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Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468815


Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6”-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.

O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como “pitó”. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 ”-Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.

Flavonoides/farmacocinética , Flavonoides/toxicidade , Malvaceae , Técnicas In Vitro
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-8, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765392


Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6”-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.(AU)

O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como “pitó”. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 ”-Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.(AU)

Flavonoides/farmacocinética , Flavonoides/toxicidade , Malvaceae , Técnicas In Vitro
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469031


Abstract Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as pitó. This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O--D-(6-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.

Resumo O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como pitó. Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O--D- (6 -Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e244127, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278526


Abstract Tiliroside is a glycosidic flavonoid present in many plants species including Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), commonly known in Brazil as "pitó". This molecule has been shown to have many biological activities, however no study has been carried out to investigate the toxicity of this substance. The present work aimed to evaluate the possible cellular toxicity in silico, in vitro and ex-vivo of the kaempferol-3-O-β-D-(6"-E-p-coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), through chemical structure analysis, toxicity assessment and predictive bioactive properties, using human samples for in vitro and ex-vivo tests. The in silico analysis suggests that tiliroside exhibited great absorption index when penetrating biological membranes. In addition, it also displayed considerable potential for cellular protection against free radicals, and anticarcinogenic, antioxidant, antineoplastic, anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhagic and antithrombotic activities. The assessment of the hemolytic and genotoxic effects of tiliroside showed low hemolysis rates in red blood cells and absence of cellular toxicity in the oral mucosa cells. The data obtained indicate that this molecule could be a promising therapeutic approach as a possible new drug with biotechnological potential.

Resumo O tilirosídeo é um flavonóide glicosídico presente em muitas espécies de plantas, incluindo Helicteres velutina K. Schum (Malvaceae sensu lato), conhecida no Brasil como "pitó". Esta molécula mostrou ter muitas atividades biológicas, porém nenhum estudo foi realizado para investigar a toxicidade dessa substância. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a possível toxicidade celular in silico, in vitro e ex-vivo do kaempferol-3-O-β-D- (6 "-Ep-coumaroil) glucopiranosídeo (tilirosídeo), por meio de análises de estrutura química, toxicidade avaliação e propriedades bioativas preditivas, utilizando amostras humanas para testes in vitro e ex-vivo. A análise in silico sugere que o tilirosídeo exibe bom índice de absorção para penetrar nas membranas biológicas. Além disso, apresentou considerável potencial de proteção celular contra os radicais livres e com atividades anticarcinogênica, antioxidante, antineoplásica, antiinflamatória, anti-hemorrágica e antitrombótica. A avaliação dos efeitos hemolíticos e genotóxicos do tilirosídeo mostrou baixas taxas de hemólise nas hemácias e ausência de toxicidade em células da mucosa oral. Os dados obtidos indicam que esta molécula pode possuir uma abordagem terapêutica promissora como uma possível nova droga com potencial biotecnológico.

Humanos , Extratos Vegetais , Quempferóis/toxicidade , Flavonoides , Simulação por Computador , Brasil
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469130


Abstract In the current report, we studied the possible inhibitors of COVID-19 from bioactive constituents of Centaurea jacea using a threefold approach consisting of quantum chemical, molecular docking and molecular dynamic techniques. Centaurea jacea is a perennial herb often used in folk medicines of dermatological complaints and fever. Moreover, anticancer, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties of its bioactive compounds are also reported. The Mpro (Main proteases) was docked with different compounds of Centaurea jacea through molecular docking. All the studied compounds including apigenin, axillarin, Centaureidin, Cirsiliol, Eupatorin and Isokaempferide, show suitable binding affinities to the binding site of SARS-CoV-2 main protease with their binding energies -6.7 kcal/mol, -7.4 kcal/mol, -7.0 kcal/mol, -5.8 kcal/mol, -6.2 kcal/mol and -6.8 kcal/mol, respectively. Among all studied compounds, axillarin was found to have maximum inhibitor efficiency followed by Centaureidin, Isokaempferide, Apigenin, Eupatorin and Cirsiliol. Our results suggested that axillarin binds with the most crucial catalytic residues CYS145 and HIS41 of the Mpro, moreover axillarin shows 5 hydrogen bond interactions and 5 hydrophobic interactions with various residues of Mpro. Furthermore, the molecular dynamic calculations over 60 ns (6×106 femtosecond) time scale also shown significant insights into the binding effects of axillarin with Mpro of SARS-CoV-2 by imitating protein like aqueous environment. From molecular dynamic calculations, the RMSD and RMSF computations indicate the stability and dynamics of the best docked complex in aqueous environment. The ADME properties and toxicity prediction analysis of axillarin also recommended it as safe drug candidate. Further, in vivo and in vitro investigations are essential to ensure the anti SARS-CoV-2 activity of all bioactive compounds particularly axillarin to encourage preventive use of Centaurea jacea against COVID-19 infections.

Resumo No presente relatório, estudamos os possíveis inibidores de Covid-19 de constituintes bioativos de Centaurea jacea usando uma abordagem tripla que consiste em técnicas de química quântica, docking molecular e dinâmica molecular. Centaurea jacea é uma erva perene frequentemente usada em remédios populares de doenças dermatológicas e febre. Além disso, as propriedades anticâncer, antioxidante, antibacteriana e antiviral de seus compostos bioativos também são relatadas. A Mpro (proteases principais) foi acoplada a diferentes compostos de Centaurea jacea por meio de docking molecular. Todos os compostos estudados, incluindo apigenina, axilarina, Centaureidina, Cirsiliol, Eupatorina e Isokaempferide, mostram afinidades de ligação adequadas ao sítio de ligação da protease principal SARS-CoV-2 com suas energias de ligação -6,7 kcal / mol, -7,4 kcal / mol, - 7,0 kcal / mol, -5,8 kcal / mol, -6,2 kcal / mol e -6,8 kcal / mol, respectivamente. Dentre todos os compostos estudados, a axilarina apresentou eficiência máxima de inibidor, seguida pela Centaureidina, Isokaempferida, Apigenina, Eupatorina e Cirsiliol. Nossos resultados sugeriram que a axilarina se liga aos resíduos catalíticos mais cruciais CYS145 e HIS41 do Mpro, além disso a axilarina mostra 5 interações de ligações de hidrogênio e 5 interações hidrofóbicas com vários resíduos de Mpro. Além disso, os cálculos de dinâmica molecular em uma escala de tempo de 60 ns (6 × 106 femtossegundos) também mostraram percepções significativas sobre os efeitos de ligação da axilarina com Mpro de SARS-CoV-2 por imitação de proteínas como o ambiente aquoso. A partir de cálculos de dinâmica molecular, os cálculos RMSD e RMSF indicam a estabilidade e dinâmica do melhor complexo ancorado em ambiente aquoso. As propriedades ADME e a análise de previsão de toxicidade da axilarina também a recomendaram como um candidato a medicamento seguro. Além disso, as investigações in vivo e in vitro são essenciais para garantir a atividade anti-SARS-CoV-2 de todos os compostos bioativos, particularmente a axilarina, para encorajar o uso preventivo de Centaurea jacea contra infecções por Covid-19.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247604, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339370


Abstract In the current report, we studied the possible inhibitors of COVID-19 from bioactive constituents of Centaurea jacea using a threefold approach consisting of quantum chemical, molecular docking and molecular dynamic techniques. Centaurea jacea is a perennial herb often used in folk medicines of dermatological complaints and fever. Moreover, anticancer, antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties of its bioactive compounds are also reported. The Mpro (Main proteases) was docked with different compounds of Centaurea jacea through molecular docking. All the studied compounds including apigenin, axillarin, Centaureidin, Cirsiliol, Eupatorin and Isokaempferide, show suitable binding affinities to the binding site of SARS-CoV-2 main protease with their binding energies -6.7 kcal/mol, -7.4 kcal/mol, -7.0 kcal/mol, -5.8 kcal/mol, -6.2 kcal/mol and -6.8 kcal/mol, respectively. Among all studied compounds, axillarin was found to have maximum inhibitor efficiency followed by Centaureidin, Isokaempferide, Apigenin, Eupatorin and Cirsiliol. Our results suggested that axillarin binds with the most crucial catalytic residues CYS145 and HIS41 of the Mpro, moreover axillarin shows 5 hydrogen bond interactions and 5 hydrophobic interactions with various residues of Mpro. Furthermore, the molecular dynamic calculations over 60 ns (6×106 femtosecond) time scale also shown significant insights into the binding effects of axillarin with Mpro of SARS-CoV-2 by imitating protein like aqueous environment. From molecular dynamic calculations, the RMSD and RMSF computations indicate the stability and dynamics of the best docked complex in aqueous environment. The ADME properties and toxicity prediction analysis of axillarin also recommended it as safe drug candidate. Further, in vivo and in vitro investigations are essential to ensure the anti SARS-CoV-2 activity of all bioactive compounds particularly axillarin to encourage preventive use of Centaurea jacea against COVID-19 infections.

Resumo No presente relatório, estudamos os possíveis inibidores de Covid-19 de constituintes bioativos de Centaurea jacea usando uma abordagem tripla que consiste em técnicas de química quântica, docking molecular e dinâmica molecular. Centaurea jacea é uma erva perene frequentemente usada em remédios populares de doenças dermatológicas e febre. Além disso, as propriedades anticâncer, antioxidante, antibacteriana e antiviral de seus compostos bioativos também são relatadas. A Mpro (proteases principais) foi acoplada a diferentes compostos de Centaurea jacea por meio de docking molecular. Todos os compostos estudados, incluindo apigenina, axilarina, Centaureidina, Cirsiliol, Eupatorina e Isokaempferide, mostram afinidades de ligação adequadas ao sítio de ligação da protease principal SARS-CoV-2 com suas energias de ligação -6,7 kcal / mol, -7,4 kcal / mol, - 7,0 kcal / mol, -5,8 kcal / mol, -6,2 kcal / mol e -6,8 kcal / mol, respectivamente. Dentre todos os compostos estudados, a axilarina apresentou eficiência máxima de inibidor, seguida pela Centaureidina, Isokaempferida, Apigenina, Eupatorina e Cirsiliol. Nossos resultados sugeriram que a axilarina se liga aos resíduos catalíticos mais cruciais CYS145 e HIS41 do Mpro, além disso a axilarina mostra 5 interações de ligações de hidrogênio e 5 interações hidrofóbicas com vários resíduos de Mpro. Além disso, os cálculos de dinâmica molecular em uma escala de tempo de 60 ns (6 × 106 femtossegundos) também mostraram percepções significativas sobre os efeitos de ligação da axilarina com Mpro de SARS-CoV-2 por imitação de proteínas como o ambiente aquoso. A partir de cálculos de dinâmica molecular, os cálculos RMSD e RMSF indicam a estabilidade e dinâmica do melhor complexo ancorado em ambiente aquoso. As propriedades ADME e a análise de previsão de toxicidade da axilarina também a recomendaram como um candidato a medicamento seguro. Além disso, as investigações in vivo e in vitro são essenciais para garantir a atividade anti-SARS-CoV-2 de todos os compostos bioativos, particularmente a axilarina, para encorajar o uso preventivo de Centaurea jacea contra infecções por Covid-19.

Humanos , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Centaurea , COVID-19 , Inibidores de Proteases , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Simulação de Acoplamento Molecular , SARS-CoV-2
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(6): e20210277, 2022. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350580


In vitro tests are performed to evaluate the efficacy of antimycotoxins additives (AMAs); nevertheless, such assays show a low correlation with in vivo trials, which are also required to determine AMAs' efficacy. In search of an alternative method, the current study investigated the use of an ex vivo technique. Six AMAs (AMA1 to AMA6) had their ability to reduce intestinal absorption of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) evaluated. Jejunal explants were obtained from broilers and subjected to two treatments per AMA in Ussing chambers: T1 (control) - 2.8 mg/L AFB1, and T2 - 2.8 mg/L AFB1 + 0.5% AMA. AMAs were also tested in vitro to assess adsorption of AFB1 in artificial intestinal fluid. In the ex vivo studies, AMA1 to AMA6 decreased intestinal absorption of AFB1 by 67.11%, 73.82%, 80.70%, 85.86%, 86.28% and 82.32%, respectively. As for the in vitro results, AMA1 to AMA6 presented an adsorption of 99.72%, 99.37%, 99.67%, 99.53%, 99.04% and 99.15%, respectively. The evaluated ex vivo model proved useful in the assessment of AMAs. No correlation was reported between ex vivo and in vitro findings. Further studies are needed to elucidate the correlation between ex vivo and in vivo results seeking to reduce animal testing.

Testes in vitro são realizados para avaliar a eficácia de aditivos antimicotoxinas (AAMs); entretanto, tais experimentos apresentam uma baixa correlação com ensaios in vivo, que também são exigidos para determinar a eficácia de AAMs. Em busca de um método alternativo, o presente estudo investigou o uso de uma técnica ex vivo. A capacidade de seis AAMs (AAM1 a AAM6) de reduzir a absorção intestinal de aflatoxina B1 (AFB1) foi avaliada. Explantes jejunais foram coletados de frangos de corte e submetidos a dois tratamentos por AAM em câmaras de Ussing: T1 (controle) - 2,8 mg/L AFB1, e T2 - 2.8 mg/L AFB1 + 0,5% AAM. Os AAMs também foram testados in vitro para verificar a adsorção de AFB1 em fluido intestinal artificial. Nos ensaios ex vivo, AAM1 ao AAM6 diminuíram a absorção intestinal de AFB1 em 67,11%, 73,82%, 80,70%, 85,86%, 86,28% e 82,32%, respectivamente. Quanto aos achados in vitro, AAM1 ao AAM6 apresentaram adsorção de 99,72%, 99,37%, 99,67%, 99,53%, 99,04% e 99,15%, respectivamente. O modelo ex vivo avaliado mostrou-se eficiente na avaliação de AAMs. Não houve correlação entre os resultados ex vivo e in vitro. Estudos adicionais são necessários para definir a correlação entre achados ex vivo e in vivo na tentativa de reduzir os testes em animais.

Animais , Antitoxinas/análise , Galinhas , Aflatoxina B1/toxicidade , Jejuno , Técnicas In Vitro
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e235475, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249240


Plants that produce secondary metabolites with allelopathic activity or phytotoxicity can be biotechnologically important, serving as sources of allelochemicals, and thus contributing to the agroindustrial sector. Vismia japurensis (Hypericaceae) is an Amazonian species that grows in clumps called vismiais, from which most other plants are absent. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to identify possible phytotoxicity effects of hexane and methanol extracts of Vismia japurensis leaves and branches in vivo and from seedlings grown in vitro on Lactuca sativa. In addition, fresh and dry leaves were assayed by the sandwich method in order to determine their ability to release allelochemicals. The hexanic extract from in vitro seedlings reduced germination by 10%, while the methanol extract produced a 16% reduction in germination speed. Root growth of Lactuca sativa was inhibited by 64.7% when subjected to hexane leaf extract, by 39.3% under the influence of hexane branch extract, and by 96.09% for in vitro seedling hexanic extract. When analysed by thin layer chromatography and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance, extracts showed evidence of terpenes, anthraquinones and flavonoids, with greater intensity of signals in the aromatic region of in vitro seedling hexanic extract. Clearly, Vismia japurensis has a high biotechnological potential in terms of the production of substances of low polarity with capacity to interfere in plant development.

Plantas que produzem metabólitos secundários com atividade alelopática ou fitotóxica podem ser biotecnologicamente importantes, servindo como fontes de aleloquímicos e, assim, contribuindo para o setor agroindustrial. Vismia japurensis (Hypericaceae) é uma espécie amazônica que cresce em grupos, formando vismiais. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos de extratos hexânicos e metanólicos de folhas e ramos de Vismia japurensis in vivo e de plântulas cultivadas in vitro sobre Lactuca sativa. Além disso, folhas frescas e secas foram analisadas pelo método sanduíche, a fim de determinar sua capacidade de liberação de aleloquímicos. O extrato hexânico de plântulas in vitro reduziu a germinação em 10% e o extrato metanólico promoveu uma redução de 16% na velocidade de germinação. O crescimento radicular de Lactuca sativa foi inibido em 64,7% quando submetido ao extrato hexânico das folhas, em 39,3% sob influência do extrato hexânico dos galhos e em 96,09% para o extrato de hexânico das plântulas in vitro. Quando analisados por cromatografia em camada delgada e ressonância magnética nuclear de 1H, os extratos mostraram evidências de terpenos, antraquinonas e flavonoides, com maior intensidade de sinais na região aromática do extrato hexânico das plântulas in vitro. Assim, Vismia japurensis possui elevado potencial biotecnológico em termos de produção de substâncias de baixa polaridade com capacidade de interferência no desenvolvimento de plantas.

Germinação , Clusiaceae , Extratos Vegetais/toxicidade , Folhas de Planta , Plântula , Alelopatia
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-7, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468482


Plants that produce secondary metabolites with allelopathic activity or phytotoxicity can be biotechnologically important, serving as sources of allelochemicals, and thus contributing to the agroindustrial sector. Vismia japurensis (Hypericaceae) is an Amazonian species that grows in clumps called vismiais, from which most other plants are absent. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to identify possible phytotoxicity effects of hexane and methanol extracts of Vismia japurensis leaves and branches in vivo and from seedlings grown in vitro on Lactuca sativa. In addition, fresh and dry leaves were assayed by the sandwich method in order to determine their ability to release allelochemicals. The hexanic extract from in vitro seedlings reduced germination by 10%, while the methanol extract produced a 16% reduction in germination speed. Root growth of Lactuca sativa was inhibited by 64.7% when subjected to hexane leaf extract, by 39.3% under the influence of hexane branch extract, and by 96.09% for in vitro seedling hexanic extract. When analysed by thin layer chromatography and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance, extracts showed evidence of terpenes, anthraquinones and flavonoids, with greater intensity of signals in the aromatic region of in vitro seedling hexanic extract. Clearly, Vismia japurensis has a high biotechnological potential in terms of the production of substances of low polarity with capacity to interfere in plant development.

Plantas que produzem metabólitos secundários com atividade alelopática ou fitotóxica podem ser biotecnologicamente importantes, servindo como fontes de aleloquímicos e, assim, contribuindo para o setor agroindustrial. Vismia japurensis (Hypericaceae) é uma espécie amazônica que cresce em grupos, formando vismiais. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos de extratos hexânicos e metanólicos de folhas e ramos de Vismia japurensis in vivo e de plântulas cultivadas in vitro sobre Lactuca sativa. Além disso, folhas frescas e secas foram analisadas pelo método sanduíche, a fim de determinar sua capacidade de liberação de aleloquímicos. O extrato hexânico de plântulas in vitro reduziu a germinação em 10% e o extrato metanólico promoveu uma redução de 16% na velocidade de germinação. O crescimento radicular de Lactuca sativa foi inibido em 64,7% quando submetido ao extrato hexânico das folhas, em 39,3% sob influência do extrato hexânico dos galhos e em 96,09% para o extrato de hexânico das plântulas in vitro. Quando analisados por cromatografia em camada delgada e ressonância magnética nuclear de 1H, os extratos mostraram evidências de terpenos, antraquinonas e flavonoides, com maior intensidade de sinais na região aromática do extrato hexânico das plântulas in vitro. Assim, Vismia japurensis possui elevado potencial biotecnológico em termos de produção de substâncias de baixa polaridade com capacidade de interferência no desenvolvimento de plantas.

Lactuca/efeitos dos fármacos , Antraquinonas , Clusiaceae/química , Clusiaceae/toxicidade , Terpenos , Técnicas In Vitro
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-7, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32876


Plants that produce secondary metabolites with allelopathic activity or phytotoxicity can be biotechnologically important, serving as sources of allelochemicals, and thus contributing to the agroindustrial sector. Vismia japurensis (Hypericaceae) is an Amazonian species that grows in clumps called vismiais, from which most other plants are absent. Accordingly, the objective of this study was to identify possible phytotoxicity effects of hexane and methanol extracts of Vismia japurensis leaves and branches in vivo and from seedlings grown in vitro on Lactuca sativa. In addition, fresh and dry leaves were assayed by the sandwich method in order to determine their ability to release allelochemicals. The hexanic extract from in vitro seedlings reduced germination by 10%, while the methanol extract produced a 16% reduction in germination speed. Root growth of Lactuca sativa was inhibited by 64.7% when subjected to hexane leaf extract, by 39.3% under the influence of hexane branch extract, and by 96.09% for in vitro seedling hexanic extract. When analysed by thin layer chromatography and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance, extracts showed evidence of terpenes, anthraquinones and flavonoids, with greater intensity of signals in the aromatic region of in vitro seedling hexanic extract. Clearly, Vismia japurensis has a high biotechnological potential in terms of the production of substances of low polarity with capacity to interfere in plant development.(AU)

Plantas que produzem metabólitos secundários com atividade alelopática ou fitotóxica podem ser biotecnologicamente importantes, servindo como fontes de aleloquímicos e, assim, contribuindo para o setor agroindustrial. Vismia japurensis (Hypericaceae) é uma espécie amazônica que cresce em grupos, formando vismiais. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi identificar possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos de extratos hexânicos e metanólicos de folhas e ramos de Vismia japurensis in vivo e de plântulas cultivadas in vitro sobre Lactuca sativa. Além disso, folhas frescas e secas foram analisadas pelo método sanduíche, a fim de determinar sua capacidade de liberação de aleloquímicos. O extrato hexânico de plântulas in vitro reduziu a germinação em 10% e o extrato metanólico promoveu uma redução de 16% na velocidade de germinação. O crescimento radicular de Lactuca sativa foi inibido em 64,7% quando submetido ao extrato hexânico das folhas, em 39,3% sob influência do extrato hexânico dos galhos e em 96,09% para o extrato de hexânico das plântulas in vitro. Quando analisados por cromatografia em camada delgada e ressonância magnética nuclear de 1H, os extratos mostraram evidências de terpenos, antraquinonas e flavonoides, com maior intensidade de sinais na região aromática do extrato hexânico das plântulas in vitro. Assim, Vismia japurensis possui elevado potencial biotecnológico em termos de produção de substâncias de baixa polaridade com capacidade de interferência no desenvolvimento de plantas.(AU)

Clusiaceae/química , Clusiaceae/toxicidade , Lactuca/efeitos dos fármacos , Terpenos , Antraquinonas , Técnicas In Vitro
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e57016, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461014


The research and development of alternative treatments for snakebites (e.g., medicinal plants) is necessary due to the high costs of the existing ones. The effects of the aqueous extracts from Jacaranda decurrens leaves, roots, and xylopodium were analyzed upon the venom-induced (Bothrops spp. and Crotalus spp.) systemic and local toxicity. The extracts were able to partially inhibit the phospholipase activity of the venoms from Bothrops jararacussu and Crotalus durissus terrificus. The myotoxic, edema-inducing, coagulant, and hemorrhagic activities were also inhibited. The SDS-PAGE showed that the venom proteins were intact after their incubation with the extracts. This suggests that the possible mechanism of inhibition is not related to the degradation of the protein but rather to their binding to specific sites of the enzymes. The extracts significantly prolonged the survival time of animals in the lethality assay performed with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom and its toxin (crotoxin). The anti-ophidic activity of medicinal plants may aid in the management of snakebites in distant locations by reducing the victim’s local effects and time to heal.

Bignoniaceae/toxicidade , Plantas Medicinais/toxicidade , Técnicas In Vitro , Venenos de Crotalídeos
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 43: e57016, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32536


The research and development of alternative treatments for snakebites (e.g., medicinal plants) is necessary due to the high costs of the existing ones. The effects of the aqueous extracts from Jacaranda decurrens leaves, roots, and xylopodium were analyzed upon the venom-induced (Bothrops spp. and Crotalus spp.) systemic and local toxicity. The extracts were able to partially inhibit the phospholipase activity of the venoms from Bothrops jararacussu and Crotalus durissus terrificus. The myotoxic, edema-inducing, coagulant, and hemorrhagic activities were also inhibited. The SDS-PAGE showed that the venom proteins were intact after their incubation with the extracts. This suggests that the possible mechanism of inhibition is not related to the degradation of the protein but rather to their binding to specific sites of the enzymes. The extracts significantly prolonged the survival time of animals in the lethality assay performed with Crotalus durissus terrificus venom and its toxin (crotoxin). The anti-ophidic activity of medicinal plants may aid in the management of snakebites in distant locations by reducing the victims local effects and time to heal.(AU)

Técnicas In Vitro , Bignoniaceae/toxicidade , Plantas Medicinais/toxicidade , Venenos de Crotalídeos
Acta amaz ; 51(3): 260-269, set 2021. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455404


Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and, currently, the treatment of first choice is meglumine antimoniate. However, due to its limited effectiveness and high toxicity, it is necessary to seek new active principles for leishmaniasis treatment. Metal complexes are gaining importance due to their effectiveness and low toxicity. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo antileishmanial activity of the hypotoxic copper(I) complex [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN). Four dermotropic species of Leishmania were tested with the metal complex and its effectiveness was determined through parasitic viability and infectivity rate, and cytotoxicity was determined using a redox dye (resazurin). For the in vivo tests, hamsters were infected and the lesions treated with a formulated ointment containing the complex, the effectiveness of which was assessed by measuring the diameter of the inoculum/snout location and determining the parasitic load. The results demonstrated moderate toxicity in murine macrophages and human monocytes and better efficacy in Leishmania (V.) braziliensis when compared to the other species tested, with a 50% reduction in the viability of promastigote and amastigote forms (in vitro). General data from daily topical treatment for up to 30 days showed low efficacy for reducing lesions, and no clinical and parasitological cure was observed in the experimental animals. Thus, the [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN) complex proved to be promising in in vitro studies against L. (V.) braziliensis, and should be further tested in new formulations and new experimental treatment schemes.

A leishmaniose cutânea é uma doença causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania e, atualmente, o tratamento de primeira escolha é o antimoniato de meglumina. Porém, devido à sua eficácia limitada e alta toxicidade, é necessário buscar novos princípios ativos para o tratamento da leishmaniose. Os complexos metálicos vêm ganhando importância devido à sua eficácia e baixa toxicidade. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade leishmanicida in vitro e in vivo do complexo hipotóxico de cobre(I) [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN). Quatro espécies dermotrópicas de Leishmania foram testadas com o complexo metálico e sua eficácia foi determinada através da viabilidade parasitária e taxa de infectividade, e a citotoxicidade foi determinada com um corante redox (resazurina). Para os testes in vivo, hamsters foram infectados e as lesões foram tratadas com uma pomada formulada contendo o complexo. A eficácia foi avaliada medindo o diâmetro do inóculo/focinho e determinando a carga parasitária. Os resultados demonstraram toxicidade moderada em macrófagos murinos e monócitos humanos e melhor eficácia em Leishmania (V.) braziliensis quando comparada às demais espécies testadas, com redução de 50% na viabilidade das formas promastigotas e amastigotas (in vitro). Os dados gerais do tratamento tópico diário por até 30 dias mostraram baixa eficácia na redução das lesões, e nenhuma cura clínica e parasitológica foi observada nos animais experimentais. Portanto, o complexo [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN) mostrou-se promissor em estudos in vitro contra L. (V.) braziliensis, devendo ser empregado em novas formulações e novos esquemas de tratamento experimental.

Cobre/análise , Leishmaniose , Técnicas In Vitro
Acta amaz. ; 51(3): 260-269, 2021. graf, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764746


Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania and, currently, the treatment of first choice is meglumine antimoniate. However, due to its limited effectiveness and high toxicity, it is necessary to seek new active principles for leishmaniasis treatment. Metal complexes are gaining importance due to their effectiveness and low toxicity. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the in vitro and in vivo antileishmanial activity of the hypotoxic copper(I) complex [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN). Four dermotropic species of Leishmania were tested with the metal complex and its effectiveness was determined through parasitic viability and infectivity rate, and cytotoxicity was determined using a redox dye (resazurin). For the in vivo tests, hamsters were infected and the lesions treated with a formulated ointment containing the complex, the effectiveness of which was assessed by measuring the diameter of the inoculum/snout location and determining the parasitic load. The results demonstrated moderate toxicity in murine macrophages and human monocytes and better efficacy in Leishmania (V.) braziliensis when compared to the other species tested, with a 50% reduction in the viability of promastigote and amastigote forms (in vitro). General data from daily topical treatment for up to 30 days showed low efficacy for reducing lesions, and no clinical and parasitological cure was observed in the experimental animals. Thus, the [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN) complex proved to be promising in in vitro studies against L. (V.) braziliensis, and should be further tested in new formulations and new experimental treatment schemes.(AU)

A leishmaniose cutânea é uma doença causada por protozoários do gênero Leishmania e, atualmente, o tratamento de primeira escolha é o antimoniato de meglumina. Porém, devido à sua eficácia limitada e alta toxicidade, é necessário buscar novos princípios ativos para o tratamento da leishmaniose. Os complexos metálicos vêm ganhando importância devido à sua eficácia e baixa toxicidade. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a atividade leishmanicida in vitro e in vivo do complexo hipotóxico de cobre(I) [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN). Quatro espécies dermotrópicas de Leishmania foram testadas com o complexo metálico e sua eficácia foi determinada através da viabilidade parasitária e taxa de infectividade, e a citotoxicidade foi determinada com um corante redox (resazurina). Para os testes in vivo, hamsters foram infectados e as lesões foram tratadas com uma pomada formulada contendo o complexo. A eficácia foi avaliada medindo o diâmetro do inóculo/focinho e determinando a carga parasitária. Os resultados demonstraram toxicidade moderada em macrófagos murinos e monócitos humanos e melhor eficácia em Leishmania (V.) braziliensis quando comparada às demais espécies testadas, com redução de 50% na viabilidade das formas promastigotas e amastigotas (in vitro). Os dados gerais do tratamento tópico diário por até 30 dias mostraram baixa eficácia na redução das lesões, e nenhuma cura clínica e parasitológica foi observada nos animais experimentais. Portanto, o complexo [HB(pz)3]Cu(PCN) mostrou-se promissor em estudos in vitro contra L. (V.) braziliensis, devendo ser empregado em novas formulações e novos esquemas de tratamento experimental.(AU)

Leishmaniose , Cobre/análise , Técnicas In Vitro
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 43: e57856, 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460995


This study evaluated the physicochemical and morphological properties of a marine sponge protein extract (PE) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), analysis of mass loss and pH and in vitro and in vivo. Scanning electron microscopy showed that PE fibers present a granular aspect and irregular structure and the element carbon followed by oxygen was detected in the EDS analysis. Moreover, a 29% of mass loss was observed after 14 days and the pH slightly modified after 14 days. Cell viability of fibroblast cells (L929) of control and PE at a concentration of 25% demonstrated higher values compared to the groups. Osteoblast cell viability of PE at 25 and 50% was significantly higher. Comet assay on day 1 showed higher values for PE at 25%. In addition, in vivo experiments demonstrated that in the treated animals, the bone defects were filled with biomaterial particles, granulation tissue and some areas of newly formed bone. Furthermore, similar immunoexpression of Runx-2 and Cox-2 was observed. Taken together, all results suggest that PE is biocompatible, present non-citotoxicity in the in vitro studies (at the lower concentration) and in the in vivo studies and it can be considered as an alternative source of collagen for tissue engineering proposals.

Poríferos/química , Testes Imunológicos de Citotoxicidade , Testes de Mutagenicidade , Técnicas In Vitro
Acta Sci. Biol. Sci. ; 43: e57856, 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764604


This study evaluated the physicochemical and morphological properties of a marine sponge protein extract (PE) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), analysis of mass loss and pH and in vitro and in vivo. Scanning electron microscopy showed that PE fibers present a granular aspect and irregular structure and the element carbon followed by oxygen was detected in the EDS analysis. Moreover, a 29% of mass loss was observed after 14 days and the pH slightly modified after 14 days. Cell viability of fibroblast cells (L929) of control and PE at a concentration of 25% demonstrated higher values compared to the groups. Osteoblast cell viability of PE at 25 and 50% was significantly higher. Comet assay on day 1 showed higher values for PE at 25%. In addition, in vivo experiments demonstrated that in the treated animals, the bone defects were filled with biomaterial particles, granulation tissue and some areas of newly formed bone. Furthermore, similar immunoexpression of Runx-2 and Cox-2 was observed. Taken together, all results suggest that PE is biocompatible, present non-citotoxicity in the in vitro studies (at the lower concentration) and in the in vivo studies and it can be considered as an alternative source of collagen for tissue engineering proposals.(AU)

Testes de Mutagenicidade , Testes Imunológicos de Citotoxicidade , Técnicas In Vitro , Poríferos/química
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210009, 2021. tab, graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279406


Spider venom is a rich cocktail of neuroactive compounds designed to prey capture and defense against predators that act on neuronal membrane proteins, in particular, acetylcholinesterases (AChE) that regulate synaptic transmission through acetylcholine (ACh) hydrolysis - an excitatory neurotransmitter - and beta-secretases (BACE) that primarily cleave amyloid precursor proteins (APP), which are, in turn, relevant in the structural integrity of neurons. The present study provides preliminary evidence on the therapeutic potential of Phlogiellus bundokalbo venom against neurodegenerative diseases. Methods Spider venom was extracted by electrostimulation and fractionated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Neuroactivity of the whole venom was observed by a neurobehavioral response from Terebrio molitor larvae in vivo and fractions were screened for their inhibitory activities against AChE and BACE in vitro. Results The whole venom from P. bundokalbo demonstrated neuroactivity by inducing excitatory movements from T. molitor for 15 min. Sixteen fractions collected produced diverse mass fragments from MALDI-TOF-MS ranging from 900-4500 Da. Eleven of sixteen fractions demonstrated AChE inhibitory activities with 14.34% (± 2.60e-4) to 62.05% (± 6.40e-5) compared with donepezil which has 86.34% (± 3.90e-5) inhibition (p > 0.05), while none of the fractions were observed to exhibit BACE inhibition. Furthermore, three potent fractions against AChE, F1, F3, and F16 displayed competitive and uncompetitive inhibitions compared to donepezil as the positive control. Conclusion The venom of P. bundokalbo contains compounds that demonstrate neuroactivity and anti-AChE activities in vitro, which could comprise possible therapeutic leads for the development of cholinergic compounds against neurological diseases.(AU)

Animais , Acetilcolinesterase , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Neurotransmissores , Doenças Neurodegenerativas , Técnicas In Vitro
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 27: e20210009, 2021. tab, graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31950


Spider venom is a rich cocktail of neuroactive compounds designed to prey capture and defense against predators that act on neuronal membrane proteins, in particular, acetylcholinesterases (AChE) that regulate synaptic transmission through acetylcholine (ACh) hydrolysis - an excitatory neurotransmitter - and beta-secretases (BACE) that primarily cleave amyloid precursor proteins (APP), which are, in turn, relevant in the structural integrity of neurons. The present study provides preliminary evidence on the therapeutic potential of Phlogiellus bundokalbo venom against neurodegenerative diseases. Methods Spider venom was extracted by electrostimulation and fractionated by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS). Neuroactivity of the whole venom was observed by a neurobehavioral response from Terebrio molitor larvae in vivo and fractions were screened for their inhibitory activities against AChE and BACE in vitro. Results The whole venom from P. bundokalbo demonstrated neuroactivity by inducing excitatory movements from T. molitor for 15 min. Sixteen fractions collected produced diverse mass fragments from MALDI-TOF-MS ranging from 900-4500 Da. Eleven of sixteen fractions demonstrated AChE inhibitory activities with 14.34% (± 2.60e-4) to 62.05% (± 6.40e-5) compared with donepezil which has 86.34% (± 3.90e-5) inhibition (p > 0.05), while none of the fractions were observed to exhibit BACE inhibition. Furthermore, three potent fractions against AChE, F1, F3, and F16 displayed competitive and uncompetitive inhibitions compared to donepezil as the positive control. Conclusion The venom of P. bundokalbo contains compounds that demonstrate neuroactivity and anti-AChE activities in vitro, which could comprise possible therapeutic leads for the development of cholinergic compounds against neurological diseases.(AU)

Animais , Acetilcolinesterase , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Neurotransmissores , Doenças Neurodegenerativas , Técnicas In Vitro
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484772


Abstract Peptides obtained from different animal species have gained importance recently due to research that aims to develop biopharmaceuticals with therapeutic potential. In this sense, arthropod venoms have drawn attention, not only because of their toxicity but mainly for the search for molecules with various bioactivities, including anti-inflammatory activity. The purpose of the present study is to gather data available in the literature on new peptides derived from arthropod species with anti-inflammatory potential. This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Studies on peptides from arthropods that display anti-inflammatory activity were retrieved from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases. The bibliographic research started in 2020 and searched papers without a limit on the publication date. The articles were analyzed using a search string containing the following terms: Peptides and Anti-inflammatory, in combinations such as Ant, Bee, Wasp, Crab, Shrimp, Scorpion, Spider, Tick and Centipedes. Besides, a search was carried out in the databases with the terms: Peptides, Antitumor, or Anticancer, and Arthropods. Articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria totalized 171, and these served for data extraction. Additionally, the present review included anti-inflammatory peptides with anticancer properties. Peptides with confirmed anti-inflammatory activity were from insects (ants, bees, and wasps), crustaceans (shrimp and crabs), arachnids (scorpions, spiders, and ticks), and centipedes. These arthropod peptides act mainly by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines as analyzed in vitro and in vivo. Some showed significant antineoplastic activity, working in essential cellular pathways against malignant neoplasms.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200152, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1346435


Peptides obtained from different animal species have gained importance recently due to research that aims to develop biopharmaceuticals with therapeutic potential. In this sense, arthropod venoms have drawn attention, not only because of their toxicity but mainly for the search for molecules with various bioactivities, including anti-inflammatory activity. The purpose of the present study is to gather data available in the literature on new peptides derived from arthropod species with anti-inflammatory potential. This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Studies on peptides from arthropods that display anti-inflammatory activity were retrieved from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases. The bibliographic research started in 2020 and searched papers without a limit on the publication date. The articles were analyzed using a search string containing the following terms: "Peptides" and "Anti-inflammatory", in combinations such as "Ant", "Bee", "Wasp", "Crab", "Shrimp", "Scorpion", "Spider", "Tick" and "Centipedes". Besides, a search was carried out in the databases with the terms: "Peptides", "Antitumor", or "Anticancer", and "Arthropods". Articles that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria totalized 171, and these served for data extraction. Additionally, the present review included anti-inflammatory peptides with anticancer properties. Peptides with confirmed anti-inflammatory activity were from insects (ants, bees, and wasps), crustaceans (shrimp and crabs), arachnids (scorpions, spiders, and ticks), and centipedes. These arthropod peptides act mainly by decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines as analyzed in vitro and in vivo. Some showed significant antineoplastic activity, working in essential cellular pathways against malignant neoplasms.(AU)

Animais , Peptídeos , Venenos de Artrópodes , Artrópodes , Produtos Biológicos , Anti-Inflamatórios/análise , Citocinas , Literatura