Green areas in urban landscapes are under strong anthropogenic pressure, and, at the same time are fundamen-tal to maintaining biodiversity, as they provide resources for many animal and plant species. Knowing these species is funda-mental for its maintenance and conservation, and inventories are extremely important for monitoring fauna and conserving it. Therefore, the goal of this research is to inventory the butterflies species in the park of the Instituto Butantan (Ibu), locat-ed in an urban area in the city of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. The surveys of butterflies were conducted through visual census-es from August 2017 to July 2019 and recorded a total of 324 butterfly species. The most speciose family was Hesperiidae, fol-lowed by Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae, and Papilionidae. Among the sampled species, there is Euselasia zarawhich is a new record for the state of São Paulo. Neither the species accumulation nor the richness estimator curves tended to reach an asymptote, suggesting that additional butterflies' species will be recorded with more sampling effort on the site. Even with a flora composed mainly of exotic and ornamental plants, the park of Instituto Butantan exhibits a very rich butter-fly community. This community exhibits a pattern of seasonally variation, with the peak of species richness related to the rainy season. When compared with Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira (USP), another nearby urban green area, which is larger, more heterogeneous and sampled over a longer period, it is possible to notice that the Ibu butterfly community is a subsample of this larger one. These results highlight the potential that urban parks have for the maintenance and conserva-tion of butterfly species.(AU)
Animais , Borboletas , Distribuição Animal , Parques Recreativos , Brasil , Área Urbana , FaunaResumo
Faunal inventories contribute to our understanding of regional diversity, and are fundamental for policy and de-cision-making regarding the management and conservation of large natural areas. This study aimed to inventory and com-pile information on amphibian species occurring in the North Pantanal region, in the municipal limits of Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil. We used three methods to inventory amphibian species: (1) fieldwork, (2) analysis of specimens deposited in scientif-ic collections, and (3) literature reviews. We registered 49 amphibian species in Cáceres. Of them, 48 species belonged to the Anura order and were distributed across eight families and 20 genera, and one species belonged to the Gymnophiona order (Siphonops paulensis). The families Leptodactylidae (20 spp.) and Hylidae (17 spp.) were dominant in terms of richness, ac-counting for 75.5% of all species found in Cáceres. The remaining families had between four and one species each. The mu-nicipality is strongly influenced by non-forested formations (e.g., the Cerrado and Pantanal) and presents a high species rich-ness for a non-forested location in Brazil. Our findings highlight Cáceres as one of the richest areas in amphibian species in the North Pantanal region, expanding our knowledge regarding frog diversity. This study provides a foundation for future conser-vation strategies and additional assessments of amphibian species in light of potential population declines and other emerg-ing threats.(AU)
Biodiversidade , Anfíbios/anatomia & histologia , Anfíbios/classificação , Brasil , Áreas AlagadasResumo
Biodiversity baselines are essential subsidies to evaluate how environmental changes and human impacts affect the special and temporal patterns of communities. This information is paramount to promote proper conservation and management for historically impacted environments such as Guanabara Bay, in southeastern Brazil. Here, we propose an ichthyofaunal baseline for this bay using gathered past data from 1889 to 2020, including literature records, scientific collections, biological sampling, and fisheries landing monitoring. A total of 220 species (203 teleosts and 17 elasmobranchs), distributed in 149 genera (136 teleosts and 13 elasmobranchs) and 72 families (61 teleosts and 11 elasmobranchs) were recorded, including the first record of a tiger-shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, in Guanabara Bay. Although the employed sampling effort was sufficient to represent the ichthyofauna in the middle and upper estuary, the Chao2 estimator indicates an even greater richness regarding the bay as a whole. Evidence of reduced abundance and probable local extinction over the decades was found, supporting the importance of implementing management and conservation strategies in the area. The ichthyofaunal distribution analyses revealed that areas close to conservation units are richer compared to their surroundings, indicating that this is an effective strategy to mitigate human impacts in the bay.(AU)
Esforços de caracterização da biodiversidade são subsídios essenciais para avaliar como mudanças ambientais e impactos antrópicos afetam os padrões espaciais e temporais das comunidades. Essas informações são essenciais para promover conservação e manejo adequados em ambientes historicamente impactados como a Baía de Guanabara, no sudeste do Brasil. Aqui, nós propomos uma linha de referência da ictiofauna dessa baía utilizando dados pretéritos de 1889 a 2020, incluindo registros de literatura, coleções científicas, coletas biológicas e monitoramento de desembarque pesqueiro. Um total de 220 espécies (203 teleósteos e 17 elasmobrânquios), distribuídas em 149 gêneros (136 teleósteos e 13 elasmobrânquios) e 72 famílias (61 teleósteos e 11 elasmobrânquios) foram registradas, incluindo o primeiro registro de tubarão-tigre, Galeocerdo cuvier, na Baía de Guanabara. Apesar do esforço amostral empregado ter sido suficiente para representar a ictiofauna do médio e alto estuário, o estimador Chao2 indicou uma riqueza ainda maior para a baía como um todo. Evidências de redução de abundância e de provável extinção local de táxons ao longo das décadas foram encontradas, corroborando a importância da implantação de medidas de manejo e conservação para a área. A análise da distribuição da ictiofauna revelou que áreas próximas a unidades de conservação são mais ricas em comparação ao seu entorno, indicando que essa é uma estratégia efetiva para mitigar os impactos antrópicos na baía.(AU)
Biodiversidade , Distribuição Animal , Peixes , Brasil , Equipamentos e Provisões/veterináriaResumo
In xeric environments, such as Caatinga Biome, habitat characteristics such as phytophysiognomy type and presence of water bodies can represent higher resource availability. In this context, the present study investigated the effect of phytophysiognomies and presence of water bodies in the abundance and community structure of medium and large mammal species (MLM) in the Serra de Santa Catarina, Paraíba, Brazil. To evaluate these variables we conduct an effort of 373 camera-trap days, between August 2012 and November 2014. We recorded 12 MLM species, distributed in six orders and 11 families. From those, Kerodon rupestris is the only one listed in the Brazilian List of Threatened Fauna. Regarding the habitat, the Mann-Whitney showed a significant higher frequency to the Shrubby habitat and the ANOSIM showed no shifts in the community structure between Arboreal and Shrubby. Concerning the presence of water bodies, both the Mann-Whitney and the ANOSIM showed significant higher frequency to the habitat with water presence. We observed that both phytophysiognomy and water bodies are important variables which affect mainly the abundance of mammalian species from semiarid environments. Nonetheless, whereas the forest remnants get smaller the existence of water bodies becomes a preponderant factor to the MLM species and its community structure.(AU)
Heterogeneidade Genética , Dispersão Vegetal , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Brasil , Ecossistema , Distribuição AnimalResumo
During an inventory of Ichneumonidae wasps in the urban area of São Carlos, São Paulo, using Malaise traps, was found the first records in Brazil for Lissonota pseudeleboea Ugalde and Gauld, 2002 and Syzeuctus vedoris Ugalde and Gauld, 2002 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Banchinae) and was described and illustrated a new species of Zonopimpla Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae).
Durante um inventário de vespas Ichneumonidae na área urbana de São Carlos, São Paulo, usando armadilhas Malaise, foram encontrados os primeiros registros no Brasil para Lissonota pseudeleboea Ugalde e Gauld, 2002 e Syzeuctus vedoris Ugalde e Gauld, 2002 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Banchinae) e foi descrita e ilustrada uma nova espécie de Zonopimpla Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae).
Animais , Vespas/anatomia & histologia , Vespas/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
Faunal inventories are essential for biota management and conservation, especially in areas with potential for the creation of conservation units. Inventories of insect taxa such as dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata), which perform several environmental services in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, are of great importance. In view of the above, this study aimed to update and expand the list of Odonata species in the Barroso region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. This study was carried out in three areas of forest fragments in Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes in October 2020, December 2020, January 2021, and March 2021. The sampling effort was 8 hours per day during 20 days, totaling 140 sampling hours. A total of 43 Odonata species were recorded, which increased the richness of the study area from 57 to 76 species. The studied areas harbor rare and endangered species. However, since the last sampling in 2009, there has been a significant reduction in diversity in the Atlantic Forest fragment. In view of the changes that forest fragments are undergoing, we underscore the need to create a conservation unit, especially in Baú Forest.(AU)
Animais , Biodiversidade , Odonatos/anatomia & histologia , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil , EcossistemaResumo
Background: The treatments of osteoarthritis (OA) are commonly conservative and multimodal to relieve pain and improve movement. Intra-articular injection of hyaluronic acid (IAHA) has been studied as a treatment option for OA in dogs. IAHA helps restore the viscoelasticity of the synovial fluid and relieves the clinical symptoms of OA. However, the efficacy of IAHA in dogs is still a controversial subject. This study aims to confirm the IAHA effect in dogs with spontaneous OA and to compare the effectiveness depending on the number of injections. Materials, Methods & Results: Thirty dogs with spontaneous OA were assigned to a single injection group (n=17) and a 3-weekly injections group (n=13). Dogs weighing less than 10 kg were injected 1 mL of HA to the OA joint, and more than 10 kg dogs were injected 2 mL of HA. In the case of the 3-weekly injections group, the same amount was administered 3 times at 1-week intervals. After the injection, physical and orthopedic examinations were performed to check for complications. Radiographic OA score was evaluated before and 3 months after the injection to confirm and to evaluate the progression of OA. Clinical symptom evaluations were performed on pre-injection, 1-, 2-, and 3-months post-injection. They consisted of the clinical lameness score by veterinarians and Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) by owners. Results were compared with unpaired t-test, repeated-measures ANOVA with Tukey's or Sidak's multiple comparison test, or Wilcoxon test, with P < 0.05. Patients had a median age of 9 years (range 3 to 16 years) and a bodyweight of 4.8 kg (range 2 to 48 kg). No systemic side effects or major complications were detected during the trial period. IAHA produced temporary pain and discomfort in 6 cases. There was no change in the radiographic OA score before and 3 months after injections in both groups, and the difference between groups was not confirmed. In both groups, the clinical lameness score significantly decreased at 1, 2, 3 months after injection compared with pre-injection. The score was lower at 3 months after the injection than at 1 month. The clinical lameness score had no significant difference between the groups. Similarly, CBPI was all decreased in the single injection group and 3-weekly injections group compared to pre-injection, and the score at 3 months post-injection was lower than at 1 month. No significant differences between the groups were found in CBPI. Discussion: Most studies on the efficacy of IAHA in canine OA have been conducted using an experimental model, so studies on spontaneous canine OA are insufficient. This study confirmed that IAHA improves clinical symptoms such as pain relief and movement improvement in spontaneous OA dogs using CBPI and clinical lameness score. In order to confirm the optimal IAHA protocol, a single IAHA and 3-weekly IAHA were compared. The result shows that clinical symptoms improved in both single and 3-weekly injections groups, but no significant difference was confirmed during the 3-month study period. These findings may suggest that a single IAHA may have a similar effect to multiple IAHA, and repeated injections are unnecessary. In humans and canine OA models, it is reported that the effect of IAHA was maintained for 6 months. This study showed that the effect of IAHA was maintained for 3 months study period and that clinical symptoms improved at 3 months than at 1 month. In conclusion, these findings suggested that IAHA improves clinical symptoms in dogs with spontaneous OA, and a single IAHA showed a similar effect to 3 weekly IAHA.
Animais , Cães , Osteoartrite/terapia , Osteoartrite/veterinária , Ácido Hialurônico/uso terapêutico , Injeções Intra-Articulares/veterináriaResumo
The Serra de Itabaiana National Park (PARNASI) is known as an important conservation area in the ecotone between the Atlantic Forest and Caatinga in Northeast Brazil and is one of the main areas of fauna and flora studies in Sergipe. For this reason, there are some studies on its avifauna, which date back to its creation in 2005. However, after 15 years of establishment of PARNASI, an update of the inventory of birds is necessary due to adjustments in the management of the park. The present study aimed to update the bird inventory of the Serra de Itabaiana National Park, chronologically comparing the new ornithological records obtained, aiming to contribute to the knowledge and conservation of Sergipe's avifauna. The data were compiled from scientific publications, personal files and from documented records on a specialized website. The resulting list includes 227 bird species belonging to 49 families, including Thraupidae (28 species; 12.4%), Tyrannidae (25 species; 11.1%) and Accipitridae (17 species; 7.5%) as the most representative. The most representative guilds were insectivorous (87 species; 38.3%) and omnivorous (60 species; 26.4%), and by species independent of the forest environment (87 species; 38.3%). Fourteen bird species are threatened with extinction. Nine species are endemic to the Caatinga biome, eight to the Atlantic Forest and one to the Cerrado. We added 104 species to the first checklist produced for the PARNASI created in 2005, including Nyctibius grandis (Nyctibiidae), a new record for the state of Sergipe. PARNASI's updated list of bird species allows for a better assessment of its effectiveness in the conservation of the local avifauna, facilitating management actions that allow the coexistence and perpetuation of species over time.(AU)
Aves , Biodiversidade , Distribuição Animal , Falcões , PasseriformesResumo
Abstract A first checklist of Rotifera species in freshwater environments in Bahia State, in northeastern Brazil, is provided. The list includes sampling data from 26 aquatic environments (lotic and lentic) undertaken from 2010 to 2016. One hundred and fifty-five species were recorded, with 68 new records for the state. The family Brachionidae and Lecanidae were the most representative (54.8%). The greatest richness was recorded in the Colônia River (57 species). Those results reflect the low numbers of studies previously undertaken in the region, indicating more research needs to be focused on Rotifera biodiversity in Bahia, the fifth largest state in Brazil (567,295 km2) with large numbers of freshwater bodies.
Resumo É fornecida uma primeira lista de verificação das espécies de Rotifera em ambientes de água doce no Estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. A lista de espécies inclui dados de amostragem de 26 ambientes aquáticos (lóticos e lênticos) de 2010 a 2016. Cento e cinquenta e cinco espécies foram registradas, com 68 novos registros para o estado. As famílias Brachionidae e Lecanidae foram as mais representativas (54,8%). A maior riqueza foi registrada no rio Colônia (57 espécies). Esses resultados provavelmente refletem o número de estudos na região, sugerindo mais pesquisas sobre a biodiversidade de Rotifera na Bahia, o quinto maior estado do Brasil (567.295 km2) com grande número de corpos aquáticos de água doce.
ABSTRACT: Appropriate management of factors that influence forest development is essential to increase yield of forest plantations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of water seasonality, nutritional management, and uniformity on yield of eucalyptus plantations and estimate the potential, attainable, and observed yield of adult eucalyptus stands. We evaluated Eucalyptus clonal stands in six regions of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, in a system of first and second rotation across four age classes using the twin-plots method (TP). In the study, 142 TPs were allocated alongside 142 plots in a continuous forest inventory (CFI) network of a private enterprise. The CFI received operational fertilization and additional fertilization was carried out in the TP. The trees were measured at the beginning of the experiment and at every six months to quantify the production in the wet (PW) and dry (PD) periods of the year. Uniformity of plantations was evaluated using Pvar 50 % and the optimal uniformity index. Potential, attainable, and observed yields were estimated using the average annual increase at seven years of age. The PW showed higher plant yield. There was an effect due to water availability and nutrient level on the yield of the stands. The driest semester of the year produces approximately 30 % of the current annual increase. The stands under the second rotation tend to have less uniformity than the in the first rotation. Potential yield varied depending on rainfall intensity where wetter regions had the highest yield.
Cacao (Theobroma cacao) and copoazú (T. grandiflorum) agroecosystems represent a common source of income or many small-scale farmers in the Colombian Amazon basin. Most of these systems are set in low disturbance environments; they are considered biodiversity-friendly ecosystems inhabited by several groups of insects. In this study, we carried out a preliminary taxonomic inventory of the microhymenopteran parasitoids present in these agroforestry systems. Twenty-six localities of the Amazonian basin of Colombia were sampled using several insect collecting methods (Malaise trap, sweep net, pitfall, and rearing boxes). Collected specimens were curated and cataloged, establishing the first taxonomic voucher collection of parasitoids from the Colombian Amazon basin. We identified 767 specimens representing 64 species, 274 morphospecies, 143 genera and 20 families, 34 genera and 16 species of these being recorded for the first time in the country. The genus Gbelcia is reported for the first time from the Neotropical region. A new parasitoid-host relationship was found for Horismenus cupreus (Eulophidae) attacking larvae of Phyllocnistis sp. (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), which feeds on Annona montana (Annonaceae) leaves.(AU)
Animais , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Distribuição Animal/classificação , Himenópteros/parasitologia , Colômbia , BiodiversidadeResumo
We recorded the parasitic fauna of Hoplias malabaricus in a Neotropical River from southeastern Brazil, the Jacaré-Pepira River, in the Tietê-Batalha River Basin. The objective of this study was to inventory the composition of the parasitic fauna of H. malabaricus collected, through ecological and biodiversity approaches. A total of 30 specimens of H. malabaricus were collected in 2018 using fishing nets. Parasites were prevalent in 96.6% of the hosts, with 710 parasites specimens collected, divided into 22 species from 4 different taxa (i.e., Monogenea, Digenea, Nematoda, and Acanthocephala). This was the first survey about the parasitic fauna of H. malabaricus in this river, where three species are new records for this host (i.e., Gussevia sp. 1, Gussevia sp. 2, and Raphidascaris sp.). All species found are new records for the Jacaré-Pepira River, which together with all the data obtained in the study, collaborates to increase knowledge and understanding of the global fish parasite biodiversity.
Aqui são apresentados os registros da fauna parasitária de Hoplias malabaricus em um rio neotropical do Sudeste do Brasil, o rio Jacaré-Pepira, localizado na bacia hidrográfica do Tietê-Jacaré. Trinta espécimes de H. malabaricus foram coletados em 2018 usando-se redes de espera. Parasitos foram prevalentes em 96,6% dos hospedeiros, com 710 espécimes coletados, divididos em 22 espécies de quatro diferentes taxas (monogenea, digenea, nematoda e acanthocephala). Esse foi o primeiro levantamento da fauna parasitária de H. malabaricus nesse rio, onde três espécies de parasitos são novos registros nesse hospedeiro (Gussevia sp. 1, Gussevia sp. 2 e Raphidascaris sp.). Além disso, todas as espécies de parasitos identificadas são novos registros para a localidade, que juntamente com todos os dados obtidos no estudo vão colaborar para melhor conhecimento e entendimento da biodiversidade global de parasitos de peixes.
Animais , Parasitos/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Trematódeos/veterinária , Caraciformes/parasitologia , BrasilResumo
A first checklist of Rotifera species in freshwater environments in Bahia State, in northeastern Brazil, is provided. The list includes sampling data from 26 aquatic environments (lotic and lentic) undertaken from 2010 to 2016. One hundred and fifty-five species were recorded, with 68 new records for the state. The family Brachionidae and Lecanidae were the most representative (54.8%). The greatest richness was recorded in the Colônia River (57 species). Those results reflect the low numbers of studies previously undertaken in the region, indicating more research needs to be focused on Rotifera biodiversity in Bahia, the fifth largest state in Brazil (567,295 km2) with large numbers of freshwater bodies.
É fornecida uma primeira lista de verificação das espécies de Rotifera em ambientes de água doce no Estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. A lista de espécies inclui dados de amostragem de 26 ambientes aquáticos (lóticos e lênticos) de 2010 a 2016. Cento e cinquenta e cinco espécies foram registradas, com 68 novos registros para o estado. As famílias Brachionidae e Lecanidae foram as mais representativas (54,8%). A maior riqueza foi registrada no rio Colônia (57 espécies). Esses resultados provavelmente refletem o número de estudos na região, sugerindo mais pesquisas sobre a biodiversidade de Rotifera na Bahia, o quinto maior estado do Brasil (567.295 km2) com grande número de corpos aquáticos de água doce.
Animais , Rotíferos/classificação , ZooplânctonResumo
Abstract Necrophagous flies are of great importance for human and animal health. In places where their development occurs, parasitoids can be used as a tool to control these dipterans. In Brazil, the fauna of these parasitoids has been investigated in some regions. However, in Rio Grande do Sul, it is known the occurrence of only one species. Thus, this study aimed to create the first list of parasitoids in flies of medical and veterinary importance in Southern Brazil. Collections took place in the municipality of Pelotas (31º 42 S; 52º 18 W). Three replicates consisting of a 500 g bovine liver chunk placed in a tray were exposed to open air for 20 days. Then pupae were individualized and observed until their emergence. We identified 4,882 adult flies of Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, and Sarcophagidae. 4,040 parasitoids emerged, belonging to eight species, of which Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis, and Tachinephagus zealandicus are new records in Rio Grande do Sul state. Also, three undescribed species of the genus Aphaereta were collected. In spite of being the first attempt to inventory the fauna of hymenopteran parasitoids, this study may help in the development of management programs of these dipterans in the region.
Resumo Moscas necrófagas possuem grande importância para a sanidade humana e animal. Onde estas se desenvolvem ocorrem parasitoides que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas para o controle desses dípteros. No Brasil, a fauna desses parasitoides vem sendo investigada em algumas regiões e no Rio Grande do Sul é conhecida a ocorrência de apenas uma espécie. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar a primeira lista de espécies de parasitoides de moscas de importância médica e veterinária ocorrentes no extremo sul do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas no município de Pelotas (31º 42 S; 52º 18 O). Foram montadas três réplicas de bandejas contendo, cada uma, 500 g de fígado bovino, expostas ao ar livre durante 20 dias. Na sequência, as pupas foram individualizadas e observadas até a emergência. Foram identificados 4.882 adultos pertencentes às famílias Calliphoridae, Fanniidae, Muscidae e Sarcophagidae. Emergiram 4.040 parasitoides, pertencentes a oito espécies, das quais Nasonia vitripennis, Spalangia cameroni, Spalangia chontalensis e Tachinephagus zealandicus são novas ocorrências para o Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletadas três espécies ainda não descritas do gênero Aphaereta. Apesar de ainda ser um primeiro esforço de inventariar a fauna de himenópteros parasitoides, este estudo pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento de programas de manejos desses dípteros na região.
Roraima is a Brazilian state located in the northern portion of the Amazon basin, with few studies regarding its biodiversity. The Ecological Station of Maracá (Brazil, state of Roraima) harbors the third largest Brazilian pluvial island and is composed of a transitional landscape of savanna and Amazon rainforest components. Despite its ecological importance and strategic localization, few studies covered the dipterofauna of this locality. An updated checklist addressing 41 families of true flies (Diptera) occurring in Roraima is presented based on the literature and the specimens collected during a field expedition that occurred in 2015. This checklist brings several improvements such as new records of 165 taxa to the state of Roraima, 29 taxa to Brazil, and 259 morphotypes, mostly likely representing undescribed species.(AU)
Animais , Biodiversidade , Dípteros , Lista de Checagem/métodosResumo
Following behavior is a well-documented foraging specialization in Neotropical birds, which consists of individuals of solitary or mixed-flocking species following other moving animals to capture fleeing prey. Here, we report two observations of the cryptic forest-falcon, Micrastur mintoni following troops of primates during an ornithological inventory in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. During both observations, the falcon emitted a typical vocalization and captured fleeing insects dispersed by the primates moving through the forest while foraging. This is the first report of an apparently commensal association between a Micrastur forest falcon and two species of primates.(AU)
O comportamento de following é uma especialização de forrageamento bem documentada em aves neotropicais, que consiste em indivíduos de espécies solitárias ou em bandos mistos seguindo outros animais em movimento para capturar presas afugentadas. Aqui reportamos duas observações do falcão-críptico, Micrastur mintoni seguindo grupos de primatas, durante um inventário ornitológico na Amazônia oriental brasileira. Durante as duas observações, o falcão emitiu uma vocalização típica e capturou insetos afugentados pelos primatas em movimento pela floresta enquanto forrageavam. Esse é o primeiro relato de uma associação aparentemente comensal entre um falcão florestal do gênero Micrastur e duas espécies de primatas.(AU)
Primatas/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Falconiformes/fisiologia , Simbiose , BrasilResumo
A first checklist of Rotifera species in freshwater environments in Bahia State, in northeastern Brazil, is provided. The list includes sampling data from 26 aquatic environments (lotic and lentic) undertaken from 2010 to 2016. One hundred and fifty-five species were recorded, with 68 new records for the state. The family Brachionidae and Lecanidae were the most representative (54.8%). The greatest richness was recorded in the Colônia River (57 species). Those results reflect the low numbers of studies previously undertaken in the region, indicating more research needs to be focused on Rotifera biodiversity in Bahia, the fifth largest state in Brazil (567,295 km2) with large numbers of freshwater bodies.(AU)
É fornecida uma primeira lista de verificação das espécies de Rotifera em ambientes de água doce no Estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. A lista de espécies inclui dados de amostragem de 26 ambientes aquáticos (lóticos e lênticos) de 2010 a 2016. Cento e cinquenta e cinco espécies foram registradas, com 68 novos registros para o estado. As famílias Brachionidae e Lecanidae foram as mais representativas (54,8%). A maior riqueza foi registrada no rio Colônia (57 espécies). Esses resultados provavelmente refletem o número de estudos na região, sugerindo mais pesquisas sobre a biodiversidade de Rotifera na Bahia, o quinto maior estado do Brasil (567.295 km2) com grande número de corpos aquáticos de água doce.(AU)
Animais , Rotíferos/classificação , ZooplânctonResumo
A first checklist of Rotifera species in freshwater environments in Bahia State, in northeastern Brazil, is provided. The list includes sampling data from 26 aquatic environments (lotic and lentic) undertaken from 2010 to 2016. One hundred and fifty-five species were recorded, with 68 new records for the state. The family Brachionidae and Lecanidae were the most representative (54.8%). The greatest richness was recorded in the Colônia River (57 species). Those results reflect the low numbers of studies previously undertaken in the region, indicating more research needs to be focused on Rotifera biodiversity in Bahia, the fifth largest state in Brazil (567,295 km2) with large numbers of freshwater bodies.
É fornecida uma primeira lista de verificação das espécies de Rotifera em ambientes de água doce no Estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. A lista de espécies inclui dados de amostragem de 26 ambientes aquáticos (lóticos e lênticos) de 2010 a 2016. Cento e cinquenta e cinco espécies foram registradas, com 68 novos registros para o estado. As famílias Brachionidae e Lecanidae foram as mais representativas (54,8%). A maior riqueza foi registrada no rio Colônia (57 espécies). Esses resultados provavelmente refletem o número de estudos na região, sugerindo mais pesquisas sobre a biodiversidade de Rotifera na Bahia, o quinto maior estado do Brasil (567.295 km2) com grande número de corpos aquáticos de água doce.
Animais , Rotíferos , Brasil , Biodiversidade , Rios , Água DoceResumo
This study represents an inventory of fish collected in a first order tributary of the Igarapé Piracolina at Chapada dos Parecis, upper Rio Machado drainage, Rio Madeira basin, Vilhena, Rondônia, Brazil. The sampled stream is located in moderate altitudes (570-590) m above sea level and it is the type locality of five recently described species. Through fieldwork carried out in four fieldtrips between 2014 and 2015, 966 specimens were captured belonging to 18 species, distributed in nine families and four orders. Most of these species have a restricted distribution in the upper Rio Machado. Characidae was the most representative family both in number of species and specimens. One species is recognized as new and endemic to the region, and belong to the genus Pyrrhulina (Lebiasinidae), while five other species (Ancistrus verecundus, Bryconops piracolina, Hyphessobrycon lucenorum, Moenkhausia cambacica, and M. parecis) are also possibly endemic to the upper Rio Machado basin. In this scenario, our results provide relevant data for the establishment of guiding policies, management decisions and bases for conservation actions in moderate altitude areas of the Amazon basin.(AU)
Animais , Espécies Introduzidas/estatística & dados numéricos , Distribuição Animal/fisiologia , Peixes/classificação , Coleta de Dados/métodos , BiodiversidadeResumo
This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties and clinical use of the Brazilian version of the Canine Brief Pain Inventory (CBPI) in dogs with hip dysplasia (HD). Forty-three dogs with HD and 16 clinically normal dogs were enrolled. The HD dogs were treated daily with 4.4mg/kg carprofen (GT = 21) or placebo (GP = 19), for four weeks. Owners completed the CBPI at two weeks (W-2) and immediately before the start of the treatment (W0), two (W2) and four (W4) weeks during treatment, and two weeks (W6) after the end of treatment. The internal structure was accessed, and the Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.97, indicating the high internal consistency of the instrument. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) suggested the retention of one component, which accounted for 78% of the variability. The ROC curve analysis concluded that the score 3 has an excellent performance to discriminate between normal and possible HD dogs (AUC of 0.973). There was no difference between dogs treated with carprofen versus placebo. The instrument in Portuguese showed construct and criterion validity and reliability to be used in dogs with HD.
Objetivou-se determinar as propriedades psicométricas e a utilidade clínica do Breve Inventário de Dor Canina na língua portuguesa, em cães com displasia coxofemoral (DCF). O inventário foi preenchido por tutores de 43 animais com DCF e por 16 tutores de cães saudáveis. Os animais com DCF foram tratados com carprofeno 4,4mg/kg (GT = 21) ou placebo (GP =19), administrados uma vez ao dia durante quatro semanas. As avaliações foram realizadas duas semanas e imediatamente antes do tratamento, duas e quatro semanas durante o tratamento e após duas semanas do término do tratamento. A estrutura interna calculada pelo alfa de Cronbach = 0,97 indicou alta consistência dos dados. A análise dos componentes principais identificou a retenção de apenas um componente responsável por 78% da variabilidade dos dados. A análise da curva ROC indicou que o escore 3 discrimina cães saudáveis de cães com possível DCF (ASC de 0,973). Não houve diferença entre os cães tratados com carprofeno daqueles que receberam placebo. O questionário apresentou validade de constructo e critério e confiabilidade e pode-se empregá-lo para avaliar a dor crônica em cães com osteoartrite em países de língua portuguesa.