The objective of this study was to describe the growth curve of Brazilian Creole chickens of the Canela-Preta breed raised in two different rearing systems using non-linear growth models. A total of 400 birds were divided into two groups of 200 animals (of both genders), which were kept in confined or semi-confined systems. The confined birds were housed in an experimental masonry shed and the semi-confined animals were housed in another shed with access to pasture from 29 days of age. Birds were individually weighed every seven days during six months for determination of the growth curves of body weight using 10 non-linear models. The parameters of the models were estimated using the Gauss Newton method. The performance of the models was assessed using mean squared error (MSE), coefficient of determination (R2), percentage of convergence, and residual mean absolute deviation (MAD). With the exception of the Inverse Polynomial, all the other models had R2 values close to one. Therefore, the best models were chosen based on the lowest MSE and MAD values, with the Richards model ranking first followed by the Von Bertalanffy model. Gender and rearing system effects significantly influenced (p<0.05) some parameters of the Richards model. In conclusion, the Richards model was the most adequate to describe the growth of Canela-Preta chickens. Gender and rearing system significantly influenced the growth of the birds. The growth rates observed indicated that management strategies can be performed to increase the production efficiency of Canela-Preta chickens.(AU)
Animais , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dinâmica não LinearResumo
The objective of this work was to compare three methods for estimating the optimal plot size to evaluate the fresh matter productivity of white oat (Avena sativa L.), IPR Suprema cultivar. Six uniformity trials (blank experiments) were carried out, three trials on the first sowing date (May 3, 2021) and three trials on the second sowing date (May 26, 2021). Fresh matter productivity was evaluated in 216 basic experimental units (BEU) of 1 m × 1 m (36 BEU per trial). The BEU was formed by five rows of 1.0 m in length, spaced 0.20 m apart, totaling 1.0 m2. The optimal plot size was determined using the methods of modified maximum curvature, linear response and plateau model and quadratic response and plateau model. The optimal plot size differs between the methods and decreases in the following order: quadratic response and plateau model (11.09 m2), linear response and plateau model (7.65 m2) and modified maximum curvature (4.00 m2). The optimal plot size to evaluate the fresh matter productivity of white oat is 7.65 m2 and the experimental precision stabilizes from this size on.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar três métodos de estimação do tamanho ótimo de parcela para avaliar a produtividade de matéria fresca de aveia branca (Avena sativa L.), cultivar IPR Suprema. Foram conduzidos seis ensaios de uniformidade (experimentos em branco), sendo três na primeira data de semeadura (03 de maio de 2021) e três na segunda data de semeadura (26 de maio de 2021). Foi avaliada a produtividade de matéria fresca em 216 unidades experimentais básicas (UEB) de 1 m × 1 m (36 UEB por ensaio). A UEB foi formada por cinco fileiras de 1,0 m de comprimento, espaçadas 0,20 m entre fileiras, totalizando 1,0 m2. Foi determinado o tamanho ótimo de parcela por meio dos métodos da curvatura máxima modificado, do modelo linear de resposta com platô e do modelo quadrático de resposta com platô. O tamanho ótimo de parcela difere entre os métodos e decresce na seguinte ordem: modelo quadrático de resposta com platô (11,09 m2), modelo linear de resposta com platô (7,65 m2) e curvatura máxima modificado (4,00 m2). O tamanho ótimo de parcela para avaliar a produtividade de matéria fresca de aveia branca é 7,65 m2 e a precisão experimental estabiliza a partir desse tamanho.
Modelos Lineares , Avena/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Growth pattern is essential for economically efficient poultry production. In this study, we aimed to describe the growth curve of chickens of the Canela-Preta breed reared in two different rearing systems, considering their different plumage colors. Initially, 204 one-day-old male and female chicks were randomly distributed in confinement and semi-confinement (102 animals in each system) without separation by gender. The animals were individually identified by wing and foot plastic brands and were weighted every seven days. The body weight and age records were used to estimate the growth curves of the following factors using the Richards model: plumage color, gender, and rearing system. The likelihood ratio test was used to verify the equality of parameters and identify nonlinear models to compare the growth patterns of the evaluated groups. The growth pattern of Canela-Preta chickens changed as a function of gender, plumage color, and rearing system. Females with black plumage, black and gold hens, and males with black and white plumage showed greater sensitivity to changes in rearing systems. Within-breed selection strategies for specific colors can improve the use of growth pattern differences, improving production efficiency. Semi-confinement is suitable for rearing Canela-Preta chickens with any plumage color, as these animals meet the free-range poultry niche market requirements.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Plumas/fisiologia , Dinâmica não LinearResumo
Abstract Ri chicken is the most popular backyard chicken breed in Vietnam, but little is known about the growth curve of this breed. This study compared the performances of models with three parameters (Gompertz, Brody, and Logistic) and models containing four parameters (Richards, Bridges, and Janoschek) for describing the growth of Ri chicken. The bodyweight of Ri chicken was recorded weekly from week 1 to week 19. Growth models were fitted using minpack.lm package in R software and Akaike's information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and root mean square error (RMSE) were used for model comparison. Based on these criteria, the models having four parameters showed better performance than the ones with three parameters, and the Richards model was the best one for males and females. The lowest and highest value of asymmetric weights (α) were obtained by Bridges and Brody models for each of sexes, respectively. Age and weight estimated by the Richard model were 8.46 and 7.51 weeks and 696.88 and 487.58 g for males and for females, respectively. Differences in the growth curves were observed between males and female chicken. Overall, the results suggested using the Richards model for describing the growth curve of Ri chickens. Further studies on the genetics and genomics of the obtained growth parameters are required before using them for the genetic improvement of Ri chickens.
Resumo O frango Ri é a raça de frango de quintal mais popular do Vietnã, mas pouco se sabe sobre a curva de crescimento dessa raça. Este estudo comparou o desempenho de modelos com três parâmetros (Gompertz, Brody e Logistic) e modelos contendo quatro parâmetros (Richards, Bridges e Janoschek) para descrever o crescimento do frango Ri. O peso corporal do frango Ri foi registrado semanalmente da semana 1 à semana 19. Os modelos de crescimento foram ajustados usando o pacote minpack.lm no software R e o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC); critério de informação bayesiano (BIC) e erro quadrático médio (RMSE) foram usados para comparação de modelos. Com base nesses critérios, os modelos com quatro parâmetros apresentaram melhor desempenho do que os com três parâmetros, sendo o modelo de Richards o melhor para homens e mulheres. O menor e o maior valor dos pesos assimétricos (α) foram obtidos pelos modelos Bridges e Brody para cada um dos sexos, respectivamente. A idade e o peso estimados pelo modelo de Richard foram de 8,46 e 7,51 semanas e 696,88 e 487,58 g para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Diferenças nas curvas de crescimento foram observadas entre frangos machos e fêmeas. No geral, os resultados sugeriram o uso do modelo de Richards para descrever a curva de crescimento de frangos Ri. Mais estudos sobre a genética e genômica dos parâmetros de crescimento obtidos são necessários antes de usá-los para o melhoramento genético de frangos Ri.
Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Galinhas , Modelos Teóricos , Peso Corporal , Teorema de Bayes , Povo Asiático , Modelos BiológicosResumo
Several factors alter the quality of the mechanized sowing process of corn, and the use of the statistical process control (SPC) technique not only allows the identification of process limitation points but also ensures the correct functioningand conduction of the mechanized process, determiningcritical factors. that may decrease their performance. In view of the above, the present study aims to qualitatively evaluate, through this technique, the longitudinal distribution of corn seeds as a function of different stands and operational speeds during the sowing process. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design (CBD) with three replications and in a split-plot design. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and when significant, analyzed using Tukey's test, with 5% significance. To carry out the statistical process control, mean and amplitude control charts were used to evaluate the effect of operationalspeed, seed distribution, deposition depth and plant germination. The results indicate that the use of statistical process control is an efficient tool to identify the behavior of the corn sowing process. Based on the results, speeds close to 4.5km/hallowed an efficient sowing process, as it presented a higher percentage of normal spaces in the distribution of maize seeds.(AU)
Vários fatores alteram a qualidade do processo de semeadura mecanizada do milho, e o uso da técnica do controle estatístico de processos (CEP) não só permite a identificação de pontos de limitação do processo como asseguram o correto funcionamento e condução do processo mecanizado determinando fatores críticos que possam diminuir seu desempenho. Diante do exposto, o presente estudo visa avaliar qualitativamente por meio desta técnica a distribuição longitudinal das sementes de milho em função de diferentes estandes e velocidades operacionais durante o processo de semeadura. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento de blocos casualizados (DBC) com três repetições e em esquema de parcela subdividida. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e quando significativos analisados por meio do teste de Tukey, com 5% de significância. Para a realização do controle estatístico de processo, foram utilizadas cartas de controle de média e amplitude para avaliar o efeito da velocidade operacional, distribuição das sementes, a profundidade de deposição e a germinação das plantas. Os resultados indicam que o uso do controle estatístico de processo é uma ferramenta eficiente na identificação do comportamento do processo de semeadura do milho. Com base nos resultados, velocidades próximas a 4.5 km/hpermitiram um processo de semeadura eficiente por apresentar maior percentual de espaços normais na distribuição de sementes de milho.(AU)
Modelos Estatísticos , Zea mays/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Automação/métodos , Germinação/fisiologiaResumo
Abstract Ri chicken is the most popular backyard chicken breed in Vietnam, but little is known about the growth curve of this breed. This study compared the performances of models with three parameters (Gompertz, Brody, and Logistic) and models containing four parameters (Richards, Bridges, and Janoschek) for describing the growth of Ri chicken. The bodyweight of Ri chicken was recorded weekly from week 1 to week 19. Growth models were fitted using minpack.lm package in R software and Akaikes information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and root mean square error (RMSE) were used for model comparison. Based on these criteria, the models having four parameters showed better performance than the ones with three parameters, and the Richards model was the best one for males and females. The lowest and highest value of asymmetric weights () were obtained by Bridges and Brody models for each of sexes, respectively. Age and weight estimated by the Richard model were 8.46 and 7.51 weeks and 696.88 and 487.58 g for males and for females, respectively. Differences in the growth curves were observed between males and female chicken. Overall, the results suggested using the Richards model for describing the growth curve of Ri chickens. Further studies on the genetics and genomics of the obtained growth parameters are required before using them for the genetic improvement of Ri chickens.
Resumo O frango Ri é a raça de frango de quintal mais popular do Vietnã, mas pouco se sabe sobre a curva de crescimento dessa raça. Este estudo comparou o desempenho de modelos com três parâmetros (Gompertz, Brody e Logistic) e modelos contendo quatro parâmetros (Richards, Bridges e Janoschek) para descrever o crescimento do frango Ri. O peso corporal do frango Ri foi registrado semanalmente da semana 1 à semana 19. Os modelos de crescimento foram ajustados usando o pacote minpack.lm no software R e o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC); critério de informação bayesiano (BIC) e erro quadrático médio (RMSE) foram usados para comparação de modelos. Com base nesses critérios, os modelos com quatro parâmetros apresentaram melhor desempenho do que os com três parâmetros, sendo o modelo de Richards o melhor para homens e mulheres. O menor e o maior valor dos pesos assimétricos () foram obtidos pelos modelos Bridges e Brody para cada um dos sexos, respectivamente. A idade e o peso estimados pelo modelo de Richard foram de 8,46 e 7,51 semanas e 696,88 e 487,58 g para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Diferenças nas curvas de crescimento foram observadas entre frangos machos e fêmeas. No geral, os resultados sugeriram o uso do modelo de Richards para descrever a curva de crescimento de frangos Ri. Mais estudos sobre a genética e genômica dos parâmetros de crescimento obtidos são necessários antes de usá-los para o melhoramento genético de frangos Ri.
Ri chicken is the most popular backyard chicken breed in Vietnam, but little is known about the growth curve of this breed. This study compared the performances of models with three parameters (Gompertz, Brody, and Logistic) and models containing four parameters (Richards, Bridges, and Janoschek) for describing the growth of Ri chicken. The bodyweight of Ri chicken was recorded weekly from week 1 to week 19. Growth models were fitted using minpack.lm package in R software and Akaikes information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and root mean square error (RMSE) were used for model comparison. Based on these criteria, the models having four parameters showed better performance than the ones with three parameters, and the Richards model was the best one for males and females. The lowest and highest value of asymmetric weights (α) were obtained by Bridges and Brody models for each of sexes, respectively. Age and weight estimated by the Richard model were 8.46 and 7.51 weeks and 696.88 and 487.58 g for males and for females, respectively. Differences in the growth curves were observed between males and female chicken. Overall, the results suggested using the Richards model for describing the growth curve of Ri chickens. Further studies on the genetics and genomics of the obtained growth parameters are required before using them for the genetic improvement of Ri chickens.
O frango Ri é a raça de frango de quintal mais popular do Vietnã, mas pouco se sabe sobre a curva de crescimento dessa raça. Este estudo comparou o desempenho de modelos com três parâmetros (Gompertz, Brody e Logistic) e modelos contendo quatro parâmetros (Richards, Bridges e Janoschek) para descrever o crescimento do frango Ri. O peso corporal do frango Ri foi registrado semanalmente da semana 1 à semana 19. Os modelos de crescimento foram ajustados usando o pacote minpack.lm no software R e o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC); critério de informação bayesiano (BIC) e erro quadrático médio (RMSE) foram usados para comparação de modelos. Com base nesses critérios, os modelos com quatro parâmetros apresentaram melhor desempenho do que os com três parâmetros, sendo o modelo de Richards o melhor para homens e mulheres. O menor e o maior valor dos pesos assimétricos (α) foram obtidos pelos modelos Bridges e Brody para cada um dos sexos, respectivamente. A idade e o peso estimados pelo modelo de Richard foram de 8,46 e 7,51 semanas e 696,88 e 487,58 g para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Diferenças nas curvas de crescimento foram observadas entre frangos machos e fêmeas. No geral, os resultados sugeriram o uso do modelo de Richards para descrever a curva de crescimento de frangos Ri. Mais estudos sobre a genética e genômica dos parâmetros de crescimento obtidos são necessários antes de usá-los para o melhoramento genético de frangos Ri.
Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peso CorporalResumo
Ri chicken is the most popular backyard chicken breed in Vietnam, but little is known about the growth curve of this breed. This study compared the performances of models with three parameters (Gompertz, Brody, and Logistic) and models containing four parameters (Richards, Bridges, and Janoschek) for describing the growth of Ri chicken. The bodyweight of Ri chicken was recorded weekly from week 1 to week 19. Growth models were fitted using minpack.lm package in R software and Akaikes information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and root mean square error (RMSE) were used for model comparison. Based on these criteria, the models having four parameters showed better performance than the ones with three parameters, and the Richards model was the best one for males and females. The lowest and highest value of asymmetric weights (α) were obtained by Bridges and Brody models for each of sexes, respectively. Age and weight estimated by the Richard model were 8.46 and 7.51 weeks and 696.88 and 487.58 g for males and for females, respectively. Differences in the growth curves were observed between males and female chicken. Overall, the results suggested using the Richards model for describing the growth curve of Ri chickens. Further studies on the genetics and genomics of the obtained growth parameters are required before using them for the genetic improvement of Ri chickens.(AU)
O frango Ri é a raça de frango de quintal mais popular do Vietnã, mas pouco se sabe sobre a curva de crescimento dessa raça. Este estudo comparou o desempenho de modelos com três parâmetros (Gompertz, Brody e Logistic) e modelos contendo quatro parâmetros (Richards, Bridges e Janoschek) para descrever o crescimento do frango Ri. O peso corporal do frango Ri foi registrado semanalmente da semana 1 à semana 19. Os modelos de crescimento foram ajustados usando o pacote minpack.lm no software R e o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC); critério de informação bayesiano (BIC) e erro quadrático médio (RMSE) foram usados para comparação de modelos. Com base nesses critérios, os modelos com quatro parâmetros apresentaram melhor desempenho do que os com três parâmetros, sendo o modelo de Richards o melhor para homens e mulheres. O menor e o maior valor dos pesos assimétricos (α) foram obtidos pelos modelos Bridges e Brody para cada um dos sexos, respectivamente. A idade e o peso estimados pelo modelo de Richard foram de 8,46 e 7,51 semanas e 696,88 e 487,58 g para homens e mulheres, respectivamente. Diferenças nas curvas de crescimento foram observadas entre frangos machos e fêmeas. No geral, os resultados sugeriram o uso do modelo de Richards para descrever a curva de crescimento de frangos Ri. Mais estudos sobre a genética e genômica dos parâmetros de crescimento obtidos são necessários antes de usá-los para o melhoramento genético de frangos Ri.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Peso CorporalResumo
Leaf area of dried Flue-cured tobacco is a reflection of climate and stage of growth of fresh tobacco in field; it also serves as the foundation for calculating a number of significant physical properties of tobacco. So the purpose of this paper was to establish a model to estimate the leaf area of dried Flue-cured tobacco in China from linear dimensions. Three Hundred eight tobacco leaves from different growing area and stalk position were sampled randomly and separated for model selection among linear, proportional and power model type and external evaluation individually. Results showed that there was a significant and strong correlation between leaf area and length×width , The equation LA = 0.495(L×W), where LA is the leaf area and L×W is the product of leaf length and width, was optimum and adequate for the estimation of leaf area of dried tobacco in China examined by Fisher's test, Akaike delta information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Growing area and stalk position had minor effect on the parameter before (L×W). The equation can sufficiently predict the area of leaf for external evaluation.
A área foliar do tabaco curado pelo Flue seco é um reflexo do clima e do estágio de crescimento do tabaco fresco no campo; também serve como base para o cálculo de várias propriedades físicas significativas do tabaco. Portanto, o objetivo deste artigo foi estabelecer um modelo para estimar a área foliar do tabaco curado por Flue seco na China a partir de dimensões lineares. Foram amostradas aleatoriamente 308 folhas de tabaco de diferentes áreas de cultivo e posição do colmo e separadas para seleção de modelos entre tipo linear, proporcional e de potência e avaliação externa individualmente. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma correlação significativa e forte entre área foliar e comprimento×largura. A equação LA = 0,495 (L×W), em que LA é a área foliar e L×W é o produto do comprimento e largura da folha, ótima e adequada para a estimativa da área foliar de tabaco seco na China examinada pelo teste de Fisher, critério de informação delta de Akaike (AIC) e critério de informação bayesiana (BIC). A área de cultivo e a posição do caule tiveram efeito menor no parâmetro antes (C×L). A equação pode prever suficientemente a área da folha para avaliação externa.
Nicotiana/anatomia & histologia , Nicotiana/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Modelos Lineares , Desenvolvimento VegetalResumo
ABSTRACT: Sugarcane borer Diatraea saccharalis (F.) is the primary sugarcane pest in Brazil. To estimate the relationship between larvae in sugarcane stalks and captures of male adults of D. saccharalis, we collected samples weekly: (1) adults with one delta trap with three virgin females and three female pupae and (2) larvae in 120 stalks per plot of 12.6 hectares (355 × 355 m). The study was conducted in two sites with five plots each, in the municipalities of Nova Ponte and Tupaciguara, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, from July 2016 to May 2017. Relationships between (1) males trapped per week and the number of larvae outside of stalks (LOS) were estimated and (2) we evaluated climate variables, namely average temperature, average relative air humidity, hours with relative air humidity below 30 %, rainfall and number of rainy days, and adults and larvae of D. saccharalis. We obtained generalized linear models for LOS in autumn and for larvae inside the stalks (LIS) in spring and autumn and trapped males in both sites. A significant and direct relationship between LIS and males trapped allows predicting larvae density based on captures of males. In addition, plant damage can be estimated based on accumulated captures of males. There was a negative relationship between hours of air humidity < 30 % and larvae outside of stalks. Densities of LIS can be estimated from male captures and by the humidity variables in the trapping week. Nevertheless, the models require validation in the field.
Pragas da Agricultura , Precipitação Atmosférica , Saccharum/parasitologia , Larva/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Modelos Lineares , UmidadeResumo
The follicular growth waves are directly linked to the fluctuations in plasma gonadotrophins, which are controlled by the hypothalamic GnRH release pattern. Therefore, if the actions of the GnRH are inhibited or blocked, the final stages of the antral follicle growth are suppressed, resulting in an induced anestrus (a.k.a. waveless model). In the human medicine, GnRH agonists or antagonists are broadly used in the control of ovarian disfunctions, as well as in the preparation of women for assisted reproductive cycles. In cattle, a similar effect can be obtained by active immunization against GnRH. This was shown to be a viable strategy, for example, for the control of chronic cases of cystic ovarian disease in oocyte donors. However, on shall take into account the substantial individual variation on the immune response and, consequently, the lack of control of the duration of the anestrus induced. The waveless model is also very useful as a research model, once it controls the potential interference of the endogenous FSH and LH, improving the sensitivity of essays with exogenous hormones and consequently reducing the required number of replicas within studies.(AU)
O padrão de crescimento folicular em ondas está diretamente associado às flutuações nas concentrações plasmáticas de gonadotrofinas, controladas por sua vez pelo padrão de liberação de GnRH hipotalâmico. Desta forma, a inibição ou bloqueio da ação do GnRH suprime as etapas finais do crescimento folicular, resultando em anestro induzido (também chamado modelo waveless). Na medicina humana, agonistas ou antagonistas de GnRH são utilizados tanto no controle de disfunções ovarianas quanto na preparação de pacientes para procedimentos de reprodução assistida. Em bovinos, este efeito pode ser obtido pela imunização ativa contra GnRH, e mostrou-se estratégia viável, por exemplo, no controle de casos crônicos de doença ovariana cística em doadoras de oócitos. Contudo, é importante considerar a grande variação individual na resposta à imunização e consequente impossibilidade de controlar a duração do anestro induzido. O modelo waveless também é de grande utilidade na pesquisa, uma vez que elimina a potencial interferência do FSH e LH endógenos, aumentando a sensibilidade nos ensaios com hormônios exógenos e consequentemente reduzindo o número de réplicas necessárias nos estudos.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/embriologia , Estruturas Embrionárias/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fase Folicular , Gonadotropinas/análiseResumo
The body weight (BW) of an animal is a vital economic trait that might help in decision-making in the handling of animals. The objective of the present study was to develop equations for the prediction of BW in Pelibuey sheep using scrotal circumference (SC). The BW (23.40 ± 6.96 kg) and SC (20.25 ± 6.19 cm) have been recorded in 405 male Pelibuey at the Southeastern Center for Ovine Integration, Mexico. Linear, logarithmic, quadratic, exponential, cubic, and power regression models were used for data analysis. Pearson correlation (R), Coefficient of determination (R2), Adjusted coefficient of determination (Adj.R2) Root mean square error (RMSE), Akaike information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) were used to select the best model. Power regression model showed the highest R (0.93), R2 (0.86), Adj.R2 (0.86) and lowest RMSE (0.02), AIC (-989.44) and BIC (-981.44). The current study suggests that SC might be used as the only predictor for BW of growing Pelibuey sheep raised under tropical conditions.
O peso corporal (PC) do animal é uma característica econômica importante, que pode auxiliar na tomada de decisões no manejo dos animais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver equações para a predição do PC em ovinos Pelibuey por meio da circunferência escrotal (CE). O PC (23,40±6,96kg) e a CE (20,25±6,19cm) foram registrados em 405 ovinos machos da raça Pelibuey no Centro de Integração Ovina da Região Sudeste do México. Os modelos lineares, logarítmicos, quadráticos, exponenciais, cúbicos e de regressão de potência foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. A correlação de Pearson (R), o coeficiente de determinação (R2), o coeficiente de determinação ajustado (Adj.R2), o erro do quadrado médio (EQM), o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC) e o critério de informação bayesiano (BIC) foram usados para selecionar o melhor modelo. O modelo de regressão de potência apresentou maiores R (0,93), R2 (0,86), Adj.R2 (0,86) e menores EQM (0,02), AIC (-989,44) e BIC (-981,44). O estudo atual sugere que a CE pode ser usada como um único preditor para o PC de ovinos Pelibuey em crescimento criadas em condições tropicais.
Animais , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Clima Tropical , Peso Corporal , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
ABSTRACT: Ecological restoration has become an important complementary practice to protect natural resources and preserve biodiversity. However, native species may be used in restoration programs in ways that do not optimize their performance. This research evaluated the survival and to model the initial growth of 15 native tree species planted in "filling" and "diversity" lines in the post-planting phase of a restoration experiment in the subtropics of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We measured survival rate (%) one year after planting and collar diameter (mm), total height (m), crown projection area (m²) and crown volume (m³) in the first 48 months after planting. Growth modeling for each variable and species was based on the non-linear mathematical Logistic, Gompertz, and Chapman-Richards models. Model selection for each variable/species was supported by the Akaike Information Criterion, standard error of the estimate, and coefficient of determination. The highest survival rates were reported for Cordia americana, Gochnatia polymorpha, Inga uruguensis, Peltophorum dubium, Prunus sellowii e Zanthoxylum rhoifolium (91.7%) and for Solanum mauritianum (90.3%). The species with faster growth were, by increasing order, Mimosa scabrella, Trema micrantha, Solanum mauritianum and Croton urucurana. With a better understanding of the initial developmental potential of tree species, it is possible to increase the species and functional diversity of the filling group. There was no single model capable of describing the variables analyzed and different models were needed to describe different characteristics and species.
RESUMO: A restauração ecológica tornou-se uma importante atividade complementar para proteger os recursos naturais e conservar a biodiversidade. No entanto, as espécies nativas podem estar a ser utilizadas em programas de restauração de formas que não otimizam as suas características. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sobrevivência e modelar o desenvolvimento inicial de 15 espécies arbóreas nativas plantadas em linhas de "preenchimento" e "diversidade" na fase de pós-plantio numa experiência de restauração nos subtrópicos da Mata Atlântica Brasileira. Avaliou-se a taxa de sobrevivência (%) um ano após o plantio e o diâmetro do colo (mm), a altura total (m), a área de projeção de copa (m²) e o volume de copa (m³) nos primeiros 48 meses após o plantio. A modelagem de crescimento para cada variável e espécie foi baseada nos modelos matemáticos não lineares: Logístico, Gompertz e Chapman-Richards. A seleção do modelo para cada variável/espécie teve como base o Critério de Informação de Akaike, erro padrão da estimativa e coeficiente de determinação. Os percentuais de sobrevivência mais altos foram para Cordia americana, Gochnatia polymorpha, Inga uruguensis, Peltophorum dubium, Prunus sellowii e Zanthoxylum rhoifolium (91,7%) e para Solanum mauritianum (90,3%). As espécies de crescimento mais rápido, por ordem crescente, foram: Mimosa scabrella, Trema micrantha, Solanum mauritianum e Croton urucurana. Com o conhecimento do potencial de desenvolvimento inicial das espécies, é possível aumentar a diversidade de espécies e funcional do grupo de preenchimento. Não houve um modelo único capaz de descrever todas as variáveis de desenvolvimento analisadas. Foram necessários diferentes modelos para descrever as diferentes características e as diferentes espécies.
The study aimed to evaluate performance and growth curves of broilers fed different nutritional relations. A total of 1,440 Cobb-500 male day-old chicks were assigned to eight treatments in a 2 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement with six replicates of 30 birds each. The main factors were nutritional density (control and high), lysine source (HCl and sulfate), and calcium pidolate (presence and absence). Analyses were made for body weight gain (BWG), and feed conversion rate (FCR) at 21, and 42 days of age. The growth curves were adjusted by weighing a bird per plot every three days. Data for BWG were tested by ANOVA to evaluatethe effects of treatments and their interactions at 5% significance, and the Gompertz model was adjusted by NLS. Birds fed a high nutritional density had higher BWG and lower FCR. Calcium pidolate and different sources of lysine did not influence the FCR of broilers, however a triple interaction was evidenced for BWG at 1 to 42 days of age. The day with maximum gain adjusted by Gompertz of all treatments was at the 32ndday of age and the maximum weight (A) was around 5.85 kg.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Dinâmica não Linear , Valor NutritivoResumo
The present study was executed to evaluate the effect of lighting programs for meat quails on their bone growth and development. A total of 1500 sexed European quails (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) were distributed using a completely randomized design in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement, with two sexes and three lighting programs (natural, intermittent, and continuous) with five replicates of 50 quails. The lighting programs were applied in the period from 7 to 49 d of age. Weekly slaughterings were performed to remove the tibiotarsus and femur and subsequently determine weight, length, dry and mineral matter content. The growth and deposition curves of dry and mineral matter in the bones were obtained using the Gompertz model. There was no significant interaction between lighting programs and sex for the estimates of the Gompertz curve parameters of all variables studied. There was an effect of the lighting programs only on the time needed to reach the maximum deposition rate of the growth curve and dry and mineral matter deposition. Females showed higher weight and deposition of mineral matter at maturity, and took longer to reach the maximum deposition rate value for these variables. There was influence of the lighting programs on resistance and bone deformity of the tibiotarsus. For quails raised in the tropical region, a natural or intermittent lighting program must be used, as it does not compromise the development of bones and assures bone quality.(AU)
Animais , Desenvolvimento Ósseo , Carne/análise , Estudos de Séries Temporais , Fotoperíodo , CoturnixResumo
Mathematical models that simulate crop development are important tools to help growers plan management practices and harvest time for cut flowers such as gladiolus. This study aimed to validate the gladiolus phenology model, named PhenoGlad for the State of Paraná and determine the planting date for marketing flowers for the All Souls' Day and the quality of the floral stems. The validation of the PhenoGlad model was conducted in 2019 through field tests with different cultivars in five towns in the State of Paraná: Cascavel and Santa Helena (cultivar T704), Dois Vizinhos (cultivar White Goddes), Marechal Cândido Rondon (cultivars White Goddes and T704), and Palotina (cultivars T704 and Red Beauty). To estimate planting dates, the PhenoGlad model was run for 20 towns in different regions of the state, based on the periods of weather data available at each weather station, and for early, intermediate II, and late development cycles. The planting date was determined based on the average of the dates (Julian days) in each simulated year. The variables analyzed were the stages of development according to the phenological scale of the culture, number of leaves, average number of florets, and classification of floral stems according to the quality standards of Veiling Holambra. The PhenoGlad model was accurate in simulating the stages of development of gladiolus culture in the state of Paraná and suitable for predicting the damage caused by extreme temperatures in floral stems, which was confirmed by the damage caused to sepals and petals of gladiolus, cultivar T704, in field experiments in the towns of Cascavel, Palotina, and Santa Helena, and cultivar White Goddess for Dois Vizinhos. The best model performance was observed when simulating the vegetative period of the crop, with a low error of 0.54 leaf. In the state of Paraná, for the production of floral stems for the All Soul's Day, the PhenoGlad model simulated the planting dates for the 20 towns, from August 1 to August 23 for early cycle, July 18 to August 14 for intermediate II cycle, and July 7 to August 6 for late cycle. The towns of Cascavel and Marechal Cândido Rondon presented a higher number of florets and higher quality floral stems than the other towns evaluated.
Modelos matemáticos que simulam o desenvolvimento das culturas são ferramentas importantes para ajudar produtores no planejamento das práticas de manejo e épocas de colheita de flores de corte, como o gladíolo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi validar o modelo fenológico gladiolus, denominado PhenoGlad para o Estado do Paraná, determinar a data de plantio para comercialização de flores para o dia de Finados, e a qualidade das hastes florais. A validação do modelo PhenoGlad foi através de ensaios de campo durante o ano de 2019, com diferentes cultivares em cinco municípios do Estado do Paraná: Cascavel e Santa Helena (cultivar T704), Dois Vizinhos (cultivar White Goddes), Marechal Cândido Rondon (cultivares White Goddes e T704), e Palotina (cultivares T704 e Red Beauty). Para estimar as datas de plantio o modelo PhenoGlad foi rodado para 20 municípios das diferentes regiões do estado, com base nos períodos de dados meteorológicos disponíveis em cada estação meteorológica, e para os ciclos de desenvolvimento precoce, intermediário II e tardio. A data de plantio do gladíolo foi determinada por meio da média das datas (dias julianos) para cada ano simulado. As variáveis analisadas foram os estádios de desenvolvimento de acordo com a escala fenológica da cultura, número de folhas, número médio de floretes e classificação das hastes florais de acordo com os padrões de qualidade de Veiling Holambra. O modelo PhenoGlad apresentou acurácia ao simular os estádios de desenvolvimento da cultura do gladíolo no Estado do Paraná e também é apropriado para predizer os danos por temperaturas extremas nas hastes florais, o que se confirmou com os danos causados nas sépalas e pétalas do gladíolo, cultivar T704, nos experimentos de campo nas cidades de Cascavel, Palotina e Santa Helena, e para cultivar White Goddess em Dois Vizinhos. O melhor desempenho do modelo foi observado ao simular o período vegetativo da cultura, apresentando baixo erro de 0,54 folha. No Estado do Paraná, para produção de hastes na data de Finados, o modelo PhenoGlad simulou as datas de plantio, para as 20 cidades estudadas, de 1 a 23 de agosto para ciclo precoce, 18 de julho a 14 de agosto para o ciclo intermediário II, e 7 de julho a 6 de agosto para o ciclo tardio. As cidades de Cascavel e Marechal Cândido Rondon apresentaram maior número de floretes e qualidade de hastes superior aos demais municípios avaliados.
Flores/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Desenvolvimento VegetalResumo
Among the multi-trait models selected to study several traits and environments jointly, the Bayesian framework has been a preferred tool when constructing a more complex and biologically realistic model. In most cases, non-informative prior distributions are adopted in studies using the Bayesian approach. However, the Bayesian approach presents more accurate estimates when informative prior distributions are used. The present study was developed to evaluate the efficiency and applicability of multi-trait multi-environment (MTME) models within a Bayesian framework utilizing a strategy for eliciting informative prior distribution using previous data on rice. The study involved data pertaining to rice (Oryza sativa L.) genotypes in three environments and five crop seasons (2010/2011 until 2014/2015) for the following traits: grain yield (GY), flowering in days (FLOR) and plant height (PH). Variance components, genetic and non-genetic parameters were estimated using the Bayesian method. In general, the informative prior distribution in Bayesian MTME models provided higher estimates of individual narrow-sense heritability and variance components, as well as minor lengths for the highest probability density interval (HPD), compared to their respective non-informative prior distribution analyses. More informative prior distributions make it possible to detect genetic correlations between traits, which cannot be achieved with non-informative prior distributions. Therefore, this mechanism presented to update knowledge for an elicitation of an informative prior distribution can be efficiently applied in rice breeding programs.
Oryza/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Alimentos Geneticamente Modificados/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
ABSTRACT: The constituents of the hydroethanolic extract ofAzadiractaindicaroot were investigated using ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOOF-MSE). Acute toxicity was evaluated in an experimental animal model. We investigated the antibacterial activities ofA. indicaroots againstSalmonella typhimuriumandStaphylococcus aureusand the antifungal activities against strains ofTrichophyton rubrum, Candida albicansandCandida tropicalis. We identified nine secondary metabolites in the hydroethanolic extract by UPLC-QTOOF-MSE. The extract was highly effective in inhibiting the growth of T. rubrum strains, so it can be effective in combating the dermatophyte tested,but it had no inhibition potential on any bacterial strains orCandidaspecies evaluated. It was possible to infer that the extract had no acute toxicity in relation to the animal model Danio rerio. Therefore, since neem has a high bioactive potential and adapts well to the climate of semiarid regions, growing this species could become a source of income for farmers by its use to produce naturals fungicide and drug, as alternatives to conventional products, which can cause microbiological resistance and/or are toxic to the environment, besides being expensive.
RESUMO: Os constituintes do extrato hidroetanólico da raiz deA. indicaforam investigados por cromatografia líquida de ultra-alta performance acoplada à espectrometria de massas do tipo quadrupolo-tempo de voo (UPLC-QTOOF-MSE). A toxicidade aguda foi avaliada em modelo animal. Investigamos as atividades antibacterianas contra Salmonella typhimuriumeStaphylococcus aureuse as atividades antifúngicas contra cepas deTrichophyton rubrum, Candida albicanseCandida tropicalis. Identificamos nove metabólitos secundários no extrato etanólico por UPLC-QTOOF-MSE. O extrato foi altamente eficaz na inibição do crescimento de cepas de T. rubrum, podendo ser eficaz no combate ao dermatofito avaliado, mas não apresentou potencial de inibição em nenhuma cepa bacteriana ou espécies deCandidaavaliadas. Também foi possível inferir que o extrato não apresentou toxicidade aguda em relação ao modelo animalDanio rerio. Portanto, como o Neem tem alto potencial bioativo e se adapta bem ao clima das regiões semiáridas, o cultivo dessa espécie pode se tornar uma fonte de renda para os agricultores a partir da utilização da planta para produção de fungicida e/ou fármaco naturais como alternativa aos produtos convencionais, que podem causar resistência microbiológica e/ou são tóxicas ao meio ambiente, além de serem caros.
This study measured the effect of the association between agronomic traits related to the yield of canola grains grown at different sowing dates through path analysis. Another objective was to obtain a method to predict the oil content in the grains, fitting a multivariate model through near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy analysis. The experiment was conducted in the field using a randomized block design in plots subdivided by time, with four plots (sowing dates), six subplots (canola hybrids), and four replicates. In each hybrid, phenological observations were performed, and the grain yield was determined. The data were subjected to analysis of variance in the R environment using the F test at 5% probability. The oil content in the grains was determined by the traditional chemical method, and based on the NIR spectral signature of the grain samples, partial least squares regression (PLS-R) was established to estimate the oil content in the canola grains. The sowing dates influenced the production components and oil content of the grains of all hybrids. The trait number of grains in five plants (0.6857) and their height (0.4943) had greater estimates of positive correlations with grain yield, as well as higher values of positive direct effects on yield (0.2494 and 0.1595, respectively). The NIR technique combined with PLS-R was able to predict the oil content in the grains, resulting in good predictive models (R2 of 0.86 and root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.56 in external validation).
Objetivou-se mensurar o efeito da associação entre caracteres agronômicos relacionados à produtividade de grãos de canola cultivada em diferentes épocas de semeadura, através da análise de trilha. Assim como também objetivou-se obter um método para predizer o teor de óleo nos grãos, ajustando um modelo multivariado através da análise por espectroscopia na região do infravermelho próximo. O experimento foi conduzido em campo, utilizando-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em parcelas subdivididas no tempo, sendo quatro parcelas (épocas de semeadura) e seis subparcelas (híbridos de canola), com quatro repetições. Em cada híbrido foram realizadas observações fenológicas e determinada a produtividade de grãos. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância em ambiente R pelo teste F, a cinco de probabilidade. O teor de óleo nos grãos foi determinado pelo método químico tradicional, e com base na assinatura espectral no infravermelho próximo de amostras dos grãos foi estabelecida regressão dos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-R) para estimar o teor de óleo nos grãos de canola. As épocas de semeadura influenciaram os componentes de produção e o teor de óleo dos grãos de todos híbridos. Os caracteres número de grãos em cinco plantas (0,6857) e altura (0,4943) apresentaram maiores estimativas de correlação positiva com a produtividade de grãos, assim como os maiores valores de efeito direto positivo sobre a produtividade, 0,2494 e 0,1595 respectivamente. Entretanto, o ciclo total (-0,7848), juntamente com dias em florescimento (-0,4520) apresentou correlação significativa negativa com a produtividade. A técnica NIR associada à PLS-R foi capaz de predizer o teor de óleo nos grãos, resultando em bons modelos preditivos (R2 de 0,86 e RMSE de 1,56 na validação externa) que podem ser usados com sucesso na análise da qualidade das amostras após colheita e nos programas de melhoramento genético.
Análise Espectral , Brassica napus/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Melhoramento VegetalResumo
The use of longitudinal measurements is an essential practice both in Psidium guajava L. breeding and in other perennial crops in which covariance structures can be introduced to explain the form of dependence between measurements. Hence, this study aimed to analyze six covariance structures to identify one that best described the correlation between the repeated measurements in time in traits of guava full-sib families. The repeatability coefficient for each trait was estimated and the minimum number of evaluations required for estimates representing the population was determined. The work was performed based on average data of three yield-related variables from nine harvests of a guava tree population evaluated from 2011 to 2018. The best model was chosen based on the Akaike and Schwarz Bayesian information criterion. The autoregressive covariance structure best represented the dependencies among families between crops for all traits. The number of variables of fruits and total yield per plant presented repeatability estimates higher than 0.5 and may be essential traits for indirect selection of others, such as fruit mass, which had an estimated repeatability of 0.24, proving low regularity in the repetition of the character from one cycle to another. It was also possible to define four harvests as the minimum acceptable number of observations necessary on the same individual for these traits; therefore, the repetitions represented the individuals.(AU)