cada 12 horas, corados com Mitotracker Orange (Life® Technologies). Às seis horas, oócitos do TC (19%) se encontravam em MI (metáfase I), enquanto no MF50 estavam em VG (vesícula germinativa) ou QVG (quebra VG), repetindo com 12 horas. Às 18 horas, 46,3% estavam maturados no TC, e 20% no MF50. Com 24 horas, verificaram-se 43,9% de maturação no grupo MF50, e 63,8% no TC. Às 30 e 36 horas, o padrão de maturação foi estável, mas com início de degeneração oócitária. Houve retardo na maturação citoplasmática com 36 horas (P<0,05) no MF50 (53,9% de gametas maduros), comparado ao TC (69,8%). Com citoplasma imaturo, foram 10,4% e 31,7% para TC e MF50 (P<0,05), respectivamente. Conclui-se que o fulerol possivelmente interferiu na expansão das células do cumulus oophorus, bem como retardou a progressão meiótica e a maturação citoplasmática dos oócitos.