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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1913, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443878


Background: Transabdominal ultrasonography in sheep allows real-time diagnosis and monitoring of pregnancy as well as measurement of the size of placentomes, which are structures that connect the fetal and maternal portions, that increase as pregnancy progresses. Progesterone is involved in the maintenance of gestation, with high levels noted during pregnancy. In this context, it is hypothesized that measurements of placentome and progesterone could help in monitoring pregnancy in sheep. Therefore, the main objectives of this study included evaluating whether placentome size and fecal progesterone levels are associated with gestational age in ewes and whether measurement of the placentome and progesterone could be used as an estimate of gestational age. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 63 pregnant adult (between 2 and 5 years of age) Santa Inês ewes were monitored in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima. All ewes were kept in the paddock with Panicum maximun cv. tanzania, mineral salt, and water ad libitum, supplemented with 200 g/animal/day of soybean residue. Ewes were subjected to ultrasonography every 21 days from day 42 of pregancy until term to monitor pregnancy. Ultrasonography was performed using a linear probe to measure the placentome, including length × width in centimeters. Also every 21 days, fecal samples were collected for measurement of progesterone level. Feces were collected directly from the rectal ampulla, stored individually in plastic bags, and frozen at -20ºC until processing. In the laboratory, these feces samples were freeze-dried and subjected to hormonal extraction with 80% methanol. Then, the levels of fecal progesterone metabolites were measured by enzyme immunoassay. Data was tabulated and submitted to statistical analyses, including descriptive stastistic, correlation, KruskalWallis test and Tukey's test. The levels of fecal progesterone metabolites increased significantly between the 3rd and 4th months of pregnancy, with a decrease close to delivery. Placentome size increased significantly between the 2nd and 3rd months of pregnancy. Placentome measurements did not correlate with progesterone levels and showed a weak correlation with gestational age. Therefore, we concluded that the measurements of placentome size and a single evaluation of fecal progesterone metabolites were not considered efficient methods for estimating gestational age. Discussion: Measurement of progesterone level in fecal samples is a non-invasive hormone monitoring method that provides values like that of blood levels and is less stressful for the animals at the time of sample collection. The wide physiological variation makes it difficult or even useless to use fecal progesterone, when is measured only once per animal, as an indicator of the presence of pregnancy. Despite this limitation, serial sampling is useful for monitoring of hormones during the pregnancy period and is an important tool for research purposes. Placentome size measurements correlated weakly with gestational age and did not correlate with progesterone level. Thus, the presence of placentomes is indicative of the presence of pregnancy but was considered inefficient for determining gestational age in sheep.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Placenta/anatomia & histologia , Progesterona/análise , Ovinos , Fezes/química , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 327-333, abr.-jun. 2023.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435429


A restrição intrauterina de crescimento (RIUC) é a condição na qual o feto não expressa o seu potencial de crescimento de acordo com a idade gestacional. Tal condição ocorre naturalmente na espécie suína, no entanto apresenta forma muito severa, trazendo sérios prejuízos à cadeia suinícola. Os efeitos deletérios da RIUC sobre parâmetros zootécnicos estão bem estabelecidos. No entanto, o conhecimento de tais efeitos sobre parâmetros reprodutivos em machos e fêmeas ainda é limitado. Portanto, a presente revisão tem por objetivo compilar os estudos sobre efeitos da RIUC em parâmetros reprodutivos em machos e fêmeas, bem como intervenções propostas para a diminuição da incidência da condição e de seus efeitos. Achados nesse assunto fornecerão informações valiosas acerca da morfofisiologia reprodutiva de suínos RIUC, estabelecendo estratégias para minimizar as perdas econômicas para o sistema de produção.(AU)

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is the condition in which the fetus does not express its growth potential according to the gestational age. This condition naturally occurs in the swine species. However, it is very severe and can cause serious losses to the swine production chain. The deleterious effects of IUGR on zootechnical parameters are well established. However, the knowledge of such effects on reproductive parameters in males and females is still limited. Therefore, the present review aims to compile the studies on the effects of IUGR on reproductive parameters in males and females, as well as proposed interventions to decrease the incidence of the condition and its effects. Findings on this issue will provide valuable information about the reproductive morphophysiology of IUGR pigs, establishing strategies to minimize economic losses to the production system.(AU)

Animais , Testes de Função Placentária/veterinária , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Reprodução/fisiologia
Ars vet ; 39(2): 29-33, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438472


A ultrassonografia é um dos principais métodos de diagnóstico gestacional, no qual se realiza: biometria, monitoramento de batimentos e organogênese, detecção de anormalidades e avaliação da circulação sanguínea materno-fetal. Nesse quesito, o diagnóstico ultrassonográfico intrauterino de anormalidades fetais vem adquirindo espaço com o desenvolvimento de equipamentos mais avançados, tendo potencial para se tornar uma ferramenta de triagem para tal. Baseado na escassez observada nesse aspecto, visa-se relatar o diagnóstico ultrassonográfico intrauterino de uma alteração fetal em uma felina gestante. Foi atendida uma felina da raça persa, 3 anos, com histórico de monta natural há 40 dias. Na ultrassonografia visibilizou-se quatro fetos vivos com aproximadamente 38 dias. Uma segunda avaliação ultrassonográfica ocorreu após 12 dias, notando-se um feto com cardiomegalia, oscilação da frequência cardíaca e sofrimento fetal, enquanto os demais fetos apresentavam-se dentro da normalidade. O terceiro exame foi feito após quatro dias, visibilizando ausência de batimento cardíaco e presença de líquido em espaço pleural no feto em questão, confirmando o óbito. O parto natural ocorreu após uma semana, com nascimento de três filhotes vivos e um natimorto. Ao exame necroscópico do natimorto, confirmou-se cardiomegalia generalizada. Conclui-se que a ultrassonografia é um método padrão-ouro para diagnóstico de anormalidades fetais, permitindo planejar o parto e interceder de maneira precoce conforme a situação. Assim, esse trabalho enriquece a literatura com maiores informações relacionadas a malformações fetais observadas antes do parto, contribuindo assim com as condutas obstétricas em pequenos animais.(AU)

Ultrasonography is one of the main methods of gestational diagnosis, in which it performs: biometry, monitoring of beats and organogenesis, detection of abnormalities and evaluation of maternal-fetal blood circulation. In this regard, intrauterine sonographic diagnosis of fetal abnormalities has been gaining space with the development of more advanced equipment, and has the potential to become a screening tool for this purpose. Based on the scarcity observed in this aspect, this study aimsto report the intrauterine ultrasound diagnosis of a fetal abnormality in a pregnant feline. The patient was a 3-year-old Persian female with a history of natural mounting for 40 days. At ultrasonography, four live fetuses were visualized at approximately38 days of age. Asecond ultrasonographic evaluation was performed after 12 days, and one fetus with cardiomegaly, heart rate oscillation and fetal distress was observed, while the other fetuses were within normal limits. The third scan was performed after four days, showing absence of heartbeat and presence of fluid in the pleural space in the fetus in question, confirming the death. Natural delivery occurred after one week, with the birth of three live pups and one stillborn. At necroscopic examination of the stillborn, generalized cardiomegaly was confirmed. We conclude that ultrasonography is a gold standard method for diagnosing fetal abnormalities, allowing birth planning and early intervention according to the situation. Thus, this study enriches theliterature with more information related to fetal malformations observed before delivery, thus contributing to obstetric management in small animals.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/veterinária , Gatos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/métodos , Cardiomegalia Induzida por Exercícios/fisiologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(3): e20220014, set. 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396857


The objective was to evaluate the blood flow of the uterine artery (UA) and umbilical artery (UMB) in the physiological pregnancy of goats by means of Doppler throughout the gestational period. Twenty-five Saanen goats weighing 55 ± 10 kg and aged between 2 and 5 were evaluated weekly, from the 21st until the 143rd day of gestation, and daily from that period until parturition. Values for peak systolic velocity (PSV), end diastolic velocity (EDV) and resistance (RI) and pulsatility (PI) indices of the uterine and umbilical arteries were determined. The values obtained were correlated with gestational age by Spearman's test, tested for adjustment to regression models and compared with the number of fetuses by ANOVA. The umbilical cord was first visualized at 28 days. Of the variables evaluated, RIUMB and PIUMB correlated with gestational age (p<0.001; and 0.046; respectively) and RIUMB had a low negative correlation with the number of fetuses per pregnancy (p = 0.003; r- Spearman = - 0.218). PSVUMB and EDVUMB values did not correlate with gestational age (p=0.737 and 0.768, respectively), but there was a decrease in the mean values throughout pregnancy (PSVUMB= 0.07; 0.31 and EDVUMB= 0.01; 0.06) as well as the change in the flow pattern of the spectral trace. The mean values of the uterine artery dopplervelocimetric variables PSVUT, EDVUT, PIUT and RIUT did not correlate with gestational age (p= 0.324; 0.372, 0.143; 0.13; respectively). It is expected that the results obtained will contribute to a broader understanding of the hemodynamic changes resulting from pregnancy in goats.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Artérias Umbilicais/diagnóstico por imagem , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterinária , Artéria Uterina/diagnóstico por imagem , Circulação Placentária/fisiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1874, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400720


Introduction: The foramen magnum is located in the occipital bone and communicates the cranial cavity with the spinal canal of the vertebral column. Variations in the shape and size of this foramen, such as the presence of a notch in its dorsal contour, characterize occipital dysplasia and may occur due to a defect in the supraoccipital bone ossification process during the gestational period. Occipital dysplasia has been reported primarily in small, toy, and brachycephalic breeds, and its clinical relevance remains controversial. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the size of the foramen magnum in asymptomatic dogs of small and toy breeds. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was conducted at the Veterinary Hospital of the Center for Rural Health and Technology of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Patos Campus, located in Paraíba state, Brazil. Twelve (n = 12) asymptomatic, small and toy breed dogs, with variable sex and over 10 months of age, were referred to the Veterinary Hospital for elective surgical procedures and were used in this study. All dogs underwent complete neurological examination to confirm the asymptomatic status and were radiographed in rostrocaudal position, with their mouths closed and the hard palate at an angle of approximately 70º to 80º with the table of the X-ray apparatus. The foramen magnum of each specimen was evaluated in the radiographs using a precision caliper. The analyzed parameters included height (H), the height of the dorsal notch (N), total height (H+N), and width (W), and the obtained data were used to establish the degree of occipital dysplasia and determine the shape of the foramen magnum. Of the 12 animals studied, 75% (n = 9) exhibited a dorsal notch in the foramen magnum, which varied between 3.00 and 10.00 millimeters (mm) in height, characterizing occipital dysplasia. Among the affected animals, 77.77% (n = 7) were classified as grade 1 for the alteration, 11.11% (n = 1) as grade 2 and one animal (11.11%) as grade 3. The prevalent shape observed for the foramen magnum was oval (83.3%). Discussion: Although occipital dysplasia has been associated with the occurrence of nonspecific neurological clinical signs, such as tremors, ataxia, and epileptic seizures, the presence of this alteration in asymptomatic dogs indicates that the formation alone is just an anatomical variation, as demonstrated herein and in previous studies conducted over the past few years. This hypothesis has been increasingly supported by scientific evidence through publications that portray occipital dysplasia in dogs of various breeds and sizes without clinical manifestations. The clinical signs attributed to occipital dysplasia may originate in situations where there is a coexistence of other conditions. Occipital dysplasia has been reported several times in conjunction with other pathologies, such as occipital hypoplasia and syringomyelia, in symptomatic dogs. The dorsal notch-shaped occipital defect is covered by a fibrous tissue membrane in dogs affected by occipital dysplasia. The presence of this soft tissue membrane has been related to the late onset of syringomyelia due to the decompressive effect that it provides to the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. When occipital dysplasia is identified in symptomatic dogs, it is suggested that the lesion be correctly located within the nervous system and that, according to its neurolocalization, a thorough investigation of other underlying causes for the occurrence of the neurological clinical manifestation be carried out. To date, there is no evidence characterizing occipital dysplasia as a single entity causing neurological deficits.

Animais , Cães , Forame Magno/anatomia & histologia , Osso Occipital/anatomia & histologia , Osso Occipital/patologia
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487656


ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study was to obtain echobiometric values for the most important canine maternal-fetal tissues using high-definition ultrasonography (HDUS) trying to update the formulas for predicting gestational age. Twelve healthy bitches of brachycephalic breeds weighing 7-13kg and aged one to four years were included. The fetuses were analyzed every day using conventional and high-definition ultrasonography from the eighth day after artificial insemination until the day of delivery, using the ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS ultrasound equipment and specific software. Embryonic and fetal structures; diameter of the embryonic vesicle; length of the embryo; biparietal diameter, abdominal length and kidney height; length of the femur, humerus, scapula, radius, and tibia; thickening of the stomach wall; adrenal length; and cardiac size were measured. These variables were correlated with gestational and adjusted tested according to regression models. The results obtained (P 0.001) for: lateral diameter of the gestational sac (R2=81.8%); length of the embryo (R2=85.7%); biparietal (R2=99.1%) and abdominal diameter (R2=97.2%); thickness of the gastric wall (R2=86.9%); length of the femur (R2=96.6%), radius (R2=97.5%), humerus (R2=96.5%), scapula (R2=95.8%) and tibia (R2=97.3%); kidney length (R2=95.8%) and height (R2=96.0%); adrenal length (R2=89.6%); heart length (R2=93.0%) and height (R2=91.5%) of the canine fetuses showed significant correlation with gestational days. This allowed monitoring fetal growth and estimation of age with high accuracy in different gestational periods.

RESUMO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi obter valores ecobiométricos para os tecidos materno-fetais caninos, usando a ultrassonografia de alta definição (HDUS), desenvolvendo fórmulas para prever a idade gestacional das cadelas. Doze cadelas saudáveis de raças braquicefálicas pesando 7-13kg e com idades entre um e quatro anos foram incluídas. Os fetos foram analisados diariamente com ultrassonografia convencional e de alta definição, do oitavo dia após a inseminação artificial até o dia do parto, utilizando o equipamento de ultrassom ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS e software específico. Estruturas embrionárias e fetais; diâmetro da vesícula embrionária; comprimento do embrião; diâmetro biparietal, comprimento abdominal e altura renal; comprimento do fêmur, úmero, escápula, rádio e tíbia; espessamento da parede do estômago; comprimento adrenal; e tamanho cardíaco foram medidos. Essas variáveis foram correlacionadas com o teste gestacional e ajustado de acordo com os modelos de regressão. Os resultados obtidos (P 0,001) para: diâmetro lateral do saco gestacional (R2=81,8%); comprimento do embrião (R2=85,7%); diâmetro biparietal (R2=99,1%) e abdominal (R2=97,2%); espessura da parede gástrica (R2=86,9%); comprimento do fêmur (R2=96,6%), rádio (R2=97,5%), úmero (R2=96,5%), escápula (R2=95,8%) e tíbia (R2=97,3%); comprimento do rim (R2=95,8%) e altura (R2=96,0%); comprimento adrenal (R2=89,6%); o comprimento do coração (R2=93,0%) e a altura (R2=91,5%) dos fetos caninos apresentaram correlação significativa com os dias gestacionais. Isso permitiu monitorar o crescimento fetal e estimar a idade com alta precisão em diferentes períodos gestacionais.

Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 18(2): e20210012, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285139


Abstract The characterization of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from the canine yolk sac (cYS) can contribute to future gene therapies because it is possible to obtain information about the beginning of the development of the circulatory system through the characterization. The cYS is a likely source of HSC, which is a source of blood cell development in mammals. Studies in this field have been conducted for decades; however, interest in cellular therapy is currently at its peak with greater visibility, and these cells are a promising therapeutic tool for the treatment of diseases related to animals and humans. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize HSC from the cYS embryos at 30 to 45 days of gestational age. Our results showed that the cYS was macroscopically located in the ventral region with a central portion and extremities. The cells in culture presented a circular morphology and cell clusters. The average cell viability was 22.55% dead cells out of 6.5 × 104 total cells. The cells were also able to form colonies on methylcellulose. Flow cytometry analysis revealed the expression of CD34, CD117, and CD45. Our results suggest that the cYS can be used as a source of hematopoietic cells, and this study is very important to understand the mechanism and development of the hematopoietic system in dogs.

R. bras. Reprod. Anim. ; 45(3): 111-117, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33347


O transcorrer do parto é de grande importância para a preservação da vida materna e dos filhotes em cadelas, destacando-se a distocia como principal causa de mortalidade neonatal. De forma a identificar precocemente indícios de distocia e reduzir complicações, recomenda-se o acompanhamento gestacional e a previsão da data do parto mediante técnicas ultrassonográficas. A avaliação e mensuração das estruturas fetais podem ser realizadas a fim de determinar o estágio e idade gestacional, deduzindo a provável data de parto. A frequência cardíaca fetal (FCF) é fundamental para o acompanhamento da viabilidade fetal e também auxilia na predição do momento do parto quando oscilações na FCF estão presentes. O modo Doppler é relevante na avaliação gestacional, uma vez que permite conhecer as características do fluxo arterial umbilical e avaliar suas alterações durante a gestação, aumentando a precisão de estimativa da data de parto mediante a avaliação do índice de resistividade umbilical. Por isso, o presente trabalho busca revisar e explorar as metodologias ultrassonográficas de análise gestacional, demonstrando que o exame ultrassonográfico pode ser utilizado como ferramenta na determinação precoce e precisa do momento do parto e, dessa forma, possibilita um planejamento mais acurado com o objetivo de aumentar o índice de sucesso nos partos, bem como intervir caso haja necessidade.(AU)

The course of delivery holds great importance on the preservation of maternal and offspring life in female dogs, being dystocia the main cause of neonatal mortality. In order to identify early indicators of dystocia and reduce complications in the partum, gestational follow-up and the prediction of a more precise delivery date are recommended. The evaluation and measurement of fetal structures can be performed to determine the stage and gestational age, and estimate the delivery date. Fetal heart rate (FHR) is fundamental for monitoring fetal viability in dogs, assisting in prediction of the delivery time when oscillations in the FHR are presents. Doppler mode is a relevant tool for the gestational assessment, once it measures the umbilical arterial flow and its alterations during the gestational period, also increasing the accuracy of the birth date by estimating the umbilical resistivity index. Therefore, this article seeks to review and explore ultrasound methods for gestational evaluation, demonstrating that ultrasound examination can be used as a tool for early and precise determination of delivery time and, consequently, allowing planning and prepare to a higher rate of success in deliveries, as well as intervention and assistance when necessary.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Parto , Cães , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Frequência Cardíaca Fetal
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 45(3): 111-117, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1492648


O transcorrer do parto é de grande importância para a preservação da vida materna e dos filhotes em cadelas, destacando-se a distocia como principal causa de mortalidade neonatal. De forma a identificar precocemente indícios de distocia e reduzir complicações, recomenda-se o acompanhamento gestacional e a previsão da data do parto mediante técnicas ultrassonográficas. A avaliação e mensuração das estruturas fetais podem ser realizadas a fim de determinar o estágio e idade gestacional, deduzindo a provável data de parto. A frequência cardíaca fetal (FCF) é fundamental para o acompanhamento da viabilidade fetal e também auxilia na predição do momento do parto quando oscilações na FCF estão presentes. O modo Doppler é relevante na avaliação gestacional, uma vez que permite conhecer as características do fluxo arterial umbilical e avaliar suas alterações durante a gestação, aumentando a precisão de estimativa da data de parto mediante a avaliação do índice de resistividade umbilical. Por isso, o presente trabalho busca revisar e explorar as metodologias ultrassonográficas de análise gestacional, demonstrando que o exame ultrassonográfico pode ser utilizado como ferramenta na determinação precoce e precisa do momento do parto e, dessa forma, possibilita um planejamento mais acurado com o objetivo de aumentar o índice de sucesso nos partos, bem como intervir caso haja necessidade.

The course of delivery holds great importance on the preservation of maternal and offspring life in female dogs, being dystocia the main cause of neonatal mortality. In order to identify early indicators of dystocia and reduce complications in the partum, gestational follow-up and the prediction of a more precise delivery date are recommended. The evaluation and measurement of fetal structures can be performed to determine the stage and gestational age, and estimate the delivery date. Fetal heart rate (FHR) is fundamental for monitoring fetal viability in dogs, assisting in prediction of the delivery time when oscillations in the FHR are presents. Doppler mode is a relevant tool for the gestational assessment, once it measures the umbilical arterial flow and its alterations during the gestational period, also increasing the accuracy of the birth date by estimating the umbilical resistivity index. Therefore, this article seeks to review and explore ultrasound methods for gestational evaluation, demonstrating that ultrasound examination can be used as a tool for early and precise determination of delivery time and, consequently, allowing planning and prepare to a higher rate of success in deliveries, as well as intervention and assistance when necessary.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cães , Cães , Frequência Cardíaca Fetal , Parto , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06650, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31623


The objective of the present study was to obtain echobiometric values for the most important canine maternal-fetal tissues using high-definition ultrasonography (HDUS) trying to update the formulas for predicting gestational age. Twelve healthy bitches of brachycephalic breeds weighing 7-13kg and aged one to four years were included. The fetuses were analyzed every day using conventional and high-definition ultrasonography from the eighth day after artificial insemination until the day of delivery, using the ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS ultrasound equipment and specific software. Embryonic and fetal structures; diameter of the embryonic vesicle; length of the embryo; biparietal diameter, abdominal length and kidney height; length of the femur, humerus, scapula, radius, and tibia; thickening of the stomach wall; adrenal length; and cardiac size were measured. These variables were correlated with gestational and adjusted tested according to regression models. The results obtained (P<0.001) for: lateral diameter of the gestational sac (R2=81.8%); length of the embryo (R2=85.7%); biparietal (R2=99.1%) and abdominal diameter (R2=97.2%); thickness of the gastric wall (R2=86.9%); length of the femur (R2=96.6%), radius (R2=97.5%), humerus (R2=96.5%), scapula (R2=95.8%) and tibia (R2=97.3%); kidney length (R2=95.8%) and height (R2=96.0%); adrenal length (R2=89.6%); heart length (R2=93.0%) and height (R2=91.5%) of the canine fetuses showed significant correlation with gestational days. This allowed monitoring fetal growth and estimation of age with high accuracy in different gestational periods.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi obter valores ecobiométricos para os tecidos materno-fetais caninos, usando a ultrassonografia de alta definição (HDUS), desenvolvendo fórmulas para prever a idade gestacional das cadelas. Doze cadelas saudáveis de raças braquicefálicas pesando 7-13kg e com idades entre um e quatro anos foram incluídas. Os fetos foram analisados diariamente com ultrassonografia convencional e de alta definição, do oitavo dia após a inseminação artificial até o dia do parto, utilizando o equipamento de ultrassom ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS e software específico. Estruturas embrionárias e fetais; diâmetro da vesícula embrionária; comprimento do embrião; diâmetro biparietal, comprimento abdominal e altura renal; comprimento do fêmur, úmero, escápula, rádio e tíbia; espessamento da parede do estômago; comprimento adrenal; e tamanho cardíaco foram medidos. Essas variáveis foram correlacionadas com o teste gestacional e ajustado de acordo com os modelos de regressão. Os resultados obtidos (P<0,001) para: diâmetro lateral do saco gestacional (R2=81,8%); comprimento do embrião (R2=85,7%); diâmetro biparietal (R2=99,1%) e abdominal (R2=97,2%); espessura da parede gástrica (R2=86,9%); comprimento do fêmur (R2=96,6%), rádio (R2=97,5%), úmero (R2=96,5%), escápula (R2=95,8%) e tíbia (R2=97,3%); comprimento do rim (R2=95,8%) e altura (R2=96,0%); comprimento adrenal (R2=89,6%); o comprimento do coração (R2=93,0%) e a altura (R2=91,5%) dos fetos caninos apresentaram correlação significativa com os dias gestacionais. Isso permitiu monitorar o crescimento fetal e estimar a idade com alta precisão em diferentes períodos gestacionais.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Biometria/métodos , Ultrassonografia , Craniossinostoses , Dente Canino , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Inseminação Artificial , Parto
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06650, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1250482


The objective of the present study was to obtain echobiometric values for the most important canine maternal-fetal tissues using high-definition ultrasonography (HDUS) trying to update the formulas for predicting gestational age. Twelve healthy bitches of brachycephalic breeds weighing 7-13kg and aged one to four years were included. The fetuses were analyzed every day using conventional and high-definition ultrasonography from the eighth day after artificial insemination until the day of delivery, using the ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS ultrasound equipment and specific software. Embryonic and fetal structures; diameter of the embryonic vesicle; length of the embryo; biparietal diameter, abdominal length and kidney height; length of the femur, humerus, scapula, radius, and tibia; thickening of the stomach wall; adrenal length; and cardiac size were measured. These variables were correlated with gestational and adjusted tested according to regression models. The results obtained (P<0.001) for: lateral diameter of the gestational sac (R2=81.8%); length of the embryo (R2=85.7%); biparietal (R2=99.1%) and abdominal diameter (R2=97.2%); thickness of the gastric wall (R2=86.9%); length of the femur (R2=96.6%), radius (R2=97.5%), humerus (R2=96.5%), scapula (R2=95.8%) and tibia (R2=97.3%); kidney length (R2=95.8%) and height (R2=96.0%); adrenal length (R2=89.6%); heart length (R2=93.0%) and height (R2=91.5%) of the canine fetuses showed significant correlation with gestational days. This allowed monitoring fetal growth and estimation of age with high accuracy in different gestational periods.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi obter valores ecobiométricos para os tecidos materno-fetais caninos, usando a ultrassonografia de alta definição (HDUS), desenvolvendo fórmulas para prever a idade gestacional das cadelas. Doze cadelas saudáveis de raças braquicefálicas pesando 7-13kg e com idades entre um e quatro anos foram incluídas. Os fetos foram analisados diariamente com ultrassonografia convencional e de alta definição, do oitavo dia após a inseminação artificial até o dia do parto, utilizando o equipamento de ultrassom ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS e software específico. Estruturas embrionárias e fetais; diâmetro da vesícula embrionária; comprimento do embrião; diâmetro biparietal, comprimento abdominal e altura renal; comprimento do fêmur, úmero, escápula, rádio e tíbia; espessamento da parede do estômago; comprimento adrenal; e tamanho cardíaco foram medidos. Essas variáveis foram correlacionadas com o teste gestacional e ajustado de acordo com os modelos de regressão. Os resultados obtidos (P<0,001) para: diâmetro lateral do saco gestacional (R2=81,8%); comprimento do embrião (R2=85,7%); diâmetro biparietal (R2=99,1%) e abdominal (R2=97,2%); espessura da parede gástrica (R2=86,9%); comprimento do fêmur (R2=96,6%), rádio (R2=97,5%), úmero (R2=96,5%), escápula (R2=95,8%) e tíbia (R2=97,3%); comprimento do rim (R2=95,8%) e altura (R2=96,0%); comprimento adrenal (R2=89,6%); o comprimento do coração (R2=93,0%) e a altura (R2=91,5%) dos fetos caninos apresentaram correlação significativa com os dias gestacionais. Isso permitiu monitorar o crescimento fetal e estimar a idade com alta precisão em diferentes períodos gestacionais.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Biometria/métodos , Ultrassonografia , Craniossinostoses , Dente Canino , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Inseminação Artificial , Parto
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.621-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458484


Background: A detailed ultrasound examination of the fetal urinary tract as part of prenatal care is important to detect possibleabnormalities. Early diagnosis can prevent more serious damage such as loss of kidney function. Interstitial nephritis cancompromise renal functionality. Also, acute interstitial nephritis is a frequent cause of acute kidney injury and can becomechronic if not treated. Besides, a renal biopsy can help in the diagnosis and at the staging of the disease. Therefore, thisreport aims to describe the ultrasonographic findings of the renal tissues in a canine fetus affected by interstitial nephritis.Case: Gestational ultrasound evaluations were performed in a female Pug, at the 25th, 45th, and 58th gestational days.Ultrasound examination was performed with a 9.0 MHz linear transducer and a high-resolution digital transducer with afrequency standardized at 17.0 MHz. During the first evaluation, embryonic vesicles were detected and were compatible withthe gestational period. At 45 days of gestation, some abnormalities were observed in the kidneys of one of the fetuses, suchas increased cortical echogenicity, cortical thickening, loss of corticomedullary ratio (1:1), renal pelvis and ureter dilatationby echogenic content. Biparietal and abdominal diameters were also lower than that from the other fetuses, which did notshow abnormalities, being compatible with the estimated gestational age. However, the heart rate was similar among allfetuses. On the 58th day, we observed in the underdeveloped fetus that both kidneys still presented the abnormalities seenpreviously, in addition to the presence of a cystic structure in the right kidney, in the cranial...

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Nefrite Intersticial/veterinária , Rim/anormalidades , Cuidado Pré-Natal , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 621, Mar. 25, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30102


Background: A detailed ultrasound examination of the fetal urinary tract as part of prenatal care is important to detect possibleabnormalities. Early diagnosis can prevent more serious damage such as loss of kidney function. Interstitial nephritis cancompromise renal functionality. Also, acute interstitial nephritis is a frequent cause of acute kidney injury and can becomechronic if not treated. Besides, a renal biopsy can help in the diagnosis and at the staging of the disease. Therefore, thisreport aims to describe the ultrasonographic findings of the renal tissues in a canine fetus affected by interstitial nephritis.Case: Gestational ultrasound evaluations were performed in a female Pug, at the 25th, 45th, and 58th gestational days.Ultrasound examination was performed with a 9.0 MHz linear transducer and a high-resolution digital transducer with afrequency standardized at 17.0 MHz. During the first evaluation, embryonic vesicles were detected and were compatible withthe gestational period. At 45 days of gestation, some abnormalities were observed in the kidneys of one of the fetuses, suchas increased cortical echogenicity, cortical thickening, loss of corticomedullary ratio (1:1), renal pelvis and ureter dilatationby echogenic content. Biparietal and abdominal diameters were also lower than that from the other fetuses, which did notshow abnormalities, being compatible with the estimated gestational age. However, the heart rate was similar among allfetuses. On the 58th day, we observed in the underdeveloped fetus that both kidneys still presented the abnormalities seenpreviously, in addition to the presence of a cystic structure in the right kidney, in the cranial...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Nefrite Intersticial/veterinária , Desenvolvimento Fetal , Rim/anormalidades , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/veterinária , Cuidado Pré-Natal
Rev. bras. zootec ; 50: e20200047, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443395


The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the following six body weight (BW) estimation methods in Campolina (CAM) horses: A - weight tape placed at three different positions on the animal's thorax; B - Crevat and Quetelet's formula; C - Hall's formula; D - Hintz and Griffiths's table; E - Santos's table; and F - Cintra's formula. A total of 380 CAM horses were separated according to sex, age class, and gestational stage and evaluated. To determine their accuracy, weights measured on a scale and weight estimates of the six methods were compared by paired t-test, mean prediction error (MPE), and coefficient of determination (R²), using R software. The predictive capacity of method F was lower in the 6-12 months age class, so this formula is not indicated. The BW was overestimated compared with the actual weight by methods A (with weight tape placed in position 3) and B and underestimated by method C. Methods D and E accurately estimated BW of CAM horses. Correction factors are required to accurately estimate BW in this breed using methods B and C. Method A with the weight tape placed in position 2 is the most accurate for predicting BW, including pregnant female horses, and can, therefore, be considered the most suitable method for estimating BW of CAM horses.

Animais , Peso Corporal , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Precisão da Medição Dimensional
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(2): e20210012, 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31892


The characterization of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) from the canine yolk sac (cYS) can contribute to future gene therapies because it is possible to obtain information about the beginning of the development of the circulatory system through the characterization. The cYS is a likely source of HSC, which is a source of blood cell development in mammals. Studies in this field have been conducted for decades; however, interest in cellular therapy is currently at its peak with greater visibility, and these cells are a promising therapeutic tool for the treatment of diseases related to animals and humans. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize HSC from the cYS embryos at 30 to 45 days of gestational age. Our results showed that the cYS was macroscopically located in the ventral region with a central portion and extremities. The cells in culture presented a circular morphology and cell clusters. The average cell viability was 22.55% dead cells out of 6.5 × 104 total cells. The cells were also able to form colonies on methylcellulose. Flow cytometry analysis revealed the expression of CD34, CD117, and CD45. Our results suggest that the cYS can be used as a source of hematopoietic cells, and this study is very important to understand the mechanism and development of the hematopoietic system in dogs.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães , Células-Tronco Hematopoéticas/classificação , Saco Vitelino , Sistema Hematopoético
Anim. Reprod. ; 18(1): e20200062, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-761994


The aim of this research was to evaluate the use of pyridoxine hydrochloride and its associated side effects in the treatment of pseudopregnancy in female dogs. A total of 40 female dogs, with no defined breed, in non-gestational diestrus, with clinical complaint of milk production were selected. The female dogs were divided into four experimental groups of 10 animals each, treated orally for 20 days with 10mg/kg/day (G1) and 50mg/kg/day (G2) of pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6), 5μg/kg/day of cabergoline (G3), and with a placebo, in the case of the control group (G4). The effects of the treatments on milk production were investigated, as well as possible systemic side effects, macroscopic uterine and ovarian alterations, and uterine histology. During the investigated period, G2 and G3 were equally efficient (P>0.05) in lactation suppression, differing (P>0.05) from the other groups. There were no systemic side effects or uterine changes associated with administration of the studied drug. Vitamin B6 (50mg/kg) has shown to be a safe and economically viable alternative for lactation interruption in female dogs with pseudopregnancy.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Lactente , Cães , Cães/fisiologia , Prenhez , Pseudogravidez , Cabergolina/análogos & derivados , Cabergolina/administração & dosagem , Vitamina B 6/análise
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 761-768, May-June, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1129171


Avaliou-se a correlação entre estruturas fetais e extrafetais com a predição do dia antes do parto (DAP) em raças de cães miniaturas. Para isso, realizou-se um experimento, utilizando-se 12 cadelas, com peso corporal entre 3,0kg e 5,0kg, sendo seis da raça Chihuahua, duas da raça Shih-Tzu, duas da raça Spitz Alemão e duas da raça Yorkshire. Foram mensurados, por meio da ultrassonografia, diâmetro biparietal (DBP), diâmetro torácico (DTX), diâmetro abdominal (DAB), comprimento craniocaudal (CCC), diâmetro da cavidade coriônica interna (DCI) e espessura da placenta (EP), a partir do 15º dia após a última monta. Foram estudadas as correlações simples e a significância dos coeficientes de regressão linear simples e o coeficiente de determinação (R), com nível de significância estabelecido em P<0,05. Entre os parâmetros avaliados, DBP, DTX, DAB e CCC foram os mais correlacionados com tempo gestacional, podendo ser utilizados para prever dia antes do parto em cadelas de raças miniaturas.(AU)

The correlation between fetal and extra-fetal structures with the pre-delivery prediction (DAP) in miniature dog breeds was evaluated. For this, an experiment was carried out using 12 bitches, with body weight between 3.0kg and 5.0kg, being 6 Chihuahua, 2 Shih-Tzu, 2 German Spitz and 2 Yorkshire breed. The Biparietal Diameter (BD), Thoracic Diameter (TD), Abdominal Diameter (AD), Crown-rump length (CRL), Internal Chorionic Cavity Diameter (ICD) and Placenta Thickness (PT) were measured by ultrasonography from the 15th day after the last mating. The simple correlations and significance of simple linear regression coefficients and the coefficient of determination (R) were studied, with a significance level of P<0.05. BD, T, AD and CRL were the most correlated with gestational time, and can be used to predict day before delivery in miniature breed bitches.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Idade Gestacional , Parto , Feto/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Previsões/métodos
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 761-768, May-June, 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29868


Avaliou-se a correlação entre estruturas fetais e extrafetais com a predição do dia antes do parto (DAP) em raças de cães miniaturas. Para isso, realizou-se um experimento, utilizando-se 12 cadelas, com peso corporal entre 3,0kg e 5,0kg, sendo seis da raça Chihuahua, duas da raça Shih-Tzu, duas da raça Spitz Alemão e duas da raça Yorkshire. Foram mensurados, por meio da ultrassonografia, diâmetro biparietal (DBP), diâmetro torácico (DTX), diâmetro abdominal (DAB), comprimento craniocaudal (CCC), diâmetro da cavidade coriônica interna (DCI) e espessura da placenta (EP), a partir do 15º dia após a última monta. Foram estudadas as correlações simples e a significância dos coeficientes de regressão linear simples e o coeficiente de determinação (R), com nível de significância estabelecido em P<0,05. Entre os parâmetros avaliados, DBP, DTX, DAB e CCC foram os mais correlacionados com tempo gestacional, podendo ser utilizados para prever dia antes do parto em cadelas de raças miniaturas.(AU)

The correlation between fetal and extra-fetal structures with the pre-delivery prediction (DAP) in miniature dog breeds was evaluated. For this, an experiment was carried out using 12 bitches, with body weight between 3.0kg and 5.0kg, being 6 Chihuahua, 2 Shih-Tzu, 2 German Spitz and 2 Yorkshire breed. The Biparietal Diameter (BD), Thoracic Diameter (TD), Abdominal Diameter (AD), Crown-rump length (CRL), Internal Chorionic Cavity Diameter (ICD) and Placenta Thickness (PT) were measured by ultrasonography from the 15th day after the last mating. The simple correlations and significance of simple linear regression coefficients and the coefficient of determination (R) were studied, with a significance level of P<0.05. BD, T, AD and CRL were the most correlated with gestational time, and can be used to predict day before delivery in miniature breed bitches.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cães , Idade Gestacional , Parto , Feto/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Previsões/métodos
Anim. Reprod. ; 17(3): [e20200037], 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-28782


Due to the peculiarities of the reproductive cycle of the female dog, which makes it difficult to accurately ascertain the date of conception, it may be challenging to precisely estimate the gestational age in bitches. Using fetal measurements obtained by ultrasound, it is possible to estimate the gestational age in dogs; however, due to the differences in size of the various breeds, such estimates may have a significant standard deviation, which represents less accuracy when specifying the date of birth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate pregnant female Chihuahuas, establishing relations between the fetal dimensions measured by ultrasound and the remaining time until delivery. Using 13 pregnant female Chihuahuas, weekly ultrasound assessments and measurements were performed, of the inner chorionic cavity, cranial-caudal length, biparietal diameter, abdominal diameter and thoracic diameter. Such parameters were retroactively correlated to the date of delivery, and linear regressions were established between the gestational measurements and remaining days until delivery. The fetal measurement presenting the highest correlation (r = 0.99; P<0.0001) and reliability (R2 = 0.98, P<0.0001) with the probable date of delivery was the biparietal diameter, a measurement that can be easily and safely obtained and, when applying a specific formula (Y = -15.46X1 + 38.72), can accurately predict the date of delivery in Chihuahua female dogs.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cães/fisiologia , Cães/embriologia , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Prenhez
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 17(3): [e20200037], 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461525


Due to the peculiarities of the reproductive cycle of the female dog, which makes it difficult to accurately ascertain the date of conception, it may be challenging to precisely estimate the gestational age in bitches. Using fetal measurements obtained by ultrasound, it is possible to estimate the gestational age in dogs; however, due to the differences in size of the various breeds, such estimates may have a significant standard deviation, which represents less accuracy when specifying the date of birth. The purpose of this study was to evaluate pregnant female Chihuahuas, establishing relations between the fetal dimensions measured by ultrasound and the remaining time until delivery. Using 13 pregnant female Chihuahuas, weekly ultrasound assessments and measurements were performed, of the inner chorionic cavity, cranial-caudal length, biparietal diameter, abdominal diameter and thoracic diameter. Such parameters were retroactively correlated to the date of delivery, and linear regressions were established between the gestational measurements and remaining days until delivery. The fetal measurement presenting the highest correlation (r = 0.99; P<0.0001) and reliability (R2 = 0.98, P<0.0001) with the probable date of delivery was the biparietal diameter, a measurement that can be easily and safely obtained and, when applying a specific formula (Y = -15.46X1 + 38.72), can accurately predict the date of delivery in Chihuahua female dogs.

Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/embriologia , Cães/fisiologia , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Prenhez