A autora aborda o tema relativo à inflamação sistêmica em cavalos de esporte não apenas na parte relativa a recuperação clínica ou cirúrgica destes animais mas também em seu desempenho. Para tal, a análise de fatores e doenças ligadas a endocrinologia e a nutrologia dos equinos vem ganhando destaque na Medicina Veterinária, à semelhança da Medicina Humana. Assim, mostra informações relevantes quanto a alimentação dos cavalos, nos dias de hoje, e no que se refere às doenças endócrinas como a resistência à insulina, a disfunção da pars intermedia da pituitária (PPID) e hiperlipidemia, propondo um maneja adequado com exercícios físicos, mudança do padrão alimentar e tratamento medicamentoso.(AU)
Animais , Doenças do Sistema Endócrino/veterinária , Cavalos/lesões , Hipófise , Endocrinologia/métodos , NutrologiaResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the ability of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) to induce ovulation and expression of PGE2 receptor (EP2 and EP4) and COX genes (COX-1 and COX-2) in the ovary and pituitary of prepubertal mice. The positive control consisted of the application of 5 µg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH, n = 29); the negative control applied 0.5 mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS, n=31); the treatment tested the application of 250 µg of PGE2 (n = 29), making a total of 89 prepubertal mice (BALB/c). Mice were euthanized 14 to 15 h after treatments to detect ovulation and tissue collection. A Chi-square test was used to compare the proportion of animals ovulating. Gene expressions and number of ovulation were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test was used to compare means among groups. A greater proportion of mice (P < 0.001) ovulated after receiving GnRH (89.7%, 26/29) compared to PGE2 group (58.6%, 17/29). However, the proportion was higher compared to those treated with PBS (0%, 0/31). Ep2gene expression in the pituitary was > two-fold higher (P < 0.05) in the PGE2 group compared to the PBS and GnRH groups. Further, PGE2 stimulated Cox1 (2.7 fold, P < 0.05) while GnRH stimulated Cox2 expression (6.5 fold, P < 0.05) in the pituitary when compared to the PBS group. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that PGE2 can induce ovulation in prepubertal mice with a concomitant increase in Ep2 and Cox1 gene expression in the pituitary gland.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a capacidade da prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) em induzir a ovulação e expressão do receptor PGE2 (EP2 e EP4) e genes COX (COX-1 e COX-2) no ovário e na hipófise de camundongos pré-púberes. O controle positivo consistiu na aplicação de 5 µg de hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH, n = 29); o controle negativo aplicação 0,5 mL de tampão fosfato-salino (PBS, n=31); o tratamento testado aplicação de 250 µg de PGE2 (n = 29), perfazendo um total de 89 camundongos (BALB/c) pré-púberes. Os camundongos foram sacrificados 14 a 15 h após os tratamentos para detectar ovulações e coleta de tecido. O teste do qui-quadrado foi usado para comparar a proporção de animais ovulando. As expressões gênicas e o número de ovulação foram analisados por ANOVA e o teste de tukey foi usado para comparar as médias entre os grupos. Uma maior proporção de camundongos (P <0,001) ovulou após receber GnRH (89,7%, 26/29) em comparação com o grupo PGE2 (58,6%, 17/29). No entanto, a proporção foi maior em comparação com aqueles tratados com PBS (0%, 0/31). A expressão do gene Ep2 na hipófise foi duas vezes maior (P <0,05) no grupo PGE2 em comparação com os grupos PBS e GnRH. Além disso, a PGE2 estimulou a Cox1(2,7 vezes, P <0,05) enquanto o GnRH estimulou a expressão de Cox2 (6,5 vezes, P <0,05) na pituitária em comparação com o grupo PBS. Em conclusão, nossos resultados suportam a hipótese de que PGE2 é capaz de induzir ovulação em camundongos pré-púberes com aumento concomitante na expressão dos genes Ep2 e Cox1 na glândula pituitária.(AU)
Animais , Camundongos , Ovulação , Dinoprostona/análise , Expressão Gênica , Camundongos/genética , HipófiseResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the ability of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) to induce ovulation and expression of PGE2 receptor (EP2 and EP4) and COX genes (COX-1 and COX-2) in the ovary and pituitary of prepubertal mice. The positive control consisted of the application of 5 µg of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH, n = 29); the negative control applied 0.5 mL of phosphate buffered saline (PBS, n=31); the treatment tested the application of 250 µg of PGE2 (n = 29), making a total of 89 prepubertal mice (BALB/c). Mice were euthanized 14 to 15 h after treatments to detect ovulation and tissue collection. A Chi-square test was used to compare the proportion of animals ovulating. Gene expressions and number of ovulation were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test was used to compare means among groups. A greater proportion of mice (P < 0.001) ovulated after receiving GnRH (89.7%, 26/29) compared to PGE2 group (58.6%, 17/29). However, the proportion was higher compared to those treated with PBS (0%, 0/31). Ep2gene expression in the pituitary was > two-fold higher (P < 0.05) in the PGE2 group compared to the PBS and GnRH groups. Further, PGE2 stimulated Cox1 (2.7 fold, P < 0.05) while GnRH stimulated Cox2 expression (6.5 fold, P < 0.05) in the pituitary when compared to the PBS group. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that PGE2 can induce ovulation in prepubertal mice with a concomitant increase in Ep2 and Cox1 gene expression in the pituitary gland.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a capacidade da prostaglandina E2 (PGE2) em induzir a ovulação e expressão do receptor PGE2 (EP2 e EP4) e genes COX (COX-1 e COX-2) no ovário e na hipófise de camundongos pré-púberes. O controle positivo consistiu na aplicação de 5 µg de hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH, n = 29); o controle negativo aplicação 0,5 mL de tampão fosfato-salino (PBS, n=31); o tratamento testado aplicação de 250 µg de PGE2 (n = 29), perfazendo um total de 89 camundongos (BALB/c) pré-púberes. Os camundongos foram sacrificados 14 a 15 h após os tratamentos para detectar ovulações e coleta de tecido. O teste do qui-quadrado foi usado para comparar a proporção de animais ovulando. As expressões gênicas e o número de ovulação foram analisados por ANOVA e o teste de tukey foi usado para comparar as médias entre os grupos. Uma maior proporção de camundongos (P <0,001) ovulou após receber GnRH (89,7%, 26/29) em comparação com o grupo PGE2 (58,6%, 17/29). No entanto, a proporção foi maior em comparação com aqueles tratados com PBS (0%, 0/31). A expressão do gene Ep2 na hipófise foi duas vezes maior (P <0,05) no grupo PGE2 em comparação com os grupos PBS e GnRH. Além disso, a PGE2 estimulou a Cox1(2,7 vezes, P <0,05) enquanto o GnRH estimulou a expressão de Cox2 (6,5 vezes, P <0,05) na pituitária em comparação com o grupo PBS. Em conclusão, nossos resultados suportam a hipótese de que PGE2 é capaz de induzir ovulação em camundongos pré-púberes com aumento concomitante na expressão dos genes Ep2 e Cox1 na glândula pituitária.(AU)
Animais , Camundongos , Ovulação , Dinoprostona/análise , Expressão Gênica , Camundongos/genética , HipófiseResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the role of prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on ovulation. In Experiment 1, cows were randomly allocated to two treatments to receive 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (PGF Group, n = 12) or 2 mL of NaCl 0.9% (Control Group, n = 11) and CIDRsï, were removed 4 days later. No cow ovulated in Control and PGF groups. In Experiment 2, cows were randomly separated into two experimental groups to receive 4 injections of 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) or 2 mL of NaCL 0.9% (n = 9). In this experiment, ovulation was not observed in any cows. In Experiment 3, ovariectomized cows receive three injections of 300µg of PGF analog (PGF Group, n = 5), 100µg of Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 5) or 2 mL of PBS (Control Group, n = 4). The LH concentration was higher (P <0.0001) in cows from the GnRH group than in the PGF and Control groups. In experiment 4, cows with preovulatory follicles (>11.5 mm) were treated with Saline (Control Group, n = 6); Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 7) or Cloprostenol Sodium (PGF Group, n = 6). There was a significant increase in the vascular area of follicles from 0 to 24 h in GnRH and PGF treatments. In conclusion, PGF was not able to induce ovulation in cows with high or low plasma progesterone concentration. Additionally, PGF alone was not able to induce LH release and follicle luteinization, but increased follicular vascularization.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel da prostaglandina F2α (PGF) na ovulação. No Experimento 1, as vacas foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos para receber 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (Grupo PGF, n = 12) ou 2 mL de NaCl 0,9% (Grupo Controle, n = 11) e os CIDRï, foram removidos 4 dias depois. Nenhuma vaca ovulou nos grupos Controle e PGF. No Experimento 2, as vacas foram separadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais para receber 4 injeções de 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) ou 2 mL de NaCL 0,9% (n = 9). Não foi observada ovulação em nenhum dos animais deste experimento. No Experimento 3, vacas ovariectomizadas receberam três injeções de 300µg de análogo de PGF (Grupo PGF, n = 5), 100µg de Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 5) ou 2 mL de PBS (Grupo Controle, n = 4). A concentração de LH foi maior (P <0,0001) nas vacas do grupo GnRH do que nos grupos PGF e Controle. No Experimento 4, vacas com folículos pré-ovulatórios (> 11,5 mm) foram tratadas com solução salina (Grupo Controle, n = 6), Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 7) ou Cloprostenol Sódico (Grupo PGF, n = 6). Houve um aumento significativo na área vascular dos folículos de 0 a 24h nos tratamentos com GnRH e PGF. Em conclusão, a PGF não foi capaz de induzir ovulação em vacas com alta ou baixa concentração plasmática de progesterona. Além disso, a PGF sozinha não foi capaz de induzir a liberação de LH e a luteinização do folículo, mas aumentou a vascularização folicular.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Prostaglandinas Sintéticas , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Hormônio Luteinizante , Dinoprosta/análise , Ovulação , HipófiseResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the role of prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on ovulation. In Experiment 1, cows were randomly allocated to two treatments to receive 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (PGF Group, n = 12) or 2 mL of NaCl 0.9% (Control Group, n = 11) and CIDRsï, were removed 4 days later. No cow ovulated in Control and PGF groups. In Experiment 2, cows were randomly separated into two experimental groups to receive 4 injections of 150 µg of d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) or 2 mL of NaCL 0.9% (n = 9). In this experiment, ovulation was not observed in any cows. In Experiment 3, ovariectomized cows receive three injections of 300µg of PGF analog (PGF Group, n = 5), 100µg of Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 5) or 2 mL of PBS (Control Group, n = 4). The LH concentration was higher (P <0.0001) in cows from the GnRH group than in the PGF and Control groups. In experiment 4, cows with preovulatory follicles (>11.5 mm) were treated with Saline (Control Group, n = 6); Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 7) or Cloprostenol Sodium (PGF Group, n = 6). There was a significant increase in the vascular area of follicles from 0 to 24 h in GnRH and PGF treatments. In conclusion, PGF was not able to induce ovulation in cows with high or low plasma progesterone concentration. Additionally, PGF alone was not able to induce LH release and follicle luteinization, but increased follicular vascularization.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel da prostaglandina F2α (PGF) na ovulação. No Experimento 1, as vacas foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos para receber 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (Grupo PGF, n = 12) ou 2 mL de NaCl 0,9% (Grupo Controle, n = 11) e os CIDRï, foram removidos 4 dias depois. Nenhuma vaca ovulou nos grupos Controle e PGF. No Experimento 2, as vacas foram separadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais para receber 4 injeções de 150 µg de d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) ou 2 mL de NaCL 0,9% (n = 9). Não foi observada ovulação em nenhum dos animais deste experimento. No Experimento 3, vacas ovariectomizadas receberam três injeções de 300µg de análogo de PGF (Grupo PGF, n = 5), 100µg de Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 5) ou 2 mL de PBS (Grupo Controle, n = 4). A concentração de LH foi maior (P <0,0001) nas vacas do grupo GnRH do que nos grupos PGF e Controle. No Experimento 4, vacas com folículos pré-ovulatórios (> 11,5 mm) foram tratadas com solução salina (Grupo Controle, n = 6), Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 7) ou Cloprostenol Sódico (Grupo PGF, n = 6). Houve um aumento significativo na área vascular dos folículos de 0 a 24h nos tratamentos com GnRH e PGF. Em conclusão, a PGF não foi capaz de induzir ovulação em vacas com alta ou baixa concentração plasmática de progesterona. Além disso, a PGF sozinha não foi capaz de induzir a liberação de LH e a luteinização do folículo, mas aumentou a vascularização folicular.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Prostaglandinas Sintéticas , Bovinos/embriologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Hormônio Luteinizante , Dinoprosta/análise , Ovulação , HipófiseResumo
Background: Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, also known as equine Cushings syndrome, is a neurodegenerative disease. An important risk factor for Cushings is advanced aging and it is the most common endocrine disorder inolder horses. The prevalence in horses aged over 10 and 15 years is reported as 9.3% and 21%, respectively. Due to the slowprogressive nature of the disease, seasonal variation in hormone output and overlapping endocrine response to other events,accurate diagnosis is challenging. The diagnosis requires the combination of anamnesis, clinical signs, in addition to laboratory tests results. This study aimed to report Cushings syndrome in a Crioulo breed horse focusing on diagnostic methods.Case: A 13-year-old male Crioulo breed, orchiectomized, was attended at the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), in PassoFundo, RS, Brazil. The owner reported that the animal had progressive weight loss and coat abnormal growth, with curlyappearance. From visual inspection, body condition score was 4 (1-9) bulging abdomen was noticed, hirsutism, depressionand lethargy. Also, there was a large neoplastic mass on the left side of gluteal region. Later, this mass was classified inhistopathological examination as a fibroblastic sarcoid and was treated. The animal presented physical parameters withinthe physiological limits of the specie. Normochromic normocytic anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis were reported in thehematologic evaluation. In coproparasitological examination, there were 300 eggs per gram of feaces. Hyperadrenocorticismwas suspected in the clinical examination and dexamethasone suppression test was performed to confirm the fact. Basal serumwas collected at 17 h (M0) and subsequently 40 µg/kg of dexamethasone was administered intramuscular...
Masculino , Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Síndrome de Cushing/diagnóstico , Síndrome de Cushing/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterinária , Hipertricose/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Equine pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction, also known as equine Cushings syndrome, is a neurodegenerative disease. An important risk factor for Cushings is advanced aging and it is the most common endocrine disorder inolder horses. The prevalence in horses aged over 10 and 15 years is reported as 9.3% and 21%, respectively. Due to the slowprogressive nature of the disease, seasonal variation in hormone output and overlapping endocrine response to other events,accurate diagnosis is challenging. The diagnosis requires the combination of anamnesis, clinical signs, in addition to laboratory tests results. This study aimed to report Cushings syndrome in a Crioulo breed horse focusing on diagnostic methods.Case: A 13-year-old male Crioulo breed, orchiectomized, was attended at the Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), in PassoFundo, RS, Brazil. The owner reported that the animal had progressive weight loss and coat abnormal growth, with curlyappearance. From visual inspection, body condition score was 4 (1-9) bulging abdomen was noticed, hirsutism, depressionand lethargy. Also, there was a large neoplastic mass on the left side of gluteal region. Later, this mass was classified inhistopathological examination as a fibroblastic sarcoid and was treated. The animal presented physical parameters withinthe physiological limits of the specie. Normochromic normocytic anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis were reported in thehematologic evaluation. In coproparasitological examination, there were 300 eggs per gram of feaces. Hyperadrenocorticismwas suspected in the clinical examination and dexamethasone suppression test was performed to confirm the fact. Basal serumwas collected at 17 h (M0) and subsequently 40 µg/kg of dexamethasone was administered intramuscular...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Doenças dos Cavalos , Síndrome de Cushing/veterinária , Síndrome de Cushing/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária , Hipertricose/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Leucocitose/veterinária , Eosinofilia/veterináriaResumo
Breeding technology is of utmost importance for reproduction of wild fish in captivity for the reintroduction and selective breeding programs purposes. The main challenge is that when applied to wild undomesticated specimens, conventional protocols often cause breeders and/or embryo mortality and spawning failure. In this study, we evaluated the reproductive performance of wild Leporinus friderici, a great importance fish for subsistence fishing in South American rivers, applying conventional and lower-dose hormonal therapies by means of two consecutive experiments. In the first, a conventional (0.5 and 5.5 mg/kg) and a lower carp pituitary extract (CPE) dose (0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg) were applied. In the second, a conventional mammalian GnRH analogue associated with metoclopramide (mGnRHa + MET) (40 µg mGnRHa + 20 mg MET/kg) and a lower dose (4 μg mGnRHa + 2 mg MET/kg and 8 µg + 4 mg of mGnRHa + MET/kg) were applied. Ovulation was observed in all treatments, however, only lower CPE protocol provided viable embryos. High levels of 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) and 17β estradiol (E2) detected in conventional, but not in lower CPE dose, at ovulation, might be associated to the mortality of the embryos. The use of lower CPE dose applied here was the best way to obtain L. friderici viable embryos. These results directly contribute to the knowledge about poorly explored effects of reproductive management and hormonal therapies in wild-type breeders, showing that the use of reduced doses may be an alternative to reproductive success.
Animais , Caraciformes/fisiologia , Caraciformes/genética , Hipófise , Metoclopramida/administração & dosagem , Metoclopramida/análise , OvulaçãoResumo
Background: Pituitary pars intermedia (PI) adenoma is a benign adenohypophysis neoplasm, rare in Brazil, which maycompress adjacent structures and lead to dysfunctions of the endocrine organs. The most affected species are equines,particularly aged animals. This neoplastic disease is often associated with Cushings syndrome, when the pituitaryadrenocortical axis is affected. However, this neoplasm is seldom associated with clinical blindness. This paper describesa case of pituitary pars intermedia (PI) adenoma which caused blindness in a mare.Case: An emaciated, blind mare that had difficulty finding water and food was referred to Hospital Veterinário de GrandesAnimais of Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, in Seropédica, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and later tothe Setor de Anatomia Patológica (SAP/UFRRJ) for necropsy. During necropsy it was found that the animals pituitarygland consisted of a circumscribed globous mass measuring 3.5x2.5x2.5 cm, symmetrical and well delimited at the sellaturcica. Several organs were collected, fixed in 10% formalin and then processed for histological examination. The brainwas subjected to serial cleavage along the path of the vision organs. All collected tissues were stained with hematoxylinand eosin; the pituitary was stained with Schiff Periodic Acid (PAS) to differentiate neoplastic cells and with Luxol FastBlue to evidence demyelination. Histopathology found that the pars intermedia (PI) was thickened and compressed theneurohypophysis and adenohypophysis. Cells were arranged in a disorganized manner or formed follicles or cysts containing eosinophilic material (colloid), with granules strongly positive after staining with PAS. Proliferated cells werelarge, polyhedral to ovoid, and contained clear basophilic granular material. The nuclei were spherical to ovoid and therewere mild anisocytosis and anisocariasis. Cysts were frequently found in the pars intermedia (PI)...
Feminino , Animais , Adeno-Hipófise Parte Intermédia , Cavalos , Cegueira/veterinária , HipófiseResumo
Breeding technology is of utmost importance for reproduction of wild fish in captivity for the reintroduction and selective breeding programs purposes. The main challenge is that when applied to wild undomesticated specimens, conventional protocols often cause breeders and/or embryo mortality and spawning failure. In this study, we evaluated the reproductive performance of wild Leporinus friderici, a great importance fish for subsistence fishing in South American rivers, applying conventional and lower-dose hormonal therapies by means of two consecutive experiments. In the first, a conventional (0.5 and 5.5 mg/kg) and a lower carp pituitary extract (CPE) dose (0.5 and 1.0 mg/kg) were applied. In the second, a conventional mammalian GnRH analogue associated with metoclopramide (mGnRHa + MET) (40 µg mGnRHa + 20 mg MET/kg) and a lower dose (4 μg mGnRHa + 2 mg MET/kg and 8 µg + 4 mg of mGnRHa + MET/kg) were applied. Ovulation was observed in all treatments, however, only lower CPE protocol provided viable embryos. High levels of 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (DHP) and 17β estradiol (E2) detected in conventional, but not in lower CPE dose, at ovulation, might be associated to the mortality of the embryos. The use of lower CPE dose applied here was the best way to obtain L. friderici viable embryos. These results directly contribute to the knowledge about poorly explored effects of reproductive management and hormonal therapies in wild-type breeders, showing that the use of reduced doses may be an alternative to reproductive success.(AU)
Animais , Caraciformes/genética , Caraciformes/fisiologia , Metoclopramida/administração & dosagem , Metoclopramida/análise , Hipófise , OvulaçãoResumo
Background: Pituitary pars intermedia (PI) adenoma is a benign adenohypophysis neoplasm, rare in Brazil, which maycompress adjacent structures and lead to dysfunctions of the endocrine organs. The most affected species are equines,particularly aged animals. This neoplastic disease is often associated with Cushings syndrome, when the pituitaryadrenocortical axis is affected. However, this neoplasm is seldom associated with clinical blindness. This paper describesa case of pituitary pars intermedia (PI) adenoma which caused blindness in a mare.Case: An emaciated, blind mare that had difficulty finding water and food was referred to Hospital Veterinário de GrandesAnimais of Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, in Seropédica, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and later tothe Setor de Anatomia Patológica (SAP/UFRRJ) for necropsy. During necropsy it was found that the animals pituitarygland consisted of a circumscribed globous mass measuring 3.5x2.5x2.5 cm, symmetrical and well delimited at the sellaturcica. Several organs were collected, fixed in 10% formalin and then processed for histological examination. The brainwas subjected to serial cleavage along the path of the vision organs. All collected tissues were stained with hematoxylinand eosin; the pituitary was stained with Schiff Periodic Acid (PAS) to differentiate neoplastic cells and with Luxol FastBlue to evidence demyelination. Histopathology found that the pars intermedia (PI) was thickened and compressed theneurohypophysis and adenohypophysis. Cells were arranged in a disorganized manner or formed follicles or cysts containing eosinophilic material (colloid), with granules strongly positive after staining with PAS. Proliferated cells werelarge, polyhedral to ovoid, and contained clear basophilic granular material. The nuclei were spherical to ovoid and therewere mild anisocytosis and anisocariasis. Cysts were frequently found in the pars intermedia (PI)...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cavalos , Cegueira/veterinária , Adeno-Hipófise Parte Intermédia , HipófiseResumo
Cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi and bloodfin tetra Aphyocharax anisitsi are two species of characids with high trade value as ornamental fish in South America. Although both species inhabit middle water layers, cardinal neon exhibits a tropical distribution and bloodfin tetra a subtropical one. Generally, these species are difficult to grow, so it becomes essential to know some key components of the neuroendocrine system to achieve their reproduction in captivity. Considering the importance of deepening the knowledge of the reproductive physiology through functional morphology, for the first time in this work we performed an anatomical, morphological and immunohistochemical analysis of the pituitary gland of these two species. In both species, a leptobasic type pituitary is found in the ventral zone of the hypothalamus and it is characterized by a neurohypophysis which has a well-developed pituitary stalk and a globular adenohypophysis. The pituitary components, characterized by histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, shows a distribution pattern of cells types similar to other teleost species, with only slight differences in the distribution of βFSH and βLH for P. axelrodi.(AU)
El cardenal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi y el tetra Aphyocharax anisitsi son dos especies de carácidos con alto valor comercial como peces ornamentales en América del Sur. Aunque ambas especies habitan en las capas medias de agua, el neón cardenal exhibe una distribución tropical, mientras que el tetra cola roja una distribución subtropical. En general estas especies son difíciles de cultivar, por lo que es esencial conocer algunos componentes clave de los sistemas neuroendocrinos para lograr su reproducción en cautiverio. Considerando la importancia de profundizar en el conocimiento de la fisiología reproductiva a través de la morfología funcional, en este trabajo realizamos, por primera vez, un análisis anatómico, morfológico e inmunohistoquímico de la glándula pituitaria de estas dos especies. En ambas especies, la hipófisis, del tipo leptobásica, se encontró en la zona ventral del hipotálamo y se caracteriza por una neurohipófisis con un tallo hipofisario bien desarrollado y una adenohipófisis globular. Los componentes hipofisarios, caracterizados por la histoquímica y la inmunohistoquímica, mostraron un patrón de distribución de tipos de células similares a otras especies de teleósteos, con solo pequeñas diferencias en la distribución de βFSH y βLH para P. axelrodi.(AU)
Animais , Hipófise/enzimologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/imunologia , HistologiaResumo
Cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi and bloodfin tetra Aphyocharax anisitsi are two species of characids with high trade value as ornamental fish in South America. Although both species inhabit middle water layers, cardinal neon exhibits a tropical distribution and bloodfin tetra a subtropical one. Generally, these species are difficult to grow, so it becomes essential to know some key components of the neuroendocrine system to achieve their reproduction in captivity. Considering the importance of deepening the knowledge of the reproductive physiology through functional morphology, for the first time in this work we performed an anatomical, morphological and immunohistochemical analysis of the pituitary gland of these two species. In both species, a leptobasic type pituitary is found in the ventral zone of the hypothalamus and it is characterized by a neurohypophysis which has a well-developed pituitary stalk and a globular adenohypophysis. The pituitary components, characterized by histochemistry and immunohistochemistry, shows a distribution pattern of cells types similar to other teleost species, with only slight differences in the distribution of βFSH and βLH for P. axelrodi.(AU)
El cardenal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi y el tetra Aphyocharax anisitsi son dos especies de carácidos con alto valor comercial como peces ornamentales en América del Sur. Aunque ambas especies habitan en las capas medias de agua, el neón cardenal exhibe una distribución tropical, mientras que el tetra cola roja una distribución subtropical. En general estas especies son difíciles de cultivar, por lo que es esencial conocer algunos componentes clave de los sistemas neuroendocrinos para lograr su reproducción en cautiverio. Considerando la importancia de profundizar en el conocimiento de la fisiología reproductiva a través de la morfología funcional, en este trabajo realizamos, por primera vez, un análisis anatómico, morfológico e inmunohistoquímico de la glándula pituitaria de estas dos especies. En ambas especies, la hipófisis, del tipo leptobásica, se encontró en la zona ventral del hipotálamo y se caracteriza por una neurohipófisis con un tallo hipofisario bien desarrollado y una adenohipófisis globular. Los componentes hipofisarios, caracterizados por la histoquímica y la inmunohistoquímica, mostraron un patrón de distribución de tipos de células similares a otras especies de teleósteos, con solo pequeñas diferencias en la distribución de βFSH y βLH para P. axelrodi.(AU)
Animais , Hipófise/enzimologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Caraciformes/imunologia , HistologiaResumo
This study conducted an in-depth investigation on the development of GABAergic neurons and their receptors in HPG axis-related target organs of Wenchang chicks under heat stress. One-day-old healthy Wenchang chicks were randomly divided into control (CK) and heat stress (HS) groups. Chicks in the HS group were placed in a 40±0.5°C climatic chamber for HS treatment from 13:00 to 15:00 daily. By immunohistochemistry and Western blotting, GABA and GABAA receptor (GABAAR) expression in the hypothalamus of the HS group was significantly higher (p 0.05), but GABAB receptor (GABABR) expression was significantly lower than that of the CK group (p 0.05). Expression of GABA and its two receptors in the pituitary tissues of the HS group was significantly lower than in the CK group (p 0.05). Expression of GABA and GABABR in ovaries in the HS group was significantly higher, but expression of GABAAR in the testes of the HS group was lower than that of the CK group (p 0.05). In the male chicks, expression of GABA and its two receptors in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicular tissues of the HS group was significantly higher than that of the CK group (p 0.05). Western blotting showed that the GABAAR and GABABR expression of the HS group was significantly higher than that of the CK group at 3 and 5 weeks of age. Thus, HS caused GABAergic nervous system disorder in the HPG axis of Wenchang chicks and seriously hindered the normal development of GABAergic neurons in chicks, leading to the disorder of the expression of GABA and its receptors in tissues.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Neurônios , Hipotálamo , Hipófise , Hormônios GonadaisResumo
Este trabalho compara a resposta superovulatória de éguas doadoras de embriões das raças Quarto de Milha (QM) e Crioula, utilizando um protocolo com baixa dose de extrato de pituitária equina (EPE). Oito éguas QM e seis éguas Crioulas foram acompanhadas durante 3 ciclos estrais consecutivos, sendo que cada ciclo corresponde a um grupo. Grupo Controle monitoramento do crescimento folicular até a ovulação; Grupo EPE monitoramento ultrassonográfico até que os folículos atingissem cerca de 20 mm de diâmetro e, posteriormente, administração de 7 mg de EPE, duas vezes ao dia, até a indução da ovulação com 2500UI de hCG; Grupo Pós-EPE idem ao grupo controle. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, utilizando o procedimento GLM do pacote estatístico SAS, sendo previamente testadas para normalidade dos resíduos, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5%. Nas éguas Crioulas tratadas com EPE houve um aumento no número de ovulações (p=0,0534), com média de 3,33±2,06 quando comparadas aos grupos controle e pós-EPE e às éguas da raça QM (2,00±0,53). O tratamento com EPE na dose preconizada permitiu uma melhor resposta superovulatória e produção embrionária nas éguas Crioulas, quando comparadas com as éguas Quarto de Milha.
This study compared the superovulatory response of embryos donor mares of Quarter Horse (QH) and Crioula using a protocol with low dose of equine pituitary extract (EPE). Eight QH mares and six Crioula mares were monitored during 3 consecutive estrous cycles, with each cycle corresponds to a group. Control Group - monitoring of follicle growth up to the ovulation; EPE group - when the follicles reached 20 mm in diameter were administered 7 mg EPE twice daily. When the follicles achieved a diameter 35 mm, the ovulation was induced with 2500UI hCG; Post-EPE Group - idem to the control group. Data were analyzed using GLM procedure of the SAS statistical package. The variables were submitted to the Tukeys test and least square means adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Tukey-Kramers test, with significance level of 5%. Values are presented as mean ± SD. In the Crioula mares treated with EPE, there was an increase in the number of ovulations (p =0.0534) with a mean of 3.33 ± 2.06 ovulations when compared to the control and post-EPE groups, and mares QM. (2.00±0.53). Treatment with EPE in the recommended dose allowed better superovulatory response and rate of embryo recovery in Crioula mares when compared to the QM mares.
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos/fisiologia , Hipófise , Superovulação , Transferência Embrionária/veterináriaResumo
Este trabalho compara a resposta superovulatória de éguas doadoras de embriões das raças Quarto de Milha (QM) e Crioula, utilizando um protocolo com baixa dose de extrato de pituitária equina (EPE). Oito éguas QM e seis éguas Crioulas foram acompanhadas durante 3 ciclos estrais consecutivos, sendo que cada ciclo corresponde a um grupo. Grupo Controle monitoramento do crescimento folicular até a ovulação; Grupo EPE monitoramento ultrassonográfico até que os folículos atingissem cerca de 20 mm de diâmetro e, posteriormente, administração de 7 mg de EPE, duas vezes ao dia, até a indução da ovulação com 2500UI de hCG; Grupo Pós-EPE idem ao grupo controle. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, utilizando o procedimento GLM do pacote estatístico SAS, sendo previamente testadas para normalidade dos resíduos, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey ao nível de 5%. Nas éguas Crioulas tratadas com EPE houve um aumento no número de ovulações (p=0,0534), com média de 3,33±2,06 quando comparadas aos grupos controle e pós-EPE e às éguas da raça QM (2,00±0,53). O tratamento com EPE na dose preconizada permitiu uma melhor resposta superovulatória e produção embrionária nas éguas Crioulas, quando comparadas com as éguas Quarto de Milha.(AU)
This study compared the superovulatory response of embryos donor mares of Quarter Horse (QH) and Crioula using a protocol with low dose of equine pituitary extract (EPE). Eight QH mares and six Crioula mares were monitored during 3 consecutive estrous cycles, with each cycle corresponds to a group. Control Group - monitoring of follicle growth up to the ovulation; EPE group - when the follicles reached 20 mm in diameter were administered 7 mg EPE twice daily. When the follicles achieved a diameter 35 mm, the ovulation was induced with 2500UI hCG; Post-EPE Group - idem to the control group. Data were analyzed using GLM procedure of the SAS statistical package. The variables were submitted to the Tukeys test and least square means adjusted for multiple comparisons using the Tukey-Kramers test, with significance level of 5%. Values are presented as mean ± SD. In the Crioula mares treated with EPE, there was an increase in the number of ovulations (p =0.0534) with a mean of 3.33 ± 2.06 ovulations when compared to the control and post-EPE groups, and mares QM. (2.00±0.53). Treatment with EPE in the recommended dose allowed better superovulatory response and rate of embryo recovery in Crioula mares when compared to the QM mares.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Superovulação , Transferência Embrionária/veterinária , Hipófise , Cavalos/fisiologiaResumo
The objective of the study was to investigate the mechanism by which dietary energy concentration regulates laying performance in geese. Eighty 558-day-old female Sichuan White geese were randomly allotted to two dietary treatments, each treatment was fed 1 of 2 experimental diets containing 10.00 (deficient) or 11.80MJ/kg metabolizable energy (sufficient) for 30 days. Laying performance, hormone concentration and gene expressions in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis were examined in geese. Birds fed the sufficient-energy diet had significantly higher average egg weight, daily laying rate, and lower feed to egg ratio than those fed the deficient-energy (p 0.05). The birds fed sufficient-energy diet had higher concentration of serum insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol (E2) than those in deficient-energy diet (p 0.05). The mRNA expression levels of GnRH in the hypothalamus, FSH in the pituitary and E2 in the ovary of birds fed sufficient-energy diet were higher than the corresponding counterpart in deficient-energy diet (p 0.05), respectively. In conclusion, the study implied that dietary energy modifies laying possibly through regulating reproductive hormone secretion and gene expression in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis in laying geese.(AU)
Animais , Gansos/metabolismo , Gansos/fisiologia , Hormônios Esteroides Gonadais , Expressão Gênica , Hipófise , Gônadas , HipotálamoResumo
This study conducted an in-depth investigation on the development of GABAergic neurons and their receptors in HPG axis-related target organs of Wenchang chicks under heat stress. One-day-old healthy Wenchang chicks were randomly divided into control (CK) and heat stress (HS) groups. Chicks in the HS group were placed in a 40±0.5°C climatic chamber for HS treatment from 13:00 to 15:00 daily. By immunohistochemistry and Western blotting, GABA and GABAA receptor (GABAAR) expression in the hypothalamus of the HS group was significantly higher (p 0.05), but GABAB receptor (GABABR) expression was significantly lower than that of the CK group (p 0.05). Expression of GABA and its two receptors in the pituitary tissues of the HS group was significantly lower than in the CK group (p 0.05). Expression of GABA and GABABR in ovaries in the HS group was significantly higher, but expression of GABAAR in the testes of the HS group was lower than that of the CK group (p 0.05). In the male chicks, expression of GABA and its two receptors in the hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicular tissues of the HS group was significantly higher than that of the CK group (p 0.05). Western blotting showed that the GABAAR and GABABR expression of the HS group was significantly higher than that of the CK group at 3 and 5 weeks of age. Thus, HS caused GABAergic nervous system disorder in the HPG axis of Wenchang chicks and seriously hindered the normal development of GABAergic neurons in chicks, leading to the disorder of the expression of GABA and its receptors in tissues.
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Neurônios , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Hipotálamo , Hipófise , Hormônios GonadaisResumo
The objective of the study was to investigate the mechanism by which dietary energy concentration regulates laying performance in geese. Eighty 558-day-old female Sichuan White geese were randomly allotted to two dietary treatments, each treatment was fed 1 of 2 experimental diets containing 10.00 (deficient) or 11.80MJ/kg metabolizable energy (sufficient) for 30 days. Laying performance, hormone concentration and gene expressions in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis were examined in geese. Birds fed the sufficient-energy diet had significantly higher average egg weight, daily laying rate, and lower feed to egg ratio than those fed the deficient-energy (p 0.05). The birds fed sufficient-energy diet had higher concentration of serum insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol (E2) than those in deficient-energy diet (p 0.05). The mRNA expression levels of GnRH in the hypothalamus, FSH in the pituitary and E2 in the ovary of birds fed sufficient-energy diet were higher than the corresponding counterpart in deficient-energy diet (p 0.05), respectively. In conclusion, the study implied that dietary energy modifies laying possibly through regulating reproductive hormone secretion and gene expression in hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis in laying geese.
Animais , Expressão Gênica , Gansos/fisiologia , Gansos/metabolismo , Hormônios Esteroides Gonadais , Gônadas , Hipotálamo , HipófiseResumo
Background: The study was performed on wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) wich is a wild ancestor of the domestic pig and is not partof Brazilian fauna. The arterial blood supply of the encephalus has been studied by some researchers, who have systematized thecerebral blood supply from the rostral and caudal epidural rete mirabile and its sources in wild boar until the blood supply of the baseof the brain. The objective was to improve the understanding of the arterial blood supply of the brain, particularly the paleopallium,of the wild boar and to provide a reference for comparative anatomy studies.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 30 brains were obtained from an officially authorised slaughterhouse and approved byBrazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renowable Resources. The animals were desensitized, followed by bleending of thejugular veins and common carotid arteries near the entrance of the thorax, according to the slaughter procedure. Finally, the animalswere decapitated at the level of axis vertebra. The cerebral arterial system of each animal was rinsed (cooled saline containing 2500IU of heparin) and drained by the jugular veins, and vessels were filled with latex 603 stained with specific red dye. The heads weresubmerged for one hour in running water immersed in 20% formaldehyde for fixation; the brains were removed along with a cervicalsegment of the spinal cord. The duramater was removed, and the arteries were dissected. Schematic drawings of the ventral view ofthe all preparations were made using magnifying glasses and photographic records. The Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria was usedto named the cerebral arteries and their branches, and calculation of pecentages was applied in the statistical analysis. The cerebralcarotid artery originating from the rostral epidural rete mirabile emitted a rostral branch and a caudal branch on the side of the hypophysis gland...