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Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 81-85, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434995


Sows do not produce enough milk to sustain optimal growth of their litters. This is particularly important when considering the current hyperprolific sow genetic lines. Mammary development needs to be considered to improve potential milk yield. One can only attempt to stimulate mammogenesis during periods when rapid mammary development is already ongoing. There are two such periods before lactation starts, namely, from three months of age until puberty, and from 90 days of gestation until farrowing. Early studies showed that a 20% feed restriction from 90 days of age until puberty drastically reduces mammary parenchymal tissue mass. Yet, in a more recent study, sow milk yield was not altered following a 10% or 20% feed restriction, or a 25% dietary fibre addition from 90 days of age to breeding. This absence of effect was likely due to the greater feed intake of control gilts in that recent study compared with the older studies, and suggested that feed intake of growing gilts can be reduced to 2.7 kg/d (but not 2.1 kg/d) without detrimental effects on future milk yield. During prepuberty, inclusion of the phytoestrogen genistein in the diet increases the number of mammary parenchymal cells. During late gestation, feeding very high energy levels may have detrimental effects on mammary development and subsequent milk production. Feed intake throughout gestation is also important because of its effect on body condition, with gilts that are too thin (< 16 mm backfat thickness) in late gestation showing less mammary development. A 40% increase in lysine intake via inclusion of additional soybean meal to the diet of gilts from days 90 to 110 of gestation increased mammary parenchymal mass by 44%. Increasing circulating concentrations of the growth factor IGF-1 during late gestation also increased mammary parenchymal mass by 22%. Current data clearly demonstrate that feeding management before lactation can be used to enhance mammary development, hence future milk yield.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Suínos/fisiologia , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Otimização de Processos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(7): e20210917, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404287


ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the effect of maternal protein supplementation during mid or late gestation on energy metabolism of the skeletal muscle of beef calves. Sixteen pregnant cows were divided into 3 groups: CTRL (not supplemented); MID (supplemented from 30 to 180 days of gestation); and LATE (supplemented from 181 to 281 days of gestation). The supplement contained 30% crude protein. Thirty days after birth, blood and muscle samples of the calves were collected for analyses of gene expression, proteins, and metabolites. No differences (P ≥ 0.15) in birth weight, performance at weaning, or muscle expression of the genes evaluated (P ≥ 0.21) were observed. Calves born to CTRL cows had a lower ratio (P = 0.03) of p-AMPK/AMPK protein in the skeletal muscle. Calves born to MID cows had lower (P = 0.04) glucose concentration than those born to LATE cows. Changes in p-AMPK/AMPK protein, indicated a possible metabolic inflexibility in the skeletal muscle of calves born to CTRL cows. These results indicated that lack of protein supplementation in pregnant cows alter the energy metabolism of their calves and reflect in a metabolic inflexibility.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação proteica materna sobre o metabolismo energético do músculo esquelético de bezerros de corte. Dezesseis matrizes gestantes foram divididas em três grupos: CONTROLE (não suplementado); MÉDIO (suplementados entre 30 e 180 dias de gestação); e FINAL (suplementado entre 181 e 281 dias de gestação). O suplemento continha 30% de proteína bruta e foi fornecido em quantidades totais iguais aos tratamentos. Trinta dias após o nascimento, amostras de sangue e músculo dos bezerros foram coletadas para análises de expressão gênica, abundância de proteínas e metabólitos. Não foram observadas diferenças (P ≥ 0,15) no peso ao nascimento ou parâmetros de desempenho ao desmame, bem como na expressão dos genes avaliados (P ≥ 0,21). Os bezerros nascidos de matrizes do tratamento CONTROLE apresentaram menor proporção (P = 0,03) de proteína p-AMPK/AMPK no músculo esquelético. Os bezerros nascidos de matrizes do tratamento MÉDIO apresentaram concentração de glicose menor (P = 0,04) do que aqueles nascidos de matrizes do tratamento FINAL. Os resultados observados indicam que a ausência de suplementação proteica em matrizes gestantes pode alterar o metabolismo energético da progênie e refletir em uma inflexibilidade metabólica, a qual pode ocasionar limitações quanto à eficiência energética do tecido muscular esquelético e consequentemente, limitar o desempenho da progênie ao longo da fase pós-natal.

Sci. agric ; 80: e20220088, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434352


Determining what and how much each environmental factor affects pregnancy is crucial to the sustainability and management of beef cow herds. The study evaluated through logistic regression the effect of environmental variables on the increase or reduction in the pregnancy rate of beef cows. The average pregnancy rate in the cows was 73 %, with an average age for the herd of 3.7 years. An increase in age of one year represented a 30 % increase in pregnancy, while a reduction of one year reduced the odds of pregnancy in the cows by 23 %. During the lactation period, an extra seven days' lactation reduced the odds of pregnancy by 12 %. For every seven days that weaning was brought forward, the cows' pregnancy odds increased by 14 %. An increase of 0.1 kg in average daily gain represented an increase of 17 % and 15 % in the odds of pregnancy during the first 60 days post-partum and 60 days to the end of the reproductive period. On the other hand, the loss of 0.1 kg in average daily gain resulted in a 14 % and 13 % reduction in the cows' pregnancy odds, respectively. Factors such as age, the precocity of calving in the calving season, the time the calf remains with the cow and better performance in cows between calving and the end of the mating are strategies that increase the chances of pregnancy in beef cows.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Prenhez , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Lactação
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 113-115, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Espanhol | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435052


El primer punto a tener en cuenta es determinar si el estado de salud de la gata permite incluirla en un plan reproductivo y de ser así cuál es su probabilidad de distocia. Es así que se planifican 3 consultas: la primera durante el celo previo al servicio, la segunda 20 días después del día de los servicios momento en el que se realiza el diagnóstico de gestación y se evalúa el desarrollo de los conceptos gestados si la gata quedó preñada, y la tercera al día 50 de gestación en la cual se realiza un examen de salud y el control del número de fetos gestados mediante Rx. La evaluación del estado de salud de la madre y de los conceptos gestados, así como el desarrollo de los mismos permitirá estimar la fecha probable de parto, y programar la asistencia al parto o una cesárea con mínimos riesgos según sea el caso.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Prenhez/fisiologia , Gatos/embriologia
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20220093, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433934


Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain receptors (NOD-like receptors, NLRs) have critical effects on interfaces of the immune and reproductive systems, and the spleen plays a key role in both innate and adaptive immune functions. It is hypothesized that NLR family participates in maternal splenic immune regulation during early pregnancy in sheep. In this study, maternal spleens were collected on day 16 of the estrous cycle, and days 13, 16 and 25 of gestation (n = 6 for each group) in ewes. Expression of NLR family, including NOD1, NOD2, class II transactivator (CIITA), NLR family apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP), nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, Leucine rich repeat and Pyrin domain containing 1 (NLRP1), NLRP3 and NLRP7, was analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis. The results revealed that expression levels of NOD1, NOD2, CIITA and NLRP3 were downregulated at days 13 and 16 of pregnancy, but expression of NLRP3 was increased at day 25 of pregnancy. In addition, expression values of NAIP and NLRP7 mRNA and proteins were improved at days 16 and 25 of pregnancy, and NLRP1 was peaked at days 13 and 16 of pregnancy in the maternal spleen. Furthermore, NOD2 and NLRP7 proteins were limited to the capsule, trabeculae and splenic cords. In summary, early pregnancy changes expression of NLR family in the maternal spleen, which may be related with the maternal splenic immunomodulation during early pregnancy in sheep.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez , Ovinos/imunologia , Proteínas NLR/análise , Baço/fisiologia
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: e-74730E, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447894


This study aimed to assess how maternal nutrition in the final third of gestation affects progeny weight performance and body composition. Forty-one steers were included, born to cows subjected to different nutritional levels during this period: 13 cows without supplementation and under nutritional restriction (RES), 16 cows supplemented to meet 100% of requirements (REQ), and 12 cows supplemented to meet 150% of requirements (HIGH). The study design was completely randomized. Progeny performance was not influenced by maternal nutrition during gestation (P > 0.05). However, RES animals excelled during challenging periods, while REQ and HIGH animals performed better in nutritionally favorable environments. Maternal nutrition in the final third of gestation did not impact the contribution of non-carcass components (16.42%) and internal organs (3.17%). RES and HIGH steers had a higher relative weight of the rumen (2.48%) compared to REQ steers (2.24%), resulting in a greater proportion of the gastrointestinal tract (8.25% vs. 7.63%). Carcass characteristics did not differ significantly between treatments (P > 0.05), with an average hot carcass weight and yield of 304.28 kg and 57.80%, respectively. The primary fore, side, and hind cuts represented 39.22%, 10.64%, and 50.67% of the carcass, respectively. Overall, maternal nutrition during gestation affects fetal development, leading to modifications in body composition and, consequently, the productive potential of the offspring.

O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da nutrição materna no terço final da gestação sobre o desempenho ponderal e a composição corporal da progênie. Foram utilizados 41 novilhos de vacas submetidas a diferentes níveis nutricionais durante o terço final de gestação: 13 vacas sem suplementação sob restrição nutricional (RES); 16 vacas suplementadas para atender 100% das exigências (REQ); 12 vacas suplementadas para atender 150% das exigências (HIGH). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. O desempenho da progênie não foi influenciado pela nutrição materna na gestação (P > 0,05), porém, animais RES se sobresaem em períodos desafiadores, enquanto que os REQ e HIGH desempenharam melhor em ambientes nutricionalmente favoráveis. A nutrição materna no terço final da gestação não influenciou a participação dos componentes não carcaça (16,42%) e órgãos internos (3,17%). O peso relativo do rúmen foi maior nos novilhos RES e HIGH (2,48%) em relação aos novilhos REQ (2,24%), resultando em maior participação do trato gastrointestinal (8,25 vs 7,63%, respectivamente). As características quantitativas da carcaça foram semelhantes entre os tratamentos (P > 0,05), com peso médio de carcaça quente e rendimento equivalente a 304,28 kg e 57,80%. A participação dos cortes primários dianteiro, lateral e traseiro foi de 39,22, 10,64 e 50,67%, respectivamente. Diante do exposto, concluímos que a nutrição materna na gestação afeta a formação fetal de modo a modificar a composição corporal e consequentemente o potencial produtivo dos descendentes.

Animais , Bovinos , Gravidez , Bovinos , Nutrição Materna
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230019, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433948


This study aimed to verify the impact of high-fat diet consumption for a prolonged period on oxidative stress, fetal growth, umbilical vascular system, and placental structures in pregnant goats. Twenty-two pregnant goats were grouped into the control diet (n= 11) and fat diet (n = 11). Flaxseed meal was added to the fat diet, replacing the corn grain of concentrate, from gestational day 100 to delivery date. Diets were isonitrogenous and isoenergetic, differing in fat content (2.8% vs. 6.3% dry matter). The fat group showed higher feed intake and total plasma lipid levels than the control group (P < 0.001). No difference was found in placentome, and umbilical vascular development. Fat diet-fed goats exhibited a lower systolic peak in the umbilical artery. At delivery, placental traits were similar with the exception of the cotyledon width (P = 0.0075), which was smaller in the fat group and cotyledon surface (P = 0.0047) for multiple pregnancy of fat diet. Cotyledonary epithelium showed more intense staining of lipid droplets and a greater area for lipofuscin staining in the fat group compared to control group (P < 0.001). The mean live weight of the kids was lower in the fat group in the first week after delivery than in control group. Thus, in goats, the continuous administration of a high-fat diet during pregnancy does not appear to modify the fetal-maternal vascular structures but has an impact on a part of the placental structure; therefore, its use must be carefully evaluated.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez/fisiologia , Cabras/fisiologia , Dieta Hiperlipídica/veterinária , Placenta/fisiologia , Estresse Oxidativo/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 254-260, Mar.-Apr. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434108


Pregnancy toxemia has a high mortality rate and few cases with effective treatment are reported, especially when associated with secondary diseases. Therefore, the present work reports the case of a sheep, which was referred to the veterinary hospital of UFMG, in the last month of pregnancy, presenting apathy, hyporexia and sternal recumbency. After the diagnosis of pregnancy toxemia, the fetuses were removed while still alive, but did not survive. Monitoring was started with blood gas analysis, blood glucose assessments and laboratory tests. The results were consistent with liver damage, which was justified by the condition of lipolysis. Treatment consisted of electrolyte replacement plus 50% glucose and potassium chloride, along with administration of antibiotics (ceftiofur, 5mg/kg/SID/IM/7 days), flunixim meglumine (2.2mg/kg/SID/IM first day and 1.1mg/kg/SID/IM on the second and third days) and omeprazole (4mg/kg/SID/oral). The patient had secondarily clinical laminitis, which was treated with cryotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs, in addition to mastitis, using a single dose of intramammary antibiotics. The work demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatment of pregnancy toxemia, when performed early and intensively, associated with daily clinical and laboratory monitoring of the animal.

A toxemia da prenhez possui alto índice de mortalidade, e poucos casos com tratamento eficaz são relatados, principalmente quando associados a doenças secundárias. Diante disso, o presente trabalho relata o caso de uma ovelha, que foi encaminhada ao hospital veterinário da UFMG, no último mês de gestação, apresentando apatia, hiporexia e decúbito esternal. Após o diagnóstico de toxemia da prenhez, os fetos foram retirados ainda vivos, porém não sobreviveram. Iniciou-se um monitoramento com análises hemogasométricas, avaliações de glicemia e exames laboratoriais. Os resultados foram condizentes com lesão hepática, a qual foi justificada pelo quadro de lipólise. O tratamento consistiu em reposição hidroeletrolítica associada à glicose 50% e a cloreto de potássio, juntamente com administração de antibióticos (ceftiofur, 5mg/kg/SID/IM/7 dias), flunixim meglumine (2,2mg/kg/SID/IM no primeiro dia e 1,1mg/kg/SID/IM no segundo e terceiro dias) e omeprazol (4mg/kg/SID/oral). A paciente apresentou secundariamente laminite clínica, a qual foi tratada com crioterapia e antinflamatórios, além de um quadro de mastite, sendo utilizado antibiótico intramamário em dose única. O trabalho demonstrou a eficácia do tratamento da toxemia da prenhez, quando realizado de forma precoce e intensiva, associado a um monitoramento clínico e laboratorial diário do animal.

Animais , Toxemia/veterinária , Prenhez , Ovinos
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(3): 592-597, jul.-set. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436770


O termo nutracêutico vem se tornando comum na reprodução animal e descreve produtos derivados dos alimentos, que podem fornecer benefícios adicionais a saúde, além dos valores básicos encontrados na dieta. Entre os vários nutracêuticos utilizados na reprodução, temos o ômega-3, ômega-6, vitaminas do complexo B, L-carnitina, ß-caroteno e antioxidantes. Portanto, objetivou-se apresentar as principais substâncias utilizadas como nutracêuticos e antioxidantes, seja utilizado de forma oral ou incorporado a diluentes de sêmen, com a finalidade de melhorar a qualidade seminal de garanhões, e consequentemente incrementar taxas de prenhez.(AU)

Nutraceuticals have become remarkably popular in animal reproduction and describe products derived from foods, which may provide additional health benefits, beyond the basic value found in diets. Among the main nutraceuticals used in male reproduction, there are omega-3 and 6, B-complex vitamins, L-carnitine, ß-carotene, and antioxidants. The aim of this review is to present the main substances used as nutraceuticals and antioxidants, either used orally or in combination with semen extenders, focusing on the improvement of seminal quality, and pregnancy rates.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Cavalos/fisiologia , Prenhez/fisiologia , Peroxidação de Lipídeos/fisiologia , Fertilidade
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418950


A cetose, conhecida também como acetonemia, é um distúrbio metabólico que afeta principalmente vacas leiteiras de alta produção. A elevação anormal de corpos cetônicos nos tecidos e fluidos corporais do animal ocorre devido a um déficit de energia. A quantidade de alimento/nutrientes ingeridos não é suficiente para suprir a demanda corporal do mesmo, assim como a eficiência reprodutiva que está diretamente ligada à saúde, condição corporal e sua capacidade de produção. Animais de alta produção possuem um desafio muito grande de aumentar a produção a cada lactação, com isso, estão susceptíveis a mudanças metabólicas, entre elas a cetose, clínica ou subclínica. Tal enfermidade ocorre devido a uma má adaptação metabólica do animal a sua nova condição de lactante. A elevada incidência de doenças uterinas no pós-parto de vacas leiteiras é responsável por inúmeros prejuízos para a atividade, principalmente pela redução da eficiência reprodutiva das vacas acometidas por infecções. Contudo, visto que a cetose subclínica prevalece nos rebanhos leiteiros de alta produção, o objetivo desta revisão de literatura é apresentar a patogenia e os efeitos que esse distúrbio metabólico têm sobre a reprodução das vacas de aptidão leiteira no após o parto, utilizando de indicadores como taxa de prenhez, taxa de concepção, retorno a ciclicidade, intervalo entre partos e intervalo entre parto e estro.(AU)

Ketosis, also known as acetonemia, is a metabolic disorder that primarily affects high-yielding dairy cows. The abnormal elevation of ketone bodies in the animal's tissues and body fluids occurs due to an energy deficit. The amount of food/nutrients ingested are not enough to supply the body's demand, as well as the reproductive efficiency that is directly linked to health, body condition and its production capacity. High production animals have a very big challenge to increase production with each lactation, therefore, they are susceptible to metabolic changes, including clinical or subclinical ketosis. Such a disease occurs due to a poor metabolic adaptation of the animal to its new lactating condition. The high incidence of uterine diseases in the postpartum period of dairy cows is responsible for numerous losses to the activity, mainly for the reduction of the reproductive efficiency of cows affected by infections. However, since subclinical ketosis prevails in high production dairy herds, the objective of this literature review is to present the pathogenesis and the effects that this metabolic disorder has on the reproduction of dairy cows in the postpartum period, using indicators such as pregnancy rate, conception rate, return to cyclicity, calving interval and calving-estrus interval.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Cetoses/análise , Prenhez
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(1): e20230006, 2023. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427296


The aim of this study was to evaluate and correlate modifications of vaginal mucous impedance, vulvar temperature and ultrasonographic measurements (echobiometric parameters) to parturition in pregnant Saanen does. 30 does were selected for the study and submitted to an estrus synchronization protocol and natural mating. The females were evaluated daily from Day 143 of pregnancy to parturition. For the sonographic evaluations, the following structures were measured: biparietal diameter, thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, ocular orbit, kidney length, kidney height, cardiac area, placentome length, cervical measurement and fetal heart rate; by means of two different approaches: transrectal and transabdominal, using a 7.5 MHz linear transducer. The vaginal mucous impedance was assessed using an electric estrous detector and vulvar temperature was measured using a non-contact infrared thermometer. Statistical analysis was performed using the R-project software and the significance level was set at 5% for all tests. 25 Saanen does became pregnant, resulting in 80.33% pregnancy rate. Fetal heart rate was negatively correlated to the hours to parturition (p<0,001; r-Pearson= -0,451), as well as vaginal temperature (p= 0,001; r-Pearson= -0,275), while cervical thickness was positively correlated to hours to parturition (p<0,001; r-Pearson= 0,490). The echobiometric parameters (biparietal diameter, thoracic diameter, abdominal diameter, ocular orbit, kidney length and height, cardiac area, placentome length), as well as vaginal mucous impedance did not vary throughout the timepoints of evaluation and did not correlate to the moment of parturition. It was concluded that the parameters of fetal heartbeat, vaginal temperature and cervical effacement in the last week of pregnancy provide valuable information regarding the proximity of parturition.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez , Cabras/fisiologia , Impedância Elétrica , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Biometria/métodos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1902, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415241


Background: The artificial insemination has become a well-established method in the breeding of bitches, and evaluation of the factors that may potentially affect pregnancy success is essential. For this reason, it is essential to evaluate the factors that may affect fertility of the bitch when artificial insemination is performed. Serum progesterone concentrations and vaginal cytology have been used to determine the time of ovulation and stage of the estrus cycle. This study aimed to evaluate the artificial insemination method, the serum progesterone concentration, the breed size, age, the whelping number, vaginal cytology parameters, and their interactions on pregnancy success in bitches. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 607 bitches that had undergone reproductive consultation with the Mexican Canine Federation from January to December 2016 were enrolled in the present study and assigned to one of 2 artificial insemination methods (intravaginal and transcervical) using fresh semen. Determination of the estrus cycle phase and the time of Artificial insemination was based on vaginal cytology and serum progesterone concentrations. Bitches inseminated by the transcervical technique had a higher pregnancy rate with respect to females inseminated by the intravaginal technique (P < 0.05). Moreover, females with a serum progesterone concentration of 5-10 ng/mL had a greater probability (> 4 times) of getting pregnant than animals with lower or higher progesterone concentrations (P < 0.05). Bitches inseminated by the intravaginal technique and with serum progesterone concentrations >10 ng/mL had a considerable reduction in pregnancy (P < 0.05) compared with females with < 10 ng/mL serum progesterone or with bitches inseminated by the transcervical technique. Discusion: Serum progesterone concentration, the artificial insemination method, and superficial cells without a nucleus modified the pregnancy rate in bitches. Females inseminated by transcervical semen deposition had a higher pregnancy rate than females inseminated by the intravaginal technique. Using fresh or frozen-thawed semen produced a higher pregnancy rate in bitches inseminated by transcervical semen deposition than females inseminated by the intravaginal technique. Differences in the pregnancy rate between transcervical and intravaginal insemination could be associated with the correct semen disposition, the distance that the sperm must travel to reach the oocyte, as well as the number of sperm that reach the oviduct ampulla. Exist evidences that after ovulation, as progesterone rises, the cervix is closed, which may compromise the passage of the sperm deposited into the vagina. Therefore, it is likely that in females with a serum progesterone concentration > 10 ng/mL, the cervix was closed, compromising the ability of the sperm to access the oviduct. Thus, the use of intravaginal insemination should be done in bitches with a serum progesterone concentrations < 11 ng/mL to reduce the possibility of cervical closure and to increase the odds of pregnancy. It is well documented that the serum progesterone concentration and vaginal cytology parameters have a great influence on pregnancy success, and the results confirm these findings. In the present study, 96% of the bitches inseminated with a serum progesterone concentration of 5-10 ng/mL got pregnant and had higher odds of pregnancy than bitches with lower or higher serum progesterone concentrations.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Progesterona/sangue , Vagina/citologia , Prenhez , Inseminação Artificial/métodos , Taxa de Gravidez
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 159-163, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435138


A transferência de embriões equinos é uma biotecnologia que traz inúmeros benefícios reprodutivos para um haras. Entretanto, os índices reprodutivos obtidos numa estação de monta podem ser afetados por diversos fatores que interferem tanto na recuperação embrionária que normalmente são relacionados à doadora de embriões, quanto na taxa de gestação na receptora de embriões. O objetivo do presente artigo foi revisar os fatores relacionados à receptora de embriões em programas de transferência de embriões equinos.(AU)

Equine embryo transfer is a biotechnology that brings reproductive benefits to a stud farm. However, the reproductive rates obtained in a breeding season can be affected by several factors that interfere both in the embryonic recovery that are normally related to the embryo donor, and in the pregnancy rate in the embryo recipient. The aim of this article was to review the factors related to the recipient of embryos in equine embryo transfer programs.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Cavalos/embriologia , Taxa de Fecundidade
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 20(2): e20230067, 2023. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1452337


As our understanding of ovarian function in cattle has improved, our ability to control it has also increased. The development of Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI) protocols at the end of the 20th century has increased exponentially the number of animals inseminated over the last 20 years. The main reasons for this growth were the possibility of obtaining acceptable pregnancy rates without heat detection and, above all, the induction of cyclicity in suckled cows in postpartum anestrus and prepubertal heifers at the beginning of the breeding season. Most FTAI treatments in South America have been based on the use of progesterone (P4) releasing devices and estradiol to synchronize both follicular wave emergence and ovulation, with pregnancy rates ranging from 40 to 60%. These protocols are implemented on a regular basis, allowing producers access to high-quality genetics, and increasing the overall pregnancy rates during the breeding season. In addition, it provided the professionals involved in these programs with a new source of income and the diversification of their practices into activities other than their usual clinical work. Many of these practices are now apparently at risk from restrictions on the use of estradiol by the European Union (EU) and other countries. However, the development of alternative protocols based on GnRH, with P4 devices and eCG and other new products that are not in the market yet will allow us to adapt to the new times that are coming. Logically, the challenge has already been raised and we must learn to use alternative protocols to try to continue increasing the use of this technology in beef and dairy herds. The objective of the present review is to describe the main aspects of banning estradiol in livestock production, the negative impacts on reproductive efficiency, and to present some alternative FTAI protocols for dairy and beef cattle.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/embriologia , Inseminação Artificial/tendências , Estradiol/fisiologia , Prenhez/fisiologia
Vet. zootec ; 30: [001-005], 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434189


Allergy to milk is the only auto-allergic disease in cattle. It is characterized by the retention and absorption of milk itself, making milk proteins, especially alpha casein, have access to the bloodstream, resulting in a type I hypersensitivity. The purpose of this report is to describe a case of auto-allergic disease in cattle. Here we report the case of a four-year-old Jersey female bovine, which was pregnant and weighing 400Kg. The animal was being treated at (hidden for revision)and had a history of an acute allergic reaction. Its owner reported sudden onset of skin lesions, salivation, and difficulty breathing. As the animal was participating in an agricultural exhibition, it was not being milked to generate mammary gland engorgement (milk retention). Inphysical examination findings wherein there is presence of multifocal urticarial papules and plaques, mainly on the sides and right and left flanks, besides the absence of pruritus, edema in mucocutaneous regions of the upper and lower eyelids of the right and left eyes, submandibular edema, excessive salivation, inspiratory dyspnea with half-open mouth breathing, respiratory distress, apathy, cough, tachycardia tachypnea, ruminal hypomotility and increased volume of the mammary gland, characterizing milk retention. Clinical suspicion was milk allergy with anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity). Treatment was based on promethazine administration (1mg/kg; IV) and immediate full milking of the mammary gland. After 12 h of treatment, clinical respiratory signs resolved, and after 24 h, skin changes resolved completely. Based on clinical signs and treatment success, the clinical suspicion of milk allergy causing anaphylactic reaction (type I hypersensitivity) was confirmed.(AU)

A alergia ao leite é a única doença auto-alérgica em bovinos. Caracteriza-se pela retenção e absorção do próprio leite, fazendo com que as proteínas do leite, principalmente a alfa caseína, tenham acesso à corrente sanguínea, resultando em uma hipersensibilidade do tipo I. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de doença autoalérgica em bovinos. Relatamos o caso de uma fêmea bovina da raça Jersey, com quatro anos de idade, prenhe e pesando 400Kg. O animal estava em tratamento (oculto para revisão)e tinha histórico de reação alérgica aguda. Proprietário relatou aparecimento súbito de lesões na pele, salivação e dificuldade respiratória. Oanimal estava participando de uma exposição agrícola, e não estava sendo ordenhado para gerar ingurgitamento da glândula mamária (retenção de leite). No exame físico identificou-sepápulas e placas urticariformes multifocais, principalmente nas laterais e flancos direito e esquerdo, ausência de prurido, edema em regiões mucocutâneas das pálpebras superior e inferior dos olhos direito e esquerdo, edema submandibular, salivação excessiva, dispneia inspiratória com respiração de boca entreaberta, desconforto respiratório, apatia, tosse, taquicardia, taquipneia, hipomotilidade ruminal e aumento do volume da glândula mamária, caracterizando retenção de leite. A suspeita clínica foi alergia ao leite com reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I). O tratamento baseou-se na administração de prometazina (1mg/kg; IV) e ordenha completa imediata da glândula mamária. Após 12 h de tratamento, os sinais clínicos respiratórios foram resolvidos e, após 24 h, as alterações cutâneas desapareceram completamente. Com base nos sinais clínicos e no sucesso do tratamento, confirmou-sea suspeita de alergia ao leite causando reação anafilática (hipersensibilidade tipo I).(AU)

La alergia a la leche es la única enfermedad autoalérgica en el ganado bovino. Se caracteriza por la retención y absorción de la propia leche, provocando que las proteínas de la leche, especialmente la alfa caseína, tengan acceso al torrente sanguíneo, dando lugar a una hipersensibilidad tipo I. El objetivo de este reporte es describir un caso de enfermedad autoalérgica en bovinos. Presentamos el caso de una vaca Jersey hembra de cuatro años, gestante y de 400 kg de peso. El animal estaba siendo atendido en el (oculto para revision)y tenía antecedentes de reacción alérgica aguda. Propietario refirió aparición repentina de lesiones en la piel, salivación y dificultad respiratoria. Como el animal participaba en una exhibición agrícola, no estaba siendo ordeñado para generar congestión de la glándula mamaria (retención de leche). En examen físico en los que se observan pápulas y placas urticariales multifocales, principalmente en costados y flancos derecho e izquierdo, además de ausencia de prurito, edema en las regiones mucocutáneas de los párpados superior e inferior del lado derecho e ojos izquierdos, edema submandibular, salivación excesiva, disnea inspiratoria con respiración con la boca abierta, dificultad respiratoria, apatía, tos, taquicardia (frecuencia cardíaca 88 latidos/minuto), taquipnea (100 movimientos/minuto), normotermia (39,0°C), hipomotilidad ruminal (2 movimientos ruminales/5 minutos) y aumento de volumen de la glándula mamaria, caracterizando la retención de leche. La sospecha clínica fue alergia a la leche con reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I). El tratamiento se basó en la administración de prometazina (1 mg/kg; IV) y ordeño completo inmediato de la glándula mamaria. Después de 12 h de tratamiento, los signos clínicos respiratorios se resolvieron y, después de 24 h, los cambios en la piel desaparecieron por completo. Sobre la base de los signos clínicos y el éxito del tratamiento, se confirmó la sospecha clínica de alergia a la leche que causaba una reacción anafiláctica (hipersensibilidad tipo I).(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Hipersensibilidade a Leite/diagnóstico , Leite/efeitos adversos , Prometazina/uso terapêutico , Brasil , Prenhez
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07119, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422305


This study aimed to identify the presence of Trypanosoma vivax DNA in the colostrum of infected goats and to explore the possibility of transmission for neonates fed using colostrum collected from infected goats. We used twelve goats in the final third of gestation with an age of approximately 24 months. Six goats were inoculated intravenously with 0.5mL of blood containing approximately 1.25x105 trypomastigotes of T. vivax, and six remained uninfected. The presence of T. vivax in colostrum was evaluated by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The possibility of T. vivax transmission by colostrum was assessed by feeding six neonates born of serologically negative goats using colostrum from infected goats. Peripheral blood from neonates was collected daily for thirty days to assess the T. vivax presence through the examination of Giemsa-stained smears of leukocyte layers with the buffy coat technique (BCT) and by PCR. The results of a direct examination of colostrum were negative, but PCR confirmed the presence of T. vivax DNA in all infected goats. Additionally, lactogenic transmission by colostrum was not demonstrated once both BCT and PCR of neonate peripheral blood were negative.

Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a presença de DNA de Trypanosoma vivax no colostro de cabras infectadas experimentalmente e verificar a possibilidade de transmissão para neonatos alimentados com colostro coletado de cabras infectadas. Foram utilizadas doze cabras no terço final de gestação com idade aproximada de 24 meses. Seis cabras foram inoculadas intravenosamente com 0,5mL de sangue contendo aproximadamente 1,25x105 tripomastigotas de T. vivax, e seis permaneceram não infectadas. A presença de T. vivax no colostro foi avaliada por Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR). A possibilidade de transmissão de T. vivax pelo colostro foi avaliada através da alimentação de seis neonatos nascidos de cabras sorologicamente negativas com colostro de cabras infectadas. Foi coletado diariamente o sangue periférico dos neonatos, por trinta dias para avaliar a presença de T. vivax através do exame de esfregaços de camadas leucocitárias coradas por giemsa, pela técnica BCT e por PCR. Os resultados do exame direto do colostro foram negativos, mas a PCR confirmou a presença de DNA de T. vivax no colostro em todas as cabras infectadas. Além disso, a transmissão lactogênica pelo colostro não foi demonstrada, uma vez que tanto a BCT quanto a PCR do sangue periférico do neonato foram negativas.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Recém-Nascido , Tripanossomíase/induzido quimicamente , Tripanossomíase/veterinária , Doenças das Cabras/parasitologia , Trypanosoma vivax , Colostro , Cabras/parasitologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1913, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443878


Background: Transabdominal ultrasonography in sheep allows real-time diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy as well as measurement of the size of placentomes, which are structures that connect the fetal and maternal portions, that increase as pregnancy progresses. Progesterone is involved in the maintenance of gestation, with high levels noted during pregnancy. In this context, it is hypothesized that measurements of placentome and progesterone could help in monitoring pregnancy in sheep. Therefore, the main objectives of this study included evaluating whether placentome size and fecal progesterone levels are associated with gestational age in ewes and whether measurement of the placentome and progesterone could be used as an estimate of gestational age. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 63 pregnant adult (between 2 and 5 years of age) Santa Inês ewes were monitored in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima. All ewes were kept in the paddock with Panicum maximun cv. tanzania, mineral salt, and water ad libitum, supplemented with 200 g/animal/day of soybean residue. Ewes were subjected to ultrasonography every 21 days from day 42 of pregancy until term to monitor pregnancy. Ultrasonography was performed using a linear probe to measure the placentome, including length × width in centimeters. Also every 21 days, fecal samples were collected for measurement of progesterone level. Feces were collected directly from the rectal ampulla, stored individually in plastic bags, and frozen at -20ºC until processing. In the laboratory, these feces samples were freeze-dried and subjected to hormonal extraction with 80% methanol. Then, the levels of fecal progesterone metabolites were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Data was tabulated and submitted to statistical analyses, including descriptive stastistic, correlation, KruskalWallis test and Tukey's test. The levels of fecal progesterone metabolites increased significantly between the 3rd and 4th months of pregnancy, with a decrease close to delivery. Placentome size increased significantly between the 2nd and 3rd months of pregnancy. Placentome measurements did not correlate with progesterone levels and showed a weak correlation with gestational age. Therefore, we concluded that the measurements of placentome size and a single evaluation of fecal progesterone metabolites were not considered efficient methods for estimating gestational age. Discussion: Measurement of progesterone level in fecal samples is a non-invasive hormone monitoring method that provides values like that of blood levels and is less stressful for the animals at the time of sample collection. The wide physiological variation makes it difficult or even useless to use fecal progesterone, when is measured only once per animal, as an indicator of the presence of pregnancy. Despite this limitation, serial sampling is useful for monitoring of hormones during the pregnancy period and is an important tool for research purposes. Placentome size measurements correlated weakly with gestational age and did not correlate with progesterone level. Thus, the presence of placentomes is indicative of the presence of pregnancy but was considered inefficient for determining gestational age in sheep.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Placenta/anatomia & histologia , Progesterona/análise , Ovinos , Fezes/química , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 687-695, July-Aug. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447357


This study was performed during the anestrous, involving 140 Akkaraman Kangal ewes whose lambs had died in the neonatal stage due to pneumonia and enteritis. Intravaginal sponge containing progesterone was placed to the animals (Group 1, n = 70) on day 0 and removed after 7 days, following which 263 µg PGF2α and 500 IU eCG were administered to the sheep. Ram introduction was performed for 7 days (days 8-14), starting from the day after the removal of the intravaginal sponge (day 8). The animals in Group 2 (n = 70) were not exposed to any treatment. Ram introduction was performed simultaneously in both the groups. To determine the reproductive response, reproductive parameters such as estrous, pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, and embryonic mortality rates, number of births, number of offspring, and fertility, as well as their economic implications, were compared between groups. Each reproductive parameter exhibited a statistical difference between groups. An economically positive trend was observed in the study group compared with the control group. It was concluded that in case of lamb losses in commercial farms that derive profit from lambing, pregnancy of ewes can be achieved via sexual stimulation without waiting for the next breeding season.

Este estudo foi realizado durante o anestrous, envolvendo 140 ovelhas Akkaraman Kangal cujos cordeiros haviam morrido no estágio neonatal devido a pneumonia e enterite. A esponja intragaginal contendo progesterona foi colocada aos animais (Grupo 1, n = 70) no dia 0 e removida após 7 dias, após os quais 263 µg PGF2α e 500 UI eCG foram administrados às ovelhas. A introdução do carneiro foi realizada por 7 dias (dias 8-14), a partir do dia seguinte à remoção da esponja intravaginal (dia 8). Os animais do Grupo 2 (n = 70) não foram expostos a nenhum tratamento. A introdução do carneiro foi realizada simultaneamente em ambos os grupos. Para determinar a resposta reprodutiva, foram comparados entre os grupos parâmetros reprodutivos, tais como estrogênio, gravidez, gravidez múltipla e taxas de mortalidade embrionária, número de nascimentos, número de descendentes e fertilidade, bem como suas implicações econômicas. Cada parâmetro reprodutivo exibia uma diferença estatística entre os grupos. Uma tendência economicamente positiva foi observada no grupo de estudo em comparação com o grupo de controle. Concluiu-se que no caso de perdas de cordeiros em fazendas comerciais que obtêm lucros com a parição, a gravidez de ovelhas pode ser obtida através de estimulação sexual sem esperar pela próxima estação de reprodução.

Animais , Reprodução , Gravidez , Ovinos , Morte Perinatal
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(5): 1-7, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412924


Pigs have difficulty in performing heat exchange and; therefore, it is important to consider the environmental factors that impact their productive performance. This study evaluated the effect of thermal comfort and photoperiod on the productive performance of sows during pregnancy and of nursery piglets. Zootechnical data were obtained from a commercial farm. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was used as the parameter to determine comfort or thermal stress of the sow. The parameters of the sows during pregnancy and nursery piglets were analyzed considering the criteria of comfort, stress, and four photoperiods. The correlation between photoperiod and THI was high and positive, which demonstrated the associated effect of these variables. More significant effects were observed under conditions of comfort and shorter photoperiods. In conclusion, thermal comfort and photoperiod influenced the parameters evaluated during pregnancy and in the nursery, and the strong association between THI and photoperiod suggested that environmental control favors productive parameters in commercial farms.

Os suínos são animais que apresentam dificuldade em realizar trocas de calor, por esse motivo é importante considerar os fatores ambientais que impactam seu desempenho produtivo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do conforto térmico e do fotoperíodo, sobre o desempenho produtivo das porcas na gestação e leitões na maternidade. Os dados zootécnicos foram obtidos de uma granja comercial. O índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) foi utilizado como parâmetro para o conforto ou o estresse térmico da matriz. Foram analisados os parâmetros das fêmeas no período gestacional e dos leitões na maternidade, considerando os critérios de conforto, estresse e quatro faixas de fotoperíodos. A correlação entre o fotoperíodo e ITU foi alta e positiva, demonstrando efeito associado dessas variáveis. Foram observados mais efeitos significativos em situações de conforto e faixas de menor fotoperíodo. Em conclusão, o conforto térmico e o fotoperíodo influenciaram os parâmetros avaliados na gestação e na maternidade e a alta associação ITU e fotoperíodo sugere que o controle ambiental pode favorecer parâmetros produtivos em granjas comerciais.

Animais , Bovinos , Suínos , Gravidez , Fotoperíodo
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 11(1): e2023001, Jan. 2023. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434655


The present experiment aimed to evaluate the reproductive response of Blackbelly ewes synchronized with low doses of eCG during the summer in a tropical climate. Sixty multiparous hair ewes were divided into three groups (20 ewes/group): control group (CG; 0 IU of eCG), treated group 1 (TG-1; 140 IU of eCG) and treated group 2 (TG-2; 300 IU of eCG). The study found that the three groups of ewes showed differences in their reproductive behavior (P < 0.01). Indeed, all the ewes in the TG-1 and TG-2 groups presented a higher response to estrus than the CG (P < 0.01). In the same way, TG1 and TG-2 had an onset to estrus in less time (P < 0.01). On the other hand, prolificacy was also higher in TG-1 and TG-2 (P < 0.05). Likewise, ewes from TG-1 and TG-2 had more lambs than those from CG (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the variables of fertility and gestation length were similar regardless of the group of ewes (P > 0.05). It´s concluded that the ewes treated with eCG presented good reproductive behavior, and the majority did so in the first 24 to 36 h after removing the intravaginal device.

Animais , Reprodução , Estações do Ano , Ovinos , Ecossistema Tropical