Renal hypoplasia is incomplete development of the kidneys, in which fewer than normal numbers of nephrons are present at birth. This report is the first of these conditions in mustelids. A female adult giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), ex situ, presented clinically an unusual behavior with prostration, anorexia, hiding in the shelter, ataxia, paraparesis, and death in a clinical course of one day. At the postmortem exam, the left kidney was markedly enlarged and pale and the right kidney was severely reduced and had mild to moderate capsular thickening. Histologically, the left kidney had mineralization, proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and a mild neutrophilic infiltrate. The right kidney presented a reduced number of glomeruli, tubular atrophy and an increase in fibrous connective tissue, which were findings compatible with congenital kidney hypoplasia. Due the clinical condition of the animal, gross and microscopic findings, the cause of death was established as kidney failure induced by renal hypoplasia.(AU)
Animais , Lontras , Rim/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , BrasilResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To investigate whether renal modifications occur following treatment with dutasteride or finasteride. Methods: Twenty-four male rats were divided into three groups: control (that received distilled water), dutasteride (0.5 mg/kg/day), and finasteride (5 mg/kg/day) groups. All administrations were given by gavage for 40 consecutive days. After inducing euthanasia, blood was collected for urea and creatinine analyses, and both the kidneys were collected for stereological analyses of kidney morphology. Results: Serum urea and creatinine levels were increased in both the finasteride and the dutasteride groups compared with those in the control group. In addition, kidney weight, kidney volume, cortical volume, glomerular volumetric density, and mean glomerular volume were reduced in both treatment groups. Finally, the number of glomeruli per kidney was reduced by 26.8% in the finasteride group and by 51.6% in the dutasteride group compared with that in the control group. Conclusions: The 5-ARIs finasteride and dutasteride promoted morphological and functional damages in rat kidneys. In addition, rats in the dutasteride group showed more severe renal modifications than those in the finasteride group.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Finasterida , Inibidores de 5-alfa Redutase , Dutasterida , RimResumo
A hipoplasia renal ocorre quando há o desenvolvimento incompleto do rim, resultando em um menor número de néfrons, lóbulos e cálices ao nascimento do animal. A gravidade dessa anomalia depende do nível de acometimento. Quando unilateral, ocorre a hipertrofia compensatória do rim saudável e, em casos bilaterais, é frequente a ocorrência de insuficiência renal e infecções. Foi retratada como uma afecção hereditária em algumas raças puras ou mestiças de suínos, potros, caprinos, bovinos e cães, contudo, é incomum em felinos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o caso de uma felina, sem raça definida, de dois meses de idade, com queixa de apatia, anorexia e êmes por três dias. No exame físico, foi observada desidratação estimada em 10%, tempo de preenchimento capilar de três segundos, hipotermia, hipoglicemia e letargia. Frente a essas alterações, foram solicitados exames complementares para melhor elucidação do quadro. Os exames bioquímicos revelaram azotemia e hiperfosfatemia grave, bem como hipercalcemia e hipercalemia leve. Já a urinálise, indicou redução da densidade urinária associada à presença de cilindros hialinos e céreos. A ultrassonografia abdominal evidenciou perda de diferenciação córtico-medular e diminuição de ambos os rins, alterações essas compatíveis com nefropatia. Instituiu-se tratamento paliativo visando minimizar complicações secundárias da injúria renal aguda, contudo, a paciente veio a óbito. Na necropsia, os rins apresentavam tamanho reduzido bilateralmente e o exame histopatológico revelou a presença de moderados glomérulos primitivos multifocais associados à distensão do espaço glomerular. A avaliação clínica e as lesões histopatológicas foram consistentes com o diagnóstico de hipoplasia renal congênita.
Renal hypoplasia occurs when there is incomplete development of the kidney, resulting in fewer nephrons, lobes and calyces at birth. The severity of this anomaly depends on the level of involvement. When unilateral, compensatory hypertrophy of the healthy kidney occurs and, in bilateral cases, renal failure and infections are frequent. It has been portrayed as an inherited condition in some pure or mixed breeds of pigs, foals, goats, cattle and dogs, however, it is uncommon in felines. This paper aims to report the case of a feline, mixed breed, two months old, with complaints of apathy, anorexia and emesis for three days. Physical examination showed an estimated dehydration of 10%, capillary refilling time of three seconds, hypothermia, hypoglycemia and lethargy. In view of these changes, complementary exams were requested to better clarify the condition. Biochemical examinations revealed severe azotemia and hyperphosphatemia, as well as hypercalcemia and mild hyperkalemia. Urinalysis, on the other hand, indicated a reduction in urinary density associated with the presence of hyaline and brain cylinders. Abdominal ultrasound showed a loss of corticomedullary differentiation and a decrease in both kidneys, changes compatible with nephropathy. Palliative treatment was instituted in order to minimize secondary complications of acute kidney injury, however, the patient died. At necropsy, the kidneys were bilaterally reduced in size and histopathological examination revealed the presence of moderate multifocal primitive glomeruli associated with distention of the glomerular space. Clinical evaluation and histopathological lesions were consistent with the diagnosis of congenital renal hypoplasia.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Anormalidades Urogenitais/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Rim/anormalidades , Ultrassonografia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose To evaluate renal histological changes by stereology and morphometry and analyze the main markers of oxidative stress in rats undergoing natural aging. Methods Seventy two Wistar rats were divided into six groups of 12 rats each, which were euthanized at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months of age. Right kidney was stereologically and morphometrically analyzed to calculate the volumetric density (Vv[glom]), numerical density (Nv[glom]) and glomerular volume (Vol[glom]). Left kidney was used to determine the levels of nonprotein thiols, lipid peroxidation, and protein carbonylation, as well as the activities of superoxide-dismutase and catalase enzymes. Results Both Vv[glom] and Nv[glom] values showed gradual decreases between groups. Activity of superoxide-dismutase was elevated at 24 months of age, and the levels of nonprotein thiols were higher in older animals. Greater catalase activity and protein carbonylation were observed in animals between 6 and 12 months of age but lessened in older rats. Lipid peroxidation decreased in the older groups. Conclusions Morphometric and stereological analyses revealed a gradual decrease in the volume and density of renal glomeruli during aging, as well as kidney atrophy. These findings related to oxidative stress clarify many changes occurring in kidney tissues during senescence in rats.
Animais , Ratos , Envelhecimento , Estresse Oxidativo , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
Purpose To evaluate renal histological changes by stereology and morphometry and analyze the main markers of oxidative stress in rats undergoing natural aging. Methods Seventy two Wistar rats were divided into six groups of 12 rats each, which were euthanized at 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, and 24 months of age. Right kidney was stereologically and morphometrically analyzed to calculate the volumetric density (Vv[glom]), numerical density (Nv[glom]) and glomerular volume (Vol[glom]). Left kidney was used to determine the levels of nonprotein thiols, lipid peroxidation, and protein carbonylation, as well as the activities of superoxide-dismutase and catalase enzymes. Results Both Vv[glom] and Nv[glom] values showed gradual decreases between groups. Activity of superoxide-dismutase was elevated at 24 months of age, and the levels of nonprotein thiols were higher in older animals. Greater catalase activity and protein carbonylation were observed in animals between 6 and 12 months of age but lessened in older rats. Lipid peroxidation decreased in the older groups. Conclusions Morphometric and stereological analyses revealed a gradual decrease in the volume and density of renal glomeruli during aging, as well as kidney atrophy. These findings related to oxidative stress clarify many changes occurring in kidney tissues during senescence in rats.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Estresse Oxidativo , Nefropatias/veterinária , EnvelhecimentoResumo
It was evaluated the different methodologies for glomerular enumeration described in the literature in a quantitative, double-blind study on the number of glomeruli present in kidney biopsy specimens obtained using a Tru-cut-type biopsy needle. Eighteen samples were taken (n=18) from various regions of canine kidneys harvested immediately after euthanasia. Sample collection was carried out using Tru-cut-type, semi-automated, 16 gauge needles. Reading and evaluation of the specimens were performed independently by four researchers by means of eye loupe inspection, light microscopy, light microscopy with a reduced condenser aperture, and dissection microscopy. Samples were also subjected to histopathological evaluation for comparison purposes. There was no inter-researcher variation for any of the tested methods. The glomerular counts obtained using light microscopy with reduced condenser aperture were similar to those reported in the histopathological evaluation (P=0.44);whereas, the other glomerular enumeration methods yielded significantly lower counts when compared to the histopathological analysis (eye loupe inspection: P<0.01; conventional light microscopy: P=0.02; dissection microscopy: P<0.01).Light microscope with lowering of the condenser lens delivers better results than conventional light microscopy and eye loupe inspection. Results obtained using dissection microscopy and eye loupe inspection did not correlate well with those provided by histopathological evaluation; consequently, these two methods should be avoided.(AU)
Avaliou-se as diferentes metodologias de quantificação glomerular descritas na literatura em um estudo quantitativo, duplo-cego, sobre o número de glomérulos presentes em amostras de biópsias renais obtidas com agulha de biópsia tipo Tru-cut. Dezoito amostras foram coletadas (n=18) de várias regiões de rins caninos colhidos imediatamente após a eutanásia. A coleta das amostras foi realizada com agulhas semi-automáticas de calibre 16, tipo Tru-cut. A leitura e avaliação das amostras foram realizadas de forma independente por quatro pesquisadores por meio de inspeção visual, microscopia de luz, microscopia de luz com redução da lente condensadora e microscopia de dissecção. As amostras também foram submetidas à avaliação histopatológica para fins de comparação e variação do pesquisador para qualquer um dos métodos testados. As contagens glomerulares obtidas por microscopia de luz com redução da lente condensadora foram semelhantes àquelas encontradas na avaliação histopatológica (P=0.44), enquanto que os outros métodos de quantificação glomerular produziram contagens significativamente mais baixas a análise histopatológica (inspeção da lupa dos olhos: P<0.01; microscopia de luz convencional: P=0.02; microscopia dissecação: P<0.01). Microscópio de luz com abaixamento da lente condensadora fornece melhores resultados do que microscopia de luz convencional e inspeção da lupa. As contagens obtidas usando microscopia de dissecção e inspeção de lupa de olho não se correlacionaram bem com aqueles fornecidos pela avaliação histopatológica; consequentemente, estes dois métodos devem ser evitados.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Glomerulonefrite/diagnóstico , Glomerulonefrite/veterinária , Glomérulos Renais , Microscopia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Renal dysplasia (RD) is a common cause of renal failure in young dogs. It is defined as a disorganization inrenal parenchymal development, with abnormal differentiation. In all domestic animal species, RD may be hereditary oracquired. The affected animals show clinical signs of early chronic kidney disease, usually between 3 months to 3 yearsof age. The alterations include persistent metanephric ducts surrounded by primitive mesenchyme, glomeruli and fetaltubules, and abnormal interstitial fibrous tissue. We aimed to report the case of a 1-year-old canine with renal dysplasia.Case: A 1-year-old male Maltese dog experiencing polyuria, polydipsia, recurrent episodic vomiting, bloody diarrhea,weight loss, apathy, and anorexia was referred to a private clinic in the municipality of Itabuna-Bahia. Physical examination revealed hypochromic mucosa, dehydration estimated at 8%, rectal temperature of 37.5ºC, halitosis, and a bodyscore of 3 out of 9. Laboratory abnormalities included hematocrit of 18%, with hypochromic normocytic aregenerativeanemia, azotemia (urea - 530 mg/dL, creatinine - 10.5 mg/dL), hyperglobulinemia (4.7 g/dL), low urinary density (1005),proteinuria (300 mg/dL), and urinary pH - 7.0. Ultrasonography revealed bilateral small kidneys with loss of corticomedullary definition, cystic formations of different sizes on the renal surface, and hyperechoic areas in the parenchyma;these alterations were suggestive of bilateral chronic nephropathy. Considering the clinical, hematological, biochemical, andultrasonographic presentation associated with the age of the patient, renal dysplasia was suspected. The patients clinicalcondition progressed to loss of consciousness and convulsions, followed by death. Necropsy revealed pale, hypotrophickidneys with firm consistency, irregular capsular surface containing multiple cortical cysts of different sizes, and alteredcortico-medullar proportion. Kidney fragments were sent to...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Insuficiência Renal/veterinária , Rim/anatomia & histologia , Rim/patologia , Tecido Parenquimatoso/anormalidades , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Renal dysplasia (RD) is a common cause of renal failure in young dogs. It is defined as a disorganization inrenal parenchymal development, with abnormal differentiation. In all domestic animal species, RD may be hereditary oracquired. The affected animals show clinical signs of early chronic kidney disease, usually between 3 months to 3 yearsof age. The alterations include persistent metanephric ducts surrounded by primitive mesenchyme, glomeruli and fetaltubules, and abnormal interstitial fibrous tissue. We aimed to report the case of a 1-year-old canine with renal dysplasia.Case: A 1-year-old male Maltese dog experiencing polyuria, polydipsia, recurrent episodic vomiting, bloody diarrhea,weight loss, apathy, and anorexia was referred to a private clinic in the municipality of Itabuna-Bahia. Physical examination revealed hypochromic mucosa, dehydration estimated at 8%, rectal temperature of 37.5ºC, halitosis, and a bodyscore of 3 out of 9. Laboratory abnormalities included hematocrit of 18%, with hypochromic normocytic aregenerativeanemia, azotemia (urea - 530 mg/dL, creatinine - 10.5 mg/dL), hyperglobulinemia (4.7 g/dL), low urinary density (1005),proteinuria (300 mg/dL), and urinary pH - 7.0. Ultrasonography revealed bilateral small kidneys with loss of corticomedullary definition, cystic formations of different sizes on the renal surface, and hyperechoic areas in the parenchyma;these alterations were suggestive of bilateral chronic nephropathy. Considering the clinical, hematological, biochemical, andultrasonographic presentation associated with the age of the patient, renal dysplasia was suspected. The patients clinicalcondition progressed to loss of consciousness and convulsions, followed by death. Necropsy revealed pale, hypotrophickidneys with firm consistency, irregular capsular surface containing multiple cortical cysts of different sizes, and alteredcortico-medullar proportion. Kidney fragments were sent to...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tecido Parenquimatoso/anormalidades , Insuficiência Renal/veterinária , Rim/anatomia & histologia , Rim/patologia , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterináriaResumo
A renal nephroblastoma is described in a free-living black-tufted marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) in Central Brazil. The monkey was found dead and subjected to necropsy. Gross anatomic changes consisted of a ruptured left kidney, which was almost completely effaced by a white to yellow, partially encapsulated friable mass. The left ureter was distended due to obstruction by a red, spherical, 2mm in diameter friable mass. The urinary bladder was also distended. Histologically the renal and ureteral masses consisted of a triphasic embryonal neoplasm composed of embryonic epithelium forming glomeruli and tubules, polygonal blastemal cells, and a mesenchymal stroma. The embryonic epithelium exhibited rare nuclear immunoreactivity for WT-1, whereas blastemal cells exhibited robust cytoplasmic and rare nuclear immunoreactivity for WT-1; blastemal cells were also immunoreactive for vimentin. No immunoreactivity was detected for pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3), actin, and desmin. Morphological and immunohistochemical features of the present neoplasm are consistent with those described for renal nephroblastoma.(AU)
Descreve-se um caso de nefroblastoma maligno em um sagui de vida livre no Brasil Central. O macaco foi encontrado morto e encaminhado para necropsia. Na macroscopia, o rim esquerdo apresentava-se rompido e o parênquima estava substituído por um tecido neoplásico friável, parcialmente encapsulado e de superfície natural branca e de corte amarela. O ureter esquerdo apresentava-se distendido devido à obstrução por uma massa friável, vermelha, esférica, de 2mm de diâmetro. Histologicamente, as massas renal e ureteral consistiam de uma neoplasia embrionária composta por três populaçõies de células neoplásicas, composta por epitélio embrionário formando glomérulos e túbulos, células blastemais poligonais e um estroma mesenquimal. O epitélio embrionário exibiu imunorreactividade nuclear rara para WT-1, enquanto que as células blastemais exibiram imunorreactividade nuclear citoplasmática e rara para WT-1; As células blastemais também foram imunorreativas à vimentina. Nenhuma imunorreatividade foi detectada para pan-citoqueratina (AE1/AE3), actina e desmina. As características morfológicas e imuno-histoquímicas da presente neoplasia são consistentes com as descritas para o nefroblastoma renal.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Callithrix , Tumor de Wilms/patologia , Tumor de Wilms/veterinária , Doenças dos MacacosResumo
A renal nephroblastoma is described in a free-living black-tufted marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) in Central Brazil. The monkey was found dead and subjected to necropsy. Gross anatomic changes consisted of a ruptured left kidney, which was almost completely effaced by a white to yellow, partially encapsulated friable mass. The left ureter was distended due to obstruction by a red, spherical, 2mm in diameter friable mass. The urinary bladder was also distended. Histologically the renal and ureteral masses consisted of a triphasic embryonal neoplasm composed of embryonic epithelium forming glomeruli and tubules, polygonal blastemal cells, and a mesenchymal stroma. The embryonic epithelium exhibited rare nuclear immunoreactivity for WT-1, whereas blastemal cells exhibited robust cytoplasmic and rare nuclear immunoreactivity for WT-1; blastemal cells were also immunoreactive for vimentin. No immunoreactivity was detected for pan-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3), actin, and desmin. Morphological and immunohistochemical features of the present neoplasm are consistent with those described for renal nephroblastoma.(AU)
Descreve-se um caso de nefroblastoma maligno em um sagui de vida livre no Brasil Central. O macaco foi encontrado morto e encaminhado para necropsia. Na macroscopia, o rim esquerdo apresentava-se rompido e o parênquima estava substituído por um tecido neoplásico friável, parcialmente encapsulado e de superfície natural branca e de corte amarela. O ureter esquerdo apresentava-se distendido devido à obstrução por uma massa friável, vermelha, esférica, de 2mm de diâmetro. Histologicamente, as massas renal e ureteral consistiam de uma neoplasia embrionária composta por três populaçõies de células neoplásicas, composta por epitélio embrionário formando glomérulos e túbulos, células blastemais poligonais e um estroma mesenquimal. O epitélio embrionário exibiu imunorreactividade nuclear rara para WT-1, enquanto que as células blastemais exibiram imunorreactividade nuclear citoplasmática e rara para WT-1; As células blastemais também foram imunorreativas à vimentina. Nenhuma imunorreatividade foi detectada para pan-citoqueratina (AE1/AE3), actina e desmina. As características morfológicas e imuno-histoquímicas da presente neoplasia são consistentes com as descritas para o nefroblastoma renal.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Callithrix , Tumor de Wilms/patologia , Tumor de Wilms/veterinária , Doenças dos MacacosResumo
Purpose: To investigate the glomerular number after different warm ischemia times. Methods: Thirty two pigs were assigned into four groups. Three groups (G10, G20, and G30) were treated with 10, 20, and 30 minutes of left renal warm ischemia. The sham group underwent the same surgery without renal ischemia. The animals were euthanized after 3 weeks, and the kidneys were collected. Right kidneys were used as controls. The kidney weight, volume, cortical-medullar ratio, glomerular volumetric density, volume-weighted mean glomerular volume, and the total number of glomeruli per kidney were obtained. Serum creatinine levels were assessed pre and postoperatively. Results: Serum creatinine levels did not differ among the groups. All parameters were similar for the sham, G10, and G20 groups upon comparison of the right and left organs. The G30 group pigs' left kidneys had lower weight, volume, and cortical-medullar ratio and 24.6% less glomeruli compared to the right kidney. A negative correlation was found between warm ischemia time and glomerular number. Conclusions: About one quarter of glomeruli was lost after 30 minutes of renal warm ischemia. No glomeruli loss was detected before 20 minutes of warm ischemia. However, progressive glomerular loss was associated with increasing warm ischemia time.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/anormalidades , Suínos/cirurgia , Isquemia/diagnóstico , Isquemia/veterinária , Nefrectomia/veterináriaResumo
A hiperplasia endometrial cística ou piometra desenvolve-se durante ou logo após o estro quando a produção de progesterona é alta, nessa fase há dilatação da cérvix e assim as bactérias de origem vaginal podem ter acesso ao útero. A insuficiência renal aguda pode ocorrer concomitantemente devido à deposição de complexos antígeno-anticorpo nos glomérulos e da ação de endotoxinas bacterianas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma fêmea canina, sem raça definida, não castrada, piometra e com sinais de insuficiência renal aguda. Após a realização de exames físicos e complementares, o diagnóstico foi de piometra e insuficiência renal aguda, sendo assim o animal foi encaminhado para procedimento cirúrgico de ovariohisterectomia terapêutica. Após a cirurgia, o paciente permaneceu internado, mantendo-se apático, anoréxico e com emagrecimento progressivo. Apesar das várias tentativas de reverter o quadro clínico, sem resposta, optou-se pela eutanásia. O presente relato ressalta a importância da avaliação da função renal nos pacientes com diagnóstico de piometra.
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia or pyometra develops during or shortly after estrus when progesterone production is high, at this stage there is dilation of the cervix and thus bacteria of vaginal origin can have access to the uterus. Acute renal failure may occur concomitantly due to the deposition of antigen antibody complexes in the glomeruli and the action of bacterial endotoxins. The objective of this study was to report the case of a canine female, undefined, uncastrated, pyometra with signs of acute renal failure. After physical and complementary examinations, the diagnosis was of pyometra and acute renal failure, so the animal was referred to a surgical procedure of therapeutic ovariohysterectomy. After surgery, the patient remained hospitalized, remaining apathetic, anorexic and with progressive weight loss. Despite several attempts to reverse the clinical picture, with no response, euthanasia was chosen. The present report emphasizes the importance of the evaluation of renal function in patients with pyometra.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Insuficiência Renal/veterinária , Piometra/complicações , Piometra/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Útero/patologiaResumo
Background: Renal dysplasia, which has been reported in some dogs and human patients, refers to a developmental disorder of renal parenchyma due to imperfect inductive interaction between the mesonephric duct and the metanephric blastemal. In dogs, the characteristic histological findings on which diagnosis is based include (1) persistent metanephric ducts surrounded by primitive mesenchyme, (2) fetal or immature glomeruli, (3) fetal or immature tubules, and (4) anomalous presence of interstitial fibrous tissue. The aim of this study was to report the major pathological and immunohistochemical features of nine young dogs necropsied with renal dysplasia.Cases: The necropsy files from the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) of the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFMT) were reviewed between the years 2008 and 2013. Dogs diagnosed with chronic kidney failure and macroscopic and histopathological renal lesions consistent with renal dysplasia were selected. Kidney fragments in paraffin blocks were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using anti-vimentin and anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies. The staining was considered positive for the presence of at least one renal cell marked with brown cytoplasmic staining clear and unambiguous. A total of 787 necropsies of dogs were performed. Of these, 64 had a clinical diagnosis of [...]
Animais , Cães , Nefropatias/patologia , Nefropatias/veterinária , Rim/anormalidades , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
A hiperplasia endometrial cística ou piometra desenvolve-se durante ou logo após o estro quando a produção de progesterona é alta, nessa fase há dilatação da cérvix e assim as bactérias de origem vaginal podem ter acesso ao útero. A insuficiência renal aguda pode ocorrer concomitantemente devido à deposição de complexos antígeno-anticorpo nos glomérulos e da ação de endotoxinas bacterianas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar o caso de uma fêmea canina, sem raça definida, não castrada, piometra e com sinais de insuficiência renal aguda. Após a realização de exames físicos e complementares, o diagnóstico foi de piometra e insuficiência renal aguda, sendo assim o animal foi encaminhado para procedimento cirúrgico de ovariohisterectomia terapêutica. Após a cirurgia, o paciente permaneceu internado, mantendo-se apático, anoréxico e com emagrecimento progressivo. Apesar das várias tentativas de reverter o quadro clínico, sem resposta, optou-se pela eutanásia. O presente relato ressalta a importância da avaliação da função renal nos pacientes com diagnóstico de piometra.(AU)
Cystic endometrial hyperplasia or pyometra develops during or shortly after estrus when progesterone production is high, at this stage there is dilation of the cervix and thus bacteria of vaginal origin can have access to the uterus. Acute renal failure may occur concomitantly due to the deposition of antigen antibody complexes in the glomeruli and the action of bacterial endotoxins. The objective of this study was to report the case of a canine female, undefined, uncastrated, pyometra with signs of acute renal failure. After physical and complementary examinations, the diagnosis was of pyometra and acute renal failure, so the animal was referred to a surgical procedure of therapeutic ovariohysterectomy. After surgery, the patient remained hospitalized, remaining apathetic, anorexic and with progressive weight loss. Despite several attempts to reverse the clinical picture, with no response, euthanasia was chosen. The present report emphasizes the importance of the evaluation of renal function in patients with pyometra.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Piometra/complicações , Piometra/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterinária , Útero/patologia , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Renal dysplasia, which has been reported in some dogs and human patients, refers to a developmental disorder of renal parenchyma due to imperfect inductive interaction between the mesonephric duct and the metanephric blastemal. In dogs, the characteristic histological findings on which diagnosis is based include (1) persistent metanephric ducts surrounded by primitive mesenchyme, (2) fetal or immature glomeruli, (3) fetal or immature tubules, and (4) anomalous presence of interstitial fibrous tissue. The aim of this study was to report the major pathological and immunohistochemical features of nine young dogs necropsied with renal dysplasia.Cases: The necropsy files from the Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) of the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso (UFMT) were reviewed between the years 2008 and 2013. Dogs diagnosed with chronic kidney failure and macroscopic and histopathological renal lesions consistent with renal dysplasia were selected. Kidney fragments in paraffin blocks were cut and stained with hematoxylin and eosin and by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using anti-vimentin and anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies. The staining was considered positive for the presence of at least one renal cell marked with brown cytoplasmic staining clear and unambiguous. A total of 787 necropsies of dogs were performed. Of these, 64 had a clinical diagnosis of [...](AU)
Animais , Cães , Nefropatias/patologia , Nefropatias/veterinária , Rim/anormalidades , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
PURPOSE:To evaluate the glomerular loss after arteriovenous or arterial warm ischemia in a swine model.METHODS:Twenty four pigs were divided into Group Sham (submitted to all surgical steps except the renal ischemia), Group AV (submitted to 30 minutes of warm ischemia by arteriovenous clamping of left kidney vessels), and Group A (submitted to 30 minutes of ischemia by arterial clamping). Right kidneys were used as controls. Weigh, volume, cortical volume, glomerular volumetric density (Vv[Glom]), volume-weighted glomerular volume (VWGV), and the total number of glomeruli were measured for each organ.RESULTS:Group AV showed a 24.5% reduction in its left kidney Vv[Glom] and a 25.4% reduction in the VWGV, when compared to the right kidney. Reductions were also observed when compared to kidneys of sham group. There was a reduction of 19.2% in the total number of glomeruli in AV kidneys. No difference was observed in any parameters analyzed on the left kidneys from group A.CONCLUSIONS:Renal warm ischemia of 30 minutes by arterial clamping did not caused significant glomerular damage, but arteriovenous clamping caused significant glomerular loss in a swine model. Clamping only the renal artery should be considered to minimize renal injury after partial nephrectomies.(AU)
Animais , Glomérulos Renais , Isquemia Quente/veterinária , Artérias , Suínos , Modelos Animais , Nefrectomia/veterinária , ConstriçãoResumo
PURPOSE:To evaluate the renal function and the renal histological alterations through the stereology and morphometrics in rats submitted to the natural process of aging.METHODS:Seventy two Wistar rats, divided in six groups. Each group was sacrificed in a different age: 3, 6, 9, 12, 18 and 24 months. It was performed right nephrectomy, stereological and morphometric analysis of the renal tissue (renal volume and weight, density of volume (Vv[glom]) and numerical density (Nv[glom]) of the renal glomeruli and average glomerular volume (Vol[glom])) and also it was evaluated the renal function for the dosage of serum creatinine and urea.RESULTS:There was significant decrease of the renal function in the oldest rats. The renal volume presented gradual increase during the development of the rats with the biggest values registered in the group of animals at 12 months of age and significant progressive decrease in older animals. Vv[glom] presented statistically significant gradual reduction between the groups and the Nv[glom] also decreased significantly.CONCLUSIONS:The renal function proved to be inferior in senile rats when compared to the young rats. The morphometric and stereological analysis evidenced renal atrophy, gradual reduction of the volume density and numerical density of the renal glomeruli associated to the aging process.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , Rim/fisiologia , Ratos Wistar , Rim/diagnóstico por imagemResumo
The present study was conducted to elucidate the neuronal pathways between peripheral olfactory and taste sensilla and the synganglion in an Ixodidae tick species. The tarsus of the front legs (olfactory nerves) and the fourth palpal segment (gustatory nerves) of unfed Amblyomma americanum males and females were excised. A neuronal tracer, dextran tetramethylrhodamine, was used for filling of the sensory neurons. The synganglion preparations were examined using a confocal microscope. Neuronal arborizations from the Hallers organ were confined to the olfactory lobes and the first pedal ganglion. The estimated number of olfactory glomeruli ranged from 16 to 22 per olfactory lobe in the females. The number of glomeruli was not counted in males because they were densely packed. Sensory neurons associated with sensilla at the distal end of the palpal organ projected into the palpal ganglion in the synganglion through the palpal nerve. Gustatory sensory neurons associated with palpal sensilla projected into a commissure with several bulges, which are confined in the palpal ganglion. The findings of distinct projection patterns of sensory neurons associated with the Hallers organ and palpal organ in the lone star tick from this study advanced our knowledge on mechanisms of sensory information processing in ticks.(AU)
O presente estudo foi conduzido para elucidar a trajetória neuronal, entre as sensilas periféricas olfativas e gustativas e o singânglio, em uma espécie de carrapato Ixodidae. O tarso da primeira pata (nervos olfativos) e o quarto segmento palpal (nervos gustativos) de machos e fêmeas não alimentados de Amblyomma americanum foram excisados. Um traçador neuronal, dextran tetrametilrodamina, foi usado para preenchimento dos neurônios sensoriais. Os singânglios foram examinados através de microscopia confocal. Arborizações neuronais do órgão de Haller foram confinadas nos lobos olfativos e primeiro gânglio pedal. O número estimado de glomérulos olfativos variou de 16 a 22 por lobo olfativo nas fêmeas. Em machos, o número de glomérulos não foi contado, pois eles estavam densamente compactados. Os neurônios sensoriais associados com as sensilas, na porção distal do órgão palpal, projetaram-se no gânglio palpal do singânglio através do nervo palpal. Neurônios sensoriais gustativos associados com a sensila palpal projetaram-se numa comissura onde havia vários bulbos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo de padrões de projeção distintos de neurônios sensoriais associados com os órgãos de Haller e palpal no carrapato A. americanum avançam nosso conhecimento sobre os mecanismos de processamento da informação sensorial em carrapatos.(AU)
Ixodidae/anatomia & histologia , Ixodidae/fisiologia , Condução Nervosa , SensilasResumo
Maia, Suellen Rodrigues. Curva de aprendizado para procedimento de biópsia renal vídeo-guiada em cadáveres de cães e suínos. 2020. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade de Franca, Franca-SP. O emprego da biópsia renal é uma modalidade diagnóstica cada vez mais requisitada e estudada tanto na veterinária quanto na medicina, mas a técnica exige habilidade e os procedimentos laparoscópicos requerem treinamento. A curva de aprendizado permite a avaliação quantitativa e qualitativa do número de tentativas e o tempo mínimo para o procedimento cirúrgico. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a quantidade de biópsias renais, pela técnica vídeo-guiada, necessárias para que o profissional se torne apto a executar tal técnica com maior qualidade, em menor tempo e com menor dificuldade em cadáveres de cães e suínos. Foram utilizados seis cadáveres de cães e seis cadáveres de suínos com peso inferior a 10 kg, provenientes do setor de patologia do hospital veterinário da Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN). Todos os cadáveres foram submetidos à laparoscopia para o procedimento de biópsia renal vídeo-guiada. Após instruções prévias, um total de 24 operadores, sendo dois por animal, realizaram 20 biópsias renais (dez em cada rim) direcionadas à região médio-lateral, totalizando 480 biópsias finais. O número de glomérulos e a porcentagem de córtex da amostra, assim como, a duração do procedimento em cada tentativa, e a dificuldade do procedimento foram avaliados por meio de modelo de regressão mista com o efeito aleatório de indivíduo. Dentre as amostras coletadas 439 (91,5%) foram adequadas para a avaliação. O número de glomérulos e a porcentagem de córtex não tiveram diferenças significativas considerando as tentativas em ambas as espécies, evidenciando que o operador é apto já na primeira coleta. Ademais, as amostras porcinas revelaram maior quantidade de córtex renal em relação as amostras caninas. A duração do procedimento (duração da coleta e duração do armazenamento) foi significativamente diferente ao longo das tentativas, tanto em cães quanto em suínos. A partir da quarta tentativa, o profissional atingiu platô para a variável duração da coleta e a partir do segundo procedimento o profissional apresentou uniformidade para a variável duração do armazenamento. Os operadores do modelo porcino adquiriram maior agilidade no tempo de procedimento. O critério dificuldade decresceu no decorrer das tentativas e atingiu platô por volta da sexta tentativa. A curva de aprendizado indicou que são necessários sete procedimentos para que operador seja considerado apto a coletar fragmentos renais vídeo-guiado em cadáveres de cães e suínos.
Maia, Suellen Rodrigues. Learning curve for video-guided renal biopsy procedure in dog and pig cadavers. 2020. Dissertation (Masters degree in Animal Science) - University of Franca, Franca-SP. The use of renal biopsy is increasingly present and studied both in veterinary medicine and medicine, but the technique requires skill and laparoscopic procedures require training. The learning curve allows the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the number of attempts and minimum time for the surgical procedure. The objective was to kwon how many times is necessary to be able to perform renal biopsies using laparocopic technique in dogs and swine cadavers. Six dog and six pig weighing less than 10 kg were used, from the pathology of the veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Franca (UNIFRAN). All cadavers were submitted to laparoscopy for the video-guided renal biopsy procedure. After previous instructions, a total of 24 operators, two per animal, performed 20 renal biopsies (ten in each kidney) directed to the mediolateral region, totaling 480 final biopsies. The number of glomeruli and the percentage of cortex in the sample, as well as the duration of the procedure at each attempt, and the difficulty of the procedure were evaluated. Among the samples collected, 439 (91.5%) were suitable for evaluation. The number of glomeruli and the percentage of cortex did not have significant differences considering the attempts in both species, showing that the operator is already fit in the first collection. Furthermore, porcine samples showed a greater amount of renal cortex than canine samples. The duration of the procedure (collection and sample storage) was significantly different during the attempts in both species. From the fourth attempt, the professional reaches plateau for the variable "collection" and from the second procedure the professional is uniform for the variable "storage ". The porcine model operators acquired greater agility in the procedure time. The difficulty criterion decreased in the course of the attempts and reached a plateau around the sixth attempt. The learning curve indicated that seven procedures are necessary for an operator to be considered capable of collecting video-guided renal fragments in dog and pig cadavers.
A hiperglicemia crônica provocada pelo Diabetes Mellitus (DM) compromete a morfofisiologia urogenital, promovendo complicações sistêmicas. O uso de suplementos alimentares, como ácido alfa lipóico (AL) e guaraná, adicionados a ração pode retardar o avanço das lesões urogenitais. A proposta deste estudo é avaliar os efeitos do consumo regular dos compostos sobre a espermatogênese e a histoarquitetura do sistema urogenital masculino de ratos diabéticos. Foram utilizados um total de 56 ratos Wistar divididos aleatoriamente em grupos (n=7) em dois experimentos com AL e guaraná: Grupo Controle (GC); Grupo Diabético Controle (GDC), que receberam dieta a base de caseína; Grupo Alfa Lipóico (GAL), e Grupo Diabético Alfa Lipóico (GDAL), recebendo ração com adição de ácido alfa lipóico (300 mg/Kg PV); Grupo Guaraná (GG), Grupo Diabético Guaraná (GDG), recebendo ração com pó de guaraná (5g/Kg). Para indução a diabetes, os animais receberam uma única injeção intraperitoneal de estreptozotocina (dose de 60mg/kg). Semanalmente, o peso corpóreo, consumo da ração e dosagem glicêmica foram registrados. Finalizado as 8 semanas, os ratos foram eutanasiados e o sêmen foi coletado. Os rins, bexiga, testículos e epidídimos foram coletados pesados, medidos e fixados para posterior processamento histológico. Análise histomorfométrica, estereológica e imuno-histoquímica foram realizadas nas amostras coletadas. Todos os resultados foram demonstrados em média e desvio padrão e tabelados para análise estatística ANOVA no programa Instat. No experimento com AL, a glicemia do GDAL foi significativamente menor do que GDC (p<0,05) no final do experimento. Os parâmetros histomorfométricos dos túbulos seminíferos e epididimários não apresentaram melhoras no grupo diabético suplementado com AL (p>0.05). Entretanto, houve melhora no GDAL na concentração, motilidade e % de patologias espermáticas, assim como no número de células de Sertoli (p<0.001). A relação córtico-medular do GDC apresentou média inferior comparados GDAL (p<0,001). Nas áreas glomerulares e VvG, os grupos diabéticos foram significativamente inferiores aos grupos normais (p<0.001). Entretanto, o GDAL apresentou aumento significativo de ACR, AG e AEC comparado a GDC (p<0.005). A VvLT da região cortical, o GDC apresentou percentual superior (9,73±1,55%) comparado ao GDAL (5,05±1,3%) (p<0.001). Os grupos normais não apresentaram alterações tubulares (p>0.05). Não houve alteração significativa nos grupos diabéticos na contagem de podócitos (P>0.05). Não houve significância em GDAL na análise da estrutura da vesícula urinária (p>0.05). No experimento com guaraná, os níveis glicêmicos, consumo semanal, peso dos animais de GDG e relação de proporção da região cortical do rim não foram melhorados com a suplementação (p>0.05). Na avaliação renal, o GDG apresentou maior peso renal (p<0,0018) e maiores áreas glomerulares (p<0,001). Na densidade volumétrica glomerular, GDG apresentou maior percentual de glomérulos comparado a GDC. Os resultados demonstraram alteração na morfologia reprodutiva e nefropatia diabética. A suplementação com AL pode retardar as lesões testiculares, preservando o processo de espermatogênese. Além disso, a ação do ácido alfa lipóico permitiu a preservação do parênquima renal, diminuindo a perda glomerular, a lesão tubular evitando assim, a falência renal em ratos diabéticos. O consumo de guaraná apresentou resposta renal inicial que permitiu preservação dos glomérulos na região cortical, retardando a progressão da DM quando comparado a ação benéfica do AL.
Chronic hyperglycemia caused by Diabetes Mellitus (DM) compromises urogenital morphophysiology, promoting systemic complications. The use of dietary supplements, such as alpha lipoic acid (AL) and guarana, added to the feed can delay the progress of urogenital lesions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of regular consumption of the compounds on spermatogenesis and the histoarchitecture of the male urogenital system of diabetic rats. A total of 56 Wistar rats were randomly divided into groups (n = 7) in two experiments with AL and guarana: Group control (CG); Diabetic Control Group (DCG), who received a caseinbased diet; Alpha Lipoic Group (ALG), and Diabetic Alpha Lipoic Group (DALG), receiving food with addition of alpha lipoic acid (300 mg/Kg PV); Guarana group (GG); Diabetic Guarana Group (DGG), receiving diets with guarana powder (5g/kg). For diabetes induction, the animals received a single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (dose of 60mg/kg). Weekly, body weight, feed intake and glycemic dosage were recorded. After 8 weeks, the rats were euthanized and the semen was collected. The kidneys, bladder, testicles and epididymis were collected, weighed, measured and fixed for further histological processing. Histomorphometric, stereological and immunohistochemical analysis were performed on the collected samples. All results were shown in mean and standard deviation and plotted for ANOVA statistical analysis in the Instat program. In the AL experiment, DALG glycemia was significantly lower than DCG (p<0.05) at the end of the experiment. The histomorphometric parameters of the seminiferous tubules and epididymal showed no improvement in the diabetic group supplemented with AL (p>0.05). However, there was an improvement in DALG in concentration, motility and% of sperm pathologies, as well as in the number of Sertoli cells (p<0.001). The corticalmedullary ratio of the DCG showed a lower mean compared to DALG (p<0.001). In the glomerular areas and VvG, diabetic groups were significantly lower than normal groups (p<0.001). However, DALG showed a significant increase in CRA, GA and ECA compared to DCG (p<0.005). The VvLT of the cortical region, the DCG presented a higher percentage (9.73±1.55%) compared to the DALG (5.05±1.3%) (p<0.001). The normal groups did not show tubular changes (p>0.05). There was no significant change in the diabetic groups in the podocyte count (P>0.05). There was no significance in DALG in the analysis of the structure of the urinary bladder (p>0.05). In the guarana experiment, glycemic levels, weekly consumption, weight of DGG animals and ratio of proportion of the cortical region of the kidney were not improved with supplementation (p>0.05). In the renal evaluation, the DGG had greater renal weight (p<0.0018) and greater glomerular areas (p<0.001). In the glomerular volumetric density, DGG presented a higher percentage of glomeruli compared to DCG. The results showed changes in reproductive morphology and diabetic nephropathy. Supplementation with AL can delay testicular lesions, preserving the spermatogenesis process. In addition, the action of alpha lipoic acid allowed the preservation of the renal parenchyma, decreasing glomerular loss, tubular injury thus preventing renal failure in diabetic rats. The consumption of guarana showed an initial renal response that allowed the preservation of the glomeruli in the cortical region, slowing the progression of DM when compared to the beneficial action of AL.