Background: Bungarus multicinctus is one of the most dangerous venomous snakes prone to cardiopulmonary damage with extremely high mortality. In our previous work, we found that glutamine (Gln) and glutamine synthetase (GS) in pig serum were significantly reduced after Bungarus multicinctus bite. In the present study, to explore whether there is a link between the pathogenesis of cardiopulmonary injury and Gln metabolic changes induced by Bungarus multicinctus venom. We investigated the effect of Gln supplementation on the lung and heart function after snakebite. Methods: We supplemented different concentrations of Gln to mice that were envenomated by Bungarus multicinctus to observe the biological behavior, survival rate, hematological and pathological changes. Gln was supplemented immediately or one hour after the venom injection, and then changes in Gln metabolism were analyzed. Subsequently, to further explore the protective mechanism of glutamine on tissue damage, we measured the expression of heat-shock protein70 (HSP70), NF-κB P65, P53/PUMA by western blotting and real-time polymerase in the lung and heart. Results: Gln supplementation delayed the envenoming symptoms, reduced mortality, and alleviated the histopathological changes in the heart and lung of mice bitten by Bungarus multicinctus. Additionally, Gln increased the activity of glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and glutaminase (GLS) in serum. It also balanced the transporter SLC7A11 expression in heart and lung tissues. Bungarus multicinctus venom induced the NF-κB nuclear translocation in the lung, while the HO-1 expression was suppressed. At the same time, venom activated the P53/PUMA signaling pathway and the BAX expression in the heart. Gln treatment reversed the above phenomenon and increased HSP70 expression. Conclusion: Gln alleviated the glutamine metabolism disorder and cardiopulmonary damage caused by Bungarus multicinctus venom. It may protect lungs and heart against venom by promoting the expression of HSP70, inhibiting the activation of NF-κB and P53/PUMA, thereby delaying the process of snake venom and reducing mortality. The present results indicate that Gln could be a potential treatment for Bungarus multicinctus bite.
Bungarus , Venenos Elapídicos , Lesão Pulmonar/terapia , Glutamina/uso terapêuticoResumo
Erectile dysfunction is caused due to neuropathy, resulting from a high oxidative stress, in this way treatment with antioxidants may be promising. Aim of this work was toinvestigate the effects of the administration of 2% L-glutamine and 1% L-glutathione on the penile tissue of diabetic rats analyzing the nerve fibers that expressing Nitric Oxide Synthase Neuronal (nNOS). Forty-eight male Wistar rats distributed into six groups were used: normoglycemic, diabetic, normoglycemic administered with 2% L-glutamine, normoglycemic administered with 1% L-glutathione, diabetic administered with 2% L-glutamine, and diabetic administered with 1% L-glutathione. After a 120 days experimental period, the animals were euthanized, and the penile tissues were collected and processed for the subsequent immunohistochemical procedure (nNOS) and posterior varicosities morphometry analysis. Diabetic rats administered with L-glutamine and with L-glutathione displayed larger varicosity areas of 14 and 15% compared to the diabetic group (p < 0.05). On the other hand, the administration of 2% L-glutamine and 1% L-glutathione in normoglycemic animals promoted a reduction of 3.3% and 2.4% compared to the normoglycemic group (p < 0.05). We concluded that both L-glutamine and L-glutathione administrations exerted a protective effect on the penile nitrergic innervation of diabetic rats, which can have a positive impact on the erectile function and thattheir use in normoglycemic animals should be better investigated.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Ratos/fisiologia , Glutamina/administração & dosagem , Glutationa/administração & dosagem , Disfunção Erétil/veterinária , Diabetes Mellitus/tratamento farmacológico , Óxido Nítrico/análiseResumo
Abstract Glutamine synthetase (GS), encoded by glnA, catalyzes the conversion of L-glutamate and ammonium to L-glutamine. This ATP hydrolysis driven process is the main nitrogen assimilation pathway in the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. The A. brasilense strain HM053 has poor GS activity and leaks ammonium into the medium under nitrogen fixing conditions. In this work, the glnA genes of the wild type and HM053 strains were cloned into pET28a, sequenced and overexpressed in E. coli. The GS enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography and characterized. The GS of HM053 strain carries a P347L substitution, which results in low enzyme activity and rendered the enzyme insensitive to adenylylation by the adenilyltransferase GlnE.
Resumo A glutamina sintetase (GS), codificada por glnA, catalisa a conversão de L-glutamato e amônio em L-glutamina. Este processo dependente da hidrólise de ATP é a principal via de assimilação de nitrogênio na bactéria fixadora de nitrogênio Azospirillum brasilense. A estirpe HM053 de A. brasilense possui baixa atividade GS e excreta amônio no meio sob condições de fixação de nitrogênio. Neste trabalho, os genes glnA das estirpes do tipo selvagem e HM053 foram clonados em pET28a, sequenciados e superexpressos em E. coli. A enzima GS foi purificada por cromatografia de afinidade e caracterizada. A GS da estirpe HM053 possui uma substituição P347L que resulta em baixa atividade enzimática e torna a enzima insensível à adenililação pela adenililtransferase GlnE.
Glutamine synthetase (GS), encoded by glnA, catalyzes the conversion of L-glutamate and ammonium to L-glutamine. This ATP hydrolysis driven process is the main nitrogen assimilation pathway in the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. The A. brasilense strain HM053 has poor GS activity and leaks ammonium into the medium under nitrogen fixing conditions. In this work, the glnA genes of the wild type and HM053 strains were cloned into pET28a, sequenced and overexpressed in E. coli. The GS enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography and characterized. The GS of HM053 strain carries a P347L substitution, which results in low enzyme activity and rendered the enzyme insensitive to adenylylation by the adenilyltransferase GlnE.
A glutamina sintetase (GS), codificada por glnA, catalisa a conversão de L-glutamato e amônio em L-glutamina. Este processo dependente da hidrólise de ATP é a principal via de assimilação de nitrogênio na bactéria fixadora de nitrogênio Azospirillum brasilense. A estirpe HM053 de A. brasilense possui baixa atividade GS e excreta amônio no meio sob condições de fixação de nitrogênio. Neste trabalho, os genes glnA das estirpes do tipo selvagem e HM053 foram clonados em pET28a, sequenciados e superexpressos em E. coli. A enzima GS foi purificada por cromatografia de afinidade e caracterizada. A GS da estirpe HM053 possui uma substituição P347L que resulta em baixa atividade enzimática e torna a enzima insensível à adenililação pela adenililtransferase GlnE.
Azospirillum brasilense/enzimologia , Azospirillum brasilense/genética , Escherichia coli , Fixação de Nitrogênio , Glutamato-Amônia Ligase/biossínteseResumo
Glutamine synthetase (GS), encoded by glnA, catalyzes the conversion of L-glutamate and ammonium to L-glutamine. This ATP hydrolysis driven process is the main nitrogen assimilation pathway in the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. The A. brasilense strain HM053 has poor GS activity and leaks ammonium into the medium under nitrogen fixing conditions. In this work, the glnA genes of the wild type and HM053 strains were cloned into pET28a, sequenced and overexpressed in E. coli. The GS enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography and characterized. The GS of HM053 strain carries a P347L substitution, which results in low enzyme activity and rendered the enzyme insensitive to adenylylation by the adenilyltransferase GlnE.(AU)
A glutamina sintetase (GS), codificada por glnA, catalisa a conversão de L-glutamato e amônio em L-glutamina. Este processo dependente da hidrólise de ATP é a principal via de assimilação de nitrogênio na bactéria fixadora de nitrogênio Azospirillum brasilense. A estirpe HM053 de A. brasilense possui baixa atividade GS e excreta amônio no meio sob condições de fixação de nitrogênio. Neste trabalho, os genes glnA das estirpes do tipo selvagem e HM053 foram clonados em pET28a, sequenciados e superexpressos em E. coli. A enzima GS foi purificada por cromatografia de afinidade e caracterizada. A GS da estirpe HM053 possui uma substituição P347L que resulta em baixa atividade enzimática e torna a enzima insensível à adenililação pela adenililtransferase GlnE.(AU)
Glutamato-Amônia Ligase/biossíntese , Azospirillum brasilense/enzimologia , Azospirillum brasilense/genética , Fixação de Nitrogênio , Escherichia coliResumo
Glutamine synthetase (GS), encoded by glnA, catalyzes the conversion of L-glutamate and ammonium to L-glutamine. This ATP hydrolysis driven process is the main nitrogen assimilation pathway in the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Azospirillum brasilense. The A. brasilense strain HM053 has poor GS activity and leaks ammonium into the medium under nitrogen fixing conditions. In this work, the glnA genes of the wild type and HM053 strains were cloned into pET28a, sequenced and overexpressed in E. coli. The GS enzyme was purified by affinity chromatography and characterized. The GS of HM053 strain carries a P347L substitution, which results in low enzyme activity and rendered the enzyme insensitive to adenylylation by the adenilyltransferase GlnE.
A glutamina sintetase (GS), codificada por glnA, catalisa a conversão de L-glutamato e amônio em L-glutamina. Este processo dependente da hidrólise de ATP é a principal via de assimilação de nitrogênio na bactéria fixadora de nitrogênio Azospirillum brasilense. A estirpe HM053 de A. brasilense possui baixa atividade GS e excreta amônio no meio sob condições de fixação de nitrogênio. Neste trabalho, os genes glnA das estirpes do tipo selvagem e HM053 foram clonados em pET28a, sequenciados e superexpressos em E. coli. A enzima GS foi purificada por cromatografia de afinidade e caracterizada. A GS da estirpe HM053 possui uma substituição P347L que resulta em baixa atividade enzimática e torna a enzima insensível à adenililação pela adenililtransferase GlnE.
Proteínas de Bactérias/genética , Azospirillum brasilense/enzimologia , Azospirillum brasilense/genética , Compostos de Amônio , Glutamato-Amônia Ligase/genética , Escherichia coli/genéticaResumo
Abstract L-Asparaginase catalysing the breakdown of L-Asparagine to L-Aspartate and ammonia is an enzyme of therapeutic importance in the treatment of cancer, especially the lymphomas and leukaemia. The present study describes the recombinant production, properties and anticancer potential of enzyme from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi. There are two genes coding for asparaginase in the genome of this organism. A 918 bp gene encoding 305 amino acids was PCR amplified and cloned in BL21 (DE3) strain of E. coli using pET28a (+) plasmid. The production of recombinant enzyme was induced under 0.5mM IPTG, purified by selective heat denaturation and ion exchange chromatography. Purified enzyme was analyzed for kinetics, in silico structure and anticancer properties. The recombinant enzyme has shown a molecular weight of 33 kDa, specific activity of 1175 U/mg, KM value 2.05mM, optimum temperature and pH 80°C and 8 respectively. No detectable enzyme activity found when L-Glutamine was used as the substrate. In silico studies have shown that the enzyme exists as a homodimer having Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172, and Lys232 being the putative active site residues. The free energy change calculated by molecular docking studies of enzyme and substrate was found as G 4.5 kJ/mole indicating the affinity of enzyme with the substrate. IC50 values of 5U/mL to 7.5U/mL were determined for FB, caco2 cells and HepG2 cells. A calculated amount of enzyme (5U/mL) exhibited 78% to 55% growth inhibition of caco2 and HepG2 cells. In conclusion, the recombinant enzyme produced and characterized in the present study offers a good candidate for the treatment of cancer. The procedures adopted in the present study can be prolonged for in vivo studies.
Resumo A L-asparaginase, que catalisa a degradação da L-asparagina em L-aspartato e amônia, é uma enzima de importância terapêutica no tratamento do câncer, especialmente dos linfomas e da leucemia. O presente estudo descreve a produção recombinante, propriedades e potencial anticancerígeno da enzima de Pyrococcus abyssi, um archaeon hipertermofílico. Existem dois genes que codificam para a asparaginase no genoma desse organismo. Um gene de 918 bp, que codifica 305 aminoácidos, foi amplificado por PCR e clonado na cepa BL21 (DE3) de E. coli usando o plasmídeo pET28a (+). A produção da enzima recombinante foi induzida sob 0,5mM de IPTG, purificada por desnaturação seletiva por calor e cromatografia de troca iônica. A enzima purificada foi analisada quanto à cinética, estrutura in silico e propriedades anticancerígenas. A enzima recombinante apresentou peso molecular de 33 kDa, atividade específica de 1.175 U / mg, valor de KM 2,05 mM, temperatura ótima de 80º C e pH 8. Nenhuma atividade enzimática detectável foi encontrada quando a L-glutamina foi usada como substrato. Estudos in silico mostraram que a enzima existe como um homodímero, com Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172 e Lys232 sendo os resíduos do local ativo putativo. A mudança de energia livre calculada por estudos de docking molecular da enzima e do substrato foi encontrada como G 4,5 kJ / mol, indicando a afinidade da enzima com o substrato. Valores de IC50 de 5U / mL a 7,5U / mL foram determinados para células FB, células caco2 e células HepG2. Uma quantidade de enzima (5U / mL) apresentou inibição de crescimento de 78% a 55% das células caco2 e HepG2, respectivamente. Em conclusão, a enzima recombinante produzida e caracterizada no presente estudo é uma boa possibilidade para o tratamento do câncer. Os procedimentos adotados na presente pesquisa podem ser aplicados para estudos in vivo.
L-Asparaginase catalysing the breakdown of L-Asparagine to L-Aspartate and ammonia is an enzyme of therapeutic importance in the treatment of cancer, especially the lymphomas and leukaemia. The present study describes the recombinant production, properties and anticancer potential of enzyme from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi. There are two genes coding for asparaginase in the genome of this organism. A 918 bp gene encoding 305 amino acids was PCR amplified and cloned in BL21 (DE3) strain of E. coli using pET28a (+) plasmid. The production of recombinant enzyme was induced under 0.5mM IPTG, purified by selective heat denaturation and ion exchange chromatography. Purified enzyme was analyzed for kinetics, in silico structure and anticancer properties. The recombinant enzyme has shown a molecular weight of 33 kDa, specific activity of 1175 U/mg, KM value 2.05mM, optimum temperature and pH 80°C and 8 respectively. No detectable enzyme activity found when L-Glutamine was used as the substrate. In silico studies have shown that the enzyme exists as a homodimer having Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172, and Lys232 being the putative active site residues. The free energy change calculated by molecular docking studies of enzyme and substrate was found as ∆G 4.5 kJ/mole indicating the affinity of enzyme with the substrate. IC50 values of 5U/mL to 7.5U/mL were determined for FB, caco2 cells and HepG2 cells. A calculated amount of enzyme (5U/mL) exhibited 78% to 55% growth inhibition of caco2 and HepG2 cells. In conclusion, the recombinant enzyme produced and characterized in the present study offers a good candidate for the treatment of cancer. The procedures adopted in the present study can be prolonged for in vivo studies.
A L-asparaginase, que catalisa a degradação da L-asparagina em L-aspartato e amônia, é uma enzima de importância terapêutica no tratamento do câncer, especialmente dos linfomas e da leucemia. O presente estudo descreve a produção recombinante, propriedades e potencial anticancerígeno da enzima de Pyrococcus abyssi, um archaeon hipertermofílico. Existem dois genes que codificam para a asparaginase no genoma desse organismo. Um gene de 918 bp, que codifica 305 aminoácidos, foi amplificado por PCR e clonado na cepa BL21 (DE3) de E. coli usando o plasmídeo pET28a (+). A produção da enzima recombinante foi induzida sob 0,5mM de IPTG, purificada por desnaturação seletiva por calor e cromatografia de troca iônica. A enzima purificada foi analisada quanto à cinética, estrutura in silico e propriedades anticancerígenas. A enzima recombinante apresentou peso molecular de 33 kDa, atividade específica de 1.175 U / mg, valor de KM 2,05 mM, temperatura ótima de 80º C e pH 8. Nenhuma atividade enzimática detectável foi encontrada quando a L-glutamina foi usada como substrato. Estudos in silico mostraram que a enzima existe como um homodímero, com Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172 e Lys232 sendo os resíduos do local ativo putativo. A mudança de energia livre calculada por estudos de docking molecular da enzima e do substrato foi encontrada como ∆G 4,5 kJ / mol, indicando a afinidade da enzima com o substrato. Valores de IC50 de 5U / mL a 7,5U / mL foram determinados para células FB, células caco2 e células HepG2. Uma quantidade de enzima (5U / mL) apresentou inibição de crescimento de 78% a 55% das células caco2 e HepG2, respectivamente. Em conclusão, a enzima recombinante produzida e caracterizada no presente estudo é uma boa possibilidade para o tratamento do câncer. Os procedimentos adotados na presente pesquisa podem ser aplicados para estudos in vivo.
Anticarcinógenos/análise , Asparaginase/genética , Leucemia/tratamento farmacológico , Linfoma/tratamento farmacológico , Pyrococcus abyssi/enzimologiaResumo
L-Asparaginase catalysing the breakdown of L-Asparagine to L-Aspartate and ammonia is an enzyme of therapeutic importance in the treatment of cancer, especially the lymphomas and leukaemia. The present study describes the recombinant production, properties and anticancer potential of enzyme from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi. There are two genes coding for asparaginase in the genome of this organism. A 918 bp gene encoding 305 amino acids was PCR amplified and cloned in BL21 (DE3) strain of E. coli using pET28a (+) plasmid. The production of recombinant enzyme was induced under 0.5mM IPTG, purified by selective heat denaturation and ion exchange chromatography. Purified enzyme was analyzed for kinetics, in silico structure and anticancer properties. The recombinant enzyme has shown a molecular weight of 33 kDa, specific activity of 1175 U/mg, KM value 2.05mM, optimum temperature and pH 80°C and 8 respectively. No detectable enzyme activity found when L-Glutamine was used as the substrate. In silico studies have shown that the enzyme exists as a homodimer having Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172, and Lys232 being the putative active site residues. The free energy change calculated by molecular docking studies of enzyme and substrate was found as ∆G 4.5 kJ/mole indicating the affinity of enzyme with the substrate. IC50 values of 5U/mL to 7.5U/mL were determined for FB, caco2 cells and HepG2 cells. A calculated amount of enzyme (5U/mL) exhibited 78% to 55% growth inhibition of caco2 and HepG2 cells. In conclusion, the recombinant enzyme produced and characterized in the present study offers a good candidate for the treatment of cancer. The procedures adopted in the present study can be prolonged for in vivo studies.(AU)
A L-asparaginase, que catalisa a degradação da L-asparagina em L-aspartato e amônia, é uma enzima de importância terapêutica no tratamento do câncer, especialmente dos linfomas e da leucemia. O presente estudo descreve a produção recombinante, propriedades e potencial anticancerígeno da enzima de Pyrococcus abyssi, um archaeon hipertermofílico. Existem dois genes que codificam para a asparaginase no genoma desse organismo. Um gene de 918 bp, que codifica 305 aminoácidos, foi amplificado por PCR e clonado na cepa BL21 (DE3) de E. coli usando o plasmídeo pET28a (+). A produção da enzima recombinante foi induzida sob 0,5mM de IPTG, purificada por desnaturação seletiva por calor e cromatografia de troca iônica. A enzima purificada foi analisada quanto à cinética, estrutura in silico e propriedades anticancerígenas. A enzima recombinante apresentou peso molecular de 33 kDa, atividade específica de 1.175 U / mg, valor de KM 2,05 mM, temperatura ótima de 80º C e pH 8. Nenhuma atividade enzimática detectável foi encontrada quando a L-glutamina foi usada como substrato. Estudos in silico mostraram que a enzima existe como um homodímero, com Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172 e Lys232 sendo os resíduos do local ativo putativo. A mudança de energia livre calculada por estudos de docking molecular da enzima e do substrato foi encontrada como ∆G 4,5 kJ / mol, indicando a afinidade da enzima com o substrato. Valores de IC50 de 5U / mL a 7,5U / mL foram determinados para células FB, células caco2 e células HepG2. Uma quantidade de enzima (5U / mL) apresentou inibição de crescimento de 78% a 55% das células caco2 e HepG2, respectivamente. Em conclusão, a enzima recombinante produzida e caracterizada no presente estudo é uma boa possibilidade para o tratamento do câncer. Os procedimentos adotados na presente pesquisa podem ser aplicados para estudos in vivo.(AU)
Linfoma/tratamento farmacológico , Leucemia/tratamento farmacológico , Pyrococcus abyssi/enzimologia , Anticarcinógenos/análise , Asparaginase/genéticaResumo
L-Asparaginase catalysing the breakdown of L-Asparagine to L-Aspartate and ammonia is an enzyme of therapeutic importance in the treatment of cancer, especially the lymphomas and leukaemia. The present study describes the recombinant production, properties and anticancer potential of enzyme from a hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi. There are two genes coding for asparaginase in the genome of this organism. A 918 bp gene encoding 305 amino acids was PCR amplified and cloned in BL21 (DE3) strain of E. coli using pET28a (+) plasmid. The production of recombinant enzyme was induced under 0.5mM IPTG, purified by selective heat denaturation and ion exchange chromatography. Purified enzyme was analyzed for kinetics, in silico structure and anticancer properties. The recombinant enzyme has shown a molecular weight of 33 kDa, specific activity of 1175 U/mg, KM value 2.05mM, optimum temperature and pH 80°C and 8 respectively. No detectable enzyme activity found when L-Glutamine was used as the substrate. In silico studies have shown that the enzyme exists as a homodimer having Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172, and Lys232 being the putative active site residues. The free energy change calculated by molecular docking studies of enzyme and substrate was found as ∆G 4.5 kJ/mole indicating the affinity of enzyme with the substrate. IC50 values of 5U/mL to 7.5U/mL were determined for FB, caco2 cells and HepG2 cells. A calculated amount of enzyme (5U/mL) exhibited 78% to 55% growth inhibition of caco2 and HepG2 cells. In conclusion, the recombinant enzyme produced and characterized in the present study offers a good candidate for the treatment of cancer. The procedures adopted in the present study can be prolonged for in vivo studies.
A L-asparaginase, que catalisa a degradação da L-asparagina em L-aspartato e amônia, é uma enzima de importância terapêutica no tratamento do câncer, especialmente dos linfomas e da leucemia. O presente estudo descreve a produção recombinante, propriedades e potencial anticancerígeno da enzima de Pyrococcus abyssi, um archaeon hipertermofílico. Existem dois genes que codificam para a asparaginase no genoma desse organismo. Um gene de 918 bp, que codifica 305 aminoácidos, foi amplificado por PCR e clonado na cepa BL21 (DE3) de E. coli usando o plasmídeo pET28a (+). A produção da enzima recombinante foi induzida sob 0,5mM de IPTG, purificada por desnaturação seletiva por calor e cromatografia de troca iônica. A enzima purificada foi analisada quanto à cinética, estrutura in silico e propriedades anticancerígenas. A enzima recombinante apresentou peso molecular de 33 kDa, atividade específica de 1.175 U / mg, valor de KM 2,05 mM, temperatura ótima de 80º C e pH 8. Nenhuma atividade enzimática detectável foi encontrada quando a L-glutamina foi usada como substrato. Estudos in silico mostraram que a enzima existe como um homodímero, com Arg11, Ala87, Thr110, His112, Gln142, Leu172 e Lys232 sendo os resíduos do local ativo putativo. A mudança de energia livre calculada por estudos de docking molecular da enzima e do substrato foi encontrada como ∆G 4,5 kJ / mol, indicando a afinidade da enzima com o substrato. Valores de IC50 de 5U / mL a 7,5U / mL foram determinados para células FB, células caco2 e células HepG2. Uma quantidade de enzima (5U / mL) apresentou inibição de crescimento de 78% a 55% das células caco2 e HepG2, respectivamente. Em conclusão, a enzima recombinante produzida e caracterizada no presente estudo é uma boa possibilidade para o tratamento do câncer. Os procedimentos adotados na presente pesquisa podem ser aplicados para estudos in vivo.
Humanos , Asparaginase/biossíntese , Asparaginase/farmacologia , Pyrococcus abyssi/enzimologia , Antineoplásicos/farmacologia , Especificidade por Substrato , Estabilidade Enzimática , Proteínas Recombinantes/biossíntese , Proteínas Recombinantes/farmacologia , Células CACO-2 , Escherichia coli/genética , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , Concentração de Íons de HidrogênioResumo
Abstract Glutamine is often used to treat metabolic changes associated with anorexia-cachexia syndrome in patients with malignant neoplasms. Walker 256 tumor is an excellent model for studying these changes associated with cancer in different organs, including injuries in testicular functions. However, the effects of supplementing glutamine on testicular morphometry in this model have not yet been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of L-glutamine supplementation on testicular morphometry in rats transplanted with Walker 256 tumor cells. Forty puberty Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control without L-glutamine (C); control supplemented with L-glutamine (CG); inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells (WT) and inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells and supplemented with L-glutamine (WTG). The testicles were removed, weighed, fixed in Bouin, and included in paraffin for histomorphometric analysis. Walker 256 tumor caused quantitative changes in the tubular and intertubular compartments and tunica albuginea, with reductions in the percentages of lumen and tunica albuginea, number of Sertoli cells per gram of testis; number of Leydig cells; percentage of blood vessels and connective tissue in intertubule. However, glutamine supplementation prevented part of these changes caused by the tumor, presenting mainly a protective effect on the tunica albuginea and percentage of blood and lymph vessels in the intertubule. These results indicate the potential of L-glutamine was able to recover for testicular dysfunction associated with cancer.
Glutamine is often used to treat metabolic changes associated with anorexia-cachexia syndrome in patients with malignant neoplasms. Walker 256 tumor is an excellent model for studying these changes associated with cancer in different organs, including injuries in testicular functions. However, the effects of supplementing glutamine on testicular morphometry in this model have not yet been investigated. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of L-glutamine supplementation on testicular morphometry in rats transplanted with Walker 256 tumor cells. Forty puberty Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control without L-glutamine (C); control supplemented with L-glutamine (CG); inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells (WT) and inoculated with Walker 256 tumor cells and supplemented with L-glutamine (WTG). The testicles were removed, weighed, fixed in Bouin, and included in paraffin for histomorphometric analysis. Walker 256 tumor caused quantitative changes in the tubular and intertubular compartments and tunica albuginea, with reductions in the percentages of lumen and tunica albuginea, number of Sertoli cells per gram of testis; number of Leydig cells; percentage of blood vessels and connective tissue in intertubule. However, glutamine supplementation prevented part of these changes caused by the tumor, presenting mainly a protective effect on the tunica albuginea and percentage of blood and lymph vessels in the intertubule. These results indicate the potential of L-glutamine was able to recover for testicular dysfunction associated with cancer.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Ratos/anatomia & histologia , Neoplasias Testiculares/diagnóstico , Glutamina/análiseResumo
Post-hatch delayed placement damages, physical and physiological development of broiler chicks. The objective of this study was to ascertain adequate levels of glutamine inclusion in post-hatch and pre-starter feed, in order to minimize the negative effects of post-hatch delayed placement on broiler chicks. The birds were distributed in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and five replicates of ten birds each. Four levels of glutamine supplementation (0, 1, 2 and 3%) were used in the pre-starter feed, which was given to the chicks in the transportation box and during the pre-starter phase. After 24 hours of access to this feed, and at 7 days of age, the chicks performance, yolk sac retraction, plasma glucose concentration, weight and small-intestine histomorphometry were evaluated. From seven to ten days of age, a metabolizability assay was performed. Glutamine supplementation tended to increase the use of the yolk sac, the concentration of plasma glucose (p 0.10) and the depth of the crypt in the ileum after 24 hours of life (p 0.05). There was no statistical difference between the glutamine supplementation levels, in relation to glucose, histomorphometry or metabolizability in the pre-starter phase. Glutamine concentrations did not differ in relation to performance, histomorphometry of the small intestine or metabolizability of nutrients in the pre-starter phase.(AU)
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Galinhas/metabolismo , Glutamina/administração & dosagem , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
Post-hatch delayed placement damages, physical and physiological development of broiler chicks. The objective of this study was to ascertain adequate levels of glutamine inclusion in post-hatch and pre-starter feed, in order to minimize the negative effects of post-hatch delayed placement on broiler chicks. The birds were distributed in a completely randomized design, with four treatments and five replicates of ten birds each. Four levels of glutamine supplementation (0, 1, 2 and 3%) were used in the pre-starter feed, which was given to the chicks in the transportation box and during the pre-starter phase. After 24 hours of access to this feed, and at 7 days of age, the chicks performance, yolk sac retraction, plasma glucose concentration, weight and small-intestine histomorphometry were evaluated. From seven to ten days of age, a metabolizability assay was performed. Glutamine supplementation tended to increase the use of the yolk sac, the concentration of plasma glucose (p 0.10) and the depth of the crypt in the ileum after 24 hours of life (p 0.05). There was no statistical difference between the glutamine supplementation levels, in relation to glucose, histomorphometry or metabolizability in the pre-starter phase. Glutamine concentrations did not differ in relation to performance, histomorphometry of the small intestine or metabolizability of nutrients in the pre-starter phase.
Animais , Recém-Nascido , Galinhas/metabolismo , Glutamina/administração & dosagem , Ração Animal/análiseResumo
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar os efeitos da nutrição parenteral total ou enteral, associadas ou não à glutamina, sobre a motilidade gastrintestinal em equinos submetidos à inanição e realimentação. Foram utilizados 16 equinos adultos hígidos, sem raça definida, de ambos os sexos, quatro machos e 12 fêmeas, com idade variando entre quatro e 14 anos e peso corporal médio de 248,40 + 2,28 kg, divididos em quatro grupos, quatro animais por grupo: Grupo I (ENTGL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos associada a glutamina; Grupo II (PARGL): Nutrição parenteral total (NPT) associada a glutamina; Grupo III (ENTFL): fluidoterapia enteral com eletrólitos; Grupo IV (PARFL): fluidoterapia parenteral. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, em um esquema fatorial 4x12 (grupos x tempo de colheita), para cada fase, e suas médias comparadas pelo teste de Duncan ao nível de 5% de significância. Independente do grupo experimental ocorreu redução da motilidade gastrintestinal durante a fase de inanição, mais pronunciada nos grupos PARGL e PARFL. Uma vez restabelecida a alimentação a motilidade gastrintestinal retornou à normalidade.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of enteral or total parenteral nutrition, associated or not with glutamine, on gastrointestinal motility in horses subjected to starvation and refeeding. 16 healthy, mixed-breed adult horses of both sexes, four geldings and 12 mares, with ages ranging from four to 14 years and an average body weight of 248.40 + 2.28 kg, were divided into four groups, four animals per group: Group I (ENTGL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes associated with glutamine; Group II (PARGL): total parenteral nutrition (TPN) associated with glutamine; Group III (ENTFL): enteral fluid therapy with electrolytes; Group IV (PARFL): parenteral fluid therapy. The experimental design was entirely randomized, in a 4x12 factorial scheme (groups x harvest time), for each phase, and their means compared by the Duncan test at the level of 5% significance. Regardless of the experimental group, there was a reduction in gastrointestinal motility during the starvation phase, which was more pronounced in the PARGL and PARFL groups. Once the food was restored, gastrointestinal motility returned to normal.
Animais , Nutrição Enteral/veterinária , Nutrição Parenteral Total/veterinária , Motilidade Gastrointestinal , Cavalos , Inanição/veterinária , Glutamina/uso terapêuticoResumo
To investigate the protective effect of glutamine (Gln) on lymphocyte proliferation and the intestinal mucosal immune response in heat-stressed broilers, 360 21-day-old Arbor Acres (AA) broilers were assigned to 4 groups in a completely randomized design, each of which included 6 replicates with 15 birds per replicate for 21 days. The chickens were fed a basal diet under no stress (NS group), a basal diet under heat stress (HT group), or a basal diet under heat stress with the addition of either 0.5 % or 1.0 % Gln. The results showed that the broilers in the HT group exhibited fewer proliferating peripheral lymphocytes, a lower growth performance, phagocytic rate and index of neutrophils, fewer goblet cells in whole intestine and intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) cells in the ileum, a lower sIgA content in the duodenum and the jejunum, a lower immunoglobulin content of serum and intestinal mucosa, than those of the NS group (p<0.05). Diets supplemented with Gln increased growth performance, the number of proliferating peripheral lymphocytes, the phagocytic rate and phagocytic index of neutrophils, the number of whole intestine goblet cells and ileum IEL cells, the sIgA contents of the duodenum and the jejunum, and the immunoglobulin contents of serum and intestinal mucosa (p<0.05) in broilers exposed to HT. In conclusion, Gln can enhance intestinal immune function in broiler chickens by stimulating T and B lymphocyte proliferation, increasing the number of goblet cells and IEL cells, as well as increasing the content of sIgA and immunoglobulin secretion.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/microbiologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Glutamina/análise , Imunidade nas Mucosas , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , LinfócitosResumo
To investigate the protective effect of glutamine (Gln) on lymphocyte proliferation and the intestinal mucosal immune response in heat-stressed broilers, 360 21-day-old Arbor Acres (AA) broilers were assigned to 4 groups in a completely randomized design, each of which included 6 replicates with 15 birds per replicate for 21 days. The chickens were fed a basal diet under no stress (NS group), a basal diet under heat stress (HT group), or a basal diet under heat stress with the addition of either 0.5 % or 1.0 % Gln. The results showed that the broilers in the HT group exhibited fewer proliferating peripheral lymphocytes, a lower growth performance, phagocytic rate and index of neutrophils, fewer goblet cells in whole intestine and intraepithelial lymphocyte (IEL) cells in the ileum, a lower sIgA content in the duodenum and the jejunum, a lower immunoglobulin content of serum and intestinal mucosa, than those of the NS group (p<0.05). Diets supplemented with Gln increased growth performance, the number of proliferating peripheral lymphocytes, the phagocytic rate and phagocytic index of neutrophils, the number of whole intestine goblet cells and ileum IEL cells, the sIgA contents of the duodenum and the jejunum, and the immunoglobulin contents of serum and intestinal mucosa (p<0.05) in broilers exposed to HT. In conclusion, Gln can enhance intestinal immune function in broiler chickens by stimulating T and B lymphocyte proliferation, increasing the number of goblet cells and IEL cells, as well as increasing the content of sIgA and immunoglobulin secretion.
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/microbiologia , Glutamina/análise , Imunidade nas Mucosas , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , LinfócitosResumo
The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels of associated glutamine and glutamic acid on growth performance and intestinal development of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, fingerlings. Five isoproteic (~344.70 g kg−1 crude protein) and isocaloric diets (~3,925 kcal kg−1 gross energy) were developed containing 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20 g kg−1 of associated glutamine and glutamic acid in extruded diets. Fish (n = 2,000, mean body weight of 2.12±0.53 g) were distributed into twenty 1-m3 floating net cages in an entirely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates, and each replicate comprised one floating net cage with 100 fish. Fish were hand-fed seven days per week, three times a day until apparent satiety for 45 days. There was a quadratic effect on final body weight, body weight gain, daily weight gain, feed conversion ratio, protein retention efficiency, net protein utilization, and intestinal villi height with optimized values for supplementation of associated glutamine and glutamic acid at 10.77, 10.67, 10.00, 8.85, 9.85, 10.15, and 10.98 g kg−1, respectively. There was no effect of associated glutamine and glutamic acid supplementation on feed intake, survival, and body composition. We conclude that 10.67 g kg−1 of associated glutamine and glutamic acid is adequate for growth performance optimization, and supplementation at 10.98 g kg−1 exerts trophic action and improves intestinal morphometry in cage-farmed Nile tilapia fingerlings.
Animais , Ácido Glutâmico/administração & dosagem , Ciclídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Glutamina/administração & dosagem , Intestinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Ração Animal/análise , Aquicultura , Suplementos Nutricionais , AminoácidosResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar a suplementação de L-glutamina e zinco em dietas para frangos de corte criados em condições naturais de calor sobre o desempenho produtivo nos períodos de 1 a 7 e de 1 a 21 dias de idade; e o peso dos órgãos digestivos e do coração aos 21 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 630 pintos de corte da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizados em esquema 2 (1 e 2% de L-glutamina) x 3 (0, 90, e 120 mg de zinco/kg de ração) + 1 (dieta controle), totalizando sete tratamentos e cinco repetições com 18 aves cada. A suplementação combinada de L-glutamina e zinco não influenciou as variáveis avaliadas, porém a suplementação isolada de L-glutamina proporcionou maior viabilidade criatória e índice de eficiência produtiva, além de maior peso de fígado e moela dos animais. Da mesma forma, o zinco de forma isolada interferiu de maneira linear decrescente nos pesos relativos do fígado, moela, pâncreas e coração. Concluem-se que dietas suplementadas com1% de L-glutamina melhoram a viabilidade criatória, o índice de eficiência produtiva, o peso de fígado e moela de frangos de corte na fase de 1 a 21 dias de idade, bem como que a adição de zinco interfere no peso dos órgãos digestivos e coração das aves criadas em condições naturais de calor.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the supplementation of L-glutamine and zinc in diets for broilers reared in natural conditions of heat on the productive performance in the periods from 1 to 7 and from 1 to 21 days of age and, weight of digestive organs and heart at 21 days of age. Six hundred and thirty Ross broiler chicks were used, distributed in a completely randomized design, in scheme 2 (1 and 2% L-glutamine) x 3 (0, 90, and 120 mg of zinc/kg of feed) + 1 (diet control), totaling seven treatments and five repetitions, with 18 birds each. The combined supplementation of L-glutamine and zinc did not influence the variables evaluated, however the isolated supplementation of L-glutamine provided greater creative viability and productive efficiency index in addition toa greater weight of liver and gizzard of the animals. Likewise, zinc alone interfered in a linear decreasing manner on the relative weights of the liver, gizzard, pancreas and heart. Diets supplemented with 1% L-glutamine improve the creative viability, the production efficiency index, the weight of liver and gizzards of broilers in the phase from1 to 21 days of age and the addition of zinc interferes in the weight of the digestive organs and heart of birds raised in natural heat.
Animais , Dieta/efeitos adversos , Dieta/veterinária , Galinhas/metabolismo , Glutamina/efeitos adversos , Sistema Digestório/efeitos dos fármacos , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos , Zinco/efeitos adversosResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar a suplementação de L-glutamina e zinco em dietas para frangos de corte criados em condições naturais de calor sobre o desempenho produtivo nos períodos de 1 a 7 e de 1 a 21 dias de idade; e o peso dos órgãos digestivos e do coração aos 21 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 630 pintos de corte da linhagem Ross, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizados em esquema 2 (1 e 2% de L-glutamina) x 3 (0, 90, e 120 mg de zinco/kg de ração) + 1 (dieta controle), totalizando sete tratamentos e cinco repetições com 18 aves cada. A suplementação combinada de L-glutamina e zinco não influenciou as variáveis avaliadas, porém a suplementação isolada de L-glutamina proporcionou maior viabilidade criatória e índice de eficiência produtiva, além de maior peso de fígado e moela dos animais. Da mesma forma, o zinco de forma isolada interferiu de maneira linear decrescente nos pesos relativos do fígado, moela, pâncreas e coração. Concluem-se que dietas suplementadas com1% de L-glutamina melhoram a viabilidade criatória, o índice de eficiência produtiva, o peso de fígado e moela de frangos de corte na fase de 1 a 21 dias de idade, bem como que a adição de zinco interfere no peso dos órgãos digestivos e coração das aves criadas em condições naturais de calor.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the supplementation of L-glutamine and zinc in diets for broilers reared in natural conditions of heat on the productive performance in the periods from 1 to 7 and from 1 to 21 days of age and, weight of digestive organs and heart at 21 days of age. Six hundred and thirty Ross broiler chicks were used, distributed in a completely randomized design, in scheme 2 (1 and 2% L-glutamine) x 3 (0, 90, and 120 mg of zinc/kg of feed) + 1 (diet control), totaling seven treatments and five repetitions, with 18 birds each. The combined supplementation of L-glutamine and zinc did not influence the variables evaluated, however the isolated supplementation of L-glutamine provided greater creative viability and productive efficiency index in addition toa greater weight of liver and gizzard of the animals. Likewise, zinc alone interfered in a linear decreasing manner on the relative weights of the liver, gizzard, pancreas and heart. Diets supplemented with 1% L-glutamine improve the creative viability, the production efficiency index, the weight of liver and gizzards of broilers in the phase from1 to 21 days of age and the addition of zinc interferes in the weight of the digestive organs and heart of birds raised in natural heat.(AU)