ABSTRACT: Mangaba tree is a fruit tree species whose natural populations are fragmented by anthropic actions. For this reason, studies assessing the impact of fragmentation on the diversity and genetic structure of these populations are required in order to establish suitable conservation strategies. In our study, we used data from analyzes through microsatellite markers in computer simulations to estimate the rates of migration and selfing of six mangaba populations. The studied populations are located in the northeastern states of Ceará, Pernambuco and Sergipe. We tested different selfing and migration rates and selected the combination that showed values of observed and expected heterozygosity closest to those previously obtained with microsatellite markers. According to our simulations, selfing and migration were moderate. This may have led to an increase in inbreeding and genetic drift, resulting in low genetic diversity. We recommend expanding the area and reducing disturbance to promote the occurrence of pollinators, which play an important role in increasing genetic diversity.
RESUMO: A mangabeira é uma espécie frutífera cujas populações naturais se encontram fragmentadas por ações antrópicas. Desse modo, são necessários estudos sobre a avaliação do impacto da fragmentação sobre a diversidade e estrutura genética dessas populações para o estabelecimento de estratégias de conservação adequadas. No presente estudo, foram utilizados dados de análises com marcadores microssatélites em simulações computacionais para estimar as taxas de migração e autofecundação de seis populações de mangaba. As populações estudadas estão localizadas nos estados nordestinos do Ceará, Pernambuco e Sergipe. Foram testadas diferentes taxas de autofecundação e migração, e selecionada a combinação que apresentou valores de heterozigosidade observada e esperada mais próximos dos obtidos com marcadores microssatélites. Com base nas simulações, a autofecundação foi de 0,3 e a taxa de migração variou de 0,5 a 0,6, valores que podem ter conduzido ao aumento da endogamia e deriva genética, resultando em baixa diversidade genética. Recomenda-se a expansão da área e a redução de perturbações para promover a ocorrência de polinizadores, que desempenham um papel importante no aumento da diversidade genética.
Mangaba tree is a fruit tree species whose natural populations are fragmented by anthropic actions. For this reason, studies assessing the impact of fragmentation on the diversity and genetic structure of these populations are required in order to establish suitable conservation strategies. In our study, we used data from analyzes through microsatellite markers in computer simulations to estimate the rates of migration and selfing of six mangaba populations. The studied populations are located in the northeastern states of Ceará, Pernambuco and Sergipe. We tested different selfing and migration rates and selected the combination that showed values of observed and expected heterozygosity closest to those previously obtained with microsatellite markers. According to our simulations, selfing and migration were moderate. This may have led to an increase in inbreeding and genetic drift, resulting in low genetic diversity. We recommend expanding the area and reducing disturbance to promote the occurrence of pollinators, which play an important role in increasing genetic diversity.
A mangabeira é uma espécie frutífera cujas populações naturais se encontram fragmentadas por ações antrópicas. Desse modo, são necessários estudos sobre a avaliação do impacto da fragmentação sobre a diversidade e estrutura genética dessas populações para o estabelecimento de estratégias de conservação adequadas. No presente estudo, foram utilizados dados de análises com marcadores microssatélites em simulações computacionais para estimar as taxas de migração e autofecundação de seis populações de mangaba. As populações estudadas estão localizadas nos estados nordestinos do Ceará, Pernambuco e Sergipe. Foram testadas diferentes taxas de autofecundação e migração, e selecionada a combinação que apresentou valores de heterozigosidade observada e esperada mais próximos dos obtidos com marcadores microssatélites. Com base nas simulações, a autofecundação foi de 0,3 e a taxa de migração variou de 0,5 a 0,6, valores que podem ter conduzido ao aumento da endogamia e deriva genética, resultando em baixa diversidade genética. Recomenda-se a expansão da área e a redução de perturbações para promover a ocorrência de polinizadores, que desempenham um papel importante no aumento da diversidade genética.
Variação Genética , ApocynaceaeResumo
The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) population is decreasing, with less than 10,000 individuals in the wild because of habitat destruction, fragmentation, and illegal hunting. Captive breeding has become an increasingly crucial strategy for conserving endangered species, but efforts to generate self-sustaining populations have failed despite ample resources being allocated. Animals are often stressed in captivity, and it is necessary to examine reproductive behavior relating to the complexity of habitat requirements, dietary preferences, and, in particular, pregnant mothers and their sensitivity to disruptions. Using videography, we observed the reproductive behavior of two red pandas along with other behavioral activities in the Central Zoo, Kathmandu, Nepal. We collected behavioral data from December 2020 to June 2021 using scan and focal sampling. Reproductive behaviors (e.g., scent-marking, allogrooming, chasing, running, aggressiveness, mating, and feeding feces) were observed, along with behaviors like locomotion, climbing, standing, self-grooming, feeding, sleeping, self-play, and stretching. We observed 12% of reproductive behavior from total activity. Copulation was attempted on three occasions suggesting reproduction can be successful if animal husbandry is properly managed. We recommend zoo managers further refine strategies for captive breeding endangered species such as red pandas. Successful captive breeding benefits the zoo, and captive-born animals can mitigate extinction in the wild.
Animais , Reprodução , Comportamento Animal , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Ailuridae/fisiologia , Animais de Zoológico , NepalResumo
Although stable isotopes have been increasingly used in ornithology since 1980 in many places, Brazil has been slow in adopting this methodology, especially when it comes to terrestrial birds. The most common elements in bird ecology studies are carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen stable isotopes, which provide information on diet, trophic interactions, habitat use, migration, geographic patterns, and physiology. It is important that Brazilian ornithologists become aware of the potential of stable isotope analysis in ecological studies, and the shortcomings of this tool. The use of stable isotopes to study bird ecology has great potential in Brazil, since many ecological questions about Neotropical birds can be addressed by it (e.g., resource and habitat use, migratory routes, isotopic niches, anthropogenic impacts, individual specialization). Brazilian museums and other Natural History collections can provide samples to study long-term temporal dynamics in bird ecology. Additionally, the integration of avian tissue sample information into a database may increase the collaboration among researchers and promote sample reuse in a variety of studies. All biomes in Brazil have been under pressure from anthropogenic impacts (e.g., land-use change, habitat loss, fragmentation, intensive agriculture), affecting several taxa, including terrestrial birds. Considering the negative effects of human expansion over natural areas and that stable isotopes provide useful ecological information, ornithologists in Brazil should increase their use of this tool in the future.(AU)
Animais , Aves , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Isótopos , Brasil , EcossistemaResumo
Morphometry of fruits and seeds is a useful and important information for phenotyping and genetic characterization of crop plant species and, for conservation of endangered species, as is the case of Butia purpurascens Glassman. In this study, we determined comparatively the morphometric features of fruits and pyrenes between yellow and magenta B. purpurascens morphotypes, located in four different sites (populations). We processed 1380 fruits collected from 69 individuals. We evaluated the length, width and weight of the fruits and pyrenes, the fresh and dry pulp mass, and percentage of pulp moisture. Yellow morph showed larger and heavier fruits than magenta morph. Morphometric differences were also evident among the four populations, suggesting that ecosystems fragmentation can cause deleterious genetic effects in B. purpurascens in long-term.
A morfometria de frutos e sementes é uma informação útil e importante para fenotipagem e caracterização genética de espécies vegetais com potencial econômico e, para a conservação de espécies ameaçadas, como é o caso de Butia purpurascens. Nesse estudo, determinamos comparativamente as características morfométricas de frutos e pirênios entre morfotipos amarelo e magenta de B. purpurascens, localizados em quatro localidades diferentes (populações). Beneficiamos 1380 frutos, coletados em 69 indivíduos. Avaliamos o comprimento, largura e o peso dos frutos e pirênios, a massa fresca e seca da polpa, e a porcentagem de umidade da polpa. O morfotipo amarelo apresentou frutos maiores e mais pesados do que o morfotipo magenta. Diferenças morfométricas também foram notórias entre as quatro populações, sugerindo que a fragmentação de ecossistemas pode causar efeitos genéticos deletérios em B. purpurascens ao longo do tempo.
Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Arecaceae/anatomia & histologia , Arecaceae/genética , EcossistemaResumo
The existence of environmental disturbances is an important facilitating factor to the establishment of biological invasions (BI). Biological invasions are considered the second biggest threat to the planet's biodiversity, behind only anthropic actions such as deforestation and habitat fragmentation. Thus, all environments are subjected to biological invasions, including Conservation Units (CU). The objective of the work was to evaluate the impacts of the exotic invasive Ricinus communis L. on the native biota of the Morro do Urubu Environmental Protection Area, Aracaju, Sergipe State, Brazil. Plots were allocated in places invaded by exotic invasive and in non-invaded places. Within the sample units, the number of individuals of each species present was counted. With these data, the statistics of the present study were performed. In the plots plotted on the non-invaded sites, 28 species were found. In the plots plotted on the invaded sites, only three species were sampled, among them the exotic invader studied, which showed to be the most abundant taxon in the area. In total, 75 individuals were counted in the invaded sites, of which 72 were from R. communis. In the non-invaded sites, 210 individuals. The average number of species was statistically higher in the plots where the exotic invader was removed, while from the second reading and remained until the eighth reading, the same happened for the average number of individuals. The results of this study showed the impacts caused by invasive exotic Ricinus communis on the composition, richness, diversity and resilience of an invaded Atlantic Forest area.(AU)
Ricinus , Produtos Biológicos , Ecossistema , Biodiversidade , Biota , Conservação dos Recursos NaturaisResumo
Habitat fragmentation is one of the sources of the global threat to wildlife populations. During the last four decades, urban development in Brazil's southern coastline has seen considerable growth, fragmenting the habitat of the sand lizard Liolaemus occipitalis Boulenger, 1885, thus threatening it with extinction. In order to assess the influence of urban development on this species, we used tagging and recapture data to study two populations in Brazil's southern coastline, one in a conserved area rarely subjected to disturbance and the other in an area undergoing different kinds of anthropogenic disturbance. We explored the consequences of this change in the natural landscape by comparing estimates of survival and abundance with Robust Design Model, and the body condition of individuals in both populations with analysis of covariance and variance. Survival of individuals were lower in the disturbed population than in the conserved population. The abundance of this lizard species was similar between populations. The body condition of females was higher in the disturbed area than in the conserved area, while males were similar among populations, but longer (SVL). This study shows how anthropic impacts can affect a population of lizards and the importance of maintaining protected areas and their interconnection to preserve Liolaemus occipitalis.(AU)
A fragmentação do habitat é uma das fontes de ameaça global às populações de vida selvagem. Durante as últimas quatro décadas, o desenvolvimento urbano do litoral sul do Brasil teve um crescimento considerável, fragmentando o habitat da lagartixa-da-praia lagarto-da-areia Liolaemus occipitalis Boulenger, 1885, ameaçando-o de extinção. Para avaliar a influência do desenvolvimento urbano sobre esta espécie, usamos dados de marcação e recaptura para estudar duas populações, uma em uma área conservada raramente sujeita a perturbações, e a outra em uma área submetida a diferentes tipos de perturbações antrópicas. Exploramos as consequências dessa mudança na paisagem natural comparando estimativas de sobrevivência e abundância com Modelo Robusto de Pollock, e condição corporal dos indivíduos com análises de covariância e variância, em ambas as populações situadas no litoral sul do Brasil. A abundância da espécie foi semelhante nas duas áreas, mas a sobrevivência dos indivíduos foi menor na população perturbada do que na conservada. A condição corporal das fêmeas foi maior na área perturbada, enquanto que o CRC dos machos foi maior na área conservada. Este estudo mostra como impactos antrópicos podem afetar uma população de lagartos e a importância da manutenção de áreas protegidas e sua interconexão para a preservação de Liolaemus occipitalis.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Efeitos Antropogênicos , Lagartos/fisiologia , Animais Selvagens/fisiologia , Composição Corporal/fisiologia , Alteração Ambiental , Áreas ProtegidasResumo
Habitat loss and fragmentation caused by deforestation are important anthropogenic drivers of changes in biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest, and has reached its highest rate in recent decades. However, the magnitude and direction of the effects on species composition and distribution have yet to be fully understood. We evaluated the responses of four taxonomic groups − birds, amphibians, orchid bees, and dung beetles - to habitat loss and fragmentation at both species and assemblage level in the northern Ecuadorian Amazon. We sampled fifteen 250-m long plots in terra-firme forest remnants. We calculated one landscape fragmentation index (fragindex), which considers the proportion of continuous forest cover, edge density and isolation in the landscape, and nine landscape configuration metrics. Logistic regression models and multivariate regression trees were used to analyze species and assemblage responses. Our results revealed that over 80% of birds, amphibians or orchid-bee species, and 60% of dung beetles were negatively affected by habitat loss and fragmentation. Species composition of all taxonomic groups was significantly affected by differences in forest cover and connectivity. Less than 5% of all species were restricted to landscapes with fragindex values higher than 40%. Landscape metrics related to the shape and area of forest patches determined the magnitude and direction of the effect on species responses. Therefore, changes in the landscape configuration of Ecuadorian Amazonia should be minimized to diminish the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on species occurrence and assemblage composition.(AU)
La pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat causada por la deforestación es un importante impulsor antropogénico de cambios sobre la biodiversidad en la selva amazónica. Sin embargo, la magnitud y dirección de los efectos sobre la composición y distribución de las especies aún es incomprendida. Evaluamos las respuestas de cuatro grupos taxonómicos - aves, anfibios, abejas de orquídeas y escarabajos peloteros - a la pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat, tanto a nivel de especies como de ensamblaje, en la Amazonía norte ecuatoriana. Tomamos muestras de quince parcelas de 250 m de largo en remanentes de bosque de tierra firme. Calculamos un índice de fragmentación del paisaje (fragindex), que considera la cobertura forestal continua, densidad del borde y el aislamiento en el paisaje, y nueve métricas de configuración del paisaje para analizar las respuestas de especies y ensamblajes. Más del 80% de las especies de aves, anfibios o abejas de orquídeas y el 60% de los escarabajos peloteros se vieron afectados negativamente por la pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat. La composición por especies se vio significativamente afectada por las diferencias en la cobertura forestal y la conectividad, mientras que la forma y el área de los parches de bosque determinaron la magnitud y la dirección del efecto en las respuestas de las especies. Por lo tanto, los cambios en la configuración del paisaje de la Amazonía ecuatoriana deben minimizarse para disminuir los efectos de la pérdida y fragmentación del hábitat sobre la presencia de especies y la composición de los ensambles.(AU)
Biodiversidade , Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos NaturaisResumo
Abstract The recent edition of the Red Book of Endangered Brazilian Fauna brings 1,173 threatened species, 86% of them in terrestrial or freshwater environments. For these species, the main threat vector is agricultural activities that affect 519 species (51%). This information brought by the Red Book is examined in-depth and its consistency is discussed in search of an objective view on the impacts of agriculture, its importance, how they affect the different groups of animals, the different biomes of the country, and the different types of habitats continental. Birds, fish, and invertebrates are the groups with the highest number of species threatened by agricultural activity, accounting for more than 70% of the species. Habitat loss is by far the biggest impact caused by the activity, affecting almost 90% of the species. However, there is a difference between the impact of agriculture and livestock. The work seeks to understand why livestock threatens a smaller number of species, although pastures occupy more than twice the area occupied by crops and forestry. The work brings an objective debate on the relationship between agricultural activities and the conservation of wild fauna in Brazil, without falling into the trap of the useless demonization of human activities, highlighting, instead, the need to define and implement strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the midst the land use matrix itself, complementary to the conservation units, based on the best available information on the vulnerability of fauna to the impacts of this vector.
Abstract The recent edition of the Red Book of Endangered Brazilian Fauna brings 1,173 threatened species, 86% of them in terrestrial or freshwater environments. For these species, the main threat vector is agricultural activities that affect 519 species (51%). This information brought by the Red Book is examined in-depth and its consistency is discussed in search of an objective view on the impacts of agriculture, its importance, how they affect the different groups of animals, the different biomes of the country, and the different types of habitats continental. Birds, fish, and invertebrates are the groups with the highest number of species threatened by agricultural activity, accounting for more than 70% of the species. Habitat loss is by far the biggest impact caused by the activity, affecting almost 90% of the species. However, there is a difference between the impact of agriculture and livestock. The work seeks to understand why livestock threatens a smaller number of species, although pastures occupy more than twice the area occupied by crops and forestry. The work brings an objective debate on the relationship between agricultural activities and the conservation of wild fauna in Brazil, without falling into the trap of the useless demonization of human activities, highlighting, instead, the need to define and implement strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the midst the land use matrix itself, complementary to the conservation units, based on the best available information on the vulnerability of fauna to the impacts of this vector.
The recent edition of the Red Book of Endangered Brazilian Fauna brings 1,173 threatened species, 86% of them in terrestrial or freshwater environments. For these species, the main threat vector is agricultural activities that affect 519 species (51%). This information brought by the Red Book is examined in-depth and its consistency is discussed in search of an objective view on the impacts of agriculture, its importance, how they affect the different groups of animals, the different biomes of the country, and the different types of habitats continental. Birds, fish, and invertebrates are the groups with the highest number of species threatened by agricultural activity, accounting for more than 70% of the species. Habitat loss is by far the biggest impact caused by the activity, affecting almost 90% of the species. However, there is a difference between the impact of agriculture and livestock. The work seeks to understand why livestock threatens a smaller number of species, although pastures occupy more than twice the area occupied by crops and forestry. The work brings an objective debate on the relationship between agricultural activities and the conservation of wild fauna in Brazil, without falling into the trap of the useless demonization of human activities, highlighting, instead, the need to define and implement strategies for the conservation of biodiversity in the midst the land use matrix itself, complementary to the conservation units, based on the best available information on the vulnerability of fauna to the impacts of this vector.(AU)
24444 , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Biodiversidade , EcossistemaResumo
Life-history, geographical barriers, and damming can shape the genetic diversity of freshwater migratory fish, which are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts. We investigated the genetic diversity of Salminus brasiliensis, a long-distance migratory species that is recognized as an important provider of ecosystem services. We implemented microsatellite analyses to assess genetic diversity and simulate future scenarios for evaluating the long-term viability of dammed and non-dammed populations from the Uruguay River. High levels of genetic diversity were detected for all sampled populations. However, effective population sizes were lower in the uppermost river stretches, where the landscape is highly fragmented. Population structure analysis indicated two spatial genetic populations. It is suggested that this genetic structure preserves populations partially isolated by an ancient natural barrier, instead of being a result of the presence of dams. The simulated genetic scenarios indicated that genetic variability of S. brasiliensis populations from upstream dams could collapse over the years, mainly due to the reduction in the number of alleles. Therefore, besides helping to better understand issues related to the influence of dams on the genetic diversity of migratory fish, our results are especially relevant for driving local fishery policies and management actions for the species conservation.'
História de vida, barreiras geográficas e barramento dos rios podem moldar a diversidade genética de grandes peixes migratórios de água doce, que são particularmente vulneráveis a impactos antrópicos. Nós investigamos a diversidade genética de Salminus brasiliensis, uma espécie migratória de longa distância que é reconhecida como um importante provedor de serviços ecossistêmicos. Realizamos análises de microssatélites para avaliar a diversidade genética e simular cenários futuros, possibilitando estimar a viabilidade em longo prazo de populações situadas em regiões com e sem represas do rio Uruguai. Altos níveis de diversidade genética foram detectados para todas as populações amostradas. Contudo, os tamanhos populacionais efetivos foram menores nos trechos superiores do rio, onde a paisagem é altamente fragmentada. A análise da estrutura populacional indicou duas populações genéticas espaciais. Sugere-se que esta estrutura genética preserva populações parcialmente isoladas por uma antiga barreira natural, ao invés de ser resultado da presença de barragens. Os cenários genéticos simulados indicaram que a variabilidade genética das populações de S. brasiliensis situadas a montante das barragens entraria em colapso ao longo dos anos, principalmente como resultado da redução do número de alelos. Portanto, além de ajudar a entender melhor questões relacionadas à influência de barragens na diversidade genética de peixes migradores, nossos resultados são especialmente relevantes para a condução de políticas pesqueiras locais e ações de manejo para a conservação das espécies.(AU)
Animais , Variação Genética , Ecossistema , Caraciformes , Peixes , Previsões , Barragens , Estruturas GenéticasResumo
Life-history, geographical barriers, and damming can shape the genetic diversity of freshwater migratory fish, which are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts. We investigated the genetic diversity of Salminus brasiliensis, a long-distance migratory species that is recognized as an important provider of ecosystem services. We implemented microsatellite analyses to assess genetic diversity and simulate future scenarios for evaluating the long-term viability of dammed and non-dammed populations from the Uruguay River. High levels of genetic diversity were detected for all sampled populations. However, effective population sizes were lower in the uppermost river stretches, where the landscape is highly fragmented. Population structure analysis indicated two spatial genetic populations. It is suggested that this genetic structure preserves populations partially isolated by an ancient natural barrier, instead of being a result of the presence of dams. The simulated genetic scenarios indicated that genetic variability of S. brasiliensis populations from upstream dams could collapse over the years, mainly due to the reduction in the number of alleles. Therefore, besides helping to better understand issues related to the influence of dams on the genetic diversity of migratory fish, our results are especially relevant for driving local fishery policies and management actions for the species conservation.'
História de vida, barreiras geográficas e barramento dos rios podem moldar a diversidade genética de grandes peixes migratórios de água doce, que são particularmente vulneráveis a impactos antrópicos. Nós investigamos a diversidade genética de Salminus brasiliensis, uma espécie migratória de longa distância que é reconhecida como um importante provedor de serviços ecossistêmicos. Realizamos análises de microssatélites para avaliar a diversidade genética e simular cenários futuros, possibilitando estimar a viabilidade em longo prazo de populações situadas em regiões com e sem represas do rio Uruguai. Altos níveis de diversidade genética foram detectados para todas as populações amostradas. Contudo, os tamanhos populacionais efetivos foram menores nos trechos superiores do rio, onde a paisagem é altamente fragmentada. A análise da estrutura populacional indicou duas populações genéticas espaciais. Sugere-se que esta estrutura genética preserva populações parcialmente isoladas por uma antiga barreira natural, ao invés de ser resultado da presença de barragens. Os cenários genéticos simulados indicaram que a variabilidade genética das populações de S. brasiliensis situadas a montante das barragens entraria em colapso ao longo dos anos, principalmente como resultado da redução do número de alelos. Portanto, além de ajudar a entender melhor questões relacionadas à influência de barragens na diversidade genética de peixes migradores, nossos resultados são especialmente relevantes para a condução de políticas pesqueiras locais e ações de manejo para a conservação das espécies.(AU)
Animais , Variação Genética , Ecossistema , Caraciformes , Peixes , Previsões , Barragens , Estruturas GenéticasResumo
Abstract Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons (Feia and Vermelha lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third (Caraís lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the Caraís lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the Vermelha lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the Vermelha are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. Vermelha lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.
Abstract Frugivory is a plant-animal mutualistic interaction carried out mostly by birds. It consists in the bird consumption of fruits with later dispersion of the plants seeds, helping in the vegetation regeneration. Frugivory can be affected by the habitat fragmentation and introduction of exotic species, which may alter the species interaction by extinction or competitor introduction. This study aimed to compare the structure of the network of frugivorous interactions between birds and plants in native forest and eucalyptus plantation. Birds were captured by mist nets and had their feces collected. Later, the seeds were identified in laboratory. The records of fruit consumption by birds in the zoochoric plant species present in the study area were also conducted. The data collected was used to build a network of interactions and identify the most important network metrics, species, and ecological functional groups in the studied environments. The results showed that the species composition, the connectivity of the relationships, the importance of the species for the interaction networks and the number of subgroups within the networks were highly similar between the native forest and the eucalyptus plantation. This could be explained by the favorable conditions that the studied eucalyptus plantations presented, such as the lack of anthropogenic activities, well-developed understory, and the presence of native surrounding vegetation, allowing practically the same seed dispersal capacity in both types of environments.
Abstract Restingas are coastal ecosystems associated with the Atlantic Forest. They are threatened by habitat degradation and forest fragmentation due to intense human occupation. Many restingas have coastal lagoons formed by bay sedimentation of bays, the presence of river estuaries, or emerging groundwater. The distance between lagoons and the ocean influences the biotic community in them. This study aimed to compare the diversity (composition, abundance and richness) of bat communities associated with three lagoons within the Paulo Cesar Vinha State Park, Espírito Santo state. Two lagoons ('Feia' and 'Vermelha' lagoons) are 2 km away from the ocean, while the third ('Caraís' lagoon) is just a few meters distant from the ocean. Species composition did not differ among the lagoons. Abundance of Carollia perspicillata and Glossophaga soricina was higher in the 'Caraís' lagoon. Abundance of Artibeus lituratus and Platyrrhinus lineatus was higher in the 'Vermelha' lagoon. Species with higher abundance in the 'Vermelha' are usually associated with urban and disturbed environments. 'Vermelha' lagoon is closer to human settlements and this could be a major driver of bat species abundance associated with this lagoon instead of distance from the ocean. These results may be used to guide conservations efforts in the restingas or habitats associated with restingas.
Abstract Frugivory is a plant-animal mutualistic interaction carried out mostly by birds. It consists in the bird consumption of fruits with later dispersion of the plants' seeds, helping in the vegetation regeneration. Frugivory can be affected by the habitat fragmentation and introduction of exotic species, which may alter the species interaction by extinction or competitor introduction. This study aimed to compare the structure of the network of frugivorous interactions between birds and plants in native forest and eucalyptus plantation. Birds were captured by mist nets and had their feces collected. Later, the seeds were identified in laboratory. The records of fruit consumption by birds in the zoochoric plant species present in the study area were also conducted. The data collected was used to build a network of interactions and identify the most important network metrics, species, and ecological functional groups in the studied environments. The results showed that the species composition, the connectivity of the relationships, the importance of the species for the interaction networks and the number of subgroups within the networks were highly similar between the native forest and the eucalyptus plantation. This could be explained by the favorable conditions that the studied eucalyptus plantations presented, such as the lack of anthropogenic activities, well-developed understory, and the presence of native surrounding vegetation, allowing practically the same seed dispersal capacity in both types of environments.
The existence of environmental disturbances is an important facilitating factor to the establishment of biological invasions (BI). Biological invasions are considered the second biggest threat to the planet's biodiversity, behind only anthropic actions such as deforestation and habitat fragmentation. Thus, all environments are subjected to biological invasions, including Conservation Units (CU). The objective of the work was to evaluate the impacts of the exotic invasive Ricinus communis L. on the native biota of the Morro do Urubu Environmental Protection Area, Aracaju, Sergipe State, Brazil. Plots were allocated in places invaded by exotic invasive and in non-invaded places. Within the sample units, the number of individuals of each species present was counted. With these data, the statistics of the present study were performed. In the plots plotted on the non-invaded sites, 28 species were found. In the plots plotted on the invaded sites, only three species were sampled, among them the exotic invader studied, which showed to be the most abundant taxon in the area. In total, 75 individuals were counted in the invaded sites, of which 72 were from R. communis. In the non-invaded sites, 210 individuals. The average number of species was statistically higher in the plots where the exotic invader was removed, while from the second reading and remained until the eighth reading, the
The existence of environmental disturbances is an important facilitating factor to the establishment of biological invasions (BI). Biological invasions are considered the second biggest threat to the planet's biodiversity, behind only anthropic actions such as deforestation and habitat fragmentation. Thus, all environments are subjected to biological invasions, including Conservation Units (CU). The objective of the work was to evaluate the impacts of the exotic invasive Ricinus communis L. on the native biota of the Morro do Urubu Environmental Protection Area, Aracaju, Sergipe State, Brazil. Plots were allocated in places invaded by exotic invasive and in non-invaded places. Within the sample units, the number of individuals of each species present was counted. With these data, the statistics of the present study were performed. In the plots plotted on the non-invaded sites, 28 species were found. In the plots plotted on the invaded sites, only three species were sampled, among them the exotic invader studied, which showed to be the most abundant taxon in the area. In total, 75 individuals were counted in the invaded sites, of which 72 were from R. communis. In the non-invaded sites, 210 individuals. The average number of species was statistically higher in the plots where the exotic invader was removed, while from the second reading and remained until the eighth reading, the
Naleh fish Barbonymus sp. is a commercial freshwater fish, which is indigenous to Aceh, Indonesia. The population of this species has declined over the years as a result of habitat perturbations and overfishing. Hence, the crucial need to develop a cryopreservation method to support breeding programs. This involved the use of a cryoprotectant as an important component. The objective of this study, therefore, was to explore the best cryoprotectant for naleh fish spermatozoa, and a total of five types were tested. These include the DMSO, Methanol, Ethanol, Glycerol, and Ethylene Glycol at a similar concentration of 10%, which were individually combined with 15% egg yolk, and every treatment was performed in three replications. Conversely, Ringer's solution was adopted as an extender, and the sperm was cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for 15 days. The results showed significant influence on sperm motility and viability, as well as egg fertility of naleh fish (P <0.05), although the DMSO provided the best outcome, compared to others at 47.17%, 50.13%, and 45.67%, respectively. Furthermore, DNA fragmentation had not occurred in the fresh and cryopreserved sperm samples, indicating the protective effect of tested cryoprotectants. It is concluded that the 10% DMSO and 15% egg yolk is the best cryoprotectant for naleh fish spermatozoa.(AU)
O peixe naleh Barbonymus sp. é um peixe comercial de água doce, originário de Aceh, Indonésia. Durante vários anos, as perturbações provocadas no seu habitat e a pesca predatória determinaram o declínio da sua população, cuja preservação deve apoiar-se em um programa de reprodução controlada, com o emprego de espermatozoides criopreservados. O presente trabalho realizou um estudo comparativo de cinco crioprotetores: dimetilsultóxido, metanol, etanol, glicerol e etileno glicol. Todos os crioprotetores foram testados na concentração de 10%, combinados a 15% de gema de ovo. Cada tratamento foi efetuado em triplicatas. A solução de ringer foi utilizada como extensor e o esperma foi criopreservado em nitrogênio líquido por 15 dias. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de influência significante (P<0,05) na viabilidade e motilidade espermática bem como na fertilidade dos ovos do peixe naleh, em que o dimetilsulfóxido apresentou o melhor resultado com os valores de 47,17%, 50,13% e 45,67%, respectivamente. Por outro lado, a fragmentação do DNA não ocorreu nas amostras de esperma fresco e criopreservado, indicando o efeito protetor dos crioprotetores testados. A conclusão obtida foi que o dimetilsulfóxido e 15% de gema de ovo foram o melhor crioprotetor para os espermatozoides do peixe naleh.(AU)
Animais , Cyprinidae/embriologia , Crioprotetores/análise , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Dimetil Sulfóxido/análiseResumo
Naleh fish Barbonymus sp. is a commercial freshwater fish, which is indigenous to Aceh, Indonesia. The population of this species has declined over the years as a result of habitat perturbations and overfishing. Hence, the crucial need to develop a cryopreservation method to support breeding programs. This involved the use of a cryoprotectant as an important component. The objective of this study, therefore, was to explore the best cryoprotectant for naleh fish spermatozoa, and a total of five types were tested. These include the DMSO, Methanol, Ethanol, Glycerol, and Ethylene Glycol at a similar concentration of 10%, which were individually combined with 15% egg yolk, and every treatment was performed in three replications. Conversely, Ringer's solution was adopted as an extender, and the sperm was cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for 15 days. The results showed significant influence on sperm motility and viability, as well as egg fertility of naleh fish (P <0.05), although the DMSO provided the best outcome, compared to others at 47.17%, 50.13%, and 45.67%, respectively. Furthermore, DNA fragmentation had not occurred in the fresh and cryopreserved sperm samples, indicating the protective effect of tested cryoprotectants. It is concluded that the 10% DMSO and 15% egg yolk is the best cryoprotectant for naleh fish spermatozoa.(AU)
O peixe naleh Barbonymus sp. é um peixe comercial de água doce, originário de Aceh, Indonésia. Durante vários anos, as perturbações provocadas no seu habitat e a pesca predatória determinaram o declínio da sua população, cuja preservação deve apoiar-se em um programa de reprodução controlada, com o emprego de espermatozoides criopreservados. O presente trabalho realizou um estudo comparativo de cinco crioprotetores: dimetilsultóxido, metanol, etanol, glicerol e etileno glicol. Todos os crioprotetores foram testados na concentração de 10%, combinados a 15% de gema de ovo. Cada tratamento foi efetuado em triplicatas. A solução de ringer foi utilizada como extensor e o esperma foi criopreservado em nitrogênio líquido por 15 dias. Os resultados obtidos revelaram a existência de influência significante (P<0,05) na viabilidade e motilidade espermática bem como na fertilidade dos ovos do peixe naleh, em que o dimetilsulfóxido apresentou o melhor resultado com os valores de 47,17%, 50,13% e 45,67%, respectivamente. Por outro lado, a fragmentação do DNA não ocorreu nas amostras de esperma fresco e criopreservado, indicando o efeito protetor dos crioprotetores testados. A conclusão obtida foi que o dimetilsulfóxido e 15% de gema de ovo foram o melhor crioprotetor para os espermatozoides do peixe naleh.(AU)