O mercado hoteleiro é um dos ramos principais da cadeia turística, tendo a área de alimentos e bebidas (A&B) como parte dessa estrutura hoteleira. O setor A&B tem grande participação na receita de um hotel, porém deve proporcionar ao hóspede satisfação gastronômica e garantir a segurança dos alimentos servidos. Dessa forma, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar se o binômio tempo x temperatura durante a distribuição dos alimentos em um buffet de café da manhã em um hotel no Rio de Janeiro atendia aos parâmetros legais. A aferição de temperatura dos alimentos distribuídos foi realizada por meio de termômetro durante 30 dias consecutivos. Os resultados mostraram que, dentre os 18 alimentos distribuídos refrigerados, 36,6% das amostras coletadas estavam com temperatura entre 10°C e 21°C por mais de duas horas. Já dentre os cinco alimentos distribuídos quentes, 42,2% das amostras foram expostas a temperaturas inferiores a 60°C por mais de uma hora, estando ambos em desacordo com as normas legais. Os resultados mostraram que, com exceção do bolo, todos os alimentos apresentaram inconformidade em pelo menos um dia, demonstrando risco para os hóspedes.(AU)
The hotel industry is one of the main branches of the tourist chain, with the food and beverage (F&B) area being part of this hotel structure. The F&B sector has a large share of a hotel's revenue, but it must provide the guest gastronomic satisfaction and ensure the safety of the food offered. Thus, the objective of the study was to verify if the binomial time X temperature during the distribution of food in a breakfast buffet in a hotel in Rio de Janeiro met the legal parameters. The temperatures were measured for 30 consecutive days punctually at 8 a.m. Among the 18 different refrigerated foods samples, 36,6% were distributed at temperatures between 10°C and 21°C for more than 2 hours. On the other hand, among the 5 different heated foods 42,2% were exposed to temperatures below 60°C for a period longer than an hour, both in disagreement with local regulation. The results showed that, with the exception of the cake, all preparations showed non-compliance in at least one day, putting guests at risk.(AU)
Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos , Abastecimento de Alimentos/métodos , Vigilância SanitáriaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of milking hygiene practices, herd size, water hardness, and temperature-humidity index (THI) on the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of raw milk, and standard plate count (SPC) in milking machines of dairy farms in the central region of Mexico. Data were collected from fifty-three dairy farms during one year. The evaluated effects included milking hygiene conditions (good, medium, poor), herd size (1-50, 51-100, 101-150, ≥151 heads), water hardness (soft or moderately hard), and THI (comfortable or stressful). The increase in milking hygiene produced greater milk yield (MY) and energy corrected milk (ECM) but lower protein content, and decreased the individual bacterial count (IBC) and somatic cell count (SCC). The MY, ECM, protein content, IBC, and SCC were higher on bigger farms. The use of soft water reduced MY, IBC, and SCC, but improved fat, lactose, total solids (TS), and non-fat solids (NFS). Heat stress negatively affected fat, protein, TS, NFS, acidity, freezing point (FP), SCC, and methylene blue dye reduction test. Poor milking hygiene contributes to higher SPC in milking machine parts. Water hardness and THI did not affect SPC in all milking machine parts. Proper milking hygiene practices, larger herd size, softer water, lower THI, and adequate cleaning and disinfection of the milking machine parts benefits the physicochemical and microbiological quality of the milk.
Características da Água , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor , Leite , FazendasResumo
Repeated presence of strawberries amongst produce with pesticide residues results in questionings related to the risks involved by its consumption. Deterministic and probabilistic risk assessment methods might be used depending on the available data. In the present study, both methods were used to estimate risks of pesticide intake by strawberry consumption. Strawberry samples along two years were analyzed via the multiresidue method. Results of active ingredients (a.i.) concentrations were organized and used for calculations for intake estimates. On the deterministic method, intake was calculated based on the data of a.i. concentration and consumption data coming from an online questionnaire and body weight between 5 and 70 kg. On the probabilistic method, the concentrations of a.i. and body weight of 60 kg were evaluated in two scenarios: a) consumption data from an online questionnaire or b) consumption data retrieved from Family Budget Survey of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. In the 62 strawberry samples, 38 a.i. were quantified and in 25 samples the residue analyses were considered satisfactory and 37 had an unsatisfactory outcome. In the deterministic approach, 23% of the a.i. had a calculated intake higher than the acceptable daily intake (ADI) and risk concentrated in body weights between 5 and 30 kg. The risk is low when considering a body weight of 60 kg. All a.i. tested in the first scenario of the probabilistic method pointed towards some possibility of intake being higher than the ADI. In the second scenario, only the a.i. procymidone exceeded the ADI.
A frequente presença do morango entre os alimentos com resíduos de agrotóxicos acima do limite máximo ou não autorizados gera uma série de questionamentos em relação aos riscos envolvidos no seu consumo. Nos processos de avaliação do riscopodemserutilizadosmétodosdeterminísticos e probabilísticosdependendo dos dados disponíveis. O objetivodestetrabalhofoiconduzirumaavaliaçãodeterminística e probabilística do risco de ingestão de agrotóxicosatravés do consumo de morangos. Para tanto, 62 amostras de morangosforamanalisadasatravés do método de multiresíduos entre osanos de 2018 e 2019. Osresultados de concentração dos ingredientesativosforamorganizados e utilizados para oscálculos de estimativa da ingestão. No métododeterminísticoaingestãofoicalculada com base nos dados de concentração dos ingredientesativos das amostras de morangos, dados de consumoprovenientes de um questionário online e pesos corporais entre 5 e 70 kg. No métodoprobabilísticoforamutilizadosos dados de concentração dos ingredientesativos das amostras e peso corporal de 60 kg noscenários um e dois, onde, no primeiro, os dados de consumoutilizadosforamos dados do questionário e no segundoos dados de consumo de morangoprovenientes da Pesquisa de OrçamentosFamiliares. Nas 62 amostras de morangoanalisadasforamdetectados 38 ingredientesativos, sendo 25 amostrasconsideradassatisfatórias, e 37 insatisfatórias. Entre osingredientesativosdetectados, 40% nãotêmseuusoautorizado para a cultura. Na avaliaçãodeterminística, 23% dos ingredientesativosapresentaramingestãocalculada superior a ingestãodiáriaaceitávelempelomenos um cenário, estando o riscoconcentradonos pesos corporais entre 5 e 30 kg, sendo o riscobaixoquandoconsiderado o peso corporal de 60 kg. Todososingredientesativostestados no primeirocenário da avaliaçãoprobabilísticaapresentaramalgumapossibilidade de aingestãoser superior a ingestãodiáriaaceitável, enquanto que para o segundocenárioapenas o ingredienteativoprocimidonasuperou a ingestãodiáriaaceitável. Entre osmodelosestudados, o primeirocenário da avaliaçãoprobabilísticafoi o que apresentou a maiorprobabilidade de provocarintoxicação e procimidonafoi o ingredienteativomaisfrequentementedetectadonasamostras, e que apresentou as maiores chances de oferecerrisco à saúde.
Agroquímicos , Fragaria/toxicidade , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos , Frutas/toxicidadeResumo
We aimed to assess the physiological and biophysical responses of Nellore bulls exposed to solar radiation in semiarid conditions throughout the day. Sixteen Nellore bulls were examined in Tibau city, Northeast Brazil (5°52ʹ South, 37°20ʹ West, and 37 m above sea level) over four nonconsecutive days, with data collection taking place at one-hour intervals between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm. Four animals were analyzed each day and kept exposed to the sun for the duration of the study. The average age of the animals was three years, and their average body weight was 650±32 kg. The meteorological station measured air temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), solar radiation (W.m-2 ), and black globe temperatures (°C) every minute, while a digital anemometer thermohygrometer measured wind speed (m.s-1 ) at the same time. Respiratory rate (breaths.min-1 ), expired air temperature (°C), rectal temperature (°C), and body surface temperature (°C) were measured as physiological variables. Biophysical equations were used to estimate the sensible and latent heat transfer mechanisms (W.m-2 ). The air temperature ranged from 28.5 to 32.5°C, and direct solar radiation was between 21 and 891 W.m-². Between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm, the study observed heat gain through longwave radiation, which reached an average of 250 W.m-2 , with a significant increase (P < 0.05) in respiratory rate and body surface temperature during this time. Convection was significant in heat dissipation, particularly when the wind speed was increased from 11:00 am. However, latent heat loss mechanisms were more effective in losing excess body heat under total sun exposure, despite the positive effect of convection. The study findings showed that Nellore bulls maintained their body temperature within a narrow range even when exposed to high solar radiation, thus demonstrating the efficiency of physiological and biophysical mechanisms during times of greater thermal challenge.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Exposição à Radiação/análise , Transtornos de Estresse por CalorResumo
Various problems may arise during the road transportation of one-day-old broiler chickens from hatcheries to rearing houses. In this study, the transportation vehicles of a private company operating in the Bursa Region were physically examined, and the climate parameters of the trailer were observed. During these observations the exposure of animals to heat stress was measured, and the loss of life during transportation was revealed. Thirteen data logger values were placed in the trailer and their readings were recorded. While the highest heat stress is in the summer and the heat stress is the highest in the front and middle parts of the trailer, the least are in the first row and the last row in vehicles that use natural ventilation in the summer and mechanical air conditioning in the winter.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Meios de Transporte/métodos , Ventilação/métodos , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/diagnóstico , Modelos ClimáticosResumo
In this study, we aimed to determine the effect of Moringa oleifera essential oil (MOEO) supplementation to rations of Japanese quail ( Coturnix coturnix japonica ) grown under heat stress (HS) on some adipokine (visfatin, adiponectin, and chemerin), intestinal (citrulline), 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), and thyroid-stimulation hormone (TSH) levels in the serum. For this purpose, 320 day-old male quail chicks were used. The study was conducted over 42 days, including a 7-d adaptation period and a 35-d experimental period. Eight trial groups were established, each including 10 quail: CT (control temperature, 25 â), MOEO 200, MOEO 400, MOEO 600, HSC (HS control), SMOEO 200, SMOEO 400, and SMOEO 600. Based on the results, a dose-dependent decrease was observed on days 21 and 42 in serum adiponectin and T3 in the stress and stress-free groups compared with the control group due to MOEO supplementation. The lowest decrease was observed in the MOEO 600 mg/kg dose group. In addition, an increase in stressed groups was observed when examining serum citrulline levels, while chemerin levels did not have a statistically significant effect. While the decrease in serum visfatin, T4, and TSH levels on the 21st day did not have a statistically significant effect, a significant effect was determined on the 42nd day. The addition of MOEO at 600 mg/kg to the ration may be beneficial in preventing intestinal damage and inflammation that may occur due to HS.
Animais , Hormônios Tireóideos , Óleos Voláteis , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor , Coturnix , Moringa oleifera , Dieta/veterináriaResumo
This study evaluated the behavior of broiler chickens subjected to thermal stress during different periods of the day and age of birds. A total of 180 one-day-old male broiler chicks were allocated to three chambers. Each chamber contained five boxes, with 12 chicks/box. Birds were assigned to a completely randomized design. The birds were filmed, and the images recorded every minute during the two periods: morning (from 08:00 to 09:00 h) and afternoon (from 17:00 to 18:00 h), at 7, 14, and 35 d of age. The frequency of the behavioral category (water intake, feed intake, resting, exploration, and comfort) was determined. Data were subjected to variance analysis for mixed models with rearing temperatures (cold, usual, and hot) and age of birds (7, 14, and 35 d) as subdivided plot, and periods of the day (morning and afternoon) as sub-subdivided plot. Birds at cold and usual temperatures showed higher feed intake than those at hot temperature in the morning. Birds exposed to cold and usual temperatures explored the environment less frequently at 35 d when compared with 14 d. However, chickens at hot temperature showed decreased exploration according to the increase of age. Birds spent more time feeding during the morning, regardless of age and rearing temperature. Also, during this period of the day, chickens spent most of the time exploring the environment. The frequency of feed intake and exploration decreases with the increase of age. The similarity of behavior between chickens reared at cold and usual temperatures may be due to a change in the thermal comfort zone of the birds. It suggests that the real thermal comfort temperature is between the two temperature ranges studied (cold and usual).
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Transtornos de Estresse por CalorResumo
A qualidade microbiológica dos alimentos é de extrema importância a nível de saúde pública. Por isso, são necessárias análises para identificar possíveis contaminações e, a partir delas, estabelecer recomendações e medidas para garantia da segurança dos alimentos ofertados à população. A presença de Escherichia coli e coliformes totais nos alimentos indica condições de higiene insatisfatórias. Desta forma, no presente trabalho buscou-se avaliar a presença de E. coli e coliformes totais em queijos comercializados em feiras livres nos municípios da Baixada Santista, por meio de kit comercial COLItest ®. Verificou-se a presença de coliformes totais em nove amostras (100%). Sendo que cinco (55,5%) das amostras analisadas foram positivas para E. coli, indicando que os produtos vendidos na feira, sem controle de qualidade, possuem contaminações bacterianas que podem prejudicar a saúde dos consumidores.(AU)
The microbiological quality of food is extremely important in terms of public health. Therefore, analyzes are necessary to identify possible contaminations and based on them, establish recommendations and measures to guarantee the safety of food offered to the population. The presence of Escherichia coli and total coliforms in food indicates unsatisfactory hygiene conditions. In this way, the present work sought to evaluate the presence of E. coli and total coliforms in cheese sold in free fairs located in municipalities of Baixada Santista, through the commercial kit COLItest ®. The presence of total coliforms was verified in nine samples (100%). Five (55.5%) of the samples were positive for E. coli, indicating that the products sold at the fair, without quality control, have bacterial contamination that can harm the health of consumers.(AU)
Técnicas Microbiológicas/métodos , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/microbiologia , Brasil , Saneamento de Mercados , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
Staphylococcus aureus is an important foodborne pathogen associated to food intoxication and other multiple infections in human being. Its presence in salted food is a serious issue due to its salt tolerance potential. A study was conducted to analyze the presence of enterotoxins producing drug resistance S. aureus in salted sea fish from Gwadar. Freshly persevered samples (n=50) of salted fish were subjected to analyze the presence of S. aureus using 16S rRNA and Nuc genes primers. The isolates were then evaluated for drug resistance and enterotoxins producing potential using specific primers for MecA (methicillin resistance gene), (SEA) staphylococcal enterotoxin A and (SEB) staphylococcal enterotoxin B genes. Total 13/50 (26%) of the samples were found positive for the presence of S. aureus, preliminary confirmed with biochemical profiling and finally with the help of target genes presence. The isolates were found showing 100% resistant to methicillin, which were molecularly confirmed by the presence of MecA gene present in genome. The isolates 5/13 (38%) were positive for SEA and 3/13 (23%) for SEB genes, whereas 2/13 (15%) were confirmed having both SEA and SEB genes in its genome. It was also confirmed that all the isolates were capable to form biofilm over the glass surfaces. It was concluded that the study confirmed the presence of enterotoxigenic methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aurous (MRSA) in salted fish product, that poses gross food safety concern. Preventive and control measures are necessary to handle this serious food safety concern.
Staphylococcus aureus é um importante patógeno de origem alimentar associado à intoxicação alimentar e outras infecções múltiplas em seres humanos. Sua presença em alimentos salgados é um problema sério devido ao seu potencial de tolerância ao sal. Um estudo foi realizado para analisar a presença de enterotoxinas produtoras de resistência a drogas S. aureus em peixes salgados do mar de Gwadar. Amostras recém-perseveradas (n = 50) de peixes salgados foram submetidas à análise da presença de S. aureus usando os primers dos genes 16S rRNA e Nuc. Os isolados foram então avaliados quanto à resistência a drogas e potencial de produção de enterotoxinas usando primers específicos para os genes MecA (gene de resistência à meticilina), (SEA) enterotoxina A estafilocócica e (SEB) enterotoxina B estafilocócica genes. Um total de 13/50 (26%) das amostras foi considerado positivas para a presença de S. aureus, confirmadas preliminarmente com perfis bioquímicos e finalmente com a ajuda da presença de genes-alvo. Os isolados foram encontrados com 100% de resistência à meticilina, os quais foram confirmados molecularmente pela presença do gene MecA no genoma. Os isolados 5/13 (38%) foram positivos para SEA e 3/13 (23%) para genes SEB, enquanto 2/13 (15%) foram confirmados tendo os genes SEA e SEB em seu genoma. Também foi verificado que todos os isolados foram capazes de formar biofilme sobre as superfícies de vidro. Concluiu-se que o estudo confirmou a presença de Staphylococcus aurous resistente à meticilina enterotoxigênica (MRSA) em produtos de peixe salgado, o que representa uma grande preocupação para a segurança alimentar. Medidas preventivas e de controle são necessárias para lidar com essa grave preocupação com a segurança alimentar.
Animais , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/prevenção & controle , Inocuidade dos Alimentos , Peixes/genética , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina/patogenicidadeResumo
Staphylococcus aureus is an important foodborne pathogen associated to food intoxication and other multiple infections in human being. Its presence in salted food is a serious issue due to its salt tolerance potential. A study was conducted to analyze the presence of enterotoxins producing drug resistance S. aureus in salted sea fish from Gwadar. Freshly persevered samples (n=50) of salted fish were subjected to analyze the presence of S. aureus using 16S rRNA and Nuc genes primers. The isolates were then evaluated for drug resistance and enterotoxins producing potential using specific primers for MecA (methicillin resistance gene), (SEA) staphylococcal enterotoxin A and (SEB) staphylococcal enterotoxin B genes. Total 13/50 (26%) of the samples were found positive for the presence of S. aureus, preliminary confirmed with biochemical profiling and finally with the help of target genes presence. The isolates were found showing 100% resistant to methicillin, which were molecularly confirmed by the presence of MecA gene present in genome. The isolates 5/13 (38%) were positive for SEA and 3/13 (23%) for SEB genes, whereas 2/13 (15%) were confirmed having both SEA and SEB genes in its genome. It was also confirmed that all the isolates were capable to form biofilm over the glass surfaces. It was concluded that the study confirmed the presence of enterotoxigenic methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aurous (MRSA) in salted fish product, that poses gross food safety concern. Preventive and control measures are necessary to handle this serious food safety concern.(AU)
Staphylococcus aureus é um importante patógeno de origem alimentar associado à intoxicação alimentar e outras infecções múltiplas em seres humanos. Sua presença em alimentos salgados é um problema sério devido ao seu potencial de tolerância ao sal. Um estudo foi realizado para analisar a presença de enterotoxinas produtoras de resistência a drogas S. aureus em peixes salgados do mar de Gwadar. Amostras recém-perseveradas (n = 50) de peixes salgados foram submetidas à análise da presença de S. aureus usando os primers dos genes 16S rRNA e Nuc. Os isolados foram então avaliados quanto à resistência a drogas e potencial de produção de enterotoxinas usando primers específicos para os genes MecA (gene de resistência à meticilina), (SEA) enterotoxina A estafilocócica e (SEB) enterotoxina B estafilocócica genes. Um total de 13/50 (26%) das amostras foi considerado positivas para a presença de S. aureus, confirmadas preliminarmente com perfis bioquímicos e finalmente com a ajuda da presença de genes-alvo. Os isolados foram encontrados com 100% de resistência à meticilina, os quais foram confirmados molecularmente pela presença do gene MecA no genoma. Os isolados 5/13 (38%) foram positivos para SEA e 3/13 (23%) para genes SEB, enquanto 2/13 (15%) foram confirmados tendo os genes SEA e SEB em seu genoma. Também foi verificado que todos os isolados foram capazes de formar biofilme sobre as superfícies de vidro. Concluiu-se que o estudo confirmou a presença de Staphylococcus aurous resistente à meticilina enterotoxigênica (MRSA) em produtos de peixe salgado, o que representa uma grande preocupação para a segurança alimentar. Medidas preventivas e de controle são necessárias para lidar com essa grave preocupação com a segurança alimentar.(AU)
Animais , Staphylococcus aureus Resistente à Meticilina/patogenicidade , Peixes/genética , Inocuidade dos Alimentos , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/prevenção & controleResumo
Thirty-two Arbor Acres (AA) cockerels aged 27 weeks were used to determine the effect of vitamin E (VE) on the semen characteristics and sperm quality during hot season. The birds were fed diets containing 0, 50, 100 and 150mg VE kg-1 feed. There were 4 replicates and two birds per replicate. Semen collection was done thrice a week for three weeks in all birds. Dietary vitamin E significantly (p < 0.05) increased the semen volume (SV) and number of sperm cells (NS) in AA cockerels. CONTROL birds (0.71 mL) had lower SV than birds fed 150 mg VE (0.94 mL). Birds on 100 and 150 mg VE recorded similar NS, which was higher than 0 and 50 mg VE groups. The least NS was in the CONTROL group. Sperm abnormality gradually (p < 0.05) decreased as dietary VE increased from 0 to 150 mg. Significant (p < 0.01) effect of dietary VE was recorded in percentage live sperm (PLS). Semen from cockerels on VE treatment had higher PLS than the CONTROL. In conclusion, it may be beneficial to supplement the broiler breeder cockerel diet with VE up to 150 mg kg-1 feed during hot season as it increased SV, NS and PLS and decreased sperm abnormality.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Vitamina E/análise , Tocoferóis/química , Aditivos Alimentares/químicaResumo
This study assessed the behavior of dairy calves raised in outdoor holding pens covered with different geosynthetics. Twenty crossbred (Girolando, Jersey and Holstein) dairy calves undergoing weaning were used, with an average initial live weight of 40.6 Kg. A completely randomized block design was used, with a 4 x 3 factorial scheme and 5 repetitions. The roofing materials were polyethylene mesh, drainage geocomposite, nonwoven geotextile and woven geotextile, representing the first factor, and assessment times (8 to 11 a.m., 11:15 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 2:15 to 6 p.m.) the second factor. Environmental variables were analyzed, and the following heat stress indices calculated: black globe-humidity index (BGHI) and equivalent temperature. The average BGHI and equivalent temperature were 79 and 26, respectively. Walking behavior differed between treatments (P<0.05) and was more frequent in the woven geotextile treatment. The most frequent behavior observed throughout the day was lying in the shade (53%), demonstrating the importance of providing artificial shading during this stage of life. When compared to polyethylene mesh, the drainage geocomposite and nonwoven geotextile were better suited to providing shade for dairy calves undergoing weaning in tropical regions.
O trabalho avaliou o comportamento de bezerras leiteiras, criadas em bezerreiros de modelo tropical, contendo diferentes geossintéticos como material de cobertura. Foram avaliadas 20 fêmeas Girolando, Jersey e Holandesa com peso inicial médio de 40,6 Kg durante a fase de aleitamento. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados completos, em arranjo fatorial 4 x 3 com 5 repetições. Os materiais de cobertura foram: malha de polietileno, geocomposto drenante, geotêxtil não-tecido e geotêxtil tecido foram o primeiro fator e os períodos do dia (08 às 11, 11:15 às 14 e 14:15 às 18 horas) foram o segundo fator. Foram avaliadas as variáveis ambientais e calculados os índices de conforto térmico: índice de temperatura do globo negro e umidade e índice de temperatura equivalente. As médias do índice de temperatura do globo negro e índice de temperatura equivalente foram 79 e 26, respectivamente. O comportamento andando diferiu entre tratamentos (P<0,05), sendo mais frequente no tratamento geotêxtil tecido. A frequência comportamental mais observada ao longo do dia foi deitada à sombra (53%) deixando evidente a importância da disponibilização de sombreamento artificial para essa fase de vida. Os materiais de cobertura geossintéticos Geodrenante e Geotêxtil não-tecido, comparados à malha de polietileno, foram os mais apropriados para a utilização como sombreamento em regiões de clima tropical para bezerras em fase de aleitamento.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Comportamento Animal , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Abrigo para Animais/estatística & dados numéricos , Clima TropicalResumo
Background: Nonambulatory flaccid tetraparesis can be the result of diseases of the peripheral nervous system and it is characterized by generalized lower motor neuron (LMN) signs, as weakness, tetraparesis/tetraplegia, decreased muscle tone and reflexes. The term polyneuropathy is used for dysfunction of multiple peripheral nerves. In Brazil, there are several etiologies for polyneuropathy in dogs, such as acute idiopathic polyradiculoneuritis, botulism and myasthenia gravis. Toxoplasma gondii is an uncommon cause of LMN diseases in dogs. The aim of this report was to describe a case of flaccid tetraplegia toxoplasmosis in an adult dog with a Toxoplasma gondii serology with a markedly elevated IgG titer of 1:4096. Case: A 4-year-old intact mongrel male dog, weighing 19.6 kg, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL) with a 5-day history of weakness that progressed to tetraparesis. Physical examination revealed no significant changes other than the dull and unkempt coat. Neurologic examination revealed severe tetraparesis that was worse in the pelvic limbs, with decreased muscle tone in all four limbs. Postural reactions and the interdigital reflex were absent in all four limbs, as was the patellar reflex, but pain perception was present. There were no clinical signs of dysfunction on examination of the cranial nerves. Laboratory tests were performed, and creatine kinase was elevated (819 U/L). Blood was drawn to look for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum class IgG using the indirect immunofluorescence technique. The antibody titer for Toxoplasma gondii (IgG) was 1:4096. A chest radiograph was performed to look for megaesophagus, and a pulmonary pattern suggestive of mild diffuse pneumonia was observed. Treatment was performed with sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, and the dog's condition improved slightly. Discussion: Based on lower motor neuron findings, the neurologic lesion was localized in the nerve roots, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junctions, or muscles. The most important diseases in the list of differential diagnoses were immune-mediated or infectious polyradiculoneuritis (toxoplasmosis, neosporosis), myasthenia gravis, toxic polyneuropathy (botulism, chronic organophosphate poisoning), and paraneoplastic polyneuropathy. Among these differential diagnoses, polyradiculoneuritis is one of the most common. It is an idiopathic inflammatory disease. Exposure to raccoon saliva (in the U.S.), vaccination, or infection have been proposed as precipitating causes, but the triggers of this disease remain unknown. Serology for neosporosis was negative, while IgG titers for toxoplasmosis were 1:4096. In a previous study, dogs with acute polyradiculoneuritis were more likely to have T. gondii IgG serum antibody titers than dogs without neurologic signs. Infection with the protozoa T. gondii and N. caninum can cause intense polyradiculoneuritis in dogs accompanied by myositis, especially in puppies. One treatment trial was based on the administration of sulfonamide-trimethoprim with pyrimethamine, whose efficacy in the treatment of toxoplasmosis in dogs has also been reported in the literature. Neurologic deficits improved slightly, and there is a possibility that certain signs may not disappear completely because of the permanent damage caused by inflammation of the nervous system, as observed in the present case. The case had the limitation that it was not possible to perform other laboratory tests to demonstrate histopathologically the presence of Toxoplasma gondii organisms in muscles or nerves. Recovery of normal function is less likely in protozoan polyradiculoneuritis than in noninfectious polyradiculoneuritis. Thus, in the present case, the main suspicion was polyradiculoneuritis secondary to toxoplasmosis. Although it is a rare condition, it is important to consider toxoplasmosis in dogs with LMN-type tetraparesis or tetraplegia.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Paresia/veterinária , Polineuropatias/veterinária , Polirradiculoneuropatia/veterinária , Sistema Nervoso Periférico/patologiaResumo
A criação comercial de gato doméstico tem aumentado assim como a realização de estudos para melhorar a eficiência reprodutiva é uma realidade. O interesse pela identificação das falhas reprodutivas tem crescido, entretanto, os casos de infertilidade nos machos são escassos na literatura disponível. O histórico de infertilidade de um gato deve ser investigado cuidadosamente, pois pode estar associado a mudanças no manejo ou doenças. O diagnóstico dessas 'falhas reprodutivas' geralmente é simples, se realizada uma boa anamnese, exames, físico e andrológico, minuciosos, assim como exames complementares, entre eles hemograma completo, perfil bioquímico e testes para doenças infecciosas como FIV, FELV e FIP.(AU)
Commercial breeding of domestic cats has increased, and studies to improve reproductive efficiency are a reality. Interest in identifying reproductive failures has increased, however, cases of infertility in men are scarce in the available literature. A cat's history of infertility should be investigated carefully as it may be associated with changes in management or illness. The diagnosis of these 'reproductive failures' is usually simple if a good anamnesis, thorough physical and andrological examinations are carried out, in addition to complementary tests, including complete blood count, biochemical profile, tests for infectious diseases such as FIV, FELV, FIP.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Infertilidade Masculina/diagnóstico , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterináriaResumo
In this research, some plant seeds powder was evaluated to find their potential effect to rule diseases of food poisoning. Antimicrobial effect of five plant seeds was examined contra Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella. pneumonia and Candida albicans by using well diffusion method. Antimicrobial activity studies revealed high potential activity of plant seeds powder of Nigella sativa L., cucurbita pepo, Sesamum radiatum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Linum usitatissimum with variable efficiency contra tested microbial strains with concentration of 100 mg/ml, except Sesamum radiatum scored no effect. The T. foenum and N. sativa seed powder showed the largest inhibition zone (24-20 mm) contra K. pneumonia, followed by S. aureus (20-18 mm) and C. albicans (15mm) respectively. The five plant seeds powder exhibited bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects with MIC's 20 and MBC 40 mg/ml against K. pneumonia, and MIC's 40 and MBC 60 mg/ml against S. aureus. The results of this study indicated that plants seeds powder have promising antimicrobial activities and their potential applications in food process. It could be utilized as a natural medicinal alternative instead of chemical substance.
Nesta pesquisa, o pó de sementes de plantas foi avaliado para encontrar seu efeito potencial no controle de doenças de intoxicação alimentar. O efeito antimicrobiano de cinco sementes de plantas foi examinado contra Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia e Candida albicans usando o método de difusão bem. Estudos de atividade antimicrobiana revelaram alto potencial de atividade de sementes de plantas em pó de Nigella sativa L., Cucurbita pepo, Sesamum radiatum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Linum usitatissimum com eficiência variável contra cepas microbianas testadas com concentração de 100 mg / ml, exceto Sesamum radiatum com pontuação não efeito. O pó de sementes de T. foenum e N. sativa apresentou a maior zona de inibição (24-20 mm) contra K. pneumonia, seguido por S. aureus (20-18 mm) e C. albicans (15 mm), respectivamente. O pó de cinco sementes de plantas exibiu efeitos bacteriostáticos e bactericidas com MIC's 20 e MBC 40 mg / ml contra K. pneumonia, enquanto MIC's 40 e MBC 60 mg / ml contra S. aureus. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram que os pós de sementes de plantas apresentam promissoras atividades antimicrobianas e suas potenciais aplicações em processos alimentícios. Ele poderia ser utilizado como alternativa medicinal natural em vez de substância química.
Cucurbita pepo , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/parasitologia , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/virologia , Sesamum , Técnicas In VitroResumo
In this research, some plant seeds powder was evaluated to find their potential effect to rule diseases of food poisoning. Antimicrobial effect of five plant seeds was examined contra Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella. pneumonia and Candida albicans by using well diffusion method. Antimicrobial activity studies revealed high potential activity of plant seeds powder of Nigella sativa L., cucurbita pepo, Sesamum radiatum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Linum usitatissimum with variable efficiency contra tested microbial strains with concentration of 100 mg/ml, except Sesamum radiatum scored no effect. The T. foenum and N. sativa seed powder showed the largest inhibition zone (24-20 mm) contra K. pneumonia, followed by S. aureus (20-18 mm) and C. albicans (15mm) respectively. The five plant seeds powder exhibited bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects with MIC's 20 and MBC 40 mg/ml against K. pneumonia, and MIC's 40 and MBC 60 mg/ml against S. aureus. The results of this study indicated that plants seeds powder have promising antimicrobial activities and their potential applications in food process. It could be utilized as a natural medicinal alternative instead of chemical substance.(AU)
Nesta pesquisa, o pó de sementes de plantas foi avaliado para encontrar seu efeito potencial no controle de doenças de intoxicação alimentar. O efeito antimicrobiano de cinco sementes de plantas foi examinado contra Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumonia e Candida albicans usando o método de difusão bem. Estudos de atividade antimicrobiana revelaram alto potencial de atividade de sementes de plantas em pó de Nigella sativa L., Cucurbita pepo, Sesamum radiatum, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Linum usitatissimum com eficiência variável contra cepas microbianas testadas com concentração de 100 mg / ml, exceto Sesamum radiatum com pontuação não efeito. O pó de sementes de T. foenum e N. sativa apresentou a maior zona de inibição (24-20 mm) contra K. pneumonia, seguido por S. aureus (20-18 mm) e C. albicans (15 mm), respectivamente. O pó de cinco sementes de plantas exibiu efeitos bacteriostáticos e bactericidas com MIC's 20 e MBC 40 mg / ml contra K. pneumonia, enquanto MIC's 40 e MBC 60 mg / ml contra S. aureus. Os resultados deste estudo indicaram que os pós de sementes de plantas apresentam promissoras atividades antimicrobianas e suas potenciais aplicações em processos alimentícios. Ele poderia ser utilizado como alternativa medicinal natural em vez de substância química.(AU)
Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/parasitologia , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/virologia , Cucurbita pepo , Sesamum , Técnicas In VitroResumo
O presente trabalho tem como proposta avaliar os riscos e possíveis irregularidades nas padarias do município de Itabela-BA que podem interferir de forma direta ou indireta na saúde da população e mostrar a importância da Vigilância Sanitária municipal para o processo de inspeção e orientação desses estabelecimentos. O estudo foi realizado por meio de uma pesquisa documental na Vigilância Sanitária no município de Itabela/BA. Foi realizado um levantamento de documentos do ano de 2015, que foram analisados criticamente. Constatou-se que as padarias pesquisadas apresentam um déficit em relação à higiene e segurança no processo de manipulação de alimentos, sendo que a presença da Vigilância Sanitária realizando um acompanhamento e orientação dos proprietários e funcionários das padarias é de fundamental importância para oferecer à sociedade Itabelense alimentos adequados para a venda e o consumo.(AU)
The present study has the proposal to evaluate the risks and possible irregularities in the bakeries of Itabela-BA that can directly or indirectly interfere in the health of the population and demonstrate the importance of municipal Sanitary Surveillance for the inspection and guidance process of these establishments. The study was conducted through a documentary research, carried out at the Sanitary Surveillance in the city of Itabela/BA. A survey of documents was carried out in the year 2015, which was analyzed critically. It was found that the bakeries surveyed have a deficit in relation to hygiene and safety in the food handling process. The presence of the Health Surveillance monitoring and guiding bakery owners and employees is of fundamental importance to offer the Itabelense society suitable products for the sale and consumption.(AU)
Vigilância Sanitária , Alimentos/normas , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos , BrasilResumo
Aliar o amor aos pets ao amor à vegetação requer conhecimento por parte de quem se utiliza das plantas ornamentais para decorar um lar. Isso porque algumas plantas podem causar intoxicações de leves a graves nos pets, sejam eles cães, gatos ou aves. Pensando nisso, um treinamento aos colaboradores dos grandes revendedores de materiais para pets e jardinagem pode ser uma estratégia informativa muito eficaz aos responsáveis pelos animais. Do mesmo modo, alguns clínicos de pequenos animais desconhecem a capacidade intoxicante das plantas e como agir, realizando um diagnóstico e tratamento errados. Para suprir essa lacuna, um dos meios utilizados foi a criação de um guia impresso, exclusivo para uso veterinário, com foto das plantas, sinais clínicos e tratamento. O mesmo acontece com os alimentos de origem animal tóxicos para pets. A informação de toda cadeia envolvida no atendimento e cuidados dos animais é uma forma de diminuir esses casos.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Plantas/toxicidade , Animais de Estimação/fisiologia , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/veterináriaResumo
The seagull (Larus dominicanus) commonly can be observed near human fishing activities, as this species feeds on discards from fishing. This common interaction between a seabird and human fishing activity (both commercial and recreational), provides an easy source of food, but is not without risk for the birds. We report here clinical, radiographic and anatomopathological findings of an esophageal perforation caused by fishing gear in a specimen of Larus dominicanus found alive on a beach in the state of São Paulo which illustrated a harmful effect of stemming from recreational fishing. Clinical examination revealed a nylon thread in the oral cavity with the presence of caseous suggestive of ingestion of lost fishing gear, paralysis of the pelvic limbs and a decrease in the pain reflex associated with sternal decubitus, suggestive of food intoxication. Necroscopic examination revealed two hooks, one in the caudal portion of the esophagus with esophageal and pulmonary perforation, and the other in the muscular stomach. These injuries would have been expected to lead to the death of the bird. These anatomopathological findings confirmed the seriousness of the injuries. This reinforces the importance of studies focused on the interaction of recreational fishing artifacts (hooks, lines) with coastal birds on the Brazilian coast, in order to develop a preventative strategy.(AU)
A gaivota (Larus dominicanus) está intimamente relacionada às atividades pesqueiras, uma vez que possui hábitos generalistas e se alimenta dos descartes provenientes da pesca. Este processo de interação entre aves marinhas e a pesca apre-senta efeitos positivos e negativos, porém, suas relações ecológicas ainda não são bem compreendidas. No presente trabalho, objetivou-se relatar achados clínicos, radiográficos e anatomopatológicos de uma perfuração esofágica ocasionada por petrecho de pesca em um espécime de Larus dominicanus no litoral do estado de São Paulo e levantar a problemática da pesca recrea-tiva na região. Ao exame clínico, observou-se presença de fio de náilon em cavidade oral com presença de cáseo sugestivo de ingestão de petrecho de pesca, paresia de membros pélvicos e diminuição de reflexo doloroso associado a decúbito esternal, sugerindo um quadro de intoxicação alimentar. O exame necroscópico revelou a presença de dois anzóis, um em porção cau-dal do esôfago com perfuração esofágica e pulmonar, e outro em ventrículo. Os achados anatomopatológicos comprovaram a gravidade das lesões causadas pela interação com a pesca recreativa, o que reforça a importância de estudos referentes à intera-ção de artefatos pesqueiros (anzóis, linhas) com aves costeiras do litoral brasileiro, atualmente escassos na literatura científica.(AU)
Animais , Charadriiformes/anatomia & histologia , Caça , Perfuração Esofágica/diagnóstico , Doenças Transmitidas por Alimentos/veterináriaResumo
The lungs have great importance in patients with paracoccidioidomycosis since they are the portal of entry for the infecting fungi, the site of quiescent foci, and one of the most frequently affected organs. Although they have been the subject of many studies with different approaches, the severity classification of the pulmonary involvement, using imaging procedures, has not been carried out yet. This study aimed to classify the active and the residual pulmonary damage using radiographic and tomographic evaluations, according to the area involved and types of lesions.