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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.625-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458488


Background: Gastroesophageal intussusception is characterized by the invagination of the stomach into the esophagus,with or without the involvementof adjacent organs such as the spleen, pancreas, and omentum. In dogs, this condition hasno breed or sex predisposition. As it is an infrequent disease in routine veterinary medical practice, this study reports acase of gastroesophageal intussusception in a dog necropsied at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural Universityof Pernambuco (HOVET - UFRPE), Recife, Brazil.Case: The body of a 12-year-old black mixed breed male dog was sent to the Pathology Department (Necropsy Sectorof the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco - UFRPE) for a necropsy. The animal had a previous 4-year history ofrecurrent emesis and limb weakness, primarily in the anterior limbs, that worsened in the previous months and progressedto death. No previous treatments were reported by the owner. On external examination, the animal had a low body score(cachectic), forelimb joints with great flexibility, congested oral and ocular mucous membranes, enophthalmos, and increased volume in the perianal region. At the opening of the thoracic cavity, the final third of the esophagus was dilatedand gastroesophageal intussusception, edema, and pulmonary congestion were noted. In the abdominal cavity, there washepatic and renal congestion and large intestine and rectal ampoule dilation, with a large amount of solid and retainedfeces (fecaloma), perianal hernia, and testicular neoformation. These findings were consistent with those observed in deathcaused by cardiorespiratory failure secondary to gastroesophageal intussusception.Discussion: The pathophysiology of gastroesophageal intussusception is still not elucidated and is probably multifactorial.This condition causes reverse gastric peristalsis associated with a sudden and sustained increase in abdominal...

Masculino , Animais , Cães , Cães , Doenças do Esôfago/veterinária , Gastropatias/veterinária , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Edema Pulmonar/veterinária , Hérnia/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 625, 6 abr. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763433


Background: Gastroesophageal intussusception is characterized by the invagination of the stomach into the esophagus,with or without the involvementof adjacent organs such as the spleen, pancreas, and omentum. In dogs, this condition hasno breed or sex predisposition. As it is an infrequent disease in routine veterinary medical practice, this study reports acase of gastroesophageal intussusception in a dog necropsied at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal Rural Universityof Pernambuco (HOVET - UFRPE), Recife, Brazil.Case: The body of a 12-year-old black mixed breed male dog was sent to the Pathology Department (Necropsy Sectorof the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco - UFRPE) for a necropsy. The animal had a previous 4-year history ofrecurrent emesis and limb weakness, primarily in the anterior limbs, that worsened in the previous months and progressedto death. No previous treatments were reported by the owner. On external examination, the animal had a low body score(cachectic), forelimb joints with great flexibility, congested oral and ocular mucous membranes, enophthalmos, and increased volume in the perianal region. At the opening of the thoracic cavity, the final third of the esophagus was dilatedand gastroesophageal intussusception, edema, and pulmonary congestion were noted. In the abdominal cavity, there washepatic and renal congestion and large intestine and rectal ampoule dilation, with a large amount of solid and retainedfeces (fecaloma), perianal hernia, and testicular neoformation. These findings were consistent with those observed in deathcaused by cardiorespiratory failure secondary to gastroesophageal intussusception.Discussion: The pathophysiology of gastroesophageal intussusception is still not elucidated and is probably multifactorial.This condition causes reverse gastric peristalsis associated with a sudden and sustained increase in abdominal...(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Cães , Doenças do Esôfago/veterinária , Gastropatias/veterinária , Hérnia/veterinária , Edema Pulmonar/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 714, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363914


Background: Intussusception, characterized by invagination of an intestinal segment into the lumen of the adjacent segment, is one of the main causes of intestinal obstruction in cattle, and occurs more frequently in calves. The diagnosis of the disease is based on the history, clinical examination, and complementary exams, which are a challenge in this species, especially in calves, in which transrectal palpation is limited. As it is a non-invasive, effective, and low-cost test, ultrasonography could be an important tool in the diagnosis of intestinal obstructions, in which time is essential for the prognosis. Therefore, the objective was to report a case of intussusception in a calf diagnosed by ultrasound. Case: A 4-month-old calf, weaned at 3 months and raised intensively, was treated at the Clínica de Bovinos de Garanhuns, campus of the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (CBG/UFRPE), with a history of apathy, anorexia, and dyschezia for 3 days. On physical examination, fever, moderate dehydration, tachycardia, tachypnea with polypnea, bilaterally bulging abdomen, sound of fluid on ballottement, ruminal and intestinal hypomotility, and melena were observed. The hematological findings revealed leukocytosis due to neutrophilia (degenerate neutrophils), hypoproteinemia, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The analysis of the ruminal fluid showed compromised microbiota and increased chloride content. The transabdominal ultrasonography demonstrated, in the right ventral region, hypermotile and full small bowel loops and an increase in the volume of the peritoneal fluid. In addition, there was a segment of the small intestine which, in cross-section, showed multiple concentric rings ("onion rings", "target pattern", or "bull's eye") and adherence to adjacent loops, compatible with intestinal obstruction due to intussusception. Due to the seriousness of the clinical condition and the ultrasound findings, the animal was euthanized and the necropsy revealed focal fibrinous peritonitis and intestinal obstruction due to intussusception in ileum intestinal segments. Discussion: Intussusception has previously been reported in calves, however this is the first report of ultrasound diagnosis of the disease in Brazil. Although the etiology is rarely confirmed, the age group and recent changes in diet (weaning) were predisposing factors. The history, clinical signs, and laboratory tests were similar to those described in cattle with intussusception, however they may be present in other gastrointestinal illnesses. Other authors have also reported that the nonspecificity of the signs and the impossibility of performing transrectal palpation made it difficult to diagnose intestinal obstruction in calves without the use of other diagnostic tools. As it is a non-invasive and accurate technique, ultrasound has been used in ruminants for diagnostic purposes, including intestinal obstructions. In the present case, the main findings are described as the presence of a lesion with the appearance of multiple concentric rings, hypermotile, dilated, and full intestinal loops. The pathological findings were compatible with the ultrasound images and similar to those described by other authors, confirming the diagnosis. The use of ultrasonography as a diagnostic tool in cattle should be expanded, aiming at the early determination of diagnosis and prognosis, to reduce producer costs and animal discomfort. In cases of intussusception, late diagnosis makes treatment unfeasible.

Animais , Bovinos , Doenças do Íleo/veterinária , Obstrução Intestinal/veterinária , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico por imagem , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(4): 287-291, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453300


This work aims to describe the clinical, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings of two bovines, one affected by cecocolic intussusception, and the other by dilation with cecal torsion. The clinical examination demonstrated metallic resonance from the right flank, ruminal and intestinal hypomotility, and abdominal distension, in addition to alterations in feces characteristics. Was observed in the two animals leukocytosis by neutrophilia with regenerative shift to the left, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The analysis of ruminal fluid revealed impairment of the microbiota and an increase in chloride levels. The laparoscopic examination performed on one of the animals showed dilation of the colon, the cecum with hyperemia and serous edema, with a dividing halo between affected and unaffected portions, in addition to reddish peritoneal fluid. In the laparotomy, an enlarged cecum was found, with gaseous and liquid contents, swollen and turgid colon, and peritonitis. In addition to the findings observed during surgery, the anatomopathological examination demonstrated, in bovine 01, intestinal intussusception in the region of the cecocolic valve, and, in bovine 02, twisting of the loop at the ileocecocolic junction. Despite the low occurrence of digestive system disorders in cattle, cecal torsion and intussusception represent serious intestinal clinical conditions. These reports take the attention to the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to provide a correct diagnosis of intestinal diseases.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos de dois bovinos, um acometido por intussuscepção cecocólica e o outro por dilatação com torção de ceco. O diagnóstico de ambos os casos foi base-ado nos achados clínicos, laboratoriais, videolaparoscópicos, cirúrgicos e anatomopatológicos. No exame clínico evidenciou-se ressonância metálica no flanco direito, hipomotilidade ruminal e intestinal, distensão abdominal, além de alteração nas carac-terísticas das fezes. Observou-se nos dois animais leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda regenerativo e hiperfi-brinogenia. A análise do fluido ruminal revelou comprometimento da microbiota e elevação nos teores de cloretos. O exame videolaparoscópico, realizado no bovino dois (02), evidenciou dilatação do cólon, ceco com hiperemia e edema de serosa com halo divisório entre porção acometida e não acometida, além de líquido peritoneal de coloração avermelhada. Na laparotomia constatou-se ceco dilatado por conteúdo gasoso e líquido, cólon edemaciado e túrgido e, peritonite. No exame anatomopato-lógico, constatou-se, no bovino um (01), intussuscepção intestinal na região de válvula ceco-cólica e, no bovino (02) torção de alça na junção ileocecocólica. Apesar da baixa ocorrência, a torção de ceco e a intussuscepção acarretam condição intestinal grave e devem ser inseridas na lista de diagnósticos diferenciais das enfermidades digestivas de bovinos. Estes relatos chamam a atenção para a importância da abordagem multidisciplinar no diagnóstico das enfermidades intestinais.

Animais , Bovinos , Intussuscepção/diagnóstico , Laparoscopia , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico , Trato Gastrointestinal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub.655-Jan 4, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458515


Background: Gastrointestinal dysfunction in reptiles is a common condition seen in animal medicine, and is often causedby inappropriate husbandry. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a surgical procedure for enterectomy ofthe small intestines, performed as treatment for an intussusception with cloacal protrusion that occurred in a red-earedslider (Trachemys scripta elegans) kept as a pet.Case: A 20-year-old red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) was taken into medical care after the owner’s observationof a cloacal protrusion that had started 72 h previously. During physical examination the protrusion was noted as an intestinalsegment of approximately 5 cm, which was not reducible. Complementary examinations, including radiography and hematological profiling, were performed and revealed no significant findings; therefore, it was decided that an exploratory celiotomywould be conducted. The patient was referred to the surgical unit for the procedure and underwent surgical anesthesia. Afterappropriate antisepsis of the surgical area, a plastron osteotomy was performed using a previously sterilized oscillatory saw ata 45º angulation. The celomatic membrane was subsequently incised to enable both cavity and intestinal inspection allowingobservation of the intussusception in the small intestine of the animal with the intussuscept segment protruding through thecloaca. The intussusception was undone, and an enterectomy was performed to remove the unviable intestine, using intestinalresection and subsequent anastomosis with simple interrupted sutures using 4-0 nylon, followed by intestinal reposition in thecavity. The celomatic membrane was closed using continuous suture with 4-0 nylon. The plastron fragment was then repositioned with the aid of eight...

Feminino , Animais , Cloaca/cirurgia , Intestino Delgado/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária , Laparotomia/veterinária
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(4): 287-291, 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765278


This work aims to describe the clinical, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings of two bovines, one affected by cecocolic intussusception, and the other by dilation with cecal torsion. The clinical examination demonstrated metallic resonance from the right flank, ruminal and intestinal hypomotility, and abdominal distension, in addition to alterations in feces characteristics. Was observed in the two animals leukocytosis by neutrophilia with regenerative shift to the left, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The analysis of ruminal fluid revealed impairment of the microbiota and an increase in chloride levels. The laparoscopic examination performed on one of the animals showed dilation of the colon, the cecum with hyperemia and serous edema, with a dividing halo between affected and unaffected portions, in addition to reddish peritoneal fluid. In the laparotomy, an enlarged cecum was found, with gaseous and liquid contents, swollen and turgid colon, and peritonitis. In addition to the findings observed during surgery, the anatomopathological examination demonstrated, in bovine 01, intestinal intussusception in the region of the cecocolic valve, and, in bovine 02, twisting of the loop at the ileocecocolic junction. Despite the low occurrence of digestive system disorders in cattle, cecal torsion and intussusception represent serious intestinal clinical conditions. These reports take the attention to the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to provide a correct diagnosis of intestinal diseases.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos de dois bovinos, um acometido por intussuscepção cecocólica e o outro por dilatação com torção de ceco. O diagnóstico de ambos os casos foi base-ado nos achados clínicos, laboratoriais, videolaparoscópicos, cirúrgicos e anatomopatológicos. No exame clínico evidenciou-se ressonância metálica no flanco direito, hipomotilidade ruminal e intestinal, distensão abdominal, além de alteração nas carac-terísticas das fezes. Observou-se nos dois animais leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda regenerativo e hiperfi-brinogenia. A análise do fluido ruminal revelou comprometimento da microbiota e elevação nos teores de cloretos. O exame videolaparoscópico, realizado no bovino dois (02), evidenciou dilatação do cólon, ceco com hiperemia e edema de serosa com halo divisório entre porção acometida e não acometida, além de líquido peritoneal de coloração avermelhada. Na laparotomia constatou-se ceco dilatado por conteúdo gasoso e líquido, cólon edemaciado e túrgido e, peritonite. No exame anatomopato-lógico, constatou-se, no bovino um (01), intussuscepção intestinal na região de válvula ceco-cólica e, no bovino (02) torção de alça na junção ileocecocólica. Apesar da baixa ocorrência, a torção de ceco e a intussuscepção acarretam condição intestinal grave e devem ser inseridas na lista de diagnósticos diferenciais das enfermidades digestivas de bovinos. Estes relatos chamam a atenção para a importância da abordagem multidisciplinar no diagnóstico das enfermidades intestinais.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Intussuscepção/diagnóstico , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico , Trato Gastrointestinal , Laparoscopia
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49(suppl.1): Pub. 655, 19 jun. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31839


Background: Gastrointestinal dysfunction in reptiles is a common condition seen in animal medicine, and is often causedby inappropriate husbandry. The purpose of this report is to describe the case of a surgical procedure for enterectomy ofthe small intestines, performed as treatment for an intussusception with cloacal protrusion that occurred in a red-earedslider (Trachemys scripta elegans) kept as a pet.Case: A 20-year-old red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) was taken into medical care after the owners observationof a cloacal protrusion that had started 72 h previously. During physical examination the protrusion was noted as an intestinalsegment of approximately 5 cm, which was not reducible. Complementary examinations, including radiography and hematological profiling, were performed and revealed no significant findings; therefore, it was decided that an exploratory celiotomywould be conducted. The patient was referred to the surgical unit for the procedure and underwent surgical anesthesia. Afterappropriate antisepsis of the surgical area, a plastron osteotomy was performed using a previously sterilized oscillatory saw ata 45º angulation. The celomatic membrane was subsequently incised to enable both cavity and intestinal inspection allowingobservation of the intussusception in the small intestine of the animal with the intussuscept segment protruding through thecloaca. The intussusception was undone, and an enterectomy was performed to remove the unviable intestine, using intestinalresection and subsequent anastomosis with simple interrupted sutures using 4-0 nylon, followed by intestinal reposition in thecavity. The celomatic membrane was closed using continuous suture with 4-0 nylon. The plastron fragment was then repositioned with the aid of eight...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Cloaca/cirurgia , Intestino Delgado/cirurgia , Laparotomia/veterinária , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 13(3): 609-614, nov. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469774


Intussusception is the invagination of one segment of the intestine into the part of the tract that either precedes or follows in the gastrointestinal tract of different species of animals. This report describes a case of fatal multiple intestinal intussusceptions and torsion associated with non-degradable foreign body gastrointestinal obstruction in a captive lion (Panthera leo) in a zoo in Nigeria. Parenchymatous tissues were aseptically collected during necropsy for bacteriological isolation and histopathology. Also, intestinal fecal material was collected and sent for parasitological examination. The main lesions were gastroduodenal, duodeduodenal, duodejejunal and jejunojenunal intussusceptions and duodenal torsion. A non-degradable towel-like fabric foreign body obstruction along the pyloric antrum/canal region of the stomach down to the jejunum was found. Microscopic lesion included ischemic necrosis of inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscles of the intestine with necrosis of other layers and vascular congestion. Parasitological examination revealed presence of Babesia spp. in blood smear examined before the death of the lion. While Escherichia coli was isolated from the liver on MacConkey agar. A diagnosis of intussusception and torsion associated with non-degradable foreign body (fabric) gastrointestinal obstruction was made. This first case of ingestion of a non-degradable fabric foreign body leading to gastrointestinal obstruction in captive lion in Nigeria has brought about the need for vigilance of zoo authority to prevent a recurrence during crowd influx to the garden.

Animais , Anormalidade Torcional , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Leões , Trato Gastrointestinal
Braz. J. Vet. Pathol. ; 13(3): 609-614, nov. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31468


Intussusception is the invagination of one segment of the intestine into the part of the tract that either precedes or follows in the gastrointestinal tract of different species of animals. This report describes a case of fatal multiple intestinal intussusceptions and torsion associated with non-degradable foreign body gastrointestinal obstruction in a captive lion (Panthera leo) in a zoo in Nigeria. Parenchymatous tissues were aseptically collected during necropsy for bacteriological isolation and histopathology. Also, intestinal fecal material was collected and sent for parasitological examination. The main lesions were gastroduodenal, duodeduodenal, duodejejunal and jejunojenunal intussusceptions and duodenal torsion. A non-degradable towel-like fabric foreign body obstruction along the pyloric antrum/canal region of the stomach down to the jejunum was found. Microscopic lesion included ischemic necrosis of inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscles of the intestine with necrosis of other layers and vascular congestion. Parasitological examination revealed presence of Babesia spp. in blood smear examined before the death of the lion. While Escherichia coli was isolated from the liver on MacConkey agar. A diagnosis of intussusception and torsion associated with non-degradable foreign body (fabric) gastrointestinal obstruction was made. This first case of ingestion of a non-degradable fabric foreign body leading to gastrointestinal obstruction in captive lion in Nigeria has brought about the need for vigilance of zoo authority to prevent a recurrence during crowd influx to the garden.(AU)

Animais , Leões , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Anormalidade Torcional , Trato Gastrointestinal
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 57(1): e158398, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1122161


Uterine intussusception is a rare condition in bitches. This study aimed to report an unusual case of prolapsed uterine intussusception in a female dog. A 2-year-old American Bully bitch was received with labor history of large fetus requiring manual traction. The animal presented mucosal prolapse through the vulva, unproductive contractions and abdominal discomfort. After partial correction of mucosal prolapse, the dog was referred to ovary-hysterectomy surgery to correct prolapsed mucosa. During the surgical procedure, surgeons observed that the uterine horns were invaginated into the uterine body, rotated, and the tissue was slightly devitalized and congested. As previously described, this condition occurred during the immediate postpartum period. Thus, we suggest that this period can be a facilitator for the establishment of uterine intussusception.(AU)

A intussuscepção uterina é uma condição rara em cadelas. Portanto, este estudo tem por objetivo relatar um caso incomum de intussuscepção uterina prolapsada em fêmea canina. Uma cadela American Bully de dois anos de idade com histórico de parto de feto absoluto grande no qual necessitou de auxílio por tração manual foi apresentada. O animal exibiu um prolapso de mucosa através da vulva, contrações improdutivas e dores abdominais. Após a retração parcial do prolapso de mucosa, a cadela foi encaminhada para a ovário-histerectomia que teve por objetivo, também, corrigir a mucosa prolapsada. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico, foram verificados os cornos uterinos invaginados no corpo uterino, rotacionados, com o tecido levemente desvitalizado e congesto. Assim, como poucos casos encontrados na literatura, esta condição ocorreu durante o puerpério imediato. Dessa forma, sugere-se que este período, embora não seja um fator determinante para o estabelecimento da intussuscepção uterina, pode ser um facilitador no estabelecimento dessa condição.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Útero/patologia , Prolapso Uterino/veterinária , Período Pós-Parto , Intussuscepção/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 57(1): e158398, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29243


Uterine intussusception is a rare condition in bitches. This study aimed to report an unusual case of prolapsed uterine intussusception in a female dog. A 2-year-old American Bully bitch was received with labor history of large fetus requiring manual traction. The animal presented mucosal prolapse through the vulva, unproductive contractions and abdominal discomfort. After partial correction of mucosal prolapse, the dog was referred to ovary-hysterectomy surgery to correct prolapsed mucosa. During the surgical procedure, surgeons observed that the uterine horns were invaginated into the uterine body, rotated, and the tissue was slightly devitalized and congested. As previously described, this condition occurred during the immediate postpartum period. Thus, we suggest that this period can be a facilitator for the establishment of uterine intussusception.(AU)

A intussuscepção uterina é uma condição rara em cadelas. Portanto, este estudo tem por objetivo relatar um caso incomum de intussuscepção uterina prolapsada em fêmea canina. Uma cadela American Bully de dois anos de idade com histórico de parto de feto absoluto grande no qual necessitou de auxílio por tração manual foi apresentada. O animal exibiu um prolapso de mucosa através da vulva, contrações improdutivas e dores abdominais. Após a retração parcial do prolapso de mucosa, a cadela foi encaminhada para a ovário-histerectomia que teve por objetivo, também, corrigir a mucosa prolapsada. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico, foram verificados os cornos uterinos invaginados no corpo uterino, rotacionados, com o tecido levemente desvitalizado e congesto. Assim, como poucos casos encontrados na literatura, esta condição ocorreu durante o puerpério imediato. Dessa forma, sugere-se que este período, embora não seja um fator determinante para o estabelecimento da intussuscepção uterina, pode ser um facilitador no estabelecimento dessa condição.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Útero/patologia , Prolapso Uterino/veterinária , Período Pós-Parto , Intussuscepção/veterinária
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1471190


Uterine intussusception is a rare condition in bitches. This study aimed to report an unusual case of prolapsed uterine intussusception in a female dog. A 2-year-old American Bully bitch was received with labor history of large fetus requiring manual traction. The animal presented mucosal prolapse through the vulva, unproductive contractions and abdominal discomfort. After partial correction of mucosal prolapse, the dog was referred to ovary-hysterectomy surgery to correct prolapsed mucosa. During the surgical procedure, surgeons observed that the uterine horns were invaginated into the uterine body, rotated, and the tissue was slightly devitalized and congested. As previously described, this condition occurred during the immediate postpartum period. Thus, we suggest that this period can be a facilitator for the establishment of uterine intussusception.

A intussuscepção uterina é uma condição rara em cadelas. Portanto, este estudo tem por objetivo relatar um caso incomum de intussuscepção uterina prolapsada em fêmea canina. Uma cadela American Bully de dois anos de idade com histórico de parto de feto absoluto grande no qual necessitou de auxílio por tração manual foi apresentada. O animal exibiu um prolapso de mucosa através da vulva, contrações improdutivas e dores abdominais. Após a retração parcial do prolapso de mucosa, a cadela foi encaminhada para a ovário-histerectomia que teve por objetivo, também, corrigir a mucosa prolapsada. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico, foram verificados os cornos uterinos invaginados no corpo uterino, rotacionados, com o tecido levemente desvitalizado e congesto. Assim, como poucos casos encontrados na literatura, esta condição ocorreu durante o puerpério imediato. Dessa forma, sugere-se que este período, embora não seja um fator determinante para o estabelecimento da intussuscepção uterina, pode ser um facilitador no estabelecimento dessa condição.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 242-253, Apr. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29473


Equine colic is one of the most common cause of death in horses, but few studies have investigated specifically the conditions at the necropsy. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological features of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in horses. A retrospective study was conducted in search of cases of these diseases affecting horses from 2005 to 2017. During this period, 114 horses died of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the main causes were: primary gastric dilation (27/114), volvulus (27/114), enterolithiasis (20/114), rectal (colonic) perforation (15/114), gastric or cecocolonic impaction (10/114), incarcerations (6/114), intussusception (4/114), and others (5/114). Mixed breeds horses (56/114) and males (69/114) were mostly affected. The horses had a median and mean age of 10 and 10.9-years old, respectively. Primary gastric dilation was characterized by distension of the stomach by moderate to large amounts of content, which in 21 cases caused tearing of the stomach wall at the greater curvature (peritonitis), and the main predisposing factor was alimentary overload (17/27). Intestinal volvulus occurred within the small intestine (14 cases) and within the large intestines (13 cases). Grossly, there was intestinal ischemia with reddened to deep-black serosa and diffusely red mucosae. Enterolithiasis caused partial or complete obstruction of the right dorsal colon (9/20), transverse colon (4/20), small colon and right dorsal colon (3/20), rectum and right dorsal colon (2/20), and small colon (2/20). Viscera perforation and peritonitis occurred in 11 cases. Rectal (colonic) perforation involved the rectum (10/15), rectum/small colon (4/15), and the small colon (1/15). It was characterized by a focally extensive transmural tearing, associated with reddened borders, and retroperitoneal to diffuse peritonitis. Palpation related iatrogenic injuries (11/15) were the main cause...(AU)

A cólica em equinos é considerada como a principal causa de morte de cavalos, porém poucos estudos têm investigado especificamente as condições envolvidas através da necropsia. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal de equinos. Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo em busca de casos dessas doenças envolvendo cavalos de 2005 a 2017. Durante esse período, 114 equinos morreram devido a doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal, e as principais causas foram: dilatação gástrica (27/114), vólvulos (27/114), enterolitíase (20/114), ruptura retal (colônica) (15/114), compactação gástrica ou cecocolônica (10/114), encarceramentos (6/114), intussuscepções (4/114), e outros (5/114). Animais sem raça definida (56/114) e machos (69/114) foram mais afetados. Os equinos apresentavam uma média e mediana de idade de 10 e 10,9 anos, respectivamente. A dilatação gástrica primária era caracterizada por distensão do estômago por moderada a grande quantidade de conteúdo, que em 21 casos provocava ruptura da parede gástrica na curvatura maior (peritonite), e o principal fator predisponente foi sobrecarga alimentar (17/27). Vólvulo intestinal ocorreu no intestino delgado e no intestino grosso (14 e 13 casos, respectivamente). Macroscopicamente, havia isquemia intestinal com serosa avermelhada a enegrecida e mucosa difusamente avermelhada. A enterolitíase causou obstrução parcial ou completa do cólon dorsal direito (9/20), cólon transverso (4/20), cólon menor e cólon dorsal direito (3/20), cólon menor (2/20), e reto e cólon maior direito (2/20). Perfuração de vísceras e peritonite foram observadas em 11 casos. A ruptura retal (colônica) envolveu o reto (10/15), reto/cólon menor (4/15) e cólon menor (1/15). Essa era caracterizada por ruptura transmural focalmente extensa, com bordos avermelhados e peritonite retroperitoneal a difusa...(AU)

Animais , Dilatação Gástrica , Cólica , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Volvo Intestinal , Doenças dos Cavalos/patologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Intussuscepção , Cavalos
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 242-253, Apr. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135616


Equine colic is one of the most common cause of death in horses, but few studies have investigated specifically the conditions at the necropsy. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological features of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in horses. A retrospective study was conducted in search of cases of these diseases affecting horses from 2005 to 2017. During this period, 114 horses died of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the main causes were: primary gastric dilation (27/114), volvulus (27/114), enterolithiasis (20/114), rectal (colonic) perforation (15/114), gastric or cecocolonic impaction (10/114), incarcerations (6/114), intussusception (4/114), and others (5/114). Mixed breeds horses (56/114) and males (69/114) were mostly affected. The horses had a median and mean age of 10 and 10.9-years old, respectively. Primary gastric dilation was characterized by distension of the stomach by moderate to large amounts of content, which in 21 cases caused tearing of the stomach wall at the greater curvature (peritonitis), and the main predisposing factor was alimentary overload (17/27). Intestinal volvulus occurred within the small intestine (14 cases) and within the large intestines (13 cases). Grossly, there was intestinal ischemia with reddened to deep-black serosa and diffusely red mucosae. Enterolithiasis caused partial or complete obstruction of the right dorsal colon (9/20), transverse colon (4/20), small colon and right dorsal colon (3/20), rectum and right dorsal colon (2/20), and small colon (2/20). Viscera perforation and peritonitis occurred in 11 cases. Rectal (colonic) perforation involved the rectum (10/15), rectum/small colon (4/15), and the small colon (1/15). It was characterized by a focally extensive transmural tearing, associated with reddened borders, and retroperitoneal to diffuse peritonitis. Palpation related iatrogenic injuries (11/15) were the main cause. Impactions affected the large colon (7/10), the cecum (2/10), and the stomach (1/10). Incarcerations consisted of inguinoscrotal hernias (2/6), small intestine entrapment by a mesenteric failure (2/6), diaphragmatic hernia, and umbilical eventration. Grossly, the organs were constricted by a hernial ring, with intestinal ischemia and reddened to dark-red serosa. Predisposing factors included previous surgeries (2/6) and patent inguinal ring (1/6). Intussusception involved the small intestine (3/4) and ileocecum (1/4). Foals with lack of colostrum intake and concomitant pneumonia was a characteristic presentation (3/4). Grossly, the intussusceptum slipped into intussuscipiens, with diffuse deep black-red discoloration. Other causes included large colon displacement (2/5), extrinsic and intrinsic obstruction of the small intestine (2/5), and an intestinal adenocarcinoma. Noninfectious gastrointestinal diseases are major causes of death in horses. Epidemiological and gross features of the conditions should be accounted to obtain a final diagnosis of the cause of the colic.(AU)

A cólica em equinos é considerada como a principal causa de morte de cavalos, porém poucos estudos têm investigado especificamente as condições envolvidas através da necropsia. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal de equinos. Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo em busca de casos dessas doenças envolvendo cavalos de 2005 a 2017. Durante esse período, 114 equinos morreram devido a doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal, e as principais causas foram: dilatação gástrica (27/114), vólvulos (27/114), enterolitíase (20/114), ruptura retal (colônica) (15/114), compactação gástrica ou cecocolônica (10/114), encarceramentos (6/114), intussuscepções (4/114), e outros (5/114). Animais sem raça definida (56/114) e machos (69/114) foram mais afetados. Os equinos apresentavam uma média e mediana de idade de 10 e 10,9 anos, respectivamente. A dilatação gástrica primária era caracterizada por distensão do estômago por moderada a grande quantidade de conteúdo, que em 21 casos provocava ruptura da parede gástrica na curvatura maior (peritonite), e o principal fator predisponente foi sobrecarga alimentar (17/27). Vólvulo intestinal ocorreu no intestino delgado e no intestino grosso (14 e 13 casos, respectivamente). Macroscopicamente, havia isquemia intestinal com serosa avermelhada a enegrecida e mucosa difusamente avermelhada. A enterolitíase causou obstrução parcial ou completa do cólon dorsal direito (9/20), cólon transverso (4/20), cólon menor e cólon dorsal direito (3/20), cólon menor (2/20), e reto e cólon maior direito (2/20). Perfuração de vísceras e peritonite foram observadas em 11 casos. A ruptura retal (colônica) envolveu o reto (10/15), reto/cólon menor (4/15) e cólon menor (1/15). Essa era caracterizada por ruptura transmural focalmente extensa, com bordos avermelhados e peritonite retroperitoneal a difusa. Traumas relacionados à palpação (11/15) foram a principal causa. Compactações afetaram o cólon maior (7/10), ceco (2/10) e estômago (1/10). Encarceramentos consistiram em hérnias inguinoescrotais (2/6), encarceramento de alças intestinais por falha no mesentério (2/6), hérnia diafragmática e eventração umbilical. Macroscopicamente, os órgãos estavam constritos por um anel hernial, com isquemia intestinal e serosa avermelhada a vermelho-escura. Fatores predisponentes incluíram cirurgias prévias (2/6) e anel inguinal patente (1/6). Intussuscepções envolveram o intestino delgado (3/4) e íleoceco (1/4). A apresentação característica foi em potros com falta de colostro e concomitante pneumonia. Macroscopicamente, o intussuscepto deslizava em direção ao intussuscepiente, exibindo coloração vermelho-enegrecida difusa. Outras causas incluíram deslocamento de cólon maior (2/5), obstrução extrínseca e intrínseca do intestino delgado (2/5), e um caso de adenocarcinoma intestinal. Doenças não infecciosas são importantes causas de morte em equinos. Os aspectos epidemiológicos e macroscópicos das condições devem ser considerados para o que o diagnóstico final da causa da cólica seja obtido.(AU)

Animais , Dilatação Gástrica , Cólica , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Volvo Intestinal , Doenças dos Cavalos/patologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Intussuscepção , Cavalos
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(2,supl.1): 42-50, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472637


Na rotina da clínica médica de pequenos animais, o corpo estranho é uma ocorrência relativamente comum, sobretudo quando se trata de animais jovens, de pequeno a médio porte ou apetite exagerado e grande curiosidade. Casos de corpos estranhos lineares são particularmente mais complexos que outros tipos de corpos estranhos devido à área que acabam por acometer ser de maior extensão e assim resultam em casos mais graves com maior processo inflamatório com acometimento das populações bacterianas da microbiota local. Quando acometem a região entérica, o corpo estranho linear pode desenvolver quadros de intussuscepção. A sintomatologia pode ser ampla, incluindo desde sinais característicos do trato gastrointestinal, como vômito e falta de apetite, até sintomas mais sistêmicos como febre, apatia e desordens inflamatórias. O diagnóstico deve incluir anamnese, exames físico e clínico, observação do estado geral do animal, histórico e informações relevantes e fatores predisponentes como raça e idade podem ser importantes para o caso. Exames de imagens e laboratoriais auxiliam no diagnóstico e tem papel fundamental para estadiar o tempo de acometimento e precisar o local em que o corpo estranho está situado no trato gastroentérico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de corpo estranho linear excepcional devido à sua extensão de aproximadamente 30 metros e à complexidade da técnica cirúrgica de sua remoção que associou uma gastrotomia e quatro enterotomias. Apesar da complexidade da intervenção cirúrgica, o resultado e prognóstico observado no animal foi positivo, com rápida recuperação pós-cirúrgica.

In the routine of the small animal medical clinic, the foreign body is a relatively common occurrence, especially when it comes to young animals, from small to medium size or exaggerated appetite and great curiosity. Cases of linear foreign bodies are particularly more complex than other types of foreign bodies due to the area that they end up being of greater extent and thus result in more severe cases with a greater inflammatory process affecting the bacterial populations of the local microbiota. When they affect the enteric region, the linear foreign body may develop intussusception. The symptoms can be wide ranging, ranging from signs characteristic of the gastrointestinal tract, such as vomiting and poor appetite, to more systemic symptoms such as fever, apathy and inflammatory disorders. The diagnosis must include anamnesis, physical and clinical examinations, observation of the animal's general condition, history and relevant information and predisposing factors such as breed and age may be important for the case. Imaging and laboratory tests assist in diagnosis and have a fundamental role in staging the time of onset and specifying the location where the foreign body is located in the gastroenteric tract. This work aims to report a case of an exceptional linear foreign body due to its extension of approximately 30 meters and the complexity of the surgical technique of its removal that associated a gastrotomy and four enterotomies. Despite the complexity of the surgical intervention, the result and prognosis observed in the animal was positive, with rapid post-surgical recovery.

Animais , Cães , Corpos Estranhos/cirurgia , Corpos Estranhos/diagnóstico , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(2,supl.1): 42-50, 2020. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29925


Na rotina da clínica médica de pequenos animais, o corpo estranho é uma ocorrência relativamente comum, sobretudo quando se trata de animais jovens, de pequeno a médio porte ou apetite exagerado e grande curiosidade. Casos de corpos estranhos lineares são particularmente mais complexos que outros tipos de corpos estranhos devido à área que acabam por acometer ser de maior extensão e assim resultam em casos mais graves com maior processo inflamatório com acometimento das populações bacterianas da microbiota local. Quando acometem a região entérica, o corpo estranho linear pode desenvolver quadros de intussuscepção. A sintomatologia pode ser ampla, incluindo desde sinais característicos do trato gastrointestinal, como vômito e falta de apetite, até sintomas mais sistêmicos como febre, apatia e desordens inflamatórias. O diagnóstico deve incluir anamnese, exames físico e clínico, observação do estado geral do animal, histórico e informações relevantes e fatores predisponentes como raça e idade podem ser importantes para o caso. Exames de imagens e laboratoriais auxiliam no diagnóstico e tem papel fundamental para estadiar o tempo de acometimento e precisar o local em que o corpo estranho está situado no trato gastroentérico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de corpo estranho linear excepcional devido à sua extensão de aproximadamente 30 metros e à complexidade da técnica cirúrgica de sua remoção que associou uma gastrotomia e quatro enterotomias. Apesar da complexidade da intervenção cirúrgica, o resultado e prognóstico observado no animal foi positivo, com rápida recuperação pós-cirúrgica.(AU)

In the routine of the small animal medical clinic, the foreign body is a relatively common occurrence, especially when it comes to young animals, from small to medium size or exaggerated appetite and great curiosity. Cases of linear foreign bodies are particularly more complex than other types of foreign bodies due to the area that they end up being of greater extent and thus result in more severe cases with a greater inflammatory process affecting the bacterial populations of the local microbiota. When they affect the enteric region, the linear foreign body may develop intussusception. The symptoms can be wide ranging, ranging from signs characteristic of the gastrointestinal tract, such as vomiting and poor appetite, to more systemic symptoms such as fever, apathy and inflammatory disorders. The diagnosis must include anamnesis, physical and clinical examinations, observation of the animal's general condition, history and relevant information and predisposing factors such as breed and age may be important for the case. Imaging and laboratory tests assist in diagnosis and have a fundamental role in staging the time of onset and specifying the location where the foreign body is located in the gastroenteric tract. This work aims to report a case of an exceptional linear foreign body due to its extension of approximately 30 meters and the complexity of the surgical technique of its removal that associated a gastrotomy and four enterotomies. Despite the complexity of the surgical intervention, the result and prognosis observed in the animal was positive, with rapid post-surgical recovery.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Corpos Estranhos/diagnóstico , Corpos Estranhos/cirurgia , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(5): 1531-1534, set.-out. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038683


O presente relato descreve uma condição rara de intussuscepção uterina em uma cadela sem raça definida, quatro anos de idade, diagnosticada por meio de celiotomia exploratória e análise anatomopatológica. Foi realizada ovariossalpingo-histerectomia (OSH) como tratamento. Essa patologia geralmente requer manejo cirúrgico porque o diagnóstico inicial pode ser desafiador.(AU)

The present study describes a rare condition of uterine intussusception in a 4 year old crossbred female dog diagnosed by exploratory celiotomy and anatomopathological analysis. As treatment, a ovariohysterectomy (OH) was performed. This pathology usually requires surgical management because the initial diagnosis can be challenging.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Útero/cirurgia , Útero/fisiopatologia , Intussuscepção/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/diagnóstico , Intussuscepção/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(5): 1531-1534, set.-out. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25310


O presente relato descreve uma condição rara de intussuscepção uterina em uma cadela sem raça definida, quatro anos de idade, diagnosticada por meio de celiotomia exploratória e análise anatomopatológica. Foi realizada ovariossalpingo-histerectomia (OSH) como tratamento. Essa patologia geralmente requer manejo cirúrgico porque o diagnóstico inicial pode ser desafiador.(AU)

The present study describes a rare condition of uterine intussusception in a 4 year old crossbred female dog diagnosed by exploratory celiotomy and anatomopathological analysis. As treatment, a ovariohysterectomy (OH) was performed. This pathology usually requires surgical management because the initial diagnosis can be challenging.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Útero/cirurgia , Útero/fisiopatologia , Intussuscepção/cirurgia , Intussuscepção/diagnóstico , Intussuscepção/veterinária
Vet. Zoot. ; 26: 1-5, 29 nov. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25142


Intussuscepção é uma afecção relativamente comum na clínica veterinária, porém é uma condição rara em felinos. Caracteriza-se pela invaginação de um segmento intestinal em outro adjacente. Os fatores predisponentes de intussuscepção são desconhecidos, no entanto acredita-se que corpos estranhos, neoplasias, parasitismos e até mesmo causas idiopáticas podem levar a esta afecção. Os sinais clínicos em gatos são inespecíficos e geralmente incluem anorexia, perda de peso, desidratação e massa palpável abdominal. O diagnóstico se dá pelos sinais clínicos e exames complementares, como radiografias e ultrassonografias, mas em alguns casos à doença pode evoluir rapidamente, o que muitas vezes pode impedir um diagnóstico precoce, como no caso relatado de um felino fêmea, da raça American Curl de aproximadamente dois anos de idade, com histórico de êmese e emagrecimento. O animal apresentou rápida piora no quadro clínico e foi a óbito dois dias após o início dos sinais clínicos. As alterações macroscópicas encontradas no exame de necropsia foram compatíveis com intussuscepção duodenojejunal.(AU)

Intussusception is a relatively common condition in the veterinary clinic, but is a rare condition in felines. It is characterized by the invagination of one intestinal segment in an adjacent one. The predisposing factors of intussusception are unknown; however it is believed that foreign bodies, neoplasms, parasitisms and even idiopathic causes can lead to this condition. Clinical signs in cats are non-specific and generally include anorexia, weight loss, dehydration, and palpable abdominal mass. Diagnosis is due to clinical signs and complementary tests, such as X-rays and ultrasound, but in some cases the disease can evolve rapidly, which can often prevent an early diagnosis, as in the case of a female American Curl feline. Approximately two years old, with a history of emesis and weight loss. The animal presented a rapid worsening in the clinical picture and died two days after the onset of clinical signs. The macroscopic changes found in the necropsy examination were compatible with duodenojejunal intussusception.(AU)

La intususcepción es una afección relativamente común en la clínica veterinaria, pero es una condición rara en los felinos. Se caracteriza por la invaginación de un segmento intestinal en otro adyacente. Los factores predisponentes de intususcepción son desconocidos, pero se cree que los cuerpos extraños, las neoplasias, los parasitismos e incluso las causas idiopáticas pueden conducir a esta afección. Los signos clínicos en gatos son inespecíficos y generalmente incluyen anorexia, pérdida de peso, deshidratación y masa palpable abdominal. El diagnóstico se da por los signos clínicos y complementarios complementarios, como radiografías y ultrasonografías, pero en algunos casos la enfermedad puede evolucionar rápidamente, lo que muchas veces puede impedir un diagnóstico precoz, como en el caso relatado de un felino hembra, raza American Curl de aproximadamente dos años de edad, con historial de eemesis y adelgazamiento. El animal presentó un rápido empeoramiento en el cuadro clínico y murió dos días después del inicio de los signos clínicos. Los cambios macroscópicos encontrados en el examen de neurosis fueron compatibles con intususcepción duodenojejunal.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Intussuscepção/patologia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Duodeno/patologia , Jejuno/patologia , Autopsia/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 26: 1-5, 25 fev. 2019. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1503557


Intussuscepção é uma afecção relativamente comum na clínica veterinária, porém é uma condição rara em felinos. Caracteriza-se pela invaginação de um segmento intestinal em outro adjacente. Os fatores predisponentes de intussuscepção são desconhecidos, no entanto acredita-se que corpos estranhos, neoplasias, parasitismos e até mesmo causas idiopáticas podem levar a esta afecção. Os sinais clínicos em gatos são inespecíficos e geralmente incluem anorexia, perda de peso, desidratação e massa palpável abdominal. O diagnóstico se dá pelos sinais clínicos e exames complementares, como radiografias e ultrassonografias, mas em alguns casos à doença pode evoluir rapidamente, o que muitas vezes pode impedir um diagnóstico precoce, como no caso relatado de um felino fêmea, da raça American Curl de aproximadamente dois anos de idade, com histórico de êmese e emagrecimento. O animal apresentou rápida piora no quadro clínico e foi a óbito dois dias após o início dos sinais clínicos. As alterações macroscópicas encontradas no exame de necropsia foram compatíveis com intussuscepção duodenojejunal.

Intussusception is a relatively common condition in the veterinary clinic, but is a rare condition in felines. It is characterized by the invagination of one intestinal segment in an adjacent one. The predisposing factors of intussusception are unknown; however it is believed that foreign bodies, neoplasms, parasitisms and even idiopathic causes can lead to this condition. Clinical signs in cats are non-specific and generally include anorexia, weight loss, dehydration, and palpable abdominal mass. Diagnosis is due to clinical signs and complementary tests, such as X-rays and ultrasound, but in some cases the disease can evolve rapidly, which can often prevent an early diagnosis, as in the case of a female American Curl feline. Approximately two years old, with a history of emesis and weight loss. The animal presented a rapid worsening in the clinical picture and died two days after the onset of clinical signs. The macroscopic changes found in the necropsy examination were compatible with duodenojejunal intussusception.

La intususcepción es una afección relativamente común en la clínica veterinaria, pero es una condición rara en los felinos. Se caracteriza por la invaginación de un segmento intestinal en otro adyacente. Los factores predisponentes de intususcepción son desconocidos, pero se cree que los cuerpos extraños, las neoplasias, los parasitismos e incluso las causas idiopáticas pueden conducir a esta afección. Los signos clínicos en gatos son inespecíficos y generalmente incluyen anorexia, pérdida de peso, deshidratación y masa palpable abdominal. El diagnóstico se da por los signos clínicos y complementarios complementarios, como radiografías y ultrasonografías, pero en algunos casos la enfermedad puede evolucionar rápidamente, lo que muchas veces puede impedir un diagnóstico precoz, como en el caso relatado de un felino hembra, raza American Curl de aproximadamente dos años de edad, con historial de eemesis y adelgazamiento. El animal presentó un rápido empeoramiento en el cuadro clínico y murió dos días después del inicio de los signos clínicos. Los cambios macroscópicos encontrados en el examen de neurosis fueron compatibles con intususcepción duodenojejunal.

Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Duodeno/patologia , Intussuscepção/patologia , Intussuscepção/veterinária , Jejuno/patologia , Autopsia/veterinária