Ultra-refined yerba mate (URYM), with a final particle size of 5 to 12 microns, is an innovation in the market that aims to diversify and increase the consumption of yerba mate ( Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil) through its practicality and versatility of preparation. The present work seeks to evaluate the potential for applying naturally colored URYM in food products. The nature of this study was exploratory, adopting a chemical approach (analysis of the antioxidant potential); physical approach (color stability) and sensory perception. URYM is a suitable naturally colored food ingredient with natural antioxidant appeal. Methanolic extraction of URYM (MEUR) was more efficient in scavenging DPPH radicals compared with aqueous extract of URYM (AEUR) (959.5 vs . 638.1 µmol Trolox g-1). No differences were found between AEUR and MEUR for total phenolic content in mg GAE g-1 (266.4 and 339.0, respectively) and scavenging of ABTS radicals in µmol Trolox g-1 (1008.9 and 1053.8, respectively). Water was able to extract phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Ice cream, juice, cake, and cookies emerged as the food products in which consumers used URYM in their homemade foods. With good color stability (no difference between L*, a* and b* parameters during the six-day) and good acceptance, cake with URYM added has a profile described as tasty, sweet, soft, and mate flavor. The results also demonstrated consumer interest in food products and ingredients with a healthy appeal.(AU)
Ilex paraguariensis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Corantes/química , Ingredientes de Alimentos/análise , Comportamento do Consumidor , AntioxidantesResumo
Sperm cryopreservation is an important tool for genetic diversity management programs and the conservation of endangered breeds and species. The most widely used method of sperm conservation is slow freezing, however, during the process, sperm cells suffer from cryoinjury, which reduces their viability and fertility rates. One of the alternatives to slow freezing is vitrification, that consist on rapid freezing, in which viable cells undergo glass-like solidification. This technology requires large concentrations of permeable cryoprotectants (P- CPA's) which increase the viscosity of the medium to prevent intracellular ice formation during cooling and warming, obtaining successful results in vitrification of oocytes and embryos. Unfortunately, this technology failed when applied to vitrification of sperm due to its higher sensitivity to increasing concentrations of P-CPAs. Alternatively, a technique termed 'kinetic sperm vitrification' has been used and consists in a technique of permeant cryoprotectant-free cryopreservation by direct plunging of a sperm suspension into liquid nitrogen. Some of the advantages of kinetic vitrification are the speed of execution and no rate-controlled equipment required. This technique has been used successfully and with better results for motility in human (50-70% motility recovery), dog (42%), fish (82%) and donkey (21.7%). However, more studies are required to improve sperm viability after devitrification, especially when it comes to motility recovery. The objective of this review is to present the principles of kinetic vitrification, the main findings in the literature, and the perspectives for the utilization of this technique as a cryopreservation method.(AU)
Animais , Criopreservação/tendências , Vitrificação/efeitos dos fármacos , Preservação do Sêmen/veterináriaResumo
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de sorvetes comercializados na cidade de Pouso Alegre MG. Foram adquiridas 2 amostras de sorvete de 18 sorveterias em um intervalo de 30 dias totalizando 36 amostras. As amostras de sorvetes foram submetidas às análises para enumeração de coliformes totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Estafilococos coagulase positiva e Salmonella spp. As análises foram realizadas segundo os protocolos da American Public Health Association descrita no Compendium of methods for the microbiological examination of foods. Neste estudo não foram encontradas espécies de Salmonella spp. entretanto, houve amostras contaminadas por E. coli e Estafilococos coagulase positiva.13,89% das amostras analisadas estavam fora dos padrões estabelecidos. Verificou-se ainda a presença de coliformes totais em 77,78% e de Staphylococcus sp. em 36,11% e, embora a legislação vigente não mencione limites de contaminação para estes microrganismos, pode-se dizer que a matéria-prima estava contaminada, que as condições higiênicas, no processamento e armazenamento estavam inadequados para este produto. As amostras analisadas obtidas de sorveterias da região central foram as mais contaminadas, onde foi encontrada a presença de E. coli e Estafilococos coagulase positiva. A presença desses microrganismos sugere falhas em algum momento do processamento, armazenamento ou da venda destes produtos tornando-os inadequados, podendo não só causar uma deterioração mais rápida do sorvete, mas também colocando em risco a saúde do consumidor.(AU)
This study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of ice cream sold in the city of Pouso Alegre MG. Two ice cream samples were acquired from 18 ice cream parlors in a 30-day interval, totaling 36 samples. The ice cream samples were subjected to analysis for enumeration of total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive Staphylococci and Salmonella spp. The analyzes were performed according to the protocols of the American Public Health Association described in the Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods. In this study no species of Salmonella spp. were found, however, there were samples contaminated by E. coli and coagulase positive Staphylococci. 13.89% of the analyzed samples were outside the established standards. It was also verified the presence of total coliforms in 77.78% and Staphylococcus sp. in 36.11% and, although the current legislation does not mention contamination limits for these microorganisms, it can be said that the raw material was contaminated, that the hygiene, processing and storage conditions were inadequate for this product. The analyzed samples obtained from ice cream parlors in the central region were the most contaminated, where the presence of E. coli and coagulase positive Staphylococci was found. The presence of these microorganisms suggests failures at some point in the processing, storage or sale of these products, making them unsuitable and not only causing a faster deterioration of the ice cream, but also putting the consumer's health at risk.(AU)
Contaminação de Alimentos/prevenção & controle , Coagulase/isolamento & purificação , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Sorvetes/microbiologia , BrasilResumo
O gelo é fundamental para a conservação adequada do pescado, pois retarda o crescimento microbiano, preservando a qualidade físico-química, microbiológicas e características organolépticas. No entanto, o gelo pode ser fonte de risco para a saúde dos consumidores quando produzido sob más condições sanitárias. Pontos críticos devem ser controlados durante a etapa de produção e armazenagem do gelo, como, uso de água potável e condições higiênicas-sanitárias. A presença de altas populações de microrganismos heterotróficos e coliformes e a má qualidade físico-química do gelo utilizado para conservação de pescado pode representar um risco potencial ao consumidor, podendo ser veiculador de doenças como Salmonelose, infecção por Escherichia coli e intoxicação por Staphylococcus aureus, além de reduzir a vida útil de prateleira do produto. Neste contexto, a realização deste estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica e físico-química do gelo utilizado na conservação de pescados comercializados em Rio Branco - AC. Foram analisadas 15 amostras de gelo coletadas em três diferentes supermercados. Foi preconizado a coleta de gelo fabricado com maquinário próprio e que fossem utilizados na comercialização do pescado fresco, que seriam expostos e resfriados em bancas de gelo no local. Foram colhidas 300g de gelo manualmente com uso de luvas e acondicionadas em frascos de vidros esterilizados, em caixa isotérmica. A qualidade microbiológica destas amostras foi analisada pela contagem de microrganismos heterotróficos mesófilos e psicrotróficos. Além disso, foi realizada a determinação do número mais provável de coliformes totais á 30°C, termotolerantes e a quantificação do pH e cloro residual livre das amostras. Com relação a determinação de microrganismos mesófilos, foram registrados valores entre 1,0x10¹ e 9,15x103 UFC/mL com amostras fora do padrão estabelecido pela Portaria MG/MS n°888/2021. A quantidade de psicrotróficos variou entre 1,0x10¹ e 89,8x10³ UFC/mL. Foi registrada a presença de coliformes totais á 30°C em 6 amostra e de termotolerantes em 4 amostras. Portanto, foi registrado variação nos padrões de qualidade dos gelos fabricados nos supermercados para conservação do pescado, constituindo risco potencial para a saúde dos consumidores.
The ice is essential for the proper conservation of fish, as it delays microbial growth, preserving the physical-chemical, microbiological and organoleptic characteristics. However, ice can be a source of health risk for consumers when produced under poor sanitary conditions. Critical points must be controlled during the ice production and storage stage, such as the of potable water and hygienic-sanitary conditions. The presence of high populations of heterotrophic and coliform microorganisms and the poor physicochemical quality of the ice used for fish conservation can represent a potential risk to the consumer, which can be a carrier of diseases such as Salmonellosis, Escherichia coli infection and Staphylococcus aureus poisoning, in addition to reducing the shelf life of the product. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the microbiological and physical-chemical quality of the ice used in the conservation of fish marketed in Rio Branco - AC. 15 ice samples collected in three different supermarkets were analyzed. It was recommended the collection of ice manufactured with its own machinery and that it be used in the commercialization of fresh fish, which would be exposed and cooled in ice stalls on site 300g ice manually with the use of gloves and packed in sterilized glass bottles, in an isothermal box. The microbiological quality of these samples was analyzed by counting mesophilic and psychrotrophic heterotrophic microorganisms. In addition, the determination of the most probable number of total coliforms at 30°C, thermotolerant and the quantification of pH and free residual chlorine of the samples were performed. Regarding the determination of mesophilic microorganisms, values between 1,00x10¹ and 9,15x10³ UFC/mL were recorded with samples (60%) out of the standard established by Ordinance MG/MS No. 888/2021. The amount of psychrotrophs varied between 1,00x10¹ and 8,98x103 CFU/mL. The presence of total coliforms at 30°C was recorded in 6 samples and of thermotolerants in 4 samples. Therefore, there was a variation in the quality standards of ices manufactured in supermarkets for fish conservation, constituting a potential risk to the health of consumers.
Microbiologia da Água , Qualidade da Água , Colimetria , Fenômenos Químicos , Gelo/análise , Brasil , Alimentos Resfriados , PeixesResumo
ß-Glucans (ßG) are polysaccharides widely distributed in nature with chemopreventive properties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ßG and the combined treatment with doxorubicin (Dox) on cell viability and mRNA levels of genes involved in cell cycle, apoptosis and antioxidant response. ßG was not cytotoxic. The mRNA levels of CCNA2of cells exposed to ß-glucan was upregulated and the exposure to Dox decreased the expression, while the combination led to an upregulation. Modulation of mRNA levels of CASP9suggest that ßG could inhibit promotion and progression steps of carcinogenesis, eliminatingneoplastic cells. The upregulation of CCNA2gene in combined treatment could be occurred due to ability of ßG in restoring the cell cycle distribution pattern after treatment with Dox. The upregulation of SOD1suggests that ßG can enhance the intracellular antioxidant defense, reducing the levels of superoxide dismutase induced by Dox. This response could reduce oxidative damage and attenuate tissue damage during chemotherapeutic treatment. Our data suggest that the drug combination may be less effective in killing tumor cells than the treatment with Dox alone. Thus, future studies should carefully consider this effect on indication of ßG during chemotherapy.Keywords:caspase-9; cyclin A2; superoxide dismutase 1; cell cycle; antioxidant.Received on July 2, 2020.Accepted on February 7, 2022.IntroductionGlucans are polysaccharides widely distributed in nature and oftenstudied due to chemopreventive properties. They are constituent of the cell wall of plants (oats and barley), algae, bacteria and fungi. ß-glucans (ßG)have a common structure comprising a main chain of ß-(1,3) and/or ß-(1,4) D-glucopyranosyl unit and they differ in length and branching structures. ßG of Saccharomyces cerevisiaehave 1â6 side branches while those of bacteria have 1â4 side branches (Chan, Chan, & Sze, 2009). ßGcan prevent DNA damage induced by chemical and physical agents (Ghavami,Goliaei, Taghizadeh, & Nikoofar, 2014). Some authors showed its significant efficacy in preventing mutagenic effects caused by doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide and cisplatin (Tohamy, El-Ghor, El-Nahas, & Noshy, 2003), methyl methanesulfonate (Oliveira et al., 2007)and hydrogen peroxide (Slamenová, 2003). Moreover, some studies have related the antioxidant ability of ßGagainst reactive free radicals formed by endogenous metabolic processes or exogenous chemicals (Tsiapali et al., 2001; Slamenová,2003; Sener, Eksioglu-Demiralp, Cetiner, Ercan, & Yegen, 2006; Guerra Dore et al., 2007; Kofuji et al., 2012; Lei et al., 2015). Yeast-derived ßGhave modulating action of humoral and cellular immune responses (Vetvicka et al., 2007).This activity provides protection to the organism against infections and cancer development (Samuelsen, Schrezenmeir, & Knutsen, 2014; Roudbary, Daneshmand, Hajimorad, Roudbarmohammadip, & Hassan, 2015). Despite postulated modes of action by which ß-glucan works are lacking information about the molecular mechanisms involved in the chemopreventive activity of this polysaccharide. In addition, compounds with chemopreventive properties can contribute to reduce side effects and toxicity during the chemotherapeutic treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of ßG and the combined treatment with doxorubicin (Dox) on the expression of genes related with apoptosis (CASP9), cell cycle control (CCNA2)and antioxidant defense (SOD1)in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Doxorubicin (Dox) was chosen because it is one of the most used chemotherapeutic agent for cancer treatment. The limitation on the use of Dox in cancer treatment is the lack of selectivity against cancer cells and, consequently, its toxicity to patients.(AU)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiologia , Expressão Gênica , beta-Glucanas , Caspase 9 , Células MCF-7/fisiologia , Superóxido Dismutase-1Resumo
The cultivation of natives Amazonian fish such as tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), tambatinga (female, Colossoma macropomum X Piaractus brachypomus, male) and Pintando da Amazônia (female, Pseudoplatystoma sp. X Leiarius marmoratus, male) temmoratus, increased in recent years, making studies related to the validity of these foods after processing necessary. Therefore, the aimed of the study was to evaluate the sensory, microbiological (Staphylococcus coagulase positive count and presence of Salmonella spp.) and chemical (pH and Total Volatile Bases (TVB) quality of fresh gutted fish stored on ice. Nine specimens of each species were used, all cultivated in an excavated tanks. The fasting time ranged from 16 to 48 hours, depending on the species, the fish was slaughtered by means of cold shock. The fish was gutted and stored in the fish fridge. Sensory analysis was performed by a trained team available. For other analyses, it was sent to a laboratory specializing in food analysis. The sensory analysis of fresh eviscerated tambaqui was characteristic of the species until the 15th day of storage. Fresh eviscerated pirapitinga presented until the 16th day. The fresh eviscerated tambatinga hybrid was kept until the 14th day of storage. And for the Pintado da Amazônia, the organoleptic characteristics were presentable until the 12th day of storage. The microbiological and physical-chemical analyzes were in accordance with Brazilian legislation in all specimens of the analyzed species. It was observed that the longer the fasting period, there was a numerical increase in the pH of the fish meat.(AU)
O cultivo de peixes nativos da Amazônia como tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum), pirapitinga (Piaractus brachypomus), tambatinga (fêmea, Colossoma macropomum X Piaractus brachypomus, macho) e o pintado da Amazônia (fêmea, Pseudoplatystoma sp. X Leiarius marmoratus, macho) tem aumentado nos últimos anos, fazendo com que estudos relacionados a validade desses alimentos após o processamento sejam necessários. Por isso, o objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros de qualidade senso-rial, microbiológica (contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva e presença de Salmonella spp.) e química (pH e Bases Voláteis Totais (BVT)) deses pescados eviscerados frescos armazenados em gelo. Foram utilizados 9 exemplares de cada espécie, todos de origem de cultivo em viveiro escavado. O tempo de jejum variou de 16 a 48 horas, dependendo da espécie, o abate do pescado foi por meio de choque térmico. O pescado foi eviscerado e armazenado no frigorifico de pescado. Analise sensorial foi realizada por uma equipe treinada disponível. Para as demais análises foi enviado para um laboratório especializado em análises de alimentos. A análise sensorial do tambaqui eviscerado fresco estava característica da espécie até o 15°dia de estocagem. A pirapitinga evisce-rado fresco apresentou até o 16°dia. O hibrido tambatinga eviscerado fresco foi até o 14°dia de estocagem. E para o pintado da Amazônia as características organolépticas estavam apresentáveis até o dia 12° dia de armazenamento. As analises microbiológicas e físico químicas estavam de acordo com a legislação brasileira em todos os exemplares das espécies analisadas. Foi observado que quanto maior o tempo de jejum, houve um aumento numérico no pH da carne dos pescados.(AU)
Animais , Indústria Pesqueira , Pesqueiros , Gelo/efeitos adversos , Sensação/fisiologia , Peixes/microbiologiaResumo
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a medicinal, ornamental and aromatic plant, however, its size can be an obstacle to its commercialization as a potted ornamental plant. Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is a substance that can retard plant growth by inhibiting the synthesis of gibberellins. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of paclobutrazol on growth regulation and gas exchange of basil (var. Cinnamon). The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design with five treatments (PBZ doses: 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 mg L-1), with eight replicates. Growth (plant height, number of leaves, stem diameter, leaf dry mass, stem dry mass, inflorescence dry mass, and total), growth rates (leaf mass ratio, stem mass ratio, inflorescence mass ratio, and robustness quotient), chlorophyll indices, gas exchange (gs, A, E, Ci, WUE, iWUE and iCE) were evaluated. Paclobutrazol reduced the growth of basil plants and increased the chlorophyll indices, A, gs, and WUE. Paclobutrazol can be used to regulate plant growth of basil plants var. Cinnamon, without altering its physiological and ornamental characteristics.(AU)
Manjericão (Ocimum basilicum) é uma planta medicinal, ornamental e aromática, contudo, seu porte pode ser um entrave para a sua comercialização como planta ornamental de vaso. O paclobutrazol (PBZ) é uma substância que pode retardar o crescimento de plantas, através da inibição da síntese de giberelinas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do paclobutrazol na regulação do crescimento e trocas gasosas no manjericão (Ocimum basilicum var. Cinnamon). O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com 5 tratamentos (doses de PBZ: 0; 2,5; 5; 7,5 e 10 mg L-1), com oito repetições. O crescimento (altura de planta, número de folhas, diâmetro de caule, massa seca da folha, do caule, da inflorescência e total), taxas de crescimento (razão de massa da folha, do caule e da inflorescência e quociente de robustez), índices de clorofilas a e b, trocas gasosas (gs, A, E, Ci, WUE, iWUE e iCE) foram avaliados. Paclobutrazol reduziu o crescimento de plantas de manjericão e aumentou o índice de clorofilas, A, gs e WUE. Paclobutrazol pode ser usado para regular o crescimento de plantas de manjericão var. Cinnamon, sem alterar suas características fisiológicas e ornamentais.(AU)
Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas , Clorofila , Ocimum basilicum/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
El Reglamento de Inspección Industrial y Sanitaria de Productos de Origen Animal (RIISPOA) establece normas de calidad para el pescado destinado al consumo humano, garantizando un producto servido al consumidor con seguridad e inocuidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la calidad de los peces comercializados en los distritos de Ipaussu y Botucatu, São Paulo, más precisamente la Tilapia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) y la Merluza (Merluccius hubbsi), a través de los resultados de la necropsia y del análisis físico-químico. Ocho muestras de Tilapia y tres muestras de Merluza fueron adquiridas en una piscifactoría, eutanasiadas en hielo en la propiedad y enviadas al Laboratorio de análisis del Instituto de Biotecnología (IBTEC) de la Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Botucatu-SP. Las Tilapias fueron sometidas a inspección macroscópica mediante observación externa e interna y los filetes de Merluza fueron sometidos a análisis físico-químicos para evaluar la frescura. En el examen externo, la lesión más frecuente fue la hemorragia de la piel (50%), las aletas (50%), las branquias (25%) y la cavidad oral (12,5%), mientras que en el examen interno predominaron la esplenomegalia (75%) y la hemorragia renal (50%). El análisis físico-químico mostró alteraciones significativas en las bases volátiles totales (BTV), lo que hace que el alimento no sea apto para el consumo
The Regulamento de Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA) establishes quality standards for fish intended for human consumption, ensuring a product served to the consumer with safety and innocuity. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the quality of fish commercialized in the districts of Ipaussu and Botucatu, São Paulo, more precisely the Tilapia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) and the Merluza (Merluccius hubbsi), through necropsy findings and physical-chemical analysis. Eight Tilapia and three hake samples were acquired from a fish farm, euthanized on ice at the farm, and sent to the Laboratory of analysis of the Biotechnology Institute (IBTEC) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), in Botucatu-SP. The Tilapias were submitted to macroscopic inspection by means of external and internal observation and the Merluza fillets were submitted to physical-chemical analysis to evaluate the freshness. In the external examination the most frequent lesion was hemorrhage of skin (50%), fins (50%), gills (25%) and oral cavity (12.5%), while in the internal examination splenomegaly (75%) and kidney hemorrhage (50%) prevailed. The physical-chemical analysis showed significant alterations in the total volatile bases (TVB), making the food unfit for consumption according to current legislation. The observed alterations configure loss of quali
O Regulamento de Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA) estabelece padrões de qualidade para peixes destinados a consumo humano, garantindo um produto servido ao consumidor com inocuidade e segurança. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do pescado comercializado nos distritos de Ipaussu e Botucatu, São Paulo, mais precisamente da Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e da Merluza (Merluccius hubbsi), por meio de achados de necrópsia e análises físico-quimicas. Foram adquiridas 8 amostras de Tilápia e 3 amostras de Merluza provindas de uma piscicultura, eutanasiadas com gelo na propriedade, e encaminhadas ao Laboratório de análises do Instituto de Biotecnologia (IBTEC) da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), em Botucatu. As Tilápias foram submetidas à inspeção macroscópica por meio de observação externa e interna e os filés de Merluza foram submetidos à análises físico-quimicas para avalição do frescor. No exame externo a lesão mais frequente foi hemorragia de pele (50%), nadadeiras (50%), brânquias (25%) e cavidade oral (12.5%), enquanto que no exame interno, esplenomegalia (75%) e hemorragia renal (50%) prevaleceram. As análises físico-quimicas apresentaram alterações significativas nas bases voláteis totais (BVT), tornando o alimento impróprio para o consumo de acordo com a legislação vigente. As alterações observadas c
Corneal pigmentation and vascularization eventually result in blindness in dogs. Pigmentary keratitis describes a relatively common presentation comprising the deposition of melanin in the cornea and conjunctival surface associated with chronic inflammation. Cryosurgery is indicated as a treatment for pigmentary keratitis in dogs. Due to melanocytes sensitivity to cold, cryosurgery is a viable treatment for severe refractory corneal pigmentation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of dimethyl ether in the treatment of pigmentary keratitis in 14 eyes of seven Pug dogs. Follow-up occurred after 30 days in four animals and six months in three animals. In all treated animals, there was a reduction in corneal pigmentation. Cryosurgery causes intracellular and extracellular ice crystal formation and other mechanisms that result in rupture and death of the melanocytes. The technique used was easy to perform, has a low cryogen cost and has few undesirable or serious side effects. However, after 30 days repigmentation occured in treated patients. Cryosurgery shows good results in the first four weeks, but partial recurrence occurred in all cases.
A pigmentação e a vascularização da córnea eventualmente resultam em cegueira em cães. A ceratite pigmentar é descrita com uma apresentação relativamente comum que compreende a deposição de melanina na córnea e na superfície conjuntival associada à inflamação crônica. A criocirurgia é indicada como tratamento para ceratite pigmentar em cães. Devido à sensibilidade dos melanócitos ao frio, a criocirurgia é um tratamento viável para pigmentação corneana refratária grave. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso do éter dimetílico no tratamento da ceratite pigmentar em 14 olhos de sete cães da raça Pug. O acompanhamento foi de 30 dias em quatro animais e seis meses em três animais. Em todos os animais tratados, houve redução da pigmentação da córnea. A criocirurgia causa a formação de cristais de gelo intracelular e extracelular e outros mecanismos que resultam na ruptura e morte dos melanócitos. A técnica utilizada foi de fácil execução, baixo custo de criogenia e poucos efeitos colaterais indesejáveis ou graves. No entanto, após 30 dias, ocorreu repigmentação nos pacientes tratados. A criocirurgia apresenta bons resultados nas primeiras quatro semanas, mas ocorreu recidiva parcial em todos os casos.
Animais , Cães , Criocirurgia/métodos , Éter/administração & dosagem , Ceratite/cirurgia , Melaninas/análiseResumo
Background: Buffalo breeding is common in many countries. Buffalo's milk is used in the production of mozzarella, yoghurt, ice cream, and various dairy desserts; meat is preferred in sausage production. The female buffaloes are bred to benefit from their milk and to obtain offspring. These animals, which are not suitable for feeding in barns, generally live in pastures, especially on wet land, and are very difficult to follow. Therefore, diseases occur randomly in slaughterhouses. Studies on genital system problems are very limited. Water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) are animals with economic value as many buffalo products are provided. In this respect, inspection and control of female genital disorders is fundamental to ensure good reproductive performance of female buffaloes. The aim of the study was to investigate pathomorphological lesions occurring in the ovaries of water buffaloes which were sent to slaughterhouses. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 198 ovaries of water buffaloes were collected from various slaughterhouses located in Adapazari, Istanbul, Kocaeli, Samsun and Trabzon cities of Turkey. After macroscopic examination; tissue samples were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin, processed routinely and were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE). As a histochemical staining, Masson's trichrome staining was applied to characterize the lesions. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was performed on 10 % neutral formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded, 4-6-µm-thick sections from ovaries using progesterone receptor (PR) with streptavidin-biotin complex peroxidase (StrepABC-P) method. Histopathologically, follicular cysts (n:147) and luteal cysts (n:22) were seen. While the cyst lumens were sometimes surrounded by granulosa and/or luteal cells, most of them were limited by the connective tissue capsule structure. This capsule structure was shown in blue by Masson's trichrome staining. Hemorrhage was observed in some cystic corpus luteum, diagnosed as corpus hemorrhagicum. In addition, cysts giving papillary extension into the lumen and inflammation of some ovaries were observed. Immunohistochemically, the staining with PR antibody in ovarian cysts showed no immunolabelling around the follicular cyst, while the nuclei of some of the luteal cells forming the luteal cyst had strongly nuclear positivity and slightly cytoplasmic positivity. In the biochemical examination of the fluids obtained from cystic ovaries (n: 37), the average of estradiol was 2.84 ng/mL (min: 0.01 ng/mL, max: 4.30 ng/mL) and progesterone average is 49.09 ng/mL (min: 1.88 ng/mL, max: 254.2 ng/mL). Discussion: Ovarian cysts in buffaloes seem to be among the serious fertility problems as in cattle. Although the exact cause of ovarian cyts has not been determined yet, it is known that the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis is disrupted in cyst formation in general. In this study, the mean estradiol value was within the standard range but close to the lower limit; progesterone value was above the limit. The increase in progesterone level was compatible with the pathogenesis of cyst genesis. Beside this result, staining with PR was positive in the luteal cells that formed the luteal cyst immunohistochemically. In addition, although the hemorrhages observed in the corpus luteum are considered physiological, it should not be forgotten that they can be vital if they rupture. All these results show us the animals sent for slaughtering mostly have serious genital problems threatening their fertility.
Animais , Feminino , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Ovário/lesões , Búfalos/lesões , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Infertilidade Feminina/prevenção & controleResumo
O Regulamento de Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA) estabelece padrões de qualidade para peixes destinados a consumo humano, garantindo um produto servido ao consumidor com inocuidade e segurança. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade do pescado comercializado nos distritos de Ipaussu e Botucatu, São Paulo, mais precisamente da Tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e da Merluza (Merluccius hubbsi), por meio de achados de necrópsia e análises físico-quimicas. Foram adquiridas 8 amostras de Tilápia e 3 amostras de Merluza provindas de uma piscicultura, eutanasiadas com gelo na propriedade, e encaminhadas ao Laboratório de análises do Instituto de Biotecnologia (IBTEC) da Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), em Botucatu. As Tilápias foram submetidas à inspeção macroscópica por meio de observação externa e interna e os filés de Merluza foram submetidos à análises físico-quimicas para avalição do frescor. No exame externo a lesão mais frequente foi hemorragia de pele (50%), nadadeiras (50%), brânquias (25%) e cavidade oral (12.5%), enquanto que no exame interno, esplenomegalia (75%) e hemorragia renal (50%) prevaleceram. As análises físico-quimicas apresentaram alterações significativas nas bases voláteis totais (BVT), tornando o alimento impróprio para o consumo de acordo com a legislação vigente. As alterações observadas configuram perda da qualidade do pescado, deterioração e lesões sugestivas de doença zoonótica. O pescado comercializado nos distritos de Ipaussu e Botucatu não encontrava-se de acordo com os padrões de frescor exigidos para o consumo estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira.(AU)
The Regulamento de Inspeção Industrial e Sanitária de Produtos de Origem Animal (RIISPOA) establishes quality standards for fish intended for human consumption, ensuring a product served to the consumer with safety and innocuity. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the quality of fish commercialized in the districts of Ipaussu and Botucatu, São Paulo, more precisely the Tilapia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) and the Merluza (Merluccius hubbsi), through necropsy findings and physical-chemical analysis. Eight Tilapia and three hake samples were acquired from a fish farm, euthanized on ice at the farm, and sent to the Laboratory of analysis of the Biotechnology Institute (IBTEC) of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), in Botucatu-SP. The Tilapias were submitted to macroscopic inspection by means of external and internal observation and the Merluza fillets were submitted to physical-chemical analysis to evaluate the freshness. In the external examination the most frequent lesion was hemorrhage of skin (50%), fins (50%), gills (25%) and oral cavity (12.5%), while in the internal examination splenomegaly (75%) and kidney hemorrhage (50%) prevailed. The physical-chemical analysis showed significant alterations in the total volatile bases (TVB), making the food unfit for consumption according to current legislation. The observed alterations configure loss of quality of the fish, deterioration and lesions suggestive of zoonotic disease. The fish commercialized in the districts of Ipaussu and Botucatu did not meet the freshness standards required for consumption established by the Brazilian legislation.(AU)
El Reglamento de Inspección Industrial y Sanitaria de Productos de Origen Animal (RIISPOA) establece normas de calidad para el pescado destinado al consumo humano, garantizando un producto servido al consumidor con seguridad e inocuidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la calidad de los peces comercializados en los distritos de Ipaussu y Botucatu, São Paulo, más precisamente la Tilapia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) y la Merluza (Merluccius hubbsi), a través de los resultados de la necropsia y del análisis físico-químico. Ocho muestras de Tilapia y tres muestras de Merluza fueron adquiridas en una piscifactoría, eutanasiadas en hielo en la propiedad y enviadas al Laboratorio de análisis del Instituto de Biotecnología (IBTEC) de la Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Botucatu-SP. Las Tilapias fueron sometidas a inspección macroscópica mediante observación externa e interna y los filetes de Merluza fueron sometidos a análisis físico-químicos para evaluar la frescura. En el examen externo, la lesión más frecuente fue la hemorragia de la piel (50%), las aletas (50%), las branquias (25%) y la cavidad oral (12,5%), mientras que en el examen interno predominaron la esplenomegalia (75%) y la hemorragia renal (50%). El análisis físico-químico mostró alteraciones significativas en las bases volátiles totales (BTV), lo que hace que el alimento no sea apto para el consumo según la legislación vigente. Las alteraciones observadas configuran la pérdida de calidad del pescado, el deterioro y las lesiones sugestivas de enfermedad zoonótica. El pescado comercializado en los distritos de Ipaussu y Botucatu no cumplía con los estándares de frescura requeridos para el consumo establecidos por la legislación brasileña.(AU)
Animais , Inspeção de Alimentos/legislação & jurisprudência , Inocuidade dos Alimentos , Pesqueiros/legislação & jurisprudência , Carne/análise , Brasil , Tilápia , Gadiformes , Alimentos de Origem Animal , Produtos Pesqueiros/análiseResumo
Ice cream is susceptible to contamination by handling and bad hygiene conditions during both the storage process and the fractioning for sale, and once contaminated, it can cause diseases. The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the microbiological quality of ice cream sold in bulk, of pasty and soft types, offered for consuming. Thirty samples of pasty ice cream sold in bulk, and thirty samples of soft ice cream were analyzed through the counting of thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp., and searching for the presence of Salmonella spp. During the study, a total of ten (33%) samples of pasty ice cream and five (16%) samples of soft ice cream were found to be beyond the limits established by the Brazilian law. Salmonella spp. was found in four samples (6.7%). These results are an alert for the need of greater attention to the microbiological quality of ice cream in order to ensure the safety of its consumers.(AU)
Os sorvetes são suscetíveis à contaminação pela manipulação e más condições higiênicas durante o processamento, armazenamento e do fracionamento para venda, uma vez contaminados podem causar doenças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de sorvetes, vendidos a granel, pastosos e expressos, oferecidos para consumo. Trinta amostras de sorvete pastoso, vendido a granel, e trinta amostras de sorvete expresso foram analisadas realizando-se contagem de coliformes termotolerantes, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase-positiva e pesquisando-se a presença de Salmonella spp. Foram detectadas dez (33%) amostras de sorvete pastoso e cinco (16%) amostras de sorvete expresso fora dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. Salmonella spp. foi encontrado em quatro amostras (6,7%). Esses resultados alertam para a necessidade de uma maior atenção à qualidade microbiológica dos sorvetes, a fim de garantir a segurança do consumidor.(AU)
Los helados son susceptibles a la contaminación por manipulación y malas condiciones higiénicas durante el procesamiento, almacenamiento y fraccionamiento para venta, una vez contaminados pueden causar enfermedades. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar la calidad microbiológica de helados vendidos a granel, pastosos y suaves, ofrecidos para el consumo. Se analizaron treinta muestras de helados pastosos vendidos a granel, y treinta muestras de helados suaves, realizándose el conteo de coliformes termotolerantes, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase positiva e investigándose la presencia de Salmonella spp. Se detectaron diez (33%) muestras de helado pastoso y cinco (16%) muestras de helado blando fuera de los límites establecidos por la legislación brasileña. Salmonella spp. se encontró en cuatro muestras (6,7%). Esos resultados destacan la necesidad de una mayor atención a la calidad microbiológica de los helados, con el fin de garantizar la seguridad del consumidor.(AU)
Salmonella , Staphylococcus , Coliformes , Sorvetes/microbiologia , Higiene , Coagulase/análiseResumo
Ice cream is susceptible to contamination by handling and bad hygiene conditions during both the storage process and the fractioning for sale, and once contaminated, it can cause diseases. The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the microbiological quality of ice cream sold in bulk, of pasty and soft types, offered for consuming. Thirty samples of pasty ice cream sold in bulk, and thirty samples of soft ice cream were analyzed through the counting of thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp., and searching for the presence of Salmonella spp. During the study, a total of ten (33%) samples of pasty ice cream and five (16%) samples of soft ice cream were found to be beyond the limits established by the Brazilian law. Salmonella spp. was found in four samples (6.7%). These results are an alert for the need of greater attention to the microbiological quality of ice cream in order to ensure the safety of its consumers.(AU)
Os sorvetes são suscetíveis à contaminação pela manipulação e más condições higiênicas durante o processamento, armazenamento e do fracionamento para venda, uma vez contaminados podem causar doenças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de sorvetes, vendidos a granel, pastosos e expressos, oferecidos para consumo. Trinta amostras de sorvete pastoso, vendido a granel, e trinta amostras de sorvete expresso foram analisadas realizando-se contagem de coliformes termotolerantes, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase-positiva e pesquisando-se a presença de Salmonella spp. Foram detectadas dez (33%) amostras de sorvete pastoso e cinco (16%) amostras de sorvete expresso fora dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. Salmonella spp. foi encontrado em quatro amostras (6,7%). Esses resultados alertam para a necessidade de uma maior atenção à qualidade microbiológica dos sorvetes, a fim de garantir a segurança do consumidor.(AU)
Los helados son susceptibles a la contaminación por manipulación y malas condiciones higiénicas durante el procesamiento, almacenamiento y fraccionamiento para venta, una vez contaminados pueden causar enfermedades. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar la calidad microbiológica de helados vendidos a granel, pastosos y suaves, ofrecidos para el consumo. Se analizaron treinta muestras de helados pastosos vendidos a granel, y treinta muestras de helados suaves, realizándose el conteo de coliformes termotolerantes, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase positiva e investigándose la presencia de Salmonella spp. Se detectaron diez (33%) muestras de helado pastoso y cinco (16%) muestras de helado blando fuera de los límites establecidos por la legislación brasileña. Salmonella spp. se encontró en cuatro muestras (6,7%). Esos resultados destacan la necesidad de una mayor atención a la calidad microbiológica de los helados, con el fin de garantizar la seguridad del consumidor.(AU)
Salmonella , Staphylococcus , Gestão da Qualidade Total , Coliformes , Sorvetes/microbiologia , Higiene , Coagulase/análiseResumo
Ice cream is susceptible to contamination by handling and bad hygiene conditions during both the storage process and the fractioning for sale, and once contaminated, it can cause diseases. The purpose of this survey was to evaluate the microbiological quality of ice cream sold in bulk, of pasty and soft types, offered for consuming. Thirty samples of pasty ice cream sold in bulk, and thirty samples of soft ice cream were analyzed through the counting of thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase-positive Staphylococcus spp., and searching for the presence of Salmonella spp. During the study, a total of ten (33%) samples of pasty ice cream and five (16%) samples of soft ice cream were found to be beyond the limits established by the Brazilian law. Salmonella spp. was found in four samples (6.7%). These results are an alert for the need of greater attention to the microbiological quality of ice cream in order to ensure the safety of its consumers.(AU)
Os sorvetes são suscetíveis à contaminação pela manipulação e más condições higiênicas durante o processamento, armazenamento e do fracionamento para venda, uma vez contaminados podem causar doenças. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de sorvetes, vendidos a granel, pastosos e expressos, oferecidos para consumo. Trinta amostras de sorvete pastoso, vendido a granel, e trinta amostras de sorvete expresso foram analisadas realizando-se contagem de coliformes termotolerantes, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase-positiva e pesquisando-se a presença de Salmonella spp. Foram detectadas dez (33%) amostras de sorvete pastoso e cinco (16%) amostras de sorvete expresso fora dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira. Salmonella spp. foi encontrado em quatro amostras (6,7%). Esses resultados alertam para a necessidade de uma maior atenção à qualidade microbiológica dos sorvetes, a fim de garantir a segurança do consumidor.(AU)
Los helados son susceptibles a la contaminación por manipulación y malas condiciones higiénicas durante el procesamiento, almacenamiento y fraccionamiento para venta, una vez contaminados pueden causar enfermedades. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar la calidad microbiológica de helados vendidos a granel, pastosos y suaves, ofrecidos para el consumo. Se analizaron treinta muestras de helados pastosos vendidos a granel, y treinta muestras de helados suaves, realizándose el conteo de coliformes termotolerantes, Staphylococcus spp. coagulase positiva e investigándose la presencia de Salmonella spp. Se detectaron diez (33%) muestras de helado pastoso y cinco (16%) muestras de helado blando fuera de los límites establecidos por la legislación brasileña. Salmonella spp. se encontró en cuatro muestras (6,7%). Esos resultados destacan la necesidad de una mayor atención a la calidad microbiológica de los helados, con el fin de garantizar la seguridad del consumidor.(AU)
Salmonella , Staphylococcus , Gestão da Qualidade Total , Coliformes , Sorvetes/microbiologia , Higiene , Coagulase/análiseResumo
Endogenous adrenocorticotrophic hormone (eACTH) measurement is useful in hypercortisolism and hypoadrenocorticism investigation; however, since the hormone is highly unstable, blood samples require proper processing and storage, as well as shipping is often a step limiting since few laboratories offer this assay in Brazil. The aim of this note was to compare overnight dog´s eACTH preanalytical stability when frozen samples were shipped in dry ice (DI), or with recyclable ice bars (RIB). A total of 56 paired samples for eACTH measurement were analyzed. Blood samples were properly handled, plasma aliquots transferred into plastic microtubes, and stored at -80ºC. The fifty-six paired samples were overnight shipped in two thermic isolated boxes with DI or involved by RIB. Despite there was a high correlation between results from both shipping methods (r Spearman = 0.958, P<0.001), the Wilcoxon matched-pairs rank test showed that the shipping method may influence results (P<0.001). However, this difference does not affect results interpretation. By this way, when DI shipping was not possible, RIB shipping may represent a risk to eACTH preanalytical stability.(AU)
A mensuração do hormônio adrenocorticotrófico endógeno (ACTHe) é útil na investigação do hipercortisolismo e hipoadrenocorticismo. No entanto, como o hormônio é bastante instável, as amostras de sangue necessitam um manejo adequado no processamento e armazenamento, assim como o envio para laboratórios pode ser um passo limitante, uma vez que poucos laboratórios oferecem este ensaio no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a estabilidade pré-analítica do ACTHe durante longo período de envio de amostras congeladas em gelo seco (GS), ou com barras de gelo reciclável (BGR). Um total de 56 amostras pareadas para mensuração de ACTHe foram analisadas. As amostras de sangue foram adequadamente manejadas, sendo o plasma transferido para micro tubos plásticos estocados a -80ºC. Os 56 pares de amostras foram enviados à tarde para chegada ao laboratório na manhã seguinte em dois isopores, um com GS e outro com BGR. Apesar de uma alta correlação entre os resultados dos diferentes métodos de envio (r Spearman = 0,958, P<0,001), o teste de Wilcoxon para amostras pareadas mostrou que o método de envio influencia os resultados P<0,001). Apesar desta diferença, os resultados não afetaram a interpretação dos resultados. Desta forma, quando o envio em gelo seco não for possível, o envio das amostras com barras de gelo reciclável pode representar um risco à estabilidade pré-analítica do ACTHe.(AU)
Hormônios/análise , Hormônio Adrenocorticotrópico/análise , Hormônio Adrenocorticotrópico/normasResumo
Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of seminal plasma (SP) and cold-shock on ram spermatozoa during 36 h storage at 5°C. In both ejaculated spermatozoa coated with egg yolk (second ejaculate; coated spermatozoa) and epididymal spermatozoa, samples were treated with 0, 50 and 100% seminal plasma. Different levels of seminal plasma were added on the basis of ram spermatocrit (32%). Then half of aliquots were suddenly put on ice water (cold-shock) and other half were gradually (0.25°C/min) chilled (non- cold shock). Sperm motility, viability and functional membrane integrity were determined in both aliquots at 0, 12, 24 and 36 h storage at 5°C. Under non- cold shock and cold-shock conditions, coated spermatozoa treated with 0% SP showed the highest motility compared to ejaculated spermatozoa (first ejaculate; uncoated spermatozoa) after 12, 24 and 36 h of storage at 5°C (P<0.05). Under non- cold shock and cold-shock conditions, viability and functional membrane integrity was higher in the coated spermatozoa treated with 0% SP than in the uncoated spermatozoa during 36 h storage (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between coated spermatozoa treated with 0 and 50% SP in the percentage of motility and viability after 24 and 36 h of storage (P>0.05). Under non- cold shock and cold-shock conditions, the percentage of motility of epididymal spermatozoa treated with 0% SP was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those treated with 100% SP after 36 h of storage at 5°C. In conclusion, removal of seminal plasma and/or reduction (up to 50%) of its concentration can decrease detrimental effects of seminal plasma on chilled ram spermatozoa.
Rapid assessments are the most common information source on biodiversity in the northwestern Amazon in Colombia due to limited resources and logistic constraints. These assessments are essential for decision-making on environmental policies in this region, that has been strongly impacted by the transformation of its natural ecosystems. Several local camera-trapping rapid assessments of medium and large-sized mammals (MLM) have been conducted in the Colombian Amazon, but they are difficult to compare. We analyzed information of 16 of these rapid assessments of MLM to provide the first list of MLM in the northwestern Amazon in Colombia. We also evaluated the accuracy of four estimators (ICE, Chao-2, Jackknife-1, and Jackknife-2), and the minimum sampling effort for the estimation of MLM richness in local surveys in the region. We report 26 species of MLM for the Colombian Amazon (between five and 13 species per locality), which is an underestimation of MLM richness in the region. The best estimator of MLM richness was the Jackknife-1, due to its precision and the lower influence of singletons. We recommend a minimum sampling effort of 350 camera trap-days. Although rapid assessments do not allow a robust estimation of MLM richness, they record the most common species (or core species) per locality and their abundance variation. The evaluation of the effect of habitat transformation on MLM and the estimation of population parameters of rare species require more intensive studies.(AU)
Las evaluaciones rápidas de biodiversidad son la fuente de información más común sobre biodiversidad en el noroccidente amazónico en Colombia debido a que los recursos y la logística son limitados. Estas evaluaciones son esenciales para tomar decisiones ambientales en esta área que ha sido impactada por la transformación de sus ecosistemas naturales. Diferentes evaluaciones locales rápidas con cámaras trampa de mamíferos medianos y grandes (MMG) se han realizado en el noroccidente Amazónico en Colombia, pero estas son difícilmente comparables. Nosotros recolectamos la información de 16 evaluaciones rápidas de MMG para proporcionar la primera lista de MMG del noroccidente amazónico en Colombia. Adicionalmente, evaluamos la precisión de cuatro estimadores (ICE, Chao 2, Jackknife 1 y Jackknife 2) y el esfuerzo mínimo de muestreo para la estimación de la riqueza de MMG en estudios locales en esa región. Reportamos 26 especies de MMG para la Amazonía colombiana (entre cinco y 13 especies por localidad), lo que es uns subestimación de la riqueza de MMG en la región. El mejor estimador para este tipo de estudios fue Jackknife 1, debido a su precisión y la baja influencia de singletons. Recomendamos un esfuerzo mínimo de muestreo de 350 cámaras trampa-día. Aunque las evaluaciones rápidas no proveen una estimación robusta de la riqueza de MMG, estas evaluaciones registran las especies más comunes (especies core) y la variación en su abundancia por localidad. Es necesario un mayor esfuerzo de muestreo para evaluar el efecto de la transformación del hábitat sobre los MMG, en especial sobre los parámetros poblacionales de las especies raras.(AU)
Animais , Biodiversidade , Mamíferos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Demografia , Floresta ÚmidaResumo
The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 brought to society a health crisis that drastically affected the global economy and brought more restrictive measures to food supply establishments, which are classified as essential activities. However, they had to adapt to the new hygienic-sanitary operating protocol, established through regulations published by the Federal and State Governments in order to reduce the chances of viral spread. The objective of the study was to evaluate the hygienic and sanitary conditions of fish sold in fish markets in the city of Nova Iguaçu/RJ, through questionnaires on the application of good marketing and handling practices, during the lockdown related to the coronavirus pandemic. An observational "checklist" type questionnaire was used to assess the hygienic and sanitary conditions of fish in 13 fish markets located in 7 districts of Nova Iguaçu/RJ. It was observed that in 92% of the establishments visited had materials and equipment in disuse in the outdoor area, had failures in conservation, sanitation and adequate maintenance, without vector and pest control, without a suitable container for waste collection, lack of personal cleanliness and did not present the amount of flaky ice adequate to coat the fish. Thus, it was possible to check that the establishments did not follow the basic rules of hygiene and safety of the fish to reduce the dissemination of the coronavirus, confirming that the commercialization of fish in the fish markets visited in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu/RJ does not meet the recommended standards of hygiene and packaging of the products sold. Therefore, the relevance of this study is to provide fishmongers in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu, practical and viable guidelines for adapting to the legislation, with the main objective of updating and favoring the reinforcement of Good Handling Practices through an illustrative folder distributed later on visits to establishments.
A pandemia causada pelo SARS-CoV-2 trouxe para a sociedade uma crise sanitária que afetou drasticamente a economia global e trouxe medidas mais restritivas para os estabelecimentos fornecedores de alimentos, que são classificados como atividades essenciais. Contudo, tiveram que se adequar ao novo protocolo higiênico-sanitários de funcionamento, estabelecido através de normativas publicadas pelos Governos Federal e Estadual com o intuito de reduzir as chances de disseminação viral. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu em avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias do pescado comercializado em peixarias do município de Nova Iguaçu/RJ, através de questionários sobre a aplicação de boas práticas de comercialização e manipulação, durante o lockdown referente à pandemia por coronavírus. Utilizou-se um questionário tipo "checklist" observacional para avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias do pescado em 13 peixarias, localizadas em 7 bairros de Nova Iguaçu/RJ. Foi observado que em 92% dos estabelecimentos visitados apresentavam materiais e equipamentos em desuso na área externa, apresentavam falhas de conservações, higienização e manutenção adequadas, sem controle de vetores e pragas, sem recipiente adequado para coleta de resíduos, faltava asseio pessoal e não apresentavam a quantidade de gelo em escama adequada para recobrir o pescado. Dessa forma, foi possível verificar que os estabelecimentos não seguiam as normas básicas de higiene e segurança do pescado para reduzir a disseminação do coronavírus, corroborando que a comercialização do pescado nas peixarias visitadas no município de Nova Iguaçu/RJ não atende aos padrões preconizados de higiene e acondicionamento dos produtos comercializados. Sendo assim, a relevância desse estudo consiste em disponibilizar as peixarias do município de Nova Iguaçu, orientações práticas e viáveis de se adequarem a legislação, tendo como objetivo principal atualizar e favorecer o reforço das Boas Práticas de Manipulação através de um folder ilustrativo distribuído posteriormente as visitas aos estabelecimentos.
Controle de Qualidade , Indústria Pesqueira , Coronavírus Relacionado à Síndrome Respiratória Aguda GraveResumo
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different levels of seminal plasma (SP) and cold-shock on ram spermatozoa during 36 h storage at 5°C. In both ejaculated spermatozoa coated with egg yolk (second ejaculate; coated spermatozoa) and epididymal spermatozoa, samples were treated with 0, 50 and 100% seminal plasma. Different levels of seminal plasma were added on the basis of ram spermatocrit (32%). Then half of aliquots were suddenly put on ice water (cold-shock) and other half were gradually (0.25°C/min) chilled (non- cold shock). Sperm motility, viability and functional membrane integrity were determined in both aliquots at 0, 12, 24 and 36 h storage at 5°C. Under non- cold shock and cold-shock conditions, coated spermatozoa treated with 0% SP showed the highest motility compared to ejaculated spermatozoa (first ejaculate; uncoated spermatozoa) after 12, 24 and 36 h of storage at 5°C (P<0.05). Under non- cold shock and cold-shock conditions, viability and functional membrane integrity was higher in the coated spermatozoa treated with 0% SP than in the uncoated spermatozoa during 36 h storage (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between coated spermatozoa treated with 0 and 50% SP in the percentage of motility and viability after 24 and 36 h of storage (P>0.05). Under non- cold shock and cold-shock conditions, the percentage of motility of epididymal spermatozoa treated with 0% SP was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those treated with 100% SP after 36 h of storage at 5°C. In conclusion, removal of seminal plasma and/or reduction (up to 50%) of its concentration can decrease detrimental effects of seminal plasma on chilled ram spermatozoa.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Espermatozoides , Motilidade dos EspermatozoidesResumo
The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 brought to society a health crisis that drastically affected the global economy and brought more restrictive measures to food supply establishments, which are classified as essential activities. However, they had to adapt to the new hygienic-sanitary operating protocol, established through regulations published by the Federal and State Governments in order to reduce the chances of viral spread. The objective of the study was to evaluate the hygienic and sanitary conditions of fish sold in fish markets in the city of Nova Iguaçu/RJ, through questionnaires on the application of good marketing and handling practices, during the lockdown related to the coronavirus pandemic. An observational "checklist" type questionnaire was used to assess the hygienic and sanitary conditions of fish in 13 fish markets located in 7 districts of Nova Iguaçu/RJ. It was observed that in 92% of the establishments visited had materials and equipment in disuse in the outdoor area, had failures in conservation, sanitation and adequate maintenance, without vector and pest control, without a suitable container for waste collection, lack of personal cleanliness and did not present the amount of flaky ice adequate to coat the fish. Thus, it was possible to check that the establishments did not follow the basic rules of hygiene and safety of the fish to reduce the dissemination of the coronavirus, confirming that the commercialization of fish in the fish markets visited in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu/RJ does not meet the recommended standards of hygiene and packaging of the products sold. Therefore, the relevance of this study is to provide fishmongers in the municipality of Nova Iguaçu, practical and viable guidelines for adapting to the legislation, with the main objective of updating and favoring the reinforcement of Good Handling Practices through an illustrative folder distributed later on visits to establishments.(AU)
A pandemia causada pelo SARS-CoV-2 trouxe para a sociedade uma crise sanitária que afetou drasticamente a economia global e trouxe medidas mais restritivas para os estabelecimentos fornecedores de alimentos, que são classificados como atividades essenciais. Contudo, tiveram que se adequar ao novo protocolo higiênico-sanitários de funcionamento, estabelecido através de normativas publicadas pelos Governos Federal e Estadual com o intuito de reduzir as chances de disseminação viral. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu em avaliar as condições higiênico-sanitárias do pescado comercializado em peixarias do município de Nova Iguaçu/RJ, através de questionários sobre a aplicação de boas práticas de comercialização e manipulação, durante o lockdown referente à pandemia por coronavírus. Utilizou-se um questionário tipo "checklist" observacional para avaliação das condições higiênico-sanitárias do pescado em 13 peixarias, localizadas em 7 bairros de Nova Iguaçu/RJ. Foi observado que em 92% dos estabelecimentos visitados apresentavam materiais e equipamentos em desuso na área externa, apresentavam falhas de conservações, higienização e manutenção adequadas, sem controle de vetores e pragas, sem recipiente adequado para coleta de resíduos, faltava asseio pessoal e não apresentavam a quantidade de gelo em escama adequada para recobrir o pescado. Dessa forma, foi possível verificar que os estabelecimentos não seguiam as normas básicas de higiene e segurança do pescado para reduzir a disseminação do coronavírus, corroborando que a comercialização do pescado nas peixarias visitadas no município de Nova Iguaçu/RJ não atende aos padrões preconizados de higiene e acondicionamento dos produtos comercializados. Sendo assim, a relevância desse estudo consiste em disponibilizar as peixarias do município de Nova Iguaçu, orientações práticas e viáveis de se adequarem a legislação, tendo como objetivo principal atualizar e favorecer o reforço das Boas Práticas de Manipulação através de um folder ilustrativo distribuído posteriormente as visitas aos estabelecimentos.(AU)