This study evaluated the quality of anesthesyc recovery of horses using a three-point assisted method. Sixty-eight horses (37 females and 31 males) of different breeds, age and weight submitted to general anesthesia for abdominal - ABD (n=15), arthroscopy - ART (n=17), other orthopedic - ORT (n=18) and miscellaneous - MIX (n=18) surgical procedures. Isoflurane resulted in shorter recovery time (67.4±25.7min) compared to halothane (88.0±37.8min). The mean duration (±SD) of anesthesia for ABD, ORT, ART and MIXgroups was 166.7 (±14), 54.9 (±5.9), 86.5 (±7.3) and 76.4 (±32.5) minutes (min) respectively. Quality of recovery wasnt influenced by duration of anesthesia or by use of analgesic, sedative and/or anesthetic drugs or not (p>0.05). Mean standing time (TEst) during anesthetic recovery was 67.5 (±29.9) min in ABD, 44.4 (±27) min in ORT, 42.2 (±23.2) min in ART and 39 (±14.7) min in MIX group. Average number of attempts (Ast) to stand was 1.8 (±0.8) in ABD group, 3.1 (±4.7) in ORT, 1.8 (±1.2) in ART and 1.8 (±1.2) in MIX. Recovery time (TRec) in ABD group was 102.2 (±36.5) min, ORT 70.1 (±36.5) min, ART 72.2 (±24.8) min and MIX group 66.6 (±19.1) min. TRec differed (p<0.05) between ABDand other groups. Three-point assisted recoveryfrom anesthesia showed to be a safe procedure during horses recovery. This method is easy to apply and well tolerated by horses regardless of the surgical procedure.(AU)
Neste estudo foi avaliado a qualidade da recuperação anestésica de equinos através do método de recuperação assistida por três pontos. Sessenta e oito cavalos (37 fêmeas e 31 machos) de diferentes raças, idade e peso foram submetidos à anestesia geral para cirurgias abdominais - ABD (n=15), artroscopias - ART (n=17), demais cirurgias ortopédicas - ORT (n=18) e mistas - MIX (n=18). As anestesias realizadas com isofluorano resultaram em menor tempo de recuperação (67.4±25.7min), comparadas com as anestesias realizadas com halotano (88.0±37.8min). A média da duração (±SD) da anestesia nos grupos ABD, ORT, ART e MIX foi de 166.7 (±14), 54.9 (±5.9), 86.5 (±7.3) e 76.4 (±32.5) minutos (min) respectivamente. A qualidade da recuperação não foi influenciada pelo tempo de anestesia ou pelo uso de analgésicos, sedativos e/ou outras drogas anestésicas (p>0.05). A média do tempo para estação (TEst) durante a recuperação anestésica foi de 67.5 (±29.9) min em ABD, 44.4 (±27) min em ORT, 42.2 (±23.2) min em ART e 39 (±14.7) min em MIX. O tempo de recuperação (TRec) em ABD foi de 102.2 (±36.5) min, ORT 70.1 (±36.5) min, ART 72.2 (±24.8) min e MIX 66.6 (±19.1) min. O TRec diferiu (p<0.05) entre o grupo de cirurgias ABD e os demais. O método de recuperação anestésica por três pontos mostrou ser seguro em cavalos, sendo facilmente aplicável e bem tolerado por cavalos após diferentes procedimentos cirúrgicos.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Período de Recuperação da Anestesia , Anestesia/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To use blood lactate (BL) as an end-point metabolic marker for the begin resuscitation of volume replacement in experimental hemorrhagic shock. Methods: Group I (n=7) was not bled (Control). Animals in Group II (n=7) were bled to a MAP of 30mmHg in thirty minutes. Hemodynamic and metabolic data were recorded at Baseline, at 30, 60 and 120 minutes after Baseline. The animals were intubated in spontaneous breathing (FIO2=0.21) with halothane. Results: Group I all survived. In Group II all died; no mortality occurred before a BL 10mM/L. Beyond the end-point all animals exhibited severe acidemia, hyperventilation and clinical signs of shock. Without treatment all animals died within 70.43±24.51 min of hypotension shortly after reaching an average level of BL 17.01±3.20mM/L. Conclusions: Swines breathing room air spontaneously in hemorrhagic shock not treated a blood lactate over 10mM/L results fatal. The predictable outcome of this shock model is expected to produce consistent information based on possible different metabolic and hemodynamic patterns as far as the type of fluid and the timing of resuscitation in near fatal hemorrhagic shock.(AU)
Animais , Choque Hemorrágico/induzido quimicamente , Choque Hemorrágico/mortalidade , Ácido Láctico/análise , Ácido Láctico/biossíntese , Modelos Animais , Suínos , Biomarcadores/análise , RessuscitaçãoResumo
Although the negative effects of inhalation anaesthetics on fertility have been known for a while, the stages during the reproductive cycle at which these effects occur and the mechanisms of action are largely unknown. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of acute exposure of female mice to halothane, isoflurane, and sevoflurane prior to mating. BALB/c female mice (n=160) were allocated in groups of 20 to halothane (HG), isoflurane (IG), sevoflurane (SG), and oxygen/sham (SH) treatment groups and their respective control groups (CGs). The mice were exposed to 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) of the corresponding anaesthetic or oxygen for 4 h/day over 5 consecutive days. Two days after exposure, females were mated with males (ratio 2:1 female/male) for five consecutive days. Every morning, females were checked for the presence of vaginal plugs. Half of the females that exhibited plugs were euthanised 72 h later for embryo evaluation. The remaining females were euthanised on the 14th day of pregnancy for foetal evaluation. A low number of morulae and total embryos (morulae + blastocysts) were observed in the HG (P 0.05). The number of implantations was lower in the HG (6.0) compared with the IG (11.8) and SG (12.4) (P 0.05). Exposure to halothane is not recommended for use in female mice prior to mating procedures because it leads to decreased embryo production...(AU)
Embora os efeitos negativos dos anestésicos inalatórios na fertilidade já foram descritos há algum tempo, os estágios durante o ciclo reprodutivo em que estes efeitos ocorrem bem como os mecanismos de ação ainda permanecem desconhecidos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram avaliar os efeitos da exposição aguda em fêmeas de camundongos ao halotano, isofluorano, e sevofluorano prévio ao acasalamento. Fêmeas de camundongos BALB/c (n=160) foram alocadas em grupos de 20 aos tratamentos halotano (HG), isofluorano (IG), sevofluorano (SG), oxigênio (SH), e seus respectivos grupos controle (CGs). As fêmeas de camundongos foram expostas a uma concentração alveolar mínima (CAM) do anestésico correspondente ou a oxigênio por 4 horas diárias durante 5 dias consecutivos. Após dois dias do fim da exposição às fêmeas foram acasaladas com os machos (proporção 2:1 fêmea/macho) durante 5 dias consecutivos. A cada manhã, as fêmeas foram avaliadas para a observação da presença de plug vaginal. Metade das fêmeas que exibiam plug foram submetidas à eutanásia após 72 horas para avaliação embrionária. As fêmeas restantes foram eutanasiadas no 14º dia de gestação para avaliação fetal. No HG foi observado um menor número de mórulas e embriões totais (mórulas + blastocistos) (P 0,05). O número de implantações foi menor no HG (6,0) comparado ao IG (11,8) e SG (12,4) (P 0,05). A exposição ao halotano não...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Halotano/administração & dosagem , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/efeitos dos fármacos , Gravidez/efeitos dos fármacos , Anestésicos Inalatórios/administração & dosagemResumo
Para avaliar a influência do gene halotano sobre a curva de crescimento de suínos, bem como sua interação com o sexo do animal, foi proposta uma modelagem hierárquica Bayesiana. Nesta abordagem, os parâmetros dos modelos não-lineares de crescimento (Logístico, Gompertz e von Bertalanffy) foram estimados conjuntamente com os efeitos de sexo e genótipos do gene halotano. Foram utilizados 344 animais F2(Comercial x Piau) pesados ao nascer, aos 21, 42, 63, 77, 105 e 150 dias. O modelo Logístico foi aquele que apresentou melhor qualidade de ajuste por apresentar menor DIC (Deviance Information Criterion) que os demais. As amostras das distribuições marginais a posteriori para as diferenças entre as estimativas dos parâmetros do modelo Logístico indicaram que o peso dos machos à idade adulta com genótipo heterozigoto (HalNn) foi superior ao dos homozigotos (HalNN). A título de comparação, também foi considerada a abordagem frequentista tradicional, baseada em dois passos distintos, a qual, por apresentar um menor poder de discernimento estatístico, não mostrou diferenças significativas.(AU)
A hierarchical Bayesian modeling was used to evaluate the influence of halothane gene and its interaction with sex on pig´s growth curves. Under this approach, the parameters from growth models (Logistic, Gompertz and von Bertalanffy) were estimated jointly with the effects of halothane gene and sex. A total of 344 F2 (Commercial x Piau) animals were weighted at birth, 21, 42, 63, 77, 105 and 150 days in life. The Logistic model has presented the best fit based on DIC (Deviance Information Criterion). Thus, the samples from marginal posterior distributions for the differences between the parameters estimates of Logistic model have indicated that the maturity weight of males with heterozygous genotypes (HalNn) was superior to males with homozygous genotypes (HalNN). In order to realize a comparison with the traditional methodology, the frequentist approach based on two distinct steps also was used, but there was not identified significant differences between growth curve parameter estimates from each group (combinations of halothane genotypes and sex).(AU)
Animais , Suínos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Suínos/genética , Genótipo , Halotano/administração & dosagem , Melhoramento GenéticoResumo
The effects of continuous rate infusion of lidocaine or amiodarone on hemodynamic and arrhythmias induced by epinephrine in dogs anesthetized with halothane were evaluated. Thirty dogs were distributed into three groups: amiodarone group (AG), lidocaine group (LG), or control group (CG). Anesthesia was induced with etomidate and maintained with halothane. Thirty minutes later a bolus and continuous rate infusion (CRI) of amiodarone in AG, lidocaine in LG and NaCl at 0.9% in CG was administered. After 10 minutes, arrhythmias were induced by epinephrine CRI at 0.0001mg/kg/minute, which was increased in 0.0001mg/kg/minute every ten minutes, until 0.0003mg/kg/minute. The measurements were performed 30 minutes after the induction of anesthesia (T0), 10 minutes after beginning the drug CRIs (T1), 10 minutes after beginning epinephrine administration (T2) and 10 minutes after increasing epinephrine CRI (T3 and T4). In CG, at T3 heart rate (HR) was greater than in LG, while at T4, HR in GC was higher than in LG and AG. In LG and CG, from T2, central venous pressure (CVP), cardiac index (CI), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), diastolic arterial pressure (DAP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) increased. In AG, SAP, DAP and MAP it decreased from T1 to T3. The ventricular ectopic beats (VEB) were lower in AG. Amiodarone has better antiarrhythmogenic effects, although it was also associated with hypotension.(AU)
Avaliaram-se os efeitos da infusão contínua de lidocaína ou amiodarona sobre a hemodinâmica e as arritmias induzidas pela epinefrina em cães anestesiados com halotano. Trinta animais foram distribuídos em três grupos: grupo amiodarona (GA), grupo lidocaína (GL) ou grupo-controle (GC). A anestesia foi induzida com etomidato e mantida com halotano. Trinta minutos após, foram administrados bolus e infusão contínua (CRI) de amiodarona no GA, de lidocaína no GL e de NaCl a 0,9% no GC. Após 10 minutos, iniciou-se a CRI de epinefrina (0,0001mg/kg/minuto), aumentando-se 0,0001mg/kg/minuto a cada 10 minutos até 0,0003mg/kg/minuto. As mensurações foram realizadas 30 minutos após a indução anestésica (T0), 10 minutos após a CRI dos fármacos (T1), 10 minutos após a administração de epinefrina (T2) e a cada 10 minutos após o incremento na CRI de epinefrina (T3 e T4). A frequência cardíaca (FC) foi maior no GC que no GL em T3 e maior em GC que nos demais grupos em T4. A partir de T2, houve aumento na pressão venosa central (PVC), no índice cardíaco (IC), nas pressões arteriais sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM) e na pressão média da artéria pulmonar (PAPm) no GL e no GC. No GA, PAS, PAD e PAM diminuíram de T1 a T3. Os batimentos ventriculares ectópicos (BVE) foram menores no GA. Amiodarona possui melhores efeitos antiarrítmicos, apesar de também estar associada com hipotensão.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Hipotensão , Halotano/farmacologia , Anestesia/veterinária , Hemodinâmica/fisiologia , Cães/classificaçãoResumo
Resumo: Com o avanço do conhecimento sobre o genoma animal, a produção de suínos se beneficia das novas ferramentas moleculares na busca de melhores resultados zootécnicos, como eficiência alimentar, número de leitões desmamados/porca ano, maior produção de carne na carcaça, melhor rendimento dos cortes cárneos. Assim a utilização dos marcadores moleculares seleciona os melhores genótipos para as características desejadas, permitindo um menor tempo entre as gerações, menor custo para os produtores, maior rendimento de produtos para indústria e melhor qualidade para os consumidores. O trabalho foi dividido em duas etapas onde no primeiro estudo procurou-se avaliar em uma população de 272 matrizes Large White, os polimorfismos dos genes DGAT1, LEPR, HFABP, MC4R, SREBF1 pela técnica do ARMS-PCR e para o polimorfismo do gene GH empregouse a técnica do PCR-RFLP. O DNA genômico foi extraído do bulbo do pelo. Os primers foram desenhados para cada um dos genes utilizando as sequências depositadas no GenBanK. Após o sequenciamento do DNA não foi encontrado polimorfismos, com exceção do marcador MC4R que apresentou 100% de heterozigose. Da população inicial, 209 amostras foram genotipados para o gene pGH, onde um amplicon de 605 pares de base foi digerido pela enzima de restrição DdeI, resultando em dois alelos. O alelo D1 com 335,148 e 122 pb e o alelo D2 com 457 e 148 pb. A frequência genotípica de D1D2 foi de 88% e para D2D2 de 22%. O alelo D1 apresentou frequência de 11% e D2 89%. A alta intensidade de seleção para raças comerciais, justifica a ausência ou o baixo número de polimorfismos para os genes estudados. Para a segunda parte da pesquisa objetivou-se associar o polimorfismo do pGH/DdeI com características de carcaça e qualidade de carne. Utilizou-se uma população de 476 animais provenientes do cruzamento do macho AGPIC 415 e fêmeas LW X LD livres da mutação do gene halotano, machos castrados e fêmeas com idade de 150 a 180 dias. Foram coletadas as informações como peso da carcaça quente, comprimento de carcaça, pH 45min e pH ± 16h pós mortem dos músculos Longíssimus cervicis, Longíssimus dorsi e Semimebranosus, espessura de toucinho, profundidade do músculo LD e cor pelo sistema CIELAB. A capacidade de retenção de água foi realizada pelo método do papel filtro no músculo Semimebranosus e calculado a porcentagem de carne magra. Encontrou-se um SNP na posição g365G> A, com a troca do núcleotideo guanina por uma adenina, e em consequência, o aminoácido arginina por uma glutamina. Apresentou o alelo D1 com os fragmentos de 335 pb, 148 pb e 122 pb e o alelo D2 com 457 genotípicas pb e 148 pb com as frequencias de 0,43 e 0,57 respectivamente. As frequências encontradas foram as seguintes: D1D1 (22,09%), D1D2 (49,82%), D2D2 (28,09%). Após a realização do teste de qui-quadro a população se apresentou em equilibrio de Hardy-Weinberg. O polimorfismo do gene pGH/DdeI apresentou relação com as características de carne magra e pH a 45, propriedades estas importantes para a comercialização da carne fresca bem como produtos processados.
With the advancement of knowledge about the animal genome, the production of pigs benefits from the new molecular tools in search of the best zootechnical, results such as feed efficiency, number of piglets weaned / sow year, higher meat production in the carcass, better yield of meat cuts. Thus, the use of molecular markers selects the best genotypes for the desired characteristics, allowing shorter generation time, lower cost to producers, higher yields of products for industry and better quality for consumers. The work was divided into two stages where the first study sought to evaluate in a population of 272 Large White matrices the polymorphisms of the DGAT1, LEPR, HFABP, MC4R, SREBF1 genes by the ARMS-PCR technique and for the pGH gene polymorphism the PCR-RFLP technique was used. Genomic DNA was extracted from the hair bulb. The primers were designed for each of the genes using the sequences deposited in GenBanK. After DNA sequencing no polymorphisms were found, with the exception of the MC4R marker which showed 100% heterozygosity. Considering the initial population, 209 samples were genotyped for the pGH gene, where a 605 base pair amplicon was digested by restriction enzyme DdeI, resulting in two alleles. The D1 allele with 335,148 and 122 pb and the D2 allele with 457 and 148 pb. The genotypic frequency of D1D2 was 88% and for D2D2 22%. The D1 allele had a frequency of 11% and for D2 of 89%. The high intensity of selection for commercial breeds justifies the absence or the low number of polymorphisms for the genes studied. For the second part of the research, we aimed to associate pGH / DdeI polymorphism with carcass characteristics and meat quality. A population of 476 animals from the crossing of the AGPIC 415 male and LW X LD females free from the halothane gene mutation, castrated males and females aged 150 to 180 days. The information were collected as warm carcass weight, carcass length, pH 45min and pH ± 16h postmortem of the muscles Longíssimos cervicis, Longíssimos dorsi and Semimebranosus, backfat thickness, LD muscle depth and color by the CIELAB system. The water holding capacity was determined by the filter paper method in the Semimebranosus muscle and the percentage of lean meat was calculated. A SNP at position g365G> A was found, with the exchange of the guanine nucleotide by an adenine and consequently the amino acid arginine by a glutamine. It presented the D1 allele with fragments of 335 bp, 148 bp and 122 bp and the D2 allele with 457 bp and 148 bp and with frequencies of 0.43 and 0.57 respectively. The genotypic frequencies found were as follows: D1D1 (22.09%), D1D2 (49.82%), D2D2 (28.09%). After the chi-square test the population presented in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The polymorphism of the pGH / DdeI gene was related to the characteristics of lean meat and pH to 45, properties that are important for the commercialization of fresh meat as well as processed products.
PURPOSE: To analyze the viability of using SITRACC® (single-portal access) to make partial or total nephrectomy in pigs and also to describe the technical difficulties found during these surgical procedures. METHODS: Ten pigs (Landrace specie) with 20kg in average were distributed in two groups: Group A - total right nephrectomy - and Group B - partial left nephrectomy -. The anesthetic procedure was initially done with thiopental (10mg/kg) and maintained with halothane. The surgical procedures were performed inside the Surgical Technique Room from Pontifical Catholic University of Parana (PUCPR). RESULTS: It was analyzed the surgery duration, time to insert SITRACC®, the volemic loss and the size of the organ. In the first surgeries, the surgical time and blood volume loss were higher (between 15 to 43 minutes and 120 to 400 mL, respectively). The more the procedure was performed, the more the surgeons were used to the technique, so the bleeding and the time of surgery was significantly reduced to 15 minutes and 50 mL of blood loss, respectively. The difficulties found were associated with the nippers, however that was not relevant for the surgical technique. It was also found that the intra-body suture caused an expressive volemic loss. CONCLUSION: The total and partial nephrectomy through umbilical single-access by using SITRACC® was feasible and safe in pigs.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Analisar a viabilidade do uso do SITRACC® (portal único) para realização de nefrectomia total e parcial em suínos e descrever as dificuldades técnicas encontradas durante os atos cirúrgicos propostos. MÉTODOS: Foram operados 10 porcos da espécie Landrace, com peso médio de 20 Kg, distribuidos em dois grupos: Grupo A: nefrectomia total à direita e Grupo B: nefrectomia parcial à esquerda. A indução anestésica foi realizada com a administração de tiopental (10mg/Kg) e mantida com halotano. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram realizados na sala de Técnica Operatória da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR). RESULTADOS: Foram analisados tempo total de cirurgia, tempo de colocação do SITRACC®, perda volêmica e tamanho da peça. Nas primeiras cirurgias realizadas o tempo cirúrgico e o volume do sangramento foram maiores (entre 15 - 43 minutos e entre 120 - 400 ml, respectivamente); à medida que se adquiriu prática com a técnica, esses apresentaram reduções significativas para menos que 15 minutos e 50 ml, respectivamente. A dificuldade encontrada foi na articulação das pinças, porém, não afetou a técnica cirúrgica. Além disso, houve dificuldade na realização da sutura intracorpórea acarretando uma perda volêmica maior. CONCLUSÃO: A nefrectomia total e parcial por acesso umbilical único com uso do SITRACC® é plenamente viável e segura em suínos.(AU)
Animais , Suínos/classificação , Nefrectomia/métodos , Laparoscopia/veterinária , Halotano/administração & dosagemResumo
A realização do presente estudo teve como objetivo mapear Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) de carcaça e qualidade de carne em uma população F2 de suínos desenvolvida pelo cruzamento de dois reprodutores da raça brasileira Piau com 18 fêmeas comerciais (Landrace x Large White x Pietrain). O mapa de ligação para essa população foi construído após a genotipagem de 684 animais para 35 marcadores microssatélites. Os dados foram analisados pelo mapeamento por intervalo usando-se sexo, lote e genótipo halotano como efeitos fixos e peso de carcaça ao abate, peso da carcaça direita e idade ao abate como covariáveis. Um total de 18 QTLs foi encontrado; os QTLs para maior espessura de toucinho na região da copa, na linha dorsolombar, e a perda por cozimento foram significativos em nível de 5% genômico. A característica espessura de toucinho foi essencialmente associada aos alelos da raça Piau, conhecido como porco tipo banha. As informações dos QTLs significativos encontrados servem para futuros estudos de mapeamento fino para identificação de genes a serem usados em conjunto com os métodos tradicionais de seleção, para melhorar a eficiência dos programas de melhoramento, assim como prover informação acerca da fisiologia envolvida no desenvolvimento das características quantitativas dos suínos.(AU)
The accomplishment of the present study had as objective to map Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) associated to carcass and quality traits in a F2 pig population developed by mating two Brazilian Piau breed sires with 18 dams from a commercial line (Landrace × Large White × Pietrain). The linkage map for this population was constructed after genotyping the 684 animals for 35 microsatellite markers. Data were analyzed by interval mapping using sex, batch and halothane genotype as fixed effects and carcass weight at slaughter, direct carcass weight and slaugher age as covariables. A total of 18 QTL were identified, the QTL for higher backfat thickness on the shoulder region and cooking loss was significant at 5% genome-wise level. The backfat thickness trait was mainly associated with the Piau breed allele, known as a fat pig. The information of the significant QTL detected in this study is useful for future fine-mapping studies for identification of genes and might be used together with traditional selection methods to improve the efficiency of breeding programs, moreover, this information can also provide new insights to the understanding of the physiology of the quantatiative traits in pigs.(AU)
Animais , Mapeamento Cromossômico/veterinária , Carne/análise , Suínos , Biologia Molecular , Repetições de MicrossatélitesResumo
Compararam-se os efeitos analgésico, sedativo e neuroendócrino decorrentes da administração epidural e intramuscular da metadona em gatas submetidas à ovariossalpingoisterectomia (OSH). Todos os animais foram tranquilizados com acepromazina, 0,1mg kg-1 IM, seguindo-se a indução e manutenção anestésica com tiopental sódico, 12mg kg-1 IV, e halotano, respectivamente. Após a estabilização anestésica, os animais foram distribuídos em três grupos, com oito animais cada, tratados com metadona pela via epidural (EP) ou intramuscular (IM) 0,2mg kg-1, respectivamente, ou com solução salina (S) 0,2mL kg-1. Foram avaliados: graus de analgesia e de sedação, necessidade de analgesia de resgate, efeitos adversos e concentração sérica de cortisol. Os graus de analgesia e de sedação e o cortisol não diferiram entre os tratamentos. Analgesia de resgate foi administrada quatro, nove e 11 vezes nos tratamentos EP, IM e S, respectivamente. Nos tratamentos IM e S, a suplementação analgésica foi necessária a partir da primeira hora pós-cirúrgica, enquanto no tratamento EP, somente a partir da terceira hora após a OSH. Conclui-se que a administração de metadona pela via epidural resulta em menor quantidade do analgésico pós-operatório, e que a analgesia é mais prolongada quando comparada à obtida pela via intramuscular, em gatas submetidas à OSH.(AU)
The aim of this study was to investigate the analgesic, sedative and neuroendocrine effects of epidural (EP) and intramuscular (IM) methadone in cats submitted to ovariohysterectomy. The pre-anesthetic medication was acepromazine (0.1mg kg-1, IM) followed by induction of anesthesia with intravenous thiopental, 12mg kg-1, and anesthesia maintenance with halothane. After anesthesia stabilization the cats were randomly assigned to three groups of eight animals each and received EP or IM methadone, 0.2mg kg-1 diluted with saline to 0.2mL kg-1, EP and IM, respectively, or a saline placebo (S), 0.2mL kg-1. Pain measurements, degree of sedation, rescue analgesia requirements, adverse effects and serum cortisol concentration were recorded. Cortisol, pain and sedation scores did not differ among the groups. Rescue analgesia was administered 4, 9 and 11 times in the EP, IM and S treatment, respectively. In the IM and S rescue analgesia treatments were required early (first hour postoperative), whereas in the EP treatment, additional analgesics were required after the third hour postoperative. In conclusion, methadone epidural reduced the postoperative analgesic requirements and produced longer analgesia when compared to intramuscular administration in cats undergoing ovariohysterectomy.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Analgesia/veterinária , Cuidados Pós-Operatórios/veterinária , Período Pós-Operatório , Metadona , Gatos , Analgesia Epidural/veterinária , Analgésicos Opioides , Injeções Intramusculares/veterinária , Anestesia Epidural/veterinária , Salpingostomia/veterináriaResumo
PURPOSE: To investigate anesthesia recovery and hemodynamic status in patients under thiopental infusion or halothane maintenance anesthesia undergoing ocular surgery. METHODS: Fifty-nine voluntary patients undergoing ocular surgery in Farabi hospital were allocated to one of two maintenance anesthesia groups: inhaled halothane, 0.8 to 1 per cent, (group I, n=37) and thiopental infusion, 10 to 12 mg/kg/hour, (group II, n=22). Hemodynamic parameters were recorded at the time of patient entrance to the operation room and at the 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 minutes following anesthesia. Anesthesia recovery variables were also compared between the two groups. RESULTS: In group I, arterial blood pressure at 10 to 40 min and heart rate at 1 and 25 min after the administration of anesthetics were significantly lower when compared with group II (W 2= 25.10, p= 0.005). Arterial oxygen saturation was similar in the two groups over the whole points of time. The time intervals between the end of surgery and beginning of the first body movements and respiratory efforts were significantly longer in group received halothane (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Continuous infusion of thiopental can be applied effectively and safely for maintenance of anesthesia. In comparison with halothane, it is associated with lower changes of intraoperative hemodynamics and faster anesthesia recovery.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Investigar a recuperação anestésica e as condições hemodinâmicas em pacientes submetidos a infusão de tiopental ou hatotano na manutenção da anestesia na cirurgia ocular. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta e nove voluntários submetidos a cirurgia ocular no Hospital Farabi foram distribuídos em dois grupos de manutenção anestésica: Grupo I (n=37) inalação halotano, 0,8 a 1% e Grupo II (n=22) infusão de tiopental, 10 a 12 mg/kg/hora. Foram registrados parâmetros hemodinâmicos da entrada dos pacientes na sala operatória até 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40 minutos durante a anestesia. Variáveis de recuperação anestésica foram também comparados entre ambos os grupos. RESULTADOS: No Grupo I a pressão arterial nos 10 a 40 minutos e avaliação cardíaca em um e 25 minutos após a administração dos anestésicos foram significantes mais baixos comparados com o Grupo II (W2=25.10, p=0.005). A saturação de oxigênio foi similar nos dois grupos durante todos procedimentos. Os intervalos de tempo entre o final da cirurgia e início dos primeiros movimentos e a respiração foram significativamente mais prolongados no grupo que recebeu halotoano (p<0.001). CONCLUSÃO: A infusão continua de tiopental pode ser aplicado efetivamente e com segurança na manutenção da anestesia. Em comparação com halotano as mudanças hemodinâmicas foram menores e a recuperação anestésica mais rápida.(AU)
Período de Recuperação da Anestesia , Cirurgia Geral/métodos , Olho/anatomia & histologia , Hemodinâmica/fisiologia , Tiopental/administração & dosagem , Halotano/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: Epidural administration of opioids and a2-adrenergic agonists allows the use of smaller doses when administered by other routes, providing analgesia during trans and post-anesthetic periods, reducing side effects and postoperative stress. Sufentanil in higher doses caused minimal hemodynamic changes in dogs. When given epidurally, clonidine produces analgesia without motor block by a non-opioid mechanism of action. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality and duration of analgesia as well the cardiorespiratory changes resulting from administration of epidural clonidine or sufentanil in dogs anesthetized with halothane. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty adult health dogs were used divided into two groups, clonidine (CLO) group and sufentanil (SUF) receiving 150 µg and 50 µg respectively epidural. After induction with thiopental and propofol in a mixture of equal parts (0.8 mg/kg), general anesthesia was maintained with halothane in a Bain circuit for further epidural administration of drugs. Heart rate and cardiac rhythm, respiratory rate, tidal volume, min volume, systolic arterial pressure, body temperature, oxygen saturation of oxyhemoglobin, halothane vaporization were evaluated at times T0 (baseline) and every 15 min until the end of the procedure (T1, T2, T3, T4). The arterial blood gas analysis was performed at T0G (baseline) and 30 min and 2 h after epidural (T1G, T2G) evaluating pH, PaO2 , PaCO2 , BE, HCO3 - and TCO2 . Postoperative analgesia was assessed by the scale of Firth & Haldane (1999) every hour for five hours, starting one hour after the surgery. All parametric variables were analyzed by use of a 1-way ANOVA for repeated measures, followed by a Dunnet test to compare all sample collection times with baseline data (0 min). For comparisons among groups, for each time, test t was used. Differences were considered significant when P < 0.05. The results showed a significant reduction in heart rate after 15 min lasting for 60 min with a reduction in SAP, but no signs of hypotension. A reduction in respiratory rate was also observed in the SUF group and vaporization of halothane in both groups with increase in SpO2 . There was no difference in cardiac rhythm and tidal volume, there was only an increase in minute volume at 60 min in the SUF group. Body temperature also decreases at all times. Discussion: The reduction in heart rate was observed since sufentanil have discrete sympatholytic and vagotonic activity and a2-adrenergic agonists may also cause bradycardia by vagomimetic effect. The drugs used can also cause a reduction in blood pressure, but hypotension was not observed in this study, corroborating with several authors. The lipophilic opioids suffer greater absorption by the blood vessels in the epidural region resulting in peak plasma concentration and early respiratory depression, while the a2-adrenergic agonists cause respiratory depression secondary to central nervous system depression. The observed reduction in vaporization is due to potentiation of drugs used. Analgesia in the intraoperative period can be proved since tachycardia, tachypnea, or hypertension during clamping of the ovarian pedicles was not observed and in the immediate postoperative period, both drugs proved effective with Firth & Haldane numerical scale. The doses employed by epidural reduced the need for halothane demonstrating intra-operative analgesic effect. Furthermore, sufentanil caused severe respiratory depression, however it is suggested greater efficacy when compared to clonidine in the immediate postoperative period.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Analgesia Epidural/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Clonidina/administração & dosagem , Sufentanil/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Inalatórios/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: Epidural administration of opioids and a2-adrenergic agonists allows the use of smaller doses when administered by other routes, providing analgesia during trans and post-anesthetic periods, reducing side effects and postoperative stress. Sufentanil in higher doses caused minimal hemodynamic changes in dogs. When given epidurally, clonidine produces analgesia without motor block by a non-opioid mechanism of action. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality and duration of analgesia as well the cardiorespiratory changes resulting from administration of epidural clonidine or sufentanil in dogs anesthetized with halothane. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty adult health dogs were used divided into two groups, clonidine (CLO) group and sufentanil (SUF) receiving 150 µg and 50 µg respectively epidural. After induction with thiopental and propofol in a mixture of equal parts (0.8 mg/kg), general anesthesia was maintained with halothane in a Bain circuit for further epidural administration of drugs. Heart rate and cardiac rhythm, respiratory rate, tidal volume, min volume, systolic arterial pressure, body temperature, oxygen saturation of oxyhemoglobin, halothane vaporization were evaluated at times T0 (baseline) and every 15 min until the end of the procedure (T1, T2, T3, T4). The arterial blood gas analysis was performed at T0G (baseline) and 30 min and 2 h after epidural (T1G, T2G) evaluating pH, PaO2 , PaCO2 , BE, HCO3 - and TCO2 . Postoperative analgesia was assessed by the scale of Firth & Haldane (1999) every hour for five hours, starting one hour after the surgery. All parametric variables were analyzed by use of a 1-way ANOVA for repeated measures, followed by a Dunnet test to compare all sample collection times with baseline data (0 min). For comparisons among groups, for each time, test t was used. Differences were considered significant when P < 0.05. The results showed a significant reduction in heart rate after 15 min lasting for 60 min with a reduction in SAP, but no signs of hypotension. A reduction in respiratory rate was also observed in the SUF group and vaporization of halothane in both groups with increase in SpO2 . There was no difference in cardiac rhythm and tidal volume, there was only an increase in minute volume at 60 min in the SUF group. Body temperature also decreases at all times. Discussion: The reduction in heart rate was observed since sufentanil have discrete sympatholytic and vagotonic activity and a2-adrenergic agonists may also cause bradycardia by vagomimetic effect. The drugs used can also cause a reduction in blood pressure, but hypotension was not observed in this study, corroborating with several authors. The lipophilic opioids suffer greater absorption by the blood vessels in the epidural region resulting in peak plasma concentration and early respiratory depression, while the a2-adrenergic agonists cause respiratory depression secondary to central nervous system depression. The observed reduction in vaporization is due to potentiation of drugs used. Analgesia in the intraoperative period can be proved since tachycardia, tachypnea, or hypertension during clamping of the ovarian pedicles was not observed and in the immediate postoperative period, both drugs proved effective with Firth & Haldane numerical scale. The doses employed by epidural reduced the need for halothane demonstrating intra-operative analgesic effect. Furthermore, sufentanil caused severe respiratory depression, however it is suggested greater efficacy when compared to clonidine in the immediate postoperative period.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Analgesia Epidural/veterinária , Clonidina/administração & dosagem , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Sufentanil/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos Inalatórios/administração & dosagemResumo
Background: Dioctophyma renale or giant worm is a parasite that has hematophagous habits and it is found worldwide. It is most commonly observed in stray and wild domestic carnivores. It affects several wild and herbivore animals. Even though it is a zoonosis, it rarely affects humans. Its diagnosis is occasionally made during surgeries and necropsies, by the presence of eggs or the parasite itself in the urine. Its epidemiology, with a complex life cycle, starts with the eggs containing the first stage larvae, which are then ingested by its intermediate host, an aquatic oligochaete (annelid) (Lumbriculus variegatus) and the definitive host is infected by ingestion of this latter or its paratenic host, namely fish and frog. The purpose of this study was to report two Dioctophyma renale cases with different life cycles, one in the left inguinal region of a dog and the other one in an ulcerated tumor in the right I2 teat of a bitch. Case: The first case consisted of a 5-month old mongrel dog weighting 8 kg, whose owners main complaint was a large growth observed in the left inguinal region of the animal. No other alterations were identified at the general physical examination. An exploratory surgical procedure was immediately chosen, at which time the parasite was detected. The antibiotic prophylaxis used enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg and the pre-emptive analgesic was flunixin meglumine 1.1 mg/kg, both applied intramuscularly. Ketamine5 mg/kg associated with xylazine 2 mg/kg, administrated intravenously was used in the anesthesia, and its maintenance was made with ketamine. An incision was made to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and peritoneum in order to access the inguinal region, at which time the parasite was found. The second case was an 8-year-old mongrel bitch, not spayed and weighting 15 kg, which was taken to the Hospital of Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), Brazil. At clinical examination, an increase in volume and the presence of an ulcer were observed in the right I2 abdominal teat. Based on this, regional mastectomy was indicated for T3, I1 and I2. The hemogram did not reveal any important alterations. The antibiotic prophylaxis used benzathine penicillin 40 mg/kg and the pre-emptive analgesic was flunixin meglumine 1.1 mg/kg, applied intramuscularly. Ketamine5 mg/kg associated with diazepam 0.5 mg/kg, administrated intravenously, was used for the induction of anesthesia. The anesthesia was maintained with halothane in a semi-closed circuit. An elliptical incision was made to the medium caudal line, with dilatation and ligation of the mammary artery, followed by removal of the teats. After surgery, the parasite was found upon incision of the part removed. During the entire transoperative procedure, the animals received 10 mL/ kg Ringer Lactate/hour. Discussion: The identification of the parasite was based on its morphological characteristics, particularly regarding size and color. The surgical findings were accidental. The parasite is identified during necropsy or when its eggs are found in urine, or when the parasite itself is eliminated. Excretory urography and ultrasound do not reveal the parasite, but they may indicate a renal dysfunction. Several parasites can be found in the same host. Only one female and one male were observed in each of the cases. The most efficient treatment is the surgical removal of the parasite and, in some cases, nephrotomy and nephrectomy are also indicated. The patients fully recovered from the condition. Organs must always be observed in procedures involving or not cavities.
Animais , Cães , Diagnóstico Clínico/veterinária , Doenças Assintomáticas/classificação , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Dioctophymatoidea/patogenicidadeResumo
Background: Dioctophyma renale or giant worm is a parasite that has hematophagous habits and it is found worldwide. It is most commonly observed in stray and wild domestic carnivores. It affects several wild and herbivore animals. Even though it is a zoonosis, it rarely affects humans. Its diagnosis is occasionally made during surgeries and necropsies, by the presence of eggs or the parasite itself in the urine. Its epidemiology, with a complex life cycle, starts with the eggs containing the first stage larvae, which are then ingested by its intermediate host, an aquatic oligochaete (annelid) (Lumbriculus variegatus) and the definitive host is infected by ingestion of this latter or its paratenic host, namely fish and frog. The purpose of this study was to report two Dioctophyma renale cases with different life cycles, one in the left inguinal region of a dog and the other one in an ulcerated tumor in the right I2 teat of a bitch. Case: The first case consisted of a 5-month old mongrel dog weighting 8 kg, whose owners main complaint was a large growth observed in the left inguinal region of the animal. No other alterations were identified at the general physical examination. An exploratory surgical procedure was immediately chosen, at which time the parasite was detected. The antibiotic prophylaxis used enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg and the pre-emptive analgesic was flunixin meglumine 1.1 mg/kg, both applied intramuscularly. Ketamine5 mg/kg associated with xylazine 2 mg/kg, administrated intravenously was used in the anesthesia, and its maintenance was made with ketamine. An incision was made to the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and peritoneum in order to access the inguinal region, at which time the parasite was found. The second case was an 8-year-old mongrel bitch, not spayed and weighting 15 kg, which was taken to the Hospital of Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), Brazil. At clinical examination, an increase in volume and the presence of an ulcer were observed in the right I2 abdominal teat. Based on this, regional mastectomy was indicated for T3, I1 and I2. The hemogram did not reveal any important alterations. The antibiotic prophylaxis used benzathine penicillin 40 mg/kg and the pre-emptive analgesic was flunixin meglumine 1.1 mg/kg, applied intramuscularly. Ketamine5 mg/kg associated with diazepam 0.5 mg/kg, administrated intravenously, was used for the induction of anesthesia. The anesthesia was maintained with halothane in a semi-closed circuit. An elliptical incision was made to the medium caudal line, with dilatation and ligation of the mammary artery, followed by removal of the teats. After surgery, the parasite was found upon incision of the part removed. During the entire transoperative procedure, the animals received 10 mL/ kg Ringer Lactate/hour. Discussion: The identification of the parasite was based on its morphological characteristics, particularly regarding size and color. The surgical findings were accidental. The parasite is identified during necropsy or when its eggs are found in urine, or when the parasite itself is eliminated. Excretory urography and ultrasound do not reveal the parasite, but they may indicate a renal dysfunction. Several parasites can be found in the same host. Only one female and one male were observed in each of the cases. The most efficient treatment is the surgical removal of the parasite and, in some cases, nephrotomy and nephrectomy are also indicated. The patients fully recovered from the condition. Organs must always be observed in procedures involving or not cavities.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Infecções por Enoplida/veterinária , Doenças Assintomáticas/classificação , Diagnóstico Clínico/veterinária , Dioctophymatoidea/patogenicidadeResumo
A manutenção da pressão arterial, no transanestésico, consiste grande desafio, principalmente quando se trata da espécie equina, suscetível à instabilidade cardiovascular. Por isso, torna-se imperioso utilizar técnica anestésica que mantenham estáveis os parâmetros cardiovasculares. A cetamina tem sido amplamente empregada na indução anestésica para o halotano em equinos, conferindo-lhes estabilidade cardiovascular. A cetamina S(+), recentemente disponibilizada no mercado, induz estimulação cardiovascular e possui maior potência anestésica e analgésica em relação à cetamina. Todavia, os efeitos dessa substância, administrada por infusão contínua durante a manutenção da anestesia pelo halotano em equinos, ainda não foram avaliados. Em face da tendência atual de a infusão continuada da cetamina potencializar os anestésicos inalatórios, considerou-se pertinente avaliar os efeitos cardiovasculares e respiratórios desse isômero de cetamina em equinos anestesiados pelo halotano. Conclui-se que a infusão contínua de 0,01mg/kg/min de cetamina S(+) durante anestesia com 1,5 CAM de halotano em equinos não agravou a depressão cardiorrespiratória promovida por esse anestésico inalatório.
The horses blood pressure is susceptible to changes induced by volatile anesthetics. Because of that, the use of anesthesic techniques which keep stable the horse´s blood pressure is essencial. Ketamine is an important induction and maintenance anesthetic agent used in the horse anesthesia practice mainly to improve the blood pressure. S(+)-ketamine provides the same effects on the blood pressure, with greater analgesic results and less side effects than the normal ketamine. Although some studies have been conducted with ketamine continuous rate infusion during the halothane anesthetized horses, the S(+)-ketamine has not been evaluated yet. Considering the increased use of ketamine, it is important to evaluate its cardiovascular and respiratory effects in halothane anesthetized horses. To conclude, S(+)-ketamine 0.01mg/kg/min. continuous rate infusion did not induce additive cardiovascular and respiratory depression in halothane anesthetized horses.
Animais , Anestesia/efeitos adversos , Cavalos/classificação , Halotano/efeitos adversos , Pressão Arterial , Sistema CardiovascularResumo
A manutenção da pressão arterial, no transanestésico, consiste grande desafio, principalmente quando se trata da espécie equina, suscetível à instabilidade cardiovascular. Por isso, torna-se imperioso utilizar técnica anestésica que mantenham estáveis os parâmetros cardiovasculares. A cetamina tem sido amplamente empregada na indução anestésica para o halotano em equinos, conferindo-lhes estabilidade cardiovascular. A cetamina S(+), recentemente disponibilizada no mercado, induz estimulação cardiovascular e possui maior potência anestésica e analgésica em relação à cetamina. Todavia, os efeitos dessa substância, administrada por infusão contínua durante a manutenção da anestesia pelo halotano em equinos, ainda não foram avaliados. Em face da tendência atual de a infusão continuada da cetamina potencializar os anestésicos inalatórios, considerou-se pertinente avaliar os efeitos cardiovasculares e respiratórios desse isômero de cetamina em equinos anestesiados pelo halotano. Conclui-se que a infusão contínua de 0,01mg/kg/min de cetamina S(+) durante anestesia com 1,5 CAM de halotano em equinos não agravou a depressão cardiorrespiratória promovida por esse anestésico inalatório.(AU)
The horses blood pressure is susceptible to changes induced by volatile anesthetics. Because of that, the use of anesthesic techniques which keep stable the horse´s blood pressure is essencial. Ketamine is an important induction and maintenance anesthetic agent used in the horse anesthesia practice mainly to improve the blood pressure. S(+)-ketamine provides the same effects on the blood pressure, with greater analgesic results and less side effects than the normal ketamine. Although some studies have been conducted with ketamine continuous rate infusion during the halothane anesthetized horses, the S(+)-ketamine has not been evaluated yet. Considering the increased use of ketamine, it is important to evaluate its cardiovascular and respiratory effects in halothane anesthetized horses. To conclude, S(+)-ketamine 0.01mg/kg/min. continuous rate infusion did not induce additive cardiovascular and respiratory depression in halothane anesthetized horses.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos/classificação , Anestesia/efeitos adversos , Halotano/efeitos adversos , Pressão Arterial , Sistema CardiovascularResumo
Objetivou-se comparar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, bem como sobre a recuperação em cadelas submetidas à ovariosalpingohisterectomia, e anestesiadas pelo halotano, isofluorano ou sevofluorano. Para tanto, utilizaram-se vinte e quatro cadelas sem raça definida, com peso médio de 15,03 e idade média de 3,93 anos, clinicamente saudáveis, avaliadas por meio de hemograma completo, contagem de plaquetas, bioquímica hepática e renal e teste de coagulação, sendo distribuídas em três grupos de oito animais. Todos os animais receberam acepromazina na dose de 0,1 mg/kg i.m., como pré-tratamento e após 15 minutos a anestesia foi induzida com propofol na dose de 5 mg/kg i.v.. Para a manutenção utilizou-se halotano (grupo GAH), isofluorano (GAI) ou sevofluorano (GAS). Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos em relação aos parâmetros cardiovasculares, observando redução discreta dos valores pressóricos após a indução, devido provavelmente a ação do propofol. A temperatura retal diminuiu gradativamente em função do tempo de anestesia, não apresentando diferença entre os grupos, porém GAI e GAS obtiveram valores inferiores dessa variável. Houve depressão respiratória nos três grupos, evidenciada pelo aumento da PaCO2 com consequente diminuição do pH arterial, porém sem diferença entre os grupos. O período obtido para extubação foi semelhante entre os grupos, no entanto, GAS apresentou menor tempo para posição quadrupedal comparado com GAH e GAI. A partir desses dados, conclui-se que diante dessa categoria animal e procedimento cirúrgico, o halotano, isofluorano e sevofluorano apresentaram características similares em relação aos parâmetros cardiovasculares, todos promoveram depressão respiratória e a recuperação foi mais rápida quando se optou pelo sevofluorano. (AU)
The cardiopulmonary effects and recovery times of halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane were compared in bitches submitted to ovariohysterectomy. Twenty-four mongrel dogs were assigned in three groups of eight animals, with medium weight 15.03 kg and 3.93 years of age, designed groups GAH, GAI and GAS. All dogs received acepromazine (0.1 mg/kg, i.m.) as premedication and after 15 minutes, anesthesia was induced with propofol (5.0 mg/kg, i.v.) and maintenance anesthetics were halothane (GAH), isoflurane (GAI) and sevoflurane (GAS). No statistic difference was observed in cardiovascular parameters, but the SAP, DAP and MAP decreased slighty in moment M1 and this effect was associated with propofol. The rectal temperature decreased in function of the time of anesthesia, without difference among groups, but the AI and AS groups presented the lowest values of this parameter. Respiratory rate decreased in all groups, with an increase in the PaCO2 and a decrease in the pH, without statistic differences. The extubation times were similar in the three groups. Time to standing was shorter in the AS group when compared with the GAH and GAI groups. On the basis of the results, for this animal category and surgical procedure halothane, isoflurane and sevoflurane were similar in cardiovascular parameters. All agents caused respiratory depression and the recovery times were shorter in sevofluorano group. (AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães , Parada Cardíaca/veterinária , Ovário/cirurgia , Sistema CardiovascularResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a anestesia para procedimento ortopédico (amputação de asa), em avestruz. Após jejum sólido de 12 horas, foi realizada contenção física e aplicação de midazolam e butorfanol e indução anestésica com cetamina. A ave foi intubada e a anestesia mantida com halotano, em sistema anestésico inalatório circular com reinalação. Durante os períodos pré,trans e pós-anestésico não foram observadas complicações e uma hora após o fim do procedimento a ave estava em estação. De acordo com os parâmetros cardíacos e respiratórios avaliados e pressão arterial média, o protocolo anestésico estabelecido para o procedimento ortopédico em avestruz foi efetivo proporcionando uma anestesia com bom relaxamento muscular, livre de complicações, além de uma recuperação anestésica tranquila
This summary aims to describe the anesthesia for orthopedic surgery (wing amputation)in African ostrich. After a 12-hour-fasting period a physical restraint and premedication of midazolam and butorfanol were carried out and later the anesthesia induction by ketamine. The ratite was intubated and the anesthesia kept by inhalation of an anesthetic agent (halothane). During presurgery, transurgery and postsurgery, any complications were observed and one hour after the anesthetic procedure, the bird was recovered. According to the parameters of cardiac and respiratory frequencies as well as the arterial pressure observed, the anesthetic protocol was effective for the wing amputation surgery in the African ostrich.
Feminino , Animais , Anestesia por Inalação/métodos , Aves/cirurgia , Procedimentos Ortopédicos/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever a anestesia para procedimento ortopédico (amputação de asa), em avestruz. Após jejum sólido de 12 horas, foi realizada contenção física e aplicação de midazolam e butorfanol e indução anestésica com cetamina. A ave foi intubada e a anestesia mantida com halotano, em sistema anestésico inalatório circular com reinalação. Durante os períodos pré,trans e pós-anestésico não foram observadas complicações e uma hora após o fim do procedimento a ave estava em estação. De acordo com os parâmetros cardíacos e respiratórios avaliados e pressão arterial média, o protocolo anestésico estabelecido para o procedimento ortopédico em avestruz foi efetivo proporcionando uma anestesia com bom relaxamento muscular, livre de complicações, além de uma recuperação anestésica tranquila(AU)
This summary aims to describe the anesthesia for orthopedic surgery (wing amputation)in African ostrich. After a 12-hour-fasting period a physical restraint and premedication of midazolam and butorfanol were carried out and later the anesthesia induction by ketamine. The ratite was intubated and the anesthesia kept by inhalation of an anesthetic agent (halothane). During presurgery, transurgery and postsurgery, any complications were observed and one hour after the anesthetic procedure, the bird was recovered. According to the parameters of cardiac and respiratory frequencies as well as the arterial pressure observed, the anesthetic protocol was effective for the wing amputation surgery in the African ostrich.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Anestesia por Inalação/métodos , Aves/cirurgia , Procedimentos Ortopédicos/veterináriaResumo
Compararam-se os efeitos da ventilação espontânea (V E) e controlada (V C) em equinos submetidos à mudança de decúbito durante anestesia. Dezesseis animais foram equitativamente divididos em dois grupos: V E e V C. Os procedimentos cirúrgicos foram iniciados com os animais em decúbito lateral esquerdo (DLE) e, após 75 minutos, os animais foram reposicionados em decúbito lateral direito (DLD). Análises hemogasométricas do sangue arterial foram realizadas após 30 e 75 minutos com os animais posicionados em cada decúbito (M1 e M2 no DLE e M3 e M4 no DLD, respectivamente). Durante a V E, observaram-se hipercapnia (PaCO2 >45mmHg), acidose respiratória (pH <7,35), redução significativa da oxigenação sanguínea após 75min da mudança de decúbito (M4: 205,8±124,7mmHg) em relação aos valores de PaO2 observados antes da mudança de posicionamento (M1: 271,8±84,8mmHg). A Vc foi associada a valores de PaCO2 e pH mais próximos da normalidade bem como resultou em valores de PaO2 significativamente maiores (52 a 96 por cento de elevação nos valores médios) que a V E. Conclui-se que a mudança de decúbito, em equinos anestesiados com halotano e mantidos sob V E, resulta em hipercapnia, acidose respiratória e diminuição dos valores de PaO2. A instituição de V C, desde o início da anestesia, previne a acidose respiratória, além de resultar em valores de PaO2 mais próximos do ideal para animais respirando O2 a 100 por cento.(AU)
The effects of spontaneous (SV) and controlled ventilation (CV) were compared in horses undergoing changes in body position during anesthesia. Sixteen animals were equally distributed in two groups: SV and CV. All surgical procedures were commenced on left lateral recumbency (LLR) and 75 minutes later the animals were repositioned on right lateral recumbency (RLR). Arterial blood gas analyses were performed at 30 and 75 minutes after each recumbency (M1 and M2 for LLR and M3 and M4 for RLR). Hypercapnia (PaCO2 >45mmHg), respiratory acidosis (pH <7.35), and significant decrease in PaO2 after 75min of change in body position (M4: 205.8±124.7mmHg) in comparison to PaO2 values before the change of position (M1: 271.8±84.8mmHg) were observed during SV. When compared to the SV group, CV resulted in significantly higher PaO2 levels (52 to 96 percent increase). It was concluded that the change in the body position in spontaneously ventilating halothane-anesthetized horses causes impairment in arterial oxygenation. The use of CV since the beginning of anesthesia prevents the respiratory acidosis and maintains arterial oxygen levels that are closer to values expected during the use of 100 percent O2.(AU)